HomeMy WebLinkAboutSW6120504_APPROVED PLANS_20120618STORMWATER DIVISION CODING SHEET POST -CONSTRUCTION PERMITS PERMIT NO. SW606eT6�1- DOC TYPE ❑ CURRENT PERMIT APPROVED PLANS ❑ HISTORICAL FILE DOC DATE 201�0(0 L YYYYMMDD _ ... .. ... s LL S.'. ,. ..�,.._ .•.i ... a. �,- ]. �:'1 i►,. 1,�. a_. __' -, _ al i � � � .' .. i2. !: a�Y� i.1sL maq *f1 b a N 11 N N .w N CD N N W 'a O O Q a 3 rn 00 6 a a a tv w A Z Q Q 00 o� a Q' tea. LEGEND EXISTING DENOTES REBAR OR BREAK IN LINE o CONCRETE MONUMENT ❑ WATER METER GATE `SALVE pq WATER LINE —Ex. W— FIRE HYDRANT SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE SANITARY SEWER CLEAN OUT CATCH BASIN DROP INLET ❑ STORM GRAIN MANHOLE 0 TOP SANITARY SEWER CLEAN OUT INVERT SANITARY SEWER CLEAN OUT NOTE - ALL PROPERTY CORNERS DISTINGUISHED BY REBAR UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. VfofNi T Y M 3 'i T ,ems INL:LEX COMER SHEET WATER AND SINNER LAYOUT T� col WATER AND SEWER -LAY UT l STORM LAYOUT CO3 � STORM LAYOUT - - EROSION CONTROL AND SEDIMENTATION - _ � � 1'04 - __ C05 EROSION CONTROL ROL AND SEDIIV"ENTATION 00'S PROFILE SHEET-MIL.WAUKEE" AVENUE C07 PROFILE SHEET-OHIO STREET C08 I _ _ PROFILE SHEET -TIMBER RIDGE COURT Cog i PROFILE SHEET-BONAPARTE - - C1 Li i PROFILE SHEET--TIMBERFALLS �- PROFILE SHEET- GLEN CASTLE LANE Cl 2 PROFILE SHEET --Iv c ETRIDGE WAY C13 PROFILE SHEET --SS EASEMENT 3--2 C14 PROFILE SHEET -SS EASEMENT S-3 &MIS 0N. HILL TW-1 Cl5 PROFILE SHEET ---STORM Cie DETAIL SHEET --POND A DETAIL SHEET -POND B C? B _ DETAIL SHE -ET —POND —POND C DETAIL SHEET-PWC C20 DETAIL SHEET--PWC C21 --- DETAIL SHEET --GENERAL CONSTRUCTION t EROSION C22 SITE NOTES 1. PROPERTY SUBJECT TO ALL EASEMENTS, RIGHTS -OF -WAY ACID RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS OF RECORD. TAX PINS- 0404-13-7965 0404-02-5266 04-03-7535 2. UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE, THERE WERE NO U.S.G.S., N.C.G.S. OR OTHER GOVERNMENTALLY RECOGNIZED HORIZONTAL CONTROL MONLIMEN TATION FOUND WITHIN 2,000 FEET OF THIS SUBJECT PROPERTY, UTILITY NOTES 1. OCCUPATIONAL SAFE T Y & HEALTH ADMINISTRATION REGULATIONS IONS (OSHA): CONTRACTOR SHALL ENSURE ALL CONSTRUCTION AND EXCAVATION ACTIVITIES PROCEED ACCORDING TO THE LATEST OSHA GUIDELINES. 2. UTILITY LOCATIONS: A. NOT ALL EXISTING UTILITIES ARE SHOWN ON TIDE PLAN. THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR LOCATION OF ALL. EXISTING UNDERGROUND UTILITIES. CALL CAROLINA ONE CALL (PHONE 1-800-632-4949) 48 HOURS PRIOR TO EXCAVATION. B. COORDINATE WITH U T II ITY OWNERS FOR LOCATION OF EXISTING UTILITIES AND WORK WITH THEM TO REMOVE CONFLICTS. C. VERIFY LOCA 3 !ON AND ELEVATION OF EXISTING UTIL?' T IES BEFORE CONSTRUCTION BEGINS AND .. C Ot7RDINATE WITI : THE ENGINEER FOR CHANGES TO THE SEWER LINE LOCATION AND, OR UTILITIES. IF CHANGES ARE NEEDED, PLANS MUST BE APPROVED BY THE APPROPRIATE AGENCY. D. LOCATION AND ELEVATION OF EXISTING UTILITIES AS SHOWN ON THE PLANS ARE APPROXIMATE. 3. ALL I'II ERIALS FURNISHED AND INORK PERFORMED SHALL BE IN CONFORMANCE WITH THE TOWN OF HOPE. MILLS AND.%OR PUBLIC WORK4 COW -MISSION. 4. ALL, WATER AND SEWER MAINS. LATERALS AND APPUR T ENAN ;ES SHALL BE TESTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH PNAfC TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS. 5. ALL DUCTILE IRON PIPE, IN SANITARY SEWER SERVICE, SMALL HAVE GRIFFIN PIPE "SEWPER' COAT OR PROTECTO 401 LINING. i' B- THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR RELOCATION OF EXISTING UTILITIES IF REQUIRED DURING INSTALLA T ION OF NEW WORK.\ PROPOSED ABBREVIATIONS ADA = AMERICAN WITH DISABILITIES ACT CB = CATCH BASIN CL = CENTER LINE DI = DROP INLET DIP = DUCTILE IRON PIPE EIP = EXISTING IRON PIPE ER = EXISTING REBAR EX = EXISTING FEMA = FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY FES = FLARED END SECTION FIFE = FINISHED FLOOR ELEVATION FH = FIRE HYDRANT GB = GRADE BREAK HP = HIGH POINT INV = INVERT ELEVATION JB = JUNCTION BOX LF = LINEAR FEET LP = LOW POINT MH = MANHOLE OSHA = OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY & HEALTH ADMINISTRATION PROP=PROPOSED PVC = POLYVINYL CHLORIDE RCP = REINFORCED CONCRETE PIPE RNV = RIGHT-OF-WAY SR = SET REBAR SS = SANITARY SEWER STA = STATION TBR = TO BE REMOVED RIDDLE BUILDERS INC. 9494-•93-3B92 08 854R PC ON PB 129. PG 99 ZONED RIO SRW BUILDERS NC. 9494-93-3791 PB 8840. PC 860 PB 128. PC 99 �a ZONED R10 RIDDLE BUILDERS INC 9494-93-3588 03 8840. PG 858 PB 128. PC 99 ZONED RIO SITE CONSTRUCTION DRAWINGS MAY 241 2012 SARBARA M. JOHNSON ✓B 2574/597 ! 34Dh04-13665 ten ZONED RNA MH (9025) / 1 ,t2 f {,@ , $ 0 1i 9t f j I I VILLAGE GREEN I 0. i yp] F }7D PB 47r . N, es , s ---• i Fff �V� �� t Te8 t,9 I "IF LfE DIXON Q3 I � �iD3 MILDRED MCKINN07: 1 WARREN T. !! DB 199/510 1107 0404-04-3172 ZONED RR � I \y ' 106 7� i18 ! €79 ,2D 121 DO 7708%]69 -. 1T2 ZO0E-23-4862 OPEN sp o 0 0 zDNeD RR /^ 14e f4,a o tao ,a, MARCH RIDDLE tSt '� ,36 197 I,� IS9 t50 9494-93-3355 D8 3675, PG 134 I PB IZB, PG 99 ZONED R 0 EXISTING POND � � NATUpN' 1�7 61 146 7µ 143 142 ,4, ,40 td9 ,3B XISTNG DAM ANTHONY 0. RATLEY ! DER19E O 9494-93-0181e181 DB ZONED RR t42 O µ 7 !BB II( o 0 0 9ARSARA M. lOHNSON 81 O 4E ] 4494-82-3649 DO 1146, PC 168 ZONED RIO REMAINING 5T. DAMES SWARE. NYC- DB 7002/412 0404-02-5266 ZONED RR 1�a !rr C1 1 I 1 S 4 0 t o 00 10. r 24 3G 2J JIMMY R. k ROBBIE `. ( 10, ] CARTRETTE 1•f D404B 13-23-7798721 1BS D8 "u1 0ZONED RR Y2 1 \ 1 D MARY M. THOMPSON / DB 7161/194 040E-23-1147 0 20 I � t2 ZCNED RR 16 i JGxIUANDA T. '-, F, - J2 NAY 09 8168 287 HUFF ,�. 0404-22-0965 ZONED RR 1 f7 j/ i 1S jj 1S r - SANDY G, FREEMAN DO 7732/821 0404-72-3751 ZONOO RSA GRAPHIC SCALE 200 0 100 2aa 400 800 es`0.�� CAR 0'''f.,,, - a�F SEAL '- - � d ''� 'r 7X7417ldtliii€iS,``3A� �M,r`, iddP,di r A1�enV�'1 ( IN FEET ) 1 inch = 2a0 fi,. CH�RRSLdM LANE BEFORE YOU DIG ML 48 HOM 6FF+ORE ym as a1-400—1 ENGINEERING - SURVEYING - DESIGNING - DRAFTING Larry King & Associates, R.L.S., P.A. P.O. Box 53787 1333 Morganton Road, Suite 201 Fayetteville, North Carolina 28305 NC FIRM P. (910) 483-4300 F. (910) 483-4052 LICENSE C-0887 www.LKandA.com C00 OF C23 _ !I., m�ro�ri P)orir. (7 Z E c,. N CL in M fV .-4 N CD 0 fV N in K, i IE��N ZE-XISTING FF0P0S&---D DENOTES REDAR OR BREAK IN LINE' ' CONCRETE MONUMENT L._€ WATER DETER CAFE VALVE >: WATER LINE ---Ex EIRE HYDRANT SANITARY SE;SEER MANHOLE SANITARY SEVER CLEAN OUT CATCH BASIN DROP INLET i= x STORM DRAB- MANNAI05) STORM S•M1u1(,TURE KEG DRAINAGE SWALE. CONTOURS ��-- NO i E ALL PROP: R T Y CORNERS STORM DRAINAGE NOTES I ---ALL PIPE SLOPES AND LEN 1 S AREE HORIZ NT IL DISTANC-=ES T O CENT2:r `or ` E. 2. CONT`RACTOR SHALE. REN110 E ALL SEDIMENT FRON11 POND 1.JP®N C0N!PL T 10N off= CONSTRUCTION. 