HomeMy WebLinkAboutSW6121104_HISTORICAL FILE_20121120STORMWATER DIVISION CODING SHEET POST —CONSTRUCTION PERMITS PERMIT NO. SW Z�s DOC TYPE ❑CURRENT PERMIT ❑ APPROVED PLANS HISTORICAL FILE DOC DATE &ZQ)z Z621C YYYYMMDD 0576 R� �a�'� �'j}{rjC�3� P9. 596 PREPARED BY: F. STUART RECEIVED 1.2--18 -toot AM 10:02, 12 oz'm GEORGE E. TA o � >z m m N `i S CUMBERLAND CO., N.C. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COMMISSIONER'S DEED COUNTY OF CUMBERLAND 5 b b 16 This deed, made this 12th day of November, 2001, by F. Stuart Clarke, Commissioner, to ALFRED R. PITTMAN and wife, SANDRA C. PITTMAN, whose address is 2012 Crystal Springs Road, Fayetteville, NC 28306; WITNESSETH That whereas F. Stuart Clarke was appointed comrissioner under an order ofthe District Court of Cumberland County, North Carolina, in the tax foreclosure proceeding entitled "County of Cumberland vs. Hilliard Hudson Wolfe, III" [File #00 CVD 83471, and F. Stuart Clarke was directed by the order as commissioner to sell the property hereinafter described at public sale aRer due advertisement according to law, and Whereas F. Stuart Clarke, commissioner, did on the 14th day of November, 2001, offer the land hereinafter described at a public sale at the Cumberland County Courthouse door, in Fayetteville, North Carolina, and ALFRED R. PITTMAN and wife, SANDRA C. PITTMAN became the last and highest bidder for said land for the sum of $14,100.00; and no upset or increased bid having been made within the time allowed by law, and the sale having been confirmed, and F. Stuart Clarke, commissioner, having been ordered to execute a deed to the purchaser upon payment of the purchase money; Now, in consideration of the premises and the sum of $14,100.00, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, F. Stuart Clarke, commissioner, does, by these presents, hereby bargain, sell, grant, and convey to AI,FRED R. PIT WLkN and wife, SANDRA C. PITTMAN, and their successors, heirs and assigns, that property situated in Cumberland County, North Carolina, and described as follows: LOT 1: Beginning at a stake in the western margin of McMillan Street, it being the southeast corner of Lot 82, and runs thence with the eastern margin of McMillan Street, South 26 degrees 55 minutes West 50 feet to a stake, the ~ northeast corner of Lot 84; thence with a line of Lot 94, North 63 degrees 57 ominutes West 135.5 feet to a stake in a lineof Lot 96; thence North 27 degrees 47 La minutes East 50 feet to a stake, a southwest corner of Lot 82; thence with a line of Lot 82 South 63 degrees 57 minutes East 134,8 feet to a stake in the western margi of McMillan Street, THE BhGINNING and being Lot 83, Map # I of the survey of the C-B_ McMillan Lands, said maps beig duly regstered in Plat Books #7, page 116, Cumberland County Registery, North Carolina, LOT 2: Beginning at an iron pipe, this point being a corner of W.D. Canady's tract of land recorded in Book 2002, Page 77, Cumberland County Registry. Also being the Northeast corner tithe tract of land of which this is a part. Thence with a Western line of W.D. Candy s tract of land South 18 degrees 03 tninute's West 378.77 feet to an iron pipe set in the Northeastern R/W margin of North Carolina State Road No. 2252. Thence continuing with said line South 18 degrees 03 minutes West 35.00 feet to a railroad spike in the center line of North Carolina State Road No. 2252. Thence with the center line of North Carolina State Road No. 2252 North 40 degrees 57 minutes West 803.35 feet to a railroad spike, a point in the Northern line of the tract of land which this is a part. Also being a point in a Southern line of W.D. Canady's tract of land. Thence with W.D. Canady's line South 71 degrees 57 minutes East 58.24 feet to an iron pipe in the Northwestern R/W margin of North Carolina State Road No. 2252. Thence Ei< CD � o 5634 0577 05634PG0577 continuing with said Canady line South 71 degrees 57 minutes Fast 630.27 feet to the point of beginning containing 3.27 acres more or less. The above parcel of land lying on the Eastern side of North Carolina State Road No. 2252 and being pan of a tract of land recorded in Book 499, Page 290, Cumberland County Registry. This conveyance is made subject to county and city property taxes, the payment of which shall be assumed by the purchaser. To have and to hold the aforesaid tract of land, to ALFRED R. PiTTMAN and wife, SANDRA C. PITTMAN, and their successors, heirs and assigns forever, in as full and ample manner as F. Stuart Clarke, commissioner, is authorized and empowered to convey the same. in witness whereof, F. Stuart Clarke, commissioner, has hereunto set his or her hand and seal. (SEAL) F. STUART CLARKE Commissioner STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF MOORE 1, MARY K. LATHAM, of the above county and state, do hereby cenify that F ;STUA4T CLARKE, Commissioner, grantor, personally appeared before me this day and ackntiwrl0ged;the,• execution of the foregoing deed. Witness my hand and official seat this 121h day of December, 2001. My conunission expires 6115/2003. w... Notary Pub i The foregoing Certi certified ro tsc catew. This instrument and that�eniFicate are duly registered at the date and time and in the Rnnh and Page shown on the first page t nts.r, r.. rAt nt REGISTER Or MEW FOR C MBER1,AND ISy _, . _ — _.1_x_w—n thpuy/Aa6m n+ . Register of [hods North Carolina Secretary of State Page I of I North Carolina Elaine F. Marshall DEPARTMENT OFTME Secretary SECRETARY oFr STATE PO Box.29622 Raleigh. NC 2762"622 (919)807.2000 Date: 2/22/2012 Click here to: View Document Filings I Sign Up for E-Notifications 1 i Pre -populated Annual Report Fillable PDF Form I File an Annual Report I Corporation Names Name Name Type NC PAR 5 DEVELOPMENT GROUP, LEGAL L.L.C. Limited Liability Company Information SOSI D: 1043159 Status: Current -Active Effective Date: 5/13/2008 Annual Report Due Date: Citizenship: DOMESTIC State of Inc.: NC Duration, 12J31/2058 Annual Report Status: CURRENT Registered Agent Agent Name: CLODFELTER, BRIAN R. Office Address: 2860-B NC HWY 5 ABERDEEN NC 28315 Mailing Address: 2860-B NC HWY 5 ABERDEEN NC 28315 Principal Office Office Address: 2860-B NC HWY 5 ABERDEEN NC 28315 Mailing Address: 2860-B NC HWY 5 ABERDEEN NC 28315 Officers Title: MANAGER Name: BRIAN R CLODFELTER Business Address: 136 BARNES PT. WEST END NC 27376 Title: MANAGER Name: RUDY L PITTMAN Business Address: 15 OAKMONT CIRCLE PINEHURST NC 28374 Nov i ZI,�z D[=NR - WRTI QUALITY 'ands S str r„� _�_ This website is provided to the public as a part of the Secretary of State Knowledge Base (SOSKS) system. Version: 2194 http://www.secretary.state.nc.us/corporation.VCorp.aspx?Pitemid=8808107 2/22/2012 AGREEMENT FOR PURCHASE AND SALE OF REAL PROPERTY THIS AGREEMENT including any and all addenda attached hereto ("Agreement'), Is by and between PAR 5 DEVELOPMENT LLC ("Buyer"), and ALFRED R. PITTMAN AND WIFE, SANDRA C. PITTMAN ("Seller"), FOR AND IN CONSIDERATION OF THE MUTUAL_ PROMISES SET FORTH HEREIN AND OTHER GOOD AND VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, THE RECEIPT AND SUFFICIENCY OF WHICH ARE HEREBY ACKNOWLEDGED, THE PARTIES HERETO AGREE AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Terms and Definitions: The terms listed below shall have the respective meaning given them as set forth adjacent to each term. (a) "Prosy": (Address) Chicken Foot Road, Mope Mills, Cumberland County, North Carolina. (Legal Description) A roximateIV 2.80 acres, Parcel ID_# 0423-50-1057-, located on Chicken Foot Road near the intersection of Sand Hill Road. Hooe Mills, Cumberland County, North Carolina, as outlined in red and more particularly described on Exhibit A, which is attached to and made a part of this agreement. ® If this box is checked, "Property" shall mean that properly described on Exhibit A attached hereto and Incorporated herewith by reference as if fully set forth herein, together with all buildings and improvements thereon and all fixtures and appurtenances thereto and all personal property, if any, itemized on Exhibit A. $ 320.000 (b) "Purchase Price" shall mean the sum of Three Hundred Twenty Thousand Dollars, payable on the following terms: $ 5,000 (i) "Earnest Money" shall mean Five Thousand Dollars or terms as follows: Upon acceptance of this contract, the Earnest Money shall be promptly deposited in escrow with Robbins. May & Rich, LLP (name of person/entity with whom deposited), to be applied as part payment of the Purchase Price of the Properly at Closing, or disbursed as agreed upon under the provisions of Section 9 herein. Upon the expiration of the Examination Period, the Earnest Money shall become non-refundable to Buyer but shall apply to the Purchase Price. ® ANY EARNEST MONEY DEPOSITED BY BUYER IN A TRUST ACCOUNT MAY BE PLACED IN AN INTEREST BEARING ACCOUNT. ANY INTEREST EARNED THEREON SHALL BELONG TO THE ACCOUNT HOLDER IN COSIDERATION OF THE EXPENSES INCURRED BY MAINTAINING SUCH ACCOUNT AND RECORDS ASSOCIATED THEREWITH. $ NIA ii) Proceeds of a new Loan in the amount of NIA Dollars for a term of NIA years, at an Interest rate not to NIA % per annum with mortgage loan discount points not to exceed ,_NIA % of the loan amount; Buyer shall pay all costs associated with any such loan. $ NIA (ill) Delivery of a promissory note secured by a deed of trust, said promissory note in the amo t of NIA Dollars being payable over NIA months In equal monthly installments of principal ith accrued interest on the outstanding principal balance at the rate of N/A percen _ , with the first principal payment beginning on the first day of the mon rand f Closing. At any time, the promissory note may be prepaid in whole or in h tho t . �cp:�.• I ors) ffilyerliiitinlst—� t� Seller3 lia1 further interest on the amount prepaid from the dale of such prepayment. A partial prepayment will be credited against the next Installment of principal due, In the event of Buyer's subsequent default upon a promissory note and deed of trust given hereunder, Seller's remedies will be limited to foreclosure of the Property. $ NIA (iv) Assumption of that unpaid obligation of Seller secured by a deed of trust on the Property, such obligation having an outstanding principal balance of $ NIA and evidenced by a note bearing interest at the rate of NIA percent ( NIA %) per annum, or NIA . $ 315,000(v) Cash, balance of Purchase Price, at Closing in the amount of Three Hundred Fifteen Thousand Dollars. (c) "Closine" shall mean the date and time of recording of the deed. Closing shall occur on or before thirty (30) days after the expiration of the Examination Period. At Buyer's election, Closing may occur on an earlier date, with ten days advance notice to Seller. (d) "Contract Dato" means the date this Agreement has been fully executed by both Buyer and Seller. (e) "Examination Period" shall mean the period beginning on the Contract Data and extending until September 30, 2012. The Buyer shall have the option to extend the Examination Period for two additional thirty (30) day periods upon the payment of additional Earnest Money in the amount of $2,000 for each requested extension. The additional Earnest Money shall be non-refundable to Buyer but shalt apply to the Purchase Price. TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE AS TO THE EXAMINATION PERIOD. (f) "Brokers shall mean: Jonathan Jordan with Clift Commercial Real Estate Services representing the Seller and None representing the Buyer. Al closing, Seller shall pay such brokers a commission pursuant to a separate agreement. Buyer and Seller represent and warrant that there are no other real estate brokers or sales agents involved in this transaction and Buyer and Seller agree to indemnify the other against any commission, finder's fees, expenses and other charges claimed by real estate brokers other than those stated above. (g) "Intended Use" shall mean the use of the Property for the following purpose: retail sales and general commercial uses, (h) "Seller's Notice Address" shall be as follows: Mr. & Mrs. Alfred R. Pittman 2012 Crystal Springs Road Fayetteville, NC 28306 except as same may be changed pursuant to Section 11. (€) "Buyer's Notice Address" shall be as follows: Par 5 Development, LLC 2860 - B NC Hwy 5 Aberdeen, NC 28315 except as same may be changed pursuant to Section 11. ❑ 0) If this block is marked, additional terms of this Agreement are set forth on Exhibit B attached hereto and Incorporated herein by reference. (page 2 of S) 11 6�2 1111yer Initill5 _ " Seller Inilin . L• :_ �I Section 2. Proration of Expenses and Payment of Costs: Seller and Buyer agree that all property taxes ton a calendar year basis), leases, rents and utilities or any other assumed liabilities as detailed on attached Exhibit B, if any, shall be prorated as of the date of Closing. Seller shall pay for preparation of a deed and all other documents necessary. to perform Seller's obligations under this Agreement, excise tax (revenue stamps), and other conveyance fees or taxes required by law, and the following: NIA . Buyer shall pay recording cost, costs of any title search, title insurance, survey and the following:.