HomeMy WebLinkAbout20080868 Ver 2_Supplement 2 entire_20190628SUPPLEMENT 2 Final Proposed Broomfield Swamp Creek Monitoring Plan 2018 Data from Broomfield Swamp Creek and SCUT1 (CD/DVD only) Annual Creeks Report PCS Phosphate Company Inc. 2018 Data Collection Year Supplement 2 Page- 1 July 2019 BROOMFIELD SWAMP CREEK MONITORING PLAN SOUTH 33 TRACT BEAUFORT COUNTY, NC Per the Final Plan of Study to Monitor Potential Effects of Reduction of Headwater Wetlands on the Downstream Aquatic Functions and Utilization of Tributaries of South Creek, Porter Creek, and Durham Creek, Beaufort County, NC Prepared by CZR Incorporated for PCS Phosphate Company, Inc. December 2017 Broomfield Swamp Creek Monitoring Plan Page 1 PCS Phosphate Company, Inc. CZR Incorporated December 2017 Annual Creeks Report PCs Phosphate Company Inc. 2018 Data Collection Year Supplement 2 Page- 2 July 2019 BROOMFIELD SWAMP CREEK MONITORING PLAN INTRODUCTION A. Background In November 2000, PCS Phosphate Company, Inc. (PCS) applied for authorization to continue its phosphate mining operations on the Hickory Point peninsula (NCPC Tract) adjacent to the Pamlico River and South Creek once phosphate reserves were depleted under the 1997 permitted area for Alt E. In 2001, the environmental impact statement (EIS) process was begun for mine continuation. The US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) established that it would be appropriate to consider holistic mine plans that included more than one tract; PCS then proposed alternatives in two additional tracts (Bonnerton and South of Route 33 [S33]). In January 2009, the NC Division of Water Quality (now Division of Water Resources-NCDWR) issued PCS a 401 Water Quality Certification (#2008-0868 version 2.0; Certification No. 3771) and in June of 2009, the Corps issued PCS a 404 permit (Action ID 200110096) for activities associated with Modified Alternative L (Mod Alt L) which would occur over 35 years in the three tracts (Figure 1, updated Figure I -Al from the annual creeks reports). As the Mod Alt L mine advance continues, temporary drainage basin reductions will occur for several small estuarine tributaries of South Creek and the Pamlico River. The 2009 USACE permit and the North Carolina Division of Water Quality Certification contained conditions that required the continuation of creeks monitoring required under the previous USACE 1997 permit. To detect any deleterious effects on these tributaries from the Mod Alt L advance, development of a new creeks plan of study, expanded to include more creeks (from three to 13) and more parameters, and formation of an advisory Science Panel were also required. The new creeks plan of study was first approved by agencies in February 2011. After the first Science Panel meeting (2012) and discussion of the first annual report produced under the new plan of study (2011 year), additional revisions and clarifications were incorporated into the creeks plan of study which was finalized in September 2012. Table 1 shows the monitoring parameters, equipment type or field methods, and monitoring frequency of data collection in the PCS creeks study (Table I -Al from the annual creeks reports). In April of 2012, the USACE approved a request made by PCS for a one-time modification to Special Condition V of the 2009 permit/ROD to change the due date of the annual report from 1 May to 1 June 2012. In March of 2013, the USACE approved a request made by PCS to modify Special Conditions V and W of the 2009 permit/ROD: Special Condition V was modified to allow the annual creeks monitoring reports to be completed by 1 July (instead of 1 May) of the following year and Special Condition W was modified to allow the Science Panel to meet no later than 30 August of the following year (instead of 30 July). Recipients of the PCS Creeks Monitoring Plan of Study were provided addendum pages to document these modifications. In 2013, pre -Mod Alt L monitoring began in DCUT11 and its control creek, DCUT19, both of which are tributaries to Durham Creek. A new salinity monitor was also added near the downstream end of Durham Creek. With the Durham Creek watershed monitoring sites included, all equipment is in place to monitor the entire suite of locations and parameters north of NC33 in the vicinity of the NCPC and Bonnerton tracts as specified in the final creeks monitoring plan of study (16 monitoring locations, of which 13 are creeks monitored for multiple Broomfield Swamp Creek Monitoring Plan Page 2 PCS Phosphate Company, Inc. CZR Incorporated December 2017 Annual Creeks Report PCs Phosphate Company Inc. 2018 Data Collection Year Supplement 2 Page- 3 July 2019 Table 1. Monitored parameters, equipment, and frequency of data collection. Water quality samples are collected and AquaTROLLs are downloaded every two weeks. Rain gauges and LevelTROLLs are downloaded once a month Table I-A2 from annual creeks reports). Parameter I Methods/Equipment Frequency Hydrology - shallow groundwater/surface water Wetland hydrology - alluvial bottomland LeveITROLLS Every 1.5 hours/monthly field check Estuarine/creek water levels AquaTROLLS Every 1.5 hours/2 week field check Flow events Observation' Monthly field check Water Quality Salinity/conductivity/temperature AquaTROLLS Every 1.5 hours/2 week field check Total dissolved phosphorus Field to lab Every 2 weeks Dissolved orthosphosphate Field to lab Every 2 weeks Ammonium nitrogen Field to lab Every 2 weeks Nitrate nitrogen Field to lab Every 2 weeks Dissolved Kjeldahl nitrogen Field to lab Every 2 weeks Particulate nitrogen Field to lab Every 2 weeks Particulate phosphorus Field to lab Every 2 weeks Chlorophyll a Field to lab Every 2 weeks Total organic carbon (TOC) Field to lab Every 2 weeks Particulate organic carbon (POC) Field to lab Every 2 weeks Total dissolved nitrogen (TDN) Field to lab Every 2 weeks Metals in water Field to lab August (Ag, As, Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mo Se, Zn) Metals in sediment Field to lab August (Al, Ag, As, Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mo, Se, Zn) Rainfall by major basin I Ecotone rain gauge I Continuous; every 0.1 inch Benthos - estuarine Ponar and sweep May Fish - estuarine Otter trawl/tyke net Weekly - April thru June Vegetation - alluvial bottomland Transects (herb and shrub plots) Late growing season - Aug/Sept2 In -situ water quality parameters Monitored in conjunction with Weekly with fish collections fish/benthos sampling, and/or Spring with benthos collections water quality sample collections Every two weeks w/WQ collections - water temperature YSI handheld - dissolved oxygen YSI handheld - conductivity YSI handheld - specific conductivity YSI handheld - salinity YSI handheld - pH YSI handheld - turbidity w/WQ Turbidimeter - secchi depth w/fish/benthos Secchi disc - water depth w/fish/benthos Tape measure - percent SAV visible w/fish/benthos Visual 'Low flow gauges removed from Porter Creek and Duck Creek; production of additional units unlikely 2Not all creeks are monitored every year. Broomfield Swamp Creek Monitoring Plan Page 3 PCS Phosphate Company, Inc. CZR Incorporated December 2017 Annual Creeks Report PCs Phosphate Company Inc. 2018 Data Collection Year Supplement 2 Page- 4 July 2019 parameters (six control creeks and seven impact creeks), and three locations serve as additional control locations (for water depth and salinity only). B. S33 Tract As identified in the final PCS Creeks Plan of Study, near the end of the life of mining in the Bonnerton Tract, PCS will determine if it is practicable for the mine to expand into the S33 Tract. If the decision is made to open a mine pit in S33, then