HomeMy WebLinkAbout20080868 Ver 2_Methodology for Monitored Parameters_20190628A. Salinity Monitoring Methods The YSI 600XLM multi -parameter water quality monitors were used for recording water salinity and depth from January 2007 to August 2008, when they were replaced with In -Situ Aquatroll 200 water quality monitors. The YSI monitors (sondes) automatically calculated salinity readings from conductivity and temperature. The salinity sensor range is 0-70 parts per thousand (ppt), with an accuracy of +/- 1.0 percent of the reading or 0.1 ppt, whichever is greater. The resolution is 0.01 ppt. The depth sensor is a stainless steel strain gauge pressure sensor with a range of 0-30 feet, an accuracy of +/- 0.7 inch, and a resolution of 0.01 inch. Unlike the sondes, the conductivity and temperature sensors on the Aquatrolls are located below the depth sensor, allowing salinity measurements to still be taken at low water levels even when the depth sensor is out of the water. The Aquatroll 200 is manufactured by In -Situ, Inc. Like the YSI monitors, the Aquatrolls generate salinity readings from temperature and conductivity. The salinity sensor range is 0-42 practical salinity units (psu), with an accuracy of +/- 0.5 percent of the reading. The resolution is 0.001 psu. Practical salinity units are essentially equivalent to parts per thousand; however, psu is considered a more appropriate descriptor since it refers to the practical salinity scale that is used to calculate salinity (Reid 2006). The depth sensor is a titanium/silicon strain gauge pressure sensor with a range of 0-35 feet, an accuracy of +/- 0.003 inch, and a resolution of 0.001 inch. The salinity monitors are programmed to record a salinity and depth reading every 1.5 hours (16 readings per day). Twice a month the salinity monitors are downloaded and conductivity calibrated as necessary. The probes are also cleaned and batteries checked and replaced as necessary. Sensors are located near the bottom of the stream to ensure continuous data collection during most low water conditions. Depth readings are compensated for the distance from the sensor to the creek bottom. Occasional gaps in the continuous data in some years exist due to dead batteries, equipment malfunctions, and low water levels not allowing sensors to be fully submerged. To aid in the interpretation of factors that may influence salinity fluctuations, continuous salinity data from each salinity monitor are displayed on graphs along with the continuous water level data from that monitor, data from the nearest upstream flow station(s), and data from the Tar River U.S. Geological Survey flow gauge at Greenville, NC (http://waterdata.usgs.gov/nwis/uv?02084000). The Tar River becomes the Pamlico River at the US Hwy 17 bridge in Washington. These graphs are used for a qualitative assessment of the relative effects of wind tides, local drainage basin input, and Tar River input on salinity fluctuations in the subject creeks. To compare factors that may influence salinity, a Spearman Rank Order Correlation is employed. Variables used include monthly averages of Tar River discharge, PCS Phosphate rainfall, salinities, and Huddles Cut discharge. Significance is set at 0.05. One-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) is used to test for differences between Final Plan of Study for Potential Effects of Headwater Wetland Reduction on Downstream Aquatic Functions G-1 Appendix G- Methodologies for Each Monitored Parameter PCS Phosphate Company, Inc. February 2011-updated September 2012; updated August 2018 pre -disturbance salinity and post -disturbance salinity using monthly averages due to the large amount of data within each month. When variances are unequal, Kruskal-Wallis one-way ANOVA on ranks was used. B. Wetland Hydrology Monitoring Methods Each manual well consists of a 54-inch length of 1 1/4-inch diameter PVC well screen (0.010-inch slots) and an 18-inch long riser made of solid -walled 1 1/4-inch diameter PVC pipe. The well screen and riser are connected by a PVC coupler. The manual wells are installed to a depth of 60 inches, with 12 inches of the riser extending above the ground. The top of the riser is covered by a PVC cap, and a hole in the side of the riser provides air exchange during water level fluctuations. Ecotone TM WM80 water level monitors (manufactured by Remote Data Systems) are used to provide semi -continuous data. The units measure water depth across an 80-inch range with an accuracy of +/-3mm. The measurement probe is housed inside a 2-inch diameter PVC well screen (0.010-inch slots). Most units were installed with 60 inches of the measurement probe below ground and 20 inches above ground. This installation method allows for the capture of both subsurface and surface water level fluctuations. The units record the water level every 1.5 hours (16 times per day). To prevent damage by bears, the aboveground portions of the Ecotones were surrounded by a 4-by-4-foot fence enclosure made of four metal T-posts connected with two or three strands of barbed wire. All monitoring wells are checked and downloaded either once or twice a