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SW4091001_APPROVED PLANS_20091120
STORMWATER DIVISION CODING SHEET POST -CONSTRUCTION PERMITS PERMIT NO. SW DOC TYPE ❑ CURRENT PERMIT APPROVED PLANS ❑ HISTORICAL FILE DOC DATE A9�q ��� (7 YYYYMMDD c O L E uO 0 Co 0 N N 0 0 3 0 U t` a� z rn c .2 r O Z O Y U 0 3 0 C O x 0 m L m V • .. • Q' • ♦ y ♦ 4 _ •, a �. 4 I B I A L . F F Toe Detail PIPE OPENING • •, A. 4 Q4' '• • co A TOE -� A a . Elevation PIPE 0 A B C D E F 15" 32" 48" 30" 26" 24" 6" 18" 32" 48" 30" 26" 24" 6" 24" 48" 72" 44" 36" 36" W 30" 48" 72" 44" 36" 36" 8" 36" 817 102" 54" 60" 64" 8" 42" 80" 102" 54" 60" 64" 8" 48" 80" 102" 54" 60" 64" 8" NOTE: CONTRACTOR SHALL SUBMIT DRAWINGS SHOWING REINFORCEMENT FOR APPROVAL. Precast Concrete Headwall N.T.S. ACTUAL NUMBER OF RISERS VARIES. SEE PLAN, ANY STAIRS UNDER 34"(VERTICLE) WILL NOT HAVE HANDRAILS. 1--4" 0 HOT -DIPPED GALVANIZED HANDRAIL. 2' • - Ar NOSING CONCRETE WITH ,� , + WELDE r •r • •� r .f f f f f .4 i W:r it"•i �•�=r 11i� 2" 12" 5 Site Stair Detail N.T.S. 2 N.T.S. W * SELECT MATE COMPACTED TO STD. PROCTOR CR STONE " MIN. 'IPE E SPRING 3" MIN, * ALL UTILITY AND STORM DRAIN TRENCHES LOCATED UNDER AREAS TO RECEIVE PAVING SHALL BE COMPLETELY BACKFILLED WITH CRUSHED STONE BASE MATERIALS AS SPECIFIED UNDER PAVING, PLACED IN 8" LIFTS COMPACTED TO 957. STANDARD PROCTOR DENSITY. Storm Sewer Bedding EXPANSION JOINT 0 EACH SIDE OF 1 i 4" WIDTH AS READ of rarPRADE ELEV MPACTED STRUCTURAL CKFILL IST EARTH OR STRUCT L AS APPLICABLE DRM PIPE ;HTLY COMPACTED EAN BEDDING TO RINGLINE 3 Storm Pipe Trench N.T.S. COAT ALUMINUM AREA SET IN CONCRETE WITH MASTIC -TYPICAL CHEEK WALL (TYP.) 12" 4 ': - e-• - .- . - _ - • . �: it . 12" DEEP x 6*WIDE CAST 4 IN PLACE CONCRETE CHEEK > - t—I I— M'+ l—! 4 CONCRETE SLAB WAIL 0 EACH SIDE OFIII— i �yITH 6x6xW1.4 1.4 STAIR (BEYOND)�i t WELDED WIRE MESH •'- ' III. � 1 I=� i �=I -I r I w CEMENT INFILL .. i _+ =I _ . _ . _`4 CORE -DRILL SLEEVE t THRU FOUNDATION TO 's.' '= • I`— 14 BAR NOSING (TYP.) ANCHOR SITE RAIL '� :- • .., . ; _ !� I I `-'° CLEAR MIN. CAST IN PLACE CONCRETE STEPS WITH 6x6xW1.4xW1.4 WELDED WIRE MESH ` i' 4" MIN. # 57 STONE • .. ---� j i-� I GRAVEL BED CAST IN PLACE STRINGERS STAIR EARTH NOTE: 1. La IS THE LENGTH OF THE RIPRAP APRON, 2. D = 1.5 TIMES THE MAXIMUM STONE DIAMETER BUT NOT LESS THAN 6". 3. IN A WELL-DEFINED CHANNEL EXTEND THE APRON UP THE CHANNEL BANKS TO AN ELEVATION OF 6" ABOVE THE MAXIMUM TAILWATER DEPTH OR TO THE TOP OF THE BANK, WHICHEVER IS LESS. 4. A FILTER BLANKET OR FILTER FABRIC SHOULD BE INSTALLED BETWEEN THE RIPRAP AND SOIL FOUNDATION. -3Do PIPE Da 3DQ La D RIPRAP dso SIZE RIPRAP MAX. SIZE Line M 24" 6' 20' 2' 9" 13.5" Line AA 24" 61 29 21 9" 13.5" Line BB 30" 7.6 251 31 12" 18" Line SS 1211 3' 12' 1.2' 6" 9" Lime W 121' 3' 12' 1.2' 611 9" QDR HW1 15" 3.8, 16' 1.5' 7.5" 11.5" QDR HW3 42" 1 10.5' 26' 3' 15" 22.5- Rip-Rap Outlet Protection N.T.S. R, Haan Ap},ru e�7 i!`s;,usfsaa33R3F F`arrzttt Socuments Constructi,sa in accordanca With these documents is requirsd by porntit. North Carolina rules requifq It!,jt 0-6 5ta mW r7f systom designer Inspect durirlr (;arstrl� !inn� mmif conformity with the PI91n6 ang japers, and corrt:"y onmplwncelwlith the st9rRlWater rules, (I �5A i'1c�%�,4 2H. 1t708 li / ) Permit # S'V /o/ / Date[/w/2426 by NC Division of Water Quality Sheet # C50 3 Revision Date-&/z (ZGv j APPROVED BY PURCHASER / T&"T DATE APPROVED BY DEVELOPER / SE.I.ER DATE Q is E ti a cu 0 U-) Cn � V7 �o U (D C o 0 (U m � C C r '0 j3 Z -C O IU C O dF- a 04 r- LU W yJ LU N co w o� z Wj ~_ V J co o �-- CV o� N 0 ti YCO- ._.13 _ k=«ti a to .:. p 0 T_ Mr) z 0 i= a U w Z (Y U ca - - 0 0 4-4 M o w 0 't !� Ir a 0 oa mCL <a w °f 4 a a 0 z CAR Y Y 4 VV7SSAL'_ DRAWN BY CDB CHECKED WHBB APPROVED EJB cos No. 209001 N.T.S. 09-04-09 SCALE DATE C503 nl r�l--r ...•. c 3 0 U CL LO v, rn 0 0 N O Q. CD cv 0 u2 U c a aSi m z 3 v m 0 U r 0 z W Y 0 0 nre C n m im k k L L L L L L L k k k L.yk ky 1 L L L Y L L L i i Y. t L L L L L k L L! Varies see Schedule L k k k L k k L L L L L v L L L L k. a. IL LINEGUARD TYPE III DETECTABLE Cl) .o _ '~ ` a k UNDERGROUND MARKING TAPE N m 4 4 4 ` N (6" WIDE TAPE) (VERIFY STD Z U a ` _ PRINTING AND APWA COLOR SCHD 4D PVC &CAP TO 5 °ch -� - 1= CODES). OUTSIDE OF BUILDING O o CLEAN TOPSOIL TO k k L k L k L k L L t L L Grass& y' L k k L L L L L L k L � - - BE MOUNDED <:- .r..: 'y L L k L L k L L k k k L L L k k k SUBGRADE ELEV . - >; BACKFILL TO ALLOW = BLDG WALL C .O •� VARIES SEE SITE PLAN FOR SETTLEMENT L Rip -Rap Apron wish ¢ W � � . � I EXIST EARTH OR STRUC r N " Filter Fabric installed o FILL AS APPLICABLE SEWER COVER REF SCHED. _ Q U 12 Concrete Curb Plan View beneath rip -rap. W Y = CONNECT BY BLDG PLUMB. O Z O SEE PLAN FOR ¢ SLOPE SIDEWALLS OF FIN GRADE CONTR. REF BLDG. PLUMB. _ 4* 0 CURB TYPE SEE m to EXCAVATION AS REQUIRED CURB DETAIL FOR D� Rip -Rap size ,. 5' OM � FOR CONT. � O O Install Filter Fabric ILLDIMENSIONS varies to a,.Y_}:- beneath rip -rap. ra � c� ;. SDR 35 MORE THAN 5 W � r--t p' p• z Qj __ ..r,,.