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HomeMy WebLinkAbout19951201 Ver 1_Complete File_19951227ckkf zo/9w US 74 ALTFRNAiIVQ EAR IHE T3. K. NAILER PflOPLRiY RFC HANNEL CRLEK ONTO n. K. MILLER PROPERTY n i. hi^tor ic; nr .-)pert where it can V, i,, t..-;(: et i g C` an - ?(Jed and Inv i .:mn, _. ?1 nr IOIL Oi1-err Jo,. hedge R , o y j_ i L n ni I ..•;wa requires acgK Sit ion of most 1 i 1od h a`a eject ion ??!< , I . f t , and wo& d not mi-,nimi z e impact RUCHANNEL I ZA T ION TN OPFN CHANNEL WITH RETAINING WALL_ Would keep crook in open channel which could be revaget al ed and naturalized as much 3S possible Avoid=' W) situation P:`q ! i _i foot long rechannel i 7at "Gri "pen 45n tnnt long retaining wall with a maximum height of A7 tout Dis;7urbs n vurai channoI and removes surrounding ventHt icon State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources Division of Environmental Management James B, Hunt, Jr„ Governor Jonathan B. Howes, Secretary A. Preston Howard, Jr., P.E., Director November 30, 1994 Mr. Frank Vick, P.E. NC Dept. of Transportation Manager, Planning and Environmental P.O. Box 25201 Raleigh, NC 27611-5201 Dear Mr. Vick: XT?W* ED F= F1 Subject: US 74 Widening From 1-40 to SR 3136 Buncombe County State Project DOT No. 8.1841701, TIP #R-2306 The Division of Environmental Management (DEM) has reviewed several proposals from DOT that would either impact the B.K. Miller property or relocate Gashes Creek as a result of the widening project. DEM acknowledges the difficulty in resolving historic and environmental conflicts and appreciates the effort DOT has expended in this matter. DEM was informed on October 20, 1994 that the property adjacent to the B.K. Miller property is historic and will require a Section 4(f) document. It is DEM's understanding that the Miller property is historic due to the architectural nature of the building and not the physical setting itself. The Miller house would remain standing and habitable should the widening occur on the Miller property. Several power-line topped hemlock and white pine trees would be taken but there would be no additional residential relocatees nor would Gashes Creek be impacted if the widening occurred on the Miller property. DEM surveyed Gashes Creek in May 1994. A memorandum was written to document the site visit. This information has been provided to you and FHWA. Gashes Creek is tributary to a trout stream. The creek has a tree canopy that helps lower water temperatures, and increase dissolved oxygen. The vegetation acts to stabilize the stream banks to reduce erosion. The macrobenthos is diverse enough to rate the creek good-fair and includes pollution intolerant taxa. The substrate has very little silt and equal amounts of boulder, rubble, gravel and sand. This substrate composition would be very difficult for DOT to reproduce and the macrobenthos would experience a significant recolonization lag time. P.O. Box 29535, Raleigh, North Carolina 27626-0535 Telephone 919-733-7015 FAX 919-733-2496 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer 50% recycled/ 1096 post-consumer paper Mr. Frank Vick November 30, 1994 Page 2 DOT' s October 20, 1994 proposal is significantly better than the first proposal to culvert 925 feet of Gashes Creek. However, we believe that DOT has a practicable alternative that does not impact the creek. Based on a thorough review of the proposed alternatives, please be aware that DEM would proceed toward denial of the 401 Water Quality Certification should DOT submit an application for the proposed project which significantly impacts water quality in Gashes Creek. Questions regarding the 401 Certification should be directed to John Dorney in DEM's Water Quality Environmental Sciences Branch. Sincerely, 4? ?--- Steve W. Tedder Chief, Water Quality Section cc: Bob Johnson, Asheville COE Asheville DEM Office John Dorney Central Files Tom Kendig, DOT Lisa Zywicki us74bun.ltr tel. N.C. DEPT. OF ENVIRONMEt?'T, HEALTH AND NATURAL RESOURCES Z 'iz ;' P.O. Box 27687 Ralcigh, N.C. 27611 Fnv-ronmental Sciences Branch F AY(919) /33-9959 TELECOPY TO: FAX NUMBER: FROM: PHONE:( 1 NO. OF PAGES P?CLU? 1i?'G T 141S SKEET: CON2? ENTS: ? I r1 ! `? ?i i i 0 North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission FQ 512 N. Salisbury Street, Raleigh, North Carolina 27604-1188, 919-733-3391 Charles R. Fullwood, Executive Director RECE1VEp MEMORANDUM JAN 6 1996 TO: DJohn R. Parker, Jr., ivision of Coastal Management Coordinator F?/RONA.?NrAl3CoNaFB Dept. of Environment, Health, & Natural Resources FROM: Richard B. Hamilton, Assistant Director North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commissio DATE: January 8, 1996 SUBJECT: Action No. 199402123, North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) proposed widening of US 74 between I-40 and SR 2776, Buncombe County, North Carolina, TIP No. R-2306A-B. This memorandum responds to a request from your office for our concerns regarding the proposed fill in waters and wetlands associated with the subject highway widening. The North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission (NCWRC) has reviewed the proposed project, and our comments are provided in accordance with provisions of Section 404 of the Clean water Act (33 U.S.C. 1344). By copy of these comments, we are providing our recommendations to the North Carolina Division of Environmental Management (DEM) regarding the attending 401 Water Quality Certification. The proposed work involves widening of an existing highway to meet existing and future traffic demands. While we prefer the improvement of existing highways over construction of new ones, we continue to be concerned about unresolved issues of avoidance of stream channel impacts in Gashes Creek, a tributary to Designated Public Mountain Trout Waters (DPMTW). In addition to other DPMTW impacts, the permit application proposes to channelize approximately 1,100 feet of Gashes Creek, including 800 feet of stream channel that would be filled to avoid a row of trees on a historic property on the opposite side of US 74. The NCDOT has been unwilling to fully evaluate an alignment alternative that would avoid extensive culverting or relocation of Gashes Creek, citing possible conflicts with historic resources. A full evaluation of avoidance alternatives is prerequisite to consideration of measures to minimize and compensate losses to waters and wetlands. It is the policy of the NCWRC that impacts to wetlands be avoided. Non-wetland and non-riparian alternatives should be examined during project design. The NCWRC will recommend mitigation of wetland losses only where such losses cannot be avoided. Therefore, we recommend that no 404 permit be issued by the Corps of Engineers for this project until an alignment alternative that avoids extensive channel modification of Gashes Creek has been fully evaluated. .Gashes Creek is a tributary to the SNvannanoa River, which is managed as Hatchery Supported DPMTW. Fisheries staff of the NCWRC have surveyed fisheries resources in the project area in cooperation with Corps of Engineers personnel. Late summer fish samples found no trout in the segment of stream to be directly impacted by the project. However, this stream segment contained juvenile and adult redbreast sunfish and approximately 10 nongame fish species. Trout have been reported in the past from Gashes Creek and may seasonally occur in the project area. The stream segment proposed for relocation is Act. ID 199402123 memo Page 2 1/9/96 one of the few remaining undisturbed portions of Gashes Creek, flowing parallel to US 74 into Blue Ridge Parkway property. Loss of this stream segment would not only impair the streams ability to support gamefish but would adversely affect other uses, including invertebrate food production, flood control, buffering of sedimentation and chemical impacts, and shading of a trout water tributary. Channelization will also reduce stability of stream banks below the site, particularly because stormwater dynamics in the Gashes Creek watershed have been altered in recent years by mismanaged storm flow from areas of development. Following our survey of Gashes Crcek, we met with representatives of the NCDOT, Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), resources agencies, and the owner of the historic property across US 74 from the subject stream segment. At that time, -vt•c explained our concerns regarding fisheries and water quality values and the need to evaluate an avoidance alternative. In subsequent written comment to NCDOT (David L. Yow, December 9, 1994) we reiterated our recommendation that an avoidance alternative be developed and subjected to a full "4f' evaluation to compare impacts to natural and historical resources. The Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) document was circulated in July of 1995, including a "programmatic 4f' finding that determined only that no impact to the historic property would occur if it was avoided. The document made no assessment of impacts to historic resources that would occur if fill activities in Gashes Creek were avoided, and full comparison of two alternatives was not made. Symmetric widening, suggested in our earlier letter as a possible method to minimize impacts on both resources, was not considered in the document, nor did the document consider visual and noise impacts that would occur on the historic property from widening US 74 regardless of final roadway alignment. We believe that the NCDOT and FHWA evaluation of historic property impacts is incomplete, and that alternatives to avoid channelization of Gashes Creek have not been adequately evaluated. We also maintain that the historic property will be impacted by any expansion of transportation facilities, and that noise and visual impacts to historic properties could be more readily mitigated than could impacts to surface waters. Our written response to the FONSI (David R. Cox, August 22, 1995) again recommended a full evaluation of avoidance alternatives and warned against fragmenting of the project during permitting. Disregarding our recommendations, the NCDOT submitted 404 and 401 applications for a portion of the highway project that contained impacts to Gashes Creek but omitted impacts to Gap Creek and unnamed DPMTW tributaries on the eastern portion of the project. No evaluation of avoidance alternatives was included. The Corps of Engineers determined that the 404 application was incomplete, and our recommendation to the DEM (David L. Yow, September 14, 1995) concurred with the Corps finding and recommended against acceptance of the 401 application. We subsequently recommended approval a Nationwide 404 pennit for the NCDOT to conduct exploratory geotechnical activities in the project area. The present public notice has been modified to include the entire highway project as documented under the National Environmental Policy Act. However, until the NCDOT and FHWA have completed a full comparative evaluation of impacts to historic and natural resources from avoidance alternatives, we cannot recommend approval of permits for the project. In addition to unresolved avoidance concerns discussed above, we offer the following recommendations regarding other project impacts. Pending resolution of avoidance issues, the following conditions should be placed on any permits issued for the project: We are concerned that no compensatory mitigation is proposed for trout stream segments and adjacent shrub wetlands lost during culvert extensions and channel modifications. We recommend that the NCDOT locate, acquire, and restore stream channel segments within the Swannanoa River and Cane Creek watersheds to compensate unavoidable loss of function in trout waters on the project site. Ratio of mitigation to impact will be determined by relative quality of habitats involved. Biologists of the NCWRC will be available to participate in mitigation area planning. No 404 permit should be issued until such compensatory mitigation has been proposed. Act. ID 199402123 memo Page 3 1/9/96 Regarding relocation of Gashes Creek on Blue Ridge Parkway property, the public notice states that "three meanders would be removed" and that "the existing 15-foot wide channel would be replaced by a 20-foot wide channel with riprap banks." Such practices are in direct and explicit contradiction to guidelines for stream relocation cooperatively developed by the NCWRC, DEM, and NCDOT. The reconstructed stream channel should resemble the existing channel in length, width, depth, substrate, and curvature, and natural materials, not riprap, should be employed to reconstruct new stream banks. The proposed ditch would remove existing use of the stream segment as habitat for adult gamefish and would represent a significant and avoidable impact on National Park Service lands. Retaining wall techniques now proposed at the historic site upstream should be employed on this site also. Impacts to DPMTW tributaries in the Cane Creek watershed (approximately 1,600 feet) should be further minimized by alignment of culverts to conform with existing stream channels (sites 5 and 6). As in item 1 above, the proposed riprap ditches for relocated stream channels should not be permitted, except where necessary to stabilize banks at culvert outfalls. 4. All culverts should be placed below the grade of the existing stream channel to allow establishment of natural substrate in culvert barrels. No soil disturbing activities within 25 feet of surface waters should occur between January I and April 15 to avoid possible impacts on trout reproduction. All disturbed soils within 25 feet of surface waters should be stabilized within 15 working days on each site of buffer zone encroachment. Stringent erosion and sedimentation control measures should be employed at all times during construction. Such measures should account for expected rainfall events and should be regularly maintained. Significant increases in sediment deposits or turbidity in downstream trout waters will be considered by the NCWRC as a violation of permit conditions. Thank you for the ongoing opportunity to provide input in the early planning stages for this project. We appreciate the efforts of NCDOT engineering staff to develop innovative methods to minimize project impacts, but we encourage the NCDOT and FHWA to focus efforts on addressing our concerns regarding impact avoidance. We believe that the reluctance to address explicitly stated agency recommendations has resulted in significant increases in time and monetary costs of this project, both for the NCDOT and for resource agencies. If we can further assist your office, please contact Stephanie Goudreau, Mountain Region Coordinator, Habitat Conservation Program, at (704) 652-4257. RBH/dly cc: The Hon. Bobby N. Setzer, Commissioner, District 9 Joffrey Brooks, District 9 Wildlife Biologist Micky Clemmons, District 9 Fisheries Biologist Stephanie Goudreau, Mountain Region Coordinator, Habitat Conservation Program Randy Wilson, Manager, Nongame and Endangered Species Section Bob Johnson, Manager, Asheville Regulatory Field Office, Corps of Engineers Janice Nicholls, U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service ,,John Donley, Watcr Qualit}' Planning, N. C. Division of Environmental Management it ;. srnre„ y .. 4 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION P.O. BOX 25201 RALEIGH 27611-5201 JAMES G. MARTIN GOVERNOR THOMAS J. HARRELSON SECRETARY MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: SUBJECT: December 10, 1992 File Joe Westbrook DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS WILLIAM G. MARLEY, JR., P.E. STATE HIGHWAY ADMINISTRATOR Project #8.1841701, R-2306, US 74 Improvement, Buncombe County The following cost estimates reflect the differences between two alternatives for improvements to US 74 in the vicinity of the B. K. Miller Historic site. Construction Alternate R/W Cost Relocation Cost Total cost. However, 1f Alt. B was constructed, we would avoid taking B. K. Miller property, thus saving the existing Hemlock Trees which serve as a natural buffer to the property setting. Major reconstruction of -Y-2 & -Y-2A (Hemphill road) would also be avoided which impacts the property in question. Alt. "A" (Historic $433,000 1 Residence $575,000 $1,008,000 site) 1 Business Alt. "B" (Channel $393,000 10 Residence $675,000 $1,068,000 Change) 1 Business 0 rah hC1< ? I Based on the above information, there seems to be no clear ? t choice in If the channel change (Alt. B) was selected, several measures could be taken to lessen adverse affects to trout in Gashes Creek. They could be as follows: 1. Bench (if necessary) the cut slope and provide proper planting to eliminate erosion and siltation. An Equal Opportunity/ Aftirmative Action Employer u?' 1 11?0N v"` -'December 10, 1992 Page 2 2. Construct weirs and deflection boulders along the bottom to create waterfalls and natural flow effect. 3. Construct large boulders spaced horizontal along the channel to create a meandering flow. These matters will be discussed during the December 17, 1992 meeting. JAW/sdt State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources Division of Environmental Management James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Jonathan B, Howes, Secretary A. Preston Howard, Jr„ RE., Director February 21, 1996 Certified Mail Return Receipt Requested Mr. Frank Vick NC Deptirtment of Transportation Planning and Environmental Branch NC DOT Post Office Box 25201 Raleigh, N.C. 27611-5201 Dear Mr. Vick: Subject: Application for Water Quality Certification Buncomb: County DEM # 9-; 1201, COE # 199402123 DOT # R 2 306 1:3 FE F11 Your application for a Water Quality Certification under Section 401 of the Federal Clean Water Act was received )y the Division on 14 December 1995. The activity for which the Certification is sought is to relocate 1100 linear feet of stream channel of Gashes Creek and fill 0.05 acres of wetlanc to facilitate widening of 6.7 miles of US 7-1 between I-40 and SR 2776. A Water Quality Certification is a determination by the Division that the activity for which the federal penni: or license is sought is not expected to result in a violation of state water quality standards or the waters of the state. After several tho-ough, on-site inspections of your property, my staff has determined that existing uses are present in the waters for which you have requested a certification. These uses include aqua::c life habitat. As provided by 15A NCAC 2B .0109, the 404(b)(1) Guidelines are used as g.iidance in determining if a proposed project will remove the existing uses of a water. In acce-dance with these guidelines, the Division has determined that you have not demonstrated t'? at practicable alternatives do not exist for your project since there has been no demonstrati,?n that the proposed project cannot be constructed in an upland area. Namely, we believe tha::he road could be widened toward the historic property (sheet 9 of 28 in permit application .sated 1 November 1995) rather than into Gashes Creek. Also questions asked concern:-•:,-, stream relocation details in our 18 August 1995 letter copied to R0. Box 29535, Rdeig-), North Carolina 27626-0535 Telephone 919-733-7015 FAX 919-733-2496 An Equal Opport.rty Affirmative Action Employer 50% recycled/ 10% post-consumer paper Page 2 Mr. Vick Tom Kendig were not addressed in the FONSI. Therefore I am hereby notifying you that the subject project would result in a violation of 15A NCAC 2B .0201(b). Therefore, in accordance with 15A NCAC 2H .0504(e), I have determined that the 401 Water Qualit\- Certification for this project shall be denied. If this denial is unacceptable to you, you have the right to an adjudicatory hearing upon written request within sixty (60) days following receipt of this denial. This request must be in the form of a written petition conforming to Chapter 150B of the North Carolina General Statutes and filed with the Office of Administrative Hearings, P.O. Box 27447. Raleigh, NC 27611-7447. Unless such demands are made, this denial shall be final anc binding. Finally, we are available to further discuss modification to your proposal whicl would answer our objections and allow issuance of a 401 Certification. If you have any questions concerning this denial, please contact Mr. John Dornev in the Water Quality Planning Branch of this Division at (919) 733-1786. Sincerely, I A. Preston Howard, Jr. P.?. --ter' cc: Asheville DEM Regional Office U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Wilmington Office U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Asheville Field Office Mr. John Parker Mr. John Dorney Central Files 95120I .den w a w c c c oC m COO ?' V? m 3 V a a ?v), ??? ??; E H m H F .. N a3Ln m Nl 0 00 49 Q N 19 m a oNv o o. •? a3 ° 4-1 c C, +1 a E N g ¢ ? r oN m ?,°;g?? oatl N z v ¢ •IE v Hl P4 N?aEor N lui l@q..u.e.,.y? uo p.,.pwoo 993WOOV Nun ,noAh C' Z m v ?ro o c m o r°n 3 m a m Ch N G7 i. 7 CL N_ (D ? cn f7 C f/l r mm s m c ?q rR 0? 0 mj-v ?j fD ?' m jP - 2-730G 7v%,eA ?) c,* 5-?eP?nav??e Gouo(s?r'? ?(_ bu(-- kg: 6 V?- k GOf Jok CA-c4;k% re? ??.?. a.?S k -e ?dn? ?F/UDl ? PLRI ?Gg -D EN\ D.F of Pl-wl- NCOOT I 7-1 VCh OT r?wA ;'3 G1) 4?5-7- r3L 1?1 G ?i / E,vc4.?.. 7o?f Z 98 Z8 Z?4 Prw3 AklW'- +6.lei, 6? 1OzIs? c" i q n Sm liC Per?.:¢s 7o4l 1,71 - Y ? 5-7 704 - 65;- Ua57 7o`-?-9st -(a t tq 250 --4128 711 -7 33-1 9rq - ?33 - 31q / 9 (9 - SIS&- g3s-a ct i 't -] 3? - 312-1 9 (`l,- -L 50 - ytoo State of North Carolina Department of Environment, 'Av Health and Natural Resources Division of Environmental Management A&r4* James B, Hunt, Jr., Governor C Jonathan B, Howes, Secretary ? H N F1 A. Preston Howard, Jr., P.E., Director August 18, 1995 MEMORANDUM To: Melba McGee Through: John Dorne From: Eric Galamb Subject: FONSI for US 74 Widening, Buncombe County State Project DOT No. 8.1841702, TIP # R-2306 DEHNR # 96-0056, DEM WQ # 11008 The subject document has been reviewed by this office. The Division of Environmental Management (DEM) is responsible for the issuance of the Section 401 Water Quality Certification for activities which impact waters of the state including wetlands. The project as proposed would not impact wetlands. There will be several stream impacts by crossings and a relocation of 800 feet of Gashes Creek. DEM offers the following comments on the FONSI: A) DEM continues to believe that there is a practicable alternative to impacting Gashes Creek, namely to widen into the B.K. Miller property. We believe that this alternative is less environmentally damaging, significantly less costly and would not impact the historical value of the property. B) There is not enough information in the document regarding the stream relocations to concur with a Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI). Detailed site specific stream relocation plans that include the stream pre-construction and post-construction gradient, width, depth, sinuosity, substrate, pools, riffles, pool-to-riffle ratio, undercut banks, presence of woody debris, bar-to-bar distances, width of the floodplain, width of buffer zones, construction timing, measures taken to be compliant with water quality standards (particularly turbidity and temperature), stream cover, velocity, water depth at 7Q10 conditions (low flow) and location and description of woody vegetation must be included in the document or in the application for the permit. DEM does not concur with the FONSI. Please be advised that this review of the FONSI by DEM does not preclude the denial of a 401 Certification upon application if wetland or water impacts have not been avoided and minimized to the maximum extent practicable. Questions regarding the 401 Certification should be directed to Eric Galamb in DEM's Environmental Sciences Branch at 733-1786. cc: Bob Johnson, Asheville COE Asheville DEM WRC Tom Kendig, DOT Monica Swihart us74gash.fon P.O. Box 29535, Raleigh, North Carolina 27626-0535 Telephone 919-733-7015 FAX 919-733-2496 An Equal opportunity Affirmative Action Employer 50% recycled/ 10% post-consumer paper ?f r?9S (Y? I C-Do-, "s Soo e ?2 ,?cl® x ?12 50V -Le 3 /PA? Hof rv?ctc ? A j zoo' c lui,4 W- C' x q2 ' s w ? 35 -it, pPS I ,f j ? >,- 3j, ( y Iii vti 3c-+rP?/ fit, re pcc4 cn 5 l ad 3 ( /' 2 E74) ?z`) ' ? ? rew«7?'?js -R R er (4 yes ?' sr??-use CA- STATE OF NORTH CAROH NA DEPARTMENT OF rTPANSI'ORTATION JAMES B. HUNT, )R. G)VIRNO R DIVISION OI: HICiI IWAYS P.O. WX 25201, RA1.11I61 I. N.C. 27611-5201 R. SAMUIT HUM' III SIICRI'IARY March 18, 1994 Mr. Eric Galamb DEHNR Div. of Environmental Management 512 N. Salisbury Street Raleigh, North Carolina 27604-1148 Dear Mr. Galamb: SUBJECT: Federal Environmental Assessment for US 74, From I-40 to SR 3136, Buncombe County, Federal Aid Project F-44-1(3), State Project 8.1841701, T.I.P. Project R-2306 Attached is a copy of the Environmental Assessment and the Ecological Impact Assessment for the subject proposed highway improvement. It is anticipated this project will be processed with a "Finding of No Significant Impact"; however, should comments received on the Environmental Assessment or at the public hearing demonstrate a need for preparing a Draft Environmental Impact Statement you will be contacted as part of our scoping process. Copies of this Assessment are being submitted to the State Clearinghouse, areawide planning agencies, and the counties, towns, and cities involved. Permit review agencies should note it is anticipated Federal Permits will be required as discussed in the report. Any comment you have concerning the Environmental Assessment should be forwarded to: Mr. H. Franklin Vick, P. E., Manager Planning and Environmental Branch N. C. Division of Highways P. 0. Box 25201 Raleigh, North Carolina 27611 Your comments should be received by April 20, 1994. If no comments are received by that date we will assume you have none. If you desire a copy of the "Finding of No Significant Impact," please so indicate. Sincerely, ? 4 - J, VfADM H. Franklin Vick, P. E., Manager Planning and Environmental Branch HFV/plr a State of North Carolina 'T F Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources LT4rA Division of Environmental Management James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Jonathan B. Howes, Secretary ID FE H N F1 A, Preston Howard, Jr., P,E„ Director April 4, 1994 MEMORANDUM To: Melba McGee Through: John Dorne Monica Swihart From: Eric Galamb Subject: EA for US 74 From 1-40 to DR 3136 Buncombe County State Project DOT No. 8.1841701, TIP #R-2306 EHNR # 94-0683, DEM WO # 10565 The subject document has been reviewed by this office. The Division of Environmental Management is responsible for the issuance of the Section 401 Water Quality Certification for activities which impact of waters of the state including wetlands. The subject project may impact 0.23 acres of wetlands and significant (925 feet) stream rechannelization. DOT should follow DOT's Stream Relocation/Channelization Guidelines. DEM is still evaluating the channelization of Gashes Creek and therefore is not able to give an endorsement of the document. Since the highway will be widened in water supply areas, DEM requests that type A sediment and erosion control measures be implemented. Curb and gutter quickly conveys water to streams. In the event of a spill, the contaminants could enter a water supply stream before emergency support staff could contain the spill. Therefore, DEM requests that the type A sediment basins be converted into hazardous spill catch basins after project completion. The 401 Water Quality Certification could be denied if impacts to wetlands and waters are not avoided to the maximum extent practicable. Questions regarding the 401 Certification should be directed to Eric Galamb in DEM's Water Quality Planning Branch. us74bun.ea P.U. Box 29535, Raleigh, North Carolina 27626-0535 Telephone 919-733-7015 FAX 919-733-2496 An Equal Opportunity Affirmntivo Action Employer `;D% recycled/ 10% post-consumer paper Note for Eric Galamb From: Eric Galamb on Mon, Feb 27, 1995 1:16 PM Subject: RE: Gashes Creek To: John Dorney Cc: Eric Galamb; Jimmie Overton; Ken Eagleson I met with Tom Kendig today. DOT is in the process of analyzing the three alternatives again. This info. will probably be submitted to us before the FONSI. From: John Dorney on Mon, Nov 7, 1994 8:22 AM Subject: RE: Gashes Creek To: Boyd DeVane Cc: Eric Galamb; Greg Thorpe; Jimmie Overton; Ron Ferrell The fight is not over yet but the enemy has changed its spots. DOT has proposed a new construction technique where they could move the creek channel over to make room for the road but the creek would not be in a pipe or in a deep hole but there would be enough room to plant the streamside with trees and shrubs. Eric believes (probably correctly) that DOT has a practicable alternative (not impact the creek but rather impact the historic property). Nothing is in writing yet, DOT will apply soon. I think the new plan will probably protect the aquatic life uses of the stream. Rene Gledhill-Earley should be very happy! I'll circulate the revised plan when we receive it. From: Boyd DeVane on Thu, Nov 3, 1994 2:13 PM Subject: Gashes Creek To: John Dorney Cc: Greg Thorpe; Ron Ferrell I saw a note on Gashes creek being relocated. What was the final outcome? Who won the battle? US, Renee, DOT? Page: 1 ® North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission 0 512 N. Salisbury Street, Raleigh, North Carolina 27604-1188, 919-733-3391 Charles R. Fullwood, Executive Director December 9, 1994 Mr. Tom Kendig Division of Highways North Carolina Department of Transportation P. 0. Box 25201 Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-5201 SUBJECT: North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) supplemental comments on construction alternatives to avoid impacts on the B. K. Miller property, US 74 widening from I-40 to SR 3136, Buncombe County, North Carolina, TIP Project No. R-2306. Dear Mr. Kendig: This letter responds to your November 7, 1994 request for our review of an alignment alternative to avoid construction impacts on the subject property. The proposed alignment would avoid placing an extensive culvert in Gashes Creek but would involve relocation of a segment of the stream into an artificial open channel. The N. C. Wildlife Resources Commission (NCWRC) has been involved in several phases of review on this project, and we have discussed construction alternatives with the NCDOT, the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), the owner of the B. K. Miller property, and other review agencies. Field investigations have been conducted to assess the quality of aquatic habitat and fishery resources. Our comments are provided in accordance with provisions of the National Environmental Policy Act (42 U.S.C. 4332(2)(c)) and the Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act (48 Stat. 401, as amended; 16 U.S.C. 661- 667d). The newly proposed alignment involves construction of an artificial channel for a segment of Gashes Creek, which would be diverted to allow the highway facility to completely avoid direct physical taking of the Miller property. A soil-nail retaining wall would be used to T. Kendig re. US 74 Page 2 December 9, 1994 attempt to minimize impacts on forest habitat on the south side of Gashes Creek. We appreciate your efforts to develop an innovative mitigation plan to compensate for the loss of the existing channel segment. The proposed open channel relocation, in conjunction with NCDOT acquisition and protection of nearby riparian habitat, may provide a foundation for compensatory mitigation for unavoidable loss of the affected stream channel segment. However, we maintain that the relocation of the stream channel can be avoided by widening the highway onto the margin of the Miller property. Because the Miller property receives protection as a cultural resource under FHWA 114f" procedures, a formal review process will be required to evaluate construction alternatives if the property is negatively affected. Any practicable construction alternative that avoids Gashes Creek would require removal of a row of hemlock trees on the Miller property boundary near the existing highway. It is possible that noise levels would be slightly higher than those expected from a multilane highway with an intervening hedge. Gashes Creek is a which is managed by the Mountain Trout Waters. and other gamefish, and reach yielded adult and as several nongame fish 'ributary to the Swannanoa River NCWRC as Hatchery Supported Public It has historically supported trout recent NCWRC survey of the impacted juvenile redbreast sunfish, as well species. While the NCWRC recognizes that Gashes Creek has been impacted by development and agricultural practices in the watershed, we feel that the historic setting of the Miller property has been similarly degraded. With the exception of the loss of the hemlock hedge, the impacts of highway widening will occur on the property regardless of the alignment chosen. In the same manner that the proposed channel relocation would mitigate loss of the stream segment, highway design modifications could mitigate the loss of the hemlock hedge and resulting noise level elevation. One alternative would be to construct an earthen berm between the new highway lanes and the Miller house and plant hemlock trees on the crest of the berm. Noise levels under this alternative would likely be lower at the Miller House than those from a slightly more distant highway with only vegetation as a noise barrier. It is likely that agencies authorizing wetland fill for this project will require evaluation of avoidance alternatives to the stream relocation at Gashes Creek, including those which impact the Miller property. The NCWRC concurs that the avoidance issue must be resolved before a i T. Kendig re. US 74 Page 3 December 9, 1994 compensatory mitigation plan can be accepted, and we encourage the NCDOT to immediately pursue formal evaluation procedures under appropriate 114f" guidelines. Given the lack of mutually acceptable avoidance alternatives and the compromised nature of all involved resources, we feel that such a review will be required to assess the relative severity of natural and cultural resource impacts and determine which avoidance alternative will produce the least overall impact on public resources. Construction costs of alternatives should also be considered. Inclusion of a formal 114f" evaluation of the B. K. Miller property in the upcoming Finding of No Significant Impact would address our informational needs regarding avoidance alternatives and facilitate resolution of subsequent permitting issues. To proceed without such an evaluation would allow production of the environmental document but would not resolve the conflicts over alignment alternatives, leading to additional delays in obtaining required permits. Thank you for the ongoing opportunity to provide input in the planning stages for this project. The NCWRC remains committed to development of workable procedures for evaluating relative quality of natural and cultural resources in situations such as this one where avoidance alternatives are limited. If I can further assist your office, please contact me at (704) 274-3646. Sincerely, David L. Yow District 9 Habitat Biologist CC: Stephanie Goudreau, Mtn. Region Habitat Biologist Micky Clemmons, District 9 Fisheries Biologist Robert Johnson, Corps of Engineers, Asheville Office JAnice Nicholls, U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service -John Dorney, Division of Environmental Management raC1-'9-?'?' 1 t4: dl FF9"it1 H-1.r,.,ille P-1 LFHNF' TC! 1-41'7 7 7' =ay?q ?.-^1 r a t ? N. C. DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT, HEALTH, AND NATURAL RESOURCES ASHEVILLE REGIONAL OFFICE DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT WATER QUALITY SECTION TO: FAX #: ?r ? r FROM FAX #: 704/251-6098 DATE: it-a; # OF PAGES INCLUDING THIS COVER: MESSAGE; If Qu-estions, please call 704/251-6248. eu i 1 le PFI DER IF, State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources Division of Environmental Management James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Jonathan B. Howes, Secretary Nunn 8. Guthrie, Regional Manager Asheville Rerqlional Office On" A?W4 - -- -- -- -- - UEHNR n'ATER QUALITY SECTION November 18, 1994 MEMORANDUM TO : Fr i r. Ga 1 amh wet.l antis Crrnzp TNROT70H: Roy M. Davis D s ?_.'?"h-•?. Regional SiipPrvi scar Forrest R. Westa. Regional Water Qua upervisor FROM: Michael R. Parker Environmental Chemist ST7PL?FCT: Design Consideration, U. S. 74 TI;:` # R r ?ri?, Buncombe County On NnVoMher 18, 1994, Forrest R. ??stall, Max Haner, Linda wi qqs anyl the wri tpa- looked at the lat proposal from the Pepartmont (,)f Transportation regarding tl.he widening of U. S, 74 to Tnteratatp 40 a1«ng ashes Creek. DOT's proposal of building the retaining wall out Gf mud and concrete appears to be innovative, however; this proposal will also severely impact Cashes Creek and will propbaly remove some of the Water Quality uses of this stream (i.e. fish and wildlife propagation). It is our opinion that the least ?~:•rironmentally damaging so;uti.on to widening U. S. Highway 74 i?; to encroach twenty to thirty feet onto the Mille, property and leave Gashes Creek in its orginal stream bank. Since there is a reasonable alternative other than destroying this stream, and a more cost effective means of constructing these highway improvements, it is recommended that you proceed with denial of the 401 Certification and go to r.our. t if necessary to tight for our case. As another point to the cont.rovol'sy regarding the Miller property, there is a sign that. has been erected soliciting lnterchancpe Building. ?9 Woodfin Place. Asheville. N.C. 28801 Telephone 704-251-6208 FAX 704251-6452 An Eauo! Opportunity A!fi,mcttrvp Action Ernployor 60% recycled/ 10% post-consumer 0009r f lti•.i-:-'1 -1 '=+9 14:49 FF'0?,1 1 1 e P1_1 DF4 IF' i I Eric Galamh memo November 1 4 , 1994 'age "xwc> TO P. C-17 persons to lease the house and property for a lodge, restaurant nr shnp. if this property is so historic modifying the house for 1n(iginq nr for use as a restaurant or commercial operation apnPara tr, 6estroy its historic value. f y(:),a do n(,)t agree with our recommendations, you are requested to invn1-7(? the staff of the Asheville Regional Office with any future decision regarding this project. Tf1Tul R Gt? To ? ?ros I S P? " L, 40 (C,A? 3 c/ z d? G I;dlo c-At,64 >ea,Gnc??y afi?v/ 6,f, N 4 A; 616i? • ?-) `/OI ? State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources Division of Environmental Management James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Jonathan B. Howes, Secretary A. Preston Howard, Jr., P,E„ Director August 8, 1994 MEMO To: Ken Eagleson From: John Dome 4 Re: Macrobenthos data collects n Gashes Creek Buncombe County A r4**A [D EHNR FILE COPY A belated thanks from me to you, Jimmie and Trish for the prompt data collection done on Gashes Creek. The final resolution of the issue has not yet occurred but the data have been of tremendous help to urge DOT and Federal Highway Administration to not bury the stream. cc: Boyd DeVane Greg Thorpe Gashesck.mem P.O. Box 29535, Raleigh, North Carolina 27626-0535 Telephone 919-733-7015 FAX 919-733-2496 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer 50% recycled/ 10% post-consumer paper Y9,93 Ull Note for John Dorney From: Eric Galamb on Fri, May 20, 1994 10:25 AM Subject: RE: gashes ck, buncombe co To: Trish MacPherson Cc: John Dorney Thanks. I will be leaving for vacation late on the 27th and will not return until June 20th. If you do not have the data by the 27th, please direct the results to John Dorney so he can take action. From: Trish MacPherson on Fri, May 20, 1994 9:45 AM Subject: RE: gashes ck, buncombe co To: Eric Galamb Sorry about the delay getting back to you, my Microsoft Mail didn't get turned on till yesterday and I discovered many messages just waiting. I talked to Cherri earlier about Gashes Creek. I'd done a recon while in Asheville for a public hearing and it looked possibly too small for us to rate, but Cherri said any data would be good. We finally got some more more work out that way (I'd been putting off going to Asheville for one sample) and we should collect the data week of May 23 and can have to you before June. From: Eric Galamb on Mon, May 16, 1994 1:49 PM Subject: gashes ck, buncombe co To: Trish MacPherson On Feb 25, John Dorney requested a macrobentic sampling of Gashes Creek in Buncmbe Co. to Ken E.. Apparently the request filtered down to u. Have a completed the sampling and is the data ready? I would like to get our comments to DOT soon since they wish to write a FONSI in June. Thanks for your help!!! Page: 1 w4 IHkkr CMG 1 ?s -Vol vror)s,C l -PUT ono ?o'I ?,JoUI? use c? U IA ny oUl Owl- 1b1Ph ? ? 61 v?o? {to f AOWVhA\YI -6r I 1 I?,x ire 7? yve ecl -(--° k c?OlUlYllMt Cc rrn?_ `? rv ac?S I? Q O(71 411 . <<(r x I t4 e, r1?9 g e l oC?i??? ? w&- 6V4 4p- W f0 j, 0S ' State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources Division of Environmental Management James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Jonathan B. Howes, Secretary Nann B. Guthrie, Regional Manager Asheville Regional Office MEMORANDUM ID FE F1 WATER QUALITY SECTION November 18, 1994 8rCF1V, lf,V 1 y ?yy4 TO: Eric Galamb Wetlands Group THROUGH: Roy M. Davis Regional Supervisor Forrest R. Westa Regional Water Qua upervisor FROM: Michael R. Parker Environmental Chemist SUBJECT: Design Consideration, U. S. 74 TIP # R-2306 Buncombe County On November 18, 1994, Forrest R. Westall, Max Haner, Linda Wiggs and the writer looked at the latest proposal from the Department of Transportation regarding the widening of U. S. 74 to Interstate 40 along Gashes Creek. DOT's proposal of building the retaining wall out of mud and concrete appears to be innovative, however; this proposal will also severely impact Gashes Creek and will propbaly remove some of the Water Quality uses of this stream (i.e. fish and wildlife propagation). It is our opinion that the least environmentally damaging solution to widening U. S. Highway 74 is to encroach twenty to thirty feet onto the Miller property and leave Gashes Creek in its orginal stream bank. Since there is a reasonable alternative other than destroying this stream and a more cost effective means of constructing these highway improvements, it is recommended that you proceed with denial of the 401 Certification and go to court if necessary to fight for our case. As another point to the controversy regarding the Miller property, there is a sign that has been erected soliciting Interchange Building, 59 Woodfin Place, Asheville, N.C. 28801 Telephone 704-251-6208 FAX 704-251-6452 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer 50% recycled/ 10% post-consumer paper 4, Eric Galamb Memo November 18, 1994 Page Two persons to lease the house and property for a lodge, restaurant or shop. If this property is so historic modifying the house for lodging or for use as a restaurant or commercial operation appears to destroy its historic value. If you do not agree with our recommendations, you are requested to involve the staff of the Asheville Regional Office with any future decision regarding this project. IMO TO: \ 11 E: A_, SUBJECT: ^,11pLp,Le- /-,%a/ set{d <C? "Yc) i r 7147, u'- J ? l h Q _f From: 71- ?e->1 -E-c, .c) - C-- L-S North Carolina Department of Environment, ? '. Health, and Natural Resources ?°?? Printed on Recycled Paper 3? C p m v ?a ?r m a T? c ? rv a Z ? N r ? ' O N 0 0 0 Z ?r a >o n y 0 aj \ < N Z ? o ? ? zN a ? s 0 om v?a ril ? a 0 ?00 os C ap r z0 m y II ? t m s Z II? Al C a ? \ V J 's z n D 0 O C) - - ------ -- -------------------------------- Z A n• 0 1 C m S O r? ,. VJ 00 rrl Z a n 0 N Z O ?-+ (n D N (n 0 ;1 J (D W O O !n -1 ® _ A? g a 7 N -+ D ;p -I a ?- o = 0 w ---rA N - R? O s J % Z °o --l I t; '.. _ _ I State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources Division of Environmental Management James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Jonathan B. Howes, Secretary A. Preston Howard, Jr„ P.E., Director February 1994 MEMO TO: Ken Eagleson FROM: John Dorne?t {? 1 THROUGH: Greg ThorpeLrl ? Boyd DeVane 5./ A?71'vff ED F= F1 FILE COPY RE: Request for macrobenthic sampling at Gashes Creek, Buncombe County DOT is planning to culvert and bury about 900 linear feet of Gashes Creek in Buncombe County as part of the widening of U.S. 74 from I-40 to SR 2775. This activity will require a 401 Certification from DEM. In order to determine compliance with water Quality standards (primarily Antidegradation Standard), we request that the Biological Assessment Group conduct an analysis for macrobenthos on site as well as upstream and downstream. The WRC plans to shock the stream for fish. If DEM is able to collect BMAN data, we should probably coordinate this work with the WRC sampling. Both Cherri Smith and Eric Galamb have graciously volunteered to assist with the bug collecting. Please call to advise whether this sampling is possible. DOT has not yet applied for any permits. Sampling by this spring would probably be most helpful. gashck cc: Forrest Westall, ARO Eric Galamb Cherri Smith P.O. Box 29535, Raleigh, North Carolina 27626-0535 Telephone 919-733-7015 FAX 919-733-2496 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer 50% recycled/ 10% post-consumer paper %G Z30(o,4 _ -fa s2 z?7 S DESIGN ALTERNATIVES PROJECT NO. 8.1841701 R-2306A DATE: ' July. 19, 1993 NOTE: For the purpose of comparison, the quantity items that are approximately equal have been omitted, only the variable quantity items have been listed. Area I ; Alternative 1; This Alternative consists of using a shoulder section with 2:1 side slopes. Guardrail will be utilized where needed and a barrier wall will be used at the location of the existing piers on the Blue Ridge Parkway Bridge. This Alternative will require the construction of two channel changes, one of which will impact the Whitson Mill Site. 420 LF of Channel Change Excavation - 3500 CY -- =? RIP-RAP - 1800 TONS Alternative 2 This Alternative consists of using a shoulder section with a retaining wall. A barrier wall will be used on top of the wall. This alternative will require the construction of a channel change. 150 LF of Channel Change Excavation - 750 CY RIP-RAP - 500 TONS' Retaining Nall 500 LF at H=15' --- 1 Alternative 3 - This Alternative is the same as Alternative 2 with the exception of using a bridge deck design in place of the last 210' of the proposed retaining wall. Depending on where the bridge piers are placed, a channel change could be avoided. 3 0 0 LF at H=15' = 4?5? Y ? Z?s?cx? Bridge Deck 210 FT X 35 FT = 7350 F V X44-'d - t3S21800 0 ?9 ? h AREA I1 11 -The earthwork quantities are from STA. 38+00 to STA. 52+00 on the -L1-line. ALTERNATIVE 1 --This-Alterha_'tive consists of using a five lane section (64' F-F) that is located to the west of the existing alignment of US 74 to avoid impacting the B.K. Miller Property. This would require the construction of a channel change, the addition of a new culvert under -Y5-, and the extension of an existing 6' X 6' RCBC. Earthwork ?'- Excavation - 54,000 CY Embankment - 24,650 CY _ : - 1' 1 s,q So 950 LF of Channel Change Excavation - 90,000 CY,`'`- u: RIP-RAP - 6300 TONS Culverts C:"-?t-Extension of existing 6' X 6' RCBC - 80 LF =r ? rY`t New Culvert at -Y5- - 40 LF OF 3-8' X 8' RCBC = a;: 7;6?7S Alternative "1A r th15 -alternative is the same as Alternative 1 with the exception that the channel change would be eliminated and replaced wit a culvert. Earthwork Excavation - 54,000 CY Embankment - 24,650 CY X`?t 3 = ^13,0, S<= ??? J I Culverts 7r,'_?::,, _ New Culvert - 925 LF OF 3 - 8' X.8' RCBC = -723,2, Alternativex2 This alternative consists of utilizing existing US 74 as a two-lane, one way roadway serving westbound traffic and construction a new two-lane, one way roadway to serve eastbound traffic. This new roadway will be on an alignment that will be to the west of existing US 74, providing enough area for Gashes Creek to pass between the two roadways. This alternative requires the construction of a channel change and two new culverts. Earthwork Excavation - 67,000 CY X?41` Embankment - 24,000 CY y 3 " `72,O?J 250 LF of Channel Change Excavation - 5,000 CY ------- RIP-RAP - 1700 TONS Culverts New Culvert - 280 LF OF 3 -,8.' X 8' RCBC New Culvert - 140 LF OF 3 - 9' ,X 8'RCBC77 USI i r) ? I ?/Z '• I sides sloe ARE, A XX NOTE: The earthwork quantities are from STA. 38-00 to STA. 62+00 on the -L1-line. ALTERNATIVE 1 This Alternative consists of using a five lane section (64' F-F) that is located to the west of the existing alignment of US 74 to avoid impacting the B.K. Nfiller Property. This would require the construction of a channel change, the addition of a new culvert under -Y6-, and the extension of an existing 6' X 6' RCBC. Earthwork Excavation - 33,95coCY @.-$2- O = -77, CXDO? Embankment - 24,650 CYe$3=° 960 LF of Channel Change Excavation - 90,000 CY e-$zo 22 ? I,Bop, ?co00 KIP-RAP - 6300 TONS es z2- . - :$ 1 3,5, (ooo ss Culverts (9o°/(-'rw)'Extension of existing 6' X 6' RCBC - 80 LI = -4 Z1,bd.o`p- Cao.??.?N) New Culvert at -YS- - 40 LF OF 3-8' X 8' RCBC =$ 37, ?7s= I lT \ ` L . x •r• b.? ?f \ 1 10. p0iSl " \ 6 111 ?r r \ ' ?( a 00 -?p 4 o ,f. Opp OQe9?r 0•'pjy LI "y. .. < 06 ;Oool? v rolxs col !, E / r 0 ? a /a b / ?03 r Q . I ATC INE 0 MAT LINE LI- J 43 0 02 `? ??? N •$ 1 `__ lool • ?' E N ? r i ?',+ I ?\ r I I ti ATC INE / - h 0. P " MAT LINE 1L1- 43 0 `? 1 ? r 1 1 ?0 ( f -4 r- m a o 00 r a° ? '? `? \ 2<f it 11 II 11 11 to 11 It 11 1 as aNO ?' ?`•' \\ G \ SO• :0 se d cn "? t r ° r P' : U (A 00 Ln s, 0 ". . I f t 8W .,off to 1 ? n ?? 5 YALE N / ' rn r U-C of ? :-D • ? ? ?'Z?.ZG£9 / ? ? /I I , ? _` :cram a r, . `" 9 s r a ' ' ,c k ;. v '911 ' +13.79 1 y tiro ? / y• ,? ? /, ? / / 00 O2 / a• / -v rn a r / oQ 00 03 91 4. 41 + H 7R. nc 1 dl olnn'; STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION JAMES B. HUNT JR. DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS GARLAND B. GARRETT JR. GovERNoR P.O. BOX25201. RALEIGH. N.C. 27611-5201 SECRETARY December 4, 1995 MEMORANDUM TO: File FROM: H. Franklin Vick, P.E Manager of . Planning anwiron a SUBJECT: Joint NCDOT/Corps of Engineers/ Review Agencies Permit Meeting The Permit Review Agencies Meeting was held on November 15, 1995 at 9:30 a.m. at the ITRE Complex - Woodoak Building in Room 237 on Old Wake Forest Road, Raleigh, North Carolina. Attached is a list of those in attendance. Mr. Vick opened the meeting by welcoming everyone. Due to the absence of Mr. Wright, Mr. Cliff Winefordner co-presided over the meeting. Mr. David Robinson introduced Mr. Ted Devens who will be the Mitigation Coordinator. Mr. Vick turned the meeting over to Mr. O'Quinn for a discussion of projects with permitting issues. STATUS OF PERMITS 1. R-2406, Improvements to US 17 from South of SR 1526 near Dixon to SR 1119 South of Verona, Onslow County: Gordon Cashin, NCDOT Environmental Specialist The NCDOT is revising the permit drawings and will distribute a complete set to the resource agencies when available. The NCDOT met with General Howard and Colonel Clemmer with the USMC to discuss the project and the required mitigation to offset all the wetland impacts. A meeting will be scheduled with the COE, USMC, and NCDOT to discuss the mitigation issue further. The USMC's mitigation plan is scheduled for completion in January 1996 . F02 fir e Q o' Qti oz ?;Y C 0 11 0 11 5. A-10, Improvements to US 19/23, Buncombe and Madison Counties: Gordon Cashin, NCDOT Environmental Specialist The NCDOT will submit the permit application to the resource agencies soon for review. This project, as proposed, will impact approximately 8 acres of wetlands and 3 acres of surface waters. The NCDOT will include a description on the wetland impact sites and a wetland impact summary sheet. The NCWRC requested information on the proposed culverts and stream relocation. The NCDOT will enter into a MOA with the NCWRC to identify and restore a specified amount of stream to offset the impacts associated with the proposed stream relocation. The NCDEM requested the regional office be involved in any discussions or meetings associated with the project. The resource agencies want the stream restoration to be ratio mitigation. 6. R-2306, Improvements to US 74, Buncombe County: Gordon Cashin, NCDOT Environmental Specialist The NCDOT has submitted the permit application for the entire project as requested by the COE. An Individual permit is being requested due to the proposed stream relocation. The NCDEM advised if the proposed stream relocation remains part of the project, they will be forced to deny the 401 Water Quality Certification. 