HomeMy WebLinkAboutSW7051013_HISTORICAL FILE_20071025STORMWATER DIVISION CODING SHEET POST -CONSTRUCTION PERMITS PERMIT NO. SW DOC TYPE ❑CURRENT PERMIT ❑ APPROVED PLANS HISTORICAL FILE DOC DATE ��)"%/Colo",S� YYYYMMDD DW A ARO Fax : 252-946-9215 4� Tr-a.ri w in i t Cririt _ ReF-,_,rt. 4--->k P. 1 Oct 25 '07 13:10 Telephone Number Mode '_'tart Time Pages Result Note 912524733595 NORMAL 25,13:08 2'25" 7 * n K ARA NCDENK DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY WASHINGTON REGIONAL OFFICE WASHINGTON, N.C. 27889 Phone:252-946-6481 FAX:252-946-9215 FAX N0. �Azf zt FROM: ,Ae4 - �nl 19 1 S DATE: NO. OF PAGES (INCLUDING COVER): COMMENTS: i I�b 5,,) h, I- G / SN)ILI--JNY 1! 11 mel \A-P., V` G41bo 7-1 415� MAnvlauks CGvsk)nQn'• 1 V) ��% C, yz Uu/ n s 0.o ZS 3/c,,lo�,- CS (� �,I g .3EO-beak) g40zm MAR 10 2006 DWQ Hatteras Island Property Management Since 1978 March 8, 2006 Sl Ms. Amy Franklin N.C. Division of Water Quality 943 Washington Square Mall Washington, NC 27889 Dear Amy: • Sales • Ren to is • Construction RECEIVE MAR 10 Z006 DW&W Please find enclosed a signed copy of my Stormwater Management Permit Application Form and a signed and notarized copy of my Infiltration Basin Supplement. Clay Massey, P.E. has forwarded the responses to the requests in your letter of February 8`1'directly to you. Please let Clay or I know if we can be of further assistance. Sincerely, Dale Petty President SURF OR SOUND REALTY • P.O. Box 270 • Rodanthe, NC 27968 • (252) 987-1444 • (888) 919-7686 �4A,1 9 Amy rpAod to April 6, 2006 Ms. Amy L. Franklin, Environmental Engineer North Carolina Department of Environmental and Natural Resources Washington Regional Office 943 Washington Square Mall Washington, North Carolina 27889 SSE ES I IN & A55odAff;, PC APR 10 Z006 YMMAR0 RE: Stormwater Permit Application for Surf or Sound Realty Office, Route 12, Salvo, North Carolina, NCDENR Review SW7051013 (RESUBMITTED) MDA Project No. 04,040 Dear Ms. Franklin: I appreciate you meeting with Mr. Petty and I on -site on April 5, 2006 to discuss your remaining concern on the Surf or Sound Realty Office. Attached you will find a plan sheet with a revised vegetation 70' Swale location and a detail of the Swale. Please substitute sheet 2 in your plan set. Also, we have attached a simple Manning's calculation showing the emergency spillway volume exceeds the runoff rate for a 10-year storm. We have oversized the swale for aesthetics of the turf area. I trust the responses to the comments address your concerns. Again, we appreciate your time yesterday. Please review the new information at your earliest convenience. If you have any additional questions or need additional data, please contact me. Very truly yours, MASSEY D IGN AND ASS CIATES, PC 4,5V Cla n E. as ey, P. Pre dent Attachments N4ASSEY DESIGN AND MSSOCIAZTCS, PC 1561 Bradford Road, Suite 204 Virginia Beack Va 23455 (757)464-0622 ( I . (.11 C I [ j rj ' :Fri 'ran !i 'Qrc FAM a �Aq " —1 , '.",i rl";'.1 7 trf,-fl -VIN, r NOW :A 4Sjt,,,, rifr YK, 1 t I -, -, J; Y/ '.' I.,-- i - - '/ lot!! P.Ad Vol SURF OR SOUND REALTY OFFICE RECEIVED ROUTE 12 MAR 0 8 2006 SALVO, NC PROJECT NARRATIVE, March 6, 2006 DWQ-WARO The proposed Surf or Sound Realty Office is new construction of a 8,179 SF Realty Office, located on a 1.36 acre parcel in Salvo, North Carolina (Dare County). The site address has not been assigned but the location is along the west side of Route 12, directly across the highway from County Route 1442. The Owner / developer is Dale Petty, a local realtor in the southern portion of Outer Banks of North Carolina. The proposed development site sits on mostly open, fallow property that has previously developed but there is no longer any evidence of the previous structures, with the exception of the filled septic tank. The existing site elevation is around 3.8' to 4.5' and is generally flat with slopes less than 1.0%. A geotechnical report with 2 borings taken on site was submitted in the first submission on this project. The geotechnical report indicates a fairly homogeneous soil type of Corolla Sand consistent with this area of Dare County. The upper 13' of the soil strata was identified as poorly graded fine to medium sand (SP) over at least 7' of poorly graded fine to course sand. The borings were terminated at 20.' The borings indicate the water table around 2.5' to 3.0' below existing ground which puts the measured water table around elevation 1.0' to 1.5'. For design purposes, we assume the seasonal high water mark at elevation 2.0'. The borings were taken in September, 2004, a very wet month that year and with the deep sands, we believe the groundwater fluctuations cover a very small range. Due to the deep sands, it appears the site currently drains via infiltration with very little run-off to the flanker ditch that runs along Route 12. Once the property is developed, the proposed drainage will be primarily handled on -site with an on -site infiltration basin. The on -site infiltration basin is five chambers interconnected with 15" leveling pipes to allow the site to function as a whole. For the proposed development, all stormwater runoff will be collected by surface flow to the basins through curb cuts or direct sheet flow. The connection points have a pre-treatment structure to filter the system. The drainage area is around 64,036 SF and the impervious cover is 37,006 SF (57.8%). The infiltration basin has a bottom elevation of 4.0' and the top of bank at 5.2'. The stormwater basins have a bypass swale at an invert elevation 5.0'. For the most part, the developed portion of the site is being built up and the bottom of the infiltration basins is at or near the existing ground elevation. Based on the geotechnical report, the bottom of the infiltration basin is expected to be at least 2' above the seasonal high ground water table. The infiltration basins could be expected to handle a storm event of roughly 3.04" in a two hour period and anything in the 10 to 100 year storm event range would overtop the basins into the bypass toward the Route 12 corridor. Due to the roadway being at a lower elevation than the surrounding properties, we suspect the roadway will serve as a stormwater conveyance system. For this project, the INFILTRATION BASIN SUPPLEMENT (SWU 104) has been submitted with the permit package. Using the 1.5" storm event, 4597 CF is required for stormwater management using the rational formula. For "c" values, we have assumed all the paved surfaces and building will have a 0.9 runoff rate, the landscaped areas will have 0.3 rate of runoff. The unimproved areas, the infiltration basins and the septic nitrification field were assumed to have no run-off volume. The infiltration basin has been sized to manage up to 9319 CF on -site. The managed stormwater volume includes 4196 CF of infiltration, using an infiltration rate of 8 inches per hour and a combined infiltration swale bottom area of 3147 SF. The infiltration swales also have 5123 CF of storage. Drawdown time for the 1.5" storm is expected to be 0.091 days '(2:1 hours) The County does not require stormwater management for a larger storm event. The project design, this summary and stormwater calculations were prepared by Massey Design and Associates out of Virginia Beach. Please direct any question of concerns to Clay Massey, PE at 757464- 0622, fax 757-313-9226, email clay@rnasseyj)c.com. Page 1 � � � ii pp�� � � .. "- i - , r - / � -y'� ENGINEER: Massey Design and Associates, PC DATE: 193-Mar-O6 SSE %ESI N A Ahr• IA115. !K; 5tormwater Computations for North Carolina Outer Banks Project Name: Surf or Sound Realty Office Project Location: Dare County, North Carolina Total Site Area: 59.526 SF Existrig Area Proposed Area 'C' Value C'A ps: 0 8,359 0.90 7, ,, Paving and hard Surface: 0 24,127 0.90 21, e paving 4,510 4,510 0.90 4, Graded Stone, 0 0 0.50 reoped (repair area - undeveloped) 59,52ti 5,100 0.00 7 Leach Field (infihraleshapair- undavelop 0 2,240 0.00 .caprng(turtlmutch): 0 12,592 0.30 3, vaEer Infitration Areas 0 7,098 0-00 TOTAL 61,0W 64,036 37, -OSITE IN ACREAGE 0. 4AGE AREA; (TOTAL AREA LESS SEPTICIUNDEV. AREAS 61,796 L IMPERVIOUS AREA: (BUILIDINGS + PAVEMENT) 37,006 57,a% Stamwater Satins: Bottom Area (SF) 0 Surface Area (SF) 0 Depth: 0 Side S" Design, 0 Bench Elevation: 0 VOLUME: 0 TOTAL STORAGE VOLUME: TOTAL BOTTOM AREA TOTAL SURFACE AREA: Stamwater Scales: "B'3 •E• "C" 6 "D" Bottom Area(SF): 1401 1746 (Elev 4.0) Surfam Area(SF): 3325 3773 (Elev 5.0) Depth (FT): 1.0 1.0 Side Slopes: 3:1 3:1 VOLUME: 2363.0 2759.5 INFILTRATION RATE FOR 2 HOUR PERIOD Bottomm Area (SF): 3147 Infitrwt on Rate (Whr) 8.00 VOLUME (CFI: 4195.0 5122.5 CF 3147 SF 7093 SF STORMWATER MANAGEMENT ANALYSIS 2-hour Rainfall (in): 1 1.5 304 4.3 5 Intensity (Who: 0.50 0,75 1.52 2.15 2.50 Runoff (ralionoll (CFS): 0.43 0.64 1.29 1.83 2.13 2-hour Runoff Volume (CF): 3065 4597 9317 13178 15324 PendlSwale Storage (CF); 5123 5123 5123 6123 5123 Pon&Svrale Infiltration (CF): 4196 4196 4198 4196 4196 Total Storm Managed (CF): 9319 9319 9319 0319 S319 RATIO OF MANAGED STMWTR am.(*% 202,71% 100.02% 7071% 60,01% Notes: RECEIVED MAR 0 8 2006 DWQ-WARD Basin x-section Average Votume Area Elev area (SF) area (SF) depth (CF) A 500 1432 1016 1 10 4,00 800 B 5.a6 1091 756 1 7 4,00 421 C 5,00 2435 1693 1 16 4.00 951 D 5.II0 13M 1066.5 1 100E 4,00 705 I E 5,00 802 591 1 591 4.00 380 TOTAL VOLUME: 5122.5 DRAWDOWN TIME: 4597 CF RUNOFF VOLUME 3147 SF BOTTOM AREA 12 IN11 FT CONVERSION 1 DAW24 HOURS CONVERSION 8.00 IWHR INFILTRATfON RATE 0091 DAYS DRAWDOWN TIME RUNOFF RATE: O=CIa= 0 85 (c values and areas in first table ' 2 Hr, storm event (varies) 1. Infiltration is based on 2-hour infiltration rate of an assumed 8,00 inr3reslhour 2. Assume groundwater was determined to be P.S to 3,0' below existing grade in geolechnical report. EAisSng grade at approx. 4.0', Groundwater Elev. At reporting period al approx_ 1.0' 10 1.5' 3. Assume mean high water elevation is 2.9 below grade at approximatey, elevall0n of 2.0'. 4, Storm drainage srrales I basins are interconnected and operate as a single basin \� �1,1141111/!