HomeMy WebLinkAbout20080868 Ver 2_Wetland Hydrology Monitoring - 2018 Update_20190903idutrien- Feeding the Future - Federal Express August 30, 2019 Ms. Karen Higgins 401 and Buffer Permitting Unit Supervisor NC DEQ —Division of Water Resources 512 N. Salisbury St, ff942-E Raleigh, NC 27604 Dear Ms. Higgins: The NC Division of Water Resources issued to PCS Phosphate Company, Inc. 401 Certification No. 3771, DWQ #2008-0868 version 2.0 on January 15, 2009, for our mine expansion in Beaufort County. Portions of Conditions 9, 12 and 13 of the Certification require groundwater monitoring of the protected portion of the Bonnerton Road Non-Riverine Wet Hardwood Forest in order to ensure that the existing hydrology of this site is maintained. Monitoring of the hydrology has occurred since 2015, and the first deep well in Bonnerton pumping water from the Castle Hayne Aquifer was turned on in December 2016. Enclosed is a report titled "Wetland Hydrology in the Bonnerton Road Non-Riverine Wet Hardwood Forest — 2018 Update, Beaufort County, North Carolina" reporting on the monitoring results. If you have any questions, please call me at (252) 322-8249, or email at jeff,furness@nutrien.com. Sincerely, 1 Jeffrey C. Furness Senior Scientist Enclosure PC: Anthony Scarbraugh— DWR,Washington w/encl. K. Alnandy w/Intro & Summary 23-01-004-29 w/encl. S. Cooper — CZR w/o encl. 1530 NC Hwy 306 South, Aurora, NC USA 27806 1 Effective January 1, 2018, PCs Phosphate Company, Inc. is an indirect subsidiary of Nutrien Ltd. PCS Phosphate Company, Inc. remains the legal operating entity and permittee. 9 FpFZGF vtic WETLAND HYDROLOGY IN THE BONNERTON ROAD NON-RIVERINE WET HARDWOOD FOREST BEAUFORT COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA Prepared for: PCS Phosphate Company, Inc. Prepared by: CZR Incorporated August 2019 hear �Z lYaSh07'gl 9e Oj9 — 2018 UPDI°�s e a oar °o) � Q 1% LIST OF APPENDICES Appendix A Soil Profile Descriptions at Bonnerton NRWHF and Upper Porter Creek Monitoring Wells Appendix B 2017, 2016, and 2015 Wetland Hydroperiods for Bonnerton NRWHF and Upper Porter Creek Monitoring Wells Appendix C 2018 Hydrology Graphs of Bonnerton Level TROLLS Bonnerton NRWHF Wetland Hydrology iv PCS Phosphate Company, Inc. 2018 Update August 2019 1.0 Introduction Per Conditions 9 and 13 of the modified 401 Water Quality Certification issued in January 2009 for the PCS Phosphate mine continuation near Aurora NC (DWQ#2008-0868, version 2.0), wetland hydrology of the portions of the Bonnerton Road non-riverine wet hardwood forest (NRWHF) shown as "135A" and "58A" on Figure 1 shall be monitored before and after the mine moves through the area between the avoided NRWHF areas and within the permitted mine boundary (Figure 2). The data collected are to ensure that the wetland hydrology of the two NRWHF areas avoided by the permitted mine boundary is maintained after mine impacts are completed and/or the mined -through area has been reclaimed. 1.1 Area Description The Bonnerton Road NRWHF is located on a peninsula between Durham Creek to the west and Porter Creek to the east; both creeks flow north to the nearby Pamlico River (Figure 1). Surface water flow of the peninsula into the two creeks is separated by the divide known as the Suffolk Scarp, a geomorphic feature whose highest elevation in this vicinity is just to the west of the 135A NRWHF (Figure 1). Slope of the terrain on the most eastern side of the scarp towards Porter Creek is —0.2 percent, while the slope approaches 1 percent nearer to the eastern toe of the Suffolk Scarp. Similar to other outer coastal plain interfluves in North Carolina, where the underlying Castle Hayne limestone is close to the surface, the forested landscape of the peninsula is gently rolling with occasional small closed depressions and small non-hydric areas of higher elevation. 2.0 Methodology 2.1 Water Level To monitor the pre -mine hydrology of the monitored area, a total of 14 semi -continuous electronic Level TROLL 500 data -logger water level monitoring wells, manufactured by In -Situ, were installed in June and July 2015 at the locations shown in Figure 3 (BHW1-BHW14). In addition to the 14 wells installed in 2015, there are six additional wells used to monitor the wetland hydrology adjacent to upper Porter Creek for a separate project (locations shown on Figure 3). Two other types of monitoring wells have been used at four of these locations (PCW1, PCW3, PCW4, and PCW6) since 2006 [Remote Data Systems (RDS) WL20s and WL80s and RDS Ecotone 20s and Ecotone 80s] but Level TROLL 500s have been in place at all six locations since 2011 (wells at PCW2 and PCW5 were added). Each of the 14 Level TROLLS is housed inside a 2-inch diameter PVC well screen (0.010-inch slots) installed to a depth of approximately 32 inches and backfilled with filter sand. The recorder is suspended on a 43.75-inch cable in the well screen to record water levels within at least -20 inches below the ground surface and up to +20 inches above the surface. Among the 14 wells the range of water levels which can be recorded below the surface ranges from -24.25 to -31.75 inches and the range of surface water which can be recorded ranges from +18 to +26 inches. The units record the water level every 1.5 hours (16 times per day). The six upper Porter Creek wells are housed inside a 3-inch diameter PVC well screen with 0.010-inch slots, but the Level TROLL cable is 60.25 inches long and among these wells, the range for below ground water level is -29.75 to -33.25 inches, and the range of surface water Bonnerton NRWHF Wetland Hydrology 1 PCS Phosphate Company, Inc. 2018 Update August 2019 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 Introduction............................................................................................................................................1 1.1 Area Description.................................................................................................................................1 2.0 Methodology...........................................................................................................................................1 2.1 Water Level.........................................................................................................................................1 2.2 Rainfall and Drought........................................................................................................................... 