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SW5111201_APPROVED PLANS_20120110
STORMWATER DIVISION CODING SHEET POST -CONSTRUCTION PERMITS PERMIT NO. SW Z/A,%Z DOC TYPE ❑ CURRENT PERMIT �1 APPROVED PLANS c ❑ HISTORICAL FILE DOC DATE YYYYMMDD MCI P�_f 171 VI N{ - EXISTING ❑V'HD ELECTRIC POWER LINE -E F L_ EX. FIRE HYDRANT-_-- UP 1 SOUTH MAIN STREET - US # I BUSINESS y38,67 drant PUBLIC STREET CURB AND GUTTER NOT SHOWN AT INTERSECTION \ I --- -- -- -----•--- R/W \ i 1INV. FES OUT 433.50 Al 6 LF 15" RCP W/6' / FES @ 2.08% - - - - - - - - �"------ '� - �--"-'--- -- =a 3$ __ �-- - - - of ---� —----� Cn - TA VALVE --� - iPF /W - PROPERTY LINE & R/W APPROXIMATE L❑CATI❑N 6" WATER LINE FROM - ELEVATED WATER TANK SPECIFIC NOTES 1. Location and topographical information was taken from on actual field survey performed by Nathan R. Hymiller, Jr., PLS during October/November 2010. Reference Datum is MSL. 2. Boundary information is shown for reference only. Consult Professional Land Surveyor for boundary data. 3. All materials, construction, workmanship shall meet the NCDOT Manual of Specifications, Standards and Design. 4. Original site design and layout from John Hamme, PE plans, dated June 11, 2011. These plans are for the design and installation of proposed Stormwoter BMP for the site. 5. Contractor shall comply with all pertinent provisions of the "Manual of Accident Prevention in Construction" issued by AGC of America, Inc., and the Safety and Health Regulations for Construction issued by the U.S. Department of Labor. 6. Soil borings and testing of site done by John Davis, LSS. See report for bore locations and elevations of surface water. 7. All concrete is to be minimum 3000 psi at 28 days unless otherwise noted on the plans. 8. Owner is responsible for determination or discovery of existing underground storage tanks (UST), septic tanks, abandoned utility lines, graves or cemeteries that may exist on the site. 9. Contractor is required to provide "as -built" drawings for Engineer upon completion of construction. Note any deviations from the original plans. The stormwoter BMP is to be surveyed by PLS and prepared for certification by the design engineer. EARTHWORK/EROSION: 10. Erosion control permit has already been submitted and obtained by John Hamme, PE. Consult approved erosion control permit for this project. ENVIRONMENTAL: 11. Property is not located in a FEMA mopped flood area or Flood Hazard zone. 12. This site is not located within a Watershed Protected Zone. UTILITIES: 13. Existing utility locations shown, if any, are approximate and shall be verified in the field prior to beginning work. Contractor shall contact NC One Call Center at 811 for locations of existing utilities prior to beginning construction. 14. Any relocation of existing electrical facilities will be at the developer's expense. 15. Contractor shall exercise extreme caution when working under, around, and/or adjacent to existing power lines. 16. Storm drainage pipe if shown, is to be Class III reinforced concrete meeting ASTM C-76, latest revision, unless otherwise denoted on plans. 