HomeMy WebLinkAboutSW7020207_HISTORICAL FILE_20020405STORMWATER DIVISION CODING SHEET POST -CONSTRUCTION PERMITS PERMIT NO. SW DOC TYPE ❑ CURRENT PERMIT ❑ APPROVED PLANS HISTORICAL FILE DOC DATE YYYYMMDD 04/05/2002 15: DATE: TO: FAX: FROM: PROJE+ NUMBE ORIGIN 2522611760 FAX COVER rbAV#b IZYAOU 471 OF PAGES: ! ING FAX NUMBER. (252) 261-1760 COMMENTS; �?11 1,4j 1�or P"v4-rrArTlaotl Please call If you do not receive this fax entirely. PAGE 01 4417 N. Croatan tiwy. m PO, Uox 1066 ■ Kitty Hawk. NC: 27949 252-261-3266 0 Fax:252-261-1760 m E,mail: bpq-inc(0in1erpath.com 04/05/2002 15:5 2522611760 i BPG ING PAGE 02 2, If this aldicittionits being submitted as a result of a renewal or modification to an existing permit, list the oxiating r nit number SW7990422 and its issue date (if known) 3. Specify type of project (check one): Low Itrisity X High Density Redevelop. General Permit Other 4- Additiona Project Requirements (check applicable blanks): CAN A Major X Sediracritation/lErosion Control 404/401 Pernik NPDES Stour inforimmi an required state permit can be obtained by contacting the Customer Service, Center at 1-877-62 4748 Ill. PROJEC11' 114FORMATION I. In the spate provided below, summarize how stormwater will be treated. Also attach a detailed narrative (one to tw P pages) describing stormwater management for the project. Storn water runoff from all inl trvious surfaces will flow overland into vegetative filters that ill conveyflow, throw a velocitydissa ater into the wet detention basin 2. Stormwate r runoff from this project drains to the Minxes Creek/ Albemarle Sound River basin. 3. Total Proji 4t Area. 146.93 acres 4_ Project Built Upon Area: 55.10016 5. How many drainage areas does the project have? 2 6. Complete I he following information for each drainage area. if there are more than, two drainage areas in the project, attach an a Iditional shot with the information for each area provided in the same Format as below, e Area 2 Receiving tream Name Minus Creek Minxes Creek Receiving tmam Class SC SC Drainage rea 6.95 ac. 5.78 ac_ Existin I pervious' Area 0 0 Fro sed i pervious' Area 3.41 ac. 4.92 ac. % Im Area (total) 49.06°l0 85.12% i 9tnMame Jiro Prospa 1 drat a Area 2 Future, 4n- ite 9uildin 42691 sf or .98 ac. 14,400 ar .33 ac_ On -Site S is 88347 sf or 2.03 ac. 14,760 sf or .34 ac. On -Site P lag included above included above Other On- to (gravel drivt9/araa) 17,538 sf or .40 ac. t 84,995 sf or 4.25 ac. �=5ite 0 0 % IM ervi s• Area (total) 148,576 sf or 3.41 ac, 214,145 sf or 4.92 ac, *Impervio area is dOned as the built upon area including, but ppt limited to, buildings, roads, parking areas, aidewpflu,,ravel areas, etc. (See associated calculations for a detailed description of the proposed 'impervious areas) Form SWU•10t Version 3,99 Pagc 2 of 4 04105/2032 15: 5 • 9�71 2522611760 BPG INC Albemarle Plantation Commercial Tract High Density Stormwater Calculations PAGE 03 4/5/2002 11➢toiainrater Omen StormrArea StormnwaretM Tots! D� On-site Drain Off -Site Drai Total Drainag Sof * Report tat Calealations 1.0 im rainfall event 15A NG4C 2X.1005 3(b) 12.73 ac. 0 ac. 12.73 ac. Soil Type' Roanoke lnflltrat on Rat ' (11R) .6-2.0 in/hr. Seasonal High Water Table Elev,"' 1.5 fr_ below existi►vggrrtde *Taken from th Soil Survey Manual, U.S. Dept. of Agriculture *"Data taken m On -Site Field Investigation Rational MedJ Runoff Coefficients Type of Surfa e C