month. Using rainfall data and well data, wetland hydroperiods are calculated for each monitoring well during the growing season. A wetland hydroperiod is defined as the greatest number of consecutive days during the growing season that the water table is within 12 inches of the surface or the surface is inundated, and is expressed as a percentage of the growing season. For this project the growing season is defined by the Beaufort County soil survey (Kirby 1995) as 14 March through 24 November (256 days). Growing season dates have recently been adjusted by the US Army Corps of Engineers 2008 Interim Regional Supplement to the Corps of Engineers Wetland Delineation Manual: Atlantic and Gulf Coastal Plain Region to match the WETS tables. However, the previously established soil survey growing season dates will continue to be used for this report in order to maintain consistency with baseline years in hydroperiod calculations. Existing wells in Tooley Creek and Huddles Cut and new wells for expanded monitoring have been and will be installed in general accordance with the US Army Corps' ERDC TN-WRAP-05-2 Technical Standard for Water -Table Monitoring of Potential Wetland Sites. Existing wells at Tooley Creek and Huddles Cut are semi -continuous WM80 Ecotone monitors manufactured by Remote Data Systems. Each of the existing wells in Tooley and Huddles Cut is paired with an In -Situ Level Troll 500 (Level Troll). Data collected with the Ecotones were compared to Level Troll data and a choice was made to use the Level Trolls going forward for monitoring of wetland hydrology. The casing for the Level Troll unit was modified to allow for depth -to -water Final Plan of Study for Potential Effects of Headwater Wetland Reduction on Downstream Aquatic Functions G-2 Appendix G- Methodologies for Each Monitored Parameter PCS Phosphate Company, Inc. February 2011-updated September 2012; updated August 2018 measurements inside the well casing without removal of the probe (depth -to -water measurements are not possible inside the Ecotone casing without probe removal). During each download at each well, the depth to water is measured and this depth relative to ground surface is compared to the real-time readings of the Level Trolls to verify the accuracy of the instrument. If the Level Troll is reading >0.5 inch difference from the true reading, the Level Troll is calibrated according to manufacturer specifications. If a difference of >0.5 inch exists after calibration, the Level Troll is to be replaced. During each download, the download time, manual water level measurement, real-time Level Troll measurement, file name, and any other pertinent information are recorded in the field. This information is transferred to a well download sheet (Figure 5) kept in a binder at the CZR Wilmington office for reference. Wells are downloaded once or twice a month to minimize data loss from faulty equipment. C. Water Quality Monitoring Methods Twice a month field measurements include water depth, Secchi disk depth, temperature, salinity, conductivity, turbidity, dissolved oxygen, and pH. Water depth is measured to the nearest quarter inch in close proximity to the monitoring well where water samples are collected and all other measurements taken. Temperature, salinity, conductivity, and dissolved oxygen are measured with a YSI Pro Plus multi -parameter water quality instrument. These measurements are made in the middle of the water column when possible. Turbidity is measured with a Hazco DRT-15 Portable Turbidimeter. Turbidity water samples are collected in the field and turbidity is measured at the time of collection. Care is taken to exclude detrital particles from the substrate and surface in turbidity samples. A Hanna Instruments pHep 2 pH meter is used to measure pH. The creek water samples are collected twice a month in polyethylene bottles and stored inside an ice -filled cooler for daily shipment to the Central Environmental Laboratory at East Carolina University. There, subsamples are taken for the various analyses. Precombusted Whatman 934-AH (glass fiber) filters are used to separate particulate and dissolved fractions. The filtrate is stored frozen in a polyethylene bottle for later analyses of total dissolved phosphorus (TDP), dissolved orthophosphate (PO4-P), ammonium nitrogen (NH4-N), nitrate nitrogen (NO3-N), and dissolved Kjeldahl nitrogen. The filter pads are also stored frozen for particulate nitrogen (PN), particulate phosphorus (PP), and chlorophyll a determinations. Total fluoride analyses are carried out using unfiltered water samples. These methods are identical to those used for the PCS Phosphate Pamlico River estuary water -quality monitoring program (see Stanley 1997 for example). With implementation of the new creeks monitoring plan in 2011, the samples are also analyzed for TOC/DOC/POC. The ECU geology lab provides CZR with previously ashed glass 50 mL vials covered with aluminum foil and screw caps. Samples for carbon analysis are taken directly in the vials at the same locations as the other water quality locations. Wearing sterile gloves, a biologist tilts the 50 mL vial into the