HomeMy WebLinkAboutSW7060533_APPROVED PLANS_20060720STORMWATER DIVISION CODING SHEET POST -CONSTRUCTION PERMITS PERMIT NO. SWaO�i(%S��j DOC TYPE ❑ CURRENT PERMIT (� APPROVED PLANS ❑ HISTORICAL FILE DOC DATE YYYYMMDD 8oXlga ��0 LEGEND O T 1V1DUL1L111C 1 1 rc Ut__Q%/I>1T_ I IVIV --. = EXISTING RIGHT OF WAY = EXISTING EDGE OF PAVEMENT = EXISTING ROADWAY CENTERLINE - = EXISTING PROPERTY LINE GHE = EXISTING OVERHEAD POWER LINE = EXISTING FENCE (TYPE AS NOTED) ••• = EXISTING DITCH CENTERLINE iixI-0zii10iA = EXISTING STRUCTURE r� D� = EXISTING DRAINAGE PIPE (SIZE & TYPE AS NOTED) = EXISTING TREELINE (APPROXIMATE) - - - - ---1:.0'- - -- - - - = EXISTING GROUND CONTOURS EIRO = EXISTING IRON REBAR SIR © = SET IRON ROD ■ = EXISTING CONCRETE MONUMENT rQb = EXISTING POWER POLE E- = EXISTING GUY WIRE = EXISTING WATER METER = EXISTING FIRE HYDRANT = EXISTING GATE VALVE = EXIS71NG CATV PEDESTAL m EXISTING PHONE PEDESTAL ® = EXISTING TRANSFORMER L� = EXISTING POND SURFACE = EXISTING GRAVEL = EXISTING CONCRETE PAVEMENT �11rr EWL� = EXISTING 10" WATERLINE 6VL� = PROPSED 6" WATERLINE EXTENSION rrllr� UGF, = PROPOSED UNDERGROUND ELECTRIC FM = PROPOSED WW FORCE MAIN = PROPOSED DRAINAGE CONVEYANCE LINES (SIZE & TYPE AS NOTED - - - - - - = PROPOSED WW DRAINLINES = PROPOSED STRUCTURE PROPOSED GRADE CONTOURS PROPOSED GRADE SPOT ELEVATIONS X X = PROPSED SILT FENCE F= E10 CM E- r= PROPSED SILT FENCE PROPOSED WET DETENTION BASIN EXISTING GRADE: #11.5' BOTTOM ELEVATION: 5.5' PERMANENT POOL SURFACE AREA: 4,252 SQ.FT. PERMANENT POOL ELEVATION: 9.007 PROPOSED PERMANENT POOL VOLUME. 5,906 CU.FT. DRAINAGE FLUME FOREBAY VOLUME: 1,323 CU.FT W/RIPRAP OUTLET TEMPORARY POOL SURFACE AREA: 6.283 SQ. FT. PROTECTION STORAGE ELEVATION: 11.0' INV. OUT: 10.50' STORAGE CAPACITY: 10,535 CU.FT. (SEE DETAIL SHEET 2 FOR MORE INFORMATION) EXISTING DRAWDOWN DEVICE PROJECT NOTES: 1. SUBJECT PROPERTY: A TRACT OF LAND LOCATED SOUTHWEST OF THE INTERSECTION OF FORBES LOOP RD. AND US. HWY 158 IN GRANDY, CURRITUCK COUNTY, NC. THE TRACT IS CURRENTLY REFEREED TO AS LOT 3A, AS DESCRIBED IN D.B. 826 PG. 412 AND RECORDED ON MAP 107. THE ADJACENT LOT 3B CURRENTLY HAS AN AREA OF 78.186 SQ.FT. (1.80 AC.) AN IS DEVELOPED WITH A GASOLINE, RESTAURANT, & CONVENIENT STORE. LOT 3A CURRENTLY HAS AN AREA OF 82,893 SQ.FT_ (1.90 AC.) AN IS CURRENTLY BEING USED FOR THE WASTEWATER DISPOSAL SYSTEM FOR DEVELOPMENT ON LOT 3A. THE RESULTANT DEVELOPMENT AND RECOMBINATION WILL PLACE THE WASTEWATER SYSTEM FOR LOT 3B BACK ON THE LOT IT SERVES. 2. CURRENT OWNER: GRANDY EXPRESS, LLC. 7578 CARATOKE HWY JARVISBURG, NC 27947 3. PROPERTY DATA: STREET ADDRESS: 133 FORBES LOOP RD GRANDY, NC 27939 PIN NUMBERS PARCEL ID LOT 3A - 9922 00 8188 0107-000-0701-0000 LOT 3B - 9922 10 1363 0107-000-070J-0000 CURRENT ZONING: GB (GENERAL BUSINESS) FEMA DATA : FIRM -3720-9922-00 J (12/16/05) ZONE - X (SUBJECT TO CHANGE BY FEMA) 4. PROPOSED USE : FURTHER COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT, CONSISTING OF RETAIL USES (PERMITTED USES IN GB ZONING) A RECOMBINATION OF PARCELS IS REQUIRED FOR THE PROPOSED FUTURE DEVELOPMENT OF THIS TRACT. PROPOSED RECOMBINATION: LOT 3A: 87,189 SQ.FT/ 2.00 AC. LOT 38: 73,590 SQ.FT/ 1.70 AC. 5. PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS OF LOT 3A: (1) BUILDING : 250' x 60'. TWO STORY COMMERCIAL STRUCTURE SLAB ON GRADE FOUNDATION. 20,730 SQ.FT USE, 15,000 SOFT, COVERAGE INFRASTRUCTURE INCLUDING ASPHALT PARKING AND DRIVES, STORMWATER MANAGEMENT BASIN, WASTEWATER DISPOSAL FACILITIES A. LOT COVERAGE DATA PROPOSED PARCEL AREA : 87,189 SO. FT. PROPOSED BUILDING COVERAGE 15,000 SQ. FT, ASPHALT PARKING AND DRIVES : 30,962 SO. FT. CONCRETE WALKS & DUMPSTER PADS: 2,579 SQ. FT. TOTAL COVERAGE ; 48,541 SO. FT. (55.67 7.) MAXIMUM COVERAGE : 65% NOW OR FORMERLY GRANDY L.L.C. PIN 0107-000--07OD-0000 D.B. 353, PG 822 PROPOSED VEGETATIVE SWALE LENGTH: 290 LF. PROPOSED INV. IN:10.85' 12' H.D.P1 W / DIDD6D Fl1171� INV. OUT:10.5' - PROPOSED DRAINAGE FLUME W/ RIPRAP OUTLET PROTECTION SWALE INV.: 10.61' / 1 RIPRAP W/ LEVEL SPREADER LENGTH: 75 L.F. DRAWDOWN DEVICE LENGTH: 9 LF. 1 INV. IN: 9.75' 8" PVC LENGTH: 23 LF. (SEE DETAIL SHEET 2) INV. OUT: 9.65' INV IN: 9.0' INV. OUT: 8.9' (SEE DETAIL SHEET 2 FOR l 1 t : OVERFLOW SPILLWAY TOTAL LENGTH: 30 L.F. NOW OR FORMERLY SIZING & INVERTS) 1 , AVG. DEPTH: 1.00' BARRY WALKER �1t, SIDE SLOPE: 3:1 PIN 0108-000-098H-0000 LONGITUDINAL SLOPE :.OD1 D.B. 204, PG. 406 � 1 BERMUDAGRASS VEGETATION (SEE DETAIL SHEET 2 FOR SIZING i & INVERTS) SIZING & INVERTS) EXISTING VEGETATED DITCH/ VEGETATIVE FILTER TOTAL LENGTH: ±200 LF. AVG. DEPTH: 3.5' AVG. SIDE SLOPE: 2.5:1 LONGITUDINAL SLOPE:0.1% LEAVE EXISTING NATURAL VEGETATION (SEE DETAIL SHEET 2 FOR SIZING & INVERTS) / t B. WASTEWATER DISPOSAL ACTIVE: SLEEVED L.P,P, DRAINFIELD AND REPAIR WASTEWATER VOLUME. 