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SW6060201_APPROVED PLANS_20060412
STORMWATER DIVISION CODING SHEET POST -CONSTRUCTION PERMITS PERMIT NO. SW DOC TYPE ❑ CURRENT PERMIT ?�IAPPROVED PLANS ❑ HISTORICAL FILE DOC DATE �!1/1 YYYYMMDD ! i S i � - :-� :; . i ; -�'. L C, .I : -'-- - , ; 1.;. . � I--.!, - !, = j, : 1-' -.-, -!-, i - ., , t 1, : N CD co 4 CN T - " 44 ELEVATION DATUM IS ASSUMED - HAA_ Y 8EA.7E7 VICINITY MAP Not to Scale >M114 LEGEND..mms prVerty l SWveyed * erty the - Not surveyed Easensnt Llne = Coantow Line -- 10' _Interval 96ntour Line i'' Interval E of Existing Aspi'►att Pavement P vpased AsphQtt 'Curb Proposed Stara Drain Line Centerline of Read ftht-of-Way, of. Road L.in;ltts of Msturkmnce .. .:�.... Pr-oposed Sut Fence ...�-y ...-- Proposed Water r. FW-q �Hydrant pQ Propoted Voter Valve Raw Rot ay ..Zl ■ Curb, v`* ' FES Rare# End Section **NOTE** . ALL LC)- ARE SERVICED BY SE111= TAWS INDEX Streets and Stoma Drain 5-heet . f of 12 Water UtIlltles Sheet 2 of 12 Sedimentation and Erosion C ntrr Sleet 3 of 12 Dete#eld Drive Sheet 4 of 12 Over( Court Sheet 5 of 12 5rehjamare Court Sheet G, of 12. Samantha COurt 5heet 7 of 12 Clayton Court Sheet 8 of 12 [ etall Sheet! 9, .10 k I I of 12 WoUr Utllit� Engineering by: I S "hdhills ngIneoriog and Surveying, Inc Suite- 206-04 : -Reaford Rd Foy, 104114 tt ,19 05 'PHONE, 91 83-*32-00 Clan Jos.PC FOR: ATKINS. PLACE,LLC Ssrd : 72 ©YL04K CT. erwEtt S S,INC. ANGIE `, C 2750 �}} ��"" �+ y L� IR7�T017IR r L7J�6 P►lef i, B## ?ck k ' F �V 10M. v= ! Y! rti' .i4 ti�.� � _W0010 r 4- N Cf- _:J L: r Un, . T+ f' a t Existing Water Line (6') ment �shown 3' off edge of pace -> . fy location and size s T 174 ° • IrJ 1 r- SCIM0 a.. .� II iI 14 W.Off717 + - boo, i � f vt ' ' 4 cc � ram. � rf LO End of Over 7y Cotwt . ��� � ~" ° _ ' �. tndA--- D,fx?er eJd F _ a^ce and from tre inteTSEG.'�,n DexteriL, , and €:• erby t^ ,na across niet Dutiet 512e Lenoth a*acte I4'ater;a IT5 FE5 #2 6° Co4.00 Q.35Ok RCP CJ #3 005 �9.09' 9896 RCP G #4 C3 #5 1 '. 5" 27, .0,45% KcP GI #5 C' #b 8" 207.93' G. RCP # 45. I ev ''k•65� � �I #i #6 If 77,? 507. ! 2` 2.07 RCf Ci #9 # : v 24' 2 ` :3 2. 4% RCP CONTRACTOR MUST _CONTACT THE NORTH CAROLINA ONE CALL CENTER 1-800-632-4949 AT LEAST 48 PRIOR TO DIGGING. DEXTEREIELD STREET and STORM DRAIN PLAN SHEET 1 OF 12 SHEETS 61 qk _4F W m, -7 - �4 r1w, -4" Aj z- y P74 WWI ot- -1 T-, v, .4, t 0� ? ow 4 1-10 3 j'A xlv Z�. V,. 4, Vf 71' al PON V LAYING t CONDITIONS PROJECT USE ff DESCRIPTION I;�) of r. A t ?J j" IRON. 7.4- XJ �j FLAT BOTTOM UND?MRSED NOT USED;� 4" SAM �_ . : - I -,-. ... : , F - , � sl�"�11 "T 2, H TRENCH, LOOSE:WKRLL .17 ki 'Aw �cq WE 1 QN. Im, tt -AI 4 7%, 7 A 4 I mj, I. FL4T BOTTOMED U fM BED EARTH 41., JW, ND R W i4v NOT USED, TPX-NCH. BAcKnLL LIGHTLY X 0k; 41, Ai �4- 71 CONSOLIDATED TO CENTERLINE OF PIPE. 4�, ft4 -2 '71 j'71 LtAj 1. ALL DUCTILE PIPE REDDED, IN 4- MftNVM' IRON GRANATY JOB EXCAVATED MATERI&. SEWER UNE. W*FU LIGHTLY CONSOLOA10 T 43C PIPE. YPE 3 -7 Aeon A 7A ALL PV0 WA R PIPE-':b WED IN SAND.. Q LJNE AND PVC MATERIAL OR GRAIDED�r*l "ra MNN. TW__WTH OF 'RW 4N W -JOB 6&VIA" Al COMP&MI) TO' 4 BM- TQP OF PIPE R 95% $TANDARI). PR(WOR 4 t ALL FVC GPLAVRY Pip EDDED �T #$AT IN 1T ]W�L�AIWR PIPE -OR W 44L TO -A D MATU NU, Or. P krAI PROCTOR, X;3�7 4L 1: T-99) L-YPtQAL LAYING V 2A 6t tTYPE 5 sc" ROWS: 1 CONCRETE SHALL BE 3,000 PSI MM. 2. CQNW4ETE'F0R THRUST 7BUX104 SE KEPT if FXRLY DRY THUS MA04 THE CONVIV WEDGE p I W *%K Mw MLYTC" ING 4fift �04 3 4. ALL T_ BEWRAPPED NO Lmos. Mf,�g MG IF %OR 70� PO~ 5 Cr WN x V%UW OF TMW XM SHALL SE AS SHO ON THE TMMT KOCI" SCHEDW. lb*4 k 6N MIN. ON' 04 -A -CR -T A up iq--u Aft IYPICAL TOR W ..,,S hill �OW WM A x HYQRANT TEE F." low MM.1/3 C.Y. AT 3WO P,S.1. 4w. low uw PLAN TEE I MOM ft ftAm Wft Lm L 04IMM 40 K UMM MM AN 18o MIN M W 0 AOMMINU 47 ISIN can) cut' ow. pmmwff PWT, C.04PLING 0 mer, UK T4 24" MIN, 12m 0 OR LESS 2 IN L�' 18" 141N. 10m 0 OR LESS EAM ISM TkR .,(24 TEE t LUG S IL A 8 A A - ff -a 111� 5 j A- 12- '3.3*' 0 M it 1% L in �Z' NCRE rr __ff I T_ TE BLOCK .1 /3'CX`: AT IN w w m .1� w -m t� w I Z:, 1 14" 1 IL Z. Au V" 20 MR =z or THRUST KOCK DETA. IL ScAl -w TRENCH N U S-'SUR FACE �MEA Sjf� 7 r g, li:4 CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS TEMPORARY GRAVEL CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE/EXIT 1. Gear, grub and strip the area under the embankment of all vegetation and root mat. Remove all surface soil containing high amounts of organic matter and stockpile and Design Criteria }, 5 ft _r dispose of it property. Haul all objectionable material to the designated disposal area. mn 2. Ensure that fill material for the embankment is free of roots, woody vegetation, organic Aggregate Size - Use 2 to 3 inch washed stone matter, and other objectionable material. Place the fill in lifts not to exceed 9 inches 1.5 ft and compact it. Overfill the embankment 6 inches to allow for settlement. Dimensions of Gravel Pad 1804 cu ft/acre`4t c:c� 3. Construct the outlet section in the embankment. Protect the connection between the riprap Thickness: 6 inches minimum t _� g f{ and the soil from piping by using fitter fabric or a keyway cut-off trench between the riprap Width. 12-ft minimum or full width at aH points _ r - 4fj max structure and the sail_ of the vehicular entrance and exit area, `r- Place the filter fabric between the riprap and soil. Extend the fabric across the spillway whichever is greater. - �F ��* o,- . , y foundation and sides to the top of the dam; OR IIF Location - Locate construction entrances and exits to timit sediment from leaving the site and to provide ��_ �F_, Excavate a keyway trench along the center -line of the spillway foundation extending up for maximum utility by oil construction vehicles. { the sides to the height of the dam. The trench should be at least 2 ft deep and 2 ft - Avoid steep grades and entrances at curves in {�� �� 1� �f wide with 1:1 side slopes. vow� public roads. 4. Clear the pond area below the elevation of the crest of the spillway to facilitate sediment washing - If conditions at the site are such that most of the Filter Fabric cleanout. mud and sediment are not removed by vehicles traveling 5. All cut and fill slopes should be 2:1 or flatter. over the gravel, the tires should be washed. The washing CROSS SECTION 6. Ensure that the stone (drainage) section of the embankment has o minimum bottom width of 3 ft _ should be dome on an area stabilized with crushed stone and maximum side slopes of 1:1 that extend to the bottom of the spillway section. that drains into a sediment trap or other suitable disposal refill 6� 7. Construct the minimum finished stone spillway bottom width, as shown on the plans, with 2:1 side urea. A wash rack may also be used to make washing more Design far settlement slopes extending to the top of the over filled embankment. Keep the thickness of the sides of the settled 21 Y spillwa outlet structure at a minimum of 21 inches- 2-3` Coarse Aggregate convenient and effective. to r p min The weir must be level and constructed to grade to- assure design capacity. COT15trUCtiOf! Specifications- 8. Material used in the stone section should be a well -graded mixture of stone with a dgo size of 9 4 ft F- inches (Class 8 erosion control stone is recommended) and a maximum stone size of 14 inches. The 1. Clear the entrances and exit area of all vegetation, Foots, and other mn . 1 stone may be machine placed and the smaller stones worked into the voids of the larger stones. - objectionable material and propertygrade it. The stone should be hard, angular, and highly weather -resistant. ` 2. Place the gravel to the specific grade and dimensions shown an the me mergency by-pass A 1-ft thick. layer of 1/2-3/4-inch aggregate (NC DOT #57 washed stone is recommended) plans, and smooth it. I 6- below settled top should be placed on the inside face to reduce drainage flow rate_ 3. Provide drainage to carry water to a sediment trap or other suitable 5 ft _ ='` of dam 9. Ensure that the stone spillway outlet section extends downstream past the toe of the embankment outlet f" 2:1 side until stable conditions are reached and outlet velocity is acceptable for the receiving stream. Keep max fitl i ~ the ed es of the stone outlet section flush with the surraundin round and she a the center to 3 4. Use geotextile fabrics because they improve the stability of the foundation , slope max 9 g 9 p confine the outflow stream. in locations subject to seepage or high water table. Filter Fabric�'--R_ 10. Direct emergency by-pass to natural, stable areas. Locate by-pass outlets so that flow will not B' ruin_ ` `� z Maintenance { 1:1 side damage the embankment. Iwl ntenarlCe� sloe max --=`r p 11. Stabilize the embankment and all disturbed areas above the sediment pool and downstream from Maintain the gravel pad in a condition to prevent mud or sediment from leaving the trap immediately after construction. the construction site. This may require periodic top dressing with 2-inch stone. 3 ft atural 12. Show the distance from the top of the spillway to the sediment cleanout level (one-half the design i After each rainfall, inspect any structure used to trap sediment and clean it out min ground depth) on the plans and mark it in the field. [ as necessary. Immediately remove all objectionable materials MAINTENANCE I spilled, washed or tracked onto public roadways. _ STONE SECTION 1. Inspect temporary sediment traps after each period of significant rainfall. Remove sediment and re- store the trap to its' original dimensions when the sediment has accumulated to one-half the design - - depth of the trop. Place the sediment that is removed in the designated disposal area and replace ***NOTE*#* the contaminated part of the grovel facing. 2. Check the structure for damage from erosion or piping. Periodically check the depth of the spillway Individual gravet construction- entrances/exits for lots during the home building phase to ensure it is a minimum of 1.5 ft below the low point of the embankment. Immediately fill any shot[ follow all the above requirements, EXCEPT 1 settlement of the embankment to slightly above desugn grade. Any riprap displaced from the spillway must be replaced 'immediately. - 3. After all sediment -producing areas have been permanently stabilized, remove the structure and all Aggregate Size -5 septic ,lane - MINIMUMunstable sediment_ Smooth the area to blend with the adjoining areas and stabilize property. Dimensions of Gravel Pad - - - Thickness 6-inch rninimum Width 10-ft minimum Length 15--ft minimum Individual lot temporary gravel construction entrances and exits shall be placed to serve nTEMPORARY SEDIMENT TRAP -not more than two lots. CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS I- Clear, grub and strip the area under- the embankment of all vegetation and root mat. Remove all surface soil containing high amounts of organic matter and stockpile and r -dispose of it properly. Haut ail objectionable material to the designated disposal area. 5 It / min Delay clearing the reservoir area until the darn is in plod r /2. Cover the foundation area, including the abutments with extra -strength filter fabric before '-- " 2.0 ft back -filling wits► rock. if a cut-off trench is required, excavate at center -tine of dam, extending all the way up the earth abutments. Apply filter fabric under the rockfill r ] 134 cu ft/acre 1 - 8 ft embankment,' from the upstream edge of the dam to the downstream edge of the apron Overlap filter material a minimum of 1 foot at all joints, with the upstream strip laid max t y over the -downstream strip. 3. Construct the embankment with well -graded rock and grovel to the size and dimensions shown 'T� ..:� -4.-_ } _ '= Y` �-Y_ �� • a on the plan, it is important that rock abutments be at least 2 feet higher than the spillway crest min and at least 1 foot highmer than the dam, all the way to the downstream toe, to prevent sco.,r and erosion at the abutments. 