//� EAL re 0 01$8 MPCy �\ Ir.tib 0 %Q �,�,ut ENGINEER: Massey Design and Associates, PC DATE: 6-Mar4U6 Stormwater Computations for North Carolina Outer Banks Project Name: Surf or Sound Realty Office Project Location: Dare County, North Carolina Total Site Area; 59,52e SF JX, IW 5P¢enbsLj,6G1* w1 5toRmaWc 1,URi J or,� rod MGblGNZ RECEIVED SSE ESI N MAR 0 8 2006 n A- taut, IY; SITE CHARACTERISTICS Existing Area Proposed Area 'C' Value C"A Buildings; 0 8'369 0.90 7,532 Walks, Paving and hard Surface: 0 24,127 0.90 21,714 Off -site paving 4.510 4,510 0.90 4,059 Open Graded Slone: 0 0 Boo 0 Undeveloped (repair area - undeveloped) 59.526 5,100 0.00 0 Septic Leach Field (infihretWropeir - undevelop 0 2,240 0.00 0 Landscaping(turflmulrh): 0 12,592 0.30 3,T78 Slormwater Infilration Ames �...n �7 9,6 0.00 TOTAL 64,038 64,036 37,003 COMPOSITE IN ACREAGE 0.851 DRAINAGE AREA: (TOTAL AREA LESS Sr=M0UNDEV. ARFAS 61.796 TOTAL IMPERVIOUS AREA: (BUILIDINGS + PAVEMENT) 37,006 57.8% STORMWATER SYSTEM DESIGN (INFITRATION BASIN 1 SWALES) Stomlwdtdr Basins: Stormwater Svales: Bottom Area (SF) 0 -A-, -8-& -E- -C- G -tY Surface Area (SF) 0 Bottom Area(SF): 1401 1748 (Elev 4,0) Depth: 0 Surface Ama(SF): 3325 3773 IE1ev 5,01 Side slope Design: 0 Depth (FT): 1,0 10 Bench Elevation: 0 Side Slopes: 3:1 3:1 VOLUME: 0 VOLUME' 2363.0 2759.5 TOTAL STORAGE VOLUME: 5122.5 CF TOTAL BOTTOM AREA 3141 SF TOTAL SURFACE AREA: 7098 SF INFILTRATION RATE FOR 2 HOUR PERIOD Bottornm Arne (SF): 3147 Infdretion Rate (in" 8.00 VOLUME (Cl`): 4196.0 STORMWATER MANAGEMENT ANALYSIS 2-hour Rainfall (in): t 1.5 3,04 43 5 Inlansity(irdhr): 0.50 0.75 1,52 2.15 2.50 Runoff (rational) (CFS): 0,43 0.64 129 1.83 2.13 2-hour Runoff Volume (CF): 3065 4597 9317 13178 15324 PondfSvalo Storage (CF): 5123 5123 5123 5123 5123 PpndlSwate Infittratlon (CF); 4198 4196 4196 4196 4196 Total Strom Managed (CF): 9319 9319 9310 9319 9319 RATIO OF MANAGED STMWTR 304.08% 202.71% 100.02% 70.71% 60.81% DWQ-WARD STORMWATER MANAGEMENT AREA SUMMARY Basin Area Elev x-section Average Volume area (SF) e a (SF) depth {CF) A 5.00 14324 4016 1 1016 4.00 BW B 5.00 10910 756 1 758 421 4.00 C 5.00 2435(D 1693 1 1693 4.00 D 951 1 1338 5.00 01- 5 1 1066.5 4.00 795 0 E 5.00 802 O591 1 591 4.00 380 TOTAL VOLUME: 5122.5 DRAWDOWN TIME: 4597 CF RUNOFF VOLUME 3147 SF BOTTOM AREA 12 INl1 FT CONVERSION 1 DAY/24 HOURS CONVERSION 8.00 INIHR INFILTRATION RATE 11.091 DAYS DRAWDOWN TIME Io1` 5� I P1 �61 Cr- AKCA © Suetwo- fabW 143Z + 101.12436 + 1335 4 $07- ` 7016 0 (000 { 4ZI-f 9S1 t 195 { 3 bO s 3141 SIP RUNOFF RATE: O=Cia• 0.85 (c values and areas In first table - 2 Hr. stern event (varies) Notes: 1. Infi tretion is based on 2-hour indttration rate of an assumed 8.00 incheslhour 2. Assume groundwater was determined to be 2.6 to 3,0' below existing grade in geoterhnical report. Existing grade a1 approx. 4.U. Groundwater Elev. At reporting period at approx. I Z to 1.5' 3, Assume mean high water elevation is 2.0' below grade at approximately elevation of 2.17. 4. Storm dminage ■wales 1 basins are interconnected and operate as a single basin `����\�MC.ARa/ 'VLoTJAL FoRM1s1� Fdit ttgt6 � 1lplWlme,3 \ / Q.CIA 1YZIt cJ�DR� �7 Q 0.� ��Qtr .( t, L is Pbvb lSW&%. t Su� fi�lc. 5 � 23 cF ,�,.� FA - :.I��s-• �`�\\ .l-QAiro� 8a5�u 419Ca Gf /���;�� �%t1 E. 1 ��1� /1111411111 9319 cf RA-[,0 �AArvA6,ttn - °J31cJ CP MA0AJM/4p j GV Wtj1a Voc.UMg " 20 7 o�0F WA hfthwJ g F=W. Govamor WuM= G. Rasa Jr, Sme>Qy North Cuel mDwotmem ofEmhoomm and Natural Resources —i Ahm W. Klimek, PE Director o Y DiVMM of Water Q►ruity February S. 2006 Mr. Dale Petty Surf or Sound Really PO Box 100 Avon, NC 27915 Subject SbormwaterReview SW7051013 Surf or Sound Realty Office Dare County Dear Mr. Petty: 11 is Office received a Coastal Sbxmwater permit appffcation and plans for the sullied project on October 18. 2005. A preliminary review of your project Irdicates that before a State Stornmater permit can be issued the following additional information Is needed. I v� Mesee label the pipe invert in swale A. X j/on the supplement sheet the desiga volume is listed as 5577 cf but only 4532 cf of storage is provided. Please provide the required storage within the basin. r73 Y Please provide double the storage voluine or a bypass. Note: the aura labeled as `Bypass" in swale C is an overflow. 4 � Please show ac4ral design volume calculations. The spreadsheet does rat clearly slww these calculations. �Acoardmg to the Stormwater swale/emiagerrcy spiA detail, it appeals floe emergency spillway imiert is at b /elevation 4.5 ther+tfore the stotggc elevation will be elevation 4.5 and not 5.0. !� Item # 9 in your latter dated December 22.2005 rzfereaces a drninage map. TRtis snap was not received. ,*I D Please proved a detA for the 50 S vegetated filter. Note: the fiber must have a flat bottom. On the won basin supplement, please verify that the soil type is Corralla Sand (per the USDA Soil Survey of Dare County, NC). The above requested information must be receaved m this office prior to March 10, 2006 or your application will be returned as .incomlplete. The return of this project will necessitate r+esubmittal of all required items including the application fee. If you need additional time to submit the required information, please mail or fax your request for time exhmsion to this office at the L ttzrhead address. You should also be aware that the Stornrwater Rules require that the permit be issued prior to any development activity. Construction without a permit is a violation of 15A NCAC 2MI000 and North Carolina Gr wal Statute 143- 215.1 and may result to civil penalties of up to $10,000 per day. Please rtfew= the Storutwaw Project Number above on all correspondence. If your hwm questions, please fleet fm to cornet me at (252) 948-3934. Sincerely, AL r4lOL� Ain Llin Y Environmental Fn&eer Washington Regional Office CC. Clay Massey. PK Massey Design & Associate, PC Washington Regional Office 1+� Car �turr Nwth CwabnsDivision of wetrsQuality WashmghM Rq"W Office Pbooe (2n) 946•b481 FAX (252) 946M I5 Customer Servioc klema h20OWAIRI n AIS 943 Washington Sgnae Mali, Waahmgum NC 27889 14877-623-6748 An heal O*ftr llylAMmwfim Acdon Employer — 50% Mnydedtlox Pmr Cw mw Paper February 8, 2006 Mr. Dale Petty Surf or Sound Realty PO Box 100 Avon, NC 27915 Subject: Dear Mr. Petty: Michael F. Easley, Governor William G. Ross Jr., Secretary North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Alan W. Klimek, P.E. Director Division of Water Quality Stormwater Review SW7051013 Surf or Sound Realty Office Dare County `uz� O Co P`' This office received a Coastal Stormwater permit application and plans for the subject project on October 18, 2005, A preliminary review of your project indicates that before a State Stormwater permit can be issued the following additional information is needed. ➢ Please label the pipe invert in Swale A. ➢ On the supplement sheet the design volume is listed as 5577 of but only 4532 of of storace is provided. Please provide the required storage within the basin. ➢ Please provide double the storage volume or a bypass. Note: the area labeled as "Bypass" in Swale C is an overflow. ➢ Please show actual design volume calculations. The spreadsheet does not clearly show these calculations. ➢ According to the Stormwater swale/emergency spill detail, it appears the emergency spillway invert is at elevation 4.5 therefore the storage elevation will be elevation 4.5 and not 5.0. ➢ Item # 9 in your letter dated December 22, 2005 references a drainage area map. This map was not received. ➢ Please proved a detail for the 50 ft vegetated filter. Note: the filter must have a flat bottom. ➢ On the infiltration basin supplement, please verify that the soil type is Corrolla Sand (per the USDA Soil Survey of Dare County, NC). The above requested information must be received in this office prior to March 10, 2006 or your application will be returned as incomplete. The return of this project will necessitate resubmittal of all required items including the application fee. If you need additional time to submit the required information, please mail or fax your request for time extension to this office at the Letterhead address. You should also be aware that the Stormwater Rules require that the permit be issued prior to any development activity. Construction without a permit is a violation of 15A NCAC 2H.1000 and North Carolina General Statute 143- 215.1 and may result in civil penalties of up to $10,000 per day. Please reference the Stormwater Project Number above on all correspondence. If you have questions, please feel free to contact me at (252) 948-3934. Sincerely, Amy L11 in Environmental Engineer Washington Regional Office cc: Clay Massey, PE, Massey Design & Associates, PC Washington Regional Office \ None hCarc Natura \North Carolina Division of Water Quality Washington Regional Office Phone (252) 946.6481 FAX (252) 946.9215 Customer Service Internet: h2o.enc.state.nc.us 943 Washington Square Mall, Washington, NC 27889 1-877-623.6749 An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer— 50% Recycled110% Post Consumer Paper SURVEY LEGEND: r - CO►K1EIE YONUMOlf FOUND t - E1DI1 pO0 POUND t -WON PPE FOUND 61 -� S�URVWN EY L FOUND o IOEP990RE P'EIfESfAALL O CABLE 1V PEDESTAL VATM METER IiFIRE HYDALN4T ®�CpppMANHOLE E R/N - NOff OF WAPA YE>AQrr SURVEY NOTES: 1. AREA - 3A723.38 Pq. R 1.367 �A NREA LALOLAA PER CLAW COUNTY AND M 2. VERIFIED A3 PEA DARE MOMS AM MUST BE SETBACK Sl1RNFY(IR Y11G'S N0 CEAfIFICATKIN ro SETBACKS, s. SURVEY S REFERENCES, Pc D-241FACTS TWAT AND BE F ♦ SLP 4 COMP T TO ANY FACIS THAT MAY 0< :DEMO OUA61G ► COMPLETE :FILE STARCH & PN/: 064712SS M 4. FLOM ZONE: AE tELSi FIRM 375340 O&W E REVISED 12-20-2= 37.05 AS87.4717"W� _ — — — 30.5fi'k� R [D) /F8' VA ! 2g4 Iq ol fo Aw, ClItAIN't 4 ONti► All sw#*[Es Pwit, liNktd im'64mclel 16 l II� 1000 GAL PRECAST i SEPTIC TANK WRTH l WATERTIGHT HISER TO 6'a7' CONCRETE LANDING 1 8,15% TANK SET 72" )SEE ARCH PLANS) r BELOW FINISHED GRADE. 1 S87'51'54"W ti'5.00' 151.64'�g � As _ � 56'SEPT 6' SLOPE F— — Q S' LPP BEPTK OR TIN FIELD 4} SMC REPAIR O ° A pO')2' A 72210 BF cr niwi� 1600 6F a LINES O 70' s'(TYP.I IvlNn aAo FINISH GRADE - BAD 7. r ti ILL ` - .C. C.C. A j C.C. i40' - 1s` HO STORMWATFA SWALE -A' Al O y: F CURB ITYPI . Ao RECE 0 - 7 MAR C 0 "•0o6 � NOTE: SURVEY WAS PREPARED BY BOUNDARIES SURVEYING, 114 PEELEN PLACE, KILL DEVIL LOLLS. NC 27946 FOR THE OWNER. MDA DOES NOT CONFIRM OR DENY SURVEY DATA PRESENTED HERE. ENTR ANCE rt (16'x501 SAN SLOPE - 1.09E .ELEVATED— STORAGE'AREA FOOTPRINT 1491 SF ELEV - 10,00' x 20' t' ... ' .m G ZONE ::, mk�v DRAINAGE NOTES: 01L6' - 16- HOPE LEVELING STRUCTURE WV - 3.5 O2 60' 15" HOPE LEVELING STRUCTURE INV - 3.5 @so, 16- HOPE LEVELING STRUCTURE INV - 3.6 O 160' - IS- HOPE DOUBLE WALL PIPE INV (IN1 - MATCH EXIST INV POUT! - MATCH EXIST NOTE: 1 TON BMP STONE TO BE HAND PLACED AT EACH INLET AND OUTLET OF ALL STORM DRAINAGE PWO. NOTE: CONTRACTOR TO REFER TO PLUMBING PLA FOR WATER LINE CONNECTION. SURF OR SAND REALTY OQ FOOTPR Dii e878 sF 167 � — ELEV 09.00' �r O 10' SIDE SETBACK (S' DIRT, PATH) 8 7/T 8 STORMWATFA POND Y" + BENCHMARK. STAKE WITH ELEVATIONS MARKED0. AT4.5', NOTE: PROVIDE A GROUNDCOVER ON EXPOSED TO ET T SLOPES WITHIN 15 WORKING DAYS OR ICAL AT VERTICAL DATUM VERANDTICAL 36 LAIENOER DAYS IWHILHEYER W SHORTER). FOLLOWING COMPLETION OF ANY PHASE OF GRADING: AND. A PERMANENT GROUND COVER FOR ALL DISTURSED AREAS WITHIN 1S WORKING DAYS OR 90 CALMER DAYS (WHICHEVER IS SHORTER) FOLLOWING COMPLETION OF CONSTRUCTION OR DEVELOPMENT STORMWATER SWALE AREAS 5.0' 4.0' "A" 1432 SF 600 SF W 1091 SF 421 SF 1.C., 2435 SF 951 SF "D" 1338 SF 795 SF "E" 802 SF 380 SF 1 STORM rMANAGEMENT NOTES: 1. PRE-7REA ENT DEVICE TO BE INSTALlr WITH CURB CUTS (SEE DETAIL). 