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GW1 - Pender Dec-Nov 2017
WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD (GW-1) 1. Well Contractor Information: Donald Cummings Well Contractor Name 2412-A NC Well Contractor Certification Number Applied Resource Management, P.C. Company Name 2. Well Construction Permit ff: List all applicable well construction permits (i.e. (RC, C'omtry, Stale, Variance, etc) 3. Well Use (check well use): Water Supply Well: Agricultural @Municipal/Public Geothermal (Heating/Cooling Supply) Residential Water Supply (single) Industrial/Commercial @Residential Water Supply (shared) ation Non -Water Supply Well: onitoring njectiou Well: Aquifer Recharge Aquifer Storage and Recovery Aquifer Test Experimental Technology Geothermal (Closed Loop) Geothermal (Heating/Cooling Return) W1 7-023H @Groundwater Remedimion ()Salinity Barrier @Stormwater Drainage @Subsidence Control @Tracer Other (explain under 521 Remarks) 4. Date Wen(s) Completed: 11/21/17 Well m# N/A 5a. Well Location: Mike Turco N/A Facility/Owner Name Facility ID# (if applicable) Lot 17 East, Majestic Oaks, Hampstead, NC 28443 Physical Address, City, and Zip Pender 3292-05-8907-0000 County Parcel Identification No. (PIN) 5b. Latitude and longitude in degrees/minutes/seconds or decimal degrees: (if well field, one lat/long is sufficient) 34 21 50.38 N 077 42 17.44 W 6. Is(are) the well(s)@IK Permanent or @Temporary 7. Is this a repair to an existing well: @Yes or @No If this is a repair, fill out known well construction information and explain the nature of the repair under V21 remarks section or on the back of this form 8. For Geoprobe/DPT or Closed -Loop Geothermal Wells having the same construction, only 1 GW-I is needed. Indicate TOTAL NUMBER of wells drilled: 1 9. Total well depth below land surface: 85 For multiple wells list all depths ifdifirrent (example- 3@200' and 2@l00') (ft.) 10. Static water level below top of casing: 17 (ft.) If water level is above casing use "+ • 11. Borehole diameter: See Remark(in.) 12. Well construction method: Mud Rotary (i.e. auger, rotary, cable, direct push, etc.) FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: I3a. Yield (gpm) 80 Method of test: Airlift 13b. Disinfection type: HTH Amount: 3%@10g For Internal Use Only: 446039 Mil 14. WA R ZONES FROM TO DESCRiPHON .... ft. ff. ft. fi. 15.:MITER CASING (for a,MI,ased,vellq) ORLtNER(if up Me) FROM TO DIAMETER THICKNESS MATERIAL PVC 0 ft' 60 ft• 4 in- SCH40 1b.:INNER CASING OR T(tBING: (isotherms (elosed-logy) FROM TO DIAMETER MC/CHESS MATERIAL ft. ft. in. ft, ft. in. 17.SCREF.N FROM TO DIAMETER SLAT SIZE THICK1iESS MATERIAL ft. ft. in. ft. R in. FROM TO MATERIAL EMPLACEMENT METHOD @ AMOUNT 0 ft' 25 rt Bentonite Poured ft. ft ft ft. 19. SAND/G1tAVEl PACK (if ap icable) FROM TO MATERIAL EMPLACEMENT METHOD n I ft. ft. l n 204DkILLiN4i LOG (athi h addine aw) FROM TO DESCRIFTION (color, harder, son/tvek type, grain size, etc.) 0 ft. 50 fr. Sandy clay to clay 50 rt. 85 rt• Limestone ft. ft. ft. ff. ft. ft, p p'�^�n4..,F. ft. ft. `•-�»,+ ,.mgg° 7t '.m ls-, ft. ft. 02017 DECt2 aY 21: RE MARHS Prcr::rb•,4t t1 ,„4orr,siror 0-25/8" 25-85/6" (�sG•'uv 11/21/17 Signature ofCabfied Well Contractor 1 / Date By signing this form. 1 hereby ceni/y that the well(s) was (were) constructed in accordance with ISA NCAC 02C .0100 or I5A NCAC 02C.0200 Well Construction Standards and that a copy of this record has been provided to the well owner. 23. Site diagram or additional well details: You may use the back of this page to provide additional well site details or well construction details. You may also attach additional pages if necessary. SUBMITTAL INSTRUCTIONS 24a. For All Wells: Submit this farm within 30 days of completion of well construction to the following: ��C�iu� �q Division of Water Resources, InformationminWoes gMg Unit, 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 24b. For Infection Wells: In additicL 61eij4 ?A ri7rtn to the address in 24a above, also submit one copy of this form within days of completion of well construction to the following: water Quell y 30 Reg1011 Division of Water Resources, Uddyirgnimpd --- 1636 Mail Serviddi IR'(e Mt, i`gC:ontrol Program, -1636 24c. For Water Supply & Infection Wells: hn addition to sending the fort to the address(es) above, also submit one copy of this form within 30 days of completion of well construction to the county health department of the county where constructed. z....., nut , WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD (GW-D 1. Well Contractor Information: Donald Cummings Well Contractor Name 2412-A NC Well Contractor Certification Number Applied Resource Management, P.C. Company Name 2. Well Construction Permit #: List all applicable well construction permits (te. UIC, County, State, Variance, etc) 3. Well Use (check well use): W17-026H Water Supply Well: Agricultural Geothemial (Heating/Cooling Supply) Industrial/Commercial Irrigation Non -Water Supply Well: �. Monitoring fMunicipal/Public Residential Water Supply (single) ()Residential Water Supply (shared) ()Recovery Injection Well: r:Aquifer Recharge ri Aquifer Storage and Recovery --.Aquifer Test .Experimental Technology Geothermal (Closed Loop) Geothermal (Heating/Cooling Return) 4. Date Well(s) Completed: 11/30/1 5a. Well Location: Mike Turco Groundwater Remediation DSalwty Barrier ®Stormwater Drainage °Subsidence Control °Tracer (Other (explain under #21 Remarks) 7 well1D#N/A N/A Facility/Owner Name Facility MP (if applicable) Lot 18 West Majestic Oaks, Hampstead, NC 28443 Physical Address, City, and Zip Pender 3292-06-6014-0000 County Parcel Identification No. (PIN) 5b. Latitude and longitude in degrees/minutes/seconds or decimal degrees: (if well field, one lat/long is sufficient) 34 21 51.6 N 77 42 20.3 W 6. Is(are) the wel1(s)0Perrnanent or °Temporary 7. Is this a repair to an existing well: °Yes or x°No If this is a repair, fill out blown well construction information and explain the nature of the repair under 1121 remarks section or on the back of this form. 8. For Geoprobe/DPT or Closed -Loop Geothermal Wells having the same construction, only I GW-1 is needed. Indicate TOTAL NUMBER of wells drilled: 9. Total well depth below land surface: 80 (ft.) For multiple wells list all depths ifdlerent (example- 3@200' and 2@100) 10. Static water level below top of easing: 17 (ft.) If water level is above casing, use "+" 11. Borehole diameter: See Remarkon.) 