4, Sediment -laden water from the construction site should tie diverted into the basin reservoir at the furthest area from the darn. Extra strength 5. Construct the rock dam before the basin area is cleared to minimize sediment yield from cons-n4ction Filter of the bosin. Stabilize immediately off areas disturbed during the construction of the dcm except lter !'alone CROSS SECTION the sediment pool 6. SAFETY - Sediment be should be considered dangerous because: they attract children_ Steep side 21' slopes should be avoided. Fences with warning signs may be .needded if trespassing is likely. Design min .0-1 All state and local requirements must be followed. .1 settled top 0 "''n refill 6" MAINTENANCE _ for settlement 1. Inspect sediment basins after each rainfall. Remove sediment and restore original volume when s�,,ment - ' accumulates to about one-half the design volume. See design 2. Check the structure for damage from erosion, piping or rock displacement after each significant rainstorm : calculations and repair immediately. 2.0 f Ts� 3. Remove the structure and arty unstable sediment immediately- after the construction site has been permanently min _ -_ j stabilized_ Smooth the basin site to blend with the surrounding area and stabilize. Alt water and sediment should be removed from the basin prior to dam removal_ Sediment should be placed in designcted disposat 7 ft 7_ EaL, mer en b - ss areas and not atlow�ed to flow into streams or drains ewa s during structure removal. . �, _ ~_ 2:1 side 9 cY Y Pa 9 Y g mow fill x- slope a max 6" below settled tap Extra strength of dam Nter Fabric _ t ' 1:1 side slope max IF atuRock Dam 11 A; mist 114 ground Use a dD size stone of 9 inches and a maximurn store size of 14" Cover theupstream face of the dam with a 1-ft thick fryer of washed STONE SECTION NC DOT #57 stone or #5 washed stone. Extend the length of the downstream apron. 13` on a 0% grade ROCK DAM Practice Standards and Spec(ficaaons 6.20 r T D - Definition AternP«aryridge orexcavalled:.huLmloiro Nnw;mridgeandchanneico► sleuthed across sloping land on a pmActer+ni;wl grade. PUrP0Se To protect worst areas fzwn upslope. runoff and to divert sediment -laden water to apgrc pciate traps or stable outlets. Conditions Where Thispwticeappliestoconst»tionarm wl=rumffcm bedi mid ds_ Practice Applies F09A* °rVOMIY to cw of mv5i r, sedimenta€iorrl, ar flood dainage. S,-,_V�cifie Imadons and omdakm include: - above duqurbed assisting slopes, and above cut or fill slopes to prevem runoff i1va the slope; • across unprotccLed slopics, as slope breaks, io reduce slope kngth; • below 514pes to divert excess r1=fff to stabiUnd outlet • Where needed to divas wd m m-laden water to sedi rent teal',; • at or the; pennlieta of the Cou trl]MC" #Bees to Keep wAiment fratrt 1e8vu1g the sue; • above ciistw'bcd areas before stabih=on to prevem erg ion and maintain acceptable working conditions. - TempLwwy divcrsiorts may also sezve as sedinent umM when the site bas beea overexcavated on a flat grade; they may also be: used in conjunction with a s+edimem fence - Planning It is imparmrx &A diversions are properly designed, consaucted and rrtaJsk- Considerations rained si>lce. they concemrate.water flow and a erosion potential {Flg= 6.20a). Particular cart must be tAcri is Flarrrling diversion grades. Too much slope can result in erosive `iekrity in the diversion ctlannel or at the outlet. A change of slope from steeper grasae to Law may cause dcpeution to occur_ The deplosilioa reduces - carrying capacity and may cause ovenwping and uulurc. Frequentinspection and Beatty rrlair�arse sseriU- io theproper fw"ion- ing of diversions. Suf cknt area must be avaMtc to constrwE and ptoperiy mainlair€ divts�om It is usually less costly to excavate a channel and form a ridge or dike on the Compacted soil 2 j� Mir( J• CA- F 1c �.:.`.: .; t8 min - - � ,a.z 7 � -jm typical - 't Figure 6.20t Tenparay ear+,tJen EfveisigA dike. -�' Ci1 GOODEN & ASSOCIATES, INC. Chalybeate Springs 1745 CYPRESS LAIKES ROAD H E CTO R' S CREEK TOWNSHIP HOPE MILLS, N.C. 28348 PHONE 910-223-7766 HARNETT COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA FAx 910-293-7788 -SCALE 1 " 50' October 27T 2005 DRAWING: 05597A1dwg\A9 PLAN AND PROFILE DEXTERFIELD :�.�a:;uyll (SILT FENCE) Backfill min. 8" thick layer of gravel n 14"- Fill CONSTRUCTION SPECOCATIONS 1. Use a synthetic filter fabric or a pervious sheet of ploypropylene, nylon, or polyethylene yarn, which is certified by the manufacturer or supplier as conforming to the requirements shown in the. table Synthetic filter fabric should contain ultraviolet roy inhibitors and stabilizers to provide a minimum of 6 months expected usable construction life at a temperature range of 0 to 120' F. 2. Ensure that posts for sediment fences are either 4-inch diameter pine, 2-inch diameter oak, or 1.33 lb/linear It steel with a minimum length of 4 ft. Make sure that steel posts have projections to facilitate fastening the fabric. 3. For reinforcement of standard strength filter fabric, use wire fence with a minimum 14 gauge and a maximum mesh spacing of 6 inches Physical Property Requirements Filtering efficiency 85% (min) Tensile strength at Standard Strength- 20% (max) Elongation 30 Ib/lin in (min) Extra Strength - 50 lb/tin in (min) Slurry Flow Rate 0.3 gal/sq ft/min (min) 8" �L V-trench Filter Fabric Filter Fabric 'Inn(♦ �1 Construction 1. Construct the sediment barrier of standard strength or extra strength synthetic filter fabrics. 2. Ensure that the height of the sediment fence does not exceed 18 inches above the ground surface. (Higher fences may impound volumes of water sufficient to cause failure of the structure.) 3. Construct the filter fabric from a continuous roll cut to the length of the barrier to avoid joints. When joints are necessary, securely fasten the filter cloth only at a support post with overlap to the next post. 4. Support standard strength filter fabric by wire mesh fastened securely to the upstope side of the posts using heavy duty wire staples at least 1 inch long, or be wires. Extend the wire mesh support to the bottom of the trench. 5. When a wire mesh support fence is used, space posts a maximum of 8 ft apart. Support posts should be driven securely into the ground to a minimum of 18 inches. 6. Extra strength filter fabric with 6-ft post spacing does not require wire mesh support fence. Staple or wire the filter fabric directly to the posts. 7. Excavate a trench approximately 4 inches wide and 8 inches deep along the proposed line of posts and upstope from the barrier. 8. Backfill the trench with compacted soil or gravel placed over he filter fabric. 9. Do not attach finer fabric to existing trees. Maintenance 1. Inspect sediment fences at least once a week and after each rainfall. Make any required repairs immediately, 2. Should the fabric fence collapse, tear, decompose or become ineffective, replace it promptly. Replace burlap every 60 days. 3. Remove sediment deposits as necessary to provide adequate storage volume for the next rain and to reduce pressure on the fence. Take care to avoid undermining the fence during cleanout. 4. Remove all fencing materials and unstable sediment deposits and bring the area to grade and stabilize it after the contributing drainage area has been properly stabilized. BLOCK AND GRAVEL INLET PROTECTION (TEMPORARY) NOT TO SCALE watering MMEN �EEW. ow, 7MII IM. E SM ENG111 �oncrete block •v , t\\F-•r r J ���_!"e_ may^ 2:1 Slope, Gravel Filter Wire screen Te f -'rcry / Dewatering Se Te^.*. Pool min Al i 16` max \ Drop inlet w Sediment lth grate 3:1 Slope Temporary Wire mesh Sediment Poo s I ,'_MINA /(op!ionalj 1' min '!/ 2' max 2:1 Sic ir 3" stone Fir- _-ivel face \-(' .r -- thickness) ection 7. 1 Materials 7.6.4 Patching and Paving Roadway patching and paving shall be in keeping with the latest edition of the North Carolina Department I I Standards of Transportation Standard Specifications for Roads & Pavements. In no event ,hall open cuts in the . roadway remain unpaved or patched in keeping with highway standards for more than 15 da%s. Failure on ipe, fittings, valves and fire hydrants shall conform to the latest standards issued by the AW WA, if such rt the paof the contractor to take adequate action on patching shall force the HC'DPL to ,uhlease a pay ing contractor for the repairs. The contractor shall he billed for such work and project acceptance Mill he andards exist and are acceptable to the HCDPU. In the absence of such standards, materials meeting subject to payment for repairs. )plicable Project Standards and acceptable to the HCDPU may be selected. 7.6.5 Coffer 1.2 Materials All water mains shall be covered with sufficient earth or otter insulation to present freeying I hlm-.i\ (36) inches of cover shall be required for all pipe. \l'here thirty-six (36) inches of cover cannot be PVC 2 inch through 12 inch shall conform to pressure rated Class 200 PSI SDR 21 • provided, Ductile Iron ANSE A21.81 Class 50 shall be required. s a minimum, uctile Iron ANSI A21.51 Class 50 is acceptable. 7.6.6 Blockin All tees, bends, plugs and hydrants shall be provided with reaction blocking, tic rod,, or joints de,igned to 1.3 .joints prevent movement in accordance with AW WA Standards C600(3.8) Concrete thrust block, shall he poured in place. licking and jointing materials used in the joints of pipe shall meet the current standards of the AW WA and e HCDPU. All fittings shall be mechanical joint ductile iron. PVC pipe shall require slip on joints with 7.6.7 Pressure and Leakage Testing bber gaskets. The installed pipe shall be pressure tested and leakage tested in accordance with AWWA standard, C600. Prostte lestin._• ,hall txgm otter ail water ilne, have been in,iailed. sc. lotion 7.2 Water Main Design hemeen valvi not to wooed '_.0t4I feet per te,t. Da awri for all pr,,trc te,t hour-. .All line, Aid!I be te,ted at 5i1 pa ovef u - w -kin_ pre>,ure or 2(.!0 p,i Ailowahle Ical dce ,hall not ex.tecd 10 _all,ris neh dig' etcr mile ' I hours. t, 1 , -ie normal working in the distribution system should be approximately 60 psi and not less than 35 Of lfta} be ohiained from evistit:g vva;:r main. I he cwimi nx i, rr_ x n ihic 1 pressure d rrir:g te,uin:. :1. 7.6.8 Flushing and Cleaning 2.1 Pressure Flushing and cleaning shall be the responsibility of the contractor. The contractor shall pump do and dispose of all extraneous ground water, sand. gravel and foreign objects within the water main. 11 water mains, including those not designed to provide fire protection, shall be sized after a hydraulic Such material shall not be flushed into the existing operating sewer mains, pump stations or pertinent •ial sis based on the flow demands and pressure requirements. The s stem shall be designed to maintain a facilities. Flushing of water main lines under construction into sewer main lines of the HCDPI i, HCDPL y� tinlmum pressure of 20 psi at ground lvel at all points in the distributions stem under all conditions of prohibited. Water for pushing and cleaning as, herein referenced. and shall h provided la% the upon payment of the appropriate fees for a fire hydrant meter in keeping with HCDPI' e,rlhlished ow including domestic fire flow of 300 gpm in residential communities and 500 gpm in commercial areas. standards rates and regulations. The water mains shall be flushed at the end oftle blow off. 7.6.9 Locator Wire .2.2 Diameter A » 1 _ AW G sotid conductor 1111 IN locator wire shall be provided as directed by the Harnett Count% Dept ipe sizes acceptable to the HCDPU are 2 inch, 4 inch, 6 inch, 8 inch, and 12 inch. Pipe diameters less of Public Utilities in the same trench as the water main. The County, in all in,tance, where a coritlict tan 2 inches are not acceptable. The minimum size of water main for providing fire protection and serving between the potable water sNstem and other nonpotable water s%stems such a, sewer, force main,, ray uv sewer mains, and irrigation mains constructed within 25 feet of the pipe, shall require locator wire. I he re hydrants shall be six inch diameter. Larger size mains shall be required if necessary to allow for the locator wire shall meet the latest approved HCDPU Standards. rithdrawal of the required fire flow while maintaining the minimum residual pressure specified herein. 