1,639 GPD / I ACTIVE AREA = 732 L.F. OF L.P.P. DRAINLINE, CONSISTING OF / I 12 LINES AT 61 L.F EACH AT 5' O.C. LOADING RATE = 0.45 GPD/SQ. FT. I I REPAIR AREA = 732 L.F. OF L.F.P. DRAINLINE, CONSISTING OF I 12 LINES AT 61 L.F EACH AT 5' O.C. 1 LOADING RATE = 0.45 GPD/SQ. FT. C. PARKING SUMMARY: I REQUIRED SPACES: t EIR BUILDING USE AREA = 20,730 SQ. FT. PARKING BASED ON 1 SPACE/400 SO. FT. OF BUILDING USE AREA (APPROVED BY COUNTY) TOTAL REQUIRED SPACES = 52 SPACES PROVIDED SPACES: j !` (49) TYPICAL SPACES PROVIDED I TYPICAL SPACE 10' x 18' MIN. W/2' OVERHANG, 24' MINIMIUM DRIVE AISLES ! / `/ (12) COMPACT CAR SPACES PROVIDED, OR 20% OF TOTAL 61 SPACES PROVIDED I COMPACT CAR SPACE, 7.5' X 13' MIN., W/ 2' OVERHANG 1 ^ 1 TOTAL REQUIRED PARKING = 52 SPACES TOTAL PROVIDED PARKING = 61 SPACES i 6. A HIGH -DENSITY STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PERMIT MUST BE OBTAINED i FROM NCDENR DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY PRIOR TO THE �1,g6 ISSUANCE OF A BUILDING PERMIT. i 6� ' 7. MINIMUM BUILDING SETBACKS 1,yo 8. ALL UTILITIES SHALL BE PLACED UNDERGROUND. 9. NO ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS "404" JURISDICTIONAL WETLANDS LOCATED ON -SITE. INLET/OUTLET PROTECTION (SEE STRUCTURE DETAIL SHT 2) RIPRAP APRON La= 11, Wa=EXTEND MIDWAY UP DITCH BANKS TO ELEV. 10't d = 1.125' 8 C.y. 6" CLASS "A" RIPRAP TOTAL (SEE APRON DETAIL SHEET 2) EYISTING 15" H.D.P.E CULVERT NOW OR FORMERLY BARRY WALKER PIN 0108-000-098H-0000 D.B. 204, PG. 406 � I BEND / \C tZA N I 1 2.5' BEND., ` S OR PROPOSED ELECTRICAL , y I SERVICE NO i I / + r A'& 4> PROPOSED 1 \ --305 L.F. 6" PV)G ,1 �$ WATER MAIN i o N �'0 � 1 FATE 10"x10"x6"TEE TAPPING SLEEVE AND VALVE (SEE DETAIL, SHEET) BEND 5. SEND I ry t +4., I I 'Ila 2 a y Vi 1 Y , C TEL IS a•� { (DID ° e y FUEL IE t'a o 1 0 �e .. `` 3 3. AIR 1 C ° 1� PUMP ,1•F II! ! EXISTING STRUCTURE � . ,'3- GRANDY PI IOPOSED 12' HCULVERT J`Y.E EXPRESS g0 5 g . '.e LENG"H: 160 LF. 3,347 SQ.FT. kQ INV. OUT 110D.5' PROPOSED 1� CURB INLET ;RATE ELEV: 12.9' /INV. OUT: 10.9, �13.0 EXISTING nRAVFI EXISTING GRATE INLET INV, IN = 12.14'. 1 1 CURVE ';TABLE CURVE LENGTH RADIUS CHORD BEARING DELTA C1 296.44 1252.19 29.5.75' N16050'13"W 13*33151" C2 37.36 25.00 3 5.98' N66°25'53"W 85°36'43" C3 84.36 140.00 81-5.09' S53°30'00"W 34°31'30" C4 73.14 122.50 7 ).06' N53'20'30"E ;;4°12'35" 914' M +o w° Ca W Co z Z 1 1 1 1 ' I h 1 12 09 E � EOP R/I GRAPHIC SCALE 30 0 15 30 60 ( IN FEET ) 1 inch = 30 ft. 120 CL a1 0 ]+ N (' a # v t � a a C S O v US 00 .2 y n N a tp O U P ) F4' L O a.Q x omrn N2mTN.0) V1r0�r-X m dII.Y�� D a)1n aCB l g� uv o O Ozz a pal w04 c a z o O N r fi1 Czj 0007 ��OD� Q p L) u 0 0 P, z Z � v1 a W p wm � O zp. � Q �•I Q � z �o!��� �4 UOp414 p 0 0' pz�Aa, 06 a z U Cx+ rn v Z � W a o Z W 0 L} w Y U F_- U a z o= U o w 2 U o g U a 4 LL } m z_a 0 r W Q a a z 0 �. w � 4A DATE. 5-2-06 1 '=30' umGm m clleaaM BPG DMR DRAW AFPRMM DMK MSB SHEET. 2 7 of CAD FILE: 424400B1 PROJECT NO: 4244 Z ti I I I •, t 'I r t i I i � 'S I- 'It r-= I r 1 f + I f ,tI f+ '�/ � �� 31 �- •f .. 1 -.- a ....-- ,. ,..� - -.. - .. ... - '.., + r. i. ! ,... .. .. 't .t i4 1. . r.1. ; ,1_,.-.7i, .} J. Pi_►h7,Wv. `%f,c::.,.r _ gI 1, 'L 1•:P _ mc? P oQ I 6DX l9 v Svc/ 70 b O -5 33 CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCE !I i' SCHEDULE LAND GRADING CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS PERMANENT SEEDING TEMPORARY SEEDING SODDING i GENERAL PROJECT NOTES: The purpose of permanent seeding is reduce erosion The purpose of temporary seeding is to temporarily stabilizeThe cf prevent CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY SCHEDULE CONSIDERATION 1. Construct &maintain all erosion &sedimentation control practices & P and decrease sediment yield from disturbed areas, and ur denuded areas that will not be b9ought to final grade for and damase e fp omermanent sediment Hoff b st stabilizing 9 Y 9 1. PROJECT NAME: COASTAL ACCENTS Construction Access- First land -disturbing g measures in accordance with the approved sedimentation control plop and to permanently stabilize such areas in a manner that is period of more than 30 working days soil surface w;th permanent v etationfor the purpose of: P e9 P P POPLAR BRANCH TOWNSHIP, CURRITUCK COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA Construction entrance, activity -Stabilize bare areas construction schedule, economical, adapts to site conditions, and allows selection -the provision' of immediate vegetative cover in critical areas 2. DEVELOPER; GRANDY EXPRESS, L.L.C. 7578 CAROTKE HWY construction routes, equipment parking areas immediately with grave{ & temporary vegetation as 2. Remove good topsoil from areas to be graded and filled, and preserve it of the most appropriate plant materials. These areas must be seeded or planted within 30 working days or TEMPORARY SEEDING SPECIFICATIONS Seeding Recommendations for Late Winter &Earl Spring g y P • g -to stabilze cisturbed areas with a suitable plant material P that cannot bl'a established by seed. JARVISBURG, NG27947 construction takes place. for use in finishing the grading of all critical areas. 