12. Well construction method: Mud Rotary (i.e. auger, rotary, cable, direct push, etc.) For Internal Use Only: 4 4 6 0 3 S 14. WATER ZONES - - - FROM TO DESCRIPTION ft ft. R R. 15 OUTER.CASING (for multi -eased wells) ORLINER (if ap heable) FROM TO DIAMETER THICKNESS MATERIAL 0 R• 60 R• 4 in• SCH40 PVC 16. INNER CASING OR TUBING (geothermal closed -loop) FROM TO DIAME 1 ER TRIMNESS MATERIAL ft. ft. in. tt ft. in. 17..SCREEN FROM TO DIAMETER SLOT SIZE THICKNESS I MATERIAL ft ft in. ft fL in. amour FROM TO MATERIAL EMPLACEMENT METHOD & AMOUNT 0 a 25 ft Bentonite Poured fL ft. ft ft. 19: SAND/GRAVEL PACK (if applicable) FROM TO MATERIAL EMPLACEMENT METHOD. ff. It ft. ft. . 20. DRILLING LOG (attach additional sheets ifnecessary) FROM TO DESCRIPTION (color, hardness, soD/rock type, gain size, etc.) 0 R• 50 R• Sandy clay to clay 50 it. 80 rt. Limestone ft. ft ft. ft. ft D. ft. ft. C i._l 4Pxt C ft ft. . ^t �dpp 2LREMARKS -. UEC 0 ::2017 t' Wi 0-25/8" 25-80/6" tutorFnatton 1Nr i vG btr FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: 13a. Yield (gpm) 80 Method of test: Airlift 13b. Disinfection type: HTH Amount: 3%@10g 22 Ce ' lion: 11/30/17 Signs o ertified Well Contractor �� e Date By signing this form, I hereby certify that the well(s) was (were) constructed in accordance with 15A NCAC 02C .0100 or ISA NCAC 02C.0200 Well Construction Standards and that a copy of this record has been provided to the well owner. 23. Site diagram or additional well details: You may use the back of this page to provide additional well site details or well construction details. You may also attach additional pages if necessary. SUBMITTAL INSTRUCTIONS 24a. For All Wells: Submit this form within 30 days of completion of well construction to the following: Division of Waterri y. pp��tql((gqj�7r�(�pon Processing Unit, 1617 Mail Service a Etf�RE i� r-1617 246. For Iniection Wells: In addition to sending the form to the address in 24a above, also submit one copy of tDEQnlw(thiCCn),days of completion of well construction to the following: 1- Ll Division of Water Resou n erground Injection Control Program, 1636 Mail Service, kit Mile tape N4 7699-1636 ra ions Secti 24c. For Water Supply & lYti i.11t$tPWlalgiotna p�, to sending the form to the address(es) above, also submit one copy of ts rm within 30 days of completion of well construction to the county health department of the county where constructed. Fnrm C:W.1 North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality- Division of Water Resources Revised 2-22-2016 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD (GW-1) 1. Well Contractor Information: Donald Cummings Well Contractor Name 2412-A NC Well Contractor Certification Number Applied Resource Management, P.C. Company Name 2. Well Construction Permit #: List all applicable well construction permits (t.e. VKZ County, Stme, Variance, etc) 3. Well Use (check well use): Water Supply Well: W17-025H DAgricultural Geothermal (Heating/Cooling Supply) f industriavCommercial Irrigation Non -Water Supply Well: Monitoring Injection Well: ['Aquifer Recharge Aquifer Storage and Recovery Aquifer Test Experimental Technology [Geothermal (Closed Loop) (Geothermal (Heating/Cooling Return) nOther (explain under #21 Remarks) 4. Date Wens) Completed: 11/30/17 DMunicipavPublic Residential Water Supply (single) DResidential Water Supply (shared) ®Recovery 5a. Well Location: Mike Turco ['Groundwater Remediation Salinity Barrier DStormwater Drainage (Subsidence Control Tracer Well ID# N/A N/A Facility/Owner Name Facility ID# (if applicable) Lot 18 East Majestic Oaks, Hampstead, NC 28443 Physical Address, City, and Zip Pender 3292-06-6014-0000 County Parcel Identification No. (PIN) 5b. Latitude and longitude in degrees/minutes/seconds or decimal degrees: (if well field, one lat/long is sufficient) 34 21 50.7 N 77 42 19.5 W 6. Is(are) the wen(s) tx Permanent or Temporary 7. Is this a repair to an existing well: (Yes or ['No Ifrhis is a repair, fill oat known well construction information and explain the nature of the repair under n21 remarks section or on the back of this form. 8. For Geoprobe/DPT or Closed -Loop Geothermal Wells having the same construction, only 1 GW-1 is needed. Indicate TOTAL NUMBER of wells drilled: 1 9. Total well depth below land surface: 85 (ft.) For multiple wells list all depths ifdferent (example- 3@200' and 2@l0(1) 10. Static water level below top of casing: 17 (ft.) If water level is above casing use "+•' 11. Borehole diameter: See Remark(in.) 12. Well construction method: Mud Rotary (i.e. auger, rotary, cable, direct push, etc.) FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: 13a. Yield (gpm) 80 Method of test: Airlift 136. Disinfection type: HTH Amount; 3%@10g For Internal Use Only: 14. WATER FROM fL ft. ZONES. TO a ft. DESCR�T'!ON 44603 15. OUTER CASING (for multi -cased wells)' OR LINER -(if applipble) FROM TO DIAMETER THICKNESS I) MATERIAL 0 D- 160 f- 14 in- 16.I N`NER CASING OR TUBING (geothermal elosed400p) FROM TO ft. 17..SCREEN. ft. SCH40 PVC DIAMETER THICKNESS I MATERIAL in. D. in. FROM TO DIAMETER SLOT SIZE THICKNESS MATERIAL D• ft. is ff. R is It GROUT FROM TO MATERIAL EMPLACEMENT METHOD & AMOUNT 0 n. 25 n Bentonite Poured ft R ft. 19. SAND/GRAVEL PACK Of applicable). FROM TO ft. fi. ft. MATERIAL EMPLACEMENT METHOD 20DROd ING.LOG (attach additional sheets if necessary.) FROM TO DESCRIPTION (color, hardness, soil/rock tice, grain she, etc.) - Sandy clay to clay 0 ft. 50 ft• f. ft. ft. ft. ft. MARKS 50 B• 85 ft• ft. ft. ft. 0-25/8" 25-85/6" 22. Certification: Signature ature oCertified W Contractor Limestone construction to the following: DEC 0. zo17 Information • 11/30/17 Date By signing this form, I hereby cen/fy that the well(s) was (were) constructed in accordance with ISA NCAC 02C.0100 or ISA NCAC 02C .0200 Well Construction Standards and than a copy of this record has been provided to the well owner. 