HomeMy WebLinkAbout20080868 Ver 2_Biological Monitoring of Outfall SW-2_20160419Ardaman & Associates, Inc. Ceotechnical, Environmental and Materials Consultants April 19, 2016 File Number 10-10-0133E Mr. John Kroske Environmental Engineer USEPA RCRA Enforcement and Compliance Branch Atlanta Federal Center 61 Forsyth Street, S.W. Atlanta, Georgia 30303-8909 Subject: Report of Biological Monitoring of the Pamlico River near Outfall SW-2, PCS Phosphate — Aurora, NC, EPA ID No. NCD 041 519 364, RCRA Section 3013, Docket No. RCRA-04-2008-4021, Aurora Phosphate Operations, PCS Phosphate Company, Inc., Aurora, North Carolina Dear Mr. Kroske: Ardaman & Associates, Inc. (Ardaman) has completed the field and laboratory work associated with the proposed biological monitoring of the Pamlico River near ouffall SW-2 at the PCS l Phosphate Company, Inc., (PCS) — Aurora facility. This work effort was proposed by Ardaman in our July 17, 2015 report entitled "Supplemental Addendum to SAR Work Plan Results". The objective of the biological sampling is to discern differences, if any, in benthic macroinvertebrate populations between the background area in the vicinity of Garrison Point and the SW-2 outfall area Background As part of the RCRA 3013 sampling and analysis program for the subject facility, benthic sediment sampling was performed at the facility's NPDES outfalls. Sediment samples were collected on August 14 and August 18, 2009 at outfalls SW-1 and SW-2. Two samples were collected at each location; one from 0 to 6 inches and one from 18 to 24 inches. The sediment sample obtained from a depth of 0 to 6 inches at SW-2 had a measured cadmium concentration of 5.5 mg/kg, which is above the threshold effects concentration of 1.0 mg/kg and also just above the probable effects concentration of 5 mg/kg. Two additional samples collected on July 2, 2010 from the SW- 2 outfall indicated a measured concentration of 5.1 mg/kg for the sample from 0 to 6 inches and 5.5 mg/kg sample from 18 to 24 inches. To determine the horizontal and vertical extent of the elevated cadmium concentrations, benthic sediment samples were collected at 10 distinct sampling locations in and around the SW-2 outfall on May 13 and 14, 2014. In addition, sediment pore water was collected via a Push Point® sample tube 1 foot below the river bottom at each of the 10 sediment sampling locations. Analysis from the May 2014 sediment samples indicated sediment cadmium between 2.9 and 9.5 mg/kg. Dissolved cadmium results for all ten sediment pore water samples were less than the method detection limit of 0.36 pg/L. Biological Monitoring Report PCS Phosphate Company Aurora Phosphate Operations -2- A fourth round of benthic sediment sampling was conducted in July 2015. The benthic sediment survey was expanded to include eleven additional sites within the Pamlico River adjacent to the SW-2 ouffall. In addition to the eleven sites near SW-2, three background sites located approximately 1.2 miles north (upstream) of SW-2- and just below the confluence of Durham Creek and the Pamlico River were sampled. Cadmium concentrations for the shallow samples obtained near SW-2 were in the range of 4.51 mg/kg to 10.30 mg/kg. Cadmium concentrations for the deeper samples were in the range of 4.04 mg/kg to 10.20 mg/kg. The cadmium concentrations at the background sites were below the method detection limit. Biological Sampling Program A biological sampling plan was developed in response to data collected and reported in the July 17, 2015 Supplemental Addendum to SAR Work Plan Results. The biological sampling plan, approved on November 12, 2015 included the sampling of benthic sediments, benthic macroinvertebrates and cadmium analysis of benthic macroinvertebrate tissue at six sampling locations, three at the background site and three near SW-2. Sampling locations are shown on Figures 1 through 3. Sampling occurred on December 9 and 10, 2015. In Situ Water Quality Surface water quality data were collected at each of the six sampling locations. At each sampling location, classic limnologic parameters such as Secchi disk depth, conductivity, dissolved oxygen, oxygen reduction potential, pH and total depth were collected. To collect these data, a calibrated YSI 556 hand held multi -meter was attached to the YSI 600 data sonde with an optical dissolved / oxygen probe. Upon reaching each sampling site, the sampling boat was eased into position to avoid disturbing the bottom sediments, which were at depths of about two feet. As the boat reached the sampling coordinates, the anchor was slowly lowered into place catching the boat and allowing the swing of the boat position to be within several feet of the site coordinates. After the boat was secured at the site, the Secchi disk depth was measured on the sunny side of the skiff. Water quality parameters were then taken every half foot of depth. After the data were collected, the YSI was secured and benthic sampling began. Benthic Sediment Collection Benthic sediments and macroinvertebrates were collected using a Stainless Steel Van Veen dredge sampler with an approximate bottom area of 470 cm'. Samples were obtained using the methods described in USEPA-841-R-09-003 National Coastal Condition Assessment Field Operations Manual. Benthic sediment samples collected were at least 7 cm in depth. Sample grabs that were less than 7 cm in depth were discarded. Benthic samples that were protruding out of the sample or not level within the grab bucket were not collected nor were residual samples that remained if the dredge did not close properly allowing sediments to spill out during retrieval. The Van Veen dredge was cleaned of benthic sediments between each location with a brush and local river water. After each sampling day the Van Veen dredge was washed and allowed to dry. Biological Monitoring Report PCS Phosphate Company Aurora Phosphate Operations Macroinvertebrate Identification. -3- Benthic macroinvertebrate samples for identification were the first samples to be collected after the water quality profile data had been collected and the equipment stowed. A clean Van Veen dredge was used to collect