PCS will initiate the collection of five years of baseline salinity and water level monitoring in either Broomfield Swamp Creek or Cypress Run, whichever is deemed most "representative" at the time, based on knowledge gained from the previous years of monitoring the other tributary creeks and other applicable and current information. It has now been determined by PCS that mining will continue into the S33 Tract and that Broomfield Swamp Creek is the more appropriate creek to monitor. Therefore, based on current projections of the mine advance, baseline monitoring of Broomfield Swamp Creek should begin in 2018. II. RATIONALE FOR BROOMFIELD SWAMP CREEK SELECTION OVER CYPRESS RUN Broomfield Swamp Creek was selected for several reasons, with the three most important ones as follows: • based on projected impacts to the Cypress Run basin, mine activities in the S33 Tract would occur for —10 years in the northern portion of the tract before the five years of baseline pre -impact data collection in Cypress Run would begin; the mouth of Cypress Run cannot be trawled for fish as a boat cannot get under the Bateman Road bridge across South Creek and there is no boat launch upstream of that bridge; and • there is no mapped bottomland hardwood community to monitor in Cypress Run. III. DESCRIPTION OF BROOMFIELD SWAMP CREEK SAMPLE LOCATIONS Broomfield Swamp Creek is a deeply incised creek with irregularly sized and spaced 2 to 5 foot high spoil piles along the south bank, and a South Creek Drainage District (SCDD) dirt access road along the north bank for most of its length. According to the USGS StreamStats website (https://streamstats.usgs.gov/ss/), the creek drains an estimated area of approximately 3.04 square miles with a mean basin slope of 0.82 percent. In early 2018, CZR will verify the drainage basin boundaries by consultation with farmers and observation of flow direction in ditches in vicinity of the USGS designated basin. The USGS data show land use of the basin varies between approximately 48 to 65 percent in cultivation. Figure 2 shows the proposed locations of three salinity/depth monitors, two wetland hydrology monitors, multi -parameter water quality collection at each salinity/depth monitor, water and sediment collection for metals, fish trawl collections, and benthos collections. The same equipment and methods used in the other creeks in the study will be used in Broomfield Swamp Creek. Reconnaissance by CZR Incorporated (CZR) occurred in May, August, and September 2017 and representatives from the USACE and NCDWR met on site with PCS and CZR on 20 September; at the request of the agencies, CZR and PCS conducted further reconnaissance beyond the mapped bottomland hardwood community on 20 September. The previous CZR Broomfield Swamp Creek Monitoring Plan Page 4 PCS Phosphate Company, Inc. CZR Incorporated December 2017 Annual Creeks Report PCs Phosphate Company Inc. 2018 Data Collection Year Supplement 2 Page- 5 July 2019 reconnaissance showed the width of the creek to vary from about 20 feet wide at the most upstream proposed monitor location to 40 feet wide at the other two proposed downstream monitors. Average mid -channel water depth from the mouth to about 500 feet upstream was 8.9 feet on the day of boat reconnaissance in May, and water depths approximately 3 feet away from the north edge of the creek at the three proposed pier locations ranged from approximately 17 to 36 inches at the mouth. The wetland proposed for hydrology measurements with two monitors (BSCW1 and BSCW2) on the south side of the creek just west of the Idalia Road (SR1925) crossing, is the only wetland within the basin mapped as bottomland hardwood in the 2008 FEIS. The Beaufort County Soil Survey shows this wetland as underlain by -200 feet of Muckalee loam in the creek and floodplain with Augusta fine sandy loam and Tomotley fine sandy loam in adjacent areas. Although channelization of South Creek and agricultural practices have altered the historic configuration of surface, subsurface, and overbank delivery of water to this wetland, there are several openings of various dimensions between the spoil piles at the creek edge which allow direct connection between the wetland and South Creek. Existing agricultural ditches in the fields to the south of the wetland also continue to deliver water into the wetland from that portion of the basin, albeit in a more accelerated fashion. The wetland has naturalized to this present configuration. Since the FEIS, a portion of the interior of this wetland shows considerable die - back of the mature tree stems and exhibits a more open canopy. This wetland may be the most upstream evidence of the changes in community type also observed downstream of Idalia Road where a "ghost forest" of dead cypress is extensive and areas of shrub and marsh grasses have expanded (see Photo 2-right, Photo 4, and Photo 7 below). Ghost forests are a wide -spread regional phenomenon caused perhaps by climate change and associated sea level rise, with additional exacerbation from Hurricane Irene in 2011. IV. POTENTIAL CONTROL CREEK (SCUT1) The final plan of study for the PCS creeks monitoring program indicated that at the time PCS decides whether or not to mine in the South 33 Tract, a search will be conducted for a suitable control creek for the "representative" impacted creek selected to be monitored. The proposed candidate control creek is an unnamed tributary to South Creek (SCUT1), on the opposite side and slightly downstream of where Broomfield Swamp Creek joins South Creek (Figure 1). Both creeks have similar sized, largely agricultural drainage basins. The USGS StreamStats data show the estimated basin of SCUT1 as 4.61 square miles, with a mean basin slope of 0.67 percent, and 36 to 58 percent in cultivation. However, wetland restoration of the P Lands (Phases 1, 2 and portions of 3) has diverted - 1/3 of the USGS 4.61-square mile drainage basin out of this unnamed tributary and into Gum Swamp Run. This diversion may result in a drainage basin for SCUT1 closer to 3.07 square miles. In early 2018, CZR will verify basin boundaries by consultation with farmers and observation of flow in ditches in vicinity of the USGS designated basin. Field reconnaissance of this proposed control creek at the Bay City Road bridge and along the upper west side was conducted by CZR on 4 October, and the mouth was explored by boat on 25 October 2017. The wetland along the west side of SCUT1 opposite the agricultural fields parallel to Bay City Road (SR1002) appears similar in width and vegetation type to the FEIS- mapped bottomland hardwood community in Broomfield Swamp Creek based on the field observations on 4 October (see Photos 10 and 11). At least within the portions selected for well locations in the two creeks, there appears to be similar occurrences of dwarf palmetto (Saba) minor) and switch cane (Arundinaria tecta) with possibly slightly more narrow leaf cattail (Typhus augustifolia) in the Broomfield Swamp Creek ghost forest. The creek at the location of Broomfield Swamp Creek Monitoring Plan Page 5 PCS Phosphate Company, Inc. CZR Incorporated December 2017 Annual Creeks Report PCs Phosphate Company Inc. 2018 Data Collection Year Supplement 2 Page- 6 July 2019 the middle salinity and depth monitor is shown in Photo 12. While portions of the natural creek appear to be undisturbed on aerial photos, Google Earth history indicates that downstream of the bridge across Bay City Road, a straight canal had been dug from the bridge to South Creek prior to 1993, and that between 1998 and 2002, portions of the upper creek may have been straightened as well. On the earlier Google