•,y , OUTSIDE OF BUILDING -� U TOP LIMIT Concrete Curb 4 4 Q _s TIGHTLY COMPACTED FITTINGS AS REQ'D. 12" 12" COMPACTED EARTH (Background) D ¢= a _ ; CLEAN BEDDING a SUBGRADE Sod Swale beyond 0° �cn :`'_:{:-_`�: 45 RUNOUT PAVER SHALL REMOVE to WYE FITTING PAVING & BASE HERE IF ANY INSTALLED TRENCH NON METALLIC PIPING N WIDTH OR CONDUIT AS APPLICABLE REF TRENCH DETAIL 04 Section A -A AS REQ' MAIN SEWER, REF SITE PLAN 1 See Sheet C201 for Curb Cut locations PIPE Do W La ❑ RIPRAP ds° SIZE RIPRAP MAX. SIZE CC1 3' 4' 10, 15" 6" 9" CC2 2' 3' 7.6 12" 6" 9" CC3 2' 3' 7.6 12" 6" 9" CC4 3' 4' 10' 1 15" 6" 1 9" CAPPED WYE W NOTE: REQUIRED AT ALL WATER, SEWER, GAS, AND OTHER SEWER LATERAL � ❑ SITE UTILITIES. z 0 z o� W _ \� V W V J CD Q (� Extruded Curb Landscape Island Curb Cut 3 Pipe Trench 4 Building.Sewer Connection Y CD N.T.S. N.T.S. N.T.S. N.T.S. `.' � -W ate a NOTE: ' CL N 1. ALL HYDRANTS TO BE SET PLUMB W/NOZZLE FACING STREET UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED BY FIRE POST INDICATOR VALVE WITH DEPARTMENT TAMPER SWITCH BY ACIPCO (OR HEAVY DUTY FRAME AND COVER: THREADED PVC CLEANOUT PLUG z o EQUAL) 2. ALL CONCRETE TO BE 2500 PSI P.C. CONCRETE G URA W/LETTERS 'C.O.' CAST IN COVER � � p M I r-FINISHED SURFACE GRADE � IW U 1 7 tL 0 INDICATOR POST o I z 2 PVC MAIN CL200 AWWA C900 2 SEE PLANS FOR PIPE SIZE COMMENT PIPE BEDDING BACKFILL MIN MARK MATERIAL MATERIAL MATERIAL CVR -S-- SEWER PVC SAND OR EARTH ASTM D3034 GRADED 42" GRASS SDR 35 STONE 48" PAVEMENT --W-- WATER MAIN CLASS 200 SAND OR EARTH 42" GRASS 4"-12" OR SDR18 GRADED 48" PAVEMENT PVC-C900 STONE -DW-- DOMESTIC PVC SDR-•21 SAND OR EARTH 36" WATER GRADED 2" OR STONE LESS -G--- GAS MAIN PROVIDED AND INSTALLED. BY GAS UTILITY COMPANY --DG-- DOMESTIC GAS PROVIDED AND INSTALLED BY GAS UTILITY COMPANY SEE SITE MECHANICAL NOTES FOR ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS FIRE HYDRANT AS SPECIFIED BY CITY O 3. FIRE HYDRANT ASSEMBLY INCLUDES GATE VALVE AND APPURTENANCES PROVIDE 2' SQUARE X 6" THK. CONC. COLLAR AROUND RADE S F CE FROM CLEANOUT ADJUSTABLE NOTE: SEE APPLICABLE AWAY HEAD 12" 1 " IN GRASSY AREA 0" IN PAVED AREA 4 MIN. 2500 PSI P.C. 12" CONCRETE COLLAR 4 � 0 ALL VALVE BOXES FINISH GRADE DETAIL FOR BACKFILL AND BEDDING INSTRUCTIONS.: �� �� SIZE OF RISER PIPE PER LOCAL CODES 6 CU. FT. GRAVEL VALVE BOX AS SPECIFIED BY CITY ° ° • ° :a`b°0 o° �I 45' BEND CRUSHED STONE PER LOCAL CODES i.0 ovoo�- - DRAIN -KEEP CLEAR 12" 6" M.J. GATE VALVE a/o° OF CONCRETE " W/RETAINING GLANDS 6 D: o z o. o,o° %:�° a°o:o ` M.J. TEE o� ° °°° a°p a OF FLOW V� 8 MIL POLYETHYLENE Y': =- o ° -: yDIRECTION f LINING BETWEEN - 4 CONC. & DUCTILE IRON (TYPICAL) Z PLUG WYE IF SERVICE LATERAL p CONCRETE SUPPORT PAD REFER TO THRUST REFER TO THRUST BLOCKING DOES NOT CONTINUE BLOCKING DETAIL FOR. RETAINING DETAIL FOR THRUST BLOCKING SEE PLAN FOR PIPE SIZE, EL THRUST BLOCKING RETAINING GLAND REQUIREMENTS TYPE AND ELEVATION :~ RESILIENT SEATED GATE VALVE. 200 PSI REQUIREMENTS U co CONORETE W INSTALLATION OF POST INDICATOR VALVE SHALL COMPLY WITH SUPPORT ❑ NFPA 96 AND ALL APPLICABLE STATE AND LOCAL CODES AND ORDINANCES U _z Post Indicator Valve 6 Utilit Material Schedule 7 Fire Hydrant Assembly 9 Sanitary Sewer.Cleanout N.T.S. Y N.T.S. r r N.T.S. N.T.S. Curb Face Beyond *25010 r Asphalt Pavement �- r - -2.1% 2.1%° +T •8°I° Car. a 6» -15% O `'60 LINE MATERIAL 2 6 Car 2 5 5 AS SCHEDULED �iy 11' Truck NOTES: Concrete Turnout All Grades Shown Are Maximum DOMESTIC GAS SHALL BE PRESSURE METER SET BY BLDG TESTED ® 90 PSI AND A MIN, OF 2 CONTRACTOR. 2' SQ x 6" THICK Concrete Tumout Shall Be 8" a SHALL HOURS�BEAWIT WITNESSED BY GAS UTILITY. TESTING OF DOMESTIC CLASS B CONCRETE PAD SLOPE SLOP �+r QQ /�� /� NOTE: Q � E Grades & Section A A Thick Over 6" Compacted "ABC". VALVE BOX TO SUIT VALVE R=25' For Car a _ o AND DEPTH OF BURY R=50 For Truck z Site Extruded Curb DUCTILE IRON ° - LOCK SET BY BLDG Begins 2" High With a A LINE FITTING g 8" Lan Taper Driveway Wide , CONTRACTOR g p y Road Standard Curb.�T t' I t �I 4 to Dissipated Between WRAP FITTING wACIN5CRETE GAS MAIN DOMESTIC GAS TAMP BACKFILL ADJUST TOP SECTION p BARS EMBEDDED FINISHED GRADE TO FINISH GRADE These Limits Typ. * AS REQUIRED TO REACH UNDISTURBED SOILraft I W, Ii I I I I I I I I I VALVE BOX TO BE ENTIRELY '\ q BLS y W I w I}3fl17cMt THRUST BLOCK DIMENSIONS PIPE DIAMETER TEE CROSS 90 45 WYE 22 1 2 / A B A B. A B 4" 12" 12" 12" 12 12" 12 6" 12" 12" 12" 12" 12" 12" 8" 15" 24" 12" 18" 12" 12" 10" 18n 18" 12" 12" 12" 1 24" 1 30" 18" 24" 1 18" 1 12" SUPPORTED BY CONCRETE VALVE BODY y R `�' W w w R w o BLOCKS OR BRICKS TO SUIT. w y ,� Curb I ` 2 METER RISER (AGA VALVE BOX MUST NOT BEAR I �,0 " Documents APPROVED BY SITE CONTRACTOR WATER PIPE ON VALVE OR PIPE. ��;, .,,,�, ,:s,Krt ... [a: ° �. , E ° =.se documents is i� tl�vorth Carolina ter item designer DRAWN BY CDB DOMESTIC GAS (PE-2406) BY SITE U ar, '.ifa c-onformity with the i �,-:: i,arce with the iianc CONTRACTOR rmwater ruF �. i 15A NtiA� 2H { j } Gutter A " Exp. JT. Typ. ermlt # 5&/ O`I Ct0 Date. CHECKED WHBB TAP & VALVE W/VALVE BOX BY �y _ NC Division of Water Quality APPROVED 77 EJB GAS UTILITY Sheet #_C 'eZlRevision Date 4� Paving Plan Radius Type GAS MAIN BY GAS UTILITY - JOB NO. 209001 13 Standard D riveway .Turnout (Ref. NCDOT RSD 848.03 Rev. C 4 W-02B) N.T.S. 09-04-09 N.T.S. SCALE DATE APPROVED BY PURCHASER / TENANT _. DATE 9 Thrust Block PER {SELLER DATE 10 Domestic Gas 11 Gate Valve APPROVED BY DEVELOPER � C502 N.T.S. N.T.S. N.T.S. ` SHEET NO. . Y r 1 ; 1 • •l 3 r��• =1i 11•�'•i 'r•. --•'r. -.': ,_ f 1! •. ..s' 1 ••. •1. .� y Ijr i�S.lL-_ -� �i� sip-'L=•y�_..i L i_� __.� . ra _ .-i'r�1 t L� �� t:"'iiLc t?..� ?_•�.u�._._. �.I.� AL CQ Say I� 4' wide bottom \ N Grass Swale with Storm Structure Schedule Rip Rap Energy Dissipater. 