3. SEE EROSION N1_R PI. AN (SHIEST C705). FOR RIP IRMP OUTLET CONTROL ROB_ DINIEKISIONS AND SPEC SFAT €I' S. - i �. �� �,// � V A � �� � � \ V A \ \ \V A A \ � l / /l / � i / ,�/ ill/ t r ! ? I r ! �•r i 1 I 10 167 1 j I i � `,- \ � ♦ \ \\\�_� ==__ 7_65— - I / � i / � 1 is \ / // / / • / � / : 1 1} ''\� 't � � � . �\\'sue f sy to E E LEE D! x\OI I f I RIDDLE BUILDERS INC. / \ 0 = MIL I 6a -/ - -_ WARALN r 9494-93-3892 j I l I Ilk DB 8640, PG 858 i i // — = 1�3 DB 39�9 1510 \ I t / 5a / � � i � ` � -;7n_.._- i ! - I , 128 PG 99 / /� / — :�4(i4-"' �2 I li I�j� ir�Jl J / ZONED R10 I /// / //'// _ ZONE FIR\}' 1? i 1 �RW BUILDERS INC. / / / / / // / // ,6��6�,e6�\� 9494-93-3791 ` / / // / / /// / / '/ /, \ \ I f' 44 PB 8640, PG 860 PB 128, PG 99 — PEN 'SP/ ZONED R10 —154 2 Lo RIDDLE UIL[7ER5 IN I i /94 93-3586/ / // // / j / / '�9 ;, % r - �{ { i a I r I i 640, PG 858 o f{ m r x ice' PB 128, PG 99 1 I / I / /< / / / / ---#L a r ZONED R10 i l l / ' / / / / — _ I 87 -- f \\ �� �� \ / ( i? I has, f i 1 �,_ �2,0 ,.� cal , �f I 1 ,� :r;) t r '� MARCH RIDDLE \ \ f 1 9494--93-3358 j { { ! i , 97 D8 3675, PG 134 1 { If 96 PB 128, PG ZONED RD g I I f f I Ex. 3a° NC 1 I / EXISTING POND f { I } O / f NATURAL A-S L' • I I 1' I} 11 r/ 1 r i F.� & ,e, 9 „�- IF 99 O 1 ,42 pr r* s ,� Coen U-5 ,3, l} J ff ,� 1 { I / \ , I : I \ \ \C \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 8 BER FAL 1,' _ `! f: - rs;1 j — is -_.- \ EXISTING Dbm \ \ / ao TOP--163.00 \ \ \ O p {! - -- / PERM. POOL-159.00 \ \ I I M \ 1 { „ i - el2b / �QM7153.00 \ \\\\ \ \\ \ \\ J 90 NTHUI>K'C. RATLEY x ! } \ \ \ \ \\ �sy�� , �— ` \ \ � >> �, 0 l DENT .L.R_ RATLEY M1 } \ s _ ` \ 4�O / { 1116I \; r ,,' _ _ � ti- %_.+ 75 94�4--93--0181 /t \ \ s \ _ ` \ ` \ 3\ \ , "� i / _L r' - - 7 908/583 \ 1 IZONED RR 67 ! ---161 \ 172- ��a� POND oe POAeBF1li � /- �``e, /. 1' j i r r ` r +_ I r; �q` { ,r � fr ' J1r� ! � j'f jl . FI• i 7 j f 'r oI i 44 ,�Ii � ( ! \ \ � \ ` `5 `7$6 --157' _ \♦ \ �\ � \ \ \ \ \ \ \ �l � /�/ � � �`3)r ' 1 f i l /� � DRAINAGE AREA- DRAINAGE ARFA-. 71 a ,� t �a 5 - r• ' �150� � \ 1 \ \, \ \ 6' \ S \,) PROP, 1t-AP.ARE-A-'I I.79 %c I PE���.. ��P, A��A-'.�� � - _ — �\\ � — _ � � � \ \ \ \\\\��\ �'ss � \ 9\ 111 1 � , p(;E AV� sa = i 3y.°,Y .. c 11 S TL \ POND S-A Roq,,I`d=2" A9" sf POND -SA S. j 1 \\� \ \ 1 \ \\ \ \ \ - _ — �\ \�' f �./ E L� SA I t33...:R%"` `.9 . i:2f S POs D SA .,a a.,,14 P 00/ 6 POND W�,V Rq'd4s.!Pdft PONDD Q 'dd=7,!3w TERM. pOOL-162.00 POND ;QV PROV DE.'=49,3831d P DsNQ PR0VQE =8;26Dc / POND GENERAL SITE NOTES 1 I DRAINAGE AREA-13,42 ea4c PREP crP <�3 _ TINE CONTRACTOR SHALL OBTAIN AND PAY FOR ALL I �q _� alo =33.:3 sNSPEC T IONS; CERTIFICATIONS, EQUIPMENT, ETC, THAT POND SA Re 'd -..9,9�3sf MAY BEE.— REQUIRED. POND SAPR 9 _= 1 0091 sf= Z T !_2E CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTE THAT THE DRAWINGS POND WQV Rw `d=l7,71Cl ARE SCHEMATIC IN NATURE AND DO NOT SHOW EVERY POND ° PR'IDED I 3.719 d OFFSET, TRANSITION, FITTING, ETC. THAT MAY BE REQUIRED F OR A COMPLETE AND WORKING SYSTEM. POND CONS T R NOTE , THE EN GINEER AND / OR OWNER DISCLAIM ANY ROLE IN ip SEE SHEETS 017.C18 & 019 FOR POND THE CONSTRUCTION MEANS AND METHODS CONSTRUCTION DE TAFLS ASSOCIATED WITH THE PROJECT AS SET FORTH IN THESE PLANS. IN THE EVENT THAT GROUND iATER aS 4. CONTRACTOR SHALL MAINTAIN AN "AS BUILT" SET OF ENCOUNTERS DURING POND DRAWINGS TO RECORD THE EXACT LOCATION OF ALL EXCAVATION, TECONTRACTOR SHAD PIPING PRIOR TO CONCEALMENT. DRAWINGS SHALL BE PROVIDE MEANS REMOVE GIVEN TO THE ENGINEER UPON COMPLETION OF THE _TO N DM A x"ER TO DEPTHS NECESSARY aARY ROU a - �- 9� PROJECT WITH H A COPY OF THE TRANSMITTAL LETTER TO COMPLETE E C , _VATION, T THE OWNER, S. IF DEPARTURES FROM THE SPECIFICATION OR R 3T * INSTALL RE IRL.D 1 THICK CLAY DRAWINGS ARE DEEMED NECESSARY BY THE LINER. CLAY LINER SHALL BE CONTRACTOR DETAILS OF SUCH DEPARTURES AND COMPACTED SUCH THAT THE REASONS THEREOF SHALL BE SUBMITTED TO THE INFIL T �ATI'ON DATE IS, NO MORE THAN ENGINEER FOR REVIEW. NO DEPARTURES FROM THE ,01 IN/FIR AND SHALL BE TESTED BY A CONTRACT DOCUMENTS SHALL BE MADE WITHOUT THE GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER T O VERIFY WRITTEN PERMISSION OF THE OWNER. THAT THE COEFFICIENT OF 6. THE CONTRACTOR MUST, AT ALL TIMES, KEEP THE PERMEABILITY MEETS OR EXCEEDS PREMISES FREE FROM ACCUMULATIONS OF WASTE REQUIREMENTS. RESULTS STALL BE MATERIALS OR RUBBISH CAUSED BY HIM, HIS GIVEN TO SITE ENGINEER OF RECORD. EMPLOYEES OR HIS WORK. ALL DEBRIS SHALL BE REMOVED FROM THE PROJECT SITE ON A DAILY BASIS, 7. GEOTEKTILE FABRIC SHALL BE APPRVED BY ENGINEER. B/>xRBARA {(rl. JOHNSON _ �` � _ ��_ 9494 62-3545 \ \ - �s� \\ \ \ \\ �s, \ \ \ 167 % DB 114, PG 1 8- Rs. - — \ \ \ \ \ \ \ � __ — �►� l � / _ � / i % / ZO�#ED R10� \ \ \\ \ \ \ s\ 147— / \\\ \ \ \` \r5�� 7S\ 21 Al N No _ - _ _ _ ` ! .xr �J' f I , j 1 • r �C� i .' �- ._._ ST v€7S1*tS SGUA-RE , 7mar I 7s9=D2f�JZ��3~ 0ND B JNEG—R♦f TOP-161.00 .PERM. POOL-157.00- \ \ \\\ \ \ \ \ ( BOTTOM -15© DO \\ \ \\ \\`SO V \ L. III INARY v' � -I '.. I I 1- 1, 1 USE ' FOR O, CONS RUCTION � CONSTRUCTION STORM OR€ DRRAIN STRUC `WRE SCHEDULE STORM DRAIN PIPE SCHEDULE rnuA W� �122 E. a M IR c'S CP p,�qq MVERT ELEVATIONS �. I TA. I I EFFLUENT STRUCTURE TYPE NOTES ID - ; 1 I 178.1 '' INF 7 " ' UEN ND �. END N�2_89.r�7 174.66 CB s +34.06 177-.35 I 173,85(1) 173.85 CB - 3 �__.___ _ -4 r 19.23 176.44 1 72.94(2'r 169.13 s CB _ 9. _ (3; 68.6" CB 5 5'a'9.25 i {�i.. 1_ _ 168.2;'f4; 173.52f4�3j- i58.2} CB _+ _. j c^- 6 y 14.22 3 77.17 1 F ?.83() 1 ?3.5c(31) 167.83 CB s 7 i 7+ 4.28 _ i i 76.49 I 18 153(6i 1713.111(29) 168.77(erj) 167.03 CB 8 8+ 1.25 1 175.19 166,6&7 171. 71 (30) 165.98 GB 10+ 02.77 1 177.56 t 16 5.29fe- 173.00 W �- 164.54 CB 10 11iJ1,20 i76-66 _w 164.54(9) 173.57'39, ; 164.04 � CB `1 0+50175.7 3 1 -17,.7r 1u3.94t10}_ Y 163.94 � CB _ 12 w95- - r -.-__ 163.85'11} 171.U6T44 9686 CB 4'1 `�" 56.8:< lM.�€i� 163.48(12) 163.48 CB 14 t 57•90 ,7342 I 163.8(13) 16 9. 3 2 0), ' 15 5g3?.24 1,72.75 161.6s;1s) T 161.P3 GB 16 E 3+22.12 172 19 161.6905' 161.69 GB ?+22, 12 j 172._f9-w- 161.61i6) 66."3s67� ±62.2018) 161.1 i CB i �C� R 7 i .66 r ..r_.�.-�.,,..__..._..._.,...�_:..�...�...- # 62.48111, , 1 r53.951941 - �-- -----�•--�'- _ 162,48 CB Headwall 16210rawdow n Or;s%o _1C0.98 157.00 Pond Riser 21_ t 154.70 Headwall F t_19�; 5 4 _ __ _ �= �J __ _ a _ _-- _ ?6.99 CB 7-9. ! V 175.90(25)_--- _i 1 r 5.3(: C8 __27 ; -0 5-0,04 ' 177.28 - 7316A(26)) 1 3.69(23j 1.39 73 _ CB 28 . aw _ 177.28 -- 173.76 CB 3._._= '+44.28 _ _ --� 2S i 176.49 173.21(L7i 073.21 GB F 3-08'+•'31.25 1175 .7 - 171_79 CB _31 6w14.22 ' 177.17 ! __;_ _."'_.-__.-...._.__.�. 173.67 GB _ �179.89 - ..i�.�...-....�- CB 34 4 �0s4.e3 1� 176.30 13) - 176.0E CB 06 1- - - -. _.A �17 6/,(u) -- . 1 114.64 r CB 174.56 CB - 36 -0 50.04 i 77,40 1 37 - ° _ 0._1113.56(35; 73A3136) , 17"s.43 - CB - 38 +0277 7.�G _ J3.1 I , i73.17 C$ _ 39 1i+91.2i0 _ 176.66 ! 173.66 CB -- 2 ___w ; '•�Ti�e j"6.51 i _ _ _ .6'V i7cv 172. 1(4F .....1731 E72.�_ CB 44 -- u ----+----�-7r.6r.. 17,•664F?1.91`���)+50 CGEB �- 4.5 s �0*501 � � ''2.0 i CB 49 ;} 5+19.25 __..__.__.�.-P__._._......�..._ 1, '7.11 173.61 � CB 52 i I 17.9� I172,42 CB �_.. " 56t i .91152) 171.66 ! DI 541.i 50 - - _ 171.6_ 153) 171,61 Df 515 I _ �v..f5` 17'•.07(54) 171.i7 ISDMH 57 ^�i 286 9 I 176.03 -- 172.31 CB 2+03.16 i 75.54 r 70.19(57t 169.69 CB _58 y _ .2+03.18_1 - - 17;:'- 54• i i69.5�J , CB -- 60 0 5 0. 