2 2.3 PCS Deep Wells and Water Levels in CZR Level TROLLs......................................................................3 3.0 Results and Discussion............................................................................................................................4 3.1 Soil Series and Soil Profiles.................................................................................................................4 3.2 Rainfall and Drought in 2018, 2017, 2016, and 2015.........................................................................4 3.3 Wetland Hydrology.............................................................................................................................5 3.4 Mine Perimeter Deep Well Pumps and Near Surface Hydrology.......................................................6 4.0 Summary.................................................................................................................................................7 5.0 Literature Cited.......................................................................................................................................8 Cover Photo: view to northwest from vicinity of wells BHW 12/BHW13, 30 March 2018 Bonnerton NRWHF Wetland Hydrology ii PCS Phosphate Company, Inc. 2018 Update August 2019 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1 401 Water Quality Certification Conditions 9 and 13 Wetland Hydrology Monitoring .. F-1 Figure 2 Non-riverine Wet Hardwood Forest Areas (135A and 58A) avoided by Mod Alt L......... F-2 Figure 3 Bonnerton NRWHF Hydrology Monitoring Wells............................................................ F-3 Figure 4 Bonnerton NRWHF Wells and Soil Series........................................................................ F-4 Figure 5 2018 Porter Creek and WETS -Aurora 6N Rainfall........................................................... F-5 Figure 6 2017 Porter Creek and WETS -Aurora 6N Rainfall........................................................... F-6 Figure 7 2016 Porter Creek and WETS -Aurora 6N Rainfall........................................................... F-7 Figure 8 2015 Porter Creek and WETS Aurora 6N Rainfall............................................................ F-8 Figure 9 Bonnerton NRWHF Hydrology Monitoring Sites and Deep Well Locations .................... F-9 Figure 10 2015 — 2018 Hydrology during Deep Well Pump Operations ........................................ F-10 LIST OF TABLES Table 1 Monthly and annual rainfall for 2018, 2017, 2016, and 2015 recorded at the Porter Creek rain gauge and at the PCS Aurora 6N station....................................................... T-1 Table 2 Drought conditions for the south side of Pamlico River in the vicinity of South Creek for theyears 2012-2018....................................................................................................... T-1 Table 3a Hydroperiods for monitoring wells in and near Bonnerton NRWHF areas and upper Porter Creek during WETS normal and below normal rainfall in 2018 .......................... T-2 Table 3b Hydroperiods for monitoring wells in and near Bonnerton NRWHF areas and upper Porter Creek independent of WETS thresholds in 2018................................................. T-3 Table 4a Summary of hydroperiods for monitoring wells in and near Bonnerton NRWHF areas and upper Porter Creek during WETS normal or below normal rainfall from 2015-2018.... T-4 Table 41b Summary of hydroperiods for monitoring wells in and near Bonnerton NRWHF areas and upper Porter Creek independent of WETS thresholds from 2015- 2018........................ T-5 Table 5 Bonnerton Deep Well Operation Dates.......................................................................... T-6 Table 6 Details of the final models for Level TROLLs in Bonnerton Hardwood Forest ............... T-7 Bonnerton NRWHF Wetland Hydrology iii PCS Phosphate Company, Inc. 2018 Update August 2019 is +32.75 to +36.5 inches. (The longer cable is used for the upper Porter Creek wells as part of a different monitoring project methodology and protocol.) To prevent damage by bears, the above -ground portions of all well screens were surrounded by a fence enclosure made of metal T-posts and strands of barbed wire. All 20 monitoring wells were checked and downloaded once a month. Most of the 14 wells are located in portions of the hardwood flat at slightly higher elevations than the six Porter Creek wells; however, no elevations have been surveyed so perceived differences in elevation are not quantified. Wetland hydroperiods were calculated for each monitoring well during the growing season. A hydroperiod is defined as consecutive days during the growing season that the water table is within 12 inches of the surface or the surface is inundated, and is expressed as a percentage of the growing season. For this project, the growing season is defined by the Regional Supplement to the Corps of Engineers Wetland Delineation Manual: Atlantic and Gulf Coastal Plain Region (Version 2.0) (USACE ERDC 2010) to match the Natural Resources Conservation Services' (NRCS) WETs tables and is 282 days long in non -leap years (28 February-6 December). For the purposes of this report, a hydroperiod for 6 percent or more of the growing season is considered a wetland hydroperiod. 2.2 Rainfall and Drought Rainfall was collected and measured using a RDS tipping bucket style rain gauge until 2018 when it became obsolete; it was replaced with a Texas Electronic TR-525USW style bucket with similar function and accuracy (+/- 1% at 0-2 inches/hour). Rainfall lands in the funnel of the rain gauge and is directed down to the bottom of the funnel where it drips into two carefully calibrated "buckets" balanced on a pivot. Once the bucket has reached its calibrated amount, 0.010 inch of rain, it tips down registering the event as the opposite bucket rises to begin collecting the next calibrated amount of rain. Water is allowed to drain out of a hole on either side of the rain gauge underneath each bucket. The Porter Creek rain gauge was used for local rainfall data (Figure 3) except during a data gap or malfunction when the Aurora Station 6N data was used (located approximately 4.7 miles away). Since 2013, another rain gauge (located 3.3 miles away at DCUT19) may also serve during data gaps. Long-term rainfall collected at the NOAA station PCS Aurora 6N was used by the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) to provide what is known as the WETS Aurora Station 6N rainfall data. These data were downloaded by CZR Incorporated (CZR) and used to build annual rainfall figures to determine periods of normal rainfall. "Range of Normal" refers to the 30th and 70th percentile thresholds of the probability of onsite rainfall amounts outside of the normal range (based on historical averages from 1971-2000). In December of 2016, the long-term historical averages were updated to include 1981-2010. Drought conditions are monitored nationally by several indexes. Periods of drought can affect the hydrology of a site and should be taken into consideration when wetland hydrology is interpreted. As suggested in the USACE 2010 Regional Supplement, the Palmer Drought Severity Index (PDSI) was used to determine drought periods for the area. The PDSI is useful because it "takes into account not only precipitation but also temperature, which affects evapotranspiration, and soil moisture conditions" (US Army Corps of Engineers 2010). The PDSI is calculated monthly and is based on major climatic divisions within each state (US Army Corps of Engineers 2010). Although the index is not site -specific, for the Bonnerton NRWHF Wetland Hydrology 2 PCS Phosphate Company, Inc. 2018 Update August 2019 purposes of this report it provided sufficient information to make general statements about drought conditions in the area. Drought conditions described by this index by month and year are for the NOAA Central Coastal Plain region of North Carolina. The US Drought Monitor website (http://droughtmonitor.unl.edu) provides a synthesis of multiple indices and impacts and reflects the consensus of federal and academic scientists on regional conditions on a weekly basis (updated each Thursday). The area used for regional drought conditions includes numerous watersheds of various sizes and may cover portions of more than one county. 