benthic macroinvertebrates for taxa identification. The one drop method was used to minimize any bias from multiple sample sets for taxa living in benthic sediments. Similar water depths were used for each site during the collection of benthic macroinvertebrate taxa samples. Once the Van Veen dredge was recovered, benthic sediments and any other debris was gently washed from the outside of the dredge and back into the Pamlico River. Benthic sediments collected inside the Van Veen dredge were spilled out into a No. 30 screen wash bucket. Any residual benthic sediments within the dredge were gently washed out into the No. 30 screen wash bucket using a squeeze bottle filled with distilled water. Benthic sediments were processed in the wash bucket allowing particles smaller than the. Number 30 sieve (0.6 mm) to pass through the screen and back into the Pamlico River. The particles and organisms that did not pass during washing were collected in a small pan. Any organisms that were caught within the wash bucket were field picked and placed in the small pan with the rest of the benthic sediment taxa sample. After processing the benthic sediments and placing them in the sampling pan, the benthic macroinvertebrate and minimal benthic sediments were decanted and placed in a square, 300 mL, HDPE sample bottle. The sample bottle containing the benthic sample was then filled to the shoulders with a 10% buffered formalin solution to preserve the benthic macroinvertebrates for later identification. An identification tag indicating sample identification, date, and time was placed in the sample bottle prior to sealing. The benthic sample bottle was appropriately labeled and sealed, then placed in a cooler for storage and shipment to the biological laboratory for identification to the lowest practical taxon. On December 15, 2015, six benthic macroinvertebrate samples were shipped from Ardaman and Associates, Inc. arriving at Aquatic Resources Center in Nashville, Tennessee. Samples received on December 18, 2015 were said to have arrived in good condition. The six samples received on December 18, 2015 were washed of preservative and excess detritus using a Number 35 sieve (0.5 mm). Samples were subsampled using a modified Caton (1991) method. This process consists of dividing a given sample into equal portions using a specified subsample device (graduated sampling pan), then sorting at least four randomly selected grids to obtain 200 ± 20 percent organisms. The benthic organisms were removed from the sample using a 10X power dissecting microscope. The organisms were placed in major groupings (e.g., amphipods, worms, snails) into glass vials containing 70 percent ethyl alcohol. Each vial was labeled with information such as date of collection, location, specific sampling identification, name of taxonomic group and number of organisms. The residuals from the sorted portion was preserved separately from the portion that was not sorted. Organisms were identified using either dissecting or compound microscope. Most organisms were identified to the generic level, unless the specimens were too small or damaged to allow identification at this level. Identifications were completed and recorded on laboratory bench sheets. When Identification was completed, the data were entered into Excel spreadsheet and checked for accuracy. l Biological Monitoring Report PCS Phosphate Company Aurora Phosphate Operations Macroinvertebrate Cadmium Analysis. -4- Benthic macroinvertebrates obtained for cadmium tissue analysis were collected similarly to the benthic macroinvertebrate taxa sample. Three drops of the Van Veen dredge were used to collect what was perceived as enough tissue sample to run the cadmium tissue analysis. Three samples collected with the Van Veen dredge were processed through the Number 30 screen wash bucket and poured into a translucent plastic sorting tray. Distilled water or forceps were used to dislodge any clinging taxa from the screen or the inside of the wash bucket. Once in the sorting tray, all benthic macroinvertebrates were collected and placed in a smaller container that was provided by the analytical laboratory as part of the ultra -trace metals kit. The sample containing the picked benthic macroinvertebrates was decanted and rinsed with distilled water and decanted for a second time. A clean hands/dirty hands protocol was used to collect the benthic macroinvertebrate cadmium samples from the secondary container to the ultra -trace sampling kit. After the samples were collected and identification affixed to the outer sample bag, the samples were placed on dry ice for immediate freezing. Samples for total cadmium tissue analysis were maintained in a cooler filed with dry ice and maintained frozen for the duration. Six benthic macroinvertebrate samples for cadmium tissue analysis were shipped to Brooks Applied Labs (BAL) in Bothell, Washington on December 15, 2015 arriving in good condition on December 16, 2015. The samples were received at -32 'C. r Samples received on December 16, 2015 were received, prepared, analyzed and stored ` according to Brooks Applied Labs (BAL) SOP and EPA methodologies for analysis of total cadmium. BAL is accredited by the National Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Program (NELAP) through the state of Florida Department of Health, Bureau of Laboratories (E87982) and is certified to perform total cadmium analysis. During laboratory processing, benthic samples were defrosted and the hard shell of bivalves were removed prior to sample hominization and trace metals analysis. Each of the six samples were analyzed for total cadmium, using method EPA 1638 Modified. Trace metals were analyzed using inductively coupled plasma triple quadrupole mass spectrometry (ICP-QQQ-MS). The ICP-QQQ- MS uses advanced interference removal techniques to ensure accuracy of the sample results. Benthic Sediment Analysis. Benthic sediments obtained for grain size analysis were collected after the macroinvertebrate taxa and macroinvertebrate cadmium samples were collected and stowed. Care was taken to collect the benthic sediment samples within a 2 meter orbit