04 --. ! 1`�6.5" _169.59153) Sc8.9 �aJ; 168. �8 CB 5:3`---- 847.41 � s s75.64 j - 172.74 CB 6-4+�.;.�;s F i7�.84 's 172.65(63) - 172.6E GB 65 7+ 17:eo �I 1l5.rl'! ' 171.61(c4) 168.91(68) - 168,91 CB _ 51.5 ' 174.V 1 _ _ 168.4'3(65) 167.8C(76'• 167.79 167.36 GB CB +Q3.8w `1 73.6" i6'.36:�a6; E8. ! 7+37.86 � ; 75.02 4 �- 11 5v 77)171.00155;, -169.QF CB 1 � 0 , 2+': .S3 1 17u.F�f l 171.E/ CB 71 = 99.��7 174.46 170"'2<'7) 1 i0.47- CB F 72. 1� ray. 6 _ 712 , 17 0. 1 `7 t; a9.rCB i_ ?3 I 2+99.07 _��_.__ r CB a._ - ;?4 W 4+r)6.y6 ----i:y-;.45._ 1 78.28 _ mm 189.63(721 �-� _-Tif�:�.';1 :69.53 CB '5 ;6 �,, �) CB 0+51 'C_ �Ei .:...._.62 _ : _ 16€.S s'r 5 _.i 67.9u- CB i 77 � : A �6 96 171Z.7 172.53 CB- �n i ..-.-,_.... .. 5+39.24-� s ..-_._�. � '72.715 ...._.._...,._..-...-.-..----...�.-.--.... r T i 68.75--- .,. CB 17 ..._--_-__ _�-- 168,26 GB 86 1i�05 : E!11..�6 168.17i 3 •1 167.92�^ CB 87 ! !+ !1d,3f(VvCl.U2110'; 565.5_ 88 6+62.46 T 7 -,- ! 4 ? 165.22(87) 165.22 CB 89 11i+79.61 I i 71,72 � 163.8r"PsZ\ r 159.50I CB 3r � � �s.61 7v:0 1f 1, s 66 {^ OS) Sv v 8 08. 9 CB _ F r ; gar_.--_?._.:. �+�- 17,.6Q j64.0r3 --3 CB .. 24 _ -- --_ 167.14197)V7.34 J CB C-7 - 1 P,51.77 "'�.i.�� 1 J3 .2.4 CI3 .73 i 170.3=3 186.8�� CB I - 99 w t� 52."M € 17.7.3_„ 66.7-4 99) 165.74;98 1 �66.`2_ CB 1..,E 14+1E._59 r 1 / ° dl 1 ;6_6.C+�;9:`4} i 1E'1.05 GB -._ 10i 14+12.59 . i _, 714' . _T.. _ -,50 23;90", 6s.91; F au1 158.23 G B 10 _ = 1.i ; - ;69."-,3 'M�I �- 15T83'1.011 A�7. A 1 CB _ , 037 ! 55+ =f� i i 6�s. � � 1 1fi7.5410)2) _ 1 ,?.04 GB 13E7 - 1- �t v..v2 17<a.66 -- € 167.15 I CB 1 10 6, C',"64.02 ! ?70.16 _ __ ___^ 1e:7.;vr("015) - ---- 6f.(30-� _. GB '0 !_T_A ` i __ 165.91 GB _ , _ _ _ _.�.._. _ _..e.-- 166.54 CB �2 I r:7.�9 � 167.33g1 ; ;) �67.39(1i4) �A. i 7 ,K--� 1 u6.54(112) 166,54 CB '4 171-2Y M� 167.70+ CB 163.58 CB a6 _ 15.)2_;_12.49 I M 6+15 I µ _.`'' {6 1-_._-_... ; 16�4.00 16u.2 163.23 160.50 CB 2t) I 160.50(113) Open Throat DI 5�a. 0€� Headwall �s _ ±'`(� rasve.rnJrifie)_ 51.0L Pond Riser A 223 I tI 50.74 Headwall --�-� �-- _; 00�- - - ��._ ^ E 7.c�Q Open Throat 17! �....�......�_.......v __..�...a�......., T_Y 163.OQ _ Headwall I40 t 164.0 �� 1.56. 7Gi1 03) 156.70 Open Throat D1 156.52 Headwall 60 5_"_ 159 Dray:, Jr, vvr: 0rifi e',r.---- � 154.00 Pond Riser _129 �_m ® 153,76 1 Headwall 131 1 13 37:46 1?.1 7E691 Q6i13' .."" _ 69.0$ GB l._� 132 -e 1._ Headwall FROM TO PIPE LENGTH (FT) PIPE DIA. (IN) ISLOPE i%♦ PIPE MATERIAL INVERT ELEV. INFL. END EFFL. 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WET POND PLANTING SCHEDULE a_�. -.Z _ L_-._..Y-... *VAQ ill 001i {'BIZ In _9 I 0. Q to i!1 1W N ON 3 , g - 12 ri M i 9 rn 2 X . a ?. - - - , _. .. - _, f t .. .. _ _ __ _- ,,,�'� 1�,u 3R ¢ e tS - Y_,� -_ ' y .: . �»r- -ram- _ ___ -i -W,^ . '-- -' - -- --- - ----- ��T- r P°c- 5/.0 - - --- ----__�-__ ��s>;"` - - _._ _ ..,. . _ -=m�= '" . -- --- -- T `q A.� 1 fir. 71 F „_ I I �., I ' _. ._ _. _. _ _ _ _ . _ -oa,0 - , - - - -i �� .'<' i. - - ...--_ a I1. n �, - -. . - _ - - - - _ ,n_ _ 1. R t . C�i7 Sf r �LCt�1 n - - . - , ! � f i F ti t: - -_-_----_ _P e ., ­_4�' -' _4 � -I ;4 k' _ .. 4 rt_II t �'-�51�-PIGa. ,i A . _ _ �._ �. _.� ___ .__ _ T--"--I------- , z' __ ._� ° ra _ lt W. IIea bO3-a''�uI E:a��6-ter. 431i __-�._.-. _�.i- _.-._t._.__ u.. _t�_ ...,_.a_.-_.--.-_......�- , - - - _ ..-- --- - •--- a r i'ai F r`I;l- 6. F _ _ a _ _.t' - :� - .I 5 9 .J. i ' tit' �`C 4 - _ __ ___..__ _ __ _ _ _,a-- �i -___--1_. .. 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C7 - ----...-.. --- ---------- - - ------------------------------- - --------------j--------- ... ...__ - ---- Z ..--' ------r4-------------------------- / ---.. .. , ,-'r,'- 0-....--- L� ---tt.L----- /' ' ; -_- 1/. POND 60TTOM-150.0 _. - - - - ._- ... _ - --_ -- ....-- - - ----'- ----- ---. . ._ /. 149.0 �--- . .............. _____.___ __ . ---- _--- _-----__..--....._ _______---- ,. _.__._ _____..__ -- -- .____ _.____. _ _..___---.. _--.------- -- ---._ _ ___.-.---..._.._ __ ___.__-_., 146.0 .- - - -- .--. .-.,..- _. _. - - ----- - ...----- ----. _... . -- - ..._.. _ "_.. --- - - --- -rT--- ----- -- - - ' __�_- ' ; , 589 `w. F. 1 PLAANT/4 S.F. 24" O.C.) = 397 PLANTS } �i0r ti t RCCT CAL IPM HEIGHT NOTES , 4 ,' "?£`r iS'{f x ye-10 S CON' � 4t Pot 24 0.l.r. r ; ,;s c u se' L,je, C,L�iv 1. 4" Pot 24„ C.C. _.�___� ___ __ . _--_ _�...__ L, :,i:I,.1 f_lclw=nr _ _ .,C•}N�r. 4'; t 24" C.(C�. r'�'. L.I_ 5h t`i f�rr� t�lJtn� !. ��P+ tic..• ��ryry 18 -"-24" 24" O.C. . _ ---- '-'. _ I In,kh,,.rr y CfsN I. g_ 4�a,. 18" 24 24 C.C. NO ? 4-. '`.'i`• L. R"'.& r.�.F _E7a 71- E >� r r a �i. S i._�: l! E C? s� C t i �� ;1 . i r", __iw I-i i-l1 fAti s,�1 s--1/-?.F -v) Ifi�) ;.. JJ t - n*-y 1 -i .t _-.s. '�fiN! ! r L its 'tir 8' � `Li Alvlz- ® 1 -'F, - r. r HLSAC'_ r - - - _ - - t ---- - - -� 3 -j �r, t r ,u_I - ,4--."i '_; F:�....Y-..c._�r ._= - 1 '- ANTS` - .F. (24" C.G.) - 358 PLANTS �-:!.� , f �:W,01vN lAt �- _T CALiPER HEIGHT NOTES r,..r-........_,-.�... J , y _�` ; 1=I y _^ j j 'a"'-_., : isi ` Ltr" Pot 24" O.C. ­_____�11 , . 5,; - ___ -- -- CC'v1. 4" Pam_} 24" t� C _-------- -�r� i-. 1_- 24" O.C. s K ' I v'-'Urj _ ] L,� � _ - - f�N+'-`�"t�__ 74" O.C. 4-'----- 1- __ -- r 1. r. '. .a-,1 c`j 1:1 -. ..,.-...�....�a..,... Ji is 1' ! . i fi' r 3 Q i � I O.O. d I ------------'a �. � _ s �,. y 1 . r, i � . ,� _ .�._-=y_-:....--..�"'. '' I� Y S•1' 1 "t 1r •ii 11 POND V11i,11NUM OF 10" DEEP t Wet Doorl Rop SCH 40 sold pvc barrel or "arm' su lied b pp Y contractor r Inlet extension SCH 40 coupling I connection Reference: Manual for Designing. Installing and Maintaining Skimmer Sediment Basins, February 2001, l.W, Faircioth &Son POND B INSET ca e: _=7CT- I ------------'a �. � _ s �,. y 1 . r, i � . ,� _ .�._-=y_-:....--..�"'. '' I� Y S•1' 1 "t 1r •ii 11 POND V11i,11NUM OF 10" DEEP t Wet Doorl Rop SCH 40 sold pvc barrel or "arm' su lied b pp Y contractor r Inlet extension SCH 40 coupling I connection Reference: Manual for Designing. Installing and Maintaining Skimmer Sediment Basins, February 2001, l.W, Faircioth &Son POND B INSET ca e: _=7CT- . , . I . - / - ; _. ... _. . - --. --- -- ...--- - - - - -- - . - -- ----...._.. _. -. - ._. - _ .__.. ._. _ _ .._-- -- ---- --- - ------------- 162.0 � ------------------------------------- _-----' -------- -- _-... -------I R STORM EL. - 160,26 6 __ - - __ __ . . . - - - --.. _ _ ._ - . _ . - . - -- - - __ - _ _. 11 fif.D ;. STORM EL. 159 h7 - -_ -_ _._.-_------ - -' - - - - -- - - - _ - --- -mo -gY19RMf - : t i,1 '- - -" _.. - - - '__ w .-_._.-_ _. - --- _��__ -- - - -. - - -- -'---.. __ - ----- --- ---- - ----- - --._..._..-._..w.-._.--._____ -_ . -._.-_ - - - - � --'-- -- --------- --. - -- -- --_ - ... -_.... __.--_ _. ._.-.-._._.__.--_��_-.-W�..-�.__-__ � �P�QL EL. - 157.0 � I tr1"1'e�..<�..`s 11 - 57.0 . .-. ------------- - - ---- ----- ------ - - - ------.....