___._NIA Each party shall pay its own attorneys' fees, Section 3. Sale of Property and Payment of Purchase Price, Seller agrees to sell and Buyer agrees to buy the Property for the Purchase Price. Section 4. Deliveries: Seller shall deliver to Buyer as soon as reasonably possible after the Contract Date copies of all title information In possession of or available to Seller, including but not limited to: title insurance policies, attorney's opinions on title, surveys, covenants, deeds, notes and deeds of trust and easement relating to the Property. Seller authorizes (1) any attorney presently or previously representing Seller to release and disclose any title insurance policy in such attorney's file to Buyer and both Buyer's and Seller' agents and attorneys; and (2) the Property's title insurer or its agent to release and disclose all materials in the Property's title insurer's (or title insurer's agent's) file to Buyer and both Buyer's and Seller's agents and attorneys. Seller shall also deliver to Buyer as soon as reasonably possible after the Contract Date copies of all presently effective warranties or non -terminable service contracts related to the Property. If Buyer does not consummate the Closing for any reason other than Seller default, then Buyer shall return to Seller all materials delivered by Seller to Buyer pursuant to this Section 4, if any, and shall, upon Seller's request, assign and transfer to Seller all of its right, title and interest in and to any and all studies, reports, surveys and other information, data and/or documents relating to the Properly prepared by or at the request of Buyer, its employees and agents, and shall deliver to Seiler, upon the release of the Earnest Money, copies of all of the foregoing without any warranty or representation by Buyer as to the contents, accuracy or correctness thereof. Section 5. Evidence of Title: Seller agrees to convey fee simple marketable and insurable title to the Property by general warranty deed subject only to the exceptions hereinafter described. Seller represents and warrants that Seller is the fee sirnple owner of the Property, and at Closing, Seller shall deliver to Buyer fee simple marketable and insurable title to the Property, free and clear of all liens, encumbrances, leases, tenancies and defects of title other than zoning ordinances affecting the Properly, utility easements of record serving the Property, taxes not yet due and payable, road rights -of -way of record and those other encumbrances, reservations, restrictions and easements and other exceptions set forth on Exhibit C attached hereto ("Permitted Exceptions"). Section B. Conditions: This Agreement and the rights and obligations of the parties under this Agreement are hereby made expressly conditioned upon fulfillment (or waiver by Buyer, whether explicit or implied) of the following conditions: (a) New Loan: The Buyer must be able to obtain the loan, if any, referenced in Section I(b)(ii), Buyer must be able to obtain a firm commitment for this loan on or before NIA , effective through the date of Closing. Buyer agrees to use its best efforts to secure such commitment and to advise Seller immediately upon receipt of lender's decision. On or before the above date, Buyer has the right to terminate this Agreement for failure of the new loan condition by delivering to Seller written notice of termination by the above date, ffine being of the essence. If Buyer delivers such notice, this Agreement shall be null and void and Earnest Money shall be refunded to Buyer. If Buyer fails to deliver such notice, then Buyer will be deemed to have waived the loan condition. Notwithstanding the foregoing, after the above date, Seller may request in writing from Buyer a copy of the commitment letter. If Buyer fails to provide Seller a copy of the commitment teller within five (5) days of receipt of Seller's request, then Seller may terminate this Agreement by written notice to Buyer at any time thereafter, provided Seller has not then received a copy of the commitment letter, and Buyer shall receive a return of Earnest Money. (b) Qualification for rinancing: If Buyer is to assume any Indebtedness in connection with payment of the Purchase Price, Buyer agrees to use its best efforts to qualify for the assumption. Should Buyer fail to qualify, Buyer shall notify Seller in writing immediately upon lender's decision, whereupon this Agreement shall terminate, and Buyer shall receive a return of Earnest Money. ��/{Paggee 3 of 8) Unycr lniriniv�( %r.. SelkI initials (c) Title Examination: After the Contract Date, Buyer shall, at Buyer's expense, cause a title examination to be made of the Property before the end of the Examination Perlod, In the event that such titie examination shall show that Seller's title is not fee simple marketable and insurable, subject only to Permitted Exceptions, then the Buyer shalt immediately notify the Seller in writing of all such title defects and exceptions, as of the date Buyer learns of the title defects, and Seller shall have thirty (30) days to cure said noticed defects. If Seller does not cure the defects or objections within such thirty (30) days of notice thereof, the Buyer may terminate this Agreement and receive a return of Earnest Money (notwithstanding that the Examination Period may have expired). If Buyer is to purchase title insurance, the Insuring company must be licensed to do business in the state in which the Property is located. Title to the Property must be insurable at regular rates, subject only to standard exceptions and Permitted Exceptions. (d) Intended Use: If Buyer determines, prior to the date of Closing, that use of the Property for its Intended Use will violate any private restrictions or governmental regulations, then Buyer may terminate this Agreement by written notice and receive a return of the Earnest Money, and neither party shall then have any further obligations in connection with this Agreement. (e) Same Condition: If the Property is not In substantially the same condition at Closing as of the date of the offer, reasonable wear and tear excepted, then the Buyer may terminate the Agreement and receive a return of the Earnest Money. (0 Inspections: Buyer, its agents or representatives, at Buyer's expense and at reasonable times during normal business hours, shall have the right to enter upon the Property for the purpose of Inspecting, examining, performing soil boring and other testing, conducting timber cruises, and surveying the Property. Buyer shall also have a right to review and inspect all leases, contracts or other agreements affecting or related directly to the Property and shall be entitled to review such books and records of Seller as relate directly to the operation and maintenance of the Property. Buyer assumes all responsibility for the acts of itself, its agents or representatives in exercising its rights under this Section 6(f) and agrees to indemnify and hold Seller harmless from any damages resulting therefrom. Except as provided In Section 6(c) above, Buyer shall have from the Contract Date through the end of the Examination Period to perform the above inspections, examinations and testing. If, prior to the expiration of the Examination Period, Buyer chooses not to purchase the Property, for any reason or no reason, and provides written notice to Seller thereof, then this Agreement shall terminate, and the Earnest Money shall be promptly returned to Buyer. Section 7. Environmental: Seller represents and warrants that it has no actual knowledge of the presence or disposal within the buildings or on the Properly of hazardous or toxic waste or substances, which are defined as those substances, materials, and wastes, including but not limited to, those substances, materials and wastes listed In the United States Department of Transportation Hazardous Materials Table (49 CFR 172.101) or by the Environmental Protection Agency as hazardous substances (40 CFR Part 302.4) and amendments thereto, or such substances, materials and wastes, which are or become regulated under any applicable local, state or federal law, Including, without limitation, any material, waste or substance which is (I) petroleum, (ii) asbestos, (iii) poiychtorinated biphenyls, (iv) designated as a Hazardous Substance pursuant to Section 331 of the Clean Water Act of 1977 (33 U.S.G. § 1321) or listed pursuant to Section 307 of the Clean Water Act of 1977 (33 U.S.C. § 1317) (v) defined as a hazardous waste pursuant to Section 1004 of the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act of 1976 (42 U.S.C. § 6903) or (vi) defined as a hazardous substance pursuant to Section 101 of the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act of 1980 (42 U.S.C. § 9601), Seller further slates that it has no actual knowledge of any contamination of the Property from such substances as may have been disposed of or stored on neighboring tracts, and It has no reason to suspect that such use or disposal has occurred, either during or prior to its ownership of the Property. Section 8. Risk of Loss/Damage/Repair., Until the Closing, the risk of loss or damage to the Property, except as otherwise provided herein, shall be borne by Seller. In the event the Property is damaged so that the Property cannot be conveyed in substantially the same condition as it was on the date of the offer, Buyer may elect to terminate this Agreement, and the Earnest Money shall be returned to the Buyer. Except as to maintaining the Property in its same condition, Seller shall have no responsibility for the repair of the Properly, including any improvements, unless the parties hereto agree in writing. buyerInili®92 Seller Initials ��/� Section 9. Earnest Money Disbursement: In the event this offer is not accepted, or In the event that any of the conditions hereto are not satisfied, or in the event of a breach of this Agreement by Seller, then the Earnest Money shall be returned to Buyer, but such return shall not affect any other remedies, including an action for specific performance, available to Buyer for such breach. In the event this offer Is accepted and Buyer breaches this Agreement, then the Earnest Money shall be paid to Seller as liquidated damages and as Seller's sole remedy, and Seller waives any other available remedies. NOTE: In the event of a dispute between Seller and Buyer over the return of forfeiture of Earnest Money held in escrow by a licensed real estate broker, the broker is required by state law to retain said Earnest Money in Hs trust or escrow account until it has obtained a written release from the parties consenting to its disposition or until disbursement is ordered by a court of competent jurisdiction. Section 10. Closing: At Closing, Seller shall deliver to Buyer a General Warranty Deed and other documents customarily executed by a seller in similar transactions, including without limitation, a bill of sale for any personal properly listed on Exhibit A, an owner's affidavit, lien waiver forms and a non -foreign status (pursuant to the Foreign Investment In Real Property Tax Act), and Buyer shall pay to Seller the Purchase Price. At Closing, the Earnest Money shall be applied as part of the Purchase Price. The Closing shall be held at the office of Buyer's attorney or such other place as the parties hereto may mutually agree. Possession shall be delivered at closing, unless otherwise agreed herein. Section 11. Notices: Unless otherwise provided herein, all notices and other communications which may be or are required to be given or made by any party to the other in connection herewith shall be in writing and shall be deemed to have been property given and received on the date delivered in person or deposited in the United Slates mail, registered or certified, return receipt requested, or by overnight carrier with written proof of delivery, to the addresses set out in Section 1(h) as to Seller and in Section 1(i) as to Buyer, or at such other addresses as specified by written notice delivered in accordance herewith. Section 12. Entire Agreement: This agreement constitutes the sole and entire agreement among the parties hereto and no modification of this Agreement shall be binding unless in writing and signed by all parties hereto. Section 13. Enforceability: This Agreement shall become an enforceable contract when a fully executed copy has been communicated to both parties. This Agreement shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the parties, their heirs, successors and assigns and their personal representatives. Section 14, Adverse Information and Compliance with taws: (a) Seller Knowledge: Seiler has no knowledge of (i) condemnation(s) affecting or contemplated with respect to the Property; (ii) actions, suits or proceedings pending or threatened against the Property; (iii) changes contemplated In any applicable laws, ordinances or restrictions affecting the Property; (iv) private restrictions or governmental regulations that would prohibit the Intended Use or (v) governmental special assessments, either pending or confirmed, for sidewalk, paving, water, sewer, or other improvements on or adjoining the Property, and no owners' association special assessments, except as follows: . (Insert "None" or the identification of such assessments, if any): Seller shall pay all owners' association assessments and all governmental assessments, if any, unless otherwise agreed as follows: . Seller represents that the regular owners' association dues, if any, are $ N/A ._ per NIA (b) Compliance; To the best of Seller's knowledge and belief, (i) Seller has complied with all applicable laws, ordinances, regulations, statutes, rules and restrictions pertaining to or affecting the Property; (ii) performance of the Agreement will not result in the breach of, constitute any default under or result in the imposition of any lien or encumbrance upon the Property under any agreement or other instrument to which Seller Is a party or by which Seller or the Properly is bound; and (iii) there are no legal actions, suits or other legal or administrative proceedings pending or threatened against the Property, and Seller Is not aware of any facts which might result in any such action, suit or other proceeding. Section 16, Survival of Representations and Warranties: All representations, warranties, covenants and agreements made by the parties hereto shall survive the Closing and delivery of the deed. Seller shall, at or within six (6) months after the Closing, and without further consideration, execute, acknowledge and deliver to Buyer such other documents and �s (if 8) Buyer biirinI Seller Inilinis instruments, and take such other action as Buyer may reasonably request or as may be necessary to more effectively transfer to Buyer the Property described herein in accordance with this Agreement. Section 16. Applicable Law: This Agreement shall be construed under the laws of the state in which the Property is located. Section 17. Tax -Deferred Exchange: In the event Buyer or Seller desires to effect a lax -deferred exchange In connection with the conveyance of the Property, Buyer and Seller agree to cooperate in effecting such exchange; provided, however, that the exchanging party shall be responsible for all additional costs associated with such exchange, and provided further, that a non -exchanging party shall not assume any additional liability with respect to such tax - deferred exchange, Seller and Buyer shall execute such additional documents, at no cost to the non -exchanging party, as shall be required to give effect to this provision. Section ill. Assignment: Buyer may assign this Agreement upon written notice to Seller. Section 19, Authority. Each signatory to this Agreement represents and warrants that he or she has full authority to sign this Agreement and such Ihstrirmerits as may be necessary to effectuate any transaction contemplated by this Agreement on behalf of the party for whom he or she signs and that his or her signature binds such party. Any signature on a copy of this Agreement sent electronically or by facsimile shall be binding upon transmission and the electronic or facsimile copy may be utilized for the purpose of this Agreement. Section 20. Subdivision and Easements: If a lot line adjustment or subdivision Is required to create the Property and if the natural flow of surface water from the Property drains onto Seller's remaining property, then Seller will grant Buyer a non-exclusive Drainage Easement over Seller's remaining property. The Drainage Easement will be granted at no cost to Buyer, but Buyer will pay the cost of preparation and recordation of the document at closing. THIS DOCUMENT IS A LEGAL DOCUMENT. EXECUTION OF THIS DOCUMENT HAS LEGAL CONSEQUENCES THAT COULD BE ENFORCEABLE IN A COURT OF LAW. IF YOU DO NOT FEEL THIS DOCUMENT MEETS YOUR NEEDS, YOU MAY WISH TO CONSULT YOUR ATTORNEY. BUYER: SELLER: PAR 5 DEVELOPME T , By: Name: .e- r,' Manager Date: Date: j:;� 2- k— / -7-- SEAL) (SEAL) The undersigned hereby acknowledges receipt of the Earnest Money set forth herein and agrees to hold said Earnest Money In accordance with the terms hereof. Robbins, May & Rich, LLP Date: By: (Pnga G or 8) H117'oe luilia 5elfer IniIiais � (Page 7 of 8) Bayer frar ials 5cllcr Inilinls _ _� %� EXHIBIT A Legal Desceiplion 042.3-11--8812- 0422094835- 04 2214 3P 7 - 0422490299- 421 425 0422� 9A175- IV 0+i2L-�ia;92�,�i- } 1 ;i A 113 r .}irk /042249-6151-MAN ___ •� ,}tom 642004od 7- S O oq2w9-2g42- ,CA 1 923 0422-s,'9 ')0394 - �j� 04 22-3ti 560 7- t1'tagc 8 oft) Buyer 14d -7-(- Seller Initials _ _ 1,119 04 22-O90 208- 0422=3y V704- Application Completeness Review ff First Submittal ❑ Re -submittal Date Received: l 1aDate Reviewed: " 2` .1 Z By7� Development/Project Name: '0ouhK 4;CAI+u44-c c 1c.Ka..v r.-T IQ> Receiving stream name 6-R4Y5 c-leX. classification: '3 For post -construction requirements, a program will be deemed compliant for the areas where it is implementing any of the following programs: WS-I, WS-II, WS-III, WS-IV, HQW, ORW, Neuse River Basin NSW, Tar -Pamlico River Basin NSW, and the Randleman Lake Water Supply Watershed Nutrient Management Strategy. High Density Projects that require a 401 /404 within an NSW require 85% TSS, 30% TN and 30% TP removal. T&E Species (Goose Creek, Waxhaw Creek or Six We Creek Water Sheds): Latitude and Longitude: 3'1'53-'5- 3'�✓ �g� } `� SS�'++� Jurisdiction 5T6T4 Project Address: CtfJGKA4v Po T 1(0 t +-L,S Engineer name and firm: mdATH• 1,✓+A3wV1t-rN, A _ c.4 L ___Src.c/ Few/ems ❑ Low Density (no curb and gutter) ❑ Low Density with curb and gutter outlets 8'Igh Density ❑ Other mo ❑ 401/404 impacts to surface waters, wetlands, and buffers (add language to cover letter and/or addinfo letter) i�r BUA 2g IS. ®' Check for $505.00 included Original signature (not photocopy) on application oY Legal signature (Corporation-VP/higher, Partnership -General Partnerlhigher LLC-memberlma er, Agent). Check spelling, capitalization, punctuation: http://www.secretary.state.nc.us/corporations/thepage.aspx If an agent signs the application, a signed letter of authorization from the applicant must be provided which includes the name, title, mailing address and phone number of the person signing the letter. r✓tt ❑ For subdivided projects, a signed and notarized deed restriction statement a' Sealed, signed & dated calculations V_ Correct supplement and O&M provided for each BMP on site (check all that were provided & number of each) ❑ Bioretention ❑ Dry Detention Basin ❑ Filter Strip ❑ Grass Swale tK' Infiltration Basin ❑ Infiltration Trench ❑ Level Spreader ❑ Permeable Pavement ❑ Restored Riparian Buffer ❑ Rooftop Runoff Management ❑ Sand Filter ❑ Stormwater Wetland ❑ Wet Detention Basin ❑ Low Density ❑ Curb Outlet ❑ Off -Site ❑ NCDOT Linear Road mr"� Two sets of sealed, signed & dated layout & finish grading plans with appropriate details n' Narrative Description of stormwater management provided E3' Soils report provided Wetlands delineated or a note on the plans that none exist on site and/or adjacent property m- Details for the roads, parking area, cul-de-sac radii, sidewalk widths, curb and gutter-, Dimensions & slopes provided a" --Drainage areas delineated Pervious and impervious reported for each "4 ❑ Areas of high density e,"'lnspection and maintenance agreements provided Application complete ❑ Application Incomplete Returned: (Date) Comments N 2 A/A"-,ti K� February 9, 2009 Revision SL 2006-246, Section 9 Post Construction Requirements for Non -Coastal Counties Law -density ptoaects ; • { - ❑ No more than two dwelling units per acre or 24% built -upon area; ❑ Vegetated conveyances to the maximum extent practicable; ❑ Built -upon areas at least 30 feet landward of perennial and intermittent surface waters; ❑ Deed restrictions, protective covenants, and/or other restrictive language/measures. High density projects ❑ Control and treat runoff from the first one -inch of rain. ❑ Runoff volume drawdown time must be a minimum of 48 hours, but not more than 120 hours; ❑ Discharge the storage volume at a rate equal to or less than the predevelopment discharge rate for the one-year, 24-hour.storm. ' :3 : ,. „• ❑ Achieve 85%"average annual removal of total suspended solids. " r Y• ' ' ' ❑ For BMPs that require a, separation from the seasonal.hti'gh-wbter,ttab•le (SHVVT);the separation shall include at least 12 inches of naturally'occu'rring soil 'atiove the SHWT. ` ❑ Stormwater management measures must comply with the General Engineering Design Criteria For All Projects requirements listed in 15A NCAC 2H .1008(c); ❑ All built -upon areas are at least 30 feet landward of perennial and intermittent surface waters;. ❑ Deed restrictions, protective covenants, an&or other restrictive language/measures ❑ Provide a mechanism to require long-term operation and maintenance of Best Management Practices Goose Creek, Six Mile Creek and Waxhaw Creek Watersheds Buffer Requirements ❑ Undisturbed riparian buffers within 200 feet of water bodies within the 100-Year Floodplain and within 100 feet of water bodies that are not within the 100-Year Floodplain. Exceptions to the undisturbed buffer requirements are set forth in 15A NCAC 026 .0607 'S Stormwater Controls as required by 15A NCAC 02B .0602 ❑ Control and treat the difference between the pre -development and post -development conditions for the one- year, 24-hour storm with structural controls. ❑ Development and redevelopment shall implement stormwater management measures that promote infiltration of flows and ground water recharge for the purpose of maintaining stream base flow. ❑ 85% average annual removal of total suspended solids. ❑ Draw down the treatment volume no faster than 48 hours, but no slower than 120 hours, for detention ponds. ❑ Discharge the storage volume at a rate equal or less than the pre -development discharge rate for the one- year, 24-hour storm. ❑ Meet design or stormwater management measures set forth in 15A NCAC 2H .1008. High Density Projects that require a 4011404 within an NSW ❑ 85% TSS ❑ 30% TN ❑ 30% TP February 9, 2009 Revision CALL SIGN E N G I N E