7. R-2123, Eastern Charlotte Outer Loop, Mecklenburg County: Cyndi Bell, NCDOT Environmental Specialist The permit application for the entire Eastern Charlotte Outer Loop was distributed to the resource agencies. The total wetland impacts for the Eastern Charlotte Outer Loop is 8.7 acres.. The COE has verified the wetland delineation for this project. The NCDEM submitted comments to the NCDOT on the first permit application circulated to the resource agencies. Responses to the comments were incorporated into the second permit application. The crossing of Mallard Creek will impact 2 acres and is below headwaters which will require an Individual permit from the COE. The NCDOT investigated several alternatives to reduce the wetland impacts and found the crossing as proposed is the most feasible and practicable. The NCDOT intends to debit the Long Creek mitigation site to offset the wetland impacts created by this project. The final mitigation plan for the Long Creek site will be circulated to the 3 DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY Wilmington District, Corps of Engineers Post Office Box 1890 Wilmington, North Carolina 28402-1890 Action ID No. 199402123 December 7, 1995 PUBLIC NOTICE The North Carolina Department of Transportation, Division of Highways, Post Office Box 25201, Raleigh, North Carolina, 27611-5201 has applied for a Department of the Army (DA) permit TO RELOCATE APPROXIMATELY 1100 LINEAR FEET OF STREAM CHANNEL (0.42 ACRES), FILL 0.05 ACRES OF WETLANDS AND CONSTRUCT OR EXTEND TWO BOX CULVERTS IN THE WATERS OF GASHES CREEK TO FACILITATE THE WIDENING OF 6.7 MILES OF US HIGHWAY 74 BETWEEN INTERSTATE HIGHWAY 40 (I-40) AND OLD FORT ROAD (SR 2776) SOUTHEAST OF ASHEVILLE, BUNCOMBE COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA. The following description of the work is taken from data provided by the applicant and from observations made during an onsite visit by a representative of the Corps of Engineers. Plans submitted with the application show the proposed relocation of two sections of Gashes Creek. Approximately 300 linear feet of stream channel would be affected immediately east of the Blue Ridge Parkway where three meaders would be removed to facilitate the extension of a triple box culvert carrying the stream under the widened road. The existing 15-foot wide channel would be replaced by a 20- foot wide channel with riprap banks. Immediately east of the present intersection with Hemphill Road, plans show the relocation of approximately 800 feet of Gashes Creek. A new, 16-foot wide channel would be excavated into upland 70 to 80 feet south of the existing 15-foot wide channel. A soil nail retaining wall approximately 350 feet long and 40 feet high would be constructed to stabilize an anticipated rock cut area. Rock riprap would be placed to stabilize the stream banks. A double box culvert is proposed to carry stream flow under a private road. In-stream boulders are proposed at both locations to provide fisheries habitat. Gashes Creek was assigned a Good-Fair bioclassification based on recent sampling by the North Carolina Division of Environmental Management. The stream is a tributary to state- designated trout waters and supports some trout, redbreast sunfish and several nongame fish species. The proposed work would also impact approximately 0.05 acres of scrub shrub wetlands adjacent to Gashes Creek. A total of approximately 600 cubic yards of rock and soil fill material would be discharged below the ordinary high water level of the creek. The purpose of the work is to widen the existing two-lane road to a five-lane, 64-foot wide, curb and gutter facility to accommodate existing and projected traffic volumes. Also being evaluated concurrently with the above application are additional impacts to headwater areas of Gashes Creek, Gap Creek and an unnamed tributary of Cane Creek resulting from other sections of this project which extend east to Cane Creek Road (SR 3136). These additional impacts to waters and wetlands are eligible for authorization under DA Nationwide Permit No. 26. The impacts would occur at 21 site locations and consist of the following: approximately 1600 linear feet of channel relocations; 0.26 acres of open water fill; 0.02 acres of wetland fill; extension or installation of 10 box culverts and corrugated metal pipe drainage structures; the discharge of approximately 250 cubic yards of fill into waters and wetlands. The applicant has prepared an Environmental Assessment (EA) and a Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) addressing the full length of the project from I-40 to SR 3136. Plans showing the work are included with this public notice. The State of North Carolina will review this public notice to determine the need for the applicant to obtain any required State authorization. No Department of the Army (DA) permit will be issued until the coordinated State viewpoint on the proposal has been received and reviewed by this agency, nor will a DA permit be issued until the North Carolina Division of Environmental Management (NCDEM) has determined the applicability of a Water Quality Certificate as required by PL 92-500. This application is being considered pursuant to Section 404 of the Clean Water Act (33 U.S.C. 1344). Any person may request, in writing within the comment period specified in the notice, that a public hearing be held to consider this application. Requests for public hearing shall state, with particularity, the reasons for holding a public hearing. The District Engineer has consulted the latest published version of the National Register of Historic Places for the presence or absence of registered properties, or properties listed as being eligible for inclusion therein, and this worksite is not registered property or property listed as being eligible for inclusion in the Register. Consultation of the National Register constitutes the extent of cultural resource investigations by the District Engineer, and he is otherwise unaware of the presence of such resources. Presently, unknown archeological, scientific, prehistorical, or historical data may be lost or destroyed by work under the requested permit. The District Engineer, based on available information, is not aware that the proposed activity will affect species, or their critical habitat, designated as endangered or threatened pursuant to the Endangered Species Act of 1973. The decision whether to issue a permit will be based on an evaluation of the probable impacts, including cumulative impacts, of the proposed activity and its intended use on the public interest. Evaluation of the probable impacts which the proposed activity may have on the public interest requires a careful weighing of all those factors which become relevant in each particular case. The benefits which reasonably may be expected to accrue from the proposal must be balanced against its reasonably foreseeable detriments. The decision whether to authorize a proposal, and if so the conditions under which it will be allowed to occur, are therefore determined by the outcome of the general balancing process. That decision should reflect the national concern for both protection and utilization of important resources. All factors which may be relevant to the proposal must be considered including the cumulative effects thereof. Among those are conservation, economics, aesthetics, general environmental concerns, wetlands, cultural values, fish and wildlife values, flood hazards and flood plain values (in accordance with Executive order 11988), land use, navigation, shore erosion and accretion, recreation, water supply and conservation, water quality, energy needs, safety, food and fiber production, mineral needs, considerations of property ownership, and, in general, the needs and welfare of the people. For activities involving the placement of dredged or fill materials in waters of the United States, a permit will be denied if the discharge that would be authorized by such permit would not comply with the Environmental Protection Agencies, 404(b)(1) guidelines. Subject to the preceding sentence and any other applicable guidelines or criteria, a permit will be granted unless the District Engineer determines that it would be contrary to the public interest. The Corps of Engineers is soliciting comments from the public; Federal, State and local agencies and officials; Indian Tribes and other interested parties in order to consider and evaluate the impacts of this proposed activity. Any comments received will be considered by the Corps of Engineers to determine whether to issue, modify, condition or deny a permit for this proposal. To make this decision, comments are used to assess impacts on endangered species, historic properties, water quality, general environmental effects and the other public interest factors listed above. Comments are used in the preparation of an Environmental Assessment (EA) and/or an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) pursuant to the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). Comments are also used to determine the need for a public hearing and to determine the overall public interest of the proposed activity. Generally, the decision whether to issue this Department of the Army (DA) permit will not be made until the North Carolina Division of Environmental Management (NCDEM) issues, denies, or waives State certification required by Section 401 of the Clean Water Act. The NCDEM considers whether or not the proposed activity will comply with Sections 301, 302, 306, and 307 of the Clean Water Act. The application and this public notice for the Department of the Army (DA) permit serves as application to the NCDEM for certification. Additional information regarding the Clean Water Act certification may be reviewed at the offices of the Environmental Operations Section, North Carolina Division of Environmental Management (NCDEM), Salisbury Street, Archdale Building, Raleigh, North Carolina. Copies of such materials will be furnished to any person requesting copies upon payment of reproduction costs. All persons desiring to make comments regarding the application for Clean Water Act certification should do so in writing delivered to the North Carolina Division of Environmental Management (NCDEM), 4401 Reedy Creek Road, Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-7687, on or before December 29, 1995, Attention: Mr. John Dorney. Written comments pertinent to the proposed work, as outlined above, will be received in this office, Attention: Mr. Steven Lund, until 4:15 p.m., January 5, 1996, or telephone (704) 271-4857. lost low \ JN? r 0-0-. P ::1(Jx4l? ??'. e NAr 1 PARK 1 ul ?+•? . ?, ., 3111Mfltlwll ; w??xll q . VN iL? r ? ?i A% Si f ir' J rwour II?b v B ? . o eal , U N 1MCl1if1 'l II II a -+Asheviliel;, oap, , ? 1f tt f J 1 _-. r 1 ?.• a ri as un, J ,U '.:?C nlnlnl fwtf« ® 1 © -• 1,?r but t ` .! n 1. 551 rr??? OH Gwe luruf V IItKA« .• (.rn pL. ? GMIMr ? "41 MMNo r t t 1N % } ti _7 YNr? • MiMt; , ?* ?? .f fMNrt1 ,Ji fLMf y?lj 1? ?1' . If yr Pi T f f 1 1?' r fNtt/ I ? 1 1 1 volt:. 0 N rs ,1y,: X?• ?r •• h Gll 16011101 Nt`?ow I! . • N for to All Lot A/Ir t •',.jsr .. b Ir nfr • J? f c 11Wllt r w . µ 11 flf, Sple L' l • Jl ti: 7YIAfrf 10 FOR Rot f ( N ? tt ? r. r , p 11. E :If .;. ti J rt 4.w l? N I?j M' t ewf lu.« Two Lll INIIM •_ f:' I ywf $"k *Of _t'?• .i,?'7' i M 1. S to 1!0 r r to sc20 30 40 ale of IrA can Ir ?? lol E51 ATE ?5 a mm 1 N /1? ? YAW MRl ANM N" 0 'UK r MI10f ?i CmAd am 2104 V 11 kqm rl/WK. 0= v • AVA 6 . y Alai ?J ltd ` C ` rr.l.. y t7ww a M MAI AL211 Tut r ? a MOIt7?N1 111A L. _ > 1 t"" N. C. DEPT:OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS - BUNCOMBE COUNTY PROJECT:8.1841702 (R-2306A) PROPOSED NC 74 WIDENING SHEET I OF /? O 1? -??- o a F >+ M C? C4 2; >4 1 6-1 *4 0 <<?`} to Me z %-r s Ci w N Y? ») W A? j a oil o rb; W H V i m -W r Z r O ?' n IL ? 4? N 4? O W Fi 0 ? Q 14 ?( k G W C. y ? a; lu at V" po.o9 ? 1 s ?r O \- ? 1 eo+oola?- w ti?ti` ? a ?- 'b 10 3# 5'`az s ?r... a ? ?r1 ? c U.S. 7Ju'l-40 TO 0 2775 L RMLANDS/W TERS 1HEACTS 3TEl ? STA • (A pROX . ?, WETLA(VI?S AC . ) WATERS (AC . ) PERMIT REOD 1 24+50 -L- 0.135 2 25+00 -L- 0.012 3 31+00 -L- 0.002 4 33+00 -L- 0.002 5 11*30 -Y2- 0.033 6 11+00 -X5- 0.289 7 10+70 -Y8- 0.049 NWP 26 r 8 77+00 -L- 0.001 NWP 26 9 86+00 -L- 0.001 NWP 26 10 11+75 -Y14- 0.037 NWP 26 11 102+0C -L- 0.162 NWP 26 12 103+SG -L- 0.002 NWP 26 13 108+'7-°• -L- 0.009 NWP 26 14 12+90 -Y15- 0.039 NWP 26 , 1S 11+5C -Y18- Deletsd-8/19/95 ----- ---- -- i 16 126+00 -L- Deleted-8/19/95 ----- ---- -- 17 129+00 -L- Deleted-8/19/95 ----- ---- -- 17A 137+00 -L- 0.005 NWP 26 18 143+50 -L- 0.012 NWP 26 ' N. C. DEPT OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS . BUNCOMBE COUNTY - PROJECT:8.1841702 (R-2306A) PROPOSED NC 74 WIDENING SKEET -3 OF -LL Al o?!. 1 ? It=S. IA/1-4Q TO- BE 2_T7s = WETLANDS/ WATERS lMEACTS SITE# §TA. (A?J=..l WETLANDS(AC . ) WATERS(AC. ) pZgMI T no 19 162+00 -L- 0.022 NWP 26 20 164+50 -L- 0.019 NWP *26: I 21 168+00 -L- 0.017 NWP 261 I 22 173+50 -L- 0.044 NWP 26? 23 192+510 -L- 0.013 UNP 26 TOTAL 0.064 0.841 ?E?lSIDN: Ann 51r?.?` I'1 R . N. C. DEPT OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OP HIGHWAYS BUNCOMBE COUNTY PROJECT:8.1841702 (R-2306A) PROPOSED NC 74 WIDENING SHEET OF Noel. S r O H ? F a 01C U) \I 1 V*j V t r ? n ? VIA A\ _..J A Z ?-l g-j ?27 s a a w W?z ? W N d 04 CC o - V m ow ozx co - oV Z `?; - ? `I1 F a ? - oo H w to Q t N to ?r ? a, z a a Z? `' z i W O tv ? nn 1?1 o H a a H - O ? qq cv - V . O ? il ? v o t W o 3m W ?? D W CZ 4 Rf N -4 p O a V rip O r ? r. 1 ? 1 y ?I .'000? - -- r x m ppq o a L 1 I? I z• ? 4- s.?.? A4 / I? y ` til+ q_ 13 ~Z (I o0k ..??.. ......., 1. N 0g r4 y age o x ? o a c 1-4 w ? w v a w o e? O p co f p .-+ U H r+ .' W Z ¢ ? >D W .• N ? ? A ti a o a ? ? w a Z 4 0 x , f.1 - w A r r Q c, r ?i ?. C z 0 ?. H 14 N E-4 CD M 0 i C4 23 1 03 ? A. w ? o 64 a V i+ Ots to 003 ? ? . ba 0 cc o 0 ? m V H M W to x Cb WNa •• `w v. V A ? 0 04 ?. oo o h _ v nt 1 ? k o n s ? ?) C O 31 3. Q? u? N . - -4" • M? Q[ ? 0 ? N Wp 4 ? N c? I I? H ! ? F i? I r i ? O 4 ?I L j r_ r I h a? ? I l ? s Iri f -O i r r N eR ? ? w8 Z N o .. .c fn O o j!; t? ?? N a MI p ii V s 9-4 Al 9-f w OO0 D Q Q p4 Q Q to O c? ti a 0 ? a a ,? f I a C? k.?? ? ? J a. 1 0; ?l c1 tA u, . o • J ? O .. w ? F ? N as H w x a z v?C9z m z 1-4 =1 w U ? O O G O Ea O W W W 0 d' N 4 0 F+ 9.4 V r- Z H 400 A > to N W x ?^ ? • G C+ '. O V Q O a aG a Q? Q z 111 Q? Q __ c( O H ? d to O . O N? .. v. __,. ,. A ?i?CO N ? O p p co IV r- t? O O Z x O H py03 it W +? x to W , p w •a U M; a a el '? L ?s . 1 p Wit I g ,? r I t ` c??. mac, \ ?w I 1 X ?i I%j -?? N Z z o rr d H ? sQ N O Ey :04 09 N ,... N Q ° ' ?wc i o x W ° wa a 0 00 U fir. ? , V ? E+ c r ? f A ? , a 4 ki > a a F A W U O Q 0 x a a ..z 0 O L-j 1 T ? Ell s ?. Q? O ^ H ? to 0 P4 N H . ? a H N v A ?+1 ? Ce. Qj N H O d uc C bi W ? l ?° V ?i w d °•°• t w W A? N W A U a o y O x a a Z cr z s g ? U? w N v H O L V N ? N N M w ?a. 0061 t a a 0 0 O E» r= ?A ~ Q ~? O m Ed w tgC7? ... W Q ?++ PC 0 N ?'? 0 ac ca H c ? 0 W o 0z? a o l E+ ? U Z C A go v > H 94 0 Q a z or, a w 'Z 6 r 1 I I ? s V - 7( lr,? 111 f II I I i .oe J, a 7 n r AA? ? 'i V < O ? F• H pi ?a «? C? A•. r" p U C 094 08 k co a w a bi ooaa v. (13 ro 0 a 0 we 0 a z a p ?o U H 0 x ? 04 Q O r rs AV lid ai G 7c 1 `y o ' j 'r4 rI0 4. 1 1 -A U: 3 sill Lt a i I ZZ i g f I 1 V CO O L. I u ll m O .? H ? .? cn o .. a aaF a w A dtod N O p U 0 3 HLu d W ru w ozx 0U H z m w W H w ? V ( n t A O' n a U Q F4 a 's - 3 W w ?a 4 d? t X 1-A L Il uw r r a S O ? M d E- y 04 O E-4 ?04 W. eC N 0 00-4 ^ ? a ? x w y c n c ,ti 2 a?U O - O x NU H 4 in t4 A , go E W !_! d' •+ U N fA •Q W O U O "i Ind O t a O x w "Z 0 000" it V, a- 1 ?. 1 1 a? a I w 0 0 i ? Sly I{aIEvILL: 'S I; H:STNUT , lAOUNIAIN ? BEGIN ?ROJIECT r a?o? SITE #3 SITE #4 T Sf#1 ,P-rE. #5 it3pp ?b 1 .w IL #s ? 9z coo??l ROAD VICINITY MAP 00 SCALE N.C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS BUNCOMBE COUNTY NCOOT PRO. NO. 8.1841704 (R-23068) F.A. PROD. NO. STP-74(18) SHEET / B OF 2,j" DATE 10 / 09 / 95 ROAD ANN QUANTITIES SUMMARY AREA OF AREA OF CUYD OF INETLANDS WATERS FILL IN IMPACTED IMPACTED WETLANDS SITE If 1 0.01 AC N/A 35 CUYD. SITE J,2 <0.01 AC N/A N/A SITE #3 N/A 0.02 AC N/A SITE #4 N/A 0.02 AC N/A SITE #5 N/A <0.01 AC N/A SITE #S N/A 0.02 AC N/A : All s4e S ci rc a 6 ve b e" 71t rs. N.C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS BUNCOMBE COUNTY NCDOT PRO. NO. 8.1841704 (R-23088) F.A. PROJ. NO. STP-74(18) SHEET OF ZS DATE 10 / 09 / 95 T DIAL ORI'.I IJAGE AREA: 0.70 AC A4ERAGE U N:LY 7LQV1: < 0.10 CAS A?'EA ()F N=TLaAND TO BE FILLED: < 0.01 AC T,711AL VO! UME OF FILL iPJ WE:TLI,NDS: 35 CDYD . v F n a dG ?N - DENOTES WETLAND TO BE IMPACTED, DENOTES WETLAND TO BE STUR BE UNDISTURBED, ?N f 4ww RCP It 1d G11-1 f F $ N GAF' CREEK SCALE 1" 40' a- "'m 0 40 no F N CV y WETLANDS PLAN V! EW SITE #1 N.C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS BUNCOMBE COUNTY NCDOT PRO. NO. S.1 e41704 (R'-230611) F.A. PROJ. NO. STP-74(18) SHEET 20 OF xS DATE 10 / 09 / 95 DCNOTES 10 BE UNDISTURBED. ?0 BE 4 ;EA OF A ETLAND WPACTED: < 0.01 AC DENOTES WETLAND IN CUT. j t S F U ..'J r I r t ? WOODS n a' ' x- ?'4,?, ?: x--- WETLANDS a ? REM - .?„ o N? t `to ?r E REM E HNA-? EEWEREWk?-- 3a ,E9.1t5-? REMOCVE Ilk 'Saw x x x x 0 REMOVE REMOVE SIN DMN FIELD O • ,?%, -- - ' - a W . PLAN VIEW , SITE #?_ N.C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION 9VALE 1" a 417 DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS BUNCOMBE COUNTY 8 (R-2306e) AQ P NO ? F STP -74( ROJ. 0 40 00 SHEET Z./ OF 2S DATE 10 / 09 / 95 W ?TERS TO BE IMPACTED 0.02 AC P7 12+ CAI - i pv. C FPISED J S 74 CENTERLINE - ?- r-e' vv?s -B REMOVE v? :'r.! o' CO C THIS PRrIPOSED "FIANNEL CHANGE DENUTES TILL BELOW OHW F 1 L - -REV PPD1 231+:i3 45 ' ` m <? - - -T?b-r J? lC+?w LA BC---,!N CONSTRUCTION F 8 nEL S' •p kEML'V? 'g' RIPRA S CLASS 'F' RIPW _ ?'VZn / nCL ti fl xcxIN U.S 74 CENTrRI.INE RM 2 = 0 SCALI: 1' a 40' 0 40 •0 PLAN VIEW SITE #3 N.C. DEPT. ?F TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS BUNCOMBE COUNTY NCDOT PRO. NO. 8.1841704 (R-8306H) F.A. PROJ. NO. STP-74(18) SHEET ZX OF zs" DATE 10 / 09 / 95 wwwww'da / DENOTES FILL 44,TERS TC. BE IMPACT_O 0.02 AC BELOW OHW PR[IpclsCD CI'AI.1A[ PROP•(JSE EX'S, VIEW #4 SCAU it - 4W 0 40 so N.C. DEPT. (IF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION O HIGHWAYS BUNCOMBE COUNTY NCDOT PRO. NO. 8.1841704 (R-23068) F.A. PRO.. NO. STP-74(18) SHEET 2.3 OF 2S DATE 10 / 09 / 95 ',10,TERS 'r E 13E IMPACTED; <0 01 AC DENOTES FILL BELOW OHW. F 196' U/GC.AT-1 i F -;IST INr' U.S.'a CE.NTERI.INL , F f'OFCSEI U. S. 7A .CENTIrRL 1 NE I PROPOSED CULVERT EXTENSION- 162-24' RCF PKIRCSLD CHANNEL C-HANGC F vu S /RETAIN IV Y4 CnNC ..l. iYY'I PLAN VIEW SCALE 1' • w 0 40 •0 SITE #5 N.C, DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS BUNCOMBE COUNTY NCDOT PRO. N0. 94941704 (R-23063) F.A. PROD. NQ STP-74(18) SHEET Z*? OF ZS DATE 10 / 09 / 95 ?,ATCf2S TI] BE IMPACYED 0.02 AC R/v,/ffi/'M DENOTES FILL BELOW OHw OE I SCALE t' - 40' 0 40 YO PLAN -VIEW SITE #6 TRANSPORTATION N.C. DEPT. OF DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS BUNCOMBE COUNTY NCWT PRM. NO. 8.1841704 (R-2306W P.A. PRGJ. NO. STP-74(18) SHEET ZS OF ZS DATE 10 / 09 / 95 °'- A ?l 20 ? REC1:1 VFD NOV 15 1995 E"""ONMENTAL Si:1F.Ni FS STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION JAMES B. HUNT )R. DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS GARLAND B. GARRETT JR. GOVERNOR P.O. BOX 25201. RALFIGIL N.C. 27611-5201 SECRETARY November 1, 1995 Regulatory Branch U. S. Army Corps of Engineers Wilmington Field Office P. O. Box 1890 Wilmington, North Carolina 28402-1890 Dear Sir: SUBJECT: Buncombe County, Proposed widening of US 74 from I-40 to SR 3136 southeast of Asheville, TIP No. R-2306, State Project No. 8.1841702. The North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) proposes to widen approximately 6.7 miles of existing US 74 between I-40 and SR 3136 southeast of Asheville in Buncombe County. The preferred alternative with recommended improvements consists of widening the existing road to a five-lane 64-foot curb and gutter facility combining both northside and southside widening. A four-lane section is required through the underpass at the Blue Ridge Parkway where lateral clearance is limited. This project will be accomplished in two phases. The first phase is designated as TIP Project No. R-2306A and extends from I-40 to SR 2775. The second phase extends from SR 2775 to SR 3136, and is designated as TIP Project No. R-2306B. An application was submitted to your agency on August 10, 1995 for Section 404 authorization for the first phase of the project (R-2306A). Your agency responded on August 25, 1995 with a request for additional information on the second phase of the project. This correspondence provides the requested information for project R-2306B as well as revised information on R-2306A. The second phase of the project (R-2306B) impacts Waters of the United States at six locations, summarized on Sheet 3 of 10 in the R-2306B permit drawings. However, only two of these sites involve wetlands. Since all of these sites are located above headwaters, it is apparent that project R-2306B could be authorized under Nationwide Permit No. 26. Plan sheets are enclosed that depict each of the impact sites. Also enclosed are revised plan sheets for project R-2306A which are based on the currently proposed design. Three of the sites which were depicted in the submittal of August 10, 1995 have been removed (Sites 15, 16, and 17). One new site has been added (Site 17A). This has reduced the impact of project R-2306A to waters of the United States from 0.856 acres to 0.841 acres. Impacts to wetlands has remained the same at 0.064 acres. Me) ? r The environmental impacts of the entire R-2306 project were evaluated in an Environmental Assessment document which was signed by the Federal Highway Administration on January 19, 1994. The potential impacts were further reviewed in a Finding of No Significant Impact and Programmatic 4(f) document which was signed by the Federal Highway Administration on June 8, 1995. The proposed design of the project presented in this application is consistent with the findings of the FONSI document. The NCDOT's submittal of August 10, 1995 actually included two applications. One was for Section 404 authorization to construct project R-2306A. The second application was for Nationwide Permit No. 6 authorization to allow preliminary geotechnical investigations for project R-2306A. This work is needed in order to complete final plans for retaining walls along the project. It is imperative that this Nationwide 6 authorization be granted as soon as possible. The NCDOT hereby requests that you continue to review project R-2306 for 404 permit authorization. A copy of this information has been provided to the N.C. Wildlife Resources Commission and the N.C. Division of Environmental Management for their review. If you have any questions, please contact Mr. Gordon Cashin at (919) 733-3141, Extension 315. Sincere , H. Franklin Vick, P.E., Manager Planning and Environmental Branch HFV/plr cc: Mr. Bob Johnson, COE, Asheville Mr. David Cox, NCWRC Mr. John Dorney, DEHNR Mr. Kelly Barger, Program Development Branch Mr. Don Morton, State Highway Engineer-Design Mr. A. L. Hankins, Hydraulics Unit Mr. John L. Smith, Jr., Structure Design Unit Mr. Tom Shearin, State Roadway Design Engineer Mr. W. D. Smart, P.E., Division 13 Engineer .r , PERMIT DRAWINGS FOR U.S. 74 FROM SR2775 TO SR3136 BUNCOMBE COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA NCDOT PROD. NO. 8.1841704 (R-2306B) F.A. PROD. STP - 74 (18) 10 / 09 / 95 PREPARED BY: VAUGHN & MELTON ENGINEERS-ARCHITECTS ASHEVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA r , TO ASHMLLE s MOUNTAIJN O<O Q ROAD SITE #3 FoRr BEGIN Lj SITE #4 PROJECT SITE #1 SITE #5 S #2 'po ITE #6 0 a G o FAIRVIEW OPp SCHOOL Pp ? O pR ROAD Oti c+ G A ° 7 a0 p TO BAT G p CAIN. O g ?r END PROJECT ?J m VICINITY MAP NO SCALE N.C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS BUNCOMBE COUNTY NCDOT PRO. NO. 8.1841704 (R-23068) FA PROJ. NO. STP-74(18) SHEET 2 OF 10 DATE 10 / 09 / 95 QUANTITIES SUMMARY AREA OF AREA OF CUYD OF WETLANDS WATERS FILL IN IMPACTED IMPACTED WETLANDS SITE #1 0.01 AC N/A 35 CUYD. SITE #2 <0.01 AC N/A N/A SITE #3 N/A 0.02 AC N/A SITE #4 N/A 0.02 AC N/A SITE #5 N/A <0.01 AC N/A SITE #6 N/A 0.02 AC N/A ?p+e . All s.4c5 UrC above Ac-ad a? N.C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS BUNCOMBE COUNTY NCDOT PRO. NO. 8.1841704 (R-23068) FA PROD. NO. STP-74(18) SHEET 3 OF 10 DATE 10 / 09 / 95 TOTAL DRAINAGE AREA: 0.70 AC AVERAGE DAILY FLOW: < 0.10 CFS DENOTES WETLAND AREA OF WETLAND TO BE FILLED: < 0.01 AC To BE IMPACTED. TOTAL VOLUME OF FILL DENOTES WETLAND IN WETLANDS: 35 CUYD TO BE UNDISTURBED. z ??C ? ,o C F v'N Eia REM VE 122'-1 W I O to CAT_ ? 3 n + F N N ?a in to 0 y b v q I GAP CREEK SCALE 1' - 40' 0 40 80 U N - L9 193 U. O + F N Ln N WETLANDS S 42^38'16" E 111.68 PLAN VIEW SITE #1 N.C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS BUNCOMBE COUNTY NCDOT PRO. NO. 8.1841704 (R-23068) FA PROD. NO. STP-74(18) SHEET 4 OF 10 DATE 10 / 09 / 95 to DENOTES WETLAND TO BE UNDISTURBED. AREA OF WETLAND IMPACTED: < 0.01 AC DENOTES WETLAND IN CUT. cS3 v v 0 CD 1 S F D 0 00 n z , V I . w00DS Cb o z t + ? X X-TL-iC X- WETLANDS a + REMOVE M N33 gs 0•ar E REMO E REMOVE 0 REMOVE asew x x x x REMOVE y C 41 F 0 ° ?f3 SAN DRAIN FIELD a ? PLAN VIEW SITE #2 N.C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION S CALE 1" 40' DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS BUNCOMBE COUNTY NCDOT PRO. NO. 8.1841704 (R-23086) FA PROD. NO. STP-74(18) 0 40 80 SHEET 5 OF 10 DATE 10 / 09 / 95 DENOTES FILL WATERS TO BE IMPACTED 0.02 AC BELOW OHw A \F -L-REV PDT 231+53 45 CD -Y26-PDT 12+69.90 m m y BEGIN CONSTRUCTIDN CU ?? F PT 87 2+6 ME CB MEL 1 1. F 15 5' P R MpVE NS SS 'B' RIPRAP S CLASS 'B' RIPRAP { o N tP CAT-1 Ao ° MEL n x n 3 CB = C 0 , p PROPOSED U.S.74 CENTERLINE 0 r- ' ' 2-8 WW s CB REMOVE EXISTIN U.S.74 CENT RU NE 3 N? 6'x10' co C AT 24' C / 77 ?= WWI, - F 36 Ru f`? 2 TONS G P b CLASS 'B' RIPRAP GP PROPOSED CHANNEL CHANGE L2 PBT 2 = PBT 0 PLAN VIEW SITE #3 N.C. DEPT. ?F TRANSPORTATION SCALE 11 = 40' DIVISION ?F HIGHWAYS BUNCOMBE COUNTY NCDOT PRO. NO. 8.1841704 (R-2306B) F.A. PROJ. NO. STP-74(18) 0 40 80 SHEET 6 OF 10 DATE 10 / 09 / 95 WATERS TO BE IMPACTED 0.02 AC ® DENOTES FILL BELOW OH W. P' &in DITCH d CLASS 'D' RIPRAP LQ B 4,,2 ` ?q. LT PROPOSED CHANNEL CHANG F CD CD U + F mss. r\ M Ri B o PROPOSED U.S.74 CENTERLINE 2-10' S 23' 15' PLAST EXISTING U.S.74 CENTERLIN -? T 2- 'x CAT-1 RGP M 1 A DI F 2-1 W 31 F T I 1e' ro CR 'IRIPRAP z C PROPOSED CHANNEL CHANGE PLAN VIEW SITE #4 N.C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS SCALE 11 - 40' BUNCOMBE COUNTY NCDOT PRO. NO. 8.1841704 (R-2306B) F.A. PROD. NO. STP-74(18) mbftlb? 00 0 40 8o SHEET 7 OF 10 DATE 10 / 09 / 95 WATERS TO BE IMPACTED: <0.01 AC ® DENOTES FILL BELOW OHw. DECK \ 5 F D 2 F F F V 2-4' uu•S +36' U/G CAT-1 RETAIN 6'x4' CONC M T EXISTING U.S,74 CENTERLINE PROPOSED U,S.74 CENTERLINE 2-4' uu's PROPOSED CULVERT EXTENSION 162'-24' RCP 25'-24'R P P. R/W PROPOSED CHANNEL CHANGE PLAN VIEW SITE #5 N.C. DEPT. ?F TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS SCALE 1' = 40' BUNCOMBE COUNTY NCDOT PRO. NO. 8.1841704 (R-2306B) F.A. PROJ. NO. STP-74(18) 0 40 so SHEET 8 OF 10 DATE 10 / 09 / 95 WATERS TO BE IMPACTED 0.02 AC ® DENOTES FILL BELOW DHW. ?v •0£ / 0 PROPOSED CHANNEL CHANGE PROPOSED CULVERT EXTENSION ?° Qv 30 a e e ti 17' BST 0 0 ti PROPOSED CHANNEL CHANGE ( ? h ce ?v h? ^p ti v J. ^p V ti= ? h J ti\ PLAN VIEW Q SITE #6 N.C. DEPT, OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS SCALE V - 40' BUNCOMBE COUNTY NCDOT PRO. NO. 8.1841704 (R-2306B) F.A. PROD. NO. STP-74(18) 0 40 so SHEET 9 OF 10 DATE 10 / 09 / 95 PROPERTY OWNERS: NCDOT PROJ. NO 8.1 841704 (R-23068) F.A. PROJ. NO. STP-74 (18) BUNCOMBE COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA SITE #1 FORTH R. NAISANG P.O. BOX 295 FAIRVIEW, N.C. 28730 SITE #2 GARTHA McGUINN CHARLOTTE HWY. FAIRVIEW, N.C. 28730 SITE #3 JAMES R. VETRO 7 BLUE RIDGE DEVEL. RD. FAIRVIEW, N.C. 28730 SITE #3 JOYCE CAROLYN W. PRESLEY 995A CHARLOTTE HWY. FAIRVIEW, NC 28730 SITE #4 BOBBY V. RAY 1010 CHARLOTTE HWY. FAIRVIEW, N.C. 28730 SITE #4 STEPHEN BARNWELL 2000 HENDERSONVILLE RD. ASHEVILLE, N.C. 28803 SITE #5 FORTH R. NAISANG P.O. BOX 295 FAIRVIEW, N:C. 28730 SITE #5 CHARLES M. POWELL 96 CADI MA AVE. CORAL GABLES, FL. 33134 SITE #6 GENE R. MEYER P.O. BOX 1 158 FAIRVIEW, N.C. 28730 SITE #6 ROBERT N. WRIGHT P.O. BOX 477 FAIRVIEW, N.C. 28730 SITE #6 CLARA SALES P.O. BOX 1 136 FAIRVIEW, N.C. 28730 Revised Permit Drawings for U.S. 74 from I-40 to SR 2775 Buncombe County, North Carolina State Project No. 8.1841704 (R-2306A) .? Aaall rr lw•? ,yar /"? ?,¦ o Aleu r Wea .rv law .&yt«d._ arr?? \ sus s ?? B U s N r O ^ If1 ?? rr ^?• t e.cester woo np If NAT e I PARK ?^?,. 'F • to I ° r !T'? ,..-?..daa • ....? C reek Crablo a + 6 7t ,-. ?x s? Il III '° ©m ? Asheville; ek-= atkat SrwoaJw+Jnl Crow licit A O, OpD © 1 here 176 JtR , A ?? n ' "' •? . ?,r.? i9 VNler s °°l l/ n 1 tr ? 7EIt c?•:' 1A1 r , r u .qc. :?•=S•? r:?? ao... en. 1J rde 11 1 1st 1 7 w;;, - '. a Il w,,; ,.A ayn svi) • 1 ?t dro: ,s 'z 1. ?kr ?R-6 13 r HJt SMr6tdJ Ard s notrrr .. ao 6- us _ ? ? ° 4 7 1/ Wdlels Sunbwsl Strive + Mill M 7 • r1 It Webster E NAT. W td HI T lowltee . • . e a y. a)_ ?? •?, n * East LJnort saT Ge IS 6/ IowJ. I e< -' '] or lee Mtir A ° C $ r FOR dersonWll la ] 0 w ? 1 I Wit:. TrrAJeete r eMefe FIJk R, i ?Krle t 7 "'... t ; .1 ] 11 ? Brev an wr,•.r td- Kr r-.rrr Scale of Miles Tilled `.:. r 10 ZO 30 T Clow v 10 20 30 40 48 _S.JSY?IV_1?orwrsa r .a ..° Scale of Kilolnetees J BILTMORE' -? Tsloe Pons ESTATE c am nP ,.? e Ill ? ?? zap Ir erO Taft, . ?? Pleasant Gender w•e._• 5 lok E ? )o Black neat t ounlain g 7 . ! r I SwJnnan p1`e O ]0 ( 5i 11Ib111 s Q Ridtecrest sugar ? 10 Far a w y- t 5 V Ind Gorton n - - J t Bat Cwe -Q?himne ock u Hatcher fA w Home Fruillan ( Lake lure 1? , Home Edneymlle 0 N 113S ?P [ / J East Flat La Adder u5. © r Mill Span[ T i 7 © 1 t i m t Nis / 2 Jiu Columbus I uLt, 116 ] r 1 * + S n O ii o4eA* FI' ?tL.?IQ *, f Awn HIGH 1 try MM MT TOP ?.?c br Y1i .rub MM M"'•' J ? link' SH m1 C19r1e CLIFF +{ MM A 21111 xa? 21u' 144 slam l y A W, GAWAN 04 2t1II ?'u4 >. ? PM•saMKr AO lltl to °eivsa. •! Lll Cw•re Ok { alu 1111 PAP ? S 111! 4 h4rwaa Llt ? y'{ A G OL •f LY A 11 v mu M,OMtlAT .1111 . • ally 5?a1l1 ._ SCALE -• 1 0 1 ! _ 7_ J tlt6 N. C. DEPT OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS BUNCOMBE COUNTY PROJECT:8.1841702 (R-2306A) PROPOSED NC 74 WIDENING SHEET OF r Z O .. E• U ' a a N 9<< Ill. Q 04 x H W z ?tl 2bs cn U z •• W n ?-- 6 z 0 CN A" O ? c? U o 3 cc E+ O W w N 0 0 0 co U ' as H"U Z H 114 to z co r ZAP G>CO U N x z a a 10 \ co t1 f??'s I \P oo+oy r ? Q co+oola ?J "O z ,O °s N 54$Z bs ? ` n? 3 w 0 ? U A oo+oi 1 U.S. 74/1-40 TO SR 2775 - WETLANDS/WATERS IMPACTS SITE STA.(APPROX.)- WETLANDS(AC.) WATERS(AC.) PERMIT REOD 1 24+50 -L- 0.135 NWP 26 2 25+00 -L- 0.012 NWP 26 3 31+00 -L- 0.002 NWP 26 4 33+00 -L- 0.002 NWP 26 5 11+00 -Y2- 0.033 NWP 26 i 6 11+00 -YS- 0.289 NWP 26 7 10+70 -Y8- 0.049 NWP 26 8 77+00 -L- 0.001 NWP 26 9 86+00 -L- 0.001 NWP 26 10 11+75 -Y14- 0.037 NWP 26 11 102+00 -L- 0.162 NWP 26 12 103+50 -L- 0.002 NWP 26 13 108+75 -L- 0.009 NWP 26 14 12+90 -Y15- 0.039 NWP 24 15 11+50 -Y18- Deleted-8/19/95 ----- ---- -- 16 126+00 -L- Deleted-8/19/95 ----- ---- -- 17 129+00 -L- Deleted-8/19/95 ----- ---- -- ; 17A 137+00 -L- 0.005 NWP 26 18 143+50 -L- 0.012 NWP 26 r Q.S. 74/1-40 TO SR 2775 - WETLANDS/WATERS IMPACTS SI E STA.(APPROX.) WETLANDS( AC.) WATERS(AC.) PERMIT RE OD 19 162+00 -L- 0.022 NWP 26 20 164+50 -L- 0.019 NWP'26 I 21 168+00 -L- 0.017 NWP 26? i 22 173+50 -L- 0.044 NWP 26 23 192+50 -L- 0_.013 NWP 26 TOTAL 0.064 0.841 ??? IsioN S?I?f95-?LLLTI?.St'C?S 15,IG?11 , Avv SITS 1'1 A. N. C. DEPT OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS BUNCOMBE COUNTY - PROJECT:8.1841702 (R-2306A) PROPOSED NC 74 WIDENING SHEET ?3 OF _Z v U.S. 74/1-40 TO SR 2775 - WETLAND PROPERTY OWNERS SITE PROPERTY OWNER ADDRESS 1,2,3,4&5 Nat. Park Service,DOI BB&T Bldg., One Pack Sq. Asheville, N.C. 28801 6 B.K. Miller, et ux 5 Hemphill Road Asheville, N.C. 28803 6 James E. Martin 20 Avondale Road Asheville, N.C. 28803 6 Annie P. Carpenter Fernwood MHP Lot #1 Asheville, N.C. 28803 6 Sammy E. Branch Fernwood MHP Lot #30 Asheville, N.C. 28803 6 Richard I. Holdredge 2 Highlander Road Asheville, N.C. 28803 7 G.C.& H.L. Huntley 121 Charlotte Highway Asheville, N.C. 28803 8 Louise S. Jones Heirs 498 Bonnie Lane Saleix, Va. 24153 9 Buncombe County BOE 175 Bingham Road Asheville, N.C. 28806 10,11,12, J.L. Sales 235 Charlotte Highway 13&14 Asheville, N.C. 28803 13 J.L. Sales, Jr. 235 Charlotte Highway Asheville, N.C. 28803 14 Peggy A.S. Edwards 2 June Sales Road Asheville, N.C. 28803 14 Gary L. Wilson 15 Woodmont Drive Asheville, N.C. 28806 15 Deleted-8,%1./95 j 16 Deleted-8/19/95 17 Deleted-8/19/95 17A John M. Nesbitt 305 Charlotte Highway Asheville, N.C. 28803 18 James M-. Williamson 5 Cedar Mountain Road Asheville, N.C. 28803 N. C. DEPT OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS BUNCOMBE COUNTY PROJECT:8.1841702 (R-2306A) PROPOSED NC 74 WIDENING SHEET 7 OF ZiS Q.S. 74/1-40 TO SR 2775 = WETLAND PROPERTY OWNERS SITE# PROPERTY OWNER ADDRESS 19 Russell Donnelly 705 Charlotte Highway Fairview, N.C. 28730 20 Ronnie E. Hollifield 725 Charlotte Highway Fairview, N.C. 28730 21&22 Martin A. Conjura 365 Old Charlotte Hwy. Fairview, N.C. 28730 22 Sebren H. Clark 10 Balmoral Drive E oxen Hill Md. 20745 22 Grover Trantham 229 Old Fort Road Fairview, N.C. 28730 22 Steven L. Trantham 38010 Charlotte Highway Fairview, N.C. 28730 22 Kenneth Harris 14 Christ School Road Arden, N.C. 28704 22 Gerald W. Dean 1346 Charlotte Highway Fairview, N.C. 28730 23 Harrys U-Drive It Inc. 819 Patton Avenue Asheville, N.C. 28816 23 C.V. Merrill Heirs 101 Oteen Church Road Asheville, N.C. 28805 Rev ISI oN pfIn 5 rrfl II Pr N. C. DEPT OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS . BUNCOMBE COUNTY PROJECT:8.1841702 (R-2306A) PROPOSED NC 74 WIDENING SHEET ?) OF Z e f \Z ? v ° o I 1 ° N 0. V U' 6 -J ? I S-\ 2 1D1 1 O .. F R' t11 0 E M U 04 N a z 04 w c n0 A rid - < = O N O U o 3 H 44 r- 094 . \ n O z co O O •-1 U a ~ z z w tl ? co ?, ,, 1 A > w U v i A O r o a z a a 3 94 o. 0 i 0 a E-4 014 o E- >4 CY) I I °a x H a z 1 cn 0 z •- W I I a x o N A o I I HGuU o 3 00 Q E-4 to z co z w I "A 0 0 L ° a a O ' ? ? z a a ?1 I I=X? H ? o o t ? I l o L ? ?i Z = Z ? 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L w z w ? d 0 H l< co H >+ ? 3 94 C14 O H x ai P? Z c?1 fn 0 z ?- w Z ":D A r< ir1 0 N O a V o 3 H O W \ c` OZ o O `n a - z w Z a A > E- ?+ U cn v] .0 h t ad 0 0 a rz z a L I _ IZA S I 1 y r 0 I -- D y. 1 ' J I I Z I l? 1 I mN 1 ?? v ? r ?I z O ,. E4 ?o d cn o ,'sr M 0 a? 64 (N .' a E x -4 a z (n 0 z W z-::) A W 04 x0 N 0. 0 E U C) 3 D4 OW rl (? D z Z co - OO .1 U E-4 H U z E-4 W D A W A > CQ E4 W M ? U W W •A W 0 U D4 ° z a z ? W^ a z M E x o C z ? O E• ? fl) o E-4 >4 °axH a z W I cn 0 z .? W }? rC x 0 N A O Gvt{ c? U o 3 111 I V E 0 W ; ?• Mpl `T 0zz o n NI In-- O O U H " U Z E• v ?J a cn z ao w 14 n Cl 14 X ?1 A M W U m cxn // U A h O 00 Oa J i? ? ?- JI O r- >c p I ? ? 41 , v ? I s ? 1 r ? ra r O li ? o u a O O State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Wayne McDevitt, Secretary A. Preston Howard, Jr., P.E., Director 1 ? • NC ENR NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES October 15, 1998 Memorandum To: Tom Kendig NCDOT Through: John Dorsey From: Eric Gal ame) Subject: Management Plan for the Reed Creek in Weaver Park Buncombe County DWQ No. 951201, COE No. 199402123, TIP No. R-2306 The Division of Water Quality (DWQ) issued a 401 Water Quality Certification for the widening of US 74 on 9 September 1997. Condition 8 of the Certification requires that DOT submit a management plan for the Reed Creek mitigation site within two months of the issuance of the 404 Permit. DWQ is to provide written approval of this plan. DOT submitted a management plan on 12 January 1998. The City of Asheville has been mowing the grass in the buffer zone on a regular basis. The plan states that the grass would be mowed by a weed-eater or similar equipment once a year in the buffer. DWQ expects that this oversight by the City will be corrected. DWQ believes that the DOT/City Agreement to be an integral component of the Management Plan. Has this Agreement been finalized and adopted by both parties? Observations made at the Weaver Park on October 9, 1998 revealed that the interpretative signs have not been installed. The landscaped pathway also has not been constructed. Since the City will be responsible for the maintenance, DWQ requests that they formally approve the plan in writing prior to us having final approval. Should you have any questions, please contact us at 733-1786. Cc: Asheville COE file Environmental Sciences Branch 4101 Reedy Creek Road Raleigh, North Carolina 27607 Telephone 919-733-1786 FAX # 733-9959 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer 50% recycled/ 10% post consumer paper 'o I , NCD0T/P9E BRANCH Fax:919-733-9794 Jan 12 '98 1400 P.01 host-it' Fax Note 7871 °flte 96 DAF'T' MANAGEMENT PLAN for RESTORED REED C4. . in WEAVER PARK •ASHEVILLE, NgRTH CAROLINA ?i i Prepared for: City of Asheville, DepamRent of Parks and Recreation i Prepared Eby: North Carolina Department of Transportation, Division.of Highways, Planning and Envirorunemtal Branch, And KCI Associates o?North Carolina, Inc. 12123/97 NCDOT/P&E BRANCH Fax : 919-733-9794 Jan 12 '98 14:00 P.02 Intent The primary goals of the Rced Creek Rests degraded bed and banks using bibengineerh water quality improvements through the reds addition, other urban. non-point source polls water quality benefits from' the prof cct. The goals by providing guidance to the City of channel and adjacent plantings its order to made to Reed Creek in Weaver Park.. n Project in Wcavcr Park arc to= 1) stabilize 1 re-vegetation approaches, and 2) to provide of sediment, turbidity and thermal inputs. In may also see possible reduction'as secondary t of this Management Plan is to Support thc3c ille in the proper maintenance of the restored the long-term success of the improvements Plan Features ?j The Management Plan addresses issues relate to: .1) general Park activities and • management (e.g. pedestrian traffic control, s gvage), 2) sF?ort=term maintenance (e.g. mowing, trimming, pruning, channel/bufkr maintenance) and 3) long-term maintenance (e.g. tree trimming/removal, invasive species removal, pest management, channel maintenance requirements). l General Maintenance Guidelines and Schedu?e The following maintenance. activities should be voided within the Park throughout the year: • Except where: determined necessary under a separate management activity, the deposition of material, such as soil, rock, wood, and grass: clippings, into the stream and/or along the banks should be avoided. The unnecessary depos. ion in-stream and along the banks may cause the channel to erode and/or aggrade, and may also reduce the ability of bank vegetation to establish. • Except under emergency situations fire), independent permits aad or appropriate channel maintenance activities, puteiping auE-of the stream should be avoided. • Except where necessary to restore an impeded strcmn segment and/ or where utility crossings are necessary, no hi-stream work (by hand':or machine) wU1 be allowed.. If in-stream work is required for utility installation: or restoratio activity, the area (channel bed and banks) is to be put back to original grade,'.stabilized and!re-vegetated upon completion of the activity. Pedestrian use should be limited .,to areas I outside the buffer zone and directed along the pathways. Signage will likely. be establishjed to direct pedestrian traffic as well as provide educational information on the restoration techniques, sensitive areas, etc. A, schedule of recommended maintenance activities for Reed Creek in Weaver Park is given in Table 1. The table provides general ,guidance regarding appropriate methods, frequency, and time of year for maintenance activities. 12/23/97 NCDOT/P&E BRANCH Fax : 919-733-9794 Jan 12 '98 14:01 P.03 l..i?...:....a Q..b.?>lials. &P good rrnik i» Wpnvar Park Description Me God Frequency Time-of ear GRASS Grass in buffer zone and Me0anical: Preferably by As needed adjacent to As needed udjacent'to path adiacent to landscape trees weed-eater: Small piano. pathway (2 feet from and in fall for remainder and pathway will be taggcd for ease, vqj edge) and once a Yost In of buffer zone. visibili remainder ofbutl'er zone. S*MUBS Pruning of-dead wood from By -hand • ' '' Once a year after one full Late Fall early Spring shrubs in buffer zone tip to .? grow in& season edge of channel Pruning of dead wodd from By -hand Oncc a year after two full Late pall early Sprig shrubs aloe channel bank I growing seasons TREES Limbing-up and general By hand I Once a year Tate Fall early Spring pruning of landscape trees aloe .pathway Pruning of dead wood from By.hand I Oaly as needed and with Late Fall early Spring native trees adjacent to trees above 3 inch DBH channel banks Treat diseased trees By hand. NiA Varies, depending on insect or disease • ? infestation Remove stakes after one By heed :. Once a year Only remove stakes in thot year i spring Replace any deficient By.hand . NiA During Year I stakes or wires I Removal and replacement By: a When possi c Twice a year 3/15 to 4/30 and 10/1 to of all dead and diseased 11/30 vegetation considered beyond treatment NVASIVE SPECIES Removal of invasive punts By hand.. 'Scheduled As needed N/A such as bamboo, Japanese surveys by'City inspector i knotweed, and reed canary as part of the strear ill be ' grass which will hinder effort w monitoring growth of native material used to identify. invasives. Herbicide. treatment to b done by licensed practitiono[s only. REED CREEK Removal of channel debris By hand T As needed N/A such as logs from stone flows if likely to cause localized erosion Pate ing of banks exposed By hand' Put back td? As needed N/A by debris or other original gride and stabilize disturbance with straw or mulch Repairs to bioengineering 'By hand. ' ROair/replace As needed N/A structures (stakes, rocks, to secure : treatment and fabric) maintain channel form 12/23/97 JLH-16-1997 1028 FROM City Manager/ft 96RTRCARGLViA Rtitraomm courery TO 39959 P.01 Fax:704-2 9-5499 Jun 13 '97 8:21 P.04/08 Post-it• Fax Noty 7871 Date / G "gee? ^ colLIppt. Cn. 1/0 Phone N Phono p Fax N Fax 4 (0-6,76 7 V TEM CONaRVAnON FASVMW DEED, made tbla day of * _ 1"71 .and betask tlw City of AshavNe, North Caa0me Asa mew add= . ?, Chnntor. ?d tbnv Stata : li0 h.whose amling afters is wedmds Rsstosatim Fmp m, Dh-Won of WwW . QWW.1. $12 as'"" my Stree P.Q. 110% 29331, F418 4A NC V6245-"35, Gnu" 'X'1io dWsigzudgs• dawU and thantee m uw' ,l het+ein dwU iiacludo mtdpeed% their Imo, ===am Md Pasitgsta, ma #b*U Uwlude Jugular, phtt%4 uu"oulWe, feminine, or nn* as roquftd by . Ot:ulaa?t. T N E.?.fi&TH: WHERF,44 pomw to a* ptvviS m of NCGS 1143-214,819 tg,. ft SM ofNft fC*gH a baa amblobcd to WWands Res ndon rMpm (as ddLead in N.C.OM Scat. 9 143+214.8) witib3SSS Dapoxtme0t of BAYUoam=4 Rm th lMdNataral r s Or VX porPoeea of aogWing, mwautiidq& maoortng, oahandM uid iavm ug wetland aaad 4padan mwxres tad • abnvjb= to the. protmdon and uapcwv%ucat of watc7 gmUty, flood PtrVWWA 4 ftisheaeo, wilc>tlt£a habitat, and rcw=adBaal opportulitawi =d pwsuat to ft ponskw of N.C.Cxa_ gtat j 141-214.8, twee of the ' • .emb.pmcs?te of the Wcannds Redtorad* Proms m (1) swt=tlaa and perpetmel aft" gf'o`ve? Apariatr an", aad oarfaae waters sad (2) load owstetshp god maaa8emc* amd • I SER", G at ux owns is fee sample cooda and prapaw tdt , lyiv& ad bag in the 'City of Asbava y Huaoomim Cry, Ncmh C.aroiiaa (the ?mWosed Pmpaly- , which ix lie pattteubtcty.3eassibed a: foltowr 'OVFiET.MM. GroWm is wi114 w gnat a Cansarvadva Baa=mA on dw ProtecW pivpergr, :tbezcby restzicting and F=ifmg to nso Of the howed pwpetly or, tlse form send wrid>1t?arta aid for the pimpos" lmsit?, ft sst forth, aad G'=Wec is wiiltng to saeW m mh ' I i i JUN-16-1997 1029 FROM _I To sy y r.e? b City Maneger/Mayor Fax:704,259-5499 JLm 13 197 8:21 P_C5r08 N is I I ?NOW.lMWORji, in crnnrifllR'etton of the m=al covenama, tea'me, conditfona, aafl trap COW ltet+em mitta sec fan k Grim" imcmAWmdy and irrevocably huaby prab and n u M ia?rn'm0eo, its mxnam od &W oh Ibmm and in p m)ei *, a Quouvadiaa It "gym tbs moxv sad 4=acw ad xv the extent hu*6*ftw rat tlarh, sure tbs Ptowated Q? Property the do boner of the pw* of Noah Carolina o ? The pt>tpoaes•of this Cortsavwaa E mto maintain. reabore, s Rapdereare a*edtd.maomce on the Protaatcd Property tW cowdbuteato rho prm Wou ad "Oft of #a.Va&y, flood psevKdO4 WHdo habitat, ii,rnod% wiklO habitat and e {iq t apportu WW to rnailt= pw=mljy rho huWoAd Proles in its ==aL aoti?rian, wlmwith theca purport; and to prevve say wo orms Prvtamd Property Q?st S ii?l?aaaZiy i t or into km with ftm pmpascs. To mWeva these p wpm, the fooming ommNom and Yandcdoda are sd %rth! L DMOitON OF BASEMENT Twss Consit'mm Fesmtnoat aw be peapetattl. It Is ern oesom a t In pm, rm widL the ,; apQ is d 6mable by CfMN I eg" c mutr, 'u pMWW reptoew*t;m boas, ?r ? tt8gi?s, lesaaes, agents, sad liAaruooa. , ?_ IL IRomff m ao=cmm ACTIV1Tili's i Any wdvhy! am, or w A five PW.Octed Property iammionnt wM *& punxem of We CWnrvetton $uFucnt is prolnbiwa. Tho Prolreetad ioperty4fpUWoosm-aad'in dts ashull mnd a. -,matddiacd condsb M. witi? ?a ? plan deveIopid'b3?" T and a?lceed ? ? am ,da vdlops ow or wqo that would impair or budare wig tha puq om of this .: Caoservatlori Faaeatzu?t. I c In addition to tba forcgolag, the Ifoilowing specific uHvidao are pRmWbkW. ro d„ or °- resotwed6 as the am mey brs °) 3 A. t+ "str1*1 roe. bAm*W sotivitin are p eohthirai on the ftot*dod PwpwtT. ? S Radd adiA uta. Residential of to Pw%Ctvd. Pc of ftr is ptGbi td C. a mmadal 17ie. C ommmiai sctivldes m prohibited on tbs Piotoclod Ptvpcrty. -D. AO icaltnrrl Usa Agri ' Usa of the Prmteotod Property is problbited. IL 2L r;v*. NasftcHou. VP'rth tba px v ivn of a * footbrld ahe11 ba .uo building, non! c o © wactum qty, mob --J -rrw, or athGr , cC otvdo` PI ' o? Pr°pwdtY' A. L • ?"r ' =lr. , $lgns. No sips" be peenirtad on the Protected oporty eft inftpvmft algae idsatit' u tba owvmweon values of the PmtcW Froriecty, SIPS wmdl * tho owner of the cae n to n` C f6 ;;?? , [LA JUN-16-1997 1030 FROM TO 39959 P.03 City Manager/Mayor Fax:704-259-5499 Jun 13 '97 8:22 P.06i08 i ProtemclIsap&ty, and the bolder of thud Cmuewatioa S=awn, ad sig. glum direadans or proscAUft ndit and rega1xtions for tbi use of the Proteawl PmperV of 'Y, of.Mff Sm on the Proteoted dP Propm is p Yeltipiw, +tgliaoec FI.: Gsltdfxtm 09uerd Vao, lt< watIm4 DrW&V Tb= sba11 to no P=& filly, ex avadam, *Wgi.g. tuiodag, or driltins, no ren wad of iopsadl, sand, gavel, mot, pow, m> ?or *Sw iA dRisis; cad no ohange in t w topagaphy of Uw lond in &? mc=ct oxoopt as •rmmnsbty neownry for the purpose of aombaft erosion to meria the vmamd valve. . ?xry 1?r ?twrdrru,vr?' l?r ?/?fi?r?awf /?+, L. T water Qua" nd Drttiange Psltterru. A AM& 4taiuing. mu, or removal of tt mds, pvlhdM or dbd)K o i=; WUas, springs, aecpa, or wary, use of pesddde or O -bloddm md d ismdon duv ml dmbmgt pan me is prohibited ' 1 a#t th diYvi J, Sapri *tm Subdivi doW per Won' ? hdiyild the Prop "Y is pmbi A*& "OUifio lit 41?1 p ; Y..40r4dre Cut&&. A ,f`'?+tt?ng, ,c Llayc4 mgwln& ? destraccivn vC ar?r or tun trq to Pnotoctai Pxvpwmly is• prohibited, The Grin tix AW1 bays the right to enter tha property at an reemusWe trey for An n"00 .4f inepeottttg Wd proporty !to determine if Oraatm is complying with the terms, ? , ?''. doodllioaa, rsaafatioag, end;xupoees cfthi8 arnsarvscdeor eesrmc:n. , .17a Qualor OF i C ?[iis?l ,? ? ?, • may tsgttest par:ioriyb vary tbo above restrictione for good cat>:e mhown, pz6AW that any inch Mum be oonsistast with the proposes of this Cowavsaon ?SSEvbtaiaiIIg wrltb?i approval nom tl? w?a? Roetoa??dau '"?' U EK?ORC"B. MNTAND RDUDUS - In the Plitt tbol Graatee ds"Djaea that (miter has vloiated or is tln+eebI&S to : violaars a w of tie ramie, aondat 0% or reddedom the G2gntee may iustitute a suit to f*w auah ViOW004.sad. it AWWarY, td NgUb 20 restoration of tits ftUcted Property to its prior you, S. No hEure an the part of Crrrmtm to eafmm any aovanmct or pmwis{on havad'sw Abohaw ar.b"Odate such coveust or sW other eovwAnt, wnchtloo, of pm%ldon beof yr :af eci tits tight to Oramee to er Arm the lama in the nwl of a subsequent bmwk or defaalt;. TV..' MISCEU Anors A. Tisia..CWWYadcm F. iMmt aril be comtrtted to protaote the puq*m of N.C. Qua. $tat. ? 14" 14.8, 19 impm the Wcd&Ws Rsatarat A= PraFWP. JLJN-16-1997 10:30 FROM City Manager/Mayor I Fax:704-2?9-5499 TO 39959 P.04 Jun 13 '97 8.22 P. 07/08 B. 'Ib kwft mem scats forth " eu(a nV moot of the Imull with reaped to the Con don &mmmt and cicpecsedes all prior discussions, negobatims, wade diu?a or gmmm" mw*. to fire Conservamm Fan MUL If my pt+ovisiott i8 found to be W"Hd, the i de: of ft mvlsi w Otte Cottsavatfon Batemea; U4 the mppilcadon of such sites iv or okewshtnoes other tbau those as to vardt it is found m tie Invalid, ftU zit be ?tbomby. Q Any. u0tkm shall be W be seat by registered or ceCtifled m4 mtm recent pa?+ "mum at their aka shoo above dr t0 06W adds WCI) 0 NOW >bQltellh , .(D the estatilis6"Inupont Wtificsrior to the other. i . p, Gt>ictttor sbWl no* W9W in Wdd q of the tine tad address and say party to ,whom-the Pmteated idly or airy part thueof is t4 be amdh7w at 9r prlar w tiao time said 4 made'. ' artalvr ftzdwr agrees to =anus my m arvquent lava, dood, or mher legol kipumm by- wWoh mW intmest in rho Pmts dM Propwt7 is m weyed sabjm to to Cotuwidon l4 aasat haan dated! i ?'. Qv?r onri?rrr i Ocasmr ;eservcs all aghta aootttlag fom onotip orile Pimnd Pmpxgt imludiug tlils sigh .-to eag • in Or, permit or tnvita othars to =psi in id uses 9f the protgw Property .der got opm.9y pia Mited or reslr Md heroin aqd are not ineonsi#M Ridt the purposes of is ipxwWon Easement vntitout 6ttlag the Sm altty of tba fwe$aornate: =preasly rewrm ;o Ora;=, sad cmuwrs inOt+em and H=ul;ca, tiro *At of aoc;ma to the Proteowd Frop wwt =4 the riot of quiet 94 vxm at of rho rmtcotcd rYo , TO UAVM AND TO HOLD the mid rigbb sad mumam.+ perpeetWly uwm Omit" for the sdoraM[d A And Grantor 0a"4 0U with Gmatwl? that Cmtor is schW of the above dtaczrwd rl&lits, and privilagv% that Shall belle quiet sod peaceable pvsaessiotr uw and Vgayment oi,the 0avo4escribed oasem#m, xlgbte Md ptit? %ps, sad ttutt Omaotar Shari aeaute smoh sutlta am" Um gwmf m wayity z9vired. TOTAL P.04 State of North Carolina . IT Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources ` YI.KMAI ? Division of Water Quality James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Wayne McDevitt, Secretary 1:3 E H N F3 A. Preston Howard, Jr., P.E., Director Division of Water Quality Environmental Sciences Branch 4401 Reedy Creek Road Raleigh, N.C. 27607 FAX:(919) 733-9959 Date 7/ z-o` FROM: ?2 -Fe Co (weW PHONE: NO. OF PAGES INCLUDING THIS SHEET: Environmental Sciences Branch 4401 Reedy Creek Road Raleigh, North Carolina 27607 Telephone 919-733-9960 FAX # 733-9959 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer 509'6 recycled/10% post consumer paper State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality James Hunt, Governor p E H N? Jonathan B. Howes, Secretary A. Preston Howard, Jr., P.E., Director September 9, 1997 Mr. Franklin Vick N.C. Department of Transportation Planning and Environmental Branch P.O. Box 25201 Raleigh, NC 27611-5201 Dear Mr. Vick, Re: Certification Pursuant to Section 401 of the Federal Clean Water Act, Proposed widening of US 74 from, I-40 to SR 2775 WQC Project #951201, COE #199402123, TIP #R-2306 Buncombe County Attached hereto is a copy of Certification No. 3147 issued to N. C. Department of Transportation dated July 17, 1997. This Certification replaces the one issued on 17 July 1997. If we can be of further assistance, do not hesitate to contact us. Sincerely, ton Ho ` Jr. P Attachments 951201.wgc cc: Wilmington District Corps of Engineers Corps of Engineers Asheville Field Office Asheville DWQ Regional Office Mr. John Dorney Mr. John Parker, Division of Coastal Management Central Files Division of Water Quality • Environmental Sciences Branch Enviro. Sciences Branch. 4401 Reedv Creek Rd.. Raleiah. NC 27607 Teleohone 919-733-1786 FAX # 733-9959 NORTH CAROLINA 401 WATER QUALITY CERTIFICATION THIS CERTIFICATION is issued in conformity with the requirements of Section 401 Public Laws 92-500 and 95-217 of the United States and subject to the North Carolina Division of Water Quality (DWQ) Regulatigm in 15 NCAC 2H, Section .0500 to N.C. Department of Transportation resulting ' 0.084 acres of wetland impact and 0.91 acres of water impact including the relocation of ear feet of channel in Buncombe County pursuant to an application dated the 26th day of July 1996, the 9th day of May 1997, the 9th day of July 1997 and the 4th day of August 1997 to relocate Gashes Creek to accommodate the widening of US 74 (TIP # R-2306). The application provides adequate assurance that the discharge of fill material into the waters of Gashes Creek in conjunction with the proposed development will not result in a violation of applicable Water Quality Standards and discharge guidelines. Therefore, the State of North Carolina certifies that this activity will not violate the applicable portions of Sections 301, 302, 303, 306, 307 of PL 92-500 and PL 95-217 if conducted in accordance with the application and conditions hereinafter set forth. This approval is only valid for the purpose and design that you submitted in your application, as described in the Public Notice or as modified below. If you change your project, you must notify us and you may be required to submit a revised application. If total wetland fills for this project (now or in the future) exceed one acre, compensatory mitigation may be required as described in 15A NCAC 2H.0506 (h) (6) and (7). For this approval to be valid, you must follow the conditions listed below. In addition, you should get any other federal, state or local permits before you go ahead with your project including (but not limited to) Sediment and Erosion control, Coastal Stormwater, Non-discharge and Water Supply watershed regulations. Condition(s) of Certification: 1. Appropriate sediment and erosion control practices which equal or exceed those outlined to the most recent version of the "North Carolina Sediment and Erosion Control Planning and Design manual" or the "North Carolina Surface Mining Manual" (available from the Division of Land Resources in the DEHNR Regional or Central Offices) shall be utilized to prevent exceedances of the appropriate turbidity water quality standard (50 NTUs in all fresh water streams and rivers not designated as trout waters; 25 NTUs in all lakes and reservoirs, and all saltwater classes; and 10 NTUs in trout waters); 2. All sediment and erosion control measures placed in wetlands or waters shall be removed and the natural grade restored after the Division of Land Resources has released the project; 3. Measures shall be taken to prevent live or fresh concrete from coming into contact with waters of the state until the concrete has hardened; 4. Should waste or borrow sites be located in wetlands, compensatory mitigation is required since it is a direct impact from road construction activities; 5. On-site compensatory mitigation shall be done in accordance with "Final Construction Plans for R-2306A." DOT shall submit a final on-site mitigation plan to DWQ. A minimum of 1:1 restoration or creation is required. 6. Off-site mitigation shall be done at Reed Creek in Weaver Park in Asheville as described in the "Conceptual Stream Restoration Report for Reed Creek" dated 14 April 1997 and the addenda memo from John Dorney to Tom Kendig dated 12 June 1997 with the following exceptions: a) shrubs shall be planted in the floodplain of Reed Creek on at least one side of the channel for its entire length including from station 1+50 to 3+75 and 8+00 to 9+25. b) the south side of Reed Creek from station 0+00 to 5+50 shall be planted with evergreen shrubs. c) DOT shall conduct monitoring for macrobenthos in the summer of 1997 (pre- construction). In the two summers following the completion of the stream construction, no monitoring shall occur. After this two year period, DOT shall resume the macrobenthos monitoring in the summer for three consecutive years. DWQ's Standard Operating Procedures for macrobenthos analysis shall be used or another method approved by DWQ. Monitoring shall be done once a year at two stations. DOT shall locate these sites and submit them for written DWQ approval. Macrobenthos monitoring reports shall be submitted on an annual basis to DWQ by September 30. d) DOT shall submit a final off-site mitigation plan to DWQ for written approval within two months of the issuance of the 404 Permit. 7. Within two months of the issuance of the 404 Permit, DOT shall cause the City of Asheville to grant the Conservation Easement for the Reed Creek-Weaver Park mitigation site, as required by the agreement between the City of Asheville and DOT (TIP # R-2306, Project # 8.1841702). 