of the macroinvertebrate taxa and cadmium analysis samples. Benthic samples for the grain size analysis were not collected in previously dredged holes. One drop of the Van Veen dredge was needed to collect benthic sediments for grain size analysis. After the Van Veen dredge was recovered, representative benthic sediments were collected with a stainless steel spoon and placed in an appropriately labeled 1L polypropylene bottle and placed in a cooler for storage. Upon reaching the Ardaman and Associates, Inc. soils laboratory on December 18, 2015, the benthic sediments were submitted for Water Content (ASTM Standard D-2216) and Sieve Analysis (ASTM Standard D-422). Biological Monitoring Report PCS Phosphate Company Aurora Phosphate Operations -5- ( Sediments were placed in numbered tare containers, weighed, and placed in a 110 °C oven over night. Samples were then weighed and the moisture content calculated. Next, the samples were inundated with a 5 percent sodium hexametaphosphate solution and washed over a Number 200 sieve (0.076 mm) to remove the minus 200 particles. After washing, the samples were dried in a 110 °C oven overnight. The samples were re -weighed and placed in a standard sieve stack for standard sieve analysis. Standard sieve analysis was performed and calculations of the percent retained on each sieve was completed for each sieve screen. Results Surface Water Qualit Sampling was split between two days with similar weather patterns and wave heights. The water surface was calm. The flow did not appear to be significantly influenced by tidal currents or wind patterns. Water column profiles were completed at each of the six sampling locations over the two day sampling period at 0.50 ft intervals until the bottom sediments were encountered. Surface water quality profile data are presented in Table 1. Secchi disk depth or the relative depth of natural light penetration was to the bottom depth at each location. Secchi disk depth taken on December 9, 2016 indicated total depth ranged between 1.91 ft and 2.25 ft at Bio-2W and Bio- 2E. Secchi disk depth taken the following day had a range difference of 3.16 ft and 3.33 ft at Bio- 12 and Bio-16. Water column pH ranged between 8.32 and 8.14 at the surface and 8.01 and 8.33 at the water - sediment interface at the three background locations. Water column pH ranged between 8.11 and 8.27 at the surface and between 8.00 and 8.13 at the water -sediment interface at the three SW-2 locations. These are within the range expected for brackish water. Specific conductance was different between the two locations. Specific conductance at the background sites ranged between 7.33 mS/cm and 8.26 mS/cm at the water surface and between 8.15 mS/cm and 8.43 mS/cm at the water -sediment surface. Specific conductance at SW-2 ranged between 10.13 mS/cm and 10.87 mS/cm for the water surface readings and between 12.85 mS/cm and 12.98 mS/cm at the water -sediment interface. The water at SW-2 was approximately 60% more conductive than the water at the background sites. Salinity was also different at the two sites. Salinity at the background sites ranged between 5.3 ppt and 6.2 ppt at the water surface and between 6.0 ppt and 6.3 ppt at the water -sediment surface. Salinity at SW-2 ranged between 7.6 ppt and 8.3 ppt for the water surface readings and between 9.8 ppt and 9.9 ppt at the water -sediment interface. The water at SW-2 was approximately 60% more saline than the water at the background sites. Dissolved Oxygen (DO) readings at the water surface at the background sites were between 12.18 mg/L and 12.37 mg/L. DO concentrations at the water -sediment interface were between 12.33 mg/L and 14.86 mg/L. DO readings at the water surface at SW-2 were between 10.80 mg/L and 11.83 mg/L and at the water -sediment interface were between 10.14 mg/L and 12.65 mg/L. Oxidation Reduction Potential (ORP) readings collected at the background location were between 143.70 my and 193.30 my at the surface and between 142.60 my and 189.30 my at the water - sediment interface. ORP readings at the SW-2 location were between 96.70 my and 147.60 my at the surface and between 103.00 my and 148.60 my at the water -sediment interface. Biological Monitoring Report PCS Phosphate Company Aurora Phosphate Operations -6- Water temperature was relatively stable, varying slightly between the two days at the monitoring locations. Surface water column temperatures on December 9, 2015 range between 13.17 °C and 12.62 °C. The water column temperature on the following day at the SW-2 site ranged between 14.33 °C and 12.62 °C. Benthic Sediment Analysis The grain size distribution of the benthic sediments at the two sampling locations are presented in Table 2. The laboratory data sheets are attached as Appendix A. Table 2 Benthic Sediment Distribution % Passing US Standard Sample Location Grain Size Sieve Size Bio-2W Bio-2 Bio-2E Bio-12 Bio-13 Bio-16 No.4 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% Fine Gravel No.10 99.7% 100.0% 100.0% 99.8% 100.0% 100.0% Coarse Sand No.20 99.7% 100.0% 100.0% 98.7% 99.7% 99.4% Medium No.40 96.1% 96.3% 96.3% 90.8% 96.1% 93.9% sand No.60 1 85.9% 86.5% 88.2% 63.6% 71.6% 66.10. No. 100 41.4% 45.3% 51.6% 15.7% 19.9% 14.7% Fine Sand No.140 6.6% 9.3% 10.1% 2.6% 2.7% 2.3% No.200 1.5% 1.5% 1.8% 0.7% 0.6% 0.6% The sediments from the background location contain a higher percentage of finer sediments than the sediments from SW-2. The percentage of particles passing the No. 100 sieve for the background sediments is approximately 40% to 50%. The percentage of particles passing the No. 100 sieve for the SW-2 sediments is approximately 15% and 20%. Macroinvertebrate Identification Benthic macroinvertebrates were collected using a single Van Veen dredge drop. All of the samples collected were of similar volume. Each sample was washed through a No. 30 screen wash bucket with all remaining benthic macroinvertebrates retained on the screen collected and sent for taxonomic identification to the lowest practical taxon. As part of the sample identification, the entire sample from a site is placed within a gridded sorting pan with 16 equally sized grids. A