E R S Date: November 19, 2012 Re: Stormwater Management Permit Package Contents Dollar General Store - Chicken Foot Road Cumberland County, NC Package Contents: 1. Check for $505 2. Original - SWU-101 Permit Application Form 3. Copy - SWU-101 Permit Application Form 4. S.O.S Documentation showing Par 5 Development Group, LLC 5. Original Deed of Alfred Pittman Property 6. Offer to Purchase Alfred Pittman property by Par 5 Development Group 7. Required Items Checklist 8. Original - Signed and Executed O&M Agreement 9. Copy - Signed and Executed O&M Agreement 10. Stormwater Management Plan and Computations (Contains Supplemental Forms, supporting calculations, soils report, etc.) 11.2 sets of full-sized sets of construction drawings If you need additional information, or have any questions, please contact me (heath.wadsworth@callsignengineers.com; 910-486-0700) Thanks, eath Wadsworth, PE, LEED AP ''W7-_` PJO V 2 0 1012 104 GILLESPIE STREET I FAYETTEVILLE I NORTH CAROLINA 1 28301 1 910.496.0700 I CALLSIGNENGINEERS.COMM SC NviCE Oil.r�to VFr6111 011C0 BVALL BUSINESS ' CALL SIGN E N G I N E E R S November 19, 2012 NCDENR, Division of Water Quality Attn: Stormwater Permitting Unit 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Re: Dollar General Store -- Chicken Foot Road Cumberland County, NC Dear Sirs: Attached is information pertaining to an application for a Stormwater Management Permit for the above referenced project. Attached to this package is a list of items that are included in the package. Should you have any questions or require additional information, please do not hesitate to contact either me at 910.486.0700. Sincerely, CALL SIGN ENGINEERS r C. Heath Wadsworth, PE, LEED AP 104 GILLESPIE STREET I FAYETTEVII.LE I NORTH CAROLINA 1 213301 1 910.486.0700 1 CALLS IGN E NGI N E E RS.COM SLUY�CE'[1IS�XL EO VEiEx OWNED 5M 115 SIN Stormwater Management Plan And Computations Dollar General Store — Chicken Foot Road Cumberland County, NC Prepared For: PAR. n$vs1.OPMENT Par 5 Development Group, LLC 2860-B NC 5 HWY Aberdeen, NC 28315 Contact: Brian Clodfelter Prepared By: CALL SIGN E N G I N E E R S 104 Gillespie Street Fayetteville, NC 28301 Lic. No. C-3485 Hydraulics Engineer: C. Heath Wadsworth, PE, LEER AP Lic. No. 28421 November, 2012 1. Project Location. The project site is located in Cumberland County, NC on Chicken Foot Road near its intersection with Sand Hill Road. See the below Vicinity Map. Vicinity Map - Approximate site limits shown in red (north pointing towards top of page). 2. Existing Condition; The project site consists of one parcel with a site area of approximately 2.58 acres. The pre -development site is an undeveloped, wooded parcel, consisting of small pine trees with some hardwoods mixed in. See the Pre -Development Map in the Appendix of this report. Soil Infiltration: A soil evaluation was performed on -site by Southeastern Soil & Environmental Associates, hic_ Hand auger borings were used to evaluate soils conditions relative to the proposed stormwater device. Based upon the soils encountered in the soil test boring within the basin footprint, the soils near the proposed basin bottom were estimated to drain at a rate of approximately 2.4 inches per hour (See SB2 in Soils Report). For the proposed design, an infiltration rate of 1.2 inches per hour was used, in order to be conservative. The Seasonal High Groundwater Table (SHWT) was estimated to be 95 inches below the ground surface. The soils report has been included in the Supporting Documentation section of this Report. The proposed infiltration basin has a footprint that is approximately 4,600 square ft; therefore, only on bo & was jjsed. Dollar General Store -Chicken Foot Road Stormwater Management Report 11/01/2012 3. Proposed Condition: The proposed site/grading plans (CS01 and CGOa) and stormwater BMP are shown in the Supporting Documentation section of this report. The site and grading plans propose to re -grade the site so that it can be utilized as a Dollar General Store. The proposed site will consist of parking, a 9,100 sq. ft. building, and the proposed Stormwater Control Measure, which is a1n infiltration basin. Since the existing site is an undisturbed wooded area, the proposed Dollar General Site is considered as new development, or built -upon area. The proposed site is considered as high -density. since it has a built -upon area greater than twenty-four percent (24%). Therefore, the proposed stormwater controls are being installed to meet the post - construction stormwater permitting rules for high -density development as regulated by NC Division of Water Quality — Coastal Rules. The proposed stornnwater BMP is all infiltration basin. The subsequent sections outline the design functionality of the proposed stormwater control_ The NCDENR-DWO required documentation is included in the Supporting Documentation section of this report. Pre -Development Landuse_ Area (sq. ft.) Curve Number (CN) 7Landuse Woods 112,192 30 (HSG A) Total Site 112,192 (2.58 ac) Post -Development Landuse: Area into Infiltration Basin Landuse Area (sq. f0 Curve Number (CN) Open Space 13,284 39 (HSG A) Built -upon Area 30,633 Total 43,917 (0.99 ac) Area not into Infiltration Basin Woods 67,026 30 (HSG A) Built -upon Area 1,249 Small section of driveway Total Site 112,192 (2.58 ac) 28.4% Built -upon Area Dollar General Store Sicken Foot Road Stormwater Management Report 11/01/2012 4. Methodologies and Parameters: Drainage Area: A combination of GIS mapping, field recormaissance, and topographic surveys were used to estimate the drainage area and patterns, as well as the landuse. See the Pre- and Post -Development Drainage Area Maps in the Supporting Documentation section for further detail_ Rainfall: The Precipitation Frequency Data Server (PFDS) provided by NOAA's National Weather Service was used to determine rainfall depths for the 1-yr, 10-yr, and 100-yr, 24-hour storms within the vicinity of Fayetteville, NC. Hydrology: The Natural Resource Conservation Service (NRCS) Curve Number (CN) method (as outlined in TR-55) was used within Bentley PondPack v8i to determine the inflow hydrographs for the 1-yr, 10-yr, and 100-yr, 24-hours storm events (SCS Type lI Storm curves). Hydraulics: The designs flows were routed through the proposed BMP using Bentley PondPack v8i. The basin stage -storage information was determined from the proposed grading plan. See the PondPack Input and Output in the Supporting Documentation section for further detail_ 5. Proposed Stormwater Treatment and Quality Control: The proposed infiltration basil provides water quality treatment, The water quality treatment volume is detained and will be drawdown slowly through natural infiltration at an estimated rate of 1.2 inches per hour. The basin was designed so that the 10-year, 24-hour storm event will be infiltrated without discharging the system using an infiltration rate of one-half of the infiltration rate reported in the soils report; therefore no vegetated filter strip was used at the outlet and no additional storage volume was provided (See Section 6 for more detail). Tlne basin was designed so that storms greater than the 10-year, 24-hour storm will bypass over the weir outlet. Water Quality Volume Provided in Basin = 4,600 cu. Ft. Water Quality Volume from Runoff of 1.0-inch Storm = 2,470 cu. Ft. Estimated dewatering time (using 1.2 in/hr) = 0.5 days The proposed stormwater BMP has adequate volume to capture and detain the first - flush stornn event for the proposed site area. 6. Proposed Stormwater Attenuation and Quantity Control: The pre- and post -development peak discharge attenuation requirennent was assessed for the entire developed site area. The site peak discharge is reduced during the post - development condition for the 1-yr, 24-hour and 10-yr, 24-hour storm event. *The runoff Dollar General Store -Chicken Foot Road Stonnwater Management Report 11/01/2012 initial abstraction from the Type 'A' -- Hydrologic Soil Group on -site result in minimal rtmoff front the pre -development condition. Site Pre -Development 1-yr, 24-hr Discharge = 0.0* cfs Site Post -Development 1-yr, 24-hr Discharge = 0.0 cfs Site Pre -Development 10-yr, 24-hr Discharge = 0.01* cfs Site Post -Development 10-yr, 24-hr Discharge = 0.01 cfs Infiltration Basin w/ 8 ft Weir EL=167.1 Basin Minimum EL=166.0; Max EL=168.0; SHWT EL =160.5 Storm Event Max Flow in (cfs) Max Flow out (cfs) Max Basin WSEL 1-yr 2.0 0.0 166.36 10-yr 5.0 0.0 167.01 100-yr 8.7 3.6 167.34 7. Supporting Documentation: - NCDENR-DWQ BMP Forms (w/ Quad Map) - Pre- and Post -Development Drainage Area Maps - Proposed Site and Grading Plans - Soils Report -- Land Management Group; NCDENR Correspondence - Pond Pack Input and Output Dollar General Store -Chicken Foot Road Stormwater Management Report 11/01/2012 NCDENR-DWQ BMP Forms Dollar General Store -Chicken Foot Road Stormwater Management Report 11/01/2012 lo tC4Ip�niaii Project Site my I so %r _-�%�• - u �,� �.. � nit _` _ r Imo. Into Rainey Pond GQ116erry , Bay to Grays Creek C,.s- 190 TA Ch t; Site Shown on USGS Quad n 104 Gillespie St. Dollar General Store - Chicken Foot Rd; w E CALL SIGN Fayetteville, NC 28301 Cumberland County, NC E N G I N E E R S Lic. No. C-3485 1 inch = 2,000 feet Date.10/30/2012 s Permit No. - CJZf jO (to be provided by DWO) AVASTORMWATER MANAGEMENT PERMIT APPLICATION FORM NCDENR 401 CERTIFICATION APPLICATION FORM INFILTRATION BASIN SUPPLEMENT This form must be Tilled out printed and submitted. The Required Items Checklist (Part III) must be printed, filled out and submitted along with all of the required information. Project Name Contact Person Phone Number Date Drainage Area Number Site Characteristics Drainage area Impervious area Percent impervious Design rainfall depth Peak Flow Calculations 1-yr, 244hr rainfall depth 1-yr, 24-hr intensity Pre -development 1-yr, 24-hr discharge Post -development 1-yr, 24-hr discharge PrelPosl 1-yr, 24-hr peak flow control Storage Volume: Non -SA Waters Minimum design volume required Design volume provided Storage Volume: SA Waters 1.5' runoff volume Pre -development 1-yr, 24-hr runoff volume Post -development 1-yr, 244hr runoff volume Minimum required volume Volume provided Soils Report Summary Soil type Infiltration rate SHWT elevation Basin Design Parameters Dmwdown time Basin side slopes Basin bottom elevation Storage elevation Storage Surface Area Top elevation Basin Bottom Dimensions Basin length Basin width Bottom Surface Area Dour General Store - Chicken Foot Road C. Heath Wadsworth, PE 91OA860700 11AW012 Infltraion Basin (Into Basin) 43,917-00 fe 30.633.00 fe 69.75 % 1.00 in 3.06 in 0.13 in/hr 0.00 ft3lsec 0-00 03ec 0.00 fl3 sec 2,470.00 ft3 4,600.00 ft3 It3 ft3 It3 R3 �3 Wagiam Loamy Sand 2.45 Mr 160.50 fmsl OK for non -SA waters 0.50 days OK 3.00 -1 OK 166.00 fmsl OK 167-10 fmsl 5,000.00 1? —as7:oo--fmsl> / C t', 0 70.00 1t 66.00 $ 4,600.00 fI2 (Z� pri1 pl-,W5 Form SW401-Mtratlon Basin-Rev.5 11A,pr2011 Parts I. 8 II. Design Summary, Pape 1 of 2 Permit No. -S WC / 2 11 p It fro r a provided by nwol Additional Information Mapmum runoff to each inlet to the basin? Length of vegetative filter for overflow 1-00, / ac4n OK --- --� N 7 Aj Distance to structure [ ft ,Jc d�- ! Q ` - Distance from surface waters 1T OK Distance from water supply well(s) >100 ft OK / Separation from impervious soil layer 3.00 R OK 1/ Naturally occuring soil above shwt 5.50 R OK Bottom covered with 4-m of dean sand7 Y (Y or N) OK Proposed drainage easement provided? Capures all n.mnff at ultimate Wild -out? Y Y (Y or N) OK (Y or N) OK D j O =7 O V r- L-COV Bypass provided for larger stones? Y��{Y or N} —AK R/ - Pretreatment device provided Y Rip Rap basin with 8 ft wide sodded strip Form SW401-InldW8dOn BWAI-ROv.5 11Apr2011 Paris I. b IL Design Summary, Pape 2 of 2 Dollar General Store - Chicken Foot (WQ Volume) Dollar General Store - Chicken Foot Road WQ Volume Total DA= 1.01 ac Imp. Area= 0.7 ac I(A)= 0.693 Rv= 0.674 in R(D)= 1.0 in Treatment Vol.= 2,470 cu. Ft. Infiltration Basin Estimate *Vol.= 5,520 cu. Ft. K= 1.2 in/hr dewatering time= 0.5 days Eff. Infilt. Area= 4,600 sq. ft. 