Facto For all watertighlroof surfaces 0,75 to 0,95 halt pav Famoderiately ants 0-80 to 0.95 Fcrete ps mants 0.70 to C.90 Fvel pave nts 0.35 to 0.70 Ene ave ant 0.15 to 0.25 Tne pe t 0.25 to 0.60 ';Forpervious ails (heavy) 0.40 to - 0.65 'pervious ails, with turf 0.30 to 0.55 'htly pe us Solis 0.15 to 0.40 'htly pe s soils, with turf 0,10 to 0.30 'derately rvious soils 0,05 to 0.20 'For moderately kervious soils,w/ turf 0.00 to 0.10 -1-or slopes Tro I W to lI/a Too # of Drm Imam 111mins 2 Drainage Basin ea 01 6.95 ac. Drainage Basin Area #2 5.78 ac. 12.73 ac. erifptiotr Arta FT' Factor ® Adj_ Imperviam Area (FT 2) Gravel !trkina & Drives 125 765 1.00 125.765 Off! Building11891 1.00 11,891 Maint Hance Yard 50,585 1:00 50,585 Storafwe Buildings- 30,800 1.00 30,800 Conc to Sidewalk 2,000 1.00 2,000 Mainten rice Buildings* 14,400 1,00 14,400 Gravel RN oat Storage Area 134,400 1.00 134 400 Proposea an Future ueveiopment Imperrio Cu eragrr Total 369,841 AdjrctW] ima Coverap Total 369,841 2.89 ac. 0,27 ac. 1.16 ac_ 0,71 ac. 0.05 ac. 0.33 ac_ 3.09 ac. 8.49 ac. 8,49 ac. 04/05/2002 15: 5 . I • 3471 lJ 2522611760 BPG INC Albemarle Plantation Commercial Tract Higd Density Storkbwater Calculations PAGE 04 4/5/2002 Total Project A ra (0 Z) � Calculated 1 rvious Coverage 554,519 369,$41 12.73 ac. 8.49 Percent imperil ►usq) C6-7 ✓ ac. % Rv = .05+ .00 (I) 0.65 Required Fond otuMC (ft3) (PV) = (l'y12")xR , xl)A t 0 p49 fi a Proposed Pond Depth 4.0 Use S-41DA Tall le for 65%a TSS Removal for a basin depth of 4') SA/IM 4.1 % by interpolation Pout Area Req fired (SA) = DA x SA/DA <35 ft Y Surface Area ided @ Permanent Pool Elevation (SA OD 25 225 ft z Surface Area ided }Surface Area Req'd YES Existing Grou Elevation (approx.) 11.0 fr. mull Permanent Pool Elevation (approx.) 9.5 ft, mil Depth of TeMpi rapy Pool Storage (PV/Sa 0) 1.16 ft. mst Temporary Pooli Elevation (approx) 10.0 fr. Proposed Temp wary Pool Stu face Ama (&1 �) 30,357 ft 2 Proposed Basin Atom Elevation (TPo,„) 0.00 ft. msl Total Storage V fume Provided (SV) 30,050 ft 3 Storage Volume vided>StorageVolumBReq'd YES Faftboy Cal Otis Volume Provid @a Permanent Pool Elevation (V�) 86,202 ft z Fombay lrolurne equired = (15% of Perm. Pool Elevation) = 12,930 fr z Forebay Volume�^rauided . = (@ 3' Depth)-- Z2 822 fr Drr' dmm Cai�tttiona ()*.wda,.. = (Sv eriod of Time) Total Storage Va Provided 30,050 ft 3 224,790 gal. Q=11.79dahi h = 112 of the sin 'c head measured from the temp, pool elevation to the cl of the oriflce Q 2r - 0:174 cfs 78.08 8PM Q M.y = 0.070 eft 31.23 vrn Calculate a 2"4di�erer orifice Q= 47.16 gpm Is the drawdod between 2-S days YES Drawdown Pe 4766.53 min. Drawdown Pe 3.31 days Drawdown Pes K 5 days OX Additional Sidra" Calculations Hadn . olume (PV) Infiltration Swale(SW) Area ofPon Temp. Pools (sf) 30,357 Avg.Depth (in.) = 18 Area of Pond Top of Slope = (sf) 32,708 Length (11) = 5010 Average Poo Arca = Sum/2 (ft.) 31,533 Flow Area (ft)a 6.75 Average P 1 Depth = (ft-) 0.34 Volume (lt 3) = 33,K1,7.5 Sto .. ,- Volume (Avg. Pool Are "Pool De th W = 10 721 Additional Stn ge Prorldvd ( ) 44,539 1.48 in. na 409 event 3471 Albemarle Plantation Commercial Tract High Density Stormwater Calculations 1/21/2002 Total Project Arecr (Jt ') 1 Z .7 7 554,316 Calculated Impervious Coverage Percent Impeivioits(1) � • �. 