7.6.10 Disinfection .2.3 Fire Protection All new. cleaned or repaired water mains shall be disinfected in accordance with A%% N% A standard Cot tl- Vhen fire protection is provided, system design shall be such that fire flows and facilities are in accordance Tlic t,,111,w;n ,teps mu,t he taken 11Ir,ati,factor� di;inlLtit,,n of nea 7ith the requirements of the N. C. State Insurance Services Office, or a minimum of 300 gpm delivery in om0ined herein below: -sidential areas 500 gpm in commercial areas with 20 psi residual pressure. • li%aier distribution ,%,tom` including water m-lin, ,hall tv pre„ t _ te,7c startim_ any di,infcoion procedurc-N. All "ater main, to he d:,l .cxl,.a - .2.4 Small Mains other 6rrci n matter after tr,tmu ft,r leaks. Pipe ,cctoti(,! to N. di wtr - -... any clrcUm,tance,- ny departure from minimum requirements shall be justified by hydraulic analysis and future water use, id may be considered only in special circumstances. Generally, pipe diameters of less than 4 inches are )t acceptable. A 2 inch diameter pipe may be acceptable by the HCDPU on a case by case basis (short ;tensions, dead ends, cul-de-sacs). 2.5 Hydrants Eater mains not designed to carry fire flows shall not have fire hydrants connected to them. GOODEN &ASSOCIATES, INC. 2.6 Dead Ends 1745 CYPRESS LAKES ROAD ..ead ends shall be minimized by looping of all mains whenever practical. HOPE MILLS, N.C. 28348 2.7 Flushing; PHONE 910-223-7766 FAX 910-223-7788 'here dead end mains occur there shall be provided a fire hydrant if flow and pressure are sufficient or DRAWING: 05597A\dwg\A9 GRAVEL DOUGHNUT 101 t,, I,; -) I- �, v , ctZI- Keep the dra:rage area no grecte- than 1 acre unless site conditions dl!ow for frequent removal and adequate discsdl of accumulated sedimert. Keep the ne•gnt of the bcrrer at -east 12 irches and no greater than 24 inches. DO NOT USE MORTAR. Limit the he; t to prevent excess candling and by -Coss flow Recessthe first course of block a' feast 2 inches below the crest opening of the storm drain for Ieteal support. S,-Dort subsequent courses laterally, if needed, by placing a 2x4-inch wood stud thrc_gh the block openings that are perpendicular to the block course needing suppc^ Lay some blocks or the,. side in the bottom row for dewatering the pool. Place grove! just below the top of the b2Place rooks on slopes .1 or flatter hardware Cloth or comparable wire mesh wi7•+ 1/2-inch openings over all block open:^gs to hold gravel in piece. GRAVEL DOUGHNUT - As an optor - design, the concrete block may be omitted and the ert;re structure made of grave. ar_ stone. A structure made entirety of stone :s commonly called a "gravel douyhn-t In this case, keep the stone slope toward the the inlet at 3:1 or fiatter to help prevent stone from being washed into the in'et. A minimum 1-ft wide level area set 4 inches below the drop inlet crest will add further protect!on against the entrc=ce of material. Stone on the slope toward the inlet should be 3 inches or larger for stability, and 1 inch or sme ler on the slope away from the inlet to control flow •ate. Wire mesh with 2-inch openings may be placed over the drain grating but m-st be inspected frequently to avoid blockage by trash. The top eievechon of the s rUcture '-gust be at least 6 inches lower than the ground elevation downslope from the iniet. ' is important that all storm flows pass over the structure and into the storm drain -_-.d not past the structure. Temporary diking below the structure may be necessary to pre:ert by-pass flow. Meter,ol may be excavated from insde the sediment pool for this :--Dose. CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS 1. Lay one block on each side of t-e structure on its side in the bottom row to allow pool drainage. The foundation s^old be excavated at least 2 inches below the crest of the storm drain. Place the rc'tom row of blocks ogo,r.st the edge of the storm drain for lateral supports and t= avoid wash -outs when overflow occurs. If needed, give lateral support to subseque-t rows by placing 2x4 wood studs through block openings. 2. Carefully fit hardware cloth or cc`nparable wire mesh with 1/2-inch openings over all bock openings to hold gravel Diace. 3. Use clean gravel, 3/4 to 112 =h diameter, placed 2 inches below the top of the block on a 2:1 slope or flatter end smooth ;t to an even grade. DOT #57 woshed stone is recommended. 4. If only stone and gravel are use_, keep the slope toward the inlet no steeper than 3:1 Leave a minimum 1-ft wide 'it -el stone area between the structure and around the inlet to prevent gravel from entering the i,i On the slope away from the inlet use 1/2-3/4-inch gravel (NCDOT #57 washed stcre) ato a minimum thickness of 1 ft MAINITENN IInspect the barrier after each rair end m::ke repairs as needed. Remove sediment as necessary to crov.de adequate storage volume for subsequent rains. When the contributing drainage area has been adequately stabilized, remove all materials and any unsrable soil, and either salvage or d,spase of It properly. Bnr.q the d sturbed area to proper grade, then smooth and comoor' it. Appropriately stab:l:ze oil bare areas ground the ir'et NOTE - Ali catch Uas:ns, frames, crates end hoods shall corr Ny ',;tin Highway Design Branch, Roadway Standcrd Dt c'A'rncs, Details 840.01 - 840.03 'f-E prGpos P_d Subavi Sion IS IOCated W:'hing a Hig'- Quality W'ater zone. Qur plan is tc co,er the entire sate which includes 42.71 acres. 41 se�iment and erosion control measures love been designed far a 25 year storm. As per tt-e Constr;ct!on Schedule and Maintencrice Flan the street and utilities are tc be cleared and constructed prior t0 recardai!Gn of the s bd!v:sion plat. After the c--plet,on of th::s phase and the Stvbi,-Zat!on of cif t- rbp .i n da u d areas, tn_p bay:Ciny c".str-ction Wil begin. A the process Is to continue with the cor^p:etton of some homes, the boil jinn area for Fese 'ome_5 will be stab liZed and net odd t0 the ImpGCt area. Tr:.ret-'e we W. ! not have more ins 20acresboring d'Starbe.d atone t!mE d.0 ring the Cc"str-_flan of _ne prapct. ID ='-L= Chalybeate Springs HECTOR IS CREEK TOWNSHIP HARNETT COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA SCALE 1 " = 50' October 27, 2005 PLAN AND PROFILE DEXTERFIELD DETAILS SHEET 12 OF 12 SHEETS �1I t .A.. ELEVATION DATUM IS ASSUMED VICINITY MAP Not to Scale N*N LEGEND N** Property line - Surveyed ,, 4 Property tine - Not surveyed Easement Line Contour Line - 10' Interval Contour Line - 2' Interval Edge of Existing Asphalt Pavement Proposed Asphalt Curb Proposed Storm Drain Line Centerline of Road Right -of -Way of Road Limits of Disturbance X Proposed Sitt Fence W Proposed Water !�C Proposed Fire Hydrant M Proposed Water Valve R/W Right -of -Way CI 0 Curb Inlet FES G Flared End Section n, N I" RC T A'_ **NOTE** ALL LOTS ARE SERVICED BY SEPTIC TANKS INDEX Streets and Storm Drain Water Utllitie5 Sedimentation and Erosion Control Dexterfield Drive Overby Court Brendamore Court Samantha Court Cla on Court Deta115 She Water Utility Engineering by: Sandhills Engineering and Surveying, Inc Suite 206, 2504 Reaford Rd Fayetteville NC 28305 PHONE 910--483-3200 Don Jessup, PE Surveyed by: BENNETT SURVEYS,INC. 1662 CLARK RD.,LILLINGTON,N.C. 27546 (910) 893-5252 FOR: ATKINS PLACE,LLC 72 OVERLOOK CT. ANGIER,NC 27501 Kieth Bullock 919-639-7424 ZONED RA-30 WATERSHED DISTRICT WS — IV TAX PARCEL ID# 08-0653-0030 GOODEN & ASSOCIATES, INC. 1745 CYPRESS LAKES ROAD HOPE MILLS, N.C. 28348 PHONE 910-223-7766 FAX 910-223-7788 Drawing: 05597A\dwg\A2 cr� cr� Lo 'n :4 O z dfSi_0 I O _ Z'7 -05 GRAPHIC SCALE 100 0 50 100 200 ( IN FEET ) 1 inch = 100 rt. CHAL�B�ATE SPBitiGS BAP; IS^^CHJRCH Chalybeate Springs HECTOR'S CREEK TOWNSHIP HARNETT COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA SCALE 1 " = 100' October 27, 2005 00 Dexterfield Entrance and from the intersection of Dexterfield and Overby to and across PIPE CHART Inlet Outlet 517e Length Grade Material FES # I FE5 #2 18' 64.00' 0.35% RCP Cl #3 Cl #5 15" 69.09' 1 .98% RCP C1 #4 Cl #5 15' 27.84' 0.45% RCP CI #5 Cl #6 If 207.93' 0.80% RCP C1 #6 Cl #7 18' 45. 15' 1 .85% KC?' Cl #7 Cl #8 1 5" 77.9 P 1.94% RCP CI #8 Cl #9 18' 507. 12' 2.07% RCP CI #9 CI # 10 24• 67.03' 2.64% RCP Cl # 10 Cl # I 1 24• 1 20.00' 0.63% RCP iOH Meat CONTRACTOR MUST CONTACT THE NORTH CAROLINA ONE CALL CENTER 1-800-632--4949 AT LEAST 48 PRIOR TO DIGGING. CIA "'tom., A� ; dr y ra�-�ss.o4, ;9 487 6 .'`NGIN t s DEXTERFIELD STREET and STORM DRAIN PLAN SHEET 1 OF 12 SHEETS i Existing Water Line (6� I I shown 3' off edge of pavement Verify location and depth 484�4 9 I Qp vw �q y V O I i� ° $gin �o�orw � � o� °# °� •� � '" �' � � II � II � 11 II ! I o I I 20 it I I I UI� I N r.li 91.72 87.16 I 1 I Q I I 0 I 0 I I o I o !I jIIla� a� ICI I oN r 11 0 rn a70) 0 � ^ I€I€ kI I I I II>a:I I co_ ! l l IiIIl�Ii �R FIE=—S_ �#--2 ----W--- ---_-_-_----_--_M-_ �I_ --III-_---.=--_-__=-=--w--= _-=-_-=--�---=—I- �I LoE Co c� FES2 0+21.69 3O1.98Lt.. ..' . CI# 3 q nv. (18 OUT) 97.00' a � N Inv. OUT (18') 97.00' Top = 89.20O ii + a > i m Inv. Out (15") 8 a t �— +%i' II �iIII l illIIIIIII -# iII II !1 STA11 3+-47 6—.10 3+67.27 �o flfl 1+oo2+flfl 3+00 � - 4+00 5+00 Dects+oo 7+00 B+flO �oo 10+00 11+00 11+ 6.161 Il PI 8rendamore Courter -1�r- Drive N=------- - - - - - - - -- =- - - --w------ -w- -w ---- _ ------------------ - --- �=--_:- -__ - -- = --- =-=w---ww__-- =w- = 6 SDR21 Water 0+13.94 18.00Rt. 4f3054 6z6 Tapping S^0, m �3x> °° 0 41� B393 and 6" Water Ve �[` N�a rr,arNo00- 13€ �g�i�v gti�68 I wti I N .I ;c? n FES # 1 C' I I I +a', II it 6� Co LO 1 � �11 � Z i`vInv. IN (181 97.2' 17i oLo LO N o o 001 6v 3 ++' +7 I 69 a ao CoCo, o t ao+ I10 x70 Site Easemeo + S O ap On both sides of CoI fo\m L3X +Oexterfield Drive a s�`-- —S— —j_ ox eeFe—--- — uft— _ y of-i II! €►�1 € 43 1" 1' 11 0+19.67 — 18' Storm Drain over Water M Maintain a MINIMUM separation 18" Minimum between piF Use 6" Ductile Iron, ANSI A21.51 Class 50 DATUM ELE 70.00 0+00 1 +00 2+00 Sandhills Engineering and Surveying, Inc Suite 206, 2504 Reaford Rd Fayetteville NC 28305 PHONE 910-483-3200 Don Jessup, PE 3+00 Dexterf ield Drive 50' Right —of —Way 30Pavement -- Rolled asphalt curb 4+00 5+00 6+00 7+00 8+00 9+00 10+00 11+00 GOODEN & ASSOCIATES, INC. 1745 CYPRESS LAKES ROAD HOPE MILLS, N.C. 28348 PHONE 910-223-7766 FAX 910-223-7788 Drawing: 05597A\dwg\A3 S� 10-'n-o5 SCALE 1" = 50' HORZONTAL SCALE 1" = 5' VERTICAL 50 0 50 100 150 GRAPHIC SCALE — FEET s5K11' �t'tFrSfjlr 11 +45.56 — 18' Rt. II L- Storm Drain over Water Main Maintain a MINIMUM separotion of 18" Minimum between pipesi Cif ,a �:�' { �.... Use 6" Quctils Iron. ANC! r *, , t* A21.51 Class 50 ! **NOTE** ALL LOTS ARE SERVICED BY SEPTIC TANKS 12+00 Chalybeate Springs HECTOR'S CREEK TOWNSHIP HARNETT COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA SCALE 1 " = 50" October 27, 2005 ��ylltil� L1i1 y111j1U1i Y(FS S j-- 1,L'% — a $ SEAL". — **NOTE** WATER LINES SHALL BE LAID THREE FEET OFF THE EDGE OF THE PAVEMENT INCLUDING AROUND CUL—DE—SACS a **NOTE** WHERE STORM DRAIN CROSSES WATER MAIN USE A21.51 CLASS 50 DUCTILE IRON PIPE. PLACE 20' PIPE JOINT 10' ON CENTER OF CROSSING PLAN AND PROFILE DEXTERFIELD Dexterfield Drive SHEET 4 OF 12 SHEETS 4e. MAGNETIC MAP NORTH NO. 200 t - f 066 III !!J 00 �h / I I j 1 I I `4Ln ' 7+47.35 Co �a� I I { 10 o r� � g 0 / III IIo1 3 92.f�i I°o O I a I a 11 I 12 a i o a —• — — -- - --- I ! I I I �,r, u o ti hg k - - - -_ �� 1��x9 \o STA. O+UO 8+70.35 t' II! i!1===—==1+40 2+00 ________—_ 3+00I*--'...._.—___--4+00--_.._.__--__ S+Ofl 1 6+00rJ PI Dexterfield Drive I III - p *� I )7+05.92 — C/L I I 1 0+Q4 jj Pro os— =-_..