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SW6120804_APPROVED PLANS_20120921
STORMWATER DIVISION CODING SHEET POST -CONSTRUCTION PERMITS PERMIT NO. SW DOC TYPE ❑CURRENT PERMIT APPROVED PLANS ❑ HISTORICAL FILE DOC DATE �Q/�2 YYYYMMDD ffv 40 'cOq N.T.S. 9 1 uwtvtm amnzm6Nib LICENSE # F-0106 m 0,00111111k,0110" ��w jmm %mow SHEET-1-OF 14 - Howard. Elmsr, ? , k .�, I.I1L 9� • E 1. � , � � a . - ifs; • � e e G Y. Y4•' i n x '+ pp . wait .. c y ,,,'•• r ... '. .. . .... .. ... r ..,. .. '. ,. ..1 \. ^l 1 w F ]]�'. 1 r'. •E', ":%W 3.. ra 1. . 1 lJ6 >v � ' 8 [ re , • +. .. J yi- • w •F I• +I ail. y y , i ! .T , en a '►'i' -I 5• iNA 'CW t f t. Yr � c� PARKTON � `cE �� r� � . �'. .. ! P < Y R . [� 5 xr ICy • ,9 e 1 SITE , t i r k 70 r t#AI a 1 ' ;• 0 1 k•�ICE , _ R[3. , V'+ I N • i n , o Q� t ,4 o � , 51!r!• 2d• c� = aw, 1 / LANTATION DR. "•.1 ;A Q 1 0 8 1821, NMI.. 18� ` 4O& } _ a16� 15. l —--------1_- •"F - -- - r- — -- — -- — � ice. � h a'PP rat � CdiC'h ,eas�(&'ij �- • bw Bev. SbO. � 3 r S1pQ 3FB�D+rO t 15 I H� G H L A N S.R. 1120 0 g y a . 24" Out . yrrc aw. fa-' ti 407. At *n. so . 24W out 74 !. 0 i{ AP` w.rs. RI RAP DUTL7 - 0° r.� 41,xao 42 VICINITY M ( ) . i:r:r:r:,:,:,c i:ro:,:r,:r:rrra:= y G>ytdi a��x At. 24 Out 414-W I ' �1p� 4m t5 ' 173 :J Jmia Dw• 1ST ti 406� �� s �,;, D.W JO #► 4"78 sue, ,'ilW / ,� L,- � a+. 41" / w EJw. jr Out 4( . 0 '-%va 19F C+a�ch �t i 4 km pM►- it ti 4f� Ur. aw. 30" h =a � s;r. �ta'u4 72----1_---- — 4� �q to 156 ! �� rm I.�- tarp. , p„4ap 10 I `; 185 • • � � POVi�4R1' CRAWL � F�1. 412.1ia r bw or+. it Out 171-435 \ O Law \ I \ � I I kw. t akw. at 4=00 o:° � •t�� �1 � r ��.���f� _-- !`ter [ ,��/✓ 124 1 53 ,��� 7 ✓' \ ► 123 ��,,� 169 j--__—___—__ 52 122 t ,j, � ✓. - \ I I I �TEMPORARY I \ I t 168. 118 ' HE SLJ'MMIT r---- --- -- `\� �\ - _ _ i ''t ►t r17 ECTION.• THRi7E 1 t k 4 1 I 115 r / / 120 106 IA ! I 1 109 1 108 I �� ____________ 112 1 111 1 11 D 1 1 r3 1 1 = I l: 1 107 I I t I ` I I I i; I +. 105 ) \ � f 1 ). I l t 91 � 92 � 93 • � 94 � I 95 � ! I ' 03 I t � t 11 I � �• / E SUMMIT - I 88 1 87 I 86 I96 loo, o ✓ I 1 t I 85 1 97CA �\ �����,�����► ----- r j t t 1t 98 81, I ` 82 I , 8399 84 I _ -440 4 i�, S. t r� s • •f M V ,w 1' h 3 { 'i . I Y r d` -{• i .. • ! Rip Rap Outlet protection Rational Aveme Flew Velocity Stone NCDOT Apron Apron Apron Stone Pipe Diameter iQ��, but WDOT . Diameter Rp Rap Class Length (La) (ft) Width (Wa1) (1t) Width (W� (t) Depth on) Outlet Structure (do) (in) ( S�) (FPS)ZONE (05D) (in) 10 8 6 g8 15 1.62 1.3 2 - 4, 8 B B16 g 4 4 9 23 CL5 36 3D_8H 4.3.- 2 .20 DRAINAGE PLAN SECTION FOUR OWNERf DEVELOPER: � � E . SUMMIT . DIVERSIFIED HOLDINGS LLC 350 WAGONER DRIVE PROPERTY OF FAYETTEVILLE, NC 28303 PHONE: (910)433-0888 DIVERSIFIED HOLDINGS LLC FAX: (910)485-6700 BARBECUE TWP. HARNETT CO., NORTH CAROLINA ENGINEER/SURVEYOR: SEPT. 2012 AIOORMAN, KIZER & REITZEL, INC. SCALE: 1 " = 100' PO BOX 53774 FAYEITEVILLE, NC 28305 GRAPHIC SCALE IN FEET. PHONE: (910)484-5191 -1ao -w: Q ;00 2W aaa FAX. (910)484-0385 5HT. _4F-14 _ .. .. - .. , ._r — "�-'0—I'°si°,�.•-aids-�.s'y.YiIBLWl:.ik,f� �T—���a •r i. .. 4 i� s. 1°y s 7', r 1 lti ilf 1 .4„ i'�f, S�'•%T _7 n�. /'r ! I . 'i 'ir.'fi'a•, ; l f•� ,I='71 •�' .5. 4 � 7 .3.•.�r'f ! fV �Q�—L/J700 CONSMILIC71710N SPEC OCATfONS 1. Clear the area of all debris that might hinder excavation and disposal of spoil. I Grade shallow depression unifornJy towards the inlet with side slopes no greater that 2:1. Grade a 1-foot wide level area s04 inches below the area adjacent to the inlet. 3. Install the Class B or Class I riprap in a circle around the inlet: The minimum crest width of the riprap should be 18 inches, with a minimum bottom width of 7.5 feet. The minimum height of the stone is 2 feet. 4. The outside face of the riprap is then lined with 12 inches of NC DOT 15 or 057 washed stone inspect rock doughnut inlet protection at least weekly and after each significant (W inch or greater) rainfall event and repair immediately. To provide satisfactory inlet protection efficiency, remove sediment from the sediment pool arm when the volume is decreased by half. This will help provide adequate storage volume for the next rain. Stabilize excavated material appropriately. Take care not to damage or undercut the structure during sediment rernoval. Remove debris from the inlet and replace stone as needed. If the inlet was covered with wire mesh the mesh should be Cleaned of debris. When the contributing drainage area has been adequately stabilized, remove all materials and dispose of sediment property. Bring the disturbed area to the grade of the drop inlet. Smooth and compact as it is needed. Appropriately stabilize all bare areas around the inlet with ground cover. f)FWATFRING rONrRFTF RI nl_K TEMPORARY SEDIMENT pnnl 2' SEDIMEI 2.1 SLOPE, GRAVEL FILTER HARE DEWATERING SCREEN / TYPICAI. BLOCK & GRAVEL INLET PROTECTION DETAIL NTS 1. All disturbed areas shall be dressed to typical sections and plowed to a depth of 5 ihdrea. The top 2 Inches shall be pulverized to provide uniform seedbed NOTE: Line should be applied with necessary equipment to On uniform distrbutlm of these materials. The hand -bucket method is not occepta - Lime and fertitzer should be incorporated into the soil prior to 2. The following are rates and kinds of these materials to be applied e98-ACBL . KM i Rye 5500 � PwmxxAa Bahlogross 50 lbs. Kentuckr 31 Fescue 50 lbs. Korean Lespadem 15 lbs. cent" 50 lba. Conwhan errNrdograss 25 lbs. 10-20-20 Fertilizer 5W lbs. Agricultural Limestone 4000 lbs. 3 Seeded area Shall be culti;xwk d to firm seedbed and to cover seed. 4. Grain abow did be applied over seeded areas as mulch. No bare ground shall be visible In the mulched area if proper applications is achieved. Thick dumps of straw are not pSm►1Wbko an uniform coverage Is smIOected. Straw shall be applied at a minim. of 4000 5 The muldhed area snail be tacked with liquid asphalt sufficient too hold straw in place whor directed by Engineer. 6. Ditch treatmst shall be used in areas where eteep grades could cause ditch ern-kn Use of jut• moth, ezcddor, matting, or fiberglass rovhg is occeptal" ditch treatment should be Installed before mulching operotion_ 7. Builder Is to provide a Permanent ground cover euffident to restrain erosion an Such exposed areas within 15 working days or 90 calendar do^ whichever is shorter. after completion of construction development. Approved Tail Fescue Cultivam Anthem Adventure Adventure II Amigo Austin ApacheApache II Arid chapel Hill ant a Bonanza Bonanza il Crossfire II Chesapeake Chieftain Coronado Falcon Debutante Duster Falcon Genes Fihekawn Petite Fhnelown Finelown I Grande Monarch arch Jaguar III Kentucky 31 Kitty y Ha Hawk pocer Montauk Mustong Olympic Rebel Phoenix Pixie pyramid Safari Ram Jr. Rebel il Renegade Tomahawk Shenandoah Tempo Titan Wblipock Trailblazer Tribute Vegas Fertilizer shall be 10-20-20 analysis. Upon written approval of the Engineer, a different analysis of fertilizer may be used provided the 1-2-2 ratio is maintained and the rate of application adjusted to provide the same amount of plant food as a 10-20-20 analysis. DROP INLET WITH GRATE CONSTRUCTION SELQFICA33ONS 1. pear the entrance and adt area of all vegetation. roots,, and other objectionable material and properly grade it. 2. Place the gravel to the specific grade and dimensions shown on the plans, and smooth it. 3. Provide drainage to carry water to a sediment trap or other suitable outlet. 4. Use geotextile fabrics because they improve stability of the foundation in locations subject to seepage or high water table. MAINTENANCE Maintain the grovel pad in a condition to prevent mud or sediment from leaving the construction site. This may require periodic topdressing with 2-inch stone. After each rainfall. Inspect any structure used to trap sediment and dean it out as necessary. Immediately remove all objectionable materials spilled. washed. or tracked onto public roadways. GRAVEL EN7RAMX SHALL BE 50 FEET Nil LENGTH AND 20 FEET IN IIID7H MITH 20 F00T RADKIS AT E%ffn i ROADWAY Fi1FR f w11SFED MUC GRAVEL CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE OOURSIREM7E TEMPORARY GRAVEL CONSTRUQTION ENTRANCE N.T.S. Fertilizer used for an all roadway areas except dopes 21 and steeper shall be 10-20-20 approvalwrittenapprovalof�eer, a dflrrwnt analysis of fertilizer may be used provided grade and shall be applied at the rate of 500 pounds per ocxe (560kg per hectare). Upon the 1-2-2 ratio Is maintained and the rate of application adjustsd to provide the vane amount of plant food as 10-20-20 andyei4 Fertilizer used far topdressing on slopes 2:1 and steeper and waste and barrow arras shall be 16-5-8 grade and shag be applied at the rote of 500 pounds per we (560 kg per hectare). Upon written approval of the Engineer. a different analysis of fertilizer may be used provided the 2-1-1 ratio Is maintained and the rote of application odjreted to provide the some amount of plant food an 16-8-e a cysts. Crimping Straw Mulch: Crknpkhg will be required an these project odpoont to any section of roadway whore traffic Is to be maintained or allowed during construction. in oreos within six feet (2 meters) of the edge of pavement, straw Is to be crimped and the immediately tacked with asphalt tads. Crimping of strove in lieu of asphalt tack will be allowed an thls project subject to the following eonclKlons: An onam seeded and mulched shall be crimped and/or tacked with asphalt as directed by the Engineer. Crimping will be limited to dopes 4A or dotter unless the Contractor can demonstrate to the Engkueer that the steeper slopes can be negotiated without after" the typical section. Straw mNcleh to be of eui6elent length and Waitty to withstand the crimping operation and provide adequate ground cover. Crimping equipment Indudsng power source shall be subject to the approval of the Enginew proAfng that maximum epoclng of crimper blades shall not exceed 8 ihchss (200 mm). 