Earth photos, shadows occlude what appears to be a natural channel on the north side upstream of the bridge. This natural channel is not visible until later years with improved photo quality. A narrow swath where trees appeared to have been removed along the east side of the upper creek is evident by the December 2002 photo and lends evidence to speculation of some human activity along the creek edge (i.e., potential excavation of channel). While there were no spoil piles noted in the portion of the SCUT1 wetland explored on the west side of the upper creek, vegetation hampered the detection of spoil on the opposite bank. The SCUT1 wetland boundary has not been delineated or completely explored, but desktop analysis indicates it appears to occupy more continuous linear distance along the floodplain adjacent to the creek than the wetland proposed to monitor in Broomfield Swamp Creek. The Beaufort County Soil Survey shows the SCUT1 wetland underlain by Muckalee loam along the creek (similar to Broomfield Swamp Creek) with adjacent areas on the west side of the creek underlain by Roanoke fine sandy loam. On 25 October, as was done earlier for Broomfield Swamp Creek, a two -seam otter trawl with tickler chain only (no net attached) was used to explore two potential locations for the SCUT1 trawl transect. The proposed SCUT1 downstream trawl transect is approximately 75-yards in length and ends at the mouth. Along the trawl transect the creek varies in width from 100-feet at the upstream end to 120-feet at the downstream end. Water depth across the trawl transect varied from 1-foot on the east side of the creek and extends approximately halfway across the creek before it drops abruptly to around 6-feet on the west side. Substrate on the east side of the creek consists of a soft detritus/muck and the deeper west side has more of a sandy substrate. Numerous snags and stumps were noted nearby but the trawl transect itself was clear of obstruction; careful placement of the net prior to beginning the trawl will be necessary. The channel is deepest on the west side and the trawl would need to be deployed away from the middle or the eastern half where the creek becomes too shallow. A second potential trawl transect was also explored further upstream; however, this location was deemed too shallow to successfully trawl under normal conditions (the strong wind tide observed on 25 October provided depths of only 3 feet). Figure 3 shows the proposed monitoring locations within SCUT1 (e.g., same number/type as in Broomfield Swamp Creek). A CAMA permit application will be submitted for approval of the 6 proposed piers necessary to house the salinity/depth monitors (similar to piers in the other creeks of the study). Broomfield Swamp Creek Monitoring Plan Page 6 PCS Phosphate Company, Inc. CZR Incorporated December 2017 Annual Creeks Report 2018 Data Collection Year Supplement 2 Page- 7 PCS Phosphate Company Inc. July 2019 DUCK CREEK BATH CREEK\\ SpgTF RTC 92 p�M \ t � C C PCS PHOSPHATE PLANT DcuT19 * SITE DCS1 DCUT11 �o PORTER s z° BO N N E R O TOOLEY CREEK DRINKWATER CREEK SR 1958 CREEK , OHO JAICKS CREEK A G q1,;co\�T c ONO G OG�T\r SCUSNERN CRK f N w�33 AURORA N G °BAILEY SR 1939 CRK to D 03 o w � J SR i92 SOUTH OF 33 DO 10 S 1926 U SR 1924 SR 1927 sS � S SR 1926 SOUTH CREEK CANAL R / V E R CUT -- /PS1 NCPC SR 1945 SANDY LANDING 2D SOv�N CREEK rLONGEEK > PA2 lJ SHORT CREEK SS1 ii UTTLE CREEK e�i / � N.C. �Q SCUT1 * BROOMFIELD SWAMP CREEK NORTH CREEK UDDY CREEK* I GUM SWAMP !� COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA BEAUFORT PAML CI COUNTY KEY MAP NOT TO SCALE LEGEND Vucin ty Map MODIFIED ALT L BOUNDARIES PCS PHOSPHATE COMPANY, INC. CONTROL CREEKS Scale: As shown Drawn by: TLJ 7,000 0 7,000 Feet � Date: 10/23/17 File: 174547/CREEK_VIC_FIG1 CREEK IMPACT CREEKS Approved by: 1-inure 1 Broomfield Swamp Creek Monitoring Plan Page 7 PCS Phosphate Company, Inc. CZR Incorporated December 2017 Annual Creeks Report PCS Phosphate Company Inc. 2018 Data Collection Year Supplement 2 Page- 8 July 2019 Broomfield Swamp Creek Monitoring Plan Page 8 PCS Phosphate Company, Inc. CZR Incorporated December 2017 Annual Creeks Report PCS Phosphate Company Inc. 2018 Data Collection Year Supplement 2 Page- 9 July 2019 Broomfield Swamp Creek Monitoring Plan Page 9 PCS Phosphate Company, Inc. CZR Incorporated December 2017 Annual Creeks Report PCs Phosphate Company Inc. 2018 Data Collection Year Supplement 2 Page- 10 July 2019 V. SELECTED PHOTOGRAPHS Photo1. Upstream Broomfield Swamp Creek salinity/depth monitor location (BSCS1) at creek edge closet to camera: -6 ft high embankment to top edge of dirt road; mid -creek depth in photo 45 inches, creek width -40 feet, flow direction is right to left. 4 October 2017. Broomfield Swamp Creek Monitoring Plan Page 10 PCS Phosphate Company, Inc. CZR Incorporated December 2017 Annual Creeks Report PCs Phosphate Company Inc. 2018 Data Collection Year Supplement 2 Page- 11 July 2019 Photo 2. Area mapped as FEIS bottomland hardwood biotic community 3: view towards Broomfield Swamp Creek from the largest breach through the spoil pile on south bank (left photo, creek flow from left to right) and view upstream across bottomland hardwood into ghost forest (right photo). 9 August 2017. Broomfield Swamp Creek Monitoring Plan Page 11 PCS Phosphate Company, Inc. CZR Incorporated December 2017 i r e { lli� j1t z�; • �� �.• �, yr, r: OF Ok c .: 4al { ]y ;y• �yEli ••: 14 � ��••, %�•. , � . � .4 � • - : a,1•' � �' �:,ry �� : I,..�F ;�1��. -;•Y� •. Lam• Annual Creeks Report PCs Phosphate Company Inc. 2018 Data Collection Year Supplement 2 Page- 13 July 2019 Photo 5. Location of salinity/depth monitor (BSCS2) on south side of Broomfield Swamp Creek at Idalia Road (SR1925) bridge. Creek water depth -44 inches in photo but thick detritus layer is an additional 40 or more inches beneath; creek width - 40 feet. The concrete edge of the bridge is visible in upper left corner of photo; flow is left to right. 4 October 2017. Photo 6. View to south from South Creek at mouth of Broomfield Swamp Creek to right. Most downstream salinity/depth monitor proposed location at red arrow (BSCS3). 31 May 2017. Broomfield Swamp Creek Monitoring Plan Page 13 PCS Phosphate Company, Inc. CZR Incorporated December 2017 Annual Creeks Report PCs Phosphate Company Inc. 2018 Data Collection Year Supplement 2 Page- 14 July 2019 Photo 7. View upstream to west from downstream end of proposed trawling transect in Broomfield Swamp Creek (dead stems of ghost forest are visible to left). BSCS3 location is beyond picture edge on right shore and toward the camera. 31 May 2017. Photo 8. View downstream to east from upstream end of proposed trawling transect in Broomfield Swamp Creek. Approximate BSCS3 location at red arrow. 31 May 2017. Broomfield Swamp Creek Monitoring Plan Page 14 PCS Phosphate Company, Inc. CZR Incorporated December 2017 Annual Creeks Report PCs Phosphate Company Inc. 2018 Data Collection Year Supplement 2 Page- 15 July 2019 Photo 9. Upstream salinity/depth monitor location in unnamed tributary to South Creek (SCUT1 S1) proposed as control creek for Broomfield Swamp Creek. Creek depth mid -channel -35 inches, creek width -20 feet with firm slightly loamy bottom, flow from right to left in photo. 4 October 2017. Broomfield Swamp Creek Monitoring Plan Page 15 PCS Phosphate Company, Inc. CZR Incorporated December 2017 Annual Creeks Report PCs Phosphate Company Inc. 2018 Data Collection Year Supplement 2 Page- 16 July 2019 Photo 10. Upstream wetland well location in proposed control creek (SCUT1 W1), semi -open canopy, creek edge to right in photo -40 feet, view downstream. 