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SW7120501_HISTORICAL FILE_20190516
STORMWATER DIVISION CODING SHEET POST -CONSTRUCTION PERMITS PERMIT NO. SW`,l�05j z DOC TYPE ❑ CURRENT PERMIT ❑ APPROVED PLANS HISTORICAL FILE DOC DATE 2,Lq ,� l�v YYYYMMDD BUSINESS CORPORATION ANNUAL REPORT a`-• jv 10-2017 NAME OF BUSINESS CORPORATION: D.L. ROGERS CORP. SECRETARY OF STATE ID NUMBER: 1552197 STATE OF FORMATION: TX REPORT FOR THE FISCAL YEAR END: 12/31 /201 8 SECTION A: REGISTERED AGENT'S INFORMATION 1. NAME OF REGISTERED AGENT: CT Corporation SVstern 2. SIGNATURE OF THE NEW REGISTERED AGENT: E - Filed Annual Report 1552197 CA201913600465 5/16/2019 11:25 Changes SIGNATURE CONSTITUTES CONSENT TO THE APPOINTMENT 3. REGISTERED AGENT OFFICE STREET ADDRESS & COUNTY 4. REGISTERED AGENT OFFICE MAILING ADDRESS 160 Mine Lake Ct Ste 200 160 Mine Lake Ct Ste 200 Raleigh, NC 27615 Wake County Raleigh, NC 27615 SECTION B: PRINCIPAL OFFICE INFORMATION 1. DESCRIPTION OF NATURE OF BUSINESS: Fast Food Drive In Restaurant 2. PRINCIPAL OFFICE PHONE NUMBER: (817) 527-7820 3. PRINCIPAL OFFICE EMAIL: Privacy Redaction 4. PRINCIPAL OFFICE STREET ADDRESS 1225 South Main Street, Suite 300 Grapevine, TX 76051 5. PRINCIPAL OFFICE MAILING ADDRESS 1225 South Main Street, Suite 300 Grapevine, TX 76051 6. Select one of the following if applicable. (Optional see instructions) ❑ The company is a veteran -owned small business ❑ The company is a service -disabled veteran -owned small business SECTION C: OFFICERS (Enter additional officers in Section E.) NAME: Darrell Rogers TITLE: Chairman ADDRESS NAME: James Junkin TITLE: Vice President ADDRESS: NAME: Shawn Cather Rogers TITLE: President ADDRESS: 1225 South Main Street, Suite 300 1225 South Main Street, Suite 300 1225 South Main Street, Suite 300 Grapevine, TX 76051 Grapevine, TX 76028 Grapevine, TX 76051 SECTION D: CERTIFICATION OF ANNUAL REPORT. Section D must be completed in its entirety by a person/business enf hawn Cather Rogers 5/16/2019 SIGNATURE Form must be signed by an officer listed under Section C of this form. Shawn Cather Rogers President DATE Print or Type Name of Officer Print or Type Title of Officer This Annual Report has been filed electronically. MAIL TO: Secretary of State, Business Registration Division, Post Office Box 29525, Raleigh, NC 27626-0525 Dumpor, Samir From: Kevin Lindsay [kevinlindsay@crawforddsn.com] Sent: Monday, June 04, 2012 9:07 AM To: Dumpor, Samir Cc: jeff,dixon@citybeverageco.com Subject: RE: Sonic Drive -In Restaurant comments Samir, thanks very much for taking the time to call me and discuss this. I believe it is in the best interest of the client to leave the pond as is. It would be very difficult to add the vegetative filter strip called for if we reduce the pond size and we've also found it very difficult to meet the required average depth if we reduce the pond much below what we've shown. So please permit the pond as shown in the submitted drawings. Crawford uesowmvany Kevin S. Lindsay, P.E. 116 N. Cool Spring Streer FavcircNllle, NC:. 38301 Phone: 910 221.00..33 C;'ell: 910-920 7t6l Fax: 910. 221-0035 www.crawforddsn.com Crag forcl Dcsinn Company allows rile uSc of Our a ork for your Compan}, only as it relates to the initi.il pre}jcct. Under no circttmsvanccs uc you to use our wOt1< on Ocher prOjects or you corided to hire, sell or clistrihute the inforanation you have been supplied with, either in whale or parr, from Crawford Design Company to any other conapanies or ind ivicluals, wiehnut cxpr.esced Written consent. A11 mareriails ol)raincd from Cr.ativford Design Company are Z copyrighted, all righrs reserved. From: Dumpor, Samir[mailto:samir.dumporCa)ncdenr.gov] Sent: Friday, June 01, 2012 3:25 PM To: kevinlindsay(&crawforddsn.com Cc: jeff.dixon@citybeverageco.com Subject: Sonic Drive -In Restaurant comments Kevin, I reviewed the stormwater application package for Sonic project in Elizabeth City. Here is a couple of comments. This project drains into