8. DOT shall submit a management plan for the off-site mitigation at Reed Creek - Weaver Park to DWQ for its written approval within two months of the issuance of the 404 Permit The site shall be maintained in accordance with this management plan. 9. DOT shall submit compensatory wetland and stream mitigation plans to DWQ if the Army Corps of Engineers requires mitigation in addition to the Reed Creek-Weaver Park plan and the on-site mitigation. Violations of any condition herein set forth shall result in revocation of this Certification and may result in criminal and/or civil penalties. This Certification shall become null and void unless the above conditions are made conditions of the Federal 404 and/or coastal Area Management Act Permit. This Certification shall expire upon expiration of the 404 or CAMA permit. If this Certification is unacceptable to you you have the right to an adjudicatory hearing upon written request within sixty (60) days following receipt of this Certification. This request must be in the form of a written petition conforming to Chapter 150B of the North Carolina General Statutes and filed with the Office of Administrative Hearings, P.O. Box 27447, Raleigh, N.C. 27611-7447. If modifications are made to an original Certification, you have the right to an adjudicatory hearing on the modifications upon written request within sixty (60) days following receipt of the Certification. Unless such demands are made, this Certification shall be final and binding. This the 17th day of July, 1997 DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY 4 ston oward, J E. WQC #3147 State of North Carolina Department of Environment, LT!MA Health and Natural Resources A 4 • Division of Water Quality A-% 00-WANOOOM James Hunt, Governor [D E ? ? F1 Jonathan B. Howes, Secretary A. Preston Howard, Jr., P.E., Director September 9, 1997 Mr. Franklin Vick N.C. Department of Transportation Planning and Environmental Branch P.O. Box 25201 Raleigh, NC 27611-5201 Dear Mr. Vick, Re: Certification Pursuant to Section 401 of the Federal Clean Water Act, Proposed widening of US 74 from, I-40 to SR 2775 WQC Project #951201, COE #199402123, TIP #R-2306 Buncombe County Attached hereto is a copy of Certification No. 3147 issued to N. C. Department of Transportation dated July 17, 1997. This Certification replaces the one issued on 17 July 1997. If we can be of further assistance, do not hesitate to contact us. Sincerely, ton Ho , Jr. P Attachments 951201.wgc cc: Wilmington District Corps of Engineers Corps of Engineers Asheville Field Office Asheville DWQ Regional Office Mr. John Dorney Mr. John Parker, Division of Coastal Management Central Files Division of Water Quality - Environmental Sciences Branch Enviro. Sciences Branch. 4401 Reedv Creek Rd.. Raleiah. NC 27607 Teleohone 919-733-1786 FAX # 733-9959 the addenda memo from John Dorney to Tom Kendig dated 12 June 1997 with the following exceptions: a) shrubs shall be planted in the floodplain of Reed Creek on at least one side of the channel for its entire length including from station 1+50 to 3+75 and 8+00 to 9+25. b) the south side of Reed Creek from station 0+00 to 5+50 shall be planted with evergreen shrubs. c) DOT shall conduct monitoring for macrobenthos in the summer of 1997 (pre- construction). In the two summers following the completion of the stream construction, no monitoring shall occur. After this two year period, DOT shall resume the macrobenthos monitoring in the summer for three consecutive years. DWQ's Standard Operating Procedures for macrobenthos analysis shall be used or another method approved by DWQ. Monitoring shall be done once a year at two stations. DOT shall locate these sites and submit them for written DWQ approval. Macrobenthos monitoring reports shall be submitted on an annual basis to DWQ by September 30. d) DOT shall submit a final off-site mitigation plan to DWQ for written approval within two months of the issuance of the 404 Permit. 7. Within two months of the issuance of the 404 Permit, DOT shall cause the City of Asheville to grant the Conservation Easement for the Reed Creek-Weaver Park mitigation site, as required by the agreement between the City of Asheville and DOT (TIP # R-2306, Project # 8.1841702). 8. DOT shall submit a management plan for the off-site mitigation at Reed Creek - Weaver Park to DWQ for its written approval within two months of the issuance of the 404 Permit. The site shall be maintained in accordance with this management plan. 9. DOT shall submit compensatory wetland and stream mitigation plans to DWQ if the Army Corps of Engineers requires mitigation in addition to the Reed Creek-Weaver Park plan and the on-site mitigation. Violations of any condition herein set forth shall result in revocation of this Certification and may result in criminal and/or civil penalties. This Certification shall become null and void unless the above conditions are made conditions of the Federal 404 and/or coastal Area Management Act Permit. This Certification shall expire upon expiration of the 404 or CAMA permit. If this Certification is unacceptable to you you have the right to an adjudicatory hearing upon written request within sixty (60) days following receipt of this Certification. This request must be in the form of a written petition conforming to Chapter 150B of the North Carolina General Statutes and filed with the Office of Administrative Hearings, P.O. Box 27447, Raleigh, N.C. 27611-7447. If modifications are made to an original Certification, you have the right to an adjudicatory hearing on the modifications upon written request within sixty (60) days following receipt of the Certification. Unless such demands are made, this Certification shall be final and binding. This the 17th day of July, 1997 DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY 4 ston oward, J .E. WQC #3147 f NORTH CAROLINA 401 WATER QUALITY CERTIFICATION THIS CERTIFICATION is issued in conformity with the requirements of Section 401 Public Laws 92-500 and 95-217 of the United States and subject to the North Carolina Division of Water Quality (DWQ) Regulations in 15 NCAC 2H, Section .0500 to N.C. Department of Transportation resulting in 0.084 acres of wetland impact and 0.91 acres of water impact including the relocation of 1,100 linear feet of channel in Buncombe County pursuant to an application dated the 26th day of July 1996, the 9th day of May 1997, the 9th day of July 1997 and the 4th day of August 1997 to relocate Gashes Creek to accommodate the widening of US 74 (TIP # R-2306). The application provides adequate assurance that the discharge of fill material into the waters of Gashes Creek in conjunction with the proposed development will not result in a violation of applicable Water Quality Standards and discharge guidelines. Therefore, the State of North Carolina certifies that this activity will not violate the applicable portions of Sections 301, 302, 303, 306, 307 of PL 92-500 and PL 95-217 if conducted in accordance with the application and conditions hereinafter set forth. This approval is only valid for the purpose and design that you submitted in your application, as described in the Public Notice or as modified below. If you change your project, you must notify us and you may be required to submit a revised application. If total wetland fills for this project (now or in the future) exceed one acre, compensatory mitigation may be required as described in 15A NCAC 2H.0506 (h) (6) and (7). For this approval to be valid, you must follow the conditions listed below. In addition, you should get any other federal, state or local permits before you go ahead with your project including (but not limited to) Sediment and Erosion control, Coastal Stormwater, Non-discharge and Water Supply watershed regulations. Condition(s) of Certification: Appropriate sediment and erosion control practices which equal or exceed those outlined in the most recent version of the "North Carolina Sediment and Erosion Control Planning and Design Manual" or the "North Carolina Surface Mining Manual" (available from the Division of Land Resources in the DEHNR Regional or Central Offices) shall be utilized to prevent exceedances of the appropriate turbidity water quality standard (50 NTUs in all fresh water streams and rivers not designated as trout waters; 25 NTUs in all lakes and reservoirs, and all saltwater classes; and 10 NTUs in trout waters); 2. All sediment and erosion control measures placed in wetlands or waters shall be removed and the natural grade restored after the Division of Land Resources has released the project; 3. Measures shall be taken to prevent live or fresh concrete from coming into contact with waters of the state until the concrete has hardened; 4. Should waste or borrow sites be located in wetlands, compensatory mitigation is required since it is a direct impact from road construction activities; 5. On-site compensatory mitigation shall be done in accordance with "Final Construction Plans for R-2306A." DOT shall submit a final on-site mitigation plan to DWQ. A minimum of 1:1 restoration or creation is required. 6. Off-site mitigation shall be done at Reed Creek in Weaver Park in Asheville as described in the "Conceptual Stream Restoration Report for Reed Creek" dated 14 April 1997 and MEMO m DATE: SUBJECT: J/l?lrD "- iA#4e SIGN l?tt,?s (7cnD U5E QF ?cev?c?/. ?(UC? ?77G?Alb ? ?F??E-f?ioG ? ?? ?ocrt ti?IlAt 4AW co Aff, I I 6cot) I- ?Cox 5Ti u?a?? BG? AkeFj om: ??..,,...,? No arol i na ap artment o Environment . T I ?sy^MNa'.. Health, and Natural Resources, Printed on Recycled Paper State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Wayne McDevitt, Secretary A. Preston Howard, Jr., P.E., Director Mr. Frank Vick NC DOT P.O. Box 25201 Raleigh, NC 27611-5201 LT.94A, DEN R February 11, 1998 Subject: US 74 Widening, TIP No. R-2306 Stream Restoration Project For Reed Creek, Buncombe County DWQ No. 951201, COE ID No. 199402123 The Division of Water Quality (DWQ) issued Water Quality Certification No. 3147 to the NC Departm ,. of Transportation on September 9, 1997. A condition of this Certification was to provide successful compensatory mitigation for the impacts to waters. Another condition was to submit a management plan for the Reed Creek- Weaver Park Mitigation site. The design of the mitigation site was received on January 22, 1998. We also received the management plan on January 12, 1998. The plans and report satisfy conditions 6a, 6b, 6d and 8 of the Certification. DWQ agreed to allow for macrobenthos sampling to occur in winter instead of summer by DOT's request. Therefore, condition 6c of Certification 3147 is modified to the following: DOT shall conduct monitoring for macrobethos in the winter of 1997-98 (pre-construction). In the two winters following the completion of the stream construction, no monitoring shall occur. After this two year period, DOT shall resume the macrobentos monitoring in the winter for three consecutive years. Summer monitoring shall also occur in the second of the three consecutive years. DWQ's Standard OperatingProcedures for mac robethos analysis shall be used or another method approved by DWQ. Monitoring shall be done once a year (except for the one winter and summer monitoring) at two stations. DOT shall locate these sites and sumbit them for written approval. Macxobethos monitoring reports shall be submitted on an annual basis to DWQ by September 30. Thank you for the report. Should you have any questions, please contact Mr. Ray Cox or Mr. Eric Galamb at (919) 733-1786. Si cerely, Jo n R. Dorney Bi logical Supervisor Cc: Ron Ferrell, DWQ Trish MacPherson, DWQ Asheville COE Office Tom Kendid, NCDOT Central Files GashesOK Environmental Sciences Branch Telephone 919-733-9960 • 4401 Reedy Creek Road Raleigh, North Carolina 27607 FAX # 733-9959 An Equal Opportunity Aftirmattve Action Employer 50% recycled/l0% post consumer paper 11/17/1997 15:20 7042516452 PAGE 01 M. C. DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY WATIR QUALITY SECTION ASHEVILLE REGIONAL OFFICE 59 NOODFIN PLACE ASSHEVILLT, NORTH CAROLINA 26801 PHONE/704/251-6208 FAX/704/251-6452 TO: 41 FROM.- DATE ; 99 # OF PAGES INCLUDING THIS COVER: ??-4 MRSSAGE. If q estions,`Please call 704/251-620$ J 11/17/1997 15:20 7042516452 TO t M Unified States Department of the Interior v! 5 FISH AND WII.DLIFE SERVICE Asheville Field Office 160 Lillicoa Street Asheville, North Carolina 28801 i Colonel Terry R. Youngbluth Wilmington District Engineer U.S. Army Corps of Engineers P.O. Box 1890 Wilmington, North Carolina 28402-1890 Dear Colonel Youngbluth: PAGE 02 This is the report of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service) and the Department of the Interior on the permit issued to Mr. H. Franklin Vick of the North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) to place fill in and to relocate Gashes Creek and adjacent wetlands in Buncombe County, North Carolina (Action ID No. 199402123). This report is based on site visits by our staff, a review of the permit application, and the "Conceptual stream restoration report for Reed Creek, Weaver.Sark, Asheville, North Carolina" (Restoration Plan), prepared for the NCDOT by KCI Associates of North Carolina, Inc., in April 1997. The Service also reviewed the "Aquatic survey of Gashes Creek" prepared for the NCDOT by Fish and Wildlife Associates, Inc., in June 1997. Discussions with Mr. Bob Johnson of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Corps) have provided additional background information. This report is submitted in accordance with the provisions of the Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act, as amended (16 U.S.C. 661-667e), and Section 7 of the Endangered Species Act of 1973, as amended (16 UT.S.C. 1531-1543) (Act). The project includes the filling of wetlands and stream impacts related to the widening of a 6.7-mile stretch of US 74 between 1-40 and SR 3136.. Fill in wetlands is expected to be 0.064 acre in Section, .A. and less than 0.02 acre in Section B of the project. The wetland impacts in Section A are the same as indicated in the permit application of August 10, 1995, and November 1, 1995. A stream monitoring plan has been implemented for Gashes Creek that will include monitoring after its relocation. Monitoring includes basic water quality and substrate analyses as well as fish and macroinvertebrate surveys. No information was provided on the length of post-construction monitoring. Mitigation of stream impacts is proposed as off-site restoration. Permit QbJeclions. The Service is concerned that the permit was issued over our objections. We recommended denial of the permit because there was a practicable alternative to fill of November 14, 1997 11/17/1997 15:20 7042516452 PAGE 03 natural wetlands and streams. We were disappointed that the stream impacts were merely minimized, rather than avoided, given that the historic property (B. K. Miller) on the opposite side of the proposed road widening was avoided. The Service still believes an alternative that would avoid the relocation of Gashes Creek near Hemphill Knob is practicable and considerably more economical. The Environmental Protection Agency's 404(b)(1) Guidelines prohibit the placement of fill in the waters of the United States for nonwater-dependent activities if a practicable alternative exists. We recognize that the NCDOT and Federal Highway Administration place higher deference to the Section 4(f) historic property designation of the B. K. Miller House; however, we believe the Section 404(b)(1) Guidelines are clear. The row of hemlock trees that would have been impacted by an alternative that would have avoided the stream wero recently pruned by the owners/renters of the B. K. Miller house. Further, it is likely these trees will continue to be pruned or removed because of a utility easement. Apparently the hemlock trees, which were considered integral to the historic nature of the propolty, hava,bcon pruned to provide a view of a billboard that has been erected in front of the house; it advertises the "Sassy Cats" hair salon, which is located in the historic house. Despite the offorts of the Federal Highway Administration and the Corps' issuance of a permit over our objections, the integrity of the historic B. K. Miller house and grounds is apparently not as important to the renters/owners. Therefore, the Service recommends that the Corps reconsider this permit. Off-site Mitigation. Notwithstanding our continued dismay with the permit issuance, the Service recommends that the Corps at least modify the mitigation conditions of the permit, pursuant to our September 15, 1997, comments as to the inappropriateness of the proposed mitigation. We do not feel that the proposed stream restoration is commensurate with the proposed impacts to Gashes Creek. Based on a site inspection, Reed Creek is a relatively stable stream. Riparian vegetation management would address oast of the limited bank erosion of Reed Creek, but it is doubtful that the City of Asheville is prepared to maintain any riparian improvem,outs over the long term. Further, attempts to stabilize and improve the habitat quality of Reed Crook without addrowing the factors that have resulted in the stream's instability and poor habitat quality may bo inconsequential or may, in fact, increase the instability of the stream, leading to further problems within the project area and/or downstream. Additionally, Reed Creek is a tributary to the French Broad River, and we recommend that mitigation of impacts at (rashes Creek should be accomplished within the Swannanoa River watershed. I «?? As we indicated in our letter of September 15, 1997; the Service would be glad to assist in the 40 identification of stream restoration sites for those unavoidable impacts in the permit. Basically, we recommend restoration of a similar size stream within the Swannanoa River drainage where attainable restoration objectives do exist. We have conceptually identified several reaches of streams in the Swannanoa River watershed that could be improved through a variety of measures. These streams are Buckeye Creek, Grassy Branch, Haw Creek, Bull Creek, Shope Creek, Christian Creek, and Beetree Creek as well as the main ebamel of the Swannanoa River. Di -site Stream Relocation, The proposed stream relocation design concerns the Service because of its reliance upon rock and stone structures. No details are provided about the stream slope, riffle slope, pool slope, valley slope, meander geometry, sinuosity, cross-sectional dimensions, entrenchment ratio, bed material (pebble count), bank-full discharge, or even the stream classification (Rosgen 1996) of the designed relocation. These data should be included in 11/17/1997 15:20 7042516452 PAGE 04 f any stream relocation design. Some of the structures in the restoration plan may not be suitable for this reach of Crashes Creek. The Service requests a review of a more detailed stream relocation design that incorporates natural stream morphology design concepts. Please do not hesitate to contact Mr. Mark Cantrell of our staff at 704/258-3939, Ext. 227, if you have any questions regarding our comments. We have assigned our Log Number 4-2-90-058 to this project; please refer to it in all future correspondence directed to us concerning this matter. Sincerely, C?L Brian P. Cole Statc Supervisor cc: Mr. Robert Johnson, U_S_ Army Corps of Engineers, Asheville Regulatory Field Office, 151 Patton Avenue, Room 143, Asheville, NC 28801-5006 Mr. Mark S. Davis, Mountain Region Coordinator, North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission, Old Fish Hatchery, 20830 Great, Smoky Mtn. Expressway, Waynesville, NC 28786 Mr. Forrest Westall, North Carolina Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources, Division of Water Quality, 59 Woodfin Place, Asheville, NC 28801 r ?j North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission 512 N. Salisbury Street, Raleigh, North Carolina 27604-1188, 919-733-3391 Charles R. Fullwood, Executive Director September 12, 1997 Mr. Robert Johnson, Office Manager U. S. Army Corps of Engineers 4 Regulatory Branch ?1¢, I 151 Patton Avenue, Room 143 Asheville, North Carolina 28801-5006 SUBJECT: NCDOT 404 Permit Application Action ID No. 199402123 S US 74 improvements, T.I.P. No. R-2306 - Gashes Creek Buncombe County, North Carolina Dear Mr. Johnson: Mr. H. Franklin Vick, P.E., of the North Carolina Department of Transportation is requesting; a letter of concurrence from the North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission (NCWRC) to obtain a 404 permit from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. I have reviewed information provided by the applicant, and i am familiar with habitat values of the project area. These comments are provided in accordance with provisions of the Clean Water Act of 1977 (33 U.S.C. 466 et seq.) and the Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act (48 Stat. 401, as amended-, 16 U.S.C. 661-667d). The applicant proposes to widen approximately 6.7 miles of existing US 74 between I-40 and SR 3136 southeast of Asheville. The project includes the relocation of approximately 1100 linear feet of stream channel, fill in 0.06 acres of wetland and the construction and/or extension of two box culverts in the waters of Gashes Creek. The original application request was denied by the COE without prejudice on November 26, 1996, due to the denial of a 401 Water Quality Certification by the North Carolina Division of Water Quality (DWQ). Since that time the NCDOT has worked to resolve objections and has modified their project. Tile modifications consist of the addition of offsite stream channel mitigation on Reed Creek at Weaver Park in Asheville, the development of a stream restoration plan for the relocated portions of Gashes Creek intended to restore the aquatic habitat features of the existing channel, and implementation of a biological monitoring plan for Gashes Creek to assess its recovery. As a result of these modifications, the 401 Water Quality Certification was issued on July 17, 1997. Based on the information provided concerning project modifications and the issuance of the 401 Water Quality Certification, the NCWRC does not object to the issuance of a 404 permit provided the following conditions are met by the applicant: 1. Adequate sedimentation and erosion control measures must be implemented and maintained on the project site to avoid impacts to downstream aquatic resources. Stormwater should be directed to buffer areas or retention basins and should not be routed directly into streams. Structures should be inspected and maintained regularly, especially following rainfall events. 2. Temporary or permanent herbaceous vegetation should be planted on all bare soil within 15 days of ground disturbing activities to provide long-term erosion control. Action ID No. 199402123 Page 2 September 12, 1997 3. The culverts and extensions should be constructed below grade to allow natural stream bottom materials to become established in the culverts following installation. This may require increasing the size of the culvert to meet flow conveyance requirements. 4. Baffles should be placed in reinforced concrete box culverts at 15 foot intervals to allow for the collection of sediments in the culvert, reduce flow velocities, and to provide resting places for fish moving through the structure. 5. If possible, all instream work should be conducted in a dry work area. Sand bags, cofferdams, flexible pipe, or other diversion structures should be used to minimize excavation in flowing water. 6. Adequate precautions should be taken to prevent direct contact between wet concrete and stream water. Uncured concrete affects water quality and is toxic to fish and other aquatic organisms. 7. The new channel should be constructed in a dry work area and stabilized before water is diverted. We ask that the new channel be designed to resemble the old channel in width, depth, meander, and gradient and that natural substrate, not rip-rap, be used in the channel floor. Vortex rock weirs should also be installed to mimic existing riffle patterns. Native trees (willows, alders, sycamores, dogwoods, black walnut, and red maple) and herbaceous shrubs should be planted along the new stream channel to provide cover for fish and wildlife and to provide long term erosion control. 8. Natural materials should be used as much as possible to restore and stabilize stream banks. Riprap should be limited to the stream bank below the high water mark, and vegetation should be used for stabilization above high water. 9. Construction staging areas should be located on upland sites, specifically not in or adjacent to wetland areas. This will prevent contamination of streams or wetlands from fuels, lubricants, hydraulic fluids, or other toxic materials. 10. The offsite stream mitigation plan for Reed Creek and the biological monitoring plan for Gashes Creek be implemented and maintained. Thank you for the opportunity to review and comment on this project. Pending availability of field staff, the NCWRC may inspect the work site during or after construction. If there are any questions regarding these comments, please contact me at (704) 452-2546. Sincerely, Mark S. Davis Mountain Region Coordinator Habitat Conservation Program cc: Mr. H. Franklin Vick, P.E., NCDOT Mr. John Dorney, DWQ Mr. Franklin T. McBride, NCWRC Mr. David Cox, NCWRC STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TPANSPORTATION JAMES B. HUNT JR. GOVERNOR DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS P.O. BOX 25201, RALEIGH, N.C. 27611-5201 August 4, 1997 Cliff Winefordner U. S. Army Corps of Engineers Wilmington Field Office P.O. Box 1890 Wilmington, NC 28402-1890 Dear Mr. Winefordner: ?w GARLAND B. GARRETT JR. SECRETARY RECEIVED AUG 1 ? 1997. ENVIRONMuIENTAL SCIENCES ,Q S SUBJECT: Buncombe County, Proposed widening of US 74 from I-40 to SR 3136 southeast of Asheville, TIP No. R-2306, State Project No. 8.1841702, COE Action ID No. 199402123, WQC Project No. 951201. The N.C. Department of Transportation (NCDOT) proposes to widen approximately 6.7 miles of existing US 74 between I-40 and SR 3136 southeast of Asheville. The NCDOT initially applied for Section ,_ _ permit authorization for a section of the project on August 10, 1995. This application was later modified. On February 21, 1996, the N.C. Division of Water Quality (DWQ), formerly the Division of Environmental Management, denied the NCDOT's application for a 401 Water Quality Certification for the project. Your agency advised the NCDOT by letter dated November 13, 1996 that our application for a Section 404 permit was denied without prejudice and the permit file retired. This letter indicated that the file could be reopened once state authorization was obtained. Considerable coordination with the DWQ has taken place to resolve this problem and obtain the state authorization for the project. In particular, great efforts have been made to improve the design of the stream relocation on-site, and develop a conceptual off-site stream mitigation plan. On July 17, 1997 the DWQ issued a 401 Water Quality Certification for the R-2306A section of the project. This letter is provided so that the Section 404 permit file can be reopened. The letter provides a summary of the coordination that has taken place to date, current permit drawings for the entire R-2306 project, and a discussion of on- and off-site mitigation and monitoring commitments. IF As mentioned earlier, the NCDOT initially applied for Section 404 authorization for section R-2306A on August 10, 1995. On August 25, 1995, your agency advised the NCDOT that the application should include both sections of the project (R-2306A and R- 2306B). On November 1, 1995, the NCDOT submitted a revised application which described the impacts of both sections of R-2306. This application identified 0.064 acres of wetlands impacted by section A and less than 0.02 acres of wetlands impacted by section B. The Public Notice was issued for the project on December 7, 1995, but mistakenly reported the wetland impact to be 0.05 acres, and this mistake has continued in subsequent correspondence and caused some confusion. Comments on this Public Notice were received from the National Park Service, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and the N.C. Wildlife Resources Commission. The DWQ denied the 401 Water Quality Certification on February 21, 1996, but coordination continued to occur. These discussions particularly affected the design details for the relocation of Gashes Creek, and off-site mitigation plans. The status of these discussions and updated design drawings were provided to the Corps of Engineers in letters dated July 26, 1996 and May 9, 1997. This continuing coordination eventually resulted in the issuance of the 401 Water Quality Certification. The NCDOT has compiled a complete set of permit drawings depicting the current project design developed through the coordination process. Both sections of the project are included in this project. The details of the B section, including the wetland impacts, have not changed from t e application of November 1, 1995. The wetland impacts-of the A section a re also the same as indicated in both the August 10 and November 1, 1995 applications. The major changes that have occurred are in the design details for the Gashes Creek relocation (See especially sheets 6, 6A, 6B, 813, 9, 9A, and 913). All of these sheets are identical to those submitted to your agency by letter dated May 9, 1997 except for Sheet 9B. This sheet depicts the details of proposed vortex rock weirs which have been slightly revised through coordination with the DWQ. The NCDOT has also implemented a monitoring plan for Gashes Creek. The NCDOT contracted with Fish and Wildlife Associates to sample pre-construction conditions in Gashes Creek. A survey site was identified in the section of Gashes Creek to be relocated. In May 1997, a quantitative survey of fishes and aquatic macroinvertebrates was performed to determine species composition and abundance. Basic water quality and substrate analyses were performed at the same time. Fish and Wildlife Associates compiled a report entitled "Aquatic Survey of Gashes Creek, US 74-A Road Improvement, Buncombe County, North Carolina, June 1997" which details the results and methodology of this survey. The NCDOT has hand delivered a copy of this report to Mr. Steve Lund of the Asheville Regulatory Field Office. The relocated section of Gashes Creek will be assessed again after project construction is complete. The NCDOT has developed a mitigation plan for off-site stream restoration, which is specified in Condition 6 of the Water Quality Certification. The basic plan for this effort is outlined in the "Conceptual Stream Restoration Report for Reed Creek" dated April 14, 1997 by KCI and Associates. This proposal was modified slightly in subsequent discussions with the DWQ. These modifications are identified in Water Quality Certification No. 3147 issued July 17, 1997 and a memo dated June 12, 1997 from Mr. John Dorney, DWQ to Mr. Tom Kendig, NCDOT. The conceptual plan will be revised into final form following concurrence from your agency on the plan approved by DWQ. Please continue to review this project for authorization under Section 404 of the Clean Water Act. By copy of this letter, the NCDOT requests that the DWQ review project section R-2306B as either a separate permit action or as a modification to Certification No. 3147. If you have any questions or need any additional information please call Mr. Gordon Cashin at (919) 733-7844 extension 278. Sincerel , H. Franklin Vick, PE, Manager Planning and Environmental Branch cc: Mr. Bob Johnson, COE, Asheville Mr. David Cox, NCWRC Mr. John Dorney, DEHNR Mr. Mark Cantrell, USFWS Mr. Kelly Barger, Program Development Branch Mr. R. L. Hill, State Highway Engineer-Design Mr. A. L. Hankins, Hydraulics Unit Mr. Bill Rogers., Structure Design Mr. Tom Shearin, State Roadway Design Engineer Mr. W. D. Smart, Division 13 Engineer Mr. Tom Kendig, Project Planning Engineer APPLICATION FOR DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY PERMIT (33 CFR 325) OMB APPROVAL NO. 0710-003 Expires October 1996 Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 5 hours per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send r.,,mments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of Information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to Department of Defense, Washington Headquarters Service Directorate of InformationOperations and Reports, 1215 Jefferson Davis Highway, Suite 1204, Arlington, VA 22202-4302; and to the Office of Management and Budget, Paperwork Reduction Project (0710-0003), Washington, DC 20503. Please DO NO RETURN your form to either of those addresses. Completed applications must be submitted to the District Engineer having jurisdiction over the location of the proposed activity. PRIVACY ACT STATEMENT Authority: 33 USC 401, Section 10: 1413, Section 404. Principal Purpose: These laws require permits authorizing activities in, or affecting, navigable waters of the United States, the discharge of dredged or fill material into waters of the United States, and the transportation of dredged material for the purpose of dumping it Into ocean waters. Routine Uses: Information provided on this forth will be used in evaluating the application for a permit. Disclosure: Disclosure of requested information is voluntary. If information is not provided, however, the permit application cannot be processed nor can a permit be issued. One set of original drawings or good reproducible copies which show the location and character of the proposed activity must be attached to this application (see sample drawings and instructions) and be submitted to the District Engineer having jurisdiction over the location of the proposed activity. An application that is not completed in full will be returned. IITtA/Q , Tuari A Tn aF F11 LED BY THE CORPSI_ 1. APPLICATION NO. 2. FIELD OFFICE CODE 3. DATE RECEIVED 4. DATE APPLICATION COMPLETED (ITEMS BELOW TO BE FILLED BY APPLICANT) 5. APPLICANT'S NAME 9. AUTHORIZED AGENT'S NAME AND TITLE ton agent is not required) North Carolina Department of Transportation H, Franklin Vick, PE, Manager 6. APPLICANT'S ADDRESS 9. AGENT'S ADDRESS Planning and Environmental Branch P.O. Box 25201 Raleigh, NC 27611 7. APP I ANT'S PHONE NOS. WIAREA CODE 10. AGENT'S PHONE NOS. W/AREA CODE a. Residence a. Residence (919) 733-3141 b. Business b. Business 1 1 STATEMENT OF AUTHORIZATION I hereby authorize, to act in my behalf as my agent in the processing of this application and to furnish, upon request, supplemental information in support of this permit application. APPLICANT'S SIGNATURE DATE NAME, LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT OR ACTIVITY 12. PROJECT NAME OR TITLE (see instructional US 74, TIP No. R-2306, State project No. 8.1841702 13. NAME OF WATERBODY, IF KNOWN orepprc.aei Gashes Creek, Gap Creek and their tributari 15. LOCATION OF PROJECT Buncombe "North Carolina COUNTY STATE 14. PROJECT STREET ADDRESS ursppuuae) US 74 from I-40 to SR 3136 southeast of Asheville. 16. OTHER LOCATION DESCRIPTIONS, IF KNOWN, is@* instnret/onsl N/A 17. DIRECTIONS TO THE SITE N/A --?-r! a necr%i CTC (Proponent (-W i 1 6. Nature of Activity (Description of proract, inuudo aM hsruresl Widening of existing road. Requires placement of fill, extension of existing structures, construction of new structures, stream relocations, etc. 19. Project Purpose (Describe the reason or purpose of rho project, "a tnsrructlonsl Public roadway improvement. USE BLOCKS 20-22 IF DREDGED AND/OR FILL MATERIAL IS TO BE DISCHARGED 20. Reason(s) for Discharge Project design represents the least damaging, most practicable alternative for project construction. 21. Type(s) of Material Being Discharged and the Amount of Each Type in Cubic Yards Roadway fill, construction of hydraulics structures (culverts and pipes).. 22. Surface Area in Acres of Wetlands or Other Waters Filled iseoinsinxitons) R-2306A: fill in wetlands= 0.064 acres fill in surface waters = 0.841 R-2306B: fill in wetlands= less than 0.02 acres fill in surface waters= less than 0.07ac 23. Is Any Portion of the Work Already Complete? Yes No -XL IF YES, DESCRIBE THE COMPLETED WORK 24. Addresses of Adjoining Property Owners, Lessees, Etc., Whose Property Adjoins the Waterbody (If more than can be entered here, please attach a supplemental list). See list of property owners in permit drawings (R-23068 Sheet 10 of 10, R-2306A Sheet 4 of 28). 25. List of Other Certifications or Approvals/Denials Received from other Federal, State or Local Agencies for Work Described in This Application. AGENCY TYPE APPROVAL' IDENTIFICATION NUMBER DATE APPLIED DATE APPROVED DATE DENIED NC DWQ 401 Water Quality Certification 7/17/97 'Would include but is not restricted to zoning, building and flood plain permits 26. Application is hereby made for a permit or per to authorize the work described in this application. I certify that the information in this application i pieta and rate. I rth ertify that I possess the authority to undertake the work described herein or am acting as the duly ut o agent oft plic t 'SIGNATURE OF APPLI ANT DA SIGNATURE OF AGENT DATE The application must be signed by the person who desires to undertake the proposed activity (applicant) or it may be signed by a duly authorized agent if the statement in block 11 has been filled out and signed. 18 U.S.C. Section 1001 provides that: Whoever, in any manner within the jurisdiction of any department or agency of the United States knowingly and willfully falsifies, conceals, or covers up any trick, scheme, or disguises a material fact or makes any false, fictitious or fraudulent statements or representations or makes or uses any false writing or document knowing same to contain any false, fictitious or fraudulent statements or entry, shall be fined not more than $10,000 or imprisoned not more than five years or both. ' U.S.GPO:I 99A-520-478-8:01 8 Revised Permit Drawings for U.S. 74 from I-40 to SR 2775 Buncombe County, North Carolina State Project No. 8.1841704 (R-2306A) Ate ./ • ' •!l??tarl •` rr 3erA"• ake \' B ` U S N ' )?)L rr rr.a..e.. \ 1 acettar NAT. PARK d? •;, ..G.. 30. reek . cts tree Keil XB ^toHe• tent Gardw cuE lack_ Felt ° Ch.B... "as SmWemarl crrcaOttt A Or OpD d r `? A,' Sugar D.?• •,:.a 216 •ke It r at rr rl I s to !t ll als- v !'%°' ouu I9 r lydel u t, • t I ly rn 2 y aE? ,?Grr 'tr jr..?o.•r en. 13 I! / aTn SVI • 1 row ly r la Skyland Gerson w.e..,..a S Q`.ny[ ;,r` ,'' i[wa 2J t Hat SmAtda v l lode. / ' J y \) I•• PI GA 15 B•1 C." .?M~t ock U. 1 a One r weal l I ?1 f 'de 1 awn. tw Fletc a 64 c, ! r 14 w,llett .t 2 irutl•n ?""' •"? rr nlounta , Uu lwe ? ? t?. O Syly ? ?,`f Sun4urtl '16 `? ` Yd e? I Nome Edn V b t till ey.rne 9 It 17 NAT+ w ad \ S 1 0 N , WOtta \ 0 11 wCu Ywr.M or n e ° m t/ P err \VVIIClC t 1o hee h • : 61 10.2 ? • 1 Esst Flal La Adds C .+y? y I• East Leport $et r° FOR r dersonvdle 1 Rock wu Saint 11 C rO * © s r A S ... , y , / y - T•U•te[• t i trroa: Flat R p '\ 21 r rl en •w..., ta..r Sr 12:x'1 Salu s +Brev is _..o .tn. R.- Tu. Caam + u. 1 Scale at Miles L' 116 u na TAo. 0 5 10 20 30 / • .vi??;•?n?On \. 11 yp Gleem ji? 11 10 20 30 40 48 ?? !f!?" tr'eLo?rea *. anMtt \ 0 Ali Scale of KIIwrKters .. ... ?\i 1 fMl YM , .n ' Y. A \ r t - -- f \ • 7 ? al ?l rQStS lef.11 TC r 2 a. 0 MM OAS RATTOI ?J al Il ar0 MTI ?1P" 74 M PAU .0 J Al 40 PC Cw" CLAFF JIM ..-r.. ?' YM ' BILTMORE'' ® I ry .7 J n 2Z.l.1 $? A T A / ; a* e skis-01 A '; \ lots ? slsi ? =A 1> VITYOe[ ?T [rflU! OATK AM 2211 1 /OttA '`u? ILL v'• Ll! ' 4 an ESTATE ' llll GAaal Yn ?? la r?aJ -•'A 0 .? nn '?:: q?. la0l yo La ~ F.k./.. 2111 Gr... OL 2221 11Ii /y , ) Mar ? ? llrt h1? rllt ? zw tl. ?l ? ?lllt I ? l1M • ?' `\ ill YM 0? b '?l?-?YGMI'RAT YM lug SLALt N. C. DEPT OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS BUNCOMBE COUNTY PROJECT:8,1841702 (R-2306A) PROPOSED NC 74 WIDENING SHEET OF s N O v 9< z? s r ,,?I I ,.s s 00+051 s r oO+OOIa ao f O S 54???s 9 a?•rnJ z o Alr- 19 E-4 %D r En EE-4 .> 4 0 M C7 NSA IX 04 N z Q 0 3: a x F a H z .?s ?5 A z 04 0 o 3 W - 14 Eo w M W W w a U) z co A>? A En U) O? v h a o a z o ? a a ?? %I 1113 O? ?- o N N ?L 0 ? oll 4 A Z 3 U.S. 74/I-40 TO SR 2775 - WETLANDS/WATERS IMPACTS SITE STA.(APPROX.)_ WETLANDS(AC.) WATERS(AC.) 1 24+50 -L- 0.135 2 25+00 -L- 0.012 3 31+00 -L- 0.002 4 33+00 -L- 0.002 5 11+00 -Y2- 0.033 6 11+00 -YS- 0.289 7 10+70 -Y8- 0.049 8 77+00 -L- 0.001 9 86+00 -L- 0.001 10 11+75 -Y14- 0.037 11 102+00 -L- 0.162 12 103+50 -L- 0.002 13 108+75 -L- 0.009 14 12+90 -Y15- 0.039 15 11+50 -Y18- Deleted-8/19/95 ----- 16 126+00 -L- Deleted-8/19/95 ----- 17 129+00 -L- Deleted-8/19/95 ----- 171 137+00 -L- 0.005 18 143+50 -L- 0.012 N. C. DEPT OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS BUNCOMBE COUNTY PROJECT:8.1841702 (R-2306A) PROPOSED NC 74 WIDENING SHEET _? 0 F U.S. 74/I-40 TO SR 2775 - WETLAND PROPERTY OWNERS SITE PROPERTY OWNER ADDRESS 1,2,3,4&5 Nat. Park Service,DOI BB&T Bldg., One Pack Sq. Asheville, N.C. 28801 6 B.K. Miller, et ux 5 Hemphill Road Asheville, N.C. 28803 6 James E. Martin 20 Avondale Road Asheville, N.C. 28803 6 Annie P. Carpenter Fernwood MHP Lot #1 Asheville, N.C. 28803 6 Sammy E. Branch Fernwood MHP Lot #30 Asheville, N.C. 28803 6 Richard I. Holdredge 2 Highlander Road Asheville, N.C. 28803 7 G.C.& H.L. Huntley 121 Charlotte Highway Asheville, N.C. 28803 8 Louise S. Jones Heirs 498 Bonnie Lane Saleix, Va. 24153 9 Buncombe County BOE 175 Bingham Road Asheville, N.C. 28806 10,11,12, J.L. Sales 235 Charlotte Highway 13&14 Asheville, N.C. 28803 13 J.L. Sales, Jr. 235 Charlotte Highway Asheville, N.C. 28803 14 Peggy A.S. Edwards 2 June Sales Road Asheville, N.C. 28803 14 Gary L. Wilson 15 Woodmont Drive Asheville, N.C. 28806 15 Deleted-8/19/95 16 Deleted-8/19/95 17 Deleted-8/19/95 17A John M. Nesbitt 18 James M. Williamson 305 Charlotte Highway Asheville, N.C. 28803 5 Cedar Mountain Road Asheville, N.C. 28803 N. C. DEPT OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS BUNCOMBE COUNTY PROJECT:8.1841702 (R-2306A) PROPOSED NC 74 WIDENING SHEET q 0 F U.S. 74/1-40 TO SR 2775 - WETLAND PROPERTY OWNERS SITE PROPERTY OWNER ADDRESS 19 Russell Donnelly 705 Charlotte Highway Fairview, N.C. 28730 20 Ronnie E. Hollifield 725 Charlotte Highway Fairview, N.C. 28730 21&22 Martin A. Conjura 365 Old Charlotte Hwy. Fairview, N.C. 28730 22 Sebren H. Clark 10 Balmoral Drive E oxen Hill Md. 20745 22 Grover Trantham 229 Old Fort Road Fairview, N.C. 28730 22 Steven L. Trantham 38010 Charlotte Highway Fairview, N.C. 28730 22 Kenneth Harris 14 Christ School Road Arden, N.C. 28704 22 Gerald W. Dean 1346 Charlotte Highway Fairview, N.C. 28730 23 Harrys U-Drive It Inc. 819 Patton Avenue Asheville, N.C. 28816 23 C.V. Merrill Heirs 101 Oteen Church Road Asheville, N.C. 28805 ??? ISI oN l?VD sIT6-? 11 (r N. C. DEPT OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS BUNCOMBE COUNTY PROJECT:8.1841702 (R-2306A) PROPOSED NC 74 WIDENING SHEET ?) OF ? -3 W ,? \ h ? > Q., +? \ N Ina Loo ?r ?Z \ h \? h 1 r -lin O r 0'80.9-,I N1939 r ZO ONVISI 01H111ONON M 0N3 OL+ ; \ r vd Q y h r J ? a C, ? h •• r I. OVO N1039 ; 831)JdV9 •ON00 . • r 5z 03SOd08d ON3' W 00+• \ \ U cm K ??. v ,L x ?m W h +I I FO Sp I ? ? ; O a m ? O ICJ L'i -j + J Z J N U ? N ? 3 s w- *3 0 S W cr. LLJ Z CL -3, " W U / J W ' ?Z Z 1 m Q -11 C V) w O cr J, o ; r M W L) cr °Z d $ Q _ o -MO >- ¢ ~ `n f « W W Zp<O J U O.rWN J LA M 11 ?WgL? ?CZ Q Q =MOh ' uo?N< ^3 N W,a W-2W <» m1-1-!j ?- «Oe ?2ZED ?I1? 111 I,,Q ,,, ?, '9f pry y\ iV I o?? I QI ,tl:?N1Wm• ?r I W ?? I r zI VL .\\1 m - V C 9 et ,SZ 0 alI ?Al 4 I ? I vl I I I 1 r? u I I ?\III Q Q b o QQ ° o? Q QQ 0 V ° 0 O T r < p V Q ac ? N- J- U QJ J 9S z `I - Q )- igy -K x - U i C w W O ~ W Z •-1 N `' V1 m ? a:L? ua? &; O W E- 0 UL z ° J v O Q ? I I ? ''Ip,rQ I :I I ? I i a I © 1 a (1 I ? I I o I I 1t? Ix ¢ 1 a 0 I a I o ? 4I r =I o I d - J I a O I U ?I I z ? o I E-+ E E- O C7 N 0 I H E- x w N ?? z ~ a Q C.t.l ?xo h-? O C4 U o 3 E W h O W •-i ?' T ozx co O O U z w p ) U ""A 00 ? W r-r 5 • • Q W N A > GQ E-1 W x w H •A V h ? o ? p[ U a4 C14 O ym S S i 0 Y z / I? a a LZ?? ?Zz-• Y$ y ?O° O ? o ? V D N fiQ Wmo Na ¦ z O ? O V J J Q J a z _J O N i\j W o m W D 0 f?'1 U ^ m V1 2 W . V W O O Q J ? co O M O W Q? J Q cL Z t QC J C Zw o 0 / !.. Q J Q ? W O ? .?U u u ? ` • c3 Z L _. N o ma 1. / '• ? Z W ? O ? Z co o O y p r o z r W Z mm ncn ? oWoo p ¢ g Q C4 d o + + Vn m n o a'Q N H W O O? t C J u ? n Ln J co 0 o > ?a dC Z a ?_] I e d V J y ? =; ? ,-I N. C. DEPT,OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS BUNCOMBE COUNTY PROJECT:8.1841702 (R-2306A) PROPOSED NC 74 WIDENING SHEET ? OF ` I r!1 iN O ./+ Z O ¢ a u J V N N Z O O r ¢ ? ? J J Z m = 00 <LOgo Q W pa"u ? •L- a O ti O z ¢??o o m ¢ O 7N W W N¢ N Ja V v 0 > V O V< < 4 W OOV; TsV ¢a O 1 W J Z ¢pa, JyN.Z >Q ^ JzafDO ? Ova ? N O ? O u 4ooLoz J W O O N a 1c mZ¢ O O W? W L L> Z ^vm Jz OO S OZ JOOO. L m a a V K¢ z O \ \ W_ \ N O \ O X 1 O I O? L O a L I z N a 7 I I I . ? ID ^1 ¢ N O ¢ 7 = N < a W a? d F. N W N yIv I9 N. C. DEPT OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS BUNCOMBE COUNTY PROJECT:8.1841702 (R-2306A) ,P?Dai WP?D ?? 1 11.5 PROPOSED NC 74 WIDENING SHEET OF O H H 04 m E-4 >4 w 04 O x H cn 0 Z z ::) S3 0 4 E4 rZ4 s 1\ 04 O GWO OO Q. O E• H U ?? a. cn z w > ? > Q > W j 6 H ? i - I ? m z_ ? I ?o O M N 1 a v N O t- r-1 co E U W h O a a oz H w A 44 H O .r Z W A w w x cn cn O a O a a 0 z z 0 L) M E x ? QL 0 IV l` S 1 1 413 z .r _ N I h co yL ff WI 03 41 I4o 3`1 00 rrr=' W \' AF s r? AA 9S V ti 4= H w 1A? 4 ?6) 6 E- E-(r 0c i - F 0 C7 °,r z N vi E 0 3: >4 \ a x z N 00 z?-i Q W v N O p? x O o 3 0 0 E+ 0 14 y= ao m o N 1:4 Ca C [? ? I 7,' LLJ LL)0Na° O co O O U rNWQ? E4 H U z W W V O i i 0.4l m a". cA _ v u? W H 'J .. Q W N Z." U Q7 Cp a" E"10-4 In mpm W x Q W O U I.- P-3 D L) `^ z LL V a. O O?./ , w Ll1 0 Q' W a CL W = a a p ? U Z Z CO LL 1J ?a` Q7? ?°` / DENOTES FILL IN WATERS R 'h Lu ' o a A / d ti S9 S ?I,pf GE OF ?15?1N.G a'1?+aT?EZS of US Z0 s "1 .1 44 y i 4ct o,\?y) _ i Z ¢ r o I ?.I`d + 1 \? <0 4 y "' ~ Q >j CD \ / u / •S 5 ft / 4 H .y c_ tQ S 6= It N S y `OO co Ch / a Q NI ?? e e ? N 5254'4. E ? 'h / ~00 4 )) 0 A3b-? aN3 10 O Si. / u poj0 09 \ \1 SCAL 'l0 a• ?69? :. R??1SED y?z1 191 r N. C. DEPT OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS BUNCOMBE COUNTY N\. PROJECT:8.1841702 (R-2306A) ~CO PROPOSED NC 74 WIDENING Mq T NHL IN SHEET 9 OF 8 43+50.00 , ?' W 15' TO 20' BA I I BOULDERS I/4 /i - -- R°c - - COBBLE o COBBLE ----- _ - - ---- u T1Mes eon -"o vlpueWEG FOOTER ROCK ?AL al 0 VORTEX ROCK WEIR - TYPICAL PLAN NOT TO SCALE 61 TO Io' f NOTE 2: A CAP SHALL BE LEFT BETWEEN THE TOP BOULDERS TO ALLOW SOME FLOW-THROUGH. A MINIMUM GAP OF 3 •/- FT. SHALL BE PROVIDED AT ONE LOCATION IN THE WEIR NOTED AS THE THALWEG. THE LOCATION OF THIS THALWEG CAP SHALL BE ATTENUATED LEFT AND RICHT OF THE CENTERLINE. -- -_ - - I A-", ca(..ra rAarotEO ....? A(O a.o(? .5 . a o.r p oc"r Tao. al- var(. "" ow f00IU Am,. room Aoca K.C(D AT 1- "W( it T. calla( STOW KO VORTEX ROCK WEIR - TYPICAL PROFILE NOT TO SCALE NOTE, a NlK( KAS EKAr a - TO Tai. (. row T(A aq v ,(T AOEa( s+ oK" a too 11 w.TM AOCat M W.AAr AO[a {,? 1, -s .AIXAO Kw r0 K ru(a w .TN r 10 ( cowar.. N. C. DEPT OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS BUNCOMBE COUNTY PROJECT:8.1841702 (R-2306A) PROPOSED NC 74 WIDENING \ 1 SHEET __0- OF ?g ReviSecl 7/f7 VORTEX ROCK WEIR - TYPICAL SECTION NOT TO SCALE NOTE I: ALLOW THALWEG TO ALTERNATE BACK AND FORTH FROM CENTERLINE. z p i O -? E C> 04 Ea d O 3 >4 . CI H ?.: -? WxH 06 z z d cn 0 z .. W Ozs? x o tV A o QC \Jr? EwU O 3 N N 0 4 D4 CO •?w c? - z w v o `? 04 to z W D W ?-? tD •• A W QUL-v ?? -g AH> E-4 14 M D V v] to A z a a rJ - z a a J s ?_ 0 V? w ?? II I w t' w E. O II I N Q Cl o ? 7 It\ x o ra - I a ? i s o x ? N O ?1 i CSI O O (o `- 3 (& (, A :?' I?CBC f 4y,m\D 'r1u6 0-WNFL 30 10 O SCAL€ -T. OF TP..ANS('OR Tfk l'I UN 1 OF HIGHWAYS .:OUr4l Y .1(0=n(Nl' US-74 rP.Orl WESI OF S,:Ai_1_ AS SHOWN ? F ISIO?a: SHE(: (J. Z-or '7 s rJAY L y 7G DENOTES FILL IN WATERS ?= - e+A,AN VIEW SITE ' 7 4 z O E4 `a E4 >+ CV) (7 a3 N z N ? wxH a z z0 w o4 x O N H O ,34 4 Cu u O 3 E ,11 O W `- I U4 ca Oz:. co \?j E-4 O O z E4 j a cn z m W - - Q > CO E4 w x 1? , ?-? U cn cn • A W O W U O O v ?? z a a J 3 1 CJ ? W E. ' O ,, r Z _ W I ° C'S z - o i? x x C) 0 0 0 n z o -- Er rc U) E- o N x v 134 :1: z x w N Q °? N z ?-. ] Qx0 ,. ?+ A .. w 0 3 OG U 0 3 O w a C14 ro /? I o S O OH U a cn z ao z E- w J ?h - ? A> co E- w x r- A w o U) O n a Z J ?1 z a a 1 N ?- ? - ? ? ? I ? F ? o r ? I I a C ? a x ? ? I I > V I ? ? vn ? I I I l a ?? I I ' ' ? d e?1 ? ? I b1 ? r II I 0 Z ?` I I I I 11- S` ? ? I I I I J ? ? I 77 r 0.- ca U ? 1 1 , O U ? I x 1 I I ?, I I `. o 0 T m -LAA/ V16W SITE #ZQ oxG 92 b6 ENo v -9csc 000--? q Exit <:::?( EjclSriNG' GI??NNEL Ll)&f OF wniE?S of US 9- DENOTES FILL IN WATERS 10 o so SCA Lf. N . -'. D[F. T . OF TPANSPOR T141 ION OIV(S(ON OF HEGHWAYS BUN,:.OnG[ COUf41 Y 611 C/:: fl(N-? US-74 rPOrl WLSI Of- t-41'. r I ) 7P -, '; S•-nALC AS SHOWN ?E•(ISIo?d: nl+Y 1 y? S1-4 r L S uF Z8 z n 0 Q H E4 N M c7 E4 3 N z ?S wxF 0G z C? z .? W 14O N A 0 p 'c? U o 3 H 0 rf4 `v O w D4 cc y) O O O .--1 U N (-."U z E4 aU)z co w Q H co U O (1) ?- a ? U A n o. Ju 0 0 a a z a a ?T k z o w F a ? ? N a ? z ? S W ? 11 O ?? O o 43 H J P x o 0 a OL --v ?j X1.1 WE i V V o? V v e ?C y .s 1 z O Kc Y) C) Cl) z ? C4 I E w x E -H z " Z H `,? Q G. x O U o 3 Fw ow r+ ?n D4 Da O 0 0 .-4 U p H U - z H O.Mz (U W W " =) •• Q W a>w E• w x H U Lo -A W O U O O a ac Z; a ? Wn a w F Q 3 1 .. J --GGJ cA W Lj o ti ? ,oatoo may. y z 0 m 0 x 0 O -V7 Vl$ M N z N O E+ ? E- N E- C) O v a Q 04 z wxF oC z N z~? w A o 9 xO s ` z v \ U E• O W o .? c` 3c v ? .. f14 CO 00 O co U \n E-4 ?• U lid to ? Z A E-4 W 1 N r-) (n rA I 94 0 r-.) L14 \ ? Cl) a w E 1 T - 3 N Ib 1 \ J ? t.. ? \ ? ? N\ H 1] 1 ? 2 I N ? a ?d 1 ) ?1 0 Q I ? O I x I ? o K I ? NtI 'Y W I' NI NI 0 Q co O I 0` E-a >4 M C? 11 \ O 3 >+ N H N a x H a W I z z?z =) a w I ? ? x U C14 3 O q H Cc. I I N O W •-1 v'? 1 ?- V' [L 07 Z 1 O z :c CC) I 00 -4 0 ac~nz co z w wN=) .. 0 w E-4 E4 C.) En U) . A W 0 I lfl- c co - V "3 a ?I 00 0 I? z a a ? I i II o 1 ?- 1 I Q 0 till I -L N N I c%' v ? I h ? C) 0 I o o N? N z o H ? N g ul z a w W V, H 44 V o 3 Q w°CO N `I I ° O z :t co O U V ` z I O7 ac~nz cc) Z w 0 14 " t:) cl > C4 :1.1 ll ; ?yi1 U A a ? I ?, z a a b ? a w E 3 C y d / K " ? zs a a I ti t.. .? N N I ?N E- 0 p? ? ? yl wn I z I ? ?Q o ? x O 1 ? O O N ?I ? a z O ^ v H H 04 E-4 >4 M .9 O 3: >+ ?-r c J I m a. x E-H c? z a ?- z w vl z I I I ?N x O U N o A 3 O x I I a H O r?- I !- 0 z CO \vl - 4 z I Qz rte-- H O U Z E-4 I I ) 04 94 ao w W I \ L1 A'>-' CQ E-4 U E4 o U) U A h O 04 O ? z-= z a a a a I En I 0 w ' I Q ? r z _ J I az? 14 I o Z 0 zw c ? P 0 U _ n ? p x p ? > O O z O -, E- E-4 ? N p I 0 3: >4 ??p Q I ca'n?z x zw Z,3 ZD 1=1 I I IN 0- 4 x U O 3 O p .? may- E O W vZ p 0 Z:4 ao 00 0 tJ H U Z E-4 04 to z co W "5 A W J W dr 0((7? 4 A > ca E+ W x ?Z a ?\ A W O ¢ 4. I >? N U O O % I I ? ?' # Z ? I I ??1 m s ?S s ? i ZO u x? 1 I ? ? l? ?I o kA3 z J J z ILU J J LL u V IA D. ? a- v m ` X r O a 9 O r N v w ? Q K v n/ N Lli I I I I L z O ?• F fc cn O E-4 >4 cq Q) 0 C4 F4 C14 0 H H a x C4 z V] C? z 14 3 z ::) Q f14 1 tZ x O C14 O u; U C) 3 F W r 9 O W -i v w "Cr r- 0 z co O O U F"U Z F ? w co w' • a ca > cn F w x •q W O V r-.) CL4 O O 4, a z a a w F P I / r L w F O Cn Z V ? W i ? 3 - Lb Q z o d H tD 04 cn o E >-4 M 0 a Itc N z axH >-4 I oG W z 6 cnC7 Z ?-+ ::) 0 w 4 N ?? O ? ? x 0 3 / I SOW vw J O z ? I Z- 00 -4 U z co I W H O A W A ,>, U En U) I-D 04 ?- UQ a° a a a z 11° z I ? l? I ? a I ? a w v N 3 I ?^ O M w E 14 S I' Z V- N L c xbI o? 11 I?dj aLi a" N I z O -? E?n 014 cn o ? 03 ? ? z N axF AG z ,-1 E Z (4 Z :D 44 O C4 A Q O LL' U o 3 E- r14 r- 0 w rT4 Co cp pi S I u? Q O z z ao NI )e 0 0 -1 s- E-4 z EA VI) a4 to z a) w p I 7 Q> ca E-+ w x U En U) a / Q? v A h / fl1 O O a a z x a p / O -? I m S -< 3 Z+ 71 _ I z I I T ,? ra N C) I I o c7) o u o x OL PERMIT DRAWINGS FOR U. S. 74 FROM SR2775 T BUNCOMBE COUNTY, NORTH SR31 36 CAROLINA NCDOT PROJ. NO. 8.1841704 (R-2306E) F.A. PROD. STP - 74 (18) 10 / 09 / 95 PREPARED BY: VAUGHN & MELTON ENGINEERS-ARCHITECTS ASHEVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA !5h a,+ 1 c 'f 10 MASHEVILLE CHESTNUT s , 040 MOUNTAIN Q ROAD SITE #3 o°RT BEGIN SITE #4 PROJECT SIT #1 SITE #5 S E #2 ?o ITE #6 g 0 FAI RVI E W ?pPp SCHOOL ?OPO cp ^ VQ- ??? c ?F c9o Sy ROAD 4?0 N G 'po o p TO BAT G 0 R CNN ' o O 4iY ? END PROJECT yr J m VICINITY MAP NO SCALE 0 0 z N.C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS BUNCOMBE COUNTY NCDOT PRO. NO. 8.1841704 (R-2306B) FA PROJ. NO. STP-74(18) SHEET 2 OF 10 DATE 10 / 09 / 95 DENOTES FILL WATERS TO BE IMPACTED 0,02 AC RENA BELOW OH W. PROPOSED CHANNEL PROPOSE EXISTII L VIEW SCALE 1' - 40' I Ogg 0 40 80 SITE #4 N.C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS BUNCOMBE COUNTY NCDOT PRO. NO. 8.1841704 (R-23068) F.A. PROJ. NO. STP-74(18) SHEET 7 OF 10 DATE 10 / 09 / 95 WATERS TO BE IMPACTED: <0.01 AC -36' U/G CAT-1 -Z EXISTING U.S.74 CENTERLINE PROPOSED U.S.74 CENTERLINE PROPOSED CULVERT EXTENSION 162'-24' RCP PROPOSED CHANNEL CHANGE ® DENOTES FILL BELOW OHW. F 2- uu' RETIN 16.'x4?' CONC C Mc T 2-a. luu's 5'-24'R 1 PLAN VIEW SCALE 1' - 40' 0 40 80 SITE #5 N.C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS BUNCOMBE COUNTY NCDOT PRO. NO. 8.1841704 (R-2306B) F.A. PROJ. NO. STP-74(18) SHEET 8 OF 10 DATE 10 / 09 / 95 ® DENOTES FILL WATERS TO BE IMPACTED 0.02 AC BELOW oHw. GE SCALE V = 40' 0 40 80 TRANSPORTATION N.C. DEPT. OF DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS BUNCOMBE COUNTY NCDOT PRO. NO. 8,1841704 (R-2306B) F.A. PROJ. NO. STP-74(18) SHEET 9 OF 10 DATE 10 / 09 / 95 SITE #1 SITE #2 SITE #3 SITE #3 SITE #4 SITE #4 SITE #5 SITE #5 SITE #6 SITE #6 SITE #6 PROPERTY OWNERS: NCDOT PROJ. NO 8.1841704 (R-23068) F.A. PROJ. NO. STP-74 (18) BUNCOMBE COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA FORTH R. NAISANG P.O. BOX 295 FAIRVIEW, N.C. 28730 GARTHA McGUINN CHARLOTTE HWY. FAIRVIEW, N.C. 28730 JAMES R. VETRO JOYCE CAROLYN W. PRESLEY BOBBY V. RAY STEPHEN BARNWELL 7 BLUE RIDGE DEVEL. RD. FAIRVIEW, N.C. 28730 995A CHARLOTTE HWY. FAIRVIEW, NC 28730 1010 CHARLOTTE HWY. FAIRVIEW, N.C. 28730 2000 HENDERSONVILLE RD. ASHEVILLE, N.C. 28803 FORTH R. NAISANG CHARLES M. POWELL GENE R. MEYER ROBERT N. WRIGHT CLARA SALES P.O. BOX 295 FAIRVIEW, N.C. 28730 96 CADIMA AVE. CORAL GA BLES, FL. 33134 P.O. BOX 1158 FAIRVIEW, N.C. 28730 P.O. BOX 477 FAIRVIEW, N.C. 28730 P.O. BOX 1136 FAIRVIEW, N.C. 28730 J? . . IT I State of North Carolina Department of Environment, YIKMA • Health and Natural Resources • Division of Water Quality A&4 James Hunt, Governor p E H N F1 Jonathan B. Howes, Secretary A. Preston Howard, Jr., P.E., Director July 17, 1997 Mr. Franklin Vick N.C. Department of Transportation Planning and Environmental Branch P.O. Box 25201 Raleigh, NC 27611-5201 Dear Mr. Vick, Re: Certification Pursuant to Section 401 of the Federal Clean Water Act, Proposed widening of US 74 from, I-40 to SR 2775 WQC Project #951201, COE #199402123, TIP #R-2306 Buncombe County Attached hereto is a copy of Certification No. 3147 issued to N. C. Department of Transportation dated July 17, 1997. If we can be of further assistance, do not hesitate to contact us. Sincerely, p Preston Ho ard, Jr. P.E. A. Attachments 951201.wgc cc: Wilmington District Corps of Engineers Corps of Engineers Asheville Field Office Asheville DWQ Regional Office Mr. John Dorney Mr. John Parker, Division of Coastal Management Central Files Jill Hickey; Attorney Generals Office Division of Water Quality • Environmental Sciences Branch Enviro. Sciences Branch. 