3:1 side slopes ° ) See Detail 2/C304 _ Structure # Type Top Invert Northing, Easting j i�� i j % - 858 / / "� � CB 1 Catch Basin 834.59 830.84 N 798694.6113, E 1525005.2167 \ \ 0 \ 850 3:1 0_ 12' gravel access drive. i °d° CI 2 Curb Inlet 836.01 828.21 N 798846.3026, E 1525033.1928 \ \ f� \ 840 Match existing / �- CI 3 Curb Inlet 842.91 838.91 N 799172.9615. E 1525049.4907 ) 832 \ / 850 - _ _ _ _ - _ - - grade Of Allen Road cn C C14 Curb Inlet 841.15 836.90 N 799330.1952, E 1525136.6318 /\ 834 / -r - - 7 _ 840 - - - - - - - l + L _ _ � - O _ _ _ i/� H W 1 Outlet Headwall - 829.45 N 798996.4798,E 1524644.1891 r -t - - - - - - - - -837. - - - - - - - �- _------ - --- -- 838 - -- - - - -- --�847.5-_-_ HP C'__--__---847.5-- \ t di t9 HW 2 Outlet Headwall - 827 -� N 798926.4247E 152 - r 5018.2700 t - - \•: m. t a rn _ C 1' - _. HW3 Inlet --if --- ------ - --- -- ne - - - �- - - - - '-tj - = z � L Headwall - 825.00 N 798973.8913,E 1525021.9809 r � - 8.25 HW 4 Outlet Headwall - 820.00 N 799074.6306,E 1525126.2653 - ,... 36:7 ,..,«n fW „n..:.., z ,...;: ;, y'..aa r ...,;.: s-.Y,r> ,..� _ ,••�- _ _ l ;a,: , .Ar tc a�.t& -.a..' _.. w . >- ^.. -.N u.. t ,.-..;... $4.75 .34.25 / 32.60 1 is ...<_tz' r t '�..` s$••" „ ._A k a^ ' w:4 d 48.71 {. ..y � _ r �..� r-:.r,..-r i�- 4625 � f r � � 0 � Z HI 5 Outlet Headwall - 820.00 N 799169.6041,E 1525123.9967 t Une LL ° n ,,: 1 (D m Line A ine B �tlrre C Llnlq D Line E Une F Una G L e H U I Line J Une K / HV 6 Outlet Headwall - 820.00 N 799328.0876, E 1525183.6636 1 \ \ \ / m ( Line KK Line JJ Line 11 Une HH Una GG Une FF Line EE Une OD Une CC \ \ \ I T- 834.00 JB 1 Junction Box 834.00 830.20 N 798994.5622,E 1524597.2749 \ \ \ \ ( / / \ i \ \ \ \ Roof Doi�mspouts. Refer to \ \ l / I u� + L0 Architectural plans forexact locatio�t. \ \ I HW-1 ! Line W W Roof Downs uts. Refer to r o /� / "0 Inv- 829.45/ o0 401.f. Architectural plans for exact location.: Q a eO \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ .•-" ( 31.70 03 r, 10" PVC `} / Qt ++ G Storm Piping Schedule '` \ \ \ `\ `\ \ \\ `\ `\ \\ ` �} cc 1y �� I o ( @ 2.0% \ \ \ \ \ \ = Z S 00 Pipe SizelMat Length US Inv. IDS Inv. Slope ( \ \ \ s i 4 wide bottom - o -`0g8 \ \ O Ii v \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ Grass Swale with / �i; \ U� A 8" HDPE 30.0' 835.38 835.08 1.00% w x \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 3:1 side slopes B 17 HDPE 30.V 835.08 834.48 1.00% 1` \ \ \ \ \ � \ \ \ \ \ 7 C 12" HDPE 30.0' 834.78 834.48 1.00% \ \ \ \ \ \ 34.76 2 ` 32.60 D 12" HDPE 30.0' 834.48 834.18 1.00%\\\\\ \ \\ \\ \\ \ m� 34. 0� \\ \ E 15' HDPE 30.0' 834.18 833.88 1.00% � \ ` F 15" HDPE 30.0' 833.W 833.58 1.00% \ \ \ \ \ G 15" HDPE 30.0' 833.58 833.28 1.00% c w \ 01 ND � � \ \ \ \ Q) \ I \ \ H 15" HDPE 30.0' 833.28 832.98 1.00% w O0 6' r. \ \ 1 m \ Future pock I 18" HDPE 30.0' 832.98 832.68 1.00% \ ` S J 18' HDPE 30.0' 832.68 832.38 1.00 K 18" HDPE 3-05 832.38 832.08 1.00°6 \ ` 38.71 \\ , ,\ ) , \\ \\ f 38.25 \\ L 18" HDPE 187.51' 832.08 830.20 1.00% FFE 6 838.710 I \ \ \ \ \ M 1 24" HDPE 46.95' 830.20 829.45 1.60% N 8" HDPE 30.0 1 835.38 835.08 1.00°k ` ` , ; \ \ ' I \ \ w \ \ O 10% HDPE 30.0' 835.08 834.78 1.00% ` \ , I \ 37.11 0 \ P 12" HPDE 30.0' 834.78 834.48 1.00%\ 1 , I ( I \" 38.71: 37.7 Q 12" HDPE 30.0' 834.48 834.18 1.00% \ \ \ I t I l \ \ \ \ \ R 15" HDPE 30.0 834.18 833.88 1.00%cd S 15" HDPE 30.0' 833.88 833.58 1.00% \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \' \ 35.69 \ rra T 15" HDPE 30.V 833.58 833.28 1.00°4 \ \ \ \ \ \\ \\ \\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 38.02 \ U 15" HDPE 30.0 1 833.28 832.98 1 1.00% V 10" HDPE 30.0' 1 833.89 832.98 3.03% W 8' HDPE 20.8' 835.38 834.78 2.89% � \\ \ IQ Roof Dodvnspouts Refer to \ \ \ 34.70 `� X 8" HDPE 30.6 834.78 833.89 2.92% \ \\ \ Anchitectural plans ford location.` \ \ \ \ \ \ y 15" HDPE 50.6 832.98 830.84 4.24°6 tt y \ \ \ co Z 18" HDPE 154.25' 830.84 828.21 1.71°k AA 24" HDPE 81.& 828.21 827.00 1.48% \ \ \ \ \ Une N Une O Une F*\ Ltne Une�R Line S IJ�e T Line lI� \ Line V BB 30" HDPE 145.0' 825.00 820.00 3.45% ( \ CC 8"HDPE 30.0 845.38 845.08 1.00% ' Line une W \ \35.69 DD 10' HDPE 30.0' 845.08 844.78 1.00% `\ ' 38.2 00 EE 12' HDPE 30.0' 844.78 844.48 1.00% \ \ 6 z 825 FF 12" HDPE 30.9 844.48 844.18 1.00% GG 150 HDPE 30.0 844.18 843.88 1.00% 830 TC=37.75 HH 15' HDPE 30.0 843.88 843.58 1.00°6 \ _ \ BC--37.75 11 15" HDPE 30.0' 843.58 843.28 1.00% \ \ uture Parking - _ jb \ c6 1 0 ` co'L / \ HW-2 JJ 15" HDPE 30.0' 843.28 842.98 1.00% \\ - - - - - - - T 834.59 { KK 18" HDPE 30.0' 842.98 842.68 1.00% \ ) - _ _ Line Z \ CI-2 • 36.31 LL 18" HPDE 162.T 842.68 830.20 7.67% \ `" �_ _ ' T-836.01 une MM 8" HDPE 21.V 845.38 844.79 2.81% \ _ ( _ - ' HO - BC=37.25 6' NN 8' HDPE 6.1' 844.79 844.61 2.949/6 t- - 00 00 8" HDPE 24.(r 845.38 845.14 1.00% - co 00- - 834 \ O 2.0' 845.14 844.82 1.00% / N PP 10' HDPE 3- - QQ 12"HDPE 20.9 84482 84461 1010°k -- 830 e 8 aT C RR 12" HDPE 71.2' 844.61 838.91 Coordinate fill at - - - \ ~ \\ - ACC 4 •� 8.00% existing power pole• with Energy United 3:1 � 3s.00 SS 12- HDPE 74.6 838.91 820.00 25.3696 O - - - _ 820 - - TT 8" HDPE 30.0' 845.28 844.98 1.00% C0 r�rrrr.��� \'~ B UU 10" HDPE I 17.0' 844.98 844.75 1.35% W 12' HDPE 47.1' 836.90 820.00 35.9% "�"rrri''r "" \ \ -fill - - J Coordinate at- _ W W 10' PVC 40.0 844.33 843.53 2.00% o / / / +� 810 ' // / Sediment Basin #1 '• 0 - -existing power pole with Energy United - Earthwork Quantities - 0) :D _ / / Refer to Initial Erosion •• ��- _ General Earth Cut: 119,000 c.y. (Bank Quantity) / Control Plan, Sheet C301- E General Earth Fill: 100,600 c.y. (Compacted Quantity)CL - d Assuming shrinkage of 15%, / /' / / ' .' \ \ 1 ' - - - _ - - - / - -(532 00 _ 87+ - 8 N Dp� 15 6 - + 48.71 44.64 FFE = 848.75 640 �44.95�?