the stream with "C; Sw" classification and as such, the BMP does not need to be designed as for projects draining to SA waters. The SA waters projects have to design the BMP to control and treat the runoff from all surfaces generated by 1.5" of rainfall, or the difference in the stormwater runoff from all surfaces from the pre -development and post -development conditions for a 1 year 24 hour storm, whichever is greater. For all the other projects (non SA projects) the stormwater control system must be designed to store, control and treat the stormwater runoff from all surfaces generated by 1.5" of rainfall. In addition, the credit for existing impervious area can be granted under partial redevelopment practice, where the treatment for existing impervious area would not be required under condition that proposed treatment is at least equal or better than existing one.. As I can see from your calculations in Table 2, you accounted the credit for existing impervious area, however if you choose to do so, than area that the credit is being claimed for has to diverted away from the pond, not to overburden the pond and treatment of new impervious area. Since your calculations included the difference in pre and post development for 1 year 24 hour storm (SA requirements), the size -of your BMP is sufficient to meet our volume requirements. You proposed a 85% wet pond, however no vegetative filter is provided for overflow from the pond (design requirement). Having all of this in mind and due to the fact that the required pond volume (per your proposal) is about 2 times more than what is required if you would use only 1.5" rainfall, this project as proposed is acceptable, however If you decide to redesign the BMP to reduce the required volume, than the "existing impervious area" has to diverted away from the pond, and in order for credit to be granted, it has to have at least equal or better treatment as existing current site, meaning the "existing" portion of stormwater has to go through some vegetative area before being discharged to City's stormwater system and pond has to be redesigned to include vegetative filter. Please advise. Thanks Samir Dumpor Environmental Engineer II NC Department of Environment and Natural Resources Surface Water Protection Section Washington Regional Office 943 Washington Square Mall Washington, NC 27889 Office: 252.948.3959 Fax: 252.946.9215 NOTE: Please update your address hook with my new email address Samir.Dumpor(ancdenr.gov `W Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail. E-mail correspondence to and from this address may be subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. TRANSMITTAL Subject: Stormwater Permit Application Dear Mr. Dumpor, Date 5/1/2012 Reference Sonic Drive -In - Elizabeth City. NC Contact Samir Dumpor, NCDENR-DWQ Company NCDENR-DWQ Washington Regional Office Address 943 Washington Square Mall City & State Washington, NC 27889 Please find the attached State Stormwater Management Permit Form and check for $505.00. Included are: -Check for $505.00 -1 original and I copy of the application -1 copy of the Soils Report -1 original and 1 copy of the Stormwater Report containing all other required items. Please call me if you have any questions at 910-920-7661. Sincerely, Kevin S. Lindsay, P.E. Senior Engineer 0UVM_0M0 i10Z E - AM C13A1303H LANDSCAPE ARCI-iI'I"I3CTliRE I ENGINEERING I PLANNING 116 forth Cool Spring Street Fayetteville, NC 28301 1 Ph: 910-221-0033I Fax: 910-221-0035 DMt7-Mb`ESO Nvv _ 01 sois 1 FRED D. SMITH DIL CONSULTING INC. February 23, 2012 W. Carl Bonner Terracon Consulting Engineers and Scientists 314 Beacon Dr Winterville, NC 28590 Subject Report of a Soil Evaluation for Stormwater Treatment Proposed Sonic Restaurant Elizabeth City, NC Dear Mr. Bonner, RECEIVED M AY - 3 2012 DWQ-WARD This letter concerns the soil evaluation l performed at the above mentioned site. You authorized me to perform a soil evaluation of the surface soils on the