120 calender days after final grade is reached, unless SEEDING DATES- December 1 to April 15 -to stabilze c'rainageways & channels and other areas of 3. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT temporary stabilization is applied. SEEDING MIXTURE concentrated ";'low where flow velocities will not exceed that Sediment Traps & Barriers Install principal basins after 3. Scarify areas to be topsoiled to a minimum depth of 2 inches before Species Rate (lb/acre) specified gros,i lining. 4. NEAREST RECEIVING STREAM: CURRITUCK SOUND VIA DOWDY'S BAY Basin traps, sediment fences, construction site is accessed. placing topsoil. PERMANENT SEEDING SPECIFICATIONS Rye 120 5. CLASSIFICATION: SC & outlet protection Install additional traps and Seeding Recommendations for Summer Annual Lespedeza 50 SODDING SPECIFICATIONS 6. PROJECT AREA TABULATION: barriers as needed during 4. Clear & grub areas to be filled to remove trees, vegetation, roots, or SEEDING DATES- April to July (Kobe) Sod Quality other b'ect' bl t ' 1 th t Id ff 4.th I d TOTAL PROJECT AREA: 2.46 AC. TOTAL PROPOSED BUILDING AREA: 0.34 AC. TOTAL PROPOSED PAVEMENT & WALK AREA: 0.77 AC. DRAINAGE, UITILITY, & MISC. DISTURBED AREA: 1.35 AC TOTAL DISTURBED AREA: 2.46 AC grading. o } Iona a ma ens a wou a eC e p anne stability of TILL SEEDING MIXTURE Omlt annual lespedeza when duration of temporary cover -Sod should be machine cut at a uniform depth of 1/2-2 inches Species Rate is not to extend beyond June -Sod should blot have been cut in excessively wet or dry weather. LJ Runoff Control- Install key practices after 5. Ensure that fill material is free of brush, rubbish, rocks, logs, stumps, Common bermudagrass 10/1,000 sf (sprigs) -Sections of I,od should be standard size as determined by the 1 .- -] I N = Diversions, perimeter dikes, P principal sediments traps and p P P building debris, and other materials inappropriate for constructing stable fills. 1-2 Ib 1 000 sf seed / ( ) Soil Amendments- supplier, unifd-m, and untorn. PR FRAME,GRATE AND " C C. SIDEWALK a' TE HOOD 6 ON i'LAt;N 'god water bars, and outlet before land grading. Install SEEDING NOTES- Follow recommendations of soil tests or apply 2,000 lb/acre -Sections of should be strong enough to support their own NCDOT STD. 840.03 protection additional runoff -control 6. Place all fill in layers not to exceed 9 inches in thickness, and Compact 1. Sprig or sod. Moisture is essential during initial establishment.ground agricultural limestone and 750 lb/acre 10-10-10 fertilizer. weight and retain their size and shape when lifted by one end. , / conveyance measures during the layers as required to reduce erosion, slippage, settlement, or other Sod must be kept watered for 2-3weeks, but can be planted o -Harvest, delivery, and installation of sod should take place within p • o .,'9- NOTE grading. related problems. earlier or later than sprigs. Mulch- a period of 3.3 hours. All areas have been calculated utilizing the actual 7. Do not incorporate frozen material or soft, mucky, or highly compressible Apply 4,000-lb/acre straw. Anchor straw by tacking with asphalt, ! I , 1 r Runoff Conveyance System- Where necessary, stabilze g Y P Soil Amendments- netting,or a mulch-anchoringtool. A disk with blades set nearlysoil Amendments- `1\\fi�%�'�t � boundary properties within the Autocad software. Stabiles streambanks storm streambanks as early as possible materials into fill slopes. A I lime and fertilizer accordin to soil test or a 1 strai ht can be used as a mIch-anchoring tool Apply lime an'd fertilizer according to soil tests or apply "� I rains channels, Install a d c !s, Inlet &outlet principal runoff conveyance 8 Do not place fill an a frozen foundation, due to possible subsidence and protection, slope drains system with runoff -control 8. a Install slippage. RP Y g s Pp Y 3,000 lb/acre ground agricultural limestone and 500 lb/acre 10-10-10 fertilizer, or 50 lb/acre nitrogen from turf -type 9 Maintenance- 2 tons/acre iIf pulverized agricultural limestone and 1,000 lb/acre 10-10-10 fertilizer in