23. Site diagram or additional well details: You may use the back of this page to provide additional well site details or well construction details. You may also attach additional pages if necessary. SUBMITTAL 'INSTRUCTIONS 24a. For All Wells: SubmNh�t.' wvh11/61#10FE completion of well Division of Water Resources Information Processing Unit, 1617 Mail Service CORO, #aliigJlor 27699-1617 24b. For Iniection Wells: In addition to sending the form to the address in 24a above, also submit one copy legrfetutal7 t ' 30 days of completion of well construction to the following: tY iletinnal Opoerraations Section Division of Water ResotWies YJKDei3g&8i®IIajaifilikrontrol Program, 1636 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1636 24c. For Water Supply & Iniection Wells: In addition to sending the form to the address(es) above, also submit one copy of this form within 30 days of completion of well construction to the county health department of the county where constructed. nn..,, rw_I • WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD (GW-1) 1. Well Contractor Information Donald Cummings Well Contractor Name 2412-A NC Well Contractor Certification Number Applied Resource Management, P.C. Company Name 0 0,le 2. Well Construction Permit#: List all applicable well constuction permits (i.e. UIC, Comrty, Stale, Variwwe, etc) 3. Well Use (check well use): later Supply Well: Agricultural °Municipal/Public Geothermal (Heating/Cooling Supply) 1°t' Residential Water Supply (single) Industrial/Commercial nResidential Water Supply (shared) h i • ation W17-024H Non -Water Supply Well: Monitoring Injection Well: . Aquifer Recharge )i Aquifer Storage and Recovery ,'Aquifer Test Experimental Technology Geothermal (Closed Loop) Recovery Geothermal (Heating/Cooling Return) Groundwater Remediation °Salinity Barrier °Stormwater Drainage [Subsidence Control °Tracer )� Other (explain under #21 Remarks) 4. Date Well(s) Completed: 11/30/17 Well ID# N/A 5a. Well Location: Mike Turco N/A Facility/Owner Name Facility ID# (if applicable) Lot 17 West Majestic Oaks, Hampstead, NC 28443 Physical Address, City, and Zip Pender 3292-05-8907-0000 County Parcel Identification No. (PIN) 5b. Latitude and longitude in degrees/minutes/seconds or decimal degrees: (if well field, one lat/long is sufficient) 34 21 50.8 N 077 42 18.9 For Internal Use Only: 4-46036 14.WATER ZONRS FROM TO DESCRIPTION ft. ft. ft. fi. a OUTER CASING (for mnhi-eased wells) OR LINER (if ap &able) FROM TO DIAMETER TmCKISERS MATERIAL 0 ft 60 R 4 in* Li SCH40 PVC 16. INNER CASING OR TUBING (geothermal closed -loop) FROM TO DIAMETER TRICKNESS MATERIAL ft. ft in. ft- ft. in. 17. SCREEN. FROM TO DIAMETER SLOT SIZE THICKNESS MATERIAL R. R. in. n ft. in. It GROUT FROM TO MATERIAL EMPLACEMENT METHOD & AMOUNT 0 n 25 ft- Bentonite Poured ft n n n 19.: SAND/GRAVEL PACK (if applicable) FROM TO MATERIAL EMPLACEMENT METHOD. it. n n ft. 20. DRILLING LOG (flitch additional sheets if necessary) FROM TO DESCRIPTION (color, hardness. selhock tvpe, pain sue, etc) 0 R' 50 R• Sandy clay to clay 50 ft 85 ft Limestone ft. R, R. R. R. ft. I ft. R. ft. ft. GFG 0 5 21117 2L REMARKS ... . I}dprfn ntiOfl Pref., w.g l.:lilt 0-25/8" 25-85/6" rtrofan3 ;U 22. Ce w 6. Is(are) the well(s)4x Permanent or °Temporary 7. Is this a repair to an existing well: °Yes or xDNo Ifthis is a repair, fihl out brown well construction information and explain the nature of the repair under #21 rattans section or on the back ofthisfotm. 8. For Geoprobe/DPT or Closed -Loop Geothermal Wells having the same construction, only 1 GW- I is needed. Indicate TOTAL NUMBER of wells drilled: 1 9. Total well depth below land surface: 85 For multiple wells list all depths if different (example- 3 .200' and 2@100') (h.) 10. Static water level below top of casing: 17 (ft.) If water level is above casing, use "4 " 11. Borehole diameter: See Remark(in.) Mud Rotary 12. Well construction method: (i.e. auger, rotary, cable, direct push, etc.) FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: 13a. Yield (gpm) 80 Method of test: Airlift 13b. Disinfection type: HTH Amount: 3%@10g s canon: 11/30/17 tractor , Date By .signing this form, I hereby certify that the well(s) was (were) constructed in accordance with 15A NCAC 02C .0100 or ISA NCAC 02C .0200 Well Construction Standards and that a copy of this record has been provided to the well owner. 23. Site diagram or additional well details: You may use the back of this page to provide additional well site details or well construction details. You may also attach additional pages if necessary. SUBMITTAL INSTRUCTS lit EIVED/NC®EIVR/DWR 24a. For All Wells: Submit this form within 30 days of completion of well construction to the following: Division of Water ResourrECIn oirm*tib&Processing Unit, 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 24b. For Infection Wells: In a above, also submit one copy construction to the following: 4tmemmiorfaim to the address in 24a gton 25 ona Office eifOtlays f completion of well Division of Water Resources, Underground Injection Control Program, 1636 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1636 24c. For Water Sunni), & Infection Wells: In addition to sending the form to the address(es) above, also submit one copy of this form within 30 days of completion of well construction to the county health department of the county where constructed. Perm (,W-1 North Carolina Department of Environmental Duality - Division of Water Resources Revised 2-22-2016 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD (GW-1) 1. Well Contractor Information: Donald Cummings Well Contractor Name 2412-A NC Well Contractor Certification Number Applied Resource Management, P.C. Company Name 2. Well Construction Permit #: List all applicable