2.3 PCS Deep Wells and Water Levels in CZR Level TROLLS Water depth within creeks and wetlands should respond to changes in environmental conditions. For example, precipitation events should increase the amount of belowground and aboveground water. The operation of pumps within PCS deep wells near impact creeks could potentially disrupt how the hydrology of surrounding wetlands responds to any change in environmental conditions. If the relationships between environmental variables and hydrology changes during or after the operation of pumps within deep wells, then some effect of Mod Alt L activities may be inferred. Water level data collected by CZR from Level TROLLs in the Bonnerton non-riverine wet hardwood forest help investigate these potential changes in relationships. Level TROLLS measure water levels across a range of approximately 5 feet with most data collected from —24 to +24 inches at each location (configuration/installation varies by site conditions). Information on the operation of pumps within each 20-inch diameter deep well was provided by PCS. Each deep well is drilled approximately 250-feet deep through several confining layers in order to depressurize the Castle Hayne Aquifer under the active mine. Each pump can produce 3,000 gallons/minute. Daily hydrology data from each Level TROLL was split into three time periods: pre-, during-, and post - pump operation. For each of these time periods, a dynamic multiple linear regression model was constructed with hydrology (i.e., water depth) as the response variable and Tar River discharge, precipitation, wind speed, and wind direction as predictor variables. Tar River discharge was lagged by 1, 5, 10, 15, and 20 days and precipitation was lagged by 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 days. Wind direction was converted into a categorical variable to represent eight directions (north, northeast, east, etc.). Water depth was also lagged one day and included in all models as another predictor variable; however, this variable was only included to control for temporal autocorrelation and not for any explanatory purposes. A full model with all of the predictor variables was first constructed. Predictor variables were removed in a step -wise manner based on their significance value (i.e., P-value). However, a predictor was not removed if it was the only representative remaining of the four main predictor types (wind speed, wind direction, discharge, or precipitation). Thus, each final model included at least one predictor of wind speed, wind direction, discharge, and precipitation. Final predictor variables were compared to one another using the absolute values of the calculated t-value. Those variables with the highest t-values for each final model will be referred to as 'important' to distinguish from significant or non -significant variables that did not produce high t-values. Models were fit using the dynlm package in R (Zeileis 2016). Bonnerton NRWHF Wetland Hydrology 3 PCS Phosphate Company, Inc. 2018 Update August 2019 3.0 Results and Discussion 3.1 Soil Series and Soil Profiles The soil survey for Beaufort County NC (Kirby 1995) and web soil survey data show the area of the Bonnerton NRHWF as underlain mostly by Tomotley fine sandy loam and several other soil series which are all considered hydric; two of the soil series are considered non-hydric (Altavista fine sandy loam and Augusta fine sandy loam) (Figure 4). Since earlier well installation soil profiles were described by several biologists at different times, in 2016/2017, soil profiles at all 20 well locations were re -described using the NRCS hydric soil indicators (USDA 2010) as directed by the 2010 regional supplement (Appendix A). 3.2 Rainfall and Drought in 2018, 2017, 2016, and 2015 Monthly rainfall recorded in 2018, 2017, 2016, and 2015 at the Porter Creek rain gauge and at the PCS Aurora 6N station is shown in Table 1. In 2018, monthly rainfall totals for January, February, and March were below the WETS 70t' percentile (Figure 5); the majority of the year was above the WETS normal range. The wettest tropical cyclone on record in the Carolinas, Hurricane Florence (slow moving Category 1 storm), made landfall in Wrightsville Beach, NC on 14 September. Rainfall was generally 4 to 8 inches over Beaufort County with a storm total of 6.95 inches in Belhaven. The heaviest rainfall totals fell across the extreme southern part of the county which caused flash flooding in some locations. In 2017, monthly rainfall totals for January, February, October, and November were below the WETS 30`" percentile (Figure 6). April was the only month with total rainfall above the WETS normal range. A strong coastal low pressure system produced heavy rainfall and flash flooding from 23 April to 25 April. Based on the 30-day rolling total, rainfall from 24 April through 24 May was considered above normal. In 2016, monthly rainfall was greater in February, June, July, September and October when compared to the WETS percentiles (Figure 7). Rainfall for March and mid to late August were below normal with the remainder of the year within WETS normal range. Hurricane Matthew, a Category 1 storm, made landfall in Cape Romain National Wildlife Refuge, SC on 8 October 2016. Above average rainfall spikes began in the PCS area on 7 October, coincident with arrival of the outer rain bands of the hurricane in North Carolina. There were several periods of above normal rainfall that were excluded when hydroperiods were calculated for normal and below normal rainfall: 3 February through 5 March, 3 June through 5 July, 7-30 July, 11-30 September, and 7 October through 7 November. In 2015, monthly rainfall was greater in June, October, and late November through late December when compared to the WETS percentiles (Figure 8). At the end of January and March, the 30-day rolling total was slightly above normal. Rainfall for the month of August was below normal and the rainfall for the remainder of the year fell within the WETS normal range. Periods of above normal rainfall included 3 June through 3 July, 2 October through 1 November, and 20 November through 20 December. For 2018, the US Drought Monitor (http://droughtmonitor.unl.edu) indicated one week was considered abnormally dry (DO); the remaining weeks had no drought status in the vicinity of the Bonnerton Road NRHWF "135A" and "58A" project areas (Table 2; three years prior to 2015 are also shown). In 2017, Bonnerton NRWHF Wetland Hydrology 4 PCS Phosphate Company, Inc. 2018 Update August 2019 five weeks were considered abnormally dry (DO). During 2016, three weeks in April were assigned drought condition (DO — Abnormally Dry) or 6 percent of the entire year and 7 percent of the 41-week growing season (Table 3). In 2015, all 41 weeks of the growing season were considered normal with no drought status. 