the fall, or 5-10-10 in spring. ` B MIN. WALL THI{CKNESS � , y, y �� measures. remainder of slow -release fertilizer. Add 25-50 lb/acre nitrogen of Refertilize if growth is not full adequate. Reseed fertilize and mulch g Y q � . � ' `�> system after grading. immediately following erosion or other damage. Prior to layin<I sod, clear the soil surface of trash, debris, 9. Keep diversions and other water conveyance measures free of sediment 2-3 week intervals through midsummer. during all phases of development. roots, branchos, stones, and clods larger than 2 inches In 6 MIN. 4,000 PSI CONCRETE SEDIMENTATION AND EROSION CONTROL NOTES: Land Clearing & Grading- Begin major clearing and grading Sprigging- Seeding Recommendations for Summer diameter. Fill or level low spots in order to avoid standing Site preparation- cutting, after principal & key SEEDING DATES -Aril 15 to August 15 water. Rake cr harrow the site to achieve a smooth and PIPE INVERT p R Y Plant sprigs in furrows with a tractor -drawn transplanter, R g 6' SUMP A. NARRATIVE AND SITE DATA filling& grading, sediment runoff -control measures area 10. Handle seeps or springs encountered during construction in accordanceP SEEDING MIXTURE level final rode. Complete soil preparation b rolling or 1 g g' or broadcast b hand. g R P P Y g �'� n o The project will consist of the construction of asphalt parking and drive, drainage and with approved methods. Y \ v.' .• :a•' .' a•' utility infrastructure improvements to service the proposed Coastal Accents and Grandy traps, barriers, diversions, installed. Clear borrow &disposal Species Rate (Ib/acre) cu{tipacking f) firm soil. . \ drains, surface roughening areas as needed. Install Furrows should be 4-6 inches deep and 2 feet apart. German Millet 40 v - SEGTIO�I ,� Express commercial sites in Grandy, Poplar Branch Township, Currituck County, North additional control measures as 11 • Provide a groundcover (temporary or permanent) on exposed slopes within Sod lnstallati(�n- � Place sprigs about 2 ft. apart in a row with one end Soil Amendments- , r h n .{ n' h tin � r Carolina. The proposed development t will consist of a construction of a 15 OLIO s .ft 1 2 calender da followin com letion of an has r P Po p q e of a In an Ys. 9 P d d a radin ro ress s. M trees Y P 9 1. M nin sod r i I e ark t & 9. olste „the s after t is unrolled helps maintain viability. grading progresses. 9. P Follow recommendations of soil tests or apply 2 000 lb/acre acre round Y at or above round level. PP "Coastal Accents" retail b it in and approximately 32 00 s .ft• of shalt parking and r 9 e Y / 9 s u d g pp lY 0 q asphalt p g buffer areas for preservation. Pe manent groundcover for all disturbed areas within 15 working days or 90 agricultural limestone and 750 lb/acre 10-10-10 fertilizer. Store in shad.'e during installation. BRICK CINCH Bv451N NGDOT 840.01 drive in conjunction wl proposed drainage &utility improvements. The project also Callender days (whichever is shorter) following completion of construction or 2. Rake the moil surface to break the crust just before laying NOT TO SCALE consists of the relocation of the existing wastewater system servicing the existing Grandy development. Broadcast at rates shown above, and press sprigs into G Surface Stabilization- Apply temporary or permanent p sod. During Vie summer, lightly irrigate the soil, immediately PRECAST CONCRETE ALTERNATE - USE CAROLINA PRECAST Express gas station/Restaurant to an area closer to the existing site. the top 1 /2-2 inches of soil with a disk set straight Mulch - Temporary & permanent stabilization measures before laying ;sad to cool the soil and reduce root burning & CB-3636, NCDOT STANDARD 840.02 OR APPROVED EQUAL The site's topography is relatively flat with gentle slopes ranging between 0-1 % failing 12. Provide adequate protection from erosion for all topsoil stockpiles, borrow so that sprigs are not brought back toward the surface. Apply 4,000-lb/acre straw. Anchor straw by tacking with asphalt, dieback. seeding, mulching, sodding, immediately w all disturbed l p P P netting, or a mulch -anchoring tool. A disk with blades set nearly towards an existing ditch that runs south to north across the middle of the site. This riprap. areas where work is delayed or areas, and spoil areas. 