HomeMy WebLinkAboutSW4111201_HISTORICAL FILE_20111212STORMWATER DIVISION CODING SHEET POST -CONSTRUCTION PERMITS PERMIT NO. SW� DOC TYPE ❑ CURRENT PERMIT ❑ APPROVED PLANS HISTORICAL FILE DOC DATE ,� 9111A Z2 YYYYMMDD f' Project: KEEN PROJECT Project No.: 11-178 Designed By: BMH Checked By: JNT Date: 10127/2011 Revised: 12/12/2011 Permanent Wet Detention Pond #1 WATER QUALITY POND DESIGN DESIGN DATA ON -SITE DATA On -Site Drainage Area to Pond = On -Site Proposed Impervious Area = On -Site Future Impervious Area = Total On -Site Impervious Area = Total Project Site Area = OFFSITE DATA Offsite Drainage Area to Pond = Offsite Impervious Area = Offsite Future Impervious Area = Total Offsite Impervious Area = Total Watershed Area to Pond = Graded Area to Pond = Temporary Sediment Storage Used = WATERSHED INFORMATION 10.34 acres Watershed = NIA 6.25 acres 0.00 acres Classification = NIA 6.25 acres 60.47% Drainage Area Impervious Percentage 15.01 acres 41.65% Project Area Impervious Percentage 0.00 acres . 0.00 acres ' 0.00 acres 0.00 acres 10.34 acres 0,00 acres N Temporary Sediment Storage = •"" �--0.50 ac-in. Permanent Sediment Storage = ' 0:125 ac-in Current Composite Impervious Percentage = 60.47 Maximum Impervious Percentage = 65.00 % Permanent Water Quality Pool Avg Depth (3'min.) = 3.00 FT Surface Area / Drainage Area Ratio = 3.750 % Temporary Water Quality Depth to be Controlled = 1.0 Inch CLLVn I IVIV-1JL f\Inl/L nRCn Un I n Elevation at Bottom of Pond = 883.00 Elevation at Bottom of PSS = 883:00 Elevation at Bottom of PWQ = 884.00 Elevation at Bottom of TWO = 887.50 Elevation at Top of TWO = 888.60 Elevation at Emergency Spillway = 891,50 Elevation at Top of Dam = 891.00 Invert of Barrel = 883.00 5timmel Associates, P.A. Pond Designed for 90% TSS Removal Fused o11 MaX. Impervious °h Based on Max. ImperVous % Surface Area = 10,887 SF Surface Area = 10,887 SF Surface Area = 12,277 SF Surface Area = 19,509 SF Surface Area = 24,407 SF 601 Njrade Street, Ste 200 Winston 5aleM;'NC 27101 Phone (336) 723-1067 Fax (336) 723.1069 TEMPORARY SEDIMENT STORAGE VOLUME REQUIRED 0 Cubic Feet Elevation at Bottom of Pond = 883.00'urface Area = 10887 Square Feet Elevation at Bottom of TWO = 887.50 '' Surface Area = 19509 Square Feet Allow 75% of Basin Volume To Water Quality Orifice = 51293 Cubic Feet OK PERMANENT SEDIMENT STORAGE VOLUME REQUIRED 4691 Cubic Feet Elevation at Bottom of PSS = 883.00 7,-„ ,,,' Surface Area = 10$87 Square Feet Elevation at Middle of PSS = 883.50 ." `"I; "Surface Area = 11 582'Square Feet Elevation at Bottom of PWQ = 884.00 Surface Area = 12277 Square Feet Volume Provided 11582 Cubic Feet OK PERMANENT WATER QUALITY SURFACE AREA REQ'D 16889 Square Feet Normal Pool Elevation = 887,50 Surface Area Provided = 19509 Square Feet OK TEMPORARY WATER QUALITY STORAGE REQUIRED ;`::'" +' "' 23833 Cubic Feet Rv= 0.635 in/in (Based on Max Imp. %) Elevation at Bottom of TWO = 887.50 Surface Area = 19509 Square Feet Elevation at Top of TWQ = 888.60 Surface Area = 24407 Square Feet Volume Provided = 24154 Cubic Feet r; OK Elevation at Top of 1" Storm = Elevation at Bottom of Water Quality Release Hole = Maximum Release Rate = ,Minimum Release Rate = Maximum Hole Size = 0.049183952 Minimum Hole Size = 0,032757097 888.60 887.50 2 Days 5 Days 3.00 in. dia. 2.45 in. dia. POND DRAIN Elevation at Normal Pool = 88750'` Elevation at Bottom Of Pond = 883'.00 Release Rate = 1 Day Minimum Hole Size = 