--- -_. _ .... 1. ^_- :-"•1 _ _:_','` = -- - . - - -- - ,:r-, lrrit_1� - - - - .,__. _.. - - - I '" ._ i' ' _ __- -- - - - - - .... . . -- - --- -- - -- - \' '' �' ' y, 1 . - - - , y�\ . , i �: �,4 _ .153.0 1 � ; �' •' 152.0 iEb16iEFdT STCI : 1 c� f v r 7 -; !-, _ - - - 151.0 R9ZWM;,,, -----------..... _. . ... - _ _ .. _ - - .:' _.� ,�F. �` -' - ' .. .m - _!' _ I. `:-- _11 _.._.__.._,,,, ---------...... _. _.. __-.--- _... ...._.. f -_. __- _.. -. ___. - - - ___ ._ _.- .. - _- ,x -.----. _. _.--.-_ _. - _._.-_.- ---_ - , _ _ _ _ a_ --. "I 149.D -- ---'- - -.....I . -- ___" --._...... ..--------- - -- - .. - - - _ - - ._ . __ . --- - - - - -- - - - .- - - 148.0 AS;i k LY AND INSTALLATION 1. Os,e on the 4' inlet extension to the tee on the inlet, Into@ the vent 2.6 _e the 6' lang Y sch 40 barrel to the &' coupling on the hose. 3. F,r the other end of the barrel into the socket on the inlet extension and tighten the saews. 4„. - the orifice inthe plug, put the plug in the inlet, and tighten the screw. Close 'he tor. 5, C-. a trench in the bottorn of the basin ]'to 2' deep under where the skimmer will be o,jced. it require, Place a support under the skimmer outlet. 6, h-och the 4" coupling on the hose to the outlet structure. 7. A-1 lch the rope to the Tee and other other end to a stake on the side of the I 8. ,_-a fence post, I rot 2, on the opposite side of the barrel from where the rope Ts tie-_ a stake to keep the skimmer in olace. NO; E rut the skimmer where you want it to settle to the bottom and rive a metal fe ee post into the ground on the outside of the barrel {away from the side) 2' From the +rat 10 hold the skimmer in that place. Make sure it is high enough so the barrel d,es iof float over the top when the basin fills. Posts on both sides of the barrel are net recommended because it wit prevent p•vIl}ng the skimmer to the silo for n enonce. NA, .ITFN,1,-4CE • -K ' If the inlet screen Clogs there is water In .he -n tugging on the AS cog bast , ugg g •'pe several times will usually wash the trash off and restore flow, If not, pull the -el to the side of the basin and use o stick to clean the screen, open the ;-reen door and remove any hash or sediment inside so grass or trees do not ow -n the inlet. . ; _DIMEVT ACCUMULATION AROUND THE SKIMMER: A shallow, long basin, using _miles and inflow in the basin of the apposite end from the outlet help keep ,=dirrenl away from the skimmer. If sediment restricts skimmer movement, pull -a skimmer to one side and excavote under it. . CE: Try to keep ice broken up at the inlet crd around the barrel to keep water °,wnrg, making sure it less likely the inlet will freeze. Spray painting the float c ack to absorb heat is recommended. Use paint that will stick to PVC. . -ANGLING THE SKIMMER: The skimmer is make of plastic and will withstand heat, _old and sunlight but it needs to be handled by hand, not grobbed with a 3ckhoe bucket and moved around, especially in cold weather. To remove the , mmer, disconnect the hose first, then disconnect the barrel from the inlet connection- DO NOT try to pull the sklmmer loose with a backhoe. . , ANDAJSM: Keep unauthorized persons that may do damage off the site. Do ,,t proude rocks close to the skimmer if possible. If possible, iating other _onsiderations into account, position the skimmer out in the basin away from •-a ba^.'rs to decrease the potential for a successful hit. SKIMMER DETAIL ALL PONDS POND B CROSS SECTION Scale: NoT fo Scute "(D P } ' L ity K n AS ` ' 5, R.L.S., P.A. A E Y EV i \, ter j�k .t �`�?! 1 l 1% ' _ -, i i _ Y� r- P :1 _' _3 �.,02 I 1.��1-N� .: f i;�� = I it! f �. P:,%-� ye-- +1 e -v i 1 ie, ?-, I o r 1, ' ,-,' ,- 'rin- 2KiO5 _e. - _- -_� _....._.._...,-...,a.__•_ _-<..,--_-,-:.tie-� ] r S r;} i Z .t: �.-_ `i••iE iai S : s •,t; �,r�.JL •<,1 ,i _._.__.. _.-__-_ T01P1s'i F: f ASH, �i-,'11 i-l.-'t�iiBERLt�i�•ID r : wN".%? y. t NC rl4M -_.._r,A, .r �___ _ ______- _ _ _ � _.___�_ M_ ._ . _. _ LICENSE C-0$$7 SthgE: r }} T Z - a `_ `- (1 1 `t i., I- :1 i `' '_ ^�_J µT;rc'�° nu^ s1»":' vR �g�r l SGJft: i` ) - -- `t-�i ,I]'�,. i'--_.- _ _--_,-_-� _ -_...._,..-.<....a-_- �__••_ -_,�-------_-.__ _-, - �..._-- --- __-�-__----.-.�-_<_._.-_.--,. _ 3.JP ..:�- t nkai?3i ,�.r;: ;j„ 5'?.. IiEr''. i V- I $ PRO 'ry of': 17 ! 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S s .. i r, i J.,'''a" _ 7 :..� ? _s l i k ' 1.' i '.. �.i� 4 1' V1r+aQ *% ill m E a G. a M 1-1 . 0 N F GENERAL'NOTES I . ; wIE CSaN T RAG;T`OR SHALL. WAVE A COMPLE-rE SET OF CONTAAC' T DOCUMENTS AS WELL AS ALL APPROVALS ON THE JOB SITE AT A' L T MESi. 2. CO€ S T RUC: T ION AND MATERIAL SPE It=1CA T IOINS SI•IA I_ CONIFORM T O THE CITY OF PAYE T TEVILLE AND NCDOT STANDARDS AND wt ',ai. lira c! t 0 N S. 3, IT IS THE CON T RACTOAR'S -?ES PONSIB LITY T O ACLU: LATELY L.OATE: BOTH HORIZONTALLY AND VERTICALLY ALL EXISTING UTI€..i.TIES PI?iOR T ::: 1 HE S i F RTi OF ; ONSTRI IC-TION fkNCv ONE G:'<U CENTER ,-WO-632-4949). COST TO REPAIR DAMAGED UTILITIES SHALL- BE BORNE BY THE CONTRACTOR. ANY LOCATION OF: UNDERGROUND UTILITIES AS SHOWN ARE BASED ON VISIBLE EVIDENCE AND DI? %VV!NGS is PROVIDED TO THE St IRWEYOR. LOCATION OF UNDERGROUND UTILITIES AND STRUCTURES MAY VARY t=Rt !"0 LOCATIONS SHOWN HEREON, AND ADDITIO=NIIAL SURIED UTILITIES MAY EXIST. CONTACT THE APPROPRIATE UTILITY CO !PANIES : C-R i.N'POR*vIATION' REGARDING BURIW'l� U i II.-ITiCS: 4. CON-1 RACTOR SHALL BE .RESPODNSIS'E F•OR THE RE'Cr01-4NL :CTION OF DIS T URSED UTILITY SERVICES ENCOUNTERED WITHIN 8 H;_.:URS OF IN ;'s=RR1UP-TED SERVICE. CONTRACTOR SHALL NOT IFY USERS 24 HOURS PRIOR TO POSSIBLE INTERRUPTIONS OF SI=ROCriE. 5. EXCIEPT AS SP�C',IF:C-A""'L': STr ''EU OR SHOWN, THE SASE SURVEY DOES NOT REPORT ANY OF THE FOLLOWING: EASEMENTS, OTHE . TI AN T r;0.'E VISIBLE DURING FIELD EXA-MR-J'ATION OR AS .N DOCUMENTATION PROVIDED BY THE CLIENT OR ATTORNEY, BUILDI= G SE-. T BACKS, RESTRiC T IVE COVFNAN T , ZONING OR LAND USE REGULATIONS AND ANY FACTS THAT A TITLE SEARCH MAX DISCL.OSF: . 6. k.1- DISTAN;C,,Ev; SHOWN ARE HORIZONTAL GROUND GIST ANCES U,114LE-SS OTHERWISE NOTED. 7. PROPOSED SUILD!NG S TBA KS J .RE_ AS SHOWN HEREON, IF NO SETBACKS ARE SPECIFIED, ANY STRUCTURES OR IIYI1ROb`i.=IL+IFI e S P _ACED vN 'I ;I a SUBJECT r`�R�PIWRTY'_1S - COIjrl3'LYJITI- RIS V RICTIVE d��^�VENAN T S, ZONING, DOCUMENTS OF R,. rECORD GerOVERNING SUCH HYPROVE-MENTS AND ANY ai.N SING AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE DEVELOPER AND THE { '. IF �,%-'E TdAND AREAS ARE- SHOWN ON TH:S SI IBJECT PROPERTY, THOSE AREAS WERE STAKED AND DETERMINED TO BE SUCH BY 0: i'fr•RS, 1'I IE SUlRv'E 'ORS C'En t F,CA 11C.11`41 I €ERi-ON -,Et T IF"ES•Y100 TI �E LOCATION �. F THOSE AREAS, AS STAKED BY OTHERS, T c _ p [ ! th f ER Cam`, E � !l C ViSl �a I PLATTED i ED �i..-i'{EON. BUT �v!'a�t: l Cw';� �.���i• }tii� :{,�`slE 't ��R' ^ '.+%'�L-ra er C,� �!'Nli.s L d�c HEREON. 1ACr=0E OiM30,SUBSURFN,N'A-N�?