well constriction permits (.e. UIC, County, State. Variance, etc) 3. Well Use (cheek well use): Water Supply Well: Agricultural Municipal/Public Geothermal (Heating/Cooling Supply) @Residential Water Supply (single) Industrial/Commercial ()Residential Water Supply (shared) k.. Irri ation Non -Water Supply Well: Monitoring Infection Infection Well: ) 5 W17-027H DRecovery Aquifer Recharge Aquifer Storage and Recovery Aquifer Test Experimental Technology Geothermal (Closed Loop) Geothermal (Heating/Cooling Return) ()Groundwater Remediation ()Salinity Barrier DStonnwater Drainage ()Subsidence Control ()Tracer Other (explain under #21 Remarks) 4. Date Well(s) Completed: 11/30/17 Well ID# N/A 5a. Well Location: Mike Turco N/A Facility/Owner Name Facility IN (if applicable) Lot 19 East Majestic Oaks, Hampstead, NC 28443 Physical Address, City, and Zip Pender 3292-06-4089-0000 County Parcel Identification No. (PIN) 5b. Latitude and longitude in degrees/minutes/seconds or decimal degrees: (if well field, one lat/ong is sufficient) 34 24 51.3 N 77 42 20.3 6. Is(are) the well(s)()x Permanent or ()Temporary 7.1s this a repair to an existing well: ()Yes or No lfthis is a repair, fill out known well construction information and explain the nature of the repair under 1121 rentarks section or on the back of this form. 8. For Geoprobe/DPT or Closed -Loop Geothermal Wells having the same construction, only I GW-1 is needed. Indicate TOTAL. NUMBER of wells drilled: 1 9. Total well depth below land surface: 80 (ft) For multiple wells list all depths if different (example- 3@200' and 2@100) 10. Static water level below top of casing: 17 (ft.) If water level is above casing, use "-t" 11. Borehole diameter: See Remark(in.) 12. Well construction method: Mud Rotary (i.e. auger, rotary, cable, direct push, etc.) FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: 13a. Yield (gpm) 80 Method of test: Airlift 13b. Disinfection type: HTH Amount: 3%@10g For Internal Use Only: 446035 14. WATER ZONES FROM TO DESCRIPTION ft. L f6 R. - IS♦ OUTER CASING (for multi -eased wells) OR LINER (if art livable) FROM l0 DIAMETER THICKNESS MATERIAL - 0 D• 60 H• 4 lit SCH40 PVC 16. INNER CASING OR: TUBING (geothermal closed-loop) FROM TO DIAMETER THICKNESS MATERIAL ft, ft. in. D. 8. in. 17. SCREEN FROM TO DIAMETER SLOT SIZE THICKNESS MATERIAL ft ft in. ft ft. in. IS GROUT FROM TO MATERIAL EMPLACEMENT METHOD 0 ft' 25 ft Bentonite & AMOUNT Poured ft ft. f6 fk 19. SAND/GRAVEL PACK (if FROM TO MATERIAL EMPLACEMENT METHOD. 0. B. ft tI 20.:DRILLING LOG (ana It additional sheets if necessary) FROM TO DESCRIPTION (color, hardness, soil/rock type, grain size, etc) 0 ft' 50 ft Sandy clay to clay 50 B• 80 ft Limestone fL ft. ft, H. ft. ft. f. 55 2L RE ItfARRs ..DEC 0 2017 0-25/8" 25-80/6" tlifalHfstis11`iCIIFSC . 22. CertiTi1. n: Slyr!'r�'�'�,IJT^L]/!/ Signs of Well Contractor Water Quality Regional Division of Water Resources,QTAiliagibiratbilehtlon Control Program, 1636 Mail SerWilliiiightIRRIeigh(Na tit99-1636 24c. For Water Sunnly & Infection Wells: In addition to sending the form to the address(es) above, also submit one copy of this form within 30 days of completion of well construction to the county health department of the county where constructed. 11/30/17 Date By signing this form, 1 hereby certify that the wears) was (were) constructed in accordance with 15A NCAC 02C .0100 or 13A NCAC 02C.0200 Well Construction Standards and that a copy of this record has been provided to the well owner. 23. Site diagram or additional well details: You may use the back of this page to provide additional well site details or well construction details. You may also attach additional -pages if necessary. SUBMITTAL INSTRUCTIONS 24a. For All Wells: Submit this form within 30 days of completion of well construction to the following: RECEIVED/NCDENR/i)WR Division of Water Resources, information Processing Unit, 1617 Mail Service Center,�Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 24b. For Infection Wells: In additlKiCo Lndingi We7form to the address in 24a above, also subunit one copy of this form within 30 days of completion of well construction to the following: WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD (OW-1) 1. Well Contractor Information: Donald Cummings Well Contractor Name 2412-A NC Well Contractor Certification Number Applied Resource Management, P.C. Company Name 2. Well Construction Permit #: W17-028H Lisi all applicable well construction permits Be. [AC, County, State, Varionce, etc) 3. Well Use (check well use): Water Supply Well: @Agricultural @Geothermal (Heating/Cooling Supply) @ Industrial/Commercial @Irrigation Non -Water Supply Well: Monitoring Injection Well: @Aquifer Recharge @Aquifer Storage and Recovery @Aquifer Test Experimental Technology @Geothermal (Closed Loop) 11Geothermal (Heating/Cooling Return) @Other (explain under #21 Remarks) 4. Date Well(s) Completed: 1 1 /30/17 Well toff N/A 5a. Well Location: Mike Turco @Municipal/Public @Residential Water Supply (single) @Residential Water Supply (shared) }Recovery @Groundwater Remediation @Salinity Ranier @Stoimwater Drainage @Subsidence Control @Tracer N/A Facility/Owner Name Facility ID# (if applicable) Lot 19 West Majestic Oaks, Hampstead, NC 28443 Physical Address, City, and Zip Pender 3292-06-4089-0000 County Parcel identification No. (PIN) 5b. Latitude and longitude in degrees/minutes/seconds or decimal degrees: (if well field, one lat./long is sufficient) 3421 51.5 N 77 42 22.1 6. Is(are) the well(s)01Permanent or @Temporary 7. Is this a repair to an existing well: @Yes or EINo If this is a repair, fill out known well construction information and explain the nature of the repair under #21 remarks section or on the back ofthisform. 