site, to determine the depth to the `seasonal high water table', and to perform in -situ soil permeability testing at the site. The work was done in general accordance with the rules for stormwater disposal (15A NCAC 02H .1008 (d)}. You provided me with site drawings and a proposed storm water basin area. My work consisted of two hand auger borings to observe and describe physical properties such as texture, color, structure, consistency, depth to seasonal or perched groundwater, parent material, and restrictive horizons. Permeability test results and soil descriptions are attached. HA 1 and 2 are shown on the attached drawing. Wet soil was found at a depth of about 48 to 58 inches beneath the surface. This is the capillary fringe just above the actual water table. Saturated soil was encountered at 58 inches beneath the surface. The seasonal water table (SHWT) was found to be within 12 inches of the surface_ The soil layer at that depth has low chroma colors. Below the topsoil, the sandy clay loam B horizon has a depleted gray matrix and concentrations of reddish yellow colors that indicate water remains at that depth for a significant amount of time. Below this layer the soil colors remain gray until the capillary fringe is found. The soil permeability at the site was measured using an Aardvark Soil Permeability. The Aardvark Permeameter maintains a constant head of water in a bore hole. The rate of water movement is measured over time. The results are entered into an Excel spreadsheet program that computes the permeability value in inches per hour. O calMohile (252) 908.4W9 Post office Box 1175 - Mhshvl/le, NorM Caroliva 27W6 The test results are presented in Table I below. Table 1 Permeability Test Results Test No. Depth inches Permeability inches M hour l 35 122 2 35 7.34 The two soil permeabilities were performed in the same soil horizon that has the same soil texture. However, the soil structure at Test 2 location has a better structure than Test 1. I believe the structure difference is the reason for such different permeability values. I appreciate the opporkwity to work with you on this project Please contact me if you have questions or need additional information. Cordially, Fred D. smith Licensed Soil Scientist Offc"obile (252) 908 4389 Post Office Box 1175 - Nashville, North Carolina 278M Percolation or Ksat Rates using Aardvark Soil Permeameter Perc Rate: min in Ksat:1.z2In/ hrIN gdsf site: SONIC- abet City Date. 2/23/2012 Operator: FDS Boring Number: Soil Series: Soil Horizon: B Boring [Depth (in)FM k. Diameter of Hole(in): Water Column Height (in): © Head Conversion Factor 0.5 Boring Conversion Factor (BCF): r 2.261 Design Loading Rate 4 KsW14.96*ea" factor of 0.06 to 0.5 system dependent Boring Gonvers15 Mtor = (rad)squarecnm tor AardvaM Meservoir BCF of 4 In auger is 4.25 in diameter boring = 1 BCF of 3.25 in auger is 3.5 In diameter boring = 1.65 BCF of 2.75 In auger Is 3.01n diameter boring = 2.25 Head Conversion Factor (HCF) = Water Column Ht Inches / 6 inches, or Htcm/15cm Example is 3.5in boring with 7 In water column in boring, 0,8 In head drop over 45 minutes in a structured ed clay loam soil F Value (9aacliffe and West, 2600) Borehole diameter Texture 5 n n 3.0 in Sands 0.107 0.124 0.09 Structured foams and cla s 0.082 0.096 0.068 Unstructuredfoams an clay 8 7 0, 4 Time TO Time x Time Hours Reservoir Reservoir Reservoir Percoiatlon BCF C 'Percolation F value' Kest Deaf n Loading 2400 hours 2400 hours Elapsed Elapsed Reading, in ReadingIn Change Rate minRn Rate from table = F(1/P) Rate gdsf ti t+'i (t1+1)-tl dtl60min/hr hi h+1 (h+1}hi dt/dh Ad ustsd with a 0.10 dt dh (P'HCF BCF SO* Factor initial next Initial next P Ad P of Ksat min hr In In In m1Nfn minlin n r gdsf xamp e . "20, 33333t14. 