water and slowly allows the vial to fill avoiding disturbance of sediment or collection of any scum or sediment. The vial is recovered with the aluminum foil and the screw cap, labeled, and put Final Plan of Study for Potential Effects of Headwater Wetland Reduction on Downstream Aquatic Functions G-3 Appendix G- Methodologies for Each Monitored Parameter PCS Phosphate Company, Inc. February 2011-updated September 2012; updated August 2018 into the iced cooler. Samples are not collected if shallow water depth prevents sample collection without sediment or scum. The data for each hydrographic and water quality variable are summarized by means of three standardized graphical formats, with the third format including a separate graph for each sampling location. The first graph addresses INTRAANNUAL (i.e., seasonal) variability (the top graph on the two -graph pages). Individual station values are plotted along with the mean value (from the four stations) for each sample date. Raw data for the each year are contained in tabular format in an appendix of each annual report. The second graph format indicates INTERANNUAL variability and provides a look at pre- versus post -impact sampling years (the bottom graph on the two -graph pages). The yearly mean, and the range of values are indicated for each year and each sampling site (the top "error bar" shows the maximum value recorded, and the bottom "error bar" indicates the minimum value). The third graphical format shows monthly means and 95 percent confidence intervals (also called confidence limits) about the mean for the pre -impact and post -impact periods. A conservative statistical evaluation is to look for the amount of overlap between the 95 percent confidence limits- if the intervals do NOT overlap the two sampling periods (pre- and post -impact) are hypothesized to be different. Each sampling location is represented on a different graph. Station abbreviations H and HWQ are the same (e.g., station H1 is the same as station HWQ 1). D. Metals Sampling Methods (Water Column and Sediments) Prior to the collection of sediment samples, the water column sample is collected. Leaning over the bow of the boat while it is slowly underway, using a 500 mL container previously cleaned in the CZR lab with deionized water and alconox, a biologist wearing sterile latex gloves rinses the container twice with creek water. The sample is then collected in the container and poured into the 250 mL bottle provided by the laboratory which contains HNO3 preservative. The sample bottle is then sealed, labeled (location, date, and time), and placed upright in a cooler packed with ice. The same collection container is used for each creek although it is twice rinsed with the water from the creek to be sampled prior to collection in each creek and new sterile latex gloves are worn during each creek collection. As a back-up sample, the biologist also collects a 250 mL lab - provided bottle using the same process. Samples are shipped or hand delivered at the laboratory using the chain of custody form provided by the laboratory. The lab also provides a test bottle for temperature fluctuation. The samples are analyzed for concentrations of silver (Ag), arsenic (As), cadmium (Cd), chromium (Cr), copper (Cu), iron (Fe), and selenium (Se) by Method 6020, and zinc (Zn) and molybdenum (Mo) by Method 6010 (aluminum is not commonly analyzed in water samples). The ponar device is deployed and retrieved from the boat and the collected sediment is dumped into a plastic tray from which —0.5 gallon of sediment is scooped from the Final Plan of Study for Potential Effects of Headwater Wetland Reduction on Downstream Aquatic Functions G-4 Appendix G- Methodologies for Each Monitored Parameter PCS Phosphate Company, Inc. February 2011-updated September 2012; updated August 2018 sample into a Ziploc bag using a plastic or stainless steel scoop. As the sediment sample is scooped, sediment that may have touched the metal of the ponar is avoided. Each bag is labeled with creek name and date and, to minimize the potential for leaks, each sample is double bagged. The ponar itself, plastic tray, and scoop/spoon are thoroughly rinsed with deionized water between each sample to avoid cross -contamination. A second sample is collected from each station in case there is a problem with the shipment to the laboratory or a problem encountered by the laboratory during analyses. The backup samples are kept at CZR until results of the analyses are completed at which time the samples are discarded. The sediment samples are shipped chilled to Dr. John H. Trefry at the Florida Institute of Technology (FIT) The samples are analyzed for concentrations of aluminum (Al), silver (Ag), arsenic (As), cadmium (Cd), chromium (Cr), copper (Cu), iron (Fe), molybdenum (Mo), selenium (Se), and zinc (Zn). The FIT lab calculates bulk density for each sample. E. Vegetation Monitoring Methods Drainage basin modifications are most likely to affect vegetation communities found along the relatively narrow riparian wetlands upstream of the CAMA jurisdiction markers. For this reason, vegetation assessments and monitoring