HomeMy WebLinkAboutSW5100301_APPROVED PLANS_20100514STORMWATER DIVISION CODING SHEET POST -CONSTRUCTION PERMITS PERMIT NO. SW �119-�,�'J1 DOC TYPE ❑CURRENT PERMIT L?PAPPROVED PLANS HISTORICAL FILE DOC DATE YYYYMMDD I mmw, MATTHEW 0 & MARISOL 0675617347 ZONED RA-30 OUTLET RESIDENTIAL USE INV 341.40 SEE DETAIL ZAMMIT, MATTHEW D & MARISOL PROVIDE 30'WEIR SECTION FOR BYPASS ZONED RAa ,-I RESIDENTIAL USE EL 345�4_ INBIORETETOBAS B3 RIP" NOTE: THE SITE HAS NO OFF SITE DRAINAGE AREA. DRAINAGE AREA FOR THE BIORETENTION BASIN IS LIM ITIED T6LOT 5 PRE TREATMENT AREAJGRASS) BY-PASS SWALE FOR OFF SITE DRAINAGE loe A 342 I. TIT_ CLARK, WIL�M - -1 :7T S"E FLOW ZONED RA-30 346.51 HCP HCP T FLUSH GUTTER INTO 010 BASIN Doh MAINTENANCE EASEMENT 34730 TOC ei A ok 342 TOC FORXLLwrcw I TOC VIC 5 CURB INLET %WCODEDSCREEN- J � FROM SWALE PAD RR FRLWWT MORT A N WOODED SCREEN A VAC 0 •'' A .100' A �MECH MIPWNT TOC 7�5 A LO', ' FUTURE BUILDING 347-50 n A BALLANCa, LEIGH, FT AL TOC. Ln PROPOSED OFFICE BUILDING ZONED HB FFE 347.58 A V�CANT BAL.LANiE, LEIGH, ET AL'_ LOT 5 1 A A 0675513419 ZONED H8 VACANT 24'J NJ ACCES RWE OWNERN/DEVELOPER Byrd Properties of Angier, LLC 104 South Main Street Lillington, NC 27546 Phone (919) 639-2020 Fax (919) 639-8508 SEEDING SCHEDULE (REVISED: 1-1-86) Shoulders, Side Ditches, Slopes (Max 3:1) DATE TYPE PLANTING Aug 15 - Nov 1 Tali Fescue 300 lbs Nov 1 - Mar I Tall Fescue 300 lbs & Abruzzi Rye 25 lbs/ Mar I - Apr 15 Tall Fescue 300 lbs/ Apr 15 - Jun 30 Hulled Common Bermuclogross 25 ib Ju€ 1 Aug 15 Tall Fescue and 120 lbs/ 11"Browntop Millet 35 lbs/ *:*or Sorghum -Sudan Hybrids 30 Ibs/ Slopes (3. 1 to 2: 1) Mar I Jun I S ricea Lespedeza (scarified) 50 Ibs/ Mar 1 Apr I' Add Toll Fescue 120 lbs/ Mar I ,tun 30 Or Add Weeping Lovegross $ 10 Ibs/ Mar I Jun Or Add Hulled �ommnr Bermuclogross 25 lbs Jun I Sep I ***Tall Fescue and 120 Ibs/ *"*Browntop Millet 35 lbs/ ***or Sorghum -Sudan ' rids td-unscarified)70 30 Ibs Sep I Mar 1 Sericea Lespedezo (unhu lbs/acr and Tall Fescue 120 Ibsl (Nov I VGr 1) Add Abruzzi Rye 25 Ibs Consult Conservation Engineer or Soil Conservation Service for additional information concerning other aiternotives for vegetation of denuded areas, The above vegetation rates are those which do well under focal conditions; other seeding rote combinations are possible. ***Temporary Reseed according to optimum season for desired permone vegetation, a not allow temporary cover to grow over 12" in height befo mowing, otherwise fescue may be shaded out. SEEDBED PREPARATION 1.) CHISEL COMPACTED AREAS AND SPREAD TOPSOIL 3 INCHES DEEP OVER ADVERSE SOIL CONDITIONS, IF AVAILABLE. 2.) RIP THE ENTIRE AREA TO 6 INCHES DEPTH. 1) REMOVE ALL LOSE ROCK, ROOTS, AND OTHER OBSTRUCTIONS LEAVING SURFACE REASONABLY SMOOTH AND UNIFORM, SUPERPHOSPHATE 4.) APPLY AGRICULTURAL LIME, FERTILIZER, AND UNIFORMLY AND MIX WITH SOIL (SEE BELOW-). 