�T1RNED OR C'ONSIDE'RED DURING THIS SURVEY, NO STA._"_EM5E,NT IS MADE CONCERINING T F1E EXISTENCE OF (UN 'ERGROUND C;ON I AINERS, WHICH MAY AFFECT THE USE OF THIS i RA=�"I- .sF THE E BASE StIRVE4" IS LASE" ED "Z1:":.RO LOT LINE. ;'��`tERF. ARE, IN ADDI . Ia;l I TC,� OTHER EASEMENTS SHOWN, MAINTENANCE S . l ; : ' ' f, �' ;t • rm AuE v EASEMENTS SEEING € I"i=ET 3[�! `�IDT'-I €ail; UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED 5 I"1=ET ,.._AS_�I �I . S ON ILL..N . __RiO . L` . L 1'1%4'-a.., SAG E EACtH SIDE OF SAID 1€4TERIOR L01- t INE. 12, IF THE- SIRE ET.S AND ROADS- SHOWN ON THIS NIA ARE LABELED AS PRIVATE STREETS, THE FOLLOWING NOTICE APPLIES TO T I .C)SE S , RF , S: NO PURL+C AGEI�-'CY IS r-F'Z SEN?TI..';' RESPONSIBLE FOR MAiNTENANCE OF THE PRIVATE STREETS SHOWN ON THIS PLAT. PR!'VATE STREETS ARE-- FOR THE USE. OF ALL O�NNERS OF PROPERTY WITHIN THIS SUBDIVISION, THEIR GUESTS AND AL< REPRESENTATIVES OF G,O VYR MENTAL AGEi 0ES FOR INGRESS AND EGRESS, AND FOR THE CONSTRUCTION, INSPECTION AND s'A.,NTE'NAi CE OF PUBLIC STREETS, UTIL T iEryS, AN.:� DR.AINAGE STRUCTURES. T HE STREETS ARE THE SOLE RESPONSIBILITY OF Trill=; DEVELOPER AND,ORHOW]E0`P-,•NERS ASSOtCLK'1101'w. i3.0. 1, T RACTO : S TALL. VE R?I' :r EXISTING ELEEVATIONS AND GRADES IN FIELD AND NOTIFY ENGINEER OF ANY DISCREPANCIES #=alga TO ANY C 0;<31 rRUCTiON OR GRAD,IN(a AGE 1';V1-rY. 14.C'ON T RAC.TOR S-H LL MAKE: 'EVE';V( EFFORT T O Sr,VE PROPE.RPT -'RONS, MONUMENTS, OTHER PERMANENT POINTS AND LINES �F R EFIE :N CE �•y NS i : TI`�N S T AKE ��. PROPERTY IRONS, MONUMENTS AND O T HER PERMANENT POINTS OF REFERENCE' . t`�i�r t_Rlt�l.,.� Af'a� GO:��....�i_C >� , DES TRO`iED Bar THE C'ON's w T;�R SI~�Ai L B:~ REP_LACEi j BY A PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR AT THE CONTRACTOR'S EXPENSE. I ,t�Ch�sT ?r�1CT;.>}R S �A>-L INS`I"�iLl_ AND ��AiN €WN MI"ASI}RES gay NECESSARY DURING CONSTRUCTION FOR EROSION AND SEl IEN T "TON ^,`t f RrOL AIND S= Ai L A-!.- ALL 1EAr;EltsE € lD s �� EROSIONAND SEDIMENTATION LAWS AS PRESCRIBED BY THE. <(; DEPART WENT OF ENVIRONhilENT AND NIATURAL RESOURCES. t+ I' G:'r D t9 :^ i t E. C- e .` i= `: '1"f' 3 I r r B t ti I 1. Ir r I , r P -i I?I E CL,MEi RAND COUNTY CITY F AY V .,r..Aa�� ,�.�-. _ter = .,mow. <=..al`� SHA-.._. �.� ..� A+�.� �I?�ANCa.. `~`�, t I-� �- �a.. L G , C Q F ETTE ILI.E, AND C fb T i�T NDP'ARDS ANO SF'`ECI FICAT;ON . R 7.00CIjPAT30 4AL SAFE T V & HE — T3-; AM41NIS T RA" �0,�1 R 'GI�L . T ICtl s (OSHA); C:C)NTR!.CTOR SHALL ENSURE ALL CONSTRUCTION T _- DIES PROCEL� ;`3C€�i�r D:NG T=� THE LATEST ES OSHA GI�I:`DEi.-ENiZ 1 ,"A0E_ iC'AN WITH 1SABIL STIES AG.T 1-.DA): CONTRA C-11 �R SHA L ENSURE THAT ACCESSIBLE PARKING SPACES, ACCESS AISLES, . i3.?6rd ate. i""t.. , i Y i , AwCESSEBLG RGUTe~S TO ALL ACC, -SIB--E BUM DINGS (AS DETERMINED ERh�INGJ BY THE OWNER) MEET THE CURRENT PIII�iI vsEs : f?.cCt�LA T !ONS AS �-�L,-T[ INE0 #N THE ADA S T AN'OA.RDS FOR ACCESSIGI-E DESIGN. IF CONTRACTOR IS UNABLE TO MEET Z.., F^"t j r y-L.l" ',�, r- r S,� + t� "v ^t THE d I.i RREN"r ,k=',INI,y� �'Io REC fig A T ONS ,�: CI 3 = _ INED IN = r ..E ADA STA= _DARDS Qt ACCESSIBLE DESIGN, FOR ANY REASON, THE (C+;:�, z- 'f .s�C['�T*,O� R SHALL. NOT:I Y ?LARy'€R�Y KIND:, r�,?�aD ASSOCIATES, RLS, PA, AND, THE O�tl NEERiDEVELOPER, IN WRITING, PRIOR TO a.+O`=t�Fy.�t';:'.'e4. I VtG ANY r�,rONS ! RI.✓CT6*, NN ACT WIT :-.sty":=. . MISSION HILL i aJAlt I� �SRO tr~4"N- SH,C'jL'�ER S'E�,TIION1 CO�CETL PLAN O SLY ! Y-1teS LiRf":11:!€ 'u' IS FiOi f: t+...F"S a I. rGD SUR"VEY %:FV4/ NO RELIANCE IMA`;`' BE PL.Ar ED IN IT S AC'CI.IRACY- TI e1S DRAB}L NG Naas NCB' BEwIN RE4,;EWED' 6Y ANY GOVERNMENTAL AGE€ 9( FOR COMPLiANGE WITH ANY APPLICABLE L,A,ND DEVELOPMENT OR OTHER ,EGULATIONS_ EXISTING INIFORMATION IS BASED Ott, CUi+ BERL AND COUN Ty G.LS. DATA. 2y -1 1 1-1 Of Of �'n n' 25.0' 2.0 11.5' 1L' 2.C''^ 1 4 PER FT. 1 4 PER FT, 1 1/4" PER FT. (TYPICAL) 24" 2' SF9.5A 9" STBC 24• ROLL CURB PAVEMENT ROE_ CURB TYPICAL ROADWAY SECTION TYPICAL ROADWAY SECTION Scale: Not to ca e > MEDIAN OR CONCRETE ISLAND FULL VERIICAL C7 ExSPAItSjawIDN g FLOW UNIE -7 ca e: Not to Sca e STD. MOM FRAME, GRATE MID HOOD A L]tSPAN510N ,)DINT } I 810'-0'C 3'-1 1/2' 1 10'-•O' A PLM VIEW 10'-T S-1 1/2' 10'41' SE S'TANOARD NO. B40.01 t.ROLL CURB a _S1.' N.T.S. TRANSITION AT V ty a- '1� 'I t1 SECTION - Ili N.T.S. T an" t6w" TANOARO CATCH SAS!r,-'ANSMON 1011 MR FOR 24" ROLL CURB AND GUTTER t NOTE: THIS DRAWING IS BASED ON A 5" OPENING ON CATCH BASIN STANDARD CATCH BASIN TRANSITION FOR 2411 ROLL CURB AND t Scale: Not to Sc-ale 777 24',OY;-RN/ k C JEER _ WS INIM --' = , Y r~-i m RM GENDIX NDTES: 1. CONCRETE 11it5E5 TO BE CLASS A' (3000 P.51) PLACES ON A nRM FOUN11M. 2 FOW ARE TO BE USED FOR THE 0OI511ilIK FL OF THE BDTMM SLAB. 3. ALL MORTAR JOtl M ARE TO BE 1/27 t/87 4. ALL EXPOSED =15 SHALL BE CONC/LVE TOOLED. 5. CEMENT MWAR SHALL BE ASW C-270. TYPE V. 6. JUMBD BRICK WILL BE nuf a. CO wri: BRICK oR 4" solo 00KR TE BLOCKS MAY BE USED IN LIEU OF CLAY BRICK. 7. FOR W-O' N HMIT OR LESS USE B' WALL. MM 8'-0' IN how USE 12' WALL TO 6'-0' FORM TOP OF OLL, /Am 8' WALL FOR 1HE fB:ItA" 6'4% & ALL JMTICN BOXES OVER Y-B' IN DEPTH 911ALL BE PRUMLDED WOH SVS 1'-2' ON CENTERS. 9. WVW13 5iAll BE SNAPPED TO FORM A SMOOTH, REGULAR SURFACE, 1/4' R 8' L]tP..{f. r•ru I M' 11111111111 s' ftI 11 1 it �' Z' OPEN THROAT DROP INLET Scale: Not to Scale GENERAL NOTES SEE NCDOT DETAILS 840.00, 840.01, 840.03, 840.04 BEFORE YOU DIG CALL 48 NO= BERM I'M DO om_4" cam M TEMPORARY SEEDING SPECIFICATIONS 1 n-m-n*_Ry SEna fa mc-om EwwC*� mON- a. Fc LA a �vz �.? �raf3 EARLY sPRtt.,: PERMANENT SEEDING SPECOCATIONS FOR WELL -DRAINED SANDY LOAMS TO DRYSANGS• LOW I a"EFUNG MIY:rURE: I MAINTENANCE PURPOSE PURPOSE Rye (g;aril- 120 lofacra To rodum vmsro!e and decrease sediment yield ham disturbed areas, and to MMMRE: . nnu I Le sa - 50 ir'anra n�^ n a srsdc x perr::ancniiy ss..iriza such areas In a crammer the: is economical, adapts � site I Pensacola Behiagrass - 50 Iblacre r To temporarily stabilize denuded areas that will not be brought to final grade for a period o, k' e H -Omit annual lea edez� � .en dur2.,cn of ten?p.. i ���e is not to extt:nd £;+ a J s ,c .pnditinns, end alirvs selecilon ... J?e mast appropriate Plant materials. P t Serioaa lea eza - 30 ibfacre � more than 21 calendar days. I I Common Sermudagrass -10 Iblache SEEDING DATES I ; mreas to Lie ambiIfited with parmar,ent vageiallDn must be seeded or planted vOlthin 15 German millet- 10Vatxe Temporary seeding controls run off and erosion until permanent vegetation or other erosion Mountains - above 25W fi.: Fab. 15 - fvlay 15 wa-idng days cr 90 calendar days after anal grade is reacted, whichever perod is control measures can be established. In addition, it provides residue for soli protection and bards 250n F : Fab. 1 - rvtay ; shorter. I I. SEEDING NOTES: 1. Where a neat appearance is desired, omit series. preparation p production from bare sail seedbed re rdtian and reduces robfems of mud and dust Peidmoni: _Ian. 1 - May i l . QLA. ti; BET.f_ L-TiOG� 2. Use common Bermudagrass actin on isolated sites where it surfaces during construction. ::mortal Plain " rt-.