1. All erasion and sedlmient annual practices will be checked for stability and operation following every storm event. but in no sass less than once every west Any repairs or clearing necessary to maintain erosion and sediment control practices sell be completed immhediately. 2. All Seeded areas will be refstlized, reseeded as necessary, and munched according to the The kinds of seed and fertilizer, and the rates of application of seed. farillzar, and l(mestorm stall too as staled below. During periods of over{appiig dotes, the kind of seed to be used shall be determined by the Engineer. All rotes per acre (kilogram* per hectare.) March 1 - August 31 September 1 - February 28 50# (55kg) Tall Femme Will (55kg) Tali FE- 5/ (04) Centipede 5# (64) Centipede 250 (2akg) BorTM+do9rame (hulled) 35f (fig) Barmudogras (unhhlled) 500# (560kg) Fertilizer 500# (56akg) Fertilizer 40WP (4500kg) Liam rtme 400W {4500kq) Linestane Slopes 2:1 and Steeper and Waste and Barrow Locations; Mach 1 - August 31 September 1 - February 28 75# (55kg) Tali Femme 75# (65kg) Tall Fescue 25# (204 Bermudagross (hulled) 35# (40kg) Bwmudogr'om (unhulled) 5000 (560kg) FerNizer 500# (560kg) F-01ter 40WO (4500kg) Limestone 4000# (4500kg) Limestone f r w 4ri�a 31 ra+zr- �: *-r*Sanwa k1�aDEta ATere 6101E WK AS N900 10 ROOM aonwerM sax Ot e PIPE OUTLET TO FLAT AREA - NO 1IB11-DEFINIM CHANNEL a HQML 1. La Is the length of the rtprap apron. 2. Dw1.5 tines the mmdlnum stone diameter but not Ion than 6". 3. in a well-defined channel extend the apiar up the cha i banks to an elevation of 6" above the maxtrmum taiwater depth of to the top of the bank, whichever Is lead 4. A filter blanket or filter fabric should be installed between the riprop and sot foundotlon. 1. Ensure that the wrbgrade for the filter and riprap follows the required lines and erodes shown In the plan. Compact any fill required in the subgrade to the density of the surrounding undisturbed materiel. (pow areas in the subgrods an undisturbed sail may also be Mad by kx reosing the riprop thickneee. 2. The dprop and gravel filter must conform to the specified grading limits shown an the pkxw 3. Filter cloth, when used, must meet design requirerrrents and be properly protected trom punch or tearing during Installation. Repair any damage by removing the riprap and placing another piece of Star cloth over the damaged orso. Ali connecting joints should overlap so the top layer Is above the downstream layer a minimum of 1 That If the damage is extensive, replace the entire filter cloth. 4 Ror may be placed by squlpment, but take ogre to avoid damaging the fi 5. The minimum tliilkneae of the romp should be 1.5 times the maximum stone diameter. 6. ROM may be field atone or rough quarry stone. It amid be hard, angular, highly weather-rsalstaht and well graded. 7. Construct the apron on we grads with no overfill at the and. Make the top of the riprop at the downstrwom and level with the receiving area or slightly below IL 8 Ensure that the apron is properly aligned with the receiving stream and pref rabiy straight throughout its length. If a curve is needed to frt site coalitions. (lace it in the upper section of the apron. 9. Irnmsdately after conebruction, stabilize all disturbed areas with vAegetation (Practices 6.14% r..r.,.f Awdhtp and &11. ii..,.a."i dwiibll . MAINTENfibU Inspect riprap outlet structures weekly and after significant (} inch or greater) rainfall events to see If any erosion around or below the riprap has taken place, or If stones have been dislodged Immediately make all needed repairs to prevent frrlhr damage. RIP -RAP OUTLET PR07ECTM NTS 5' MIN .• or #57 washed stone7-\ .��rraw• r.I•:�•44,T5' MAX. . . N FILTER FABRIC CROSS SECTION OVERFILL 6" FOR NTS SETTLEMENTDesign settled + top 4' MIN. I 1.5' 5, EMERGENCY max_ 2:1 SIDE SLOPE MAX BY-PASS ELOW 2' to 3.5' f111 FILTER FABRIC EXIST. GRADE SETTLED TOP OF DMA ' �-- I.-1 SIDE SLOPE MAX 3' MIN. CLASS B RIP RAP STONE SECTION NTS TiE AMRAItY SEDIDWYM TRAP CONSTRUCTION SPECIRCAMONS I. Clear, grub and strip the arm under the embankment of all vegetation and root mat. Remove all surface soil Containing high amounts of organic mutter, and stockpile or dispose of it properly. Haul all objectionable material to the designated disposal area- 2 Ensure that fill material for the embankment is free of roots, woody vegetation, organic matter and other objectionable material. Place the fill in Lifts not to exceed 9 inches, and machine compact it• Over fill the embankment 6 inches to allow for settlement 3 Construct the outlet section in the embankment Protect the connection between the nprap and the soil from piping by using falter fabric or a keyway cutoff trench between the riprap structure and soil. .Place the filter fabric between the riprap and the soil. Extend the fabric across the spillway foundation and sides to the top of the dam, or &E.xcavate a keyway trench along the centerline of the spillway foundation extending up the sides to the height of the dam. The beach should be at least 2 feet deep and 2 feet wide with 1.1 side slopes. 4. Clear the pond area below the elevation of the crest of the spillway to facilitate sediment deanout 5. All cut and fill slopes should be 2:1 or flatter. 6. Ensure that the stone (drainage) section of the embankment has a minimum bottom width of 3 feet and maximum side slopes of 1:1 that extend to the bottom of the spillway section. 7. Construct the minimum finished stone spillway bottom width, as shown on the plans, with 2.1 side slopes extending to the top of the over filled embankmenL Keep the thickness of the sides of the spillway outlet structure at a minimum of 21 inches. The weir nsrat be level and constructed to grade to a aim design capability. 8. Material used in the stone section should be a wen -graded mixture of store with a d50 size of 9 inches (class B erosion control store is recommended) and a maximum stone sine of 14 inches. The store may be machine placed and the smaller stories worked into the voids of the larger stones. The stone should be hand, angular and highly weather-DesistanL 9. Discharge inlet water into the basin in a manner to prevent erosion. Use temporary slope drains or diversions with outlet protection to divert sediment4aden water to the upper end of the pool area to improve basins trap efficiency ( References: Runoff Control MuMMS cord Otuild Protertioa). 10. Ensure that the stone spillway outlet section extends downstream past the toe of the embankment until stable conditions are reached and outlet velocity is acceptable for the receiving stream. Keep the edges of the store outlet section flush with the surrounding ground, and shape the center to confine the outflow stream (Rtftw es: Surface Stabilizatian) . 11. Direct emergency bypass to natural, stable areas. Locate bypass outlets so that flow will not damage the emmbanlanent. 12. Stabilize the embankment and all disturbed areas above the sediment pool and downstream from the trap immediately after construction (R*mwes: Surface Stabilization) . 13. Show the distance from the top of the spillway to tine sediment deanout level (1/2 the design depth) on the piam and marls it in the field. 14. Install porous baffles as specified in Practice 6.65, Pmus Baf f1m . MAINTENANCE Inspect temporary sediment traps at least weekly and after each significant (1/2 inch or greater) rainfall event and repair immediately. Remove sediment, and restore the trap to its original dimensions when the sediment has accumulated to ere -half the design depth of the trap. Place the sediment that is removed in the designated disposal area, and replace the part of the gravel facing that is impaired by sediment Check the structure for damage from erosion or piping. Periodically check the depth of the spillway to ensure it is a mmirtimum of 1.5 feet below the low point of the embankment immediately fill any settlement of the embankment to slightly above design grade. Any riprap displaced tram the spillway mhhst be replaced immhediaiely. After all sediment -producing areas have been permanently stabilized, remove the structure and all unstable sediment Smooth the area to blend with the adjoining areas, and stabilize properly. (Reftrrnces: Surface SlaUliza ion) TEMPORARY SEDIMENT TRAP N.T.S. TXWOPARY MDING 111I3000NDMAT10ii118 (a) DRAWN BY: RSW i CCB >I>mts and Early Speln j >Rsg CHECKED: SEEDING MU(TME SEEDING MIIk7lRE JMK JR. SPEOES RATE (LB.lA01E) RATE (Le./Aar,) REVIEWED: Rye (gran) 120 Rye (groin) 120 JMK JR. Annual Iespedezo (kobs In Piedmont and Coastal Plain, SEEDING DATES DATE: AUGUST 2012 Korean In Mountains) 50 Omit annual lespedezo when duratcn of temporary cover is Usk. 15 not to extend beyond Jkme Coastal Plain and pie oastairrs--Aug. p6 Coastal 15-pee. 30 SEEDING DATES SOIL AMENEKENTS (� Mountains --Above 2500 ft Feb. 15-May 15 Fellow soil tests or apply 2.000 lb./acre ground agricultural Z Below 2500 ft. Feb. 1-Moy 1 limestone and 1.000 Ib./acre 10-10-10 fertilizer. Piedmont --Jan. 1-May 1 Apply 4.000 lb./acre straw. Anchor straw by tacking with asphalt. Coastal Ploln--Dec. 1-Apr. 15 netting, or a mulct anchoring tool. A disk with blades set nearly SOIL AMENDMENTS Straight Can