random selected grid is chosen and all benthic macroinvertebrates are counted and identified. If a count of 100 organisms is not reached then a second grid is chosen and the benthic macroinvertebrates are added to the previous count. This will continue until either a count of 100 organisms are reached or the 16 grids have been exhausted. As shown in Table 3, the background locations Bio-2W, Bio-2 and Bio-2E did not produce a 100 count from the samples submitted. All 16 grids were sorted and taxa identified and counted. Bio- 2W the most westerly and upstream Bio monitoring site reached a total count of 85 organisms. Biological Monitoring Report PCS Phosphate Company Aurora Phosphate Operations -7- The count for Bio-2 and Bio-2E were 40 and 39 organisms, respectively. Bio-2 had the lowest diversity with only 4 taxa. A total of 7 taxa were identified at Bio-2W and Bio-2E. Approximately 50% of the total organisms identified at the background site were amphipods, approximately 35% were bivalves, and the remainder were marine worms. A total of nine species and a total of 164 individuals were identified from 11,304 cm' of sediment. As shown in Table 3, the sorting process for the SW-2 Bio locations were able to reach the 100 +/- individual count without exhausting the 16 grids within the sorting pan. Bio-12 needed 6 grids to obtain a total of 103 individuals, Bio-13 needed 9 grids to obtain a total of 116 individuals, and Bio-16 needed 6 grids to obtain 99 individuals. Approximately 80 to 90% of the total organisms at the SW-2 site were bivalves. Less than 10% of the total organisms identified at SW-2 were amphipods. The remaining 5 to 15% of the organisms were marine worms. Eleven species were identified and a total of 318 individual taxa counted from the 12,717 cm' of sediments. Species Richness, Shannon -Wiener Diversity and Species Evenness were computed for both sites. The results are presented in Table 4. The SW-2 location had the higher species richness. The background location had the higher Shannon -Weiner Index. Evenness was also higher at the background location. Bench sheets detailing the order and quantity of benthic macroinvertebrate species that were identified by Aquatic Resources Center are attached as Appendix B. Macroinvertebrate Cadmium Tissue Analysis. Ultra -trace total cadmium analysis was completed on six benthic macroinvertebrate samples collected from six different locations within the background and SW-2 sampling locations. The background location Bio-2W, Bio-2 and Bio-2E were collected on December 9, 2015. The SW-2 locations Bio-12, Bio-13 and Bio-16 were collected on December 10, 2016. All of the benthic macroinvertebrate samples collected for cadmium tissue analysis were placed in ultra -trace metal sample bottle provide by the analytical laboratory and stored in a cooler filled with dry ice until they were shipped and received at Brooks Applied Labs located in Bothell Washington. The benthic macroinvertebrate samples for cadmium analysis were received on December 16, 2015 at a recorded sample temperature of <-32 °C. Benthic macroinvertebrate Mollusca species were shucked in processing to remove any hard material that could interfere with the analysis. All samples were homogenized at BAL prior to analysis. The results of the cadmium tissue analyses are presented in Table 5. As a result of limited sample volume, a matrix spike and matrix spike duplicate could not be performed on one native sample. A separate method duplicate and matrix spike were prepared and reported. Biological Monitoring Report PCS Phosphate Company Aurora Phosphate Operations Table 5. Benthic Macroinvertebrates Tissue Cadmium Sample ID Date Sampled Cadmium mg/kg MDL mg/kg MRL mg/kg Bio-2W 12/9/2016 0.010 0.003 0.005 Bio-2 12/9/2016 0.023 0.002 0.005 Bio-2E 12/9/2016 B 0.008 0.005 0.01 Bio-12 12/10/2016 0.402 0.001 0.003 Bio-13 12/10/2016 M 0.347 0.001 0.002 Bio-16 12/10/2016 0.320 0.001 0.003 "B" Detected by the instrument, the result is greater than the MDL but less than the MRL. "M' Duplicate precision (RPD) was not within acceptable criteria. Result is estimated. -8 f The full analytical report for ultra -trace macroinvertebrate cadmium analysis is attached as Appendix C Conclusions • Benthic macroinvertebrates were collected at two separate locations in the nearshore waters of the Pamlico River from previously established locations. The background location is approximately 1.2 miles to the west and upstream of the SW72 NPDES outfall location. • Surface water quality data document ample available dissolved oxygen at the temperatures and salinity measured. Salinity and specific conductance were approximately 60% greater at the outfall location than at the background location. Hydrogen ion activity (pH) was approximately 8.2, which is within the range expected for brackish water. • Sediment analyses indicate that there is a difference in benthic sediment habitat between the two locations that may influence the biota found there. The sediment is finer at the background location and the overlying water column is less brackish. Each macroinvertebrate species develops specific survival characteristics for habitats they are located in and can have an effect upon the density and diversity found within each substrate. • Benthic macroinvertebrates were collected in near shore waters with a single drop of a Van Veen dredge. There was a noted difference in the quantity and species found between the two sets of samples. • A total of nine species and a total of 164 individuals were identified from 11,304 cm' of sediment obtained from the background site. Approximately 50% of the total organisms identified at the background site were amphipods, approximately 35% were bivalves, and the remainder were marine worms. • A total of eleven species were identified and a total of 318 individual taxa counted from approximately one-half of the 12,717 cm' of sediments collected at the SW-2 outfall location. Approximately 80 to 90% of the organisms at the SW-2 site were bivalves. Less than 10% of the organisms identified at SW-2 were amphipods. The remaining 5 to 15% of the organisms Biological Monitoring Report PCS Phosphate Company Aurora Phosphate Operations -9- were marine worms. Both the abundance and richness are greater at the SW-2 location. . The background location had the higher diversity (Shannon -Weiner Index). • The concentration of cadmium in the macroinvertebrate tissue was higher at the SW-2 location where the sediment concentrations are higher. If you have any questions concerning the above report, please contact the undersigned. Very truly yours, ARDAMAN & YbOCIATES, INC. Yf. 6J6'v.