sites were concentrated in these areas. Vegetation sampling focuses on the shrub and herb layers. Compared to trees, shrubs and herbs respond more quickly to changes in salinity and hydrology and therefore provide better indicators of changes in the vegetation over time. At each vegetation monitoring site, 10 permanent sample quadrats were established along a 40-meter transect that proceeds on a random compass azimuth from the monitoring well. The quadrats are arranged on alternating sides of the transect axis, such that each quadrat shares a corner with the quadrat behind it and the quadrat in front of it. However, no quadrat shares a boundary with any other quadrat. Each sample quadrat consists of a 4-by-4 meter woody shrub vegetation plot with a 1-by-1 meter herb plot nested in the proximal corner. These will be used throughout the duration of the study to monitor density, coverage, and species composition of the herb and shrub strata layers. Shrubs and woody vines, defined as woody plants greater than 3.2 feet in height but less than 3 inches in diameter at breast height (DBH), are inventoried in each of the ten 4-by- 4 meter plots located in the vicinity of each monitoring well in the riparian wetlands. For each species, the number of stems present is counted and percent cover estimated. Herbs, defined as all herbaceous vascular plants regardless of height and woody plants less than 3.2 feet in height, are inventoried in each of the 1-by-1 meter plots nested within the 4-by-4 meter plots. For each species, the number of stems present is counted and percent cover estimated. Qualitative descriptions of the overstory are made in the vicinity of each monitoring well. An importance value is calculated for each shrub and herb species present in each transect. Relativized values of average percent cover, average stem count, and frequency of occurrence in the 10 quadrats are used to calculate importance values. Dominant plants in each transect are determined by applying the 50/20 rule to the importance values. The 50/20 rule was described in the 1989 wetland delineation manual (Federal Interagency Committee for Wetland Delineation 1989) and still is used in delineating wetlands (Williams 1992, USACOE 2008). Final Plan of Study for Potential Effects of Headwater Wetland Reduction on Downstream Aquatic Functions G-5 Appendix G- Methodologies for Each Monitored Parameter PCS Phosphate Company, Inc. February 2011-updated September 2012; updated August 2018 The 50/20 rule uses the quotient obtained from dividing each species' importance value by the sum of all of the importance values for that transect (shrubs and herbs are treated separately). This calculation expresses each species' importance value as a percentage of the cumulative importance value of the entire transect. Beginning with the species having the highest importance value and continuing in descending order, all species are listed until, cumulatively, 50 percent of the overall importance value has been reached. These species, along with any additional species that individually comprise at least 20 percent of the overall importance value, are considered to be dominant. To further assist in determining whether changes in the plant communities have occurred, the tolerance of brackish conditions was assessed for each dominant species. The determination of each species' tolerance was based on habitat descriptions provided in Radford et al. (1968), Beal (1977), Godfrey and Wooten (1979, 1981), Odum et al. (1984), and Eleuterius (1990). A species was considered tolerant of brackish conditions if any of the habitats listed were brackish, even if most of the habitats were fresh. The percentage of dominant species intolerant of brackish conditions is calculated for each transect. Any significant changes in the salinity of the creek should be reflected by a shift in this percentage. A similar analysis is performed using the wetland indicator status (Reed 1988) of the dominant plants. The percentage of dominant species with a wetland indicator status of FAC- or drier is calculated for each transect. Any major change toward drier conditions should be reflected by a change in this percentage. NOTE: During the latter stages of development of the final PCS Plan of Study to monitor the creeks, NCDWQ suggested that vegetation be monitored according the Carolina Vegetation Survey (CVS) methodology. After consideration of this suggestion and discussion with the Corps and NCDWQ, PCS believes that in order to adequately compare available and future monitoring data the existing vegetation survey methodology should be maintained in the new plan. The purpose of the vegetation monitoring required by the PCS permit condition is not to describe the complete biotic community at each creek, but to be able to document potential shifts in the herbaceous and shrub community. While thorough and interesting, the CVS approach is more complex than necessary to meet the purposes of the permit conditions and be congruent and comparable with the past and future monitoring of the PCS subject creeks. F. Fish Monitoring Methods If a monitored stream is too