'Vol. to be infiltrated 10/29/2012 Project Figures DoLar Genera! Store thicken Foot Road Stormwater Management Report 11/01I2012 kv i"♦ * AS�r.rd- �� -'ice ! - s;„- ` ;■. _a �`, t b �+1, , _ y, y r ■_ f , � •a,i It, v t•� - ,•may jti-r •��e�,�+ � r�# �•r�';�rrr • � �t'���s , <ty+�.�' � � _ + ' •� �' ' _ b�.- r_ i1�`g`.' ,t may-• i 4 +rd�;�^•�.11 i�t a, rc�.},, JI"� y +^-_ -"•pu#. '�\\ .rids.}' rt. 1il .s., �• \1':. .,�,r M"��--,...rrr a, 2,1 ` .J ..�_��` i .ir � � s ' !-~T �•� � + _..ram t� a � � R� - F � yea . • ~� � ' * .'—� - � 1 ��� s y • ti_j lr yy �+ �r- ;. ,.- ■ � �y 4 �'.1�'7����r�.i� ��- Yr �.i��►. ;' *'4i'.\ �1� -Uti /r r+- . � � TIf,• to } , Rai'• �lJffi a •, `\ + �' +ri , - � • - � F i�5 i in �{'*� � t � f SR r■�,! %wa-�■f; F v )Ark r�i� ��-.L`i }4''d'1:, `�s ��; �- ,�•" c .�,t 'y ''`Y:� tr `�' _ A. 1 �' i Y � `���y�-. !"�}^+G. \i y••+h. ,r PN ."a :■►,,.5�,ia�t`.�`�\��`�151.�` i� �. re -Development■ i s'r ■ ` Foollar General Store - Chicken Foot Rd; CALL SIGN inch = 80 feet D.te: 1013111. •,Try"f ,» i ��. �. t�. lc- 1 +� � • �d"+N y`� "�� _ � �� L r _ � .. .1 ` s ��y ;s •• y jl {�•'. , 1 t � - Atli Infiltrationi for SW Tre atment �`I r`}1 ,'4 -s.� Y•;{ ci- -1 • • i +{'-#'rc3. ' ra ' fl+Lt ;Z.1tjYS"'%s rt • �� �, �i•;! slier t +, -�� y\ � �.,�;q,:r.,� � yr'-53 ;�'�.�,e_i._ � ,�_ sfa�' iX�-••'^-•``: � v.�. �"�._ a'-rt • ��';^•t'+. + 1:� f` t�i ,f- � is i��' to ) "!sr�'�' .} `T' � � � k• .•r i+r / �e," - ", t o � ` ° �i Ys � h' tt -f y .a'�� ,.^"�-.V .•.- � J r�� s _ P ��. � �f#� g'. i7 t, C� - ��... � T' r f - �-1 Y•"-"'_iCi�-..��� '.' t � - ?' ♦� •,� }� _a ��_ - o _,,..��:� 4 E- .ci'� "?�... �, ��. 'fir V, . E Site Area, 31,882 f ft. i • % �_- lam. [ s ,�+• e: , I�_ `^-'•' �� p � h �f�' .:fir' + 4 {.�. •� 'mot• '`��J t"AgN, i . r - `mot `. + ,+ '/rl � t' " � i } 1 1 • • " /A �'r<t� •• �\ y �� �%ate h�`` � _ ����� 4.7 l ja ��S.f. ! �� •.. - + ; ..,..e=- . p�t•�q,. �E t "w' ,+Y�3 - - 1 �,jK Y-� �.� �� '•T,-;'_ Ys .i%_ •j ,r ..u.-o 1 S' #• J_t^'ti�''4 \%i'..�> "�'�* �1/'•y �1 t era .- x') r i • ti i 1 AND Is, EIR 1-1\\MATCHTTOMEXISTING f2" 9CLDMl UWIWy INVESTMENTS LLC yPIN: 003-50-2619 w NIP N'q 00 3036 PG 403 \ ?91 PB 87, k 149 6' My. WOOD FENCE WITH FEB. GATE \�(oo ? 9T FOR HVAC MECH. EQUIP. ENCLOSURE T.63' SCREEN YIN. 43'a6', PAINTED TO \ ♦ [ IIIM1ED: C(PJ MATCH BUILDING \ �"'',y� \� : ` ` ''s [ S �• 33" f 6• RT. NOW FENCE FOR DUAPSTER ENCLOSURE SCREEN, ♦ ♦ PrgY [ MIN. \ 18'a12' PAINTED TO ` ♦ a• . \ '� r� [ MATCH BUILDING +r'E-4, cl 1 ♦ ` �'r cro. 9e • [ 68e. 61 • rTOT4L 1 lC't \ ` ♦ r [ :may,,♦` ♦♦ ♦\-- __ [ ♦♦ \ '- - - --- 4'I•�T \ \ ` \ \ ALFAED R. PI TTMAN - - _ 7.gg,Q,.pO. `♦ \\ PIN: 04Z3-30-1057 4 3O' SETBa_6KL_Ir1E_ 3.272 AC. f147,315 SO, FR,/ -36 TOTAL PARKING SPACES ��?fir s \ ` ♦ \ \ QB 5&w, PG 5?5 / ^ AS REO'D BY LOCAL ORDINANCE OF I SPACE PER 200 SF OF AREA BY COG17I)5. r / ♦ . NET RETAIL FLOOR AREA CONCWTE �5� \ \ / PAD ♦ ♦ \ / 1S's5O' TRUCK ♦ ` \ / PARKING 5A� DUTY EDGE OF EXISTING ♦ ♦ ` \ram PAVEMENT ROADWAY PAVE MW ♦ / r \ \ A[y DUTY ASPHAZT NEW EDGE OF s ` EMENT ROADWAY PA LIGHTED PYLON SIGN ��� ` ` � ♦ \ \ W/IWAERGROUHD ELEC NEW EDGE OF \ ♦ ` \ ROADWAY SHUOu.DER r \ ROADWAY SmMAJXR WIDENING . ` ♦ �� \ r ♦ i1r \ .. '� FLLL DEPTH ASPNMLT \ ♦ ` \ /. PAVEMENT WIDENING ♦ ♦ \ /� ' ASPHALT PAVEMENT OVERLAY 1 • 9� ♦ r \ ROADWAY WIDENING - ������ Mid PLAN NOTES: I. COORDINATE SITE WORK WITH OTHER ASSOCIATED WORK AS SHOWN ON THE GRADING PLANS, UTILITY PLAN EROSION CONTROL PLANS, PLANTING PLAN UPL-01 M, AND CONSTRUCTION SEOIEAXE fG-02H. 2. ROADWAY SITE GRADING, AND UTILITY WORK SHALL OCCLJR WITH TFE LIMITS OF CONSU5ETMN AS 94OWN ON T!C EROSION CDNITROL PLANS. 3. SEE ROADWAY WIDENING MARKING PLANES FOR ROADWAY WIDENING LAYOUT PAVEMENT MARKINGS AND CENTERLINE STATIONING CONTROL. SEE SHEET DT-01 FOR ROADWAY WIDENING TYPICAL SECTION. SEE GRADING PLANS FOR PROPOSED ROADWAY WIDENING GRAVES. 4. ENSURE THAT NO PORTION OF PROPOSED LIGHTED PYLON SIGN IS CLOSER THAN 10 FEET 10 THE NCDOT RIGHT-IIF-WAY, 5. SITE AND BUILDING LIGHTING TO COIPLY WITH THE STANDARDS OF APPLICABLE CU BERiLAAD COUMTY ORDINANCES. SEE DOLLAR GENERAL BUILDING PLANS, SHEETS A-2 6 E-2, FOR EXTERIOR BUILDING LIGHTING. N,•t3D lq',YrtUSHJ (cc*?' JB5, 49 ------------ 007AfR1 m 5'140, CONC. PAD FOR WAC MECMM. EOUI P. �ZZ F I RL I� r� r I� �t• STANDARD DUTY ASPHALP+ VEA M ENTf r I I r f I \ I \ ` f WHEEL STOPS \ i TV, \ I . a= NO �1 �LIh0 MAWM TCH h NINE A ION PIN: OW 1TZ-59-5884 D9 3599. PG V4 Z&,C D ClP) k` N:429�j.)01,10�g4 \ fCT7�-ACC2CSO? l) \ v \ C4 MC SCALE n D is n AD (1MiR11) MSNCWY w \ NOTES: iIi G7F�N 11C�ac SipfN �1r 7fE TE PLAN�ttS� ' �INOQTC1GE'A45p COIYATFRpQ PLAN fEC-Ot I.SIAM CONSTQTION" \ ` 2. ; T tuCTT X023 R BASIN %D YENa�Spp�ONS "DA' IJ�D L yA�A�[pq[j ANC[ l�NAL A Y M� i zG �N PL"'S� IC 118G-92) PRRfiR9.I5IANN5T0 ��-,67 I o 06NA5lN_ ON 169�68 t69 170 �1�1691T0 11 YET OM i�'0. N gF�V[�Caot y�� YC� S iH \ DS FGER dIR`E TANS.1IN CA.RTS,5NEW�I �Y FILTER S I OR INaL 5 ►BILIZ 10N. \ 1704TR 4. 169.8 ...—� INVER t 0) °� TO r 5. , , TSR \ CONNECT DOWNSPOUT 1-1 TO ROOF DRAIN HEADER,HEADER, TYP. 0 IN FINISH GRAM S LOADIHG/DIAPSTER PAD, DS 6. p SEE NAIL S)EET DT-02. W \ 5 DS CCU AFLi iTRUC� F T Y r----------- I I I 1 t I L A 1"SI LTRA 1°"—� :f�i/rfr�rrJ� / Lia6. 7 1 / Vlp / f � I �rrrrrfr{dam r� r�rl�lrrcpra �rrfrrrrrfrr�O�fFL���l�4Yj�j, `f rf ff jrfr!ITM FILTER `e I rrfrr� rrrrr�LT�E�R I � rrrr�rrrr rrirrrfrrfrlr/fr 168 BYPASS HEIR 1 NOTE A.— CLASS -B■ RIPRAP NOTE B. R/W - ' . 9, \ \ FF-170.A 02956•, PvC PIPE APPX' FADER \ S DS ` DRAINAGE 1EASEAENT tLn 5 Qg ) r rs I TO `INVEaI #' _`'A ROOF'DRAIIVSD c °Rif INvERTACOI 169 61 �♦ �A 160.25 I 168.631 169 ROOFS 1NVER7Ri CO �\Irj ' '• 169.07 �'f i1267 168.87 � ^-167 f f I 169,23 169.42 ,69.fi8 169.90 COhtStRUCi�bN"D�SS,or�HM OINTm EROSION`cONrPLINSCrO�Td LC-021. OF P,ivEAENTS�IJM FINIES&S(i Y LEV TTTIONS ARE TO TIEEFFINNIISSHEED GRADE FGsPoT� �NAT F IN Y AS AI P1tvC4 IkINSiED I:tIDE O,'LABI FTSW Op ■ K Az-M ■ APPROXIMATE FINISH GRACE ELEVATION AFTER t• OVERLAY ,AU-7-4 - PROPOSED FINISHED GRACE. ELEVATION VEGETATIVMY STABIILL'IIZE SLLOOPPEESSp��3:1 (OR GREATERII 917THp�SOD D 0j{�Rg APPROPRIATE �LpRpljDTH._ 97ElCCEPTIQISIVERSIONS AS STAB OENDTED FpATP►� A �S ON TFE ��S�iiNG FL[EXaTI9PR:k T1i H5>ED GNMWROADv*�AwY FYDv�ALI YITIONS ' ETFEAFr. MAY ED TO 1AECT T T IOOFF� TTMiP� � I 1 - - - ^� 167.70 PM Q 1*6r4z—i —� ^ ---- 2, L{F�p — i!- -� =i UD 8.2 - T D ac gay W R t69.PI+ l69.7tr )68.63r I6B.37M 18'I PPE fil Y� 2 I �`- -- — 1 `J 00 — tss.zT�— tE$— '^3fi11- — — — ^ — -- — — "^1_�"05—-- 7- _ KEN 16B.36 —--�tfi7. .� - -- 6�.09J - - - - 168- — -- — _ NOTES FOR STORY RELATED STEWS gA�BIOVEpq��p 1�7� �v� A. fAaCEADEH4i1EII�R",av'BYYEAIDDETlVKKoZiiNNwNGGN,'5 i HCF0OpTIPRAP Ei%. ,,FDIC= DEErAILS. B. FAITR A ReRIC TTAIL END OF RO X )IT RPAM SIDS OF POVERF At�q 1 0pwN SI [MET END OF STORY PIP[ FOR sc" pRpTECTION. - IPRAP OUTLET PROTECTION APRON DESIGN ■IDYY AT PIPE ■ 4.0 FEET eIDTH/AT APRON END - 4.0 FEET LENGTH Or APRON (LA) - 6.0 FEET APRONIRIPRAP THICKNESS • 6.0 IN. IPRAp CLASS •'A' ID50 2.0 IN.I �I 1 fSSEEE TA9 E ECSHEE7 -C)G 01 AND DETAIL, SHEET DT-03) ice' � res \ ! 67. f2e _ �LQ4..f1SZl 59ALE -- 2 167.301 �0 T' GOAD -- SR 2252 166.91—— W PER O6 5634 PG 576) —186 W FE97F8 87 JbG 149! R/W yY SOUTH RIGHT OF WAY R/W 6 U�[�5PDSE 9x IIPIIPE / -- �6S�/ ice---- ----- 1 o+-50 4:3 CatAPFdC SCALE 19 1 10 m b IHlTF,) AS& Ml NOTES: aT�¢p Wq�K SigeN qN ATE p�A� Q 1 • �iNCA�TE_ _¢IAQINGI*I EROSION CONTL PLrN fEC-0 .SAFtS CZ1F6 `C TION' g 2. (I�TH CONS tT�ICrD 1 6A5 T D�VERS 01i57pp7}}NN'�D4}�• �j•R ON ANSI f01 a EC 1TNIBIL Z►�i CHI�OI�PLETIO� TFENMAA71� STTTTTABILIIA71ON. Y T TEE,.13P A IWMER 1 _jO STORM A7aTEIRIIPN�FOLTRpAIYApTIOW� SIN TO i v► p' NC 1 W�nuS %CAv_SCfEiTfENT�OONii YANJ CA�� PAI A • AREASS� rND 5g�7��1L�QI OR FI ST yI{L�I,LZATI{�. �� � L g � 3. CONShtl T10N iS S�HDrNIOi T4 OSi0N CUELOPL.ANSM1ECI01T8 EC-021. 4. lli JAS 7TrFRWISEFNOOTED,INI DSFpyOTSpFNIEVVAATTTIONNSS AM TO THE FINISHED GRADE S. S�T•Q[VATIP iAT_ T PAVEiEN7 `IM�NSIiO F ( SLAB) FG ■ F EL■SLVALTSV ■ TIDEWALK 76> • APPR=IMATE FINISH GRADE ELEVATION AFTER I' OVERLAY g5pgpQ5 p "5�� ■ PROPOSED FIINNIISSHH�pE'D�GRADTT E ELLEVATIOVN�qRL11 Q(�� L E 6. BUILTDINGC W% EXCEP IOHf PW_I�jp�E Fp,f�VE A�� H71E 7. N��x����ppYQQSH �TA►F�l 7py�G,yI F�UK gtlCA2� ROADWAY DEN1 T. SECT1 , E. IL SI T1S19 fU NY-orA CE-TYPIC k 170 7a• VIDE CRASS FILTER STRIP t]0 � I 1fmiI15W■=C51=■m' ��iiinirii���-■■ ■■■■Eommmum■ ■■ ■*00F■■■■■ 161 161 1. DIKING FINAL CONSTRUCTION STORM[AIER INFILTRATION BASIN CLEAN ACCUNULATED SEDIMENT AND PROPERLY DISPOSE PRIOR T6 BACKFILL If CLEAN SAND TO INFILTRATION BASIN BOTTOM ELEVATION IELEV.=166.0). 2. 9• THICK LAYER OF CLEAN $AND FRO)1 ELEV. 165.25 TO 166.0 (IN AREA PREVIOUSLY USED AS SEDIMENT BASIN), 3. SEASONAL HIGH WATER TABLE NOT ENCawmRED DURING SOILS INVESTIGATION VITHIN 95 INCHES IN CEPTH FROM ExxsnNG GROUND SURFACE. BASIN SECTION A —A — — — — — — — ..-- "NOT TO SCALE 2" Na. 4 REBAR AT 12' O.C. EACH 11AY 4000 PSI COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH PORTLAND CEMENT CONCRETE 6' 3R NO. 4 REBAR AT 12° O.C. EACH Vrr REINFORCED CONCRETE WALL DETAIL NOT TO SCALE REINFORC7=D caNCRETE .L OR CONCRETE BLOCK .L (SEE DETAIL)- 3. IN i i6.O/ PDX: FSEEOR BASIN AIIR BASIN SECTION FOR &ISI11 MATERIAL C06TF31[TIOV REOUIREIENTS. TOP 6 FOOTING ��LB'THICK CONCRETE FOOTING sECTI TO TO / NOT SCALE K END BEYOND 16B.0 CONTOUR 6•-0• MIN• p 14 0 4. MIN. FRMT VIEW LEVEL SPREADER DETAIL NOT TO SCALE 1?(,? IH_8 LGI 1 i OF WA Y ' R/w / R/w ' 1 R/w R/W �----------..._.— — — — — — — — — ------------------ -� r let -- I S 189.3E f69_f6= 169.30t _ 1 9+00 r59.01e 169 rs, �rw cif' �' r . — 1 — — — — r �Tl f3$— _ _! i - .. — 6a. I6B I - - - — - 159.62 -" �� — — Y.— —� --168-- ---— — — — — — — LO IW PER DB RPENPB 67, 5634, 761 ��— — — — — R/W R/W R!w R/W SOUTH FLIGHT OF WAY PARS DEVELOPMENT ZcqY! 28 EOD �W vOA O U 1 r^rAAII''II p01e� VJwi co..m ID c z �0 cm yC J �zg�m �'J m my"iE f, A 6 U.— ULL >1 a T.. U �ILia Z SEAL rfs g, Ole"�\'L NOT RELEASED FOR CONS TRL+C TION {.A r {La +-.:1i! M Cam�...++..••... =.T �.�E, .:.. VI �i.Tw•T`rtw:. T_ CAT[ $ ■lI kdNR 16. t011 Cfi 17o1. • m".001I 11••1 1AA1■i �!R .._ V aS1aED in CKCKIo ca nau. Loa cu CHICKEN FOOT ROAD DOLLAR GENERAL PROJECT STATUS 90% DESIGN - REG. REVIEW Cit"C SCALE >a M q 10 E fRFfE,I •I11M GRADING AND DRAINAGE PLAN C G-02 161 161 1. DIKING FINAL CONSTRUCTION STORM[AIER INFILTRATION BASIN CLEAN ACCUNULATED SEDIMENT AND PROPERLY DISPOSE PRIOR T6 BACKFILL If CLEAN SAND TO INFILTRATION BASIN BOTTOM ELEVATION IELEV.=166.0). 2. 9• THICK LAYER OF CLEAN $AND FRO)1 ELEV. 165.25 TO 166.0 (IN AREA PREVIOUSLY USED AS SEDIMENT BASIN), 3. SEASONAL HIGH WATER TABLE NOT ENCawmRED DURING SOILS INVESTIGATION VITHIN 95 INCHES IN CEPTH FROM ExxsnNG GROUND SURFACE. BASIN SECTION A —A — — — — — — — ..-- "NOT TO SCALE 2" Na. 4 REBAR AT 12' O.C. EACH 11AY 4000 PSI COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH PORTLAND CEMENT CONCRETE 6' 3R NO. 4 REBAR AT 12° O.C. EACH Vrr REINFORCED CONCRETE WALL DETAIL NOT TO SCALE REINFORC7=D caNCRETE .L OR CONCRETE BLOCK .L (SEE DETAIL)- 3. IN i i6.O/ PDX: FSEEOR BASIN AIIR BASIN SECTION FOR &ISI11 MATERIAL C06TF31[TIOV REOUIREIENTS. TOP 6 FOOTING ��LB'THICK CONCRETE FOOTING sECTI TO TO / NOT SCALE K END BEYOND 16B.0 CONTOUR 6•-0• MIN• p 14 0 4. MIN. FRMT VIEW LEVEL SPREADER DETAIL NOT TO SCALE 1?(,? IH_8 LGI 1 i OF WA Y ' R/w / R/w ' 1 R/w R/W �----------..._.— — — — — — — — — ------------------ -� r let -- I S 189.3E f69_f6= 169.30t _ 1 9+00 r59.01e 169 rs, �rw cif' �' r . — 1 — — — — r �Tl f3$— _ _! i - .. — 6a. I6B I - - - — - 159.62 -" �� — — Y.— —� --168-- ---— — — — — — — LO IW PER DB RPENPB 67, 5634, 761 ��— — — — — R/W R/W R!w R/W SOUTH FLIGHT OF WAY PARS DEVELOPMENT ZcqY! 28 EOD �W vOA O U 1 r^rAAII''II p01e� VJwi co..m ID c z �0 cm yC J �zg�m �'J m my"iE f, A 6 U.— ULL >1 a T.. U �ILia Z SEAL rfs g, Ole"�\'L NOT RELEASED FOR CONS TRL+C TION {.A r {La +-.:1i! M Cam�...++..••... =.T �.