=�-_= y=______ ==---f� �_-=—= `� X Topp= 82.56' Water Fain crosses Storm Drain �j� _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ — _ _ — — —�� U� — — — — \ In. OUT (18") = 79.48' ��h Use ANSI A21.51 Class 50 ! li{j _ L X �� h 4 Ductile Iron pipe from valve to ! J * pP 3' 0lIF PJIM�Eit�i 6"x6" Tee for Fire Hydrant Assembly 0+ 12.92 — 1 4 Rt. � N I1j a I !. ♦��®\\\p;♦,�X��F' a+ 15.10 48.7Rt. O s �v�• I vs co Tc - 87.85' I I \s O N 0 17 N s O ? !I i it Inv. IN (15" -- 2) = 82.03' °j ; Ci'_ � U) a+' O I 20 \ 61 III `� 1{I Inv. OUT ( 18- = 81.78' N o W ``� 6" Vertic I Curbing Required O�/♦ 00♦ I III o LLJ 0 by NCDOT 'i'gcF \ ♦ \ I II 0I° I 0') � h ICI �E'♦k \ \ LJJ X Cl 5 N F- N a) \ \ +-.x += Z NQDNN * N Overby Court 50' Right--of—Way 22' Pavement — Rolled asphalt curb Proposed 6" Class 200 SDR21 PVC Water DATU, 74 am 1 +00 Sandhills Engineering and Surveying, Inc. Suite 206 2504 Reaford Rd Fayetteville NC 28305 PHONE 910-483-3200 Don_ Jessua. PE - 2+00 3+00 4+00 5+00 6+00 .T. : rTi 9+00 Sandhills Engineering and Surveyi g, Inc.u�s� Suite 206 2504 Reaford Rd Fayetteville NC 28305 SCALE I" = 50' HORZONTAL PHONE 910-483-3200 SCALE 1" = 5' VERTICAL Don Jessup, PE 50 0 50 100 150 Drawing; 05597A\dwg\A4 GRAPHIC SCALE -- FEET **NOTE** WATER LINES SHALL BE LAID THREE FEET OFF THE EDGE OF THE PAVEMENT INCLUDING AROUND CUL—DE—SACS r Chalybeate Springs HECTOR'S CREEK TOWNSHIP HARNETT COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA SCALE 1 " - 50' October 27, 2005 **NOTE** WHERE STORM DRAIN CROSSES WATER MAIN USE A21.51 CLASS 50 DUCTILE IRON PIPE. PLACE 20' PIPE JOINT 10' ON CENTER OF CROSSING .w �'�U:W1ifr,rrfj0#. F1QL/�I�iji 14 - 4676 PLAN AND PROFILE DEXTERFIELD Overby Court SHEET 5 OF 12 SHEETS . V. /�'l,x AP NO. 2001-106g / / / / I cn n / I ` �13. t I I � I 1 co O �I I '� a * �y off, F,�j� / / FES 157 -1.75' Lt. CD rn II ♦ I �" N r "� \ Top 82 57 , oil, S° O 1r I 1 _ _ ^ �i r� `q o � 0 I oy OUT 18 78,66 I k .Q m n i! I cn a s 2 s /° t Ja 10f 38.27 I i h r; ^ w p�/ o / of Ilvc 11 p a iv I c�u I J a`� o h I IIoI�IIi 1 II i 85.r5 U as III "a O -«, Ili I . �''o N .. 46 I I I III I LO °r°� 59 I 60 I N III to n , 21 22 i 23 I 24 I 25 I o 7,1844 II III It z 754.3 + � � � � I' III � � iZ!tE57 I I lji °'� " o 1t19.,%3 N o n n c I 0° �' � o / 10+81.42 - C/L ` II 1 k�o>> N +' o> Ill ll ra'iE °'~ Cl #14 , oUf-_ S r�UH a, ao �j r% I \\ �+ m + , - Inv. OUT (18"} >s 79.05 27 STA. o+oo 0+00 j -- - - - -- - - - -- - -- ��\� ` _ _ _ * �, - - - - - - - - - - - - - - — - / S. `N� rof 5�t 99 PI Clayton Courti' 311, _____________________________________r i ��--= __ - ____=====w =__ -____Brendamore Court _______________-______________- %� \� �01 (East and Wes100 1 +00 2+00 Use 6" Ductile Iron, ANSI 3+00 % I 4+QQ ~ - - 5+00 - i= - - - J - r 11 6+00 _ 7+OQ -i 8+00 9+00 - �I!7+00 A21.51 Close! 50 whOF0�y 10+60.43 - 37.11 ` Rt. f1 0+12.87 8 x64' Rt. lr'� storm drain cra se water _ _ Il' ] 2" P1ttg At "Blow- off° Assembly " ■ _ _ _ __ _ ____ _7 0+18.37 - 14 I 11 i1 �' ��______—________—tw_=_=== L"�=—=— ===—per-- — _ _UL-- --- _— r—=—T---==_—_—_ �__ __=-- — ---- -- ---��� °s _ _ _ y� 1y i Q+39.to 6 x84TE� I II i� Propos s 2Q0 PSI SQF226VC Water Moin �` W T - - - W - - - - - W �- - - - - WProposed fi" Closs 200 PSI SDR26 PVC Wa - -ain - - W - w - �,W - - - W _ \ O45 2" I I Use fi" Ductile Iron, ANSI �_ \ �/ li X � N j ?$ o k l 3 A21.51 Class 50 o w Ill L p lI I m o, n o co cs �- o W/ 0f2,157 kj I cc o= I� of I� Ill I� n ox AC - I 0+11.29 - 52.44' Rt. a o WATER LINE LOCATED 3 c 3 7,382 II i ICI 18 X ♦� I �' BACK OF ASPHALT o� I I I +� I o x j i�l I U l i Ill ia'Iw° N- Top = 73.46' I 1110 k I Tvp I I I + Inv: &42 - 5' fi7�77' �' rs ,� 1 j C I I lil I c C-4 a° p m o I 33co o �' I h '^� I h o 3 € n ( 1 t1j as N ! I o f O Ip o Ila II ![ I'00 o o �� Fors nm ci °i� 32 coo0 31 ``� 30 add �N 28 i I l a } I � � o I I I I io o o + C-40 + •r + + `� O + �o � � � � � � O �. � 29 � � � ►� 00 44 43 z + 34 nm a r, **NOTE** WHERE STORM DRAIN CROSSES WATER MAIN USE A21.51 CLASS 50 DUCTILE IRON PIPE. PLACE 20' PIPE JOINT 10' ON CENTER OF CROSS 77.04' of RCP 01. DATUM 1 60.OG Brendamore Court 50' Right —of —Way 30' Pavement 0+00 to 4+39.87 22' Pavement 4+89.37 to END Rolled Asphalt Curb HIGH POINT ELEV = 88.80 HIGH POINT STA = 7+14.54 PVI STA 7+00 PVI ELEV = 89.89 A.D. _ —4.48 K = 44.63 0+00 1+00 2+00 3+00 4+00 5+00 G+00 7+00 8+00 9+00 10+00 11+00 Sandhills Engineering and Surveying, Inc Suite 206, 2504 Reaford Rd Fayetteville NC 28305 PHONE 910-483-3200 Don .Jessup, PE GOODEN & ASSOCIATES, INC. 1745 CYPRESS LAKES ROAD HOPE MILLS, N.C. 28348 PHONE 910-223--7766 FAX 910-223-7788 Drawing: 05597A\dwg\A5 15ED tb ZZZ-OS SCALE 1" = 50' HORZONTAL SCALE 1 " = 5' VERTICAL 50 0 50 100 150 GRAPHIC SCALE - FEET 1 2+00 Chafybeate Springs HECTOR'S CREEK TOWNSHIP HARNETT COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA SCALE 1 " = 50' . August 3, 2005 13+00 **NOTE** WATER LINES SHALL BE LAID THREE FEET OFF THE EDGE OF THE PAVEMENT INCLUDING AROUND CUL—DE—SACS **NOTE** ALL LOTS ARE SERVICED BY SEPTIC TANKS to SE".L _ 4 PLAN AND PROFILE DEXTERFIELD Brendarnore Court SHEET 6 OF 12 SHEETS - : ,, ? �• i uJ - r � a . � � � � l S i ti .. � Y _ — .._... — . _ _. v h . �:�E-.a .� __ • � 4 .� _ . s� — a 1 .. � t• •'i � 5 • t _ .. .i - _..a ti — ' Ii1 113 I n to c17,36 37 38 J w o C1� N � � I ,,, I I � I I I M 0 In '� 4 I •� ai . 1 a 31 M vu L �^ ^ 1+ �rna?� I I _= o - - -Drainage Easement — _ v In La 0 — —.._ _ STA 0+00 = 2+60.321 II �~---------------------- --—— --- '— —'" — 6+10.95 PI Brendamore Court! II 0 00 I 1+00 2+QO 3+00 4+00 5+QO � �' \ Cl 10 _ C /L II — Sarnanth� Court---------- — �� \ Tap = 70.80' �—Inv. IN 424�„— 65.00' II+� �4------- -W---- W—„-----W-----—W------W� \ �� Inv. OlJ (2 ) 65.00 20' Drainage Easement Proposed 2 Class 50 SDR 21 P ter Main \� \'-------•-------------q--------- -- 7+00:— 8+00 8+58.87 �w�'m ,11 h� 6}0�l -- — — — — — — — — — — — — — — ! �ta 'o I I o: r x��� Proposed 6 Class 50 o III ! t — i I I Qo 15 v Io N — us 1 SDR21 PVC Water Main II 0 113 I I n III 0 rn�rn I rn I I o v rn I �.T -a a M• :r � o+ �''� 43 42 41 40 39 a w tp m U + Q 7 a N 9 8 7 6 5 DATUM ELE 45.00 Samantha Court 50' Right —of —Way n ^^� � - --1 P•1 11 I . 1 II h I ■■■�i■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■e■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■�■■■■■■■■■ww■■■■w■ ■■■��!■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■-■�®r��.� ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■.���wl�l��■■■ems®■■■■■■■■�w■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ ■�!���I■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■�r■■■.�■tee■�:��•. �■■■w■■■■■��■..��■�■■■■■■■■■■■�■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ ■i■ik�ii■■iw■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■��■■■■■■■ii �/i■r�.:��_�'►i■■■■1�■■■■■■r�7■■i■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ii■■■■■■ ■Nieli■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■��w■■■■■■■■■■■■ii�i■iir���!��■■■■■■■ilk■■■i0■■■■■�■■■■■■■ii■■■■■■■■ ■Y■ii■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■��■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■iii�l�ii■��■'I�r111is� �.,�i!�!�Q\■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■i■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■�■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■liiii■■i�■w■■i111�■■�r.■��ii■■iC1■■■■■■w■i■■■■■ • �to .. H H H to 0 0+00 1+00 2+00 3+00 4+00 5+00 6+00 7+00 5+00 Sandhills Engineering and Surveying, Inc Suite 206, 2504 Reaford Rd Fayetteville NC 28305 PHONE 910-483-3200 Don Jessup, PE 90 70 50 9+00 **NOTE** ALL LOTS ARE SERVICED BY SEPTIC TANKS **NOTE** WATER LINES SHALL BE LAID THREE FEET OFF THE EDGE OF THE PAVEMENT INCLUDING AROUND CUL—DE—SACS **NOTE** WHERE STORM DRAIN CROSSES WATER MAIN USE A21.51 CLASS 50 DUCTILE IRON PIPE. PLA^E 20' PIPE JOINT 10' ON CENTER OF CROSSING - , • . � . •� � �� .�- .r �. .aau.. i'Pv • r'�.�+•�,. .4.. .. fir. �7: i i�_4�L. .._-� ,_� .._.i- [ai-�cs_��..+�-i: 1.44 10+00 9+00 8+00 7+00 6+00 5+00 4+24.2 -----+----- - -- I --- - — t— - —I ----+--- - - —i— - i-- - I -•- ---I-- --i - i - ----------------^- - - -----_...-.-------- 20' Drainage Easement � 0 3+45.92FES C/ 1 I f Inv. OUT (307) = 69.50' INN ! h w 0111 b (o 2 2+39.41 - 39.73' Lt I !� ^ 0 45 C� hx •� }- ,-. 2 Plug 8t Blow -off �!� a � p i 2+35.92 - 00 YL! 44 0 3 +U ! rn �D a / 0 1 Top = 71.01' o a m! a- N Inv. IN & OUT (301 67.00' , C. c ! ± N N o as 46 ! 47 ! 48 ! 49 ! 5Q I m O LWV v 0tV 00 ! r N fv ! in a Sp _ Its R 041 1�� 0 — Via: �� --- —_ — -- 2+00.00 C/L I g rlt PI' 11 3 c.Elt� Prop.&sea -CFass Claor Court 1 \ SDR21 PVCWater Main Y / \\ ___---- **NOTE** ; �� �� 1 +00 - 0+00 1 +o0 I1 1 +74.00 - C/L '+�-- + — —� --�—+ I11- ------+--- — — --- r---- - — - �-. -- r— fi--+-- — �---- — --+— — —+-- r--1----�---- — --r-- — — --IH , PI PI Wv AT WV WHERE STORM DRAIN CROSSES _ �!� —,----- — _=_�_=___Y_________�_---____ WATER MAIN USE A21.51 CLASS p — " ---- _----r_-- p -- } �e S Proposed 6 Class 200 - / Proposed 2" Class 200 SOR21 PVC Water Main East 50 DUCTILE IRON PIPE. PLACE 20 ►°' Q �'°0roi�r, I �� SDR21 PVC Water Main � \_ �IIx N N n (R �\ PIPE JOINT 10' ON CENTER OF CROSSING N_ n fo N ngo� 4 I� N �� 0f23.64 - 20.16' Rt. .� '� **N s plug TEE and begin O1U 119.99 m�-Mato!I f CI17 ?a, 2 water main to East O **NOTE** a' l IJ Top = 74.21 � N ! O I a� I lo! 6 11 Inv IN (187 = 69.83' ALL LOTS ARE SERVICED ! ^ v ! °NMI I I Inv o (2 ") _ $9.68'Q BY SEPTIC TANKS "' ` E fl R + 43 0 o m �� ° Lo jI 1 59 + 58 57 56 55 ! ` I hn�hI h NOTE -� fl x � " � o1 % o � WATER LINES SHALL BE LAID THREE FEET OFF THE a- EDGE OF THE PAVEMENT INCLUDING AROUND CUL—DE—SACS 9C 8C 7( DATUM ELEV so. 00 I[ Clayton Court (West and East) PVI STA = 3+50 50Right—of—Way PVI ELEV w 77.49 g y A.D. = 1.00 22' Pavement -- Rolled Asphalt Curb K = 100.00 ������������r,��etirrrl�������r1�I�111s��1���te,e������l���i���r�������r��sr�ir����t�����1����i����!����������l�i''_IT_Vr��lr'SL��'ir:7r��������r��1r�����1♦���i�j����l♦���I��I♦���I♦�i♦������C3s��11� ���I�����ir��ai q 9' Aera e 11.5' 1' Average 1' TypicalL. Typical 10' Typical TYPICAL DITCH SECTION NOT TO SCALE P3�Z ME is E■M-0 I 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I I I 1 I I J-If1` I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 _1__1 1 1 11 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 IT-11 1 I T I I I I I I Ito I FI 'MI I I I I I I I T'u-I II I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I 11 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I !t.Mfflq NW-M i cV n r O N 4 cfl M M (� a) .t rn M M M Oi r cm � M7 rn 0) (0 rn It rn as (n r- C7� d Ln CPr ._ 0) to � d CSC rn .� � p� � N r � 10 a0 n eri cp (0 (O (0 (0 I` c0 00 W h (P 00 (fl 6 A.0 (0 � N (� i\ N W) CV (` � irj rrj Ln i� d' u7 n d u') n U{ Ln t` L6 ED I\ r t6 t' h r- 6 00 n ^ � C) N o6 � n r- 0; `` f� 00 Q 00 00 00 co 00 9+00 5+00 7+00 G+00 5+00 4+00 Sandhills Engineering and Surveying, Inc Suite 206, 2504 Reaford Rd Fayetteville NC 28305 PHONE 910--483-3200 Don Jessup, PE I �E i• E ©I■ 3+00 2+00 1+00 0+00 1+00 2+00 3+00 4+00 5+00 G+00 7+00 WEST �NOsyy�tsefrr*trrrt?r��r SEAL L-319 � p 4575 •�/,•fV J. L GOODEN & ASSOCIATES, INC. Chal beate Springs PLAN AND PROFILE 1745 CYPRESS LAKES ROAD y HOPE MILLS, N.C. 28348 SCALE 1" = 50' HORZONTAL HECTOR'S CREEK TOWNSHIP DEXTERFIELD PHONE 910-223--7766 SCALE 1A = 5' VERTICAL FAX 910-223-7788 50 0 50 100 150 HARNETT NORTH CAROLINA Irill 11,_ - ! Clayton Court SCALE 50 October 27' 2005 Drawing: 05597A\dwg\A7 GRAPHIC SCALE - FEET SHEETS 4F 12 SHEETS �a' _���'�.i.. r ._ ..--•-•�- �_- __.. ...,•— .__.. �.. I. to .�•a� ... ... ._f .