4401 Reedv Creek Rd.. Raleiah. NC 27607 Teleohone 919-733-1786 FAX # 733-9959 NORTH CAROLINA 401 WATER QUALITY CERTIFICATION THIS CERTIFICATION is issued in conformity with the requirements of Section 401 Public Laws 92-500 and 95-217 of the United States and subject to the North Carolina Division of Water Quality (DWQ) Regulations in 15 NCAC 2H, Section.0500 to N.C. Department of Transportation resulting in 0.064 acres of wetland impact and 0.84 acres of water impact including the relocation of 1,100 linear feet of channel in Buncombe County pursuant to an application dated the 26th day of July 1996, the 9th day of May 1997 and the 9th day of July 1997 to relocate Gashes Creek to accommodate the widening of US 74 (TIP # R-2306). The application provides adequate assurance that the discharge of fill material into the waters of Gashes Creek in conjunction with the proposed development will not result in a violation of applicable Water Quality Standards and discharge guidelines. Therefore, the State of North Carolina certifies that this activity will not violate the applicable portions of Sections 301, 302, 303, 306, 307 of PL 92-500 and PL 95-217 if conducted in accordance with the application and conditions hereinafter set forth. This approval is only valid for the purpose and design that you submitted in your application, as described in the Public Notice or as modified below. If you change your project, you must notify us and you may be required to submit a revised application. If total wetland fills for this project (now or in the future) exceed one acre, compensatory mitigation may be required as described in 15A NCAC 2H .0506 (h) (6) and (7). For this approval to be valid, you must follow the conditions listed below. In addition, you should get any other federal, state or local permits before you go ahead with your project including (but not limited to) Sediment and Erosion control, Coastal Stormwater, Non-discharge and Water Supply watershed regulations. Condition(s) of Certification: 1. Appropriate sediment and erosion control practices which equal or exceed those outlined in the most recent version of the "North Carolina Sediment and Erosion Control Planning and Design Manual" or the "North Carolina Surface Mining Manual" (available from the Division of Land Resources in the DEHNR Regional or Central Offices) shall be utilized to prevent exceedances of the appropriate turbidity water quality standard (50 NTUs in all fresh water streams and rivers not designated as trout waters; 25 NTUs in all lakes and reservoirs, and all saltwater classes; and 10 NTUs in trout waters); 2. All sediment and erosion control measures placed in wetlands or waters shall be removed and the natural grade restored after the Division of Land Resources has released the project; 3. Measures shall be taken to prevent live or fresh concrete from coming into contact with waters of the state until the concrete has hardened; 4. Should waste or borrow sites be located in wetlands, compensatory mitigation is required since it is a direct impact from road construction activities; 5. On-site compensatory mitigation shall be done in accordance with "Final Construction Plans for R-2306A." DOT shall submit a final on-site mitigation plan to DWQ. A minimum of 1:1 restoration or creation is required. 6. Off-site mitigation shall be done at Reed Creek in Weaver Park in Asheville as described in the "Conceptual Stream Restoration Report for Reed Creek" dated 14 April 1997 and the addenda memo from John Dorney to Tom Kendig dated 12 June 1997 with the following exceptions: a) shrubs shall be planted in the floodplain of Reed Creek on at least one side of the channel for its entire length including from station 1+50 to 3+75 and 8+00 to 9+25. b) the south side of Reed Creek from station 0+00 to 5+50 shall be planted with evergreen shrubs. c) DOT shall conduct monitoring for macrobenthos in the summer of 1997 (pre- construction). In the two summers following the completion of the stream construction, no monitoring shall occur. After this two year period, DOT shall resume the macrobenthos monitoring in the summer for three consecutive years. DWQ's Standard Operating Procedures for macrobenthos analysis shall be used or another method approved by DWQ. Monitoring shall be done once a year at two stations. DOT shall locate these sites and submit them for written DWQ approval. Macrobenthos monitoring reports shall be submitted on an annual basis to DWQ by September 30. d) DOT shall submit a final off-site mitigation plan to DWQ for written approval within two months of the issuance of the 404 Permit. 7. Within two months of the issuance of the 404 Permit, DOT shall cause the City of Asheville to grant the Conservation Easement for the Reed Creek-Weaver Park mitigation site, as required by the agreement between the City of Asheville and DOT (TIP # R-2306, Project # 8.1841702). 8. DOT shall submit a management plan for the off-site mitigation at Reed Creek - Weaver Park to DWQ for its written approval within two months of the issuance of the 404 Permit. The site shall be maintained in accordance with this management plan. 9. DOT shall submit compensatory wetland and stream mitigation plans to DWQ if the Army Corps of Engineers requires mitigation in addition to the Reed Creek-Weaver Park plan and the on-site mitigation. Violations of any condition herein set forth shall result in revocation of this Certification and may result in criminal and/or civil penalties. This Certification shall become null and void unless the above conditions are made conditions of the Federal 404 and/or coastal Area Management Act Permit. This Certification shall expire upon expiration of the 404 or CAMA permit. If this Certification is unacceptable to you you have the right to an adjudicatory hearing upon written request within sixty (60) days following receipt of this Certification. This request must be in the form of a written petition conforming to Chapter 150B of the North Carolina General Statutes and filed with the Office of Administrative Hearings, P.O. Box 27447, Raleigh, N.C. 27611-7447. If modifications are made to an original Certification, you have the right to an adjudicatory hearing on the modifications upon written request within sixty (60) days following receipt of the Certification. Unless such demands are made, this Certification shall be final and binding. This the 17th day of July, 1997 DMSION OF WATER EQUALITY A. reston owald, Jr. P. . WQC #3147 State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality James B. Hunt, Jr., G ove mor Jonathan B. Howes, Secretary A. Preston Howard, Jr., P.E., Director APPROVAL of 401 Conceptual Stream Restoration, for Reed Creek, Weaver Park Asheville Mr. Toni Kendig North Carolina Department of Transportation Division of Highways Planning and Environmental Branch Environmental Unit P.O. Box 25201 Raleigh, N.C. 27611-5201 Dear Mr. Kendig: LT.WAA 49 ?A&741 0 [D FE F-3 May 1, 1997 Buncombe County TIP Project No. R-2306 NCDOT No. 8.1841702 Contract No. A302659 The proposed stream restoration as outlined in the'Conceptual Stream Restoration' report is acceptable to DWQ since it will result in improved streambank stability which will improve aesthetics and water quality. After my staff discussed the plans with Chuck Hegberg of KCI Tech, it was our understanding the entire rock wall will be removed since this would dissipate erosive forces downstream. The ins;de curve (depositional floodplain) will be graded out rather than remain entrenched. In addition, KCI is planning on planting trees on the banks to provide shading. They will likely use large (approximately 8 ft.) trees with strong wood, such as oaks planted on 10 - 12 foot centers. Since this is a park and security is an issue, KCI wanted to use larger trees with few understory branches spaced 10 to 12 feet apart. An open understory would eliminate the potential for muggers and undesirables to hide amongst the vegetation. Please submit estimates of planting density and tree species to be used for our review and approval. KCI was planning on surveying the area to see which species grow naturally so that they could plant trees which will mimic the natural setting. The trees should be placed within 10 feet of the stream to ensure shading. if you have any questions, please telephone John Dorney at 919-733-1786. ncer II ?1 J ) n R. Dorne cc: Wilmington District Corps of Engineers Corps of Engineers Asheville Field Office Asheville DWQ Regional Office Central Files Division of Water Quality • Environmental Sciences Branch Environmental Sciences Branch, 4401 Reedy Creek Rd., Raleigh, NC 27607 Telephone 919-733-1786 FAX If 733-9959 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer • 50% recycled/10% post consumer paper ?s ort tl treafft restoration R reek ? Yarr sheville, nsk -230 _ 1841702 ultliig~Project No. 96-KO-03 o. ,A302859 Eey ? T i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 t A'AWbrt •?? Stream 'Restoration =Ree, r. reek ' ' a : Par gheville, ? o nk 230 ? , c • 01.1841702 u/trng'Project No. 96-KG-03 k " o..A302659 ` A- M ? w ol?riainc. "'?''M April ?4, 197 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 f TABLE OF CONTENTS Page No. 1.0 INTRODUCTION ....................................................... I 2.0 PROJECT GOALS ...................................................... 1 3.0 EXISTING CONDITIONS ................................................ 1 3.1 Watershed ....................................................... 1 3.2 Site Description ................................................... 4 3.3 Channel Description ............................................... 4 4.0 PROPOSED CONCEPT PLAN ............................................ 7 4.1 Planform ...................................................... 7 4.2 Cross-Section ................................................. 7 4.3 Bank Stabilization .............................................. 8 4.4 Park Features ..................................................... 9 5.0 PRELIMINARY COST ESTIMATE ........................................ 9 6.0 REFERENCES ........................................................ 10 APPENDICES APPENDIX A SITE PHOTOGRAPHS APPENDIX B HEC-RAS OUTPUT AND CROSS-SECTIONS APPENDIX C USGS REGIONAL REGRESSION DATA . 11 1 t EA 1.0 INTRODUCTION The North Carolina Department of Transportation has completed this Conceptual Stream Restoration Plan for the restoration of Reed Creek to satisfy permit requirements associated with the proposed improvements to Route 74 in Buncombe County. These improvements along Route 74 required the relocation of Gashes Creek, a tributary to the Swannanoa River. In addition to the rehabilitation of Gashes Creek onsite, a Site Search was conducted (KCI, January, 1997) to locate streams requiring restoration in the Swannanoa and French Broad watersheds. Reed Creek, a tributary to the French Broad River north of Asheville, was selected as the candidate stream available for restoration Figures 1 and 2). Two (2) additional potential restoration sites were located in the Swannanoa watershed, but landowners were not willing to participate. Availability, existing bank erosion, lack of riparian buffers, potential for water quality improvements and educational opportunities established Reed Creek as the primary candidate for restoration. The reach area identified for restoration is the portion of Reed Creek in Weaver Park between Murdock Avenue and Merrimon Avenue, approximately 400 meters (1,300 linear feet) along the channel centerline. The restoration will include approximately 670 meters (2,200 linear feet) of bank stabilization. The restoration methodology applied for this project and presented within this report includes fluvial geomorphological principles, innovative technology for creating stable channel geometry, planform, and bank protection using various bioengineering techniques. 2.0 PROJECT GOALS In addition to meeting the permit requirements for restoration, the goals of this restoration project include: Develop an environmentally sensitive approach to stabilizing the stream channel using fluvial geomorphological principles and bioengineering measures. • Restore habitat and reduce erosion potential along Reed Creek through revegetation, in-stream habitat improvements, and bank stabilization • Improve water quality conditions downstream through the stabilization of channel sediments, shading, pollutant uptake, flood attenuation. • Integrate stream stabilization and habitat enhancement goals with opportunities for educational advancement and park utilization. 3.0 EXISTING CONDITIONS 3.1 Watershed The watershed draining to the project site is approximately 600 hectares (1,470 acres). Watershed limits to the east are defined by the northeast-southwest trending Beaucatcher and Sunset Mountains reaching elevations of approximately 944 meters (3,100 feet) above i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i 21 V4 rf y' _ -? V C2 ? W I, IJ! fY , ?? s tU ? ? JJJ } o lti r . ' p ? IX li J ?. 1 t L 'A? ?' i M ? ' o 1 ? . f 01 ? I , I. I J u' 11 ' ? l3 o j I?D J s 9?1 ir'? 1 J ni -,? :Yid 3 b. ??I I Y: j1? Q wIrs a. p? ?5 J /" '?.51 r n 00 r-, c 733 1?1 i ?~ A ?S : (] ti Ili OS w ' 0 . d . ? JY ? U f ? j t{ J? ll,;t Q, fr! ?'? i ?. 1 Y7 s rs1 Q. o: Via: w w h _ 0 o , ' r4 j n y W* ? I 0 ,,, ,`mow _M? i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i Figure 2. Location Map (Asheville. NC Quad) oo f_in? ' l,oakoat Mtn 11 p wr2a•, T ??r` tip--I? k f if •. 1,..,?• •Y `1???.' ? {51;.. •Ily _??E_lrnQn' pbYpl '? ?'?`? '?- ? /r? ? ^? .Y• •.ii i? `?•? _ T-:` . s? ? .yy3 `1 ??f r 7P?% VXY ? ?i? ' Pii'r? r • ? i ?.. i •w ?.f' •• j t• ? #y ? 1i :ePflrk wanp I x•ti -YJ ?: ? Ut??:r-1••„?n<?l I? ?3 ;?I l:__113?fw I ?'"???,tiy??: ? `'?'t ' lrv.rET' i,q? Veavor -?a 4.<.-??{ /......:-f``-?I?"? `bark l?l. ?f •?rll t't , ?.l t ? 1n,i '? ? .?? ????.:? l``? ?? >'"'? /?,'" `r?;k?I?i "Iii', ill C ?11 rw?,, I?? ? + I Sri: ?{k??r f'j?i? u ?Idr 1 •? f ' ?',: R_{I ? F '?,_i 'i ,? ? a ?r" P yl.t"",_, ...'-;?: v.' • 111 it y A "^ ,,, '? ?.?-, `, Fem. jj .S 1/ -•r I? •-+:.?.. .. 1fh / ;L 1? D? Iy, 1 ,wee 0* Re ?[ ? // .? i,l ?•< (/ "&?,/I'+ t+ ??-- .? .?./''_" \ A-/:PTT ''7? ,?.?rl ! ( 1,1 ,•? 1F?.. t} '?ItInS9Dh fi.,.,ItA+ '.'? a' S ? '? ? 11 y h.v h ?_1 1 ?l ?{+=,??[a' ; ? ! t • ?, ? -?.??,. ' ?t. V,? f ?y?"t r ? r. ^.. mean sea level (MSL). Weaver Park is situated in the foothills at elevation 634 meters (2,080 feet) above MSL. The watershed is comprised of a combination of residential, commercial, and institutional land uses. Residential areas occur as singular, large and more recent homes along the mountain ridges to more concentrated and older developed areas in the foothills. Commercial and institutional zones are less prominent in the watershed and are also more common in the lower watershed area, particularly along Murdock Avenue and Merrimon Avenue. Development in the watershed has likely reached a maximum (Al Kopf, 1997). The relief and degree of urbanization of the watershed [approximately 300 meters (1,000 feet)] and it's influence on site hydrology, are likely the most significant watershed characteristics impacting the channel restoration design. The precipitous relief reduces surface storage of runoff causing a reduction in lag time to peak flows and an increase in flow quantity. Urbanization influences exacerbate "flashy" hydrology with impervious surfaces (reducing infiltration) and networks of storm drains and curb and gutter systems. These watershed characteristics create unique (and often difficult) conditions for a channel to establish a stable form. 3.2 Site Description Weaver Park is approximately 2.7 hectares (6.6 acres) in size and is comprised of a baseball field, basketball court, tennis courts and children's playground. Park mapping, including topography, boundary survey and utility locations was provided by the Asheville Parks and Recreation Department. The property is triangle in shape and is defined by Murdock Road to the east, Merrimon Road to the west and single family residences to the south. The park is relatively flat from Murdock Road west towards Reed Creek than slopes up from the creek to the tennis courts and Merrimon Road. Reed Creek enters the park from the southeast corner through a double cell (6 feet X 8 feet) box culvert under Murdock Avenue. The channel proceeds westerly along the southern property border for a distance of approximately 200 meters (500 feet) then turns north and enters a culvert under Merrimon Avenue for a total distance of approximately 530 meters (1,300 feet). Park landscaping is typical with well maintained turf throughout and occasional large trees, primarily boxelder maple (Acer negundo) and silver maple (Acer saccharinum). 3.3 Channel Description Reed Creek in the project area is classified as Class "C" waters according to the Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources (DEHNR), Division of Water Quality (DWQ). The channel is perennial and is comprised of a substrate dominated by gravel sized material. Some reaches of Reed Creek exhibit a bi-modal distribution of sediment (high proportions of fines in addition to gravel) typical of urban and degrading streams. According to the Asheville Parks and Recreation department (Al Kopf, 1997), Reed Creek originally traversed the center of the park property and was subsequently relocated to the west. In addition to the relocation, channel encroachment likely occurred to accommodate park features such as parking, walkways, and the various recreational facilities. Particular encroachment has occurred along a reach approximately 82 meters (200 feet) in length, in the southwest section of Reed Creek where stone and concrete walls have confined the channel. 0 0 3.3.1 Planform irly straight course with minimal sinuosity; length. The estimated sinuosity is 1.1. The nts of the Weaver Park recreational features and the stream gradient (a roximat& 1.3%A. This slope is sufficiently steep to reduce the development of well established cha trfe meanders. Based on empirically derived data, other features of channel planform including: meander wavelength, meander amplitude, and radius of curvature typically correspond to the channels bankfull dimensions; particularly width (Leopold et al. 1964). Assuming the channel form is in relative equilibrium with watershed sediment and water inputs, average planform relationships for a given bankfull width can be generated. The estimated bankfull width (based on visual observations and preliminary cross-sectional data) of Reed Creek is 4 meters (10 feet). Table 1 compares the derived channel planform features based on empirical data and that of Reed Creek for a ten foot wide bankfull channel section. At its current location, Reed Creek exhibits a a measure of the ratio of stream length to val low sinuosity is likely due to both the eonfin TABLE 1. Comparison of Empirical Data and Reed Creek Channel Features Feature Empirical Data* Reed Creek Meander Amplitude 17 meters (57 feet) 11 meters (36 feet) Meander Wavelength 37 meters (120 feet) 70 meters (230 feet) Radius of Curvature 7 meters (23 feet) 12 meters (40 feet) * rom Williams, 1986 a The poor correlation in the empirical data to observed Reed Creek features are likely attributable to the historical modifications of the channel and its current urban setting. The empirically derived data on stream channel characteristics used for comparison were generated from streams in relatively undeveloped watersheds. 3.3.2 Riffle-Pool Complexes Riffle-pool complexes are important features for the establishment of in-stream aquatic habitats. Their establishment is directly related to the planform features discussed previously. Pools and riffles generally establish (on average) at spacings associated with one-half the meander wavelength or at approximately six times the bankfull width. Therefore, at Reed Creek, pools and riffles should be spaced at approximately 18 meter (60 foot) intervals. Since the planform features of Reed Creek do not match the empirical data, riffle-pool spacings are also inconsistent and variable. Evident in Reed Creek are poorly defined complexes which could be classified as extended pools or run reaches. 3.3.3 Channel Banks and Riparian Zones The majority of the channel banks along Reed Creek reveal influences of erosion. Bank erosion causes are likely attributable to a flashy flow regime, channel encroachment, and lack of bank vegetation. The most severe erosion is located immediately upstream or 0 downstream of channel confinements (Photo #6) and in the lower reach at the downstream end of the property (Photo #3). The bank degradation appears to be the result of fluvial entrainment of unconsolidated soil material associated with high channel flows. The lack of riparian vegetation in establishing a root matrix to protect the soil is likely a significant cause of erosion. 3.3.4 Site Hydrology Preliminary existing hydrology to the site was established based on the following two methods: 1) discharge estimates from USGS regression equations 2) discharge estimates based on site specific geomorphic measurements The establishment of site hydrology is a key feature in the development of stream restoration design plans. Key features include the determination of recurrences and associated flood elevations for selected discharges and the channel's dominant discharge or channel forming flows. These are important for the establishment of stable channel geometry and the determination of appropriate elevations for vegetative establishment. The USGS Regional Regression Equations for North Carolina (Blue-Ridge Piedmont Urban) revealed discharges ranging from 22m3/sec (789 fe /sec) for the two year event to 78m3/sec (2,742 ft'/sec) for the 100 year storm (APPENDIX Q. These estimates are likely on the high side since the model averaged imperviousness and slope throughout the watershed; which does not accurately represent the study area. The slopes are steep in the eastern part of the Reed Creek watershed, yet imperviousness in this region is low. A second set of flows were calculated using the standard (not urban) Blue-Ridge USGS regression equations. The estimated flows using this method ranged from 7.3m3/sec (256 ft3/sec) for the two year event to 34.8m3/sec (1,228 ft3/sec) for the 100 year storm. It is likely safe to assume that flows for this watershed fall somewhere between the estimates generated from these two models. Better flow estimates from more detailed hydrologic models (e.g. TR-20) would be necessary to improve the determination of runoff volumes based on detailed watershed mapping. The second method of determining flows in Reed Creek involved the use of data collected onsite and used as input to a hydraulic program (HEC-RAS). Five (5) field run cross- sections at selected reaches were obtained and estimates of channel slope and roughness (Mannings coefficients) were d-sed-a input data into the HEC-RAS hydraulic program. Average channel slope used 'je % d an estimated roughness coefficient of 0.03. A series of discharges ranging f m /sec (25 ft3/sec) to 8.5m/sec (300 ft/sec ) were then run through the model to obresulting flood elevations at each section. Based on the HEC-RAS results (APPEB), bankfull flow was estimated at 2.8m3/sec (100 ft3 /sec). Discharges exceeding rent banks of Reed Creek required a discharge of over 0 0 ?" " r6 a 8.5m'/sec (300 ft3/sec). Since these flow estimates were based on site-specific data, they were used as the foundation for the concept design plans. During the final design stage, more detailed modeling of the Reed Creek flows will be conducted. This may involve the implementation of a fully automatic flow monitoring program through the installation of pressure transducers and data loggers. The additional data will be used to refine the design and determine more accurate tractive forces on the proposed bed and bank materials. 4.0 PROPOSED CONCEPT PLAN The Proposed Concept Plan for the restoration of Reed Creek is provided in the back of this report. The plans illustrate, in detail, proposed changes in planform, cross-section, bank stabilization details and park features. The proposed Concept Plan to restore Reed Creek attempts to accommodate both improved in-stream and riparian conditions and the current use of Weaver Park. Obviously, attempts to restore Reed Creek to historical stream conditions (through the center of the park) would be illogical and excessive. Therefore, the proposed plan will work with the current gross channel location, and improve channel conditions by slightly modifying attributes such as sinuosity, channel cross-sections, and bank slopes. Key to the development of the plan is the expectation that watershed conditions are relatively static with insignificant changes in watershed hydrology and sediment loading anticipated. In addition, since Reed Creek is located in an urban setting with competing adjacent landuses and utilities, the degree of desired channel movement is minimal. Therefore, the proposed plan will establish a framework from which the channel will have the ability to adjust slightly, yet not impact adjacent utilities or property. 4.1 Planform The proposed Concept Plan for Reed Creek will maintain the majority of the current channel planform. Due to the degree of encroachment and adjacent properties along the southern property edge, minimal lateral change in channel location is proposed for the first 152 meters (500 feet) (Station 0+00 to 5+00). Proposed shifts in the downstream channel sections occur near Station 5+25, 8+50, 9+50 and 10+75. These adjustments serve to re- establish riffle-pool sequences and improve the flooding efficiency (reduce stream power) of Reed Creek. 4.2 Cross-section From Station 0+00 to 5+00, cross-sectional changes are proposed to reduce the existing steep channel banks, particularly along the north side of the channel and obtain additional flood prone area on the south side with minimal grading. Targeted stable slopes will attempt to remain at 1.5:1 (upper limit for effective bioengineered slope treatment) or less. Cross- sectional adjustments for the lower reaches include the removal of the stone wall near the existing pedestrian bridge and replacement of a section with more available floodplain to a 0 a 0 0 the north. Three (3) sections of relocations will also occur from Station 7+00 to Station 8+00, Station 8+00 to 10+00, and Station 10+50 to 11+00. The determination of the appropriate cross-sectional dimensions at these locations was based on the field evaluations of relatively stable reaches, floodplain/terrace features and the preliminary hydrologic and hydraulic analysis. Site features appear to indicate the development of a two tiered or nested channel. Note tiered floodplain surfaces on Photo #4, Photo #5, and Photo #7. The most stable reach section observed exhibiting this feature is near Station 8+50 (Photo #7). Using a Mannings coefficient of 0.03 and slope of 1.25 percent, a discharge of approximately 2.8m3/sec (100 ft' /sec) filled the low flow of this channel section. The high flow region retained a discharge of between 8.5m )'sec (300 ft' /sec) to 14.2m'/sec (500 ft' /sec). Similar results are evident on HEC-RAS Station 5. Based on these results the proposed channel template will be designed with a low flow to convey 100 cfs and a high flow to convey flows in the range of 8.5m 'sec (300 ft' /sec) to 14.2m'/sec (500 ft' /sec). At cross-over reaches (riffle areas) the proposed low flow is 3 meters (10 feet) wide by 0.6 meters (2 feet) deep and the high flow channel is 6 meters (20 feet) wide with a total depth of 1.2. meters (4 feet). At meander locations the low flow section will be reduced in width to 2.4 meters (8 feet) and increased in depth to 0.75 meters (2.5 feet) to enhance pool development. 4.3 Bank Stabilization The proposed location and details of the bank stabilization techniques are illustrated on the Concept Plans. Five (5) types of bank stabilization and combinations of techniques are proposed to stabilize the banks of Reed Creek in Weaver park. The following describes the use and intentions of each : 1) Brush layering - Brush layering is a technique where tightly configured rows of live cuttings often black willow (Salix nigra) are placed perpendicular into the bank with growing tips oriented stream-ward. This technique produces a thick zone of vegetation along the bank and is often used in areas of high potential velocities and tractive forces. 2) Fiber Rolls - Fiber rolls are manufactured rolls of fiber (often coconut) and impregnated with various seed mixtures. Fiber rolls are generally staked into channel banks and are excellent for protecting bank toes in lower tractive force environments such as in cross-over reaches. 3) Rock Toe/Joint Planting - This technique involves the use of a combination of bank protection using rocks and vegetation. The bank face and bank toe are stabilized with appropriate sized rock material and selected vegetation (containerized or posts) are interspersed between the rocks and into the bank substrate. This technique is used typically along banks receiving potentially high velocities and tractive forces, such as at sharp stream bends and adjacent to roadway culverts. This 0 0 method is proposed along the outer meander of Reed Creek in the vicinity of the existing pedestrian bridge location. 4) Fiber Matting with Rock Toe and Fiber Roll - This technique is a combination bank protection with fiber matting and toe protection using either a rock toe or fiber roll. After the bank is graded, fiber matting is fastened down over exposed surfaces and planted with stakes, posts or rooted vegetative material. This technique has wide applications and can be used in along most re-graded streambanks. 4.4 Park Features To increase public interest and education, the proposed restoration will incorporate the channel improvements with a pedestrian walkway and associated landscape features (trees and signage). The goal in incorporating park landscaping is to both educate the public on the constructed channel restoration and to establish a controlled pathway for pedestrians. Walkway locations will be situated to provide adequate riparian buffer for the stream and reduce pedestrian stream impacts. The existing pedestrian bridge will be removed from the meander location and relocated downstream to a more stable cross-over reach. Signage may also be developed describing the channel restoration activities and the implemented stabilization techniques. Additional design considerations include the selection of a re- vegetation plan to accommodate park safety concerns such as reducing potential thief hiding areas. Plant species selection, size and spacing will need to be considered during final design to address these concerns. The Conceptual Plan illustrates that all of these design features can be incorporated to the benefit of the stream proper and park users. All park feature designs will be coordinated through the Asheville Parks and Recreation Department. 5.0 PRELIMINARY COST ESTIMATE The estimate for construction of the proposed channel improvements along Reed Creek will primarily be associated with the final selected bank stabilization techniques. Since channel relocations are minimal and slopes will remain relatively constant, cut and fill quantities will likely be balanced onsite. Good site access and maneuverability within the park should also aid in keeping construction costs relatively low. The proposed techniques in the Concept Plan vary in costs for materials and installation involvement. However, it is estimated that construction of the proposed Concept Design will range from $197.00-$230.00/linear meter ($60.00-$70.00/linear foot) along the proposed channel centerline. lLM s,es 7 0 o 6.0 REFERENCES Graf, W.L. 1975. The Impact of Suburbanization on Fluvial Geomorphology. Water Resources Res. Vol. 11. p. 690-692. Hicks, D,M, and P.D. Mason. 1991. Roughness Characteristics of New Zealand Rivers. Water Resources Survey, DISR Marine and Freshwater, Wellington, New Zealand. Kopf, Al. 1997. Asheville Recreation and Parks Department. Personal Communication. Leopold, L.B., M.G. Wolman, and J.P. Miller. 1964. Fluvial Processes in Geomorphology, p. 522, Freeman, San Fransisco. Newberry, 1995. Rivers and the Art of Stream Restoration. Geophysical Monograph, American Geophysical Union, p. 137-149. Williams, G.P. 1986. Ariver Meanders and Channel Size. Journal of Hydrology, Vol.99. p. 147-164. Wolman, M.G., 1967. A cycle of sedimentation and erosion in urban river channels: Geografiska Annaler, Vol. 49A., p. 385-395. 0 10 C APPENDICES a r w 0 APPENDIX A SITE PHOTOGRAPHS r: ?a r 1 1 Photo # 1: View from Pedestrian Bridge Looking Downstream 1 1 1 Photo # 2: View Looking Downstream Near Station 2+00. Tributary Entering Left of Photo. i i i Photo # 3: View Near Station 10+75 Looking Upstream. Photo # 4: View From Pedestrian Bridge Looking Upstream. i 1 1 1 1 1 Photo # 5: View Near Station 4+50 Looking Downstream. Photo # 6: View From End of Stone Wall Looking Downstream. Note Eroded Right Bank. t Photo # 7: View Near Station 8+75 Looking Upstream. Photo # 8: View Upstream of Double Box Culvert at Murdock Avenue. i Photo # 10: View Near Station 2+25 Looking Upstream. Photo # 9: View From Murdock Avenue Looking South at Weaver Park. 7 7 j J 7 J APPENDIX B HEC-RAS OUTPUT AND CROSS-SECTIONS C? n a 0 S 0 LO I'- ? O o V' y r v N m N N r r O O N M m 'If m N U w rn co C? 0 c co o Lq Cn v v r? 0 0 0 o co rl? r? n (p CT 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 v 0 tL t17 ' f? M N m M CD m M f` m CD to ? O O CD ? O N to ?t L N r? O c0 (D m m m 0 0 r OR O M v m q M f` N m to cD N V N N m N r? r? O M r V M O O m m O M N m O ti r r N N r N r r N r CL 0 F- a7 V' m O M N C) N Un m n M N M 0 v M v co M 0 In N M CD M m O m N N N In r O O V V r? M m N CD CD v 0 T O O i ^ n m 6 O T m m n o m Cn o CO O Cn 0 V M Cn rl m v m Q _ M V' N N N V N N CD M M Q' 0 n v LL 0 to M m v N r N O o Cn N m m N N v N v N Cn Cl) N Cn co V' M 'ct M N O U) M CD r- co r- M Cn o O IT co M N N O ? ?? cD ? m ?t ? (D m O N M M v V ?t (D n M to M v ? CD M t U (n a r- N N co to 0 0 m to N In M v r 0 N m m N O N N P- 0 O N 0 v Cn o v r` N O t` m Cl) N co O r M m ?. O O O ?t M 0 In 'It CD m Un Oo _ (D Co N V N m UP) Cn m "t O ^„ N N N O7 r? r r N M m v M M N r? 0 (A v V co M r- LO C) N _ O O _ _ O O O O O O O O O O O .?1. 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Regional Regression Equations for North Caro lina Reed Creek Flow Calculations Blue Ridge-Piedmont Area Equations Drainage Area = 2.30 mi 02 256 05 433 Q10 581 025 806 050 998 0100 1228 Piedmont Urban Equa tions Drainage Area= 2.301 mi Impervious Ratio= 0.22 Length of Main Water Course= 1.60 mi Slope= 112 fbmi Lag time T= 0.40 hrs 02 789 Q5 1267 Q10 1634 Q25 2094 Q50 2424 0100 1 2741 0 A.,} 1----JUL-09-197 WED 09:05 ID: TEL N0: 9029 P01 NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OFTRANSPORTATION HYDRAULICS UNIT AN FACSIMILIE TRANSMITTAL COVER SHEET o 6? ?1 p p x x DATE: r OF TR Please deliver the following pages to: Name: IM M Of: This faGsimilie is being sent by: Name: , ,BD L &HMAA)I Fax Number Called: 13 REMARKS: f2.-236Gq 1SUMCOM13F C-0. - 6 K Co Vd2 >-x cr, W b L r 4-p LL F N 00eC`ItWS IF YOU DO NOT RECEIVE ALL PAGES CLEARLY, CALL BACK AS SOON AS POSSIBLE Our Telephone Number is: (919)250-4100 Our FAX No. is: (010)25.0-4108 PLEASE COUNT PAGES, (INC,,LUDING COVER SHEET) TOTAL NWABER - 2-PAGES --JUL-09-'97 WED 09:06 ID: TEL N0: #029 P02 t n O O t t t co r- frl C) m ?. OJ m o o x t N 0 (A t t D m ; r r > 1 ? 1 / n d m d`. m _ 0 N O Cc) Y N PTl 2X AVG. ROCK DIMENSION State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources James a Hunt, Jr., G ove mor Jonathan a Howes, Secretary Steven J. Levitas, Deputy Secretary FAXED Division of Water Quality Environmental Sciences Branch JUL 09 1997, 4401 Reedy Creek Road Raleigh, N.C. 27607 FAX:(919) 733-9959 FROM: t4N PHONE: IVI, NO. OF PAGES INCLUDING THIS SHEET: 461 ?-Ls_ .016 State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Jonathan B. Howes, Secretary A. Preston Howard, Jr., P.E., Director Mr. Franklin Vick N.C. Department of Transportation Planning and Environmental Branch P.O. Box 25201 Raleigh, NC 27611-5201 Aj?j - , 1997 U 7L ?to V- ?-775- Dear Mr. Vick, 0 Re: Certification Purim nt Zto Section 401 of the Federal Clean Water Act, Proposed W 9C Project #97-A 5 t 7 ? , C 0 E #199 LR 17? rN?Nro,-0-R- County T Attached hereto is a c py of Certification No. 31 ? issued to N. C. Department of Transportation dated , 1997. If we can be of further assistance, do not hesitate to contact us. Sincerely, Attachments A. Preston Howard, Jr. P.E. 97 wqc cc: Wilmington District Corpsi of E gineers I?qrps o ? Engineers - Field Office DWQ Regional Office Mr. John Domey Mr. John Parker, Division of Coastal Management Central Files r ? N1 QUA Division of Water Quality - Environmental Sciences Branch Enviro. Sciences Branch. 4401 Reedv Creek Rd.. Raleiah. NC 27607 Teleohone 919-733-1786 FAX # 733-9959 A NORTH CAROLINA 401 WATER QUALITY CERTIFICATION lV// THIS CERTIFICATIO is issued in conformity with the requirements of Section 401 Public Laws 92-500 and 95-2 of the United States and subject jjo the North Carolina Division of Water Quality (DWQ) Regul Lions in 15 NCAC 2H, Section.05jJ0 to M . Department of Transportation resulting in .0 acre of wetland impactl % -J-,P- County pursuan to an ap?lication.h o{ e 19?th day of7-N of 195to r r, C P n !,^f GIO ! Wi(rvz qt U / U The ap lication provides adequate assurance that the discharge of fill material into the waters of s Creek in conjunction with the proposed development will not result in a violatio3 of applicable Water Quality Standards and discharge guidelines. Therefore, the State of North Carolina certifies that this activity will not violate the applicable portions of Sections 301, 302, 303, 306, 307 of PL 92-500 and PL 95-217 if conducted in accordance with the application and conditions hereinafter set forth. This approval is only valid for the purpose and design that you submitted in your application, as described in the Public Notice or as modified below. If you change your project, you must notify us and you may be required to submit a revised application. If total wetland fills for this project (now or in the future) exceed one acre, compensatory mitigation may be required as described in 15A NCAC 2H.0506 (h) (6) and (7). For this approval to be valid, you must follow the conditions listed below. In addition, you should get any other federal, state or local permits before you go ahead with your project including (but not limited to) Sediment and Erosion control, Coastal Stormwater, Non-discharge and Water Supply watershed regulations. Condition(s) of Certification: 1. That appropriate sediment and erosion control practices which equal or exceed those outlined in the most recent version of the "North Carolina Sediment and Erosion Control Planning and Design Manual" or the "North Carolina Surface Mining Manual" (available from the Division of Land Resources in the DEHNR Regional or Central Offices) are utilized to prevent exceedances of the appropriate turbidity water quality standard (50 NTUs) in all saltwater classes, and all lakes and reservoirs; and 10 NTUs in trout waters); 2. All sediment and erosion control measures placed in wetlands or waters shall be removed and the natural grade restored after the Division of Land Resources has released the project; If enviro"Qtal d u ent}s rc`quirerthis Ce ilia ion in t v id un?FONSI or R D is?issued by h State Yearmghou ; .4.' Measures shall be taken to prevent live or fresh concrete from coming into contact with waters of the state until the concrete has hardened; Should waste or borrow sites be located in wetlands, compensatory mitigation will be required since it is a direct impact from road construction activiti l OtiN-s,)e y F;na Plw/? h- Compensatory mitigation shall be done in accordance with the-Corps-of-Engineers R -i3 v(A requirements. DWQ shall be copieon-the-approved-ratio; location; size-and-method ofl tti ati n sto dop, enh cem creatiotland?reservation) andnnuaLreports-preservation)the kitiily,l gtlI the i?4onitorin period. , J J WOW- r S+ s s ?l x,11 ?e ?a? D UA yk oo U 6WJPto? -r c L qu ip. 'I UYI -A !_- -- G(1!? Q\A ?J1 C 1 i U ?I ju, - C) ?U;? -S?-,Cb ? C/; t-- I 1 ,?U vl\ Violations of any condition herein set forth shall result in revocation of this Certification and may result in criminal and/or civil penalties. This Certification shall become null and void unless the above conditions are made conditions of the Federal 404 and/or coastal Area Management Act Permit. This Certification shall expire upon expiration of the 404 or CAMA permit. If this Certification is unacceptable to you you have the right to an adjudicatory hearing upon written request within sixty (60) days following receipt of this Certification. This request must be in the form of a written petition conforming to Chapter 150B of the North Carolina General Statutes and filed with the Office of Administrative Hearings, P.O. Box 27447, Raleigh, N.C. 27611-7447. If modifications are made to an original Certification, you have the right to an adjudicatory hearing on the modifications upon written request within sixty (60) days following receipt of the Certification. Unless such demands are made, this Certification shall be final and binding. This the )A ii-day of , 1997 DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY A. Preston Howard, Jr. P.E. WQC #?) JAMES B. HUNT JR. GOVLRNOR DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS P.O. BOX 25201. RALEIGH. N.C. 27611-5201 May 9, 1997 Cliff Winefordner U. S. Army Corps of Engineers Wilmington Field Office P. O. Box 1890 Wilinin0ton, North Carolina 23402-1890 Dear Mr. Winefordner: ??11?v?q „ 199, SUBJECT: Buncombe County, Proposed widening of US 74 from I-40 to SR 3136 southeast of Asheville, TIP No. R-2306, State Project No. 8.1841702. The N.C. Department of Transportation (NCDOT) proposes to widen approximately 6.7 miles of existing US 74 between I-40 and SR 3136 southeast of Asheville. On February 21, 1996, the N.C. Division of Environmental Management (DENT) denied the NCDOT's application for a 401 Water Quality Certification for the project. Considerable coordination has taken place since that time to resolve this problem and obtain the required state authorization for the project. In particular, great efforts have been made to improve the design of the stream relocation on-site, and a conceptual off- site stream mitigation plan has been developed. On November 13, 1996, your agency denied without prejudice the NCDOT's application for a Department of the Army permit for the project. This action was precipitated by the denial of the 401 Certification. The November 13, 1996 letter indicated that several items of additional information would be needed should state authorization be obtained and the permit file reopened. Although state authorization has not been obtained, it appears that this may occur in the foreseeable future. Consequently, the NCDOT has prepared permit drawings showing the complete channel restoration designs as requested in your November 13, 1996 letter. These drawings depict the stream relocation as currently shown in the project plans, including boulder placement, rootwad details, and vortex rock weir placement. There are seven revised drawings, which amend the drawings included in the NCDOT's letter of July 26, 1996. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA C&' GARLAN D B. GARRETT J R. SECRETARY DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION 61- 1' D The letter of November 9 also mentioned the need fora monitoring plan on Gashes Creek. This plan is currently being developed by NCDOT's Planning and Environmental Branch. Details of this plan will be forwarded to you in the near future. Please continue to review this project for authorization under the Clean Water Act. If you have any questions or need any additional information please call Mr. Gordon Cashin at (919) 733-7844 extension 275. Sincerely, H. Franklin Vick, PE, Manager Planning and Environmental Branch HFV/plr cc: NIr. Bob Johnson, COE, Asheville , Mr. David Cox, NCWRC Mr. John Dorney, DEHNR Mr. Kelly Barger, Program Development Branch Mr. Don Morton, State Highway Engineer-Design Mr. A./ L. Hankins, Hydraulics Unit Mr. Bill Rogers., Structure Design , Mr. Tom Shearin, State Roadway Design Engineer Mr. W. D. Smart, Division 13 Engineer Mr. Tom Kendig, Project Planning Engineer (C'v i UU-?) ` 5 Gt C ?kGJ C C' q / I l1av':-, A t e Gu??a L c)e 401 /S 4t, WW ?z vlr-mo I 10 -`-? gg I Q25 0'30.9-,I N1039 I ONdlSI 01N11lONOV1 ?' ON3 OL+ ? I_ I K m I c5 i 0 C'm I = TU NI039 I = a31MYO *3NOO I c 03SOdMd ON3' ?. _d3-d Ib 00+• 9 ..SZ a Ic; M to LJ user O=J v ^ _ J I x L: Lr) -J L La N w'?N-?;;w O w D: Z `, w U , o ct: IL4 LY * W (n Z, r n , fl a M O vo p ,n L g ow: mo ?- ? NWr N s W Z 0 4 0 UOPWVI ? JV1 ?„ \ ?` JWNV y L(? ?co Z„a x©o UO/-N4 wUV1crW ^3 V1 W w Cr Q }?OW O N22mW 7? \ .9r G6+ .SZ? ? I Q I _ I a ?III ? I I IL w o ? ull ? \ II 0 7 N J a 0 a v L.? arm s y0 DO Q Q? o po ?? r ??QgO fa Q O s r- ? o ? o ? z W r ia. WJ D r ` U W N 0 .0 V) r © C3 Q,?+ cr w U Q ?L ) ? I o I _ a I (n C- C) a I 3 ul Z N x W H Q 3 J J N W H O W a 1 _ i H O 4D L H f? I H UJ ci $4 U] O I C3 E- }? M 0 I R: It H I axE•4 x W 0 Q I F x C O r cZ U O 3 E-- [t, I _ O W r w w ?. ;1 .r: O z .4 co 0 O O E-+ ?-i U -A U .I... H ? QL4 U) W H 5 co Q W v Q > m E-4 w .:. w Q W O ? p? U h a , O • C.,' 14 a as M IN /.2 0 M m v n O W 0 co J i - 1 ?\ ?n M I 'L o 1 ..1 V U o y °o ' U a ? °m =ci ,., `, M m z v°m C N v a . o W o co N v. c JadN y m t° o j 4 > a " o v? o: W ° J 3 J a J_ O N V N L W Q W O O j O 0 Q O m ? O w '- O !J ?• Z o ? Q ?- ¢ G E., Q \ a a z" ? 11 0 o w ? ?z o ? o ?U? U " . W - J co Z ??l kk??1l 7 W Z W CJ .0 0 10 W1 ++ d N Q O CI cO e < W W r o U n© NN 00 o ? Li C. N co N C^ ? `Z N M W O Oy t luJJ = J V7 to o "o O m ' .7 a w W W -o CC oz z a CIL z' v V L{(,-t (q-I N. C. DEPT/OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISIO14 OF HIGHWAYS BUNCOMBE COUNTY PROJECT:8.1841702 (R-2306A) PROPOSED NC 74 WIDENING SHEET OF t? O N Z O ¢ Q u u N O O O N N O O I700s-.N-. m ¢ p Q J J Z 4 L D? 0 ] W a O ti O Z ¢ V ? O D O W N N Jd 1 0 > V O UQ< Q a W O O f 4 4.1 J¢J UQ J U L a p W J V¢ a J? Z W CI CL jW J?QtDW a jo ou o z `z' Z o u J W a 4 D o N Q :IC; :l"aa © 00 W OW W : W::nw JZ o o-- OZ JO-Oa i©azau¢cc O \ W N ;o O ? I ! i. . i CN o? 7 =N a Q W a? uo - za L J WQ NN N u 0 J N LL u o ° J Oa V O u ? 0 0. D ¢ J V ./ W a i n 1 N O J W 1 O O J O .. O O ? L O O u O O Z U Z Z W S Q ow O O O ? ? W z °00 1 (I? 1 n ¢ i o U O J W J n- ¢ n W > < O _ W J W ° O # W L O C O N I J 4-W < C > a d W > mW? _ Z w C O ?- p w.- O Z - a V S N¢.`.Ou ? = O J W O O ° " O J O J ? ¢ Q C W W O a ; pZ°o V a C D V ? O O ?-! a W N a D D a D 0 0 ?IZI ?O?T WAD p??A11,5 N. C. DEPT OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS BU14COMBE COUNTY PROJECT:8.1841702 (R-2306A) PROPOSED ITC 74 WIDENING SHEET ? OF 7! g V N .. O a[ u J Q U O W O Q N V n s n z ?I \ .o_ 3q 00.03// * ctl u- 11 'll- 3NIlH?1Vyy v z w F a a -? a 9 w H 1? o J w i Q 0 a ? f o a > °s c O ^ t?D Tv'd y E-4 E-4 >-4 cq N r: WxE' am v W U1 C7 .. q (z, o„ ?xo 0 3 .c 3a`- Imo vri O C4 W c r- 0Ld 0 co w -- - o Uo?a?n O O ?• ~ ? - C\j E-4 U_ co W Ld L" It C> C4 M N Z J w rn U q> m E-+ w x a co z cr u cn UJ 1 ?- U 0 o m q [:] O Q -i U`n=? U O r-D O Lli wwwp? cr., L4 ??>?w p.r C1, t- w =aao? ? vzza?w J b. J ti,f DENOTES FILL IN WATERS ' Rfl 3 \?? x ?•?• /?? od C7? S, 9 S 3i h -S OF' US co I rrr Ile 41 / a. ?:r •cp 63 58 cz) • ? l?ry ` r ? ? 3 r:: Qq ?::1i? A? 1 t ?? o x ?? / 1 K / / ` UULIc: / N ' i 52J8 'o0 4 &T k f ?,'3b z& ?x '!1N )) tit 7 i_ X ,s r '1r4( ti.'°us ` ?6 ?3N ?S QN3 10 O 50 i ?. /t ?.1 f`I ,?!! q7 SCALD. T? 14 N. C. DEPT OF TRANSPORTATION / DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS BUNCOMBE COUNTY d j / a PROJECT.8.1841702 (R-2306A PROPOSED IBC 74 WIDENING a _ !~ if CHL 1.V E -Li- l::"`= sor, SHEET OF y o ? ??? a3+SO 0 S' TO :0' BASEu BOULDERS- \ 1 r I COBBLE C0661E ???-- - '- - - ` o-. \b : o xa O N T++aLwEC FOOTER ROCK cD J l VORTEX RO CT WEIR SCALE ICAL PLAN N TO - - - - r "-", I""'- . -so r.? uD a.a7 0./• Ater. mnn?...- ...._:mn L:l? :TF:77774 a /001U 1O:[r ?DO rte •0(r K K[D wµ UOC Z., slt.K uD VORTEX ROCK WEIR - TYPICAL PROFILE NOT TO SCALE bl(. [ n.(( .(•1 Ev(•r LD • 10 I([7. 7. rtw rI• •b ra r(r .xat wuo •[ w 1o soo aA. .. r..[ .x.s .n .x.s! 'o (l LLrrA«..0./O K r r lD ^ +1.10 xµL ?1' 10 10' E A,S ? YP Y.yK S eOU L{ai I T 1•EOaeLE ecoJ LwrER •ar---/ VORTEX ROCK WEIR - TYPICAL SECTION NOT TO SCALE NOTE I: ALLOW THALwEO TO ALTERNATE BACK AND FORTH FROM CENTERUNE. NOTE 2: A.CAP SHALL BE LEFT BETWEEN THE TOP BOULDERS TO ALLOW SOME FLOw•THROUCH. A MINIMUM CAP OF } .i• Ft. SHALL BE PROVIOEO AT ONE LOCATION IN THE WEIR NOTED AS THE THALwEO. THE LOCATION OF THIS THALwEC CAP SHALL BE ATTENUATED LEFT AND RICHT OF THE CENTERLINE. 2-? l5-1 N. C. DEPT OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS BUNCOMBE COUNTY PROJECT:8.1841702 (R-2306A) PROPOSED NC 74 WIDENING -1 CfD SHEET 9 OF -(- CD vop,-my'-?O-c 3? J C. O LL LL. O Z --- O F- U w 0 E25 x X IU F- O REPLY TO ATTENTION OF Regulatory Branch Action ID No. 199402123 Mr. John Dorney Division of Environmental North Carolina Department Environment, Health and Natural Resources Post Office Box 29535 Raleigh, North Carolina DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY WILMINGTON DISTRICT, CORPS OF ENGINEERS P.O. BOX 1890 WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28402-1890 December 19, 1995 e7? 12-0 ' Management of 27626-0535 l?. 50' ,. Vti) c- Dear Mr. Dorney: Enclosed is the application of the North Carolina Department of Transportation, Division of Highways for Department of the Army authorization and a State Water Quality Certification to relocate approximately 1100 linear feet of stream channel, fill 0.45 acres of wetland and construct or extend two box culverts to widen US Highway 74 southeast of Asheville, Buncombe County, North Carolina. Your receipt of this letter verifies your acceptance of a valid request for certification in accordance with Section 325.2(b)(ii) of our administrative regulations. We are considering authorizing the proposed activity pursuant to Section 404 of the Clean Water Act, and we have determined that a water quality certification is required under the provisions of Section 401 of the same law. A Department of the Army permit will not be granted until the certification has been obtained or waived. waiver has occurred. In accordance with our administrative regulations, in most cases, 60 days after receipt of a request for certification is a reasonable time for State action. Therefore, if you have not acted on the request, or asked for an extension of time, by February 20, 1996, the District Engineer will deem that Questions or comments may be addressed to Mr. Steven Lund, Asheville Field Office, Regulatory Branch, telephone (704) 271-4857. Sincerely, L!? G. Wayne Wright Chief, Regulatory Branch Enclosure Copies Furnished (without enclosure): Mr. John Parker Division of Coastal Management North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources Post Office Box 27687 Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-7687 Printed on 0) RocycW Paper F(LV nriwl l ringtior J;,5Gr1Gti I I I-,3u-u.7 3 IL - V I 3 VJ mnlni VVnrvr ?Irun? VVnv6. WoZj, ut GIIN II/R J t 'A o a? ?„ r r,aar??<rW a.1?.rl.??r APPLICATION FOR DEPARTMPINT OF THE AFIM PF-SMIT Odf8APPROVAL,NO. 0710-0003 (" CFR 325) Explras 90 Septembor 1992 _ rw..r?w. r...rrrrrrrr? •i'~ H C (aport ng burdam 1 ar ' oul's? t'r1 )f infom.6",a esamatad to average S Fours pot rosponse for thu tm*dry of caaaa, Including the limo I& teviewino Inst3velfons, trutiinq etcisonq date tcurces,qatxxin s a td rnalntaJni tg the dote needed, and pmploGnq and revie nq the oo:l%ction of infonna50n.App4cl6ons far Wg& or more complex :;xrs, a those In e3za ogic?Iy tx rmt n: antas, er+ukf toka up to Soo how*, Send mmmonts regarding this burden ozdmato or any othor aspoct of this C64c6on of Infort w0on, i nq y?gga,tions to tad-,w?nj ?iit bcrd4n, I.^. Depart-rxtnt of Dolanw, Waahinogt n Hoadgtysners Service, f3ir"Wals for Inlonriaton Oporabws and Pro(aau, 12th Jetfvw 03ma Highway. Suite 1204. Arlin ;Itam, YA 22202.4304 "to the O`fioe of Manoi;wnent and Budget, Paperv,wk Roduction Pro}OZ( (0710-=), Washington, DC 20501. PIusa 00 NOT HIMIAN your t:cn)plelad ftrnr to elifwr of iF it:a sddrssaos. Compiatsd applicatlon must be aubmltted to the District Engln"r h+ving jurladiction ova? the Icoatlon of the pro;xd-f sdlvl'ty. r„wa„rrrr - 1 ho Dopartnent of tht J airr/ parrs t pon -4m is auth-orizcd W Sadon 10 of the Rivers and harbors Actat I 8W. Solon 4b+ of the Clean Water Act and Sacdon 103 of the Marino, 2tiotec5on. RasoatW ar r.:,an=ario:r k:L Thwsa taws rectuina pormits authorizing aCivitiot In or anecanq navigable waters of the United States, the discharge of drodgod or NI rraiarial Into walors of 06a United Sta'.rls, aM the 1ran64iort3uon of dredoed material be the purpose of dumping it Into ocean waters. Intormation provided on this form will be used i avoluadtto the appl a w,x3 fot a par tilt. Information In this application ms made a w4tto( of pubic record through issuance of a public notice. Discimro of the information ikyueatal la rdunur ;; a:vrswtr, 1tw dat.t raquva:r+d am rx3taasary to eider t] mmmuniato wilt the applicant art! to evaluate the permit application. if necasaary Information is not provided. the poanii 4TIAcaton asnnot be procoaae:l nor can a parnit be Iawad. cr;e set of orrg rural drra ln;s or good n3pi W jciJ> O copiw which show the location and character of i).o proposed aMti ity must tsa attached to this application (zoo bampio d(4Wlnps Lj3d Instn,dons) and b1i tu`•mltlxf :a tx: Oisvirz FNin3er having )ud:41don over the locatiort of the proposed activity. An appilradon that is not complotod th full wul ba rotUtned. APPLICATION NLR (To be aEt:iinod by Corpii .. NAME ANDADDHEz'.3OF APPL t1AKT ra.C. Depart'nent of Transportation Planning ar d Enviroiii-nertal Branch P.O. Box ;'.JJ:";:!01 T4plor>ti no.. du In i tuzllwts ric1 ru 5201 AlC (Residence) Air- (919 (ottice) DETAILED DescR•WnON op P001)OiED ACTINITh' ACTIVITY Nfj 19 Widening of US 74 `rem I-40 to SR 2775 in Buncombe County. Requires culvert construction, culvert 2:t,nnsi.ons, strearr channel relocations, and retaining wall, construction. PURPOSE ')ublic roidway improvement:. =e FDREDGEDCItIILLMAiTERIAL Fill will Lt.- placed in 0.06 acres of wetlands. Fill wi l ht: placed in 0.86 acres of surface waters. F*QRM 43;51 So :,1 :DIT10N OF JJW 01 w C,BSOIk i'E 1. NAME, ADDRESS, AND TITLE OF AUTHORIZED AGENT H. Franklin Vick, PE Manager, Planning and Environmental Branch Tolephone no. curing W sinoss hours A? ( ) (Residence) AX (Office) Statement of Authorization: I hereby d4st0nata and authorize Lo act in my behalf as my agont In the procassinq of ihls pormlt application and to tumiah, upon requoti. supplemental information In support of the application. (Pmporwg: C-EG*WZRI IZI/N DT •WI I i111TbUll J:.5?i lblr 1 I I-JU -Jd r 11.•v? • 1 i., Kr?? Kr i? lt., 4 n. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEI kKrMFNT OF TRANSPORTATION JAlMEt 1ti. HUN-1 J;l- DIVISION OF i IIGHWAYS GARIAND K. GARRETT JR. C;C vI KNpld P.U. BOX 25201. RALL101 I. N.C. 27611-:201 Sfc:RFl'ARY November 1, 1995 Ctl R,?c;1.11atnry t??rtnrh ,? U , Army Corps ofEneineers rlCl ?? 