3.3 Wetland Hydrology Monitoring Year 2018 All BHW and PCW wells exhibited wetland hydroperiods in 2018, even when periods of above normal were excluded (Tables 3a and 3b). Of the 14 BHW wells, eight wells had hydroperiods for >12.5-25.0 percent and six wells had hydroperiods for >25-75 percent of the growing season during all rainfall conditions. Similarly, all six PCW wells had hydroperiods for >12.5-25.0 percent. When hydroperiods that occurred during above normal rainfall were removed (Figure 5), six wells decreased from >25.0-75.0 percent to >12.5-25.0 percent of the growing season; all other wells maintained hydroperiods for >12.5-25.0 percent of the growing season. Monitoring Year 2017 All BHW and PCW wells exhibited wetland hydroperiods, even when periods of above normal were excluded (Tables B-1a and 1b, Appendix B). Of the 14 BHW wells, eight wells had hydroperiods for >12.5-25.0 percent and six wells had hydroperiods for >25-75 percent of the growing season during all rainfall conditions. Similarly, all six PCW wells had hydroperiods for >12.5-25.0 percent. When hydroperiods that occurred during above normal rainfall were removed, six wells decreased from >25.0-75.0 percent to >12.5-25.0 percent of the growing season; all other wells maintained hydroperiods for >12.5-25.0 percent of the growing season. Monitoring Year 2016 The first full monitoring year for the 14 BHW wells was 2016. All BHW and PCW wells exhibited wetland hydroperiods during the 2016 growing season (Tables B-la and lb, Appendix B). Of the 14 BHW wells, hydroperiods for eight wells were >12.5-25.0 percent and six wells were >25.0-75.0 percent of the growing season. Similarly, all six PCW wells had hydroperiods for>12.5-25.0 percent. When above normal rainfall was removed (Figure 6), only one well (PCW1) decreased from >12.5-25.0 percent to>_6.0-12.5 percent of the growing season during normal and below normal rainfall conditions. Monitoring Year 2015 The 14 BHW wells were installed at the end of June 2015 and beginning of July 2015; the six upper Porter Creek wells collected data all year. All 14 semi -continuous BHW wells exhibited wetland hydroperiods using all rainfall data between June and December and the six Porter Creek wells exhibited wetland hydroperiods between February and December (Tables B-la and 1b, Appendix B). Among the 14 wells in the higher elevations of the hardwood flat, BHW6 had the longest hydroperiod of 23.8 Bonnerton NRWHF Wetland Hydrology 5 PCS Phosphate Company, Inc. 2018 Update August 2019 percent of the growing season while longest hydroperiods at the remaining wells were in the range of >_6.0 - 12.5 percent of the growing season (Table 4b). The six wells in upper Porter Creek are located in somewhat lower elevations than some of the other 14 wells and using all 2015 rainfall data, longest hydroperiods were >12.5-25.0 percent of the growing season with PCW6 exhibiting the longest hydroperiod of 24.5 percent (Appendix B). When dates with above normal rainfall during 2015 (Figure 7) were removed and only normal and below normal rainfall periods are used for evaluation, three BHW wells did not exhibit any wetland hydroperiods between June and December (one of these four exhibited water within 12 inches of the surface but for less than 6 percent of the growing season), nine had longest hydroperiods in the range of >_6.0- 12.5 percent, and longest hydroperiod at one well was >12.5-25.0 percent (Table 4a). All six PCW wells had wetland hydroperiods in the range of >12.5-25.0 percent of the growing season during normal and below normal rainfall. 3.4 Mine Perimeter Deep Well Pumps and Near Surface Hydrology At agency request, PCS provided CZR information about the locations and dates of operation (turn -ON and turn -OFF dates) of pumps in deep wells around the Bonnerton Mod Alt L mine perimeter for analysis of potential effects on adjacent wetland hydrology attributed to the pump activity. As of 31 December 2018, three deep well pumps in the vicinity of the Level TROLLS had been in operation since 2017, turned off in 2018, and suitable for the analysis. Graphs of the water levels of the 14 adjacent wetland wells in the Bonnerton NRWHF were examined in late 2017 through December 2018. The graphs do not reveal any apparent change in water level in the last weeks of 2017 through December 2018 other than response to rainfall events. These graphs are shown in Appendix C of this report. Operation dates for the pumps in the PCS deep wells in the Bonnerton Tract as of the end of 2018 are shown in Table 5. This 2018 update is the first to incorporate an analysis on deep well pump operations and the wetland hydrology in the non-riverine wet hardwood forest. There are three deep wells in close proximity to the eastern side of the Bonnerton non-riverine wet hardwood forest and used for the analysis (Figure 9). The deep well pumps were in operation from February 2017 to October 2018 in wells 1108, 1109, and 1110; and the 2018 analysis focused on the on/off dates for pumps in these deep wells. The hydrology at four Level TROLLs was examined from July 2015 forward and those graphs are shown in Figure 10. The Pre time period was set from July 2015 when Level TROLLS were installed through January 2017, the During time period was set from February 2017 through October 2018, and the Post time period was set from November 2018 through December 2018. Detailed results of all final models are given in Table 6. For all four Level TROLLS rainfall was the important predictor variable for all three periods and had positive coefficients; the greatest influence was from rainfall the day of (0 days) for Pre/During/Post except for BHW1 which had a greater influence for a 1 day lag for During; by Post, rainfall as a variable for BHW1 returned to 0 days. However, the difference between the influences of rainfall was almost indiscernible between 0 and 1 day. Wind direction and wind speed were never important variables but direction was significant for each Level Bonnerton NRWHF Wetland Hydrology 6 PCS Phosphate Company, Inc. 2018 Update August 2019 TROLL in at least one period. Southerly winds increased depth at each LevelTROLL for During and west winds decreased depth at all Level TROLLS During except BHW1. Northerly winds were responsible for increased depth at BHW2 and BHW4. Discharge was only a significant predictor for BHW1 Pre but was never an important variable for any Level TROLL. 