�E, .:.. VI �i.Tw•T`rtw:. T_ CAT[ $ ■lI kdNR 16. t011 Cfi 17o1. • m".001I 11••1 1AA1■i �!R .._ V aS1aED in CKCKIo ca nau. Loa cu CHICKEN FOOT ROAD DOLLAR GENERAL PROJECT STATUS 90% DESIGN - REG. REVIEW Cit"C SCALE >a M q 10 E fRFfE,I •I11M GRADING AND DRAINAGE PLAN C G-02 Cit"C SCALE >a M q 10 E fRFfE,I •I11M GRADING AND DRAINAGE PLAN C G-02 Soils Report and NCDENR Correspondence Dottar General Store -0ucken Foot Road Stormwater Management Report 11101 /2012 Southeastern Soil & Environmental Associates, Inc. P.O. Box 9321 Fayetteville, NC 28311 PhoneJFax (910) 822-4540 Emaif mike* southeastems6l.com October 12, 2012 Mr. Gordon Rose, PE Call Sign Engineers 104 Gillespie Street Fayetteville, NC 28301 Re. Hvdraulic conductivity (permeability) analysis & seasonal water table determination (SIIWT) for stormwater retention areas, Dollar General Site, PIN 0423-50-1057-, Chickenfoot Road, Cumberland County, North Carolina Dear Mr. Rose, An evaluation of soil properties and hydraulic conductivity (Ksat) has been conducted at your request on the aforementioned property. The purpose of the investigation was to determine soil water table depths (SIIWT) based on soil profiles- In addition, Ksat was to be provided at a depth 2.0 feet above the SFI WT elevation for use with stormwater retention basin design. Saturated hydraulic conductivity of the unsaturated zone was measured in a similar method as described in the Soil Science Society of America Journal, Vol. 53, no 5, Sept. Oct. 1989, "A Constant Permeameter for Measuring Saturated Hydraulic Conductivity of the Vadose Zone" and Comparison of the Glover Solution with the Simultaneous Fquations Approach for Measuring Hydraulic Conductivity." This consists of advancing a small diameter bore hole to a predctennined depth (typically 2 feet above SHWI). At this depth, a constant head (pressure) was established and maintained. Flow measurements were made at timed intervals after flow stabilized. Soils at the proposed basin site are most similar to the Wagram soil series (see attached boring logs). Two borings were advanced to depths of 7.0 and 9.0 feet. Seasonal High Water Table (SIIWT) as determined by evidence of colors of ehroma 2 or less (and/or concentrations of high redox mottles) was encountered at depths ranging from 61 to 95 inches below the ground surface (see chart attached). SOIUSITE EVALUATION • SOIL PHYSICAL ANALYSIS - LAND USE/SUBDIVISION PLANNING GROUNDWATER DRAINAGE/MOUNDING • SURFACEISUBSURFACE WASTE TREATMENT SYSTEMS, EVALUATION 8 DESIGN Three compact constant head permeameter (CUP) tests were conducted at depths of at least 2.00 feet above the SHWT level. The measured Ksat rates ranged between 0.628 and 6.241 cm/hr (equivalent to 0.247 to 2.457 inches/hour). The attached map shows locations of the sainple points as well as Ksat locations. It should be noted that the reported SHIAIT does not necessarily reflect the elevation of static groundwater (due to variations in groundwater recharge rates, annual rainfall, draught conditions, etc.). The data presented in this report are limited by a number of considerations. The printary consideration is that soil formations can be highly variable. The soils found on this site can be subject to inclusions of other soil types, perched water, artesian conditions anchor layers of undulating low pemicability clay scams. These and other soil conditions can have an affect on the steady state of groundwater flow. To the extent possible, we have identified the soil types that will impact the. flour ot'gTroundwater, and have provided a professional opinion as to the depth orSHWT. trust this is the information you require at this time. Sincerely, Mike Eaker NC Licensed Soil Scientist 91030 SOIL S G� :Wi l_ D. CP • l �, itheaster-n-Soil--S-Envir-onmen-ta-I-Associatesjnc. P.O. Sax 9321 Soil Boring/Ksat Locations - Dollar General Chickenfoot Road, Cumberland County, NC US State Plane 1983 Scale 12,500 North Carolina 3200 N 10l12/2017 NAD 1983 (Canus) 0 _ 300.0 Ij OPS PathflnderOC"ce US Survey Feet 1 rimble_ SO(LlSITE EVALUATION v SOIL PHYSICAL ANALYSIS • LAND USFJSUSDIVISION PLANNING GROUNDWATER DRAINAGE)MOUNDING , SURFACEISUBSURFACE WASTE TREATMENT SYSTEMS, EVALUATION & DESIGN Southeastern Soil & Environmental Associates, Inc. P.O. Box 9321 Fayetteville, NC 28311 Phone/Fax (910) 822-4540 Email mike@southeastemsoil.com SHWT depths, Dollar General Site, Chickenfoot Road, Cumberland County, NC BORING SHWT DEPTH (inches) Observed Water (inches) SB 1 61 none SB2 95 none SOILISITE EVALUATION • SOIL PHYSICAL ANALYSIS• LAND USE/SUBDIVISION PLANNING GROUNDWATER DRAINAGE/MOUNDING • SURFACEISUBSURFACE WASTE TREATMENT SYSTEMS, EVALUATION & DESIGN Southeastern Soil & Environmental Associates, Inc. P.O. Box 9321 Fayettevilte, NC 28311 Phone/Fax (910) 822-4540 Emaii mike 0southeastemsoiLcom Measured Ksat Rates, Dollar General Site, Chickenfoot Road, Cumberland County, NC Ksat Ksat Location Depth in cmlhr inlhr l 37 1.675 •0659 2 37 6.241 2.457 2 71 0.628 0.247 SOIUSITE EVALUATION • SOIL PHYSICAL. ANALYSIS • LAND USEISUBDIVISION PLANNING GROUNDWATER DRAINAGElMOUNDING • SURFACEISUBSURFACE WASTE TREATMENT SYSTEMS, EVALUATION & DESIGN Southeastern Soil & Environmental Associates, Inc. P.O. Box 9321 Fayetteville, NC 28311 PhonelFax (910) 822-4540 Email mike* southeasternsoil.com Soil Boring Log "1", Dollar General Site, Chickenfoot Road, Cumberland County, NC This map unit consists of well drained soils that formed in loamy sediment on uplands. Slope ranged from 0 to 2 percent. A - 0 to 4 inches; very dark grayish brown (I OYR 312) loamy sand; single grained; loose; very friable; common line and medium roots; abrupt smooth boundary. E - 4 to 28 inches; yellowish brown (IOYIZ 5/4) loamy sand; about 10 percent clean sand; single grained; loose; very friable; few fine and medium roots; clear smooth boundary. BtI - 28 to 40 inches; light yellowish brown (I OYR 6/4) sandy clay loam; weak medium subangular blocky structure; friable; gradual wavy boundary. l3t2 - 40 to 56 inches; light yellowish brown (I OYR 6/4) sandy clay loam; few faint medium reddish yellow (7.5YR 6/8); weak medium subangular blocky structure; friable; thin clay films on some ped faces; about 2 percent soft plinthite; gradual wary boundary. BC — 56 to 61 inches; light yellowish brown (IOYR 6/4) sandy clay loam; common medium distinct red (l OR 4/6) mottles; weak medium and coarse subangular blocky structure; about 10% soft plinthite, firm; gradual wavy boundary. C - 61 to 84 inches; mixed grayish brown (I OYR 5/2), light yellowish brown (1 OYR 6/4) and red (I OR 4/6) sandy clay; massive structure; very firm. SHWT @ 61 inches (1 OYR 5/2) SOIUSITE EVALUATION • SOIL PHYSICAL ANALYSIS - LAND USEISUBDIVISION PLANNING GROUNDWATER DRAINAGEIMOUNDING - SURFACE/SUBSURFACE WASTE TREATMENT SYSTEMS, EVALUATION & DESIGN Southeastern Soil & Environmental Associates, Inc. P.O. Box 9321' Fayetteville, NC 28311 Phone/Fax (910) 822-4540 Email mike Osoutheastemsoil.com Soil Boring Log "2", Dollar General Site, Chickenfoot Road, Cumberland County, NC This map unit consists of well drained soils that formed in loamy sediment on uplands. Slope ranged from 0 to 2 percent. A - 0 to 4 inches; very dark grayish brown (1 OYR 3/2) loamy sand; single grained; loose; very friable; common fine and medium roots; abrupt smooth boundary. E - 4 to 41 inches; light yellowish brown (I OYR 6/4) loamy sand; common medium faint yellowish brown (I OYR 5/4) mottles; about 10 percent clean sand; single grained; loose; very friable; few fine and medium roots; clear smooth boundary. Btl - 41 to 53 inches; yellowish brawn (I OYR 5/6) sandy clay loam; weak medium subangular blocky structure; friable; gradual wavy boundary. Bt2 - 53 to 66 inches; yellowish brown (1 OYR 5/6) sandy clay loam; common fine and medium reddish yellow (7.5YR 6/8); weak medium and coarse subangular blocky structure; firm; thin clay films on some ped faces; about 5 percent soft plinthite; gradual wavy boundary. 130 — 66 to 95 inches; strong brown (7.5YR 5/8) sandy clay loam; common medium distinct red (1 OR 4/6) weak medium and coarse subangular blocky structure; about 100/, soft plinthite, film; gradual wavy boundary. BC - 95 to 108 inches; light brownish gray (1 OYR 6/2) sandy clay; many medium distinct red (2.5YR 4/6) and yellowish brown (1 OYR 5/6) mottles; massive structure; very firm. S14WT @ 95 inches (I OYR 612) SOIL/SITE EVALUATION • SOIL PHYSICAL ANALYSIS • LAND USEISUBDIVISION PLANNING GROUNDWATFR DRAINAGE/IVIOUNDING • SURFACEISUBSURFACE WASTE TREATMENT SYSTEMS, EVALUATION & DESIGN PondPack Input and Output Computations Dollar General Store thicken Foot Road Stonmwater Management Report 11/01/2012 Project Summary Title DGS - Chicken Foot Road Engineer C. Heath Wadsworth, PE Company Call Sign Engineers, PA Date 10/29/2012 Notes Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods Solution Bentley PondPack V8i RHT_0017.ppc Center [ 10129/2012 27 Siemon Company Drive Suite 200 W Page 1 of 29 W atertown, CT 06795 USA + 1 -203-755-1666 Table of Contents Master Network Summary 2 24hr Fort Bragg 100yr, 24hr(Fort Bragg) Time -Depth Curve 4 Time -Depth Curve 6 Time -Depth Curve 8 PreDev DA lyr, 24hr (Fort Bragg) Runoff CN-Area 10 Runoff CN-Area 11 Runoff CN-Area 12 Post Out lyr, 24hr (Fort Bragg) Addition Summary l3 Pre Out lyr, 24hr (Fort Bragg) Addition Summary 14 Infiltration Basin lyr, 24hr (Fort Bragg) Elevation -Area Volume 1,5 Curve Volume Equations 16 Composite Outlet lyr, 24hr (Fort Bragg) Structure - 1 Outlet Input Data 17 Individual Outlet Curves 19 Infiltration Basin (IN) iyr, 24hr (Fart Bragg) Detention Time 20 Detention Time 21 Detention Time 22 Infiltration Basin (OUT) lyr, 24hr (Fort Bragg) Pond Routed Hydrograph 23 (total out) Pond Routed Hydrograph 25 (total out) Pond Routed Hydrograph 27 (total out) Subsection: Master Network Summary Catchments Summary t Label ri _ Scenario Return Hydrograph Time to Peak Peak Flow Event Volume (hours) (ft3/s) (years) (ac-ft) E PreDev DA Pre -Development 1- 1 0.000 0.000 0.00 year PreDev DA Pre -Development 10- 10 0.005 24.000 0.01 year PreDev DA Pre -Development 100 100 0.097 12.050 0.59 -year Post (Into Basin) -Development 1- 1 0.109 t 1,950 1.98 year Post (Into Basin) P'o�fDevelopment 10 10 0.273 11,900 4.96 Post (Into Basin) Post -Development 100 0.486 11.900 8.74 100-year Post (Not Into Basin) Post -Development 1- 1 0.000 0.000 0.00 year Post (Not Into Basin) Post -Development 10 10 0.006 24.000 0.01 year Post (Not Into Basin) Post -Development 100 0.071 12.050 0.57 100-year Node Summary Label Scenario Return Hydrograph Time to Peak Peak Flow Event Volume (hours) (ft3/s) (years) (ac-ft) Pre -Development 1- Pre Out 1 0.000 0.000 0.00 year Pre -Development 10- Pre Out 10 0.005 24.000 0.01 year Pre -Development 100 Pre Out 100 0.097 12,050 0.59 -year Post -Development 1- Post Out 1 0.000 0.000 0.00 year Post -Development 10 Post Out 10 0.006 24.000 0.01 -year Post -Development Post Out 100 0-215 12.050 4.17 100-year Pond Summary Label Scenario Return Hydrograph Time to Peak Peak Flow Maximum Maximum Event Volume (hours) (ft3/s) Water Pond Storage i (years) (ac-ft) Surface (ac-ft) Elevation l i (ft) Infiltration Post - Basin (IN) Development 1 0.109 11.950 1.98 (N/A) (N/A) 1-year RHT.0017.ppc 10/2912012 Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods Solution Center 27 Siemon Company Drive Suite 200 W Watertown, CT 06795 USA +1-203-755-1666 Bentley PondPack V8i [ Page 2 of 29 Subsection; Master Network Summary Pond Summary Label Scenario Return Hydrograph Time to Peak Peak Flow Maximum Maximum i Event Volume (hours) (ft3/s) Water Pond Storage (years) (ac-ft) Surface (ac-ft) Elevation _ ..Post- _ (ft) — — --- -. -. -- _ Infiltration Basin (OUT) Development 1 0.000 0.000 0.00 166.36 0.054 1-year Infiltration Post - Basin (IN) Development 10 0.273 11.900 4.96 (N/A) (N/A) 10-year Infiltration post - Basin (OUT} Development 10 0.000 0.000 0.00 167.01 0.159 10-year - Infiltration Post - Basin (IN) Development 100 0.486 11.900 8.74 (N/A) (N/A) 100-year Infiltration Post Basin (OUT) Development 100 0.144 12.050 3.60 167.34 0.217 100-year Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods Solution Bentley PondPack V8i RHT.0017.ppc Center (08.11-01.541 