1995 Wilmington Fi21d Office P. 0. Box 1390 Vtilrnington, hcirth Carolina 28402-1890 I' ?fC.7- -? D :w- Sir'. SiJ :IJEOT: Buricombe County, Proposed widening; cif US 74 from 1-40 to SR 3136 southeast of Asheville, TIP No. R-2306, State Project No. 8.1841702. The 'North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) proposes to widen pr. ro,arrately 6.7 mules of e.-fisting US 74 between 1-40 and SR 3136 southeast of Asheville in L,.incomb;? County. The, preferred alternative with recommended improvements consists ofiyidening; ih.- existing; cad to a five-lane 64-foot curb and gutter facility combining both northside and ;outyside widening. A four-lane section is required through the underpass at the Blue :Ridl;(:- Parkway where lateral clearance is limited. This project will be acc: mplished in two phases, The first phase is designated as TIP Project No. R-230.6A and erti;nds from 1-40 to SR 2775. The second phase extends from SR 2775 to SR 3136, and is des fnated as ':rlP Project 'No. R-2306B. An application was submitted to your agency on August 10, 1995 for Section 404 authorization f c r the first phase of the project (R-2306A). Your agency responded on Auittist 25, 1995 with a request for additional information on the second phase of the pro: ct. Thl?. r..orTesponljence provides the requested information for project R-2306B as w Al as revised +nformation on R-2306A. The ae,ond phase of the project (R-2306B) impacts Waters of the United States at si;; .-)ca6:)ns, summarized on Shect 3 of 10 in the R-23 )06B permit drawings. However, otll,r two of th-.:se sites involve wetlands. Since all of these sites are located above hea:i.waters, it is apparent that project R-2306B could be authorized under Nationwide Pvritt N.D. 26. Plan sheets are enclosed that depict each of the impact sites. Also allclosed are revised plan sheets for project R-2306A which are based on the cur,imtly proposed design. Three of the sites which were depicted in the submittal of August 10, 191)5 have been removed (Sites 15, 16, and 17). One new site has been added (Site 17A). This has rec.uced the impact of project R-2306A to waters of the United States from 0.856 a:res to 0.86'4? 1 acres. Impacts to wetlands has remained the same at 0.064 acres. G KGV dT_'W11'1nctiun -J u-9.0 I 1 1. 1 V Q , VV „,,, .,,,, _, _,._•._ -- - 2 The,-r.vironmenta] impacts of the entire R-2306 project were evaluated in all En v ironmen,:a.l Assessment document which was signed by the hederal Highway Administration on Januar?' 19, 1994. The potential impacts were further reviewed in a FiEding of No Significant Impact and Programmatic 4(f) document which was signed by the F cicral Hibltwa; Administration on June 8, 1995. The proposed design of the project p -e?;ented in tlois application is consistent with the findings of the FONSI document. The N; NUT's submittal of August 10, 1995 actually included two applications. Cne was for Section 40.4 authorization to construct project 11-2306A. The second app'icatiori wts for Nationwide Permit No. 6 authorization to allow preliminary &!wechnical investigations for project R-2306A. This work is needed in order to complete fi iti1 plays fcr retaining; wails along; the project. It is imperative that this Nationwide 6 authorizrotiou be granted as soon as possible. The N;_".DOT hereby requests that you continue to review project R-2306 for 404 p:rrnit authorization. A copy of this information has been provided to the N.C, Wildlife Re:;ources Coavilission and the N.C. Division of Environmental Management for their re•vi,!w. If yon, have any questions, please contact Mr. Gordon Cashin at (919) 733-3141, EK ension 315. Sincerel , .. H. Franklin Vick, P.E., Manager Planning and Environmental Branch HF\.'/plr cc:: Mr. 11()b Johnson, COE, Asheville Mr. IL-vid Cox, NCWRC Mr. Jolts Dorney, DEHNR Mr. Kt:lly Barger, :Program Development Branch Mr. Don Morton, State Highway Engineer-Design Mr. A. L. Hankins. Hydraulics Unit Mr. Joan L. Smith., Jr., Structure Design Unit Mr. Ton Shearin, State Roadway Design Engineer Mr. NV. D. Smart,.P.E., Division 13 Engineer RCV BY:;Vi 1 • inaton Ua t UJ MI VVi,F Vr 6.14M11v ?...?, ?..,.+..?.?..,.,....Y+.?.o.. hr\m, AND Al?CR i.°:rGS tk A.'J 71t:ltvC1 Pf f lY OWNERS, LCS.SEES, ETC., WHOSI FR: ' YY AL.`r0 ADJOIN. THE WATER'JVA See at--ached 70.)Bets No. 4 and 5 for a complete list. 1. WATEf10ODY AN LEZATION CN WATER©ODY \M7&tE ACTivifY exiSTS OR z PROPOSED Gashes Creak ttrd Gap Creek 7. LOCATION ON LNII-) WHERE A: rl'ftY C* TS -n IS PROPOSV-D ADDAM: US 74 :rom I-440 to SR ;''_775 3TREE?, FtOA?, is6lJTE OR bTI4 cR CcSCRIPTIVE LOCATIt?N .? 8uncc)mbe North Carolina COUNTY --^• rSTATE ZIP CODE _ City cs f: Asheville EICDY CNfTH .tUf{ISDtCT1ON O\'ERSrtk LOCAL GOVERIt:40 r.._.._, •- ? NO B. is any poltlon of V a activit/ for IYt-ttl bultarizat?.n .a swpht now cpmpie1e7 Y65 it antwor is give timmont, m:awi and year :,,-a3 activity was completed. le,0it?to ihy axistinU work on tno thawing q. List all approvalt td cR+rtititati?is :: nd denials tawlvad loom other tadwal, intwitats, state or local apencitts lot any structures, construction, dir.0orpea or other activities doscri red Irt thi9 appmi:a'.ion. 15SUING AGUN--Y TYF'= APPROVAL IDENTIFICATION No. UATE OF APPLICATION DATE OF APPROVAL DATE OF DENIAL 10. Application is •W,ety made Ice a pamit ar perrilla 10 authorize the activil'ws tlistrhwd herein. I cattily that 1 am familiar with the IMwrnahon contained in the application, vid INN to the tAsl of my lrwwkNJja and belief such Inlotmation is true, complete, and accurate. I lurihot wilty that I posaora the authority to undwlalw tho p,5p;L r+d tiGUaiet or I urn WIMU as 1hv duty authorized aQ0nl of the applicant. DATE SIGNATURE OF AGENT DATl° 6tGtU1TUR6 0 ° APPUt:ANTr jho appiicaUc i) Roust bo ;JLnod by the parson who dosiros to ur)dOMAO J)o propoSOd 801101/ (applicant) or 11 May bo sigrod by a duty authonzod upsni if rho st:iteriont to block J hus boon titled out and sipnod. 18 U.S.C. Soc t. xn 10431 prwk:iC6 Mt: Wtxxwur, in any mainw within the juris444A of any dapanmant w "or?^y of Tho Unitod Stains "wlrv©iy atld t?titi(l?fy 4-0iie.1, crrtcoais, of covtx0 up by any trick, schomo, or dovico a matoriW tact cx rr "s wty f4se, rictitkxz. or fraudutont statamonts c,r *opro3to'ltatiim or makoz or tisus any iWw Wnfig or document kn(minla MM to Wnt'ain any fal: o fictitious tx troudulont ctaOrr+o3nt cr enty, Mall W find not mono ULM $10,000 cx imprisoned not morn than five yoara, (X bout. t rM wxpw •?a?.r?a?tir aaa??? -" •U.s. Gowtnrtwrit arottnp CO- 5ti2 t - 6."'tt-??sa rrigversa of ENO Fri A-1 1115) RCV BY:iMi ITington j:.s-victi ic - uu u? nnmi vvnrvi 1.I,VINv PROPERTY OWNERS: NCDOT PROJ. NO 8,1 841 7174 (R-2306B) F.A. PROJ. NO. STP•-74 (18) BUNCOMBE COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA i-ORTH R. NAISANG P.O. BOX 295 FAIRVIEW, N.C. 28730 2 GARTHA MCGUINN CHARLOTTE HWY. FAIRVIEW, N.C. 28730 I- I I E t 3 JAMES R. VETRO 7 BLUE RIDGE REVEL. RD. . j FAIRVIEW, N.C. 28730 ':;ITE jr# ;5 JOYCE CAROLYN W. PRESLEY 995A CHARLOTTE HWY. FAIRVIEW, NC 28730 .; I ! E 114 BOBBY V. RAY 1010 CHARLOTTE HWY. . FAIRVIEW, N.C. 28730 ITE. jr# ZI STEPHEN BARNWELL 2000 HENDERSONVILLE RD. ASHEVILLE, N.C. 28803 :aITE jt# 5 FORTH R. NAISANG P.O. BOX 1195 . FAIRVIEW, N.C. 28730 ITE jt5 CHARLES M. POWELL 96 CADIMA AVE. CORAL GABLES, FL. 33134 SITE 76 GENE R. MEYER P.Q. BOX 1158 . 1 FAIRVIEW, N.C. 28730 =aITE jt 6 ROBERT N. WRIGHT P.O. BOX 477 . FAIRVIEW. N.C. 28730 =SITE j 6 CLARA SALES P.O. BOX 11,36 - FAIRVIEW, N.C. 28730 N.C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS BUNCOMBE COUNTY NCCOT PRO. NO. 8.1841704 (R-23068) F.A. PROD. NO. STP-74(19) SHEET 10 OF 10 DATE 10 / 09 / 95 RGv tY;wi i ringw j;.s'cricc 11-3u-a? 14-U i u,) HRIAT uunr?i?iruR?? UOMVG-RGy. Df QIlGII,M J 'IT,S_ 74LI--40 TO SR 2775 .- WETLAND PROPERTY OWNERS i PR.01PERTY OWNER ADDRESS 1,2,3,1&5 Nat. Park Service,DOI BB&T Bldg., One Pack Sq. Asheville, N.C. 28801 1 E. B.K. Miller, et ux 5 Hemphill Road j Asheville, N.C. 28803 6 James E. Martin 20 Avondale Road Asheville, N.C. 28803 6 Annie P. Carpenter Fernwood HUP Lot #1 Asheville, N.C. 28803 C. Sammy E. Branch Fernwood MHP Lot #30 Asheville, N.C. 28803 6 Richard I. Holdredge 2 Highlander Road Asheville, N.C. 28803 7 G.C.& H.L. Huntley 121 Charlotte Highway Asheville, N.C. 28803 8 Louise S. Jones Heira 498 Bonnie Lane Saleix, Va. 24153 S) Buncombe County BOE 175 Bingham Road Asheville, N.C. 28806 10,11,12, J.L. Sales 235 Charlotte Highway ' 13&14 Asheville, N.C. 28803 1.3 J.L. Sales, Jr. 235 Charlotte Highway Asheville, N.C. 28803 lit Peggy A.S. Edwards 2 June Sales Road Asheville, N.C. 28803 14 Gary L. Wilson 15 Woodmont Drive Asheville, N.C. 28806 15 r,ol eted-8,. 1 `3/ 95 16 Deleted-8/19/95 ! I'll Deleted-8/19/95 17A John M. Nesbitt 305 Charlotte Highway Asheville, N.C. 28803 1.8 James H-. Williamson 5 Cedar Mountain Road Asheville, N.C. 28803 N. C. DEPT OF TRANSPORTATION _. '. DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS BUNCOMBE COUNTY PROJECT:8.1841702 (R-2306A) PROPOSED HC 74 WIDENING SHEET OF fZa Kt V dr-wl! rinoun ),.5Gric, - -?? i iL - V I i VJ HRRIT VVRr?/CIVUR? u?n?c-R?y. ?r L1111,11 1## M U . B, ZIL?-?O M S$ 775 _, RETLPMD PROPERTY OWNERS . t 21,1PPFRTY OWNER ADDRESS 19 Russell Donnelly 705 Charlotte Highway Fairview, N.C. 28730 20 Ronnie E. Hollifield 725 Charlotte Highway I Fairview, N.C. 28730 21527 Hartin A. Conjura 365 Old Charlotte Hwy. Fairview, N.C. 28730 22 Siabren H. Clark 10 Balmoral Drive E oxen Hill Md. 20745 22 G1c4ver Trantham 229 Old Fort Road Fairview, N.C. 28730 22 91:even L. Trantham 38010 Charlotte Highway Fairview, N.C. 28730 22 Kenneth Harris 14 Chriat School Road Arden, N.C. 20704 22 Gerald W. Dean 1346 Charlotte Highway Fairview, N.C. 28730 23 Hal7rys U-Drive It Inc. 819 Patton Avenue Asheville, N.C. 28816 23 C.1?. Merrill Heirs 102 Oteen Church Road Asheville, N.C. 28805 Y,?v ISI Q?i : 8f 1? - p L T 1Te5 i5, plpb 5 rr I I Pr N. C. DEPT OF TRANSPORTATION ,. ,. ., DIVISION OF HIOHWAYS BUNCOMBE COUNTY PROJECT-.8.1841702 (R-2306A) PROPOSED NC 74 WIDENING SHEET -? - OF 2 -e z - y? RCV BY Iw1 , ington j;, 5•Ct'1CZ + 11-JU-?O r 14-U4 r uJ MRIvi l vvnr?i ?IYUn.7 vvnv? r.??r yr ..revel •*• ?;..: C1..... :;ii4 ti:J?A •? // - .. ? ? C ?t I t'i t?-i?7 I??_ ?s?;/ •ITIK`? Was, er"ue L.. . lf? .?f•?. +r "• ?•rlJi ' rn„r F: er• . ~? ?! to Aleu t -.. .t?/w•.?°.- IILnI WrC•? -N -;``?? ,1„ B L1 { N O ''" 'I' ? E Sir y.? ..cuter '1R •`.11 `.?"•,t?:.1' i•%r/'It ...?-w.^ '? Woo n817t? u. r 1C «!p y! } 1 PARK ?a ?CUtSllln T I `,?'f ? '??D •V 1•. r ?T reet to :10ttee"? Swn?nanq???w` 4 '? S r•? \... +'+.i? Irl f??f?, - l ^-?y ?• (r t hY??+r' t p flee oae,c ? r ...rte.... •e.•t Sl. t!•rrwinl ti?•? 1 A S• •W Or `''Y :l•'', 1 J . © (sit aggi A ??i# . ' ?%{ ??:??` v.rlrr , hlnN"1t? 11 It - ' ,' '^ J!T I it `+ (/? IE/•r 'IS}.r4fs ^ . Itil i,• 'IA:•..\?,t', utv i yGr' Ir r R 1. • !i 17 .' .? . l ...-. i:. C. i ... . t 1 I' aYne:Yl ? t tr .1'•? _ w.l...r.. ?.• ? ` sro it ? !? ? $Irrl•ni Wrlen J'. II}• (1?f iml 7J Hdl ` A• Sn.A/it l? laden r GA 1 r?, / \ .?25' Qa1C•re MTnf oN U i? `I' i' ¦.ri• `i ul / QI• ?(' / tr ?'" `r, ?Y ' 1. MrN•II 1 •?\ _ I 7T frwU/n?t e.. , 1 I T .w 4 S? Wnft :1(, K?r.r• { t.?r lwr w.wdTl:?l rl.•+ k -- .. Wli Nand re(i" ?? r Canemue r NAT. .r / end ; S 10 N 1 M it,•I?Yr?. ?' ?/ r:- r+4 C u f .s.J _ a hbe m f-r/'f\? _1 :,??rr.;•???? ` Y??,'•eai ! i lip' r (.t lowa? ? ! ttrlflfi !L• nepu r 1 t' '? ' • (e' .r rre?%/ Irie / µ FOR. I?CROnYt11! 1•\t .Rap• ! wn SK rnt r u ? C S r M I tr ti; (avf. ::^.;; - IrrcArlttt 10 is rrod? igt6a{; 'j. u hr?.?y'i1.;1.,. h t it / w-w fa. f. . COrn! fff ";ir.-4 •'r. ?. r ?,,,? 1 / •f BrtY ? e---. nur R..« Tuctdo f ! ?O?`"^?S ??"Q'• S + :. i 1 iuk of Mika 1 • I J6 7yt rir.oe•?-.'.' 0 S 10 20 10 r t o.- ?. r- 4 n.s.•:.? 8 I FL4 W rildn'P ?, _ - , : Y. • v • 40AN ua •?s?iQ' t io 20 w to ?t. Jk.-C-A'i N \. ...-Caals••- snk of Klt~tn ? 11 . 1 '? "'r Mrh , .w J SSE} t? A A$NEVlll I « - < '1 >• ?dal j Ty rye 3 OrM i¢ wa•.. `7 X= mill I •? ?'- ?' `' _ - , rut 709 and rs ?? Iwo" !'! -.r??? fN' lF7i eC 8 I ? H _.) ? f 1 _ •y ?_ ?•.'M ? W? 1 f CZDAA CM IGBILTNICk. Small ?1 a Ala lw low r MQ• Jia i'fl Iy` E RATE ! e ? V 'r iLLf rV.?taV yu Gm* a I \. ... ? 1511 A: 1111 ? ?? 1 u mix" `T Grp h .o • 117;, ??L . S"Jl 1. IIO,QL1At "1rt ? ? I a Will C .Or' ^ Jig . 11(1 ? ? iSZ111iA .. eel N, C. DEPT•OF-TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS _ BUNCOMBE COUNTY PROJECT:8.1841702 (R-2306x) PROPOSED NC 74 WIDENING SHEET OF t R( V B' (:wl i imc:t0r. J:. strict i l1-3U-y5 i ]Y-,Uy i UJ AMNIT VVRrC/CIVURJ'' VDh1VC-RtlyDf Qil?ii?1?iV Al _ tl? ; u?.. C' W ? a -C; 0 LA CD N C) v1 kIN ?d n? x o a n Z to , A C'l 4:1 "-? .?. !'h rl tci Cf O co n in b v? N 4 ID. tZI a M ITJ ?? r >4 a Cr is C 1-.4 Irl `1 cn :4 0 ?7 w aC H a? H ;tJ H w 1 CD m? Q 1 Z N N? ^NIOOroo . js?. J? Gc? 15114, b O`' ? y?L n J, OI L ?? t RCV BY:Wilrington ):,Btrict ill-ju-uo i 1 Z i n i U3 HRmT VVMr0/ CllURo- UJNVC-nv: . D( mll:ll r N I I U.5, 7-Lr I-40 TO SR 2775 ` WETLANDS/ WINTERS IMPACTS SITr,t. STA. (NPPROX.). WETLANDS(AC.) WATERS(AC.) PERMIT REOn 1 24+50 -'L- 0.135 2 25+00 -L- 0.012 3 31+00 -L- 0.002 4 33+D0 -L- 0.002 5 11+00 -Y2- 0.033 6 11+00 -Y5- 0.269 7 10+70 -Y8- 0.049 NWP 26 8 77+00 -L- 01001 NWP 26 9 86+00 -L- 0.001 NWP 26 10 11+75 -Y14- 0.037 NWP 26 .11 102+0C -L- 0.162 NWP 26 + 12 103+5G -L- 0.002 NWP 26 13 108+'7 t, -L- 0.009 NW? 26 14 12+90 -Y15- 0.039 IMP 26 1.5 ll+.3C -Y18- Deleted-8/19/95 ----- ---- -- i 16 126+40 -L- Deleted-8/19/95 ------ ---- -- 17 129+00 -L- Deleted-8/19/95 ----- ---- -- 171 137+00 -L- 0.005 NWP 26 1.3 143+50 -L- 0.012 NW? 26 N. C. DEPT OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS .BUNCOMBE COUNTY PROJECT:8.1841702 (R-2306A) PROPOSED NC 74 WIDENING SHEET 3 OF 2-6- nl o,!. 9 5 F RCV BY:Wi!;inSton ):,strict ;11-3U-s5 ; 11;U5 I U5 AWU ?Mt it?vUn5-+ USAUt-Keg, drancn;wiz • /?.?.r n•wP.?rr?J..WW,WW?r? ?4L.;r-40 T-O SR .2.775 _ lfET•L ANDS/ Eg5 E3_.? T' APPROX.. TL?jNpS (AC ) WATERS t AC ? ? . , . , J31 iI.T Eu 19 162+00 -L- 0.022 NWP 26 20 154+50 -L- 0.019 NWP '26: 21 168+00 -L- 0.017 NNWP I 26 22 173+50 -L- 0.044 NWP I 26 23 192+5+0 -L- 0. , alp NWP 26 TOTAL 0.064 0.841 ??llslON: Ann 51r?. ri A. N. C. DEPT OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS BUNCOMBE COUNTY PROJECT:8.1841702 (R-2306A) PROPOSED NC 74 WIDENING SHEET OF , . _ _ I n1oy. 9 S RCV BY:WilrinetOn J;-strict :11-3U-95 + 11;UO U5 AKnlr UUKeD/tIlUMO-+ UoA?oc-neg, orancnpoia r' w 1 o 1 O H a ? t!1 0 E ? U W. CA ?I 1 II axH - N II ? W :. D A Cti U o HW m W Qzx co H U H .. co . A > W . W 44 a- U O O ? • a a o a ? w RCV BY:Wi l rincton J:.strict 11-30-9b ; 11.Ob ; U5 A? NIY UUNP !tNUNs-+ USAUt-NO9, orancn;;;14 r`. o a H H >j M t9 o A Q x cv " V ?. y a W ? i ? r4 0 ' 9 v r- l E5 "1 t) EI W V - H a to . co p V O VE: ., f -r o? a Q x ? cD P q o L o L RCV BY:Wi!rington ).,strict .11-30-95 12:07 U5 ARMY GURi%?1tIV?KS-? uSH?t-nes, nran?n«?? ? 1 1 I? •J t- -k uti O? O le o ? 1 J N r r/ O H ?{ cn U `_ ,14 64 N v, ? 0 n: H a M = P4 W a A fA4 M U O o tc N iki O W r-1 v w ra c ?? ...... CO U N 0 U [? 04 z co 14 A R y V 1 > 7 N x t.) .4 to cr a ti a i ID O } C. z a 'Z a a C a 0 o ?V 4 N o o e N RCV BY:Wilrington ).strict :11-30-95 ; 12:07 ; U5 ARMY GORP5/ENUR5-{ USAGE-Keg, drarcnl«io Y G •:' ?-r E b ry' t11 o r4 C4 z 1 W Cr1: H ', W t :3 O ?.5 ., U N t?, t? Q W 1-4 r4 = .4. co r 00 ra V W to .. co W y U ? p ? -? t c m i p h a a" c 0 :. a w .y v 1 ?\ x %A i P4 p O 1 RCV BY:Wilfington );.strict .11-3u-yc 't IZ-1UI U5 AKNIT k4M'DitiuuRO-+ uzHkd c-Rey. orarllwIf . -40A 1 t? II ?? Y? r _ 1 z a ? r (( r ( r Cam„ ? ( ( N ,r V- X z ?.? fly • d «. ?a H O C ,4 0 N r4 00 r-4 V w '? QZ a3 W Wwr3 .. A > 90 U N \4) #-4 h a U3 ti Ce. re. d o? i ! o F H I i O 4 I RCV BY:Wil,ington J;,Strict ;11-JU-yJ 'p 1'L;UU US AKIAT ?Uh!F'S/tlV?ttS'' u?HUt-neg. or- ancnto#10 4? f II ti M p /1 V/ d E- >4 cn V w 04 04 = R+ Z cn C7 .: ? W z ::3 F4 x U d O Da W w D. m o oa H ?-? U E-4 a. cra o0 p> F W W 1-1 L) En y p h a U O O 4 t ,x c? r kA \T• f W ?r i 1?40 Q RCV BY:Wi l rincton 7;,strict ; 11-dU-y? 1'L;UU UZ? AK14T UUMr'VtINUMO" u?NUt-neg. oranuilloo o C? G. H el s 1 i l? I \ l l ? I ? t ? a 2 \?a - ti a O H ? z N O=•J4 "I. 9W W C-4 A ?' O U H D4 Q t? 0? ? r 0 0 0 V H +-+ U .: E QI v3 . co > U w ? i c v? p h w V w a z ?A L 1 ;lt r A ?a a w? x ? o r/ c a? n L ?' RCV.BY:Wil-incton ):.strict .11-30-95 11?U9 U5 AKrAT '4QMrO/MllunQ- u?nvc-nV, y. NI u111-11 .W"Iv o r. V A d N .Z ?-4 d H s? fA O 04 N .. I ? x ? N w r -+-+ a w 1 cn ? ? .r ? wU 0-4 G GG o x E+ Gr n . WW O .? A C14 W r ° O -_ o .-1 U E-4 ID : F - 94 t) A w M E- w ?n N c n A U 04 ? a ? .? w a. "z a 0 Q , d 3 r I ? ? s? RCV BY:Wilyin )strict 11-30-95 ; 12;09 ; U5 ARMY UUKh'S?t?VtittSi U?AUt-KO9, urancn-liizi M? W L W M H tip ? z +? W rx? ?.? a ca w ?U a o H W t? Oz co y E. Ow V) co Ww0 .. 1 A ? U i d VI N a- 0 O O 19 C4 7 ? 1n + ? ?- M 7;Z N I a ? ? r / T? J z r O rU-? V cL =L 1. - RCV BY:IdiIiinQton ):.strict ;11-30-95 ; 12:09 + U5 AWAY VVNPV tNUKS- USA?;t-Keg, rrancniwa i v a1 . . M u 0 W Cw ,t1 ?r ?n a o -• E-. +o ?: cn a W II; H ? w cn ? -? w 1:3 D4 04 0 O P a I- D4 O q r" ? t`- y •+ O Z O co O r-i U H ?-? ti E" C* C4 A ? W W p l n a ` .. a a w N a a r 1 r? I 7 ? y L 6 a ?f7. i 0 0 RCV BY:Wilrincton );.strict X11-30-95 ; 12:10 U5 ARMY CORPS/ENGRS-+ USACE-Reg. Branch;#23 I i O H r 04 DI W 04 V1 O H r M t? P4 EH 94 ?.. - . rM-e H '? Q ' w = E-rHU z H W w 5 0 W a > 0] E. w w o •ca U 0 a a ?--- w Dl t3+ + Z f 7 r? n - f i f i i Ile 'd - VV nrr? I ? ? v ? ?l H O a o RCV BY:Wi! rin?tor );,strict 11-30-95 ; 12;10 ; U? AKMY UVKHVtNU='4 uSA?,t-meg, nrancncw l? ar' old ?? c!i 1Li?\ tom. ,? t a: ?l a m LA It\ ?4 c f lac. Pl H ? r? , Z7 l?U o 1-1 H S!1 94 O 04 N ~ r i N wwE-4 w w O ? U C] ? E-4 44 °m ti w .?y ° o a U fit Ili a1 W w?a .. w x o> N ? c7 q n w U 0 a` A i o J a RCV BY:Wi I rincton ),.strict 11-30-55 12:11 U5 ARMY GUOVtNUhi "4 USA?t-KO9, Urancniwn 1 3 4 k J - ? X t~ ? S o -r U) a F >-i M U ? ?) 114 E-4 C4 cn to ? ?- w ° 0 ?c0 U o 4 to ° t- w ca ? N o 00 H U H ?-+ U : E+ > A 90 H W x a' U w w •A W O r, 0 a 0 a 0 z a a 'z ct l ? orb 1 .?.. 1? r r 1 J :,? ti11 L1 a ?n - . d . 1 ?! l 1 { N I { 1 a 'I a w . o 06 Q C. ? RCV PY:Wi ? Tincton )Atrict 11-30-95 12:11 U5 Artj4T I vnr,;,fm ww- uvnv? -, - •-•• - t;HESTNUT 41GUpIT,4N ?/ ? ? ROAQ SITE #3 PORT ell 6EGIN SITE ?J4 ROJ;_C`_ SIT #1 Si"tE X15 S 2 SITE 116 T' + . ?. ?lJl c*+ FAIRVIEW P \ SCHOOL Y^? `? ? S,?- ROW sb 1 Cµti a 0 a TO G K ?G PR JECT VICINITY MAP 90 SCALE F PT, OF TRANSPORTATION SION OF HIGHWAYS UNCOMBE COUNTY NCDOT PRO. NO. 8.1841704 (R-2306B) FA PROJ. NO. STP-74(18) SHEET / $ OF 2.-,5? DATE 10 / 09 / 95 RCV BY:141Tinctor; );.strict X11-30-95 ; 12:11 US ARMY CORPS/EPNGRS-4 USAGE-Reg, Branch927 QUANTITIES SUMMARY AREA OF AREA OF CUYD OF WETLANDS WATERS FILL IN IMPACTED IMPACTED WETLANDS SITE # 1 0.01 AC N/A 35 CUYD- SITE: #.2 <0.01 AC N/A N/A SITE #,3 N/A 0.02 AC N/A SITE p N/A 0.02 AC N/A SITE; #.S N/A <0.01 AC N/A SITE #6 N/A 0.02 AC N/A N.C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS BUNCOMBE COUNTY NCDOT PRO. NO. 8.1841704 (R-23068) F.A. PROJ, NO. STP-74(18) SHEET OF Zs DATE 10 / 09 / 95 RCV BY:Wi I ingtori ): strict ,11-30-95 ; 1212 ; US ARh1Y GORPS/tNIiti -; TJTAL DRi'•.II4AGF AREA 0.70 AC , i DENOTES WETLAND Av,R!\(,E I?'?:L Y -LOO < G.10 Cf S TO BE IMPACTED, A='-:EA OF ',V=TLF.ND TO BE FILLED: < 0.01 AC DENOTES WETLAND T,'-1n- VO_ UME Or FILL ? TO 0E UNDISTURBED, IA WE.TI- ,NDS: 35 CUYD a u / a0 ( ' Q O o G \??i 4 . F ?- -----??`?? / 7t7?1 ° ESP REM vE 15' CM I N 18" kCmP 24 R(;P a w ? a -- -C?---- `_ 1 - r CAt-1 ?at+_1 x F g ? ? + F N N a ti 4 ? '.: 1YE7WVD5 CAF' CREEK •.?'?'?11?4J'II SCALE 1" 40' 0 .w so USAUt-tleg, nranenooco 5 42-55'15 E 511.68 ' PLAN VIEW SITE # 1 N,C. DEPT, OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS BUNCOMBE COUNTY NCDOT PRO. NO. 8.1841704 (R-230813) FA PROD. NO. STP--74(18) SHEET 2.0 OF 25' DATE 10 / 09 / 95 RCV BY:Wi I'incton );,strict ;11-30-9;10 ; 12;12 ; U5 AHMY ?uttNS?ti?u?cJ-+ UJH?C-rtey, oran?il,ac? S WCTLAND 10 BE UNDISTURBED. t0 BE ED. 4;EA OF 1,kETLA.ND !IMPACTED: < 0.01 AC DENOTES WETLAND IN CUT. CUT. . ?I x t 5 F D a X? w000S N 9 n 0 Ile?, 11,0111 OXo WETLANDS l RE>?'??`ny ? o ^'asr.10.?2, 4 :5 RE Slyc?SE 9'? h1?E!iTf?t?F"d?2U. CIA X X X X REMOvE REMOVE REMOVE O N ORA;N FIELD b? A, 40' cr 40 Co 44??p C PLAN VIEW SITE #2 N.C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS BUNCOMBE COUNTY FFA. PROJ ?NO ?'STP-ia(18j (R-23068) SHEET 2,1 OF 25' DATE 10 / 09 / 95 RCV By:w Tincton ):,strict ;11-30-55 ; 12:12 1 U5 AhiMY c??rtNSi tlvut??? uQnt4F.-ncy, U1 (AM4111RVV DLNUTES `ILL %TERS TO BE IMPACTED 0.02 AC AELDw OHw w F 7 R1' 12+G 1 . 8'/ % F .A1 11 'o. c F=CPC1SEb >.74 CENTERLINE 2--al ww's "B REIACVE +CO? C ");10, . 1 ?.- 1! TONS CLASS n F:IF'RAP FftrPpSEII -11ANNr L CHANGE T a ? `F -L-REV P01 231+'?3 45 +69 , 9C m -Y2t -:- T 12 PC,--,IN CONSTRUCT I CIN F ?,C © MEt- `? kE MLV?~' ` NS SS 'I1' RIPRAF - -l S CLASS 'D' RIPRAP MCL 1 EXISTIN U.S.74 CENTERLINE 3 r1 64 1 RV J -,=21 nnT 29!469. n2 = O SC.ILI: 1. 40' ............. 1?? ` 0 40 co PLAN VIEW SITE #3 N.C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS BUNCOMBE COUNTY NCDOT PRO. NO. 8.1841704 (R-230611) F.A. PROJ. NO. STP-74(18) SHEET Z2. OF z,lr DATE 10 / 09 / 95 RCV SY:WiITington ):.strict ,t .Jit-fERS q' BE IMPACTrD PRElpfUSED C144-Nr,E PROPOSE EXIT S 11-30-95 i 12:13 ; U5 ANMY t;UKNS/tlV?rc?-+ UJNVC-nry. ui aii'411 1MIJ DENOTES FILL BELOW ?HW. VIEW =ALC l' - 40' 0.02 AC 3 l , _ ?, 1?-? 0 40 co SITE #4 RANSPORTATI?N DIVISION O HIGHWAYS BUNCOMBE COUNTY NCDOT PRO. NO. 8.1841704 (R-2306D> F.A. PROJ. NO, STP-74(18) SHEET 2.1 ?F z5' DATE. 10 / 09 / 95 Roy BY:Wi I incton ):.strict ;11-30-S5 ; 12:13 + U5 AKh9Y GUKF'S/tIV?KS? UJN'jC-ney- ul ,we, i ERS TO DE Jm <-TCD; <C 01 AC i DENOTES FILL BELOW DHW <'-4 +9L' UiGCAT-1 rQ E -;ISTINC _.U. 74 Cf.NTERI. INC r N.opasi:II. U . S . 74 CENTERLINE PROPOSED CULV?:Rt EXTE"NSIGN i-- ..r.i?..,.._ ----r- X362 .?4' RCF' PRDPLSLD CHANNEL CHANGC \1 F ?F RC T41ti 2-a lvv•S 1 PLAN VIEW SCALE 1' a 40' 0 40 .....riiA--- .---r---- 4-- SITE #5 N.C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS BUNCOMBE COUNTY NCDOT PRO. NO. 0.1041704 (R-0306D) F.A. PROJ. NO. STP-74(10) SHEET Zq DE 7-55 DATE 10 / 09 / 95 -'r1 PY:Wi f •ington )`.strict ` A.TERS TO BE IMPACTED UENOTES FILL. 0,02 nC BELow oHw ;GE SCALE l' - 40' 0 _ 40 Ed 11-30-95 ; 12:14 ; US ARMY CORPVt:NUNt -l UQ. "VQ-nvy. 11 111- -. - PLAN VIEW SITE #6 ON N.C. DEP-. OF BUNCOMBE COUNTY (R-23068) D PROJp NO. ? STP74(14) FA SHEET LS OF 2.S DATE 10 / 09 / 95 z = 3 J t .i?' a STATE OF NOfZfH CAROLINA DEPAPUMENT OF TRANSPORTATION )AMEs B. HUNT JR. DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS GARLAND B. GARKETT JR- GOVI:r,N01, P.O. BOX 25201. RALEIGI 1. N.C. 27611-5201 Secr.r:r, n- July 26, 1996 RECEIVED AUG 01 1996 Cliff Winefordner E14VIRONMENTAL SCIENCES U. S. Army Corps of Engineers P?-u Wilmington Field Office P. 0. Box 1890 Wilmington, North Carolina 28402-1890 Dear Mr. Winefordner: SUBJECT: Buncombe County, Proposed widening of US 74 from I-40 to SR 3136 southeast of Asheville, TIP No. R-2306, State Project No. 8.1841702. The N.C. Department of Transportation (NCDOT) proposes to widen approximately 6.7 miles of existing US 74 between 1-40 and SR 3136 southeast of Asheville. The NCDOT originally applied to your agency on August 10, 1995 for Section 404 authorization for the first phase of this project. The application was modified and expanded in a November 1, 1995 submittal which included the entire R-2306 project. This project has been the subject of much controversy. On February 21, 1996, the N.C. Division of Environmental Management (DEM) denied the NCDOT's application for a 401 Water Quality Certification for the project. The denial was based on the DEN/I's opinion that practicable alternatives exist. The NCDOT believes that it has carefully considered all alternatives, and consequently has appealed the denial. A meeting was held in Asheville on May 22, 1996 which was attended by representatives of the Corps of Engineers, Blue Ridge Parkway, N.C. Wildlife Resources Commission (NCWRC), U.S. I-ederal Highway Administration, DENT and tile NCDOT. This meeting was held to resolve issues raised by the agencies in response to the application. The Blue Ridge Parkway primarily expressed concerns over the landscaping of the project. These concerns are being resolved through coordination with the Parkway. 2 The design of relocated stream segments was a major topic of discussion. The NCWRC took the lead in this discussion, and recommended several revisions to the proposed design. These recommendations are listed in a June 19, 1996 letter to the NCDOT. 1) Deflectors - The proposed stone deflectors have been removed as the NCWRC requested. 2) Stabilizinq Outer Meanders - The NCDOT has examined the feasibility of using root wads to stabilize the outer meanders. Due to high stream velocities, it is not believed that the root wads would be a feasible option. To stabilize erosion in these areas, the NCDOT believes that it will be necessary to place rip rap to the top of bank on the outside edge of meanders. 3) Pools - The NCDOT will investigate the feasibility of constructing pools in the stream channel. It is likely that the meandering channel will cause pools to develop naturally. It is also expected that the boulders which will be placed along the bank will create resting areas for fish. 4) Riprap - The NCWRC requested that the use of riprap be minimized. Consequently, the NCDOT proposes to use riprap only where it is necessary to prevent erosion. Riprap will be used on the outside of meanders to the top of bank as already discussed. However, it will only be used to 1 foot above normal water surface elevation on the inside of meanders. Riprap will also be placed in front of the soil nail wall to protect the wall from erosion. 5) Substrate - The NCDO'f believes that it can use natural material as substrate in the new channel. 6) Woody Ve,-,etation - Native species of trees and shrubs will be planted along the new channel sections. The vegetation will be placed with the riprap except along the soil nail wall. 7) Retaining Walls - The NCDOT is willing to stipulate that the contractor must prevent wet concrete from contacting stream water. As can be seen in the above list, the NCDOT has attempted to incorporate all reasonable and feasible methods to make the relocated stream segment as natural as possible and to minimize erosion. Enclosed you will find revised drawings which depict 3 the current design. Please continue to review this project for authorization under the Clean Water Act. If you have any questions or need any additional information please call Mr. Gordon Cashin at (919) 733-7844, Extension 278. Sincere] , H. Franklin Vick, P. E., Manager Planning and Environmental Branch HFV/colt cc: Mr. Bob Johnson, COE, Asheville Mr. David Cox, NCWRC Mr. John Dorney, DEI-INR Mr. Kelly Barger, Program Development Branch Mr. Don Morton, State Highway Engineer-Design Mr. A. L. Hankins, Hydraulics Unit Mr. John L. Smith, Jr., Structure Design Mr. Tom Shearin, State Roadway Design Engineer N/Ir. W. D. Smart, Division 13 Engineer I 1 719 7 r I ?'IOCRS VIII t ???'Y ? Y• ,1' \ t? T'ahol t ''( •^V'l ^ S?afenrlf+' Wesnrvrlle sell Alt, PleasantGudee .t-dc.Y,..?°t^?JC. M °}'• - rr fr.u-s ale A ?/^• ••?a o 1• • a..x„ _ x <w ?c...?•.-v J' \ seas s B U s N O E ,G i * ? ?y9s V w ^s.«. ` F'^^t S ateslu Woo nT Sr Blatk. .ter at 1 TOE, y 7 t, N,A.eT. • _ t PARK -- i ?' 75 t lountaln reel' Crabtree`' s+ 6 R1- _ Swannsn a ?•t1 fr Si f? `.Asheville"` tee ° 10, !/1 J" © © 'i 1 t '? ^=?6 © Rld¢eaes ? 1 C 6447 s-OltmMt. CNteOtlt ./., A J \ ?Or ?O? t 1 _ Q t?^ Su[ at f , D,u ` .Ent 116 lnl4-'•,??,^?---'.?'?7_\\?? w ?" ° S) Valley r u a A. l?fyfT,?^'- A 11 X71 Iff 't• .• l0 11 1 ' .ledtl (, a fau.?t.. -.._ it { _ sr ? X138 I 71 II 1 Itl .r 1 1 / I _ t w.4 ...?_. a fnt;svl i Y 1N. dro; IS L,? ,t s $lyland ce+lon Q`.?n[ rya a.ea 13 (4 / Hat Srx?l[da [l r 1 Ardcn / - J S "? Ist 1 u Plr GA 1 ( 26 aat C... .?h-c al U_ "Iz I r .al Lure N l 1 •.Ot lM !• t0 r(? w.w fY! ! fletc e, (?! 7/ ` o tta r:.}... 1/ Willett;` "r Sunburst 116 2 t MwnUI FI.Itlan s lawt lure ..? U r ?; O Sylra+ 1 r `,\? Mdl _1 m I Homt Edney^Ilt i?r.• ^ o l ? Itl9 _'f 9 - .1 It Webster F• NAT. w u•\ m / O N P ?t ,y'RI t`Wess,`. +1.:'C.(.IZ•• Ilt wCU ?. 17) I?? pea. el _ •or f U tEasl flat lLal Adat+ ^ ?ull bee \ G.o IS • °- 21L 6! to+a?, .•'!{;''• .v Ea ss13\. &-,k n to East lap«t r..» i dersonrdlt `3 , asl o..a A C $ , O ,,,• FOR *3 17 R© MruSOlne =I/ l ju?.,tiy. TYUase[t r crwou flat Ruc? ?? © IC8 ! 1 1 '0? ?'1• .. :61 f .:r \ • lucon a ` L -y:. - 1 1 71 Pts an "a..,, Ids S, ro.,,, t Nu ! UKylt {j?`}Y ?, I +ereV 01r_`.. dIle R.- 1 1 Columbus J Tuxedo I 116 * + 1 w*? 'yu3 1 r.e, t w" I Sine of Miles L. wwon* n l^ r T o S 10 20 30 3 °..O r ^Yd. ?e?rw k Glenvl 1 ,.1ra2r / 40 sg ?- ?ti £ T \l a+?rlf.: \* r t; `? ?`?.?ya "//??;''??1•,t, •p ?mrt\\ 10 10 20 30 ', s dr: Scale of Kitort tcvs all, n r 1-? p e9 f .?f ELI] j ' .. ti Wl.a, J1\ a rut 2,0 rt tC • • ^ 1 /7 _\ t L / `; 1 Z A' / ® "tsars HcATK w 7N0 „tw ?,? MAT alb 17 1>?- .d 1 ? aK. Mti 1`? ?0 7r •L •''er MM 'IN L ao 1 C A tiny •L O ` _ Cm" CL" S'Ir C .L11 Cm % tl - 1?? . r F? ?. r 1 A?• 11S Sas'q A Tt wS.0 ,fZVC)•t '1 ?• Q 1` A :E = t 1121 U11 au 0 j =A ! f«at , ? / ` kma mM 1121 111 ' ?? ESTATE r 2ul 112E ' Ll: R ?? f \ /• Is31J STI,? r-, cx 1 / I 2111 q llll ?)? ru :1 I 1 ?? --L:+.. ~ 7 t 111t hl 211E ' /•?SUl C- I .r T llll, III \\ Sll[ mrK MM .? i. 1121 `9 1111 111 /. t Llu , - X 1111 .. SCALE 2 ) scan 1 Q 1 .?? a N. C. DEPT OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS BUNCOMBE COUNTY PROJECT:8.1841702 (R-2306A) PROPOSED NC 74 WIDENING SHEET OF Z OH Q U] o H >4 M U ND 14 SZ4 04 0 n: >4 1 :3' 1 E-4 tD 44 ?xO cV A O \41 H W U O 3 O W w vi a4 tY1 a' t? +OOL 9 2£ a s O O z :E: CO O r1 U ia4 U2 Z co r 11? n W" 'J Q W Z Q? ANA U to ul / ? ?? U A O O U rh\^? pt o? o ?O ?( Sz t n t? ? O ?z * ? w ?0 00 -?r f°S n N b2 ?s a P??r 8. 0 U.S. 74/1-40 TO SR 2775 - WETLANDS/WATERS IMPACTS SITE STA.(APPROX.) WETLANDS(AC.) WATERS(AC.) _ 1 24+50 -L- 0.135 2 25+00 -L- 0.012 3 31+00 -L- 0.002 4 33+00 -L- 0.002 5 11+00 -Y2- 0.033 6 11+00 -YS- 0.289 7 10+70 -Y8- 0.049 8 77+00 -L- 0.001 9 86+00 -L- 0.001 10 11+75 -Y14- 0.037 11 102+00 -L- 0.162 12 103+50 -L- 0.002 13 108+75 -L- 0.009 14 12+90 -Y15- 0.039 15 11+50 -Y18- Deleted-8/19/95 ----- 16 126+00 -L- Deleted-8/19/95 ----- 17 129+00 -L- Deleted-8/19/95 ----- 17A 137+00 -L- 0.005 18 143+50 -L- 0.012 U.S. 74/1-40 TO SR 2775 - WETLANDS/WATERS IMPACTS SITE STA.(APPROX.) WETLANDS( AC.) WATERS(AC.) 19 162+00 -L- 0.022 20 164+50 -L- 0.019 21 168+00 -L- 0.017 22 173+50 -L- 0.044 23 192+50 -L- 0.013 TOTAL 0.064 0.841 ???1 IsIoN : N. C. DEPT OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS BUNCOMBE COUNTY PROJECT:8.1841702 (R-2306A) PROPOSED NC 74 WIDENING SHEET_ OF ! ?J U.S. 74/I-40 TO SR 2775 _ WETLAND PROPERTY OWNERS SITE PROPERTY OWNER ADDRESS 1,2,3,4&5 Nat. Park Service,DOI BB&T Bldg., One Pack Sq. Asheville, N.C. 28801 6 B.K. Miller, et ux 5 Hemphill Road Asheville, N.C. 28803 6 James E. Martin 20 Avondale Road Asheville, N.C. 28803 6 Annie P. Carpenter Fernwood MHP Lot #1 Asheville, N.C. 28803 6 Sammy E. Branch Fernwood MHP Lot #30 Asheville, N.C. 28803 6 Richard I. Holdredge 2 Highlander Road Asheville, N.C. 28803 7 G.C.& H.L. Huntley 121 Charlotte Highway Asheville, N.C. 28803 8 Louise S. Jones Heirs 498 Bonnie Lane Saleix, Va. 24153 9 Buncombe County BOE 175 Bingham Road 10,11,12, J.L. Sales 13&14 13 J.L. Sales, Jr. 14 Peggy A.S. Edwards 14 Gary L. Wilson 15 Deleted-8/19/95 16 Deleted-8/19/95 17 Deleted-8/19/95 17A John M. Nesbitt 18 James M. Williamson Asheville, N.C. 28806 235 Charlotte Highway Asheville, N.C. 28803 235 Charlotte Highway Asheville, N.C. 28803 2 June Sales Road Asheville, N.C. 28803 15 Woodmont Drive Asheville, N.C. 28806 305 Charlotte Highway Asheville, N.C. 28803 5 Cedar Mountain Road Asheville, N.C. 28803 U.S. 74/1-40 TO SR 2775 - WETLAND PROPERTY OWNERS SITE PROPERTY OWNER ADDRESS 19 Russell Donnelly 705 Charlotte Highway Fairview, N.C. 28730 20 Ronnie E. Hollifield 725 Charlotte Highway Fairview, N.C. 28730 21&22 Martin A. Conjura 365 Old Charlotte Hwy. Fairview, N.C. 28730 22 Sebren H. Clark 10 Balmoral Drive E oxen Hill Md. 20745 22 Grover Trantham 229 Old Fort Road Fairview, N.C. 28730 22 Steven L. Trantham 38010 Charlotte Highway Fairview, N.C. 28730 22 Kenneth Harris 14 Christ School Road Arden, N.C. 28704 22 Gerald W. Dean 1346 Charlotte Highway Fairview, N.C. 28730 23 Harrys U-Drive It Inc. 819 Patton Avenue Asheville, N.C. 28816 23 C.V. Merrill Heirs 101 Oteen Church Road Asheville, N.C. 28805 R?? ISI oN ; X5,1(411, ?tib s?T?" 11 ? I o ITA NVI E w Sirs 2 I mI f ? I vi l Q I ? i 1 gv>,.( Ln e 25 ? i I? I GAS N ES C.KE C k 2 t E„=?rs?.rc- n?ec I ?$AGK ri L L E< 5 rwc-- ClINVNEt- -`8x8 VGRL i I TAE f A=tJ 4 EicTEtJn I Cl ASS S K-r-P= SAP ?i?iE aF WntE?S ? i ? I I v G LEIS o-P65E`D RGBC i I 4oD A. ? ? ! I t '?eihyr rsl?c- WAL-L &z5TINL- (AS-14 ?I J \ ? 1 I Pr2apo SeU l,1 S -? ? R/w I I I i 1 I23+oo I 10 0 50 SCA L \ \ ??- ?I i I N.,:. DLF'T. OF TF?ANSP'ORTA1'LON UIvISION OF HIGHWAYS `?yy ouN-:0mDE I.OUN1'Y U. JL3417t.--" / \ I \ 221 UU t-iirj Ntw, u5-74 7POM aiE51 OF -...t - . ? Sr1EG ! -/ -11 F- Z? r1AY C'7 JC A DENOTES FILL IN WATERS o 1 z 1-4 I H kD 04 (n C) (N I? a I axEE-4 z Z (!? C? z .. w I I zHZ:) A w 1<4 I N U O E-4 CCr4 o I O w r -A I Z li 0z? co `? _ D 1 00 U 0 H H U z H _ afn z o3 w I I A> cq p w x J z a a 1 15 ??r I:z x I -? - z o I Q? r4- J I U I Y-- I ? x 1 o I ? ?I ? 0 0 z O .. F4 H F4 En a>-4 N z a°xE+ x z cnC?z v w z 44 x U o 3 O 4 \ 0 z :4 o d ?dd .L In r- y?j 3 3 wc~nz co Z E-4 A w a>cxn H w x c U v] W Z a f'' U h a S z r a a I ? ii 77 x N N ? ? ? \_ M I Z \ I ? o o U n o 0 ti o H H >(a 0 + M 0 N O m >+ H? axE-• a z'. 1-b cn 0 z ?- W Z:) 9=1 rX4 N tz U O 3 \ H W O W •-1 mot' , W W ?Y O Z E: CO Q E-4 " U z H a cn z co w .. ?v A H W U N c!l `? U A ti O C4 a° z a a Z En \ ? 3 \ s CL O .-? L1 c / CL d ? V1 ? x ? o r o 0 o a Nz? N N ? o o ? z . r O ? H H >+ M 0 ri F:4 N z .' y ti I-F ` v i 1 LII O n: >? ?-? v] C7 z O Z 0 x C%4 0 H W O W o t- •-i 3 `r C? ?n I , ? o z .V CO .JI ? _ Q 00 r+ 0 ~ ` w s ac nz co J? A>C w x W H ? ?-+ A U h a y, U? v z a a 3 7 ? v U - P to 12 Z 1 ? ail ;? v V J N N ti n N a w F 3 J ..a C+. M W E- 0 W A i VYJ O U H x 0 0 ALA N VI Evv SS TE 'P9+00 F?,s7in? rfs-7? zi--74 00 b&-e of VVA Tomes , CP us NO MATCH I-INF- T I ? ? I ?' J N ) II II' q6q Ir. 00 'n I O I ,, h y5`o? _Jr I I Cuss 3:lP'Kf1 r CA6Hes Cr,5E4 I ( / $GiIL?7??5 ' a 10 i 0 50 ?r? r. I . - ?=? ?T H LINE , ScP,L€ riGKFILL i xl?T/NG' C ll/1N/EEL N..,. D[r-'T. OF iF?l1NSf'Of',TO 1 ION UIv(S(ON OF FI(ISNWAYS LAUM..011[IC '.OUtJI'Y W i D-EN (N6 US-7.4 r port a1C'.i l OF (--I(- i!) SP..2'775 SCALE AS SHOWN SIiE(: i 1 t?F' _Z? nr,Y t ?G DENOTES FILL IN WATERS ?e?os?D 2 //x G TGSL A? 0 ,. H IC4 U) 0 E-4 >4 CY) 14 F4 oxH a ? z 3 to v a. z H a Q [t4 _j a ? x c0) 0 3 O i H W o `? 1\ 0 w r, " Q 44 0 O z co O •-? U H"U H y a cn .. co .. A» F w x co U) U A ?? Q1 O O • a a z w a i `? 1 a W ?? I a L- 14 ``' H o[ I ?'J CA w N 0 cc xx? ?= I Q z A, H ? [ IlW?y? (C'? MM W z ? O `a H>4 N a m N z I 7 a x H I? z to C? z v W Q W 0 1 E+ W t? O W rt w W u? W v d 4 I O O O •-r U oft I H " U Z Eo a cn z 00 W A ?>+ CQ E-4 U Eo u I •a w O ?1 U O O N z a a I a w n l i a Ii I - ? i ? i ? o 0 0 o 1--1 H (!? O C4 F:4 O m >• N "1 \\ v] U H W.. U O 3 V? !? x O N Q O E4 [1 O W rI W W O O O r-CC) 1 U W aciz Z 03 W 121 ID ul U) U A h a • ? 4 z a a \ d `+ J .a 50? ? } w \ V cn o U ? J 1 I x ? ? o C "1 1 N v Ww? NC O ^ H !ti H H >4 ce) U R', Fy' N . w : I o >+ ?-+ N a z ' x •a w c n c 7 N x 0 N A rr4 O t S !? E+ W U o 0 r4 ? - 2 ? r" m 0 l 00 U z W f 7 a nz co w ? A? CA E W x J z2 X w aN C.? 0 En U) O o? U A h a z v a a -? ?N?1 S i x? w ? ? u ? ? 2 I c 1 I - I I I 0 N o ?? r 0 r , a W H 3 a a w W H 14 c, o 4, V) VICK z O U H x C) Via- a ° F4 z N 0 N E-4 E4 >+ M C7 \ 3 W r 17)4 f:4 N 0 n: >4. 1 1 O v W x E? : c>~ W \ N o zH Q w x o (V H O C) n: if E-4 r14 C) r4 r14 M Z _11 Oz0 W a Ea z CC) Q il \ -u caHm v x to cn A _ -- I-?? 4- U A h a S a z a a x? I E- i M 0 -1 -' I ~ O ' w I + oot (n w to o I A- w I ?k I ? o 1 O IW 2 z O U rz 0 O ° ? H F4 ul o E-4 ?-l co R: rI; N z P4 E-4 P4 pi - ?U-? .. A W E-4 rr4 N 0 Q WOm n.. O O z co O r-1 U I W U] z w co > E-H w x - " U 0 cn vA h z R - - z a a J ? (- ? W Q a -- I ? II I oo ? w i ,? 11 I ?-- ? J o '` 11 I a ?1 0 ? A 1 „ O Z z ra ,t4-1 z I I (? ? i O H N Cl O C'L-i '4?'UN VIEW SITE 7 6 ,( S&665' ?GFSL J f ExT.i\,v K11J6 CPANNFL 10 0 50 Scn.L •T. OF TPANSPORT,11'10N i OF HIGHWAYS t:OUN1'Y ;,..? DENOTES FILL IN WATERS S,-At-(- Ac; SMOWN p kG`IIS1?Ia; c ' r L?f ? O I1l?Y 1 `:7G olifi"ri(N"; US-74 7POrl WE'31 OF (-.Iy h) SF':77S 4 z O ^ E- F:? UQ O E• >-4 M ? ? ? N z v 124 E- P4 W N \ zHa Q w ?x0 CN 0 0 C) 3: i r o mow z w m ?' MI W 0z:E: co ,~c v, H ° U Z E-+ a W z co W > E-4 O 0 04 v- z a a F fvi V) 03 w / F r -YA W s ? ?- ? Cli z O 0 ? z o -? H H !S, H ? ? C7 0 m 0m ?-4 wxH N ? c>r R. H z N j I N cq O Z Xxo cz u rr4 H ?- 0 w 3 0 S? Z W O '-1 T c?` n w L4 W ° z 0 CC) I t? 0 a cn ? oo U w 72 per/ ` Q ?>? U W U) I a A U h 00 . -ky Z 1 J I I r c1 O a O a cN ? ? ?`? II , Fo L a x ? / I ( ? I ? O V1 ? pL ( ? Z II i ? i r ? v I ? U I ? O U 1 I x 1 I I ? o ? I I o L O H o ?. X H F2.' 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OF TPANSPORTAVION 0 [ V (S f ON OF FI DSHWAYS 6UNC Of'1 E 1:13UNrY ES. l t3•J l 7 , p-2-10C:A NfD rl(N,i U5-74 FNOhI t-)CISl OF SALE A5 SHO"N }ZE'(ISto?l: SI+E? ? ? s ufZF3 nr.Y t •:SG DENOTES FILL IN WATERS z n o H F4 cn o H 64 M C7 C4 64 CA - w \n ul ~ z::) Q w ?. x O ?+ H O H W U o 3 r14 M "V O z .4 co E-4 " \ ?t 124 ? O co Q W X5.1 2 ? W al > CQ E- 0 U) U) d `\1 Q W O p v U pO N N z QI a W > a W E- 0 ? v ZI 43 o H L ? ° OL L 8 a o N N I N tJ Q ? H W E• >+ M C? 0 n: Q. 4 :r9^ E-4 x W U) V H ?? CX4 1? x OU o 3 O E-4 r14 O W w rJ4 \ I O O O . I U I _ H H U •. Z E-+ a (n z CO w I A ?>i CU U tx U A h a \ I Oct o0 z ?I / z a a ? I ,I - Q xz i r I- - - o L) o as ?p,I o 0 ?lj NI `"i ?I N N N P N N N 0 0o z N H ? cn o ? M C7 ? p; N z O?? a, x H cz z _ N zH? .? w A w x O U o 3 H W r- O W r1 'd' p W t>a w c? Ozx CC) _ 00 .I U a ~ " w c nz co 7 W > A \;1 ? ? U m ul N •A W O - U h w • 0: R: .. a w I I v ? Q I U ? V I V1 N/l5? 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LEI 'II "L66T aunt g uo uoTiusianuoo ouogdolol ino uT spoDjo XiTo aqi Xq uodn paa.Tfu su (suo.Tpuapopogi se Bons sgn.nls u002aana Xlglssod) sgnigs giTM poiuuld aq plnogs OS+g(•xddu) of 00+0 uopms uro?g xaalD paa2T 3o opls glnos aqi osly •sgnsTls apnlouT of paiailu ST u?isop ,g ssulD„ aqi jT sgnnls lumoijps anuq plnoqs uoriuool .Talul aq,L L •5Z+6 0100+8 Puu SL+£ 010S+T uoTluls UlO.g :103.1D POOU JO OPTS auo uo auop N 01 paau I[." uuld Tunidaouoo aqi uT posodoid osogi o1 uopippu uT sgnsgs 3o s2miuuld 'oiojaiags -uiaisxsooo opunbu paaoisa.T oql .TOj /,B Tauo puu luirquq opTnoid of un:aiis oql ssama snipop omufjO luaTog3ns 1ug1 ainsua of aq plnoM uoTsrnord srgi jo osodind aqi 'possnosip anuq QM sy •glfual wpua SIT 303 unalis alp jo OPTS auo lsual lu uo :laoD poo-d 3o uTuldpoog aqi uT sgnigs 30 2upuT?ld opnlouT plnogs uuld uoTluf.. aq1 lugl anaTIoq aM :.iajjnq puu uTul pool; aqi uT ?upuuj gnigS 'I •uoTluouli oD oql 01 uoTltpuoo u gpnoigl aural .Talul u it, auop oq uuo (po uld oq of soaii jo soms puu snoods ` a) gplop uuld uorlugilnu Tuui3 aql `L661 aunt g uo 2uriooru Tno uT possnoslp sy -loaroid Rj ioj uoluoUruoD u onssT uuo aM asoJaq aTlTnagSV Jo X1T? aqi Xq uodn paargu puu opuui aq o1 paau HTM uuld Tunidaouoo oq1 01 saauugo BuTMOll03 QU •3[.TUd aanuaM uT '_ljaa.TD paag .TO3 uuld uop-a2pp aqi paMOTnaa anuq ]uis OMci n oMci SiunoD oqumoung olluAagsy '3pud aanuaM 1:1owD poo-d aoj MaTnai uuld uopr5p. nuTUapTM fl - uolluoUpiaD Xilluno saluM :Hu J- Mci 'Xauioci ugor Mud • .Loci`flpuox Tuo,L O.L 19 vt0 ("ll ? L661 `ZI aunr owaw GEE (79 -1010aJi4 '.3.d '..J(• `p.JeMoH u04saJd •y r l6elaj0as t@MOH .8 Ue44EUOF • ,alb y,_ aowano0 j[' lunH SsaweF Aj!p2na.?azeM jo uoisinia © a saoinosa?1 leinIPN pue glleaH U9WU0ainu o uawliada 4 eullWeD JO Jo a1ela -1 rl% k3d I ? ? r I I mot; ?J. 1?T z ?n v 6?1 Z 03 W v w ?T ?Li 1- ? 0 N N t? z N O.- ?S n ?] a ? 3 . ,A 4< a I- -' N,. 4j o .61 _j IIJ n -A In I g rt, ?, ? mot. Q f f 1 R IL 3 iLi /J S l \ 1 \• III `\ ?SV {.? -1, ul I '1 + 1 !t lox T ? >' ,,_?\ oL• to y s K-I rN (J z N 4T a ?n v ?1 1 T 0 N z 03 LU v w o? N ? N fl Wd ? 3 COMMENTS ON KCI RESTORATION OF REED CREEK, ASHEVILLE - Dave Lenat 6/97 Memos from KCI refer casually to a "review of the literature" on stream macroinvertebrates, but they listed relatively few references. Some of their comments suggest a less than complete knowledge of stream ecology. ("Material from the riparian zone provide particulate matter that is essential to aquatic insect nesting, breeding, and feeding."). Some of KCI's conclusions, however, as correct. Stream habitat will be improved by restoration of riffle-pool sequences, stabilization of banks, and addition of riparian vegetation. Also correct is the contention that poor water quality will limit the amount of recovery that is possible in Reed Creek. Urban/suburban catchments usually have Fair or Poor rating, and this degradation appears to be related more to water quality problems than to insufficient habitat. Whatever improvements are applied to Reed Creek in Weaver Park, little or no work will be done to the upstream portion of the stream. The contention that a more open stream will be more productive is flawed, as Reed Creek is already too productive. Limited data suggest that this stream already has high nutrient levels, a hypothesis that is consistent with the urban/suburban land use. The suggestion that "availability of prey in forested reaches is potentially less abundant and captured less efficiently by higher order predators" is not applicable to Reed Creek. Note that greater amounts of shading might also reduce water temperatures, a crucial factor if we hope to restore trout populations in this stream. z. ' NCDOT/P8E BRANCH Fax:919-733-9794 Jun 16 '97 8:53 P.01 JLN 13,97 14:46 FR KC I TEO-C lOI QG I ES 919 783 9269 TO 3Z9-_. - . p post-W Fax Noto 7671 Dai o Pao =d ' - r r C q '? Rom -tilt KC 1 . G Co. phonok phoneN ?..., ASSOCIATES OF 1`'ORTH CAKOIli U? Pt1. Fax k ? G r FuN Juno 13, 19'x'7 Mr. Tom Kendiz North Carolina. Department of Trarlsporta#io? Divisions of Highways ftmriing and Eavironrnmtal Branch Enviromucntal Unit P.O. Box 25201 Ralei&, INC 27611-5201 rauu uw k cLn[4T 1 4601 Six Forks £,cad Suite 209 rmw Ne. 2760 4210 (914 783-9214 Fox Number (919) 703.920 Rc; Buncombe County T>ir pro jest No. R-2306 -NCDOI No, 8.1341702 Contract No. A30x659 $ubjoct; KCx xowostigatiod of pardcuIate matter valarnA.. nu macroinvertebrate populations firer Road Creek Atream resin rnboll at Weaver Parlr in CRY Of j !?shoville, NC_ Dear Mr. Kendig: In mponso to DEHNR's concern on the voluma of particulate matter that would be required to support a viable macroinvertebrate population, KCI has conducted u roviow of the relevant literaturo and professional opirtions on this subject. Based on this review it appears that 4 primary factor; of ect the type and quantity of rmacroinveztebrates in a given fluvial systcm. Thooo are, in descending order of importance; water quality, riffle-pool complexes, subs=to and streamside vegetation. When these factors axe applied to the subject project, it is apparent that sufficient biorrr= will I be generated by the proposed vegotativc plantings to support a healthy Madroinvertebrate population. Other factors i.e. riffle pool complexes, and substrate are controllable as part of fihe restoration plan. It therefore, appears that the limiting factor nemeting macroinvertebrate populations for this project will be water quality, based on prMous water quality studies conducted on Reed Creek. The proposed restoration plan will be able to pro-vide sufficient habitat in all of the critical habitat factors with the exception of water quality. However, as the water quality levels in this Sys(= improve the rnaeroinvertebrato habitat will be present to accommodate increased populations. yu ?3 rNG,,Nm 5 - ruc itm • EcoLOGiM JlI`I 1J -- ASSOCIATES OF VOUNCAiOIAAIA INDtW' TO! Joe Heiffer FROM. Rob Hailer DATE: Juno 12.1997 Re: Allalyels of the potential Impact of Vegetative Plantfntt Compose 0 of the Rced Creek Stream Restoration ea Dmthic NUrtrolavcrtebrato 11AbitatlPopulatioa,;- (KCI Job Order No. 1296028E) A review of studies involving trout stream =Iogy and ma=invertcbrato habitat, as well as personal discussions with trout stream- ecologists and biologists at both the North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission and North Ccuohna. Stato Univcmity, reveals that riparian vegetation is only one of the primary factors that will affect equatio fins ctt populations. Tbo research clearly supports the coaol=ion that tho prs=' impacting the carrying capacity of a stream for borithic macroixnvertebraics are water quality, iifflc-pool coinplczcs, subatratc, and aumniaide vtgetation. In order to evaluate which of these factors may affect aquatic insect habitat within the Weaver PaThis type rk cl of Recd Civok a limier-factor =alyaia (1.1unu r 1991) was employ analyf;is involves evaluating the availability of thme basic atcdbutes is a strc m to determine wWrli, if any, does not meet a species' minimum requi=ents for survival. When an attribute does not meet a critical minimum requitement, it is coasidcred a limiting factor. A rcVicw of tho literatmv for each of the primary factors affecting the carrying capacity of the stx= is summarized as follows: 1, Water Quality -13enthlc Mauroinvcnobrato populatiena are highly susceptiblo in both type, and quantity to umtrient loading, Bodimew-ation, and tonic the r icab. ThIS particular trait is so thoroughly documented, d =t macroinvertebra= = be, and arc, uood as a Amount to evaluate water glibly- Thay typically demoitstrate a Colt.Slstent negative response to increasing dcgzncs of urbanization. This factor mono than all others, is gmerally the limiting attribute to the developmcat of macroinvertebrate voUuiarions. 2. M to-feel Complexes - Riffle-pool eompicxto arc iripoa=t featurrs fE r the establishment of in-b=am aquatic habitats - for macioinvcztebrates as well a3fish. NCDOT/PgE BRANCH Fax:919-733-9794 JFN 13'97,14:47 FR KC I TECMVOLOGI E5 KCI $$OCIeIIS OF r??m SOMcrJaZAU Jun 16 '97 8:54 P.05 9J.9 783 9266 TO 7339794 P.0C=,W,/ Weaver Pack site is heavily impactod by urbanization with a combination of residential, commercial, and institutional land u3e3. The results of a 3-year indq=dent water quality monitoring program in Buncombo County recorIeVclS d 4f ; total phosphorous values in hood Creek (visas, et al. -1993). high phosphorous, nutrients and heavy metals mn=only tzssoeiated with urban runoff. restrict the potential for the full devclopmont of rawroinvatebrate populations. populations that do develop olUn- are composed of loss desirable species i.e. black flies and midges (Mickey, 1997). 2. Rif ee_pool COmplcxcs - Evidcnt in Recd Creek tyre poorly deemed complcxas which could bo classificd as extandod pools or nm reaches. The piop08c4 =storatioa plan calls for minimal lateral chango in eharmal location for the first 152 meters (504 foot) (Station 0+00 to 5+00) and shifts in tho dowmuoam channcl sections occurring near. Station 5+25, Ut50, 9+50, and 10+75. These adjustments serve to rn-&Aablish riffle- pool sequence3 of Reed Creek to spacmi g that is morn consistent to m=roinvertebrate production, i.e. l S motcr (60 foot) intcrvals. 3. Subatratc - rho channel of Reed Creak is perenninl and is comprised of a substratC dominated by gravol sized matAnAl. Due to existing bank erosion conditi4ro , some roaches of Rood-Creek aodu t a bi-modal distribution of sediment (Web P 1? of finds in addition to gmvel) that is typical of degraded urban. Streams. The existing substrate composition can be expected to be improved by the eliminatiozt of much of the sedimentation being caused by bank erosion. The b=k stabilization tcchniques proposed should eliminate much of tilis sediment introduction and alIrnv tho stz ealn to rid itccif of much of the existing fine material in the subsu=. Additioztally, the use' of rock or log suuuctums will increase the bard surf= arcs in the stacam which will' provide more aquatic insect attach nmt Sites. Q. Strea aside vegetation - There is little doubt riparian vegetation, and pazticulate matter specifrally, play a major role in bcathiv macroinvertebrate habitat. There is -Jsa little doubt that the habitat at Reed Crock can be improved by structural measures and the re-establishment of riparian vegetation. The proposed restoratioa plan should accomplisb thin, Howover, it neither appears that stmaribank vegetation will be the limiting factor in propagating aquatic insects in Reed Creek nor that establishing this vegetation will prevent other fartots from negatively impacting these insects. The ` research conchuions appear to support the proposed Reed Creek mstoration plans of placinz the riparian vegetation in layered clumps (combinations of in-stxearn. structure msscs, shrubs, and trees) and at rotatively opcrt densities, For these raisons, the establishment of fast-growing grass types suitable to- the soils and plantings of trees and or shrubs native to the area cart be expected to improve the insect-holding capacity of the water. ` NCDOT/P&E BRANCH Fax:919-733-9794 Jun 16 '97 8:53 P.01 JtN 13' 37 14:46 FR KC I TEC}•IN -OG 1 ES .. 919 783 9266 Tp 7?39Z94 ,-_. Post-1[' Fax Note 7671 Ddto (0 pApasb TO i? Rc q r-, From Ohl d L^ r ' KCI GoJUapt. Ce. Phono k Ph«,a N S ----?? ASSOCIATES OF ?`'0911 MUM FA Fax # a r r „a l?uulnutk Gccuta 1 4601 Six Forks Ro: d Suitt 209 nt,!? ,Nr=271;00-S?lo (9143 783-9?1'? Juno 13, 1997 Fax Nambcr (919) 703.9:0 Mr. Tom Keri ft North Carolina Department of Transportation Divisions of Highways planning and Enviro=cntal Branch Environmental Unit P.O. Box 25201 RalciZ-h, V .C 27611-5201 Ro; Buncombe County TTk lrY0J ct No. R-2306 NC1oOT No, 8.1841702 Cunlruct No. A307-659 $ubjtctr K el i0y"tigation of partitri42to Matter vall1w.. On macrolavertebrate populations for Rocd Creek Stream restbrnfintl at Weaver Park is City of A,,.hovlYle, NC. Deu Mr. Kendig: in raponso to DHHn's concern on the volume of particulate matter that would be required to oupport a viable rn=oinvertcbrata population, KCY has conducted a roviow of the relevant litcmturo and professional opinions on thin subject. Based on this revie)V it appears asst 4 primary factors affect the type and quantity of rmacroinvertebrates in a given fluvial system. Thooo are, in descending order of importance; water quality, riffle-pool complcaes, substrate and strearnSide vegetatiori. When these factors axe applied to the subject project, it io apparent that sufficient biomaAg wilt be generated by the proposed vegetative phwtings to support a healthy manroinvertehijate population. Other factora i.e. rifflo pool complexes, and substrate are controllable as part of ;the restomtiou plan. It therefore, appem that the limiting factor affutin3 macroinvmtebrate populations for this project wilt be water quality, based on previous water quality studies conducted on ReM Creek- The proposed restoration plan will be able to pros ide sufficient habitat W all of the critical habitat factors with the exception of water quality. However, as the water quality levels in this system improve the mccroinvertebrato habitat will be, present to accommodate increased populations. YNGVEM • etXINER5' ECOLOGISTS NCDOT/P&E BRANCH Fax:919-733-9794 Jun 16 '97 8:53 P.02 JUN 13197.14:46 FR• KC [ TEC IMLOW ES 919 783 9266 TO 7339794 P. o3/47 KCI A5fOC1ATiS OF ?G7 ;G„?I1(CyOUc?L? June I3.1997 Mr. Tom Kendig North Carolina Department of T=Vortation Page 2 We hope this Worm37ion is sufficient tv satisfy pBIRIR's concern over tho particulate msttCr TequirOd tO dtVelop macroinVcrtcbrutcs to the.fullest extent possiblo. If you sh4nld have 4 aY ftmhcr questions, please fool Ace to contact myself, Mr. David Grim or Mr. Chuck SIC btrg.' Sincerely, Jr. hWS nt vironmcntal ManageT PC: Charles Bruton, NCDOT Dave Robinson, NCDOT Chuck Hegberg, KCI Dave Giffin, KCI Jima Blake, KCI own -1 ASSOCIATES OF V%aHCAIOtMYA LLlla I TO! Joe Pfeiffer FROM, Rob Bailey DATE: June 12, 1997 Re: AUaiyQ13 of the Potcut:al ImPnct Of Vcgetztive Pl»nttntr CaznPobrnt:l of the Real Creek Stream Itesteratfon on M)athic Macrolnvcrtebrato 11abitat/PopulaU041- (ICCI Job Order No. 1296028E) A review of studies involving trout strewn ecology and mp M'41vertebrato habitat, as we11 as porsonal discussions with trout stream. ecologists and biologist$ at both tho North Carolina Wildlife Resources Corrxmission and North Carolina Stato Univi-avity, revczlr that riparian vegetation is only one of the primary factors that will affect alquntio insert populations. Thti research clearly supports the coaolu:d9n that tho prLumy factorg impacting the earryirtg capacity of a strcauz for bctnthie macroinvertebraics are water quality, riffle-pool cotnplczcs, substrate, pt,d otr=iaido vegetation. In order to evaluate which of These factors may affect aquatic insect habitat within the Weavcr PuTk r=b of Reed Cmok a limitinS-factor analyain (14unttT 1991) Was employA This type of analy^"is involves evaluating the availability of those basic attributes is a strca m to dttermino which, if any, does not moot a species' tnttumum requirements for survival. When an attribute does not meet a critical minimum regttirement, it is cortsidcccd a limiting factor. A review of the literatum for each of the primary factors affocting the carrying capacity of the Std is summarized as follows: 1. Water Quality -13enthlc rrtacroinvcncbrato popttlativna aro highly susceptiblo in both type, and quantity to ;wtrkat loadine, nedimentation, and toxic ehemical3. ThiS particular trait is so thoroughly doctunentod, that mrcminveitcbruca = be, and are, uocd as a wauu to evaluata water clua6ty_ They typically demonstrate a conSiStCnt negative Tesponse to increasing tlcgmcs of urb"zatiom Thi3 factor moro th= all others, is generally the limiting attribute to the development of mz=invmtebratc pOtiulations. 2. kif11o-Pool Compl=* - Riffle-pool complexes are inipo=t features f*r tho establishment of in-a=n agwitic habitats - for rnacioinvcztobratcs as well as fish. NCD0T/P9E BRANCH Fax:919-733-9794 Jun 16 '97 8:54 P.04 JUN 13'.57 1447 FR KCI IF-CMQL-WIES yly 783 9266 TO =9794. r.=v v .r KCI ASSOQATES CF ND= W=;& U A,quatio inzeetc zre most numerous in riffles (fast flowing s113110W arm) where they ; can attach to a rock and collect food from tho flowing water. Riffles also rdd in the devclopn=t of higher dissolved oxygen collcoutrations. Thcae complexes also lelute dilreCtly to the cross section and gcomttry of the stxoarr ayotcm by mairitair?'q flows sufficient to mobilize fine sediments and preserve the substmtc habitat. 3. Substrate - Provides allachinCnt sifts for tuacroinvcrtcbrates and W ul a for defined izi the amount of living Taco or hud oubctratoa (rooks, r?? } colonization. Tho greatcr tho variety and number of avail©ble living spaces or auaeluu=t sitc3, tho S=tcr the abundanca and variety of insects in the strearn. Optimally, thero should bo a predominance of cobble; and boulders and gravel should bo common. As this factor is diroctly proportional to the ultimate population of macrainvertebratm that can colonize a. given reach, its dfstn°butiou in tiro stream is critical. 