0.198958883 6.04 in. dia. 5timmel A55oci3te5, P.A. 601 N. Trade,`atreet, St'e'•200 'MnSton: S�lem�;N'C-17i0V Phone (336) 723-1067 Fax (33To) 723-1069 TEMPORARY WATER QUALITY STORAGE REQUIRED Elevation at Bottom of TWQ = 887,50 Elevation at Top of TWQ = 888.60 23833 Cubic Feet Rv= 0.635 in/in (Based on Max }mp, %) Surface Area = 19509 Square Feet Surface Area = 24407 Square Feet Volume Provided = 24154 Cubic Feet Simple Method: Rv = 0.05+0.9` IA V = 3630'Ro"R,*A R„ = Runoff Cofficient (in runoff/in rainfall) IA = Impervious fraction V = Temporary Runoff Volume to be Conirolled (cf) Ro = Design Rainfall Depth (in) A = Watershed Area (ac) IA = 65,00 % Design Value Rv = 0.635 in runoff ! in rainfall RD = 1.0 Inch:'.':, A = 10.34 Ac. V = 23834 Cubic Feet 5timme1 A55ociote5, P.A. 601 N. Trade Street, Ste 200 Winston Salem, NC 27101 Phone (336) 723-1067 Fax (336) 773-1069 .w.Ffr.. My .�. ry ..rJr• `� S .'�i �� �nx i�v � .z - ''ii'.. ,ft',; .. ., t: - r % �� �� � Al PAV NC®ENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of water Quality Beverly Eaves Perdue Coleen H. Sullins Dee Freeman Governor Director Secretary December 9, 2011 Mr, J. Neal Tucker, PE Stimmel Associates, PA 601 N. Trade St., Suite 200 Winston-Salem, NC 27101 Subject: Request for Additional Information Stormwater Project No. SW4111201 Keen Transport Forsyth County Dear Mr. Tucker: The Division of Water Quality Central Office received a Stormwater Management Permit Application for the subject project on December 2, 2011. A preliminary review of that information has determined that the application is not complete. The following information is needed to continue the stormwater review: 1. The permanent pool elevation shall be at approximately the same elevation as the SHWT Elevation. 1. Based on the information provided, the permanent pool elevation (PPE) of the wet pond maybe above or below the SHWT. Additional analysis must be performed and provided if the PPE is more than —0.5' below or above the SHWT to show that the pond will be able to function as required. If the permanent pool elevation is greater than six (6) inches above the SHWT, a liner maybe incorporated to sustain a permanent pool of water. However, the PPE is not allowed to be lower than 6 inches below the SHWT. Please see pages 10-9 and 10-10 of the BMP Manual for more information. Please provide more information on the SHWT. 2. The Total Drainage Area on the application in the table under IV. Project Information on the Wet Detention Basin Supplement form does not match. Please revise these values to match. 3. The basin looks to be sized appropriately, however, the simple method calculation for finding the water quality volume should be clearly shown in the calculations. Please note that this request for additional information is in response to a preliminary review. The requested information should be received by this Office prior to December 28, 2011, or the application will be returned as incomplete. The return of a project will necessitate resubmittal of all required items, including the application fee. . If you need additional time to submit the information, please mail or fax your request for a time extension to the Division at the address and fax number at the bottom of this letter. The request must indicate the date by which you expect to submit the required information. The Division is allowed 90 days from the receipt of a completed application to issue