305,291 55.1 Ry _ ' Ost .DOQ� `S Rv = .05+ .009(1) 0.55 Required Pond Volume (ft3) (1'V) _ (1 "112")vR "xDA 1 1 25,207 Proposed Pond Depth 6 i - j3)(0103) (0(43 %') 4.0 Use SA/DA Table ft)r 85% T.S.S Removal for a basin depth. of 4') SAI DA 3.4 % Pond Area Required (SA) = DA x .SA/DA 0 jacr- 18,847 SatfaceAi-ea Provided @ Penrratietit Pool Elevcrtioti (SA,n) 4?K 25,825 Stuface Area Provided>StufaceArea Req'd YES Existing Ground Elevation (approx.) 11.0 Permanent Pool Elevation (approx.) 9.5 Depth of Temporary Pool Storage (I'VISa pp) 0.98 T empormy foot Elevation. (approx.) .r 10.0 Proposed Temporary Pool Stu face Area (SA ,v) 30,357 Proposed Basin Bottom Elevation (77-'ere,.) 0.00 Total Storage Volume Provided (SV) 28,091 StorugeVolttme Provided>Storage Volume Req'd YES Forebay Calculations 12.73 ac. 7.01 tic. ft 3 30 0*3 -Ff; ( ( ,VOL) ji. by interpolation 5 a, It z ft2 = A msl ft. »rsl ntsl ft. 2 5A- IWOV t fi. msl Ir 3 h q'ej 'r 7W 31b v ' Sur face Area Provided a Permanent Pool Elevation (SA PP) 25,825 ft z Forebay Volume Required = (20% of Perm. Pool Elevation) - 5,165 f't 2 Forebay Volume Provided = (c@i 3'Depth) y% 12,822 ft 2 Drawdown Calculations Qd,a.d..,, _ (SV/Period of Time) Total .Storage Volume Provider! 28,091 ft s 210,135 gal. Q=11.79dzh112 h = 112 of the static !read, measured from the temp. pool elevation to the cl of the orifice Q zr!«v = 0.163 cfs 72.99 8em Q 5,try = 0.065 cfs 29.20 gpin Calculate a 2" diameter orifice Q= 47.16 gpnr Is the drawdown period between 2-5 days YES Drawdown Period 4455.79 min. Drawdown Period 3.09 clays Drawdown Period is < 5 days Q.K. Additional Storage Calculations Basin Volume (PV) Infiltration Swale(SW) Area of Pond Temp. Pool = (s1) 30,357 Avg.Depth (in.) = 18 Area of Pond Top of Siope = (st) 32,708 Length (U.) = 5010 Average Pool Area = Sum/2 (ft.) 31,533 Flow Area (ft'") = 6.75 Average Pool Depth = (ft.) 0.5 Volume (ft i) = 33,817.5 Storage Volume (Avg. Pool Area * Pool Depth)(ft)= 15,766 Additional Storage Provided (ft) = 49,584 1.97 in. rainfall event 3 d 3s 7 Vb/ ?"-I- 3471 Albemarle Plantation Commercial Tract High Density Stormwater Calculations 1 j2ll2002 Stormwater Management Calculations Design Storm Event 1.0 in. rainfall event Stormwater Management 15A NCAC 2H.1005 3(b) Total Drainage Area On -site Drainage Area 12.73 ac. Off -Site Drainage Area •0 ac. Total Drainage Area 12.73 ac. Soils Report Data Soil Type* Roanoke Infiltration Rate' (IR) .6-2.0 in/hr. Seasonal High Water Table Elev."* 1.5 f. below existing grade *Taken from the Soil Survey Manual, U.S. Dept. ofAgriculture **Data taken from On -Site Field Investigation Rational Method Runoff Coefficients TYPe of Surface C Factor For all watertight roof surfaces 0.75 to 0.95 For asphalt pavements 0.80 to 0.95 For concrete pavements 0.70 to 0.90 For gravel pavements 0.35 to 0.70 Eco-Stone pavement 0.15 to 0.25 Turfstone pavement 0.25 to 0.60 'For impervious soils (heavy) 0.40 to 0.65 'For impervious soils, with turf 0.30 to 0.55 *For slightly pervious soils 0.15 to 0.40 'For slightly pervious soils, with turf 0.10 to 0.30 'For moderately pervious soils 0.05 to 0.20 *For moderately pervious soils,wl turf 0.00 to 0A0 F-or slopes from 1 uio to �e io Total # of Drainage Basins Drainage Basin Area #1 Drainage Basin Area #2 2 6.95 ac. 3 3 a.e, 5.78 ac. Description Area (FT z) Factor OO Adj.Impervioas Area (FT 1 } Gravel Parking & Drives 125,765 0.70 88,036 Office Building 11,891 0.95 11,296 Maintenance Yard 50,585 0.70 35,410 Storage Buildings 