8. For Geoprobe/DPT or Closed -Loop Geothermal Wells having the same construction, only 1 GW-1 is needed. Indicate TOTAL NUMBER of wells drilled: t 9. Total well depth below land surface: 80 For multiple wells list all depths ifd different (example- 3@200' and 2@l001) 10. Static water level below top of casing: 17 W (ft.) (ft.) If water level is above casing, use "+" 11. Borehole diameter: See Remark(tn.) 12. Well construction method: Mud Rotary (i.e. auger, rotary, cable, direct push, etc.) For Internal Use Only: 446034' 14.WATER ZONES FROM TO DESCRIPTION ft ff. ft. ff. 15. OUTER CASING (for multi -cased wens) OR LINER (if ap licahle) FROM TO DIAMETER TmCK14ESS MATERIAL 0 ft. 60 ff 4 in• SCH40 [PVC 16. INNER CASING OR TUBING (geothermalelosed-loop) FROM TO DIAMETER THICKNESS MATERIAL it ft ink ft. ft in. .17.SCREEN PROM TO DIAMETER SLOT SIZE THICKNESS MATERIAL ft. ft in. ft ft. in. IS: GROUT FROM TO MATERIAL EMPLACEMENT METHOD & AMOUNT 0 ft. 25 ft- Bentonite Poured ft. rt ft ft. J9.SAND/GRAVEL PACK (if applicable) - FROM TO MATERIAL EMFLACEQIENT METHOD ft. ft rr ft. 20. DRILLING: LOG (attach additional sheets if necessary) ". FROM TO DESCRIP TON (color, hardness, somreck type, grin size, etc.) 0 ft. 50 TM• Sandy clay to clay 50 ft. 80 ft Limestone ft. ft ft. ff. It. ft. EC,qrF:e\, ..a.0 ft. ft 21 REMARKS ".: DEC O 5 2017 0-25/8" 25-80/6" nforwtation Prcces ng 1.1ti1-it FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: 13a. Yield (gpm) 80 Method of test: Airlift 13b. Disinfection type: HTH Amount: 3° ©10g I�UVt.il:;L 22. CertiGEation: 02-4 Cl(1/Ql/ Signature of Certified Well Contractor 11/30/17 Date By signing this form, I hereby certify that the well(s) was (were) constructed in accordance with 15A NCAC 02C .0100 or 15A NCAC 02C .0200 Well Carstruelion Standards and that a copy of this record has been provided to the well owner. 23. Site diagram or additional well details: You may use the back of this page to provide additional well site details or well construction details. You may also attach additional pages ifnecessary. SUBMITTAL INSTRUCTIONS 24a. For All Wells: Submit this form within 30 days of completion of well construction to the following: RECEWED/NOQENR/DNIR Division of Water Resources, Information Processing Unit, 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, gNC 27699-1617M� 24b. For Infection Wells: In addition td Fdndi(g lie?ftirto the address in 24a above, also submit one copy of this form within 30 days of completion of well construction to the following: Water Quality Regional Division of Water Resources, Undeeepetilit1Q,'itjee'$16tttl gtr_Q1 Program, 1636 Mail Service Cy0li iReeillyRis(CT/699=Y'6`3L 24c. For Water Suonly & Infection Wells: In addition to sending the form to the address(es) above, also submit one copy of this form within 30 days of completion of well construction to the county health department of the county where constructed. c....., rrn n Mneh Carnlina Penamnant ofpnvimnmental (Duality -Division of Water Resources Revised 2-22-2016 RESIDENTIAL WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD 4460,3 1 North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources- Division of Water Quality WELL CONTRACTOR CERTIFICATION # 4119-A 1. WELL CONTRACTOR: Sage Drilling and Pump Services LLC. Well Contractor (Individual) Name Michael C. Sage Well Contractor Company Name STREET ADDRESS 204 Tom Ave Castle Hayne NC 28429 City or Town State (910 )-231-6669 Zip Code Area code- Phone number 2. WELL INFORMATION: SITE WELL ID #(if applicable) WELL CONSTRUCTION PERMIT# t`i'J tl rye - ®��jjO �S 1J OTHER ASSOCIATED PERMIT#(if applicable) 3. WELL USE DATE DRILLED (Check Applicable Box):ResidentialWater Supply 0 iiPPA//M ``�®\\ TIME COMPLETED -e, n 0 PM I 4. WELL LO ATION: ' 9 _ CITY: CITY poi' COUNTY (� Pef aec W L I JLO LW b' ' eg Ski (Street Name, Numbers, Commuai j, Subdivision, Lot No., PParce., Tip Code) TOPOGRAPHIC TTING 0 Slope o Valle 0 Flat o Ridge 0 Other (check a••-=="=ebox) LATITUDE May be in degrees, minutes, seconds or in a decimal format LONGITUDE Latitude/longitude source: o GPS 0 Topographic map (location of well must be shown on a USGS topo map and attached to this form if not using GPS) 5. WELL OWNER OWNER'S NAME C I SA -Cie -VAC/ ( STREET ADDRESS JJ 3 tS (*eke\de `'Ci o Town��oa State Zip Code Area de - Phone88number 8. WELLDETAILS: F�T a. TOTAL DEPTH: ban1 YES 0 NO b. DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? c. WATER LEVEL Below Top of Casing: t 0 FT. (Use "+" if Above Top of Casing) d. TOP OF CASING IS 4 FT. Above Land Surface* surface may require 2C .011$.tC Itn TEST 41- *Top of casing terminated at/or below land a variance in actor ance with 15A NCAC e. YIELD (gpm): METHOD OF f. DISINFECTION: Type . Amount ♦Ce g. WATER ZONES (dep/fh): From Q To -. 7Y From To From To From To From To From To 7. CASING: Thickness/ Depth Diameter fight to i I FromTo Depth, Ft. El _ From To Ft. From To Ft. 8. GROUT: Depth ^� Material Meth From -. To-3 Ft. I 5 From-. To- �� FL � M. r From To Ft. 9. SCREEN: Depth / _ Dia¢tgter Slot_M erial From-4b To-( Ft. of in. eln in. From To Ft. in. in. From To Ft. in. in. 10. SAND/GRAVEL PACK: De C Fromi To to Ft.we\I� @ 9C ' From To Ft. From _—_To ._ Ft. _ 11. 11. DRILLING LOG From To Formation _ . Description n.- 1CD - er 10- 3s Cta1' ;Lc- 4r5 f C. .___.. DEC 0 5' 2017 12. REMARKS: inh-vvaa1ion Prcccse.:n9 ::9'NI oWO/ BCA. I DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS WELL WAS CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH 15ANCAC 2C,WEL CON UCTIO STANDARDS, AND PY OF THIS RECORD HAS BE PR 1 ED HE WELL NE 4 V SIGNAT E OF R IE61Y on DATE Michael C. Sage 6d� PRINTED NAME OF PERSON CONSTRUCTING THE WELL DEC 1 1 2017 Submit the original to the Division of Water Quality within 30 days. Attn: InformAatioti?Af' 1tior�S Section 1617 Mail Service Center- Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Phone No. 919 733-7015 ext 568w11'mm oft iteglonal Office Form GW-la 9 ( ) Rev. 3/07 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD (GW-1) 1. Well Contractor Information: Donald Cummings Well Contractor Name 2412-A NC Well Contractor Certification Number Applied Resource Management, P.C. Company Name 2. Well Construction Permit #: List all applicable well construction permits P.e. UIC County, State, Variance, etc.) 3. Well Use (check well