the permit. Wetlands and Stormwater Branch One. 1617 Mail Service Center, Ralegh, North Carolina 27699-1617 Not hCarolina Location: 512 N. Salisbury St. Raleigh, North Carolina 27604 Phone: 919-807-63001 FAX: 919-807-64941 Customer Service: 1.877-623-6748 Naturall ff Internet: www.ncwalerquallty org An FroiM Onnnrtnnity 4 Affirmstiva Actinn Fmnlnvar S W 111201- Keen Transport If you have any questions concerning this matter please feel free to call me at (919) 807-6368. cc: Winston Salem Regional Office SW4111201 Mr. William R. Keen — Keen Transport, Inc. Sincerely, /<= C. Z� Brian Lowther Environmental Engineer N.C.Devt. of i_NR DEC 1'6 2011 Winston-Salem Sti m m e I 6,01 "' Trade Street date: 11/30/2011 job #: 11-178 Suite 200 Winston Salem, NC project: Keen Transport cop Landscape Architecture 27101-2916 -" Civil Engineering P: 336.723.1067 I RECENEb stimmei Associates, PA Land Planning F: 336.723.1069 r ni r M"..' _. letter of transmittal "uV 2011 Wh151;;rr-� 3lciri attn: NCDENR - DWQ Re long, orrjca sent via. C A ch�'d —�� to: 585 Waughtown St. C:, Under Separate Cover Winston-Salem, NC 27107 (J U.S. Mail rv_� By Hand ri Over Night Service r' For Pick -Up r Fax# # of pages total = We are sending you the following iterns: (_! Prints f7i Calculations [- Base Drawings r Diskette/CD r Reproducibles )- Information Correspondence 1wr.1 Email with Attachments Originals r7 Specifications r Change Order/Addendum 1`7 copies sheet dated description 2 Stormwater Management Permit Application 1 Check # 311261 for $505.00 2 Drawings indicated on attached Drawing List dated 11-30-11 remarks, comments, & details: If noted enclosures are not received, please notify us. copies to: File py: Bob Young N. Trade Street Suite 200 ' Stimmel Winston Salem, NC Landscape Architecture 27101-2916 Civil Engineering p; 336.723.1067 Stimmel Associates, PA Land Planning F: 336.723,1069 Project Number: 11 1T8 Project Name: KEEN PROPERTY Updated: 11/30/2011 Sheet No. JISheet Name 1st Issue Date Revision Revision Date CD SUBMITTAL FOR STORMWATER PERMIT C-0.00 Cover Sheet 11/17/11 C-2.01 Overall Site Plan 11/17/11 C-2.03 Northern Site Plan 11/17/11 1 11/21/2011 C-3.01A Pre Development Drainage Plan 11/29/11 C-3.05 Overall Phase 2 Grading and Erosion Control Plan 11/17/11 3 11/28/2011 C-3,05A Post Development Drainage Plan 11/29/11 C-3.06 Southern Phase 2 Grading and Erosion Control Plan 11/17/11 2 11/28/2011 C-5.01 Wet Detention Pond Plan 11/29/11 C-5.02 Wet Detention Pond Profile 11/29/11 C-5.03 Spillway Structure Details 11/29/11 C-5.04 Misc Pond Details 11/29/11 C-5.05 Misc Pond Details 11/29/11 C-5.06 Trash Rack Details 11/29/11 C-5.07 Trash Rack Details 11/29/11 C-5.08 Pond Secifications 11/29/11 L-1.04 L-2.01 SWM Pond Landscape Plan Notes, Specs and Details 11/17/11 11/17/11 N,C.Deot. of ENR Nuv 3 0 2011 V,Iinston-Salern Reaional Office A 3 F North Carolina Secretary of State Page 1 o f 2 ,NIcrth Caro`ina = PARTI E T OF' Tl-1= �a��ne F. t��ler5�aa� '— S cre��ry Ei:. ;CRY OF,--, n PO so:t 29i2: Pairign, N,C a7626_0612 fg 'DAC7.20�t Date: 11/14/2011 Click here to: View Document Filings I Sign Up for E-Notifications 1 113J Print apre-populated Annual Report Form I File an Annual Report Corporation Names Name Name Type NC KEEN LEGAL TRANSPORT, INC. Business Corporation Information SOSID: 0348922 Status: Current -Active Effective Date: 7/25/1994 Dissolution Date: Annual Report Due Date: Citizenship: FOREIGN State of