5.) CONTINUE TILLAGE UNTIL A WELL -PU LVERI ZED, FIRM INCHES REASONABLY UNIFORM SEEDBED IS PREPARED 4 TO 6 DEEP. 6,) SEED ON A FRESHLY PREPARED SEEDBED AND COVER AFTER SEEDING, SEED LIGHTLY WITH SEEDING EQUIPMENT OR CULTIPACK, 7.) MULCH IMMEDIATELY AFTER SEEDING ANCHOR MULCH 8.) INSPECT ALL SEEDED AREAS AND MAKE NECESSARY RESEEDINGS WITHIN THE PLANTING SEASON, IF POSSIBLE. FOLLOWING STAND SHOULD BE OVER 6070AMAGED, REESTABLISH ORIGINAL LIME, FERTILIZER AND SEEDING RATES. 14 FERTILIZER - 1,000 lbs, / ACRE -10-10-10 A 3472 BY-PASS SWALE SUPERPHOSPHATE- 500 lbs> / ACRE -207.ANALYSIS FOR OFF SITE DRAINAGE MULCH -2 TONS / ACRE - SMALL GRAIN STRAW ANOTHER - ASPHALT EMULSION @ 300 GALS./ ACRE 10 347,34 TOO 72 347.57 OC TOC A 94 A! 3422 11M.0 � , �: r. A TOC A FUTURE DRIVE73 At 41 347, (NOT IN THIS PROJECT) oc TOC # ' XTA& 346.- MH 5PUBLICSIDEWAUK Cawa WALK cama WK 515.21FE EOP A8 Re RI(aHTOF WAY 294,66 LF 8" SEWER MAIN 0.75% 146,53 L '8"SEWER MAIN @ 0,75% MH 3 FHZIP 4* MOE M. R 0.EDP $ILM MH4 A -I ECIP FWT MAX MH i ALL 0MVNS MIN MIN EXISTING WM- d'IRE FUR VAN ACC0509 all CM 35OL04 ------ T349.07 349.10 EOP­ PARKING STRIPING EOR EOP EOP (NTS) S NC Hwy 55-- TYPE R7-410 SIGN 7`7777 Uq N rg�'wm R" �0 7 "'M"R0�' ? " 4� - FSSiME SPACES IC ROW 120 PUBIL AT ALL VAN A CCE VAN t Vi ACCESSIBLE 00;f S ITE KENNEBEC CH. D. VICINITY MAP (N.T.S.) Site Data RATE Address NC 55, Angier NC /acre /acre County Wake acre acre Pin Number 0675515131 S/ccre acre acre Deed Reference DB 2006, PG 1754 cre acre Area 1.50 ac acre Zoning Highway Business acre /acre acre Proposed Use Doctors Office acre /acre Hours of Operation 8 -.00 AM to 7:00 PM M-F e acre 'acre Proposed Buiding 5119 SF Impervious Surface 55.7% nt re Water Service Public Water Sewer Service Public Sewer Parking Req'd (1/300) x 5119 = 17 ea Parking Provided 44 ea Handicap Parking Req'd 1 per 25 spaces 2 ea Handicap Provided. 4 ea Setbacks Front 40 ft Side 4 ft Rear 20 ft required ruje;,;equ:,r: " amity mth the the. Shout P 2 ASPHALT - TYPE 1I 80 ABC TYPICAL ASPHALT PAVING SECTION NTS LINE SPII W1 GRASS BY-PASS CHANNEL SECTION NTS sl LINE SPILLWAY W1 31 GRASS CHANNEL SECTION NIS LINE SPILLWAY W1 1 30' NORTH AMERICAN GREEN F300 OR EQUAL DO RETENTION BASIN SPII TYP SECTION NITS PRE-11EATMENT MAVELSM13 S aws STRIP LINESMWAY0 FLOW FROM PARKING LOT NM PSW 09 EQUAL CAPPED CLEMOU1 PORT 31 SIDE SLOPS 0.50' TOP OF BMIN 3i6,24 RESERVED NO TE.- TOP"W30.75 PARKINGTHE R7-8E SIGN 79 CENTIPEDE SOD INV BAW 3600 WETLANDS NOTE: GENERAL NOTESI - 1-111 -1 � 1=1 I I=Mi � 1-III---_Ul --I 71-=-T 11EI I CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCE 1. Boundary and topographic fnformotion provided by Owner. Speoftom 1��E -11 I-M= 1, Obtain a land-distAng permit. Schedule a pre-oomhellion conference With the NCDHNR-Land Quaky Section- - Raleo Roonal Office, NO WETLANDS EXIST ON THIS LOT. SITE WAS PREVIOUSLY DEVELOPED AS A RESIDENTR LOT (MOBILE 2. n accordance wltl? Town of Angier All site Improvements shall be constructed 1 Standards and Ordinances. sand pmt Ms tan 5 il=_ .. T'-'-'TT `_M�= = EE I T= SOLMEDIA iD� 2. Wd gravel construction pad, temporary diversions, 0 fence, rock dam and