be used as a mulch anchoring tool. Fallow recommendations of soil tests or apply 2,000 b./acre MAINTENANCE Z Z Q ground agriculture limestone and 750 Its./acre 10--10-10 fertilizer. Repair and refertilize damaged areas immediately. Topdrew with W MlILe74 50 lb. acre of nit / capon in rrrord'm. If it is necessary to extend W Apply 4.000 b./acre straw. Anchor straw by tacking with asphalt. temporary cover beyond June 15, overseod with 50 Ib./acre Kobe (Piedmont and Costal Plain) or koreon (Mountains) lespeciza LL m netting, or a mulct anchoring tool. A disc with blades set nearly in late February or early March. straight con be used as a mulch anchoring tool. 0 U MAINTENANCE O Refertilize If is not full growth y adequate. Reseed, r:fertlliza (n and mulch Immediately following erosion or other damage. Z (� o 0 TEMPORARY SMING RBCOYII1111TWATIONS (b) W H c) samm w rn ail SEEDING "KT RE au/ / LLI a Q SPEpeB RATE (LB.lAC O Lu13E) r � German millet 40 a u- Z In the Piedmont and Mountains. a ertali-stemmed Sudongross may O by substituted at a rate of 50 lb./ocre. W U SEEDING DATES Mountain* --May 15-Aug. 15 p W Piedmont --May 1-Aug. 15 = Z Coastal Plain --Apr. 15-Aug. 15 ^ SOIL AMENaiEWM M Fallow recommendations of soil tests or apply 2,000 lb./acre UJ ground agriculture limestone and 750 b./sore 10-10-10 fertilizer_ Ul MULCH Apply 4.ODD lb./acre straw. Anchor straw by tacking with asphalt, LLI netting. or a munch anchoring tool. A disk with blades act nearly straight con be used as a mulch anchoring tool. MAMTErlANri RONtilize if growth Is not fully adequate. Reseed, refertilize and mulch immediately following erosion or other damage. The SfirIng Method Figure 6.62b Drive over each side of silt fca2t 8 max. standard strength fabric ke o 4 times with device exerting 60 p.s.i. or with wire fence 6' max. extra greater siren th fabric without wire fence Ponding height max. 24" POST SPACING: Steel Attach fabric 6' max. on open runs pos Plastic or to upstream 4' max. on pooling areas Wire wire ties side of post fence a FLOW STEEL POST DEPTH: Natural 2 feet 3- down dt 4" forward along the trench PLAN -MEW NTS No more than 24" Wil of a 36" fabric Plastic fence er Backfill trench is allowed above ground. or wire fabric and compact ties thoroughly Steel Natural Roll of 9 Top of Fabric Belt top a' ATTACHMENT DETAILS: -Gather fabric at posts, If needed. -Utilize three ties per post, all within top 8" of fabric. -Position each tie diagonally, puncturing holes vertically a minimum of 1" apart. • Hang each tie on a post nipple and tighten securely. Use cable ties (50lbs) or soft wire. pas ground Operation silt fence Post ps ape installed Silt after 24" Fabric above -0 ground Fence compaction CROSS-SECTION VIEW NTS Hor zon a chisel p°in I Slicin blade Completed Installation (Figure 6.62o Installation detail of a sediment fence.) "gwidth} (3 width) SEDIMENTFFIKE Vibratory plow is not acceptable because NTS of horizontal compaction Q m m O 5 ul o: O z mmuhrrlrr CV `v`` rlh hlmN`` 0 M N j Fa- Z o O-�rno ILL J ~ In LL CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS 5;� 114* MATERIALS 1. Use a synthetic finer fabric of at least 959(h by weigh) of polyolefirls or SEDIMENT FENCE INSTALLATION USING THE SLICING METHOD O Wco X � LU O iD polyester, which is certified by the manuFadtirer or supplier as conforming to ad a Inof excavatiorg trench, placing fabric and then badrflWrhg trench, (� eO Z the requirements in ASTM D 6461, which is shown in part in Table 6.62b sediment rt fence ma h t>installed using is y ng � tly designed � f dud inserts ion W r LIJ (Refer to the Erosion and SedmeW CoWrd Planning and Design Manual, the fabric into a cut sliced in the ground with a disc (Figure 6.52b). L0 � Q 1) Chapter 6, Section 62-2). INSTALLATION SPECIFICATIONS . . � l,lai2_J Synthetic filer fabric should contain tritraviolet ray inhibitors and stabilizers 1. The base of both end posts should be at least one foot higher than the to provide a minimum of 6 months of expected usable corhsbu�on life at a middle of the fence. Check with a level if neoessary. temperature range of 0 to 127 F. 2. Install posts 4 feet apart in critical areas and 6 %d apart on standard 2. Ensure that posts for sediment fences are 1.33 IbAinew ft steel with applications. a minimum length of 5 feet. Make sure that steel posts have projeclions to 3 facilitate fastening the fabric. Instal 2 feel lee on Pis p the downstream side of the sik fence, and as close as possible to the fabric, enabling posts la support itle fabric from 3. For reinforcement of standard strength fixer fabric, use wire fence with a upstream water pressure. minimum 14 gauge and a maximum mesh spacklg of 6 itches. 4. Install with the rip ples pales facing may from the silk fabric. CONSTRUCTION ❑ sssb 1. Construct the sediment barrier of standard strengtll or extra strength 5. Attach the fabric to each post with three ties, all spaced within the top 8 w synthetic fifer fabrics. inches of the fabric. Attach each lie die orhall 45 9 Y degrees through the fabric,with with each puncture at least 1 inch vertically apart. Also, each to should be 2. Ensure that the height of the sedirrlent fence does not exceed 24 ladles positioned to hang on a post nipple when tightened to prevent sagging. O Q 9 above the: ground surface- (Higher fences may impourhd volumes of water Sufficient to cause failure of the sbul2irre.) 6. Wmp approximately 6 inches of fabric around the and posts and secure with 3 ties. h the 3. Construct the fitter fabric from s are continuous roll cut to utthe fasten barrier to avoid joints. When joints are rteoessary, serxrely fasten ifle Piker 7. No more than 24 inches of a 36 inch fabric is alawed above ground cloth orgy at a support post with 4 feet minxnum overlap tD the next post. level. 4. Support standard strength filter fabric by wire mesh fastened securely 1a 8_ The installation should be checked and corrected for any dsvWions. before the upstope side of the posts. Extend the wire mesh support to the bottom of compaction' the trench. Fasten the wire reinforcement, then fabric on the upslope side of the fence post. Wire or plastic zip ties should have minimum 50 pound tensile g Compaction is vitally important for e#fective results. Compact the sail strength. immediately next to the silk fence fabric with the front wheel of the tractor, a` skid steer, or roller exerting at least 60 Pounds per equwe irtcth. Camped the 5. When a wire mesh support fence is used, space posts a maximum of 8 feet upstream side first, and then each side twice for a total of 4 trips. apart. Support posts should be driven searely into the ground a minimum of MAINTENANCE 24 inches. Inspect sediment fences at least once a week and after each raahfalt. Make any a 6. Extra strength fifter fabric with 6 feet ng post spacing does not rec{hire wire required repairs immediately. I mesh support fence_ Securely fasten the faker fabric dkecdy to posts. Wee or plastic zip ties should have mirtimurl 5o pound tensile strergth, Should the fabric of a sediment fence collapse, tew, decompose or becaIme W ineffective, replace it promptly. t Excavatewide and 8 figures deep along pose a trench approximately 4 i from tine proposed trine of posts and uPsbPe from the barrier (Figure 6.629). Remove sediment deposits as necessary to provide adequate dosage volume opoommommoommmo SCALE HOR. 1"417 for the next rain and to reduce presste on the %nos. Take care to avoid VERT_ 1"-4 8. Place 12 inches of the fabric along the bottom and sine of the trench. undermining the fence during deanou t, BOOK NO. 9. the trench with soil placed over the filer fabric and compact, Remove all fencing materials and unstable sediment deposits and brims the W 6 Thorroughough compaction of the Hackfiil is critical to silt fence perfonnarxx3. area to grade and stabilize 0 after the contributing drainage area has been SHEET properly stabilized. 10. Do not attach fitter fabric to exisblhg trees. 5 OF 14 LAST SAVED:6/28/2011 11:05 AM LAST PLOTTED: 8/8/2012 9-03 AM PLATTED BY- Ron Williams FILa"E. G:\CURRENT JOBS\WEAVER FRANK\ 10- 1224-01 THE SUMMIT - SECTION FOUR\PLANS\DETAILS\BLASTER-DETAILS.DWG wow i101he. al en -11011111 aver e1nM1 eel M 11ee1 ve/ge .hwmeee. awap�7Ci R _ +. _.� i� ' .#.�•. - .�r�, �..ky t 1 ,,. .„ 1. �Y, oed his. the area to bland with thhe adjoinirng areas, and stabilize properly. (ke*rences: $rnrfact Rabihidim) ] ■ CONSTRUCnON SPECIFICKMONS ear rrru r„rr„•r,rri• stone - sions shown on the plan on a filter labric foundation. i..•............r...:.. /The crew width of the dam should be a rivairrium of 2 hot 2 Keep ths center stone section at least 9 inches below the end where the dam abuts the chenriel banks. L= THE DISTANCE SUCH THAT A & 8 ARE OF 3. Place sedernent contral Owe (05 or #57) on the upstrearn of the dam that is minimurn of I W thick EQUAL ELEVATION Provide an apron that is 3 bms the height of tie darri. The apron width is at bast 4 feet bm Undercut az A WEIR pw so that the top of ft apron a flush with the sumiurift We*. L HEIGHT 5. Extend the stone at least 1. 6 feat beyond the ands of the checkdamExcavatesediment-.: _, :. the � keep _ , 1 ...cutting.. '• • ��s•�..% .'•, .MAJINTENANCE ...:, • channels and repair irnmediatsilyr. Clean out sediment. straw. limbs, or odw debris that could clog 9* channall wtien . 0 ••. -0: needed •••r•■u•„ar••rrrr�• • r- tll`I�� ja'>:�-11=EI=11=1 rrrr••■•rr•,us.••r.r.• �11'..