Inc.: OH Duration: PERPETUAL Annual Report Status: CURRENT Registered Agent Agent Name: SUMMERROW, ASHLEY Office Address: 2154 HENDERSONVILLE RD SKYLAND NC 28776 Mailing Address: PO BOX 991 SKYLAND NC 28776 Principal Office Office Address: 1951 HARRISBURG DRIVE CARLISLE PA 17013 Mailing Address: Officers 1951 HARRISBURG PIKE CARLISLE PA 17013 Title: CFO Name: MICHAEL HOKE Business Address: 1951 HARRISBURG PIKE CARLISLE PA 17013 Title: PRESIDENT Name: YJILLIAM R KEEN Business Address: PO BOX 389 NEVIKINGSTO'AIN PA 17072 Title: SECRETARY Name: ELIZABETH A KEEN Business Address: PO BOX 389 http://-,«��%-.secrt-tar,,•.state.ne,Lis/corporations'Corp.aspx'PILemId=4663323 1 1/14/201 1 a North Carolina Secretary of State Page 2 of Title: Name: Business Address Title: Name: Business Address: NEW KINGSTOWN PA 17072 TREASURER KENNETH H SHEIBLEY PO BOX 389 NEW KINGSTOWN PA 17072 VICE PRESIDENT JESSE H KEEN PO BOX 389 NEW KINGSTOWN PA 17072 This website is provided to the public as a part of the Secretary of State Knowledge Base (SOSKB) system. Version: 1486 http:11ti�-�,cr,c.secreLary.state.nc.Lis/corporations/Corp.aspx''Pitemid=4663323 111t 4/20 1l y i` Nlorth Carolina Secretary of State Page 1 of 2 North Cnro'ina fi Elaine F MerShad '- TE Secretary ECRETARYOF TA -•= PO 84)K 2!5i2: Palsi h, .NC s7626-0632 ;919;8G7.20,"C Date: 11/14/2011 ClicK here to: View Document Filings I Sign Up for E-Notifications i Print apre-populated Annual Report Form I File an Annual Report Corporation Names Name Name Type NC KEEN LEGAL TRANSPORT, INC. Business Corporation Information SOSID: 0348922 Status: Current -Active Effective Date: 7/25/1994 Dissolution Date: Annual Report Due Date: Citizenship: FOREIGN State of Inc.: OH Duration: PERPETUAL Annual Report Status: CURRENT Registered Agent Agent Name: SUMMERROW, ASHLEY Office Address: 2154 HENDERSONVILLE RD SKYLAND NC 28776 Mailing Address: PO BOX 991 SKYLAND NC 28776 Principal Office Office Address: 1951 HARRISBURG DRIVE CARLISLE PA 17013 Mailing Address: 1951 HARRISBURG PIKE CARLISLE PA 17013 Officers Title: CFO Name: MICHAEL HOKE Business Address: 1951 HARRISBURG PIKE CARLISLE PA 17013 Title: PRESIDENT Name: WILLIAM R KEEN Business Address: PO BOX 339 NE�1V KINGSTO�i�)N PA 17072 Title: SECRETARY Name: ELIZABETH A KEEN Business Address: PO BOX 389 http:ll%�-w-w.secretar,; State.ne.LislcorporltionsICorp.asps'Pitemld=4bb3323 11/14/2011 North Carolina Secretary of State Page 2 of 2 Title: Name: Business Address: Title: Name: Business Address NEW KINGSTOWN PA 17072 TREASURER KENNETH H SHEIBLEY PO BOX 389 NEW KINGSTOWN PA 17072 VICE PRESIDENT JESSE H KEEN PO BOX 389 NEW KINGSTOWN PA 17072 This website is provided to the public as a part of the Secretary of State Knowledge Base (SOSKB) system. Version: 1486 http:ll,.%ti%-,,v.secretar-,-.State.ne.tisleorporationsICorp.aspx'?Pitemld=4663323 1 IJt4/201 t IJ it l l l l l l l Ili � 111 l l ll I l l l I I I l l l l I l l i �l 2011041076 00001 FORSYTH CO, NC FEE $26 00 STATE OF NC REAL ESTATE EXTX $1099.00 DRESENTEO 3 aECOROEO 10-26-2011 08:48:34 AM C. NORMAN HOLLEMAN 9EZI,TZROF DEEDS BY SL. PCINDEATER ❑PTY BiK: RE 3026 Excise Tax PG: 710-712 Drafted by: Donald M. VonCannon Return to: PO Drawer 5129 Winston-Salem, NC 27113-5129 bolt -i� NOR3TI CAROLINA } FORSYTH COUNTY ) Tax Block 5622, Lot 27 Pin No. 6864-51-9432 Property Address: Temple School Rd. Winston-Salem, NC GENERAL WARRANTY DEED THIS DEED made this cZS'" day of October, 