3. Do not so I on grave, frozen Soils, or soils that have been existingmaid drainage ditch is an over flow out fall for the adjoining golf course to the Mulch- straight can be used as a mulch -anchoring tool. 9 1 g 9 complete. treated recently with steriiants or herbicides. h lc. south. There is an additional existing ditch that runs on -site, along the southern property MAINTENANCE Do not mu4. Lay the first row of sad in a straight line with subsequent 1/2" EXPANSION 'n mentioned Ina h. This h e n overflow Maintenance- line, that ties into the above memo ed drainage dttc is ditch serves as a ove o Building Construction- Install necessary erosion & Periodically check all graded areas &the supporting erosion &sedimentation rows placed parallel to and butting tightly against each other. FINISHED GRADE for an existing wet detention pond located along the sites western boundary that services control practices, especially after heavy rainfalls. Promptly Maintenance- Refertilize if growth is not fully adequate. Reseed, fertilize and 1/4" / FT. 1" R Buildings, utilities, paving. sedimentation control practices P P Y Y P Y remove all mulch immediately following erosion or other damage. Stagger strip:: in a brick -like pattern. Be sere that the sod is Water as needed and mow to 3 4 to 1--inch height. Y 9 9 the commercial area to the north. The main drainage ditch eventually crosses under US as work takes place. sediment from diversions and other water -disposal practices. If washouts or / g not stretched or overlapped and that all joints � 4 - � � 158 to east and 3ut falls to Dowdy's Bay which opens to the Currituck Sound. The tract is breaks occur, repair them immediately. Prompt maintenance of small -eroded Topdress with 40 lb/acre nitrogen in April, 50 lb in May, are butted ti 3htly to prevent voids. Use a knife V. i for II Seeding Recommendations Fa ta' 50 lb in Jun 50 lb in Jul and 25 t in Au 9 a currently well vegetated with grass and a portion is currently being utilized for the on -site Landscaping &Final Stabilize all open areas, including areas before they became significant gullies is an essential port of an e, y, a b gust � or sharp spa,ie to trim and fit irregular shaped areas. - V • V - waste water system that services the convenient storelgas station to the east. Landuse in Stabilization- borrow & spoil areas. Remove & effective erosion & sedimentation control plan. SEEDING DATES- August 1 to December 30 5. Install stri )s of sod with their longest dimension perpindicular y; ' p' • FINISHED GRADE SEEDING MIXTURE the vicinity predominately consists of other commercial development. Topsoiling, trees &shrubs, stabilize all temporary control STEEL OR WOOD POST to the slope.:. On slopes of 3:1 or greater, or wherever erosion may�� - 2" 12 ASPHALT: PAVING Site soils are composed primarily of Dragston loam fine sand. These soils are described Species Rate (lb/acre) , , , P p Y Y permanent seeding, mulching, measures. 36" HIGH MAXIMUM SILT FENCE INSTALLATION SPECIFICATIONS: be a problem', secure sod with pegs or staples. � � d . .. as somewhat poorly drained soils located on low ridges along streams that flow to the sodding, riprop Rye 120 6. As soddinil of clearly defined areas is completed, roll . 6" A.B.C.. 'IAmendments- . . Sol Currituck 5ound(as per the Currituck County Sail Survey Manua! dated 1986), The soil PONDING HEIGHT 1. FENCE POSTS SHALL BE A MINIMUM OF 3s" LONG DRIVEN 16" MINIMUM INTO THE sad #o provide good contact between roots and sail. V . recommendations # s tests r apply 2 000 lb/acre acre round was found to have a depth to seasonal high water table of 20 to 30 inches from east to EXTRA STRENGTH FILTER FABRIC SILT FENCE INSTALLATION GROUND. WOOD POSTS SHALL BE 11/2" x 11/2" SQUARE (MINIMUM) CUT, OR Followreco mendat ns o oil t o pp y / g 7. After rolling, irrigate until the soil is wet 4 inches below the sod. west across the site, (this based on water table conditions observed from the sail NEEDED WITHOUT WIRE MESH SUPPORT NOT TO SCALE SECTION VIEW 13/4" DIAMETER (MINIMUM) ROUND AND SHALL BE OF SOUND QUALITY HARDWOOD. agricultural limestone and 1,000 lb/acre 10-10-10 fertilizer. 8. Keep sadced areas moist to a depth of 4 inches until I , J MOOD .%' scientists site visit in March of 2006). STEEL POSTS WILL BE STANDARD T OR U SECTION WEIGHTING NOT LESS THAN t_00 the . • _ COMPACTED SUBGRADE } gross takes root. This can be determined by tugging on the sad. ' STEEL OR POND PER LINEAR FOOT. Mulch- 9. Mowing PSI CONCRETE B. MAINTENANCE: g should not be attempted until the sod I WOOD POST FLOW F- -I � 1. CHECK TEMPORARY EROSION CONTROL DEVICES AFTER EACH 2. GEOTEXTILE SHALL BE FASTIDIED SECURELY TO EACH FENCE POST WIrH HARE Apply 4,000-Ib/acre straw. Anchor straw by tacking with asphalt, is firmly rooted, usually 2-3 weeks. TIES OR STAPLES AT TOP AND MID -SECTION AND SHALL MEET THE FOLLOWING netting, Or amulch-anchoring tool. A disk with blades Set nearly SIGNIFICANT RAINFALL ANDIOR BI-WEEKLY. REPAIRAND REMOVE 