••111�11- r��•'' •-,1=11'Antimpers submeagenceabove the check dam and erosion from high flum around the adges ofthe dam. Correct all damage immediately. If signWicard arc" occurs bahwen dams, additional measures can tFILTER be taken such as, installing a protective qpmp liner st that portion of the channel `•t t �_' - :1 1 -It -1i- RIC Remwo sechunentaccumuteled behirid the darns as needed to prevent damage to channel vegetation, alowft channel to drain through the stone check darn, arid prevent WW flows from carrying saffusent V.W the dann, a DAM HEIGHTx3. 4' section - APRON ■ • ■ •► OR NO 57 STONE CLASS B RIP RAP FILTER - T TY - / 1 11 -, I4 II 11 41-"•i•'•'-41'••• --11- - - - -- .' _ � m"s�saai'a"al�` ��.1.,�_ ,Ii=11=ii=ill-il�H=II=I1�11=I1=11-11-II�.11=II=1i=11-1l=1i ■ I• �� �■ Imo■SECIION ■ilr :• . 1 A ROCK CHECK DAM DETAJL ■ • • ■WATER RESOURCESI a ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT - • Channel Installation lat'i.lt 'Approximately 300 Staples per Roil (Ir or 4' Required nl Instructions EXCEL R-1 width) - Drawings Not to Scale V Wide Blanket Shown Figure F ' 'IE x x Step 1 - Site Preparation Figure C Prepare site to design profle and grade. Remove , Figure C debris, rocks, mods, etc.. Caound surface should , be smooth prior to installation to ensure blanket » �. , ` remain in Contact with slope. Step 2 -Seeding 4':� .,: ,; + Elswk t2 x x x Seeding of site should be conducted to design , requirements or to follow local or state seeding • + cqu irlements m necessary. `.r. ' ' _ .- Step 3 - Staple Sdecdou- ` At a minimum, 61 long by l' mown, 11 gauge staples '' Figure y n` - . _ ,:f:. "~` ' x -Dmetn Bove taaor• are to be used to seems the blanket to die ground - ' �'. `'' eaters s ; • - Figure D - Phut View surface. Installation in rocky, sandy or other base soil paAy -m- lower uaples Step 4 Excavate Anchor Trendi and Secure Gintithd Blanket Excavatea trench bP rnch the of the channel aide � L' t• i '�- .-R' Surfarx slopes and the upsucam tomato t end of the d and Figure A x - Dome, So* r.anbm to secure the edges of the blanket. The trench should arouse s ran along the length and width of the installation, be 61 wide and 6' deep. Staple blanket :long bottom of trends, fill with compacted soil, ovedap blanket towards toe of slope and secure with row of staples rYanker I Bladrer 2 Figure E - . (shown in Frgurm A, E and Fi HI■iuY3 Plait View X -Ummu 9dpie 1-oratia Step 5 - Secure Bally of Blanket Roil blanket down slope lion anchor trench. Staple crroana sQ4x 6romd g,INC, body of blanket f (flowing the pagan shown in Figure D. Leave cad of blanket unstapled to allow for ovedap shown in Figure B. Place downstream Figure B - Profile View Figure C - Cross SeLtian View blanket underneath upseeam blanket to firm shingle Product App$cation(Equivatetncy SpedStatieels pattern. Staple seam as shown in Figure E Some downstream blanket with stapling gotten shown m Figure D. Stapling pattern shown in Figure D re8eeta Excel R.1 is produced by Western Excelsior and consists of a temporary Rolled Erosion Control � rubimum staples to be used. More staples may be Product (RECP) comprised of an excelsior matrix mechanically (stitch) bound to a single, Fill e E requital to ensure blanket is sufficiently secured to photodegradable synthetic net (top). The expected longevity of Excel R 1 is approximately 12 resist mowers and foot traffic and to ensure blanket is months (achW longevity dependent on field and climatic conditions). Excel R 1 is manufaetired in contact with sal surface over the entice area of to include cal es sufficient to vide the intended and physical p� provide performance. Figure F - Profile View blanket. Further critical points require additional re na uthepoints Product specifications may be found on document WE EXCEL_R1 SPEC and performance staples. Critical. ore identified Figure information may be found on document WE EXCEL PERF. All documents are available Step 6 - Continue Along Slope - Complete Intonation _RI from Western Excelsior Technical Support or www.westernexcelsior.com. Additional to above, equivalent products to Excel R-1 must meet identical criteria as Excel R 1 as follows. coin °rsbl■ crew o€svve Overlap adjacent blahkeiIae as shown in g stapl n and repeat Step S. Secure toe of slope using stapling 1. Consist of machine rod weed and debris free excelsior bound to a produced, single, synthetic, patsem shown is Figure E. Soctne edges of phobodegtadable net. m.rSlam inaallatiaa by u tiling st l.O intervaia along the 2. Sufficient tensile strength, thickness and coverage to maintain integrity during install on teonioaf edge, and ensure material pciformance. 3- Listing within AASHTONTPEPdatabase. Documatt# WE EXCEL Rl_CII 4- Meet ECTC specification for category 2C product Figure G - Crilicrd Pastas CHECKED: JMK, JR. REVIEWED1. JMK, JR. DATE: DECEMBER 2010 U Z d U D Z Q 0 (if l. i.l LL M Z U U J _0 GO U) Z IU o 0 LLJ } O F- _ trJ U � W la_ Z N U W > l- H D 0 W Z � 0C Q 2 �- TW i V) 3 LA U L.•I m 0_ Q m i. All disturbed arena shall be drasaed to typical sections and lowed to a depth of 5 Inches CONSTRIJCITON SPECIFICATIONS -Approximately 200 Staple per Roil {B' or 4' yP P beP Fertilizer used for tapdresaihy on all roadway w'eas except slopes 2:1 and steeper :hull be 10-20-20 uj Slope IlastalixtioA The tarp 2 Indian shall be pW%wtsad to provide uniform seedbed NOTE: tine should be applied written approval of the Engineer, a different and of t width) Required - Drawings Plat to Scale W F E with equipment to give uniform dia4lbution of theme mtterlda The had -bucket ikg fertilizer may be used provided grade end shall be I Infiltration basin shall be constructed level at a 0-0.05% de Do not construct a basin on a slope instructions EXCEL R-1 Wide Blinker Shawn figure applied at the rats of 5D0 Pamde pair acre {9 Pv hectare). Upon the 1-2-2 ratio is maintained ( $m ] Pe r method ins no oecepttble Lime and fertilzee should be incorporated into the mot prior to and the rate of application adjusted to provide the acme amount of plant food as 10-20-20 wdyai& greater than 15 percent. Do not locate within fill soils. Do not construct basin in a location with less Figure C 2. The following are rates and kinds of these materials to be applied PER AQM Fertithan 2 feet between the bottom of the infiltration basin and the seasonal high groundwater table, grad czar used for toed lied i t th aiopse 2 1 and steeper and waste and borrow taros sUp be itten underlying impervious soils, or bedrock (minimum 4 foot separation is recommended). Basin shall not be m Step 1 -Site P,raratim ,y �: aa.ts s x x x thl� BSA geode and shall be applied at the rots of 50D pounds par acre (5tT4 k9 per hectare). Upon written Abruzzi Rye 50 Wa approval of the Engineer. a differant analysis of fertilizer may be used provided the 2-1-1 ratio is if it causes water problems to downgradient properties It must be a minimum of 15 feet down - Pon to design profile and grade Ronnie �y� _ •pensoeola gohiayross 5p ,bin maintained and the mate of application adjusted to provide the same amount of giant food as 1B-&-S gradient from struc#ures, located a minimum of 100 feet horizontally from any water supply well, SO feet debris, rocks. clods, etc.. Ground surface should Kentucky 31 rearms 50 be. ardysis From Gass SA waters and 30 feet from any surface water. be smooth prior to insuellstim to amore bleaker ;.' Korean Lespedexa 15 Ws. 2. Pretreatment device for removing sediment and solids must be used to protect infiltration devices from remain in contact with slope. ,� Figure F Common Bermwdagroes 25 Ibe March 1 - August 31 September 1 - February 25 clogging. These pretreatment devices include filter strips, grassed swakWdibches with check darns, concrete r•" ,:`%•' 10-2D-ZO Fertilizer 500 Ibs Grad s�=.- =�. x x x x x sum and foreba s sedimenttna Step 2 - Seedeig - Agricultural Limestone 4000 Ws Tull Fescue Ps Y ( Psi ` 50 (55kq) TOP Fescue 5D/ (55kg) 3. If inlet flow is a concentrated source of discharge an energy dissipater shall be used. Seeding of site should be conducted to design er r ;.+ dt : `" ' roved Tall Fescue Cuitiwrtx 25 2Bkg) Be-ti hulled 4. A siiespecific hydrogeologic investigation shall be performed to establish the suitability of soils for s _r ti:' App f { dag►ass ( } 35� (40kg) Bermudasgross {unhullsd) raquiraomts or to follow local or state seeding ;: - _. Figure B/ x x x x 50D/ (56Mg) Fertilizer 500/ (56akg) Fertilizer roquiremmts =neomsry 1rC +''r -'t :� .. Fi E Mthem Adventure Advhlrnture II Amigo the infiltration basin Suitable soils must have an infiltration rate of 0.52 inches hour or ter. gure ache 4000/ (4500kq) limestone 40OW (450OW Limestone � � �,: Austin Apache II Arid 5. Sizing of infiltration basin shall meet the specifications set forth in the NCDENR Stormwater BMP Manual Z Step 3 - Staple Sdtxbian �¢--r'a 'y Gelatin Hill Braokatone Bonanza Bonanza Il Slopes 2:1 and Steeper- and Wtete and Borrow Locations: and must be able to completely dewater within 5 days. U At a muunurm. 