2011, by and between Jonnie H. Tucker (Widow), a Forsyth County resident whose mailing address is M. Box 279, Belews Creek, NC 27009 (hereinafter referred to as "Grantor") and Keen Transport, Inc., a Pennsylvania corporation whose mailing address is PO Box 389, New Kingstown, PA 17072, (hereinafter referred to as "Grantee"). The designation Grantor and Grantee, as used herein, shall include said parties, their heirs, successors, and assigns, and shall include singular, plural, masculine, feminine or neuter, as required by context. WITNESSETH: THAT the Grantor, for a valuabte consideration paid by the Grantee, the receipt of which is herebv acknowledged, has and by these presents does grant, bargain, sell and convey unto the Grantee in fee simple, all those certain lots or parcels of land situated in Forsyth County, North Carolina, and more particularly as follows: SCE ATTACHED SHEET LABELED EXHIBIT A INCORPORATED HEREIN BY REFEPENCE This property is not the primary residence of the Grantor ?343n3. I J The property hereinabove described was acquired by Grantor by instrument recorded in Book 1938, Page 66, Forsyth County Registry. TO HAVE AND TO I -COLD the aforesaid lots or parcels of land and all privileges and appurtenances thereto belonging to the Grantee in fee simple. And the Grantor covenants with the Grantee, that Grantor is seized of the premises in fee simple, has the right to convey the same in fee simple, that the title is marketable and free and clear of all encumbrances, and that Grantor will warrant and defend the title against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever, except for the exceptions hereinafter stated. Title to the property hereinabove described is subject to easements, rights of way and restrictions of record, if any, and 2011 ad valorem taxes which have been prorated to the date of delivery of this deed of conveyance. IN WITNESS WIIEREOF, the Grantor has executed this instrument on the day and year first above written. NORTI-I CAROLINA COUNTY OF FORSY`111 qA� 1(4/ -- (SEAL) Jo ' ie 1-1. "Fucker I certify that the following person(s), either being personally known to me or proven by satisfactory evidence, personally appeared before me this day, each acknowledging to me that he or she voluntarily signed the foregoing document for the purpose stated therein and in the capacity indicated: Jonnie H. "Fucker. Date: My Commission Expires: 'a 3�7� `) (Printed name) Notary Public \�t�N SACIM�yv NOTARY PUBLIC My Co vmmiysw Expires ': May 2. 2014 =o,= Exhibit A (Keen Transportation, Inc. / Temple School Road SR.2643) BEGINNING at an iron stake in the western right-of-way line of Temple School Road (SR 2643, a 60-foot, public right-of-way), said iron stake being the northeast comer of the Sandra S. Breda property described in Deed Book 1690, Page 929, Forsyth County Registry (Pin No. 6864-50- 4192), and thence from said Beginning Point, North, 780 35' 18" West 286.77 feet to an existing iron pin, said iron pin being the southeast corner of the City of Winston Salem property described in Deed Book 2420, Page 2074, Forsyth County Registry (Pin No. 6864-50-4769); thence with the eastern boundary line of the said City of Winston Salem property and the eastern boundary line of the Dell Products, LP, property described in Deed Book 2606, Page 2647, Forsyth County Registry (Plat Book 48, Page 137 and Pin No. 6864-53-5087), North 1211 36' 18" East 1,844.28 feet to an