use): W16-051H Water Supply Well: w'.Agricultural Geothermal (Heating/Cooling Supply) 1: Industrial/Commercial litigation Non -Water Supply Well: Monitoring InjectionInjection Well: Aquifer Recharge Aquifer Storage and Recovery Aquifer Test Experimental Technology Geothermal (Closed Loop) Geothermal (Heating/Cooling Retard) @Municipal/Public @Residential Water Supply (single) @Residential Water Supply (shared) @Recovery Groundwater Remediation @Salinity Barrier @Stormwater Drainage @Subsidence Control @Tracer @Other (explain under #21 Remarks) 4. Date Well(s) Completed: 10/19/17 Well lD# N/A 5a. Well Location: Coastal Home Company N/A Facility/owner Name Facility ID# (if applicable) Lot 7 Majestic Oaks, Hampstead, NC 28443 Physical Address, City, and Zip Pender 3292-24-0705-0000 County Parcel Identification No. (PIN) 5b. Latitude and longitude in degrees/minutes/seconds or decimal degrees: (if well field, one latllong is sufficient) 34 21 36.6 N 77 42 03.2 w 6. Is(are) the wel((s) x@Permanent or @Temporary 7. Is this a repair to an existing well: @Yes or @x No 'phis is a repair, fill out known well contraction information and explain the nature of the repair under #21 remaarsection or on the back afthisform. 8. For Geoprobe/DPT or Closed -Loop Geothermal Wells having the same construction, only 1 GW-i is needed. Indicate TOTAL NUMBER of wells drilled: 1 9. Total well depth below land surface: 210 For multiple wells list all depths if different (example- 3Q200' and 2@100) (ft.) 10. Static water level below top of casing: 17 (ft.) If water level is above casing, use "+'• 11. Borehole diameter: See Remas(fn.) 12. Well construction method: Mud Rotary (i.e. auger, rotary, cable, direct push, etc.) FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: 13a. Yield (gpm) 80 Method of test: Airlift 13b. Disinfection type: HTH Amount: 3a/o@10g For Internal Use Only: 44678! 14_ WATER ZONES FROM TO ft. ft ft. 15. OUTER CASING (for 'multi -cased .wells OR LINER (if a Roble).- DIAMETER THICKNESS MATERIAL 25 R 8 ia• l SCH40 1PVC 16. INNER CASING OR TUBING (geothermal :closed -loop). DIAMETER FROM 0 FROM 0 Pr. fL 170 fL TO TO 180 ft- 190 R• 17..SCREEN. FROM 190 ft• TO 210 ft• 4 in. 2 DIAMETER 2 in. ID. THICKNESS MATERIAL. SCH40 PVC SCH40 PVC SLOT SIZE .020 THICKNSss SCH40 MATERIAL PVC ft. 18. GROUT ,. FROM 0 ft. In. TO 23 ft. MATERIAL Bentonite EMPLACEMENT METHOD & AMOUNT Poured ft. ft. ft. :.19.SAND/GRAVEL PACK (if applicable) FROM TO fL MATERIAL EMPLACEMENT METHOD ft. ft. 20: DRILLING LOG (attach adtlitianal sheets if necessary) DESCRIPTION (color, hardness, sogfrock tree, grain size, etc.). Sandy clay to clay FROM 0 R. 65 ft. TO 65 R• 125 rt• Limestone 125 ft. 180 ft• 180 ft. 190 R• Clay/rock mix Clay/sandstone mix 190 R• 210 ft• Sandstone ft. ft. ft. 21GREMARKS., ft. RE 0-25/8 25-105/6" NOV -0 2097 22. Certification: information Proa.s•-:,: $9 .;ail eo 10/26/17 Signature of Certified Well Contractor Date By signing this form, I hereby cent that the well(s) was (were) constructed in accordance with 15A NCAC 02C .0100 or 15A NCAC 02C .0200 Well Construction Standards and that a copy of this record has been provided th9 at3ENR/®WR 23. Site diagram or additions Ewell details: IT YY You may use the back of this page to provide additional well site details or well construction details. You may also IVV �ttitllgtvad2itf�kna4�es ifnecessary. SUBMITTAL INSTRUCTIONS 1) 24a. For All Wells: Submit th 'inpOyjllllhyibet9F k completion of well construction to the following: Operations Section ilmingtton Regional Office Division of Water Re rces, nformation Processing Unit, 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 24b. For Infection Wells: In addition to sending the form to the address in 24a above, also submit one copy of this form within 30 days of completion of well construction to the following: Division of Water Resources, Underground Injection Control Program, 1636 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1636 24c. For Water Supply & Infection Wells: In addition to sending the form to the address(es) above, also submit one copy of this form within 30 days of completion of well construction to the county health department of the county where constructed. Form GW-1 North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality -Division of Water Resources Revised 2-22-2016 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD This form can be used for single or multiple wells 1. Well Contractor Information: --aajc an-cke_,� Well Contractor Name 3 a- A- NC Well ^Contractor Certification Number Arc g,oc4f- s Company Name 2. Well Construction Permit H: List all applicable well pernils (i.e. County, Stale. Variance, Inject 3. Well Use (check well use): Water Supply Well: ❑Agricultural ❑Geothermal (Heating/Cooling Supply) ❑Industrial/Commercial ❑ Irrigation Non -Water Supply Well: jvlonitoring Injection Well: DAquifer Recharge ❑ Aquifer Storage and Recovery DAquifer Test °Experimental Technology °Geothermal (Closed Loop) °Geothermal (Heating/Cooling Return) For Internal Use ONLY: 446767 M. WATER 2b FROM TO ){,oft. FROM ft. ft. DESCRIPTION iS, oureA CASING (for mu(q-eased TO ft. R C FROM I TO ft. ft. ft ft. DIAMETER db) 011 Ll!' R (ifap�fcable) THICKNESS MATERIAL in. NG1Reath DIAMETER in. in. e THICKNESS MATERIAL OMunicipal/Public °Residential Water Supply (single) ❑Residential Water Supply (shared) °Recovery FROM f ft. ft. FROM lift. ft. TO taR. ft. TO Ot0 R. DIAMETER in. MATERIAL SLOT SIZE ar.o to 5 ckrCt€ THICKNESS 54. MATERIAL PVC. EMPLACEMENT METHOD & AMOUNT Hetekd °Groundwater Remediation °Salinity Barrier DStormwater Drainage ❑Subsidence Control °Tracer °Other (explain under 421 Remarks) 4. Dale Well(s) Completed: !' dD "t7 Well IDk Pr eW— (ro 5a. Well Location: SA.wwtiauD t�- tire A/4 Facility/Owner Name Facility 1DU (if applicable) Bg53 a' WWhf 53 W, $inrooua7 ► NC Physical Address, City. and Zip 018 LE I `.y 6— Pe.VIdeerf ✓➢ County Parcel Identification No. (PIN)' ft. FROM n. VEL PACK TO la_ ft. 1 ft. 4:bR1LL 6 ft. R. FROM L 0 R. PI ft. 1I- R. TO