17. All site plumbing is to meet the NC State Building Code Volume li, Plumbing. These plans are for bidding purposes only and are not to be used as Construction drawings unless initialed and dated as approved for Construction below by the Engineer. Approved for Construction: Date: This map is not a certified survey and has not been reviewed by a local goverment agency for compliance with any applicable land development regulations. CALL BEFORE YOU DIG NORTH CAROLINA ONE -CALL CENTER BOUNDARY DESCRIPTION SHOWN IS NOT FOR RECORDATION. TOWN DE FRANKLINTEN DEED REFERENCE UNKNOWN RIW — - - I 40.0' I I i RT #1 433.37 `,EXISTING UT 432.31 PAVEMENT \ -F,G.435,27 �� \\ M ��� EX. GR. f-- _--------- ------------- - - - - - _r- -- _ - —--- ---- --- --- -- —— — — — -- — — —� � � 0'r CE MAIN `J / - - -- - - v- - - - _— Uf' - - — - T _ - -- - - - -- - j __. r CATV � -_- - - - --=- - --f ---- - T /,o \PEDESTAL - - - EX OVERHEAD TELEPHONE AND F \ -_---------- 3-- \- CABLE TELEVISION 15' WIDE PERMANANT EASEMENT / I -� -- - - ----- - -- -- -- - -- ate- TELEPHONE I I --- ----- - P❑SSIBL-E--�`� �� I' PEDESTAL — ------ Ft TUR- ROAD,/ _ I �IV \ 1 1 yy 1 1 1 1 >> I I NEW BIRTH AP❑SIE-1.IC CHURCH, INC , I I DEED BOOK 1468, PA:,E 97 t I ^ 1 PIN 1865-95-8376 I I �I I (UNDEVELOPED) IC) I I I tK I I I i , II I f I i I I i I d r ti, a l I I CG In I r , `a_ t .} II 1 I c < l_ i 1 r l OE III OEM 4 5 3 , v f t- r' / iF.15.434.65 ' r00 - I ICU I l � I I 7D,------------------- -- --— — — — — — — -------- / I -- . -- --------- = ------------- 2 FIBER I I ❑PT'IC CABLE •rz.----_.. - -- _ _ - _ �M/ARKERS � l ' I 4 22 LF 15 RCP 0 I_ 1.0% W/ 6' FES I I I FES 15" OUT 532.50CSX TRANSPOR A ION I I I I 1 80' RIGHT OF WAY I I I I R/W --- -- - -- -- --- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ------ -- - .. i` ,fit:. ,�.SDPS1 i 1 Zra SCALE: 1" = 20' Al 0 20 40 50 60 70 80 POND WATER SOLUTIONS, INC. 1025 SOUTH CHURCH STREET PO BOX 8342 ROCKY MOUNT, NC 27804 PHONE: (252) 904-8078 FAX: (252) 822-0207 = � SEAL < 029958 %AFT.FNGINEFR. c-3��`�`` K Final Drawings Review Purposes ONLY 0 u a 0 a ,v o_ Z w r O U Y Ul N H � o Z C14 o z ILL) Co V) }� o N U Z Lam 0r _ ,, o Isi w a z, a a C a C3 Q a z it N r cD D \ Q 6i 4 J u a Q Ul 1% o � o a 1 1 -201 SW-1 r-7 , 1 r , t r l s 4� - I 1 y'•{I !1. 4f� 71' _li...-. -_; !. r_..I _;A;--_-L _ ._.-_....._........ 'A._ ..i. .. _---�._.__,-. �*e' _,__._1i r.. f0aW-A D04 l�— BMP element: Potential problems: How to remediate the problem: The entire BMP Trash/debris is present. Remove the trash/debris. The perimeter of the Areas of bare soil and/or Regrade the soil if necessary to bioretention cell erosive gullies have formed. remove the gully, and then plant a ground cover and water until it is established. Provide lime and a one- time fertilizer application. The inlet device: pipe, The pipe is clogged (if Unclog the pipe. Dispose of the stone verge or swale applicable). sediment off -site. The pipe is cracked or Replace the pipe. otherwise damaged (if applicable). Erosion is occurring in Regrade the swale if necessary to the swale (if applicable), smooth it over and provide erosion control devices such as reinforced turf matting or riprap to avoid future problems with Stone verge is clogged Remove sediment and clogged or covered in sediment stone and replace with clean (if applicable). stone. The