existing iron pipe (bent), said iron being South 79' 10' 08" East 65.18 feet from an existing iron pipe; thence continuing with a souther property line of the said Dell Products, LP property, South 76' 56' 09" East 243.05 feet to an exiting iron found, said iron being a southwest comer of the Dell Products, LP property described in Deed Book 2524, Page 4150, Forsyth County Registry and Deed Book 2420, Page 2074, Forsyth County Registry (Plat Book 48, Page 137, Pin No. 6864-73-4079), thence with the southern boundary line of the said Dell Products, LP property, South 76' 56' 09" East 351.79 feet to a point in the eastern right-of- way line of Temple School Road and crossing a "Point Lands on Vault" at 326.34 feet which marks the right-of-way of Temple School Road per Plat Book 48, Page 137, Forsyth County Registry; thence with the western right-of-way line of Temple School Road the following three calls and distances: (i) on a chord bearing and distance of South 320 37' 00" West 355.68 feet (said curve having a radius of 876.79 feet) to a iron placed, (ii) thence on a chord bearing and distance of South 20' 28' 19" West 397.47 feet (said curve having a radius of 2,711.73 feet) to an iron placed, and (iii).South 16' 18' 16" West 1,080.32 feet to the point and place of Beginning, and containing 15.463 acres according to, and as shown on, a survey entitled Keen Transportation by Brady Surveying Company, W. Max Brady, Jr,, Professional Land Surveyor. The above described property being the same property described in Deed Book 1938, Page 66, Forsyth County Registry (Pin No. 6864-51-9432). 239367 1111111111011111111111111111111111111 2011041076 00001 FORSYTH CO, NC FEE $26.00 STATE OF NC REAL ESTATE EXTX $1099.00 PRESENTED l RECORDED 10-26-2011 08:48:34 AM C, NORMAN HOLLEMAN REOWEP Of oleos 9Y S L. POWDEXTER OPTY BK: RE 3026 Excise Tax $ i d4q .od PG: 710-712 Drafted by: Donald M. VonCannon Return to: PO Drawer 5129 Winston-Salem, NC 27113-5129 box i( NORTH CAROLfNA ) FORSYTH COUNTY ) Tax Block 5622, Lot 27 Pin No. 6864-51-9432 Property Address: Temple School Rd. Winston-Salem, NC GENERAL WARRANTY DEED THIS DEED made this aG 4"" day of October, 2011, by and between Jonnie H. Tucker (Widow), a Forsyth County resident whose mailing address is P.O. Box 279, Belews Creek, NC 27009 (hereinafter referred to as "Grantor") and Keen Transport, Inc., a Pennsylvania corporation whose mailing address is PO Box 389, New Kingstown, PA 17072. (hereinafter referred to as "Grantee"). '1he designation Grantor and Grantee, as used herein, shall include said parties, their heirs, successors, and assigns, and shall include singular, plural, masculine, feminine or neuter, as required by context. WITNES5ETH: THAT the Grantor, for a valuable consideration paid by the Grantee, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, has and by these presents does grant, bargain, sell and convey unto the Grantee in fee simple, all those certain lots or parcels of land situated in Forsyth County, North Carolina, and more particularly as follows: SEE ATTACHED SHEET LABELED EXHiB1T A INCOlUORATF.D HEREIN BY REFERENCE This property is not the priman, residence of the Grantor 23, sn63.1 The property hereinabove described was acquired by Grantor by instrument recorded in Book 1938, Page 66, Forsyth County Registry, TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the aforesaid lots or parcels of land and all privileges and