• F �_ -. - - - 4JI4.60 9' F / - t- All downspoyyiis n oading �c area s�iall spill to grade and lui3e downspou"uard. $ems - / Detail501kK_ Roof Downspouts.- Refer to -850- Architeeturayprans for exact locationf. / / Line UL pill thvoI - - - - - - - - - - ---/ cunload1rtgidock Line NN linePP _ / / /area)�4ee Detatlb/I :rne MM - rLlne QQ - rune 00 FLi t%TT / INNER 1. INMiiitliiiAli N - 'sitestairs #1 846 - - �S48�/ C Z 5 45.50- -BC 4.35_ �6i4425 -� -4425 -Q.- 45.71 7 -T-842.91 - , HP 45.41 0uture Parking Future Parking the total material required for r..rN.r.y----rrr.. r... � � � - - - � � _ �r 115,700 c.y. - -- _ 820 el o I i Water a Forebay the compacted fill quantity / / _ _ _ - - \ - - - _ - _ _ - 0 of 100,600 c.y. = / l L _ Topsoil Removal: 14,520 c.y (Assuming 6" average depth) / / =_ \ �00 \ \ 1 1 O \ O \ 3 a O 04 U 6 `-` a 1-•oea OI s The future dock and parking areas shown on this plan are for �� - - - m information only and are not to be graded at this time. Contractor - -_ _ - 0 shall use Clean fill in these areas if future construction does occur. 0) �n U Z Grading Notes Drains a Notes 9 See Quality Drive Plan and Profile, Sheet Cloa,for structure and pipe layout CC 1. The grades shown are finished grades. Contractor shall determine subgrade elevations 1. All storm lines on this sheet shall be HDPE'S' corrugated pipe with smooth interior, o by examining typical pavement sections, the building drawings and the landscape unless otherwise noted. ca drawings. 2. All storm lines in paved areas shall be balled to pavement subgrade with #57 stone. 2. All disturbed areas not scheduled to be paved shall have a minimum of 3 inches of 0 topsoil placed on them and shall be seeded as specified. 3. All trenching and shoring shall comply with OSHA standards. m 3. All grading construction practices shall conform to all North Carolina Department of 4. Storm lines and structures shall be constructed as soon as possible. Inlet Protection Environment and Natural Resources standards. shall be used around structures as needed to minimize the silt entering into drainage Y system. Inlet Protection shall be removed after permanent vegetation or other ground 0 4. Maximum topsoil thickness for slopes steeper than 3:1 shall be 3". cover is established or constructed. All sift shall be removed from structures and lines. 2 5. Lot 9 = 13.99 acres, Lot 10 = 14.64 acres 5. Pipe lengths and slope are measured from center of structure to center of structure. .0 0 3 6. No slopes shall exceed 2:1 y 7. Temporary seeding is required when grading operations are temporarily halted for over 0 14 days, and on soil stockpiles. Permanent seeding is required when grading operations = are completed and/or construction operations will not impact the disturbed area. Seed areas that show signs of excessive erosion. d m X 4 A I oo -Quality _ asin _820 $$0 _ t �° } ``eta � �� - -�• =--•_____ A / Sediment Basin #2 Refer to Initial Erosion Control Plan, Sheet G301 $26 Water Quality Basin to be constructed after site is stabilized and temporary sediment basins are removed. See Sheet C204 for Water Quality Basin Detail. See Sheet C301 forTernporary Sediment Basins to be constructed prior, to grading activities. I ( 11 1 \ $2s 12"/1 Ill \ ill ` 0 N I 1 \ I o II Il� APPROVED BY PURCHASER / TENANT APPROVED BY DEVELOPER / SELLER DATE DATE 4' wide bottom Grass Swale with 3:1 side slopes \ / Sediment Basin #3 \ \ - Refer to Initial Erosion \ + Control Plan, Sheet C301 \ Existing power pole ! to be relocated. \ Coordinate with owner _ 4 \ and Energy United OH - Rip Rap Energy Dissipater See Detail 2/C304 AppcsvdiiirsrrHvzaiat Iagprtilt @eeuments is / Construction in °,car+(ans uaji theiie documents permit North Carolina required by the atiraiv'°r rules r^74ira that tnC slur nw";er gstetr designer od'ht} et)nJ iry with the Inspect dunna v3n5t(yctwn plans and span; and 9drt1n, can phance with the stormwater rules -(' 5A NII .10080 )) Permit#S�0410D/ Dale // w �1 NC Division of ater Quality by Sheet # /7e1 Revision Date WZ_t)d9 GRAPHIC SCALE 50 25 0 50 100 1' . Sty Legend Existing Curb Line - 900 -901 - Existing Contours ® Existing Catch Basin Existing Storm Line 011 Existing Overhead Power Lines 0 Existing Power Pole --_ . _• New Building Edge New Curb and Gutter New Curb New Storm Sewer ® New Catch Basin ST - New Junction Box New Contours 900 901 80.55 + New Spot Elevation TF-92.35 New Top & Bottom Of Curb Elevations BC--91.55 CEO New Rip Rap CC # - New Curb Cut (See Detail 2/C502) < CV ch W W O W > O W W r O J C4 N Q vJ O Y Y t0 00 W 0- 0 Z ,r N Q O f'- M ^C I..L. ICU o ''Lnn V a U N 0 '^ l/f c O c � m L rn s` 02 w c o : o i� c � � ru CZ m (1 m d cO u'i a az 4 m N 0 0 Z Drawn By LAD Checked WHBB Approved EJB Job No. 209001 1 "=50' 09-04-09 Scale Date C201 Sheet No. i r III " r .0 f- .• .: .lJ }. L �'J aaa-. •Lui -: s�aa..