3/4" MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS FOR GEOTEXTILE CLASS F: SIDEKAcLK SECTION SEDIMENT BUILD UP AS NECESSARY. straight can be used as amulch-anchoring tool. Sodded Waterways s DRAIN ROCK NOT TO SCALE 2. CHECK STABILIZED AREAS AFTER EACH SIGNIFICANT RAINFALL ATTACH FILTER FABRIC ,..::,'; 1. Prepare si!il as described above. NOTES: EVENT. RILLS AND GULLIES MUST BE REPAIRS, RE -SEEDED AND SECURELY TO UPSTREAM ""`.' - .q"� �' x''`°''' Maintenance-- 2. Lay sod strips perpindicular to the direction Of flow, with CONTRACTION JOINTS SHALL BE PLACED AT 10' INTERVALS. H ..'r.: ^. . k MULCHED AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. TEMPORARY DIVERSIONS MAY BE �-,- ,1.." H,w; ,:' � i\ \ \ \ Tensile Strength 5D Ibslit} (min.) Test: MSMT509 Repair and refertilize damn ed areas immediatel To dress with the lateral c Tots staggered ere�i in a brick -like ALL CONTRACTION JOINTS SHALL BE FILLED WITH JOINT FILLER AND SEALER. SIDE OF POST . ' .'i' 1K:,,r-fA • ,. / / / / 9 Y P j gg pattern. NECESSARY UNTIL NEW PLANTS DEVELOP. „�gv;M.e '' ; ' '._. ;,. ,.,.;z:::...- x•c'r / // /% // / TO $ Tensile Modulus 2016srin (min.) Tess MSMT 509 <..., ,, �.. •.:,,,,:.. \ \ \ 50 Ib/acre of nitrogen in March. If it is necessary to extend temporary Butt edges f'ghtly together. r::?.!c-fi' : 5� r,,�^ii�'- r ? ,' \\/\\ ✓\\ \\ Flow Rare 0.3 gal ft /minute {max.) Test: MSMT 322 BARE SPOTS MUST BE RELIMEI], FERTILIZED, MULCHED AND �'N ;, a r,,,.,;¢, ;%'=:� �. ,' --j'" FLOW // SiIr4NNHf Y3gm16kTILE FABR1Q�riM�M{q THER, THEY SHALL BE cover be and June 15, overseed with 50 Id acre Kobe Les edezo in late RESEEDED AS PROMPTLY AS POSSIBLE. YEARLY REFERTILIZATlON : +`�:' .�'..';:;., _.M `Y° \/ �\ \ Y / P 1 /2" R 7:,uf 12" MIN. �\ �\\"�\/\ OVERLAPPED, FOLDED AND STAPLED TO PREVENT SEDIMENT BYPASS. February or Early March. Maintenance-' FINISHED GRADE �� 1/2"/FT °t. ; MAY BE REQUIRED TO MAINTAIN PRODUCTIVE STANDS. Z ,. .. ..,;. y ,' ;Y - I / // 3. PERTORMROUTINEMAINTENANCE(INCLUDINGMOWINGANDCLEANING :t:.+;``` :s°r:..,�,,ae " s�rti;=+- i� '-��•r After the fir:.t week, water as necessary to maintain adequate a 3" R / OF ROADWAY SWALE) ONCE FINAL STABILIZATION HAS OCCURRED. f'= ''"`'' "' ' ` """'" F'''' %\\ / 4. SILT FENCE SHALL BE INSPECTED AFTER EACH RAINFALL EVENT AND MAINTAINED 1 8 R -� / / WHEN BULGES OCCUR OR WHEN SEDIMENT ACCUMULATION REACHED 50% OF THE moisture in ' he root zone &prevent dormancy of the sod, e ' FINISHED GRADE t L''1 - `;, ..(w ':: 6" X 13" TRENCH WITH FABRIC HEIGHT. .; ,.,, su + ,.,-. Do not remove more than one-third of the shoot in any one a ' � v t C. NOTE: \\ 10, MAXIMUM SPACING WITH COMPACTED BACKFILL '3000 PSI COhRETE THE INTENT OF THIS PLAN IS TO: / / /\/\/ \\/\\/\\/\ WIRE SUPPORT FENCE MANHOLE FRAME AND COVER mowing. Gra± s height should be maintained between 2-3 inches v v o b - MINIMIZE THE EXTENT AND DURATION OF DISTURBED SOIL /,\\,�\\/�\\/�\\/ \\ \//' /� 6' MAXIMUM SPACING WITHOUT NCDOT STD. a40.5a unless other111eise specified. • EXPOSURE. WIRE SUPPORT FENCE ��° 'W -- PROTECT DISTURBED AREAS FROMSTORMWATERRUNOFF. I I RIM v = SEE N After first growing season, established sod requires 1 1 1 ^ b ,: R .,� fertili atian i�nd ma also re uire lime. Follow soil to TTE �i h.. •�-� �� 1 z st ST/�NDRRD CURB AND GU R SE TION I'GOLLEGTION STABILIZE DISTURBED AREAS AS SOON A5 POSSIBLE. , r 5i �t tti t , -- MAINTAIN LOW RUNOFF VELOCITIES (AND PROTECT AREAS SILT FENCE INSTALLATION I , f! = '� I' ' " �,,', `"'-WEDG-LQK• TYPE ? K E L "r' " ` "F' Y q F ; �, I I•• �V� ! , , ,I �,:: 11 recommendations. NOT TO SCALE !� �' ig RUBBER LOATiD 51Eii l WHERE THIS IS NOT POSSIBLE). NO SCALE ISOMETRIC VIEW i i i ii1i, �Mr"Ir k ``, { 571P5 Oil APPR05ED {"r?'f n =1Kt Lo MIN. COVER it - RETAIN SEDIMENT ON SITE WITH SILT FENCING AND SILT DAM$. - °3 t = t' "� ' sue, o e•o.c. _ � � E°u�L c'Isr'" r�wc� ,- I 1. JUNCTION BOX DESIGN SPECFICATIONS SHALL CONFORM TO LATEST 2" 4 WOOD FRAME .. e o iz"o.c enRs ` ;"4t ? 34, ,I ASTM C913 SPECIFICATIONS FOf; "PRECAST CONCRETE WATER & THIS PLAN REPRESENTS MINIMUM SEDIMENTATION AND EROSION CONTROL x 1. :;-l'''; I d � i- WASTEWATER STRUCTURES. 1 /L" R MEASURES. ADDITIONAL MEASURES AND DEVICES MAY BE REQUIRED AS X / � � I': " " . ! s 'i 1 1 2. CONCRETE COMPRESSIVE STF'.ENGTH SHALL BE A MINIMUM OF 4,000PSI. FINISHED GRADE CONSTRUCTION PROCEEDS. / M B B AND INvER15 1 •" =.: n ° . , , I , 1r TIP 'g ::)\ I 3. STEEL REINFORCING DESIGN ,TO CONFORM TO THE REQUIREMENTS OF u? A s. h K `,ram Z . .. '? �y� T 154 T G ',I PIK SUZ I 1 1 I I r ASTM C$90 SPECIFICATIONS F01; "STRUCTURAL DESIGN LOADING FOR F+ATER • 1 PIP- WZL simm r W L] ; ��f?' "'� ,' � ', ' , r a _,�.'