other measures as shown on the pproved plan. Clear only as necessary to install these devices. Seed temporary diversions, bens and basins hmediaWy after construction, HOME), THE ENTIRE LOT WAS CLEARED, GRADED AND LANDSCAPED. J. Location of existing utilities is approximate. Contractor shall verify location of all axis utilities and shall be responsible for any damage resulting from his actions. "ne MAXIMUM CIIiy Wwnt mmpost 3-5% T=-21 MIE f M-1714DE -Ir=- 20 Col/ N ONE CALL PENALTY 1E1 I I Z 11 r.=Ll 1_111 1 - _DEM -i Tij -. 11 3. Begin demolition, Maintain devices as needed. $250 Ph*vw Index 10 min - 30 Max M U M 111= Fjr�:__ 4. Begin fbg and grading as shown on the approved plan 4. Contractor shall notIfy Engineer and Owner of conflicts, errors, an7bigultles or discrepancies Contractor discovers in the drawings, 2 5, Install remaining storm sewer, as shown, and protect inlets with Mock and gravel inlet wntrols, sediment taps or other approved measures as shown on the plan, Begin which 8 MMEDIANN Construction, building, etc. 5. Contractor shall at all times molptaln adequate osures , activities, and lolelMethe site. barricades, for the protection of oil persons on or about 2-0 POST V WAV g 0 73 riv JNVOURET3QX i 6. Stabhe Site as areas are brought up to %sh grade Wit vegetation, paving, ditch linings, etc. Seed and mulch denuded areas within 15 working or 30 calendar days for temporary cover/ 30 working Cr 90 calendar days for permanent coverl and 21 calendar days on all sbpes. ALL CONSTRUCTION OPERA77ONS SHALL BE ACCOMPLISHED IN ACCORDANCE WTH THE APPLICABLE REGULA 77ONS OF 7HE OCCUPA TIONAL SAFET'y AND HEAL TH OF THE 12' 0 X 20" CONCRETE -F*T FOOTING N, "WOVEN FILTER FMW OVER 87ONE FILTER LAYER 0 AFL W47 GRAPHIC SCALE 1 30' DI KSION NC DEPA R TREN T OF LABOR. 7. When construction is complete and all arm are stabilized completely, d Land Quality Section for an inspection. NOTE: b6n as approved plan 8. If site � approved, remove temporary sediment basin and instate bloretention shown on the a Con tractor shall be responsible for the design of adequate shoring and bracIng In all trenches and excavations that are the this Engineer for inspection prior to backNIN underdrains. Once approved,W911 With planting media in accordance ~Nib the approved plan, 9. Call Engineer 0 30 60 90 a of construction operations of project. Contractor shall be responsible for iUtooriltation and main tenonce of adequate shoring CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDED ANALYSIS OF THE 10, Om bWill is Compete and sod is in place, call for final inspection by EII and bracing, and the protection of a// persons and property on or the s1te. VERTICAL H.Q_R ,,,SIC44 SOILMEADIA TO THE ENGINEER PRIOR TO W-RETENTION BASIN CROSS SECTION 6. All efectrkal utilities seMnq this site shall be installed underground. NTS PLACEMENT IN THE BIORETENTION WIN. NTS 2 10 0 co Z M Cr t4 2, ? � LiJ fi a. Mae ft it CV 0 cri Cn C: T'7 0 o � ywi C44 r r j """ , � I I � rt r-J, LLJ LU CL 0 LU C/> 1 Of 1