•�+"Fi._ ,.. at ,� Y r. Y111. �,.. r rutty lil iiu. eD O N M � , Q. U co E 0 C. ti N 64 a N 0 v O 3 6 0 r a J io m U Z 3 ca O cc U 0 Z m t� 0 0 N CD c 0 m m r �1 Hollingsworth G P Parcel GJ0000008405 Deed Book & Page 004030017 \ General Notes 1. The contractor is specifically cautioned that the location and/or elevation of existing utilities as shown on these plans is based on records and where possible measurements taken in the field. This information is not to be relied upon as being exact or complete. The contractor must call North Carolina One Call and any utility that does not subscribe to One Call at least 72 hours before any excavation, to request exact field location of the utilities. It shall be the responsibility of the contractor to relocate all existing utilities which conflict with the proposed improvements shown on the plans. 2. Owner The Hollingsworth Companies Two Centre Plaza Clinton, Tennessee 37716 Ph. 865457-3601 3. Topographic Survey by- Land Development Solutions 310 Simmons Road, Suite K Knoxville, TN 37922 Ph. 865-671 2281 4. Lot 9 =13.99 acres, Lot 10 =14.64 acres 5. Property is located in City of Mocksville and is Zoned GI. 6. Utilities. Water: City of Mocksville Utility District Sanitary: City of Mocksville Utility District Electric: Energy United Gas: Piedmont Natural Gas 7. Setbacks: Front: Rear: Side: 8. Total Parking: 40 Feet 50 Feet 20 Feet Accessible spaces 9'x1 V spaces Lot 9 3 = spaces 63 = spaces Total 66 = spaces Lot 10 2 = spaces 43 = spaces Total 45 = spaces P Amos Brown — Stewart Heirs ` \ Parcel G300000023 \ Deed Book & Page 2005EO243 C --- - - - -- ��;-...=..---- ---- - --- --------------------..r----_--- Calvin Arthur Phelps Parcel G300000084 Deed Book & Page 004540060 arcel GJOOO0008405 DeedPBook & Page 004030017 I i ND-157 ! i ND-156 3Rd Hollingsworth G P Lot Parcel G300WOM405 Lot 10 � d Deed Book &Page 00403 17 \ CL \. 4D \ -0 CL \ Q A oCL (L f — — Joseph A Hollingsworth, Jr r Patrick Keifh Smith J Property line to Property line to Parcel G30000008402 be dissolved 04 be dissolved Deed Book & Page 001980197 �_ BookParcel Page0OO J69 ,r J Deed Book &Page 003690741 CL aiCL 2 Posed Propefil Property to be dedicated Proposed —r a ��� as ROW for Quality Drive Extension I I j Summitt Properties Partnership ~ Parcel G.30000008406 MJJC Macon, LLC Deed Book & Page 003790441 Parcel GJOOO0008404 j - Deed Book & Page 005440165 SOIL O S1�i3 �i!SISiA� rl # 4L -A4 pt j"�sa Jp0J lf�7� 1�fdie \ \\ 1 (D I `2 JCk h�F " �d 5� 7 salrf� J�1ld Cali 0 1rart pug tip sweid i i i i Site Location Map ` f 841 41im /4!Winiu eu5+sap euyae0 st sjuawnaop wattshR 23e�5d#c*}s 14PON 11u;,ad ,riemu,JOas essy; q.!m eouopu000e bu'unp e41 i�'J1 atnba atA! Xq ui unaAjisuoo 1;,adsui sain pennbei f � Civil Sheet List Issue Date Rev 1 Date Rev 2 Date Rev 3 Date C100 - Overall Layout Plan 9/04109 10/02/09 C101 - Site Layout Plan 9/04109 10/02/09 GRAPHIC SCALE C102 - Centerline Layout Plan 9/04/09 10/02/09 100 50 a 100 2W :erprise Way C103 - Quality Drive Demolition and Layout Plan 9/04/09 10/02/09 —� I' • 100' ' C104 - Quality Drive Plan and Profile 9/04/09 10/02/09 C105 - Quality Drive Details 9104/09 C106 - Quality Drive Details 10/02/09 C201 - Site Grading Plan 9104/09 10/02/09 Legend C202 - Enlarged Grading Plans 9104/09 10/02/09 C203 - Water Quality Basin Detail Sheet 10/02/09 — — -`` `---- Property Line Existing Curti Line C204 - Water Quality Basin Landscape Plan 10/02/09 00 Existing Light Pole New Sidewalk C301 - Initial Erosion Control Plan 9104/09 10/02/09 C302 - Final Erosion Control Plan 9/04/09 10/02/09 New Building Edge New Curt, C303 - Site Erosion Control Details 9/04/09 10/02/09 New Curb and Gutter New Concrete C304 - Site Erosion Control Details 9104109 10102/09 C305 - Site Erosion Control Details 9/04/09 10/02/09 New Heavy Duty Asphalt Paving ----- -- -- Future Building and Parking Expansion C401 - Site Sanitary Plan 9/04/09 10/02/09 Layout Notes C402 - Site Sanitary Profile 9/04/09 10/02/09 C451 - Site Utility Plan 9104/09 10/02/09 1. All dimensions to curb reference face of curb. C501 - Site Details 9/04/09 2. See Architectural drawings for building dimensions. All dimension shown to building on this sheet are approximate. C502 - Site Details 9/04/09 3. See Utility Plan for new and existing utility line locations. C503 - Site Details 9/04/09 10/02/09 4. See Grading Plan and Drainage Plan for new and existing storm system locations. C504 - Site Details 9104/09 10/02/09 LS101 - Site Landscape Plan 10/02/09 I) .(1) W CL E ~ o U' Z O Co cc O� 0 Z o f— tZ Y L CU co (D m O i- 0 U) N .Q U 0 Z 0 U 2 N co W C0 LU Z W It ua J � N N O Z . U) 5C cD W E Va Z O 0 e— co C ^CU 4--r - ICU .J O . rTR (D nines c 0 Drawn By LAD . Checked WHBB Approved EJB ,Job No. 209001 1 "=109 Scale 09-04-09 Date 10 0 Sheet No. i -77 i 1 t5. i; - .: _.ate—. _.� _.-�■. �.. �.� � �i � i .ILAL Go C> a C%A CD CL 0 0 m -0 E Q. C%j O O O C4 csi O CD 3: ca FL 0 ca co z 0 z 0 t: 0 a :see to IM 1' Notes: 1. Concrete shall 4,500 psi @ 28 days per ASTM C-478. 2. Headwall shall be installed on 6" thick layer of base stone. 3. All fill in the area of the headwall shall be compacted to 95% Standard Proctor (minimum). V � t 1" Chamfer on all Exposed Edges • 2' Clear #6 Bars @ 9" O.C. #6 Bars @ I N 9" O.C. Wingwall I 12 j Perforated Base of I HDPE Headwall #6 Bars @ I t{ 12" O.G. j 3'-51" 7-73. 3'-51 2 4 2 f#6 Bars @ j r 6'A.. • • w - 12 O.C. I '` 4 #6 Bars @ 12N O.G. each way 42" RCP 6: ,� .w. u, �� .. Inv 800.0 ^•`r S j of Win II Base gwa ". i Keyed �r ,_. #6 stirrups I > r; Joint _ 2 •• G �� .�., . I O 12 O.C. I -- <t�. _.. Win all -s s 9v+ ..-Base of Headwall ��::-:•':•:.: :::::.:.:.:-..:�:: _;,: ' - _ F x,. ' ca Base f Headwall ca{Ln o rt - s r , ._ a. P ss.T. T.T.•YY TY'.Yi tY.