�J. •--1� Y��i�E •'�i�s ..a. ��..J4 �_ STANDARD BRICK CATCH BASIN (15" THRU 54" PiPE) STANDARD CATCH BASIN BACK Of CURB (N.T.S.) STANDARD FRAME, GRATES, AND HOOD X N 840.66 FOR USE 4N STANDARD CATCH BASIN (TYPE - E) _ $" STC•. Y A Y = $ $" `o STEP 84 7.66 N.T.S. N.T.S. E + E ,o DETAIL SHOWING TYPES OF GRATES C to G TO BE USED ACCORDING TO WATER 2 -11 3/4" = D + i O FLOW IN CONJUNCTION WITH STANDARD 840.03 B TYPE "G" TYPE 'E" TYPE "F" B 2 3/4" PLAN ND ELEVATION T_ - A A O° WHERE 30' TO 36" PIPE IS USED. SIDE ELEVATION WATER FLOW -y SAG -- WATER FLOW l� A A to 00 \ ` �EC710N - JJ WHERE 42' TO 54" PIFE IS USED. r r E SECTION - FtNl r 00 n a $ SECTION - B B B L =OUTLET�-� J �17 _1 3/4„ U_ M x M - YY l 1 1/2 8'11 ES: P � WATER FLOW �� SAG �- WATER FLOW �� GENERAL NOT _ - 0 24" ADOPTED FROM NCDOT - FRAME GRATE, & HOOD ANDARD NOMORTAR JOINTS 12- 1' THICK. SECTION - A A /4" ST REVISION ."G40.03 3000 P.S.I. CONCRETE TO/ 8BE USED. STD=i 840.038 TYPE "F" TYPE "E" TYPE "G" r3 T THE POURING OF FLOOR SLAB TO BE ACCOMPUSHED BY FORMING. (TYPE `" E) SECTION - A A ALL CATCH BASINS OVER 3'-6" IN DEPTH SHALL BE PROVIDED B WITH STEPS 1' -2' ON CENTERS. USE TYPE 'E', "F", & "G" GRATE UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED. JUMBO BRICK WILL BE PERMITTED. CONCRETE BRICK OR 4' SOLID = D CONCRETE BLOCKS MAY BE USED IN LIEU OF CLAY BRICKS. RAISED FLOW ARROW ~ RAISED FLOW ARROW _T FOR 8' -0" IN HEIGHT OR LESS USE 8" WALL. OVER 8' -0' IN ADOPTED FROM NCDOT 1/16" HIGH--- = 1/16" HIGH HEEGHT USE 12' WALL TO 6' -o' FROM TOP OF WALL, 8" WALL STANDARD NO. 840.01 FOR THE REMAINING 6' -O. REVISION "A" Q D INVERTS SHALL BE SHAPED TO FORM A SMOOTH, REGULAR SURFACE, NO 840.01 SECTION - XX PAGE I (IF 2 1x SLOPED TO PREVENT SEDIMENTATION. STANDARD BRICK CATCH BASIN (15" THRU 54" PIPE) O O _ Q Q 1 "R SYMMETRICAL CUL-DE-SAC E 4 R q ss BARS 'w' r 4NOT TO SCALE 3x SSPACED EQUALLY2 PACED VAR. "RZ ,� �, LW MIN. VAR. �" a r 4�'I-�0' \\ - R I R n xi o e MIN. .. 2 o0P5_ • CD }" SECTION - A A P RAD. S ►'� CURB AND GUTTER WITH CATCH BASIN ON STEEP GRADES a �p PLAN OF TOP SLAB c ADOPTED FROM NCDOT T SECTION - A (TYPE - G) STANDARD N0. 840.03 USE ON FLAT GRADES 7 N 2X AND UNDER r REVISION 91A" E 1 _ r- 7 (TYPE" 3 -D 3'-O" I -� F ° 60 'AQ BARS Ux S"W" DEPRESSED ¢ �'¢ d GUTTER LINE o ELEVATION MEDIAN C";' SECTION -- RR `B NORMAL CURB AND GUTTER ON LIGHT GRADES 2' Q 6J i AYD 4 EdRS ":!' NORMAL CUTTER LINT 1AYOUT USE ON GRADE EQUALLY SPACED 2% AND OVER USE ON SAG VERTICAL W-i �3" 3" CATCH BASIN INSTALLATION IN MEDIAN WHERE 80X6' CURB IS USED (NOT TO BE USED ON FEDERAL -AID PROJECT) i F 1 ELEVATION SECTION - Ss, NORMAL CURB AND GUTTER ON STEEP GRADES C, DIMENSIONS AND QUiWi#TIES FOR BRICK CATCH BASIN DIMENSIONS OF BOX AND PIPE 1XV17+ REINFORCING • CUBIC YARDS OF BRICK MASON DEDLIcTIONS FOP ROd PIPESPAN VADTH PMDTH AN HEIGFITOIMU0011"! - CONCRETE IN BOX W ONE PIPE �GJ D A 9 G IN. H H LIRS. TOP FLOOR TOTAL U. YDS.ER FT. C.M. R.C. 502 TYPICAL STREET CROSS-SECTION tr1 - - _ = z-10 - _ _ _ - _ = 0.2810:2$1 o281 :go9 ABOVE 0.0442 0.065 LIN. H1 ��•..����� V. - - - - - 1 ADOPTED FROM NCDOT NOT TO wS*.rALG 36` - - 3'-8' R '-4' 4'-4' 4 '-0' 4 4'-t' 4'-1- 49 0.1 7 0.415 0.602 1.586 0.321 0.17600.238 42 - ' 4 -5 4 -4 1 2 -1 3 -6 4 1 -g 3 3 -J 3 3 -3 38 0.1J3 0.373 0.50$ 1.83 t STANDARD N0. 840.0 E AB H2 o.2a00 0.3z3 REVISION "Aa, ,, Dexterlield Drive 48 - 5 -0 4-10 L 2 -8 3 -6 4 2 -6 4 3 -3 3 3 -3 40 0.173 0.410 0.583 2,146 0.3T31 42 3 Brendamore Court (0+00-4+39.87) - - - - - - - - PAGE 2 of 2 O C / L 1. PIPE DIA. o 50,-0" RIGHT-OF-WAY � 14' 1 ¢' A � A � .wur„ 1O'-0" 30'-0" Back of Cub to Back of Curb 10'-0"�%'/ fRIPRAP O a r� 6'-0" a-0" 13'-0" 13r px -O" Sr_0n o o �q IL W �. TYPICAL CONC. ;Z:: MQ� FLARED END " ft 1 4" ft. 1/4"/ft. 1 " ft. Z 1 Do = PIPE DIAMETER SECTION ��--Le = APRON LENGTH ISOMETRIC VIED W = APRON WIDTH PLAN i CON5TRUCTION I . Ensure that the subgrade for the filter and nprap follows the req nred Imes 2" SF9.5A I 5PECIFICATION5 and grades shown on the plan. Compact arty fill required in the subgrade to the vT La density of the surrounding undisturbed material. Low areas, in the suograde on 9" STBC, Type A or C � f SLOPE 0 FLOW undisturbed soil may also be filled by increasing the riprap thickness. I !I 2. The riprap and gravel filter must conform to the specified gradln<1 hmlts o 1 shown on the plans. I� I + 3. Filter cloth, when used, must meet design requirements and be properly C L C d protected from punchm or Leann dunn installation. Repair a dame e 9 9 9 p any 9 by 50'-0" SECTION A -A filter blanket removing the riprap and placing another piece of filter cloth over ;he damaged area. AN connecting Joints should overlap a minimum of I ft. If the damage is RIGHT- F-WAYe. extensive, replace the filter cloth. 37'-0" To Back of Curb 13'- 1. La is the length of the riprap apron. 4. Rlprap may be placed by equipment, but take care to avoid damaging the 35'-0" '-0' 6'--0" 2. d = 1.5 times the maximum stone diameter but 5. The minimum thickness of the riprap should be 1 .5 times the max mum stone not less than 6" diameter. TYPICAL STREET CROSS-SECTION 3. A filter blanket or filter fabric should be G. Rvprap may be field stone or rough quarry d b uarry stone. 1t should[ hard, angular, NOT TO SCALE 1 �� NOTES. installed between the riprap and soil foundation. highly weather resistant and well graded. " Overby Samantha and Clayton Courts 101H 111i111TlIrr"'�j�ll 1/~�► 1 ft' GRADE - Ensure that the apron has zero rade. There should be no overall at 7. CanStruct the apron on a zero grade with no ovsrfall at the end. Make the top �� (' r, p 9 0# the riprap at the downstream end level with the recei+>fng area or slightly `fr1 the end of the apron; that is, the elevation of the of the r ra Brendamore Court (4+89.87 - END) .�- �l�.r�- r i " p p p below �t. at the downstream end should be the same as the elevation of the ` �f ' tea { I bottom of the recetv�ng channel or the adjacent ground if there is no $. Ensure that the apron is properly aligned with the receivtng stream and y1 r"� ]U, L�%�ti 2 SF9.5A I channel. preferably straight Throughout Its length, If a cu+ve 15 needed to it site O O 1 ALIGNMENT - The apron shouid be straight throughout its' entire length, but if a conditions, place it in the upper section of the apron. € I ; curve is necessary to align the apron with the receiving stream, 9. Immediately after construction, stabilize all areas with vegetation a+ C/L „ L.+1 9" STBC, Type A or C locate the curve to the upstream section of the riprap. �c r_ Qe` MATE:PJAL5 - Ensure that the riprap consists of a well graded mixture of stone .21 Lai r stone should predominate, with sufhcxent smaller sizes to 50 -0 � °•, �1 �. 9e MAINTENANCE! Inspect riprap outlet structures after heavy rains to see if any erosl,:m around or RIGHT-OF-WAY �'^ti� 4f rs ;. fill the voids between the stones. The diameter of the largest stone size should be no greater than 1.5 times the d y+ze. below the riprap has taken place or if the stones have been dislodg ,d. Immediately 14'-0" 22'-0" Back of Cub to Back of Curb 14'-0" make all needed repairs to prevent further damage. s'-a' -o" 91--0" s'-a= '--o" s'-o" SECTION AA Velocity Dissipater Detail 4" ft, 1i 1„ ft. ti, -... Not to Scale ale & ASSOCIATES, INC.vi 1745 CYPRESS LAKES ROAD a.y = Chalybeate Springs PLAN AND PROFILE .� �. 2" SF9.5A HOPE MILLS, N.C. 28348 _ �`7 >V 'q : o. N RECTOR'S CREEK TOWNSHIP DEXTERFIELD 9" STBC, Type A or C PHONE 910-223-7766 FAX 910-223-7788 COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA • Deta 1 Is Drawing; 05597A dw As SCALE 1 " _-. 50' October 27, 2005 SHEET 9 of g \ g\ �- 2 SHEETS t LAYING 29' TOIi STREET a CONDITIONS DESCRIPTION PROJECT USE BRASS MARKER PLATE MARKED PLATE 0 WITH ANCHOR A METER BOX LID, CAST IRON a 3/4" CHAMFER AT • V EA. CORNER , M) CAST THE LETTERS "MV" IN 3'-0' 17" MIMIMUM \/� Q F�- ONE FACE OF THE CONCRETE + • 4 #3 BARS w 0 /\ \� Ld /� \� FLAT BOTTOM UNDISTURBED NOT USED. W W MARKER AND ORIENT TOWARD SPIDERS SUPPORT CARRIER PIPE IN CASING c� �i, EARTH TRENCH, LOOSE BACKFILL J J = o THE ROADWAY e / ' ENCLas ENDS Wm•I � 2` BEVEL � 8" BRICK MASONRY 3/4 inch Gate Val /\\ \\/ ■ , / /� (%} Z Restored on ROTATE MARKER TO OTHER END CENTER LINE CARRIER PIPE Customer ado /\ I / FOR BLOW -OFF 3/4" X 18" "thin 12 Inches of\\/,\\/,\\/�\\/j�/j�/\\/,\\//f O �rre N PA SERVICE LINE BRASS NIPPLE the Meter 9oM j I0 y_ FROM STREET TYPE 1 I- L� VALVE N0. o 120 0 341 STEEL CASING PIPE 4 �— ��-4" SQ. PRECAST CONC. P.R.V. Location down stream of the cut 10:� < —ofl valor 0 POST (4000 P.S.I.) [�7-5.]FT. SLOPE To DRAIN � CENTERED METER ER \\\ \// Z PLATE WITH VALVE NUMBER, 2' WEEP HOLE,a•000 IN BOX FLAT BOTTOMED UNDISTURBED EARTH NOT USED. Q DIRECTIONAL ARROW-POdNTEp �\ \i TRENCH. BACKFILL LIGHTLY W TO MARKED VALVE & DISTANCE ELEVATION /\\ \\/ / CONSOLIDATED TO CENTERLINE W TO THE NEAREST FOOT. 1. METER AND SERVICE LINE NOT IN CONTRACT UNLESS SPECIFIED \\ \/ OF PIPE. Z Q a:2. INCLUDE STONE kN PRICE OF METER BOX. METER SETTER WITH /\\ � �. \\/ Q 0 3. METER SETTER SIZE AS NOTED ON PLANS. DOUBLE CHECK VALVE BOLTS TO PIPE 4. ALL BRASS FITTINGS SHALL BE COMPRESSION TYPE. (BACKI=LOW PREVENTER) . TYPE 2 � Q VALVE MARKER DETAIL 1 NO SCALE TYPICAL METER BOX INSTALLATION S �777 \/ HEAVY DUTY NO SCALE " ALL DUCTILE STEEL SKIDS (3) ALL \, PIPE BEDDED IN 4 MININUM IRON GRAVITYJOB ` BACKFILL EXCAVATED KFILLL LIGHTLY CONSOLIDATED SEWER LINE. CARRIER PIPE \ y-� �i TO TOP OF PIPE. ZE DETERMNED BY SIZE OF SSTEEL CASING AND PRECAST CONCRETE PROTECTION RING INNER PIPE.) TYPE 3 - Q SECTION "A" Z L0 j EXISTING WATER MAIN \ \ ALL PVC WATER J o RAILROAD j\\ \�i PIPE BEDDED IN SAND, GRANULAR LINE AND PVC O PAVEMENT (ONE OR TWO j // MATERIAL OR GRADED GRAVEL TO FORCE MAIN. N THE DEPTH OF 1/8 PIPE DIAMETER, (L o z 3'-0' MAN. COVER OR AS SHOWN 4" MIN. JOB EXCAVATED MATERIAL �• Q w Q ON THE PLANS. /\ \ ♦ 1 i N F � _ ; _ _ \\ _ \ COMPACTED TO 4" ABOVE TOP OF PIPE. y ►� o N ; :; ;`,` ' h` '''_ �\\: ` ' ::: :: ' ' ' \, (APPROX. 95% STANDARD PROCTOR, s - OR A MIN. COVER \\ �� �\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \� \\ \� AASHTO T-99) OR AS SHOWN ON /\/\/\/\/ \/\/\/\/\/\ V / r — " cV Q n x THE PLANS / / / / / / f / / / Z ♦� TAPPING SLEEVE TYPE 4 �... TRANSITION FITTING As — — �. — — C. REQUIRED `�" TAPPING VALVE - 'V � � - WITH VALVE BOX Q I II ST L CASING PIPE \ \ ALL PVC GRAVITY I. VALVE OPERATOR NUT II NEW WATER MAIN VALVE BOX V ,�.�_ ,y. \�/ PIPE BEDDED TO ITS CENTERLINE SEWER LINE. Z — r — \ '+', _ /i IN COMPACTED GRANULAR MATERIAL Q DUCTILE IRON \/ BRICK CLOSURE PIPE CARRIF�t ' .'.'. 4" MIN. UNDER PIPE, COMPACTED •.i- f NOTE: TAPPING SLEEVE SHALL BE 316 STAINLESS STEEL ONLY ��\ ' �' . ` .' ,' , �, GRANULAR OR SAND MATERIAL TO W '.' _ 4"ABOVE TOP OF PIPE. •�- W PROFILE /\ - - 0'' \ �\ . . \(APPROX. 95% STANDARD PROCTOR, II TYPICAL VALVE BOX DETAIL 2 ��;��i,\\;\`ice\�\\i��\�i�`;�`% AASHTO T-99) U NO SCALE BORING & JACKING DETAI 5 TYPICAL TAPPING SLEEVE AND VALVE ASSEMBLY 9 12 V I TYPE 5 0 ~ NO SCALE TYPICAL LAYING CONDITIONS Z Li SCALE NO SCALE . VALVE BOX STEAMER ~ U (n 8'-8' EXCESS PLACE EMPTY VALVE BOX AT INTERVALS WHERE AS SHOWN PRECAST CONCRETE CONNECTION LOOPED R BOX HALVE DO NOT OCCUR tc PUKE TR+�✓?t WIRE EDGE ON PLANS PROTECTION RING TRACER WIRE NOTE NO. 1 ROAD = � O IN AL O eox PRECAST CONCRETE PROTECTION RING \ EXISTING STORM SEWER W FOR TRAC R WIR \ ` 2 1 HOSE GRADE / CONNECTION i / � NOTES: 12" MIN. 1. CONCRETE SHALL BE 3A00 PSI MIN. w Q 0 2. CONCRETE FOR THRUST BLOCKING SHALL BE KEPT = Z CONCRETE COLLAR i ti 0 FAIRLY DRY, THUS MAKING THE CONCRETE WEDGE NOTE' 6" G.V. & BACKFfLL ii ENCASEMENT AREA TO INCLUDE SHAPE MORE EASILY FORMED WITH THE WIDEST AT PIPE INTERSECTIONS, MULTIPLE VALVE BOX VALVE BOX " sn PART BLOCKING AREA)AGAINST UNDISTURBED SOIL. VALVES, RUN WIRE UP AT ONLY 6 D. I. WATER C. I. BOX DUCTILE IRON PIPE ONLY ( ONE VALVE. I' I STONE N 3. NO CONCRETE SHALL COVER ANY BOLTS OR GLANDS. LINE a 4. ALL PIPING AND ACCESSORIES TO BE WRAPPED (7 C.F. MIN.) WITH 10 MIL. POLYETHYLENE PRIOR TO POURING SINGLE 12 AWG SOLID CORE WIREr; I G. m cO WATER MAIN 5. VOLUME NOF THRUST BLOCKING SHALL BE AS SHOWN X iv ON THETHRUSTBLOCKING SCHEDULE. I TEE '. BLOCKING _ T SEE NOTE P.V.C. PIPELINE 4--3/4" TIE RODS WITH BRACKETS ( ) WEEP HOLE TO LENGTH OF ENCASEMENT N07E. (SEE DETAIL) REMAIN OPEN TO BE STORM SEWER � « '� PIPE PLUS O.D. PLUS T• TRACER WIRE TO BE LAkD �� 2'-0" 2'-G" OR AS SHOWN e:•�•�• GATE VALVE TIE HYDRANT TO MAIN LINE " e, UNDERNEATH WATER LINE 6 D.I. BEND ON PLANS, TYPICAL TRACER WIRE INSTALLATION 3 W/TIE RODS IN LIEW of CONC. NO SCALE BLOCKING IN SANDY SOIL. !• '•`••' Ir as ;e• e: •• •• , , • 1. NOTDRILL HOLE IN VALVE BOX TO INSERT TRACER WIRE,BRING UP TO INSIDE AND ROLL UP AT LEAST 8'-8• EXCESS TYPICAL FIRE HYDRANT INSTALLATION D E TA f 6 TYPICAL STORM SEWER CROSSING DETAIL 10 �"• • `��!' 