30,800 0.95 29,260 Concrete Sidewalk 2,000 0.90 1,800 Maintenance Buildin s" 14,400 0.95 13,680 Gravel RN Boat Storage Area 134,400 0.70 94,080 On -site Green Area 158,650 0.20 31,730 Pond Surface Area 1 25,825 0.00 0 w f✓roposeo and ruture uevelopment Impervious Coverage Total 554,316 Adjusted Impervious Coverage Total 3x9W(849 &C-) 305,291 RECE16 ED v FBA V1 2002 DWQ-WARD 2.02 ac. 0.26 ac. 0.81 ac. 0.67 ac. 0.04 ac. 0.31 ac. 2.16 ac. 0.73 ac. see calculation below 12.73 ac. 7.01 ac. ALBEMARLE PLANTATION COMMERCIAL PHASE BETHEL TOWNSHIP-PERQUIMANS COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA RECEIVED NOTES & SUPPORTING CALCULATIONS , FEBr 1 '`2002 1. A. Project Name: B. Developer: C. Project Description: D. Nearest Receiving Stream: E. Classification of Water Bodies: F. Project Area: Albemarle Plantation Commercial Phase 1-111'13 Enterprises c/o Mr. Elwood Perry One Plantation Drive Hertford, N.C. 27944 252-426-4653 DWQ-WARO Roadway and Drainage Infrastructure Improvements Minzes Creek/Albemarle Sound SC 6,400,376 ft.2 (146.93 ac.) G. Proposed Impervious Coverage: Gravel Parking & Drives = Concrete Sidewalks = Maintenance Yard = Office Building = Maintenance Buildings* — Gravel R/V Boat Storage* — Storage Buildings = * includes all proposed and future development Total Impervious Coverage: 125,765 ft.2 = 2.88 ac. 2,000 ft.2 = .04 ac. 50,585 ft.2 = .81 ac. 11,891 ft.2 = .27 ac. 14,400 ft.2 = .31 ac. 134,400 ft.2 = 2.16ac. 30,800 ft.2 = .67 ac. 369,841 ft.2 = 8.49 ac. H. %o Impervious Coverage: 5 5. 1 %, (see cales.) Stormwater Management Narrative: RECEIVE® FEB S" - 2002 The following is a modification of the previously approved NCDENR Stormwater permit No. SW7990422 for the Albemarle Plantation Commercial Phase. The proposed modification provides for the addition of a U-Store-It Complex in conjunction with supplemental RN Boat Storage area and improved Maintenance Facility. This project primarily consists of the construction of gravel roadway and drainage infrastructure improvements to service the development of the proposed office, storage complex and maintenance facility. The site is located along Holiday Island Road (S.R. 1429), within the Albemarle Plantation residential development, in Bethel Township, Perquimans County, North Carolina. The site is located across the intersection of S.R. 1429 and S.R. 1347. Site soils are mainly composed of Roanoke silty loams described as nearly level, poorly drained surface soils over a loamy or clayey subsoil (as per Currituck County Soil Survey Manual dated 1979). A site visit on 6/11/99 provided inconclusive evidence on the location of the seasonal high water table. Soil borings sampled produced heavy clay layer, to a depth of 52" plus, with no evidence of groundwater. This may be attributed to the inability for the groundwater to penetrate the heavy clay layer located in the location of the proposed pond. Therefore, a soil boring that was taken on 418I99, producing a water table depth of 18" from the existing ground surface will be utilized for the approximate seasonal high water table, (the location of the boring was in the proximity of the existing ditch running perpendicular to the southern boundary line). The site can be described as nearly level with existing drainage ditches located along the northern and southern boundary lines. The site has recently been cleared and graded to serve the