appurtenances thereto belonging to the Grantee in fee simple. And the Grantor covenants with the Grantee, that Grantor is seized of the premises in fee simple, has the right to convey the same in fee simple, that the title is marketable and free and clear of all encumbrances, and that Grantor will warrant and defend the title against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever, except for the exceptions hereinafter stated. Title to the property hereinabove described is subject to easements, rights of way and restrictions of record, if any, and 2011 ad valorem taxes which have been prorated to the date of delivery of this deed of conveyance. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Grantor has executed this instrument on the day and year First above written. NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF FORSYTI-I qklhc�b g (SEAL) JorVie 1-I. Tucker I certify that the following person(s), either being personally known to me or proven by satisfactory evidence, personally appeared before me this day, each acknowledging to me that he or she voluntarily signed the foregoing document for the purpose stated therein and in the capacity indicated: Jonnie H. "fucker. Date: L*Viy Commission Expires:Vtk�,ka a0� l t `� (Printed name) Notary Public 51,5515111f11!!!!!!• NOTARY PUBLIC My Commission Expires r May 2, 2014 =coo ;O Exhibit A (Keen Transportation, Inc. / Temple School Road SR.2643) BEGINNING at an iron stake in the western right-of-way line of Temple School Road (SR 2643, a 60-foot, public right-of-way), said iron stake being the northeast comer of the Sandra S. Breda property described in Deed Book 1690, Page 929, Forsyth County Registry (Pin No. 6864-50- 4192), and thence from said Beginning Point, North, 78' 35' 18" West 286.77 feet to an existing iron pin, said iron pin being the southeast corner of the City of Winston Salem property described in Deed Book 2420, Page 2074, Forsyth County Registry (Pin No. 6864-50-4769); thence with the eastern boundary line of the said City of Winston Salem property and the eastern boundary line of the Dell Products, LP, property described in Deed Book 2606, Page 2647, Forsyth County Registry (Plat Book 48, Page 137 and Pin No. 6864-53-5087), North 120 36' 18" East 1,844.28 feet to an existing iron pipe (bent), said iron being South 78' 10' 08" East 65.18 feet from an existing iron pipe; thence continuing with a southern property line of the said Dell Products, LP property, South 76' 56' 09" East 243.05 feet to an exiting iron found, said iron being a southwest comer of the Dell'Products, LP property described in Deed Book 2524, Page 4150, Forsyth County Registry and Deed Book 2420, Page 2074, Forsyth County Registry (Plat Book 48, Page 137, Pin No. 6864-73-4079); thence with the southern boundary line of the said Dell Products, LP property, South 76' 56' 09" East 351.79 feet to a point in the eastern right-of- way line of Temple School Road and crossing a "Point Lands on Vault" at 326.34 feet which marks the right-of-way of Temple School Road per Plat Book 48, Page 137, Forsyth County Registry; thence with the western right-of-way line of Temple School Road the following three calls and distances: (i) on a chord bearing and distance of South 32' 37' 00" West 355.68 feet (said curve having a radius of 876.79 feet) to a iron placed, (ii) thence on a chord bearing and distance of South 20' 28' 19" West 397.47 feet (said curve having a radius of 2,711.73 feet) to an iron placed, and (iii) South 16" 18' 16" West 1,080.32 feet to the point and place of Beginning, and containing 15.463 acres according to, and as shown on, a survey entitled Keen Transportation by Brady Surveying Company, W. Max Brady, Jr., Professional Land Surveyor. The above described property being the same property described in Deed Book 1938, Page 66, Forsyth County Registry (Pin No. 6864-51-9432). 