6' tong by I • crown, I I gauge sulples ` Sri �i-"'° : o. x °"1°0" 801pr`'""m Crossfire N �ap�e Chieftain Coronado 6. The bottom of the infiltration basin must be lirked with a layer of clean sand with a depth of 4 itches � are to be used to oscine due blanket to the ground - "Y: _ ""' Figure D - Plan View Falcon Debutante Duster Fdetn March 1 - August 31 September 1 - February 28 af":Jl surface. luatallatimt in rocky. sandy or other loose v W' rn'j - '" Fhmelawn Petite y or greater, unless the native soil is equivalent (1 2% fines or less). w SLOPE ABOVE POND HWL Genesis Findawn Ftndavm I a +'�' Figure D Grande 7. Contractor shall use care during construction to minimize compaction of soil on the bottom and walls MAY VARY TO PROVIDE Jaguar Guardian Houndog 75/ (85kg) Tap Pascoe 75/� (85kg) Till Fescue of the infiltration basin Ci t equipment and construction techniques that minimize compaction shall be used. soil cosy require longer stapiea._ Jaguar III VEHICULAR ACCESS, STABILIZE Monarch q Kentucky 3t Kitty Hawk �# (2iakg} B•rmudagrasa (ballad) 35f (40kg] Bermudagrass (unhulled) gh � P hniq pa Step 4 - Excavate Anchor Trench and Bemire v,�; ;.1 ,, ;� �;`c.. ~` Pacer Montauk Muat is 500# (fig) Fertilizer 50D# (560kq) Fertilizer S. A minimum of one observation well shall be installed to periodically verify that the drainage media SLOPES WITH MATERIAL SUITABLE am9 Olympic } B�aniud FOR SLOPE GRADE Rebel Phoenix Pixie Pyramid 4000# (4500kq Limestone 4000/ (4500kq) limestone is fully draining. The monitoring well shall consist of a 9 to 6 inch diarrLeipr, perforated polyvinyl chloride Excavate a rmrh along the top of the slope to secure Figure E x-n?nlma al,rre rani.• `��` Safari Rebel Jr. Rebel Il Renegade (PVC) Pipe with a locking rap. The well shall be placed near the center of the Facility or in the general Figure A .� Tomahawk Shenandoah Tempo Titan location of the lowest point within the facility, with the invert at the excavated bottom of the facility. the rrpatresm end d'ihe blacker. 7'he ireaeh should I I �.� 7raiblazer rum along the length of the imAallstion. be W wide I I I Wolfpack Wrangler z Tribune Vegas and 6' deep. Stapie Market along bosom of trench, al■sae t '� r� O full with compacted soil overiap blanket towards we 4 ��� BASIN CONSTRUCTED of :tape and aolarc with row atsraplea (shown in gr„rrer h easairs Figure 1? - - - - ��� err Figures A E and F} ��40�001srslra s Plan View ne.mn aryr. raraeW `,��. NO FILL AREA s' EMERGENCY SPILLWAY OPERATION AND MAIM ENANCE Step 5 - Secure Body of lllatiktt I I I I ',� MIN. (IN STABLE SOIL) Roll Wankel down slope from anchor trench. Staple orar■a s■�■ I I I I I � BASIN CAPACITY AND SOILS The drainage area shall be carefully managed ba reduce the sediment load to the infiltration basin I CAPABLE OF RETAINING 10 TOP OF BANK EMBANKMENT STABILIZED Immediately after the infiltration basin is established, the vegetation will be watered twice week) if �y D. L a e end o following the pattern shown in Figure o1Oana s`yar-.-_ +YEAR STORM WRH NO DISCHARGE WiTH VEGETATION needed until the plants become established (commonly six weeks). No portion of the infiltration basin shall be fertilized after the initial fertilization required to establish _ v d'. '�+i► D. Leave end of blanket umstynled to allow for 31 NATURAL GROUND the vegetation The vegetation in are amend the basin will be maintained at a height of approximately six inches. After the infiltration basin is established, it shall be overlap shown m Figure B. Pis= dwmuaam Figure B - Profile Vier Figure C - Cross Section View I - - ---------- __-___ __ � $ FP Y : {1 blanket underneath uproeam blaa t to from shingle _ _ inspected once a quarter and within 24 hours after every storm event greater than 1.0 inches. Records of operation and maintenance shall be kept in a known set location pattern. Staple seam as shown in Figure E. Sartre Product ApplipQab/Equivrtiatry SpedScatima (PIPE) INLET, SIZE and m available upon request downstream blanket with stapling paean shown m u AND GRADE VARIES I I I 1 I I I I I O ration and Maintenance Provisions Figure D. Stapling peacm shown in Figure D rdfalxs Excel R 1 is produced by Westem Excelsior and consists of a temporary Rolled Erosion Control ,3:1 (DITCH) ® GRADE 1. Remove any trash/debtis if present from the entire BMP. \, I,, 2• If any areas of bare soil ardor erosive gullies have formed around the perimeter of the infiltration basin, de the soil if to remove the then min um �m m � used Iv1ore staple+ may � Product comprised of an excelsior matrix mechanically (siibch) bawd to a single, � - .. required to enure blanket is auffirr aekamed >o �F�) Pn of Excel R 1 is a l2 >Nn E u INTO POND (NO APRON) 3' f .. regret necessary � eq nth plhotodeegradable synthetic net (cop). The expected longevity approximately - gully, resist mowers sod foot traPfie and to ensure blanket is months (actual longevity dependent on field and climatic ceaditions). Excel R 1 is manufactured Ohf I giant ground cover are provide a ore time applicable bl of lime and fertilizer o rsw and water until established. 'ea r r 1111 t Nvvvv`, 1 - f GRADE BOTTOM ® 0X EACH WAY STABILIZED smooth it over provide sediment control such as reinforced turf or rim to avoid tbe ems w erosion in contact with soil surface ova the entire sea of Figure F - Profile View P Y $ PP Y Pipe g tie/ regrdde the swaie/ditch if tu to include physical Properties sufficient to provide the intended longevity and performance. - rY st* OUTLET A GRADE y ( p) depth to 75% of the original design depth, find the source of the sediment and remedy I I I I I I III I I I I -i I III + I I I I I I -I I (RIP -RAP) 4. if sediment has accumulated in the foreba sediment era and reduced the $ P P Pr'� blanket. Farther. criticalApoints squirt additional _ the source. Remove the sediment and dispose of where it will not impact any drainage area. If erosion has occurred or riprap is displaced, provide additional erasion a. Critical cots are rdmtifiesl b Figure G. product specifications may be farad uu document WE -EXCEL -RI -SPEC SPEC and perfmmmce CA" Pak I information may be fawn ch ical Support rt EXCEL st excel All documents are available cli a►a� I I I protection such as reinforced turf matting or additional riprap to prevent future erosion. If weeds are present remove by hand if possible or use a selective herbicide to I,O Step 6 - Cotntgtiue Along 51ope - CnrtaplWe hum Western Excelsior Technical Support or www.whesternexcelsia.com. Additional b above, prevent killing of preferred ground cover. O liistaliapan equivalent cis to Excel R-1 Instal meet identical criteria as Excel R-1 as fellows: 5. If a visible layer of sediment has accumulated in tlae main infiltration area, search for the sout+ce and reined the problem. Remove the sediment and die (+� Overlap adjacent blankets as shown in Figure C and e9 �°� ( ) TOE OF OUTLET APRON where it will not impact ally drain area• Replace an media that was removers in the and rev etabe disturbed areas immediate) If water is standing more 0 ratter step 5. Secure lac ofSecure slope �srapling l , Consist ofmachine produced, wend and debris free excelsior botmd m a single, synthetic, r.®I Ems GM=d RIPRAP ALL SLOPE IF PROTECTION FLUSH SOILS SUITABLE than 5 days after a storm event, replace the few inches of filter media and see if this corrects the problem. If so revs to immediate f not consult an appropriate W pattern shown in Figure E. secure of P g rlralad sue• FROM PIPE END TO Pa Y � p Y P ge,a ly, '� LV 00 FOR INFILTRATION professional for a more extensive repair. If weeds or noxious plants are growing, remove the plants by hand or wipe with herbicide (do not spray). installation by stapling u l.0 intervals alrrmg the 2. Sufficient tensile strength, thickness and coverage to maintain integrity during iitsiasllation, BOTTOM RIPRAP APRON WITH BASIN BOTTOM (PROVIDE DETAILED 6. 0 the embankment has shrubs or trees sproutingor growing; remove immediately, if the embankment repair duri an annual inspection b an �� � and ensure material performance. Document # wE EXCFl _Ri_S0 3. Listing within AASHT'O NTFEP database. gro y, requiresm$y Q (� ON SITE SOILS REPORT) appropriate professional, make all needed repairs. Z 4. Meet ECTC specification fvrcategory 2C products. Figure G -Critical l?auit Setatvutg 7. If the outlet device has clogged or is damaged, clean and dispose of the sediment properly and repair or replace the outlet device. f ••- Q 0Wd'CF)O INFURATION BASIN DETAIL NTS 0 J � ED ILL LO , CMWAc7 z• O�lnIt ft SOL YIN. C[ W v 00 cot)a1GN ci1TER1A IX 0 O co ccmTRucTION SPEaRCATicnls %Y' ;� -ti_ ' `; 16" MW IM r Z : - ! � 1. Remove and propad of all tress brnah, stumps and other, W :i4 •V �.�' '-• 'i_'•_V r• `= 5.� - AGGREGATE st7E - 115E 2-3 INCH MuL%M STONE objeclionabls rrlaatteri I. 0 - f:s. 1. Please dructurw ewe (Class B) to the Buss and dimensions shaven on the plan on a filer fabric foundation. DIMENSION OF GRAVIM PAD 0 ! a The mod wd„h of the dam should be a minimum of feat THIC KHM - 6 W M MINNMUM 2. Entswe that the min' suit owsbucted cross section meets all design S HARDWARE CLOTH & GRAVEL INLET PROTECTION �••• Q LJ ODTH - 12 FT. MINIMUM OR FULL WIM AT ACCESS requirements. a J 2. Keep the oerRer done ardiorl at laad 9 inch" below the end wl m the dam abuts the channel tanks POINTS OF THE VO4KULAR ENTRANCE AND EXIT � Ensure that the tap of the dike Is not lower at an AREA, WAlOWVER IS GREATER y point than the O O 1= THE DISTANCE SUCH----T6• TrnICAL LENGTH - so FT. MIMMUM. design dewetion plus the specified settlement. °° 0 NCDOT #5 OR #57 CONSTRUCFION SPECIFICATIONS 3. Place eedi milt control stake 05 or f57) sir the updmm aFthe dam that st minimum Of 1 foal thick. washed stone THAT A & 8 ARE OF LOCATION -LOCATE CONSTRUCTION OMMCES AND 4. Provide sufficient roam around diversions to permit machine regrading EQUAL ELEVATION 4. Provide an apron that is 3 times the height of the dam. The aprott width is ad Iran# 41rat long. Undercut TEMPORARY EARTHEN DIVERSION BERM DOTS TO UMIT ��T FROM LFAMW THE STE and chmNwut Uniformly grade a shallow depression approaching WEIR the apran so that tore top of the apron st eush walh the anxi cling grade. COARSE AND TO PROVIDE FOR MAxWVO UTiLiTY BY ALL the inlet. A L B f - HEIGHT Aoc LEGATE cNII ENTRANT VEHICLES. CURVES S N BW GRADES 5 Vegetate the ridgthan 0remedwtriy arts aommrmxtirn, ra,leem It will .etmttn 2. Drive 5 foot steel tins#s 2 feet into the ground AND ENTRANCES AT CURVES IN PUBLIC ROADS In place t/ss than 3O working days 5- Extend the stone at bead 1.5 feet beyond the dick bank to keep valor from cutting around the ands of the , , CMIRACTOR SHALL INSTALL AWTORX GRAVEL surrounding posts g the inlet. Space evenly around the chock dam.Ate- � ONSTRUCTIMi ENTRANCES NOT WDIMID ON THE PLANS mM1W6= 'C REQUIRED FOR STAGINO AND/OR BOiWO AREAS AND Inspect temporary dhwskxm orim a week and after every rdnfd, Immdbtely periMeter of the inlet a maximum of 4 feet apart 6. F_xralrate sediment dosage aria to the dimermokia shown on the plan. iar mN• MWTAW AT NO ADDITIONAL El)<PEHSE TO THE ONNER. remove sediment *van the flow van and repair the dhanion rWgo6 Careful - CONTRACM SHALL SUPPLEMENT AND MAINTAIN GRAVEL check outlets and make timely repass is needed 11 en the am protected y 3• Surround the posts with wire mesh hardware doth. IvMA1NTENANM �T�IOON ENTRANCES AT HIS DFErtse UNTIL FINAL atuPral eel and remove � the r �lm ti1° d1OA"'i t� blend were u'° Secure the wire mesh to the steel posts at the top, middle and 11.5 Inspect dredk demand channels at lead weekly and alter each significant (112 inch a greater) mi lid event bottom. Plating a 2-foot flap of the wire mesh under the gravel for anchoring is recommended W MiN a anntedreley. clean out eedirie,it, draw. limbs, «ogler debris that could dos me diaiirreb when I TEMPORARY DIVERSION BERM DETAILS 4- Plane dean gravel (NC DOT #5 or #57 stone) on a 21 & �needed.- a TYPICAL-•--"_-� I- 9 MiN AitticQnte atibrriergerice and deposition ebonre the check dam and erosion from high flows around the edges of NT5 slope with a height of 16 inches around the wire, and smooch the damCbr eca ail damage bvnMiatelit• If signficar t erosion occurs beWmen darns, additional mamma can TEMPORARY GRAVEL DIVERSION BERM to an even grade. W 5. Once the tnntribution drainage area has been FILTER be �ba" such ass, �w� a pfO1eaNQ rQmP ter" that pp1b°r' of the channel � stabilized, remove accumulated sediment, and establish final FABRIC Remove Sediment accumulated behind the dams as needed to prevent damwge to channel vegetation, allow Nee THIS WORK SHALL CONSIST OF FURNISIiW, PLAONG MANTAIMNG AmD ROKYANG A "GUTTERWWY" TYPE �� 4 max. 19-grow hGnIWGre cloth grading elevations. channel to drain ms; ash the :bona mint n de wnd prevent drgr to se tion. carrying rnedirrerd over the dam. (1 /4 mesh opadngs) b, Compact the area properly and stabilize it with �. Add darter b darer: as riealfed b rritslrrlair design MriplM and canes amnion. 5EDIIETIIT CONTROL DEVICE AS DIRECTED BY 71� E)MI;fIiEER AND AS A SHOWN ON THE PLANS. FOR A TYPICAL 2'xS CATCH BASIN. THE '&UTIi WLWY" SHOULD BE PROMDED WUH A APRON LENGTH = WMMUM LENGTH OF it EACH END OF W FXTM SOCK SHOULD W SECURELY WSTAUED INTO THE BACK OF ground cover. THE CATCH BASIN BETT011IEN THE HOOD AND THE GRATE A MWINM OF Cx1 r OFF E/IGi END OF THE rLTM DAM HEIGHTx3. 41 SOCK SNOULD BE SECURED INM 7W CATCH RASW W THIS MAMM MIN. CURB INLET 1.5e heed sr MAINTENANCE waserr Inspect inlets at least weekly and after each significant (1/2 12" OF NCDOT NO 5OR NO 57 STONE � - ..:..:...: �•'`'-'��r:'c`-� ..::. » � O o0 O O O O inch or greater) rainfall event. Clear the mesh wire of any -' ` r: ��_ debris or other objects to provide adequate flow for '..,, rlltee - subsequent rains. Take care not to damage or undercut the CLASS B RIP RAP mot' U =_ y i I I I I I I - o wire mesh during sediment removal. Replace stone as FILTER :mee 1NFr needed. PRn ouriTERBUDY• � z FILTER THE FILTER SOCK SHOUM BE INSPECTED AFTER EACH RUNOFF PROOURNG RA1W&L OR AT LEAST ONCE PER SCALE SECTION A -A FABRIC FILTERSOCK ORRT MD DEBM AND REPLACED IF NECESSCIR ARY. T1ff F7LTE7t soak, THEN THE VE R. 11"-4 VERT. 1"-4' BOOK NO. 6916 �� HARDWARE CLOTH & GRAVEL INLET PROTECTION SHEET ROCK CHECK DAM WITH WEIR DETAIL ..�. NTS NTS NTS B OF 14 LAST SAVED: 6/28/2011 11.05 AM LAST PLOTTED: 8/8/2012 9:02 AM PLOTTED BY: Ron Williams FILENAME: G:\CURRENT JOBS\WEAVER FRANK\10-1224-01 THE SUMMIT - SECTION FOUR\PL/WS\DETAILS\M157ER-DETNLS.DWG NI5 1 NTS ram, i.V l 06 VI�!'1VCL IIVLt l i''ICIi t(� [ SON SHEE NTS ENGINEERS PLANNERS SURVEYORS Undisturbed Buffer 1100, 180 181 ` - - Note. Lot builder/dewebper ' lieu of -Note. -thia Swale -at ear of kits .may - - - - - - - - - - - - instag gutters and down which sholl drain towards the stneet/or house front where the runof w9l reach the street and catch ba in system. The f \ contractor however shall install the 15" 1 n . pipe at lot f82 drain to the inroltration pon Lot builder/developer may also use a landscape berm instead at the near f these lots to direct runoff to Perimeter \ the 15" p' in lieu of the Swale. Fence (Typ.) �.J 1P W maintenance Rood lit , 158 sf. 1+90 6+4464%W Bev. 4M 15 157 N hv. ..'JO" In 4"90 � *M . JO" Out 40t3.90 _ � MAP 2003-973 Ik W- H/W o CARPER LOP (See Sht. 9 of 14) o zoav 0 ! N cold, aosrn (CL5) i Sft 1+60=4+43 Rt. .38" ►l/M► 000tn Fbr. 4108L 15 im lrw. EAr. 15" 1n 40&45 km Ow. 36• apt 4LU 10 : L 5 POND/DRAINAGE SWALE/DITCH Swale/Ditch from Infiltration Pond 40&75 r:: Note. This swole .m t be installed unless builder/devieloper b Ws aH new impervious area to drain town the street. Any existing imperious which d►oins towards this rear line must Iso collect impervious 1 �� runoff and direct it words the street. However the contr for shah install the 15" pipe to the infiffratmn pond regardlbss. GRAPHIC SCALE IN FEET -40 -20 0 40 so 120 186 ' Existing House` 125 The Summit ��P0 Section Three Map 2006, Pape 1116 124 ` r 123 1770 k / KEY MAP /+UU 01-UU -IF _rvv r UTvv r r -rvv r c -rvv l.)-rvv ► `r-rvv 1 U-f-UU 7 b+UU &QvWW 0i/df DRAWN BY RSW CarsC"D JMK DATE AUG' 12 IT aQ) Z J V 0 J � LLV) ~ Lai Z 0 a W Q) _CL W o LLJ CL W m k m W a N •- O � � a w 1 y N ego O o c � W v ^� N N � � CO V o � q � W c � W w w 0 0 SCALE H. 1 40 V 1 "=4 BOOK # 100-1067 SHEET 11 of 14 c�o1o�11suwrvr� BACK OF CURB FRAME. GRATE. AND HOOD DRAWN Y. RSW 1 CCB X STD. NO. 840.03 ND7ES: MORTAR JOWTS r 10 r 7HIM S� EXPANSION JOI CHECKED JAL{ JR. �. TOP ELEVATION � IF FOR � THEE BOTTOM � Y T 1.-0. PDOWWw PDR PIPE(S)CATCH FROM TOTAL Cu Y05 CF swat MAsaTEP � 840.03� REVIEWED: PRo1ioE ALL CATCH BASNNS 01AiR 3"-6" N DEP'M Wl1H STEPS 1Y j ON CEWML LIRE $1EFS MHIa! COMPLY WITH STD ORAVMiIG MISS. /4 BARS -e 1 FRAME. JMK, JR. Ap NOW On, � IVPE BMW �'C a r. AND OCK GRATES C Aa�+�uTS • EauAL srAas � � :, MOF SECTION W OF THE STANDARD WECIF1CATIaNS. DATE: F REINFORCED OdOTE awe IS SET N BOTTOM SLAB OF BOIL ADD TO sue AUGUST 2012 AS SHOWN ON STD. NR &MOO. R R a FOR 8'-O' N HEIGHT OF LESS, USE Ir WAIL OVER W-O" N HEIGHT, USE A� I ' WALL TO E'-O' FROM TOP OF WALL AND r WALL FOR THE RE /Y14Ha } } 4'-0". OUAN1f7N H BE ADdOINNI ALA ORDNG. L X 1?DIIS1Ni<1CT MIIH THE PIPE CAOINS MATCINNG 3 [) R awlFrlt All E7P05ti0 CORNERS 1'. � � CURB AND GUTTER $ � W Flexible Plastic DRAMING NOT TO SCALE TOP ELF AT{ON sE�:TIaFE - xx TOP ELEVATION wm1 CATCH " ON SEEEP GRADES ryas Joints z e- FRAME GRATE AND HOOD 10 �_ SEESTD. NO. 840.03 - STD - EXPANSION JOI _ SS TOP ELE11AiTON TOP ELEVATION --------- __ --- S� N a' K --H- z MN. '• _i_ B o W EXPANSION JaNT �- �T ED OUTTIR UNE T T fl�YeTI�I I I I U. � 0Uw NORMAL CURB AND BITTER ON LIGHT MOB g e Z UJ U NWFI SEEM _ 8 "W' BARS TOP EL.EVAINRANSION JOINT NORMAL GUM LINE MIN. 03 EQUAL SPACES s. USE ON Gf OVER--rL i� Z O SECTION J-J 6rEA--m-2.-d ..�: , RISER Specificatiwrs: N.C. Department of Transportation /'► _ MIK • 'E14 EPRES D GUTTER LINE V J w VVAMS IT WHERE 3D' TO 36" PIPE IS USED. SECTION M-M r WHERE 42' TO 54' PIPE IS USED. UVAM tl NORMAL CURB AND MITER ON STEEP GRADES WHERE 30' TO 360 PIPE IS USED. NI 1 WHERE 42" ro 54" PPE S ElsfD- I I MINIM DWENSIONS AND alANm�s FOR L F9K CMW BASH SAM ON WIN. HE]CHL K WBH No RISEICP OBF7iSIdlS OF BDX AID PPE o0�4R CU YDS COLIC N BDX OWK DEDUCTIONS OFTAJL SHOWING R SERCOFNSTRUCTIC+N 1 M M ETHOD WEA C G WINT BARS-U BARS-Y BURS-IM SUIB SUIB C MITOP 1901`70b TOTALD ONE PIPE IN - - - - - - - - - - - ---------- _.�____ - I - _ - - - _ - - - Om I I - - - - - - 1` - - - - - 17ISER HT L-T L-rr - - - vARIES I I ID WALL OD L I A B C I E F G H J K M WT 12 2 1614 75 4 234 514 23= 144 134 13! 131 14 1! 722 15 2 -1 19 s 74 7 27 47 ; 30 17 ! 16 4 17 16 a 2 2 1038 18 2 i 23 74 9 27 47 4 36 20 a 20 4 20 4 19 = 2 2 1426 24 3 30 80 9 43 37 47 ! 27 = 27 4 26 4 26 4 2 i' 2; 2137 3O 3 1 2 37 77 12 54 i : 22 1 : 60 34 33 33 1 2 321 2 3 2 to is 2990 36 4 44 971 16 60 371 71 40 40 39 i 39 3 i 3 4 3960 .. �"'-- 0 LL1 a LL z In O o LL I D z U) Q W In norm 3 - - - - -QA SCALE- NTS In-L►l PLAT - - - - • RISER HAS .321 CUBIC YARDS OF BRICK MASONRY PER FOOR HEIGHT 7) PM U STATE OF STATE OF Reinforced Precast Concrete W NORTH CAROLINA STANDARD BRICK CATCH BASIN SHEET 1 OF 2 NORh+ CAROUNA STANDARD BRICK CATCH BASIN SHEET 2 of 2 Flared End Section of DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATM DEFT. OF TRANSPORTATION " a 840.01 DIVISION OF HYS 12 THRU 54" PIPE 840.01 pvISIDN OF HIGHWAYS 12" THRU 54" PIPE (NISI RALDGH• N.C. (NISI MRALEIGH, H.C. E OP71oNAL MANHOLE E DETAIL SFIOYYNNG TYPES OF GRATES 2 3/4' � A E- GOE1gL IID1E:i kT 2r)D P P TO E USED ACCORDING TO WATER FLOW. �� C M000M ALL B94M CORNERS I' OM MASS Y CO B TYPE ''G' TYPE "Fa 2'-11 3 4' '�`�� ao MWAtim TOD1A41 + - 1 N N TYPE B - a X X u D1 i ��, D USE R M6 10 CM1111 CfGN THE BOTTOM am m ALIGN FRAME MTH INSIDE ^T o m I � r '• s� CONC7EIE Bll]G6W= WILL BE �ff tlgII N LiI) OMM COF K OR EIiG1( EDGE OF WALL TO ALLOW SECTION - LL SECTION - MM .