HomeMy WebLinkAbout20070184 Ver 1_Triage Comments_20070323• DW~#~ ~~~ d~ ~ y ~ ~ Data 3 Z D ~ ~ Who Reviewod: ~cns i. ". i Plan Detail7ncompleta ~ - [j Please provide a location map for the project. ' ['] Please show a1I slxeam impacts including a1i fill slopes, dissipaters, and bank stabilization on the alto plan. . [~ Please show all wetland impacts including SII slopes on the site plan. ~• • ~ ^ Please indicate aII buffer impacts on the site plan. . ~ ~ ~Q ' 1~~~~ ~~~ ~ s ^ Please indicate proposed lot Layout as overlays an the site plea. ~~ St"~'~ 19~_ ^ . Please indicate the Iocation of the protected buffers as mverlays on the site plan. ~~ ~v~s l~ ~-_ X-~~C lp ~~ r Please Locate s1I isolated or nan-isolated wetlaada, •stroarns and other waters of the State as ovorlays on tho site plan. ) . . ^ ~~ ~ ^ Please provide cross section details showing the provisions for aquatio life passage. ~ ^ Please locate any planned•sewer linos on fhe life plan. ~ • ~ ~ ~ ~ "~' ^ Please provide tike locs~tion of any proposed stormwater management practices ea required by QC ' ~ `~~ ~~ ^ Flease provide detail far the atormwater management practices ea required by QC • ~ n r~~~ ^ Pleaso specify iho portent of project iinperviousnesa area based on the estimated buil~out oonditiona: ^ Pleesaindicate all stormwatca~ot}tfalle on the site play. ~-~ . ^ Plee'so'indieateth~ difR~se flow provision measures do tho site plan. ~ 1\ ~~ ~ ~~(~ ~~ ar • r t the ' osed eats ebbed bears conducted. ~ ~ . ^ Ploase htdicate,wfioth Q nq .prop ~ Y , )C~ o~ ~ ~ ,,n~ Avoidance,and/or Minimization i~ot Provided ~ ~ a~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ `~" ~ ~ c ,~ • The labeled as on the pleas does not appear to bo necessary. Please ~elirnittate the . or provide . informaton •ea to why it is n~aeesaary for this project :. - .~Q This Office befloxres that tho ~ laboled ott the plans ea. can be moved. or reconfigured to avoid tho impacts to tho .~ . Ploase revise tho pleas to avoid thq impaota. . ~ ^, • T1us~0ifice beliovas• that the . •lalieled on the p18as as• can be moved or reconfigured to :minimize the impacts ip tho • . Please revise tho pleas to minimize the impacts. . The stormwatar dischargos at the location on the plans labeled ~ will.not provide .di8~se flow through tho buffer because • . ' ~ ~ . Ploaae Fav}se the plena and provido calculations to •ahow that dii~iiae'8ow will bo.echieved through tho entlrebuffa. If it . - is not ~oasible to achimve•difiuse flova tbrough.the entire buffor'thari it may bo neeeseary'to provide atormwator managa~npit • ~ practices that remove nuMonts:before the atormwater can be discharged through the•buffer. ` . . Other ~ . ~ .. ' ^~. The application fee waa insuffiaient~becauae over 15`0 feet of stream ead/or.over 1 acre of wetlead"unpacts wero requested. Please provide ffi . ~ This additional foe must bo receive} before your application can be revIowed. ~ . • ~ ^ Please complete Section(s) on theapplication. - ~ ~~ '' .. ^ Pleaseprovide $ signed copy of the application.' - ^ Ploeseprovido _. copipa of the application, . copies of•the site plans and other supporting information: ,~ _ . ^ ~ Pleasesubnut electronic CAD ffies showing ;via: email to ian.momillan~nc~il.not and CDr ' ' • Mitigation ~ ~~~ a.~ ~ ~.~fia's eY~.z Gl CY't ' . . ~~ .. ~ ~ . w~. • ^ ponsatory mitiga#ion is required for this prof ~ ~ Please pmvide'e cpmpensatory taitigatioi~ plea, The plan must conform•to tharequirements in 15 A NCAC 2H :OSOO~and must be appropriate to the type•of impacts proposed. ^ Please indicato~which 404 Permit the USACE would use to authorize this project. ' .