2. OF THE INFILTRATION BASIN TO BE I y® WITH 4- CLEAN SAND. 3. THE F THE INFILTRATION W" TO EE LINED OE0TE7(71LE FABRIC. 4. ?BS A. WELL PLACED IN 11 'B- OP1;ERICONTIIALTOR TO CLEAN SWALrS WHEN SEDIALEMT BEACHES ELEV&TION 4.2' EMERGENCY r SPILLWAY SILT FENCE MP.) TYPE W WA due 6 1- W.M. SET AT R1W. NOTE: DARE COUNTY TO SET METER AND CONNECTION TO EXISTING MAIN. CON COTRACTOR TO COORDINATENNECTIONS CULVERT PROTECTION + 29.8' INV:. 0 SPHAL MATFl1 RB WIPE f WN EX ING (TYP.) 91 1 4 $ 16 HD R w •w - I R O CON CTOR r REM) E 12" CM PIPE & MU K DITCH (TYPI E1Gs7ING PavrER ' POLE TO REIKAIN I DIV: LJ a7 cH STING R CULVERT I PROTECTION) I lr I I r GRAPHIC SCALE ' 20 10 O 20 40 50 ETS I I L UN FE 1 INCH - 20 FEET I z W ` ,'0��111111115 ULI Z 0 w z a QLLCIO cn p a W a a 0 z L J a li cc W p 3 VOM 4 COULOM 12/13/05 3 OWNER COMMENTS 0/2VM 2 HEXCOMM COTH MMENTS ' 9/12/07 1 A COUNTY S/1S/b6 No. pArv%k n/lamu4 1 13- Nnn MASSEY DESIGN & ASSOCIATES, PC lsdf BRADFORD ROAD SUITE 204 VIRGINIA BEACH. VA 23455 (7571 464-0622 OFFICE (7571 313-9226 FAX Per AM — SURF OR SOUND REALTY OFFICE SALVO.NC i �hA w 04.040 P.r 3l6rO6 00-M* "T .10 . AULE1 ocSION A AAAOOAT!!. PC Shame GrNoatb Carrot na Dep oESavh+og i PintandNatmmlResuumes Dbrksbm of Water Qualfty M Si'O ATM PERMM APMr,AWON FORM �far�umry bcp%otoaopindi�-� axan � L GSNERAt.DQFOFMATION L AppDoaft aamoe {spectdythe mmeafthe owpwadom ftW*wkkw1. etawW owes the project: ` DUS eR Caou ib lkparti 2- Pry[ O�+s=meemdtMe iegaW for ficility 9=d ): DAM f REsI 3 AftMhMAddlnmfwpe=mHsbdd In tmmn P. above: R O- P-63t too rHwubm-- 'a PivjeCtNarae �. fadiltg, osestabilsmneot name-Ghwmbecmstmntwith projem mmm oo p mm spedScentfoos„ ilZa � uaad� •ram): r* IJwA3. Cam , - - .,...._..., rs 5. i afPr� jest tadd�j: Lot 1 tsoto+l jzvj85qq8 Jv M. mVm s Yrr Ciwr_, _ _ _ __ SALY-9 Cam nyAmrz 6� Dhed3aos to pr oject cum= merest mayor N[.. fit~ m _ ��.yc ham►.. limn r. 36-sq &Fmjea S. C.odractpe� ioea910svaergaesEkara<mbm* wpwjwX: Nmix= t 1522 a L Specify1P. Om ft (dmckon* --M--Jgew Renugnd Modifficallm Panm SWQtQI Foots 3.99 Pp t uM DwQ 0 . � ..z. ,� -�� � t Z. If this application is being submittefi as the result of a renewal or modification to an exlsbng permit. list the existing permit number �_ _ -- and its issue date (if known) 3. Specify the type of project (check one): Low Derisity Ir Density Redevelop General Permit Other 4. Additional Protect Requirements (check applicable blanks): —LAMA Major—Sedhnentation/Erosion Control __404/401 Permit ZNPDES Stormwater Information on required state permits can be obtained by contacting the Customer Service Center at 1877-623-674& IIL PROJECT INFORMATION L In the space provided below. summarize how stormwater will be treated. Also attach a detailed narrative (one to two pages) describing stormwater management for the project. Y-A6trJA ori SAVE �JASlr1S oA w��1-. -� 1"ems ��basirr 2. smrmwater runoff fi am this project drains to the h p, 3. Total Project Area:, ._q 1 acres 4 Project Built Upon Arm-_____:f 2 95 5. How marry drainage areas does the project nave? I 6. Complete the following information for each drainage area. If there are more than two drainage areas in the Project attach an additional sheet with the information for each area provided in the same format as below. Basin Information Drainage Area I Drainage Area 2 Reedving Stream Name Receiving Stream Class Drainage Area 3 5 Existing Impervious* Area Proposed ImPervissueArea 7 % Impervious` Area (totem $ e Impervious` Surface Area Drainage Area 1 Drainage Area 2 On -Ate Buildings S3 sr - On -site streets On -site Parking ?}f 1 Z? S F On -site Sidewalks Other orx-site Off -Site 4V 10 Si Total: 60(o51FTotal: Irt1 vvft us area is deErned as the built upon am hx Jud W& but not limited to, buildings roads ParAing area sidewa,ilm gravel arras etc. Farm SWU-101 Version 3.99 Page 2 of 4 30 _22 7. How was the off -site impervious area listed above derived? _DDCI� VEI7 wrsjd --Pacenga, _DF-elymp Feam IV_ DEED RESTRICTIONS AND PROTECTIVE COVENANTS The following italicized deed restrictions and protective covenants are required to be recorded for all subdivisions, outparcels and future development prior to the sale of any lot If lot sizes vary significantly, a table listing each lot number, size and the allowable built -upon area for each lot must be provided as an attachment 1. The failawing cove nwAs are fnz=W W ensure oaWmU cwnplianoe with state stwmwate:r t permit number as issued by the Divlsiaa of water Quality_ These a nenants may not be ganged or deleted w Jdww the crosent of the State Z No mare thorn squab feet ofanylot shall be mve red byanwtwes orlmpervfoces materials. Impervioca Include asphalt; gravel omcret-' brkk sari slate ar sbrd1w material but do not include wood deci ft ar the water surface afswfm ming peak 3. Swales shall not be fTlled in. pfped, or aftwW except as necessary to provide driveway wags. 4. Built -upon area tar excess of the permitted ammmt ra pdres a stale AM water maaagement pera dt moMradan prior to aonstmcdan 5. All permitted nawfffium mMmrcels arfretune &vest shaft be directed into the permitted stcrmwater aantml system. Mkse as G6aras to tLc a=DW systesv shall bepffhffmed m a mmenw tbat maintains dw f nWlty and peafaanmrme of Nee systeun as permitted By your signature below, you certify that the recorded deed rwtrkdons and protective covenants for this project shall include all the applicable items required above, that the covenants will be binding on all parties and persons claiming under them, that they will run with the land, that the required covenants cannot be changed or deleted without conazrreenoe form the State, and that they will be recorded prior to the sale of any lot- V. SUPPLEMENT FORN S The applicable state stormwater management permit supplement form(s) listed below mast be submitted for each BMP specified for this project_ Contact the Stormwater and General Permits Unit at (919) 733-5083 for the status and availability of these forms Farm SWL�102 Wet Detehndon Basin Supplement Foam SWU-103 hiffinadon Basin Supplement Form SWU-104 Law► Density Supplement Form SWU-105 Curb Outlet System Supplement Form SWU-106 Off -Site System Supplement Form SWU-107 UndeWoumd Infiltration Trench Supplement Form SWU-108 Meuse Rlver Basin Supplement Form SWU-109 hmovative Best Man3gwwra Prance Supplement Form SVM-101 Version 3.99 Page 3 of VL SUBMMAL REQUIREMINTS Only complete application packages will be accepted and reviewed by the Division of Water Quality (DWQ). A complete package includes all of the items listed below. The complete application package should he submitted do the appropriate DWQ Regional Office. Please indicate that you, have provided the following required information by initialing in the space provided next to each item. Initials - Original and one copy of the Stormwater Management Permit Application Form Co M • One copy of the applicable Supplement Form (s) for each BMP Clsyn - Permit application processing fee of-$420 (payable to NCDENR) CA61-- JJEW1010) - Detailed narrative description of stormwater treatment/management M - Two copies of plans and spedBcaflorr;, including_ C su- - Development/Prnjecx name - Engineer and firm -Legend - North arrow - Sole - Revision number & date - Mean high water line - Dimensioned property/project boundary - Location map with named streets or NCSR numbers - Original contours, proposed contours. spot elevations. finished floor elevations - Details of roads, drainage features. collection systems, and stor Twat er control measures - Wetlands delineaited, or a note on plans that none exist - Existing drainage (including off site), drainage easements, pipe sizes. runoff calculations - Drainage areas delineated - Vegetated buffers (where required) VIL AGENT AUTHORIZATION If you wish to designate authority to another individual or firm so that they may provide information on your behalf, please complete this section - Designated agent (individual os f rro): k4nggi V aal bio l* MailingAddressr iS�l_ #.SRAdbRc1 1SDk I jil2r-M 7,0't _ City- Vi=Glt_41A I&�y _ � State: VA zip:- Phone: 1 7 S 7 l - 41&4 r, 0,4! 2 Z Fax( '7 57 _ 1 3 �3 • °)ZZ. & - �T L (print ar type name ofpman Bated fn General In ==11mx ftem 2) _ _ l 22t1ZV certify that the information included on this permit application form is, to the best of my knowledge. correct and. that the project will be constructed in confornunux with the approved plans. that the required deed restrictions and protective covenants will be ed, and that the proposed project complies with the requirements of 15A NCAC 2H ,1000. /i'J /-of Form SWU-101 Version 3.99 Page 4 of 4 PO Permit No. (to he provided by DWQ) State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PERMIT APPLICATION FORM YNMTRATION BASIN SUPPLEMENT This form may be phatowpied for use as an original DWQ Stormwater Management Plan Review: A complete stonnwater management plan submittal includes a stormwater management permit application, an infiltration basin supplement for each system, design calculations, soils report and plans and specifications showing all stormwatm conveyances and system details. 1. PROJECT INFORMATION Project Name : SURt- OQ SOUN GX Contact Person: G j Av bAAbsu Phone Number: C7S7 ) 4(o+- O (o Z Z_ This worksheet applies to: Basin No. A -13- L- b - E (ConnecriyO in Drainage Area %* r&-,qf cd an PI-0 (fan- Farm SWU-!O!) EL DESIGN INFORMATION - Attach supporting calculations/documentation. The soils report mast be based upon an actual field investigation and soil borings. County soil maps are not an acceptable source of soils information.. All elevations shall be in feet mean sea level (f nsl). Soils Report Summary Soil Type Infiltration Rate SHWT Elevation Basin Design Parameters Design Stone Design Volume Drawdown Time Basin Dimensions 5P CDWOLIA SkMD �i Q 13.0. --- -� or cf/hr/sf (chile appropriate units) =7 4 G 2.0 f SI (Seasonal high Water Table elevation) 1 , S inch (l.S finch event for S.4 raters, l loth evew for others) A 591 c.f. 0.091 days Basin Size - * _ ft. x $ = 3 R 4:1 sq. ft. (bottom dimensions) Basin Volume Provided S 1 Z3 c.f. w! 14;1+Q.a�, MlANAIJ Vatu''� = 9319 c,F ' Oaa AR�►S •Sri PEA Basin Elevations Bottom Elevation Storage Elevation Top Elevation 4.o f nsl 6.0 iinsl 5.2 fiasl Form SWU-103 Rev 3.99 Page 1 of 3 � I. a � e .. - � �. - 4 � � f } .. � � .. r' .. � � ��'I �� � � - i t - i �.