4.0 Summary During 2018, 2017, 2016, and 2015 monitoring years, all 20 ground water monitoring wells exhibited wetland hydroperiods when all rainfall data are used to tabulate consecutive number of days of water levels above -12.0 inches (relative to ground surface) as shown in Table 4a. The 14 Bonnerton wells were not installed until June of 2015; therefore, the earliest hydroperiods and perhaps the longest hydroperiods were not recorded for that year. In 2018, 2017, and 2016 all BHW and PCW wells exhibited wetland hydroperiods, even when above average rainfall was excluded (Table 4a). Over these three years, longest hydroperiods during WETS normal thresholds or below for 19 of the 20 wells were all >14.8 percent; the longest hydroperiod for the other well was 12.4 percent in 2016 and >16 percent for the other two years (Table 4a). At first glance, the 2018 longest hydroperiods appear to have less variability and be shorter than previous years; however, 64 percent of the 2018 growing season had rainfall periods above the 70th percentile and not included in the tally (Table 4a). While the amount of annual rainfall, the months in which more or less rainfall occurs, and the percent of weeks with drought status varies from year to year, the wetland hydrology in the Bonnerton non- riverine wet hardwood forest over the four years appears to be relatively consistent when all hydroperiods are shown (Table 4b); the wettest well (BHW6) remains the wettest and the driest well (PC1) remains the driest. Bonnerton NRWHF Wetland Hydrology 7 PCS Phosphate Company, Inc. 2018 Update August 2019 5.0 Literature Cited Kirby, Robert M. 1995. Soil Survey of Beaufort County, North Carolina. Natural Resources Conservation Service, United States Department of Agriculture. Soil Survey Staff. Undated. Natural Resources Conservation Service, United States Department of Agriculture. Web Soil Survey. Available online at http://websollsurvey.nres.usda.gov/. Accessed [09/10/2012]. US Army Corps of Engineers. 2010. Regional supplement to the Corps of Engineers wetland delineation manual: Atlantic and Gulf coastal plain region. Version 2. J.S Wakeley, R.W. Lichvar, and C.V. Noble, eds. ERDC/ELTR-10-20, Vicksburg, M5. US Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Service. 2010. Field Indicators of Hydric Soils in the United States, Version 7.0. L.M. Vasilas, G.W. Hurt, and C.V Noble (eds.) USDA, NRCS, in cooperation with the National Technical Committee for Hydric Soils. Zeileis, A (2016) dynlm: Dynamic Linear Regression. R package version 0.3-5. URL http://CRAN.R- proiect.org/package=dynlm Bonnerton NRWHF Wetland Hydrology 8 PCS Phosphate Company, Inc. 2018 Update August 2019 riatM Garrison Pt ''� fluinf a pq M<i co " ' f r:ek do R ,, '� Gufe FR " �Piling,16 n r� ar3` �yx tte �Midge" Pt" - ••\ k �a --- - - �• i n° Y;. ;seen ;,Fry Pt W - - - Jt..Landing% 4� Pli,yl _ Duce i \ ` G4 \`\ " - t wend.. - "sligms Norse Point f' - '1{�- Qi i�'�"- , n �1 �lM4 ra g� -�� =� „ LEGEND I NON-RIVERINE WET HARDWOOD FOREST AREAS 135A AND 58A BOnDeKene i �\ • I ' is C �: h � � •.. �- 'vim ♦ i`\ ;: 135A 2,100 0 2,100 Feet 401 Water Quality �o Certification Conditions 9 and 13 Wetland Hydrology Monitoring PCS PHOSPHATE MINE CONTINUATION Scale: As shown Drawn by: TLJ D 174579eONN_RmnN NRwnF z0 Date: 08/07/18 File[ eonz NewRF_roPo_zo nRPr Pv jApproved by: Figure 1 Rnnnartnn NIP\A/HF \A/Atlanrl Nvr'Irnlnav F-1 Drc Dh,.,h-,+a r'n.r, r,o n,r Ins ?018 Update August 2019 LEGEN MODIFIED ALT L PERMIT BOUNDARY NON—RIVERINE WET HARDWOOD FOREST AREAS 135A AND 58A AVOIDED BY S , PERMITTED MOD ALT L MINE BOUNDARY 4 Bonnerton Non—Riverine Wet Hardwood Forest ® Areas Avoided by Mod Alt L PCS PHOSPHATE MINE CONTINUATION SOURCE: Scale: As shown Drawn by: TLJ AERIALS PROVIDED BY: PCs PHOSPHATE COMPANY, INC. 1,000 0 1,000 Feet Ile: nas>e/NMNNEWON NN«Nv2017rs MON eon/ Date: 07/17/18 eONRTN_Nx FaRUN 1530 NC HIGHWAY 306 SOUTH. AURORA. NORTH CAROLINA 27806. 252-322-5121, DATE: FEBRUARY 2018 Approved by: Figure 2 Bonnerton NRWHF Wetland Hydrology F-2 PCS Phosphate Company, Inc. 2018 Update August 2019 / ."pt�•'�7�5aw r r�!J�'�`��' .{�i �� 4 Y d♦ •'♦rwfF-, hf'� d rak" I ,� A 1 : C{ r'u , ..� i-tI,S. �y j� t-T k"`a- rXs''�1'� \, '� >I±;•`:��:: '•, aS�t,,V;� i YAM. y YC kr t n / - u;� a y`.. '- t ♦�¢� ' '^{l l( 7 1.iwW d` k i�:z.'� r t�Yk :'•� `4s.g♦�"+�'�' I E psi,^'J /BHWS BHW3 BH f f ♦�.r BHW81BMWI a RAIN GAUGE SOURCE AERIALS PROVIDED BY: PCS PHOSPHATE COMPANY, INC. 1530 NC HIGHWAY 306 SOUTH, AURORA, NORTH CAROLINA 27806, 252-322-5121. DATE: JANUARY 2019 SOIL SURVEY OF BEAUFORT COUNTY, NORTH CAROLNA, US DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE NATURAL RESOURCES CONVERSATION SERVICE, ISSUED: SEPTEMBER 1995 MODIFIED ALT L PERMIT BOUNDARY NON—RIVERINE WET HARDWOOD FOREST AREAS 135A AND 58A AVOIDED BY PERMITTED MOD ALT L MINE BOUNDARY SOILS SYMBOL SOIL NAME AGA ALTAVISTA FINE SANDY LOAM At AUGUSTA FINE SANDY LOAM Cf CAPE FEAR FINE SANDY LOAM Le LEAF SILT LOAM LO LEON SAND Me MUCKALEE LOAM Pe PERQUIMANS SILT LOAM Pt PORTSMOUTH LOAM Ro ROANOKE FINE SANDY LOAM Sb SEABROOK LOAMY SAND TGB TARBORO SAND To TOMOTLEY FINE SANDY LOAM W WATER ® SOILS PCS PHOSPHATE MINE CONTINUATION Scale: As shown Drawn by: TLJ 1,000 0 1,000 Feet lie: 174579/BONNERTON NfMNF MON 2016/ Date: 08/26/18 r BONTRN_NRWNF_SOI�S_2018RP1 Approved b PP Y� Figure 4 bonnerton NKWHF Wetland Hydrology F-4 PCS Phosphate Company, Inc. 2018 Update August 2019 0 v` m c � s r • dlr� E c 0 Y dOr rc w L I O > > L S H O C O �r N w Y a O 2 0 rO 0 J - O 'M O a E ¢ J " • RI o 0 o SOT O • � � c C O Ar O W S C 31 O v� l0 m O c w o ¢ r o « CO • 8r� sz o` o E 60 m O ~ o m o L' • 8r�0�. 0 0 0 � � 'm m a a Z a m d O v O m w w w a 3 N w m m m o • 8rG o 0 d N l0 z w o >d3 > L • 81,7 O O O p E P �r0 °� o v O V w ¢ S E 8 -O y O m yr .L.w m E O m � C � • 8 � > Lj E �ZO t,?o 0oa m y o 0I`r N0 eOCO 0 0 YlO F a m ¢ 1 Z I PST (504:)ul) llelulea A141UOA pue AIlep o El f�6 O 7 a LU w N w c O1 i O oo � 00 N N N O u1 N ,i o LL N vi 2 \_ \) , \\:\\/\;�\§§§ s m m y or > o > S t C � O p yr7 � m °L `o " r0 = a yr, o 0 'or • ■ O yro ayr0 � c u yroo `o ° ob, F E - m a° ? yr% o n m p n l0 d w w ti 9IG a`o 04 Oa O I I 9r,7 PTO w yr ab r0 o m Nrl v N 04 \ _ o ii N N w n d Or T Q L T S C C O p " v per o o Q a N N N ti O O SrTJO. • to sro df ro u c m sr� d Ob, F E ro c o - M O C ro m 3 N r N 0 � 6 sro �"r O sl7 P�rO w V C N sr L V J abr m d O E mWS 0 sr� m P r w ro a 3 N V O sr9 N yl I sr`P l0 V N O 0p lO V N O IO Ile;uiea AIy;uow pue Ape(] S m v J m O C m • � a E E o � c O v Z « � p O a vw c a w N a ti O 'ry O h > N ry N J N a o w Y m @ O - v a w° S m 3 m p O _ p H m - c � T r o p V1 c O Q o > c Q 4 O C L n Z > p u N m a w Z O N O O N C wp p A a O O C 6 Q Q m O a s c a y O t y N V y y Y o m E � c o a3 vi> � S S C C • C C O m - w O O O10 >m a s ^ E � oL.+ E M Q N 6� V _� N J > m vu'o • m a N E E 0 U L u z z r 3 0 a 6 E o 0 0 3� w 3 � w au c c v o ZK K a Q t /b, c ` / J 7 1 , T G �, ry r s Q � f-• a±1 - SOURCE: AERIALS PROVIDED BY: PCS PHOSPHATE COMPANY, INC. 1530 NC HIGHWAY 306 SOUTH. AURORA NORTH CAROLINA 27806, 252-322-5121, DATE: JANUARY 2019 Bonnerton NRWHF WPtland Hvrlrolnav l II 1111114�GLi] MODIFIED ALT L PERMIT BOUNDARY NON-RIVERINE WET HARDWOOD FOREST AREAS 135A AND 58A AVOIDED BY PERMITTED MOD ALT L MINE BOUNDARY SEMI -CONTINUOUS MONITORING WELL RAIN GAUGE DEEP WELL (USED IN ANALYSIS) DEEP WELL DEEP WELL (STILL ON) 1,200 0 1,200 Feet Bonnerton NRWHF Hydrology Monitoring Sites and Deep Well Locations PCS PHOSPHATE MINE CONTINUATION Date 08/26/1 9 t Ile: 174579/BONNERTON NRWHF MON BNTRN_NR F_MON_DEEPWEU" Approved by: R`Vi110n Figure 9 me nE.,...... E, +,. r............•.. I.... 2018 Update August 2019 50 50 DW1088 DW1088 DW 1089 OW 10s9 DW1091 D7NI091 Q 40 30 s0 20 20 BHW2 installed 25 June 2015 9 8HW1 installed 25 June 2015 c` +0 c L 0 o L Is n o c `o F -io io 3 3 20 I 30 ao 40 40 BHW1 BHW2 2015 2016 2017 2018 2015 2016 2017 2018 50 DW1088 DW1088 DW 1089 DW 1089 40 DW1091 0 DW1091 >0 10 20 0 — u m BHW4 installed 18 June 2015 � +o BHW3ins[alled 25 June 2015 � c �0 g £ L u o n o n o m -io i 3 io 3 zo I 90 H0 40 .40 BHW3 BHW4 :o 50 2015 2016 2017 2018 2015 2016 2017 2018 Figure 10. 