� , FOR VVICAL -gm. WATER FLAW -� SAG WATER FLOW A A ^ IM 9-Gr NN NNW DR Ir OIL 0" „ W HMHT. User 12' WILL M 9- FFRROMM TOP W IwLLL. � r v U. WALL SECTION j - IN DO a � FOR THE OBDNSTDILS AND NIL11wDTfSS W ElE 31#' • 14 ADD TO B16E AS SI MN ON STMOMiD K auLa A A �, i 1 3/4' Y :, C F RFXiORCED R PPE IS SET N Wa SLAB OF BOIL © 11 r - 9 0M r ALL JAIM N BONES OVER Y-r N DTPIN SINLL BE F'TLDwm L C7= _j © TI N QQ 1' B SECTHM - s B C. 10 C. WITHsNaSFEPS x��CENTER& STEPS SHALL BE IN A CORDIN OE SEE STANDARD s�o.sl 1 1 2 5 Aruusr THE TIM CONOREM AND BRICK w wtY OIIMFITTNx 0 8' OPTIOFML BRIG M USED TO TO NCLUM 7HE ADDITION OF TW MWW (LE DMGDIML BAR$ � L ADJUST FRASE A COVER SHOR M AM= MOM N TOP SLAB, MIDBIOINL WAIAME > SECTION - PP SECTION - NN TO SWACE EIROMON I Ax , WX SM MLSGNRY OPE1�1C N 70P SLAML) w B • -- - -� WATER FT_OMT � SAG � WATER Flow � TAIL OEM WTHIS SNI31CIlRE FRONT TOP OF BOTTOM SLAB 70 � PLAN S. � 2 1 4' .• :: ; :; THE REAMM Ns 12 FEET. FRANIE. GRATE, Ao HOOD ASS'Y 1.1 2444 SECTION -- A A -O' .9757 TYPE 'F' TYPE "E' TYPE G"OOIi10xS 3,74 (TYPE - E) 1 � r-4� Z'-5r 2 3/4' F r 3/4. OMU PE'E K L M K 2i 731 RAISED FLOW ARROW ~ 1 RAISED FLOW ARROW i\ r, : 2 1 16' HIGH Ill 8" HIGH A •-; 2-731 4' O NET PIPE r • " = ' E OR F 1,21 1 SECTION - AA � ::- --' • •`• : ,,• • •• � ,L►1ItIlII� rr ' � � � B + ,� SECTION L M �„ 1 1/2' C-C OR D-D J r 0.975 - ` SECTION X-X OUTLET ELEVA11ON , d I FRAME P48N O O Q t 3/4-a SEE STANDARD M.0 SECTION -- JJ ' T FOR MANHOLE COVER� FRAME OPTIONAL i k 1 1/2 ADAM IRALME 3� LISED TO 7. r TO SLEFACE ELEVATION MAx. t' R r m t/8'R 7/8'it- -t �' 1/2 - 2'-11 3 4' PNKMKI - Is -� 21.074e 2'-11 3 4" t SECTION - A A ;' . s• .s 2341 7.4153 nos 17.1 22 1 t z' 1 1/z' �1 3/+- `. . i R�T r c 3'-IY ----- 6&4193 SECTION - A A SECTION - KK HOOD ELEVATION SECTION -- RR (TYPE - F) (TYPE -- G) SECTION Y-Y DIMENSIONS AND QUANTITIES FOR BRICK JUNCTION BOXES DIM'S OF BOX & PIPE (iORCEMENT BARS TOP SLAB DIMENSIONS CUBIC YARDS DEDUCTIONS FOR ONE PPE CU. YDS. PPE SPAN IWIIJIHIHEIGHT OONC. BRICK MAsoNRr D A B H N0. LENGTH E F 5W 7 -MIN. HEGHT WALL M C.S. RC. 12' 2' 12 3'-1' 3'-4' 3'-4' Q412 0.591 0.263 042D 0.032 15' 2'-0' 2'-0' 2'-6' 12 3'-1' Y-4' Y-4' 0.412 0.657 0.263 1 0.031 Q047 18- 2'-4 2'-4" 2'-9' 14 3'-5' 3'-8' 3'-8' 0.498 0.814 0.2% 0.044 O.o65 24' 3'-0' 3'-0. 3'-3' 16 4'-1' 4'-e 4'-4" 0.695 1.175 0.362 0.078 0.113 30' Y-4" 3'-4" T--9' 16 4'-5' 4'-e 4'-e O.B07 1.481 a-395 0.122 0.170 36" 4'--Cr 4'-0' 4'-3' 20 1 5'-1' 5'-4' 5'-4' 1.053 1.959 a.461 0.176 0.238 42' 4'--8" 4'-8' 4 -9' 22 5'-9" 6'4 6'-'0' 1.333 2.503 M527 0.240 0.323 5'-3' 26 6'-5" 5'-8- 6'-8' 1.646 2.WO 0.560 0.313 0.422 54' '-10 '-10 5'-9' 28 6'-11' 7-2" r-2" 1.902 3.W2 0.609 0.396 D.535 fe V-6" W-V I 6'-Y 30 r-7" -1 r-10 2.272 1 4.113 0.65a D.489 O.OW 66' 7'-f' r-Y 6'-9' 32 B'-2' B'-5" B'-5" 2.624 4.778 0.706 0.591 0.798 L0 M co N � QZ H- O TE OF STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA SHEET 1 OF 2 NORTH CMO NA STANDARD FRAME GRATES AND HOOD SHEET 2 OF 2 NORTH CAROLINA 0) o STANDARD FRAME, GRATES, AND HOOD DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION STANDARD BRICK JUNCTION BOX SHEET 1 of 1 O W °� DEFT. Of TRANSPORTATION O J r tarASION of HIGHWAYS FOR USE ON STANDARD CATCH BASIN (++•T-s) 840.03 D++�N of A� FOR USE ON STANDARD CATCH BASIN (N.T.s.) 840.0.!' DIVIs1aN of NK;tIwAYs (WITH OPTIONAL MANHOLE) J_ ~ 1,() LL RALEIGH. N.C. RALEIGH. GH• N.RALEIGH. N.C. 12" THRU 66- PIPE NTS 840.32 ILLM Y Q uu u Co . GENERAL NDTIS: o JI MORTAR JOINTS 1/2- TO 116" THICK. �'-�~ I t r- 0 � w USE CLASS Ir CONCRETE THROUGHOUT. OF M BOTTOM _ 00 w m Z USE FORMS FOR uj in 0 a in DED= FOR PIPE(S)� CU.OF BRICK MASONRY. F T� M7 >- U CRASS MEDIiw OR X X PROVIDE ALL CATCH BASINS OVER Y-6' N DEPTH WITH STEPS 12' aN cENEETz USE s11�s WIMISH ooMPLY WrTTI sID. DRAWEIMG Boa-ssLQ CONCRETE ISLAND FUEL vERnaSID. 840.038 FRAME QAE AND HOOD J USE BRICK OR CONCRETE RM *§W CWMPLES WITH THE REQUEREM M t C OF SECTION Boa OF THE STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS. I B YARIES A AS REINFORCED S NCRETE8 0 EE IS � N BOTTOM SLAB OF BOX, ADD TO SLAB 1' DEPRESSION E E FIOIB LIEE + '-G- IN M OR LESS, USE B- WALL 6'-O" IN HEIGHT USE G G I ass }i2°g WALL o s FROY roP OF WALL AHD BwALL FOR THE REIY�NMrG 1 I 2' -6 CAE 15> 1ri a, 6NrRUCT WITH PIPE MATCE�NGBE ADJUSIED ADDpRDENpY. i -7 " 1 -7 " 2'--3'" L_ �_ __J '4�slavo $`0 Do NOT USE BRICK MASONRY DROP INLET N L.00A706 SEIE11E T To TIIWlC. 2" B A Y ONFER ALL DPOSED WMERS 1. 4 10 -D"C 3'-1 1/2' 10'-0' DRAWMIf` NOT TO SCALE T� MBI1 0> �Tn a PiAN YEN 10•--0' r-1 T/2' 111'-•0' N 10 omw cww 0CRNw SECTION G-G 1'-4 ' L1'-4 " F J �r S-ti tilt ,aP I.ILwION 1'-7" 1'-7" II■11 1� TT POR COW 9E5 'v CAM GIIM PLAN OF GRATING PLAN OF FRAME W -7 N1►�°" CAST IRON CAST ROPE o Q N D FMGW LINE =NOTE THIS aRYuOP 15 BASED � E7..E1N1TgN � ON A 5 OP1:l�NNG ON IJITCH EtASBM 8" A 8" a s- B d• SEE STANDARD NO. $40.01 STANDARD CATCH BASIN TRANSITION I .I FOR 24" ASPHALT WEDGE CURB 0 ' t " TSw w 514[iODI_ X-X m SECTION Y-Y 3'-3�" 2•-3�w w R/W ROW 40'/50' 24' 30' SLOPE SLOPE 1" PER FOOT MAX. 1- PER FOOT MAX_ 1/4~ PER FOOT MIN. 1 1/2- SIT. SURFACE 1/4" PER FOOT MIN. 2' ASPHALT WEDGE CURB son `yam- 7 1/2" I DIMENSIONS AND QUANTMES FOR DROP INLET BASED ON MIN. HEIGHT. H DIM'S OF BOX & PIPE CUBIC YARDS CONCRETE CUBIC YARDS BRICK MASONRY DEDUCTIONS FOR ONE PIPE PIPE SPAN INDTH HEIGHT D A B H(MIN) BOTTOM SLAB WALL PER FOOT HT. FM MN. IE*ff, N C.S. R.C. 12` 3'-0" 2'-0' 2'-0' 0.268 0.313 0.522 0.020 0.032 15` 2'-3- 0.268 0.313 0.600 0.031 0.047 18" 2'-6~ 0.268 0.313 0.678 0.044 1 0.055 24" 3'-0~ 0.268 0.313 0.835 0.078 0.113 30' 3'-0~ 2'-0" 3'-6" 1 0.268 0.313 0.991 0.122 0.170 t 7 Liw 2" i" " w SECTION H-H" 3 -:r 2'-2" _ 2' 2w 3'-6" 2'--1 2'-6" SCALE HEIR. 1 "-40' SECTION E-E SECTION 1=-F VERT. 1*4 BOOK NO. 6916 9" SAND -CLAY BASE SHEET TYPICAL STREET SECTION STATE OF NORTH CAROIJNASTANDARD �,N F TRANSPORTATION BRICK DROP INLET SHEET 1 OF 1 STATE OF NORTH CAROUNA DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION STANDARD DROP INLET FRAME AND GRATE SHEET 1 of 1 N.T.S. «" RALEIGH, N.0 12' THRU 30 PIPE (NTS) 840•15 DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS FOR USE WITH STDRAWGH, OWG..S 840.14 AND 840.15 840,16 12 OF 14 N.C.. LAST SAVED: 6/28/2011 11:05 AM LAST PLOTTED: 8/8/2012 9:01 AM PLATTED BY: Ron Williams FILENAME: G:\CURRENT JOBS\WEAVER FRANK\10-1224-01 THE SUMMIT - SECTION FOUR\PLANS\DETAILS\MASTER-DETAILS.DWG 1_ _R _. w_`•-,;� - :!.-,_ __ - - - cA"'",Y*<,.'r.tr� it a, IN , SHEET TYPICAL STREET - - - - -- - -_ SECTION STATE OF NORTH CAROUNA DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATIONDEPT. STANDARD BRICK DROP INLET SHEET 1 OF 1 NORTH ACARO NA OF TRANSPORTATION STANDARD DROP INLET FRAME AND GRATE SHEET 1 OF 1 N.T.S. dVIa�NFwGHWAYS 12" THRU 30' PIPE (NTS) 840.15 [X%190N OF HIGHWAYS FOR USE 1MTFI STn nwr_ C AdA 1 d Bur, 2dn , s s2A n + c 12 OF 14 BRASS MARKER PLATE MARKED PLATE CHECKED: JMK, JR. WITH ANCHOR REVIEViIED: 3/4" CHAMFER AT JMK, JR, EA. CORNER LAYING DATE: V EXISTING WATER MAIN M CAST THE LETTERS "MV" N CONDITIONS DESCRIPTION PROJECT USE JUNE2011 ONE FACE OF THE CONCRETE ' •r• 7-4 03 BARS MARKER AND ORIENT TOWARD r. A n a THE ROADWAY „• -1 ROTATE a OR BLOW -OFF KER TO OTHER END 3�• FLAT BOTTOM UNDISTURBED NOT USED. 0 VALVE NO. sPloEl:s SUPPORF P� IN CASH EARTH TRENCH, LOOSE BACKFILL 8 120 TAPPING SLEEVE SHALL BE ROMAC BRAND 2. BEVEL ENCLOS 41' BRICK °MAST NDS WITH MM 0 MODEL SST MANUFACTURED WITH 316/ 0 -•�--� -4' SO. PRECAST CONC. STAINLESS STEEL CENTER LINE CARRIER PIPE POST (4000 P.S.I.) ©�• TAPPING VALVE PLATE WITH VALVE NUMBER, WITH VALVE Box TYPE 1 DIRECTIONAL ARROW -POINTED c TO MARKED VALVE & DISTANCE TO THE NEAREST FOOT. NEW WATER MAIN STEEL CMG PPE :• :►:.'+'.'' '> SLOPE TO DRAIN —tom ���:�+.+� +► �' GRAVEL TYPICAL VALVE MARKER DETAIL W 2" WEEP HOLE FLAT BOTTOMED UNDISTURBED EARTH NOT USED. No SCALE � ELEVATION TRENCH. BACKFILL LIGHTLY NOTES: CONSOLIDATED TO CENTERLINE PAINT MARKER BLUE AFTER INSTALLATION OF PIPE. TYPICAL TAPPING SLEEVE AND VALVE ASSEMBLY DETAIL W �` a NO SCALE rJ TYPE 2 fA- F 1 11 FINI GRADE v v 2' SIXIIt TA IAl•[ Ln ■ a d a a !� E)ACKFlLL TO EDGE iYi 1 4. CD 4 z d a ourr PIPE BEDDED IN 4" MININUM ALL DUCTILE ? N AVTTY O I —I I -I _ °— d — I I I I I R 1eAMS >� (4 JOB EXCAVATED MATERIAL. SEWER IRON R NE. Q V D U 1 I 1 III ---III I I (I I I I I I III ,III—) 1 1 BACKFILL LIGHTLY CONSOLIDATED Z 0 sm cllr6 TO TOP OF PIPE. f"" _ _ O F-- 1I III III III- I I "'�' "'`'' 0 W a) 0 LL z PRECAST CONCRETE N6O J '+ I Of PROTECTION RING AS SHOWN PRECAST CONCRETE COENANMEEON SECTION "A" TYPE 3 ©] Lo �, Z - 4 EDGE ON PLANS PROTECTION RING OF 0 LJ.I 0 (LLJ n CO ROAD PIPE ALL PVC WATER I= m 0 Z 0 U- z & _ P E BEDDED IN SAND GRANULAR m LLI p ❑ 2 1/2" HOSE PAVEMENT (ONE OR TWO RULROAD MATERIAL OR GRADED GRAVEL TO LINE AND PVC 0 W U •� r FORCE MAIN. Ln >_ CONNECTION O IARy THE DEPTH OF 1 /8 PIPE DIAMETER, �••- Q • • V _ s-0' MIN. COVER OR AS SHIM 4" MIN. JOB EXCAVATED MATERIAL LL 0- 1.uj J B °N THE PLANS COMPACTED TO 4" ABOVE TOP OF PIPE. o w L± pit (APPROX. 95% STANDARD PROCTOR, U '-8" MIN. COVER Q' LL w • OR AS SHOWN ON AASHTO T-99) a 6' G.V. & BACKFlLL a THE PLANS C. I. BOX 6" WATER STONE - � TRANSITTDN FrnlNc As TYPE 4 G VALVE BOX VALVE OPERATOR NUT LINE (7 C.F. MIN.) REQUIRED C . C I II M.L. CASING PP ALL PVC GRAVITY CONC. SEWER LINE. �y PIPE BEDDED TO ITS CENTERLINE a ca *DUCTILE "Ift++f+++ ' * `+*.`. IN COMPACTED GRANULAR MATERIAL I BLOCKING c `,*+* ++f*+ 4' MIN. UNDER PIPE. COMPACTED ❑ 4-3/4' TIE RODS WITH BRACKETS (SEE NOTE) '++++ ++++ GRANULAR OR SAND MATERIAL TO w W 6 HYDRANT TEE WEEP HOLE TO PROFILE a f.