future construction. Drainage swales have been constructed along the access road to the site to serve as temporary stormwater measures for runoff from all impervious surfaces. All development activities are to be designed in conformity with the requirements for application and issuance of permits for stormwater management systems in pursuant with rules .1003 and .1005 in accordance with G.S. 143-215.1 and 15A NCAC 2H .0200 as set forth. These requirements are designed to control pollutants associated with stormwater runoff applicable to development of land for residential, commercial, industrial, or institutional uses. The developmental activities as described above have been designed in compliance with the requirements as set forth in stormwater management within coastal counties Rule .1005, section 3, subparagraph B: W Control systems must be infiltration systems, wet detention ponds, or alternative stormwater management control systems designed in accordance with Rule .1008; (ii) Control systems must be designed to control runoff from all surface generated by one inch of rainfall. II. Stormwater Management Narrative (con't): Stormwater runoff from all impervious surfaces will sheet flow into roadway swales before eventually routed and discharged into the proposed stormwater detention pond. The proposed swales consist mainly of broad, shallow, vegetative filters constructed with approximately 3:1 side slopes. Longitudinal slopes are kept relatively flat, (0.1 % - 0.2% slope), to provide for low velocity flow, thereby aiding infiltration and sediment removal. Enhanced removal efficiency from stormwater runoff will be achieved through a minimum filtration length of 100 feet before being deposited into the detention pond. Vegetative filters have been designed in accordance with the "vegetative filter" definition defined in Rule .1002 of Subchapter 2H Procedures for Permits: Approvals, Stormwater Management Rules, September 1, 1995. The site has been divided into (2) drainage basins to clearly define the path of the stormwater runoff (please refer to plan sheet 3471comml for the delineation of the proposed drainage basins). Basin # 1 (Proposed Residence and Gravel Drive) The 6.95 acre area delineated as Basin #1 of the Commercial Phase consists of the following: proposed construction of gravel drives and parking with associated drainage infrastructure to serve the development of a proposed office building and U-Store-It Complex. To manage stormwater runoff from the proposed roadway and building construction, rainfall will sheet flow from the proposed impervious surfaces to the roadway and parking lot perimeter drainage swales. Stormwater runoff will gravity flow primarily to the north, (see drainage flow areas for detailed routing on plan sheet 3471comml), whereupon it will connect with an adjacent drainage swale, by way of HDPE poly culverts, bordering the proposed commercial development drive. Stormwater will drain through this swale section in an easterly direction until it is deposited through a flow control baffle measure into the stormwater detention basin, (reference drawing 3471comml & 2 for detailed drainage flow and detail sections). The remaining portion of runoff will be conveyed through the commercial drive along the southern portion of the site. Drainage will be channeled, through several culvert pipes, in an easterly direction prior to being