pretreatment area Flow is bypassing Regrade if necessary to route all pretreatment area flow to the pretreatment area. and/or gullies have Restabili2e the area after Sediment has accumulated Search for the source of the to a depth greater than sediment and remedy the problem three inches. if possible. Remove the sediment and restabili2e the pretreatment area. Erosion has occurred. Provide additional erosion protection such as reinforced turf matting or riprap if needed to prevent future erosion problems. Weeds are present. Remove the weeds, preferably by hand. The bioretention cell: Best professional practices Prune according to best professional vegetation show that pruning is needed practices. to maintain optimal plant health. Plants are dead, diseased Determine the source of the or dying. problem: soils, hydrology, disease, etc. Remedy the problem and replace plants. Provide a one-time fertili2er application to establish the ground cover if a soil test indicates it is necessary. If sod was used, check to see that it was not grown on clay or impermeable soils_ Replace sod if necessary. Tree stakes/wires are Remove tree stake/wires (which present six months after can kill the tree if not removed). The bioretention cell: soils Mulch is breaking down or Spot mulch if there are only and mulch has floated away. random void areas. Replace whole mulch layer if necessary. Remove the remaining much and replace with triple shredded hard wood mulch at a maximum depth of three inches. Soils and/or mulch are Determine the extent of the clogged with sediment. clogging - remove and replace either just the top layers or the entire media as needed_ Dispose of the spoil in an appropriate off - site location. Use triple shredded hard wood mulch at a maximum depth of three inches. Search for the source of the sediment and remedy the problem if possible. The bioretention cell: soils An annual soil test shows that Dolomitic lime shall be applied as and mulch (continued pH has dropped or heavy recommended per the soil test and metals have accumulated in toxic soils shall be removed, the soil media. disposed of properly and replaced with new planting media. The underdrain system (if Clogging has occurred. Wash out the underdrain system. applicable) The drop inlet Clogging has occurred. Clean out the drop inlet. Dispose of the sediment off -site. The drop inlet is damaged Repair or replace the drop inlet. The receiving water Erosion or other signs of Contact the NC Division of Water damage have occurred at Quality 401 Oversight Unit at 919- the outlet. 733-1786. These plans are for bidding purposes only and are not to be used as Construction drawings unless initialed and dated as approved for Construction below by the Engineer. Approved for Construction: Date: This map is not a certified survey and has not been reviewed by a local goverment agency for compliance with any applicable land development regulations. CALL BEFORE YOU DIG NORTH CAROLINA )NE --CALL CENTER BOUNDARY DESCRIPTION SHOWN IS NOT FOR RECORDAl10N. SPECIFIC BIO=RETENTION NOTES: 1. ALL BIO—RETENTION SHALL HAVE AN ACCESS EASEMENT CONNECTING TO A DEDICATED PUBLIC RIGHT—OF—WAY. 2. ALL DRAINAGE AREAS TO A BIO—RETENTION FACILOITY ARE TO BE STABLIZED PRIOR TO INSTALLATION OF SOILS OR GRASS SOD. 3. NO UNDERDRAIN PROPOSED FOR THIS BIO—RETENTION FACILITY, BIO=RETENTION SOIL MIXTURE NOTES: 1. Bio—retention Soil Mixture (BSM) shall be place and graded using low ground —content pressure equipment or by excavators and/or backhoes operating on the ground adjacent to the bio—retention facility. 