4 October 2017. Photo 11. Downstream wetland well location (SCUT1 W2) in proposed control creek, mostly - closed canopy, creek edge to right of photo -100 feet, view downstream. 4 October 2017. Broomfield Swamp Creek Monitoring Plan Page 16 PCS Phosphate Company, Inc. CZR Incorporated December 2017 Annual Creeks Report PCs Phosphate Company Inc. 2018 Data Collection Year Supplement 2 Page- 17 July 2019 Photo 12. View downstream from biologist location in Photo 13 of proposed SCUT1 S2 pier location; arrow marks west bank edge. Photo 13. View across SCUT1 at S2 pier location (creek width -20 feet). Photo 12 taken by the biologist while standing on limb in this photo. Broomfield Swamp Creek Monitoring Plan Page 17 PCS Phosphate Company, Inc. CZR Incorporated December 2017 Annual Creeks Report PCs Phosphate Company Inc. 2018 Data Collection Year Supplement 2 Page- 18 July 2019 Photo 14. Location of proposed downstream salinity/depth monitor (SCUT1 S3) at crossing of Bay City Road (SR1002); red arrow marks monitor location. Water depths undetermined at monitor, but depth was >12 feet at bridge upstream side, flow right to left in photo. 4 October 2017. Access pier would be nearly parallel to creek edge and perpendicular to the roadway bridge. A pier location further downstream or any closer to the SCUT1 mouth is precluded by parcel ownership or access issues. Photo 15. View upstream of SCUT1 from Bay City Road bridge. Natural channel to left (blue arrow), excavated channel to right (dashed blue arrow), and red arrow is salinity/depth monitor location shown in Photo 14. Broomfield Swamp Creek Monitoring Plan Page 18 PCS Phosphate Company, Inc. CZR Incorporated December 2017 Annual Creeks Report PCs Phosphate Company Inc. 2018 Data Collection Year Supplement 2 Page- 19 July 2019 Photo 16. View downstream of SCUT1 from bridge across Bay City Road. Excavated canal is visible to right of photo and natural channel is to left and joins the canal at the west end of the marsh island visible in center of photo. Red arrow marks approximate upstream end of the trawl transect near the mouth of creek. 4 October 2017. Broomfield Swamp Creek Monitoring Plan Page 19 PCS Phosphate Company, Inc. CZR Incorporated December 2017 Annual Creeks Report 2018 Data Collection Year Supplement 2 Page-20 PCs Phosphate Company, Inc. July 2019 Fish captured/collected while trawling at Broomfield Swamp Creek (inland waters) in April, May, and June 2018. 2018 Common Name Species 4-Apr 11-Apr 17-Apr 25-Apr 2-May 8-May 16-May 23-May 30-May 5-Jun 13-Jun 20-Jun 26-Jun Total AVERAGE STDEV Cl LOW Cl UPPER Cl American eel Anguilla rostrata 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0.076923 0.27735 0.167615 0 0.244538 Black crappie Pomoxis nigromaculatus 0 0 5 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 0.615385 1.445595 0.873639 0 1.489024 Bluegill Lepomis macrochirus 1 2 6 2 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 14 1.076923 1.656379 1.001025 0.075898 2.077949 Bowfin Amia calva 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0.076923 0.27735 0.167615 0 0.244538 Brown bullhead Ameiurus nebulosus 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0.076923 0.27735 0.167615 0 0.244538 Gizzard shad Dorosoma cepedianum 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0.076923 0.27735 0.167615 0 0.244538 Hogchoker Trinectes maculatus 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0.076923 0.27735 0.167615 0 0.244538 Pumpkinseed Lepomis gibbosus 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0.076923 0.27735 0.167615 0 0.244538 Spot Leiostomus xanthurus 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0.076923 0.27735 0.167615 0 0.244538 White catfish Ameiurus catus 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0.076923 0.27735 0.167615 0 0.244538 White perch Morone americana 3 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 0.769231 2.047513 1.237406 0 2.006637 Yellow bullhead Ameiurus natalis 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0.076923 0.27735 0.167615 0 0.244538 Total 8 12 11 4 2 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 41 3.153846 4.317525 2.609279 0.544568 5.763125 Trawling was performed with a two -seam otter trawl constructed with a 10.5-foot head rope. 0.25-inch bar mesh wings and body, and 0.12-inch bar mesh cod end. Otter trawl was towed toward the creek mouth for approximately one minute, covering 75 yards. Fish captured/collected while trawling at SCUT1 (inland waters) in April, May, and June 2018. 2018 Common Name Species 4-Apr 11-Apr 17-Apr 25-Apr 2-May 8-May 16-May 23-May 30-May 5-Jun 13-Jun 20-Jun 26-Jun Total AVERAGE STDEV Cl LOW Cl UPPER Cl Atlantic croaker Micropogonias undulatus 0 0 0 2 3 0 1 0 2 5 0 0 0 13 1 1.581139 0.955555 0.044445 1.955555 Atlantic menhaden Brevoortia tyrannus 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0.076923 0.27735 0.167615 0 0.244538 Black crappie Pomoxis nigromaculatus 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 15 15 1.153846 4.160251 2.514231 0 3.668077 Bluegill Lepomis macrochirus 0 0 8 3 0 0 2 0 1 0 1 0 1 16 1.230769 2.241794 1.354819 0 2.585588 Bowfin Amia calva 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0.076923 0.27735 0.167615 0 0.244538 Hogchoker Trinectes maculatus 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0.153846 0.5547 0.335231 0 0.489077 Ladyfish Elops saurus 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0.076923 0.27735 0.167615 0 0.244538 Pumpkinseed Lepomis gibbosus 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0.076923 0.27735 0.167615 0 0.244538 Southern flounder Paralichthys lethostigma 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0.076923 0.27735 0.167615 0 0.244538 Spot Leiostomus xanthurus 14 0 1 2 38 2 90 0 3 0 0 0 0 150 11.53846 25.8638 15.63068 0 27.16914 White perch Morone americana 0 0 1 2 1 1 16 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 21 1.615385 1 4.369181 1 2.640497 1 0 1 4.255881 Total 15 0 11 11 42 3 109 0 7 6 2 0 16 222 17.07692 29.82578 18.02508 0 35.10201 Trawling was performed with a two -seam otter trawl constructed with a 10.5-foot head rope. 0.25-inch bar mesh wings and body, and 0.12-inch bar mesh cod end Otter trawl was towed toward the creek mouth for approximately one minute, covering 75 yards. Annual Creeks Report PCS Phosphate Company, Inc. 2018 Data Collection Year Supplement 2 Page-21 July 2019 1745.47 RAW BENTHIC DATA FOR BROOMFIELD SWAMP CREEK 2018 5/15/2018 Broomfield Up Ponar 1 Limnodrilus hoffineisteri 4 Annelida Oligochaeta Naididae 5/15/2018 Broomfield Up Ponar 1 Tubificinae w/o hair 4 Annelida Oligochaeta Naididae 5/15/2018 Broomfield Up Ponar 1 Gammarus tigrinus 4 Arthropoda Amphipoda Gammaridae 5/15/2018 Broomfield Up Ponar 2 NO ORGANISMS 0 5/15/2018 Broomfield Up Ponar 3 Gammarus tigrinus 48 Arthropoda Amphipoda Gammaridae 5/15/2018 Broomfield Up Ponar 3 Limnodrilus hoffineisteri 4 Annelida Oligochaeta Naididae 5/15/2018 Broomfield Up Ponar 4 Gammarus tigrinus 16 Arthropoda Amphipoda Gammaridae 5/15/2018 Broomfield Up Ponar 5 Limnodrilus hoffineisteri 4 Annelida Oligochaeta Naididae 5/15/2018 Broomfield Down Ponar 1 Gammarus tigrinus 3 Arthropoda Amphipoda Gammaridae 5/15/2018 Broomfield Down Ponar 2 Gammarus tigrinus 2 Arthropoda Amphipoda Gammaridae 5/15/2018 Broomfield Down Ponar 3 Streblospio benedicti 28 Annelida Polychaete Spionidae 5/15/2018 Broomfield Down Ponar 3 Amphicteis floridus 20 Annelida Polychaete Ampharetidae 5/15/2018 Broomfield Down Ponar 3 Gammarus tigrinus 10 Arthropoda Amphipoda Gammaridae 5/15/2018 Broomfield Down Ponar 3 Cyprideis littoralis 4 Arthropoda Ostracoda Cytherideidae 5/15/2018 Broomfield