6" MIN A A 1n 2. PLACE TRACER WIRE IN VALVE BOX AT 1,000- INTERVALS OR AS NOTED ON THE PLANS. TYPICAL. • eke • 3. DO NOT SPLICE WIRE WHEN BEGINNING A NEW SPOOL. INSTEAD INSTALL A VALVE BOX AND ATTACH EACH WIRE WITH A NO SCALE NO SCALE I. BRASS SCREW TO THE VALVE ox.EMISSION HYDRANT TEE SQUARE HEAD NUT Nam` HYDRANT 3 C.Y. AT 3000 P.S.I. (NO WHEEL VALVES) PLAN TEES EXISTING REMOVED AS NOTED ON PLANS 1. PAVEMENT EMEO SHALL BE CUT H ISCUTE LINE AND / � PRECAST CONCRETE PROTECTION RING ROAD ROAD SHOULDER 2' STONE INTERFERENCE AND ro ENTTRATO BE PLACED WITH LEAST PLAN BENDS � � �' : 1 o zl-��` SEE VALVE BOX 3. STABILIZED AGGREGATE TO BE SECURED FROM AN 18" MIN, lI J PAVEMENT INSTALLATION .. APPROVED QUARRY. VI f L 4 MIN, 4 4. ALL PAVEMENT REPAIRS TO BE IN ACCORDANCE 7 " _ a 4 WITH N.C.O.O.T. SPECIFICATIONS. 5/8" THREADED BACKFILL AS a o '- VALVE BOX 2 12' 12' ; '�� RODS (2 EACH SIDE) INDICATED Iw • ,. THREADED Qj °D SAW CUT EXIST. PAVEMENT j •. • —TAMPED L COUPLING "' a EXIST. EXIST. PAUT, .4. e! r� BACKFILL N ` PAV7_ • ti• r �j O REDUCER IF TAMPED — NEW WATER LINE 45' BEND SERVICE LINE TO °a c p O, c o` co o p co a c cc 10' STONE MEETING N.C.D.O.T. SPECIFICATIONS •� • e Q ? X z" CORPORATION METER CONNECTION r°pO ca �a °'cb °c °o COMPACTED TO 100 X MAXIMUM DRY DENSITY — • 2" THREADED 0 2" THREADED BRASS "°cOo°°co°cc"�O°p0°°c°°c a: FOR h$.C. STONE, TYPE B OR C. TD BE " ° °O OCr �C °° °O D° 18 MIN. 10" OR LESS O el+ PIPE (24" IN LENGTH) SERVICE SADDLE - DRESSER COCK o7Q°°°ac pnoor Poo °°c v ' ^° � —� 24" MIN. 12" 0 OR LESS PIPE (36" IN LENGT STYLE 91 FOR DIP, STYLE 194 3 Wit` FOR PVC OR APPROVED EQUAL �7 2" G.V o PIPE 90• BEND 45• BEND 22' 2' BEND 11 4' SEND TEE PLUG Ew'+ `'_` `.5 �• , TRENCH WIDTH SIZE A I B A BNINE A B A B A B C D I�-I 'F`Cj Q _ 'P • ,4, PIPE O.D. + 18" FOR PIPES UNDER 33" O.D. 4 8 12 8 8 E' 1 6 6" 6" 8 9 10 16 Z.) 0) •• ,• PIPE O.D. + 24" FOR PIPES OVER 33" O.D. 6" 10" 1 10" 8 8 8' 8" 10" 10" 1 " 1 O ul 1111 NOTE:co 2" BRASS NIPPLE (6" MIN. LENGTH) 'e �• �� • 1. "SERVICE CONNECTION' IN PROPOSAL TO INCLUDE SERVICE SADDLE, NEW COMPACTED BACKFILL $ 15 13 10' 101,8 8 8" 8 10 12' 12 24' � � �'' � LZt O � "4" FG,= CONCRETE BLOCKING 45' BEND, CORPORATION COCK AND ALL LABOR INVOLVED IN 10 1 14 10 1 E' 1 6" 0 11 14 14 25 w I �U'. f` 3' Y �v REMOVE 2" • • PLUG/CAP MIN.1/3 C.Y. AT 3000 P.S.I. MAKING A COMPLETE SERVICE CONNECTION. �, 12 20 15 12 14 8' 12 8' 12 14 16 16 30 a C O Z PAY ITEM 2. SERVICE PIPING TO BE 3/4' COPPER OR POLYETHELENE (SEE SPECS) 14 22" 18" 14" 16" 1G" 14 10" 14" 16" 18" 18" 34" $4 `� .-i INCLUDES ALL ITEMS 3. ALL BRASS FITTINGS SHALL BE COMPRESSION TYPE PIPE O.D. PLUS 18" FOR PIPES UNDER 33' O.D. 1$' 26" 2D" 16" ��;(�, PIPE O.D. PLUS 24" FOR PIPES OVER 33• O.D. THRUST BLOCK DETAIL 13 w w PERMANENT BLOW -OFF ASSEMBLY 4 TYPICAL WATER SERVICE CONNECTION NO SCALE O •tp P4 O USING TAPPING SADDLE 7 TRENCH IN BITUMINOUS SURFACE AREAS 11 0 r x NTS NO SCALE NO SCALE U DET-Gas f 1 - � _ i�3 .. .�■i-: of �L��•- _.1.i iiti:-�aaat 'r._ _._�;.ir t•s..��� -s-a�:-� r __ .r: i:;i it tea,. �i r.�.a. as1 •ri lam: -_�L.� �Y.- CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS TEMPORARY GRAVEL CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE/EXIT QpO r ***NOTE*** Individual gravel construction entrances/exits for lots during the home building phase shall follow all the above requirements, EXCEPT Aggregate Size -- #5 Septic stone -- MINIMUM Dimensions of Gravel Pad Thickness 6-inch minimum Width 10-ft minimum Length 15-ft minimum Individual lot temporary gravel construction entrances and exits sholl be placed to serve not more than two lots. 21" Design min 10-1 settled �y n _ top in Design Criteia Aggregate Size - Use 2 to 3 inch washed stone Dimensions of travel Pad Thickness: 6 inches minimum Width: 12-fi minimum or full width at all points of tte vehicular entrance and exit area, whictever is greater. Location - Locate construction entrances and exits to limit seliment from leaving the site and to provide for maximum utility by all construction vehicles. Avoid steep grades and entrances at curves in public roads. Washing - If conditions at the site are such that most of the mud and sediment are not removed by vehicles traveling over the gravel, the tires should be washed. The washing shoulc be done on an area stabilized with crushed stone that trains into a sediment trap or other suitable disposal area. A wash rack may also be used to make washing more convenient and effective. Construction Specifications 1. Clear the entrance and exit area of all vegetation, roots, and other objectiorable material and properly grade it. 2. Place the gravel to the specific grade and dimensions shown on the plans, and smooth it. 3. Provide &ainage to carry water to a sediment trap or other suitable outlet. 4. Use geotextile fabrics because they improve the stability of the foundation in locations subject to seepage or high water table. Maintenance Maintain the gravel pad in a condition to prevent mud or sediment from leaving the construction site. This may require periodic top dressing with 2-inch stone. After each rainfall, inspect any structure used to trap sediment and clean it out as necessaq. Immediately remove all objectionable materials spilled, washed or tracked onto public roadways. L 1.5 ft min CROSS SECTION Filter Fabric 3 ft min STONE SECTION r 2:1 side slope max pax ground OverfA 6" for settlement �Emergency by-pass 6" below settled top of dom ROCK DAM CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS Design settled 21" - top min 1 1.5 5 ft max fill CROSS SECTION Filter Fabric 1. Clear, grub and strip the area under the embankment of all vegetation and root mat. Remove all surface soil containing high amounts of organic matter and stockpile and dispose of it property. Haul all objectionable material to the designated disposal area. Delay clearing the reservoir area until the dam is in place. 2. Cover the foundation area, including the abutments with extra -strength filter fabric before back -filling with rock. If a cut-off trench is required, excavate at center --line of dam, extending all the way up the earth abutments. Apply filter fabric under the rockfill embankment, from the upstream edge of the dam to the downstream edge of the apron Overlap filter material a minimum of 1 foot at all joints, with the upstream strip laid over the downstream strip. 3. Construct the embankment with well -graded rock and gravel to the size and dimensions shown on the plan. It is important that rock abutments be at least 2 feet higher than the spillway crest and at least 1 foot higher than the dam, oil the way to the downstream toe, to prevent scour and erosion at the abutments. 4. Sediment -laden water from the construction site should be diverted into the basin reservoir at thf furthest area from the dam. 5. Construct the rock dam before the basin area is cleared to minimize sediment yield from cons`. J,.tion of the basin. Stabilize immediately all areas disturbed during the construction of the dam except the sediment pool. 6. SAFETY - Sediment bosins should be considered dangerous because they attract children. Steep side slopes should be avoided. Fences with warning signs may be needed if trespassing is likely. All state and local requirements must be followed. MAINTENANCE 1. Inspect sediment basins after each rainfall. Remove sediment and restore original volume when sediment accumulates to about one-half the design volume. 2. Check the structure for damage from erosion, piping or rock displacement after each significant rainstorm and repair immediately. 3. Remove the structure and any unstable sediment immediately after the construction site has been permanently stabilized. Smooth the basin site to blend with the surrounding area and stabilize. All water and sediment should be removed from the basin prior to dam removal. Sediment should be placed in designated disposal areas and not allowed to flow into streams or droinageways during structure removal. Rock Dam 11A. Use a d50 size stone of 9 inches and a maximum stone size of 14" Cover the upstream face of the dam with a 1-ft thick layer of washed NC DOT #57 stone or #5 washed stone. Extend the length of the downstream apron 13' on a 0% grade GOODEN & ASSOCIATES, INC. 1745 CYPRESS LAKES ROAD HOPE MILLS, N.C. 28348 PHONE 910--223-7766 FAX 910--223--7788 DRAWING: 05597A\dwg\A9 4 ft min 3 ft min STONE SECTION Overfill 6" for settlement 97mer enc by-pass 6" below settled top of dam 21 side slope max 1:1 side slope max , ground piµ •� jo •27- c} AL Tr, IL L-31 r, 7 G 1. Clear, grub and strip the area under the embankment of all vegetation and root mat. Remove all surface soil containing high amounts of organic matter and stockpile and dispose of it properly. Haul all objectionable material to the designated disposal area. 2. Ensure that fill material for the embankment is free of roots, woody vegetation, organic matter, and other objectionable material. Place the fill in lifts not to exceed 9 inches and compact it. Overfill the embankment 6 inches to allow for settlement. 3. Construct the outlet section in the embankment. Protect the connection between the riprap and the soil from piping by using filter fabric or a keyway cut-off trench between the riprap structure and the soil. Place the filter fabric between the riprap and soil. Extend the fabric across the spillway foundation and sides to the top of the dam; OR Excavate a keyway trench along the center -line of the spillway foundation extending up the sides to the height of the dam. The trench should be at least 2 ft deep and 2 ft wide with 1:1 side slopes. 4. Clear the pond area below the elevation of the crest of the spillway to facilitate sediment cleanout. 5. All cut and fill slopes should be 2:1 or flatter. 6. Ensure that the stone (drainage) section of the embankment has a minimum bottom width of 3 ft and maximum side slopes of 1:1 that extend to the bottom of the spillway section. 7. Construct the minimum finished stone spillway bottom width, as shown on the plans, with 2:1 side slopes extending to the top of the over filled embankment. Keep the thickness of the sides of the spillway outlet structure at a minimum of 21 inches. The weir must be level and constructed to grade to assure design capacity. 8. Material used in the stone section should be a well -graded mixture of stone with a d50 size of 9 inches (Class 8 erosion control stone is recommended) and a maximum stone size of 14 inches. The stone may be machine placed and the smaller stones worked into the voids of the larger stones. The stone should be hard, angular, and highly weather -resistant. A 1-ft thick layer of 1/2-3/4-inch aggregate (NC DOT #57 washed stone is recommended) should be placed on the inside face to reduce drainage flow rate. 9. Ensure that the stone spillway outlet section extends downstream post the toe of the embankment until stable conditions are reached and outlet velocity is acceptable for the receiving stream. Keep the edges of the stone outlet section flush with the surrounding ground and shape the center to confine the outflow stream. 10. Direct emergency by-pass to natural, stable areas. Locate by-pass outlets so that flow will not damage the embankment. 11. Stabilize the embankment and all disturbed areas above the sediment pool and downstream from the trap immediately after construction. 12. Show the distance from the top of the spillway to the sediment cleanout level (one-half the design depth) on the plans and mark it in the field. MAINTENANCE 1. Inspect temporary sediment traps after each period of significant rainfall. Remove sediment and re- store the trop to its' original dimensions when the sediment has accumulated to one-half the design depth of the trap. Place the sediment that is removed in the designated disposal area and replace the contaminated part of the gravel facing. 2. Check the structure for damage from erosion or piping. Periodically check the depth of the spillway to ensure it is a minimum of 1.5 ft below the low point of the embankment. Immediately fill any settlement of the embankment to slightly above desugn grade. Any riprap displaced from the spillway must be replaced immediately. 