2. No heavy equipment shall be used within the perimeter of the bio—retention facility before, during, or after the placement of the BSM. 3, The BSM shall be placed in horizontal layers not to exceed 12 inches for the entire area of the bio—retention facility. 4. The BSM shall be compacted by saturating the entire area of the bio—retention facility after each lift of the BSM. Water for saturation shall be applied by spraying or sprinkling. 5. If the BSM become contaminated during the construction of the facility, the contaminated material shall be removed and replaced with uncontaminated material at no additional cost to the Owner. 6. Final grading of the BSM shall be performed after a 24—hour settling period. Final elevations shall be within 2 inches of the elevations shown on the construction plans. 7. The BSM shall be a uniform mix, free of stones, stumps, roots or other similar objects larger than 2 inches. No other materials or substances shall be mixed or dumped within the bio—retention area that may be harmful to plant growth, or prove a hindrance to the planting or maintenance operations. 8. Prior to placing the BSM, the bottom of the excavation shall be roto—tilled to a minimum depth of 6 inches to alleviate any compaction of the facility bottom. Any substitute method for rota —tilling must be approved by the Engineer prior to use. Any ponded water shall be removed from the bottom of the facility and the soil shall be friable before roto—tilling. 9. Once the BMS has been placed, the entire bio—retention area shall be sodded with grass that has been grown in sandy soils or that has the roots washed clean of any clay or other materials that could clog the function of the bio—retention system, 10. Grass shod shall either be hybrid Bermuda grass or centipede. BIO-RETENTION SOIL MIXTURE ITEM PERCENT BY WEIGHT MATERIAL SAND 85% CONSTRUCTION SAND FINES 10% SILT ORGANIC MATTER 5% COMPOST/PEAT MOSS PERMEABILITY 2 IN HR PHOSPHOROUS INDEX RANGE BETWEEN 10 AND 30 (CONFIRM WITH SOIL ANALYSIS REPORT FROM NCDA LAB) (2) 60 LF 4" SCH. 40 PVC @ 0.5% SLOPE (1) 5 LF 6" SCH, 40 PVC MANIFOLD PRO. 4" SCH, 40 PIPE SHALL HAVE 3/8" PERFORATIONS_ Q 6" ON CENTER (4 HOLES PER ROW) R/W CLEAN OU TS WITH THREADED LID (TOP TO BE 6" ABOVE GROUND ELEVATION) i SLAB COVER WITH WEIR (1DCA11A1/1 AKIn AAAK1Un1 C DMA INV. CO 434.05 - ------ 438 34 fV W 37 --jL... 440 —2' SEPARATION 85.3' 0 ETOP OF BERM 437.90 /• .'�-: IN V. CO 433.75 .....----4 34 8 Xrt �+ -\ SCALE: 1" = 20' 0 20 40 50 60 70 80 BIO-RETENTION CONTROL STRUCTURE SCALE: NTS TYPE 8 PIPE OUTLET TO WELL- DEFINED CHANNEL a i NOTES: (1) d - 1.5 TEMES THE MAXIMUM STONE DIAMETER, BUT NOT LESS THAN SIX (6') INCHES. (2) d t a 1' ABOVE MAXIMUM TA{LWATER OR TOP 4F CHANNEL BANK (WHICHEVER IS LESS.) (3) Lot- LENGTH OF RIPRAP APRON: (TO OBTAIN La. USE FIG. 6.06a FOR TYPE A INSTALLATION AND FIG. 8,06b FOR TYPE B.) REFER TO: NCDENR EROSION AM. SEDIMENT CDNTROL PLANNING AND QES" Mi1AL_ � r�..ti• wrwa �'i� a, ,°,---s • w • w �.