�. ' ( �- 1 1 �. UL REQUIRED ITEMS CHECKL>isT The following checklist outlines design requirements per the Stormwater Best Management Tractices Manual (N-C- Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources, February 1999) and Administrative Code Section:: 15 A NCAC 2H .1008. Initial in the space provided to indicate that the following design requirements have been met and supporting documentation is attached. If the applicant has designated an agent in the Stormwater Management Permit Application Fomn, the agent may initial below. Attach justification ff a requbmeaent has not been met. Applicants Xdtlals CIS21 a. System is located 50 feet from class SA waters and 30 feet firm other surface waters. GEM b. System is located at least 100 feet from water supply wells_ C YI c. Bottom of system is at least 2 feet above the seasonal high water table. Cam _ d_ ,Bottom of the system is 3 feet above any bedrock or impervious soil horizon_ e- System is not sited cm or in fill material or DWQ approval has been obtained. l , f. System u located in a recorded drainage easement for the proposes of operation and maintenance and has recorded access easements to the nearest public right-of-way. CkM g.. Drainage area fouthe device is less than 5 acres. CA"q h_ Soils have a mininnim hydraulic condulivity of 0.52 inches per hour and soils report is attached.. C VUAnOuS1,( SvbM, eA _ CILta L System captures and infiltrates the runoff from the first 1-0 inch of rainfall (1.5 inch event for areas draining to SA wagers ). Design. volume and motion calculations attached. S E M j. System is sized to take into account the runoff at the ultimate built -out potential. from all surfaces draining to the system, including any of --site drainage- Calculations attached. C• 'rn k. All side slopes stabilized with vegetated cover are no steeper than 3:1 OEV). C,P-Wn �. L A pretreatment device such as a catch basin, grease trap, filter strip, grassed swale or sedinumt trap is provided_ m_ Bottom of the device is covered with a layer of clean sand to an average depth of 4 inches or dense vegetative cover is provided. C*-hti u. Vegetated filter is provided for overflow and detail is shown on plans (Required minimum length is 50 feet for SA waters, 30 feet for other waters). &Ah o_ Flow distrifthon mechanisnn within the basin is provided. GgM p- A beuchnsrk is provided to deWanine the sediment a Matron in the pretrestment device. C r+ q. Runoff in excess of the design volume bypasses off-line systems (bypass detail provided). C.*-V,n r. System is designed to draw down the design storage volume to the proposed bottom elevatioin under seasonal high water conditions within five days. A soils reportand all pertitent draw -down calculat1ions are att what CrIVA s. Plans ensure that the installed system will meet design specifications (constructed or motored) upon initial operation once the project is complete and the entire drainage area is stabilized - Form SWU 103 Rev 399 Page 2 of 3 IV. INFILTRATION BASIN OPERATION AND A AMENANCE AGREEMENT 1. After every runoff producing rainfall event and at least monthly inspect the infiltration system for erosion, trash accumulation, vegetative cover, and general condition 2. Repair eroded areas immediately, re -seed as necessary to maintain adequate vegetative cover, mow vegetated cover W maintain a maximum height of six inches, and remove trash as needed 3. After every runoff producing rainfall event and at least monthly inspect the bypass, inflow and overflow shuctures for blockage and deterioratiom Remove any blockage and repair the structure to approved design specifications. 4. Remove accumulated sediment from the pretreatment system and infiltration basin annually or when depth in the prietreatineW utut is reduced to 750A of the original design depth. The system shall be restored to the original design depth without over -excavating. Over -excavating may cause the required water table separation to be reduced and may compromise the ability of the system to perform as designed. Removed sediment shall be disposed of in an appropriate manner and shall not be handled in a manner that will adversely impact water quality (Lestockpiling near a stormwater treatment device or stream, etc.). A benchmark shall be established in the pretreatment unit The benchmark will document the original design depth so that accaraft sedi meat a mulautior< readings can be taken. The measuring device used to determine the depth at the benchmark shall be such that it will give an accurate depth Breading and not readily penetrate into accumulated sediments. when the design depth reads 4• `- feet in the pr obeatment an% the senueut sham be removed from both the p- - t unfit and the won bwft- 5. If the Division determines that the system is failing, the system will immediately be repaired to original design specification Ifthe system cannot be repaired to perform its design frraction, other storrnwater control devices as allowed by NCAC 2H .1000 must be designed, approved and constructed_ I acknowledge and agree by my signature below that I arm responsible for the perfrnmanm of the five maimprocaftm listed above_ I agree to notify DWQ of any problems with the system or prior to any changes to the system ar responSUJM party. Print Nacre and Note: The lulls, rmwon3_ htt W' ty Amid not he a hams x%mm s azscemaam wden more than 50% of dre lots have been sold and a rrsicl of t1 .su " Lsion has =vwd the pr�esiderrt I, a N &c the o County of do herby certify that Ply be%e me this day of az - =i; and aclmawiodge the due cm=udon of t0ftgoing iafiitratiw basin maintmanae requirements. Witness my hand and officmi seal, SEAL IWONOTAW PUBWM3► Dare word Canopus Coungr Aomrruesbn rea >GiltlT Form SWU-103 Rev 3.99 page 3 of 3 OjjviUn YRA V ON Y,nuso mma pnilo z rtrw.4 !lL .Itymurr;L eu��� nr��ssme9 F SSE ESI N & AssociATrs, PC October 1 1, 2005 RECEIVED North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Washington Regional Office OCT 1 LI►�J 943 Washington Square Mall Washington, North Carolina 27889 DWQ_WARO Subject: Stormwater Permit Application for Surf or Sound Realty Office, Route 12, Salvo, North Carolina Dear Sir: We are preparing the site plan for a realty office project for Mr. Date Petty in Salvo which will have a disturbed area of just over an acre and are requesting a review and issuance of a conventional track storm water permit for the work. The project site is currently fallow and is located on the west side of Route 12 across from County Route 1442. No address has been assigned to the property. Attached you will find the following: • Check for $420 for the stormwater permit Fee, • Project Narrative, • Permit Application SWU-101, • Permit Application SWU-104 with back-up computations, and • Two sets of construction documents. Please review the information at your earliest convenience. If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact me and I can immediately provide you with the information you are looking for. Thank you. Very truly yours, MASSEY DESI AND ASS IATES, PC Clavfon E / Developer MASSEY DESIGN AND ASSOCIATES, PC 1561 Bradford Road, Suite 204 Virginia Beach, Va 23455 (757)464-0622 SSE ESi N & AssociATES, PC 3. The site design does not allow an effective bypass system to be installed. We have increased the storage volume and infiltration basin areas by adding a 5'h drainage swale area at the rear of the site indicated as area "E." Please note all areas are linked with a leveling pipe to keep a consistent stormwater elevation and to better facilitate the infiltration process. The design volume required is 4597 CF for a 1-1/2" storm and the total stormwater managed is 9319 CF, more than double the design volume. 4. The design volume calculations have been submitted with the spreadsheet report. I have submitted a second copy with notes indicating the formulas used to develop the stormwater computations. 5. This is a good comment. The emergency swale invert was raised to 5.0' and the top bank elevation of all stormwater swalcs is 5.2' as indicated in the cross-section, sheet 5. 6. The drainage area map is included in the resubmittal. 7. The site layout does not allow an effective 50' vegetated filter to be installed. As a pre-treatment alternate, we have designed a pre-treatment devise at each of the curb inlets to the infiltration swales to filter out all sands and solids prior to discharge to the infiltration basins. We have also noted a benchmark stake to be installed as an indicator to clean and maintain the proper depths in the stormwater swales S. On the infiltration Basin supplement, the soil type was indicated as Corolla Sand. I trust the responses to the comments address your concerns. Please review the new information at your earliest convenience. If you have any additional questions or need additional data, please contact me and I can immediately provide you with the information you are looking for. Thank you. Very truly yours, r—. MASSE+DESIN ASSOCIATES, PC Clayton, CC: Dale Petty, Owner/ Developer MASSEY DESIGN AND ASSOCIATES, PC 1561 Bradford Road. Suile 204 Virginia Beach, Va 23455 (757)464-0622 SURF OR SOUND REALTY OFFICE ROUTE 12 SALVO, NC PROJECT NARRATIVE, October 11, 2005 The proposed Surf or Sound Realty Office is new construction of a 8,179 SF Realty Office, located on a 1.36 acre parcel in Salvo, North Carolina (Dare County). The site address has not been assigned but the location is along the west side of Route 12, directly across the highway from County Route 1442. The Owner / developer is Dale Petty, a local realtor in the southern portion of Outer Banks of North Carolina. The proposed development site sits on mostly open, fallow property that has previously developed but there is no longer any evidence of the previous structures, with the exception of the filled septic tank. The existing site elevation is around 3.8' to 4.5' and is generally flat with slopes less than 1.0%. Attached is the geotechnical report with 2 borings taken on site which indicate a fairly homogeneous soil type consistent with this area of Dare County. The upper 13' of the soil strata was identified as poorly graded fine to medium sand (SP) over at least 7' of poorly graded fine to course sand. The borings were terminated at 20.' It is suspected that a seasonal high water table is around 