4. Streamside vegetation - Thin can defined as the ripaniau Vegetation in the tree, shrub and herbaceous layer3 adjacent to the stream that provides valuable. fvud, Govrr, shading, ctrosion control and particulate mattes. Ideally, a. variety of vegetation should be present in this zone, including rasa, daubs and &-as:.a• Matcriat from this zone provides . particulate mauer th2t is cssciitial to aquatic insect nesting, breeding and feeding. rusUc=-Gttuctuzcs and vegetaWon are also important as thty provide points of rotontion for tho particulate matter Concentrations of sueam5idD debris are focal points for invortchrate biomam and often contribute a large portion of rho org€anismo for fish production. The existing researrh also sugg(* that allowing limited clearings and planting trees and other vegetation in clumps rather than at uniform intervals offers the potential for increasing trout food production. One study found Mat heavily shaded streaan reaches support lower densities acrd relativo abundances of aquatic invertebrates than do areas with open riparian Canopies (hawkins and Stdell 1981). Forested reaches offer lower abundances of prey, ra rcfiovtion of tho lower quality of alloehthonous food resources for agpatic illvcrtcbratca (Gregory of al. 1991)_ . Correspondingly, in respouso to ywwr availability of proy, production 2nd abundance of rhib inay be greater in reaches that are loss shaded by rho riparian cauvpy (Murphy ct al. 1981, Tochaplinski ond Hartman 1983). As a result, availability of prey in forested reaches is potentially less abundant and captuzod Iess offic'"fitly by Mgber order preditors. These. primary factor, affecting tho population of ttiacroinvartebrates in the Reed Creek system have been evaluated as follows: 1. Water Quality - In t11e Fpmch 131oaa lover 13asluwide Watvr Quaaity 14=4$omcnt Plan of July, 1995, the 1992 benthic m.i"oiuvcncbrato collections at French Broad IZfver Sites generally showt;d Good/fair water quality in Asheville. However, tho NCDOT/PRE BRANCH Fax:919-733-9794 JUN 13'97,14;47 FR KCI TECM01-OGIE5 Gos KC1 kssocmis OF ?„?I WC[ttGRGt,C?1'h Jun 16 '97 8:54 P.05 919 783 9266 TO 7339794 P.06147 ?veavcr Park site xv Heavily iwpuctod by urbanization Nvith a combination Af reaidcntial, commercial, =d institutional land uses. The resulta of a 3-year independent water quality monitoriDZ program in $uncambv Comity recorded high total phosphorous values in hoed Crcck (hinw, et al. ' 1993). High level3 phosphorous, nutrimits and heavy metals commonly associated with uxban runoff, restrict the potential for the full devclopmont of maeroinvertebrate populations. Populations that do &velop oftcn. are composed of lows desirable species i.e. black flies and midget (Mickey, 1997). 2. 1tifllc-pool Complexes - Evident in Recd Creak are poorly defined =npimos winch could bo classified as extended pools or run reaches. The proposed restbr--tioa plain calls for minimal lateral cb wgo In ehannol location for the first 152 meters (500 foot) . (Station 0+00 to 5+W) and sltifta in tho down 4taull cha=cl sections occturirt3 near Station 5+25, 3+50,9+$O, and 10+75. Thcce adjustmcaat-c serve to rmttablish riffle. pool sequences of heed Crcck to spacing that is moro consistent to rnacroinvextebrate production, Lo. 18 motor (60 foot) intcrvals. 3. Subatrntc - 'Mo channel of Reed Creak is perennial and is comprised of a sub?snte dominated by gmvol sized material. Due to existing bank erosion conditio , roaches of stood Creek cvchibit a bi-modal distribution of sediment (WSh proportions of Linea in addition to gravel) that is typical of degraded urb2rl ctreasns. The existing substrate composition can be expected to be improved by die elimination of much of' the sedimentation bolas caused by bank erosion. The bank stabilig.tion techniques ; proposed should eliminate much of Us sediment introduction and allow tho strearn to rid itself of much of the existing fine material in the substrate. Additlortally, the we' of rock or log structums will increase the hard surfrco area in the stx= whiclx will provide more aquatic insert attachrnmt sites. 4. Streamside vegetation - There is little doubt riparian ve9et4ti0xt, and pastioulate matter spcciSaAlly, play a major rota in bcathiv tnacroinvertcbrate habitat. There is 11SO little doubt that the habitat at Reed Crcck can be improved by structural measures mid tte re-establishment of riparian vc,70tation. The proposed restoration plan should accomplisb thin. Howovor, it neither appears that streambank vegetation will be the lirnitir,g factor in propagating aquatic insects in Reed Creels, nor that establishing this vegetation will prevent other factors fmm negatively c??ie? 3elc restoration plans of research conclusions appear to support the propo . placing the riparian vegetation in layered clumps (combinations of in-st =m . structures, erase,, shrubs, and tr=) and at rolatively opcm densities. For these reasons, the establishment of fast-groNving grass types Stti4ible to- the soils and plantings of trees and or shrubs native to the area can be expected to improve the insect-holding capacity of the water. NCD0T/P9E BRANCH Fax:919-733-9794 Jun 16 '97 8:55 P.06 RN 13'97 14-48.FR.KCI TECHNOLOGIES 919 783 9248 TO 7339794 P.87i07 KCI ASSOUAni of C:r?C71 ?1tN?f??L1 11iia limiting-fw for oulalysis uUUZestg that riparian vegetation is not likcly to be the limiting factor in m. croinvortebratc popuktiOn cstablichmc ?t and eithanctanent. It is much mote likely that degraded water quality, as evidenced by tho W911 total phQUPh0r0u3 meorditigs and the cxtcruivc =ount of urban, hard wrfacc runoff, could detrimentally impact these aquatic insets. The proposed restoration plan as presented, has cffcQdvcly addressed all of tho primary factors ncedod for tho development of macroinvertebratw. with the exception of water quality deficiencies associated with upstrcaw dcvclopmcat_ All necessary factors res present in suirwicut quantities to 4avelop a high quality and quantity of macroinyertebrates as the limiting factor of water quality is improved in tho wamnlied. cc: Day.; Griffin Chuck Hogberg Referencos: Gregory, 5.Y., F.J. 5yra=a, W,A.. McKCC; and fL W. CurnnAins. 1991- An l coeystcm keropoctive of Riparian Zones. Aic&ienca. Vol. 41, No. 8.: 540-551. Hawkins, C.P., aria Y.R. Scdcll. 1981. tzngitudinal acrd seasonal changM in functional organization of rn=oinvcttcbrato cotnrnruuti in four Oregon atrcarns. -Pcologp 62! 387.397. Hunter. C. J_ 1991. BettRr Trout Habitat -A Guide to stream Restoration and Afanagemenr, island Press. Washington, D.C. Maas, -P., D.J. Kucken, and S.C. Patch. 1993. Water Quality of Buncombe County Streams: Year 3 Results of Voluntccr'V?rtiter lu ormativir Network Samplio& ZINC-,Asheville, Envirownentul Quality liu titutc. ToabnicA Repod No. 93-002. Mlrukvy, lou. 1997. p=onnl Connrntmicltion with North Carolina Wildlife Resources Comrriimion Distrkt 9 Fisheries Biologist- Murphy, LL.. C.P. Hawkins, and N.H. Anderson. 1981. Effects of canopy modification and accumulatod aedirment on stream communities. Trani. Ant. Fish. Soc. 110: 469.478. ** TOTAL RAGE.037 ** JUN-17-1997 0834 FROM TO 97339959 P.01 ;u7 FAXED state of worth Carolina JU?J .71?? MICILAI:L F. EAS Y DCpartmCnt or justice nT-nanir M, 'iE AL P. 0. BO 629 RALEIGH 2. ? 603-Ot3ZQ (,600 Phone; (919) T-Z--572'5 Fax: (919) ir-33-9?qi 7/6- 71, 7 lELEC0l ERJBx aMljjc?L CONITIMENTIAL SUBJECT TO ATTOIZNTY-CLIE, NT PRXVMEGE A Ci FAX NUMBER- DATE: NUMBER OF PAGES (INCLUDING TRA\'S Njl'l'TAL SIM, ET): C0NTIRIVI RE, CEIPT OF DOCUIVE SIT(S) IF iVIATZIUED HERE: -."1 7, An Equal opportunity / Atfirmorivc J\ctioit EMploycr JUN-17-1997 08:35 FROM JLN-13-1997 11:17 S"TATR OF NORTH CAROLINA ? DUNCOM , COUNTY NORTU CAROLINA MWARTMENT OIL TRANSPORTATION AND TO 97339959 P.02 P. e3 TIP ``i: R 23US P110JECT: 3.04170a CITY OIL ASHEVILLE 'M8 A(3R>r]3MENI', male and entered into this th3 dny of 1997, I between tho DEPARTMMiT OF TRANSPORTATION (DOT), m agency of the Stato of Notch Caroliaa, sad the CITY OF ASHEVILLE (City), era incarpornied North Carolina municipality; WFIMEA99 DOT l s prep" and adopted pj=3 w 11jnlw certain hl&way improvements under Project 11841702, (TIP' 0 R-2306), sand imprnvementc consisting of tho vridcnin3 of US 74 In Buncombe Cout Ity, causing anviron=aW impacts to portions of Gashes i Crock adjoining pacts of the road project; :wd W ET,A.S, tho Deptuttrtcnt of Euvironmcnt, Health. And Natural Resounxs (DEIINR) hat; ttgrtul to grant tltu Section 401 (Clean water Ac;t) State Wutcr Quality Certification allowing impacts to tbu carts of t:3usil:.a Crock tircnijonod show. As it condition of granting said water quality ccraficadon permit, DOT mu;, rnitignta said cnvironmcntal impact3 to Gashc3 Crock by completing a Strohm Restoration Fwjcct for Recd Crock located in Wcav4r PArk in '1113 City of AshuAlle, Said restoration pmjcct lxelpls more fully described in the "Coaceptual Str=m I RastuAoa Rcpo1t for Reed Creek, Weavcr P,,uk, Ashavillc, North Carolina" dated April 14, JUN-17-1997 08:35 FROM TO 97339959 P.03 AN-1:x199'7 i1.18 P. 011 rzc-?° 0. - r?997 -?V 1 1997/hlc is attached bare as Exhibit A and incarporau-d crcin by 1wrXh nca ( c "Pro?cct'?; tdJ and I WIILM-AS, the City ofA:IwviU0, through itu Pwlw and Recregtion Department; a=3 to provido the land in Weaver Part: for the Project a3 rct forth in Exhibit A and agrees to follow the conditions stated Lorain, as well as retain on-sito oversight of the Project aura once DOT completes the rcquh-V planning landsopinl{ and construction, of the Project =a as shown on DNbit A and this agreement, which will directly bcu: iit tu: vvccall uat ual yrmlity of tho purl:. NOW THERF.F01M, the partica hmto, each in consideration of tho promises, plsms, permits and undcrtakin, s of the other provided herein, do heroby cavcnant and ugaa, cacti with the other as follows: 1. DOT will be rmponsiblc for and pay for tli: plunniug, design, raid cotu?ttuctivn of the Project as shown in Exhibit A. DQT & respansibiilty imdcr this parusiuph shall sp=Ifieally iauludc, but not b-- luuited to, tho following: i a. DOT shall be responsil c for the title npinioa required by DEFiNII to provide avidcnnro that the City owns the propctty on which the Project is to be located. b. DOT shall bo responsibla for a survey of the prop =dY on which tit' Project is to ba located to provide tho d=cription for the Con ;ovation cCuu.-at 1)=d to ba cxccutcd b-tv'Qq," tlic City and DEHNIL C. I)OT oball bo re :possiblefor rclocating an existing foot bridge in accGtdu= with the plan set forth iu Exhibit A. JUN-17-1997 0835 FROM TO 97339959 P.04 JLN-1.3-tc ? 11:18 d. DOT shall the City will pay for that P.05 O N bo re aponsibIo'far ittstallinS anothar foot bradI;o and its abutumts and ^? , 1d? z? foot bridge and its abuuncr", wliieh foot bridzo end its abutmenta shall be iastnllvd a3 part of tho coelmmuoa of tho Project. c. DOT shall be musponsiblq for constricting a wanting path the Width of path9 curr ntiy existing in Wcaver Parr, approximately Ica (10) fi;..t wido, and approximately 1200 feet long outside the "Protected PropW of the Project arca:.3 described Inlhe C=vrvatiou Easctuent De«-d to ba executed betwma the City and tliv Stuic of Nvrtlr Cmvll= DOT shall be r0ponsiblp for paying for tntcrpxctivc ail' in t$e Project area as recotntncuded by DOT's cannultant, KCI, Inc., in connection viith the Project, Thz Clty shZill c onr<linate the design, construction und'insWation of Ole signs, andNCDOT ghaU pay for those BIDS at actual coat g. DOT shall be rc.,?poualblc for paying for the iasatllallou of any fcncins recoutmeadcd by NQ in the lliW dmip oftha rrojret. h. DOT shall bo respc WN0 far anymonitn"118 of tho Project which shall be requir-i by DMWR as a condition of die 401'P t. DOT ag = that, consistent with Exhibit A, any fcacc3 or other park structure or features that are removed or altered during the comUuctlou ph= will lr rcplsc.-tlrcp3ircd upon completion of the Ptojccs. 2. WWlo DOT, 1hrou b itn co=ltants, co,atmaorx and own employeea, NviU perform nil of tho work for the project; the City may par?eipate in the diseuminna rcdar&5 the types find i Ioratioa of the plantings for the Project and will have t:gproval of the 5olectiou and locution of the plantuias for the Project, which aiiproval slundi b3 subject, however, to tiro final apprcn'al of i JUN-17-1997 00:36 FROM JUN-13-1997 11 10 TO P. OG tho plandn€p and their location by DL• 1$M under the Section 401(Clcanwatrr Act) Stato Wttcr QualitycUlIication required for DOT Project 8;1841702 ('TIP ,'1 R-2306). Any dovlatl0M tO VA Ir.Ak4 ??? said plans; and this aVeernent must be a?=cd to#y the p.'t ca hctoin and DEHNIL I 3, Thu City shall allovr DOT, its come wrs and employees rc uonablc access to tho i property to complcto the Project. The City sbWl allow 170'1; its contractors zma employees reasonable access to the property both bufarv uurl after tho actual cwwamction of the Project for Ce r'1 r.F(?-li c'y'1 such monitoring as r,hell bo required the Section 401 State Water Quality hermit subw4tiently I issued by DRINR. The City shall allgw DHHNR =cess to tlw property and Project at anytime. 4. DOT shall bo completely responsible for replacing any failed aspect, either veactative or otherwise, of the Nect Within Um first year after ilia Project is completed and a=ptcd by DOT from DOT's coutzxtor. Addiaoaally, DOT shall be responsible for mplacipQ any failed Iivc bloenginccring aspcets of tho Pcajcct witliin rho fast two years after the Project is comple't?d. 5. After the tittle periods c t forth in pamgraph 4 above, the City will assumo mmntcrancc of the Project area, in accordunca with this Agrccm acrid the Manngament Plan to be dovclopcd in cccord ice with p=!;n ph 7 below and the Con,=rvation EiUk=cut Dccd. Sin= it is an iiuprovemcut to tho overall park, and tho City own .mangos thv p=k, the City is thv entity best m. itcd to a,suming compliance with the plan, pxttieuhirly post-con=10tiorh 6. no City a&= to ezeeuto a Conservation Ea =cat Dccd with tho 5t tc of North I Camlinn for the area affcded by this Projcct. The Project area 13 to bo maintained in rea0rd=c0 with the tc ms and ctmditions this CotIscrvatlon P_.ttscurcnt Decd and tba Manuacment Plau developed iu accordamo with Paragraph 7. i I 97339959 P.05 JUN-17-1997 08:36 FROM JW-13-1997 11=19 TO 7. M -w City, DOT, mud DE1?i-1NR will work together to formulate: a Muua;;crDcut flan for thu lPmjcctto addm.-.s Isstxs rcLAW itu p;uk actlvittc.? and »hort-term maintu=co =d Iona- term u-mimtenaaca oftbc Projcct urat. This M=aprnont Plan-will be dvvcloprd in arordance with the canmpts sot forth in Exhibit Tito Us Agrcoanem which is incorporated herein by rri`cxcnco. rof 110;, 12, I S. Exccpt for othu claimslor causes of a;Uan wWch the, City may hive ugainat i DOT, DOT C313notbe sued by the City fur DOT's pwformancc under this Agrocmcut oxcvpt for any instuucc where DOT falla to provido for ill rpecitia pcrformmoo confnincd in tliis ADrcemaat and much right to sue DOT shall ceas.: one year foliowinz the exphdon of tho time I periods sm forth in pwamp . 4 of ibis % grcxment. 9. The terms and covenants contained in US A 11Pt are bInding on all p;uUw cpl tai=d 11mM. If the City S-113 the Pmpcrty, the cunditious and cavva=W contained brroin Luc to be binding an unypurebmm If rho City, in the future, wishes to change the Mtu>:1.0ement 0-1 Plan tho nau mil ataw of tbo area deli ' Wd in any significant way, tho City must first obtain written approval from DEHNIL I. 6f h6A0-)"\ 10. If DBHNR dogs not grout trio required 401 GaUfic AtWr the United States Army I Cotps of Lngincus does not 1 the tcquimd 401 Permit for tlio improvements under Project 'T- ddl' Sh`e?trv?"?z?OYo??r, ?f? 6PIJ -d , Ig L/- * pl0 f.CGN C" V? 'nna?? Cfit(lC MAO Uc? Po kv, -?- V'1, M841702 (TIP #R-2306), Us Agrccf?ncut shall be voidnble by DOT. InGl4" ? I7?? c G( 97339959 P.06 P. 07 Ital; f Gtr ? ? ???1" " + 40 ?G J W(v JUN-17-1997 0837 FROM TO 97339959 P.07 JUN-13-1997 11: 19 P. in w w i3S wErmQr, flue Agreement big brcn. exccuted in duplicate, tho day and year It.=tofore cct out, on 1b.- part of thq Depart=at and the City of Azhcv o by autharity duly giym C7 OF ASIMVILLF BY: Mayor Attest' City Clerk (Seal) DBPARTmL-NT OP TRANSPQRTATioN I APPROVED AS TO FORM, BY: ASSOCIATE ATTORNEY GM EM (AlbovM&WT.12732) 6 JUN-17-1997 0837 FROM TO 97339959 P.03 JLN-13x•••199? 11:19 I P.09 JU i lb' 7! ;.3. Lo rh NAT MMOURCU MNAZFXUiTPLl&N -r VIE 4$=WZT 1:, NO= Q%.nOLR'tA SYNAPSIS U--1W=of tha pmpw-,d m===tP124 is to P==C4 overall cdttttu:3 in•` • ity cud iu::.nV W ,rrtxcr guaUty =&acas of tha i'c awv 4 a"ott of head is WC.-v" A,n:3ovJ1a, Werth C--mM z. 'Ibis sx cn of Rc d Qvr.34 wai solected for r.-.q=dm to satisfy p=nit rcquir.=13 =.oeirmd with tf* pmpoit)d improvamantu to Route 74 (it y dug ed= mow) in Il="mba County, lVor1h CanAin3.. 7lto p4may project goal, was t0: 1) st- bUlm dejr-:dW Y--i cad btu u5iing bi=giacciiu3 and m-vepmntion approaches uad ?) to provicb w~»iorqu 4ty impmv zhmua, tbz rza=n of scdi=; ttu64ty and thczlttal iapi s, In rticlitivu, other uzban uou•point source polltuantx way also sea passible- redaction a9 srcoudry cvi= quality lxmcfiu from thm pm?cc r. Tllo Couewputalltc.4wr.:tion Flu& (KC4 April X,? 1937) irciudCS cFi: z1=b' ' uWa bz,a cu fluvial ueomarphcJu5!w1 prmclplu and bioan&cminVrr-v,-;;etation me tn= fora 1.100 foot rrrch of Re„ rl C=A mimin Wcaver Pa L I TIma r=or4cm of Rwd C roc)t witEart Weaver Perk oirct3 tho oppoA=ity tot publio T:;=•- = of ri tUW return=s r,4ot3 au iaiautllVC3 and pxovido educaliorzl la=tlty whllc SIM M ::;lift ; th? ptaviowly ==don" groje" pab. 11owcyCr? duo to pubtis u co cad =soo of tL'I Weaves rail; tom, pivir lam: u auzgr- proccd=2 must b3 employed to 1=trct:ho bm -Z icy of iha restored rah of l ecA Crccb =d m#-t tha improved wrt r clnality conditiouS. A M=3essunt Flm (Platt) will b0d--N owPw to add=,,, L,-,c= zcL-tod to: 1) gcn,-=J Pak --divitirs sud um=:.wt=it (v.3, p4C7t bmffio control, sign Da), 2) s iost-tc%= rz--dnt n=C= (e.g. rowing- td=ft, ?-? pnmW.r',, clJ<=dlbuff= uuiau==cc)M 3) long-term uz;duwumea (c,ro um c Wu?j. cm o tnvr.;lvo spec!.;. rm oval, p= m3u.4cuirnt. clu?naci uiat-,:-= rOgt rrcm :its)7 uz plna will pn7vl? tkrc and tlrcclf c 5u!'c..-Ruc3 on actividcs such m whaa, hoc much, =a hni7 oflta rn bank ? o•+a v t Wan be p=od, Rmtr t rn,; on pruning octlivitim C3 au On= , trill HWY to awd:d by tba follus-1ng: ?ao 1) pl=Zrowth cbantct usdc: Z) tl?ir? t.had? tartt?:ri?c conavl , 3) cIr.:Ircdwvrsfaccgn.?zic Ilslait;•t 4) dcMmacoverYcrallocz=oul lnlx:t 1} =&ty for PM1 m= This Ylan• im*,v a a baL= b;tw= Park Irgtmi2• m:uu for saruy and r==11=1 C.;:tivWw, . paint wjWrcm= =d tlr; MtAMDatw vi Real CM--!; W au JXPLU T W 44049,=r Urco, U3 p1 n ,,? - will b.: a jolut d„vdQpu= cfi aCCb;iw= thz G ty of 1?% "??? Pad= =d Rcrs'C:.a0a D--Pzxt I - It. I ' Nv?C:.rol?.-txlrpaztmcotofTr.?toxtasLm(Nt?rn? ndNcr<tliCscnlimmaf?vuvu?..Y,u3t sad Ideturil Iteaourc?: (13F.).:au? that a tuntuAlt bcz?tiual r -tu F12s1 for Red C??' tiv33l6a:ckd?vcd. `?'?.? /"Ytarl evnUt i MIA" A-; cv2yr•e i?? o?' *ol WOTXA, AICbe ,x TUM FFC-, lM TOW L P.09 TOTAL P.03 State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources 4`-° o Division of Water Quality y JamesB. Hunt, Jr., Govemor Jonathan S. Howes, Secretary r1l ? ] A. Preston Howard, Jr., P.E., Director W June 12, 1997 MEMO TO: Tom Kendig, DOT FROM: John Dorney, DW -f RE: Water Quality Certification - U widening Mitigation plan review for Reed Creek, Weaver Park, Asheville Buncombe County DWQ# DWQ staff have reviewed the mitigation plan for Reed Creek in Weaver Park. The following changes to the conceptual plan will need to be made and agreed upon by the City of Asheville before we can issue a Certification for this project. As discussed in our meeting on 5 June 1997, the final mitigation plan details (e.g., species and sizes of trees to be planted) can be done at a later time through a condition to the Certification. 1. Shrub planting in the floodplain and buffer: We believe that the mitigation plan should include planting of shrubs in the floodplain of Reed Creek on at least one side of the stream for its entire length. As we have discussed, the purpose of this provision would be to ensure that sufficient organic detritus enters the stream to provide habitat and energy for the restored aquatic ecosystem. Therefore, plantings of shrubs in addition to those proposed in the conceptual plan will need to be done on one side of Reed Creek from station 1+50 to 3+75 and 8+00 to 9+25. The later location should have sufficient shrubs if the "Class E" design is altered to include shrubs. Also the south side of Reed Creek from station 0+00 to (appx.)5+50 should be planted with shrubs (possibly evergeen shrubs such as rhododendrons) as agreed upon by the City officials in our telephone conversation on 5 June 1997.. IT. Monitoring: DOT should agree to conduct pre construction and post construction macrobenthos and fish monitoring of the creek. Post construction monitoring should be done for five years. DWQ's standard operating procedures for macrobenthos and fish monitoring should be followed. Sampling should occur twice a year at two stations. III. Tree canopy: The goal should be to have canopy closure over the entire stream lengh. To that end, the trees should be planted on both sides of the channel. Environmental Sciences Branch • 4401 Reedy Creek Road Raleigh, North Carolina 27607 Telephone 919-733-9960 FAX # 733-9959 An Equal Opportunity Alfirmz&e Action Employer 509/6 recycled/10% post consumer paper `V S r d-- r,o O e? 7 1rr11 ? ' Ccn????na,Q ?0 ?? :L n ® J C.i h ti u? Sit- S Xa A\ej\-, ?Arl OM r? i ? f n qcO 1 - T?a J r & 16 L zs,_ ?ssc?P livIs 7' -i ?\ U b US C> C i s n R C.? u ?ik V I? n ??-61 aAF- 'I?t PrIl ) S ?o UM Ult Vl0 nit. ? ?r ? S e5 - S _? ? ? -cU-tiU- alt ? CrY?1 Cz ntc??'?X , ,` \AA, State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality James B. Hunt, Jr., G ovemor Jonathan B. Howes, Secretary A. Preston Howard, Jr., P.E., Director Division of Water Quality Environmental Sciences Branch 4401 Reedy Creels Road Raleigh, N.C. 27607 FAX:(919) 733-9959 FAX TO: FAX NUMBER: FROM: ( I DATE: I k:q7 PAGES INCLUDING THIS SHEET: COMMENTS: 0-'0- U \5\ YQ- dy\, ,? sae ? ? ?l I Fsc -h? 3 ? ? s c? ? hl ?+Cv ? 9+zs ?d? ?F 4Q?? ? ? -t?? ??s r ? SdwY-ems\ ziC?P 9? I ' ?J s ovu I (IIaII ipuxa) sn•au•ajc;s-autla•ucapc7llaa-Ipuga Ioj palulyd ---------------- szaau3 •ejdoad zagao uTelzao zo3 AQTungaoddo jeuoTa eonpa ue aq pTnogs -?I •:(oezI uo aze sn 30 awns ?SeaT Oe aegl Mou:( 01 aoTu sT II „•uzaouoo -jTinoas e aq pjnoM goTgm (ggpTM pue IgbTag .OT ae) abzeT aq of waas uejd aga uo umcgs se sjUTaagew lueTd,. :aIonb I put? 'sageas 6 wagI •uejd UOTa ezoasaz pasodoad aga uO aaH pue S:(zed aTjTAagsy woz3 SquawwoC aATSUaaxa paATeDea aAeg aM •juaajnsuoo powaalsa s,yocoN Aq JuenaTazzT Se paSSTwsTp AlTzewwns SUM 'auTOd agj '.TaAaMCH • squawjaLedop s:(.zed AqTo gjTM sbuT:(zcM uMo \1r{.lk ano woz3 anlI ST STgl aega Mou:( ggoq pue noA 'TpuAD •suoseaz AITznoas zo3 :(aazo lagj buolu paauejd uoTIeaabaA TIPI IueM IOU Sew uoTIeazoad ` pue s:{zed aTTTAagsy Jega JUTod auelzod'WT ATawaza xa aga paSTez ugor 'UOTaebTgTw weaaas :(aa D SOgSPD OqI OJ SbuTgaaw buTUUejd aga 30 auo IV 1\ ???...JJJ ?n •••ugor oa buoTe OJOU STgq ssed asPOTd 1 Y4 0'T :UOTSaOA-awTN !UTebe SuTM ugor :aoaCgng sn•ou•alels•zuga•wapOjTag TpuSo :oy <sn ou aae?s fop jTew0uTgse??> UTgS?D uopzoD :woa3 00 0- ST:ZS:60 L66T zdy SZ 'TZ3 :a-4eQ I - IulOu sulm ullof`Wd ZS:i GG/SZ/h`uctlsc;D u0p.109 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . m 151A STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TP ANSPORTATION JAMEs B. HUNT JR. DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS GARLAND B. GARRETT JR. GOVERNOR P.O. BOX 25201. RALEIGH. N.C. 27611-5201 SECRETARY AGENDA Stream Mitigation Meeting R-2306 US 74 A Project Buncombe County February 21, 1997 1) Introductions 2) Discussion of Methodology and Findings (KCI) 3) Selection of Preferred Site(s) 4) The Next Step: Conceptual Mitigation Plan 5) Schedule 6) Other Discussion or Comments 7) Adjourn 6 21177 2.30.1 zi lv-ld ' J L Z ?, ?/- 4v ji P, clIt 1, Z ? Tr fill- sad cJ ?y .0 e , ri7l ta- - l/ Jnr?l? x13 LO 11/ ?v LO Arc,& ?k_ k , ?,, _,-, 4,^. - /-Z-, tj "I -It w 66;;11 -DoT l J ?,.? ?? l can ??fzVj ? n ??STAIF o'? STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION JAMFs B. DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS G\RV\ND B. GARRETT JR. GO%ERA ' PO. !,OX 25201. r'..\LEIGI i. X.C. 27611-;-!'J SECRETARY February 12, 1997 TO: Bob Johnson, USACOE John Dorney, DEHNR Eric Galamb, DEHNR Frank McBride, NCWRC Mike Parker, DEHNR Roy Shelton, FHWA Dave Snyder, FHWA Frank Vick, P & E Archie Hankins, Hydraulics David Robinson, P & E Gordon Cashin, P & E Dennis Pipkin, P & E Jay Bissett, P & E FROM: Tom Kendig SUBJECT: Meeting to discuss stream mitigation for Project R-2306, US 74 in Buncombe County A meeting has been scheduled for Friday. February 21, 1997 at 10:00 am in room 470 of the Highway Building to discuss the alternative mitigation sites recommended by KCI Associates. The attached report describes their investigative approach and the six sites they have suggested for possible restoration. This meeting is intended to. narrow the list down to one site for which conceptual mitigation plans will be prepared. If you have any questions, please let me know. I can be reached at (919) 733-7844 ext. 263. C ` ? n STATE s STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION JAMES B. HUNT JR. DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS GARLAND B. GARRETT JP- GOVERNOR P.O. BOX25201. RALEIGH. N.C. 27611-5201 SECRETARY AGENDA Stream Mitigation Meeting R-2306 US 74 A Project Buncombe County March 14, 1997 1) Introductions 2) Availability of Selected Sites 3) Selection of Preferred Site 4) The Next Step: Conceptual Mitigation Plan 5) Schedule 6) Other Discussion or Comments 7) Adjourn MAY-06-1997 14:51 FROM TO • ? V 4f? sY . i1Y?~? ?. State Of worth Carolina MIC2iAl L F. EAZLEY Department oriustice ArrOANLY tEYERAL P. Q. DON G29 RALEIGH 27603-0629 Phone: Fax: TELECOPIER T N 11 -191M 39959 P.01 C?;L (919) 733-5725 (919) 733.0791 CONTIDEP1TI4LL TO ATTORNEY-CLIENT PRIVILEGE TO: F_X NUMBER:, - ? -V/ "/ !?? FROM: DATE: _ 9 rf NUINWER OF PAGES (INCLUDING TRANSMfrTA.L SHEET): CONFIRM RECEIPT DOCUMENT(S) IF MARKED HERE: COMMENTS: 64,91J o 64 0,0-44 6 4)e?'- v 11?499 zq% An P-quol Opportunhv / Affirmative Acton Employer MAY-06-1997 14:51 FROM TO 39959 P.02 NORTH CAROLINA BUNCOMBE COUNTY THIS CONSERVATION EASEMENT DEED, made this day of _ , 1997, by and between the city of Asheville, North Carolina whose mailing address is Grantor, and the State of North Carolina, whose mailing address is Wetlands Restoration Fund, Division Of Water Quality, 512 Salisbury Street, P.O. Box 27687, Ralcigh, NC 27022-7687, Grantee. The designations Grantor and Grantee as used herein shall include said parties, their heirs, successors, and assigns, and shall include singular, plural, masculine, feminine, or neuter as required by context, WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of NCGS § 143-214.8 fj 194,, the State of North Carolina has established the Wetlands Restoration Program (as defined in NCGS § 143-214.8) within the Department of Environment, Health and Natural resources for the purposes of acquiring, maintaining, restoring, enhancing, and creating wetland and riparian resources that contribute to the protection and improvement of water quality, flood prevention, fisheries, wildlife habitat, and recreational opportunities; and WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of NCGS § 143-214.8, two of the components of the Wetlands Restoration Program are (1) restoration and perpetual maintenance of riparian areas and (2) land ownership and managernent; and WHEREAS, Grantor owns in fee simple certain real property situatd?lying, and being in the City of Asheville, Buncombe County, North Carolina (the "Protected Property"), which is' more particularly described as follows: WHEREAS, Grantor and Grantee have agreed to create a conservation easement ("Conservation Easement") on the Protected Property for the purposes of creating, improving, and preserving the stream and riparian area located thereon and preventing the use or development of tho Protected Property for any purpose or in any manner which would conflict with the maintenance of the Protected Property in its natural condition. MAY-06-1997 14:52 FROM TO 39959 P.03 NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants, terms, conditions, and restrictions hereinafter set forth, Grantor unconditionally and irrevocably hereby graats and conveys unto Grantee, its successors and assigns, forever and in perpetuity, a Conservation Easement of the nature and character and to the extent hereinafter set forth, over the Protected Property for the benefit of the people of North Carolina, together with the right to preserve and protect the conservation values of the Protectcd Property. The purposes of this Conservation Easement arc to preserve and protect the conservation values of the Protected Property and to maintain permanently the Protected Property, including the stream and the strearn buffer zone, to protect any raro plants, animals, or plant communities on the Protected Property, and to prevent any use of the Protectcd Property that will significantly impair or interfere with the conservation values or interests of tho Protectcd Property. To achieve these purposes, the following conditions and restrictions arc set forth: L DURATION OF EASEMENT This Conservation Easement shall be perpetual. It is an easement in gross, runs with the lazed, and is enforceable by Grantee against Grantor, its personal representatives, heirs, successors, and assigns, lessees, agents, and licensees. II. PROHIBITED AND RESTRICTED ACTIVITIPS Any activity on, or use of, the Protected Property inconsistent with the purposes of this Conservation Easement is prohibited. The Protected Property shall be maintained in its natural and open condition and restricted from any development that would impair or interfere with the conservation values of the Protected Property as set out in the Recitals. In addition to the foregoing, the following specific activities are prohibited, restricted, or reserved, as the case may be: A. Industrial Use. Industrial activities are prohibited on the Protected Property. B. Residential Use. Residential use of the Protected Property is prohibited. C. Commercial Use. Commercial activities are prohibited on the Protected Property. D. Agricultural Use. Agricultural Use of the Protected Property is prohibited. E_ New Construction. Thcre shall be no building, facility, mobile home, or other structure constructed or placed on tho Protected Property. 6, F. Signs. No signs shall bo pcmuttcd on the Protected Property except interpretative signs identifying the conservation values of the Protected Property, sips -identifying the owner of the MAY-06-1997 1453 FROM TO 39959 P.04 Protected Property, and the holder of the Conservation Easement, and signs giving directions or proscribing rules and regulations for the use of the Protected Property. G. Dumping. Dumping of soil, trash, ashes, garba8a> waste abandoned vehicles appliance Or machinery, or other material on the Protected Property is prohibited. H. Grading, JL Mineral Use, EXcavatio , Dredging. There shall be no grading, filling, excavation, dredging, mining, or drillin ; no removal of topsoil, sand, gravel, rock, peat, minerals, or other materials and no change in the topography of the land in any manner except as reasonably necessary for the purpose of combating erosion to maintain the wetland values. I. Water Quality and Drainage Patterns. Diking, draining, tilling, or removal of J wetlands, pollution, or discharge into waters, springs, seeps, or wetlands, use of pesticide or biocides, and disruption of natural drainage patters is prohibited. J. Subdivision. Subdivision, partitioning, or dividing the Protected Property is prohibited. K. 'Vegetative Cutting. Cutting, removal, mowing, harming or destruction of any vegetation on the Protected Property is prohibited..??,,? PraV? w Ll U`ow s c ?on? w l? P The Grantee shall have the right to enter the pro (4114e, o? ?? "`rh ch - petty at all reasonable titres for the th .?? purpose of inspecting said property to determine if Grantor is complying with the terms, conditions, restrictions, and purposes of this conservation easement. }?Vuf /11,19 111. ENFORCEMENT AND RE, ME, DIES A. In the event a violation of these terms, conditions, or restrictions is found to exist, the gmtee may institute a suit to enjoin by exparte, temporary or permanent injunction such violation and to require the restoration of the property to its prior condition. 13. No failure on the part of Grantee to enforce any covenant or provision hereof shall discharge or invalidate such covenant or any other covenant, condition, or provision hereof or affect the right to Grantee to enforce the same in the event of a subsequent breach of default. 1Y. MISCELLANEOUS A. This Conservation Easement shall be construed to promote the purposes NCGS § 143-214.8 rd zsq„ the Wetlands Restorations Program. B. This instrument sets forth the entire agreement of the parties with respect to the Conservation Easement and supcrscdcs all prior discussions, negotiations, understandings or agreements relating to the Conservation Easement. If any provision is found to be invalid, the remainder of the provisions of tho Conservation Easeincut, and the application of such provision MAY-06-1997 1453 FROM TO 39959 P.05 to persons or circumstances other than those as to which it is found to be invalid, shall not be affected thereby. C. Any notices shall be sct be sent by registered or certified mail, return receipt requested, to the parties at their addresses shown above or to other address(es) as either party establishes in writing upon notification to the other. D. Grantor shall notify Grantee in writing of the name and address and any party to whom the Protected Properly or any part thereof is to be transferred ut or prior to the time said transfer is made. Grantor further agrees to make any subsequent lease, deed, or other legal instrument by which any interest in the Protected Property is conveyed subject to the Conservation Easement herein created. V_ QUIET ENJOYMENT Grantor reserves all rights accruing from ownership of tho Protcctcd Property, including the right to engage in or permit or invite others to engago in all uses of the Protected Property that are not expressly prohibited or restricted herein and are not inconsistent with the purposes of this Conservation Easement. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, Grantor expressly reserves to Grantor, and Grantor's invitees and licensees, the right of access to the Protected Property, and the right of quiet enjoyment of the Protected Property. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the said rights and easements perpetually unto Grantee for the aforesaid purposes. And Grantor covenants with Grantee, that Grantor is seized of the above described easements, rights, and privileges; that Grantee shall have quiet and peaceable possession, use and enjoyment of the above-described casement, rights and privileges, and that Grantor shrill execute such further assurances thereof as may be required. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Grantor has hereunto set his hand and seal, having adopted the typewritten work "(SEAL)" to the right of his signature as his personal seal, as of the day and year first above written. [NOTARIZED SIGNATURE OF DULY AUTHORIZED OFFICIAL OF CITY OF ASHEVILLE] ep116716 TOTAL P.05 MAY-06-1997 10:15 FROM TO 97339959 P.01 MICHAEL F. EASLEY AT'TORNL'Y CP-42AAL rfi ??S 7, z r , S ?^ y State of North Carolina Depermcnt or justice P. O. 13OX 1329 RALEIGH 27602-0629 Phone: Fax: TELECOPI ,R R??V,?yITTTAT 4XTFFT SUBJE TO: (919) 733-5725 (919) 733-0791 CONFIDENTIAL TO ATTORNEY-CLIENT PRIVILEGE FAX NUMBER: -:5 -1 t FROM: dol *aeul DATE: 167 - eD NUMBER OF PAGES (INCLUDING TRANSIHTTAL SHEET): CONFIRM RECEIPT DOCUMENT(S) IF rv XED HERE: COMMENTS: /t3.i99 An Equal Opportunit?• / Affirmative Action Employer MAY-06-1997 10:16 FROM TO 97339959 P.02 MAY- ,-199'7 U?: 42 STATE OF NORYff CAnOLM BUNCOM E COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION A.I?iD NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRON?*MNT, HEALTH AND NATURAL RESOURCES AND CITY OF ASHEVILLE, THIS AGREEKMgT, made and entered into this the TIP (h R-23os PROJECT., 8,134170ii D.l 1;TI1RZ Pcrrult u; P. C2 day of 1997, between the DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION (DOT), an ageacy of the State of North Carolina, and the DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT, HEALTH AND NATURAL RESOURCES (DEHNR), as eacncy of tho State of North Carolina, and tha CITY OF ASHEVILLE (Ci'M, an incorporated North Carolina municipality; WIMUS r E , WHEREAS, DOT hg prepared and adopted plans to make certain highvvuy improvements under Project 8. 1841702, ("flP 9 R-2306), said improvements consisting of tho widening of US 74 in Buncombe County, causing cnvirownental impacts to portions of Gash.^s C=k adjoining; parts of the road prcj=,- WHEREAS, DEIINR has aarced to grant the Scction 401 (Clean Water Act) State Water Quality CeHficution (sco Attaebment A) Zowing impacts to the parts of Gashes Crer.k mentioned above. In granting said writer quality certification permit, DOT mutt uutirato caid MAY-06-1997 10:16 FROM PRY-2&--19337 87:43 TO 97339959 P.03 P.03 enviroumcntal impacts to Gushes Crock by completing a Stream Rcstorutiou Project for Rccd Crce1 Iocat:d in Weavcr Puk in the City of Asheville, (see Attachir ent B); and, WHEREAS. the City of Asheville, throw it, Parks and Reertation Department, agrees to provide the land in WcavcrPatk for the RcUomtion Project, and agrees to follow the conditions stated herein, as well as retain on-site oversight of the projeCt area once DOT coruplctes the tcqt45ite plauning, landscaping, etc. per the uttached plan and this a&=M=4 which will directly benefit the overall natural quality of the park. NOW TBEREFORE, tho parties hereto, each in eonsid: ration of tha promises, plans, p=uits and undertakings of the other provided herein, do hereby covenant and agree, each with the other as follows: 1. DOT Mll be responsible for and pay for tho pL=4iS, design, Construction etc. of the stroam restoratlon projoat as detailod in AtLwhment D, the "Strram Rv;iWration Report forS6AQ- a,/ Read Creek, Weaver Park, Ashe%ille, North Carolina. -V 2. Consistent with tha NNmter quality pmut granted by DEHNR and consistent with ?t tine plan (Attachment E) for the Reed Crock restoration project, said project is to crcata u natural Y sm= buffer through most of the park. The restoration project is to be left in its natural staxe in ;•`''' :4? pcrpctuity, ?C, Vr" 3. 'While DOT, through its consultants, contrtctors and own employees will provide ' to have all of the work done, the City 41 have input into the process and be allowed also to I II A'kL review the work for consistency with the attached plan, ??Ui'°VAS1 lav. Sll vl f Lkt' aP P f°Uc% f r-0 ?,\, -DofTJ it 4. The City shrill allow DOT ac=s to tho property and allow the restoration plan to be completed. Upon casuplotion, DOT and tho City may enter into a Supplemental Agrecmcr4 2 i MAY-06-1997 10:16 FROM TO 97339959 P.04 t'iRY-t7G 1 7 FTe 43 P.04 co thst tho City (tbrough the Parks and RmarAtioa neplrtwcmt) can maiata n tho completed projmt is its natural Rate. The City shall allow DEHNA a"csS to tho property and project at any I timt so as to ft cilitato AEHNW3 ultimata ovcr*.jfht authority for the project. S. DOT sh211 also be Ie3ponsible for building a foot briddo and Nyallau$ D4. and any other impmveueauts not included is the attached plan as approved by the Qity, DEHNR, and DOT. ' 6. DOT shall be responsible for n• placing any Palled aspect, citha vegctarivo or wh erwise, of the restoration project within tbC first ycaa Any doviations to raid plans, and this agrcmaut, m- ba agsood to by the parties h=ln. 7. onev tl= rastnratioulconstruction has been completed, the City will :.rst,ma the daily oversight for the ottcam rmtomtion project. Since it is are iMprovement to the overall pw k. and to City owns/manage; the: pcuk, the City is the entity best suited to •-wAing compfi=" with this plan, particularly post-construction. 8. 'i he City shall to responsible for all upkaep/uWntcnattce cults after neto (1) year of completion of the project. 7hr- City sbali InAc uvallablc Such materials, toola, etc. as may be nxdcd th=aflcr, including for inapcdcri and audit of its caraWwr role, iv be assumed niter the one (1) year period. DOT shall be responsible ttlr completLig the prujt=t and bt responsr'blc for I making sure; the pl•=dnds, latx-L wpiug. ctc. tako Wd end remain in their natural stato for the first Ycar. It is cm=ed that sinco tho project area is to be left In its natural state, minimal upkecp wM be necessary. The Ciry, since R uwns anti twAatains the park, is in the best positive to a;suro the project develops and grown as ant cipatcd. DOT Rill ba t olcly responsible for the project up to the first fWLyeai of completion, with city assis=e that first ywr from the City. 3 I MAY-06-1997 10:1? FROM TO 97339959 P.05 ' PtaY-?7Ci-1997 Efi'?•? P. F?i Tho city shall not construct any road, building, bridges nor eawc, either directly ca indirrrtly, any disturixinces to the natural state of th-c stream reawratiott project. Thw. tho ` -q n' City will not cut down, pull up /etc?r ibe natural pbints raid vegetation, nor introduce any new ur plants, vegotauotn, or other umpeaitied con3truetiow, without the prior approval and consent'of DM-iir% The City may relate any saffcty concerns with DERNR, rind with VEH.NR apprgval, take nccc5wry action to the project urw to assure the safety Of L)Le aCrlCrltl public, who will use the ark 10. DEHNR shall have thu ultimate authority to enforce and oversee thin restvratioa P plant, and Ar. subsequout growthhmatulity, in perpetuity. DEIMR may require dx City to take A U .c aflir•mative actions, orrefraln from vastaW;:ztions, that in any rvay impinge on the nttacbcd plauu`permit, or that may ix in uanllirt with this Municipal Avaetncnt. 11. 'Ibo project area is- to be retained in its lla wul state, ire parpctuity. All parties will be allu Ard access to the site to build, plant, monitor, mpair,?c tl :ate. ''l r" ; t 12. The parties =free to arttcad this agree-mrnt and the attr cd n in stay way so Ions as all pwrtios a A to any Such c c3 urodific&tlow CtC. n =h chin cs jj=t bC in tivritiua and signal by all of th© parties. ?t\ 13. The City Shull be rc3powiblc for the site at the expiration or tlte?rst year. Any repairs or maintenance that tho City believer DOT should bo rc3pon3iblc for paying for, afar the orm )car period, must bn armed upon by all the pardea. Any such charo ( for such as rcpiucentent eo3ts) ahall be ealcultgcd on a pro rata basis. DOT will not tic respnnsible for costs dnc to acts of God, acts of war, uegligcnca or abuse by tho City or the gci=d public. Aib~r the first year uficr completion, upkeep will hc the. responsibility of the City; oversight will W tho 4 MAY-06-1997 10:17 FROM TO 97339959 P.06 MY-GG-:1 W? Cr, 144 P. VA responsib111ty of DEHNR. 14. If the City, at wpto timo in tho future, wishes to cltange tho natural state urtlie project area doseribod harcin, they must first obtain am wtinen approval dDELINR. 15. n F.NNR may enforce the tams xd conditions of this AgtNment throw any means necczary and available to it inoludina injunctive and deelara=y Tel lef through loc•.4 otate or odmiuisttative court actions. DOT cannot be sued after tl? y period ex"pt for any instance where they fait to pmvide for their spccMr, pedomunco c4ntai=d in this Agreement 16. Tha terms =4 Covcnants eoat<t =d in this mwdalpal agrcemcnt arc bia&z vn all I parties conudncd hereut. it &.e city wishes to sell property. the conditions and coven ttta contak d he Tcin arc to be binding on any potcutial purcha:u. If th= City, in the futurr, wishes to ch;zGa the natural st3ta or the area dcs1Un=d in this u;;=mcnt in any ivay, the City muit prat obtain written approval from DLne1II+. DOT will not bo tesponsiblo for zny actions by the Cary, 1 1Vk or other partics, after tho initial ono yoar period has coded.. 5 MAY-06-1997 10:19 FROM TO 97339959 P.07 (PY-C6-1917 U7:44 P. [?7 IN WIINBSS WHERLOF=, this Agm.ement has b= exeeuLai in dupll",-, tho day and ye tr bactofora yet oar, on the part of the Depa== and DEHM and the City of Ashcvillo by I authority duly givcn. WITNESS; NUkT1I CAROLINA DEPARTNf= OF ENVMON'lviB iT, HEALTH ANt) NAIVRAL RESOURCES DY- i DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION ny: CITY Q ASHEVILLE BY: ?. _. AFFROVEl7 AS `t0 FORM BY: ASSOCIATE ATTORNEY GENMAI 6 I MAY-06-1997 10 18 FROM TO 97339959 P.08 t ta1'-f3:r•1597 07' -44 P. [Q Thu (of-h2wrng 1--;U PU!m-4"c:rrit rC„ orml to G:4 -??G? °-`r ?- 3 Cr.,; -4 by !~a cf Wczt--r Pak. of ?r7 21t 1907] Cn 4?;) ffwll 3 74 : ?-:vr4Qn ciq 1) What 4 Zo xtid?t of thO 'mxn (ii ,P;=, 41 M= cf L` o 4bv= bdtrt zvna) Citd 101a writ font. N W. wi.i W Fla--don 1r. N buffOr ividift may be vaff= 4 XW lviajd rczwr.4wx?,j& Er 7 rn Ma r'.rJg,7 \ Zr t2s t?J?3 tMrr alt; al can:ertina). Ina Ar rJOrr cf an cr• ?,r>c or 'V'04 • "rJZY 3ncltxtr of Ayr :r1' r1J ?i ! b? &-bru4?,- ! by flr_ DOT 0 Catll?b?tu>rgtJk?ftJtt}4CLyt7?dd?a?jt,lrlCryt?.:?s.°, /ttsti:?lytt?.??ytG'c'?srr7( 131v'? 3QrrJQ ? of !? /av"AfC?Ptia u L7h] ttlfl RQJYI`y t?rJS?trCtt;d eh:.lJl7t7! (t717J?:'J:+."3. +`J7 s70M 6=Nty od Itxr quarry improvGlr = Colt „tvaton GIs=", .x d,« r rs Fl?tl C?7 be Corr,:6vck?d i°rr7h, Jl VL.,:Jtyla ux ,bnn to I*o nc:d.: t:f ?'Ja 1't;riC' Ilrit7e rn?rlny ?a ar?^.ncy parrrat fsrquiJL?m?tis. 2) WN4 tua tha insf sMuikxn and rrdfr;-i1z1CY} tCJTr+:? 777a Cl'«^.fJr1dl rt iLarRilm v to ba jn,, =,lcd py a pbY ; rw, d for. fF lw'" tl?tDUfd !a minftl7 ?l:t tha cfs;?rnC1 u a71 bD vCif:;..2r 77Jd C?C'.?l7 14 frJl61 ?? to Gr?'?4d I1'T:G'C vCrJOt?k? GOVcY ri7yl7.'?CJ,:rlcily rr?+CCen! ttJ a77t3 14TI11-14 7'04 1499 won (ivFjbwv for or?.rtt7f,7) *P?crld natfrl;„rt;.rv Iti dr pa* . Urr>itr3G=5 far clamming Or rcmolr;l cotr.'d (xt S*ts44lr4;n arr:..:mgrJt Mgr©emeal at M=g rant P43n. Olhtir parcrrt(a1 tr lri: 4:nca j-XV as (.y, ?'9? ?9c?L`vcVgrpt.rts p'rr?ribcr'rCJ, uu5t:•?s) rvtil b? tfx? ra?O1yo1 X70 PlCdyanand avj7d=cd in acrpn utrN ??dJ an jpp,rovod , .-, r cltt or M?srxxpe t rnt . o pro:= i F'r?iaCtGArJ,,t7iJCtlQr7 Jsatl ba tbnduct:sol rwwt;nle ciracarruncrl:.'cd ?0,,°trra par;ocl? (t yj by U,v acrrdnt of t:?7VlrtrimJn : f?c«lfl Jd N+:;ur-al Rrrxwro To cp?rrrZa7 ttaa ofbl0?r?jr%l?orrngmc?IHx?:. projxt axt:frucLon wcr?/diao bsct4'1.c;pd in 41® WIntar/Q2dy spf ly. CO :tlL'C;7Cfi t7r.J p rfdd LS 4SL A3tAd m ba CnQ 4} WFa;.tvrocttdi?tua Ublk,?,tiax: vt U1a Perks ? fiCcJOpnot? E?.^?rtt?cpt?o Gt tosrrG at m,,irtt'+anco trrdi;srt7 F=0-0 oUigOtlO-V P/ MQ PWO aa4 ncx.YQuif an Copy GI unr rr,u be =pc?rd h7 an 0 '1'M&V QgrParrrsnt WWOf.2 1U:v3 ,gOldil! P9.Z7 (rt`o r7rKrii'4'!' {r'?j. 5} 1s mara irJiotl'r UWn raq&W m detzrrniAa Q.",=Jo dadgn kris;, pm*t (,,r.. LV4 U--3 PI Jg. pOtORU davcloom;rW JtpGfar7t:;:t ?grti?e?tt davetr?urJerrrs sra ?cxrt?d io OCYxrr Iti;07in llltt canLrtrtrting MAY-06-1997 10:18 FROM TO 97339959 P.09 P.09 y;ffi?1 1r?0. U1LS elCF=t? 2n shOu-d h p ?orw.zroad prisr tP And dc?- I Vca'my fut l G'XV?. XCl 1171130 =" 57_1 MM g2-eZpdJ d ihi dr.;s IV W,, tr} rt and $01=4 pJCparti^.s to rial,179 rtt rmol c p rrl?rcr 63 S ozm bsrffor aormoa app= cn prWato Proputy as dz? some atroam t re==0M Hoty LS thIs hZndl"O V VW of prn MI bctJnd dz mll bo =durtad dwv l«n;J d;.:?jn. Jf r=-s=y, buftgr zm-2 t = mw 6:7 ceps;-d. 7) What b Gws.. It Fick mvi Can ii look I:k-g matt W dv4t rcc:c7 r-f.=.: , It Raab s urd -4mf=bcn =vn rho mi j r nga ci a - 3o 1nq v. may be rip ,Y1 i4h awro ==J CmsvixOna if az ~:' l i i$ ihLsW CPaC8 for a 27 ..ldpt3 in terra I-WLIO is (AA-00) Gwen tlt3 stepva to ;. mo erar,3? Waald a fenc be needed CWg AA? Thvkmrisatatfmr Agra ru??ndm ?dr?wrrt.lopes; i0lbidat::r»zrrcdfrCmrr 10 d:.7cd t..po,tcrnvyo of tho Gh?:rur; J d?a?f1 Iha >rd d'r?? pt Tho L'Istw lm Ora r;r>4 W sar4fy is :.t 1114 axrrron Qf 00 CG.Y. it m,~y Ctka ba d:Z,m, nod ff= rv= shoed ba inImiia J Jn cwic arcs to prz m-m pat--ndw inrP.;ds to Lto chat w D?mk-% 9) tit =tzKOa on chows cn tho p(an cuvm to w targa (at yo' neight arzd Yvis tfzj vrhWi woad be a uAaft concem Fir7„J plant OP=W, sl.-e 1cJuowC47, zm pfanrtng =;t --s ul be pwp=d in =4zb0r J? %nO Ma Park? and Rrcrazian Our,:r umt. 10) Wct+ d t ue t lwtiav Do P;ul of tho stream battle ra=rz icn? 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T}/ 1r?irr ffTi r1CGtJQT ?:17? fC?TL'+ Y othon-4w, f d ?r?lr etfcrts f lnis :d =cn aj 1t'cv to Pr=sd is jh i to KCi by mo o07; ?cK T[l AL PMF..W4 gr 1t7TF1.. P. 10 TOTAL P.10 Note for Eric Galamb From: John Dorney on Fri, Feb 7, 1997 8:36 AM Subject: Gashes Creek meeting To: Cyndi Bell; Eric Galamb; Jimmie Overton DOT called to set up a meeting with us to discuss/ their findings to date on Friday Feb. 21st at 10 am in Hwy Bldg.' A formal agenda will be coming. Eric - please call ARO and let them know. Page: 1 DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY WILMINGTON DISTRICT, CORPS OF ENGINEERS P.O. BOX 1890 WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28402-1890 IN REPLY REFER TO Regulatory Branch Action ID 199402123 November 26, 1996 Mr. H. Franklin Vick Planning and Environmental Branch North Carolina Department of Transportation Post Office Box 25201 Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-5201 Dear Mr. Vick: By copy of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources letter to you of February 21, 1996, we have learned that State authorization under section 401 of the Clean Water Act for you to relocate 1100 linear feet of Gashes Creek and fill 0.05 acres of wetland to facilitate widening of 6.7 miles of US Highway 74 between Interstate Highway 40 and Old Fort Road (SR 2776) southeast of Asheville, Buncombe County, North Carolina, has been denied. Under the administrative rules of our regulatory program, denial of required State authorization precludes favorable consideration of a Federal permit. Accordingly, your Department of the Army (DA) application is hereby denied without prejudice and your file has been retired. If you wish to continue to pursue a DA permit, you must obtain the required State authorization. In the event you obtain the authorization, we will reopen your permit file and continue to process your application. After the file is reopened, any issues raised during the public review process will have to be addressed before a permit can be issued. In your letters of June 12, 1996 and July 26, 1996, you indicated your intent to develop naturalized channel relocation plans for Gashes Creek including the use of soil bioengineering, riffle and pool reconstruction, replacement of channel substrate and reestablishment of streamside vegetation. During an onsite meeting of November 7, 1996 with members of your staff, we reviewed design plans that incorporated most of these elements. With the addition of a specific vegetation planting plan and somewhat greater variability in channel bottom geometry, we believe that these designs would effectively replace the impacted aquatic habitat. Should you pursue a DA permit for this work, we would require permit plans showing your complete channel restoration designs. Secondary impacts from construction to the natural stream channel areas on National Park Service property remain a concern. Therefore, we would consider conditioning any permit for this work to require the monitoring of water quality, fisheries and macro invertebrates before, during and after construction to ensure that aquatic life functions of Gashes Creek are reestablished. -2- If you have any questions, please contact me or Mr. Steven Lund of my staff at telephone (704) 271-4857. Sincerely, Terry R. Youngbluth Lieutenant Colonel, U.S. Army District Engineer Copies Furnished: Mr. Tom Kendig Planning and Environmental Branch North Carolina Department of Transportation Post Office Box 25201 Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-5201 Mr. John Dorney Division of Water Quality North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources 4401 Reedy Creek Road Raleigh, North Carolina 27607 Division of Water Quality November 26, 1996 MEMORANDUM To: Frank Vick Planning and Environmental anch From: John Dom Division of ter Qua y Subject: US 74 - Gashes Creek mitigation Buncombe County DWQ #961016 As a followup to our meeting with your staff on 7 November, we would like to clarify the current status of this project and clearly state what is needed from DOT in order to allow DWQ to issue a 401 Certification for this project. The DWQ will require stream mitigation at a 1:1 length ratio in addition to the revised, on-site restoration of Gashes Creek. On 7 November 1996, Eric Galamb, Mike Parker and myself attended a field meeting in Asheville with several DOT staff as well as Corps of Engineers and N.C. Wildlife Resources personnel to visit several potential stream restoration sites. The purpose of this memo is to provide DOT more details regarding this stream mitigation requirement to assist you in developing an acceptable mitigation package. DOT will need to identify 1100 linear feet of stream to enhance or restore all uses. As discussed in the field, we would prefer that two or three large suitable sites be located rather than a dozen or so smaller sites. Also DOT will need to be able to assure us that whatever restoration work is undertaken will remain. In that regard, fee simple purchase or a conservation easement will be needed to provide that assurance. DOT should investigate other opportunities within the Gashes Creek watershed first. Should these not be suitable sites for DOT, then DOT should identify streams within the Swannanoa River watershed that are experiencing non- point source pollution that may be causing the impairment of uses. Streams targeted by the nonpoint source team through the basinwide process would be excellent candidate streams. We urge DOT to identify streams in need of restoration measures such as streambank stabilization, restoration of wooded buffers, creating of adjacent wetlands, dechannelization, and instream measures such as vortex weirs. Of the sites we visited, the sites on Gashes Creek at the Texaco and Amoco stations as well as Ross Creek on Swannanoa River Road are suitable candidate streams. The DOT maintenance facility is not a suitable location because there will not be sufficient width between the road and stabilized streambank to plant trees. Finally the installation of weirs in the Swannanoa River itself is not acceptable mitigation for the impacts to Gashes Creek since the uses provided by these stream systems are very different and similar uses need to be replaced. Once you have identified viable and available stream restoration sites, please contact, Mr. Mike Parker of our Asheville Regional Office so we can confirm their suitability. As discussed with field, NRCS staff may be useful in identifying potential stream restoration sites. Please call me or Eric Galamb at 733-1786 if you have any questions concerning this project. cc: Archie Harkins, Hydraulics Unit Tom Kendig, Planning and Environmental Branch Mike Parker, Asheville DWQ Regional Office Eric Galamb Jill Hickey; Attorney General's Office Bob Johnson, Asheville Field Office COE Central Files Preston Howard, DWQ Steve Tedder, DWQ Environmental Sciences Branch Water Quality Section l J1 REPLY TO ATTENTION OF Regulatory Branch Action ID 199402123 DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY WILMINGTON DISTRICT, CORPS OF ENGINEERS P.O. BOX 1890 WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28402-1890 November 13, 1996 Mr. H. Franklin Vick Planning and Environmental Branch North Carolina Department of Transportation Post Office Box 25201 Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-5201 Dear Mr. Vick: By copy of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources letter to you of February 21, 1996, we have learned that State authorization under Section 401 of the Clean Water Act for you to relocate 1100 linear feet of Gashes Creek and fill 0.05 acres of wetland to facilitate widening of 6.7 miles of US Highway 74 between Interstate Highway 40 and Old Fort Road (SR 2776) southeast of Asheville, Buncombe County, North Carolina, has been denied. Under the administrative rules of our regulatory program, denial of required State authorization precludes favorable consideration of a Federal permit. Accordingly, your Department of the Army (DA) application is hereby denied without prejudice and your file has been retired. If you wish to continue to pursue a DA permit, you must obtain the required State authorization. In the event you obtain the authorization, we will reopen your permit file and continue to process your application. After the file is reopened, any issues raised during the public review process will have to be addressed before a permit can be issued. In your letters of June 12, 1996 and July 26, 1996, you indicated your intent to develop naturalized channel relocation plans for Gashes Creek including the use of soil bioengineering, riffle and pool reconstruction, replacement of channel substrate and reestablishment of streamside vegetation. During an onsite meeting of November 7, 1996 with members of your staff, we reviewed design plans that incorporated most of these elements. With the addition of a specific vegetation planting plan and somewhat greater variability in channel bottom geometry, we believe that these designs would effectively replace the impacted aquatic habitat. Should you pursue a DA permit for this work, we would require permit plans showing your complete channel restoration designs. Secondary impacts from construction to the natural stream channel areas on National Park Service property remain a concern. Therefore, we would consider conditioning any permit for this work to require the monitoring of water quality, fisheries and macroinvertebrates before, during and after construction to ensure that aquatic life functions of Gashes Creek are reestablished. _ V 4 Qty' . AA - An!