• we ii' • • #fir ic.r � r-r-a w +► w r� ri a r * 4 PROYM GODIE I'iLE UNDERUNER: OR GWO OPAVEL FILTER (4' MIN. #*7 WASHEA SMNE BEDDING mATERIAL) OUTLET PROTECTION_ SCALE: NTS 10"WL eorw OVERFLOW OUTLET STRUCTURE TOP OF EMBANKMENT 437.90 GRASS SOD ENTIRE INTERIOR (REQ'D FOR FIRST PLANTING YEAR) 2 FT MIN. { { { 810—RETENTION SOIL DEPTH REFER TO J I J J (GRASS BASIN) GRADING PLAN 7 J f FOR OUTLET PIPE -: - -fi ..t•" - r: -- -- - 4" WASHED SAND •.. r•.-........, , PRO. `15„ HDPE 12" #57 STONE SCARIFY NATIVE SOIL --�� FILTER FABRIC (TOP, NO COMPACTION ` BOTTOM AND SIDES, TYP) 5'X5'X1' CONCRETE FOOTING BIOMMMRETENTION CROSS SECTION - SCALE: NTS r� SLAB TOP WITH MANHOLE RIM FOR ACCESS. (4) 28" WEIR OPENINGS (8' TOTAL WEIR LENGTH) OUTLET CONTROL STRUCTURE= WEIRS SCALE: NTS POND WATER SOLUTIONS, INC. 1025 SOUTH CHURCH STREET PO BOX 8342 ROCKY MOUNT, NC 27804 PHONE: (252) 904-8078 FAX: (252) 822-0207 bm O SEAL 029958 �cA- R W S0101 ''��Affllillllll���`` LZ Final Drawings Review Purposes ONLY N I Q O V a O In L } v o vi x 0 z v o Z LJ (10 to Z. O a o LLJ a � W O a W m a w r a a a o a N Z w � O \ w Q J U Ln of o O Z 1 —201 SW-2 - - j i - � - y r - � }Y :r r - -! F4 � Ir r ' �. �' i, 4r f 3 '� !1 r� �• 1! i 1, �`' i l ` 4 r r ! •� ! ''y *1 r 1 ! it -i I I { r ,1(N il: VI N( These plans are for bidding purposes only and are not to be used as Construction drawings unless initialed and dated as approved for Construction below by the Engineer. Approved for Construction: Date: This map is not a certified survey and has not been reviewed by a local goverment agency for compliance with any applicable land development regulations. CALL BEFORE YOU DIG NORTH CAROLINA ONE -CALL CENTER BOUNDARY DESCRIPTION SHOWN IS NOT FOR RECORDATION. _ E { } �E E --E FX. FIRE HYDRANT �UP 1 38.67 ydrant EXISTING ❑V'HD ELECTR_� POWER LINL up -- -- -- -- -- -- - --E -- --V—{ - -- -- �_ --� T) -- E PAVEMENT 8' ABC AND 2' SI`9.5A TO ROAD R/W 121 12' of CDf r�l TAII � R/W - t - - - - VALVE PROPERTY LINE & R/W - T NEW a APPR❑XIMATE L❑CATI❑N 6" WATER LINE FROM — ELEVATED WATER TANK TDWN OF ERANKLIN r❑N DEED REFFRENCE UNKNOWN R/W ----- \ .EXISTING PAVEMENT \ ra \ I 1 CURB AND GUTTER NOT SHOWN AT INTERSECTION \ 1 -- -- -- -- --- R/W \\lI i x I I I I 1` I � I I 80' RIGHT OF WAY I I 11\Pi4-f\ — — R/W --- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - -- -- -- -- i 1 I I I I - I SCALE: ]" = 20' 0 20 40 50 60 70 80 PWS POND WATER SOLUTIONS, INC. 1025 SOUTH CHURCH STREET PO BOX 8342 ROCKY MOUNT, NC 27804 PHONE: (252) 904-8078 FAX: (252) 822-0207 `OF E.SS = SEAL = 029958 = K Final Drawings Review Purposes ONLY .X O V) in a, in a v LLJ z c� o (n Y w x o z V) o O 0 CY .� U z d .:. w w o Ckf m d < a Q 0 in o o a N Z II ni w � p \ O w a V R o 11-201 SW-3 I � I I 80' RIGHT OF WAY I I 11\Pi4-f\ — — R/W --- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - -- -- -- -- i 1 I I I I - I SCALE: ]" = 20' 0 20 40 50 60 70 80 PWS POND WATER SOLUTIONS, INC. 1025 SOUTH CHURCH STREET PO BOX 8342 ROCKY MOUNT, NC 27804 PHONE: (252) 904-8078 FAX: (252) 822-0207 `OF E.SS = SEAL = 029958 = K Final Drawings Review Purposes ONLY .X O V) in a, in a v LLJ z c� o (n Y w x o z V) o O 0 CY .