2.5' to 3.0' below existing ground which puts the seasonal high water table around elevation 1.0' to 1.5'. Due to the deep sands, it appears the site currently drains via infiltration with very 1 ittle run-off to the flanker ditch that runs along Route 12. Once the property is developed, the proposed drainage will be primarily handled on -site with an on -site infiltration basin. The on -site infiltration basin is four chambers interconnected with 12" leveling pipes to allow the site to function as a whole. For the proposed development, all stormwater runoff will be collected by surface flow to the basins through curb cuts or direct sheet flow. The drainage area is around 57,318 SF and the impervious cover is 32,306 SF (54.3%). The infiltration basin has a bottom elevation of 4.0' and the top of bank ranges from 4.5' to 5.0'. For the most part, the developed portion of the site is being built up and the bottom of the infiltration basins is at or near the existing ground elevation. Based on the geotechnical report, the bottom of the infiltration basin is expected to be at least 2"above the seasonal high ground water table. Due to the sandy material, we are not suggesting an outlet control structure be installed with this project. The infiltration basins could be expected to handle a storm event of roughly 3.42" in a two hour period and anything in the 10 to 100 year storm event range would overtop the basins but generally stay within the Route 12 corridor, due to the roadway being at a lower elevation than the surrounding property. For this project, the INFILTRATION BASIN SUPPLEMENT (SWU 104) has been submitted with the permit package. Using the 1" storm event, 3370 CF is required for stormwater management using the rational formula. The infiltration basin has been sized to manage 11,530 CF on -site with an infiltration rate of 8 inches per hour. Drawdown time for the 1" storm is expected to be 0.058 days (1.4 hours) The County does not require stormwater management for a larger storm event. The project design, this summary and stormwater calculations were prepared by Massey Design and Associates out of Virginia Beach. Please direct any question of concerns to Clay Massey, PE at 757-619-0 ] 00, fax 757-3 13-9226, email clay cr rnasseypc.com. Page 1 December 22, 2005 SSE ES! N & AssodAIEs, PC JC%M "O'CEIVED Ms. Amy L. Franklin, Environmental Engineer DEC 1 b ?095 North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Washington Regional Office DWQ 943 Washington Square Mall P= Washington, North Carolina 27889 Subject: Stormwater Permit Application for Surf or Sound Realty Office, Route 12, Salvo, North Carolina (RESUBMITTED) Dear Ms. Franklin: We are in receipt of your comments on the proposed Surf or Sound Realty Office in Salvo, North Carolina and in response we have resubmitted the following as per your request: Attached you will find the following: • Project Narrative, (MODIFIED) • Permit Application SWU-101, (MODIFIED) • Permit Application SWU-104 with back-up computations, (MODIFIED) and • Two sets of construction documents (MODIFIED). The modifications are a direct response to the comment letter received from your office dated November 29, 2005. The following responses have been prepared for your questions on the project. Please refer to the following: l . Pipe inverts were labeling the drainage schedule. The information was duplicated in the plan view as per your request. 2. Additional proposed grades were added to the plan, especially in the vicinity of the infiltration basins and along the property boundaries. 3. Receiving basin was changed to Tar -Pamlico River Basin. 4. Calculations for the 1.5" storm were included in the spreadsheet back-up and have been used in all related references in the application and in the narrative. 5. Engineering stamp was added to calculations page. 6. Infiltration basins operate as a single basin and the top of bank was raised to 5.0' for all four areas. 7. The two hour design volume is calculated to be approximately 5074 CF for a 1.5" storm event. For the infiltration rate, we assume an 8"/hour rate or approximately 3689 CF will be managed through infiltration. The basins have 4532 CF of storage volume for a total of 8221 CF of managed stormwater. We have also calculated the theoretical storm event that could be completely handled on site.with these parameters. Based on the figures presented, a storm event of approximately,2.21 inches could be handled on site with out bypass. MASSEY DESIGN AND ASSOCIATES, PC 1561 Bradford Road, Suite 204 Virginia Beach, Va 23455 (757)464-0622 SSE ES I N & AssodATB, f C 8. Runoff calculations were developed from the rational method. C values AM areas are listed in the first table in the spreadsheet computations page and summarized in SF and acres in the table. Various storm events were analyzed for different impacts. 9. The various basins operate as a single entity due to the leveling pipes so the site is essentially a single drainage area. As requested, a drainage area map that has sub -areas delineated has been included in the resubmittal. 10. The surface areas at the bottom and top elevations are noted in the spreadsheet and have been added to the plans. 11, A benchmark has been added in the basin and noted on the plans. 12. Sediment traps have been added to the incoming curb openings as pre-treatment devices. 13. In the details, sheet 5, a note has been added for 4" of clean sand at the bottom of the stormwater infiltration basins. Please note that the bottom of the basins is roughly the existing grade and the borings indicate at least 20' of sand as the existing material. 14. No wetlands exist on the site and a note has been added to the cover sheet with that information. 15. A bypass has been added to the plans off stormwater basin "C." The bypass discharges into the NCDOT drainage swale along Route 12. 16. A grass filter has been added to the bypass. 17. Soil classification is SP. Soil type is Sand. 18. The geotechnical report indicates groundwater at 2.5' to 3.0' below grade. Existing elevations are approximate 4A'. Due to the deep sandy material on site and in the project area, we suspect that the seasonal high water mark does not vary greatly from the reported information in September, 2004. September, 2004 was one of the wettest Septembers on record in the southeaster US. For the purposes of this study, we used elevation as 2.0' as the SHWM which is 2.0' below our pond bottom. 19. This area has been included as part of the calculations. The drainage area map indicates the drainage areas going to the infiltration basins. I trust the responses to the comments address your concerns. Please review the new information at your earliest convenience. If you have any additional questions or need additional data, please contact me and I can immediately provide you with the information you are looking for. Thank you. Very truly yo MASSEY DESIG AND ASSOC ATES, PC Clp�rton E. Y4assey, PE CC'. -,_/bale Petty, Owner / Developer MASSEY DESIGN AND ASSOCIATES, PC 1561 Bradford Road, Suite 204 Virginia Beach, Va 23455 (757)464-0622 ., � • � �', t: i - � �a.Y� ! k ' .. �OF W A TF �O 7 Mr. Dale Petty Surf or Sound Realty PO Box 100 Avon, NC 27915 Dear Mr. Stewart: Michael F. Easley, Governor William G. Ross Jr., Secretary North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Alan W. Klimek, P.E. Director Division of Water Quality November 29, 2005 Subject: Stormwater Review S W70510 1 3 Surf or Sound Realty Office Dare County This office received a Coastal Stormwater permit application and plans for the subject project on October 18, 2005. A preliminary review of your project indicates that before a State Stormwater permit can be issued the following additional information is needed. Y� Please label inverts of each pipe connecting the infiltration basins. Please label additional existing and proposed spot elevations (especially near infiltration basins). Please resubmit pate 2 of 4 with the receiving stream class and name filled in and note that the project is in the Tar -Pamlico River Basin. _;�O�Since the receiving waters are class SA waters the storage volume, with bypass, must be calculated using the 1.5" storm. 0,' Please stamp Calculations pages. If the infiltrations system operates as a single basin the 5 ft storage volume can not be used since the system could overflow at 4.5 ft (2 separate basins could be used or the 4.5 ft height basins could be brought to 5 ft). On the supplemental sheet the design volume is listed as 3370 cubic feet but only 3290 cubic feet of storage is provided. This does not meet the I" storm event. Please note that 1.5" of storage is required. Please show calculations for the required design runoff volume. `k Please delineate the drainage areas to each basin. �/lease list the surface area at the basin botto sto�e, and top elevations. Plcasc provide a benchmark. +/ Please provide pretreatment devices. Also please note on the plans if the bottom of the infiltration basin will be 4" of sand or densely vegetated (if vegetated please include seed specification). Please note on plans weather or not wetlands exist on the site. If wetlands exist please delineate on plans. • Runoff' in excess of the design storm must b pass the system. A bypass is required for the 1.5" minimum required storage volume. f aVGf�Dt"� The minimum 1.5" volume storm requires a filter for overflow.qAAe f A SP;j1Way V% The geotechnical report gives a soil classification of SP. Please provide the soil type. 11 The geotechnical report gives the current groundwater level at 2.5 feet below current grade but _oes not discuss expected seasonal high water table (SHWT). According to the narrative the `6{r suspected SHWT is around 2.5 feet below existing grade. The soil boring that occurred on September 2, 2004 may not be a good time of the year to correspond the existing ground water elevation with the expected SHWT. ➢� If soil road is a part of the project or parcel please include in calculations. Wa'RQ N:o Caroli ,113 A%7h North Carolina Division of Water Quality Washington Regional Office Phone (252) 946-6481 FAX (252) 946-9215 Customer Service Internet h2o.enr.state.rtc.us 943 Washington Square Mall, Washington, NC 27889 1-877-623-6748 An Equal opportunitylAtfirmative Action Employer —50%Recydedll0% Post Consumer Paper i The above requested information must be received in this office prior to December 29, 2005 or your application will be returned as incomplete. The return of this project will necessitate resubmittal of all required items including the application fee. If you need additional time to submit the required