�'. ' - °ki7r- "5 ? See table at right. Use mrfi!iad seed for por"arent savdingvfienevar possible. cannot become a past. Hennudagrass may be replaced with 5 Ce!C;r,'d seed is bvspectod by tine North Car !ina Crop improvement Associagon. Iblacre centEpedegraw. SPECIFICATIONS SOIL_ AMENDMEM-S . r_.absling a# non -certified 5@ ,' !s regt;+red b; taw. Fallow iecommendstlor:S c4 sot VSt or ap;!y 20'f1'; ib.'acrs gourd agft!ft si iImeri(w* ar d 7 5 • ib/ac e i SEEDING DATES; Complete grading before preparing seedbeds and install all necessary erosion canto, F 10-10-".-'l fei!@iaor. etS,EDDED PP_-t A!!AfICN 1 Apr 1 - JWy 15 practices, such as dikes, waterways and basins. Minimize steep slopes because they make . lnstsil edsssar, mechanlca€ erosion control lnracdres habre seeding, and wmoa a I r acing a cv ding to the approves SOIL AMENDMENTS seedbed preparation difficult and increase the erosion hazard. If soils became Compacted MULCH , 1 g pia . ";a. j. -r t _w `F� a;ek. Apply Jima and fertilizer according to soil tests, or apply 3GtS0 Vacre during grading, loosen them to a depth of 8 - B inches using a ripper, #farrow orchi�l platy, - r T rari?c v . ss it na .t:Y ��r r mLil& riche ,q :[:et- A _ Apply 4£O 7 ft;acra s ARGf i� s, a bye Fv d , a g 8 l V i -ina er" tiN.lbzer r.8@da st`witld he determined ry soli ass+.s. >P{hen soil tarts era not ground agricultural fimastona and 500 IWaus 10.10.1g fertilizer. �' o ;rU{d'1� with blades set nead �i;Yt can ba use., as - 9 *.act. i y 'T' i 1 Fttiz:llahl�, fp!lfrrY colas suggested an bbl@ rl rigr.L App'.iaa`JCn reies aausaltf fall into Liming -Apply lime according to soli test recommendations, If the pH of the soil is not known, 1 1 " hire Fwr; �-'-y rarges: MULCH an application of ground agricultural limestone at the rate of 1 to 1 Ys tonalacre on I MAW'ENANCE» I s -Ground aghcu!t.rat :imestano Apply 4000 Vacre grain straw or equivalent wvar of another coarse -textured soils and 2-3 flan a on fin it II dent. I s! ue a textured soils is usua y wffi Apply F?efeebtiza I. grov,lh is n,t €L1ty -adequate. R.ssneJ_ mly:W !!ze .rnri rr?;i!ch imrnSdiateiy fG!Sor+. n.g ear. sidr. or 3 Llghv=._mured, sway soils: 1 - 1 722 ton-Vecre 1 suitable mulch. Anchor by tacking with asphalt, roving or netting or limestone uniform) and incorporate into the to4-6 inches of soil Sails with a H of 6 or y P p Oih=' canter;&. I Hlwvy=texturad, clayey soils: 2 -3 ionslaare by crimping with a mulch anchoring tool. A disk with blades set higher need not be limed.--_-� �- - a.�_. - __- _ -, -l'arritizer nearty straight can be used as a mulch anchoring tool. Graaaes: 8C6 -t"e0G ik lr ra f 1t}tb"-D (or Diva ant) TEMPORARY SEED;Na RP'rCvtAhq[Nl'jATl0?'8 Ffln FALL , 1 ( aq I vrw�F egume m+xlures: o-7o-�i2CC Vacre 5-1C-10. MAINTENANCE Ferfilizer-Base appfication rates on soil tests, When these are not possible, apply a 10.10.10 1 Refertilize the fallowing April with 50 lb/acre niboW. Repeat as grade fertilizer at a 700-1000 Iblacre rate. Both fertilizer and lime should be incorporated into S7EDINO MIXT;!R!=: : r•�py;y time and ?erti!izsr ev::riy a^.tl ir,;,ufpp:'a Inie the ;cP 4-& ir;cnes of so!' b, growth requires. }Aey be mowed only once a year. Where a neat the top 4.6 inches of soil. If a hydraulic seeder is used, do not mix seed and fertilizer more Ryv rain)_- 120 iblacn3 1 j d'.sts-._ ar =liner su:t3bls .^mare. Ooemte ma ,h!nsry on the conf tm Wher, using a appearance fa desired, omit sane" and morn as often as needed. then 30 rllinutes before application. i ; nyd seed_,, apply lime and ,s�iizvr to a rcua F, loo e sumacs. wEEl7itC DA-FS REFERENCE - NC Erosion and Sediment Control Planning and Surface roughening -If recent tiflage operations have resulted in a loose surface, additional Mnuntains - Aug. 15 - Dec. i9 1 1 Cofnplatn saerhed areparadan by breaking up;a!ge dolls and raking Into a smooth, Design Manuel, Table 6.11t roughening may not be required except to break u ( causal the surfaces P P midi clods. Peidmont - Au 15 - Der. 30 :'06CLm tturiece (stccea iwe than 3-1). Fit; io or level dspressioaa that wn collect 8 i RIFLE POORLY DRAINED SOILS with GOOD MWl3TURE s ong, rtl to become sealed or crusted, loosen it just prier m seeding by disking, reidng, harrowing, or Coastal Psin - Aug. 15 -Bed 30 I I-'a"er- e: cadCes, seers ln.;a a f ssir;y aossnad scedhetl That has nc been sled by rxinlall, T1 t7ETENT'iCld: LOW MAINTENANCE other suitable methods. Groove orfunow slopes steeper than 3:1 an the contour before l seeding. E SOIL AVIENDVI_N` S f h �Hl� I MIXTURE: Follow iea;mrnandatior.8 of soil test or apply 2.TJ.'C ;b/a:r^ around Rgrio;iturai:i, astc;?a and 760 lrl�;e t The use of an epnroprate mulch will help ensure zststfthment under normal Tall Fescue -80!blacre PLANT SELECTION { 10-10-10 fertilizer. ; wmuf,icra and i-, sesantiel to seeding sucrass under harsh site conditions. Harsh sits Pensacola Bahiagreas - 50 Ibracre r_V didona include: Sericea lespedeza. 30 a6/acre Select an appropriate species er species mixture from seeding tables at right. MULCH : a£-sirP9s siespa,than 3:1 Kobe lespedeza- lit Iblacre Apply 40L•01b/acrs suet''-. A.nobar atra•.,eby tac ],-,g ;vlt'. aspinelt, ne 'f;r3 ar a nru!c;h a,d?c!ing toni. A dial( i t-mceaa'r,aly hat rr dryweatrw SEEDING wilt: blades Get nr ody straight can ce used as a mcncUng tnoL I -ed rsrss sot- (sbsl!cw, rocky, or high in Gay a sand) SEEDING NOTES: Evenly apply seed using a cyclone seeder (broadcast) drill, cultipacker seeder ar I -areas .w;olving cm ertratsd water flow # t MAINTENANCE !1 1. From Sept. 1 - Mar. 1, use unscatified sedoea seed. 2. On poorly drained sites omit sedcee and increase Kobe to 30 hydroseeder, Use seeding rates given in tables at right. Broadcast larding and l.' me area t., be mulched i5 SUh1BG313 CpiCanlratEd wtt�rftvr o, as In charnels, erFGrar Iblacre. hydroseeding are appropriate for steep slopes where equipment cannot he driven. Hand Repair and ra'E rmkzo damage-n areas i:nrncdialeiy. T=,drr:" with 50 iblacra of nit,:, an in Mer,2;. it ti Is I 5 r.,u'c'l we, nee' ing. to temporary bayon, 50 itu'a na i,es ze in WIC I 3. Where a neat appearance is desired, omit sericoa and Increase broadcasting is not recommended because of the diffrcutty, in achloving a uniform necessary extend ground saver .una , �, over acd ,v,tt ;ads I Kobe to 40 Iblacre. distribution. Fabr, ary ae eary .YFarr;,h, i I ;RR:GAYtc i -.---..----M--_•--•-----ry-.-.---r----•-----•--,----------,! I Vel5ture?s esmanhai toe good sand oanninason and seedifng estebilshmeht NURSE PLANTS Small grains should be planted no more than 1 inch deep, and grasses and legumes no TEMPORARY 5e^Bttara S'EC NiPiE?tiCLa?