Down Ponar 3 Tubificoides heterochaetus 2 Annelida Oligochaeta Naididae 5/15/2018 Broomfield Down Ponar 4 Amphicteis floridus 82 Annelida Polychaete Ampharetidae 5/15/2018 Broomfield Down Ponar 4 Streblospio benedicti 52 Annelida Polychaete Spionidae 5/15/2018 Broomfield Down Ponar 4 Tubificoides heterochaetus 4 Annelida Oligochaeta Naididae 5/15/2018 Broomfield Down Ponar 4 Cyprideis littoralis 4 Arthropoda Ostracoda Cytherideidae 5/15/2018 Broomfield Down Ponar 4 Gammarus tigrinus 4 Arthropoda Amphipoda Gammaridae 5/15/2018 Broomfield Down Ponar 4 Tanypus neopunctipennis 2 Arthropoda Diptera Chironomidae 5/15/2018 Broomfield Down Ponar 5 Amphicteis floridus 2 Annelida Polychaete Ampharetidae 5/15/2018 Broomfield Down Ponar 5 Gammarus tigrinus 6 Arthropoda Amphipoda Gammaridae 5/15/2018 Broomfield Down Ponar 5 Streblospio benedicti 11 Annelida Polychaete Spionidae 5/15/2018 Broomfield Down Ponar 5 Tubificinae w/o hair 2 Annelida Oligochaeta Naididae 5/15/2018 Broomfield Down Ponar 5 Bezzia/Palpomyia group 1 Arthropoda Diptera Ceratopogonidae 5/15/2018 Broomfield Down Ponar 5 Candonidae sp. 1 Arthropoda Ostracoda Candonidae 5/15/2018 Broomfield Up Sweep 1 Gammarus tigrinus 100+ Arthropoda Amphipoda Gammaridae 5/15/2018 Broomfield Up Sweep 1 Littoridinops sp. 38 Mollusca Gastropoda Hydrobiidae 5/15/2018 Broomfield Up Sweep 1 Cyprideis littoralis 9 Arthropoda Ostracoda Cytherideidae 5/15/2018 Broomfield Up Sweep 1 Tubificinae w/o hair 20 Annelida Oligochaeta Naididae 5/15/2018 Broomfield Up Sweep 1 Tubificoides heterochaetus 2 Annelida Oligochaeta Naididae 5/15/2018 Broomfield Up Sweep 1 Limnodrilus hoffineisteri 8 Annelida Oligochaeta Naididae 5/15/2018 Broomfield Up Sweep 1 Bezzia/Palpomyia group 1 Arthropoda Diptera Ceratopogonidae 5/15/2018 Broomfield Up Sweep 1 Endochironomus sp. 9 Arthropoda Diptera Chironomidae 5/15/2018 Broomfield Up Sweep 1 Americamysis almyra 3 Arthropoda Mysida Mysidae 5/15/2018 Broomfield Up Sweep 1 Physa/Physella sp. 5 Mollusca Gastropoda Physidae 5/15/2018 Broomfield Up Sweep 1 (Macropelopia sp.) 1 Arthropoda Diptera Chironomidae 5/15/2018 Broomfield Up Sweep 1 Parachironomus sp. 1 Arthropoda Diptera Chironomidae 5/15/2018 Broomfield Up Sweep 1 Trichocorixa sexcinta 1 Arthropoda Hemiptera Corixidae 5/15/2018 Broomfield Up Sweep 1 Perithemis tenera 7 Arthropoda Odonata Libellulidae 5/15/2018 Broomfield Up Sweep 2 Gammarus tigrinus 100+ Arthropoda Amphipoda Gammaridae 5/15/2018 Broomfield Up Sweep 2 Candonidae sp. 4 Arthropoda Ostracoda Candonidae 5/15/2018 Broomfield Up Sweep 2 Tubificinae w/o hair 100+ Annelida Oligochaeta Naididae 5/15/2018 Broomfield Up Sweep 2 Amphicteis floridus 1 Annelida Polychaete Ampharetidae 5/15/2018 Broomfield Up Sweep 2 Littoridinops sp. 8 Mollusca Gastropoda Hydrobiidae 5/15/2018 Broomfield Up Sweep 2 Tubificinae w/hair 5 Annelida Oligochaeta Naididae 5/15/2018 Broomfield Up Sweep 2 Cyprideis littoralis 2 Arthropoda Ostracoda Cytherideidae 5/15/2018 Broomfield Up Sweep 2 Limnodrilus hoffineisteri 9 Annelida Oligochaeta Naididae 5/15/2018 Broomfield Up Sweep 2 Americamysis almyra 4 Arthropoda Mysida Mysidae 5/15/2018 Broomfield Up Sweep 2 Endochironomus sp. 17 Arthropoda Diptera Chironomidae 5/15/2018 Broomfield Up Sweep 2 Perithemis tenera 2 Arthropoda Odonata Libellulidae 5/15/2018 Broomfield Up Sweep 2 Peltodytes sp. 1 Arthropoda Coleoptera Haliplidae 5/15/2018 Broomfield Up Sweep 3 Gammarus tigrinus 100+ Arthropoda Amphipoda Gammaridae 5/15/2018 Broomfield Up Sweep 3 Perithemis tenera 3 Arthropoda Odonata Libellulidae 5/15/2018 Broomfield Up Sweep 3 Tubificinae w/o hair 100+ Annelida Oligochaeta Naididae 5/15/2018 Broomfield Up Sweep 3 Littoridinops sp. 25 Mollusca Gastropoda Hydrobiidae 5/15/2018 Broomfield Up Sweep 3 Limnodrilus hoffineisteri 33 Annelida Oligochaeta Naididae 5/15/2018 Broomfield Up Sweep 3 Candonidae sp. 1 Arthropoda Ostracoda Candonidae 5/15/2018 Broomfield Up Sweep 3 Cyprideis littoralis 2 Arthropoda Ostracoda Cytherideidae 5/15/2018 Broomfield Up Sweep 3 Tubificoides heterochaetus 1 Annelida Oligochaeta Naididae 5/15/2018 Broomfield Up Sweep 3 Mytilopsis leucophaeta 2 Mollusca Bivalvia Dreissenidae 5/15/2018 Broomfield Up Sweep 3 Corixidae juv sp. 4 Arthropoda Hemiptera Corixidae 5/15/2018 Broomfield Up Sweep 3 Procambarus juv sp. 1 Arthropoda Decapoda Cambaridae 5/15/2018 Broomfield Up Sweep 3 Tanypus neopunctipennis 9 Arthropoda Diptera Chironomidae 5/15/2018 Broomfield Up Sweep 3 Dicrotendipes nervosus 1 Arthropoda Diptera Chironomidae 5/15/2018 Broomfield Up Sweep 3 Endochironomus sp. 4 Arthropoda Diptera Chironomidae 5/15/2018 Broomfield Up Sweep 3 Tanytarsus sp. 5 Arthropoda Diptera Chironomidae 5/15/2018 Broomfield Up Sweep 3 Chironomus decorus group 3 Arthropoda Diptera Chironomidae 5/15/2018 Broomfield Up Sweep 3 Orthocladiinae sp. 1 Arthropoda Diptera Chironomidae 5/15/2018 Broomfield Down Sweep 1 Gammarus tigrinus 100+ Arthropoda Amphipoda Gammaridae 5/15/2018 Broomfield Down Sweep 1 Amphicteis floridus 100+ Annelida Polychaete Ampharetidae 5/15/2018 Broomfield Down Sweep 1 Littoridinops sp. 100+ Mollusca Gastropoda Hydrobiidae 5/15/2018 Broomfield Down Sweep 1 Cyprideis littoralis 100+ Arthropoda Ostracoda Cytherideidae 5/15/2018 Broomfield Down Sweep 1 Americamysis almyra 52 Arthropoda Mysida Mysidae 5/15/2018 Broomfield Down Sweep 1 Cassidinidea lunifrons 72 Arthropoda Isopoda Sphaerotomatidae 5/15/2018 Broomfield Down Sweep 1 Rangia cuneata 1 Mollusca Bivalvia Mactridae 5/15/2018 Broomfield Down Sweep 1 Rhithropanopeus harrisii 2 Arthropoda Decapoda Panopeidae Annual Creeks Report PCS Phosphate Company, Inc. 2018 Data Collection Year Supplement 2 Page-22 July 2019 1745.47 RAW BENTHIC DATA FOR BROOMFIELD SWAMP CREEK 2018 concluded 5/15/2018 Broomfield Down Sweep 1 Tanytarsus sp. 4 Arthropoda Diptera Chironomidae 5/15/2018 Broomfield Down Sweep 1 Mytilopsis leucophaeta 2 Mollusca Bivalvia Dreissenidae 5/15/2018 Broomfield Down Sweep 1 Bezzia/Palpomyia group 2 Arthropoda Diptera Ceratopogonidae 5/15/2018 Broomfield Down Sweep 1 Procambarus juv sp. 1 Arthropoda Decapoda Cambaridae 5/15/2018 Broomfield Down Sweep 1 Endochironomus sp. 4 Arthropoda Diptera Chironomidae 5/15/2018 Broomfield Down Sweep 1 Tanypus neopunctipennis 2 Arthropoda Diptera Chironomidae 5/15/2018 Broomfield Down Sweep 1 Limnodrilus hoffineisteri 10 Annelida Oligochaeta Naididae 5/15/2018 Broomfield Down Sweep 1 Tubificinae w/o hair 8 Annelida Oligochaeta Naididae 5/15/2018 Broomfield Down Sweep 1 Libellula (vibrans) 2 Arthropoda Odonata Libellulidae 5/15/2018 Broomfield Down Sweep 2 Gammarus tigrinus 100+ Arthropoda Amphipoda Gammaridae 5/15/2018 Broomfield Down Sweep 2 Cyprideis littoralis 100+ Arthropoda Ostracoda Cytherideidae 5/15/2018 Broomfield Down Sweep 2 Amphicteis floridus 88 Annelida Polychaete Ampharetidae 5/15/2018 Broomfield Down Sweep 2 Americamysis almyra 44 Arthropoda Mysida Mysidae 5/15/2018 Broomfield Down Sweep 2 Littoridinops sp. 58 Mollusca Gastropoda Hydrobiidae 5/15/2018 Broomfield Down Sweep 2 Tubificinae w/o hair 100+ Annelida Oligochaeta Naididae 5/15/2018 Broomfield Down Sweep 2 Limnodrilus hoffineisteri 30 Annelida Oligochaeta Naididae 5/15/2018 Broomfield Down Sweep 2 Candonidae sp. 2 Arthropoda Ostracoda Candonidae 5/15/2018 Broomfield Down Sweep 2 Cassidinidea lunifrons 12 Arthropoda Isopoda Sphaerotomatidae 5/15/2018 Broomfield Down Sweep 2 Bezzia/Palpomyia group 4 Arthropoda Diptera Ceratopogonidae 5/15/2018 Broomfield Down Sweep 2 Collembola sp. 2 Arthropoda Collembola 5/15/2018 Broomfield Down Sweep 2 Mytilopsis leucophaeta 2 Mollusca Bivalvia Dreissenidae 5/15/2018 Broomfield Down Sweep 2 Chironomus decorus group 10 Arthropoda Diptera Chironomidae 5/15/2018 