239367; Application Completeness Review adl First Submittal ❑ Re -submittal Development/Project Name: u� Receiving stream name Date Received: / t ►, Date Reviewed: */I By Bill Diuguid �T,g,g _r2 6c Classification: G Liver Basin: For post -cons uction requirements, a program will be deemed compliant for the areas where it is implementing any of the following programs: WS-I, WS-II, WS-III, WS-IV, HQW, ORW, Neuse River Basin NSW, Tar -Pamlico River Basin NSW, and the Randleman Lake Water Supply Watershed Nutrient Management Strategy. High Density Projects that require a 401/404 within an NSW require 85% TSS, 30% TN and 30% TP removal. T&E Species (Goose Creek, Waxhaw Creek or Six Mile Creek Water Sheds): AVA Latitude and Longitude:3(,, 03 .27 n/ —00 07 J�J 141 Jurisdiction - S is Project Address: 3310 %£,f,e/r T'ati +p / RyAee 5 A[V z710 ►7 _ Engineer name and firm: T. t\f ,a I f rlc_ rzy Px_ Phone:33G- 723 4049 Email: Al me I Is the project confirmed to be in the State MSI Stormwater Permit jurisdiction? tiKYes orb No ❑ Low Density (no curb and gutter) ❑ Low Density with curb and gutter outlets VPgh Density ❑ Other M)ryar-u�p 401/404 impacts to surface waters, wetlands, and buffers (add language to cover letter and/or add info letter) &?'-BUAZ aln heck for $505.00 included Q' Original signature not hotoco on application w" Legal signature orporation-VP/hig e Partnership -General Partner/higher, LLC-member/manager, Agent). Check spelling, capitalization, punctuation: http://www.secretary.state.nc.us/corporations/thepage.aspx If an agent signs the application, a signed letter of authorization from the applicant must be provided which includes the name, title, mailing address and phone number of the person signing the letter. ❑ For subdivided projects, a signed and notarized deed restriction statement /Sealed, signed & dated calculations : Correct supplement and O&M provided for each BMP on site (check all that were provided & number of each) ❑ Bioretention ❑ Dry Detention Basin ❑ Filter Strip ❑ Grass Swale ❑ Infiltration Basin ❑ Infiltration Trench ❑ Level Spreader ❑ Permeable Pavement • Restored Riparian Buffer ❑ Rooftop Runoff Management ❑ Sand Filter ❑ 5tormwater Wetland Wet Detention Basin ❑ Low Density ❑ Curb Outlet ❑ Off -Site ❑ NCDOT Linear Road Two sets of sealed, signed & dated layout & finish grading plans with appropriate details G� Narrative Description of stormwater management provided 5e oils report provided Y Wetlands delineated or a note on the plans or in the accompanying documents that none exist on site and/or ,,adjacent property C ((A -- sowtA. O-C 'PaV f-X. ►y I4-.1- d❑/ etails for the roads, parking area, cul-de-sac radii, sidewalk widths, curb and gutter; imensions & slopes provided �rainage areas delineated ❑ Pervious and impervious reported for each ❑ Areas of high density MP operation and maintenance agreements provided 52' Application complete ❑ Application Incomplete Returned: (Date) Comments May 5, 2011 Revision, Bill Diuguid