- a - a , b bey ?I'l ?S /? L Q ` ?b Goo s -- Y1.0 •1c?? vrl?-Q hGLC?i? awA i i" A 0 CA-dzt & oce u T (IV4Sfi? - WA. V ?d a r4/ ass CZ G0 ea' c(7 ?z . :?L?LL?r n"k al2L;", d' S141 a &k Aw-L STATE STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION JAMES B. HUNT IR. DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS GARLAND B. GARRETT JR. GOVERNOR P.O. BOX 25201. RALEIGH. N.C. 27611-5201 SECKETARti AGENDA Stream Mitigation Meeting R-2306 US 74 A Project Buncombe County March 14, 1997 1) Introductions 2) Availability of Selected Sites 3) Selection of Preferred Site 4) The Next Step: Conceptual Mitigation Plan 5) Schedule 6) Other Discussion or Comments 7) Adjourn I- "•. a o Q 3 Z??g7 toa-- usl? C7 ?- 4 ? d 04 ?, ifs re'-,44 e! ,?- C? CAS i w'/s?J AQAJPLC WKa6Ie .` O J- JJ 1 w 1 Kcr 6,10J cry W _ W f (a4i - noAvte . 4'?) w a4uP.? ?' ? i (w 2c , Af Yw vma5 k re S J'os 4 b? ?q a? ;Ajalc,6 , -1I ` n 1 (? ?014 tnalazt covj-? ?C-t. Pie c-es ? .- ..- Ste -? m?_ . _ ? ? d`?U.? ??e?• - - - - S C? L lO,?j? l? l ?- C? ?Gt?r` d+? 01r1 - 5 + l'`? 1 ` - BLS R (1?? Mwr? lu Toc p/ /0, z /? ?br?oh ??sh?h d i l l fhdze? ?l wtht?e ?JV?t ?? /E 4A 0? )Aj :T Z l 1 ?t? `?1 ^7 l?c.z Kc= ooz Pg? AICboT - &(E NC A44, NG 41? ?? Nc D c,.?c?. . ,?v C 17 o i /?' -? ?SUT[v 3 -? ? t??r S STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION JAMEs B. HUNT JR. DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS GARLAND B. GARRETr JR. GOVERNOR P.O. BOX 25201. RALEIGH. N.C. 27611-5201 SECRETARY AGENDA Stream Mitigation Meeting R-2306 US 74 A Project Buncombe County February 21, 1997 1) Introductions 2) Discussion of Methodology and Findings (KCI) 3) Selection of Preferred Site(s) 4) The Next Step: Conceptual Mitigation Plan 5) Schedule 6) Other Discussion or Comments 7) Adjourn STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DERARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION JAMES B. HUNT IR. DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS P.O. BOX 25201. P?ALE1Gf1. N.C. 27(,11-5201 February 12, 1997 TO: Bob Johnson, USACOE John Dorney, DEHNR Eric Galamb, DEHNR Frank McBride, NCWRC Mike Parker, DEHNR Roy Shelton, FHWA Dave Snyder, FHWA FROM: Tom Kendig GARLAND B. GARRETr JR. SICRETARY Frank Vick, P & E Archie Hankins, Hydraulics David Robinson, P & E Gordon Cashin, P & E Dennis Pipkin, P & E Jay Bissett, P & E SUBJECT: Meeting to discuss stream mitigation for Project R-2306, US 74 in Buncombe County A meeting has been scheduled for Friday. February 21, 1997 at 10:00 am in room 470 of the Highway Building to discuss the alternative mitigation sites recommended by KCI Associates. The attached report describes their investigative approach and the six sites they have suggested for possible restoration. This meeting is intended to narrow the list down to one site for which conceptual mitigation plans will be prepared. If you have any questions, please let me know. I can be reached at (919) 733-7844 ext. 263. 3i Fi. Technical Repoil I f' L11 J F t ?; ()I (1 f TIP No. R-230 Mate Project Nu Contract No. F W1 lv7'- Prepared for. 1 (1r'??? rri-!'J??%1r•rrriPri? ??' J '_?jr':Irl?'fl jilL_L-!1J :Ifif? rlylr'(}flfrl?flf .. ,.r. j ,!'rl.Y1'r<Jf4(rl?rl ?fll f Prepared by. _.K ir??'? ?\'"? r';i ???r ? I r r'r'rl ?';? rr{ liar :?? ;(.,r?r, 11 -t I STREAM RESTORATION SITE SEARCH REPORT TIP NO: R-2306 STATE PROJECT NO: 8.1841702 NCDOT CONSULTING PROJECT No. 96-KC-03 CONTRACT No. A302659 Prepared for: NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL BRANCH ENVIRONMENTAL UNIT Prepared by: KCI Associates of North Carolina, Inc. Raleigh, North Carolina January, 1997 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page 1.0 INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................................................1 2.0 GENERAL DISCUSSION ................................................................................................................1 3.0 METHODOLOGY ............................................................................................................................1 4.0 RESULTS ...........................................................................................................................................5 5.0 REFERENCES ................................................................................................................................58 LIST OF FIGURES AND TABLES Figure 1- French Broad River Basin ........................................................................................................ 2 Figure 2 - Potential Stream Restoration Location Sites .......................................................................... 6 Figure 3 - Site 1, Haw Creek ................................................................................................................... 8 Figure 4 - Site 2, Reed Creek ................................................................................................................. 20 Figure 5 - Site 3, Tibutary to North Fork Swannanoa ........................................................................... 31 Figure 6 - Site 4, Tributary to Swannanoa ............................................................................................. 37 Figure 7 - Site 5, Tributary to Swannanoa ............................................................................................. 43 Figure 8 - Site 6, Flat Creek ................................................................................................................... 50 Table 1 - Summary of Streams Investigated ......................................................................................... 4 7-7 I 0 1.0 INTRODUCTION The North Carolina Department of Transportation has conducted a search for 610 meters (2,000 171 [BE feet) of stream channel in need of restoration to satisfy permit requirements for proposed improvements to Route 74 in Buncombe County. The proposed improvements along Route 74 require the relocation of Gashes Creek, a tributary to the Swannanoa River. As there are present efforts underway to rehabilitate the relocated section of Gashes Creek onsite, this report presents the results of an off-site search for 610 meters (2,000 feet) of degraded stream channel in the Swannanoa and French Broad River watersheds. Streams investigated included those identified in the French Broad River Basinwide Water Quality Management Plan, (May, 1995) (hereafter referred to as "The Management Plan") as having less than optimal use support ratings. 2.0 GENERAL DISCUSSION The growth of stream restoration has accelerated from both an increase in awareness of the importance of river corridors and the failure of previous methods of channel controls (e.g. dredging, lining, channelizing) (Gore, 1985; Large and Petts, 1994; Palmer, 1994). The inherently non-uniform flow of natural stream channels creates and maintains a complexity of stream bedforms such as pools, riffles, and eddies (Newbury, 1995). Efforts to straighten and line channels (which assumed steady and uniform flow conditions) reduce aquatic habitat and often fail as the channel revert back to its complex form. For both functional and aesthetic reasons, many of the straightened and lined channels are targets for restoration. Other restoration target areas include channels impacted by changes in landuse; often causing an increase in the amount of water or sediment or both to the channel. Urbanization influences of storm sewers, increased drainage densities and greater hydraulic efficiencies of channelized segments all increase the hydrograph peak and the total volume of runoff (Espey et al. 1966; Graf 1977). These flow increases often result in channel enlargement downstream with initial increases in sediment yields followed by a decrease as watershed disturbances cease (Graf, 1975; Wolman 1967). The impacts of these changes are readily apparent in the stream channels draining the watersheds and include: channel enlargement, incisement, in-stream sediment deposition and bank erosion. Goals to restore these disturbed channels should consider current watershed conditions. ITI Restoration efforts attempting to replicate historical channel features may be futile as often the contributing watershed no longer resembles previous conditions. As such, restoration goals should be project specific, yet generally strive to develop a natural, self-maintaining system that will provide an increase in water quality conditions. 3.0 METHODOLOGY To locate potential reaches for restoration, a review of the French Broad River Basinwide Water Quality Management Plan, (May, 1995) was conducted. Based on discussions with the Division of Water Quality (DWQ), restoration for the Route 74 Project should target offsite areas within the Swannanoa watershed of the French Broad River Basin. Areas of interest to the DWQ for restoration include channel segments identified in the Management Plan as having non-supporting I 1 n v ; c w E ?o tEo° c a: f' ll="a 00 ?G PQO C? E C) C3 14 ii ^y ,? 1 _ c 9A L '>st e ? „ ? I, f ?r L r 1 G I x .` e = CY) Mr 14 1t lit. @a. a,/ a 4 k o_ 5 s CV ?'? a • 5v O ar uc ,? ? •n,.'x , O xoxn [t' NO lit _ 3 ? 'x 3 Ww'e ` :I k i I eg z ? ? A `? • ?, 1 llxllu r , •• k4 °il t C 11'1 ??• 1x ,uti luu.u - m ?t ., C O OM F 1 t ELL Q C v/ 0 CY) w a a s i or partially supporting uses. According to the Management Plan, subbasin 40302 (basin sur ounding Asheville) contains a significant portion of the degraded channels within the French Broad River Basin (Figure 1). Approximately 87 kilometers (54 miles) of the 93 kilometers (58 miles) of non-supporting stream miles and nearly 5010 of the partially supporting stream miles in the French Broad River Basin are located in subbasin 40302. Based on this, subbasin 40302, and in particular, streams in the Swannanoa watershed were targeted for this investigation. Using the management plan and United States Geological Survey (USGS) topographic quadrangles, these streams and others in the Swannanoa and French Broad watersheds were investigated. Sites were visually observed and evaluated for restoration potential based on the following parameters: 1) degree of bed/or bank erosion 2) floodplain encroachment 3) ease of access for construction and monitoring 3) potential educational benefit 4) existing in-stream and riparian habitat 5) safety considerations 6) wetlands/forest disturbance potential 7) public support 8) utilities 9) historic/archaeology issues 10) hazardous waste potential The review process was conducted by locating potential streams in the Management Plan and/or on the USGS quadrangles. Streams were visited and a determination was made as to the channels needs for restoration. Channels which appeared to be of high quality or were determined to be beyond repair were eliminated from further review. The Management Plan indicated that nearly 60 percent of the impaired freshwater miles in the French Broad River Basin (greater than 70 percent in Subbasin 40302) were caused by sediment. Consequently, streams exhibiting visible erosion were targeted for this site search. Table 1, Summary of Streams Investigated, lists all channels investigated during the field reconnaissance and the reasons they were eliminated or retained for further review. For sites exhibiting restoration potential, a rating scale of 1-5 for each parameter was used to evaluate channel reaches. The ratings were determined based on best professional judgement of site conditions and restoration potential. A selection of 5 indicated the evaluator agreed with the parameter conditions; whereas, a selection of 1 indicated the parameter was not present or would not be significant if the restoration project was implemented. Use of 2, 3, and 4 indicated slight disagreement (2), close agreement (4) or neutral responses (3) to the questions. Ratings on historic structures, hazardous waste and utilities should be considered with caution, as true determinations may only be made with more detailed site analysis. In addition to these parameters, evaluations were also based on a best professional judgement on the potential net benefit to the system by implementing 610 meters (2,000 feet) of stream channel restoration. n 3 0 0 0 Table 1. Summary of streams investigated. Stream Quadrangle Water -shed Observations/ Restoration Potential Retain? Sweeten Asheville FB Heavily impacted / Net system gain by restoring reach segment(s) is minimal No Sweeten Trib Asheville FB Reach restoration would be beneficial; reach too short No Four Mile Branch Asheville FB Currently Stable No Raoul Branch Asheville FB Currently Stable No Brown Branch Asheville FB Currently Stable No Ram Branch Asheville FB Currently Stable No Reed Creek Asheville FB A number of reaches with bank erosion; Weaver Park Yes Cisco Cove Asheville SW Recent Development encroachment with online pond system No Haw Creek Asheville Sw A number of reaches with bank erosion and encroachment. Yes Grassy Branch Oteen SW Pasture impact areas; reaches too short and poor access No Beetree Creek Oteen Sw Currently Stable No Christian Creek Oteen SW High quality reaches or short, poor access segments No Patton Cove Oteen SW Currently Stable No Unnnamed Tributary Oteen SW Near Mile 16 on Swannanoa; Erosion, failing structures Yes Penley Cove Oteen Sw Tributary to Gashes Creek; Currently Stable No Baldwin Cove Oteen SW Tributary to Gashes Creek; Currently Stable No Unnnamed Trib Oteen SW Tributary to Gashes Creek; Recent enclosure (culverting) under A.C. Reynolds H.S. athletic field No Wolfpit Branch Black Mountain SW Heavily, vegetated, stable, and appears to be of high quality No Lynch Cove Black Mountain SW Currently Stable No Unnamed Tributary Black Mountain Sw On State Hospital grounds; highly maintained; Some erosion and existing bank revetments. Yes N.F. Swannanoa Montreat SW Degraded banks from pasturing in upper reaches. Good access. Yes Flat Creek Montreat SW Some impacts (bank erosion, encroachment) in lower reaches; upper reaches appear to be of high quality Yes Index: FB=French Broad; Sw=Swannanoa i 4 0 4.0 RESULTS Based on the results of the site search, six sites were selected as having the best stream restoration potential for this Project (Figure 2). In decreasing order of restoration potential, the six channels are: Site Score Site 1- Haw Creek 69 Site 2 - Reed Creek 64 Site 3 - Tributary to North Fork of Swannanoa 59 Site 4 - Tributary to Swannanoa (on State Hospital grounds) 58 Site 5 - Tributary to Swannanoa (near River Mile 16) 56 Site 6 - Flat Creek 52 Total project requirements of 610 meters (2,000 linear feet) of restoration may be obtainable at either of the first three channel locations (Haw Creek, Reed Creek, and North Fork Tributary). If any of the last three (Swannanoa tributaries or Flat Creek) are selected, combinations of sites would likely be necessary to meet the 610 meters (2,000 feet) requirement. A general discussion of each of the sites as is as follows: 5 1 W C V J O a N i iz, fl li f j 7 Ff I r. r. CI L I L SITE 1 CIA CREEK 0 Site 1 - Haw Creek Haw Creek (a tributary to the Swannanoa River) is located east of Asheville, north of the Swannanoa River and in the drainage between Piney and Cisco Mountains to west and the Blue Ridge Parkway to the east (Figure 3). Development, mostly residential (0.1 hectare/quarter acre) lots), spreads out across the narrow valley floor. Areas of impact to Haw Creek have occurred as a result of channel encroachment (Mews Apartment complex, athletic field, Haw Creek Road), channel relocation (athletic field), lack of riparian vegetation and associated bank erosion. These sections of Haw Creek are concerns for both in-stream aquatic health (potentially reduced by bank erosion and channel deposition) and to adjacent infrastructure (roadway embankments, sanitary sewers, development hill slopes). Though not identified in the Management Plan, the habitat potential of these identified reaches of Haw Creek appears to be limited. As a potential excessive sediment contributor, Haw Creek may also be impacting the support status of the Swannanoa River downstream of the confluence. The restoration potential of Haw Creek is excellent. In addition to the identified problems, the site has good access, visibility and opportunities for environmental education and one or two key landowners. A significant portion of the project may be conducted on the East Asheville Youth Activity, Inc. property. 0 7 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Figure 3. Site 1 - Haw Creek (Asneville, lvc; Quad) Site 1 - Haw Creek Tax Map • ! ? ehyF ' ? t Mae) Ha ( 4.88 (4.88 A) 3220 U (10,24 A) . . fir, ? ? . •' • NO` ?? ??, r 1, ,? .fir `yr'?? ,?Y..?r?+".y? ? "r +'? `.+. f.? `.? ^' tr t • .? ?,` ,.? (7.58 . A) '^ ?.. ., ? ',,• .??? ,. .8866• • ? . t, j b3.14 •-? Photo Viewpoints Not to scale Site 1 - Haw Creek Tax Map - y' u '% ?': 'r..•. `i st ..9 v\? •': `11/ j4?r, ..''..t?,?l?,t??.?r,?7,:•. ..y?,,rr+., ;r "' + ? y., ,•i. ?. t ?i.4•, a,,?. '"!11•.}?'?I??I;N?N-1T??tR'T vRh •r.'1Y?1?.: a. 1' .1.• .1?• '!,? • ;,rr. t { ? Y . , t ? f r ?t, ?2*20 A ?' ' y 1 ^ F_8459 ' creek' - ' ? Vii', ? y ?. f c J?• ??Ti +. ? i' .;, , ' ?., i\ , t 1 . + • . •'?{. \1i •. a `, ;,? •.. '.?'? ?r r 'J, f' r• 1'f .Q? ? -i` I i'1,?. ,1 •11 .1 ?'f?G .,1 • ''?; l?v(•v1 {•' {, Jr i*tr 1 ,t +?I! +?3 1?t.1.?.,?• d r•.1 `?rw ?1 , A,?ly ?'?11??1 A,? ? ?y? ?. r', . • ' •, :r 'i tt: ?. '/J t1 ,. •1`? r/ h`?','?`.?i4 arc 0,?'! .T '; ?? ?r,'Yi t 1,r, Iy ?( ,,,^?J.,'•?, I 416 4 rti., , >?• ? - i?„ I'. .... a'r? { • ?.'.. ??f: ..'...1?a? u•'.?..Y?•/.u''•i??*?' N _?+rt ??.Srk,•v.+rf?.':'..?:1?.•lt.??Nn.. ?.1., _:ld1?Al?+? A . 1 b 191; .0880 ?• r 1 Y ' ? f 1 • I a . ; ' ?' ;•I?• ,? ' 3885' ? .. !AD f .AY 8ELL bn r &-* Photo Viewpoints '>:?;¢!yl ,?;'?1 „17T'r.. ,#'; y„' ??'? :?t.,\T,atrrr f 1 ,.,•-••,' ' t •I r t .. 71 y 1. M 55 660. 66 Not to Site 1 - Haw Creek Tax Map (1.90 Aj 2 5875 HAW . CREEK ?" . csol _T 2883 AS sf; VILLE 43.s e • ?Q- • 7770 ya ?• / ,, r?l ltiy ? I '1`'''n' F";rSl '? ?"+ ? ?, v=, 11 1 ra';, ,}: t r ?,c F +1?+ tc= ask ? e' 4. ty M,', )r?'..??w?ikl ??,..? .r. ?? •+r}? nl1/?;.I J!'4,?? 1. ?'?':?.'.. :?{ , ? • .1 ' P . r ? •, .n! t !. 1'`: 1 f ,• ? /r, .r?'. ? ' MT i ! r y?r , +0.446 9F .,r* '?JIC ?..?. a.r ?`r' 4r'? .!??,`91"rHifv Iri: f d, e.., rlk• h .. y. 'G i?,., f 1 ,r, +? t}/'i, ?•• ty r ''?"{,?, x •,?t ? ?', ?? l .1 1?'d ft'f'1 1. * 4?;,1 7? .w??B,C:?• ? ? /r?? '1' y' . ? 1 at ' ?'• •r an ? . ? ,?? 3316 :? 7 63 2 . 59 A) 0 . ; .... t •049 , r 809 5007 COVE 993 0 Y ?!? 111 4M.49 SLEEP,Y s8'?8 von -? ? ? . ?'' '• ?• ,? 88p7 'S. 5605 ?lX?li?? r?{•?.:?M,?'i.1 {J?? 410--o. Photo Viewpoints Not to Scale Photo # 1: View of Haw Creek traversing the perimeter of a ballfield to the right. Photo # 2: Section of Haw Creek adjacent to baseball field. View looking north (upstream). 1 Photo # 3: View of Haw Creek from parking lot at Mews Apartments. Photo # 4: Haw Creek near Mews Apartments. View looking upstream. Note stabilized section of adjacent slope. 1 t ? ^ 1, r ! ;r ;,• • 1, ,? 4 LI X )s J ? `? J ,?j4 • ? ? ??y T• I r - -. 4 Photo # 5: View of Haw Creek looking downstream. Mews Apartments left of photo. Photo # 6: Eroded section of Haw Creek adjacent to Haw Creek Road. 1 Photo # 7: Section of Haw Creek paralleling Haw Creek Road. View looking south (downstream). Photo # 8: High eroded bank along Haw Creek. Park pool at top of photo. r 0 General Information Stream Name: Reach Description: Date: Property Owner: Street Address: State: Tax Map: Location: Observations: Excel_HAW_frm Stream Channel Restoration Evaluation Form Haw Creek (Site #1) Various channel sections located along Haw Creek Road, east of Asheville 1/8/97 Investigated bv: DJG, CHH East Asheville Youth Activity Inc. Size of Parcel: 4.12 acres PO Box 9092, Asheville, 28815-0092 North Carolina County: Buncombe 9659 Block: Parcel: 3865 Zoning: East Asheville Channel sections are eroded, encroached upon and/or relocated around structures or properties. Particular areas requiring restoration include Mews Apartments and a recreational facility. Stream Restoration Evaluation Table The channel exhibits the following dualities as it relates to potential restoration: AGREE DISAGREE 5 4 3 2 1 1. Bank Erosion X 2. Loss of Floodplain X (entrenchment or encroachment) 3. Poor Instream Habitat (established riffle/pool complexes, X cover, flow depths, blockages, etc.) 4. Bed Aggradation or Degradation X 5. Poor Riparian Habitat X 6. Good Construction Access X 7. No Visible Potential Historic Structures X 8. No Visible Hazardous Materials X 9. Minimal Existing Utilities X 10. Minimal Wetlands/Forest X 11. Safety Concerns X 12. Potential for Public Support X 13. Opportunities for Environmental Education X 14. Stream system will benefit from proposed action X TOTALS: 60 4 3 2 0 Total Score: 69 Page 1 r STREAM RESTORATION SITE SEARCH FORM Site Identification Number: 1 Additional Prooertv Owners: Property Owner. J T Brown Size of Parcel: 4.41 acres Street Address: 12 Sleepy Hollow Drive City: Asheville State: NC Zip Code: 28805 County: Buncombe Tax Map: 9659 Parcel: 3316 Zoning: Grid: Property Owner. Harry D. Bumette Size of Parcel: 26.29 acres Street Address: 767 New Haw Creek Road City: Asheville State: NC Zip Code: 28805 County: Buncombe Tax Map: 9659 Parcel: 8459 Zoning: Grid: Property Owner. New Haw Creek Section II Assoc. c/o Marvin F. Poer & Co Size of Parcel: 10.24 acres Street Address: 3340 Peachtree Rd NE STE 610 City: Atlanta State: GA Zip Code: 30326 County: Buncombe Tax Mop: 9658 Parcel: 8083 Zoning: Grid: Property Owner. Ice Service Inc. Size of Parcel: 2.22 acres Street Address: 91 Thompson Street City: Asheville State: NC Zip Code: 28803 County: Buncombe Tax Mop: 9658 Parcel: 1689 Zoning: Grid: a C 0 I SITE 2 REED CREED 9 I a Site 2 - Reed Creek Reed Creek (a tributary to the French Broad River) is located north of Asheville, flowing westerly from the Biltmore Grove Park Country Club in the east towards the University of North Carolina, Asheville, just west of the French Broad River (Figure 4). Two sections of Reed Creek have restoration potential. The first is within Weaver Park east of Merrimon Avenue. Channel impacts in the park include, bank erosion and floodplain encroachment which are attributable to ground maintenance activities and urban runoff. Bank erosion has likely occurred as a result of the lack of riparian vegetation. A pedestrian bridge and associated retaining walls are also reducing available floodplain and may be increasing the channel erosion process by entrenchment. The second section of Reed Creek is located west of Merrimon Avenue, parallel to King Road (also referred to as W.T. Weaver Road). This section of channel is exhibiting typical signs of urbanization impacts. The channel is eroding its bed and banks producing an over-widened channel section. This section of Reed Creek is located along the toe of a valley wall to the north with floodplain areas available to the south towards King Road. A staff gage was observed in this reach near Barnard Road which indicates monitoring efforts on the channel. Reed Creek was not identified in the Management Plan. However, the habitat potential of these identified reaches of Reed Creek appears to be limited. The sediment resulting from channel erosion is likely impacting Reed Creek and the French Broad River water quality. Reed Creek has excellent restoration potential. The Park area and visibility of most of the reaches provide the opportunity for environmental education and public support. Since the majority of the property containing these reaches is owned by the City of Asheville and UNC Asheville, property and\or easement acquisition may be less complicated. Access to these reaches for construction is also excellent. 19 7 Figure 4. Site 2 - Reed Creek (Asheville, NC Quad) 1 Site 2 - Reed Creek Tax 852 40* `> r s 4• x0860 p ?. a HIRE -- •. ? .'::,;N ?? ?,•_??.? .`? .,? .•?Z NA'P'S.. :?o 44 1 ' FFJ. L . `?' 966a ?e 164 +4:' 547: _ r t R c n.. F. sJ ;*251 ?s3D J . NOy 4 r: Jo . :: • ?G 0449 2457 0 045 6455 .. M 1411 X fv 192.3 - '? 54 • • td ? ? s01?47 •• ,?•w . Z 137'4 25P ' • • . , ? ? •. - ' •;b,?? ? .2304 16P ` I 7e. a? 1? 223T Y.T. WEAVER PARK 6d 2254 4 ?. ? . ':'?: - ?? .8271 I• ' ?'?'' , - •' . ?'; -Reed Creek v P id ? % Brige. 4 5t7 1? .192.34 •.1..? • w f _- . ? f • ?1 •. t,.. ?a ?f?„ ?':?• ? o. Y r' .. .•...' .104' 6911 ?,.:? a92a' 879 $29 78s .?. ,fiw r ; , ,+1-?• ` •. ,s`= $, r 27 876 I f 63.4 MKI ?? Photo Viewpoints Not to scale Site 2 - Reed Creek Tax Map I I I i '? 1,T; ri IN t I (;1,? ?? t ,' ?.?? ?r? s:? '•? 11+1. LII (?• t •'1 '? •11. ??. : ? ?py.• ??•/ .x ?.'???.I•. 11?,.?'.. _ I. I.M.. ?.y`?} t??l + 1•I.t, ' ?? u I ? ? ??' ';ri'1.:..,;r rt•?t ?ri(,7?'?: •??`, ?i,; i `,. . 1?1???rs.•t ?' ' . h v?'.•?.•. ? , 41 4 ;.; 'ErT ;. rao , AR ? I - ?_ _ -- - ?'- -s• :~ ti+ i,?•.'?? ?I ?'I??j'1 ? '?I„?a?tli?t?-?'' ?'?' I•+? ' ?yN z ?Al j. PARN 11 A I I Ti4?9 ; f t :' •,r?;? :,j. 'q'y? 1!'•??;+s, l'? . :1 •.?`(`.•' "1 ''I•, *, 14 sl 1 I • I' I, I . 014 4i 14 ' > 13a. ar "? 1 ?r-?I?o _ ,'•, LSE ?. 2 _ r , ' 1 69_ 1 8+ , /' •? • `, '? ?" ?' ;. r': 7- 4 J*NL 199A -wee a •? _ _ _ __ - _. - ,.•? •?'?.,., .., •,?^..1,,?..• ', ? tip.. ?,? .2 Vill. J NO 1481 S.2 d' -T 2008 f 1• :,,.? a?'Et, .V •1 1j, el ./ 20 Ag 'po ' _ • - ? ? _? ' • ? to Scal 40?-* Photo Viewpoints Not 0 i A A y _ Photo # 1: View looking north at eroded bank on Reed Creek. Photo # 2: Reed Creek looking north (downstream). Photo # 3: Reed Creek in Weaver Park. View looking dowstream towards pedestrian bridge. Photo # 4: Reed Creek looking upstream towards Murdock Avenue. 0 Photo # 5: View looking upstream on Reed Creek. Photo # 6: Section of Reed Creek looking west. King Street to left of photo. Photo # 7: View of Reed Creek looking northwest near King Street. ?y t ' f IIfF"y'LX 111'yliiM'J c; VA 11 Photo # S: Sanitary manhole on Reed Creek floodplain. View looking west towards Barnard Road. K General Information Stream Name: Reach Description: Date: Property Owner: Street Address: State: Tax Map: Location: Observations: Excel_REED_frm Stream Channel Restoration Evaluation Form Reed Creek (Site #2) Channel sections located in Weaver Park and downstream near UNC Asheville 1/8/97 Investigated by: DJG, CHH City of Asheville, City Hall Size of Parcel: 6.49 acres PO Box 7148, Asheville, 28802-7148 North Carolina Countv: Buncombe 9649 Block: Parcel: 8271 Zoning: North of Asheville Channel sections are eroded, with minimal riparian establishment Stream Restoration Evaluation Table The channel exhihits the fnllowina nnalities . id u C? as it relates to potential restoration: AGREE DISAGREE 5 4 3 2 1 1. Bank Erosion X 2. Loss of Floodplain X (entrenchment or encroachment) 3. Poor Instream Habitat (established riffle/pool complexes, X cover, flow depths, blockages, etc.) 4. Bed Aggradation or Degradation X 5. Poor Riparian Habitat X 6. Good Construction Access X 7. No Visible Potential Historic Structures X 8. No Visible Hazardous Materials X 9. Minimal Existing Utilities X 10. Minimal Wetlands/Forest X 11. Safety Concerns X 12. Potential for Public Support X 13. Opportunities for Environmental Education X 14. Stream system will benefit from proposed action X TOTALS: 50 8 6 0 0 Total Score: 64 Page 1 'J 0 a 0 Site Identification Number: 2 STREAM RESTORATION SITE SEARCH FORM Additional Property Owners: Property Owner. Hcrry N. Poumcres et cl Size of Parcel: 1.04 acres Street Address: 2800 N. 'Wings Hwy. City: Mrytie Becch State: SC Zip Code: 29577 County: Buncombe Tax Map: 9649 Parcel: 7706 Zoning: Grid: Property Owner. Wcchovia Bcnk & Tr. Co. Tr. VIA Verne & WM Rhocdes Size of Parcel: 0.26 acres Street Address: PO Box 2510 City: Asheville State: NC Zip Code: 28802 County: Buncombe Tax Mop: 9649 Parcel: 6547 Zoning: Grid: Property Owner. Wcchovia Bcnk & Tr Cc Tr VIA Verne & WM Rhocdes Size of Parcel: 0.48 acres Street Address: PO Box 2510 City: Asheville State: NC Zip Code: 28802 County: Buncombe Tax Mop: 9649 Parcel: 6455 Zoning: Grid: ------------------- Property Owner. TRS U N C at Asheville C/O Scmuel Schuman Size of Parcel: 1.4 acres Street Address: 1 University Hts. City: Asheville State: NC Zip Code: 28804 County: Buncombe Tax Map: 9649 Parcel: 2404 Zoning: Grid: I 0 0 0 0 a 0 a a 0 0 0 a 0 a Property Ownor. TRS U N Cat Asheville C/O Samuel Schuman Size of Parcel: 0.69 acres Shoat Addross: 1 University His. City: Asheville State: NC Zip Code: 28804 County: Buncombe Tax Map: 9649 Parcel: 4580 Zoning. Grid: Property Ownor. TRS U N Cat Asheville C/O Samuel Schuman Size of Parcel: 0.69 acres Street Address: 1 University Hts. City: Asheville State: NC Zip Code: 28804 County: Buncombe Tax Mop: 9649 Parcel: 7468 Zoning: Grid: 7-1 J J SITE 3 TRIBUTARY TO FORTH FORD S A NA BOA ull L at 0 Site 3 - Tributary to North Fork of Swannanoa River This tributary to the North Fork is located in the upper reaches below the Burnett Reservoir, southwest of Wallace Mountain, northwest of Allen Mountain and east of Granny Cove (Figure 5). The tributary is located with in a broad valley flat occupied almost entirely by pasture activities. The tributary observed parallels Wilson Road, south of the junction with North Fork Road. The channel is exhibiting bank erosion as a result of the pasturing activities. The section of the North Fork of Swannanoa receiving drainage from this tributary was identified r7l Fi- in the Management Plan as "Partially Supporting". The erosion observed in the tributary is likely attributing to the partial support rating. The advantages of this site for use as stream restoration project include good construction access, maneuverability, no utilities and the potential for a complete and successful project. Restoration could be accomplished using relatively low risk methods of bank patching and riparian establishment. Due to the openness of the site and available sunlight, riparian re-establishment and bank revegetation should quickly establish. Disadvantages of the site include property ownership and land mangement changes by the current property owner. 30 9 Figure 5. Site 3 - Tributary to North Fork Swannanoa Site 3 - Tributary to North Fork of rrww vIGwNvinw i r 0 Photo # 1: View of North Fork tributary from Wilson Road. Photo # 2: View looking west from North Fork Road. North Fork Swannanoa at base of hill in background. Photo # 3: Eroded tributary of North Fork. View from North Fork Road. Photo # 4: View looking north at North Fork tributary. Excel_NFS WAN_frm N Stream Channel Restoration Evaluation Form General Information Stream Name: Reach Description: Tributary to North Fork of Swannanoa (Site #3) Channel segments located in the upper reaches of the North Fork. Much of this area is in pasture. Date: 1/8/97 Investigated by: DJG, CHH Property Owner: T K Brown III Size of Parcel: 195.24 acres Street Address: 861 North Fork Road. Black Mountain, 28711-8764 State: North Carolina County: Buncombe Tax Map: 700 Block: Parcel: 1242 Zoning: Location: East Asheville, near Black Mountain Observations: Channel impacted by pasturing activities. Stream Restoration Evaluation Table The channel exhibits the followinLy qualities 0 as it relates to potential restoration: AGREE DISAGREE 5 4 3 2 1 1. Bank Erosion X 2. Loss of Floodplain (entrenchment or encroachment) X 3. Poor Instream Habitat (established riffle/pool complexes, X cover, flow depths, blockages, etc.) 4. Bed Aggradation or Degradation X 5. Poor Riparian Habitat X 6. Good Construction Access X 7. No Visible Potential Historic Structures X 8. No Visible Hazardous Materials X 9. Minimal Existing Utilities X 10. Minimal Wetlands/Forest X 11. Safety Concerns X 12. Potential for Public Support X 13. Opportunities for Environmental Education X 14. Stream system will benefit from proposed action X TOTALS: 40 16 0 2 1 Total Score: 59 Page 1 0 F., I C r I E u u n n p- u u L n SITE 4! TRIBUTARY TO S A ANNA (STA'T'E HOSPITAL) n e Site 4 - Tributarv to Swannanoa River (State Hospital) This site is located east of Asheville, west of Black Mountain, and north of Old US Route 70 (Figure 6). The tributaries are located on the State Hospital grounds. Channel impacts include bed and bank erosion; with some reaches currently stabilized with gabion-like stone walls. With the exception of a forested patch on the property, the majority of the channels are maintained with no riparian vegetation. Restoration measures for this tributary would include primarily bank vegetation re-establishment with some minor channel re-alignments. It is likely that 610 meters (2,000 feet) of channel restoration are not available at this location. This site however, would be easily accessible, is ® visible and could provide the opportunity for environmental education. 36 Figure 6. Site 4 - Tributary to Swannanoa Site 4 - Tributary to Swannanoa Tax Map State H ospital Grou ids Tributary to Swannanoa .r so OLD U.S. ROUTE 70 0. +? ?•? 3.31 A tq ? 1880 8575 7 i ? 574 ? 573 3 4 5 • 2 33 2563 G? f Q?? 2513 3570 8467 7 84 1 yi 3 2 2 - - 9 10 146 8440 / 40 s. W Photo Viewpoints Not to Scale C Photo # 2: View looking southwest at tributary to Swannanoa. Old US 70 in background. Photo # 1: Tributary to Swannanoa on State Hospital grounds. View looking downstream. Photo # 4: Gabion stabilized bank on tributary to Swannanoa. Photo # 3: Maintained section of tributary to Swannanoa on State Hospital grounds. Excel_HOSPTRIB_frm Stream Channel Restoration Evaluation Form General Information Stream Name: Tributary to Swannanoa (Site #4) Reach Description: Channel segments located on State Hospital grounds. Date: 1/7/97 Investigated by: DJG, CHH Property Owner: WM C Hamby ,1- Luna P c/o Luna P Hamby Size of Parcel: 9.27 acres Street Address: 114 Marion Ave., Swannanoa, 28778-2612 State: North Carolina County: Buncombe Tax Map: 9699 Block: Parcel: 7187 Zoning: Location: East Asheville - Observations: Channel impacted by maintenance activities; minimal riparian establishment I I'J I n F-i 51 Stream Restoration Evaluation Table The channel exhibits the following oualities as it relates to potential restoration: AGREE DISAGREE 5 4 3 2 1 1. Bank Erosion X 2. Loss of Floodplain (entrenchment or encroachment) X 3. Poor Instream Habitat (established rifflelpool complexes, X cover, flow depths, blockages, etc.) 4. Bed Aggradation or Degradation X 5. Poor Riparian Habitat X 6. Good Construction Access X 7. No Visible Potential Historic Structures X 8. No Visible Hazardous INIaterials X 9. INlinimal Existing Utilities X 10. Minimal Wetlands/Forest X 11. Safety Concerns X 12. Potential for Public Support X 13. Opportunities for Environmental Education X 14. Stream system will benefit from proposed action X TOTALS: 30 24 3 0 1 Total Score: 58 Page 1 7 0 0 SITE 5 TRIBUTARY TO SWAP'TNANOA (GROVEMONT) 0 0 0 Site 5 - Tributary to Swannanoa River (Grovemont) This tributary is located east of Asheville (upstream of Mile 16 on the Swannanoa River), west of the Juvenile Evaluation Center and north of Old US Route 70 (Figure 7). The reaches investigated are in the lower section of the watershed approximately 300 meters (1,000 feet) upstream of the Swannanoa confluence. The channel impacts include bank erosion and bed degradation from pasture activities and in-channel drainage structures. a Restoration measures for this tributary would include primarily bank vegetation re-establishment with some minor channel re-alignments. Modifications to or replacement of the current drainage structure (if structurally failing) would also improve the channel. It is likely that 610 meters (2,000 feet) of channel restoration are not available at this location. This site however, would be easily accessible, is visible and could provide the opportunity for environmental education. 0 42 0 Figure 7. Site 5 -Tributary to Swannanoa I 1 1 Site 5 - Tributary to Swannanoa Tax Map 95 ! MAR I -- ,70 Y.. 435 , ? ? ?,?' •? ? '; ?? ' ? ? , 4 , , ,t. . ? ' 59 9 % r a 5613' ? . ' / S37T • ?• r' * / ss t3 49 a ' • i3AIB Tributfi to . :° .' • . ,' :, ; 1 ',d ra ! : • t... li • ? .? ? f .:` ? J4 ;» ? • • _ ?' ' .?' irk _ ?, ; .K .t.. >• ??? :f:Vnr :ri?:y?:.'- ?M^ ,?'1,`'. '? r:.5r°',e=.'A` h?. ;;. .•£n_; •'-b.', .1?.''w.??' ..•t _'a .. ; k' re??Y n ?c 'h' ! ?f?l.! Y "r1.'`r 'rrsF?t?{:ad? ?Yr .:r ?w?? ti ,' .jra ?,, r:?•'•.'. ' .? ,??`i? +??-;?.?''r ,i' •+ ?,'° _ M". . ?1f .a'.<Ts' •?.; 1 a .•. ?•+ ';? 7?jn} s•l.c 1 lt., .i,.[,K . •.?,?• .A ',,, ?.a..?/•.TC•' r'• f.n' ...,? q7r ? ,.'. ? +•? J.J - . 'may ' ? ?a?•>c... "'ai'm ?Ni?_l._ ? •r e?• ?, ?A? .? r4 Y -.1???.'t :???,1RyS•r t "?; ; ti.: ?.??xi ?'.;t}?'?•?.•L=yp'?,? ?,+?,°r?... ql?? •?^. " I 1' F? ati y?? `?;:.' ~' ''.?'??ti '1? ;- i,' •?"R i 1 ?? '>!j?••?'1a??~.. :R,;f. ??'.. t ?^ .?,}hy.???ie fe fi !?yc? /+.'?o ,t 7, .+`? •'.L,? '? F ft' '9173 ,. e?.p,?c.Li %,,.?`` '' 'r "?'',c Ci-+•":F'17.4•.VI Y':^=' ?i ?F?-; ?''• ',. ?`r ,: " r{?*?''+iyi.: 'if'.?•.'.?. '?.1?^ :N.., 1, 1:;.?•.a.l+a-FRSi+:'ni._ ?. •. { r 'y A Photo Viewpoints Not to scat 1 Photo # 2: Box culvert on tributary to Swannanoa. Retaining structure visible at upstream end of box. Photo # 1: View of tributary to Swannanoa near Grovemont. Note concrete retaining structure. 1 t .ear .a..??s.-,"?r#?{3?'p• 4k 1 r Y A .ti ... i Photo # 4: Failing retaining wall ' adjacent to tributary to Swannanoa. Photo # 3: View of tributary to Swannanoa looking downstream towards old US 70. t c = ,4 Pip, z: -t CIS C General Information Stream Name: Reach Description: Date: Property Owner: Street Address: S tate: Tax Map: Location: Observations: Excel_S WTRIB_frm Stream Channel Restoration Evaluation Form Tributary to Swannanoa (Site #5) Channel reaches iust north of Old US 70 1/7/97 Investigated by: DJG. CHH Phyllis D. Alexander Size of Parcel: 1.56 acres 108 Dogwood Drive, Black Mountain. 28711-2633 North Carolina County: Buncombe 9699 Block: Parcel: 6497 Zoning: East Asheville Channel impacted by pasturing activities and drainage/grade control structures Stream Restoration Evaluation Table The channel exhibits the following oualities Z Q as it relates to potential restoration: AGREE DISAGREE 5 4 3 2 1 1. Bank Erosion X 2. Loss of Floodplain X (entrenchment or encroachment) 3. Poor Instream Habitat (established riffle/pool complexes, X cover, flow depths, blockages, etc.) 4. Bed Aggradation or Degradation X S. Poor Riparian Habitat X 6. Good Construction Access X 7. No Visible Potential Historic Structures X 8. No Visible Hazardous Materials X 9. bCtnimal Existing Utilities X 10. Minimal Wetlands/Forest X 11. Safety Concerns X 12. Potential for Public Support X 13. Opportunities for Environmental Education X 14. Stream system will benefit from proposed action X TOTALS: 20 24 12 0 0 Total Score: 56 Page 1 STREAM RESTORATION SITE SEARCH FORM Site Identification Number: s Additional Property Owners: Property Owner. Phyllis D. Alexander Size of Parcel: 9.55 acres Street Addross: 108 Dogwood Drive City: Black Mountain State: NC Ztp Code: 28711 County: Buncombe Tax Map: 9699 Parcel: 1433 Zoning: Grid: I if SITE 6 FLAT CREEK ?L- Site 6 - Flat Creek Flat Creek is located east of Asheville and Black Mountain and comprises the valley occupied by residents at Montreat (Figure 8). The upper reaches of Flat Creek, in the vicinity of Montreat College, are steep mountain step-pool streams bordered by Rhododendron thickets. The lower reaches of Flat Creek are less steep with a wider valley. Reach sections investigated include those impacted by the development within the valley. Encroachment and associated erosion are the primary channel impacts. The proximity of the houses and roads to Flat Creek has required fortification of the channel banks; most of which is likely done by individual landowners. Restoration measures for Flat Creek would include primarily bank stabilization with some minor adjustments to channel planform and cross-section (possibly at bridge crossings). The total length of restoration work in Flat Creek is likely less than 610 meters (2,000 feet). The number of potential property owners involved is also significant for the project size. This site however, would be easily accessible, is visible and with it's proximity to a private College (Montreat College) would likely be supported and provide the opportunity for environmental education. Flat Creek was listed in the Management Plan as "Partially Supporting". Restoration of these lower reaches may improve the biological ratings towards a supporting system. u 49 0 Figure 8. Site 6 - Flat Creek (Montreat, NC Quad) ?_. g1B ST rJ / ?. '.:p i j j- •I/ it J\t 4 .Y-300 _ I6 y __JL MOM t_. .rte ?1'~? _ J ? I ? - ? ??\-' +?.+-- ,?•. ?> y r? ?IrY? _ i? •?\ ,,, -- ''? _ ?"' ?_ -8rualtr Kn14b ?°iy/'? +? ??? I `?`_ Qb-- F-P o u 'alk'Mr?,?/ '??' ?. ? ?, ? ? `,yp? 111'y.111?.1?V,.IIJ,''\\,,? ..?' y r.• pa,?`?f ? l ?•:? fob 1? - \ '?\? , , r • • i { l 1:.T , ? ;?•? i.. ••'?.. L ? 'yr 'may r° t? ' Y P-m-ft•I RQ o6reat kBM rt tag i (,. I I (; ?. / BM?TO•- Rainbow' i IF I •?1 I r1 t `•`? L? ... "1 '1Z? y r ? ` M ?r /? Site 6 - Flat Creek Tax Map <i' 0257 o ti 14 I ? • 1+Y I I y ry 3894,v 4 • J I'M '5783 : • .. ??4-t? ;.`,; . r 466'9• ---* rnozo viewpoints Site 6 - Flat Creek Tax Map W 4000 P0 in I • +••• to I I t2 47.z > - 1 '' 6979 929 • Q 1 1 2 3 1 4 5 1690 1 I 67 90 937 8998 I -tf - 7 10 6 7 9 19 110 It 12 13 1 J IU 130 14 1 1.5 I 26 4a 3s 5 1 30 2 _ r so) I I - - _•, X17 25 " ?..- _3. 4888 18 211 22.123-1 24 } I 2dl (1,3A) I 2W of gg 19 9. ') • i 1 0871 I I I 16890 I I' I I ( I 1 I d 413D9 - zo. 29 1 30 3f (.J2 1 J31 I I J6 122, ,? AVENU1 330 34 1 35 ?_ 14 35 •"``.i? ? O ? ?n ' - ~ . ? ?' •? w?'Y •• 8647 637 7- :. 42 _ ANN 160 ' ' ` 3 ?7JSJ I ( 14 4 yw d b 1 ?.. ?? c,?EErc 67 Flat Creek a 10 ? w? 4 398 I ? ?:" 269.50 I 28 1 i 1 , O 0 I` 4220 I & N 79.9 sir • 305 493 1 009 309 7 4088 (3??) Q SILVER PL ,? • 4 ` 708 ao Not to ScalE ?? Photo Viewpoints 11 Photo # 1: Flat Creek bridge crossing. View looking north. Photo # 2: View of Flat Creek looking downstream near Route 9. Note concrete stabilization at base of house I Photo # 3: View of Flat Creek looking south (downstream). Note channel debris and 1 proximity of roadway to left of photograph. 1 I 0 IL" General Information Stream Name: Reach Description Date: Property Owner: Street Address: S late: Tax Map: Location: 19 Observations: Excel_FLATCRK_frm Stream Channel Restoration Evaluation Form Flat Creek (Site #6) Channel segments located in the southern (downstream) reaches, north of Old US 70 1n197 Investigated by: DJG, CIHi Lawrence W. Fox & Sybil Size of Parcel: 0.65 acres 24 Reynolda Drive, Asheville, 28803-9518 North Carolina County: Buncombe 710 Block: Parcel: 5783 Zoning: East of Asheville, south of Montreal Channel impacted primarily by adjacent development encroachment, and associated erosion Stream Restoration Evaluation Table 7 7 7 The channel exhibits the following oualities as it relates to potential restoration: AGREE DISAGREE 5 4 3 2 1 1. Bank Erosion X 2. Loss of Floodplain (entrenchment or encroachment) X 3. Poor Instream Habitat (established rifflelpool complexes, X cover, flow depths, blockages, etc.) 4. Bed Aggradation or Degradation X 5. Poor Riparian Habitat X 6. Good Construction Access X 7. No Visible Potential Historic Structures X 8. No Visible Hazardous ;Materials X 9. Minimal Existing Utilities X 10. Minimal Wetlands/Forest X 11. Safety Concerns X 12. Potential for Public Support X 13. Opportunities for Environmental Education X 14. Stream system will benefit from proposed action X TOTALS: 15 24 12 0 1 Total Score: 52 Page 1 Ci L 0 STREAM RESTORATION SITE SEARCH FORM Site Identification Number: s Additional Prooertv Owners: Property Owner. Kenneth R. McElreath Size of Parcel: 0.83 acres Street Address: 310 Flat Creek Rd. City: Black Mountain State: NC Zip Coda: 28711 County: Buncombe Tax Map: 0710 Parcel: 8924 Zoning: Grid: Property Owner. Herbert T. Horton Size of Parcel: 1.1 acres Street Address: PO Box 365 City: Black Mountain State: NC Zip Code: 28711 County: Buncombe Tax Map: 0710 Parcel: 7669 Zoning: Grid: Property Owner. Unknown Owner Size of Parcel: 0.36 acres Street Address: Unknown City: State: NC Zip Coda: County: Buncombe Tax Map: 0710 Parcel: 6861 Zoning: Grid: Property Owner. Juanita Fox Bishop Size of Parcel: 3 acres Street Address: 251 Flat Creek Road City: Black Mountain State: NC Zip Code: 28711 County: Buncombe Tax Mop: 0710 Parcel: -7064 Zoning: Grid: 0 a I Property Owner. Annie L Perriller Size of Parcel: 0.92 acres Street Addre= 116 East Street City: Block Mountcin County: Buncombe Tax Mop: 0710 Parcel: 8647 Zoning Grid: State: NC Zip Code: 28711 0 References Espey, et. al., 1966, A study of some effects of urbanization on storm runoff from a small watershed: Texas Water Dev. Board Report 23, 110 p. Gore, J.A. (1985) The Restoration of Rivers and Streams. Boston: Butterworth. Graf, W.L., 1975, The impact of suburbanization on fluvial geomorphology: Water Resources Res., v. 11, p.690-692 Graf, W.L., 1977, Network characteristics in suburbanizing streams: Water Resources Res., v.8,p.1530-1540. Large, A.R. G. and Petts, G.E. (1994) Rehabilitation of river margins. In P. Calow and G.E. Pelts, eds., The Rivers Handbook: Hydrological and Ecological Principles ((Vol. 2). Oxford: Blackwell, 401-418. Newberry, 1995, Rivers and the Art of Stream Restoration. Geophysical Monograph, American Geophysical Union, P 137-149. Palmer, T. (1994) Lifelines: The Case for River Conservation. Washington DC: Island Press. Wolman, M.G., 1967, A cycle of sedimentation and erosion in urban river channels: Geografiska Annaler, v. 49A.,p. 385-395. 53 y -" '' ffffff ?IV1. Cdj 4 __4 Ail fi:i c?'r1,C?I,a _ G?? .. _ ?O?CS•. Que. Gr??_ d?..?d qlb _ ?? Co' en Pot- l/? C . ii G-- ev, Vi ?? 1 °"?s w of l? , V: '? lu. , . l? f o?QC?eV ry'??Qa?^S . _ Last Ski' ctic-? . 5_ ?o? .. -_..... -- - f?. - - I' t? 'i. ,' _ , ?;? A, .11ecc?iLcc ?s ® North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission 512 N. Salisbury Street, Raleigh, North Carolina 27604-1188, 919-733-3391 Charles R. Fullwood, Executive Director MEMORANDUM TO: H. Franklin Vick, P.E., Manager Planning and Environmental Branch, NCDOT FROM: Franklin T. McBride, Manager Habitat Conservation Program DATE: November 21, 1996 SUBJECT: Additional comments regarding the relocation of Gashes Creek associated with the widening of US 74 between I-40 and SR 2776, Buncombe County, TIP #R-2306A-B. This correspondence responds to a request that Mr. Tom Kendig of your staff made during an on-site meeting that Ms. Stephanie Goudreau of our staff attended on 7 November 1996. Representatives of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, North Carolina Division of Water Quality (DWQ), and Federal Highway Administration also attended the meeting. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss further the proposed relocation of Gashes Creek in order for the North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) to obtain 401 and 404 permits for this project. As you know, these permits were denied by the DWQ and the Corps based on NCDOT's original proposal for stream relocation. Apparently the NCDOT is now proposing to relocate Gashes Creek in a manner that will enhance aquatic habitat and compliment the stream's geomorphology. Some of the measures proposed include incorporating meanders into the design, installing vortex rock weirs to mimic the existing riffle pattern, minimizing the use of riprap, using natural substrate in the new channel, constructing a thalweg throughout the new channel, and planting woody vegetation along the new channel. At the request of the DWQ, the NCDOT is also considering incorporating off-site mitigation into the project. Specifically the DWQ indicated that they will reevaluate the 401 denial if the relocation of Gashes Creek is accomplished as described above in addition to enhancing or restoring 1100 feet of stream channel elsewhere. This could be done on other sections of Gashes Creek or on a degraded stream in the same watershed. One possibility would be Cane Creek in the nearby area of Fairview. This stream is Hatchery Supported Designated Public Mountain Trout Water. We look forward to reviewing these proposals if the NCDOT decides to submit them to the DWQ and the Corps as modifications to the 401 and 404 permit applications. Thank you for the opportunity to provide you with these comments. If you have any questions, please contact Ms. Stephanie Goudreau at 704/652-4257. cc: Mr. Steve Lund, COE ,,Xlr. John Dorney, DWQ USFWS, Asheville Office MEMO TO: DATE: SUBJECT: IZI? ? ,( ?v l? ?'r ?'?L S?U ILJ !L w ,. `ti?.STArE o .d North Carolina Department of Environment 1`?= Health and Natural Resources .?rsY GNrn V`J"• State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources Division of Environmental Management James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Jonathan B. Howes, Secretary A. Preston Howard, Jr., P.E., Director February 21, 199 Certified Mail Return Receipt Requested Mr. Frank Vick NC Department of Transportation Planning and Environmental Branch NC DOT Post Office Box 25201 Raleigh, N.C. 27611-5201 Dear Mr. Vick: Subject: Application for Water Quality Certification Buncombe County DEM # 951201, COE # 199402123 DOT # R-2306 J4 IflJ1 ?o° P/11-9 019 10 1996 . , , SC/?NCcS Your application for a Water Quality Certification under Section 401 of the Federal Clean Water Act was received by the Division on 14 December 1995. The activity for which the Certification is sought is to relocate 1100 linear feet of stream channel of Gashes Creek and fill 0.05 acres of wetland to facilitate widening of 6.7 miles of US 74 between I-40 and SR 2776. A Water Quality Certification is a determination by the Division that the activity for which the federal permit or license is sought is not expected to result in a violation of state water quality standards for the waters of the state. After several thorough, on-site inspections of your property, my staff has determined that existing uses are present in the waters for which you have requested a certification. These uses include aquatic life habitat. As provided by 15A NCAC 2B .0109, the 404(b)(1) Guidelines are used as guidance in determining if a proposed project will remove the existing uses of a water. In accordance with these guidelines, the Division has determined that you have not demonstrated that practicable alternatives do not exist for your project since there has been no demonstration that the proposed project cannot be constructed in an upland area. Namely, we believe that the road could be widened toward the historic property (sheet 9 of 28 in permit application dated 1 November 1995) rather than into Gashes Creek. Also questions asked concerning stream relocation details in our 1S August 1995 letter copied to APR 9 1996 WAT.F-ROUALITY SL"CI ION P.O. Box 29535, Raleigh, North Carolina 27626-0535 Telephone 919-733-7015 FAX 919-733-2496 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer 50% recycled/ 10% post-consumer paper .J Page 2 Mr. Vick Tom Kendig were not address.-d in the FONSI. Therefore I am hereby notifying you that the subject project would result in a violation of 15A NCAC 2B .0201(b). Therefore, in accordance with 15A NCAC ?H .0504(e), I have determined that the 401 Water Quality Certification for this project shall be denied. If this denial is unacceptable to you, you have the right to an adjudicatory hearing upon written request within sixty (60) days following receipt of this denial. This request must be in the form of a written petition conforming to Chapter 150B of the North Carolina General Statutes and filed with the Office of Administrative Hearings, P.O. Box 27447, Raleigh, NC 27611-7447. Unless such demands are made, this denial shall be final and binding. Finally, we are available to further discuss modification to your proposal which would answer our objections and allow issuance of a 401 Certification. If you have any questions concerning this denial, please contact Mr. John Domey in the Water Quality Planning Branch of this Division at (919) 733-1786. Sincerely, I A. Preston Howard, Jr. P.L. cc: Asheville DEM Regioral Office U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Wilmington Office U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Asheville Field Office Mr. John Parker Mr. John Dorney Central Files 951201.den Division of Environmental Management Water Quality Section February 21, 1996 Memorandum To: Preston Howard Through: John Dorn From: Eric Galamb ) Subject: Alternatives Comparison for US 74 Gashes Creek Buncombe County The Department of Transportation (DOT) developed four widening alternatives for US 74 between I-40 and SR 3136. The FONSI quantified the impacts to the human and the natural resources. DOT's preferred alternative (alt. #1) impacts Gashes Creek whereas DEM's preferred alternative (alt. #3) impacts a portion of the B.K. Miller property. The table below only compares these two alternatives. Impacts Alternative 1 Alternative 3 Historic only Baker property Miller and Baker impacted but neither structure taken Soil Retaining Wall 360 ft x 42 ft none Residential Relocations 11 2 Channel Change 800 ft none Cost $3.4 million $2.7 million DOT applied for a 401 Water Quality Certification for Alternative 1 improvements to US 74 in Buncombe County. The Division has determined that the proposed alternative would remove significant uses in Gashes Creek. A map showing the two alternatives is attached. qK "0nan O` Awl UJ 9Ym Q °_ r EL LnJ Y Q U) / :E Ii Ia0 F1? 