� n . Garlanger, Ph.D., P.E. Senior Consultant North Carolina License No. 9046 /Jg T. Baker, PCS (w/encl.) D. Winstead, PCS (w/encl.) R. Smith, PCS (w/encl.) J. DeMonte, PCS (w/encl.) M. Deemer, Jones Day (w/encl.) TABLE 1 SURFACE WATER QUALITY r Pamlico River, NC Depth pH Temp Conductivity DO ORP Salinity` December 9, 2015 FT SU 'C mS/cm mg/L my ppt N O m 0.50 8.14 13.17 7.33 12.18 151.20 5.3 1.00 8.18 12.97 7.39 13.01 151.60 5.4 1.50 8.27 13.01 7.95 13.11 152.30 5.9 2.00 8.29 12.77 8.43 14.86 152.70 6.3 O m 0.50 8.24 12.90 7.98 12.37 143.70 5.9 1.00 8.28 12.90 7.90 12.80 141.80 5.8 1.50 8.30 12.80 7.83 12.93 141.80 5.8 2.00 8.01 13.00 8.15 14.10 142.60 6.0 N 6 m 0.50 8.32 12.62 8.26 12.32 193.90 6.2 1.00 8.32 12.66 8.31 12.35 191.50 6.2 1.50 8.33 12.70 8.34 12.34 189.50 6.2 2.00 8.33 12.72 8.37 1 12.33 189.30 6.2 calculation Pamlico River, NC December 10,2015 Depth pH Temp Conductivity DO ORP Salinity FT SU C mS/cm mg/L my ppt Fn m 0.50 8.27 14.33 10.49 11.83 115.10 7.6 1.00 8.35 13.23 13.64 11.65 114.20 10.4 1.50 8.29 13.2 12.18 11.93 116.20 9.2 2.00 8.21 12.89 12.57 11.91 118.40 9.6 2.50 8.14 12.97 12.93 1 12.01 1 120.80 9.9 3.00 8.13 13.06 12.98 10.14 1 125.00 9.9 0 m 0.50 8.19 13.44 10.13 11.00 96.70 7.5 1.00 8.14 13.20 10.80 11.35 98.40 8.1 1.50 8.14 12.98 11.92 11.47 100.40 9.1 2.00 8.07 12.96 12.49 11.85 101.30 9.5 2.50 8.04 13.30 12.79 12.11 102.50 9.7 3.00 8.06 13.05 12.83 12.16 103.00 9.8 O m 0.50 8.11 12.62 10.87 10.80 147.60 8.3 1.00 8.14 12.67 12.17 10.66 149.30 9.3 1.50 8.07 12.65 12.43 10.60 149.40 9.6 2.00 8.03 12.69 12.66 12.67 149.20 9.7 2.50 8.01 12.71 12.70 10.64 149.00 9.8 3.00 8.00 12.72 12.84 12.65 148.60 9.9 `calculation TABLE 3 MACROINVERTEBRATE TAXINOMIC IDENTIFICATION Feeding Group Bio-2W Bio-2 Bio-2E Bio-12 Bio-13 Bio-16 Grid Count of 16 16 8" - Total Count 85 40 39 103 116 9 Total Taxa 7 4 7 7 9 8 43 24 24 7 2 Ameroculodes edwardsi sdf/ssdf 16 10 5 4 0 Apocorophium simile sdf 0 0 0 2 1 Gammarus palustris sdf 0 0 0 1 1 (3. Parahaustorius holmesi ssdf 27 14 19 0 0 1 ` B1v9 Macoma.spp 31 14 11 79 91 90 ff 29 14 11 79 90 90 Rangia.spp ff 2 0 0 0 1 0 Gastropoda 0 0 1 0 2 0 Hydrobiidae.spp car 0 0 �1 �sj 0 �� 2 0 1vi Polychaeta 1_1 2 3 17 21 7 Eteone heteropoda car 2 0 1 4 6 2 Heteromastus.spp ssdf 3 0 0 3 2 2 Nereis.spp sdf 0 0 1 0 1 0 Spiophanes bombyx ff/sdf 6 2 1 10 12 3 car carnivore ff filter feeder sdf surface deposit feeder ssdf subsurface deposit feeder TABLE 4 SPECIES RICHNESS AND DIVERSITY Pestling Group Bia-2W Bio-2 Bio-2E Total Pi Pi'(LN(P); Be 12 Bio-13 Bio-16 Total Pi Pi(LN(Pi)) Grttl Count of 16 Total Count 7 ' ---4' `__-- 164 --•_+- 6 103 ] - .:; 9 Total Tava Amplupoda Amereculotles edwaNsi sdgssdf 16 10 5 31 0.189 -0.315 4 1 1 1 5 0.016 -0.065 Apecorophium simile I of 2 1 1 3 1 aixtS -0.044 Gammarus palusfris stlf 1 1 2 0.W6 4).032 Parahaustorius holmesi ssdF 2] i4 19 60 0.366 -0368 1 1 0.003 -0.018 Bivalvia &4 c1 m spp !! 29 14 '. 11 54 0.329 -0366 79 90 W 259 0.814 -0.167 Ran"" spp _ ff 2 2 0012 -0.054 1 1 0.003 -0.018 Gashopoda Hydrobudae spp oar i 1 0006 -0.031 2 2 0006 4) 032 Pol chaste Eteone hetercpoda car 2 _ - '-+"' 3 0.018 -0073 4 6 2 12 0.038 -0.124 Heferomastusspp Nerns. spp Spiophanes booebyx sstlf —_- _=� 3 stlf 1 tlls& 9 0118 0006 1 0.055 41073 -0.Wl -0.159 3 10 2 1 12 2 7 1 3 25 0.022 0Im OMil -0.084 I A0io -0.9W Species Richness 9 Species Richness 11 Shannonlndez 1 470 Shannonlndez 0.802 Evenness 0.669 Evenness 0334 LN FIGURE i NN 5 May 2014 BenMc Bedmem Location 0 May 2015 B-N. BeSmeni L-6- Oecemper 2015 BenNlc True Bam2rne L-0- SITE LOCATION MAP PCS PHOSPHATE COMPANY, INC., AURORA, NORTH CAROLINA Lo �IJ SED SG-3 (<0.013) 810-2W - • (<0.011 SED-DG-2 (<0.01 E1 16% a BACKGROUND FIGURE 3 N WE S see. r-100 :0 0 16 t May 2014 Bent0ic O Sediment Semple Location May 2015 0E' BentM1ic . ® Sediment Semple e Location December 2015 Benmm SED l ® Tissue Sample Location -- _ SW-2 BENTHIC CADMIUM (mg/Kg) ANALYSIS AN�ame�n&AA .. ea, lnc M _. PCS PHOSPHATE COMPANY, INC., AURORA, NORTH CAROLINA APPENDIX A BENTHIC SEDIMENT SIEVE ANALYSIS ARDAMAN & ASSOCIATES, INC. GEOTECHNICAL TESTING LABORATORY YT WATER CONTENT DATA SHEET ASTM STANDARD D 2216 FILE NO.: /D TECHNICIAN: DATE SET-UP: DRYING TIME: X>16 hours; 0 Other: PROJECT: SCGlewre. -1' S-,cro IeS OVEN: ❑ 400C; 110aC; 0 Other: aC ENGINEER: H fIWA 0�-A hours CHECKED BY: (AS a Other Tests j 'SA ❑ -200 ❑ ATT El -140 SA ❑ -200 ❑ ATT ❑ -140 A ❑ -200 ❑ ATT O -140 PrSA ❑ -200 ❑ ATT 0 -140 JatA ❑ -200 ❑ ATT 0 -140 Boring Sample No. •p &0 ZC t;P 12. & !3 Depth: ❑ Feet ❑ Meters Material Excluded ❑ Yes ❑ Yes _ ❑ Yes _ ❑ Yes ❑ Yes Sample Description .. u,`^ ( '-f un•l tr.ce Si-,((( �qrK G,qbark wik tts, ShAI �^ s�n� w� -fiacc Slcll rk 6'1--e .Se,...l frwL 11 trR« 5k// Tare No. IJL ti I ' 5 H I 563$ 11S,3cf2 46`( WVVS+Tare (9) 2-22,72✓ 7✓Z' Q✓ ?-1g J78 4433,6`1 WDS+Tare (g) 162, 5OJ 197,6/ S, 1 1 1-7 2 Wt. of Tare (g) 11 7 1 111 .7 2- 11)1,771 ✓ , 71 ✓ 7 Z-- ✓ WDS(g) 150,?71 135, S9 MI,1y A IQ,L 6 , 0 MC(%) 39•ci t .32"?.I A 38�% J I 3 5,G 34, 1 ✓ Other Tests SA ❑ -200 1 O ATT O -140 ❑ SA ❑ -200 ❑ ATT O -140 ❑ SA ❑ -200 ❑ SA ❑ -200 ❑ ATT 0 -140 ❑ ATT O -140 ❑ SA 0 -200 ❑ ATT O -140 Boring Sample No. &;J Depth: ❑ Feet ❑ Meters Material Excluded ❑ Yes ❑ Yes _ ❑ Yes _ ❑ Yes ❑ Yes — Sample Description ,k%.. rd Rrt r. 5� Tare No. Ns 5 r, WWS+Tare (g) Z(�/, WDS+Tare (g) 192,3 I ✓ Wt. of Tare (g) 111,71 ,/ WDS (g) / 6 , 5 6 ✓ MC (a/o) ,3 G/ , d ,/ u see oacK or roan tor aaomcnai cara A0128.113I1) 0v SWLS-aEOT'EC�"Laa WNUu PMM wm,m e411 oocx } O F- a O m a J Q) z F- W F- J a U_ z _ U W F- O LU F- W W N = N �a Q � F- p Q� Z v3 a a� Z Q� >a W US U W O It a O z J LL m Q W p W Y U W 2 U q N W Z Q W z W _ F-U aW o~ i �h N ?a U)z W= FU QF a ryp r ` vp �� N1 OQQ97\�7 u'1NN 1» C p - _ 0'0e d a rJ'�0 -l9rVn W W two u� N Np -A l� coya �M�1 — `P v p ✓1 ?