. AND INVERTS i ' AND INVQt15 &WASTEWATER STRUCTURES" A,VD SHALL UTILIZE GRADE 60 RE -BARS +! t �' t 4!1 • � � B. - ' ¢ ° ° ' " .7r- r "3 :, r : I I CONFORMING TO THE REQUIREMENTS OF ASTM A615 OR WWF CONFORMING r 'A { 5rl �,� r,.l •` f � ! el,�.La a 4 p r ; 1 3 :r, , 1 1 I 1 TO THE REQUIREMENTS OF ASTA185 OR BOTH. "` 50' MINIMUM S`. Nip F� C �� F): �, �1�� r' ni�:" a , 1 a L f 'l 1 f, -t �..r 1 1 4. PROVIDE ADDITIONAL REINFOI;CING AT OPENINGS AS REQUIRED. FINISHED b 3" R 1 /8" R 1 4' -•- , 1/4 M. a o V � `, i, . ° - 3000 PSI CORCRETE . . �; tX ': 21'6 E1- ,q . *' PER NCDOT REQUIREMENTS OR'' BOTH. V Q N Y LENGTH I 1 e �w� E i t a.. .�, - - iT 5. MINIMUM DESIGN SHALL 13E IN 20 44 LOADING , I - i.. _• .0• BOX INV. - 6" BELOW PIPE INVERTS 6. STEPS SHALL BE REQUIRED DROP INLETS OVER 3'-ra" IN DEPTH. �,y 1 0' MIN. T "� • STEPS SHALL BE STEEL REINFC RCED COPOLYMER POLYPROPYLENE PLASTIC I I II i o 0' o' AND MEET THE REQUIREMENTS';OF ASTM C478. (OR APPROVED EQUAL). CjT}�tND1�RD GURB AND GUTTER EJEOTION (DUMP) I � I I I e V 7. TOTAL HEIGHT OF STRUCTURE AS SPECIFIED HEREIN. NOT TO SCALE I , , , B. PIPE PENETRATION TO BE A'; SPECIFIED. PIPE TO BE INSTALLED AS PER M 1 I SECTION B-B NCDOT STANDARDS FOR MORTAL; JOINT CONNECTIONS, NOTES: SECTION A A 9. JOINTS TO BE SEALED WITH' BUTYL. RUBBER JOINT SEALANT CONFORMING CONTRACTION JOINTS SHALL BE PLACED AT 10' INTERVALS. 12' MINIMUM 1O' MIN. EXISTING 4'D" X 4'O" NGTIOAE BOX TO THE REQUIREMENTS OF ASTiV C990, OR MORTAR AS PER NCDOT ALL CONTRACTION JOINTS SHALL BE FILLED WITH JOINT FILLER AND SEALER. WIDTH PAVEMENT \ ( EL6AI �j SCALE. NONE REQUIREMENTS OR BOTH. vv N VIEW A 10. ANY DEVIATIONS FROM THE :!APPROVED PLAN & SPECIFICATIONS SHALL - 4 D BE APPROVED BY THE ENGINEf:R PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. SC SPREADER MUST BE LEVEL GATHER EXCESS TREATED 2"X10" MAY BE ABUTTED FABRIC AT CORNERS END TO END FOR MAX. SPREADER DUCTILE IRON FRAME PLAN VIEW 10' MIN. 6 MIN. LENGTH OF 5a' AND GRAZE OR un NOT TO SCALE DROP INLET BARRIER INSTALLATION 1 MIN. NOT TO SCALE ISOMETRIC VIEW I=1 2" MIN. 6" MIN. _ t 11 0 0aiFr Q �00 00CD a a Go VARIABLE INVERT 3 11-_ NO HEIGHT •(2)MAMMUM MOUNTABLE I I -I 11=1 I l I I i=1 I i=1 11=11 l=1 I1=1 11=111=1 I l=1 I ICI! I 11=1 11=11 I- INLET AND R>=caMM�NDED BERM (6" MIN.) 11=1 i I=1 14= 1=11 1=11 1=11 1=1 E!=1 1 I 1 1 I -1 1=1 11 i I 1=11 11 I --I 1 1=11 1 OUTLET OVERALL APTIRS 50' MINIMUM EXISTING LEVEL SPREADER PLATE BOLTED 18' MIN. REBAR SUPPORTS AVAILABLE HEIGHT 11Y PAVEMENT TO ANCHOR POSTS SPACED 0 e W MIN. SPACING 4• IHRU 30' 1 TYPICAL LEVEL SPREADER DETAIL HEIGHT *(2) O.C. AND AT EACH END VARIABLE LL POND ouTLET NOT TO SCALE FRONT VIEW - F , - ' EARTH FILL I2" MIN. 11111NO�111rI(1�1I1IN +" GEOTEXTILE CLASS 'C' OR BETTER _""_� PIPE AS NECESSARY [, I I I� I I I I I ul MINIMUM 6" OF 2"-3" AGGREGATE TL I rill IIl�li�ll=ill= VARIOUS TYPES OF OUTLETS 1MTH i 2'0 OVER LENGTH AND WIDTH OFRkEs WATERTIGHT ADAPIERS FOR: :2 EXISTING GROUND STRUCTURE 1 C'± 12" WIDE x 6" DEEP RIP -RAP ADS N-12 SDR-35 SEWER LINED TRENCH, ALONG LENGTH SCHEDULE 40 DWV CORRUGATED PVC==J � (SEE POND OUTLET STABILIZATION OF LEVEL SPREADER PLATE RIBBED PVC PROFILE VIEW FOR DIMENSIONS & QUANTITIES) NYLOPLAST NOT TO SCALE BASIN OUTLET PROTECTIONILEVEL SPREADER WET DETENTION BASIN 18"24" 30" INLINE DRAIN DETAIL NOT TO SCALE SECTION VIEW BASIN CROSS SECTION No I TO SCALE SIDE NEW NOT TO SCALE (LOCATIONS AS DENOTED ON PLAN) CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE SPECIFICATIONS 1. Length -- minimum of 50 (30 for single residence lot). 2. Width - 12' minimum, should be flared at the existing road to provide a turning radius. 3. Geotextile fabric (filter cloth) shall be placed over the existing ground prior to placing stone. "The plan approval authority may not require single family residences to use geotextile. 4. Stone - crushed aggregate (2" to 3") or reclaimed or recycled concrete equivalent shall be placed at least 6" deep over the length and width of the entrance. 5. Surface Water - all surface water flowing to or diverted toward construction entrances shall be piped through the entrance, maintaining positive drainage. Pipe installed through the stabilized construction entrance shall be protected with a mountable berm with 5:1 slopes and a minimum of 6" of stone over the pipe. Pipe has to be sized according to the drainage. When the SCE is located at a high spot and has no drainage to convey a pipe will not be necessary. Pipe should be sized according to the amount of runoff to be conveyed. A 6" minimum will be required. 