2015 —2018 hydrology during deep well pump operations. Four Level TROLLS were in proximity to the deep wells during the time the pump was in operation; horizontal bars at top right of graphs depict the period of pump operation. Bonnerton NRWHF Wetland Hydrology 2018 Update F-10 PCS Phosphate Company, Inc. August 2019 Table 1. Monthly and annual rainfall for 2018, 2017, 2016, and 2015 recorded at the Porter Creek rain gauge and at the PCS Aurora 6N station. MONTH 2O18 RAINFALL (INCHES) 2017 RAINFALL (INCHES) 2016 RAINFALL (INCHES) 2015 RAINFALL (INCHES) Porter Creek PCS Aurora 6N Porter Creek PCS Aurora 6N Porter Creek PCS Aurora 6N Porter Creek PCS Aurora 6N January 4.55 4.82 3.96 2.68 2.93 3.77 3.95 4.29 February 1.36 0.96 1.35 1.33 5.83 6.80 4.43 4.88 March 4.92 5.06 4.71 3.90 3.20 4.39 3.46 3.53 April 5.82 5.41 5.45 4.72 1.79 2.29 2.50 2.92 May 8.75 6.62 4.82 3.56 3.58 5.15 4.39 4.32 June 8.17 6.92 3.62 3.80 6.22 5.43 8.86 8.44 July 7.59 5.59 5.56 5.81 6.63 5.73 5.65 5.57 August 4.59 3.96 5.93 6.47 3.79 4.00 2.74 2.74 September 8.11 7.30 5.24 3.77 8.27 9.49 6.61 6.61 October 1.84 2.41 2.82 1.23 9.20 8.11 5.70 5.96 November 4.83 6.20 1.43 1.42 0.99 1.05 5.63 8.72 December 7.08 6.78 4.01 2.52 3.50 3.71 5.04 5.04 TOTAL 67.61 62.03 48.09 41.21 55.93 59.92 58.96 63.02 Table 2. Drought conditions for the south side of Pamlico River in the vicinity of South Creek for the years 2012-2018. The drought conditions for each week were provided by the US Drought Monitor. No drought Abnormally Moderately Severe Extreme Exceptional percent of weeks Year status dry(DO) dry(D1) drought(D2) drought(D3) drought(D4) with a drought classification 2012 28 4 20 0 0 0 46 2013 39 13 0 0 0 0 25 2014 45 52 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 13 0 2015 2016 49 3 0 0 0 0 6 2017 47 5 0 0 0 0 10 2018 51 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 2 Bonnerton NRWHF Wetland Hydrology T-1 PCS Phosphate Company, Inc. 2018 Update August 2019 N @ D C O O O � @ O N N D Q L O T c N E @ O � C - y 12 @ @ D E 0: T O C N D O N N a ` v D � @ � � d m E o O E O @ O C N T W N N E > � � W 0 v Z c Y U � 9 � U o `o rOv a�2 a a o a a D _T D @ C @ @ @ N @ V% C N LL @ x E m o � � c Z M O C N N O � D � T O C J N C � a o y fO N C N `m T "E w 5 v o c � D ' @ j c D ._ m @ @ C o E a c o a @ 0 E _ E � N Q OI N D O @ o N T O O` D - m T A j C x C @ "for � O @ O J L F C Q N 0 0 n O A a C O 0 0 N x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x O m 0 O N _ O A D` T e x ui N O AI 0 �o v T N V C W N N @ O O y@j O M M M M M M M M M M M M M O M O M M M O C C a o a o T L �evv------ovov-v-avv c0 M M a0 u0 W OD ow a0 N eD a0� CO N a0 N aD N Ma N N(�N(V f� NNN N Nl� MN MN NN w @ > « @ p u3�d,O vvvavvvavvvvvavvvvvv (O t0 (O t0 f0 t0 t0 t0 t0 f0 tp <O t0 N (O N y� N LL v O V �N�NO N(00 V NNN 3 fpNN�NN�N ENO IN J @ N LL U L N N 3" N I Tv 3�oa �nr�nnnnrnnrnnrnnvr nn @ fV d 3xQ1 3xm 3xm �x[L Oco 5�xfD xm xm3 xm 3x � Nov" U R3xl fL F- Ol l0 a a 0 N E m 0 n N ^ xxxxx x n e d O N U h � N X X X X X X X X x X X x X X O O N a` o = N N 0 e Al 0 e N d m N" C 0 0'c g o o 2 o r r m N r r N N o m r a o m m Io m m m Oc y O1� N N N N N N N N m O N O r m N N m N N N N N N N N N N N N � D O p a a A N Ip V I IO m 1` m N �_\_�- m_ O M r m N V 66 O m O O O � O N m m m 4 m m m m m Q V O m m p m - V m m m d mNN mr h V' �V rr N�NNN� r `mm�m�r r Q z O NNNNm(\l�NN N V mT - Q. 0 m�� V Y N n n N N n m N V N t n Q V m N� N m N� N m m m �Io m to 00 m, mrm�m�mIq N mm lq lv m .m �fr p mm-m Z50 j0 N N Imp r 101pC fO N O in N Iia N m N N N Cl In N i[J -m_mmmmNmi+i m n N 0 H Y1 ' i(I Cl N i0 i(f N m N m� N N t0 m N m N N N N N N Nj 9 N N_ N p N N N N c N m N' N N C, 0 a a N a m N 0 N 0 N fi t] m N mNN m N g d LL N N N l0 � m n m m d N m N N N N N d IS N Nn N N -O Nt7 ih mNmN ofi Yl m f U m O 0 N O O O Y m m N m N N N O O O O yap NNNN Qj Nj��N'-N�N'-NNN Cdd mVVmrHPO"NNmpN N(O •-m Mt7 O O m m mN'.mm�N mom t0 N N m y y m N T y] a �S V QTj N'•� CNJ NImp NOml�NOmr0fm00rmNYN NN d ?� p - N N N N y [V LL U 3 h d a N O LL 3 N d N d N N � N NNN N N N N N 3 d d d O n N m v NmaNm 5 5 3 5 5 5 5 .=== xaaaaan mmmmmmmmm mmmmm N 0 N C a)m @ V N (D a Z C_ a D c m o - a0 — o Q m c 'm r m � c N m N C a) @ N a) CO @ ^O T N C a 0 O @O 00 N > E a OND @ 'O O O N m O Z o d c @ (6 C @ C Ol O N E mc6 3 �Q `o C Nm C) N U 0 O m N @ @ O m O C N O 0 N Ln O N _ N 3 0 E 0 0 U N @ m E C m'0cc) O w O w N y O O _ U N CO w O @ E c - 3 N coo N C @ CA oE`oE ��O' a - a 3 d o @ 0 -oho a�3� O C Y Co N L C @ @ @ @ E = L 3 E o aci aa)i o E O d Co H (D @ @ w a @ w c cd a)E F O O d O a) C @ m 2@ F a -0z 5 L O t w N L � = Wu�lOO �0000 � 00000000000 0 @ d 0 3 W O M M M M M M M M M M M M M O M O M M M p t0 m CO (0 (D tO cO c0 m m cD CO m tD t0 m w (O LO c0 N N — — — — .- — — — — — .-- .- — — — — .- — � � O m O O t0 N l0 iO LO N N W l0 V O f� M V m m 00 O w N M O) m LO p l0 tO �O �O t0 (o m m N (o o 000vvvvn o v; O 00000 m CO LO rn NO O m N N N N N N co O C — N Q @ d N co V l0 t0 N > ?� =xxxxxxxxii===aaaaaav � mmmmmmmmmmmmmm C O a- o d' f m E c (D a) m m L) a) 0 n U m c O a) — LL 0 C_ m ° O _ CL u > > c M c(O W m N ToC am ° ° m mQ m LL C m -O p x N 76 cc) a C� ; N m Z a) c > 4 C O O p L m C a)Z a) 0 n a`) c E 20 N O O m L O (D O co ?+ y O E C co = m V w O O O N N 3 r _ o m ° m Cl o mo c mom N w O � N O O OM _ ID W E a E o 3 y N Cm h L o E o m m o) o 0 O @ a- ° a o L a o m m L s E ou) �w o rL 3 E $ m 3 `o ° OF cc mU) m ° m m m aac ~ �° n "O a) O 30 m w O) = m 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 i'?� y"00000000000000000000 � O L = �•3a e x o ,3 u N N N N N N V N N N N N N N N N N N N N N m m 0 0 0 r m O V O r m V m m O O f� ro r r co co co CO of m 00 m M m co co (0 of 00 07 NI.O O m m O M m O N m to in �a�aamvv,r,� oOromUn N CO CO CO N .N— N N N N N N O � c o w � N > Cl) 7 > O CO >r 0000 0)) O N M -IT. Q m � xxxxxxxxx=====aan�nv.�a�c� t m m m m m m m m m m m m m m a t O d 0 c O m t0 C 3 O O nc -o ° M m � a) N O C) N0 O m m m (n o O ' N O 5 o Table 5. Operation dates for the pumps within deep water wells in the Bonnerton Tract as of the end of 2018; well locations are shown on Figure 9. Bold indicates earliest on date and latest off date of the pumps for the deep wells used in analysis (*). These three deep wells were in closest proximity to the LeveITROLLs in Bonnerton non-riverine hardwood forest and were no longer in operation. Other dates show on/off dates for other deep wells in the Bonnerton Tract. Deep Well Date Pump On Date Pump Off DWI 108* February 2017 October 2018 DWI 109* February 2017 October 2018 DWI 110* February 2017 October 2018 DW1111 August 2017 September 2018 April 2019 Still on DWI 112 October 2017 Still on DWI 113 October 2017 Still on DWI 114 December 2017 February 2019 DWI 115 February 2018 March 2019 DWI 116 August 2018 April 2019 DWI 117 September 2018 Still on DWI 118 September 2018 Still on DWI 119 April 2019 Still on DWI 120 May 2019 Still on DWI 121 May 2019 Still on Bonnerton NRWHF Wetland Hydrology T-6 PCS Phosphate Company, Inc. 2018 Update August 2019 o v � m ' u'! O C O a 30 0c v m" m @ U C O C U E c � N m � N CM O C N j V O 2 01 a) O � N � N O o CD (D -LE C m � C LL p a) C m � U p w LL OC OO'O II O m C O - m mm a) 5 C a) J C > U m c m c @ rnCD m C C N - a C_ U O a) m o m J O U > � w r N N L o CL L m J n a) J N O L O i N L N 0 ?i Ow O N m Ew m 0 N'C Fa O m > w( - m � n m 2 O a O U 4) O N 2 II O LL 0 o m O C_ Ci 0 3 v O C m m N U + m aw