*• *+*+* 4"ABOVE TOP OF PIPE.id (SEE DETAIL) w 2 REMAIN OPEN (APPROX. 95% STANDARD PROCTOR, U + i f TYPICAL VALVE BOX DETAI W NOTE• HYDRANT TO MAIN LINE 2'-0. A4ASHT0 T-99} � Q � m X NO SCALE n W/TtE RODS IN LIEW OF CONC. TYPICAL BORING & JACKING DETAIL W TYPE 5 M L BLOCKING IN SANDY SOIL. NO SCALE TYPICAL LAYING CONDITIONS DETAIL(D 8 NO SCALE TYPICAL FIRE HYDRANT INSTALLATION DETAI W NOTES: VALVESCALE ►tillllrttt�`�' NO 6 1. INSTALL METER AT R/W P !J*I 2. "TWO (2)-3/4' SERVICE LINES MUST 8E INSTALLED od 0I EXCESS PLACE EMPTY VALVE BOX AT INTERVALS WHERE � BOX DO NOTOCCUR if PLACE TRACER WIRE A 2" SLEEVE. w d y 3. "TWO TWO (2)-1" SERVICE LINES MUST BE INSTALLED T WIRE IN BOX INSIDE A 3* La! " 4. SLEEVES SHOULD ESCHEDULE 40 PVC PIPE. NOTE: NO. I La DRILL THOLE � PRECAST CONCRETE PROTECTION RING EX19Mi0 S1Of1111 9E>�1RR ? 5. SEE DETAIL FOR SERVICE MATERIAL AND METER • Cl) = BACKFILL TO EDGE J SETTING ' :,'4�,• ,V FINISHED GRADE.`' � Q• 6. SERVICE LINE SHALL BE 3' BELOW FINISHED GRADE Z ` _ + OF DITCHES. 4 .. Ir TIN. T1I1. RAW NOTE: NOTES: ENI011kSEMID i AREA TO MICI.IIDE 6' AT PIPE INTERSECTIONS, MULTIPLE 1. CONCRETE SHALL BE 3.000 PSI MIN. + PPE ONLYVALVES, RUN WIRE UP AT ONLY Box VALVE BOX 2. CONCRETE FOR THRUST BLOCKING SHALL BE KEPT ONE VALVE. FAIRLY DRY, THUS MAKING THE CONCRETE WEDGE SHAPE MORE EASILY FORMED WITH THE WIDEST CI) SINGLE 12 AWG SOLID CORE WIR :.•�' PART (BLOCKING AREA) AGAINST UNDISTURBED SOIL. 3. NO CONCRETE SHALL COVER ANY BOLTS OR GLANDS. WATER MAIN O 4. ALL PIPING AND ACCESSORIES TO BE WRAPPED WITH 10 MIL. POLYETHYLENE PRIOR TO POURING BLOCKING. 2" 3 4" CARRIER 5. VOLUME OF THRUST BLOCKING SHALL BE AS SHOWN X PVC SLEEVE W / / P.V.C.PIPELINE ON THE THRUST BLOCKING SCHEDULE. Q LENGTH OF ENCASEMENT z � J TO BE STORM SEWER u 0 PIPE PLUS O.D. PLUS STREET d TRACER WIRE TO BE LAID VALVE ON PLANS. Q UNDERNEATH WATER LINE 2�-0" OR AS SHOWN z TYPICAL TRACER WIRE INSTALLATION DETAIL W16" WATERMAIN 0 � No SCALE 3 �:MIN. H °: cdi < W 12 MIN �� I. DI HOLE IN VALVE BOX TO WSM TRACER WWE,BRING LP TO INSIDE AND ROLL UP AT LEAST W-8' EXCESS TYPICAL STORM SEWER CROSSING DETAIL ANGLE 3/4' SERVICES � � E- o o � o 2. PUKE TRACER WIRE IN VALVE Box AT I,o00' INTERVALS OR AS NOTED ON THE PLANS, TYPICAL. W W z • t• NO SCALE V W 3. DO NOT SPLICE WIRE WHEN BEdNNING A NEW SPOOL_ INSTEAD INSTALL A VALVE BOX AND ATTACH EACH WIRE WITH A A A 9 BRASS SCREW TO THE VALVE BOX. "MFLjj�RF/y r', Q Of 6 MIN. INSTALLED 3. OFF w Ld � X PROPERTY LINE IL z Q 0 z -� z U Z z BRICK SU X HYDRANT TEE a Of ON EACH SDEOf PIPE `� MIN.1/3 C.Y. AT 3000 P.S.I. PLAN TEESPA a ~ Q Q PLAN BENDS TYPICAL DOMESM WATER SERVICE INSTALLATION DETAIL W 3 U Lj 18" MIN. No SCALE N z RING TO eE E1PosED PROTECTION RING A C .-% Q dILg GRADE a o 2' a a m ! 1: 1 12' Q E Li CUT EXIST. PAVEMENT EXIST EXISTING = Z AS NOTED ON PLANS ROAD11 > rI ~ a a a N N n a e MIM b' a ! EXIST. PAVT ROAD SHOULDER 3 d o a d m F PAYT. 0 O N I 18" MIN. - 10" 0 OR LESS °zF404 aO° o�Q Op FOR' sc. sr� i PE'00'm cam, TO BE N 1 °$ 24" MIN. — 12" O OR LESS o04�°Rw;� TO % ""T`"S'�' °� 0°"'� c o YALVE BOX BACKFILL AS � C •- INDICATED '+ � CD O `_`:_"'R` S'• a:�-`.`''t' READED COUPUNC VALVE NUT ONLY rr.22®_ ECHAN CAL JOINT VATH NP RING BRASS PIPE NIPPLE 0 DIA CK TO OR LONGER TO BRING PIPE SUPPORT UP TO FINISHED GRADE THREADEDVALVE Box a . C M C I_ Q a aT = 4)4)Scale: NOTED I NMS: 10(D I. PAVEMENT SHALL BE CUT TO TRUE LINE AND }L-' Date: 7009 REMOVED BEFORE TRENCH IS CUR. ` - 2. STONE AND PAVEMENT TO BE PLACED WITH LEASTRFNEW WATER LINE 45 BEND O '� INTERFERENCE TO TRAFFIC. NEW COMPACTED 3%=LL SERVICE SADDLE - A.Y. MCDONN.D CORPORATION METER CON 1CMM 0 t Drawn By: HCDPEJ PPE 3. STABILIZED AGGREGATE TO BE SECURED FROM AN APPROVED STYLE HINGED 3891 FOR 31/4' COCK --AY. MCDONALD ❑ rp = Checked By: W.W.R. 4. ALL PAVEMENT REPAIRS TO BE IN ACCORDANCE SERVICE SADDLE A.Y. MC6OWILD (� U . WITH N.C.O.O-T. SPECIFICATIONS. c Book No.: a PPE NIPPLE PIPE O.D. PLUS 187 FOR PIPES UNDER 33. OD TRENCH 11�IiI � U a PIPE O.D. PLLIs 24' FOR PIPE OVER 33" O.D. PPE 0.0. + 1IW FOR PIPES UNDER 33` QA. N 0 Page No.: ' NOTE: PPE O.D. ♦ 24" FOR FMPES 00 R 33" OA - ole1. 'SERVICE CONNECTION" IN PROPOSAL TO INCLUDE SERVICE SADDLE, > - O E Job No.: v 45- BEND, CORPORATION COCK AND ALL LABOR INVOLVED IN 0 CL `-- MIN 18' MAKING A COMPLETE SERVICE CONNECTION. c U N C Sheet No.: PIPE NIPPLE 2' DIA MIN. 1/3 C.Y. AT 30D0 P.S.W. ' . � .. `- 2. SERVICE PIPING TO BE 3/4" COPPER OR POLYETHELENE (SEE SPECS) 4)c0 C >' 3. ALL BRASS FITTINGS SHALL BE COMPRESSION TYPE 3 �.....� 3 O O NTH 2" THREADED PORT TYPICAL PERMANENT BLOW —OFF ASSEMBLY DETAIL W TYPICAL WATER SERVICE CONNECTION NO SCALE 4 TYPICAL THRUST BLOCK DETAIL W TYPICAL TRENCH IN BITUMINOUS SURFACE AREAS DETAIL W ai PLANS SHEET NO, USING TAPPING SADDLE DETAIL W � � Q T No SCALE � sc� � � NOTE: SEE TYPICAL VALVE BOX DETAIL 10 NO SCALE 3 0) c ca 13 OF 14 FOR BRICK INSTALLATION O LAST SAVED: 6 /28/2011 11:05 AM UST PLOTTED: 8/8/2012 8:55 AM PLOTTED BY: Ron Williams FILENAME: G:\CURRENT JOBS\WEAVER FRANK\10-1224-01 THE SUMMTf - SECTION FOUR\PLANS\DETAILS\MASTER-DETAILS.DWG ~ G mmmmmmmi 90" BEND 45• BEND 221 2' BEND 11 4 BEND TEE PLUG SIZE A B A B A La A B A B C D 4" 8" 12" 8' 8" 6" 6" 6' 6" 8' 9' 10" 16" 6" 10" 12" 8" 10' 8" 8' 8" 8" 10" 10' 12' 18" 8. 15" 13" 10" 10" 8" 8 8' 8" 10' 12' 12" 24" 10" 16" 14" 10' 12 6" 10" 6" 10 11" 14" 14' 25' 12" 20" 16' 12" 14" 8' 12" 8" 12" 14" 16' 16" w* 14' 22' 1 18" 1 14" 16 10' 14' 10' 14' 16" 18' 18" 34' 16" 1 26" 1 20' 16' 18" 12" 16" 12' 16, 18" 20" 20" 36" • �!f . T YIJI(`01 1J1.11UANF N I HII I ]W--I 7F F Atitih UHI T 111 I AIL! W — . l:, r1.1. ,V. eT TT F j—'iZi: � -.{iT,i.A •^.�[ i T:4r. l •• �. .. .. .. ... ., ... .I. .. r•,-i u•nn� rw. �•eo f•!/,'1'a!fl�. 1 Sc- _..-.. -_- JMK, JR. REVIEWED: JMK, JR. DATE: JUNE 2011 SERVICE LINE FROM STREET 1' FROM EDGE OF R METER BOX LID, CAST IRON 1:4 I� METER SETTER 4. CENTERED IN BOX METER TO BE INSTALLED BRICK SUPPORT X 18" SS -NIPPLE 3/4 Inch Gate Valve Required on Customer We Within 12 inches of the Meter Box 1 P.R.V. Location down stream of the cut—off valve METER SETTER WITH DOUBLE CHECK VALVE 1. METER AND SERVICE LINE NOT IN CONTRACT UNLESS SPECIFIED (BACKFLOW PREVENTER) 2. INCLUDE STONE IN PRICE OF METER BOX. 3. METER SETTER SIZE AS NOTED ON PLANS. 4. ALL BRASS FITTINGS SHALL BE COMPRESSION TYPE. TYPIC:AI 3 /4" METER SETTER INSTALLATION DETAI NO SCALE PLAN ELEVATION AO 0 24"x18" R�"T' •", Vi ISOMETRIC 24 ABS PLASTIC 1W + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + A E +++++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 16 ►�iGt�I� 11' SERVICE LINE FROM STREET METER SE CENTERED IN BOX BRICK SU 1' FROM EDGE OF ROW PLASTIC LID WITH CAST IRON LID IN CENTER METER TO BE INSTALLED 1 'II X 1 B" BASS. NIPPLE 1" Inch Gate Valve Required on Customer side Within 12 Inches of the Mortar Box P.R.Y. Location down stream of the cut—off valve 1. METER AND SERVICE LINE NOT IN CONTRACT UNLESS SPECIFIED METER SETTER WITH 2. INCLUDE STONE IN PRICE OF METER BOX. DOUBLE CHECK VALVE 3. METER SETTER SIZE AS NOTED ON PLANS. {BACKFLOW PREVENTER} 4. ALL BRASS FITTINGS SHALL BE COMPRESSION TYPE. W q. TYPICAL 1" METER SETTER INSTALLATION DETAIL W NO SCALE s TYPICAL METER BOX DETAIL FOR 3 4" SER\ACEf W NO SCALE 1 5 a PLAN �m� ELEVATION A" q1EFI PLASTIC HINGED ACCESS HATCH LID + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + _T + + + + + + + + 14" + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 20" 26-x2(r Rcr'raur•_i H ao VI 12.0 ISOMETRIC 21 11T SHOWN WITH EXTENSTION TYPICAL METER BOX DETAIL FOR 1" SERVICE W NO SCALE 1 LAST SAVED: 6/28/2011 11:05 AM LAST PLOTTED: 8/8/2012 8:57 AM PLOTTED SY: Ron Williams FILENAME G:\Q*MWN1DiWWKMMVBVjAqK kA4&2#tOoHffF JJRkUMR SE(MOl ORD BEDMNMDWG 7�4�ra! iJ.I f r I 4 FI ' t s ,� t t 'r. �- • s,z ',i"� �� e 1 '� t �- � �. i�irr �J l li 1 1' FROM EDGE OF ROW PLASTIC LID WITH CAST IRON LID IN CENTER 9" SERVICE LINE FROM STREET METER SETTER' =-'--_ ' _ CENTERED IN BOX BRICK S 2" Inch Gate Valve Required on Customer side 2" X 1 S" VAthin 12 Inches of B S NIPPLE the star Box P.R.V. Location down stream of the cut—off valve 1. METER AND SERVICE LINE NOT IN CONTRACT UNLESS SPECIFIED 2- INCLUDE STONE IN PRICE OF METER BOX. 3. METER SETTER SIZE AS NOTED ON PLANS. 4- ALL BRASS FITTINGS SHALL BE COMPRESSION TYPE. TYPICAL 2" METER SETTER INSTALLATION DETAIL NO SCALE 16" C. 31" + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + t ++ ++ + + + + + + + + + t + + + + + t + + t t + t + + t t t t + + + + + t + + PLAN ELEVATION AO G 1�4 + + + + + + + + t + + t t + } 4 t t + + t t t t t t + t + 17117 ++t++t++ +++++++ + + + t + t + + t + + + + t + + + t t + + t t + t t t + + + + + + t t t 4 1 /2%7 1 /2" STEEL HINGED ACCESS HATCH ELEVATION O TYPICAL METER BOX DETAIL FOR 2" SERVICE NO SCALE W 19 LO O LU 00 CN ~ z �i V O I— Z 0 F_ °o Zi �r uI Q oj��� Z o WX�W o � � ©© n �°�Ci m�,Lu U z � o �-- LLLL Q� Li J U) � O �--- C CI.. O EL LIJ u_ G w _ C/) © Lr) w U LLJ Q fT] cJ z _O Z O z LLIV (r- V) ' U U C)P4 .�. U >_ w F_ H LLJ o ZO Q- O r7 O iY I— V) Z C" [.� z F_ m I W � z a a U) � E z a 0 z Z O < U I— m w Z ca I- Q _ � L..LJ �-(Da� Ui�4 c 6 3.- (a O ui Q CN � C � (D � c 0 N y Scale: NOTED 3 C c H Date: 2t)09 a Drawn By: HCDPU 0- 2 U O iyu _ Checked By: W.W.R. U � U = a (D � Book No.: U -t3 C: Page No.: (D := ) 0 Job No.: o a -*- Lz � Sheet No.: v C ca 3�0 2 of 3 0) :.. W N N PLANS SHEET NO. q) CD CL o 14 OF 14 2 C C IQ 0 CJ N C Q v of 0 -� `� _= PLANS SHEET NO. (D CD CL to (0 (D 14 OF 14 ;C -L != o