10129/2012 27 Siemon Company Drive Suite 209 W Page 3 of 29 Watertown, CT 06795 USA +1-203-755-1666 Subsection: Time -Depth Curve Label: 24hr Fort Bragg Time -Depth Curve: 100yr, 24hr (Fort Bragg) Return Event: 100 years Storm Event: 100yr, 24hr (Fort Bragg) Label 100yr, 24hr (Fort Bragg) Start Time 0.000 hours Increment 0.100 hours End Time 24.000 hours Return Event 100 years CUMULATIVE RAINFALL (in) Output Time Increment = 0.100 hours Time on left represents time for first value in each row. Time - - peps -- Depth --Depth - Depth _ peps _- I (hours) (in) (in) (in) (in) (in) 0.000 0.0000 0,0082 0.0165 0.0249 0.0333 0.500 0.0419 0.0504 0.0592 0.0679 0.0768 1.000 0.0857 0.0947 0.1038 0.1130 0.1222 1.500 0.1316 0.1410 0.1506 0.1601 0.1698 2.000 0.1795 0.1894 0.1993 0.2093 0.2193 2.500 0.2295 0.2397 0.2501 0.2605 0.2710 3.000 0.2815 0.2922 0.3029 0.3138 0.3246 3.500 0.3356 0.3466 0.3578 0.3690 0.3803 4.000 0.3917 0.4032 0.4149 0.4267 0.4387 4.500 0.4508 0.4632 0.4756 0.4883 0.5011 5.000 0.5141 0.5272 0.5405 0.5540 0.5676 5.500 0.5814 0.5954 0.6095 0.6238 0.6382 6.000 0.6528 0.6676 0.6825 0.6976 0.7129 6.500 0.7283 0.7439 0.7596 0.7755 0.7916 7.000 0.8078 0.8242 0.8408 0.8575 0.8744 7.500 0.8915 0.9087 0.9261 0.9436 0.9613 8.000 0.9792 0.9976 1.0167 1.0367 1.0575 8.500 1.0792 1.1016 1.1249 1.1489 1.1738 9.000 1.1995 1.2256 1.2517 1.2779 1.3040 9.500 1.3301 1.3568 1.3849 1.4143 1.4450 10.000 1.4770 1.5106 1.5462 1.5837 1.6232 10.500 1.6646 1.7087 1.7560 1.8066 1.8605 11.000 1.9176 1.9803 2.0508 2.1291 2.2153 11.500 2.3093 2.5038 2.8916 3.5152 4,6337 12.000 5.4101 5.5648 5.7009 5.8184 5.9173 12.500 5.9976 6.0665 6.1311 6.1915 6.2476 13.000 6.2995 6.3482 6.3945 6.4386 6.4803 13.500 6.5198 6.5574 6.5933 6.6276 6.6602 14.000 6.6912 6.7211 6.7504 6.7792 6.8074 14.500 6.8351 6.8621 6.8886 6.9145 6.9398 15.000 6.9646 6.9888 7.0124 7.0355 7.0579 15.500 7.0799 7.1012 7.1220 7.1421 7.1618 16.000 7.1808 7.1995 7.2179 7.2362 7.2542 16.500 7.2721 7.2897 7.3072 7.3244 7.3415 17.000 7.3583 73749 7.3913 7.4076 7.4236 Bentley Systems, tnc. Haestad Methods Solution RHT.0017.ppc Cenler 1012912012 27 Siemon Company Drive Suite 200 W Watertown, CT 06795 USA +1-203-755-1666 Bentley PondPack VSi [[ Page 4 of 29 Subsection: Time -Depth Curve Label: 24hr Fort Bragg Return Event: 100 years Storm Event: 100yr, 24hr (Fort Bragg) CUMULATIVE RAINFALL (in) Output Time Increment = 0.100 hours Time on left represents time for first value in each row. Time - Depth DepttlJ _ Depth Depth ____ Depth - (hours) _ (in) (in) _ _ _ (in) (in)_ _ _ (in) 17.500 7.4394 7.4550 7.4704 7.4856 7.5006 18.000 7.5154 7.5300 7.5443 7.5585 7.5725 18.500 7.5863 7.5998 7.6132 7.6263 7.6393 19.000 7.6520 7.6646 7.6769 7.6891 7.7010 19.500 7.7128 7.7243 7.7356 7.7467 7.7576 20.000 7.7683 7.7789 7.7895 7,8000 7.8104 20.500 7.8209 7.8312 7.8416 7.8519 7.8622 21.000 7.8724 7.9826 7.8927 7.9028 7.9128 21.500 7.9229 7.9328 7.9428 7.9527 7.9625 22.000 7.9723 7.9821 7.9918 8.0015 8.0112 22.500 8.0208 8.0303 8.0399 8.0494 8.0588 23.000 8.0682 8.0776 .8.0869 8.0962 8.1054 23.500 8.1146 8.1238 8.1329 8.1420 8.1510 24.000 8.1601 (NIA) (NIA) (NIA) (NIA) Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods Solution Bentley PondPack V8i RHT.0017. ppc Center [ 10/29/2012 27 Siemon Company Drive Suite 200 W Page 5 of 29 Watertown, CT 06795 USA +1-203-755-1666 Subsection: Time -Depth Curve Label: 24hr Fort Bragg Return Event: 10 years Storm Event: 10yr, 24hr (Fort Bragg) Time -Depth Curve: 10yr, 24hr (Fort Bragg) Label 10yr, 24hr (Fort Bragg) Start Time 0,000 hours Increment 0.100 hours End Time 24.000 hours Return Event 10 years CUMULATIVE RAINFALL (in) Output Time Increment = 0.100 hours Time on left represents time for first value in each row. Time Depth - - -- Depth Depth Depth Depth (hours) (in) (in) (in) (in) (in) 0.000 0.0000 0.0054 0.0109 0.0164 0.0220 0.500 0.0277 0.0333 0.0391 0,0448 0.0507 1.000 0.0%6 0-0626 0.0686 0.0747 0.0807 1.500 0.0869 0-0931 0.0994 0.1058 0.1122 2,000 0.1186 0.1251 0.1316 0.1383 0.1449 2.500 0.1516 0.1584 0,1652 0.1720 0.1790 3.000 0.1860 0.1930 0.2001 0.2072 0.2144 3.500 0.2217 0.2290 0.2364 0.2437 0.2512 4.000 0.2587 0.2663 0.2740 0.2818 0.2898 4.500 0.2978 0.3059 0.3142 03225 0.3310 5.000 0.3396 0.3482 0.3570 0.3659 0.3749 5,500 0.3840 0.3933 0.4026 0.4120 0-4216 6.000 0.4312 0.4410 0.4508 0.4608 0.4709 6.500 0.4811 0-4914 0.5018 0.5123 0.5229 7.000 0.5336 0.5444 0.5554 0.5664 0.5776 7.500 0.5989 0.6002 0.6117 0,6233 0.6350 8.000 0.6468 0.6589 0.6716 0.6848 0.6985 8.500 0-7128 0.7277 0.7430 0.7589 0.1754 9.000 0.7923 0.8096 0,8268 0.8441 0.8613 9.500 0.8796 0.8962 0.9148 0.9342 0.9545 10.000 0.9756 0.9978 1.0213 1-0461 1.0722 10.500 1,0996 1.1287 1.1599 1.1933 1.2289 11.000 1.2666 1.3080 1.3546 1.4064 1.4633 11.500 1.5254 1.6539 1.9100 2.3220 3.0608 12.000 3.5736 3.6758 3,7657 3,8433 3,9086 12.500 3.9617 4.0071 4.0498 4.0897 4-1268 13.000 4.1611 4.1932 4.2238 4.2529 4.2805 13.500 4,3066 4.3314 4.3551 4.3778 4.3993 14.000 4.4198 4.4396 4.4589 4.4780 4.4966 14.500 4.5148 4.5327 4-5502 4.5673 4.5840 15.000 4.6004 4.6164 4.6320 4.6472 4.6620 15.500 4.6765 4.6906 4.7043 4.7177 4.7306 16.000 4.7432 4.7555 4.7677 4,7798 4,7917 16.500 4.8035 4.8152 4.8267 4.8381 4.8493 17.000 4.8604 4,8714 4.8823 4.8930 4.9036 Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods Solution Bentley PondPack V8i RHT.0017_ppc Center [[ 10129/2012 27 Siemon Company Drive Suite 290 W Page 6 of 29 Watertown, CT 06795 USA +1-203-755-1666 Subsection: Time -Depth Curve Label: 24hr Fort Bragg Return Event: 10 years Storm Event: 10yr, 24hr (Fort Bragg) CUMULATIVE RAINFALL (in) Output Time Increment = 0.100 hours Time on left represents time for first value in each row. Time Depth Depth Depot Depth Depth (hours) _ -- (in) (in) - (in) - (in) J4.9445 (in) 17.500 4.9140 4.9243 4.9345 4.9544 18.000 4.9642 49738 4,9833 4.9927 5.0019 18.500 5.0110 5.0200 5.0288 5.0375 5.0461 19.000 5.0545 5.0628 5.0709 5,0789 5.0868 19.500 5.0946 5.1022 5.1097 5.1170 5.1242 20.000 5.1313 5.1383 5-1452 5.1522 5.1591 20.500 5.1660 5.1728 5.1797 5.1865 5.1933 21.000 5.2000 5,2067 5.2134 5.2201 5.2267 21.500 5.2334 5.2399 5.2465 5.2530 5.2596 22.000 5.2660 5.2725 5.2789 5,2853 5,2917 22.500 5.2980 5.3044 5.3107 5.3169 5.3232 23.000 5.3294 5.3356 5.3417 5.3479 5.3539 23.500 5.3600 5.3661 5.3721 5.3781 5.3841 24.000 5.3901 (NIA) (NIA) WAI (NIA) Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods Solution Bentley PondPack V8i RHT.0017.ppc Center [ 10r2912012 27 Siemon Company Drive Suite 200 W Page 7 of 29 Watertown, CT 06795 USA +1-203-755-1666 Subsection: Time -Depth Curve Label: 24hr Fort Bragg Time -Depth Curve: 1yr, 24hr (Fort Bragg) Label lyr, 24hr (Fort Bragg) Start Time 0.000 hours Increment 0.100 hours End Time 24.000 hours Return Event 1 years Return Event: 1 years Storm Event: 1yr, 24hr (Fort Bragg) CUMULATIVE RAINFALL (in) Output Time Increment = 0.100 hours Time on left represents time for first value in each row. Time -- - peps Dept - Dept -- Dept - (hours) (in) (in) (in) (in) Depth I fin) 0.000 0.0000 0.0031 0.0062 0.0093 0.0125 0.500 0.0157 0.0189 0.0222 0.0255 0.0288 1,000 0.0321 0.0355 0.0389 0.0424 0.0458 1.500 0.0494 0.0529 0.0565 0.0600 0.0637 2.000 0.0673 0.0710 0.0747 0.0785 0.0823 2.500 0.0861 0.0899 0.0938 0-0977 0.1016 3.000 0.1056 0.1096 0.1136 0.1177 0-1217 3.500 0.1259 0.1300 0.1342 0,1384 0.1426 4-000 0,1469 0.1512 0.1556 0.1600 0.1645 4.500 0.1691 0.1737 0.1784 0.1831 0,1879 5-000 0.1928 0.1977 0.2027 0.2077 0.2129 5.500 0.2180 0.2233 0.2286 0.2339 0.2393 6.000 0.2448 0.2503 0.2559 0.2616 0.2673 6.500 0.2731 0,2789 0.2849 0.2908 0.2969 7.000 0.3029 0.3091 0.3153 0.3216 0.3279 7.500 0.3343 0.3408 0.3473 0,3539 0.3605 8,000 0.3672 0.3741 0.3813 0-3888 0.3966 8.500 0.4047 0.4131 0.4218 0.4308 0.4402 9.000 0.4498 0.4596 0,4694 0.4792 0.4890 9.500 0.4988 0.5088 0.5193 0.5304 0.5419 10.000 0.5539 0.5665 0.5798 0.5939 0.6087 10.500 0.6242 0.6408 0.6585 0.6775 0.6977 11.000 0.7191 0.7426 0.7690 0.7984 0.8307 11.500 0.8660 0.9389 1.0843 1.3182 1.7377 12.000 M288 2.0868 2-1378 2,1819 2,2190 12-500 2.2491 2.2749 2.2992 2.3218 2.3429 13.000 2.3623 2,3806 2.3979 2.4145 2,4301 13-500 2.4449 2.4590 2.4725 2.4853 2.4976 14,000 2.5092 2.5204 2.5314 2.5422 2.5528 14.500 2.5631 2.5733 2.5832 2.5929 2.6024 15.000 2.6117 2.6208 2,6296 2.6383 2.6467 15.500 2.6549 2.6629 2.6707 2.6783 2-6857 16.000 2.6928 2.6998 2.7067 2.7136 2.7203 16.500 2.7270 2.7337 2.7402 2.7467 2.7531 17.000 2.7594 2.7656 2-7717 2.7778 2.7838 Bentley Systems, tnc. Haestad Methods Solution Bentley PondPack V8i RHT.0017.ppc Center [08A 1.01.541 10/29/2012 27 Siemon Company Drive Suite 200 W Page 8 of 29 Watertown, CT 06795 USA +1-203-755-1666 Subsection: Time -Depth Curve Label: 24hr Fort Bragg CUMULATIVE RAINFALL (in) Output Time Increment = 0.100 hours Return Event: 1 years Storm Event: lyr, 24hr (Fort Bragg) Time on left represents time for first value in each row. Time Dept _ Dept Depth Depth Depth - 1 (hours) _ -� (in) (in) (in) (in) _ (in) 17.500 2.7898 2.7956 2.8014 2.8071 2.8127 18.000 2.8183 2.8237 2.8291 2.8344 2.8397 18.500 2.8449 2.9499 2.8549 2.8599 2.8647 19.000 2.8695 2.8742 2.8788 2.8834 2.8879 19.500 2.8923 2.8966 2.9008 2.9050 2.9091 20.000 2.9131 2.9171 2.9210 2.9250 2.9289 20.500 2.9328 2.9367 2.9406 2.9445 2,9483 21.000 2.9521 2.9560 2.9598 2.9635 2.9673 21.500 2.9711 2.9748 2.9785 2.9822 2.9859 22.000 2.9096 2.9933 2.9969 3.0006 3.0042 22.500 3.0078 3.0114 3.0150 3.0185 3,0221 23.000 3.0256 3.0291 3.0326 3.0361 3.0395 23.500 3.0430 3.0464 3.0498 3.0532 3,0566 24.000 3.0600 (NIA) (NIA) (NIA) (NIA) Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods Solufion Bentley PondPack V8i RHT.0017.ppc Center [08.11,01,541 10/292012 27 Siemon Company Drive Suite 200 W Page 9 of 29 Watertown. CT 06795 USA +1-203-755-1666 Subsection: Runoff CN-Area Label: PreDev DA Runoff Curve Number Data i Sail/Surface Description Return Event: 1 years Storm Event: 1yr, 24hr (Fort Bragg) CN - -Area - _ - - C ---�C --- Adjusted CN i Woods - good - Soil A 30.000 112,192.000 0.0 0.0 30.000 COMPOSITE AREA & WEIGHTED CN ---s (N/A) 1 112,192.000 1 (N/A) I (N/A) 30.00D Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods Solution Bentley PondPack V8i RHT,0017-ppc Center] 10r29=2 27 Siemon Company Drive Suite 200 W Page 10 of 29 Watertown, CT 06795 USA +1-203-755-1666 Subsection: Runoff CN-Area Label: PreDev DA Runoff Curve Number Data t Soil/Surface Description Return Event: 10 years Storm Event: fyr, 24hr (Fort Bragg) -- - - CN - - --- Area - — C — — UC Adjusted CN (ftz) (9b) (°l6) I Woods - good - Soil A 30.000 1 112,192.000 0.0 0.0 30.000 COMPOSITE AREA & WEIGHTED CN ---> (N/A) 112,192.000 (N/A) (N/A) 30.000 Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods Solution Sengey PondPack V8i RHT.0017.ppc Center [[ 1029i2012 27 Siemon Company Drive Suite 200 W Page 11 of 29 Watertown, CT 06795 USA + 1 -203-755-1666 Subsection: Runoff CN-Area Label: PreDev DA Runoff Curve Number Data Soil/Surface Description Return Event: 100 years Storm Event: lyr, 24hr (Fort Bragg) CN Area _ C --- __ Uc u� Adjusted CN (ft7) M M 4 Woods - good - Soil A 30.000 112,192,000 0.0 0.0 30.000 COMPOSITE AREA & WEIGHTED CN ---> (N/A) 1 112,192.000 (N/A) (N/A) 30.000 Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods Solution Bentley PondPack V8i RHT.0017.ppc Center] 10/2912012 27 Siemon Company Drive Suite 290 W Page 12 of 29 Watertown, CT 06795 USA +1-203-755-1666 Subsection: Addition Summary Label: Post Out Summary for Hydrograph Addition at'Post Out' - - - -Upstream Link y -, _- Upstream Node ` Outlet-1 Infiltration Basin Catchment to Outflow Nodes Post (Not Into Basin) Node Inflows Return Event: I years Storm Event: Iyr, 24hr (Fort Bragg) inflow Type Element Volume _ Time to Peak Flow (Peak) (ac-ft) (hours) (ft3Js) Flow (From) Outlet-1 0.000 0.000 0.00 Flow (From) Post (Not Into 0.000 0.000 0.00 Basin) Flow (In) Past Out 0.000 0.000 0.00 Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods Solution Bentley PondPack V8i RHT.0017.ppc Center [ 10/2912012 27 Siemon Company Drive Suite 200 W Page 13 of 29 Watertown, CT 06795 USA +1-203-755-1666 Subsection: Addition Summary Return Event: 1 years Label; Pre Out Storm Event: lyr, 24hr (Fort Bragg) Summary for Hydrograph Addition at 'Pre Out' Node - -- <Catchment to Outflow Node> F ^~ - PreDev DA Node Inflows Inflow Type Element Volume Time to Peak Flow (Peak) (ac-R) _ (_hours) _ (113/0 _ Flow (From) PreDev DA 0-000 0.000 0,00 Flow (in) Pre Out 0.000 0.000 0.00 Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods Solution Bentley PondPack V8i RHT.0017.ppc Center [ 10129I2012 27 Siemon Company Drive Suite 200 yV Page 14 of 29 Watertown, CT 06795 USA +1-203-755-1666 Subsection: Elevation -Area Volume Curve Label: Infiltration Basin Elevation Planlmeter Area (�) (ft2) (ft2) Return Event: 10 years Storm Event: lyr, 24hr (Fort Bragg) Al+A2+sqr u Volume Volme (Total) f (A1*A2) (ac-ft) (ac-ft) (ft2) 166.00 0.0 6,240.