t. Ls" R, & cft. 9,40 ft. irk ft. to ft. 0,Or tii0 ft. ItbOR' )ft. 21� RE pplic44 )- MATERIAL EMPLACEMENT METHOD °aliUer5 Slut NA) f0ttll' iedd l sheets IfnecMsgry) DESCRIPTION (color, hardness, soil/rock type, grain size, ere.) Top xi1+- Gr&ss brow. avicd4 0/CrIC Bunt,, -3 �_, SKad t�ravlr5e et", (,(a fire �ll(fn , - Y a- Sa Or (ti Sri- & San f1, 5b. Latitude and Longitude in degrees/minutes/seconds or decimal degrees: (if well field one lat/long is sufficient) 39;53 �a,�� N -78rv?oS9-7 w 6. Is (are) the well(s): 18Permanent or °Temporary 7. Is this a repair to anexistingwell: °Yes or �yy c�'o If this is a repair, fill out known well canrtrnclian information and explain the nalura of the repair under d21 remarks section or on the back aphis firm. S. Number of wells constructed: For multiple injection or non -water supply wells ONLY with the. same construction, you can submit one farm 9. Total well depth below land surface: For multiple wells Ayr all depths ifdifjrent (example-3©20— 0' andd2@100 1 12) 10. Static water level below top of casing: If water level is above casing, use " r1 �./ 11. Borehole diameter: 3r as" (in,) 12. Well construction method: (i.e. auger, rotary, cable, direct push, etc.) 22. Certification: /' l®'11 Signature of Certified Well Conn -actor Date By .signing this Jornr, / hereby certify that the we//(s) $vas (mere) constn¢ved in accordance with 15,4 M('A(102('.0100 or 114 NCAC 02(7.0200 Well Construction Standards and Oct a copy 4f this record has been provided to the well owner, 23. Site diagram or additional well details: You may use the back of this page to provide additional well site details or well construction details. You may also attach additional pages if necessary. SUBMITTAL INSTUCTIONS 6�ECE'9y�n�tVC®NR/pWt� / NOV p,p.m? well LT {¢IV t� f'f g WII n I All Wells: Submit this form within 30 days of completion of well "\ tign to the following: ��(l Division of Water Resources, INOrgat2nl}'r2i 4jing Unit, 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 - 111443DRRlion Prot ; o Injection Wells ONLY: In aAa o.. ( .. tt�i " to the address in W�G� O°d'J(q!r"SO;a La'a ��e, also submit a copy of this f����,�,.dat�v, gtlLdmpletion of construction to the followin 10 Wilmington Regional Office Division of Water Resources, Underground Injection Control Program, 1636 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1636 24c. For Water Supply & Injection Wells: Also submit one copy of this form within 30 days of completion of well construction to the county health department of the county where constructed FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: 13a. Yield (gpm) Method of test: 13b. Disinfection type: Amount: Fenn GW-I North Carolina Department ofEnvirmrment m d Natural Resources - Division of Water Resources Revised August 201; WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD (GW-1) 1. Well Contractor Information: Donald Cummings Well Contractor Name 2412-A NC Well Contractor Certification Number Applied Resource Management, P.C. Company Name 2. Well Construction Permit ft: W17-031 H List all applicable well conttna:tion permits (Le. LAC, County, State, Variance, etc) 3. Well Use (check well use): Water Supply Well: Agricultural - jMunicipal/Public Geothermal (Heating/Cooling Supply) ®Residential Water Supply (single) Industrial/Commercial QResidential Water Supply (shared) Irrigation Non -Water Supply Well: Monitoring Recovery Injection Well: Aquifer Recharge �IAquifer Storage and Recovery Aquifer Test Experimental Technology Geothermal (Closed Loop) Geothermal (Heating/Cooling Return) 4. Date Well(s) Completed: 10/19/1 Groundwater Remediation ®Salinity Barrier QStormwater Drainage DSubsidence Control Tracer Other (explain under #21 Remarks) 7 Well rD# N/A 5a. Well Location: Steve Vavra N/A Facility/Owner Name Facility ID# (if applicable) Lot 137 Scarlet Court,Hamptead, NC 28443 Physical Address, City, and Zip Pender 4214-72-8519-0000 County Parcel Identification No. (PIN) 5b. Latitude and longitude in degrees/minutes/seconds or decimal degrees: (if well field, one IatAong is sufficient) 34 21 36.3 N 77 42 03.0 W 6. Is(are) the well(s)jxPermanent or flTemporary 7. Is this a repair to an existing well: QYes or ONo If this is a repair, fill out known well construction information and explain the nature ofthe repair under d21 remarks section or on the back of this form. 8. For Geoprobe/DPT or Closed -Loop Geothermal Wells having the same construction, only 1 GW-1 is needed. Indicate TOTAL NUMBER of wells drilled: 1 9. Total well depth below land surface: 1 05 For multiple wells list all depths if different (example- 3@200' and 2@1005 (ft.) 10. Static water level below top of casing: 17 (ft.) If water level is above casing, use '•> " 11. Borehole diameter: See Remalii (in,) 12. Well construction method: Mud Rotary (i.e. auger, rotary, cable, direct push, etc.) FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: 13a. Yield (gpm) 80 Method of test: Airlift 0 13b. Disinfection type: HTH Amount: 3%@10g For Internal Use Only: 446734 1& WATER ZONES.. -. FROM TO DESCRIP,OIY ft ft ,'$1rri5 .. .... ft. ft. 15. OUTER CASING (for multi -cased wells) OR LDiER (if ap • Isle)' FROM TO DIAMETER THICKNESS MATERIAL 0 ft* 80 ft r4 in. SCH40 PVC 16. INNER CASING OR TUBING (geothermal closed -loop). FROM TO DIAMETER THICKNESS MATERIAL R ft in ft. ft. Ij in 17.SCREEN FROM TO DIAMETER SLOT SIZE THICKNESS _MATERIAL ft. ft in. ft ft. in. IS. GROUT - -. FROM TO MATERIAL EMPLACEMENT METHOD & AMOUNT 0 ft 30 It Bentonite Poured ft. ft. ft f. 19. SAND/GRAVEL PACK (if applicable) - FROM TO MATERIAL EMPLACEMENT METHOD ft. ft. R R. 20. DRILLING LOG (attach additional sheets ifnecessary) FROM TO DESORPTION (color, hardness, soil/rock type, grain size, etc.) 0 R• 62 a• Sandy clay to clay 62 ft• 105 It• Limestone ft. ft. R. ft. C. p Ft. It. @'S eV�.E ft. ft, NOV I: 4 2017 21. REMARKS 0-25/8 25-105/6" Information Prod«.yj uni, Deffatete 22. Certification: Signature of Certified Well Contractor 10/25/17 Date By signing this form, 1 hereby cent)" that