� U z d .:. w w o Ckf m d < a Q 0 in o o a N Z II ni w � p \ O w a V R o 11-201 SW-3 YOctP# H ba 17-7- VI Nt R/W These plans are for bidding purposes only and are not to be used as Construction drawings unless initialed and dated as approved for Construction below by the Engineer. Approved for Construction: Date: This map is not a certified survey and has not been reviewed by a local goverment agency for compliance with any applicable land development regulations. BOUNDARY DESCRIPTION SHOWN IS NOT FOR RECORDATION. EXISTING ❑V'HD ELECTRI-_ POWER LINE UP -- -- -- -- — -- --- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - E E E - — E -- E EX. FIRE HYDRANT Li 1�ydrant 3867 SOUTH MAIN STREET — US # 1 BUSINESS PUBLIC STREET I 1 CURB AND GUTTER NOT SHOWN AT INTERSECTION l -- -- -- --- R/W \ i PAVEMENT 8' ABC AND \ 2' SF9.5A TO ROAD R/W .EXISTING / PAVEMENTS\ ro \ --------- -------------------------- ---- 12 12`--------------�----------------- �----------------------------� ��`� �-- - FORCE MAIN �'� / _----F�4- — — — — ---�---- — �--------PM---- -- — -- _ —�-- — —�I ------�hfr--------FM---------FU--------FAf�--- ----FM _.— ��-- ---- F�-- ---- ---� � � ©1 TAN N 29 4V 00 E 131.00 u� -- -- r---_T—__ �_ _ �___ —�___ _.�_— —� _ —��— _—�-� — �___ _�__ — _ CATV VALVE - `� _ _ IPF R/W N 29'47'QO"E 111' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - -- -- -- - -- r PR❑PERTY LINE & R/W - - - 436� EX OVERHEAD TELEPHONE AND \ ---------- --------------------------- - T - R V4�%o PEDESTAL LANDSCAPED AREA r I '+Y,,'_____-________ ---------------------------- CAE3LE TELEV SIGN MAINTAINED BY THE TOWN I ' 15' WIDE PERMANANT EASEMENT ; I OF FRANKLINTON _ _ _ _ __�__ _ TELEPHONE I -� - - - - ----f- - - }-- --- -- ------------ - - / k I ---------------- POSSIBLE / PEDESTAL k k NEW I _ FUTURE R❑AD\ :..................-..-..-..-..---.-..-..-.. _.. ETBA�k�..--.-..-..-.. _.. _-..-.._ - I S I A C d 00 S 29'47'00"W 111' PRO. STORMWATER EASM'T S 60*12'47"E 188.53' I k S fiQ'12'47"E 188.53' \ __---------------- APPR❑XIMATE L❑CATI❑N 6" WATER LINE FROM -MIM-4 ELEVATED WATER TANK T❑WN OF FRANKLINTEN DEED RETERENCE UNKN❑ W N BENCHMARK-GE❑DETIC MONUMENT "STERLING RM 1" ELEVATION 436,79 W Z_ J r w a 0 z cn 0 O Cry o CJ� IV N � M fv N C� CA 00 5 � r 1 { PARCEL A U \ Pal Y 299200 S.F. +- r} \ ! U Q o 9.0' 1.0' Lw t ` r W❑ DS r 1 ! \ _ J K \ r Y... ............ _........... ............. .._._....... .._............. ._._.._.._............... ......_.._.............. _.._ t Y rt. WOODS R/W — _ _ _ _ _ _ 20' SETBACK R❑P�Y.35'56"W 117.20' - I ' 40.0' I I I I CSX TRANSPOR A ION 80' RIGHT OF WAY R/W - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- I k I I I I � I 1 1 1 k 1 1 1 SCALE: 1" = 20' 0 20 40 50 60 70 80 PWS POND WATER SOLUTIONS, INC. 1025 SOUTH CHURCH STREET PO BOX 8342 ROCKY MOUNT, NC 27804 PHONE: (252) 904-8078 FAX: (252) 822-0207 {1111 SEAL -_ 029958 W. SO'�Px, % Q ! Final Drawings Review Purposes ONLY I a o � a 0 } V) M0- ,v 0 (7 p N Y = Q A U Y V) � W H d p Z o W � � L � O r 0 n: f1 ` � w n m a w r a a � o N Z II CV w s J r„ < Q d o � 1 1 -201 SW-4 �i� i � r•I ; �, . � II'F I r ! ,+ r. . ' �.' } , 4 1 . irl ! yi! i ,li 'I 1 1 