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 167.00 0.0 7,450.000 20,508.211 0.157 0.157 1 168.00 0.0 9,155.000 24,863.617 0.190 0,347 RHT.0017.ppc 104290012 Bentley Systems, Inc. Haeslad Methods Solution Center 27 Siemon Company Drive Suite 200 W Watertown, CT 06795 USA + 1 -203-755-1666 Bentley PondPack V8i [ Page 15 of 29 Subsection: Volume Equations Label: Infiltration Basin Return Event: 10 years Storm Event: lyr, 24hr (Fort Bragg) Pond Volume Equations * Incremental volume computed by the Conic Method for Reservoir Volumes. Volume = (1/3) * (EL2 - Ell) * (Areal + Area2 + sgr(Areal * Area2)) where: EL1, EL2 Lower and upper elevations of the Increment Areal, Area2 Areas computed for ELl, EL2, respectively Volume Incremental volume between EL1 and EL2 Sentley Systems. Inc. Haestad Methods Solution Bentley PondPack V8i RHT.0017. ppc Center [08,11,01.54[ 10l2912012 27 Siemon Company Drive Suite 200 W Page 16 of 29 Watertown. CT 06795 USA +1-203-755-1666 Subsection: Outlet input Data Label: Composite Outlet Structure - 1 Return Event: 10 years Storm Event: 1yr, 24hr (Fort Bragg) Requested Pond Water Surface Elevations Minimum (Headwater) 166.00 ft Increment (Headwater) 0.50 ft Maximum (Headwater) 168.00 It Outlet Connectivity Structure Type Outlet ID Direction Outfall El E2 I (ft) (ft) Rectangular Weir Weir - 1 Forward I TW 1 167-10 168.00 Tailwater Settings Tailwater (N/A) Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods Solution Bentley PondPack V8i RHT.0017.ppc Center [08. 11.01 .54] 10/2912012 27 Siemon Company Onve Suite 200 W Page 17 of 29 Watertown, CT 06795 USA +1-203-755-1666 Subsection: Outlet Input Data Label: Composite Outlet Structure - 1 Return Event: 10 years Storm Event: lyr, 24hr (Fort Bragg) Structure ID: Weir - 1 Structure Type: Rectangular Weir Number of Openings 1 Elevation 167.10 ft Weir Length 8.00 ft Weir Coefficient 3.00 (ftA0.5)/s Structure ID: TW Structure Type: TW Setup, DS Channel Tailwater Type Free Outfall Convergence Tolerances Maximum Iterations 30 Tailwater Tolerance 0.01 ft (Minimum) Tailwater Tolerance 0.50 ft (Ma)imum) Headwater Tolerance 0.01 ft (Minimum) Headwater Tolerance 0.50 ft (Maximum) Flow Tolerance (Minimum) 0.001 ft3Js Row Tolerance (Maximum) 10,000 01s; Bentley Systems, Inc_ Haestad Methods Solution Bentley PondPack V8i RHT.0017.ppc Center [] 10/29/2012 27 Siemon Company Drive Suite 200 W Page 18 of 29 Watertown, CT 06196 USA +1-203-155-1666 Subsection: Individual Outlet Curves Label: Composite Outlet Structure - 1 RATING TABLE FOR ONE OUTLET TYPE Structure ID = Weir - 1 (Rectangular Weir) Upstream ID = (Pond Water Surface) Downstream ID = Tailwater (Pond Outfall) Return Event: 10 years Storm Event: 1yr, 24hr (Fort Bragg) Water Surface Row Tailwater Elevation Convergence Error Elevation (ft3/s) i (ft) (ft) (ft) 166.00 0.00 (N/A) 0.00 166.50 0.00 (N/A) 0.00 167.00 0.00 (N/A) 0.00 167.10 0.00 (N/A) 0.00 167.50 6.07 (N/A) 0.00 168.00 20.49 (N/A) a.oa Computation Messages HW & TW below Inv.El.= 167. 100 HW & TW below Inv.El.=167.100 HW & TW below [nv.El.= 167. 100 H=.00; Htw=.00; Qfree=.00; H=.40; Htw=.00; Qfree=6.07; H=.90; Htw=.00; Qfree=20.49; RHT.001 Tppc 10129/2012 Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods Solution Center 27 Siemon Company Orive Suite 200 W Watertown, CT 06795 USA +1-203-755-1666 Bentley PondPack V8i [] Page 19 of 29 Subsection: Detention Time Label: Infiltration Basin (IN) Infiltration Inflltration Method Average (Computed) Infiltration Rate Inflltration Rate (Average) 1.2000 in/h Approximate Detention Times Time to Peak (Outflow + Infiltration, Peak to Peak 13.000 hours Detention Time) Time to Peak (Inflow, Peak 11.950 hours to Peak Detention Time) Detention Time (Peak to 1.050 hours Peak) Time to Centroid (Outflow) 16.770 hours Time to Centroid (Inflow) 13.983 hours Detention Time (Centroid to 2.787 hours Centroid) Weighted Average Plug Time 4.102 hours Maximum Plug Volume Plug 2,812 hours Time Maximum Inflow Plug 0.008 ac-ft Volume Time (Maximum Plug 11.900 hours Volume, Start) Time (Maximum Plug 11.950 hours Volume, End) Return Event: 1 years Storm Event: lyr, 24hr (Fort Bragg) Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods Solution Bentley PondPack VSi RHT.0017.ppc Center ( 10r2912012 27 Siemon Company Drive Suite 200 W Page 20 of 29 W atenown, CT 06795 USA +1-203-755-1666 Subsection: Detention Time Label: Infiltration Basin (IN) Infiltration Infiltration Method Average (Computed) Infiltration Rate Infiltration Rate (Average) 1.2000 In/h Approximate Detention Times Time to Peak (Outflow + Infiltration, Peak to Peak 13.700 hours Detention Time) Time to Peak (Inflow, Peak 11.900 hours to Peak Detention Time) Detention Time (Peak to 1.800 hours Peak) Time to Centroid (Outflow) 17.590 hours Time to Centroid (Inflow) 13.548 hours Detention Time (Centroid to 4.042 hours Centrold) Weighted Average Plug T-ime 5.777 hours Maximum Plug Volume Plug 5.503 hours Time Maximum Inflow Plug 0.020 ac-ft Volume Time (Maximum Plug 11.900 hours Volume, Start) Time (Maximum Plug 11.950 hours Volume, End) Return Event: 10 years Storm Event: 10yr, 24hr (Fort Bragg) Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods Solution Bentley PandPack V8i RHT.0017_ppc Center ( 10r2912012 27 Siemon Company Drive Suite 200 W Page 21 of 29 Watertown, CT 0679S USA +1-203-755-1666 Subsection: Detention Time Label: Infiltration Basin (IN) Infiltration Infiltration Method Average (Computed) Infiltration Rate Infiltration Rate (Average) 1.2000 In/h Approximate Detention Times Time to Peak (Outflow + Infiltration, Peak to Peak 12.050 hours Detention Time) Time to Peak (Inflow, Peak 11.900 hours to Peak Detention Time) Detention Time (Peak to 0.150 hours Peak) Time to Cenlrold (Outflow) 15.400 hours Time to Centroid (Inflow) 13.274 hours Detention Time (Centroid to 2.125 hours Centroid) Weighted Average Plug Time 4.342 hours Maximum Plug Volume Plug 2.396 hours Time Maximum Inflow Plug 0.035 ac-ft Volume Time (Maximum Plug 11.900 hours Volume, Start) Time (Maximum Plug 11.950 hours Volume, End) Return Event: 100 years Storm Event: 100yr, 24hr (Fort Bragg) Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods Solufion Bentley PondPack V8i RHT.0017.ppc Center [] 1012912012 27 Siemon Company Drive Suite 200 W Page 22 of 29 W atenown, CT 06795 USA +1-203-755-1666 Subsection: Pond Routed Hydrograph (total out) Return Event: 1 years Label: Infiltration Basin (OUT) Storm Event: lyr, 24hr (Fort Bragg) Peak Discharge 0.00 0/s Time to Peak 8.000 hours Hydrograph Volume 0.000 ac-ft HYDROGRAPH ORDINATES (W/s) Output Time Increment » 0.050 hours Time on left represents time for first value in each row. I Time Flow Flow Flow Flow Flow i (hoofs) (ft3/S) (ft3/5) (ft3/5) (ft3/S) (ft3/S) 0.000 0.001 0.00 (N/A) I (N/A) I (N/A) Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods Solution Bentley PondPack V8i RHT.0017.ppc Center [ 10/29t2012 27 Siemon Company Drive Suite 200 W Page 23 of 29 Watertown, CT 06795 USA +1-203-755-1666 Subsection: Pond Routed Hydrograph (total out) Label: Infiltration Basin (OUT) Return Event: 1 years Storm Event: iyr, 24hr (Fort Bragg) 0-000 5.000 10.000 15.000 20.000 Time (hours) Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods Solution Bentley PondPack V8i RHT.0017.ppc Center [ 10/29f2012 27 Siemon Company Drive Suite 200 W Page 24 of 29 Watertown, CT 06795 USA +1-203-755-1666 0 Subsection: Pond Routed Hydrograph (total out) Label: Infiltration Basin (OUT) Return Event: 10 years Storm Event: 10yr, 24hr (Fort Bragg) Peak Discharge 0.00 ft3/s Time to Peak 8.000 hours Hydrograph Volume 0.000 ac-ft HYDROGRAPH ORDINATES (ft'/s) Output Time Increment = 0.050 hours Time on left represents time for first value in each row. Trne Flow Flow Flow Flow (hours) (ft3/S) (ft3/S) (ft3/S) (ft3/S) RHT.0017.ppc IM912012 Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods Solution Center 27 Siemon Company drive Suite 200 W Watertown, CT 06795 USA 11-203-755-1666 Bentley PondPack V8i [ Page 25 of 29 Subsection: Pond Routed Hydrograph (total out) Label: Infiltration Basin (OUT) Return Event: 10 years Storm Event: 10yr, 24hr (Fort Bragg) 0.000 5.000 10.000 15.000 20.000 Time (hours) Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods Solution Bentley PondPack M RHT.0017.ppc Center [08.11 .O 1.541 10129/2012 27 Siemon Company Drive Suite 200 W Page 26 of 29 Watertown, CT 06795 USA +1-203-755-1666 Subsection: Pond Routed Hydrograph (total out) Label: Infiltration Basin (OUT) Return Event: 100 years Storm Event: 100yr, 24hr (Fort Bragg) Peak Discharge 3.60 ft3/s Time to Peak 12.050 hours Hydrograph Volume 0.144 ac-ft HYDROGRAPH ORDINATES (ft3/s) Output Time Increment = 0.050 hours Time on left represents time for first value in each row. Ti_ me Flow Flow Flow Flow Flow i (hours) (ft3/s) MYS) (ft3/s) (ft3/s) (ft3/s) 11.900 0.00 0.59 2.65 3.60 3.54 12.150 2.99 2.47 2.04 1.71 1.46 12.400 1.25 1-08 0.94 0.82 0.71 12.650 0.63 0.56 0.51 0.46 0.43 12.900 0.40 0.37 0.34 0.32 0.30 13.150 0.28 0-27 0,25 0.24 0.22 13.400 0.21 0.20 0.19 0.18 0.17 13.650 0.16 0.15 0.14 0.13 0.13 13,900 0.12 0.11 0.10 0.09 0.09 14.150 0.08 0.08 0.07 0.07 0.07 14.400 0.06 0.06 0.06 0-05 0.05 14.650 0.05 0.05 0.04 0.04 0.04 14.900 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.02 15.150 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.01 0.01 15.400 1 0.011 0.01 1 0.00 0.00 (N/A) Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods Solution Bentley PondPack V8i RHT.0017.ppc Center 10129/2012 27 Siemon Company Drive Suite 200 W Page 27 of 29 Watertown, CT 06795 USA +1-203-755r1666 Subsection: Pond Routed Hydrograph (total out) Label: Infiltration Basin (OUT) Return Event: 100 years Storm Event: 100yr, 24hr (Fort Bragg) 0.000 5.000 10.000 15.000 20.000 Time (hours) Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods Solution Bentley PondPack V8i RHT.0017. ppc Center [ 10/29/2012 27 Stemon Company Drive Suite 200 W Page 28 of 29 Watertown, CT 06795 USA +1-203-755-1666 Index 2 24hr Fort Bragg (Time -Depth Curve, 1 years) ... 8, 9 24hr Fort Bragg (Time -Depth Curve, 10 years) ... 6, 7 24hr Fort Bragg (Time -Depth Curve, 100 years) ... 4,5 C Composite Outlet Structure - 1 (Individual Outlet Curves, 10 years) ... 19 Composite Outlet Structure - 1 (Outlet Input Data, 10 yeais)...17, 18 Infiltration Basin (Elevation -Area Volume Curve, 10 years) ... 15 Infiltration Basin (IN) (Detention Time, 1 years) ... 20 Infiltration Basin (IN) (Detention Time, 10 years) ... 21 Infiltration Basin (IN) (Detention Time, 100 years) ... 22 Infiltration Basin (OUT) (Pond Routed Hydrograph (total out), I years) ... 23, 24 Infiltration Basin (OUT) (Pond Routed Hydrograph (total out), 10 years) ... 25, 26 Infiltration Basin (OUT) (Pond Routed Hydrograph (total out), 100 years)...27, 28 Infiltration Basin (Volume Equations, 10 years) ... 16 M Master Network Summary...2, 3 F1 Post Out (Addition Summary, I years)...13 Pre Out (Addition Summary, 1 years)...14 PreDev DA (Runoff CN-Area, 1 years).,. 10 PreDev DA (Runoff CN-Area, 10 years) ... 11 PreDev DA (Runoff CN-Area, 100 years) ... 12 Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods Solution Bentley PondPack V8i RHT.0017.ppc Center [ 10/292012 27 Siemon Company Drive Suite 200 W Page 29 of 29 Watertown, CT 06795 USA +1-203-765-1666