transmitted in a northerly direction within the roadway drainage swale network. Runoff will finally be conveyed across the commercial drives and into the wet detention basin by way of a flow baffle control measure, (see drainage flow areas for detailed routing on plan sheet 3471comml). Basin # 2 (Proposed Gravel Parking & Drive The 5.78 acre area delineated as Basin #2 of the Commercial Phase is comprised of the construction of a of gravel drives with associated drainage infrastructure to serve the development of the RN Boat Storage Complex in conjunction with the proposed Maintenance Facility. To manage stormwater runoff from the proposed commercial development, rainfall will sheet flow from all proposed impervious surfaces to the perimeter drainage swales located along the north and south sides of the proposed development. Stormwater runoff will gravity flow to the west, whereupon it will change direction and flow in a northerly direction, through several poly culvert pipes, until it is deposited through a flow control baffle measure into the proposed stormwater detention basin, (see drainage flow areas for detailed routing on plan sheet 3471comml). Stormwater Management Narrative (con't): Stormwater runoff from all impervious surfaces will be collected and conveyed into a wet detention basin. The following details the design of the wet detention basin: 1) Designed with a temporary pool designed to detain the runoff volume from the first inch of rain over all impervious surfaces. a) Required storage from all impervious surfaces = 25,207ft2 b) Provided storage from all impervious surfaces = 28,091 ftz 2) Provision of adequate pond surface area to exceed the minimum requirements a) Required permanent pool surface area = 18,847 ftz b) Provided permanent pool surface area = 25,824 f:2 3) Designed for removal of 85% Total Suspended Solids, 4) Average permanent pool depth of 4 feet. 5) Provide a forebay volume equivalent to 20% of the total basin volume a) Required forebay volume = 5,165 W b) Provided forebay volume = 12,822 fO 6) Provide an inlet structure to minimize turbulence using baffles 7) Provide a vegetative shelf around the perimeter of the basin at a slope of 6:1 8) Provide pond side slopes of no steeper than 3:1 The following measures will be provided to control the conveyance of stormwater from the wet detention basin: 1) Provide an outlet device for the release of the temporary pool over a period of 3 days. 2) A 4" diameter emergency drain is provided to drain the temporary pool in less than a 24-hour time period. 3) Provide an emergency swale spillway for flood protection 4) Provide an emergency riser spillway for flood protection I u Count '� NONl CdIOLfl3 �� - �'�'r • `. - •_. OTR -l". DE SCR_____ GD.-CD. LEH' WID :---R A 1 i-_ rnF-M. ne .NC Zrou Fa-roo OUTS LDE ST. SE CONDARf PAVED 2-0082-0014K x nxr T n r T y� O 260950 NO YES HO HO NO ' HAH NB ITE 4 m - IDAY LANE R - - g : rAL'BEMARLEPLANTATION PROPERTY A e c @ ERS ASSOCIATION'INC LAKESIDE DRIVE =fTFORD, MC 27944 �OVT IV lO /!Gr $0 :BUILDING-INFORMATION--SO%FT- -_--R.'A T E---- -V. A-L U=E-=- RULO eRrrRmnre �4WDI*s. @_ .00 nrnrco s�Tn 0 _ •D0 VNMfYlT ED 6S TA F0 @ _ T.. _ _ .OD I.&IEDG5ENEX G0 @ •pq uxffN6ilwI UE 40 FWUI FD i0 —.00� FNER0 m 60 @ .00 +un coxoDoxnec 00 @ .00 vnrfos i0 @ 0 — @ ,DO _ CFIADE FlCTOfI 0: 00 00— @ .00 DgRMr TON MMR 0.0000000 _ @ -_.00— --� ()16f^rEfF R 0.0000000 _ - -T $0 @ ao ouG nfrreo wv-t PEI0 •Do @ .00 @ .00 ,-L,A;N, DF,•.T Y. P.IE--=UNI S,'-----RATE--FAC.