€CSaS ] 8gffiks FR 1 f Supplemental irrigalior. pan be very he!r.A In assuring adeeuale stands in dry Sesame Between Apr. 15 and Aug 15, add 1D IL/acre Garman millet or 15 more than Y inch. Broadcast seed must be covered by raking orchain dragging and then I S or to speed eeve opmert at full covar. Wetar application rates must be carefully SEEDtlgG-MIXTURF: URF : i " lb/acre Sudangrass. Prior to May 1 or after Aug. 15, add 251hracre lightly firmed with a roller or cultipacker. Hydroseeded mbdures should include a wood fiber i mtrolled ;c Prevent runt -off, Inadequate of excessive amounts of water can be more German .Millet - 40 iWacre I ita."fai tr:an no upplerceitlal water. rye (grain). mulch. - SEEDING DATES: SEEDING DATES € MAINTENANCE Early spring- Feb. 15-Mar. 20 (best) Feb. 15- Apr. 30 (possible) MULCHING Mountains - May 15 - A.jg. 15 I Genere!I_v a stand or vegetation eatinut be determined to be fully established until sell Fall - Sop#. 1 - Sept. 30 (best) Sept, I - Oct 21 (possible) Peidmol - May 1 Aug. 1 r cover has baon maintatnea fcr one full year past planting. Inspect seeded areas for The use of an appropriate mulch will help ensure establishment under rionrral conditions and Coastal ?fain - l.fir_ 15 -Aug. 16 I 'fall LT sr:d make rem-ssery repaEs and readings within the same season, if SAIL AMENDMENTS is essential to seeding success under harsh site conditions, Harsh site condition include: I j ,^.a3 ,ble_ Apply Time and fertilizer according to soli fasts, or apply 300D-6= -seeding in fall for winter cover (wood fiber mulches are not considered adequate for SO1L A L;E Gi AEN rY ! P-esaading-. a stand has inadaquate cevar, reevaluata ohoice of; cart maeariais and - , Iblacre ground agricultural limestone fuse the lower rate on sandy sails) and 10001b/acre 10-10-10 fertilizer. this use) 'I r i. Follow recolllmFndatiors of so;. test or appiy 2'30O ;bra -re ground a ri;�ALNal ii1Y!ostone and i5G ftiacm S ou^r„eiaa of #ina end fertiiizar. Re-mt=bliah the stand arterseedbed ration or -slopes steeper than 3:1 10-14.1 G f3rtilizar. 4 I F t rver-seed the emend. Conside. seeding ternparsry, annual species If tie lime of year Is MULCH -excessively hot or dry weather t 1 , U, appropriate for permanent seeding. Apply 4000lb/acrs grain straw or equivalent cover of another -adverse sells (shallow, caddy, of high in ley or sand] j MULCH S if the vapatatlon fails to grow, nave soli tested to ealermine H acidity or rutrient suitable mulch. Anchor by tacking wait asphalt, roving or netting or -areas receiving concentrated flow Apply :0Di- itxzinra straw. A ,ah,>; stray by fa,-*1, y , �H h. a_pihatt, netht,Q, a a :,e,i:d. _-n6u frig to01, A. disk iIi Sv Imbalance Is-_wpansica. by Cr€mping with a mulch anchoring tool. A disk with blades set with bladas set needy stralght coif be usttia I;s A ;nu &,s1'r `boi. ! 9 nearly straight can be used as a mulch anchoring tool. If the area to be mulcted is subject to concentrated water flow, as in channels, anchor mulch iii 'WsrrtBhue,;c_n-0n the tynicrl disturbed site, ful? aslabliahment usuaAy requires : with matting. !I reie:tilizatirr; :r: fine second ti mr season. Fine turf reeuk-a annual maintenam m MAINTENANCE I I MAINTENANCE ..r _� .., .:art;iEzaudr„ J=a sot! tests if pasaib or tollcw the guldolines given cur 0?a Specific i+efa:iillma it 2MVIs •s r'_- t fi-My adequate Rer' •, '-."edii?. F:d rrud i.Mrreoi::t;hr `OV-L, �lrri arjE;iort or i If growthI l fully ]f growth Is less than fully adequate, rieTerdlize in the second year, elei Mize In he second MAINTENANCE s�ing m.Lu e. I ot3lar asrnbgs. soil test or draw with fertilizer. Mow as needed when is from the mbrbFre. Reseed, �• ': 1 RE`FERE?IC£ - NC� Era tan and Sedimen` Cnr.;.rol Piercing and Oealgn Manual - y���� -tl- �'�s�l somWedImme fertlllze ark mulch damaged areas Immediately. aged a Reseed and mulch areas where seedling emergence is poor, or where erosion occurs, as - r'ra�c9 6.1 1 soon as possible. Do not maw. Protect from traffic as much as possible. REFERENCE - NC Enas!or1 end Sertlrmantation Contra; �!s3yt+L-eg arch Os&Elan ? snual-'!-eb!«s 6. V=_: 8,'1Ch REFERENCE - NC Erasion and Sediment Carhnl Planning and 6.%n' t Design Manual, Table, 6A 1p REFERENCE! NC Erosion and Sediment Control Planning and Design Manual - Practice ; 6.10 - - -- ----. --- P TOPSOILING Construction Specifications Materials 1. Determine whether the quality and quantity of available topsoil justi#ies selective handling. Quality topsoil has the following characteristics: a. Texture loom, sandy loom, and silt loom are best; sandy clay loam, silty clay !cam, clay loam, and sand are foir. Do not use heavy clay and organic soils such as peat or muck for topsoil. b. Organic matter content - should be greater than'! _5% by weight. c. Acidity - pH should be greater than 3.6 before liming, and liming is required it It is less than 6,0. d, Soluble salts - should be less than 500 ppm. e. Sodium - sodium absorption ration shoudl be less than 12. 2. The depth of material should be at least 2 inches. Soil factors such as rock fragments, slope, depth tc water table, and layer thickness offect the ease of excavation and spreading of topsoil. 3. Generally, the tipper part of the soil, which is richest in organic matter, is most desfrabW hovJever, material excavated from deeper layers may be worlh storing if it meets the other criteria listed above. 4. Organic soils such a mucks and pests do not make good topsoil. They can be identified by their extremely light weight when dry. Stripping 1. Strip topsoil only from those areas that will be disturbed by excavation, filling, road bubding, or compaction by equipment. A 4-6 inch stripping depth is common, but depth varies depending on the site. Determine depth of stripping by taking soil cores at several locations within each areb to be sidpped. Topsoil depth generally varies along a gradient from hilltop to toe of the slope. Put sediment barb ,s, diversions and other controls into place before stippling. Stockpiling 1. Select stockpile location to ovoid slopes, naturai drainage ways and traffic routes. On large sites, respreading is easier and more economica€ when topsoil is stockpiled in small piles located rear areas where they will be used. 2. Use sediment fences or other barriers where necessary to retain sediment. 3. Protect topsoil stockpiles by temporaniy seeding as soon as possible, no more than 21 calendar days after the formation of the stockpile. 4. If stockpiles will not 4e used within 90 days they must be sfabflized with permanent vegetation to control erosion and weed growth - Site Preparation 1. Before spreading topsoil, establish erosion and sedimentation control practices such as diversions, bears, dikes, waterways and sediment basins. 2. Maintain grades on the areas to be topsoiled according to the approved plan and do not alter than-i tq adding topsoil. 3. Where the pH of the existing subsoil is 6.0 or less, or the soil is composed of heavy days, incorporate agricultural limestone in amounts recommended by soil test or specified for the seeding mixture to be used. Incorporate lime to a depth of at least 2 inches by disking. 