w E c mCm6 H a w 6 C F 9 a 9 mi OyL L N O f'1 M r V1 a a o 0 z z z 2 t c C � _ � M C - � _ O O .. O k � N `G N try O O o OMO N � P R N N N V� N VI R L�O RR tC 3 M C N N p C N N O u v T T R R C �n Vi r W o� a o0 0 0 0 M O r 3 N Vl M a a oc c c o LS] 2 2W z O O O z z f 3 z z _ � V O � `.J p O 0 N O O Oi C N = N R R• R R R 9 9 9 9 9 N - v�i vri 7 lt7 L Z # z 7 N C d O O N � N M N V _ O N � _ O C J N N C Oi r T T L � R � � C R CA 3 2 N a° APPENDIX A Soil Profile Descriptions at Bonnerton NRWHF and Upper Porter Creek Monitoring Wells 0 Q Q Q Q Q o M . f n — � LL U LL LL' U LL U LL U LL x .LL.. U LL t@l �� � U LL U LL t@l LL N U U x,@C x x c c c x x t x@ c c c x x� c xt x,@C x t x'mC x t c J J 0 J mU m� J c 0 m� mU c J mco c J c J c 0 mN mco �co c J mN CO O m m m m m m m m m m N m N m v p m m m m@ m 6 N m @ as a da o.a as ad o.a a9 as a9 as a9 as a+ p@ ❑ ❑ v ❑ d ❑ v ❑ n ❑ v ❑ d ❑@ ❑ v p v ❑ d p v 2 v v v v p v @ v v v v v N a a a v a a 9 9 a a a a a 9 o a a 9 a a a a 9 9 a a a 9 9 a s N N m UI m m m m m 41 N N m m N m m N N m m m N N m m m m m m m @ @ N (p J J J J O J J J J J J J J J J J@@@ J J J J J J J@@ J J J J p@@ J J@ 0 @ @ @ @ @ N @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ J J J @ @ @ m @ m m J J @ @ @ @ @ J J m @ J m(n(n(n(n(n 0)cn to 0 (n(n(n(n(n(n m m(n(o(n m(n m m co(n m m m(n m m(n m m0(n m CO N m N U N N N Z Z Z Z 2 Z Z Z Z 2 Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E @ m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m E E o E o T E E o E E o E E o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o E E o 0 0 o E o >. E E o E 0 o 0 0 m m J m J@ m m J m m J@ m J J J J J J J J J m@ J J J J m J m m m J J m J J J J J T J T U J J T J J T J J T T T T T T T T T@ m T T T T 0 >. U O O T T O T T J J m _@ _@ m -� -� _m _m m _m U-pU 9-Q .� U �9 Ua-�UUUUU UUU U� DU U U U 9U'O-� �UU aUU FC-Q C C T C T C C C T C C T C C T T T T T T T T T C C T T >. T C T C C C T T C T T a m 9 m m m 9 m m a m@ n@ 9 9 a a a 9 a 9 9 m co C a a a m a N@ m m 'o m a 9 (n (n C m C (n (n (n C (n (n c co (n C C c c c C C C C (n m (n m m (n m 0 OJ co cn In (n cn (n m cn (n (n Un (n m cn (n w � �a T U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U F m lL N W W W W W W\ W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W 0 (D N N t0 N W t0 (p N N i0 N N N N �-) i0 i0 Vl N i0 N N N N 0!tt K ErK mof wof 0: 0: 0� Q� a!w wK U } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } O O O O O O O O O O O O O 0 0 O O O O O O O O O O x z N z zz N— — — — —— .- -- N � �- th N r V N N Cl N 1p m (O t0 M in N M N M N ((J m i M V N M 4 N M O N M 4 N to M A N 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a t N N O c 0 c0 O n (O O M N O c0 ^ O W N O d 0 t@ O d W O r^ O M O O i0 m O M 0 C7 O W O 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 m 3 T 3 2 S 2 S U U U U U U S m m m m a a a am am m m m Q N Q Q Q Q Q Q @ LL V U LL LL U .LL.. 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Rainfall from NOAA station Aurora 6N used for long-term percentiles and to determine periods of normal rainfall. 2017 GROWING SEASON Well Consecutive days Wr-12"or above Dates Cumulative days of wetland hytlroperiods longest hydroperiod% 263-day growing season Hydrologic zone of longest hydroperiod 767>_632.5% >32.5-2596 >2575% BHW2 48 2/284/16 50 17.0 X BNW2 53 _ 2/28-4/21 53 188 18, % BHW3 48 2/28-4/16 50 ITO X 8HW4 48 _ 2/28-4/16 51 17.0 X BHWS 55 2/28-4/23 65 19.5 _ X BHW6 ;17; 28 554/23;5/266/30; 2/28- 8/29-9/25 _ 111 19.5 X _ BHW] 55; 17; 33 2/28-4/23; 5/25-6/30; 8/29-9/28 130 19.5 % _ BHWB 55; 31 2/2"/23; 8/29-9/28 102 19.5 _ -x- BHW9 55 2/28-4/23 63 19.5 X BHW10 55 2/284/23 56 19.5 _ X BHW31 55 2/284/23 63 19.5 X BHW32 53 2/28-4/21 54 18.8 X BHW33 55 2/28-4/23 54 19.5 % BHW14 52 2/28-4/20 52 18.4 % - - PC1 45 2/28:4/13 46 16.0 X PC2 47 2/284/15 49 167 X PC3 46 2/28-4/14 46 16.3 X PC4 52 _ 2/28-4/20 52 184 % PC5 53 _ 2/28-4/21 53 18.8 X PC6 53 2/28-4/21 53 18.8 X _ 2016 GROWING SEASON Well Consecutive days Wr-12"or above Dales Cumulative days of wedandhydroperiods longest hydroperiod% 283-daygrowing season Hydrologic zone of longest hydroperiod 16% >_6-12.5% >12.5-25% 125-75% BHW3 04 3/"/19 44 25.5 It BHW2 46 3/6-4/21 46 16.3 X BHW3 45 3/6-4/20 BHW4 45 3/6-4/20 45 15.9 X BHWS 80 3/65/24 80 28.3 X BNW6 82 3/65/26 82 29.0 X _ BHW2 80 3/6-5/24 80 28.3 X BHWB 44; 18 3/6-4/19;5/3-5/20 62 15.5 X BHW9 80 3/6-5/24 80 28.3 X BHW1U 72 3/6-5/16 R 25.4 X -' BHW31 82 3/6-5/26 82 29.0 x BHW12 46 3/6-4/21 _ 46 16.3 x BHW13 51; 14 3/6-4/26; 5/3 5/16 65 18.0 X BHW14 51 3/6-4/26 51 18.0 X PC1 35 3/6-4/9 35 12.4 % PC2 44 3/64/19 44 15.5 X PC 42 3/6-4/17 42 14.9 X _ PC4 44 3/6-4/19 _ _ 44 15.5 _ _ x PC5 46 3/6-4/21 46 _ 36.3 x PC6 44 3/6-4/19 1 44 _ 15.5 X 2015 GROWING SEASON (BMW wells not installed until June/July) Well Consecutive days AT 12"or above Dates Cumulative days of wetland hydroperiods longest hydroperiod% 282-day growing season Hydrologic zone of longest hydroperiod a6% >_6-12.5% >32.5-25% 125J5% BHW3 0 None_ 0 0.0 X BHW2 0 None 0 0.0 % BHW3 17 11/331/19 17 % BHW4 0 _ None 0 _6.0 BHWS 18 _ _ 11/2-11/19 18 _ 6 .4 X BHW6 16; 18 7/12-7/2T,11/2-11/19 34 64 X BHW] 18 11/2-11/19 16 6.4 % BHWB 15; 18 7/12 7/26; 11/2-11/19 33 i X BHW9 16 11/4-11/19 _ 16 SJ X BHW10 17 11/3-11/19 17 6.0 X __BHW33 15;18 _ ]/124/26; 11/2-11/19 _ 33 6A X BHW32 17 il/3-ll/19 _ 17 6.0 X BHW33 17 11/3-11/19 ll 6.0 x BHW14 17 _ 11_/3-11/19 17 6.0 X _ PCl 65;17 2/28-5/3; 11/3-11/19 82 23.0 X PC2 65;D 2/28-5/3; 11/3-11/19 82 PC3 65;ll _ 2/28-5/3; 11/3-11/19 82 23.0 % PC4 67;15 _ 2/285/5; I1/5-11/19 _ 80 23.8 X PC5 67j5 2/28-5/5; 11/541/19 _ 80 _ PC6 69;17 2/28-5/7; 11/3-11/19 j86 24.5 _ X Bonnerton NRWHF Wetland Hydrology Appendix B-2 PCS Phosphate Company, Inc. 2018 Update August 2019 Table B-lb. 2017, 2016 and 2015 wetland hydroperiods for Bonnerton NRWHF and upper Porter Creek monitoring wells independent of WETS thresholds. Rainfall from NOAA station Aurora 6N used for long-term percentiles and to determine periods of normal rainfall. 2017 GROWING SEASON Well Consecutive days Wr-12"or above Dates Cumulative days of wetland hydroperiods Longest hydroperiod% 283-day growing season Hydrologic zone of longest hydroperiod <6% >-6-12.5% >12.5-25% >25 75% BHWI 48 2/28-4/16 60 17D % BHW2 53 2/28-4/21 69 18.8 17.0 17.0 % BHW3 BHW4 49 48 2/28-4/16 2/28-4/16 _ 65 67 % % BHW5 80 2/28-5/18 96 28.4 _ _ x BHW6 9HW7 103,28 103; 31 _ 2/28-6/10; 8/299/25 2/28-6/10;8/2M/28 14S 164 36.5 x 36.5 x BHW8 79; 31 2/28-5/17; 8/29-928 133 28.0 If BHW9 79 2/28-5/17 93 28.0 % BHW30 65 2/28-5/3 83 23.0 x BHW31 81 2/28-5/19 96 28.7 x BHW32 53 2/28-4/21 75 19.8 % 8HW33 65 _ 2/28-5/3 79 23.0 % BHW14 52 2/28-4/20 _ 73 18.4 % PC3 45 2/28-0/13 51 16.0 % PC2 47 2/28 4/15 57 16.7 _ PC3 46 2/28-0/14 53 16.3 _ _% x PC4 52 2/284/20 67 18A % PC5 53 _ 2/284/21 IRA % PCs 53 2/28A/21 _69 69 18.8 % 2016 GROWING SEASON Well Consecutive days Wr-12"or above Dates Cumulative days of wetland hydroperiods Longest hydroperiod% 283-day growing season Hydrologic zone of longest hydroperiod <6% a6-12.5% >32.5-25% >25-05% BHWI 52 2/284/19 52 18.4 x BHW2 54 2/28-4/21 54 19.1 x BHW3 53; 29 2/28-4/20; 9/20-10/lB _ _ 82 18.8 % BHW4 53 2/28-4/20 53 18.8 % BHW5 87,18, 48 2/28-5/24; 5/29-6/15; 9/20-11/6 153 _ 30.7 x BHW6 89; 25; 56 2/28-5/26; 5/29-6/22; 9/12-11/6 _ 2/28-5/24; 5/29-6/16; 