•Y. sY.T �.4 d wY x w - 4� �e. /1-•�"''" yam....': 13 O.C. - j. • TC• �N { . "EY e ,r:Y - M 5r U a 1 •fr- e ch way 1 't t _r N A r Tumed down toe of base (below) 1'-821" 1' 1' 3'-9" Section View C 42" Cast -in -Place Headwall N N.T.S. ro O 1 I U French N Drain. OJ 1 826 oi � f � _- I 1 f 80— , M CM r ti. Invert 42" 814 RCP = 800.0 81 o � ! 1 i1 cV cli f f \ I 804 ` JI Co Gabions ell COD 4 rp ! N N ai 3:1 Slope �� ! S►q f / ( 3:1 Slope (belI ow Elev. I (below Elev. 806 806) CID I 1 i t Rip -Rap > Install Rip -Rap to match f Outlet i existing channel widths and Protection shape downstream of Gabions / l r r w Channel shape, slope and vegetation 57 ' >' % shall be restored to existing conditions downstream of rip -rap m % •�� l � r Plan View Z 1 "=20' 3 ca c U Notes: 1. Gabions shall be constructed in accordance with manufacturer's z Z recommendations. F 2. Provide fitter fabric between compacted soil and all gabions. m 3. Provide 6" thick layer of compacted stone under gabions. lie 0 i✓ 3 C0 O Y m m P.I 3 Gabions at Headwall As Noted Plan View Wingwalls shall be reinforced with #6 Bars @ 12" O.C. Each Way (Front Face) and @ 9" O.C. I T—T T —T I Each Way (Rear Face). T t I + I ! #6 Bars @ 12" O.C. \ Each Way - Front Face #6 Bars @ 12" O.C. I Each Way -Rear Face 12" Perforated HDPE I I !nv 802.0 l #6 Bars - Front 8r j Rear Face I I III I i I I I I io N i 1 t IC �. EEJ E L 1Headw Headwall bars Shown Only{Base Bars Not Shown) M EI #6 Bars @ 8" O.C. each way Gabions installed with ►►►►►►►►►►►►►►►� ...slope Rip -Rap shall transition tz shape of existing channel 'I q1hr4 lik beginning at end of 26' Rip -Rap shall slope from invert of Headwall down to See Detail 4110503 for existing grade of channel Rip -Rap Outlet Protection Diameter, ThicknessMepth and installation instructions Section View N.T.S. Elevation View N.T.S. Slope above wall varies. Basket pion Basket lion Basket on of its to give 3n) 14'1 Elevation View r 6' 19, 1 R' Plan View 2 French drain N.T.S, 6' Elevation 801.5 M 2 circular perforations at every 450. Perforation diameter = 0.375" `-' Elevation 798.5 1' Entire Base Gabion shall Elevation View be installed on 6" Thick Layer of #57 Stone Base Gabion - Elevation 798.5 N.T.S. 4'1 Plan View Elevation View 2nd Level Gabion - Elevation 801.5 N.T.S. Elevation 804.5 Elevation 801.5 Elevation 807.5 Ovation 804.5 L CIO ICU a,. N .O a U o Z ' O C z N LO r �> ..... =CD o N -a VJ •O ll a . N I~ c0 W W W o� W Z W III- C) -. W'_ Jen N 0 Z Y III- .:. 4 OD W J i S j ( t}.r 1` ^t - cn a s; Z V f. 0 C0 LTV ..� o a V U W CD 3 Approved storFnwater Permit Documents Con5tructi�m in ac.;or4anpa wit-, these documents is required t y tk@ itnrjnwat?r pz,rmit: North Carolina ' rules regWirb that trip stiwrnwr:+ter system designer Drawn By LAD Inspect duringrts;:tr[t'n' C-a,-sly conformity with the plans ano Opens; or, paf,„ r_.;�rpii ice with the I )< stormwstsr rules: 15A KCAL 2H .1008 (1)) Checked WHBB F6rrnit # SLcJD t /���j4��/ Date 6 0 by �yj�C Division of Water Quality Approved EJB Plan View Elevation View Sheet #_ G,lDlo C Revision Dated Zcyf Job No. 209001 3rd Level Gabion - Elevation 804.5 As Noted 10-02-09 N.T.S. Scale Date C1 06 Sheet No, 04 t CD .a CL O C fl. 110 o a m CO 3 0 U a 7 m U z a .o 2 U r 0 z m Y U 0 t 3 c O 2 ` Y U WaL.�� j 0 `W .Y {0 {Q 0- a IU E LID c C .2 C C U Cl) r � � t� 28' STD. SECTION 2. s' $' i SHOULDER TYP. TYP. SHOULDER n C r � PAVING DESIGN. TOP COURSE 2" 11 BINDER COURSE 2" HB SLAB BASE 10" ABC AGGREGATE SUBGRADE BACKFIL.L IN 9" MAXIMUM LIFTS -j o O-q m z co (0 .N .� � Y r, O z - - _ o --=-.-.-I~ ","/FT. DOWN �#-/FT. DOWN Tw. �� t�� � � � � a �-- ' LAVING NOTES: � ! �.f 3 1 STIRz ZZ, ZZZ. CURB �� 1. COMPACT AGGREGATE SUB -BASE TO 100Z STANDARD N PROCTOR. ADJUST MOISTURE AS NEEDED. � rn 1 TYP. OR 2:1 M TYPICAL ROAD SECTION 1 SEE PLANS 2. COMPACT PROCTOR APPRTHROOVED BACXFILL TO 957o t THE TOP Lw 28' NOT TO SCALE 4 1 (7aT � (' 0) i OF SUBGRADE SHAD. BE COMPACTED TO 1007. C EDGE STANDARD PROCTOR. PROOF ROLL_ SUBGRADE LLj z TO TO NCDOT'S AND ENGINEER'S APPROVAL. Q 0 z B: I EDGE W j CA: � 4 W T 6W 0 ' N o� z . tO W0 1 ul-de-Sac Typical Road Section N.T.S. N.T.S. z.. o rn . o T (D L S—on TYP. .Dt ❑ .. ^a DEPRESSED FOR FLAT GRADESCU GUTTER LINE 2% AND UNDER FRAME, HOOD & GRATE >% � n i 2 '2 2 e VARIES RAD. CURB FACE ---------- 0 y t n #4 BARS R ASPHALT CURB FACE BEYOND � �,Zg�o� � � t 3" RAD. RAD. s 3'--O" � S" Q PAVEM'T TRUCK .,E 16� - ""'" .-N 's ->i-4: CAR +3 _ -- -` ,- - : ' :. ' • -2.1%---2.1% --7.3% -.- _..,._...- ,� .,,1� � ; r',•:.'.;, � t OUTLET 41) 2r fi' CAR 2" 5' am 5' ' . � TYP. 2r-`fJ" ABC iDF» 11 TRUCK NOTE. CONCRETE TURNOUT A,l.l.. GRADES SHOWN ARE MAXIMUM STONE I 4 -4 CONCRETE TURNOUT SHALL BE 8" TRICK OVER SECTIQU SEQ„TfQN X- AT 6" O.C. * •� 0 � 3 �—ter � ❑ + 16- ' 6" COMPACTED 'AeC: QRADES T ,"... R=25' FOR CAR 4'-4" * ` R=50' FOR TRUCK BACK OF 8" S-01• 8" 5' o - CURB S' * to PLAIN BUTT JOINT PAVEMENT y DRIVEWAY WIDE SURFACE00 y r SITE EXTRUDED CURB ROAD STANDARD CURB a X X I Oi I BEGINS 2p HIGH WITH A TO DISSIPATED BETWEEN • ° � ' �` I � � ��� A 8" LONG TAPER THESE WMITS TYP. ' ;�����. ina CjCIJ 1t'0"�` L,1 .L7�C 1"FOR GRADES �J'—O" jj--------....... ----- -- — — =e �C� it-i v,,+ �Q a i3�r� Cs' Mtil - OVER 2% — -- o - - - - - CURB & GUTTER ABC SMNE ,C ExP. PLAN QUEB AND GUTTER m m GRASS - R r - �T. MATt.. _..�... AREA 'R` ; TV. DEPRESSED GUTTER NORMAL GUTTER LINE c i a Pam. Y LINE 10" MAX. _ z PLAIN -BUILOK CURB i i I k-------- ..