4? l ? .d 1 O, r w 0- 0 01. ci Y I?.I W .7 1 m 0„r 16 \ . ? ` yJ?bW I I w 2z z n 00 D o? p ¢ o Q w? >o ? (/i 0 r 2 U) z a p w w cr_ c,_- cn a z Q W ?g W LL LL- 0 O u) 00 w Q F- F- f-r w p 1-- LLJ ?.. S 2 pOp OO~U) \\\ c??zaaaa?F-? \' \ ?X 0 cr Ir? E in 0 W F- > () - O O O C? C? p DO zw=zzzwwzZ U)M---u)U)< 0 F F- F- F- 0 0 d U) V) (f) Cf) W W CO W J OZ --- OOXY- Z X 12? 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S? 111 I y • p.Q e V) z o a le. o\ I ° ?1? b n a{ I °" \ J ?- 00 I I , IP 7 `f ,r.ri r.r 41 /f/t - m? \ / r-I 10 to (n o ? r 4, 1 O y Y 1 Z Woo D ?) G? o° ," 13 n 0000 W 'O'•n,0 0, o t• + 1 Ay0 a ,I.N fit 1} 1'i II f /Jf 'r ?. ? til c6G ° If. ?' •?,' III ?? I!f+ ?? ? \ p r p "° O i ? ? 1 ! I a I I I ? I Op ,,/' ',n° 11 JA'?ry? I/ Q'1'?,1?.' I II 1? ?i? i!I; U ' r• t? ?mr aP . w o' LIJ U) Np. LLI I ! 'k ? o+°•o•? fin' l 11 l ?_ °??„ J j 1, l M1'.' ' CU 1 Q I J I ,I'it o? f o r lij ??oU z r f? f l ? b-45 Gn P*IL S i v?sk6;; - tUdl,t/< ?r d w4edl CIO -}v C16? Cc/f ?L'? fi C x , C?? l ?. ? L' A ??./?? L\ /./??v1 /?j?r'? ??? LN ' V/ l '" ?/,fly ?? ??/ MEMO TO : Jim Blake & Chuck Hegburg KCI Technologies , fax 919.783.9266 Eric Galamb NC DEI-INR/DWQ, fax 919.733.9959 Steve Lund USA COE, fax 704.271.4858 Tom Kendig NCDOT/P&E 11-19.96 Subject: R-2306, US 74 litigation (Stream Restoration) From: Dennis Pipkin, NC DOT Our meeting right before the regular COE/Agency cnant1dy niecting on 11-21-96 is set for 5:45 AM at the regular Photogrammctry Conference room. Purpose of the meeting is to make certain that objectives and priorities of the consultant's work are clearly defined to satisfaction of the agencies. We expect to take 30-40 minutes or less, since the regular COE/Agency monthly meeting starts at 9:30 AM. Thanks, r Dennis Pipkin Mitigation Supervisor 919733-7844 PAX 919.733.9794 E-mail cc: DC Robinson ?i3d $zo # :0H X31 NOd I f1N3 QNi 8N I NNd_1d : Q I 80: S T 3f11 56 . -6 T-fION ^?-? I - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - PROJECT REFERENCE N0. SHEET N0. 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J La m N N W O W O 'n m m LL ~ N ~ W ~ I ( + Fa- ~ Z 2090 2090 w w ~m p r LLQ w a c a o ~ ~ m ~ ~ ~ Y~ p m m vl ~ N r _ -_~_--r_- 2080 ~ 2085 -i - -----i --Q-~- =-~~----~t---- 2085 D 2080 - Q I- m I 3 I I I I ~ I ~ I I -------L-- ---1- / ---1-------1-------J------ 2 OT5 D W 2080 ~ -1-------1-------~------ 2080 ~ > 2075 I ~ I I I I I I I I----I ~j 2075 2075 ~ J 2070 2070 O - Z -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50 w -30 -20 -20 10 0 10 20 30 40 50 ~ ~ (END t START 3 1 ~ o~ N o 0 0 o 0 0 ~ ti a0 N ~ o 0 ¢ I I t ~ ~ N O O tIl O ~ N f~ N N N w w LL ~ I I ~ ~ + tz W W W W LL LL ~ a a a~ LL a W > V1 > N W W a a W W W W a W ~ f- F- J W J W ~ ~ m tn N W O--T W O N m I' I _____(D N ______i____________ __~_______i_ O m ~ e z 2090 mom, ~ 20~{0 m Z 2085 2085 I I I ' I I I r ' _ I I I I I I Im I I I I i ~ h1 -------L- - } _ - 1-------~------ 2 08 0 / ~ 2085 i.~ - - - 20N5 C ~ 2080 ~ ~ I I I I I i \ _'T I I I I I D I I I I I I W 2080 _______1_______J______ ~OVO ~ > 2075 i W -------L- -~~..,L~. --1-------1--- ---1-------J------ 2075 I I I I I I I I ~ O ~j 2075 2075 Z ~j 2070 2070 z -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50 -30 -20 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50 I 0+7 5 I I ~~N 2 ~ N N I o ~ o ~ ~ o ALg~~,,,~ Wt~ I ~ N N N ~ w. ~ I I ~ ~ + ~ w W W w z W ~ Wa a w~ w~ aW o~ ~ ~w JW ~m r- m~ N wo wo I ° 2os5 m" - I ~ - 2 08 5 I I I I I (-1"I I I I I I I ~ ~ I I ~ _ a 2oso - w ---L -------1---- --1-------~------ 2 08 O D I~ I / I I I I I ~ I I I I I F---I J 2075 2075 O _ Z w -30 -20 -20 10 0 10 20 30 40 50 I ~ LEGEND PLANTING ZONES TREA ~ ~ EXISTING GROUND - - - - - - PLANTING ZONE ~ p RIPARIAN FOREST Q FIBE I ~ ~a PROPOSED GRADE BANK TREATMENT TYPE Q ~ RIPARIAN EVERGREEN Q ROCK / _ ~ COIR FIBER ROLL ~ SHRUB Q COIR R A T A N STREAM R ESTORATION P T I R ~~~o~~ _ / RR ~ ROCK TOE PROTECTION 8 0 RIPARIAN FOREST Q FIBE I Q FIBE I R TT MA N FOR REED CREEK WEAVER PARK ASHEVILLE N.C. M N SCALE HOR, 1" - 10' DATE JANUARY 12, 1998 VERT. 1" - 10' i - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - MON JAN 19 17+53x48 1998 Gv\PLOTTING\PS7\OCF/XEROX.OCF JEFFREY SWANER Me\1296028\DATA\96028E\TECH\JMSDATA\XSECI.PRF - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - o~ PROJECT REFERENCE N0. SHEET N0. a- o m ~ 0 0 ~ o 7 OF 13 o ° ° M r` O O O~ u~~ I N o ° N R/W SHEET N0. ~ M v • o • o PEDESTRIAN PATHWAY ~ I o v~ o o Q~ + + ~ + ROADWAY DE51GN HYDRAULICS O r~M ~O W ENGINEER ENGINEER a a a w a PEDESTRIAN PATHWAY ~ O ~ O N ~ N f- L~ a a N O N N N I'~1 ~ O F- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I ~ ~ , ~ + w + PEDESTRIAN PATHWAY m ~ W •W W Z 2080 - 2080 W > In > l/1 W O I z Ira a wW wW alp a m r I I I I ~ O~ ~ J W J li F- O H I tD to ~ W O W O V) U1 r I O - I I I I I R1 2080 2080 2075 I I I I I m ~ I -------1--- ---~-------1--------1--- 2075 I I _ ~ -I - < I I I ' I I I ~ - _ Q ~ I ~ I I I I I < I 1 5 T- I I I ----1---- --1--- ---1--- ---1- ~~---~-r- 2075 D > ~ ~ ~ I I 1.-- ---1-------1-------1--- 07 -I Q 2075 I 2070 I I ~ I > I I ~I I I I ~ I 2 0 O W ~ J 2070 2070 2065 2065 z O W J W - - z - 30 -20 10 0 10 20 30 40 50 30 -20 -1( -10 0 10 20 30 40 50 0 0 O u, 0 0 N N to N U1 r N M I ~ I PEDESTRIAN PATHWAY ~ • I + + ~ + • ~ PEDESTRIAN PATHWAY c c a w a O N O O a L~ a N O H ~ F- ~ ~ ~ to m N ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ N m ~ N U1 Ul N M 20 5 2 08 5 I I I I ~ I I + + ~ + I I W W Z I I I I rn W e a PEDESTRIAN PATHWAY I I W a a a I~ O ~ ~ ~ ~ I I - 2 08 0 Z ~ ~ ~ 2080 0] Vl In V) ~ In m Vl r 1--1 Imo` I O - ~ 2 08 0 - 2 08 0 ~ I I I I I I I m I \ I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I \ I I I I I I Q 2075 --1-------1--- 2075 D \ I 3 , 5 , I G I I ~+~-----1--- ~-1-------1--- ---1 - > I I I ~ ~ I I ~ "'I Q 2075 2075 D I I I I I I I 1 i I I I I I I > I I I I I I W 2070 J I I -------L--- - ----1-------1--- ---1- 2070 I O W I 2070 2070 W I I I I I I ,J O 2065 W _ Z 30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50 2065 -30 -20 -1( -10 0 10 20 30 40 50 00 OO M O O~ N~ • O w O ~ 0 0 ~ o0 l0 ep M M lt1 O ti M f~ M N I~ O O ~ ~i i o I O I O O+ O~ O•- N N N N N ~ N O O N ~ N ~ N o v PEDESTRIAN PATHWAY w w f- F- F- ~ ~ N ~ N ~i ~i N N N W ~ > W W W W W W ~ > > > > > ' PEDESTRIAN PATHWAY ~ I I t a li a li W H O I- LL J 2 W W ~ m O W ww ww wl~ ww ww awa LL J 2 w J J L~ J w J li H~ F- c a c a~ Z 2085 OW O W WO WO-WO ~~ptn I'I - - - 2 085 I Z ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I~1 O I I I I I I I~ I I I I I 2 08 0 2 08 0 I I I I, I I rrl I I I I I I m ~ 2080 ~ ----L I I I I I I ~ I - ----L-- ----1-- ----1----- -1--- - -1-------J------ 2 OU 0 / ~ I I I I I I ~ I I I 4 I I I I I I I I 3--1- 3 ---1-------1--- ---1-------~------ I ~ Q 2075 2075 D I I I I I I > _ 2075 - L-- - - l+ - - -1----- ~1rr.~ 7 I I ~ I I I I ~ I W I I 20 5 5 I I I I I ~ W J 2070 2070 J O 2070 W 2070 z W _ Z 30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50 -30 -20 -1i ~ -10 0 10 20 30 40 50 oN O N M ~ O l0 L!1 O Q1 0 0~ O f~ !+1 M l0 O O ti r N f- N f~ N O O p ~ I O ~ N ~ 0 I O I O +O O•-0~- ~ ~ ~N ~N ~N N~ N~ + ~ + N ~ N ~ N W W w w w. w • w w PEDESTRIAN PATHWAY Q ~ i I I -F + ~ lL t~ > w a W w w w o~ wJ l~ > N > U1 > > Vl > U1 tL % lF7V l~W wW wW Ww Ww a w a F~~~~ L~ J w J li. J J w J IL ~ F- ~ a ~ ~ ~ ~ Rl Z 2085 - Z m~ ~ ~ ~m r O I -----0 W----0 W--- O W W O W O ~ m to ~ - 2085 s~~w~?+ I I ~ I I ~ 2 I I I I I 2080 2080 ~ I I I I I m I 2080 - I I 1 1 I I m --a--- - 2 08 0 E- , - 3 , 3 , , ~ 1~ I ~ I I I I I < -------L-- ---1---- /1 ------1--- ---1-------~------ Q I Q 2075 2075 D I I I I ~ I l a _ D I I ~ I > I I I I I -I 2075 - - -1-- ~ ~ - ----1--- ---1--- 7 20 5 I I I I W - W ~ I I I I I I 2070 2070 J J O O W 2070 W _ Z 2070 Z 30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50 -30 -20 -1C -10 0 10 20 30 40 50 X T R , N N AN N U , N F R MATT / R N KT Z PR P , T A A AT Y 2 NK M N AN V N K N - K / W~ R R R F ® H 3 T T RRL A AT N STREAM RESTORATION PRO JECT R T K PR T T N 4 A AN / FOR R E E D C - W V MA R R REEK E N A ER PARK ASHEVILLE N.C. 5 F TT ~ . MA N R F R SCALE HOR. 1 10 DATE JANUARY 12, 1998 VERT. 1" - 10' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - • - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - v - - MON JAN 19 17s54a20 199$ Gs\PLQTTING\PS7\QCF/ XEPUX.QC F JgFFR€Y SWAN9P Mil \TECW\JMSPATANXSEGa,~Rr - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - PROJECT REFERENCE N0. SHEET N0. S OF 13 B R/W SHEET N0. ROADWAY DESIGN HYDRAULICS ENGINEER ENGINEER u~ oooo~r~ ~ ~ 0 0 0 ~ u~ o ui m o ~ o • r- r` o o ~n O In O N N In r~ ~ ~ N ~ ~ ri cD . ti o i o to to t o 0o v ~ I I ~ N ~ W w N N N N N N N n, ~ I F- F- H I- + ~ . ~ m z ~Q ~ Q Q ~ Q~ W W W W W W W W ~ > Vl > cn > cn > ~ > ~ > c/) L~ p m~ ~ __~m r ~ Q W L~ W l.L W l~ W L~ W L~ W li Q W O~ ~ J W J L~ J tt. J It J lL J L~ 1 F- O 2 075 2 07 5 i-I ~i~~~ I I I I I 1' ~ Z Z ~p W O W O W O W O W O W O ~ ~p m 2080 2080 I I I I I I I < p 4 m Q 2 070 ---~-------L----- 1---- -1-------1--- ---1-------J------ 2 07 O D I--1 I I I~ I I I I > I I I I I I I 2075 - - L-- - -------1-------1--- 2075 I- H Q W 2065 2065 O > J ~•----1-------1--- ---1-------J------ 2070 - 2070 w ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ W _ _ Z W 30 -20 10 0 10 20 30 40 50 J J O 2065 2065 W W Z -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50 1+ 0 0 0 0 0 r- rn o O v rh ~ °O N PEDESTRIAN PEDESTRIAN I ~ i I I N ~ ~ PATHWAY w w PATHWAY w t!'1 O N 0~ ~ ~ O O O a Inc a a a aw a O r'1 r- r'~ N O I~ O O O O O • N I~ a0 l0 l0 • N N Q N lfl ~ m ~ ~ m,--------~`~ m Z 0 - - 2 08 0 ~ O I O I 0 0 0 v0 X00 ~ O ~ ~ N N N N N N N N N 208 I I I I p I I I I I r I ~ I H 1- I- H H I- I- + lY H ~ I I I I 3 3 I I I I I W W W W W W W W W L~ > V1 > In > N > In > l/1 > In > V1 L~ 2 7 5 - ----1-------1------- -----~-------J-------~------ -I--------I- 2 07 5 O I ~ I I I I I - ` I - W Q W li W l~ W li W li W W W L~ W li Q li. ~ H ~ J LL ~ J l~ J l1. J li J LL. J W J li ~ O Q I I I ~I- I I T I I I ~ Z m N W O W O W O W O W O W O W O V1 0~ I I I I I I I I I > -----L-------1-------1------- --1 -----1-------~-------J------ I--------I- 7 ~ p Z 2075 - I~l _ 2075 O 1 ~ r 2070 I 20 0 I I I I I I I I 1--I W I I I I I I I I I I p 2070 L---- - - - --1--- ---1-------~------ 2070 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ < J I 2065 2065 Z Q ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ D W Q - -50 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 60 W 2065 -----L---~ - --1-- - --1--- ---1-------~------ -I 2065 W ~ ~ ~ J J O 2060 2060 W W Z -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50 0 o u, ~n 0 m o rnr; •m PEDESTRIAN N ~ r• r` 0 0 0 0 PATHWAY N t o l 0 0 o ti ti PEDESTRIAN I t0 O N a w l w w N ~ N w M PATHWAY ~ w v~> w> •w v ui O ~ O N O O N N l9 N E w a ww I~w a a aw a ~ ~ l~ J li J F- ~ ~ F- ~ 1- O I O O O ~ in N ~ N N N z m N w-_ ° w-----~ m-----~ m 2080 - - 2080 ~ H I I- H + ~ W W W W W p I I I I I I r I I ~ I I I I LL. > Vl > Vl > In L~ L~ W L~ Q W L~ W W Q L~ H ~ I I I I I I m O J L~ 1 F- J 11. J W ' H O CD W O In W O W O (n CO -L-------1- -----1- -------1----- -J------ 2 O7 5 2075 I I I < Z f- Z 2080 20 ITI , ~ 80 I I I, I 3 I I I ~ p Q I I I / I I I o ~ ~ ~ r > ---L-------1- -1 ~ -------1----- -J------ ~ H m 2070 - ~ I I 2070 I I I I ~ W I I I I I I I 2075 L------- --1-------1--- ---1-------~------ 20.5 O Q J , - ~ ~ ~ ~ D i 2065 2065 Z > W > 2 7 - - - --1-------1--- ---1-------J------ 7 ---I 0 0 20 0 W i i i i i i -40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50 J J O w 2065 2065 W Z -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50 N , X ~ M Z Y ~ N z o MN K A z T - K / H 3 R RF w~, 3 A A N STREAM RESTORATION PR OJ ECT 8 R PA A F R T N N N / F ~~o~~ _ MA FOR REED CREEK WEAV P T R T K ER PARK ASHEVILLE N•C. 5 5 N / F ~ T R MA SCALES HOR, 1 = 10 DATE JANUARY 12, 1998 VERT. 1" 10' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - MON JAN 19 17s54s57 1998 Gs\PLOTTING\PS7\OCF/XEROX,OCF JEFFREY SWANER Ms\1296028\DATA\96028E\TECH\JMSDATA\XSEC3,PRF PROJECT REFERENCE N0. SHEET NO. 9 OF 13 R/W SHEET NO. r o' ROAGNAY DE51GN HYDRAULICS o' ENGINEER ENGINEER m O O O N N a0 Oil ter` ~O O O 00 O tD ti ~ ~ p I ONO ~ O _ ~ I O N N N ~ N F. N F- + ~ m ~ I ~ ~ W W W W I'~ W W W ~ N> tn> ~ W L~ W QL~ li Q li W l1 W LL W W J t ~ J Z ~ I- t W J w J li J Lp w o w m------------------------ 2075 min o w o w o w__ , ~ ~ ~ -I I ' , ~ 2075 I I _ < i I 1 ~ t - , I I 2070 D -1---- --1-------1-------~- ~ -1- , I I 2070 - a > 2065 O W Z 2065 J 40 50 20 30 _ 0 10 _ - 0 10 W 30 2 vN O~ ~ O~ O O .r` Or- Om N O ~ ~ ~ N N lfl LO N lD lD l0 N f~ cD I O I O I ONO tn0 ~ ~ N N N N ~ N~ H F- + ~ ~ I H- W W W W W W I' i W W W 11. Ul> N> l/1> V)> N> Q L~ r L~ Q LL W <L W LL W W W W J W J t F- J 1 Z W J t J w o w o w o W m 2075 min o w _ o w_ o ~ ~I O i , I I , ~ 2075 ~ < ~ ~ t ~ ' I I t --1---- --1-------~-- 2 07 0 D L - ~ I I Q 2070 - I ~ > 2065 O W . 2065 Z J 40 50 20 30 _ 0 10 _ - 0 10 W 30 2 ~o~ ~ r- Oti o ~ o ~ l0 l0 V l0 N l0 ~ L!'1 ~ I p 1 0 1 0 N O NON N N N N N N 4- I- F' ~ W T W I W W~ W~ W~ to > t1 I'' Vl > Vl > Vl > VI > Q Ii li Q <L W L~ W li W lL W ~ J t F- O 1 Z OI- t W J LL'JtLW OW OW tnm 2075 OW OWO I DTI mtn__ O - f I ~ ~ ~ 2075 _ ~ < ` 2070 D I v ' ---1-------~------ ---1-------1--- ~ J - ---~-------L~ -L--- I I I Q 2070 - I ~ I I I I > 2065 O W 2065 Z J 40 50 20 30 _ 0 10 w - -20 10 30 h~~~i~ v1V~RONNFlIfAL BGflICES an~Nrw TREATMENT ZONES T AN A Q FIBER MATTING/ ROCK TOE ~ CROSS-SECTIONS N T N N _ A N . N 2 l X Q ROCK TOE/ JOINT Z Y N M K A ~o R 3 Q COIR FIBER ROLL TOE STABILIZATION ~ STREAM RESTORATION PROJECT R Q FIBER MATT I NG/ CO I R FIBER ROLL FOR REED CREEK -WEAVER PARK w~ 4 ASHEVILLE~ N.C. SC%LE HOR. 1~~ -,o~ C~ N T 5 K R Q FIBER MATT I NG/ DOUBLE CO I R FIBER ROLL DATE JANUARY 12, 1998 VERT. 1" • 10' I _ to fft - - - - - - - - - - - - ECH\JMSDATA\XSEC4.PRF \PS7\OCF/XEROX.OCF JEFFREY SWANER M=\1296028\DATA\96028E\T MON J L-- - - AN 19 17=55:37 1998 G=\PLOTTING - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - r` Q, 1 Y~ ,t PROJECT REFERENCE N0. SHEET NO. \ I f 10 OF 13 ~ i r ~ ~ ice. 'iJ ~ Ii Q , I ' 'i R/W SHEET N0. ROADWAY DE516N HYDRAULICS 1 ! ~ . ' - ° STABILIZED " ENGINEER ENGINEER CONSTRUCTION , , ~'r~•;~:; • ~ !S' ENTRANCE d ',r'', S Z j N ~ 1 "?~lv~. ~i. I.. F i ..R. _ ~ N ^3'' N ',i'. i ~ ~ o+ , gE d ' z ~ i<~ ~ ~ DEWATERING r a I~ , N I ' i ~a,N. ~ ~ ` BASIN ;F, 7d e, ~ I~ x: ,i, a SANDDAG/ STONE ~ s ' i~ I JIVER N TYP.) s I ~ SID .C~: NOTES fit,; ~ a STOCK LE/ ~''''q7; ~ ~ STAGING AREAS , ~ a J'~`, , REED CREEK IS CLASSIFIED AS A CLASS "C" WATER BY NC DEHNER. f IN-STREAM WORK MAY NOT BE CONDUCTED DURING THE PERIOD OCTOBER 1 THROUGH APRIL 30. '1 v ~Q. F?~s•(F`C~' ~ ~ ~ 'S• ~ ~.9. 99 1 SILT.. , G_~49`T / , NO TREES OVER A DIAMETER AT BREAST HEIGHT (DBH) OF 6" SHALL BE , ' ',w 'FENCE REMOVED WITHOUT THE PERMISSION OF THE PROJECT ENGINEER. THE USE OF MACHINERY WILL BE RESTRICTED FROM THE ROOT ZONE (7' FROM TRUNK) OF ~ ~ t I SILT TREES LARGER THAN A 12" DBH. Y ' ~ s FENCE J ~ ~ ~ . EVERY EFFORT MUST BE TAKEN TO MINIMIZE DISTURBANCE IN THE STREAM r . ~ s,'} , ~ LIMIT OF DISTURBANCE WITH CHANNEL AND IN GAINING ACCESS TO/FROM THE WORK AREA. ! i ~ ' • ~ 5 ORANGE PROTECTIVE FENCING , ~,DI~CHARGE 1+00 ~'a' ~ THE CONTRACTOR IS ALERTED TO THE FACT THAT THIS STREAM DIVERSION ~4' , IS NOT DESIGNED TO PASS THE 2-YEAR STORM, IN THE EVENT OF A STORM •V 'RH R „ Ih.~ Tl. PH00~ ~o EVENT, THE CONTRACTOR WILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR REMOVAL OR PROTECTION OF ANY EQUIPMENT, TOOLS, MATERIALS OR OTHER ITEMS NEEDED TO COMPLETE i y d t \ \ °~aC~~abviA d~~di•,`,~~ T,q~S,T O.,TpU51~E ~ vv ~I ~ SANDBAG/ STONE k THE WORK THAT COULD BE AFFECTED BY THE STORM FLOWS. THE REMOVAL ~.G, - .,~.3t8~;- G.~9 DIVERSION (TYP AND/OR REPLACEMENT OF ANY EQUIPMENT OR MATERIALS IS INCIDENTAL TO THE STREAM DIVERSION COST, i y ~ .0 1 N , ~ r PUMP S ~ - v ~ 't. NOTES r ~ ' ~ 1 I 1) All excavation shall be performed in only dry or isolated i - ' • ~ - s , - 92.J0' ~ ' I`~ ~ ~ ' ~ sections of channel. ~ ~ ~ , ~ 2) Sand bag diversions are to be used to isolate work from II i M . e ~ i ~'O , v K--~ks'a' D!fCN v ~,36J' ~p~t'C" a. stream flow when necessary. 'I Wllp 'i I 1'~ ~Q~ ~4/ rTr O 1 3) All graded areas shall be stabilized within 72 hours. 4) All excavated material to be stockpiled in non-forested oreas where indicated on the plans for later use as , backfill of abandoned channel, _ 5) For proposed cross-sections, see Sheet No. SH & SH 6) For Grading Plan, see Sheet No. 4 of 13. ~ DIVERSION ('~Y'~.), t cP ' 7) For Planting Plan, see Sheet No. 12 of 13. ' tt ,a r,p rr+ t 'O t, 8) Maintenance of stream flow operations shall be incidental to the contract lump sum price. This includes polyethylene sheeting, diversion pipes, pumps and hoses. 9) Notify ? at ! ) - five (5) Boys prior to starting 1 ~ . tl ~ ~t is f \ work. j III i ~ DEWATERING ~ 6" DOGWOOD ~ 6i; MdPLE ~ F:. •a BASW ~ ~ >y ~ 6 , SEQUENCE OF CONSTRUCTION FOR TYPICAL WORK AREA • . , ° ~ PUMP i 'I ~ '~V ` \ i ~ , 30' A~AQEE P.g. ?I PG. 65 I / r , 1. INSTALL S.C.E„ SILT FENCE, AND PROTECTIVE FENCING. I o i<, s ~ ~ C . i~ I r ~ ; 1 ~ PROTECTIVE FENCING MAY BE INSTALLED IN PHASES WITH APPROVAL OF THE ENGINEER AND ASHEVILLE PARKS AND ° ROCK: ; NGp .Ov, t'. ;::tiS ~ SIGN. A; ,A.. ~ ~ EXISTING s., RECREATION DEPARTMENT. o ~ ~ ' w. , :o;;n~ iN STREAM •s 2. CONSTRUCT DEWATERING BASIN. Mx ~~fi CHANNEL ' ~ 3. INSTALL UPSTREAM PUMP AND FLEXIB I LE D SCHARGE PIPE. DISCHARGE 't, ~ MAP ~ ~ ~ 4. LACE UPSTR A ~ ~ ~j E M SANDBAG/STONE DIVERSION AND BEGIN PUMPING ~I i ~ F ~,1 ~ ' s v OPERATIONS FOR STREAM DIVERSION. ~Y .~~SN1iTlILB ~~aMr.N lam' m.0.) ~ 4, t t. :',1' ~ , ` ~ i ' t V' \ , . I 1 ~ 1'. ~ ' 1...1:5.:'00 I ~ j 5. PLACE DOWNSTREAM AN / T S DBAG S ONE DIVERSION AND PUMPING In r . , ~ °o,~`;~~-~-----.,_„ : APPARATUS. DEWATER ENTRAPP ED AREA. AREA r0 BE DEWATERED SHALL j r~' _ ° t0i~~.. ~ 'Cw1 ~ BE EQUAL TO ONE DAY'S WORK. ,~.a _ ~rC, ~ u, ~ ~.O ~ iii C • E ~ ` ~ I ~ 6. PERFORM STREAM REST RATI c~~' 0 ON WORK IN ACCORDANCE WITH THESE ~L PLr1NS. ~ o c> ~ E ri~~s Copp` ~ ~ + ~ , G ~ ~ ',t I ' ~.w _ Ii I ~ ,ry,'.}:h .0" M+~A'iE 1 i O~B ~ ~'i,}'~ v s v \ , ~ ~ , t , t . , p' SANDS ` ; ~ , . "~~"<r; 7. EXCAVATE ANY A i ° nk~E D;,co~• AG/'STONE 1 /f~F` r `~r'i ~ r ....,H~r.~ ~ CCUMULATED SILT AND DEWATER F R BE 0 E REMOVAL ';~'titM ~ 8~+ ~ . OF A ~.:~a >w ~ ~ ~ t ~y~ a s DIVERSION (TYP.) . ,a `F r, ; ~ y i - S NDBAGS. REMOVE SANDBAGS, PUMPS, AND DISCHARGE PIPES ,i.. (DOWNSTREAM SANDBAGS FIR ST). i' ~ Vie' ~ , ~ \ k et' 'emu \ , 8. ALL R 1 , 1k ~ . t / i ~ ~ ^ G ADING AND STABILIZATION MUST BE P COM LETED IN ONE DAY WITHIN ~ ^ ^ TH ~,t :gyp„~ ~ _ ` / • ~ ~ , E PUMP AROUND AREAS BETWEEN THE SANDBAG/STONE DIVERSIONS. ~ t;' THE I , D VERSION LOCATIONS AS SHOWN ON THIS SHEET ONLY SHOW THE ^ - , '1 ~ ' i ~ , L__. _ , a ~t>~-- • ' UPPER AND LOWER EXTENT OF WORK FOR EACH STREAM SEGMENT. THE ~+u, ona~ra+c S. CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR DETERMINING THE LOCATION j i..'Ni o Y,~ ~ ~ ~ \ ' 1' ,i u, .Ott eev 8.. 9ALSMd ~ ~ "~s., ~ 'v . . , r s. OF TH IV I i . ~ • V ~ ~ ; , ^ E D ERSON(S) FOR EACH DAY'S WORK. . ~ . L~ / ~ . , , t., e' PUMP \ ~ ~`~~"T\ S i9~'.. s~aa wsTomCU m~r~ ' °a+wE4~h^ v 9. REMOVE DEWATERING BASIN A 4,5 `'ROSS-T ~ • d ~ ~ , A A, ' tw •m ' ~ / ~ bL '~l ~i b O ~ bra v ` + r- \ 9u~ ;~O ' ~."~9, ND BACKFILL. STABILIZE DISTURBED AR A E ~?"c>o~,,,p WITH SEED AND MULCH. ~l ~ ~ , ,OU,t 1 d I I Ay -'f ~ ~ .;•r:..~ :7.q - w r ca+c.ya~w~„ 'r\'\ . fir. , ~"_"`,y, - • , q p- .r'!:ti'' t:•`C•i::`~ 1 ~ , fiultly r~ ~ yy.. a} ,9. ~.SNn ?~r-l . Q"'~" ~ 1 't ~ C} ~ •:t+; I ACSr + r ` 4Y r / I S'_._.•, 1 .ice, ~5 i r V •:::1;•i::.•:,~ \4 ~ 1~ DISCHARGE `.k,. .r _ 1 ' PIPE ' " ~ - to . ~ - _ v~ - - _ JIC I~Q~ ~~L ~ 111 0.0.1C'~. I~ yW ~(!il' 11 YA':YAY:S.Y...~ ~ •1J. ~ ' ~'t-,... ~ 'Z••~.. G465 `t. i mot,. i:?`9:'~xvwaaai; :ny+, 1 [n p~Tp /''~'FC~".-~~~ !'~1'- ( W 2l ! .'.`*.w` ~J, ~'~i..,,• Q ~y •.a. ,~1:y `::V:.. V/ !'t°!.1`~li. S by Q• 0 ,t °t... T~~"~•li I p.....::.~~....:. _ :7~w::.. ~a irt_~,..... ~ ~ ~ conc. cu•h ~ _ ''s' w.y, ~ A v Efl D.B.1~8'1 ~V.S~~•- .'-fit ? ! + -~i~. f _ •..t<,:~:~t.. - t,,~~ - and qu{}e... . ~~typ~ ,y, ~ ~ ~4 6~•~ 1... ~ I • _ •.~J.• M y n_: Y uv r . 19 7 ~ ~ ~.r t , ~ f . , ~ . . .._e _ t. 0 V 'J +bo7e"ti7i p.~, ~ ^s~ . Y . :.wfy:::ii)i:~:. w~ ~ ~ AGE 5,~ , ~ r WATERIN 1s' ~ DE G tt ~ ~ ; - a:=~~ • ••••:.••.::;<~4, . STREAM RESTORATION PROJECT BASIN ~ , cn~ Q t? - C` ~~c TECF~VOLOGIES r ~ t SANDS /STONE FOR REED CREEK -WEAVER PARK (n. ~ -R n STOWS ~ ~ DIVERSI N (TYP.I-~ .n , (TYP.I o ASHEVILLE N.C. I t ~ ~ 0.8. %'4 ~s~ i t o.e.- ~ , 'yin„ ~ G `60 ~ i LLi ~s~ i o D.9.?551 ~~G.;~ DATES JANUARY 12, 1998 SCALE 1" 40' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - MON JAN 19 17t5Gs22 1999 GtNPLGTTINGNPS7NGGP9XRPGX,GGF AFFOP * SWANER PROJECT REFERENCE N0. SHEET N0. 11 OF 13 o' o' _ R/W SHEET N0. e ROADWAY DE51GN HYDRAULICS ~ NOTE ENGINEER ENGINEER SEE TABLE THIS SHEET FOR BANK VEGETATION STATIONING RIPARIAN EXISTING FENCE & SHRUBS EXISTING GROUND PROPERTY LIMIT - - EXISTING PEDESTRIAN PROPOSED GRADE CONTAINERIZED SHRUBS DEAD STAKE WALKWAY Y•q, i /,s,/ ~ EVERGREEN _ _ i i 4 ~ r• ~ SHRUB ~ , ~ •'r. 2~1 SLOPE ` PLANTINGS "~''r• ' r' DEAD STAKE t r' ~ ~ 1 ~ ~ ~ d y, ~ i ~ I I I FI R FATTING NATURAL BE ~ LIVE 1.51 SLOPE ( I ~ ~ STAKE ~ i i NATURAL FIBER MATTING ~ REVEGETATE WITH CONTAINERIZED ROCK TOE PROTECTION - i O,c• SHRUBS OR LIVE STAKING i NATURAL FIBER FATTING s tic r ry REVEGETATE WITH CONTAINERIZED i SHRUBS OR LIVE STAKING F i COIR FIBER ROLL TOE PROTECTION TYPICAL CROSS-SECTION DEAD STAKE STATION 2.00 ` - NOT TO SCALE ROCK TOE PROTECTION FIBER MATTING/ ROCK TOE DETAIL FI ER MATTING/ COIR FIBER ROLL DETAIL 8 "IOT TO SCALE ;ALE NOT TO SCALE 25' • TYP. RIPARIAN FOREST HIGH FLOW RIPARIAN 8' - TYP. ROCK JOINT SHRUBS LOW FLOW PROPOSED ~ / DEAD STAKE PEDESTRIAN Y,'i. - WALKWAY _r EXISTING ~''y. ~ i WALL (TO Y Y'• Jf'• f~j, Y• Y• y. ' BE REFOVED) i i 2~1 SLOPE ~ ~ i LIVE STAKE i i - COIR FIBER ROLL ROCK TOE PROTECTION EXISTNG WALL LIVE STAKE i S B) (i0 BE REFOVE01 (CLAS ~ ~ LIVE STAKE EXISTING AND PROPOSED BANKFULL PI AL CROSS-SECTION TY C ~ NATURAL FIBER MATTING STATION 6.00 16„~ T SCALE CLASS B ROC CLASS B ROCK (D,~ • 16") NOT 0 1/3 DIAI~TER OF ROCK BELOW STREAF INVERT OCK BELOW ER? % TR AF INVERT S E ¢G ' ~T A SECTION -ROCK TOE/JOINT TYPIC L DOUBLE COIR FIBER ROLL PLANTING PROTECTION TOE STABILIZATION DETAIL NOT TO SCALE RPARIAN SHRUBS NOT TO SCA NOT TO SCALE LIVE STAKES 25' - TYP. HIGH FLOW _ is x 1 LIVE STAKE 8' TYP. f°~• ~~r• LOW FLOW 1,51 / N SQUARE CUT I ~ u TOE IN TOP 6" fMIN.) DEEP, 0.5 FEET ?N14A1 OVERLAP REINFORCE WITH STAPLES WITH UPSTREAM FABRIC ON - - - - - - - - = - - - ' NATl~tA1 FIBER MATTING (6" SPACINGI ANO BACKFILL TOP OF pOWN$TREAM FABRIC 0.6' I ROCK TOE PROTECTION ~ 25' FIPW~1 FOR BUFFER BUDS (FACING UPWARD) 6" 6" (CLASS B) C/L LIVE CUTTING Ii' - - - - - - - - - - - - TOP OF BANK (1" TO 2" DIAMETER) • ® ® ® • • • , • • PLANT WITH LIVE _ STIpLES 18' SPACING ~ i STAKES OR M STAPLES MAX. 2' SPACING w ~ ~y~q CTION AT RELOCATION ROOTED SHRUBS TYPICAL SE la M~N I- _ STATION 0.75 (R) LIVE SiAI(ES _ 2' TYP. _ _ _ _ _II II ~ I iv RNOONLY SPACED y STAPLES SPACING i~-~ ; NOT TO SCALE I' ~ ON 2 F00T CENTERS ® • • • ® • v EXISTWG CHANNEL BANK w 2' TYP. (NO GRADING) Q ANGLE CUT 30°-45° ~/~FLOW TOE PROTECTgN EXISTING & PROPOSED I ?~3 tCLASS B STONEI BANKFULL ~ oFt`,~ 'b ry TYPICAL PLAN VIEW I ANt~L INVERT Sr N T AB L E Exlsi Nc cH ANK STABILIZATIO NATURAL FIBER MATTING WITH STREAMS DEAD STAKE LIVE STAKES AND ROOTED CUTTINGS STATIONING TREATMENT _ TYPE LEFT BANK RIGHT BANK NOT TO SCALE (R) 0.75 TO 1.00¦• 0.50 TO 3•DO•• i lR) 0.00 TO 0.60• (R) 1.00 TO 1.73• COIR FIBER ROLL NOTE MATTING TO BE ROLLED LENGTHWISE ALONG STREAMBANK EXTENDING BELOW THE TOE PROTECTION AND A MINIMUM . • COIR FIBER ROLL TOE `Z 560 TO 7 00 " OF ONE FOOT FROM TOP OF BANK. IF MORE THAN ONE ROLL STABILIZATION DETAIL NOT TO SCALE TO SCALE IS REQUIRED, MID-BANK OVERLAP SHOULD BE A MINIMUM OF ~ 3.50 TO 5.10¦¦ 3.00 TO 5.00•• ONE FOOT AND SECURELY FASTENED WITH STAPLES. ~ 3 8.00 TO 9.00•• ~ NOTES ON DEAD STAKE PLACEMENT 2" X 4" LUMBER SAW 2" BY 4" DIAGONALLY ~ 7.00 TO 9.00 5.00 TO 8.00•• 1) STAKES ARE TO BE 2 INCHES BY 2 INCHES BY 36 INCHES LONG. IES LONG. TO PRODUCE 2 DEAD ~ 4 (R1 0.00 TO 0.60¦• STOUT STAKES NOT TO SCALE (R) 1.00 TO 1.73•• ROLL EVERY 2-3 FEET. ~ 2) STAKES ARE TO BE SPACED EVENLY ALONG THE FIBER ROLL EVER ~ 5.00 TO B•00•• NOTE 5 Y / F LIVE STAKES WILL 8E USED ALONG OUTER PPROXINATEL 2 3 0 ~ 3) STAKES SHALL BE FLUSH WITH THE FI6ER ROLL WITH APPROXIMATEL MEANDERS AND HIGHLY ERODABLE REACHES. -SHRUBS z THE STAKE PLACED INTO THE BANK. ~ • -LIVE STAKES ALL OTHER REACHES WILL BE STABILIZED WITH ~o T THE BANK. CONTAINERIZED NATIVE SHRUBS. 4) STAKES SHALL BE PLACED AT APPROXIMATELY A 45 DEGREE ANGLE .GREE ANGLE 0 PROJECT M STORATION STREA RE 5)STAKES SHALL 8E PLACED THROUGH THE WEBBING. TECHNOIAGIFS - V E R PAR K EEK WEA FOR REED CR r~ VILLE N.C. ASHE DATE JANUARY 12, 1998 NOT TO SCALE a~ a~ M N JAN 19 17e57a21 1998 G•\PLGTTING\PS7\OCF/XERGX,OCF JEFFREY SWANER M•\1296028\DATA\96028E\TECH\JMSDATA\DETAILS,PRF 0 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - r\ ~ ~ ' PROJECT REFERENCE N0. SHEET NO. ~ s m i ~ ~ '1 ~ ? rr : ~~e 1 12 OF 13 " ~ s, m ~ ~ . , , R/W SHEET N0. l ~ ROADWAY DE516N HYDRAULICS i y, ENGINEER ENGINEER 1 N n J ~ i ~ 'c ~I 'vrt ~ i ' l J' Q vq _ . t, t ~ ' _ 4 ~ r N ~o; •s ~ , o i' I a, • - z Qs~~ ~ ,1, ~ C7 oµt;. ~Rc` ~ 'S ' ~ Z n ~ 1 ra Ca' , N f„ l ~ ~ ~ h I, ' J, Q L (.i. `l L7 • ' ~i N ~ ~ ",p r rj ~ L. ~?f 'y C r ~ ~ , `~01 ,0 J: 9' „ 7ES - . u"vrr, ~ p , ~ ° p,.. 9. r' ~ ~ ~l a J ovM w~ ~Q. 7, O.. I ~ 'may `P~ . " ~ ',C. ~4; . C ~ 3~~ ~ I ! q ~ ` a. ~ o 'i a ~l n • ~ 11: ' e,~' yy J' 'k • I '4G i- 'F Y- r::' IH•, a I ~ I ~ C r ' , ` GO r • ~ 'x - ~ ~ •5`` > s~o;. Grp N , s' ~ "t • ~ , i , . y , i R , 0 ~~++yy ' - . `J ~~yy,, n - . \ : 9, • , i P ~ ~ 1 , _ , " , ` s • " • NCO - ~ v. .,93'.~:.:~, DitCH a PRCJPOS ` ~ t:q, , _ t • t ~o'~ : ~r • ' i p r' ,F ' o~, ;.~t~:;:: sPEDESTRIAN , O • N s , j, ~ ~ , .i t ~ 6RIDGE o ~ \ ` ' LANDSCAPE ' m . - o' ` , '=k~ oNC.cuRa PATHWAY. o o ;t yy MM P r td << " ~ (BY OTHERS) N 't • ~ ~ 0 tr ~ s _ I ~ ~ 1 ~ ~ of ~ ~ r ~ r , I ' .r.. , .i S C w• ..'.CL 'c ~ • I + iF-. ,4SPt1AL' P;iRs<I(•hC ~ sr: r: ` 'S.<'~ ~ ~ ' : ~ I : ' ~ ~f ~ ~ ~}i. ~ t~. ~ PROPOSED ~ • Y V 1 . r LANDSCAPE s ~ sCoR Rd\ O a • 6° ooctivooo ~ s. MALE PATHWAY s , ~ ',t ~ • ~ } ; 30~' MAPLE °.9. ?G. 65 F f "h Y E ~ ~ l,1 f Q , , , , , _ , • . • , e~,ROC~~' 4• acs'. < TR Atil BUFFER - ` e _ • zip E w- s • s ~ • ! • RELOCATED A ZONE 1 -RIPARIAN FOREST/ SCRUB SHRUB ' ~ ~ PEDESTRIAN r s • s . a ~ ~ 'Q~,yS9,• BRIDGE ~ ~ .f~ ` PROPOSED I ~ ~ ~ F~ r. , x. , \ ' MAPLE ~ s : \ au, ~¢io ~ a \ ~ LANDSCAPE ~ ~ 'v I i' PATHWAY 6 ;f ~ v a.. • t Y v~ ' ' j r ~ ~ A 'tp; a ~ ~ ~ \ V 'gyp--.,..-:.. ~ a ill: ~;1, ~ ~ v A . • ZONE 2 - R PAR • [ IAN EVERGREEN SHRUB pp AL9CIEMCE'S • G 1 ~ ~ r 0" 41~p~. 1 i v ~xi v 1 t ~ r, ~ ili " E,IAPE ~:7~G0~' ~ f o ' ~rq+ ti ~ t , r ~ ~~4in, i ~ v~6iIDx ! ~ ~ 1 ,..i' ,.P~l 't calxeoil, 'I~. '\.a c' .>4j ' L ' ~ ~ ~ ~ EXISTING STONE WALL nr. ,yrl,, /4ci.,, y, ~~1~ ,~~X ~ •.444WX:. , j'i ~ ~ (TO BE REIi+IOVED) ~ ;`l,' ~r ~}`~~'ti'"` ZONE 3 -RIPARIAN F ORES T q ~ J~.C , ~ ' a ; j~~( - ~ .Y ~ ~ ~ ~ " .,c~ 1 ~ n, ~ •..q d ~ ~ ~ ~i~, 4~!K' RWMRIC k.. ~ _ e,. aalsaM ` ~ e.u EXISTNG ~ ~ • . . .4. G ~ -l:; . - • , . , q i 4• ~ ~ ~'Yf, 'I , tR - - - b • 9 . , i ,Hh,~O,FCQo ~ '-x.50 ••CROS5-TiE' i i i , r ~ t ~ S ~ :~:i..::.:;~}:~:~:~:~:~:~:;~:~:~:;~:;~' Y rte..- 1 i•, '~O Y/ TEPS"" r, , S ~0' ' i-- ~ _ - -'~5~.~s~., E~ISYING~ PED~STRIAN;'9RI - >:r'``>:~:?::::<::;> 1 •~~Kw ; I ~ ' i o 7 r > ~ ~ ~ "..h.. , l-~ - , ~ lone) , ~i ,1 - (~0 6E RELdCATE~) , 8--.~ ~ i. t-~. ~ • .-'Yao'~.i9; 'o t ~ `SkRU 59 ;.._.5.~~---~ ti ~;2p •.~p~~.>s••; ''CCR Y.::;:;:;:~;:<::::.... t ~s.,~ , I ~ % ~ • r: o ' I ~T - 2'.. ~ - - i ~ ~ _ ° 1. ~ , ~ / r~ f. . , I - I ~•p . ar -'i•?:: i?:t'~iiiii i•: e l , ~ - ~ . I • ` t~K' oWTb . ai k, _ • " :':::::.f K ~ a {A , ~ p l,• ~tr Z G,v6~ „```•,,,4,~ f •~'JQ< o l "1'• r„''''w r'_"~:'-`°- w - T:s~ rl `T". a -~.,.,T `y. - - ;tip. - fA ' gyp- r ~~'~"`•?G.rgp 2p .Y~ ~ ~ , r 1 r U " t. .."'..w K l f --M ~ ~ S. a ~ ' ' i „ C _ tit.. ' 4 ~ 'r;- ~ Y~ tM wy~ GE 51~ ~ - ~ - ,~s ~..s 4 ~ r aw,. g I 1; ~ f ~f^4u.: ` ~ ~ :~:j X ~ ~ w STREAM REST ~ ORATION PROJECT ..Y . L7~ p l ~ , ~ , • ~ • i . ~ ~ - ~ ~ , : TECEDVOLOCIES _ t ~ - FOR REED C 4 ~ REEK WEAVER PA , , R K ~ ~ 1 I 1j a P r~ ~ - ASHEVILLE N.C. l I i ~ ~ 3, pG.gO ~ ti ~ ~ ~ ~ SEA i DATES JANUARY 12, 1998 SCALE 1 = 40 MON JAN 19 17e57a57 1998 G+\PC0TTING\P57\GCF/XER0X,GCF JEFFREY SWANER M~\1296028\OATA\96028E\TECH\JM60ATA\PLANTINO. PRF - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - o' PROJECT REFERENCE N0. SHEET N0. m 13 OF 13 r` m r R W 5HE T / E N0. ROADWAY DE51GN HYDRAULICS ENGINEER ENGINEER Zone Acres Ont Botanical Nome Common Name Unit Size Individual Overall Spacing Minimum Minimum Type Spacing Spacing Riparian Forest/Scrub Shrub (IMS) (OMS) ~ ~ 1 0.63 Shrubs 70 AmebncNer conadensls shodbush serviceberry each 3-4 ft container grown 10' 8.3' random 70 VooclnJum anguslffdlum lowbush blueberry each 1-2 ft container grown 10' 8.3' random 1/80F 1/80F ROOT BALL TO BE 5ET 70 AraVo arbullfdlo black chokeberry each 1-2 ft container grown 10' 8.3' random ABOVE 70 Carpus racemosa gray-stemmed dogwood each 3-4 ft container grown 10' 8.3' random ABOVE FNISHED GRADE 3" MUl 3" MULCH EARTH EARTH SAUCER 3" HIGH Trees 30 Fraxlnttis peuuisylvanlco green ash each 1" caliper balled & burlap 15' 8.3' random FIN15F1E FINISHED GRADE 2 STRANDS OF 30 Ouercus palusfrls pin oak each 1" caliper balled & burlap 15' 8.3' random 12 C~+UGE C-J~LVANIZED WIRE 30 Belula M ro river birch each 1" tali er balled & burlo 15' 8.3' random T~ n_,"~"""" - 9 h 1" I p r II rl p 1~ JIIII"11111- IIII 'IIIIP 30 Nyssa sylvallca block gum eat co pe bo ed & bu ap 5 8.3 random uu - =ml~ TWISTED FOR SUPPORT IIII Riparian Evergreen Shrub ~ ~ REM01r1 REMOVE BURIAP FROM TOP OF BALL 2" - g" nl I I 2 0.17 > ~ Ilu TOf5011 MIN. BY VOl Ilu TOPSOIL AND PEAT 3:1 RATIO 8~ UPRIGFIT STAKES 1 /2" RUBBER HOSE BY VOLUME. BACKFILL IN 9° LAYERS. Shrubs 30 Rbdodendron mOxlmum rosebay rhododendron each 3-4 ft container grown 10' 10' random - _ .III WATER WATER EACH LAYER THOROUGHLY, i 30 Kolmlo laflfdla mountain laurel each 3-4 ft container grown 10' 10' random - 15 Hamarells vlrglnlano witch hazel each 3-4 ft container grown 10' 10' random FLOOD FLOOD PLMITS TWICE BURLAP AND ROPE CUT 15 Ilex verflclllafia winterberry each 3-4 ft container grown 10' 10' random VARIE'a WITHIN AWAY FROM TOP OF BALL WITHIN RRST 24 HOURS nim,n„r _ ~?i~, 3" MULCH 3" SAUCER ~ ~ •DEPTH OF BALL ¦ N ; „1. Riporion Forest ~ : ¦ 3 0.12 8 AND CONTAINER BACKFlLL MIX ~ Trees 15 TsuDo crorgdenala eastern hemlock each 1" caliper bulled & burlap 15' 8.3' random NOT TO SCALE JTAINER GROWN 3:1 RA T10 ~ TOP501L TO PEAT 10 Belulo Nleo yellow birch each 1" caliper balled & burlap 15' 8.3' random SCALE UNDISTURBED SUBGRADE PLACE 5TAKE5 PARALLEL UPRIGHT STAKES EXTENDED TO WALK5 AND BUILDINGS TO FIRM BEARING Shrubs 30 KaVMa lallfdlo mounto~-laurel each 3-4 tt container grown 10' 8.3' random 25 hbmonalls vlr~ldaa witch hazel each 3-4 tt container grown 10' 8.3' random I contaner grown NOT TO SCALE STREAMBANK STABILIZATION Live Stakes 385 Sollx aoihll Bankers Dwarf Willow each 2-3 ft cuttings (1"-2" dio.) 2' 2' random 385 Sollx purpurea Streamco Willow each 2-3 ft cuttings (1"-2" dia.) 2' 2' random 1 60 AnaloncNer aaraaler?sls shodbush serviceberry each 1.5-2 ft container grown 4' 4' random ZONE ~ y~d~ a dlum lowbush blueberry each 1.5-2 ft container grown 4' 4' random 60 Menlo ordA oleo black chokeberry each 1.5-2 ft container grown 4' 4' random 60 Cane roaemoeo gray•stemmed dogwood each 1.5-2 ft container grown 4' 4' random (OMS1 ZONE 2 20 R/iodaderdron epxle~um rosebay rhododendron each 1.5-2 ft container grown 4' 4' random 20 KdMOlaHfdto mountain laurel each 1.5-2 ft container grown 4' 4' random 1' 20 Ibx ?ro~rtkllloto winterberry each 1.5-2 ft container grown 4~ 4' random X51 4" BITUMNVOU5 CONCRETE LIFTS BAND 5- I ZONE 3 ~ States ~ 4" BASE COARSE 1' CR-6 AGGREC~ITE - - COMPACTED SUBGRADE 1. An overall minimum spacing distance (OMS) is ossi ned to h q t e planting - configuration (see plant schedule). 2. An individual minimum spacin distonces (IMSI is ossi n NOT TO SCR . 9 g ed to each TO SCRLE individuol species (see plant schedule). h, Plan view Not To Scale ~,A: ~ ~ t<~y~ ~ 11^ r< IENC~S -~.~t~~. ,{~ttA1.9C -,~.~w Z ~o ~i. , w~, STREAM R ESTORATI ON PROJEC T FOR R - EED C REEK WE V A ER PARK ~a~ ASHEVILL E N.C. a~ DATE JANUARY 12, 1998 SCALES NOT TO SCALE MON JAN 19 17, g@i g@ 19qg \P~~Att NB\P~~/\Ip~R%h~ R~X(, C~~ dgRFRgY SWAI*R M+ \lgqg@g®\PATON9@@gg~\TgCH\JMgPfL)ifiA\pL-NTNPT6, PRr ~ , , ~ + ° t ; " r~ ~ M.H. t, 1 1 t~4 k " r~ a~ ~q ~ , + _ c,~ c ~ a * ,,~~r ~ r ~ ,t ~ ~t~'~ ` + nz ~ ~ .d ~ , ~ ~ ~ , S E~ = ~ , . , 1 ~ t, t ~o ~ ~w . 1 r ' ` 1 r" ~ 1 1 ~ • ~ .t ' ~3 + ~ ' , ~ ~ ~ k' N fib S~ ? ` I 6 --d ~ ~ 080 v ~ ' ' 1 4 ~ ti 1 n N s~q ~ k d S{^j. ~k. 3 3 i t ~k" HY"x d ~ .7~. ~ ~ `V i y t r Y I 11i ~ + 1 ~ Z 'bay rlffi~-' . - ~ M 9 qy{~~ ` ~ ?J t 1^, 4 ,,'b~ d ~ a 1 2 ~ N~ 0 _e' ~ ~ •F ~ ~ C' " ~ ~a ' z 1 ° ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ n s 4 ~a "'t t k a' z a 5, 'a ~ v , t d 1 ~ ~ . , ~ r 1 U 1 Z , a ~ i s, t a ~ k~ ' • FiPb Pg ~ A m v .gi. 'a ~~~s d~ ~ ~ d~' ~ "'4'' `+s,' ~ +,a' ~ ~ f, a a r,n. i,d y ~ M.M. ~ /V~ a ! ~i`yz+a}..,~.. ~ s i.;; - ,j. P~~ F, S 1 { ~ r 1 'v a"''"~`'~'' ~ ~;fi ~ ~ ~a~ ' ~ ~ " ~ ~ ` • , 1 ,tea ~ .;;.~s~° z L.P. ~ ~ 1 1 ~ i ~ r, i` ^~a 4 9 / 4 , S 1 € ODES Q ~ - NE ~ 1, s . ° 1 ~ LIA~1 W, P ~ ~ ~ s , ;m3, , ~ ~ ~ RHOp ~ ~ ,o i ~ ~ I 1 r 1 a ~ ~ , BA y ~ F ava rr 1 1, f 3. ti 3 x0 , , , N , ~0 ~ O ZoTs s, ~ ~ . ~ \ ~ \ sf~ ~ ~ ~ ~ \ FF \ 1 s e v i e ~ M.H. ' \ 1 \ ~ ^ 1 ua ran e w ~ ~ y-~~ ~ ~ ~ \ 1 „ . ~ ~ m ~ SCALE' 1 2000 V~ E RHODES JR WI LAM 1 ~ .v ~ \ \ ~ 0 WACHgVIA BANK & 'RUST CO.,TR~STEE Q , ~ m ~ \ , ? \ ~ ~o D.8.854 PG.9., ~ ~ ~ \ ~ 9~ S ° ~ ~ \s ~ \ ~ ~ t~ ~ ~ 1' r ~ ~9 r • \ ° W. ~ ~ s ~ ~ ~ ' ~ g+5 ~0 ~ Sp S s~ S ~ o ~ BAs ~~p s.9., ~ \ - $ ° c ' - 1.00 83 0' 59" E N a N 19 ~ :o. \F BANK CLASSIFICATION z:3o x@1.30 s 1 2 \ 0 \ ~ " o , 9s \ XI TIN TR AM HANN L • ; HALT DITCH ; PTE TIAL E S G S E C E ••f~ 'W o ; ° o I F l \ ,n U R o , J o , r Ntr I \ I RI B D +OD RELOCATED STREAM CHANNEL ~ 9 PROPOSED OPOSED ~ \ ~ cDwc.c ~e 1 ° ` ~ WALKWAY ~ ~ ~ ~ M.~. I , `,LKWAY " ~ \ ~ u u - Z uu"°m I _ S ~ M.H. CLASS A REGRADE ANO PLANT ~ n _ 't ~ ~ f - _ M.H. I \ • \ ~ \ ~ , ~ CHNN LINK FENCE „ „ _ ASPHALT PARKING ~ ~ , - ~ ~ \ CLASS B BRUSH LAYERING D.B. 1 PG.377 ~ ~ ~ ' r , ~ . , B i 1 '~\0 \ ~`__~r~ ~ s , s ~ ~ \ ` 1 II II _ , CLASS C COIR FIBER ROLL v ~ ~ 1 ~ ~ , a. sc ~ ~D 1 • ~ ` ~ ` ~ 6" DOGWOOD 8" MAPLE 1 ~ S~, ~ ,P N J' n n _ ..r ~ 1 l \ 1 s \ CLASS D ROCK TOE/ JOINT PLANTING PROTECTION 1 0 ~ , ` ~ I N ~ ''~ti \ 1 - ~ l~, p ' 1' '~R U O ' 1 ~ ' °~5~;~- 1 1 , + P,B. 21 PG. 65 CLASS "E" -FIBER MATTING/ COIR FIBER ROLL ; 30' MAPLE \ , ~ I ~'l ti \ ~ \ o . "F" - FI R MATTING/ ROCK TOE ? ~ CLASS BE , ~ , I - , ~ I Y~ ` - ,N?'%~~ ; BALL FIELD s \ M.H. \ 1 3ALL FIELD ~ \s ' O 0 FOUIITAN ` ; ~ / ° , ' \ ~ 1 ~ \ ~ ~ , STREAM BUFFER ZONE ~ ~ / ` t L.P. ~ \ 1 76 ~ s i ~ I R~'~OC TED ; - h• ' I , ~.1 ~ C ~ ~o\ s v' ~ \ 9, ~ o, - \ ' G NO WORK IN THIS AREA I 30• MAPLE , ~ PEQEST IAN r N ~ / F 1 ~ if~ \ O ~ W BRIDGE o ' / r . ' I , 1~. o ,n 1 , • o ~ ~ ~ ~ , ~ , ~ \ \ ~ u.. 1~+ 1 / p a 6' W/PI1gE / O I u ~ ° 0"MAPLE / ~ 4~ \ t~ 3 ~ i • ry & I ~7*~0 c-~ - r O W ~ CONLYtETE - I M i ~ I I • \ \ ~ ~ i / N; ~ I I EAdER PAp Z` DOUBLE r I I w rum I ~ I I ~ \ .,i, I ~ ' 8I W/PI ~ ~ . ~ TENDS COURT ~ I . I ' ~ ( ' ~ I N' ' ~ ~ , I 20• MAPLE ~ I 24' MAPLE ~ ~~~a~. , Il - ~ , ~ - , ~ I ~ \ G ~ , ~ , Boa ` ~ ' 1 u ` / LPG I I / 1 G~•# JO / ~ / ~ ~ \ 6 /i 1 I 6 W/PINE ; / / e l / <fl 1 ~ 1 , ~ x/ ~ ~ , r, \ / ` ~ \ / ~r / t tip \ k . , / ~ / ~ ~ / _ \ ~ . i~ ~ . ~ i / ~ ,1 b _ ~ - K M ?100 ~ 8" BALSAM / / ~ oaotM \ \ ~ \ i i ~ ~f~__ / / I #Q EXISTING ~ \ , k ------3 - ------u E6 LEGEND ' - l' 1''~ cacr~ - - WALKWAY / m l' >no~M,TaI~ s ~ ' ~ ? ~i do C ....POINT NOT SET 4'50' ~E~r~ , .,,.IRON PIPE OR PIN SET ~ I ® F ~r 0 t__- t54,3~ EXIS LNG PEDESTRIAN BRIDGE r . 1 F ....SPIKE OR NAIL SET - (TO E RELOCAc7ED) h I Klr r / ~a ~ N 3° E.LP. • EXISTING IRON PIPE OR PIN --i : 8 ' gg~~ * ~ ~ ~ r \ ® i ear~°°r i \ i/ F -X- -X- FENCE LINE •i ~ I ~ 2090 ~ / , a ~ ~ i~ ~ r - 214.14 _ C- CURVE (SEE CURVE TABLE) J I I I` O 0~ ~ 1 Q ~ ~ ~ ~ AtPMN.T ~NVON \ E.I.P. 9 -rr- L• LINE (SEE LINE TABLE) ~ I IN 8 , O E.LP. ~ ~ I 3 20'S~,~ ~ _ + f 0 ~ T ~ \ 1 ~ t ~ .`r ' \ U.P.• UTILITY POLE ~ `I. I ••l., 9 W I~.~ -,'~f?-- 1 50 ~ ~ ICTOR C. SHE>41.,Y & ~ D.e.1 ~ - M.H.• MANHOLE I } h \ 217 Pc,4es I f ~ ` I I N 83, 2- _ ~ 50.OTa~`~ ` ~ \ I .I.P, , N 83 ° ~ _ . ~ ~ W. onc. curb \ A~ IA K. SHEALY'•••.. o's L.P.• LIGHT POLE ~ I w I ~ I I ~I' f'•• ~ ~ i •r. 20 59~~ W I ~ _ ald putter c.6.• CATCH BASIN D.B.1481 PG.595 •.I,~+~ I ''I•••.o,.B.13,4 pG I I . _ . W I g I I~~ 6 I 182 I I D.B.1220 --P- PO ER LINE ~ I ~ • ~ i PG.62 T ~ G.623 I ~ ---W--- • WATER LINE I I I •••1,, ~ D.B 9 I I ~ N 6 Bd'pGhO,L, _ ~ ~,.4 I I I I I • 8 I -T--- • TELEPHONE LINE I I I I I I PLAt ~ .D.B. M I ~ _ I P~ i .r' ,1228 pcs~ I ~ I 424.75 At B00 B ~ ---5--- • SEWER LINE B( I I I I I W.M.• WATER METER I I I I I E5 ~ N / W.V.• WATER VALVE I I I I I 9 I 11 I I \ ~ I ~c 9 ~ _ I I I I 4 I ao C.M.P.• CORRUGATED METAL PIPE I 1 I I I 10 I ? 12 I ~ I~ ~ + a+ ~ I P.V.C.• POLYVNYL CHLORIDE PIPE I I I I I I I 13 ry I I - Q_. I I I I I"' I ~ O I I D~B,743 PG.46 M o + + I I I f o I m I ~ o f pa,~~, _O C9 PG-3-38 0 ENGINEERS AND PLANNERS SCALE. 1" = 40' f i ,013b1B0a CONCEPTUAL STREAM R K C REED CREEK, WEAVER PA RESTORATION PLAN C C C CI C TECHNOLOGIES No„o` Be6 C PARK, ASHEVILLE, N.C. y f SHEET 1 OF 2 = 0 r c u c r E _ EXISTING GROUND EXISTING FENCE EXISTING CHANNEL BANK EXISTING (NO GRADING) PEDESTRIAN PROPOSED GRADE WALKWAY ~L -I~ IIF ` _ ?`1 ~ ~ ~ ~ - I ~I i ~ 1 NATURAL FIBER MATTING ~ ~ , `:1 EXISTING ~ PROPOSED I f ~ 2~1 SLOPE i i i ~ ~ '1 SLOPE - BANKFULL ROCK TOE PROTECTION ADDITIONAL FLOOD-PRONE AREA I (GRADE AND REVEGETATE) I I EXISTING CHANNEL INVERT 0?~~ I NATURAL FIBER MATTING I REVEGETATE WITH CONTAIN BER MATTING ~S( T Fti E WITH CONTAINERIZED ~.~G'p SHRUBS (SILKY DOGWOOD, LKY DOGWOOD, BLACK ti WILLOW, OR AJiROWW00D> ARROWWOOD> I~ TYPICAL CROSS-SECTION A-A' _ STATION 2.00 _ r NOT TO SCALE ROCK TOE PROTECTION N COIR FIBER ROLL t, FIBER MATTING/ ROCK TOE DE1 COIR FIBER ROLL TOE TOE DETAIL STABILIZATION DETAIL NOT TO SCALE NOT TO SCALE NOTES 1) STAKES ARE TO BE 2 INCHES BY 2 INCHES BY 36 INCHES LONG. • \ 1 25 2) STAKES ARE TO BE SPACED EVENLY ALONG. THE FIBER ROLL EVERY 2-3 FEET. HIGH FLOW - 8' 3) STAKES SHALL BE FLUSH WITH THE FIBER ROLL WITH APPROXIMATELY 2/3 OF tom; , Law FLOW THE STAKE PLACED INTO THE BANK. PROPOSED _ PEDESTRIAN _ ~ _ WALKWAY EXISTING ~~I WALL W 4) STAKES SHALL BE PLACED AT APPROXIMATELY A 45 DEGREE ANGLE TO THE BANK. I~ a W I EXISTING ~ W O ~ I I WALL ~ _ I ~ I G I I a o $ ROCK TOE PROTECTION O H A A ~ :t A - 24" i DEAD DEAD " i - STREAM PEG _ PEG ' TYPICAL CROSS-SECTION B-B M BOTTOM STATK)N 5*75 - NOT TO SCALE 12 GAUGE .w+'~-- _ - - = i I WIRE - t ,.~rtE'----- t _ 4 ? IIU~ I 2~1 SLOPE I l ~ LIVE BRANCH LAYER I ilir I ~ ~r'~ I ~ s`' PLAN VIEW ~ _ I NATURAL FIBER MATTING I REVEGETATE WITH CONTAINERIZED SHRUBS (SILKY DOGWOOD, BLACK it 2 WILLOW, OR ARROWWOOD) ~ ' , ~ r~' LAYER LII ~ NATURAL FIBER MATTMdG LAYER LIVE BRANCHES TO A BACKFILL MINIMUM 6" OVER LIVE MINIMUM D BRANCHES WITH EXISTING TOPSOIL MINIMUM DEPTH OF 12". LIVE _ _ _ p~, BRANCHES SHALL BE A MINIMUM t~i~ PROPOSED 25' PROPOSED LENGTH O LENGTH OF 48" AND SHALL PROTRUDE Sp CT PEDESTRIAN HIGH FLOW PEDESTRIAN FROM THE WALKWAY WALKWAY FROM THE BANK A MINIMUM OF 24", y F ~ LAYERING 1 8 ti COIR FIBER ROLL TOE PROTECTION LOW FLOW ~ ~ 12 GAUGE WIRE _ ( f' BANKFULL ELEVATION , ~ _ ~ J. ROCK TOE PROTECTION I 25' MINIMUM I - I I FI R MATTI / BE NG COIR FIBER ROLL DETAIL C/L C/L DEAD PEG ';ti CROSS-SECTION NOT TO SCALE TYPICAL MEANDER SECTION C-C' STATION 7.50 PLAN VIEW & TYPICAL SECTION -BRUSH NOT TO SCALE -BRUSH LAYERING NOT TO SCALE p, ~ t NATURAL FIBER MATTING ' PROPOSED ROOTED PLANTINGS NTINGS PROPOSED 20 PEDESTRIAN PEDESTRIAW HIGH FLOW WALKWAY 1 WALKWAY - •.1 ~ ~ LOW FLOW CLASS II ROCK ,l _ 1 CLASS II ROC ' I - CLASS II ROCK fD,~ • 16") N ~ i ~ BIOLOGS I , 1/3 DIAMETEI - 1/3 DIAMETER OF ROCK BELOW ' STRE STREAM INVERT ' I ~ I 25' MU~H1M ~ STREAM INVERT ITREAM INVERT ~L_ I I M .r. ~ C/L C/L " TYPICAL SECTION -ROCK TOE, ?CK TOE/JOINT TYPICAL TANGENT SECTION D-D PLANTING PROTECTION ~ECTION C i STATION 8.50 NOT TO SCALE NOT TO SCALE r r c c _ C iC SCALE: AS SHOWN - i CON TUAL STREAM RESTORATIO~ aB ENGINEERS AND HUNT ~"Nq(EY,MO`z,03E°' TION DETAILS AND TYPICAL SECTIONS a c c c " "eBe REED CREEK, WEAVER VER r PARK, ASHEVILLE, N.C. (410) 316-7800 r SHEET 2 OF 2 2 a C C C C C E - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I P il'A18 RI'A18 PRORCT gBPiqBNQ Np M66T 'TOTAL ~ See Sheet 1-A For Index of Sheets m See Sheet 1-B For Conventional Symbols ,Ce s]L 13 SfATb PRpI.Nq P.AMIOI.NQ WlCgm1'MH V V A ll~? I ~ INDEX OF SHEETS ~ SHEET DESCRIPTION I ~ 1 TITLE SHEET I 2 EXISTING CONDITIONS ~ - 3 GEOMETRY SHEET LOCATION; ASHEVILLE _E I I 4 GRADING PLAN ~ 5 PROFILE ~ TYPE OF WOI~K; STREA ~ 6 CROSS-SECTIONS SEAM RESTORATION I 7 CROSS-SECTIONS ~ 8 CROSS-SECTIONS I I 9 CROSS-SECTIONS ~ 10 EROSION & SEDIMENT CONTROL I ~ 11 DETAILS 12 PLANTING PLAN ~ 13 PLANTING DETAILS I I I I I I I I I I I I I ~w22~ I K~«.~ I I i I I I I - I U HYDRAULICS ENGINEER DIV1510N OF HIGHWAYS ~ ~ ~ GRAPHIC SCALES DE51GN DATA PROJECT LENGTH Prepared in the Office of~ STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA I DIV1510N 0~ HI6HWAY5 I ~ 1995 5T PLANS 1995 STANDARD SPECIFIGATION5 P.E. ~ Z O R16HT R16HT OF WAY DATE: aierinruRe: P.E. PROJECT ENGINEER ROADWAY DE5GN STATE DE51GN ENGINEER ENGINEER DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION FEDERAL HIGHWAY ADMINISTRATION ~o ~ LET w~ LETTING DATE: PROJECT DE51GN ENGINEER N~ P~E. APPROVED ~ PROFILE (VEf~TICAL) 51GNATURE: DIV1510N ADMIN15iRATOR DATE MON JAN 19 17150115 1998 Gs\PLOTTING\PS7\OCF/XEROX.OCF JEFFREY SWANER Ma\1296028\DATA\96028E\TECH\JMSDATA\NCTITLE.PRF - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0~' - ti PROJECT REFERENCE N0. SHEET N0. ~ 9 ~ ~ i 6p + 2 OF 13 ~ ~ " ~ ~ ' R/W SHEET N0. ROADWAY DE51GN HYDRAULICS ENGINEER ENGINEER + 9, 9 y ~ ~ ' ~ U.P. ~ ~i• 2?; ` Q v7 ; 41~pp V' ~ N ''x: a :t$ f• PSP 1N~' L O ~ , D ti •:r . ~ ~ ;•5;:~:~ ~ q; + V + ' N •>F S V :::t^ + ERNE ~ ° t HgpE s. & DES. ~ .o s CHOVIq + '.6 ~o - .q 9 TR 3 N , Go , ~ \ s ° ~ \ off Ft:•;; S , ,1 \1 ~ lr+ ~ s'Y. + S V~RNE 'RNODE~, J~1~ WiLLlAtid W. RHODES ~ I ; : M.H. + \ 99,,~~ \ WAC;wUVIA $ANK~I& TR .T . TR TE '1° •s 1 US CO , US E s , 1 \ Y y4, ~ :•}4~ a \ . }}4 s GOJ \`1` vti \ 9• 1 ~ r " ~ to w. f I , 'E E''11 . II ~ 92.30' '#i;: '4 • \ 1g1.3~ i~~~~ ~ ~ I t 1 c~.a.~ t. \ • >o 9 ~ r:: ~ '1 ~v^' W ~ yam.( , i•'• f ' 1 k y.. ~ ~ 1 \ J O ~ E ~ l J' a.,. N 1 t0 , E ' 1 ' ^ M.H. i ~ Z ~ Q Q :•}$a l' ~ S M.H. A w. i y ~~~.,x: \ F ~ f~' ~ ti f ` r:: CHAIN LNK FENCE ~ 0 ASPHALT PARKIPIG ~ r}•'; + 9 \ 1 f:%s• + w, Y \ • 0.4.961 PG. 7'' + \ 1 t~ + , ~w~~ f - - A ' ~ , ,~:x:. \ 6" DOGWOOD ¢ ` ~•~}`.•~a + \ ~ 6 MAPLE \ •pp + s ti \ ' 1 \ , ~ 1 . \ a ~ 11 ' 1 \ ° ~ •I ` ~ ~ \ ~ ~ s 7 Y i' ° '•Y' ' 30' MAPLE P.B. 21 PG. 65 7 \ ~ s ~ \ \ a 3 ~ 'k' \ -ROC ?G dG + SIGN. E 0`~ 0 : , + \ ! .,,~r~~ ~ M.H. f ~ \ ' y-%~ , .^;k; + BALL FIELD J' \ O ? FOUIIi(IN ::~•~Cp + s . ~x y , ~ + \ \s \ `~9W s ~ 0 s• 10 ` ss, o~ s , G ' ~ 1 J:~ 30" MAPLE + + + , \ 'A \ J, \ i Y + , O ~ ~ ~ i ! + ~ ~ LL \ ~ ~ `L^', O ~ 1 , + ` ~ 0 k \ L p LL OQ 2 r ' , o N ; Di ~ ; ~ / I ~ ~ L \ ~L ~ ~ 1 , ~ + d' W' ' C1 I ' i--~ ~ n ~ N ~ CO)fCRETE + I ~ F' , ~ ,p L \ ,u L LL `A \ Z • N ~ , ~ BLEACHER PAO vu rpfl J I ~ ` ` o DOUBLE l x ~e II ~ ' l ' L \ L ~i ALL LL ~ v~~~: p ~ 0 TENNIS COURT ;:;z p I I .1 1 ` ~k , \ P 1 ~W 1 x 20" MAPLE ' for + + ~ ~ ' .gip I a + , _ v iK( ~ 3 ~ ' \ 't 2a" MAPLE / + + +'''ti ; ~w • ~ r, DUGOUT , s o , ~ LLL ~i ~ r r ~ ~ ,aLL~a • v. ` •~<x ~ / ! v a ~ '1 ~ ~ ! ! EXI TIN T : ' S G S ONE WAL ~ ; , LL \ \ 6't. z .'~~'~•.1. , /,;L ~ L \ ~~,G 1 o LLL \ LL \ L\ IVW~np o L \ 1 ! ly e / \ I \ ~ ~ \ / ~ w, ',ou nq~a ~ 8" BALSMI JI ' / / ASPHN,T PNINNa ~ \ /i \ s, - . ~ ~ y - 1 EXISTING / 0~, / k --====~?a=-===__~=='_=_-___- -a,- ' 1 WALKWAY ~ - - - - - c - ' 1 arm 11O .,'f:•}'i•{~>' CCMCIiO ~ Y~ T4 c k g r~ y. 'f' - ' ~ i ' • ~ ~ ' - ' ? i • ~0~ ~ /J ~ p~ 4.50' '~CROSS-TIE • ~ ~ ~ 'y *P,y? STORE HSTORGpI MNM[ b Fpl WEAVER P/Alf (9 ~p 1I f.~ ~ r o It J/l ff1 ! 15~ ~ :!i:~}'•1•:. 7' .J _ ipMTN1 ' ~k'. yb( - ~I t t!/J - 35Y'. ~ iv. it Ti'• I •Alk` ! t/l/ s 0~. , 9 EIS EgES R 0~ '~::.E:» ::::::..::::::::~~::.q£~ 'x'83^• ~ ~HVG~. P T UW,' ~RIDGFI, 9 ..~`>:~:r~~~:• . . ~ ® X20 5 - 2074 I;~:;:;;~i::;:.,~0 :'•~a>< , \ - -~,r . w..... / \ -t i- I -__-._21:14' •a•,•::::kr. ! o .FTC ~ \ ~ ~ , r f 8' PG 4 I • I I . P. ~••y;{:•?~:nW:,{(, }{L::: };isu;ww; N V:: }:J... i•i.b~IS•~i:S^.v:i:/};:iiiii}::, \/~'f,. -1,,' i (fl .I z , 65 -l,.~ a,. ~ .I:G y~~~.VIVAV%p.YAY':::::::::::::::.~•.'•. M,l. Y + coot, curb \ 20 ~ _ + c - and gutter 8~ _ ~ D,B.1481 PG.595'- I~- I.` - 8 ~ I e~. lee 20 - I - _ ~ I ~ ~ - ~ pG _ I f.. -7- _ I I $ D:esss,ec.wa -f . 20 I ~ ~I-20= - - _ I I ~I -I` ~I- 80 - ` ~=~~5`~,~ . I I I I I I PLAT - ,:L,, ~ I -o:~r~,~~ - I" ,I 7 I I I I I 600K g ~ I--~---- s76 i~``'•-. I 1 7 424 _ :.w`^?<<~ w~ I PAGE 5 I - ~'r. ::f,, ~ ~ ; ~ I I I I I I 1 _ 1s . I I I I I 9 I I 11 I I 'r"`~~--, r~ ~ r_`•~,~;~~::i::: _ REAM RESTOR ATION PROJECT BRIDG I I I I 1 I I 1 I 1 cn~ I 0 I 2 1 ~ - - ~ ~ . a _ ' - - TECHNOLOGIES I I I I I I I I I I I I 13 1 I a FOR REE - W D CREEK EAVER PA RK ~ I I I I I I 1 ~ ae.~ I I ° I ~ I I I I 43 P ASHEVILLE N.C. c.aso I m ? m I ~ ~~a I I I 1 1 I ~ I o ID.B.1557 PG.338 DATE JANUARY 16, 1998 SCALE 1" = 40' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - MON JAN 19 17150+50 1998 Gi\PLOTTING\PS7\OCF/XEROX.OCF JEFFREY SWANER Ma\1296028\DATA\96028E\TECH\JMSDATA\EXCONDIT.PRF - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - o - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - PROJECT REFERENCE N0. SHEET N0. m 3 OF 13 R/W SHEET N0. 1~,0 ROADWAY DE51GN HYDRAULICS ENGINEER ENGINEER ',1 z t ,2~ N 4 = ~ ~ CURVE N0. CURVE N0. RADIUS LENGTH DELTA TANGENT CHORD BEARING ~ c, C1 45.00' 45.74' 58° 13'57" 25.06' N O6° 39'06" W 43.79' ,~o cz C2 21.00' 11.00' 30° 00'14" 5.63' N 20° 45'58" W 10.87' cs C3 80.00' 63.09' 45° 11'06" 33.29' N 28° 21'23" W 61.47' N 697.589.87 E 943.785.24 ~~+o~ TANGENT N0. BEARING DISTANCE Ti N 22° 27'53" E 10.51' T4 T2 N 35° 46'05" W 9.88' 10x96 ~,o+so T3 N 05° 45'50" W 21.38' T4 N 50° 56'57" W 11.49' ~,o N 697.583.94 , C3 PROPOSED THALWEG E 943.798.36 ,0~~ ~ o~ ,+oo ,o+oo j c2 r2 ~o FROM STATION TO STATION BEARING DISTANCE v J 9~~~ O 0+00.00 4+91.32 N 82°27'36" W 491.32' 4+91.32 6+28.32 N 51°42'02" W 137.00' ~ N C t 9~~ N 697.429.95 6+28.32 10+23.74 N 04°53'35" W 395.43' 10+23.74 10+95.67 N 29°40'51" W 71.93' 9 T~ E 943.849.31 9L~ j 4e ~ °"~b PROPOSED PEDESTRIAN BRIDGE ~G~ ~ 3 Qi 9+00 ~ 1 5~ Y 1 POINT N0. NORTHING FASTING 1 697100.857 943836.859 ~ J g~+50 f i, 2 697268.770 943820.918 3 697395.862 943795.236 _ '1 l 06 ' ~ s`°° 4 697418.076 943820.578 Q 5 697393.730 943894.315 ~ j `1 6 697340.834 943879.167 7 697343.949 943813.409 8 }00 fi ~ ~ O f c~?~ CENTERLINE OF i CENTERLINE OF ~ 8 697237.215 943885.105 9 697170.919 943892.825 PROPOSED ~ ~ ~~0 i PROPOSED 10 697122.106 943935.429 ~ LANDSCAPE 2 ¢ - i LANDSCAPE 11 697126.019 944037.206 PATHWAY 7~0 ;1 ~ PATHWAY 12 697141.320 944109.393 ~ T~ - ~a \ ,1 ~ ~ LANDSCAPE PATHWAY \ ~ RELOCATED ~BY OTHERS) 2 1`196 2 ~+Po 1 bno !1 BRIDGE gplip111101T11~>IC~I~ vra~r.~ ~ 1~ t d9 12 ~ \y'o ' ~i ~XO~ r ~ Y EXISTING THALWEG ~X ti ~ ~ ~ \p4 oo x...,, ~ r 0 0 x -1 ti ~ ~ ~ ~ BASELINE OF CONSTRUCT [ ON ~ o ~ N + 0 0 \ 1. ~ v + ° 0 0 y ~ . ~ N 696 ~ 984.02 M ' Y. O c 944.449.17 M f O p a"' N oaw ww + ~ O ~w N + STREAM RESTORATION PROJECT o O + O + FOR REED CREEK -WEAVER PARK >d' wd' 0 O + ~w w~^ ~ ASHEVILLE N.C. «aw win we. DATE JANUARY 12, 1998 SCALE 1" 40' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - MON JAN 19 17s51s43 1998 G+\PLOTTING\PS7\©CFIXEROX. QCF JEFFREY SWANER M+\129G02®\GATA\9G028E\TEER\JMSBATA\OEOMETRY. PIRR - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - r C" PROJECT REFERENCE N0. SHEET N0. ' ~ ti , 9~ 4 0 F 13 ~ ~ \ ~ 0 r,, ~ 2 R/W SHEET N0. •;:r~:: ~ • p ~ : O ROADWAY DE516N HYDRAULICS i , ~i O N r ` EN6INEER ENGINEER •F•r;•:; ~ ~S` ~ Q r.::. ~ ~ ~ 9 . ` , ~ : , s A, Z . ~ ~ o a 'Y~;''` ~ ,C ` ~ . t;t~;:; ~p A U ~ PSP ~1N0 ~ \ Z w P~ ~ ~ ' ~ ti ~ a , ti, ' , ' ~ G P. ~G VERN , o Q~ A E '~H~D ~ 0 s WI' E~, JR,• ~ ° _ & RHODES. ,01 as 9• • ~ :•3:::. ~ , OVIq g ~ h ~d ,q TRUS j INK & ;~.:.s,, . \ ~ F Q.B.7gg StEE', ~ R.3 aJ \ ~ '-^4~ ~ ~ Jj V' ~ ~ p ~ QP4 \ Qy ~ i G' \ Y ~ Gpd \ ~ C7 . ~ ~ \ ,P~ ~ 't` ~ \ P~ \ ~ J ~ \ %o w ~ ~ -ati \ @ o i; , O Y.H. , ~ N ~ , ,W~LL~AI~ W. RHODES ~ ~ ~ 'y` , ~ ~ 1 n ± r. r s N \ WACY~,VIA'BANK~, ' T'R~ , \ US,T ~O.,TRUS E s , • \ D.i~~8~4', PG. \ _ ~ Ja \ ~ ~ S ~ ~~'ti Pti \ 9, t ` vi. N f 10 ~ ~ w. 0' ,192.3 .q ti `o i ,.~~yA9PNAt~r atcH PR 0 D \ ` J w , J ••y'` oo rn fJ ° ~ s ~ RIDGE v LANDSCAPE ~ w \ 'CONC.C i ~ ~ CJ 'i uae_ ~ ~ PATHWAY. o o \ c ~ 'I M.H. ~ E ~ J •<:t ~ O (BY OTHERS) rn • • ~~:'~s. N , ' _ O ~Y •`~,4 t! $ M.H. \ : r' ~ \ • ~ ,i CHNN LINK FEN ~ ' ASPHALT PARKING E ~ ~ CE - ~ \ .>w, , : t 7:: ~ ? !y. 4 \ 4 t ~ l• • • ` y,~L ~ ; h ~ ..::f ~ - ~ TREAM', a \ 6 Docwooo C~IANNEL• ~ ~ 61' MAPLE ` ~ ,:+~~:li ~ s 6 , i. d ~ \ e. , ` O h \ ' ` ~ 1 s \ ~ Y ~l ~ 30' MAPLE P.B. 21 PG. 65 \ ~ <'t , \ I. \ c , o , r' N•••. R K N OC • ` ~ .xe . ~ ' ` s'i`r'=~ ~ Ball FIELD Y.H. J` \ i ~ s \ S9o RELOCATED ~ \ s° ~p \ SS, t PEDESTRIAN ' , , , o \ s Z;r::i ~ i ' x J ~ S S. BRIDGE s ~ •o\ s 0\ S _ \ 9. G ~ I , eau vpo \ ~ i : ~ J., ~ 'F•~- . ~ In ~ ~ , \ ~ ~0 \ ~ \ ~ \ 'V/1~ ~ ~ • , DOUBLE ~ aru rm ; ~ ' , ~ ` ' x o ~ l ~ O o' M/ ` I i I ~ 1 ~ ~ a TENNIS COURT , I ~ ti , ~ ~ \ ~ ~ gRANP.N , ~ I i 1 ~ ~ ~ 20^ YAPIE ~ ?o ` ~ ~ i 9 • 1 ~ ` L'~~ J ~ r'- \ ~ y • 'iy, 24" MAPLE DUGOUT ~ f,r+ : ~ • J ~I :Y>~. ~ / e v. R / / , \ G ~ ca+c. ao k C J ' ~ 'AT EXISTING STONE W ~ / ~ . AL ` \ / . \ . ' ,'`6~ ~:'',i:, ~ (TO BE RE~tOVEOI < y, 1 I J~f~. I l ` ` \ 1 ~ ~r ° \ \ ~ : , ~Poyi y osw~ a o \ • 1 / ~i ' r ~ / ASPXALT P/AKNp s \ ~ B" BALSaY , / 7 ~ - ~ / f~ ~ wr EXISTI • , /i \ ~0 . . - {:r,~, ~ WALKWAY c / ~ - . - ~ Pr orn .t.J •~w:}'i::. I 1 CONCAiOryry / Y / , *PS} ST01F NSTpb(K, MNNfE v a.5~' 'GROSS•TIE ~ u.. `h ~ ''If Q, STEPS' :,::~ar;• ~ 1 ~~e i ~ ~ i ~ ~ ~ - , ~ - 5~35~ E;KISTING~ PEQ~STRIAN,'BRID~E ` ` . . :,r•.,..~K...~.:% ""'~'~Kw ,I :j I I ~ p~. ~ '•N~g3a. (0 6E ~ELgCATEd) 8:, ~ ' I. , ® ~ ~uB ~ti20 39' •w ;15 t _ ~ 1 ~ ~ i ~~aw I ~ ~ / / ~,\,9 . s J8 _ 8 ~ ~ I - . . , . / / \ F ~ I \ \ W. ~ = I ' ~ I _ lid- I ~ ~ I .I IA'~3°~ _ _ _ _ '1. E.I.P. any. cc'i ~ o _ _ _ _ ASPIY~T P1R1(N~ \ ~ - 'VICTQR C: `~H_EAL~'. & J ~o.e:r~r,. J <,4, . ~~l~:VS °AY~:JJf~'..... . •.J:4V • ~ ~ ~'7" . RG 4 I . 1. ~.YY yam, ~ . i:: . ':•:tiY:1Y:ti: Y. • .dfJ: •Y 'h ~ ` .I 2 .65 1 ~ I ~i. .1 j1;P,.: ~C'•' w :1.~"'TM':..5.. •y. v.• - ATRICrA.~ SHE Y~ 2 -7y_:~„ _ n•......... •:~a~~:~. ~ "'rti ::.~'i+r..•..,vkvr. •:x'4:•'r'r. ' \ ~ conc. curb \ Z ~ 1. ~ I. pG.~2 .I: `n,qn , - "`"C,~... I - ' ~ •ii`:• .r°~~ 08 as ~,nN ~;~r::- _ I I I I I I ,PLAT - I o:e;~ • I`` . C.~.~ I r~ ` 4 ~ s,, _ w~ I I I I I 00 ,8 I~ , 6 I~ I ~ 1, 1 247 ~ .-;r ,;;ti~:g:::;:..;- LVVO }y~~ ~ it 'fy ?:JJ?:•:•: f: i. I ? I I I I E 511 r.. r.. = C;~ , r. STREAM . RESTORATION PR OJECT I I I I I 9 I 11 I I • ~ r., ...9J .,.A'-. ;~`Y~~ GRID r~ I I I I I 10 12 1 cn~ I I I I I I I a FOR REED CREEK WEAVER ~ a .r_ PARK ,.y~ -__._.___-~~~k I I I I I I 13 ~ I M ~ I I I I I 1 I I I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ASHEVILLE N.C. ~ 0.8, 743 PG.4 m ~ 60 l a I m I ~-,x I I I I 1 ~ I I o ~D.BJ557 PG.~3'8 DATE JANUARY 12, 1998 SCALE 1" 40' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - MON JAN 19 17:52119 1998 Gs \PLOTTING\PS7\OCF/XEROX. OCF JEFFREY SWANER M,\1296028\DATA\96028E\TECH\JMSDATA\PROPGRAD.PRF i PROJECT REFERENCE N0. SHEET N0. i 5 OF 13 ~ m CHANNEL HABITAT R/W SHEET N0. ROADWAY DE51GN HYDRAULICS ~ IMPROVEMENT II II ENGINEER EN6INEER C7 C~ C~ C~ W W W W 3 3 ~ ~ DEPTH/SLOPE RATIOS EXISTING PROPOSED J J 00 O O N Cn J J I a a ~ ~ ~ Lnaooa _ _ .=o= ~ MAX. POOL DEPTH(ft. l 0.8 2.0 ft. I 0 0 ~ ~ ~o ~o oc~oo 0 0 0 0 +o,~o + Z+ W N N N N O Z+ W I POOL SLOPE TO AVG. 0.8 0.4 rn~Oc/1 ~ CHANNEL SLOPE f- p II II II II I- O a~ao > > > > a~ao ~-xt•-~ w w w w ~-x~-~ POOL DEPTH TO AVG. 0.4 1.0 NWN~ J J J J (nW(nW BANKFULL DEPTH W W W W I O O O O ~ - POOL-POOL SPACING/BKFL. 11.6 9.2 ~ ~ O N I + + + + APPROXIMATE 0 0 BANKFULL ~ ENTRENCHMENT RATIO 1.1 2.0 z ELEVATION a a a a W FPA~W bkf O ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ MEANDER APPLITUDE(ft.) 36 40 ~ ~ 1 MEANDER WAVELENGTH(ft.) 130 130 0.4 ~o X0.4 ~o -i 0.8% ~ C r I W D 1.5 1.5 ~ ~ POOL v SPOOL ~ IMPROVED FROM STATION 5+00 TO 7+00 W II O II r~ ~ AVERAGE CONDITION. SITE CONSTRAINTS . ~ ~ REDUCE ABILITY TO INCREASE VALUES. HABITAT •O>cD •O>cD z avWcD a~W~ ~ IMPROVEMENT COMPENSATED THROUGH VERTICAL F- + .J O I- + J O (n O W N (n r- W N ~ ADJUSTMENTS BY INCREASING POOL NUMBERS AND DEPTHS. I I I I I I p p N v c0 O ~c'~ r'~ N N 00 I~ M M O'~ pJ Ln ~ N ~ II II r'~ r'~ N N ~ ti ti r- ~ o 0 0 0 0 0 C~ ~ cD ~ O O w w N N N N N N J J II II II II II II N N w w II II > > > j > > > > O O W W W W W W J J J J J J w w .F + W W W W W W J J N N W W O O O Q O p O O Ln ~ ~ ~ M M Q Q Ln In + + I 2080 ~ N N N --------------------------------T" ~ a s a s a a • t- ~ ~ ~ ~ a a ~ ~ ; 0. q~ N v~ ~n cn v~ v~ APPROXIMATE SATE ~ , ~ ~ BANKFULL Z 0. 6% ELEVATION; • ~ I ~ T I ' 1N ; ~ ~ f999 EXISTING. CHANNEL ,1r~122 r-- 1 . `J~, - i ~ ' ' POOL - ' THAW R F OKs LEG 0 I L E ~T-~ I I ARAN(:H ~ 1.5E ~ P00 I ~ ~ ~ ~ I O.q ~ C y Q 2 0 7 0 - - - OO--- Off - -2 , 4 POOL ' _ ~ ~ ti ~ ~ ~ , ~ W o0 00 0 ~r, ~ , O ' • ~ ' POOL ' + ~ O w + N + N + CD + Q~ N II M II Q II oo ~n II r- ' ~ II ~ ' z I ; > > . > O . > m aw aw awe- awe ' a w ~o ~ J H J ~ J O F- J O ' F- J O ' N W N W V1 W N N W N (n W N ' ~ ~ 2060 I I 0+00 1 +00 2+00 3+00 4+00 5+00 6+00 7+00 I ~ ~ STATION I Z LEGEND I I ~ EXISTING GROUND STREAM R ESTORATIO N PROJECT ~ PROPOSED GRADE I ~~'°L°°'~ FOR R E E D C - REEK WEAV ER PARK ~ POOL ASHEVILL E N C. I SCALES HOR. 1" = 50' DATE JANUARY 12, 1998 VERT. 1" = 5' I MON JAN iq I7l~ Ii5 i9q8 6~\~ t 7'\,.