HomeMy WebLinkAboutSW7050724_HISTORICAL FILE_20051028STORMWATER DIVISION CODING SHEET POST -CONSTRUCTION PERMITS PERMIT NO. SW�'7C���('ZA Y DOC TYPE ❑ CURRENT PERMIT ❑ APPROVED PLANS HISTORICAL FILE DOC DATE YYYYMMDD i H. LOWRY TRIBBLE, 1R., PE WILLIAM F. HODGES, PE HAROLD L. NEWBERRY, PE J..STEVEN HARBIN, PE W. M ICHA EL STUBBS, PE HODGES, HARBIN, NEWBERRY & TRIBBLE, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS 484 MULBERRY STREET • SUITE 265 • MACON, GEORGIA 31201 P. O. Box 974 • MACON, GEORGIA 31202 -0974 October 25, 2005 Mr. William J. Moore North Carolina Division of Water Quality Washington Regional Office 943 Washington Square Mall Washington, NC 27889 Re: East Carolina Regional MSW Landfill Phase ,4.— Stornmater Management Permit U. 1NT'Project No. 1001-354-01 1 1001-100-07 Dear Mr. Moore: TELEPHONE. (478) 743-7175 FAX (478)743-1703 OCT 2 8 2005 DWQ-WARD In respallse to your letter, dated October 12, 2005 requesting additional information, we have made the following changes to the }flans for your review and approval: a. Wet Detention Basin No. 2 and Wet Detention Basin No. 3 have been modified to include a 6:1 perimeter shelf. h. The outlet structures for both Wet Detention Basins have been modified to allow for a 4 — 5 clay drawdown of the design storm. c. Wet Detention Basin No. 3 has been enVarged to meet the Minimum surface area "= I'eC1111 E'enleilt5. We have enclosed two (2) copies of the revised Stormwater Management Plan, Design Calculation, and Technical Specifications Narrative, and two (2) copies of the revised Phase 4 Stormwater Management Plans for your use. Should you.h'ave any questions, please call. Sincerely, HODGES_, U1,A1RB N, NEW13ERIZY & TRIBBLE, INC. William F' Had cs, .E. Professional Engn er WhH/jhil cc: Ray Hoffman, P.E., wI enclosure Bill Cooksey, w/ enclosure Michael Stubbs. P.E., w/o enclosure Matt Check, w/o enclosure • ,9 .® TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. NARRATIVE 2. STORMWATER MANAGEMENT CALCULATIONS a. Design Assumptions b. Landfill Side Slope Drainage Berm and Riser Design C. Downdrain Calculations d. Stormwater Conveyance Channel (SCC) Calculations e. Drop Inlets, Pipes and Headwalls f. Outlet Protection Calculations 3. WET DETENTION BASIN NO. 2 a. Wet Detention Basin Design Criteria b. Design Calculations C. Wet Detention Basin Dewatering of First 1" of Runoff d. Permanent Pool Surface Area C. Reservoir Routing f. Sediment Trapping Efficiency (E&S Manual) g. Riser Pipe and Carrier Pipe Design h. Anti -Seep Collar Design i. Riser Base Foundation Design 4. WET DETENTION BASIN NO. 3 a. Wet Detention Basin Design Criteria b. Design Calculations C. Wet Detention Basin Dewatering of First I" of Runoff d. Permanent Pool Surface Area e. Reservoir Routing f Sediment Trapping Efficiency (E&S Manual) g. Riser Pipe and Carrier Pipe Design h. Anti -Seep Collar Design i. Riser Base Foundation Design 5. TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS a. 01560 Erosion and Sediment Control b. 02110 Clearing and Grubbing C. 02210 Grading d. 02930 Grassing 6. APPENDIX a. Location Map b. Stormwater Management Plans OCT 2 a 201�3 DWQ-WARO s • • 0 M ■ WINDSOR SE BERTIE COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA • U b. Stormwater Management Plans Sheet No. Name of Sheet -- Title Sheet I Existing Topographic Survey 2 Top of Clay Liner Grading Plan 3 Final Drainage Plan 4 Erosion Control Plan 5 Drainage Basin Map 6-7 Miscellaneous Details Revised: October 2005 East Carolina Regional Landfill HHNI" Project No, 1001-354-01 Phase 4 Construction Permit— Stormwater Management Plan 51 1. NARRATIVE ® The East Carolina Regional MSW Landfill (MSWLF) is an existing municipal solid waste landfill located in Bertie County, North Carolina. Approximately 71 acres of the landfill footprint is currently constructed. Phase 4 development of the landfill will disturb approximately 51 acres. Of this disturbed area approximately 25 acres will represent the actual footprint of the waste disposal cells and approximately 26 acres will represent areas for access road, buildings, support facilities, forebays, wet detention basins, and outside slopes along cut and fill areas around the landfill. Efforts have been made in the design of this facility to minimize the total disturbed area. Disturbed areas will be stabilized using erosion control measures. Stormwater which comes from off -site and undisturbed areas on - site will be diverted around the MSWLF. Precipitation which falls onto the MSWLF will be drained to and