14.2 0.2 10 2.25 0.5 2 0.068 1.84 5.49 STEADY STATE ARITHM TIC AVERAGE of last 3 readings Pedon Description Depth Horizon Color Texture Structure Horizon Notes ,its Notes., Percolation or Ksat Rates using Aardvark Soil Permeameter Perc Rate: minlin Ksat:7.3j4nihr LR: gdaf S te: 0NIC- ElIzaFeth M&Y Date: 2/23/2012 Operator: FDS Boring Number: Soil Series: Soil Horizon: B Boring Depth (in) : Diameter of Hole(in): Water Column Height (in): © Head Conversion Factor 0.5 Boring Conversion Factor (BCF): Design Loading Rate o Ksar14.M*safety factor of 0.05 to 0.6 system dependent onng Conversion Pactor = (rad)squareO15.06 for AardvarK Reservoir BCF of 4 In auger Is 4.25 in diameter boring = 1 BCF of 3.25 in auger Is 3.5 In diameter boring = 1.65 BCF of 2.75 In auger Is 3,0 in diameter boring = 2.25 Head Conversion Factor (HCF) = Water Column Ht inches / 5 inches, or Htcm/15cm Example is 3.5in boring with 7 In water column in boring, 0.5 in head drop over 45 minutes In a structured ed clay loam soil F WIN adclRre ana West, 2000) Borehole diameter Texture 3.5 in 4.0 In 3.0 In Sands 0.107 0.124 0.09 Structured loams and clays 0,082 0.096 0.068 Unstructured foams and clay _ .067 0.04 Time TO Time x Time !"lours Reservoir Reservoir Reservoir Percolation - HCF Percolation F value Kest Design Loading 2400 hours 2400 hours Elapsed Elapsed Reading, In Reading In Chan a Rate (minnn) Rate from table = FO1P) Rate gdaf ti t+1 (t141)-t1 dt/60minmr hi h+1 (h+1)-hi dtfdh Adjusted with a 0.10 dt dh P`HCF)/BCF Safety Factor initial next initial next P Al P of Ksa# min hr In In In minim mlMn In hr gdsf xamp e 2 0.033333 8.7 7.3 1.4 1,428571429 Z25 0:5 0 0.068 12<85 38.46 T7� 1 6. 5.4 1 1.1 7.727272727 2.25 0.5 9.79 20.14 STEADY STATE ARITHMETIC AVE GE Of last 3 readings I ; Pedon Description Depth Horizon Color Texture Structure Horizon Notes 1SIte Notes: UNITED STATES — DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR — GEOLOGICAL SURVEY ON" "-,r. - Ing Shopping 13; c 1z;A ? k L u VPasquol" s — 81=� 211�01y. rr acfk S bo SCALE 1.24 000 2 I= O UErERS 1000 2000 1000 0 1000 20M 3m 40M 5000 ww 70M am 9000 10 000 Fm 009170UR NTMAL 6 FUEN PAMWL [on= vu"m WNW of Im MPO ELIZABETH CITY, NC 1975 ir PR1 997 7.5 MINUTE SERIES (TOPOGRAPHIC) P*duv LO F"IbL r2mm49 Imm 140114a A TOPOGRAPHIC VICINITY MAP I No. va"ft TLY AS SHM &* GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING REPORT C*aftmr. LwmKF Ro 04 Gavampm md1l"q Eh;0ftt0%.bdsct"dxtb PROPOSED SONIC RESTAURANT AWv,%0x . no* 3wam=am YeAft NUM WEST EHRW"US STREET AND WESTGVFR STREET m SEFTM My IL543%m sJuam crry, NC �� LL D ! MP ix D w'wv - ra As7wG O SMWAL ' r I r �umm OF t Wt ^2,, (NOT IN TNiS CONTRACT) AeUWTS 1 ti E r i CON57RUCIXW _Jill = .II cep �s4 - -, �i; rrE rllr � ErivAaaan>• 1 i 1 L' U"111lrii ,:�.� • • E r — DI PROXCi>LVV C? "}Art _ — .+�..—+fir—",.: •.i'►�� s. .tea �.:<,-ww:.r �� s, xi.�- �ti^:--�-.-- ' Ez; :Ls` y. 5r ;� „�,�^ar.. ' pL f BCD y, jai I . a� _CORSAIR CIRCLE Nr p OF WAY Central Files: APS — SWP 10/4/2017 Permit Number ' SW7120501 Permit Tracking Slip Program Category State SW Permit Type State Stormwater Primary Reviewer samir.dumpor Coastal SWRule Coastal Stormwater - 2008 Permitted Flow Facility D P 3o767v5-1 � /,Q74F,- ? P q 00l�� Facility Name Sonic Drive -In Restuarant - Elizabeth City Locatiop Address 11 ,711 Ehringhaus St Elizabeth Cty NC 27906 vvner pyre!/ I. rr PO te,r ra3T ran e5z, YY Status Project Type Active New Project Version / Permit Classification 1.00 /1�{, • Inual Permit foliation 25 YN as 7b 3 W . i 15- Ld It s�f fir l v, /s2-A Major/Minor Region - Minor Washington County Pasquotank Facility Contact Affiliation Owner Name Owner Type D L Rogers Companies h„C/'L./ ��� it Non -Government Owner Affiliation { Q� Shawn Cather l� 5013 David Blvd Dates/Events Richland Hls TX 76180 Scheduled Orig Issue App Received Draft Initialed Issuance Public Notice Issue Effective Expiration 6/4/2012 5/3/2012 6/4/2012 6/4/2012 6/4/2020 Regulated_ Activities _ Requested /Received Events State Stormwater - HD - Detention Pond Deed restriction requested Deed restriction received Outfall Walerbody Name Streamindex Number Current Class Subbasin Cv .t b v JL Sff lv"' ho/e ,`w lee. I