--ADS.-----6V`A'L.W E--_, RATE-.?FAC:-LAPIDUSE PC POTENTIAL DEV/ 5.26 1, 900 1.38 13,792 4.0 0 40 �= -- ---- 40 0 40 i. 0 40 40 0---4 0 v_ FD 0 40 _ Fcns 5. 26 FR CE rER �C. 42,623.57 Toru+ruo OFF D 13800 vuu $0 ■ u " !DATE 3 2013 Fu.DwOv OF i0 MMI 1 I OUTIuIDm MUE1f0 SET OUT FOR2013;FROX 708 FOR2010/11 PARCELS;FROL APH II FOR2014; T.;;;A $13,8001 Perquimans County, North Carolina - Property Values Page 1 of 1 Perquimans County, North Carolina Property Values and Property Cards Displaying I Search Result. Search Again - Print Results Name & Address Parcel Desc Values ALBEMARLE PLANTATION Map: 2-0082-0014K Land: $13,800.00 PROPERTY Pin: Land Use: OWNERS ASSOCIATION INC Account: 260958 Irnprv: 128 LAKESIDE DRIVE Acres: 5.26 Bldg: HERTFORD, NC 27944 Sale Year: 2013 Total Taxable Value: GRAHAM WHITE Sale Price: $21999 HOLIDAY LANE View Property Card - Print ProL)eiiy Card Search Agmin - Print Results Disclaimer !?very Reasonable Effort has been made to assure the Accuracy of these maps and associated data, Perquimans County, North Carolina and Pearson Appraisal Assume no liability arising from use of these Values or Data contained on this website. The values and property data is provided without warranty of any kind either expressed or implied, including, but not limited to, the implied warrantees of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. http://www.co.perquimans.nc.us/taxcards/index.php?mode=search&term=2-0082-0014K 4/26/2016 Pagel of 3 Layers n - Properties Name Value r.3 4 .:,", i Featld 12487 PARCEL_ID 2-0082-0014K PIN 7866-87-0462 ACCT 026095 � �. . � .,,� ft:� ,, 1� � • ^' � .,� 0; ALBEMARLE v tie �' NAME PLANTATION ;. + �' i" fLx PROPERTY „" L . ADDRESS _1 (OWNERS ASSOCIATION jr ''. �• • Y yr ':r - ADDRESS 2 128 LAKESIDE DRIVE c ADDRESS_3 HERTFORD, NC 27944 DESCR GRAHAM WHITE X 1'F sriMrvr TOWNSHIP BETHEL , .' _ i �.r TAX_VAL 16300 ►_°� �:�1,+c �� " LAND USE_V `� `i'+ �,1; -, •� l }_ DEED ACRE 5.26 DATE SOLD 19870824 », • DEED _BK_1 125 DEED—PG-1 146 .,. , „�' ; '.+ Y + y • 1 }, DEED _BK_2 310 DEED—PG-2 403I', DEED_BK 3 411 DEED _PG_3 560;� PLAT CAB 3 PLAT SLIDE 110 :y�r� �/ at` ,' Ty*t ` �r 'I1, PLAT MAP 0 * �' `� 'fir' •� \'� � �} ^i���. WILL YR E .V WILL FILE 0 REC DATE 20130115 http://pergimanscountygis.comhnapguide/mapviewemet/mapframe.aspx?MAPDEF NITIO... 7/3 1/2015 Page 2 of 3 SIj 7U;--0�L-197 http://pergimanscountygis.com/mapguide/mapviewemet/mapframe.aspx?MAPDEFINITIO... 7/31 /2015 Page 3 of 3 http://pergimanscountygis.comlmapguide/mapviewemet/mapframe.aspx?MAPDEFINITIO... 7/31 /2015 The cwtdltww ® Hand Delivered ❑ Over-Nite Mail ❑ Faxed ❑ Mailed ❑ Office Pick -Up DATE: January 30,2002 TO: Mr. William Moore NCDFNR Division of Water Quality 943 Washington Sq. Mall Washington, NC 27889 PROJECT NO.: 3471 PROJECT: Albemarle Plantation Commercial Phase FOR YOUR: ❑ Review ❑ Review & Comments ❑ Use ❑ Other El Sets Description 2 Roadway & Drainage lnfrastrueture Improvements I Application; Calculations & Narrative I Application lee Comments: if you have any comments or questions, please feel free to contact me. Sincerely, BISSELL PROFESSIONAL GROUP David-M. R, Project Man RECEIVED FEB -- 1 2002 DWQ-WARD WTM 4417 N. Croatan Hwy. ■ P.O. Box 1068 ■ Kitty Hawk, NC 27949 252-261-3266 ■ Fax: 252-261-1760 ■ E-mail: bpg@bissellprotessionalgroup.com