transported by stormwater conveyance channels (SCC) to one of two wet detention basins. These basins are designed to protect water quality by reducing the stormwater runoff rate and removing total suspended solids (TSS) from stormwater runoff. These basins, as well as a timely application of various erosion and sedimentation practices, will minimize the time that soils are exposed, control stormwater runoff, protect soils from erosive forces, protect surrounding property and preserve water quality. Below is a detailed description of the stormwater, erosion and sedimentation control techniques to be used at the MSWLF to protect the site and surrounding property. The best way to control sediment is to minimize erosion at its source. One way to minimize erosion is to control stormwater through the use of stormwater management structures in areas of concentrated water flows. In the design ofa landfill, stormwater must be controlled, collected and transported from the top of the landfill to the point where it exits the property. Stormwater which falls onto the top of a landfill or along its side slopes, will be collected by a series of side slope diversion berms and side slope downdrain pipes. Side slope diversion berms are vegetated earthen structures constructed across the landfill side slope. These are spaced every 20 - 40 vertical feet on the landfill side slope. The side slope diversion berms are constructed a minimum of 2' high and at a 2% slope along the stormwater pathway. The purpose of the side slope diversion berm is to reduce the slope length that stormwater runoff will travel as sheet flow, and move the stormwater to a side slope downdrain pipe. All landfill side slopes and berms will be grassed. Berms will be lined with a temporary liner, such as Excelsior Matting for temporary protection prior to pennanent vegetation being established. The side slope downdrain pipes will be used to transport runoff from points on the landfill to the bottom. These pipes will be 24" diameter corrugated HDPE pipe and will be sized to carry the runoff collected behind each berm while not exceeding 60% of the capacity of the 24" diameter pipe. The downdrain pipes will discharge into a stabilized open stormwater conveyance channel (SCC) system or directly into a drop inlet structure. A rip - rap apron will be placed at the outlet of each downdrain system to reduce the velocity of the concentrated pipe flow and prevent erosion at the outlet as it enters the stabilized SCC system at the toe of the waste footprint. Revised: October, 2005 East Carolina Regional Landfill HHNT Project No. 1001-354-01 Phase 4 Construction Permit — Stormwater Management Plan i The SCC system around the waste footprint collects all of the stormwater runoff from the outside edge of the access road around the landfill to the top of the landfill. These SCCs are 2' wide at the bottom, 4' deep and have 2:1 side slopes. All SCCs will be grassed. If velocities exceed 2 feet per second (i.e. scour velocity), temporary and/or permanent protective measures will be used to prevent scouring. These measures include temporary liners which are used to protect the SCC until the grass has time to grow and mature, and permanent SCC liners, such as stone rip -rap, concrete or special geotextile materials. These liners are discussed further in Section (e) of this document. The stormwater runofflias now been taken from areas on the landfill, along grassed diversion berms, through the downdrain pipe systems to the SCC system. The SCC system transports the stormwater by gravity to two wet detention basins. The stormwater is collected in drop inlets and transported across the access road and into the wet detention basins through drainage pipes. The inlets and pipes are sized to handle the 25 year - 24 hour storni event. Temporary drop inlet protections in the forms of sediment traps and silt fences are used around the drop inlet to collect sediment from upstream SCCs. These protections help keep sediment out of the drainage pipe system. The outlet of each drainage pipe entering the wet detention basins is also protected from soil scouring with a stone rip -rap apron. Two wet detention basins are to be used for final trapping and settlement of sediment. The basins are designed in accordance with the NCDENR Stormwater Best Management Practices Manual. Specific design specifications for each basin are included in this document. Based on the topography of the site and the design of the landfill, there are areas that will be disturbed and