shallow and narrow to sample using a trawl, fyke nets are used to sample fish. Each fyke net sampling occasion is conducted using two fyke nets (one net fished upstream and one fished downstream) anchored for a set time of approximately 16 hours (late afternoon until the following morning). Each fyke net is deployed across the entire width of the sampled stream and consists of 0.25-inch mesh net with four 21-inch hoops, a 6- inch throat, and a 22-foot wingspan. For monitored stream large enough to trawl, each fish trawl sample is conducted using a two -seam otter trawl. The trawl was constructed with a 10.5-foot head rope, 0.25-inch Final Plan of Study for Potential Effects of Headwater Wetland Reduction on Downstream Aquatic Functions G-6 Appendix G- Methodologies for Each Monitored Parameter PCS Phosphate Company, Inc. February 2011-updated September 2012; updated August 2018 bar mesh wings and body, and 0.12-inch bar mesh cod end. The trawl is towed for approximately one minute, covering approximately 75 yards, from a beginning point marked in the field with flagging (GPS coordinates also known) near the mouth of each monitored creek. Tow direction is always toward the creek mouth. All fish captured by either method are identified and counted. Those that are easily identified in the field are released; others are preserved for later identification. Total length is measured to the nearest millimeter for the first 30 specimens of each species. Representative photographs of sampling stations are taken during the first sampling occasion and are on file with CZR Incorporated. To compare fish communities in each creek, CPUE, total abundance, species richness, and species diversity are examined. Two standard diversity indices are used to measure species diversity. The first, a modified Simpson's index (ds) (Simpson 1949; Brower and Zar 1984), is defined as: ds N(N-1)/Eni(ni-1), where I ...i n;= number of individuals of the ith species and N= total number of individuals of all species. Simpson's index is especially informative if a community is dominated by one or a few species. The second diversity index used is the Shannon index (H') (Shannon 1948), defined as: H'=- Epi lnpi, where I ...i pi= ni/N and ni and N are defined as for Simpson's index. The Shannon index incorporates not only species richness, but also how evenly individuals are distributed among the total number of species present in the community. The above indices may be used to compare species diversity, but they tell nothing about whether similar species are found at each site. To compare biotic communities in this manner, the Jaccard coefficient and the Morisita-Horne index of community similarity are employed. The Jaccard index (Q (Brower and Zar 1984) is defined as: Cj=c/(s1+s2-c), where c= number of species found at both sites and sI, s2 are the total number of species in community 1 and 2, respectively. The Morisita-Horne index (Cmh) (Li and Li 1996), while more complicated, has the additional advantage of incorporating not just the presence of similar species but also the relative abundance of species found at both sites. Consequently, it is a more comprehensive descriptor of community similarity. It is defined as: Final Plan of Study for Potential Effects of Headwater Wetland Reduction on Downstream Aquatic Functions G-7 Appendix G- Methodologies for Each Monitored Parameter PCS Phosphate Company, Inc. February 2011-updated September 2012; updated August 2018 C,,,h= 2 Exyi , where (Xi+ X2)(" IN2) xi and yi are the total number of the it' species at site land 2, Ni and N2 represent the total number of individuals at site I and 2, respectively, and, Xi= Exi xi-1 and X2 is similarly defined. Ni(Ni-l) Both the Jaccard and the Morisita-Horn indices of community similarity range from zero to one, with zero representing completely dissimilar populations and one representing identical populations. A two -sample t statistic (t-test) is used to compare CPUE, abundance, and diversity between pre- and post -disturbance years. Significance is set at 0.05. When normality failed and the data do not meet assumptions for a parametric test, a nonparametric test is used (Mann -Whitney Rank Sum Test). To compare CPUE, abundance, and diversity between years at each site, a one- way analysis of variance (ANOVA) is used. Significance is set at 0.05. When normality fails and the data do not meet assumptions for a parametric test, a nonparametric test is used (Kruskal- Wallis ANOVA on Ranks). When significant differences (p< 0.05) occur between variables for each year, a corresponding Tukey's or Dunn`s (post hoc) multiple pairwise comparison test is used to display the relationship between the individual means. Water quality data are collected with a YSI Pro Plus multi -parameter instrument prior to deployment and retrieval of fyke nets and/or before each at each creek. Parameters measured include temperature, pH, salinity, conductivity, dissolved oxygen (DO), and Secchi depth. For each parameter the deeper creeks, excluding pH and Secchi depth, a measurement is taken at both surface and near bottom levels. Estimates of the percentage of