information, please mail or fax your request for time extension to this office at the Letterhead address. You should also be aware that the Stormwater Rules require that the permit be issued prior to any development activity. Construction without a permit is a violation of 15A NCAC 2H.1000 and North Carolina General Statute i43-215.1 and may result in civil penalties of up to $10,000 per day. Please reference the Stormwater Project Number above on all correspondence. If you have questions, please feel free to contact me at (252) 948-3934. Sincerely, at ! V� - r�zcjg-- Amy Franklin Environmental Engineer Washington Regional Office cc: Clay Massey, Massey Design and Associates, PC Xashington Regional Office 1 . Page 2 of 2 REPORT OF GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING SERVICES Proposed Surf or Sound Reality Office Building Waves, North Carolina GET Project No EC04-275G September 13, 2004 Prepared for: Cahoon and Kasten Architects G T Solutions, Inc. Geotechnical Frn,ironiuentaI Westin- SAUtions, Inc. TO: Cahoon and Kasten Architects 118-A West Woodhill Drive Nags Head, NC 279591248 Duck Road Attn: Mrs. Linda Lowdermilk September 13, 2004 RE: Report of Subsurface Investigation and Geotechnical Engineering Proposed Surf or Sound Reality Office Building Waves, North Carolina GET Project No: EC04-275G. Dear Mrs. Lowdermilk: In compliance with your instructions, we have completed our Geotechnical Engineering Services for the referenced project. The results of this study, together with our recommendations, are presented in this report. Often, because of design and construction details that occur on a project, questions arise concerning subsurface conditions. G E T Solutions, Inc. would be pleased to continue its role as Geotechnical Engineer during the project implementation. We trust that the information contained herein meets your immediate need, and we would ask that you call this office with any questions that you may have. Respectfully Submitted, G E T Solutions, Inc. Gerald W. Stalls ., E.I. . Project Manager Copies. (2) Client rA • tow=� Camille A. Kattan, P.E. Principal Engineer NC Lic. # 14103 CAR =o��•E�ss�0��2'_ ' ago srnt,- 014103 AG :, LSE•.I NIE� •'�4a 50-1 €lank FIiZ!IbC h SL!'CGI. Sttilt: • J.-'h/;ktwIh City. INC 17 09 Phum: (341)-335-97135 - 3=:Lz: (3j2)-335-).J6 itl10 V:_c: Laud LIE IU lIS I! 2C. C''jIII Report of Subsurface investigation and Geotechnical Engineering 9113/04 Proposed Surf or Sound Reality Office Building Waves, North Carolina GET Project No: EC04-275G - EXECUTIVE SUMMARY _ The proposed construction at this site will consist of building a new office development along with its associated asphalt paved driveways and parking areas as well as other infrastructure. The project site is located along the west _ side of NC Route 12 in Waves, North Carolina. A brief description of the anticipated characteristics of the project is listed below: ■ One (1) 2-story office structure approximately 7,000 square feet in foot print area ■ First floor finish grade elevations (10-feet MSL) of the structure noted to be approximately 6-feet above the existing elevations ■ Wood frame construction supported by 8-inch square timber piles ■ Estimated maximum pile compressive loads of about 8 tons Our field exploration program included two (2) 20-foot deep SPT borings drilled within the proposed construction areas. A brief description of the subsurface soil conditions is noted below: ■ Boring Locations — The surficial and subsurface soils encountered at the boring locations were consistent throughout the site and to the explored depths. These soils generally consisted of SAND with varying amounts of silt and/or clay (SP, SP-SM). Organic staining of the granular subsurface soils was encountered at a depth of 6 to 8-feet at each of the boring locations. ■ Groundwater was encountered at depths ranging from 2.5 to 3-feet below the current grade elevations at the boring locations. The varying groundwater level was found to coincide with the existing site grade elevations. The following evaluations and recommendations were developed based on our field exploration and laboratory -testing program: ■ Field-testing program during construction to include pile installation -- monitoring. ■ Deep foundations (Square Timber Piles; 8-inch) for the proposed structures designed using an allowable compression capacity ranging from 3 to 10 tons per pile with a recommended pile embedment depth of 8 to 15-feet below the current established grades, respectively. c E T Solulions. Inc. Report of Subsurface Investigation and Geotechnical Engineering 9/ 13/04 Proposed Surf or Sound Reality Office Building Waves, North Carolina GET Project No: EC04-275G ■ Estimated total butt settlements are anticipated to be less than '/z-inch. This summary briefly discusses some of the major topics mentioned in the N attached report. Accordingly, this report should be read in its entirety to thoroughly evaluate the contents. C. So[utiuns, Inc. TABLE OF CONTENTS EXECUTIVESUMMARY............................................................................................. i 1.0 PROJECT INFORMATION...................................................................................1 1.1 Project Authorization............................................................................. 1 1.2 Project Description............................................................................... 1 1.3 Purpose and Scope of Services............................................................ 1 2.0 FIELD AND LABORATORY PROCEDURES....................................................... 2 2.1 Field Exploration.................................................................................... 2 2.2 Laboratory Testing................................................................................ 2 3.0 SITE AND SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS............................................................ 3 3.1 Site Location and Description................................................................ 3 3.2 Subsurface Soil Conditions................................................................... 3 3.3 Groundwater Information....................................................................... 4 4.0 EVALUATION AND RECOMMENDATIONS........................................................ 4 4.1 Clearing and Grading............................................................................ 4 4.2 Building Foundation Design Recommendations .................................... 5 4.3 Building — Pile Settlements.................................................................... 6 4.4 Pile Installation Monitoring.................................................................... 6 4.5 Timber Piles ....................................................... ............................... 7 5.0 CONSTRUCTION CONSIDERATIONS................................................................ 7 5.1 Drainage and Groundwater Concerns ................................................... 7 5.2 Excavations........................................................................................... 7 6.0 REPORT LIMITATIONS....................................................................................... 8 _ APPENDIX I -BORING LOCATION SKETCH APPENDIX II - LOG OF BORINGS APPENDIX III - SOIL BORING PROFILE G E T Solutions, Inc. Report of Subsurface Investigation and Geotechnical Engineering 4/I3/04 Proposed Surf or Sound Reality Office Building Waves, North Carolina GET Project No: EC04-275G 1.0 PROJECT INFORMATION 1.1 Project Authorization: G E T Solutions, Inc. has completed our Geotechnical Engineering study for the Proposed Surf or Sound Reality Office Building development. The Geotechnical Engineering Services were conducted in general accordance with G E T Solutions, Inc. Proposal No. PEC04-144G, dated August 19, 2004. Authorization to proceed with the Geotechnical _ Engineering Services was in the form of our original proposal signed by Mr. Ben Cahoon with Cahoon and Kasten Architects, on the date of August 27, 2004. 1.2 Project Description: The proposed development at this site is planned to consist of building a new 2-story office structure along with associated driveways and parking areas. The proposed new structure will contain a foot print area of approximately 7,000 square feet. The structure is planned to be of wood frame design supported by means of square timber piles, with the maximum associated loads not expected to exceed 8 tons per pile. The first floor members are planned to be constructed over a crawl space at an approximately elevation of 10-feet MSL ' (approximately 6-feet above the existing site grade elevations). If any of the noted information is incorrect or has changed, please inform G E T Solutions, Inc. so that we may amend the recommendations presented in this report, if appropriate. 1.3 Purpose and Scope of Services: The purpose of this study was to obtain information on the general subsurface conditions at the proposed project site. The subsurface conditions encountered were then evaluated with respect to the available project characteristics, and Geotechnical Engineering assessments were formulated for the following items: General assessment of the soils revealed by the borings performed at the proposed development. 2. General location and description of potentially deleterious material encountered in the borings that may interfere with construction progress or structure performance, including existing fills or sunccial/subsurface organics. 3. Feasibility of utilizing a deep foundation system for support of the proposed structures. Design parameters required for the deep foundation systems, including pile sizes, allowable bearing pressures, embedment depths, and expected total and differential settlements. c E Solutions, Inc. Report of Subsurface Investigation and Geotechnical Engineering 9/13/04 Proposed Surf or Sound Reality Office Building Waves, North Carolina GET Project No: EC04-275G The scope of services did not include an environmental assessment for determining the presence or absence of wetlands or hazardous or toxic material in the soil, bedrock, surface water, groundwater or air, on or below or around this site. Any statements in this report or on the boring logs regarding odors, color, unusual or suspicious items or conditions are strictly for the information of the client. Prior to development of this site, an environmental assessment is advisable. 