3. After all sediment -producing areas have been permanently stabilized, remove the structure and all unstable sediment. Smooth the area to blend with the adjoining areas and stabilize properly. TEMPORARY SEDIMENT TRAP Practice Standards and Specifications 6.20 - T D - Definition A temporary ridge or excavated channel or combination ridge and channel con- structed across sloping land on a predetermined grade. Purpose To protect work areas from upslope runoff and to divert sediment -laden water to appiopfiate Daps or stable ouiicts. Conditions Where This practice applies to construction areas whemrunoff can bediverted and dis- Praetice Applies Posed of properly to control erosion, sedimentation, or flood damage. Specific locations and conditions include: • above disturbed existing slopes, and above cut or >l~in slopes to prevent runoff over the slope; • across unprotected slopes, as slope breaks, uo reduce slope length; • below slopes to divert excess runoff to stabilized outlets; • where needed to divert sediment -laden water to sediment traps; • at or near the perimeter of the construction area to keep sediment from leaving the site; • above disturbed areas before stabilization to preventerosion and maintain acceptable working conditions. • Temporary diversions may also serve as sediment traps when the site has been overexcavated on a flat grade; they may also be used in conjunction with a sediment fence. Planning It is important that diversions are properly designed, constructed and main - Considerations tip since they concentrate water flow and increase erosion potential (Figure 6.20a). Particular care trust be taken in planning diversion grades. Tog much slope can insult in erosive velocity in the diversion channel or at the outlet. A change of slope from steeper grade to flatter may cause deposition to occur. The deposition reduces carrying capacity and may cause overtopping and failure. Frequent inspection and timely maintenance are essential to the proper function- ing of diversions. Sufficient area, trust be available to construct and properly maintain diversions. It is usually less costly to excavate a channel and form a ridge or dike on the Compacted sail 2' -9 min W1 VIOW �= _ ••..'•:S''': 18 min #!I!I I! 00 Ilf i - ! ---- 6' typical --------±~ Figure 6.20a Temporary earthen diversion dike. Chalybeate . Springs HECTOR 9S CREEK TOWNSHIP HARNETT COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA SCALE 1 it = 50" October 27, 2005 6.20,E PLAN AND PROFILE DEXTERFIELD DETAILS SHEEP 11 Of 12 SHE i SEDIMENT FENCE (SILT FENCE) Sockfill min. S' thick layer of gravel 1IEdIElIE�1 =�E_i =f l=111=111=I I I�I i i= 1-L :11 ICI 1=1 I I I- - I I-1 i 111=� 11. i - III -III ;,f 1 ;,Ill„ II,; � -'I CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS 1. Use a synthetic filter fabric or a pervious sheet of ploypropylene, nylon, or polyethylene yarn, which is certified by the manufacturer or supplier as conforming to the requirements shown in the table Synthetic filter fabric should contain ultraviolet ray inhibitors and stabilizers to provide a minimum of 6 months expected usable construction life at a temperature range of 0 to 120' F. 2. Ensure that posts for sediment fences are either 4-inch diameter pine, 2-inch diameter oak, or 1.33 lb/linear ft steel with a minimum length of 4 ft. Make sure that steel posts have projections to facilitate fastening the fabric. 3. For reinforcement of standard strength filter fabric, use wire fence with a minimum 14 gauge and a maximum mesh spacing of 6 inches Physical Property Requirements Filtering efficiency 85% (min) Tensile strength at Standard Strength- 20% (max) Elongation 30 ib/lin in (min) Extra Strength - 50 lb/kin in (min) Slurry Flow Rate 0.3 gal/sq ft/min (min) Compocted Fill Filter Fabric 8~ Construction 1. Construct the sediment barrier of standard strength or extra strength synthetic filter fabrics. 2. Ensure that the height of the sediment fence does not exceed 18 inches above the ground surface (Higher fences may impound volumes of water sufficient to cause failure of the structure.) 3. Construct the filter fabric from a continuous roll cut to the length of the barrier to avoid joints. Wher joints are necessary, securely fasten the filter cloth only at a support post wifr cverlar to the next post. 4. Support standard strength filter fabric by wire mesh fastened securely to the upslope side of the posts wing heavy duty wire staples at least 1 inch long, or tie w;-es. Extend the wire mesh support to the bottom of the trench. 5. When a wire mesh support fence is used, space posts a maximum of 8 ft apart. Support posts shou'd be driven securely into the ground to a minimum of 18 inches. 6. Extra strength filter fabric with 6-ft post spacing does not require wire mesh support fence. Staple or wire the filter fabric directly to the posts. 7. Excavate a trench approximately 4 inches wide and 8 inches deep along the proposed line of posts and upslope from the barrier. 8. Backfill the trench with compacted soil or gravel placed over he filter fabric. 9. Do not attach filter fabric to existing trees. Maintenance 1. Inspect sediment fences at least once a week and after each rainfall. Make any required repairs immediotell. 2. Should the fabric fence collapse, tear, decompose or become ineffective, replace it promptly. Replace burlop evvy 60 days. 3. Remove sediment neposits as necessary to provide odequate storage volume for the next rain and to reduce pressure on the fence. take care to avoid undermining the fence during cleanout. 4. Remove all fencing materials and unstable sediment deposits and bring the area to grade and stabilize it after the contributing drainage area has been properly stabilized. Section 7. 1 Materials 7.1.1 Standards Pipe, fittings, valves and fire hydrants shall conform to the latest standards iss ed.by the AWWA, if such standards exist and are acceptable to the HCDPU. In the absence of such stan-j. , ri-lterials meeting applicable Project Standards and acceptable to the HCDPU may be selected. 7.1.2 Materials As a minimum, PVC 2 inch through 12 inch shall conform to pressure rated ClEss 200 PSI SDR 21. Ductile Iron ANSI A21.51 Class 50 is acceptable. 7.1.3 Joints Packing and jointing materials used in the joints of pipe shall meet the current standaads of the AWWA and the HCDPU. All fittings shall be mechanical joint ductile iron. PVC pipe shall regjire slip on joints with rubber gaskets. Section 7.2 Water Main Desi n The normal working pressure in the distribution system should be approximately 60 psi and not less than 35 psi. 7.2.1 Pressure All water mains, including those` not designed to provide fire protection, shall be sued after a hydraulic analysis based on the flow demands and pressure requirements. The system shall be designed to maintain a minimum pressure of 20 psi at ground level at all points in the distribution system under all conditions of flow including domestic fire flow of 300 gpm in residential communities and 500 gpm in commercial areas. 7.2.2 Diameter Pipe sizes acceptable to the HCDPU are 2 inch, 4 inch, 6 inch, S inch, and 12 inch. Pipe diameters less than 2 inches are not acceptable. The minimum size of water main for providing fire protection and serving fare hydrants shall be six inch diameter. Larger size mains shall be required if necessary to allow for the withdrawal of the required fire flow while maintaining the minimum residual pressure specified herein. 7.2.3 Fire Protection When fire protection is provided, system design shall be such that fire flows and facilities are in accordance with the requirements of the N. C. State Insurance Services Office, or a minimum of 300 gpm, delivery in residential areas 500 gpm in commercial areas with 20 psi residual pressure. 7.2.4 Small Mains Any departure from minimum requirements shall be justified by hydraulic analysis and future water use, and may be considered only in special circumstances. Generally, pipe diameters of less than 4 inches are not acceptable. A 2 inch diameter pipe may be acceptable by the HCDPU on a case by case basis (short extensions, dead ends, cut -de -sacs). 7.2.5 Hydrants Water mains not designed to carry fire flogs shall not have fire hydrants connected to them. 7.2.6 Dead Ends Dead ends shall be minimized by looping of all mains whenever practical. 7.2.7 Flushing Where dead end mains occur there shall be provided a fire hydrant if flow and pressure are sufficient or 7.6.4 Patching and Pavin BLOCK AND GRAVEL INLET PROTECTION ('TEMPORARY) NOT TO SCALE tering �oncrete block ,P i'_ �� r 3 l��� ,2 i• + �•+ Z -- 2:1 Slope, Gravel Filter Wire screen Temporary Dewatering Sediment Pool V min 16" Max Drop inlet Sediment with grate 3:1 Slope Temporary Wire mesh Sediment Pool (optional) 1 min MIN 2 max 2:1 Slope 3" stone Fine gravel face (1' min thickness) Roadway patching and paving shall be in keeping with tile latest edition of the North Carolina Department of Transportation Standard Specifications for Roads & Pavements. In no event shall open cuts in the roadway remain unpaved or patched in keeping with highway standards for more than 15 days. Failure on the part of the contractor to take adequate action on patching shall force the HCDPU to sublease a paving contractor for the repairs. The contractor shall be billed for such work and project acceptance will be subject to payment for repairs. 7.6.5 Cover All water mains shall be covered with sufficient earth or other insulation to prevent freezing. Thirty-six (36) inches of cover shall be required for all pipe. Where thirty-six (36) inches of cover cannot be provided, Ductile Iron ANSE A21.81 Class 50 shall be required. 7.6.6 Blo_ ck= All tees, bends, plugs and hydrants shall be provided with reaction blocking, tie rods, or joints designed to prevent movement in accordance with AWWA Standards C600(3.8) Concrete thrust blocks shall be poured in place. 7.6.7 Pressure and Leakage Testing The installed pipe shall be pressure tested and leakage tested in accordance with AWWA Standards C600. ;'S�t L'_'Atd sll.:ll l'c e. • N'�,,,. t_- _ .. _ - -'E: _-S 1 -� e , ._�:. J+. -a. -_ iO� i.' )e'CSS'?1� ,...=i -I! not hoc toss :i,an 7 hoU jrs_ A!] .,. i _ _'!+:::] < - ! i ..., `.. l' ., 'F 1-. _ i):: r:!:i : or l?iL01_',Tt-I. 173 I ;?`I l:[1'.lr';Z. NVaier im, tc-, ing a1 id Ili('•°-ti- ., i !i;ilv- .}; .Ls !'.17... - �i ' '�. :.:, l _�[..i ._.. !'e {':`tihitilii:C'._ l:}� ::11W Lfl l ,ll �S'i"1lCr ti1Ct1 - 7.6.8 Flushing and Cleaning Flushing and cleaning shall be the responsibility of the contractor. The contractor shall pump dry and dispose of all extraneous ground water, and other sand. gravel and foreign objects within the water main. Such material shall not be flushed into the existing operating sewer mains, pump stations or pertinent facilities. Flushing of water main lines under construction into sewer main lines of the HCDPU is prohibited. Water for flushing and cleaning as, herein referenced, and shall be provided by the HCD, U upon payment of the appropriate fees for a fire hydrant meter in keeping with HCDPU established standards rates and regulations. The water mains shall be flushed at the end of the blow off. 7.6.9 Locator Wire A : ! " AWG - 4:! - 3 ? ' locator wire shall be provided as directed by the Harnett County Dept. of Public Utilities in the same trench as the water main. The County, in all instances where a conflict between the potable water system and other nonpotable water systems such as sewer, force mains, gravity sewer mains, and irrigation trains constructed within 25 feet of the pipe, shall require locator wire. The locator wire shall meet the latest approved HCDPU Standards. 7.6.10 Disinfection All new, cleaned or repaired water mains shall be disinfected in accordance with AWWA Standard C601- Th: specitication,5 still include detailed procedures for the adequate flushing., disinfectioTi. and Jnicrobiolo,jea,l :.esting of all dater mains. NMCl C till tl e'.. �r .