Broomfield Down Sweep 2 Tanytarsus sp. 10 Arthropoda Diptera Chironomidae 5/15/2018 Broomfield Down Sweep 2 Dicrotendipes nervosus 8 Arthropoda Diptera Chironomidae 5/15/2018 Broomfield Down Sweep 2 Endochironomus sp. 2 Arthropoda Diptera Chironomidae 5/15/2018 Broomfield Down Sweep 2 Libellula (vibrans) 2 Arthropoda Odonata Libellulidae 5/15/2018 Broomfield Down Sweep 3 Gammarus tigrinus 100+ Arthropoda Amphipoda Gammaridae 5/15/2018 Broomfield Down Sweep 3 Mytilopsis leucophaeta 100+ Mollusca Bivalvia Dreissenidae 5/15/2018 Broomfield Down Sweep 3 Cyprideis littoralis 100+ Arthropoda Ostracoda Cytherideidae 5/15/2018 Broomfield Down Sweep 3 Americamysis almyra 100+ Arthropoda Mysida Mysidae 5/15/2018 Broomfield Down Sweep 3 Littoridinops sp. 15 Mollusca Gastropoda Hydrobiidae 5/15/2018 Broomfield Down Sweep 3 Amphicteis floridus 24 Annelida Polychaete Ampharetidae 5/15/2018 Broomfield Down Sweep 3 Tubificinae w/o hair 11 Annelida Oligochaeta Naididae 5/15/2018 Broomfield Down Sweep 3 Cassidinidea lunifrons 8 Arthropoda Isopoda Sphaerotomatidae 5/15/2018 Broomfield Down Sweep 3 Trichocorixa sexcinta 1 Arthropoda Hemiptera Corixidae 5/15/2018 Broomfield Down sweep 3 Tanytarsus sp. 1 Arthropoda Diptera Chironomidae 5/15/2018 Broomfield Down Sweep 3 Laeonereis culveri 1 Annelida Polychaete Nereidae 5/15/2018 Broomfield Down Sweep 3 Limnodrilus hoffineisteri 3 Annelida Oligochaeta Naididae 5/15/2018 Broomfield Down Sweep 3 Palaemonetes pugio 1 Arthropoda Decapoda Palaemonidae 1745.47 RAW BENTHIC DATA FOR SCUT1 2018 5/15/2018 SCUT 1 Up Ponar 1 Physa/Physella sp. 2 Mollusca Gastropoda Physidae 5/15/2018 SCUT 1 Up Ponar 1 Gammarus tigrinus 18 Arthropoda Amphipoda Gammaridae 5/15/2018 SCUT 1 Up Ponar 1 Chironomus decorus group 12 Arthropoda Diptera Chironomidae 5/15/2018 SCUT 1 Up Ponar 1 Bezzia/Palpomyia group 2 Arthropoda Diptera Ceratopogonidae 5/15/2018 SCUT 1 Up Ponar 1 Littoridinops sp. 4 Mollusca Gastropoda Hydrobiidae 5/15/2018 SCUT 1 Up Ponar 1 Cyprideis littoralis 4 Arthropoda Ostracoda Cytherideidae 5/15/2018 SCUT 1 Up Ponar 1 Dicrotendipes nervosus 2 Arthropoda Diptera Chironomidae 5/15/2018 SCUT 1 Up Ponar 1 Tubificinae w/o hair 8 Annelida Oligochaeta Naididae 5/15/2018 SCUT 1 Up Ponar 1 Endochironomus sp. 2 Arthropoda Diptera Chironomidae 5/15/2018 SCUT 1 Up Ponar 1 Perithemis tenera 2 Arthropoda Odonata Libellulidae 5/15/2018 SCUT 1 Up Ponar 1 Parachironomus sp. 2 Arthropoda Diptera Chironomidae 5/15/2018 SCUT 1 Up Ponar 1 Procladius sp. 2 Arthropoda Diptera Chironomidae 5/15/2018 SCUT 1 Up Ponar 2 Gammarus tigrinus 52 Arthropoda Amphipoda Gammaridae 5/15/2018 SCUT 1 Up Ponar 2 Candonidae sp. 12 Arthropoda Ostracoda Candonidae 5/15/2018 SCUT 1 Up Ponar 2 Chironomus decorus group 4 Arthropoda Diptera Chironomidae 5/15/2018 SCUT 1 Up Ponar 2 Tubificinae w/o hair 8 Annelida Oligochaeta Naididae 5/15/2018 SCUT 1 Up Ponar 2 Physa/Physella sp. 4 Mollusca Gastropoda Physidae 5/15/2018 SCUT 1 Up Ponar 2 Littoridinops sp. 4 Mollusca Gastropoda Hydrobiidae 5/15/2018 SCUT 1 Up Ponar 2 Procladius sp. 8 Arthropoda Diptera Chironomidae 5/15/2018 SCUT 1 Up Ponar 2 Tanypus neopunctipennis 4 Arthropoda Diptera Chironomidae 5/15/2018 SCUT 1 Up Ponar 3 Candonidae sp. 4 Arthropoda Ostracoda Candonidae 5/15/2018 SCUT 1 Up Ponar 3 Gammarus tigrinus 12 Arthropoda Amphipoda Gammaridae 5/15/2018 SCUT 1 Up Ponar 3 Cyprideis littoralis 20 Arthropoda Ostracoda Cytherideidae 5/15/2018 SCUT 1 Up Ponar 3 Physa/Physella sp. 4 Mollusca Gastropoda Physidae 5/15/2018 SCUT 1 Up Ponar 3 Littoridinops sp. 2 Mollusca Gastropoda Hydrobiidae 5/15/2018 SCUT 1 Up Ponar 3 Tubificinae w/o hair 26 Annelida Oligochaeta Naididae 5/15/2018 SCUT 1 Up Ponar 3 Limnodrilus hoffineisteri 10 Annelida Oligochaeta Naididae 5/15/2018 SCUT 1 Up Ponar 3 Tubificinae w/hair 2 Annelida Oligochaeta Naididae 5/15/2018 SCUT 1 Up Ponar 3 Procladius sp. 2 Arthropoda Diptera Chironomidae 5/15/2018 SCUT 1 Up Ponar 3 Cladopelma sp. 2 Arthropoda Diptera Chironomidae 5/15/2018 SCUT 1 Up Ponar 4 Candonidae sp. 2 Arthropoda Ostracoda Candonidae 5/15/2018 SCUT 1 Up Ponar 4 Gammarus tigrinus 8 Arthropoda Amphipoda Gammaridae 5/15/2018 SCUT 1 Up Ponar 4 Tubificinae w/o hair 2 Annelida Oligochaeta Naididae 5/15/2018 SCUT 1 Up Ponar 4 Limnodrilus hoffineisteri 2 Annelida Oligochaeta Naididae 5/15/2018 SCUT 1 Up Ponar 5 Gammarus tigrinus 4 Arthropoda Amphipoda Gammaridae 5/15/2018 SCUT 1 Up Ponar 5 Cyprideis littoralis 6 Arthropoda Ostracoda Cytherideidae Annual Creeks Report PCS Phosphate Company, Inc. 2018 Data Collection Year Supplement 2 Page-23 July 2019 1745.47 RAW BENTHIC DATA FOR SCUT1 2018 continued 5/15/2018 SCUT 1 Up Ponar 5 Tubificinae w/o hair 10 Annelida Oligochaeta Naididae 5/15/2018 SCUT 1 Up Ponar 5 Littoridinops sp. 2 Mollusca Gastropoda Hydrobiidae 5/15/2018 SCUT 1 Up Ponar 5 Cladopelma sp. 2 Arthropoda Diptera Chironomidae 5/15/2018 SCUT 1 Down Ponar 1 Mytilopsis leucophaeta 4 Mollusca Bivalvia Dreissenidae 5/15/2018 SCUT 1 Down Ponar 1 Streblospio benedicti 2 Annelida Polychaete Spionidae 5/15/2018 SCUT 1 Down Ponar 2 Streblospio benedicti 12 Annelida Polychaete Spionidae 5/15/2018 SCUT 1 Down Ponar 2 Gammarus tigrinus 4 Arthropoda Amphipoda Gammaridae 5/15/2018 SCUT 1 Down Ponar 2 Marenzellaris viridis 1 Annelida Polychaete Spionidae 5/15/2018 SCUT 1 Down Ponar 2 Mytilopsis leucophaeta 6 Mollusca Bivalvia Dreissenidae 5/15/2018 SCUT 1 Down Ponar 2 Candonidae sp. 1 Arthropoda Ostracoda Candonidae 5/15/2018 SCUT 1 Down Ponar 2 Cyprideis littoralis 1 Arthropoda Ostracoda Cytherideidae 5/15/2018 SCUT 1 Down Ponar 3 Candonidae sp. 8 Arthropoda Ostracoda Candonidae 5/15/2018 SCUT 1 Down Ponar 3 Cyprideis littoralis 6 Arthropoda Ostracoda Cytherideidae 5/15/2018 SCUT 1 Down Ponar 3 Streblospio benedicti 6 Annelida Polychaete Spionidae 5/15/2018 SCUT 1 Down Ponar 4 Amphicteis floridus 1 Annelida Polychaete Ampharetidae 5/15/2018 SCUT 1 Down Ponar 4 Streblospio benedicti 7 Annelida Polychaete Spionidae 5/15/2018 SCUT 1 Down Ponar 4 Cyprideis littoralis 6 Arthropoda Ostracoda Cytherideidae 5/15/2018 SCUT 1 Down Ponar 4 Littoridinops sp. 1 Mollusca Gastropoda Hydrobiidae 5/15/2018 SCUT 1 Down Ponar 4 Tubificoides heterochaetus 1 Annelida Oligochaeta Naididae 5/15/2018 SCUT 1 Down Ponar 4 Mytilopsis leucophaeta 3 Mollusca Bivalvia Dreissenidae 5/15/2018 SCUT 1 Down Ponar 4 Candonidae sp. 3 Arthropoda Ostracoda Candonidae 5/15/2018 SCUT 1 Down Ponar 4 Gammarus tigrinus 1 Arthropoda Amphipoda Gammaridae 5/15/2018 SCUT 1 Down Ponar 5 Cyprideis littoralis 8 Arthropoda Ostracoda Cytherideidae 5/15/2018 SCUT 1 Down Ponar 5 Mytilopsis leucophaeta 2 Mollusca Bivalvia Dreissenidae 5/15/2018 SCUT 1 Down Ponar 5 Streblospio benedicti 2 Annelida Polychaete Spionidae 5/15/2018 SCUT 1 Down Ponar 5 Gammarus tigrinus 4 Arthropoda Amphipoda Gammaridae 5/15/2018 SCUT 1 Down Ponar 5 Candonidae sp. 2 Arthropoda Ostracoda Candonidae 5/15/2018 SCUT 1 Up Sweep 1 Littoridinops sp. 3 Mollusca Gastropoda Hydrobiidae 5/15/2018 SCUT 1 Up Sweep 1 Cyprideis littoralis 68 Arthropoda Ostracoda Cytherideidae 5/15/2018 SCUT 1 Up Sweep 1 Physa/Physella sp. 26 Mollusca Gastropoda Physidae 5/15/2018 SCUT 1 Up Sweep 1 Tubificinae w/o hair 3 Annelida Oligochaeta Naididae 5/15/2018 SCUT 1 Up Sweep 1 Enchytraeidae sp. 7 Annelida Oligochaeta Enchytraeidae 5/15/2018 SCUT 1 Up Sweep 1 Candonidae sp. 3 Arthropoda Ostracoda Candonidae 5/15/2018 SCUT 1 Up Sweep 1 Peltodytes sp. 1 Arthropoda Coleoptera Haliplidae 5/15/2018 SCUT 1 Up Sweep 1 Kiefferlus sp. 1 Arthropoda Diptera Chironomidae 5/15/2018 SCUT 1 Up Sweep 2 Gammarus tigrinus 100+ Arthropoda Amphipoda Gammaridae 5/15/2018 SCUT 1 Up Sweep 2 Cyprideis littoralis 100+ Arthropoda Ostracoda Cytherideidae 5/15/2018 