2.4 FIELD AND LABORATORY PROCEDURES 2.1 Field Exploration: In order to explore the general subsurface soil types and to aid in developing associated foundation design parameters, two (2) 20-foot deep Standard Penetration Test (SPT) borings (designated as B-1 and B-2) were drilled by G E T Solutions, Inc. within the proposed construction areas. The SPT borings were performed with the use of a power drill rig using mud (rotary wash) drilling procedures. The soil samples were obtained with a Split -Spoon Sampler in general accordance with the Standard Penetration Test (SPT) ASTM D-1586. These samples were taken continuously from the ground surface to a depth of 10 feet, and at 5-foot intervals thereafter. The boring schedule noting the boring depths and locations is presented in Table 1. Table I — Boring Schedule Boring Number Boring Depth feet Boring Location B-1 20 Approximate Southeast Building Corner B-2 20 Approximate Northwest Building Corner The SPT boring locations were established and identified in the field by representative of G E T Solutions, Inc. by measuring from existing landmarks. These boring locations are shown on the "Boring Location Plan" attached to this report (Appendix I, Figure 1). The sketch was developed based on the site plan provided to us by Cahoon and Kasten Archtitects. 2.2 Laboratory Testing: Representative portions of all soil samples collected during drilling were sealed in glass jars, labeled, and transferred to our Elizabeth City laboratory for classification and analysis. The soil classification was performed by a Geotechnical Engineer in accordance with ASTM D2488. 2 G E 7� Solutions, Inc. Report of Subsurface Investigation and Geotechnical Engineering 9/13104 Proposed Surf or Sound Reality Office Building Waves, North Carolina GET Project No: EC04-275G A total of 2 representative split spoon soil samples were selected and subjected to natural moisture, and 4200 sieve wash testing and analysis in order to corroborate the visual classification of the granular soils. These test results are tabulated below and are also presented on the "Log of Boring" sheets (Appendix II). 3.1 Table II - Laboratory Test Results Natural 4200 Boring Sample Depth Moisture Sieve Classification No. No. (Ft) Content N (% B-1 S-5 8-10 18.6 2.5 SP B-2 S-4 6-8 17.6 0.5 SP 3.0 SITE AND SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS Site Location and Description: The project site is located along the west side of NC Route 12 in the town of Waves, North Carolina. This property is currently a vacant sand covered parcel with elevation differences generally ranging less than 1-foot in 50 linear feet. Isolated areas of dense brush were observed within the northwest portion of the proposed building area. Additionally, the southern portion of the proposed construction area was observed to contain surface concrete, which appeared to be a previously existing septic tank and sign foundations. The proposed construction area is bordered to the north by an existing single story office structure. The southernmost boundary consists of an existing three-story residence. The westernmost boundary consists of an open sand covered area followed by an existing two- story residence. The easternmost boundary consists of NC Route 12 followed by multiple story residences. 3.2 Subsurface Soil Conditions: The surficial and subsurface soils encountered at the project site from the existing grade elevations to the boring termination depths were consistent throughout the site and to the explored depths. These soils were primarily granular in nature and were noted to be comprised of poorly graded SAND with varying amounts of Silt (SP, SP-SM). Organic staining of the granular subsurface soils was encountered at a depth of 6 to 8-feet at each of the boring locations. The Standard Penetration Test (SPT) results, N-values, recorded within this soil layer ranged from 1 to 42 blows -per -foot (BPF) indicating a very loose to dense relative density. The penetration resistances were noted to generally increase with depth. r. E T Solutions, Inc. Report of Subsurface Investigation and Geotechnical Engineering 9/13104 Proposed Surf or Sound Reality Office Building Waves, North Carolina GET Project No: EC04-275G The subsurface description is of a generalized nature provided to highlight the major soil strata encountered. The records of the subsurface exploration included in Appendix II (Log of Boring sheets) and the Generalized Soil Profile presented in Appendix III should be reviewed for specific information as to individual borings. The stratifications shown on the records of the subsurface exploration represent the conditions only at the actual boring locations. Variations may occur and should be expected between boring locations. The stratifications represent the approximate boundary between subsurface materials and the transition may be gradual. 3.3 Groundwater Information: The groundwater table depth was measured at each boring location during drilling _ operations and was found to occur at an approximate elevation of 2.5 to 3 feet below existing grade elevations (varying with the existing site elevations). _ Groundwater conditions will vary with environmental variations and seasonal conditions, such as the frequency and magnitude of rainfall patterns, as well as man-made influences, such as existing swales, drainage ponds, underdrains, and areas of covered soil (paved parking lots, side walks, etc.). It is estimated normal seasonal high groundwater level will fluctuate within 2 feet above the current levels. We recommend that the contractor determine the actual groundwater levels at the time of the construction to determine — groundwater impact on this project, if needed. 4.0 EVALUATION AND RECOMMENDATIONS 4.1 Clearing and Grading: w The proposed construction areas should be cleared by means of removing all vegetation, organic laden soils, and/or root matt. It is anticipated that a cut of approximately 4 to 6- inches will be required within the areas of dense brush. The organic laden soils may extend deeper in isolated areas, which should become evident during the clearing operations. Additionally, the existing concrete members should be removed in their entirety. This may require an excavation ranging from 2 to 4-feet to remove these members. The clearing operations should extend laterally at least 5 feet beyond the perimeter of the proposed building area. 4 G T Solutions, Inc. Report of Subsurface Investigation and Geotechnical Engineering 9/13/04 Proposed Surf or Sound Reality Office Building Waves, North Carolina GET Project No. EC04-275G 4.2 Building Foundation Design Recommendations: _ The following recommendations are based on the previously discussed project information, our observations at the site, our interpretation of the field and laboratory data obtained during the exploration, and our experience with similar subsurface conditions. Subsurface conditions in unexplored locations may vary from those encountered at specific boring locations. If the proposed construction scheme should vary from that previously described, we request the opportunity of reviewing our recommendations. We conducted static capacity analyses on the timber piles using equations for shaft friction and end bearing that incorporated our experience and that of published information on deep foundation design. Our individual pile axial capacity estimates versus pile embedment lengths are tabulated on the following page (Table III— Pile Capacities): Table III — Pile Capacities Minimum Abbwable Allowable Allowable - Pile Type & Installation Total Capacity in Capacity in Lateral Dimensions Method Embedment Compression Tension CapacV Depth ) (tons) (tons) ('tons) 8-inch Square Pre - $ min. 3 0.5 0.25 Timber Auger 8-inch Square Timber Jetted 8' min. 5 1 0.25 8-inch Square Pre- Timber Auger 15' min. 10 1 0.5 8-inch Square Jetted 15' min. 10 2 0.5 Timber • Lateral capacity computed for a lateral load applied at the ground surface for a maximum un- braced butt deflection of 1 inch. • Minimum total embedment depth is referenced from the current established grade elevations. The previously shown pile embedment depth is required to achieve the allowable capacities. Any reduction in the length of embedment will correspond to a reduction in the allowable design capacities, unless otherwise directed by the geotechnical engineer after the pile -testing program. Furthermore, if a pre-augered system is utilized it is recommended to encase the pile immediately after placement with a lean concrete. This is considered necessary to provide the recommended pile tensile and lateral capacities and will aid in filling voids and preventing cave-ins. In order to minimize pile penetration difficulties due to densifcation of the soils and the reduction in capacity due to group action of the piles, it is recommended that the piles be installed with a center -to -center spacing of at feast 3 feet. 5 r. T 'Solutions, Inc. Report of Subsurface Investigation and Geotechnical Engineering 9/13/04 Proposed Surf or Sound Reality office Building Waves, North Carolina GET Project No: EC04-275G If for some reason during construction, pile penetration "refusal" is encountered before piles reach their design tip elevations, the Geotechnical Engineer should be retained to _ review installation records and field reports before assuming the pile can adequately support the design capacity. If the contractor's installation equipment is insufficiently sized, it may reach a "false" practical refusal before reaching desired tip elevations. 4.3 Building - Pile Settlements: - Based on the results of load tests performed on piles driven in similar soils conditions, it is anticipated that the total settlements will be approximately less than %cinch, and differential settlements on the order of 50% of the total settlements. 4.4 Pile Installation Monitoring: A qualified inspector should observe the installation of the piles. The purpose of the inspector's observations is to determine if production installations are being performed in accordance with acceptable methods. Continuous installation records should be maintained for all piles. The field duties of the inspector should include the following: • Being knowledgeable of the subsurface conditions at the site and the project - specific Pile Driving Criteria. • Being aware of aspects of the installation including type of equipment and pile installation tolerances. • Keeping an accurate record of pile installation procedures. • Documenting that the piles are installed to the proper depth indicative of the intended bearing stratum. • Recording the number of hammer blows for each foot of driving (for driven piles). • Generally confirming that the pile installation equipment is operating as anticipated. _ d Record the energy rating of the hammer (for driven piles). • Informing the Geotechnical Engineer of any unusual subsurface conditions or driving conditions. • Notifying the contractor and structural engineer when unanticipated difficulties or conditions are encountered. • Confirming from visual appearance that the piles are not damaged during installation and observing the piles prior to installation for defective workmanship. The geotechnical engineer should review all installation records prior to pile cap construction. 