the water surface covered by submerged aquatic vegetation are also made. Water quality data are examined with regard to how well each site provided habitat appropriate for the preservation of fish communities. Particular attention is given to dissolved oxygen, as low DO levels are commonly implicated in fish kills. G. Benthos Monitoring Methods a. Timed Sweeps Timed sweep methodology is used to sample benthic invertebrates along the shoreline at each upstream and downstream location on subject creeks. The timed sweep samples consist of 10-minute collections with a D-frame 0.5 mm net in representative shoreline and near -shore habitats. Within each sampling station, three replicate samples are collected from the same three locations from year to year. Basic hydrographic data also are collected during the Final Plan of Study for Potential Effects of Headwater Wetland Reduction on Downstream Aquatic Functions G-8 Appendix G- Methodologies for Each Monitored Parameter PCs Phosphate Company, Inc. February 2011-updated September 2012; updated August 2018 sweep sampling. The following data is recorded at each station: • Depth • Canopy cover • Aufwuchs • Bank erosion • Substrate (% sand, silt, detritus) • Water flow • Water quality + pH Organisms collected are preserved and returned to the laboratory for sorting, enumeration, and identification to the lowest practical taxonomic level (usually species). Each replicate is enumerated and the mean number of individuals per taxa and a 95 percent confidence interval are calculated for the most abundant taxa (an average of at least 40 individuals per one year) at each station. One replicate sample from a dedicated collection site in each sampling station is used to calculate an Estuarine Biotic Index (EBI) in each creek (NCDENR 1997). An EBI is an average of the water quality tolerance values for each taxon in the sample, weighted by abundance values of the taxa. Only those taxa for which tolerance values are available can be used to calculate an EBI. An EBI can be used at all salinities to make comparisons and assess differences in site water quality (NCDENR 1997). All tolerance values for taxa encountered are verified and assigned by Larry Eaton, Surface Water Protection, North Carolina Division of Water Quality (NCDWQ) in an effort to standardize and evaluate benthic data from past study years. b. Ponar Grab Five ponar grabs are taken near mid -stream at each upstream and downstream station on each subject creek. Basic hydrographic data are collected at each sampling station. Collected sediments are placed in 1 gallon plastic bags, with a full bag constituting a sample. Samples are sieved in the field through a 0.5 mm mesh screen. All organisms retained on the screen are preserved and returned to the laboratory for sorting, enumeration, and identification to the lowest practical taxonomic level (usually species). For each taxon, the average number of individuals per grab and a 95 percent confidence interval are calculated. The 95 percent confidence intervals can be used as a rough gauge of the statistical significance of differences between years. However, such comparisons must be made with care since very abundant taxa are not fully enumerated, which may cause the width of the confidence intervals to be underestimated for those taxa. An EBI is calculated for each sampling station based on total individuals of each taxon collected from all five replicate grabs. The Shannon -Wiener diversity index (H') (Shannon 1948), is used to detect differences in species diversity in ponar samples. Ponar replicates are pooled for EBI and H' calculations. The index is defined as: H'=- Epi logpi, where I ...i Final Plan of Study for Potential Effects of Headwater Wetland Reduction on Downstream Aquatic Functions G-9 Appendix G- Methodologies for Each Monitored Parameter PCs Phosphate Company, Inc. February 2011-updated September 2012; updated August 2018 n;= number of individuals of the ith species, N= total number of individuals of all species, and pi= ni/N. A two -sample t statistic (t-test) is used to compare Shannon -Wiener diversity indices scores and total abundance between pre- and post -disturbance years. Significance is set at 0.05. When normality fails and the data do not meet assumptions for a parametric test, a nonparametric test is used (Mann -Whitney Rank Sum Test). To compare Shannon -Wiener diversity indices scores and total abundance between years at each site, a one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) is used. Significance is set at 0.05. When normality fails and the data do not meet assumptions for a parametric test, a nonparametric test is used (Kruskal-Wallis ANOVA on Ranks). When significant differences occur (p<0.05) between variables for each year, a Tukey's (post hoc) multiple pairwise comparison test is used to display the relationship between the individual means. Final Plan of Study for Potential Effects of Headwater Wetland Reduction on Downstream Aquatic Functions G-10 Appendix G- Methodologies for Each Monitored Parameter PCs Phosphate Company, Inc. February 2011-updated September 2012; updated August 2018