SCUT 1 Up Sweep 2 Littoridinops sp. 10 Mollusca Gastropoda Hydrobiidae 5/15/2018 SCUT 1 Up Sweep 2 Enchytraeidae sp. 6 Annelida Oligochaeta Enchytraeidae 5/15/2018 SCUT 1 Up Sweep 2 Corixidae juv sp. 4 Arthropoda Hemiptera Corixidae 5/15/2018 SCUT 1 Up Sweep 2 Bezzia/Palpomyia group 4 Arthropoda Diptera Ceratopogonidae 5/15/2018 SCUT 1 Up Sweep 2 Physa/Physella sp. 18 Mollusca Gastropoda Physidae 5/15/2018 SCUT 1 Up Sweep 2 Candonidae sp. 8 Arthropoda Ostracoda Candonidae 5/15/2018 SCUT 1 Up Sweep 2 Limnodrilus hoffineisteri 28 Annelida Oligochaeta Naididae 5/15/2018 SCUT 1 Up Sweep 2 Tubificinae w/o hair 100+ Annelida Oligochaeta Naididae 5/15/2018 SCUT 1 Up Sweep 2 Tubificinae w/hair 22 Annelida Oligochaeta Naididae 5/15/2018 SCUT 1 Up Sweep 2 Paranais littoralis 14 Arthropoda Diptera Chironomidae 5/15/2018 SCUT 1 Up Sweep 2 Chironomus decorus group 2 Arthropoda Diptera Chironomidae 5/15/2018 SCUT 1 Up Sweep 2 Polypedilum sp. 4 Arthropoda Diptera Chironomidae 5/15/2018 SCUT 1 Up Sweep 2 Tanytarsus sp. 2 Arthropoda Diptera Chironomidae 5/15/2018 SCUT 1 Up Sweep 2 Kiefferlus sp. 4 Arthropoda Diptera Chironomidae 5/15/2018 SCUT 1 Up Sweep 2 Tanypus neopunctipennis 2 Arthropoda Diptera Chironomidae 5/15/2018 SCUT 1 Up Sweep 2 Procladius sp. 2 Arthropoda Diptera Chironomidae 5/15/2018 SCUT 1 Up Sweep 3 Cyprideis littoralis 100+ Arthropoda Ostracoda Cytherideidae 5/15/2018 SCUT 1 Up Sweep 3 Gammarus tigrinus 100+ Arthropoda Amphipoda Gammaridae 5/15/2018 SCUT 1 Up Sweep 3 Bezzia/Palpomyia group 6 Arthropoda Diptera Ceratopogonidae 5/15/2018 SCUT 1 Up Sweep 3 Limnodrilus hoffineisteri 28 Annelida Oligochaeta Naididae 5/15/2018 SCUT 1 Up Sweep 3 Candonidae sp. 6 Arthropoda Ostracoda Candonidae 5/15/2018 SCUT 1 Up Sweep 3 Physa/Physella sp. 34 Mollusca Gastropoda Physidae 5/15/2018 SCUT 1 Up Sweep 3 Littoridinops sp. 22 Mollusca Gastropoda Hydrobiidae 5/15/2018 SCUT 1 Up Sweep 3 Peltodytes sp. 2 Arthropoda Coleoptera Haliplidae 5/15/2018 SCUT 1 Up Sweep 3 Enchytraeidae sp. 2 Annelida Oligochaeta Enchytraeidae 5/15/2018 SCUT 1 Up Sweep 3 Tubificinae w/o hair 100+ Annelida Oligochaeta Naididae 5/15/2018 SCUT 1 Up Sweep 3 Tubificinae w/hair 16 Annelida Oligochaeta Naididae 5/15/2018 SCUT 1 Up Sweep 3 Paranais littoralis 16 Annelida Oligochaeta Naididae 5/15/2018 SCUT 1 Up Sweep 3 Tanypus neopunctipennis 2 Arthropoda Diptera Chironomidae 5/15/2018 SCUT 1 Up Sweep 3 Tanytarsus sp. 4 Arthropoda Diptera Chironomidae 5/15/2018 SCUT 1 Up Sweep 3 Polypedilum sp. 8 Arthropoda Diptera Chironomidae 5/15/2018 SCUT 1 Down Sweep 1 Palaemonetes pugio 10 Arthropoda Decapoda Palaemonidae 5/15/2018 SCUT 1 Down Sweep 1 Gammarus tigrinus 100+ Arthropoda Amphipoda Gammaridae 5/15/2018 SCUT 1 Down Sweep 1 Cyprideis littoralis 100+ Arthropoda Ostracoda Cytherideidae 5/15/2018 SCUT 1 Down Sweep 1 Candonidae sp. 12 Arthropoda Ostracoda Candonidae 5/15/2018 SCUT 1 Down Sweep 1 Cassidinidea lunifrons 52 Arthropoda Isopoda Sphaerotomatidae 5/15/2018 SCUT 1 Down Sweep 1 Amphicteis floridus 10 Annelida Polychaete Ampharetidae 5/15/2018 SCUT 1 Down Sweep 1 Berosus sp. 4 Arthropoda Coleoptera Hydrophilidae 5/15/2018 SCUT 1 Down Sweep 1 Littoridinops sp. 6 Mollusca Gastropoda Hydrobiidae 5/15/2018 SCUT 1 Down Sweep 1 Rhithropanopeus harrisii 4 Arthropoda Decapoda Panopeidae 5/15/2018 SCUT 1 Down Sweep 1 Apocorophium sp. 2 Arthropoda Amphipoda Corophiidae Annual Creeks Report PCS Phosphate Company, Inc. 2018 Data Collection Year Supplement 2 Page-24 July 2019 1745.47 RAW BENTHIC DATA FOR SCUT1 2018 concluded 5/15/2018 SCUT 1 Down Sweep 1 Cyathura polita 4 Arthropoda Isopoda Anthuridae 5/15/2018 SCUT 1 Down Sweep 1 Americamysis almyra 14 Arthropoda Mysida Mysidae 5/15/2018 SCUT 1 Down Sweep 1 Dicrotendipes nervosus 4 Arthropoda Diptera Chironomidae 5/15/2018 SCUT 1 Down Sweep 1 Tanytarsus sp. 2 Arthropoda Diptera Chironomidae 5/15/2018 SCUT 1 Down Sweep 1 Apocorophium lacustre 2 Arthropoda Amphipoda Corophiidae 5/15/2018 SCUT 1 Down Sweep 1 Libellula sp. 4 Arthropoda Odonata Libellulidae 5/15/2018 SCUT 1 Down Sweep 2 Gammarus tigrinus 100+ Arthropoda Amphipoda Gammaridae 5/15/2018 SCUT 1 Down Sweep 2 Cyprideis littoralis 100+ Arthropoda Ostracoda Cytherideidae 5/15/2018 SCUT 1 Down Sweep 2 Americamysis almyra 16 Arthropoda Mysida Mysidae 5/15/2018 SCUT 1 Down Sweep 2 Amphicteis floridus 8 Annelida Polychaete Ampharetidae 5/15/2018 SCUT 1 Down Sweep 2 Cassidinidea lunifrons 34 Arthropoda Isopoda Sphaerotomatidae 5/15/2018 SCUT 1 Down Sweep 2 Rhithropanopeus harrisii 2 Arthropoda Decapoda Panopeidae 5/15/2018 SCUT 1 Down Sweep 2 Littoridinops sp. 4 Mollusca Gastropoda Hydrobiidae 5/15/2018 SCUT 1 Down Sweep 2 Cyathura polita 6 Arthropoda Isopoda Anthuridae 5/15/2018 SCUT 1 Down Sweep 2 Bezzia/Palpomyia group 2 Arthropoda Diptera Ceratopogonidae 5/15/2018 SCUT 1 Down Sweep 2 Marenzellaris viridis 2 Annelida Polychaete Spionidae 5/15/2018 SCUT 1 Down Sweep 2 Streblospio benedicti 2 Annelida Polychaete Spionidae 5/15/2018 SCUT 1 Down Sweep 2 Tanytarsus sp. 2 Arthropoda Diptera Chironomidae 5/15/2018 SCUT 1 Down Sweep 2 Tubificinae w/o hair 2 Annelida Oligochaeta Naididae 5/15/2018 SCUT 1 Down Sweep 2 Dicrotendipes nervosus 2 Arthropoda Diptera Chironomidae 5/15/2018 SCUT 1 Down Sweep 2 Apocorophium lacustre 2 Arthropoda Amphipoda Corophiidae 5/15/2018 SCUT 1 Down Sweep 3 Gammarus tigrinus 100+ Arthropoda Amphipoda Gammaridae 5/15/2018 SCUT 1 Down Sweep 3 Cyprideis littoralis 100+ Arthropoda Ostracoda Cytherideidae 5/15/2018 SCUT 1 Down Sweep 3 Cyathura polita 20 Arthropoda Isopoda Anthuridae 5/15/2018 SCUT 1 Down Sweep 3 Amphicteis floridus 18 Annelida Polychaete Ampharetidae 5/15/2018 SCUT 1 Down Sweep 3 Cassidinidea lunifrons 52 Arthropoda Isopoda Sphaerotomatidae 5/15/2018 SCUT 1 Down Sweep 3 Palaemonetes pugio 4 Arthropoda Decapoda Palaemonidae 5/15/2018 SCUT 1 Down Sweep 3 Littoridinops sp. 2 Mollusca Gastropoda Hydrobiidae 5/15/2018 SCUT 1 Down Sweep 3 Candonidae sp. 2 Arthropoda Ostracoda Candonidae 5/15/2018 SCUT 1 Down Sweep 3 Sminthuridae sp. 2 Arthropoda Collembola Sminthuridae 5/15/2018 SCUT 1 Down Sweep 3 Streblospio benedicti 2 Annelida Polychaete Spionidae 5/15/2018 SCUT 1 Down Sweep 3 Mytilopsis leucophaeta 2 Mollusca Bivalvia Dreissenidae 5/15/2018 SCUT 1 Down Sweep 3 Tanytarsus sp. 4 Arthropoda Diptera Chironomidae 5/15/2018 SCUT 1 Down Sweep 3 Americamysis almyra 4 Arthropoda Mysida Mysidae 5/15/2018 SCUT 1 Down Sweep 3 Rhithropanopeus harrisii 2 Arthropoda Decapoda Panopeidae 5/15/2018 SCUT 1 Down Sweep 3 Berosus sp. 2 Arthropoda Coleoptera Hydrophilidae Annual Creeks Report 2018 Data Collection Year 2018 results collected only at downstream Broomfield Swamp Creek water quality station. Supplement 2 Page-25 M D YR STA TIME DEP SEC TEMP DO DO SCON COND SAL pH TURB I NH4-N NO3-N DKN PN PO4-P TDP PP CHL DOC TDN DOC TON (EST) (in) (in) (oC) (%S) (mg/1) (MS) (MS) (ppt) (ntu) (mg/1) (mg/1) (mg/1) (mg/1) (mg/1) (m9/1) (mg/1) (ugA) (mg/1) (mg/1) (mg/1) (mg/1) BWQ3 BWQ3 BWQ3 BWQ3 BWQ3 BWQ3 4 11 2018 BWQ3 8:30 35.00 24.00 11.40 70.20 7.67 0.38 0.28 0.16 5.27 15.00 0.09 0.468 0.84 0.06 0.045 0.00 0.02 1.12 25.35 1.089 25.35 1.09 4 25 2018 BWQ3 10:05 33.00 8.00 16.60 2.80 0.20 0.61 0.52 0.30 5.56 66.20 1.41 4.055 3.20 0.21 0.305 0.24 0.14 1.30 13.29 4.981 13.29 4.98 5 9 2018 BWQ3 11:45 12.50 >12.50 19.80 47.40 4.22 5.39 4.86 2.92 6.47 10.99 0.50 0.072 1.39 0.21 0.030 0.09 0.04 11.21 25.17 1.253 25.17 1.25 5 23 2018 BWQ3 9:00 83.00 9.00 23.60 46.00 3.86 0.39 0.38 0.19 6.50 78.00 0.65 6.065 1.64 0.21 0.114 0.12 0.10 1.52 10.71 5.94 10.71 5.94 6 6 2018 BWQ3 12:20 20.00 >20.00 25.70 20.60 1.67 1.11 1.13 0.66 6.22 27.60 0.17 0.519 1.47 0.14 0.141 0.19 0.04 13.17 21.53 1.405 21.53 1.41 6 20 2018 BWQ3 8:40 31.00 14.00 27.10 31.30 2.48 1.73 1.80 0.90 6.31 15.60 0.15 0.147 1.21 0.10 0.084 0.12 0.03 4.49 33.22 1.246 33.22 1.25 7 3 2018 BWQ3 10:50 10.00 >10.00 29.70 30.60 2.30 1.93 2.10 0.97 6.32 1.61 0.12 0.041 1.33 0.44 0.059 0.10 0.11 33.33 36.13 1.335 36.13 1.34 7 18 2018 BWQ3 13:10 15.50 >15.5 28.60 41.60 3.12 10.04 10.73 5.62 6.60 4.98 0.02 0.003 1.01 0.18 0.197 0.15 0.03 16.21 19.59 0.7485 19.59 0.75 8 1 2018 BWQ3 13:40 15.00 >15.00 26.50 28.90 2.29 0.36 0.37 0.17 6.25 20.20 0.17 0.424 1.18 0.10 0.195 0.20 0.05 0.31 24.29 1.458 24.29 1.46 8 15 2018 BWQ3 NO SAMPLE NO SAMPLE 8 29 2018 BWQ3 NO SAMPLE NO SAMPLE 9 11 2018 BWQ3 NO SAMPLE NO SAMPLE 9 26 2018 BWQ3 NO SAMPLE NO SAMPLE 10 10 2018 BWQ3 NO SAMPLE NO SAMPLE 10 24 2018 BWQ3 NO SAMPLE NO SAMPLE 11 7 2018 BWQ3 NO SAMPLE NO SAMPLE 11 20 2018 BWQ3 NO SAMPLE NO SAMPLE 12 5 2018 BWQ3 NO SAMPLE NO SAMPLE 12 19 2018 BWQ3 NO SAMPLE NO SAMPLE BWQ3 Average 28.33 Minimum 10.00 Maximum 83.00 2018 results from samples collected only at SCUT1 downstream water quality station. 