6 C E r Solwions, Inc. Report of Subsurface Investigation and Geotechnical Engineering 9/13/04 Proposed Surf or Sound Reality Office Building Waves, North Carolina GET Project No: EC04-275G 4.5 Timber Piles: In accordance with the above discussion, it is anticipated that square treated timber piles will be selected to support the structure. It is recommended that the timber piles meet the requirements of ASTM D-25 for timber bearing piles. The piles should be clean peeled and pressure treated in accordance with the requirements of AWPA C3. The timber pile design stresses should be established in accordance with ASTM D-2899 and the local applicable Building Codes_ Additionally, we recommend the timber piles be treated with ACA (ammoniated copper arsenate) and CCA (copper chrome arsenate) due to the location of the proposed structure in a temperature zone coastal environment. Prior to installation, it is recommended that timber piles be relatively free of defects and have a water content greater than approximately 20 percent (to minimize "breaking") and less than about 50 percent (to minimize "brooming"). 5.0 CONSTRUCTION CONSIDERATIONS 5.1 Drainage and Groundwater Concerns: It is expected that dewatering will be required for excavations that extend deeper than 2.5 to 3 feet below the current established grade elevations. Dewatering from up to 2.5 to 3- feet below current established grade elevations could probably be accomplished by pumping from sumps. Dewatering at depths below the groundwater level may require well pointing. 5.2 Excavations: In Federal Register, Volume 54, No. 209 (October, 1989), the United States Department of Labor, Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) amended its "Construction Standards for Excavations, 29 CFR, part 1926, Subpart P". This document was issued to better insure the safety of workmen entering trenches or excavations. It is mandated by this federal regulation that all excavations, whether they be utility trenches, basement -- excavation or footing excavations, be constructed in accordance with the new (OSHA) guidelines. It is our understanding that these regulations are being strictly enforced and if they are not closely followed, the owner and the contractor could be liable for substantial penalties. A G Solutions. Inc. Report of Subsurface Investigation and Geotechnical Engineering 9/13/04 Proposed Surf or Sound Reality Office Building Waves, North Carolina GET Project No: EC04-275G The contractor is solely responsible for designing and constructing stable, temporary excavations and should shore, slope, or bench the sides of the excavations as required to maintain stability of both the excavation sides and bottom. The contractor's responsible person, as defined in 29 CFR Part 1926, should evaluate the soil exposed in the excavations as part of the contractor's safety procedures. In no case should slope height, — slope inclination, or excavation depth, including utility trench excavation depth, exceed those specified in local, state, and federal safety regulations. We are providing this information solely as a service to our client. G E T Solutions, Inc. is not assuming responsibility for construction site safety or the contractor's activities; such responsibility is not being implied and should not be inferred. 6.0 REPORT LIMITATIONS The recommendations submitted are based on the available soil information obtained by G E T Solutions, Inc. and the information supplied by Cahoon and Kasten Architects for the proposed project. If there are any revisions to the plans for this project or if deviations from the subsurface conditions noted in this report are encountered during construction, G E T Solutions, Inc. should be notified immediately to determine if changes in the foundation recommendations are required. If G E T Solutions, Inc. is not retained to perform these functions, G E T Solutions, Inc. can not be responsible for the impact of those conditions on the geotechnical recommendations for the project. The Geotechnical Engineer warrants that the findings, recommendations, specifications or professional advice contained herein have been made in accordance with generally accepted professional geotechnical engineering practices in the local area. No other warranties are implied or expressed. After the plans and specifications are more complete the Geotechnical Engineer should be provided the opportunity to review the final design plans and specifications to assure our engineering recommendations have been properly incorporated into the design documents, in order that the earthwork and foundation recommendations may be properly interpreted and implemented. At that time, it may be necessary to submit supplementary recommendations. This report has been prepared for the exclusive use of Cahoon and Kasten Architects and their consultants for the specific application to the Proposed Surf or Sound Reality Office Building, located in Waves, NC. 8 ;c T 5nlulions, Inc. APPENDICES I. BORING LOCATION PLAN II. LOG OF BORINGS III. GENERALIZED SOIL PROFILE APPENDIX I - BORING LOCATION PLAN B-2 PROPOSED BUILDING ti PROPOSED PROPOSED PARKING PARKING z LOT B--1 _-._.__...--pR❑P❑SED ROADWAY EXISTING -._ ---_----_- EXISTING DIRT PATH ^- Pro ect Nane- 4T's hnlca[ PRQE�OSED SURF OR SOUND REALITY OFFICE LEGEND nnento! WAVES, DARE COUNTY, NC Tvng Project Noi EC04-275G Drawn By- GWS APPR❑XIMATE BORING LOCATIONS bons, Inc. Dntet 9/13/04 Flgure No., 1 LIMITS OF PROPOSED BUILDING B❑RING LOCATION PLAN SCALE,INA INA APPENDIX 11 LOG OF BORINGS - r eo' cal En ' ental -. tions, Inc. LOG OF BORING No. B-1 PROJECT: Proposed Surf Or Sound Reality Office Building PROJECT NO.: EC04-275G CLIENT: Cahoon and Kasten, Archtitects - - -- -- - - _ _ PROJECT LOCATION: Waves. Dare Coon North Carolina LOCATION. See Attached Boring Location Plan _ _ _. ELEVATION: INA DRILLER: Fishburne Drilling, Inc. LOGGED BY: G. Stalls,E.I.T. DRILLING METHOD: Mud Rotary {wash} DATE: 9-2-04 I DEPTH TO - WATER> INITIAL: 4Uz 2.5-feet AFTER 24 HOURS: a CAVING> f- o. a, 4) M o Description P , a n. d E Jm y o in 3 o � v o TEST RESULTS Plastic Limit Liquid Limit water Content - • Penetration •-� 1 20 30 40 50 60 70 0 3 3 2 3 3 2 3 4 5 7 14 13 17 22 20 12 14 15 2.5 Tan -Brown, moist, poorly graded fine to medium SAND (SP) to poorly graded fine to medium SAND (SP-SK with silt, loose to medium dense Wet from 2.5-feet Organic Staining from 6 to 8-feet Gray from 8-feet 13 Tan -Gray, moist, poorly graded fine to coarse SAND (SP) with trace:' silt, fine stone, and marine shell fragments, medium dense to dense �= �' 'G�: i �. IIh•I I:I:tr ;I;is t 14: { r ;i a: c r r1 ri rC] ;�;�:FS AJ:rt' �:r•rti , ;: ; : , : ............. .............................. - - ... ... .. ... ... ... ... ' ... .. _. .. ... ... ... .. : ............ ....:...........' ....................:.....:.... : .. ....... ...........:....... ........ . .......... ... .:..... - - :......:. .........:..... .. ........... ................. = ... .......... .- ..._ ...... ... : ............... .... ............ .., ............ - - : 1 2 5 3 4 5 10 15 6 7 20 Boring terminated at 20 ft. 25 30 95 Figure PAGE 1 of 1 PROJECT: Proposed Surf Or Sound Real itX Office Building PROJECT NO.: EC04-275G eo 'cal eo ' `' ental CLIENT: Cahoon and Kasten, Archtitects _ PROJECT LOCATION: _Waves, Dare County, North Carolina tions, Inc. LOCATION: See Attached Boring Location Plan ELEVATION: INA LOG OF BORING DRILLER: Fishbume Drilling, Inc. _ _ LOGGED BY: G. Stalls, E.I.T. DRILLING METHOD: Mud Rotary (wash) DATE: 9-2-04 No. B-2 DEPTH TO - WATER> INITIAL: $ 3-feet AFTER 24 HOURS: zF CAVING> f- o TEST RESULTS Plastic Limit Liquid Limit L a m Description a ,� E o o p N m 0 v Water Content -• Penetration - `�� 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 0 Tan -Brown, moist, poorly graded fine to medium SAND (SP) to poorly graded fine to medium SAND (SP-SM) with silt, very loose {:I:F'I: 1 ..........:..........:...................... to loose �: i a . ...........................:..... SL Wet from 3-feet ;E.1; j 2 2 Gray from Meet i i �'� 2 .. ... ...... 3 �Fa:i;•i• 0 • 1 Organic Staining from 6 to 8-feet 4 2 0.5 3 ri;r1; 2 : 10 a:l:Ct1 3 1:1'C t ... .......... ............ Tan -Gray, moist, poorly graded fine to coarse SAND (SP) with trace.'.*.::: B silt, fine stone, and marine shell fragments, medium dense 6 11 _ 1s 12 7 13 ... ... - .. .. ... ... ... 20 15 ..... _................. ; Boring terminated at 20 ft. 30 : 35 Figure PAGE 1 of 1 KEY TO SYMBOL Symbol Description I Strata svmbols JI �: Poorly graded sand i with silt _II Poorly graded sand Misc. Symbols Water table during drilling a Notes: .11 1. Exploratory borings were drilled on 9-2-04 using a 4-inch diameter continuous flight power auger. 2. No free water was encountered at the time of drilling or I1 when re -checked the following day. 3. Boring locations were taped from existing features and 11 elevations extrapolated from the final design schematic plan. 4. These logs are subject to the limitations, conclusions, and recommendations in this report. 5. Results of tests conducted on samples recovered are reported on the logs. 1 d -j 't APPENDIX III - GENERALIZED SOIL PROFILE 0- 5- 20- 26- 2 2 3 1 0 j 1: t I 4 4 33 NM-17A -I .I: L r 7 14 NM=18.6 7 3 . . . . . . 13 3 X c v 1722 8 7 zo II 1214 12 13 15 15 Strata symbols Poorly graded sand L.'!A with silt F—M Poorly graded sand -0 -5 -10 f5 -24) -25 KEY TO SYMBO Symbol Description Strata svmbols Poorly graded sand with silt EJPoorly graded sand Misc. Symbols s Water table during drilling Notes• �I1. Exploratory borings were drilled on 9-2-04 using a 4-inch diameter continuous flight power.auger. �I2. No free water was encountered at the time of drilling or when re -checked the following day. 3. Boring locations were taped from existing features and I� elevations extrapolated from the final design schematic plan. 4. These logs are subject to the limitations, conclusions, and recommendations in this report. 5. Results of tests conducted on samples recovered are reported on the loas.