�...: - ... °� 0 O O Li-12 5 -O" --JP' ,� GF"NERAL NOTES: J FdR GRADES � M - ri 1. SEE STANDARD DRAINAGE STRUCTURE FOR OVER 2% ..... P-6 CURB & GUTTER FURTHER INFORMATION. ELE U Gs �r7$'• •: GUTTER N 4N QUEM AND GG ,. ' $. , o REF. NCDOT RSD 8415.01 24 845-01D 2. START FIRST STEP 8 BELOW TOP OF WALL. K CATCH BASINRI RD TANDABCAL ...G'# 3. C.B. FRAME AND HOOD SHALL BE A —moo�a EXP. JT. TYP. NOTE: I�RQVIi�E TRANSVERSE U.S. FOUNDRY #5181-6428 HEAVY DUTY S PAMN9, ELAN BADUU—S ME CONSTRUCTION JOINTS AT ' O.C. MAX. NCDOT #840.©3 TYPE 'B' �, " �. rtcx�or asa s�o.uta ��~� 12 ,THRU 54,0 PIPE .�} 4 . Approved 5terrr1w&,g1perrmIt Dodr_,jments ocuments i} -)ntt5 Gns[rtaction In 4r ryese required by the storFripeaFQr �'rnit. North m designer Drawn By LAD tiles rertu�re theE tits �ttarKtwater eYcora ,with the Inspect during czn5truction; ce ityNa cfe with the plans and specs; and certify Comp Checked wIiBB stormwater rules. { 15A NCAC 2H .1008 ( j) ) Date Permit # cd !l �T b G Division of Water Quality Approved EJB y Revision Date Job No. 209001 N.T.S. 09-04-09 Scale Date Turnout 4 Curb and Gutter 5 Standard Brick Catch Basin Standard Driveway Tur a n '� N.T.S. N.T.S. N.T.S. 0111 Sheet No. CATCH BASIN MIN. DIMENSIQN PIPE HEIGTH MDTH D,O `H' ' YY 15" 2'-6" 2'-2" 18. .fir-10" 2'-2" 24" 3'-4" 2'_2" 30" 3'--10" S-4" 36" 4'-e 3'-1 Q" 42" 4'--10" 4'-5" 48" 5.-4. 5'-0" Go 0 0 4N co r,. 0 0 3 N v v tV ci O 3 0 c (L V ,m I;n z 0 o 0 z c� 0 s 1r 0 13) 0 m —i tm 840 835 830 825 820 815 810 805 800 795 Clk to QDR-CB-1 with 15" RCP. Cut existing z tD 12" Pipe at northern R.O.W. Cap and -� Y plug with #towable fill. Remove all storm Y cD pipe and structure inside of R.O.W. W OD }? L -4; 0.. r' Ir ! 1/ > y I ! 1 /� � y '���: z O ! I rI ? !i 4 MH I I r r ! GRAPHIC SCALE / t j Itr ! lI r! !r t r ! 50 25 0 50 100 ?, Qualit Drive Extension - Grading and Drainage Plan =50 Y g g � o ► Legend I I �® I Adjacent Property Line 4.0 I — 1 d ' — ---- Property Line CU Existing Curb Line t " " a ` ' r 0 C: rs Existing GasCU " a ss Existing Sanitary Sewer .0 " R " Existing Telephone ON I 1 ----y Existing Water y C .S 1 Existing Fire Hydrant 3 1 � ,� ! c`°t .-•r�r C) Existing Water Meter p I At �w _ Existing Electric LL I 'IIxrraa,aaMasa ` ,`.�tis 3p,. HppF Existing Power Pole •� Existing Storm Sewer N 798980.6992 2 H ur ~ - -- "�-� - New Curb and Gutter m •a E 1525097.9682 c Z M I roil o w 164'R New Concrete Paving .� _ CD 800'............ N88.3 '49"W...... . :............... ...... p....... .. 29 :2�� Quality Drive0 IX .35,R .............. � ..'.-.'.'. .'.'.'.'.".'.' � y--.----••_� �r w.a aa���or, 'sir � r«,' .. y •— ..... rr TSta 000 G ..... # � N a r�n47.5 R N 799008.914135'R 4 0 1 y ii ilec !t r ¢ + t ry .�r '•.1 tf 4}718l C �o NE 1525495.4114 41 o5441 1 .:.. ..... Benchmark NM 29.88' i See Sheet C103 for 1 J storr,w t� rt3� . , . ,F ,;. ; ; o °DOD I Iron Nall Saw -cut existing Quality Drive widening in P�rrr,lt �SLtlh!Q�/ot�/ r ate l�za� Z •- 35'R '`, E.:. .' Elev = 810.00 pavement approximately 5' this area ... 1 N 798989.39 beyond existing 12 pipe. 0+00 0+50 1+00 1+50 2+00 2+50 3+00 3+50 4+00 1 E 1525198.23 Repair with new paving 47.5'R and curb & gutter. v C4 OD r- co 1� 1 -aLow • POINT ELEV 824.66 • POINT0+96.12 •21.83 1 1.11 1� 1! �— t • 1 1i MAP Existing -=Approx. . Be - •Location . ' bL ' ti 1 ,I 1 1 New , 1 r • — CD .� 35'R L=107.68' `� COD/ R =148.00' j N 798958.4622 0 � ' E 1525117.9283 Tan=56.35 030 6 Ch=105.32' S70029'39"W N 9" co i a y Drawn By LAD as 1 , I 1 ch0%. WHBB Approved EJB NtH J Job No. 209001 I 1 "=50' 09-04-09 1 Scale Date 1 ` GRAPHIC SCALE 50 25 0 so 100 1 " - 3QualityDrive Extension - La out PlanCl 04 Nhl.w Quality Drive Extension Profile ,�=50, y � � . 1 =50 t 50 Sheet No. N U� Nk Ci rn u� N � O N N N O e^— aD ao co ao co OD CocD aD oo Iq v, ci ' ao N G co M Q m N 00 a�0 co a�D OD a0 a0 A•* i3ti-; 1' ' 1 �.• �_L_ i_..�..-- II.. L 21'.. 00 C3 N r.+ t C3 .r 0 co 0 0 0 m -o a CM M C7 Ct 0 N 0 0 Z 3 0 U ttt FL to C =3 C9 m Z rn 3 c .2 r 0 Z C) 0 3 rn c O m e Opu \ \ \ `� "�•. _ ��--Future Dock 822 —842 000, Initial water quality outlet— o — V T structure. Refer to Sheet C504 Qp — _ M Rip rap with �{ 33.1 l.f. for detail o \\ �� J� — — — 02�~ T -filter fabric liner i B" PVC j x @ 1.5% — _ ---Forebay 00 co CD 13' Concrete Level 6 Co Water Quality '` — Spreader constructed per 00 Basin -� r --- Q NCDENR requirements --� L r U 2 0 _.,. � -- '" -- 4 ' +••• co I j ��` / !�I' ��• .r.� F y a �„ r � �, � � ` � "'• a � /' /' / ♦ ' 1 4 - / / / �— 3' Forebay bean r "with riprap. Elev = 817.0 -- �- J7 --- constructed per _ - --- —` �� — — _ \ •►� f f NCDENR requirements — _-- — / C I13' x 30' Filter Strip C� + ` constructed per 0 W NCDENR requirements / I d r / -t / �' s' / �i ♦ �/' ♦ ` Contractor shall compact earthen material in water quality / ♦ � �� �� "` r �! / / i basin such that the infiltration rate is no more than 0.01 in/hr. �. Outlet structure Inv. 610.00. _ _ -- ram„ -� �' / / / ♦ J Soil compaction and infiltration rate to be tested and verified \ -Refer to Sheet C504 for detail. - f y. r'HW-1 = = �' / ♦ / ♦ by geotechnical engineer. If the required infiltration rate I To be installed when Inv. - 807.20 / ♦ \ — � J •l � � � � � / ,t ✓ � � / � cannot be met by compactions install a Geosynthetic Clay additional two pipe joints are 1 { ( -- - - I .