9/20-11/6 2/28-4/19; 5/3 5/19; 5/29 6/14; 9/12-10/30 2/_28 5/24; 5/29-6/14, 9/12-10/29 2/28-5/16; 5/29-6/13; 9/12-10/25 170 31.4 % BHW7 87; 19; 48 154 30.7 x BHW8 52;17;17;49 135 18.4 x BHW9 BHWIO _ 87; _17; 48 79; 16; 44 152 170 30.7 % x 27.9 BHW ll 99; 25; 56 2/28-5/26; 5/29-6/23; 9/12-11/6 170 31.4 x _BHW32 BHW 13 54; 14; 33 59; 14;14; 42 2/28-4/21; 5/30-6/12; 9/20-10/22 2/28-4/26; 5/3-5/16; 5131-6/13; 9/12-10/23 101 129 19.1 20.8 x x BHW14 59; 15; 41 2/29-4/26; 5/29-6/12; 9/12-10/22 115 20.8 x PCI 42 2/28-4/9 2/28-4/19; 9/30-10/17 42 70 14.8 18.4 x x PC2 52; 18 PC3 50 2/28-4/17 50 17.7 PC4 PC5 52; 17 _ 2/28-4/19; 9/30-10/16 2/28-4/21; 9/20-10/19 69 73 18.4 19.1 x x 54; 29 PCs 52; 28 2/28-4/19; 9/20-10/17 80 18.4 x 2015 GROWING SEASON (BH W wells not installed until June/July) Well Consecutive days WI-12" or above Dales Cumulative days of wetland hydroperiods Longest hydroperiod It 282-day growing season Hydrologic zone of longest hydroperiod <6% >_6-125% >32.5-25% >25-75% BHWI 17 11/20-12/6 17 6.1 It BHW2 18 11/19-12/6 18 6.4 % BHW3 15; 34 10/2-10/16; 11/3-12/6 49 12.1 % _ BHW4 18 11/19-1216 18 6.4 x BHW5 25; 35 10/1-10/25; 11/2-12/6 60 _ _ 12.4 % BHW6 16; 67 7/12-7/27; 10/1-12/6 _ 83 23.8 x BHW7 25; 35 10/1-10/25; 11/2-12/6 60 _ 12A % BHW8 15; 35 7/12-7/26; 11/2-12/6 50 12.4 % BHW9 15; 33 _ 10/1-10115; 11/4-12/6 48 11.7 % BHW30 16; 34 10/2-10/17; 11/3-12/6 _ 47 12.1 % BHWII 15; 25; 35 7/1_2-7/26; 10/2-10/26; 1112-12/6 _ _ 75 % BHW32 15; 34 10/2-10/16; 11/3-12/6 10121G/17;11/31216 10/2-10/16; 11/3-12/6 49 _12.4 12.1 x BHW33 16; 34 50 12.1 % BHW14 15; 34 49 12.1 x 65;16;34 2/28-5/3;10/1-10/16;11/3-12/6 115 23.0 x _PCI PC2 65114117;34 2/28-5/3;6/3-6/16;10/1-30/17;11/3-12/6 130 23.0 x PC3 t 65;16;34 2/28-5/3;30/1-10/16;11/3-12/6 115 23.0 % PC4 67;16;17;31 2/28-5/5;6/3-6/18;1D/1-10/1];11/5-12/6 2/28-5/5;6/3-6/17;10/1-30/1];11/&12/6 132 23.8 % PC5 6];15;17;34 _ ]33 23.8 % PC6 69;16;18;34 1 2/28-5/7;6/3-6/18;10/1-10/18;11/3-12/6 _ 137 24.5 x Bonnerton NRWHF Wetland Hydrology Appendix B-3 PCS Phosphate Company, Inc. 2018 Update August 2019 APPENDIX C January— December 2018 Hydrology Graphs NOTE: water levels greater than —30 inches below the ground surface exceed the length of the well casing for the shallow hydrology LevelTROLL monitors. Periods of horizontal water level shown on the hydrology graphs indicate the actual water level is deeper than that horizontal value. (sayaull lleluletl BIIpCIV € Bum" 0llzzle BLIBIIO 3 B LI6ll0 9vollo 94191V BL210 BL/B21f a B l'szrc BL/L619 BL'L 4'f B 1 VIC 04/6'C BLIS'C Ma B LII/f t o ry o v N d6 Isayou111eneyeleM 4MH9 J NU 3m Iseyooll 9ervletl c � N N i c co T 9 t'9Z/Z 062Z2 a Bu0L2 BVYL/2 = B l'p 412 B L'9 Z BL/z/Z B V6ZIl O eLmul O LILZII Bl1Il4 911 "1 916/L BL'i4 BL'L' (sayauLl lene'I LeLeM IMHB (sayau011elYletl N CI m N N 9L/6019 a MZ/9 942Z/9 0l/9119 3 BlIOt/9 0 Bll9l/0 9995 9L/Z19 eL/6ZIS d 9tlszrs 0462/S BURL/S B41S5 n ry .� BIIIIS (faLpul) lena� Ia4eM [MHB U (sayau!�1lelmey N N Bl/L CIOL e a,m BIICZ101 016101 01/31/01 011,110, 21,110, Bl/G01 BLI6Z/6 B L/SZ,6 BIILZI6 BLI(LI6 8 LI[La6 O11616 046,6 ro B LIt/6 — n n n � 'sayaul)I nal eleM LMH9 JN WU 3m gayaull IleLulea $ .. 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B L1922 � 812ZIZ 8L18L/Z 06'>4'Z PVOLl2 21,917 BLR/Z BV62/L O eus2n 21 IZM1 91,11, 01'CLIL 116L 21;94 PL/VL peyaYll Iene�+epM LLMHB (sa W ull uwa/aa nN wom w92/9 BL2Zl9 8L/Bll9 3 B LI0119 e el/0Lr9 2L519 — 2109 8 BI/6Z/$ m BLISUS 6L/LZ/9 8L/LL5 a LIMG 8065 81195 84/t/S IseWu!I Isnel+ateM LLMHB � n 3; m a (eayael)IleNlea eumm - BL/EZNL 8116 L/OL 84/$L/OL 0L/L404 OL/L0L - PION B V6ZI6 � BL SZI6 0I IZl6 21 B Ll6l/6 84/fi0 BL/A6 B t/L/6 L d 0 0 0 0 0 o m n ry m g n� ) O n (sayaul) Lanaya4eM L4MHB r dN A6 IBBWYII IIBIYIBa � N m eLmcle >0 z BL 9Z/0 B VZZ/0 84/B LIB — 3 B4'Ile BL/0L/0 BL/ZIB a a LI62/L B L!SiIL BL/LZ/L BL/LL/L BLLCLIL BL/6/L BL/SIG Bl/t¢ (sayaul) IenayaL¢M lLMH9 m N N(fayaull llelul8a` o c -- - BlIlC2l Bt1L224 S Btl[Z/Z1 B LI6124 B L/5124 o 04/lt2l euuzl — BlIC2l BII6Z64 d B4ISUU BLItz"L WWII OWE. 11 Bl/fi/ll B IIS/lt B tIIIR ...pulLIM" Isayou9 nelulea n t 81192/9 BlIzz" 9USO, 3 evvue 8110P, BL1911 84210 -` 9116Z/C n BL1521E 91nnC Bl/LIIE 9"CLIC 81161E B I IS¢ a 9LIUC D o c o o d N (saWul) lanai aaleM UMH9� r6 dN ..0 3m Isayaa91lelu�ea N r B L19Z/Z b T � BLRZl2 av911Z BLIOL2 3 8110 L2 0492 BLRK 9u62IL i BL SZ/l BVL214 91 d LII 911ull 0LI6/l BLl9rt 9l/tll paypup W-1 1a1-1 ZlMHa peyaull neluiea y O 81I9Z/9 B VZU9 B LIB Ll9 B 41V41B p BL/OL/9 9L55 - 9"M B116ZIS B41SM BLIl2IS BALL/S B LIe LS 9L161S 9LISIS ry ry O 91 I's (9040ul) IanayaleM Z1MH9 (seYauH Ilerv�ea N N N avlerm = eV ZNL 91IMM e L!6LIm t 0"S nCL BV LiICI 01!L!M BL C'M E Bl 6Zlfi 91 SZ,6 BLILZI6 911"16 g"W6 6L1616 811916 d B VL16 _ 4 N 1 (za4au!I lanai ale M ZLMH9 ` y d� Isagau9 nnulaa N o N V m BL 6EIB s 0 S z e v0P0 B LIZZIB B L!B l/0 91 L!B 0�04!B 01!010 01 Z0 e 8 G6LI[ p"GN BVLZI[ 9111W PtICUZ Bu61L 91191L WIM (seWul) Iene'j releM ZLMH9 peYau96elulea 0 E BN224 g B LIfZ2l B LI8421 3 Bl6l2l a Bl/1121 elam — 84IC24 O 0ll4ZRl B llL l/lt B IIC I/LL B ll6lll BI/Sill 04'l :I (eeYaul) lene� �epM i LMH9 �sayaul�IleIV1eH e1l9zly g sl2zro e veLro eu"v" evouo 9u9r0 BIZ" a 8V6Z/C 9L9ZIC BL/I ZIC 91 "IC BI/Cl/E 91161C BI Nf L BVIIC t o c c o 0 o N d O (ssyaul�lanal aalaM [4MHB d dw r a (seyaap Ileryley M S N N N E [0 T 811922 g elrzzrz 01181Iz 91"LIZ e uma 0 L192 BLIZ2 E 91/6ZI1 G 811szrl elltzn 9LIun 91 COIL 91161, Bl1s, B11P4 (SBOVIO laasI lsleM CIMH9 (seyau1�119y1eH N N - -- 0L/e[19 = 94/BZ/9 g` 9 LIZZl9 B lI8ll9 BL/"V9 a BuOI/9 94/9IB — 9L21B g B lI6Zl5 O 841SZIS BuINS evu/s 941EL/s 9 t165 RING 9I1N9 (eeyaal) lace] aaleM CLMH9 U d Isayaull llquletl N N N N OIII EIOI OL16101 E OnCUOI OL161O1 3 O VSIIOI BL LL/OL OL G/Ol — 2VVOL B:I6Z/6 815Z/6 WIZ/6 BL!LL16 8l/Etl6 8L16/6 B 11916 d BL M1Ifi _ n h 1 Iseyaull Laney ale M BtMX9 � y d U n a (sryaul) Ilelwetl � ry � 0L/OL/0 O E z AL192/8 0 LIZLB B ll0ll0 3 0 V>l/8 BL/O LIB BL 9/8 B LIZ/8 O B u62/L f„s�lL eluzrz BVLL/L Btf LIG 8L/6/L BL4�L BLILIL a (ceyaul)IenayeleM ELMX9 (¢eyuYll lleluletl N N Bl/LE2l BL/L221 � 8l/fZ24 e BL/6L2L 3 B L/$L2L p BL/4424 Bl/(2L — eueal Bl/6ZIll d Bt/SLLI Bu tZnL eluLnL MUM M B ll6/ll BIIS/Ll Bllt/ll (seyaull lanq /eleM [4MX9 laayaup Ilelumtl BL/9Llr E 9lazm 91/8Lm s s eurur 9Lm1/r 0l19r BL Zo 9116L1c a 9L SLle 9lnzlc 91"L/C 8l/cl/C 8l/6 C B1!91E N B v1IC 0 0 0 0 0 o Y n �seyaull leneygeM KMNB o � n dU mn 3m o )sayaul)IlelulaN � m. d V9Z12 E T � 91 Zzlz 81/dl/z 911011E 91191/Z 9l/9 Z L d1ZZ . 9L16z, i 045z/L Bl/LL4 8l/d 16 BIICIII 81,64 9,194 8Vl/l IeeY=ull .-1,.leMtLMXB re.y=�!) IleNley eu99re 8419219 B lIZL9 8 VBIIB B IIOLl9 a 0 L/DL/9 BL519 — BlZ9 t 9116m 91/SE/S 914z's 8 LILLIS MIS BL/6 9 84515 BL/ll5 (sayaul)LanaI,N.m,LMHB (zayau9 ne/a/ea 8 VEZ/6l BL/6 L�6t Bl/SINI O VLI/Bl 01 LIM Bl/UBl B116Z/6 O e 1 /SZ/6 B L/B/6 eI GLI6 BL/C116 911616 911V6 d 04l/fi U 4 o m n J y (s840u) legal uleM "MHO W N^ b lsa4uu!l lleluletl a ry N N N 3 U m BL/6C/B � p C L/9Z/B g z BL22/8 B LIO L/0 3 eueue BL/O LIB B v98 BUZ/8 3 O BL 6Z/L eL/sz/L eLnzrz B L/L L/G B Lif l/L CL/6 L BL/9G B Li L/L (sayau!) lanal uRM 9LMHB �sa4aull llalu!etl N N N N (saVul)I"n JMeM VIMH6 0 0 B LILC2L E 041LZIZ4 8 L2Z21 e B LIfi 42l e V5424 BL/L 124 BUUZL — P BIIBZ/ll O OIISZ/41 Bl/R/l l aunnL BNENLL BL/6ILL 8115/ll 0l/l/ll