23.22 35.49 3.09 2.44 2.46 1.32 6.17 26.69 0.36 1.311 1.47 0.18 0.130 0.13 0.06 9.18 23.25 2.16 22.99 2.30 11.40 2.80 0.20 0.36 0.28 0.16 5.27 1.61 0.02 0.003 0.84 0.06 0.030 0.00 0.02 0.31 10.71 0.75 10.71 0.75 29.70 70.20 7.67 10.04 10.73 5.62 6.60 78.00 1.41 6.065 3.20 0.44 0.305 0.24 0.14 33.33 36.13 5.94 36.13 5.94 M D YR STA TIME DEP SEC TEMP DO DO SCON COND SAL pH TURB NH4-N NO3-N DKN PIN PO4-P TDP PP CHL DOC TDN DOC TDN (EST) (in) (in) (Oc) (%S) (mgA) (MS) (MS) (ppt) (ntu) (mg/1) (mg/1) (mg/1) (mg/1) (mg/1) (mg/1) (mg/1) (ug/1) (mg/1) (mg/1) (mg/1) (mg/1) S1WQ3 S1WQ3 S1WQ3 S1WQ3 S1WQ3 S1WQ3 4 11 2018 S1WQ3 12:15 67.50 22.00 12.50 56.00 5.96 0.86 0.66 0.43 7.04 13.60 0.69 1.519 1.52 0.07 0.044 0.00 0.02 1.23 14.48 2.553 14.48 2.55 4 25 2018 S1WQ3 14:00 87.00 16.00 18.20 54.00 5.05 0.50 0.44 0.24 6.46 37.30 0.31 4.314 1.43 0.17 0.016 0.03 0.05 3.33 12.29 3.451 12.29 3.45 5 9 2018 S1WQ3 12:15 87.00 81.00 18.90 30.30 2.72 10.00 8.82 5.65 6.67 3.54 0.76 0.351 1.62 0.09 0.039 0.12 0.02 7.94 14.46 2.215 14.46 2.22 5 23 2018 S1WQ3 13:45 81.00 24.50 25.30 5.40 0.44 4.24 4.27 2.25 6.32 16.00 0.44 2.047 1.44 0.09 0.082 0.09 0.03 2.73 14.69 2.517 14.69 2.52 6 6 2018 S1WQ3 12:00 86.00 32.00 24.90 24.20 2.00 1.03 1.03 0.51 6.48 8.57 0.16 0.988 1.53 0.11 0.125 0.16 0.03 4.40 18.7 1.882 18.7 1.88 6 20 2018 S1WQ3 13:55 87.00 18.00 29.50 31.20 2.34 3.39 3.68 1.76 6.63 7.04 0.00 0.037 1.03 0.43 0.117 0.19 0.06 43.51 26.25 1.042 26.25 1.04 7 3 2018 S1WQ3 11:15 78.00 26.00 29.80 46.60 3.60 4.00 4.35 2.10 6.59 5.43 0.01 0.000 1.30 0.54 0.124 0.20 0.11 35.78 27.44 0.9289 27.44 0.93 7 18 2018 S1WQ3 13:30 13.00 >13.00 28.80 30.80 2.32 9.39 10.07 5.24 6.17 2.34 0.16 0.029 0.94 0.07 0.156 0.20 0.01 4.44 19.61 0.9426 19.61 0.94 8 1 2018 S1WQ3 13:25 92.00 24.00 26.30 45.90 3.89 0.34 0.34 0.16 6.47 12.90 0.20 2.004 1.07 0.10 0.071 0.08 0.04 0.03 17.31 2.557 17.31 2.56 8 15 2018 S1WQ3 NO SAMPLE NO SAMPLE 8 29 2018 S1WQ3 NO SAMPLE NO SAMPLE 9 11 2018 S1WQ3 NO SAMPLE NO SAMPLE 9 26 2018 S1WQ3 NO SAMPLE NO SAMPLE 10 10 2018 S1WQ3 NO SAMPLE NO SAMPLE 10 24 2018 S1W03 NO SAMPLE NO SAMPLE 11 7 2018 S1WQ3 NO SAMPLE NO SAMPLE 11 20 2018 S1WQ3 NO SAMPLE NO SAMPLE 12 5 2018 S1WQ3 NO SAMPLE NO SAMPLE 12 19 2018 S1WQ3 NO SAMPLE NO SAMPLE S1WQ3 Average 75.39 23.80 36.04 3.15 3.75 3.74 2.04 6.54 11.86 0.30 1.254 1.32 0.19 0.086 0.12 0.04 11.49 18.36 2.01 18.84 1.94 Minimum 13.00 12.50 5.40 0.44 0.34 0.34 0.16 6.17 2.34 0.00 0.000 0.94 0.07 0.016 0.00 0.01 0.03 12.29 0.93 12.29 0.93 Maximum 92.00 29.80 56.00 5.96 10.00 10.07 5.65 7.04 37.30 0.76 4.314 1.62 0.54 0.156 0.20 0.11 43.51 27.44 3.45 27.44 3.45 PCS Phosphate Company, Inc. July 2019 Annual Creeks Report PCS Phosphate Company, Inc. 2018 Data Collection Year Supplement 2 Page-26 July 2019 Site number/well Coordinates of site Channel width (feet) Channel depth (feet) Floodplain width (feet) Adjacent slope (percent) Channelized Sediments: detritus sand silt clay muck Habitat type Transition zone length (ft) a Bottomland hardwood Data collected to describe existing geomorphology conditions at Broomfield Swamp Creek on 8 February 2018 1 2/BSCW2 1 3 4 I 5 6 Lat. 35.284041 Long. Lat. 35.285431 Long. Lat. 35.285731 Long. Lat. 35.285927 Long. Lat. 35.285195 Long. Lat. 35.284822 Long. 76.788249 76.790481 1 76.792082 76.795254 1 76.799261 76.800824 30.0 >5.0 South: 200 North: 0-5 Yes 32.0 >5.0 South: 150 North: 5-10 Yes 32.0 >5.0 South: 125 North: 10-15 Yes 32.0 >5.0 South: 80 North 10-15 Yes 30.0 3.0 South: 0.0 North: 10-15 Yes 25.0 2.0 South: 0.0 North: 5-10 Yes 5 0 30 30 15 20 40 0 10 30 30 30 40 50 20 20 20 10 15 50 0 0 5 30 0 40 50 20 30 10 Marsh Marsh/BLHa BLHa BLHa Hardwood Hardwood 750 Broomfield Swamp Creek site descriptions 8 February 2018 1 Downstream of BSCS2(AT). Relic BLH now "ghost forest". All large trees are dead. Some secondary regeneration, primarily bald cypress and sweet gum. Understory is transitioning to marsh with cattails, wax myrtle, and dwarf palmetto. 2 Site located at LT BSCW2. Ghost forest and relic BLH. Phragmites, wax myrtle and sweet bay begin to dominate understory with some cattails also. Inundated at the time of survey. 3 Transition zone, about 750ft. Upstream of aquatroll (BSCS2). Transition zone characterized by salt intolerant species and end of young bottomland hardwood; becomes more of a braided swamp. 4 Site located between BSCW1 and BSCS1. Transition zone from BLH to swamp forest to upland. Small depressional wetland with bald cypress, water oak, and beech trees. Canopy closed 90%. 5 Narrow confined wetland at BSCS1(AT) becomes undiscernable and more of a sloping upland that terminates into the existing berm along the creek. 6 Upstream of BSCS1, approximately 400ft., and adjacent to large farm ditch/channelized stream. Hardwood forest that is irregularly inundated by the ditch and creek. Large beech trees and closed canopy. Annual Creeks Report 2018 Data Collection Year Supplement 2 Page-27 Data collected to describe existing geomorphology conditions at SCUT1 on 8 February 2018 Site number/well 1 2 3/SCUTWI 4/SCUTW2 5 Lat. 35.27112 Lat. 35.272263 Long. Lat. 35.274552 Long. Lat. 35.275696 Long. Lat. 35.278519 Long. Coordinates of site Long.76.765563 76.768350 76.771997 76.772071 76.771405 Channel width (feet) 15.0 18.0 25.0 25.0 25.0 Channel depth (feet) 3 4.0 6.0 5.0 >3.0 Floodplain width (feet) South: 200 North: South: 150 North: South: 125 North: South: 80 North: South: 0.0 North: Adjacent slope (percent) South: 0-2 North: South: 0-5 North: South: 5-10 North: South: 5-10 North: South: 0-5 North: Channelized Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Sediments: detritus 0 5 5 30 40 sand 5 10 5 5 0 silt 50 40 70 40 40 clay 35 40 10 0 0 muck 10 5 10 25 20 Habitat type Ag Ag BLHa BLHa Marsh Transition zone length (ft) a Bottomland hardwood 750 SCUT1 site descriptions 8 February 2018 1 Site located approximately 900ft. upstream of SCUTSI(AT). South side of channelized creek is all agricultural farm field. There were no trees or shrubs at the time of the survey. 2 Site located at SCUTSI AquaTROLL. South side of creek is agriculural fields. There is one bald cypress and one pecan tree onsite. 3 Site located at SCUTS2 and SCUTWI. Flooded BLH dominated by N. biflora, relic bald cypress, dwarf palmetto. Transition zone, located at SCUTW2 (LT), with BLH changing over to BLH Ghost Forest. Some secondary regeneration of bald cypress, N. biflora, A. 4 rubrum. Inundated because of extensive beaver dam Downstream of SCUTW2 about 750ft. Ghost forest with no remaining trees. Transitioning to open marsh with dwarf palmetto, baccharis and giant 5 cattail. PCS Phosphate Company, Inc. July 2019