-i !•.- .0 -1 'i' - i'.: !-F .rr ..is., Vic; -!I t. r;tea(, i'e 1C:,1:.;! iS loll tid.;.`,;.i:"i�)n Sit: li_'_ be 11 ►:shu, C[11 %e Obeli not l _,red 5 W);', lE"_t GOODEN & ASSOCIATES, INC. 1745 CYPRESS LAKES ROAD HOPE MILLS, N.C. 28348 PHONE 910-223-7766 FAX 910--223-7788 DRAWING: 05597A\dwg\A9 1SED lD-Z?-O� [tianlo>lwhhIela"IL 01 DESIGN CRnMA Keep the drainage area no greater than 1 acre unless site conditions allow for frequent removal and adequate disposal of accumulated sediment. Keep the height of the barrier at least 12 inches and no greater than 24 inches. DO NOT USE MORTAR. Limit the height to prevent excess pending and by-pass flow. Recess the first course of block at least 2 inches below the crest opening of the storm drain for laterai support. Support subsequent courses laterally, if needed, by placing a 2x4-inch wood stud through the block openings that are perpendicular to the block course needing support. Lay some blocks on theri side in the bottom row for dewatering the pool. Piece gravel just below the top of the blocks on slopes 2:1 or flatter. Place hardware cloth or comparable wire mesh with 1/2-inch openings over all block openings to hold grovel in piece. GRAVEL DOUGHNUT - As an optional design, the concrete block may be omitted and the entire structure made of gravel and stone. A structure made entirely of stone is commonly called a "gravel doughnut". In this case, keep the stone slope toward the the inlet at 3:1 or flatter to help prevent stone from being washed into the inlet. A minimum 1-ft wide level area set 4 inches below the drop inlet crest will add further protection against the entrance of material. Stone on the slope toward the inlet should be 3 inches or larger for stability, and 1 inch or smaller on the slope away from the inlet to control flow rate. Wire mesh with 2-inch openings may be placed over the drain grating but must be inspected frequently to avoid blockage by trash. The top eleveation of the structure must be at least 6 inches lower than the ground elevation downslope from the inlet. It is important that all storm flows pass over the structure and into the storm drain and not past the structure. Temporary diking below the structure may be necessary to prevent by-pass flow. Material may be excavated from inside the sediment pool for this purpose. CONSTRUCTION SPECFICATHM 1. Lay one block on each side of the structure on its' side in the bottom row to allow pool drainage. The foundation should be excavated at least 2 inches below the crest of the storm drain. Place the bottom row of blocks against the edge of the storm drain fior lateral supports and to avoid wash -outs when overflow occurs. If needed, give lateral support to subsequent rows by placing 2x4 wood studs through block openings. 2. Carefully fit hordwore cloth or comparable wire mesh with 1/2-inch openings over all block openings to hold gravel in place. 3. Use clean gravel, 3/4 to 1/2-inch diameter, placed 2 inches below the top of the block on a 2:1 slope or flatter end smooth it to an even grade. DOT #57 washed stone is recommended. 4. If only stone and gravel are used, keep the slope toward the inlet no steeper than 3:1 Leave a minimum 1-ft wide level stone area between the structure and around the inlet to prevent gravel from entering the inlet. On the slope away from the inlet use 1/2-3/4-inch grovel (NCDOT #57 washed stone) eta a minimum thickness of 1 ft. IiU11NiE{ dANCE Inspect the barrier after each rain and make repairs as needed. Remove sediment as ncyessu-y to pr:cvide adequate storage volume for subsequent rains. When the contributing drainage area has been adequately stabilized, remove all materials and any unsrable soil, and either salvage or dispose of it properly. Bring the disturbed area to proper grade, then smooth and compact it. Appropriately stabilize all bare areas around the inlet NOTE - All catch basins, frames, grates and hoods shall comply with Highway Design Branch, Roadway Standard Drawings, Details 840.01 - 840.03 CA r� .1tioI2:7 L c•z t_ C, The proposed subdivision is located withing a High Quality Water zone. Ot.r plan is to cover the entire site which includes 42.71 acres. All sediment and erosion control measures have been designed for a 25 year storm. As per the Construction Schedule and Maintenance Plan, the street and Ltiiities are to be cleared and constructed subdivision prior to recordation of the vi i P I s an plat. After the completion of this phase and the stabilization of all disturbed areas, the building construction will begin. As this process is to continue with the completion of some homes, the building area for these homes will be stabilized and . not add to the impact area. Therefore, we will not have more than 20 acres being disturbed at one time during the construction of the project. Chalybeate Springs HECTOR'S CREEK TOWNSHIP HARNETT COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA SCALE 1 " = 50October 27, 2005 PLAN AND PROFILE DEXTERFIELD DETAILS SHEET 12 OF 12 SHEETS 141 �'�- - _-�--_---- -^ter-=- -_ -_--_ -_ - -_- =---- -. - ---_._-. ----- _ - =-- _- ___'_ - �-- - -�_ ----- - `-_ _ ---- -:-- �. __ _ --- - _-- -_ - _ ------_--`-_--- ---_ -_ .- - ----__- ---- -_---- �---- _ -- .- ---- --- ---- -_- ---_ - --- -- ----'- _- - - - - -- ----- --- - --- --- — - -- -- ---- -- - - -- - - _- - 444 - 36.3 acres - Proposed Area Disturbed ELEVATION DATUM IS ASSUMED . - r To r1y knawlwdge as of the ante of this trap, no lrlvestigation as to wetlands has been performed _ - r According to the FIRM Community Panet Nijriber 37085CO050 D, Effective Date April 16, 1990 - this property Now LEGEND =v�r -- .- -_ 9 Y- P P P Y - Propert llr+e - Surveyed ties within ZONE X - Areas outside they--500 � year flood plain. y y —.---.------- Property line - Not surveyed Easement Line ; Proposed Asphalt Curb Proposed Storrs Drain Line CI 1!!!-t Curb Inlet — ` h VICINITY {SAP Not to Scale ti rF Pond "act To Scale ' Qrrl°ge E°�er+tieriti� 20 PEN GRASS C NNEL FES�t t f r_tr-anogs IB _ - pLfT 69.E o Pond ikins �t - pra9° Chair --age Area - 6.14 acres ,R ynv. DUT tZ•i t 10 ` n Imp 7 = 32% $ •+°9e Ease+ ' . k. �rlarltha Coin, 1 Surface Area Required - 6,134 sq. f t. ' ,?- r- ~�x - -� 01i LISE 46'x138' C6,348 sq. ft.) To71 Storage Requiret,t = 10,r31B cu f t. — r Q0'�"-�_ •r Pond #3 OUT ' 67.t10 Set Height nt 3` (46'x138'x3') = 19.044 cu. ft. i VK i 2� � 65 0t} T°# � 7i 22� 6.77' Drainage Area = i4.i3 acres lnv' Q p Orifice Diameter. 2• s s k,v. 24 65.`� EN (� 4"} 6-,7' Imp % = 38% e, Inv. 'OUT "} �- - a 4 Irv.DUT (2 . r Surface Area Required = 11,153 sq. ft.� o ¢ �= USE 61'x183' (11,529) sq. ft,) ` 1. Permanent Water Quality Pool Storage Required = 20,415.i2 cu. ft. i _ - Set Height at 3' (61'x183'x3') = 33.489 cu. ft. Orifice Diameter: 2• a. The surface area required can be detcrr€tir:mot uctng the perrri:ttent po.:l sur'uc= area 1 d.-aina=e area (S:A,`DA) ratio for given levels of impervious cover a_=1 E�:�;:t ci�nths as outlined in Table 1.1- Th: SA-fDA tap e is bused upon y5 ' TSS r--n-.o.al in t_-w _ f piedmont SA'D.4 Tah,es for ti e coastal co:amies a-e avaii::i=le from N our 1--<31 D Q' - Reg:oral Oft:ce. b AveraCe pemtan:att wa er quality pool depths should be lxtween 3 to 6 fix--t with a Pond #3 Not To Scale j required minimum of 3 feet. c. LnpzrFious areas used for siz .7g sh€�ttid be those ti�a[ are expec[d in the F;1.:1 b,�il�icwt c+f •0" the development and any offsim runoff that drai,.s to the p,?nd. - - - - - - - - - - - - _ - - _ - - - - - - - - 3 --w. 'a c ,-� Lti ' ,,:�.! :.� rat _ ,'...Ta t ��• - it-1 -_`d)1`_i•` -_- Forebay Mash Fond e A forebaf (which may be eNimblished by a v. rl r n.ist be incltk;c'd tO enCOUra =e z.irly s a, s:ttlirlg. I his allows drainage of only a portion of the basin in order io excavarte accumuldtecl sedirt>ent. The forebay col urr;z sh 11d equ ti :rb.^ut 26 _c of the tr>;al basin 37' volume. Multiple inlets may reaLire add.ti;}rLtl f,�reba� volurt�s . Tempo -arr Water Quality Pool a The ten p-vrary water quality pool is sized to detain the runoff volutes from the firs: ir_ch i of rain. This rega: remzn[ triers to volume and trot a particular des:gn storrr,- The terTorary water quality pool for extended detention- must be located at?cr•e the perr"--t; nt water quJity pool- r i = C. The cutlet device for this terrparary water quality pool shou'J be sized to re tease the runoff volume associated with the first 1-Ittzh of rainfall aver a ilrawdovtn p{r.crd of 48 to 120 hours (2 to 5 days)_ _ g2.5T6fi . 3. General 109 ° a. Basin shape should minimize d:a3 stcxage areas and short cil-cuiting. Length to wid-th ra€ias should be 3:1 or greater- (Ba:-field, et al.. 1981, pp- 426-429; Florida DE'. 1981. O o =.�eq 1 1r r. OUT ' b. If the basin is used as a seu anent trap daring consoution, all sediment deposited during ,? ` �: 79-U5 ? 1C Dra/n t - construction must be removed before normal opzrarion begins. v. o)T t _ e. Aquatic vegetation should be included fx a wet and type de=.e talon= basin ; 1ar0aad 1 I DN`R. March 198'; Schue er, 19S7. Cnapter 4 and 9). A mit:imul n tent font wide shallow l - sloped shelf is needed at the edge of dw basin for safety and to provide appropriate - !— Drainage Area = 4 50 acres 4 conditions for aquatic ve_etation (Schueler,. 1987)_ This sh--lf sh--uld be sloped 6:1 or Imp 7. = 61X 1 flatter and extend to a depth of 2 feet below the surface of the perrrl ment pool (Shaver Surface Area Required = 3,98O sr,- ft, t Sediment and Maxted, D1NREC, 1994). A list of suita ale w�edand species and propaga-non USE 37'x111'. (4107) sq ft) techniques are provided in Schaeler (1987) and Maryland D`R (1987). _ - _ Forebay Storage Required f 9.964-35 cu ft. Marsh d_ An era rFenc d.a;n (with a t sized to drain the pond in less than 24 hours) should be 9 q ' plants Embankment with marsh plants Level of 1' runoff rrolrxne installed in all ponds to allow access for riser repairs and sediment rernoval (Schu:te.. Set Height at 4' (37'x1i1'x4) = 16,428 cu, ft / = and spillway to main pool y p po• _ Orifice Diamete-1 2' (�`�� Riprap l pool Rrsnrprevent� 19871. pool level g „ f inlet protection j Rt:ver5e-Sped Overflowtr=' Amual or rno-e frequent inspeoitzis b the landowner or �d awr are stron_ ; eno . � --. =,r tf.c rf '-et -1 + ^ orifice to slowly t3rz,[3anlsttE2 ?t 9 r Y t 4 Prater operauon of a xet detrr ti3n pond. LocA goktmn�nts can require rnorc .requzrt< :>f4ectr ,.., s k. iJ � aal �;� _++ release starmwa,er Coritpa3ed e8!#tr cods shauid he consulted - local +'� Pond #2 Not To Scale _ 4 ertlKmertt �P� 1 r r _ ?" �I# r �:,'- At a,n;ninurrn an inspection shouid include and address d,e followin.- 1 l,r - - 1 - ft 7L'�0 Riprap Permenant cool ` ,� • i�- h CR-FA i •i& J 4 , prowtion o..�trurtions of the inlet and �utlrt devices b}° rr; and dzfrris. iizy�E e • eessir'z erosion xditrre�r tics, in or.trL+er� [he lssin, +�," '_�,j�fi1 F arebaY } ' - - _ ; r --+ • cry: lcirt or settling of the donna ; a 1 - 13 - - - _ - - - - - --�•i='-- _-� • deter,critiemn of n,idt. or autizit pipes.Concrete � • Corid:don at the errer2en�^y cnillt►ay. _ "�± _�� -+ d anti-fottation 0_stabil:ry ofside-slopes. .__; 2tClSor • up and downstream channel cand :ti >trs. and - -.I ,:: �� i _ Collars . wccd seeetatic�n in ar nri Ehe dam a GOODEN & ASSOCIATES,. INC. Chalybeate Springy DEXTERFIELD 1745 CYPRESS LAKES ROAD HOPE MILLS, N.C. 28348 GRAPHIC. SCALE HECTOR'S CREEK TOWNSHIP SEDIMENTATION and Surveyed 5y: FOR: PHONE- 910-223-7766 , 100 ,� eENNETT SURVEYS,INCx ATKiN�-PLACE,��c Fax 910-223-778$ - _ HARNETT COUNTY NORTH: CAROLINA ZONED RA--30 - - Storm Water Detention Plan 1662 CLARK RD.,LILLINGTON,N.C. 27546 72 OVERLOOK CT. '� ' WATERSHED DISTRICT WS — IV. t IN MT � SCALE 1 — 100 April .� 2006 (910) 893-52 52 ANGIER,NC 27501 TAX PARCEL ID# 08-0653-0030 Crcw 0c537A\dw9\A2A 1 inch = .100 ft_ f . il1-9 _�i --2 'i_�-a... e._ __ �i-r. �.. .1—. �a i-. _ T_-a .. •:J- • .i ll\l1�LI:i3 L•'� _a4 -�.e'i Vy.-. Y - i i�.i� ■ 3� s�3 l.t v _-s. '--y _aY ».S. .Y __.— __�.. __. a r,. S :�!:� ____._ _ � s� � 1 .�'i- .. ... .. J.. _