the Ad1(s) was (were) constnucted in accordance with 15A NCAC 02C7.0100 or ISA NCAC 02C.0200 Well Constn,etion Standanls and that a copy of this record has been provided to the well owner. �yg 23. Site diagram or additional �w�g$�s�lft��rd�N�I® tl+ You may use the back of thisitte rovide additional well site details or well construction details. You may also attach additional Paages-if necessary. SUBMITTAL INSTRUCTIONS NB ON 24a. For All Wells: Submit this form within 30 Afpfa@ompletion of well construction to the following: yteY �n_ailty $eCtlnn W Bons V office Division of Water Resource atji 4'9oacessing Unit, 1617 Mail Service Cgytbl)il ugh, NC 27699-1617 24b. For Iniection Wells: In addition to sending the form to the address in 24a above, also submit one copy of this form within 30 days of completion of well construction to the following: Division of Water Resources, Underground Injection Control Program, 1636 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1636 24c. For Water Supply & Iniection Wells: In addition to sending the form to the address(es) above, also submit one copy of this form within 30 days of completion of well construction to the county health department of the county where constructed. Form GW-I North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality -Division of Water Resources Revised 2-22-2016 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD (GW-1) 1. Well Contractor Information: Donald Cummings Well Contractor Name 2412-A NC Well Contractor Certification Number Applied Resource Management, P.C. Company Name 2. Weil Construction Permit #: W16-050H List all applicable well constnrclion permits (i.e. (AC, County, State, Variance, etc) 3. Well Use (check well use): Water Supply Well: Agricultural Geothermal (Heating/Cooling Supply) Industrial/Commercial Irrigation Non -Water Supply Well: Monitoring Injection Well: Aquifer Recharge Aquifer Storage and Recovery Aquifer Test Experimental Technology Geothermal (Closed Loop) 'Geothermal (Heating/Cooling Return) 0Municipal/Public K®Residential Water Supply (single) Residential Water Supply (shared) ['Recovery ['Groundwater Remediation El:Salinity Barrier DStormwater Drainage Subsidence Control (Tracer Other (explain under #21 Remarks) 4. Date Well(s) Completed: 10/25/17 Well ID# N/A 5a. Well Location: Coastal Home Company N/A Facility/Owner Name Facility ID# (if applicable) Lot 6 Majestic Oaks, Hampstead, NC 28443 Physical Address, City, and Zip Pender 3292-24-1508-0000 County Parcel Identification No. (PIN) 5b. Latitude and longitude in degrees/minutes/seconds or decimal degrees: (if well field, one lat/long is sufficient) 34 21 36.6 N 77 42 03.2 W 6. Is(are) the wel(s)iIK Permanent or OTemporary 7. Is this a repair to an existing well: rYes or ONo Iflhis is a repair, fill ont known well construction information and explain the nature of the repair under 521 remarks section or on the back ofthls form. 8. For Geoprobe/DPT or Closed -Loop Geothermal Wells having the same construction, only 1 GW-1 is needed. Indicate TOTAL NUMBER of wells drilled: 1 9. Total well depth below land surface: 210 For multiple wells list all depths if different (example- 3®200' and 2@100) 10. Static water level below top of casing: 17 If water level is above casing, use "x" 11. Borehole diameter: See Remab(ln ) 12. Well construction method: Mud Rotary (i.e. auger, rotary, cable, direct posh, etc.) (ft.) (ft.) FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: 13a. Yield (gpm) 80 Method of test: Airlift 13b. Disinfection type: HTH Amount: 3% 10g For Internal Use Only: 446733 14. WATER ZONES. - FROM TO DESCRIPTION fL fL ft. R. IS OUTER CASING (for molti-eased wells) OR LINER (Ka p�pRratRe).- FROM TO DIAMETER THICKNESS T MATERIAL 0 180 ft 4 ft. SCH40 PVC 16. INNER CASING OR TUBING. (geothermal closed -loop( DIAMETER FROM 170 ft- ft. 17. SCREEN TO 190 ft 2 in. in. THICKNESS MATERIAL SCH40 PVC PROM 190 R• fL I& GROUT 1t 210 ft- 2 ia• .020 �SCH40 TO DIAMETER SLOT SIZE TRICKNESS in. MATERIAL PVC FROM 0 fL TO 23 ft MATERIAL Bentonite EMPLACEMENT METHOD & AMOUNT Poured ft. ft. fL fL 19. SAND/GRAVEL PACK (if applicable) FROM TO fL MATERIAL ENIPL4CEMENT METHOD ft. 20. DRILLING LOG (attach additional sheets if necessary) DESCRIPTION (color, hardness, sotprock type, Grain sixes, etc.) Sandy clay to clay FROM Q ft. 65 ft. TO 65 ft 125 ft Limestone 125 fL 180 R• 180 ft• 190 ft• Clay/Rox mix Clay/sandstone mix 190 ft. 210 ft. Sandstone ft. ft. ft. ft. RE CEIVED 21. REMARKS. 0-25/8" 25-180/6" 180-210/4" NOV I 2017 22. Certification: infOn raffof) PfOC:><,F. nsy `.,. OWciau ignature of ed Well Contactor 0 10/25/17 Date By .signing this form, I hereby certify that the well(s) was (were) constructed in accordance with /5A NCAC 02C .0100 or 15A NCAC 02C .0200 Well Construction Standards and that a copy of this record has been provided to the well owner. 23. Site diagram or additional welTp a WED/NCDENR/nwR You may use the back of this page to provide additional[. well site details or well construction details. You may also attach additional pages if necessary. SUBMITTAL INSTRUCTIONS N O V 2 0 2017 24a, For All Wells: Submit this form within 30 days of completion of well construction to the following: Water QualityRegional Division of Water Resau r mi(ni ��,en�,l,+y,,f"g�y� ,,trp��gg Unit, 1617 Mail Service Cen er, igh, WL'"2769 'Ih`f& 246. For Infection Wells: In addition to sending the form to the address in 24a above, also submit one copy of this form within 30 days of completion of well construction to the following: Division of Water Resources, Underground Injection Control Program, 1636 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1636 24c. For Water Supply & Iniection Wells: In addition to sending the form to the address(es) above, also submit one copy of this form within 30 days of completion of well construction to the county health department of the county where constructed. Form GW-1 North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality - Division of Water Resources Revised 2-22-2016