the stormwater runoff from these areas can not be diverted to one of the two wet detention basins. These areas include the outside cut and fill slopes on access roads and the wet detention basins. In order to control stormwater runoff and control erosion and sedimentation, all of these areas will be protected by the installation of silt fencing as well as being mulched and vegetated. Mulch helps to reduce runoff and erosion, conserve soil moisture, and prevent soil compaction and crusting. Each of these areas will be stabilized by using temporary and permanent grassing along with slope protective materials, such as Excelsior Matting, permanent erosion control pre -seeded blankets, channel liners, other types of erosion control blankets and mats, or a sprayed -on synthetic polyacrylamide polyamine "Silt Stop", if required. The polyamine chemically binds to the fine clay particles and prevents the particles from going into solution. In addition to the use of mulch, grassing and slope protective materials, all areas downhill of a disturbed area will be protected with silt fencing. Silt fencing will capture sediment and prevent it from leaving the site and entering any drainageways. Revised: October, 2005 East Carolina Regional Landfill HHNT Project No. 1001-354-01 Phase 4 Construction Pemi t — Stormwater Management Plan 2 r] Erosion and sedimentation control measures will be inspected routinely and after any significant rainfall events. Any damage observed will be repaired. Cleanout of sediment control structures will occur regularly to maintain the effectiveness of the structures. Sediment removed from these structures will be used as cover soils for the landfill waste. Silt fencing and drop inlet protection will remain in place until sediment contributing areas are stabilized. The site manager of the MSWLF will be responsible for the facility stonnwater, erosion and sedimentation control program. The address and telephone number of the manager is listed below: Mr. Bill Cooksey Republic Services of North Carolina, LLC East Carolina Regional Landfill 1922 Republican Road Aulander, NC 27805 Phone: 252-348-3322 Revised: October, 2005 East Carolina Regional Landfill HHNT Project No. 1001-354-01 Phase 4 Construction Permit— Stormwater Management Plan 3 • 0 • 2. STORMWATER MANAGEMENT CALCULATIONS Revised: October, 2005 HHNT Project No. 1001-354-01 East Carolina Regional Landfill Phase 4 Construction Permit — Stormwater Management Plan 4 a. Design Assumptions The following assumptions are used to size all downdrains, side slope berms, stormwater conveyance channels (SCC), and storm piping. 1) It is assumed that the surface of the landfill is 50% impervious. This fairly represents the observed amount of runoff from many closed landfills in the southeastern United States. 2) Downdrains are designed to flow approximately 60% full during the 25 year - 24 hour storm event. All proposed downdrain pipes are 24" diameter and all risers are 18" — 24" diameter. 3) Downdrain calculations are based on corrugated plastic pipe. 4) Stortn drainage flows were calculated using HYDRAFLOW and the SCS Method. 5) The Curve Number CN = 74 6) Estimated velocities of storm water: 5% slope on top of landfill = 1.5 fps along side slope berms = 3.0 fps in downdrain pipes = 12 fps down 3.5:1 side slopes = 3.9 fps 7) Side slope drainage berms shall be 24" deep and designed with a minimum of 2% slope. 8) Perimeter SCC shall be designed with a 2' minimum bottom width and 2:1 side slopes. 9) SCC with greater than 2.0 fps velocity shall be designed with SCC stabilization. 10) Shear stress for temporary ground cover in SCCs where the velocity exceeds 2.0 fps, shall be calculated to determine the type of SCC stabilization to be used. T=yxdxs y = 62.4 Ws. f. d = depth of flow s = slope of SCC, ft./ft. is Revised: October, 2005 East Carolina Regional Landfill HHNT Project No. 1001-354-01 Phase 4 Construction Permit — Stormwater Management Plan 5 • 0 11) Drop inlets shall be designed with a 4 foot square minimum inside dimension and 18" high opening on all 4 sides. 12) Manning's "n" for corrugated plastic downdrain pipe is: 12"-0.018 21"-0.020 15" - 0.018 24" - 0.020 18" - 0.020 13) Manning's "n" for concrete pipe is 0.013. 14) Manning "n" for corrugated metal pipe is 0.023. 15) See "Erosion Control Plan" sheet in the Phase 4 Engineering Plans for Drainage Structure Locations. Revised: October, 2005 HHNT Project No. 1001-354-01 East Carolina Regional Landfill Phase 4 Construction Permit — Stormwater Management Plan 6