6. Location - A stabilized construction entrance shall be located at every point where construction traffic enters or leaves a construction site. Vehicles leaving the site must travel over the entire length of the stabilized construction entrance. SEDIMENT WET DETENTION BASIN VEGETATIVE SHELF 12' WIDE AQUATIC SHELF, FOREBAY PERM. POOL VOLUME: 5.906 C.F. EX. GRADE 3:1 SIDE SgqL��OPES �SPECIFICAl10NSR 6:1 SIDE SLOPES AS PER MAXIMUM 23 FOREBAY EMBANKMENTJ PERM.SURFACE RE0,535252 ELEV.:12.0'1 ( SEE TABLE THIS PAGE) PERGEGEFiCATION5 ( SEE TABLE THIS PAGE) VOLUME13C�F 3;1�IDE SLOPES 3.1 SIDE SLOPES CFS.F. TEMPO POOL VOLUME:OL TEMP. POOL SURFACE AREA: 6,283 S.F. INLET SWALE W/ RIPRAP APRON INVERT OUT: 10.W (FOR SIZING SEE PLAN &DETAIL THIS SHEET) GEO-TEXTILE FILTER FABRIC CLASS A EROSION CONTROL STONE 2 STONE MINIMUM DEPTH MOUND ON SLOPE BANKS A5 REQUIRED INLET SWALE SECTION NOT TO SCALE (LOCATIONS AS DENOTED ON PLAN) LENGTH: ±290 L.F. AVERAGE DEPTH: 1.5' SIDE SLOPE: 3:1 LONGITUDINAL SLOPE: 0.1% SOD WITH TIFWAY BERMUDAGRASS � SEDIMENT BENCHMARK TABLE BASIN I.D. DESIGN DEPTH (Ft.) DESIGN BOTTOM ELEV. (FM5L) REMOVAL ELEV. (FMSL) BASIN Ott 3.5 5.5 6.375 NOTE: ACCUMULATED SEDIMENT SHOULD BE REMOVED DOWN TO THE BASINS ORIGINAL DESIGN DEPTH. PLANT TYPE PLANT SPACING PLANTING LOCATION CATTAILS (TYPHA LATIFOLIA,TYPHA ANUGUs-nFOLIA) 2' O.C. PERIMETER AQUATIC SHELF FOREBAY BERM OLNEY THREESQUARE (SCIRPUS OLNEYI) 2' O.C. PERIMETER AQUATIC SHELF FOREBAY BERM GROUNDSEL BUSH (SACCHARIS HALIMIFOLIA) 5' O.C. OUTER PERIMETER OF AQUATIC SHELF (SSEED COMMON BERMUDAGRASS NG VEGETATIVE SHELF PERIMETER SPECS.) POOL ELEVATION: 11.0' - „nn era oxaK 3' x 3" REINFORCE STEEL TRASH RACK 8" DIA. PVC INVERT IN: 9.0' MSL SLOPE 0 .001 Fr/FT B'x6- RMUCIER/ ZAWDOWN DEVICE SECTION DRAWDOWNIOVERFLOW DEVICE NOT TO SCALE (LOCATIONS AS DENOTED ON PLAN) NOT TO SCALE (LOCATIONS AS DENOTED ON PLAN) NOTE THAT RIPRAP AS WELL AS LEVEL SPREADER SHALL BE PROVIDED AT THE START OF THE VEGETATIVE FILTER. 18" DIA. H.D.P.E. PERFORATED PIPE 8"x8" PVC "TEE" 1-1 THREADED PLUG 6"x6" la = 9.0' MSL PVC T INV. - 6.VV DRILL 1.0"0 HOLE PIPE OUTLET W/ F.E.S. 12' WIDE . - .l 1 . - • . INVERT.8.9' VEGETATE AS PER I PER • VEGETATE AS PER • •. SIZING E • a • � '' ntld_ ►. ��i�%i�G�G.G::�i_.O�✓:�i:�C./l..G.!�lv�:'�!.��!!�!.�?. 4" ` r I, - 7' AVG. BOTTOM NIDTHH -1 VEGETATIVE FILTER SECTION NOT TO SCALE (LOCATIONS AS DENOTED ON PLAN) FILTER LENGTH: 200't AVERAGE DEPTH: 3.5' AVG. SIDE SLOPE: 2.5:1 LEAVE EXISTING NATURAL VEGETATION LONGITUDINAL SLOPE: 0.1% 1 8" PVC OUTLET PIPE INV. IN: 9.0' INV. OUT: 8.9' LENGTH:23 LF. LONGITUDINAL SLOPE: .001FT/FT OVERFLOW SPILLWAY, INVERT IN: 11.0' (FOR SIZING SEE PLAN & DETAIL THIS SHEET) OVERFLOW SPILLWAY SECTION NOT TO SCALE (LOCATIONS A5 DENOTED ON PLAN) SPILLWAY LENGTH: 30't AVERAGE DEPTH: 1' BOTTOM WIDTH: 4' SIDE SLOPE: 3:1 LONGITUDINAL SLOPE: 0.1% SOD WITH TIFWAY BERMUDAGRASS ti 6' (UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED DN 'UNLESS ITHERWISE 4oTED ON 'LAN SHEET) L III I I I PLAN SHEET) 0% _-- II I ^� III cl 4. I SECTI❑N A -A 1I I L � 1 1 f. I I1 FILTER CLOTH KEY IN 6'-9'i RECOMMENDED FOR ENTIRE PERIMETER III ,- l II 3 FLUME/CULVERT OUTLET APRON I, APR13N LINING MAY MATERIAL IS RIP -RAP Z 2, Lot IS THE LENGTH OF THE RIPRAP APRON iiii III ii ._: : r III NOT TO SCALE {LOCATIONS q5 DENOTED ON PLAN) 3. d =THE STONE DIAMETER IS ' 11 III I11I _ � o I qi , 1I1 I I I r_ n -- all . 0 m I .. `! I J . W W ,ay �J WW III W U, J I 1, ,a W.- W e a' w 7 � . I IT4 TRANSITION FROM CURB ROY DI F nari0 '.' a "' ° i . m ,�� .: 1 GUTTER SECTION WET DETENTION BASIN i BASIN PLAN VIEW SCALE: 1"=20' (LOCATIONS AS DENOTED ON PLAN) 18" MINIMUM � 1 BOTH SIDES f JME SEC• 11 .� •'� IP ..*% �m, .i 'a `).�.l�L8 LAI � 1i3�Ill r --9�y I �S�Iy��I I Ow t4as�°®, ,mot �o`` �- A. I .w TYPICA.LDETAIL SCALE: NONE OUTLET APRON (SEE ABOVE) a � 0 A N CD o i a = c cz ° a O a m r N c :5m- OU�Z�ta 1_ L0Yr')44 EL o %Ofp1 Q) M T v m r, Ta, �n�o _max sod . . T titj D`n�a) U) N°' &" Ea C U0��0 c0 I ' L.1- .- IV r- Nw c c ow wH 0 Fi 0 z W A - °QN a) 7,4M�� O 0 rVA000 om� 0 z W p H. 0 W NW-, U 0 U w� 4 H z 0 x a w a1 I� Q M W 0-4 a 4o - � � C4 Q �0UI-U � °� Z >' d a �',O �-� oz WM w'qM G1�0� or- � W �0 U h 0.4 Q1 _( rr�� V1 :�Z Z W �` O U Z W 0>_ 0 44 U Q H cc () I) V 1 a oZ v r � 0 O Ix V iI--W W 2 U qZ m O U � EL 0 p Q a m Z F o a. w0 _ w W Ca W p 0 0 '_ CA a�- 4 e .Z` s • m 1 0 y �1• �� ova DATE ,'b(� 5-2 6 44' a s. A.t_I'W30'` BPG DMR DRAIMt APPMM DMK MSB SHEET. 3 7 O CAD FILE: 424400B 1 PROJECT NO: 4244 iJ_ -1, I i,.Irt ,++C,} j ,e; ,. ' T,. _• �I tt,,l �-j j '�I7 'S•.' I. fl I ! f,1' + # _1. 'i �-r( � ,, ! :1 ! i STY ��'�"III'' 9g1j111.. ii • 1 .I� { t f • , I ,.I-•i,. t `.:".. .. -. ...,,.• ... - i ".. r•S �-- ., !- d. I�. ..' �'.',. ,.i d. (•;, `4 f1:. :il'-. 9Sf- -; �1�, ,�'ry .'f