- % ♦ Liner (GCL) which meets the requirements of the NCDENR r -removed, refer Sheet C104. �' J I I i -w I r / / Stormwater BMP Manual. Coordinate with geotechnical \ DO engineer. i Q JB-1 Top -818.0 — — Inv. - 808.15 ,Q Verify invert of existing pipe - "" I V i 1 30"H6PE f' �� • �, �1 f %ter- ,� . @ 1.00% f i II - - - - _ - - - _ - , ' _ - � " � ' � �� , �,' , � `� '; � Water Quality Basin to be constructed after site is stabilized and temporary - T - - - -- - - �' f' �' / / /'. sediment basins are removed. See Sheet C301 for T n __ _���_ �_, , � � �� � , o Temporary Sediment - - - - -� - -" Basins to be constructed prior to grading activities. --- ___. U 20 Refer to Sheet C104 and C106 for Continuation Proposed Road Elev. 827.8 Outlet Structure QDR OS-2, Refer to Sheet C104 and Sheet G504 . 427 RCP Proposed Grade 2:1 Slope 1 Outlet Structure Schematic N.T.S. Top of Structure 816.0 Inv. 810.0 -'— Remove 2 joints Inv. 802.0 of 42" RCP Water Quality Basin Water Quality Basin 1 5' berm Elev = 818.0 3:1 Slope Elev = 818.0 to 814.5 10:1 Slope 3:1 Slope Elev. 814,5 to 813.6 Main Pond Outlet Structure Elev. 802:0 3:1 Slope Elev. 813.5 to 802.0 3:1 Slope Elev = 817.0 to 814.6 3' berm w/ riprap Elev = 817.0 2*1 Slope Forebay 10:1 Slope Elev. 814.5 to 813.5 Elev. 812.0 3:1 Slope Elev. 813.5 to 802.0 2 Water Quality Basin Cross Section N.T.S. 2:1 Slope �e p ead r a ag :.fram - W . away Z00f FNfet:SS�: ti�a.rtperiaai�er;�>re�tated: GRAPHIC SCALE 20 10 0 20 40 V - 20' •cu e ca a a- W E co � �o p C0 +� : 0 � co Z LO iCD 1 0N ❑ C o o z = o -C o 11, (L N co co LIJ th W o� W Z Q Wj o N Z 0 CO W ax V) 11 0 r _ VJ 0 V- M .C: C0 CU W lQ,� �w CU CU - CL CD ❑ CU !7 C� 3 m N E m m Tigure 8-2: E E� f'rofil ie :vf a Levef� $4 ader {aclap ed frvlin;. athawa 200 S 5 Z With r- I b G2- 0. :t /o�Zfzo�J 3 Level Spreader Detail N.T.S. APPROVED BY PURCHASER / TENANT DATE APPROVED BY DEVELOPER / SELLER DATE Drawn By LAD Checked WHBB Approved EJB Job No. 209001 1 *=20' Scale 10-02-09 Date C203 Sheet No. 1' .. i, 4 - -, •.-; "-i !•-- � � �- I _ �.- i - r rr -= R'7 ,r � � r � --�'* �r• �s j�q�+' _. _ - r..,,.,,,.�,, ,�II � I 1. + i FV..S .. (��.... ... .. , ,.. .. ., - i �,,. ,�, i`_ �. r�.!-.�, ..� 'I ,�i.�,;il,Y�..a,i•.�,..�s, t,lll.l .. '1 • ! I F * 1 I! I. j I. -.; 1.� •,1 Ida.. a-f, I' !j: n�.i T' , , �U v"y e ,s 39,44 - - - - __ - -- - -- --A- V -1_ Vegetative Filter Strip Approx. 400 s.f. Go d 0 N 0 0 1 CL 0 0 N cl 0 U 0 co N U c a 0) c Z v Rf .2 O Z N O r 0 3 a rn c 0 avi In 914 QH :77 - - - - _ - _ -Future Deck -1 42.55 _ 822 _ 84277 ... ..-.:�..............................:.... ....... �.. '�........... ...'.• •:.....'.'..'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.....'.' i'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'...'.'.'.'.'.......'.'.'.. ...............................: ........::....... ._ ... .................. ..... .�,,,.•apt-•�u,••d•a,•{,c,•w.+-_.�.•.+�•++r�a.•,i,y •.,i•+-r•,,,,�•�„►. �........ .. / - �• \ / �- _ r .'.•..;..... ` —y�r! W W W W W W �w� W w W w••:• \ / 83 \ ! f .. .... ' .......•...•.•..... .. ... .. .:� .�;,_• �-• - ` _ ` I 4 � �Y ry � � _"ram :.'., � �- .- ,� _._ -_.. --- -•- ::.. .. ; . _ -� Forebay -- — '. ...• Oo Water w ' ;? .•..... W Quality `� J wj'. , O , v " f /� �Y *Y Imo. :... J�`..`r �� .: .. ....• .... :: ri Bann / :. .. ....... .... �... .. 8,30 00 .......j* Vegetated Shelf _ L: • ;. ;.:�. ;... ' :.. • : ��"� / �W W .:r::. .... Approx. 4800 s.f, f... : ` •;... ins'.' } j r I /� W W / / CID .. . ..........'. ,'' ' ' ' 1 w W W �.�`.......� ' ` . .. �•• - ` / ` / /' / / .............. . ,1 t'.'. ... 1..' r.. `` w W r -- . .... ' • r'. .r... / ' / ! f / / / / f / # ..• • :... ..... ... .f .... 1 `.:......... ,i :::'::::::.:... :a::::'.:... ......... Q f ' Berms and Side Slopes ...... . • ..�f'' ✓' �� ` Approx. 20300 s.f. f:::::::.... '..f PP GRAPHIC SCALE - ' ... ........ • •:�.'� ! ! / 20 so a 20 40 1. •::.', .-,. .....� .'..'.' .........;.'.;.:.;.......'.'.' � / � / / f � / � ' ..... ........ .....'.' r / / / ' / / / / / i 26' / / r f c� T Sweetflag Swamp Milkweed Water Plantain 1. A Minimum of 50 plants per 200 s.f. of shelf area shall be planted. 2. Alternate plant species in shelf area. Legend — — Property Line Existing Curb Line 900 901 — Existing Contours ® Existing Catch Basin Existing Storm Line OH Existing Overhead Power Lines O Existing Power Poise New Curb and Gutter New Curb New Storm Sewer ® New Catch Basin ST New Junction Box 901 New Contours A;3g7rr,To•[3La. ''s?fii"'e« C!�`rf 1ry'6'1'6T1 frti�195iliiik'0 Plant Legend Plant Legend SYMBOL. BOTANICAL. NAME COMMON NAME SIZE W w Acorus Subcordatum Asclep€as Incarnata Alisma Subcordatum Sweeiflag Swamp Milkweed Water Plantain 4 cubic inch container, planted Z o.c. 4 cubic inch container, planted Z o.c. 4 cubic inch container, planted Z o.c. Eremochlos Ophiuro€ddes Centipede Grass Saccharum Baldwinii Narrow Plumegrass 4 cubic inch container, planted Z o.c. {n A) cc CL c 0 CD 'o Z Oz° � � m o N "LO � 0 CZ U o Z 20 O a-+ Cl) p F_ a. E N c M LU U) ILi o z W E— OWv WT zwo �00 Y CD to Y c0 W 00 � � z 0 T M rC CU CU .� 4J _.1.. CIO Q_ CU :3 U Cy O V 4) V o �, C CU J 0 S N ftj co 0 d Z p r. 1. Contractor shall use plant species listed or obtain approval from NCDENR for any Drawn By LAD substitution. Checked WHBB 2. All landscaping shall be installed in conformance with the NCDENR Stormwater BMP Manual. Approved EJB 209001 Job No. 1 "=20' 10-02-09 Scale Date APPROVED BY PURCHASER / TENANT DATE APPROVED BY DEVELOPER / SEU.Et DATE C204 Sheet No. I r- I I i li l +• l i l Yl t I f l:, .+i t 1 1.1 I 4 ti ! r l I4� ly I •�„ .M, n, .f 1 r �I��,)', iri > I Ir, 1 �t, 1 I 0 �� •� r ' i t r