`3• �N�M� 4l m� Neff g❑ Nao � Q� v1 Ci v❑Ac v� U) o r _ra 8p N m �r v _ NUCQ MCQ VlQ Ln Zr S T W d Z t o n E O Q C d 3 d t W LL F- d a,� N v O O O O C N a E C Cp N Q td hzlzo Z O d d '� N5 CN Z Z z Z Z a Z F p v W LL� s' U N U R N N Z N N p N O Q O a y m �? ° LL y N m U E m O N 7 F% - U U 0 Q U z N W a U O N a otS Z Ca G a N°N a F- W W N Z N N .cr Q° a° Q COD v/ Z J U) a Z a� W Q W N H U w O K a O Z W J LL ❑ Z w¢_ W U U) z WS FU Q W 1_ i �1 Q (n Z WS �U Q W o� 3/t Np O h e a v b c 3� > m❑ w c in 0 op -c .0 0 m a v�p b c_ � m � w ) O N o N ` LL O ap b c � m � v ❑ " in m 0 C p - � N o d O op 0 v � w w❑ w d Np -5 0 �] ) 0 vp Ms�! � � N M��N V O� M�=� N N Z O L N N t O b E E 3 > O L N (A O LL O N c O y 4 V1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 N O �p Q b Z O Z o Z 6 oa a f0 E 10 Z Z Z N w U `w o N N m O E E ❑❑ oo .o E ov o. o? o b c'r. - n E v w Z a m ii � in m iL 0 E E m O fn m F H 2 U U File No 113-10-10-0133E Project Technician: JS Date Set -UP: 12/18/2015 Front: SEDEMENT SAMPLES Tare No. JS414 JS641 JS638 JS399 JS464 WWS+Tare(g) 222.72 199.37 207.88 219.78 233.64 WDS+Tare(g) 162.S8 147.61 153.05 165.15 174.82 Wt. Tare (g) 11.71 11.72 11.71 11.71 11.72 WDS (g) 150.87 /135.89 141.34 153.4 3.10 MC (%) 39.9 38.1 38.8 35.6 36.1 Tare No. JS556 0 0 0 0 WWS+Tare(g) 261.77 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 WDS+Tare (g) 198.33 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Wt. Tare (g) 11.77 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 WDS(g) 186.56 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 MC (%) 34.0 #DIV/01 #DIV/01 #DIV/01 #DIV/01 Back: Tare No. 0 0 0 0 D WWS+Tare (g) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 WDS+Tare (g) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Wt. Tare (g) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 WDS (g) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 MC (%) #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/01 #DIV/01 #DIV/011 Tare No. 0 0 0 0 0 WWS+Tare(g) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 WDS+Tare (g) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Wt. Tare (g) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 WDS (g) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 MC (%) #DIV/01 #DIV/01 #DIV/01 #DIV/0! #DIV/01 109 I/ l APPENDIX B BENTHIC MACROINVERTEBRATE IDENTIFICATION SAMPLEID Q)�O 9W LOCATION Para);ro ever- PROJECT -7� Date Collected 9 ',�>e� is Grids: sortedhotal I u, t Mult. Factor-2LL—SorterZw Date-Jr� ao t ►. QC? Y or N by Total_TaxaOther A ti: OcDa.- Pq IC4 a2 I r' Czv� aco w /' Ol G T r 3' i Comments: x = not counted as a separate taxon SAMPLE ID 310 aF- LOCATION P+. )40 rZ: �. PROJECT 13 Date Collected9 VLeL- l'�- Grids: sorteditotal t e f tb Mult. Factor 1 Sorter -rvvA- Date 3 PJA 16 0r�? Y or N by Totala�—Taxa ` Other info Log# :873 9000a, Dn VC O_G P rc � r` rtt c.o of , aS ,Ji V41V t Mimeo.-.c, G k�2o 44 iVe I %;ommenta: x not counted as a se rate taxon SAMPLE ID %I O A LOCATION ?arn I t r v R; vc � PROJECT 7�— Date Collected 9 t�c IS Grids: sortedhotal t" 1 In MuIL Foctor_ _Sorter v Date 3 Feb 14 QC? Y or N by Total—qo Taxa--LL_Other SAMPLE ID 13) (a t3 LOCATION Pt: - c- PROJECT 7�_ Date Collected l0 t -c, is Grids: sorted/total q /I Io Mult. Factor /,S Sorter Date j.�. °? Y or N by Total /�Taxa--a_Other info Log# 6731 o0o j A m9aa r qm r� Ivy oro ! 1n. r l S t rc. C � tv I,lr 70 0.n t Comments: x = not counted as a -separate taxon SAMPLE ID DLO 1(o LOCATION Phm)�ca q:vti PRGJECT 73J Date Collected Iv) pc- 1S Grids: sorteditotal ��I to Mult. Factor - -1 Sorter Tw%- Date 3-LtA3 IL QC? Y or N by Total--q—q_Taxa (o Other info Log#ajLUma t M x = not counted as a separate taxon SAMPLE ID l3(f) 12 LOCATION f�mDro A.' cr- PROJECT 731 Date Collected 1Q Inc_ 1 f Grids: sortedltotal �°/ i Mult. Factor -21 Sorter r11 Date yF,6 /6 ^' 9 Y or N by Total /03 TaxaOther info Log# r3? 3 9 000 6 APPENDIX C BENTHIC MACROINVERTEBRATE CADMIUM TISSUE ANALYSIS BAL Report 1551023 ROOKS PPLI ED LABS 18804 North Creek Parkway, Ste 100, Bothell, WA 98011 • USA • T: 206 632 6206 F: 206 632 6017 • info@brooksapptied.com January 28, 2016 Ardaman & Associates, Inc. ATTN: David P. Scarboro 8008 S. Orange Ave. Orlando FL 32809 david.searboror@ardaman.com RE: Project ARD-FL1501 Client Project: Benthic Macroinvertebrate, Pamlico River Dear Mr. Scarboro, On December 16, 2016, Brooks Applied Labs (BAL) received six (6) samples. The samples were logged - in for the analyses of total cadmium (Cd) according to the chain -of -custody form. All samples were received, prepared, analyzed, and stored according to BAL SOPs and EPA methodology. Trace metals were analyzed using inductively coupled plasma triple quadrupole mass' spectrometry (ICP- QQQ-MS). The ICP-QQQ-MS uses advanced interference removal techniques to ensure accuracy of the sample results. For more information, please visit the Interference Reduction Technology section on our website, brooksagglied.com. The results were method blank corrected as described in the calculations section of the relevant BAL SOP(s) and may have been evaluated using reporting limits that have been adjusted to account for sample aliquot size. Please refer to the Sample Results page for sample -specific MDLs, MRLs, and other details. Due to limited sample volume a matrix spike and matrix spike duplicate could not be performed on one native sample. A separate method duplicate and matrix spike were prepared and reported. The method duplicate performed on sample Bio 13 (1551023-05) produced an elevated relative percent difference of 39%. The cause was likely sample heterogeneity. All samples were homogenized at BAL and fragments of the may have been completely pureed. All data was reported without further qualification, aside from concentration qualifiers, and all associated quality control sample results met the acceptance criteria. BAL, an accredited laboratory, certifies that the reported results of all analyses for which BAL is NELAP accredited meet all NELAP requirements. For more information please see the Report Information page in your report. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions regarding this report. Sincerely, 8PA"_ Tiffany tilwater Client Services Manager tiffany@brooksapplied.com www.brooksapplied.com 1 of 10 Project ID: ARD-FL1501 PM: Tiffany Stilwater BROOKS APPLIED LABS Report Information BAL Report 1551023 Client PM: David Scarboro Client PO: 10.10.133E Laboratory Accreditation BAL is accredited by the National Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Program (NELAP) through the State of Florida Department of Health, Bureau of Laboratories (E87982) and is certified to perform many environmental analyses. BAL is also certified by many other states to perform environmental analyses. For a current list of our accreditations/certifications, please visit our website at <http://www.brooksapplied.com/resources/certificates-permits/>. Results reported relate only to the samples listed in the report. Field Quality Control Samples Please be notified that certain EPA methods require the collection of field quality control samples of an appropriate type and frequency, failure to do so is considered a deviation from some methods and for compliance purposes should only be done with the approval of regulatory authorities. Please see the specific EPA methods for details regarding required field quality control samples. Common Abbreviations BLK method blank MS matrix spike BAL Brooks Applied Labs MSD matrix spike duplicate BS laboratory fortified blank ND non -detect CAL calibration standard NR non -reportable CCB continuing calibration blank N/C not calculated CCV continuing calibration verification PS post preparation spike COC chain of custody record REC percent recovery D dissolved fraction RPD relative percent difference DUP duplicate RSD relative standard deviation IBL instrument blank SCV secondary calibration verification ICV initial calibration verification SOP standard operating procedure MDL method detection limit SRM standard reference material MRL method reporting limit T total recoverable fraction Definition of Data Qualifiers (Effective 9123109) B Detected by the instrument, the result is > the MDL but <_ the MRL. Result is reported and considered an estimate. E An estimated value due to the presence of interferences. A full explanation is presented in the narrative. H Holding time and/or preservation requirements not met. Result is estimated. J Estimated value. A full explanation is presented in the narrative. J-M Duplicate precision (RPD) for associated QC sample was not within acceptance criteria. Result is estimated. J-N Spike recovery for associated QC sample was not within acceptance criteria. Result is estimated. M Duplicate precision (RPD) was not within acceptance criteria. Result is estimated. N Spike recovery was not within acceptance criteria. Result is estimated. R Rejected, unusable value. A full explanation is presented in the narrative. U Result is 5 the MDL or client requested reporting limit (CRRL). Result reported as the MDL or CRRL. X Result is not BLK-corrected and is within 1 Ox the absolute value of the highest detectable BLK in the batch. Result is estimated. These qualifiers are based on those previously utilized by Brooks Applied Labs, those found in the EPA SOW ILM03.0, Exhibit B, Section III, pg. B-18, and the USEPA Contract Laboratory Program National Functional Guidelines for Inorganic Superfund Data Review: USEPA: January 2010. These supersede all previous qualifiers ever employed by BAL. r 18804 North Creek Parkway, Suite 100, Bothell. WA 98011 P(206) 632-6206 F(206) 632-6017 info@brooksapplied.com www.brooksapplied.com 2 of 10 Project ID: ARD-FL1501 PM: Tiffany Stilwater BRooKS APPLIED LABS Sample Information SAL Report 1551023 Client PM: David Scarboro Client PO: 10.10.133E Sample Lab ID Report Matrix Type Sampled Received Bio 2E 1551023-01 Macro -Inverts Sample unknown 12/16/2015 Bio 2 1551023-02 Macro -Inverts Sample unknown 12/16/2015 Bio 2W 1551023-03 Macro -Inverts Sample unknown 12116/2015 Bio 16 1551023-04 Macro -Inverts Sample unknown 12/16/2015 Bio 13 1551023-05 Macro -Inverts Sample unknown 12/16/2015 Bio 12 1551023-06 Macro -Inverts Sample unknown 12116/2015 Batch Summary Analyte Lab Matrix Method Prepared Analyzed Batch Sequence Cd Biota EPA 1638Mod 01/18/2016 01/22/2016 B152369 1600085 18804 North Creek Parkway, Suite 100. Bothell. WA 98011 - P(206) 632-6206 F(206) 632-6017 info@brooksapplied.com www.brooksapplied.corn 3 of 10 BAL Report 1551023 Project ID: ARD-FL1501 Client PM: David Scarboro PM: Tiffany Stilwater BRooKS Client PO: 10.10.133E APPLIED IJ�BS Sample Results Sample Analyte Report Matrix Basis Result Qualifier MDL MRL Unit Batch Sequence Bio 12 1551023-06 Cd Macro -Inverts wet 0.402 0.001 0.003 mg/kg B152369 1600085 Bio 13 1551023-05 Cd Macro -Inverts wet 0,347 M 0.001 0.002 mg/kg B152369 1600085 Bio 16 1551023-04 Cd Macro -Inverts wet 0.320 0.001 0.003 mg/kg B152369 1600085 Bio 2 1551023-02 Cd Macro -Inverts wet 0.023 0.002 0.005 mg/kg B152369 1600085 Bio 2E 1551023-01 Cd Macro -Inverts wet 0.008 B 0.005 0.010 mg/kg B152369 1600085 Bio 2W 1551023-03 Cd Macro -Inverts wet 0.010 0.003 0.005 mg/kg B152369 1600085 18804 North Creek Parkway, Suite 100. Bothell, WA 98011 P(206) 632-6206 - F(206) 632-6017 - info@brooksapplied.com www.brooksapplied.com 4 of 10 Project ID: ARD-FL1501 BROOKS PM: Tiffany Stilwater APPLIED LABS Accuracy & Precision Summary Batch:B152369 Lab Matrix: Biota Method: EPA 1638 Mod Sample Analyte Native Spike B162369-BSI Laboratory Fortified Blank, (1604038) Cd 2.500 BAL Report 1551023 Client PM: David Scarboro Client PO: 10.10.133E Result Units REC & Limits RPD & Limits 2.491 mg/kg 100% 75-125 B152369-SRM1 Certified Reference Material, (NC00447, DORM-3 CRM std-01-14-18) Cd 0.2900 0.324 mg/kg 112% 75-125 B152369-DUP1 Duplicate, (1651023-05) Cd 0.347 0.233 mg/kg B152369-MS1 Matrix Spike, (1551023-06) Cd 0.402 4.937 5.361 mg/kg 100% 70-130 Method Blanks & Reporting Limits Batch:B152369 Matrix: Biota Method: EPA 1638 Mod Analyte: Cd Sample Result B152369-BLK1 -0.001 B152369-BLK2 -0.001 