4. Immediately prior to spreading the topsoil, loosen the subgrade by disking or scarifying to a depth of ar least 4 inches, to ensure bonding of the topsoil and subsoil If no amendments hcve been incorporated, loosen the soil to a depth of at least 6 inches before spreading the topsoil, Spreading Topsoil 1. Uniformly distribute topsoil to a minimum compacted depth of 2 inches on 3:1 slopes and 4 inches on flatter slopes. To determine the volume of topsoil required for application to vcrous depths, use Toble 6.04a. Do not spread topsoil while it is frozen of muddy or when the sugrade is wet or frozen. Correct any irregularities in the surface that result from topsoifing or other operations to prevent the forrriatior, ct depressions or water pockets. 2. Compact the topsoil enough to ensure good contact wth the underlying soil, but avoid excessive compaction, as it increases run off and inhibits seed germination. Light packing with a roller's recommended where high-maintanence turf is to be established. 3. On slopes and areas that will not be mowed, the surface may be left rough after spreading topso!!. A disk may be used to promote bonding at the interface between the topsoii and subsoil. 4. After topsoil application, follow procedures for seedbed preparation, taking care to avoid excessive mixing of topsoil into the subsoil. TABLE 6.04 a Cubic Yards of Topsoll Required for Appiication to Various Depths I DEPTH (inches) Per 1000 sq. ft. Per Acre 1 3.1 134 2 6.2 268 j 3 9.3 403 1 4 12,4 536 5 15.5 670 6 18.6 804 Reference: NC Erosian and Sedimentation Control Planning and Design Manual, Practice 6.04 . .... - . SURFACE ROEIGFWING Q• nstrucii 4r�.iF C":;Ur�S r SOP' kCuGHF',iNG POR,-%Rc S NOT 7'J zF --MOVED =talc-s;ep �r_r arccEas ,-,,I'a e?tleeret ,,-. t tf:af'i 3:1 2, iUsa stair step 5rccfrig on any erodib;e m .feria; s 3ft enough to be upped w3ln c is r zer. Slope; co islS'!; ?ng of wf1 r ck 'Y,t.^ so-ne sux,,;)i: orF-'i1C:jiar!y $"086 to 5t^_Ir--Slep ,f,,'rau.irlg. 3. .Make the •;er-i._-i cut list once !ess :.hon the t-;orizon!6 dinarCe, ina ng my slopp e ',! :a h-o izantiai , nSl`i-on Ct the "Sler • !n t,nvord the var#I:;:l wa!L 4. too not rnake ivldu i ve't!Cai rots r-iol_e ti,'un <'. ?ect !n,, vAt ;??Ct:3riCi; or Yi1Cr2 Ti^�ari feet ir? raCi_-y ri?ii`e.:`ia!5. 5. Groo• ,3 using c -,y apflropdotr irn<r:en,,,un; thuf Can 'ot sa;eh, operaied 9r. `8 slope, sunh as disl s, li6r$, sprng hr,r•01N5 or thg teeth or, c fror:?_ty.: ioader bucket- Do not rr,oke suc,; grooves ess th(ari ? ir.cr es ; eec nor . c.re then 15 inches apn'fi. HLL SIOPF RO G F`,,'!Niz E:CF Af?CAS NOT TO FI VG'1r;1E Race fill slopes vitli a crodient stepper then 3:1 in tiffs i,o to exceed 9 inches, .nd make sure each lift is r,,rc+perty ccmpacteci, Ensure thct ," fpce of the shape GonslSis of :0052, t-'r K 'n1P0CfP^ fill 4 to 6 inches ��!!ep. Use groa•:ing to roughen isle face of the Slopes. 2. Leo riot 1_)!ad Cr 7-: ape tE.e ri!�ci slope tace. CUTS. FILLS AND GRADED AREAS THAT WILL 3E Mn:VED 1. me ke .rowed slc es no sreepa, lh.n 3:1 . 2. Roughon 1;?ese OrPus'.o shaiio,w gmoves by norf:lal 1'iiiing, cilsking, harrotvl�'p c: ose of ,_ultiwacPer-sdet,der. M,aKe "Ie ffr?ai pass of any suci: f age irrplemer:t ri ho contour. 3. ,'1`IG, .e orQava =e*o by su&ii SrnyiJ'merlts, close, toget ter (less - 1') inct;8s' cr,r' r :ct ,es= than 1 ina 1 deer. 4. Excessive --C-g -:r es is undesirc-biu v.,here rr*v%".rla is r Icr fined. PaiGH4mfJG .Vi?i-: -RACKED F,i.,;C^;!NEPY Limit r Tt1C' ° ilhy^ `r ?ru•CEBd r aCTii ,A^y tfi Sandy, $CIS to avo kl Undue ,, np,otbn of the soil 5--r';1-_& Tradklna i` r,,Gne r-lly of os elfec'i,. a s T s c+her ro gl emir? met acts desvr red, C)perale tic-_(- F_.:( ell r^::;Zl ,, . a Cif,dl i,Lwr? trip,. si)p.e tG leave ,�'-loe:or,t--I dP,`- -�• -- - l'?iir;e 3vi1. Uo :lct c^1Ck-dN^d2 sri^g T!':e fine! s!rad#rig a�ru"On. SEED NG irnrnedis"te - :,9 r6 =, .d mulch fC'-;g^ened areas to ob'oln 3eec � s �'1'?inodi o; • C-N C';-'^',ii. Maintenance Pe?iadicalry "?CK :�'a S013'.]cd ;i;7,pes for ri115'_""'d Wa5he!;. HE t-hess Graos si;gl",,!y Cl-Cve',le v?j!flat grOC(S, then; r'_'- e-_d a:,.d r.'1:.:c i a.q soon as possi_� _- RUMEN E: , . i'., �_-ord:'ria;_ OS,o, t Grid Sedl rn ei,t COr&-: P!ar?ri;ng any asp mmcn:;ri, Praactce 6.0:i ' , , 8.. Mulchi g Motera!s and Appl?cation R, ter priATRUA+ RATE PER ACNE C2'JALITI1f NOTES O'@�lnic mulcha st cc v r. - 21 tons Dry, unchopped Should come from wheat or oats unweathered, avoid spread by hand or machine; must weeds be tacked down Wood chips --- Tons --.----- - .Air dry -------------- ----_____________________________ Treat with 12 Ibs nitrogen/ton. Apply with mulch blower, chip handler, or by hand. Not for use in fine turf. Nood doer 0.5c-1 ions _ -_ ------ -..------ ..------------------ -------- --.__..__----.-_„------- - ---- -______-_--- Also referred to as wood cellulose. May be hydroseeded. Do not use in --------- •------------------------- hot dry weather. bark 35 cubic yards -------- Air dry, shredded or -- ---._- _------------------ -------- AppY with mulch blower, chip handler hammer milled, or or by hand. Do not use asphalt tack. chips Corn stalks 4-6 Ions --_-_-__-----------------------------'-- Cut or shredded in 4-6 ------ ------------------------------------- Appty with mulch blower or by hand. inch lengths Not for use in fine turf. Seri ea 1-3 tons ------- --- ---------- Green or dry: should ---------•------------------------------- iespedeza contain mature seed seed -bearing stems ::R"es 4ilid7i il9tais ---------- ------- ----------- ------ ------- --- ------------------------------ jute Net Cover Area Heavy, uniform; woven Withstands waterflow, Best when used of single jute yarn with organic mulch. Fiberglass nef Cover Area -------------------'---------------------------------------, Withstands waterflow. Best when used ----------------- with organic mulch. Exr-eisior Mat Cove. -Area ------------------------- ------- ---------- -.____.-_ _--- ----------------- Withstands waterflow. jt'Vood Filer) Flbergiass ravir,o 0.5C-1 tons ----------------_.-_------------------------------ ConfinuOUS fibers of p----------------- Apply with a compressed ok sector. drawn glass bound Tack with emulsified asphalt at a rate together with a non- of 25-35 gal/ 1000 sf toxic agent _-_------------------------------------------------------ Chernl: al Stcbrllzxas --------- -- - - A,: u,n'!;�iri Foi!ovt rrlenufa=irers Not beneficial to plant growth Aero5pray iYStructions C Lrsscl AK t ;.:set sr, Terry aCr. . ; r�,St .50r 4enaqu ! 743 m-14{ !REFERENCE: North Carolina Erosion. and Sediment Control Pionning and Design Manual, Practice 6.14 PERMIT REDESET ----- SOT UEOR CONSTRUCT`ION PRELIMINARY. DO NOT USE FOR CONSTRUCTION 00':4 ak a a a �2 1. I . .. . 1. , lm� . , . ... . , . a * I f) i. 11 s 1 ; t k gg tj� 1(J1* 1 )i }�fyl3: 1 1 ", , t i x, i ! 1. I �. rh r4, .� r 5 1 1 ., t, - 1 F 41 i h ( i l t. 1 ;: 1 1 r i"i F 4 i, r �. i 5 rr f 'e r.'r I f L1 i ly S r f 11 1 < '1 1r1 �, .. r: ..t !t'r' .a I. .