B152369-BLK3 -0.0004 B152369-BLK4 -0.001 Average: -0.001 Limit: 0.005 Units mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg Standard Deviation: 0.000 Limit: 0.003 MDL: 0.002 MRL: 0.005 39% 30 18804 North Creek Parkway. Suite 100. Bothell. WA 98011 P(206) 632-6206 F(206) 632-6017 - info@brooksappliedcom www.brooksapplied.com 5 of 10 BAL Report 1551023 Project ID: ARD-FL1501 Client PM: David Scarboro PM: Tiffany Stilwater BROOKS Client PO: 10.10.133E APPLIED LABS Sample Containers Lab ID: 1551023-01 Report Matrix: Macro -Inverts Collected: unknown Sample: Bio 2E Sample Type: Sample Received: 12/16/2015 Des Container Size Lot Preservation P-Lot pH Ship. Cont. A Client -Provided 40ml not none none cooler provided Lab ID: 1551023-02 Report Matrix: Macro -Inverts Collected: unknown Sample: Bio 2 Sample Type: Sample Received: 12/16/2015 Des Container Size Lot Preservation P-Lot pH Ship. Cont. A Client -Provided 40ml not none none cooler provided Lab ID: 1551023-03 Report Matrix: Macro -Inverts Collected: unknown Sample: Bio 2W Sample Type: Sample Received: 12/16/2015 Des Container Size Lot Preservation P-Lot pH Ship. Cont. A Client -Provided 40mi not none none cooler provided Lab ID: 1551023-04 Report Matrix: Macro -Inverts Collected: unknown Sample: Bio 16 Sample Type: Sample Received: 12/16/2015 Des Container Size Lot Preservation P-Lot pH Ship. Cont. A Client -Provided 40ml not none none cooler provided Lab ID: 1551023-05 Report Matrix: Macro -Inverts Collected: unknown Sample: Bio 13 Sample Type: Sample Received: 12/16/2015 Des Container Size Lot Preservation P-Lot pH Ship. Cont. A Client -Provided 40ml not none none cooler provided Lab ID: 1551023-06 Report Matrix: Macro -Inverts Collected: unknown Sample: Bio 12 Sample Type: Sample Received: 12116/2015 Des Container Size Lot Preservation P-Lot pH Ship. Cont. A Client -Provided 40ml not none none cooler provided r 18804 North Creek Parkway. Suite 100. Bothell. WA 98011 P(206) 632-6206 F(206) 632-6017 - info@brooksapplied.com www.brooksapplied.com 6 of 10 Project ID: ARD-FL1501 PM: Tiffany Stilwater cooler Received: December 16, 2015 10:35 Tracking No: 775214581750 via FedEx Coolant Type: Dry Ice Temperature: -32.0 °C BROOKS APPLIED LABS Shipping Containers Description: cooler Damaged in transit? No Returned to client? No BAL Report 1551023 Client PM: David Scarboro Client PO: 10.10.133E Custody seals present? No Custody seals intact? No CDC present? Yes 18804 North Creek Parkway, Suite 100. Bothell, WA 98011 P(206) 632-6206 F(206) 632-6017 info@brooksapplied.com www.brooksapplied.com 7of10 BROOKS RAND LABS 46, MEANINGFUL MMLS DATA 3958 6� Avenue NW Seattle, WA 98107 Phone: 206-632-6206 Fax 206-632-6017 samples@brooksrand.com vA w.brooksrand.com Chain of Custody Record r Page a.Z-Qk ,ssriza White: LAB COPY Yellow: CUSTOMER COPY Client: 2pArxAAi +r6Ssouards ,vr. Address: $Do$ $.04A,✓66Aur. Po ao:L Oa4A oo, SS3oo3 Pr,✓rsnR 32859 '3o^3 COC receipt confirmation? Y / N If so, by: email / fax (circle one) Contact: p> N; c 2rso4.0 Client project ID: Email: D. ScA++•3ursa rJ AzeAmnN • rU, PO #: D. l0. l - Phone #: Llo 7 5S 3910 Fax #: No7 9'3 V Zl Requested TAT in Collection Miscellaneous Field Analyses required Comments business days: Preservation y rnaraly,:T+sSvr.=T D� 20 (standard) ❑ 15 ❑ 10 g ❑ 5 u m J El Other C L .v ¢ a W m ,Z. _ �' Surcharges apply for d v m `- v m O u a W m y D expedited turn around h'mes. c % $ w _ y _ ?, W o 0 x m o E r m W M a it D x S r w a if o 0 Sample ID sj-o 26 12:3o R5 T 1 / ✓ 3 ZN/ 1N:,3D K I / ✓ 4 5 ID /ia ICyS �' '� I ✓ ✓ 6 13 13:3a Vs I ✓ a lit 9 ,0 Relinquisheo;l Da Time: Time: �G3D Relinquished by: Date: Time. Race ved by: BRL project lD Shipping carrier: 0 t� # of coolers: / - Ytler 6. ' I BAL Report 1551023 Ardaman & Associates, Inc. Geotechnical, Environmental and December 15, 2015 Materials Consultants File No. 10-10-0133E Tiffany Stilwater Brooks Applied Labs 18804 North Creek Parkway, Suite 100 Bothell, Washington 98011 RE: Benthic Macroinvertebrate, Pamlico River Dear Tiffany: Enclosed are the benthic macroinvertebrate samples I collected with a Van Veen dredge in the near shore waters of the Pamlico River on December 91 and 10th, 2015, Water quality characteristics were taken at each of the sample sites. A table below is included that indicated the water quality parameters taken at the sediment interface prior to collecting benthic samples. Date Time Sample ID DepthP8.00 TempConductivityDO ORP EDST Ft C mS/cm m A mV 20151209 12:30 Bio 2E 2.00 12.72 8.37 12.33 189.3 20151209 13:30 Bio 2 2.0013.00 8.15 14.10 142.6 20151209 14:30 Bio 2W 2.00 12.77 8.43 14.86 152.7 20151210 11:45 Bio 16 3.00 12.72 12.84 12.65 148.6 20151210 13:30 Bio13 3.00 . 13.05 12.83 12.16 103.0 20151210 14:50 Bio 12 3.00 8.13 13.06 12.98 10.14 125.0 I am unsure if the conductivity of the river water will add any interference to the samples. Each sample was rinsed in site water then in distilled water during the picking process. A small amount of distilled water was added to the vials as the samples were washed from the small container into the sample vial. Small soft bivalves and their shells were included in the samples due in -part to their soft nature. Hard clams that were very small were shucked and their soft tissue included in the biomass of the sample. There may be some sands within the sample that will need to be removed before the sample is analyzed. Each sample was decanted to the best of my ability and placed on dry ice after the clean/ dirty hands sampling procedure. Please let me know if there is anything you will need for the analysis. Best Regards, ARDAMAN & ASSOCIATES, INC. David Scarboro Environmental Scientist III B008 S. Orange Avenue 32809, Post Office Box 593003. Orlando, Florida 32859-3003 Phone (407) 855-3860 FA% (407) 859-8121 Louisiana: Alexandria, Baton Rouge. Monroe, New Orleans, Shreveport Florida: Bartow, Cocoa, Fort Myers, Miami, Orlando, 50 lSb Lucie, Sarasota, Tallahassee, Tampa, West Palm Beach 0015 \pG� 13l@ 91oKG R�\SEHpOR O oU osF E �gEpg P"Oo �O SPA oKS Pp N� R��KP �650���00 9a01 WN �© � _xxvo �9s5EP $ N15l� COOil� t",K 5 I :1« k� ee d S 46 ,, f5 BAL Report 10 of 10