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SW4090801_APPROVED PLANS_20090901
STORMWATER DIVISION CODING SHEET POST -CONSTRUCTION PERMITS PERMIT NO. SW���D�D� DOC TYPE ❑ CURRENT PERMIT APPROVED PLANS ❑ HISTORICAL FILE DOC DATE YYYYMMDD I � / N75°24 ps"W 259� ' 99.55 6�°�/� ' OAP / 1 ! ! 1 / 41''PORTION OF: ILL JUNKER ,L�o ®'� 1 IN # 5729756528 G� ` 3 5 �.� 11 1 aONED: HC E(�� Ir'-- ! 1 FUTURE EXPANSION��. 1`! r 1� ,, 3875 SF 1 `1 �_3Q SAN. SEWER EASEMENT fl 12 EX. UTILITY EASEMENT 23 18, ,�2, 24 DIALYSIS CENTER 1 I 21 9315 SF a FFE: 808.00 2 5 i 11 e 1, f r 17 FFE: 808.00 10 to E� ��� 9 SITE AREA: 2.80 AC 20 0 VO a� b� PARK REQ. 44 SPACES STORM F PARK PROV. 50 SPACES 19 tk 4 ��� yL�� ,�� �.y Get' ��" Or WATER r_ 4 1' 22 =- � 3 ss6° 6.1 07151" "E.Q� f. 8 1ill(/ ))�� 24' 1 B M P :_n, l 2 TYP -- - 13 \ r ( v F TYP -, 25 s 0 3 10 G r 7 � / ! 1 .. p 6 ZD f J m c.� + �C 7 I i Q.!Q \ q� 'per. C� OP = 7 ry X. MH / v RCS 15 C' T94. Q OUT - 786 21 � � �' '� .✓ Me- LUr r� �\ j 21 1 Q N o 9. 7 fir. r M 6 < -- - -- _ MH o. - _ l R25P - 791.01 5 2.00 -----._.._.._.._.._ _STOR -36 � �' /! J`OUT78781036 25` TYPE B LANDCAPE BUFFER MWATER �g0. + "W / / / �� POP S BMP 10 BUILDWG SETBACK --�- F�,�� r / V88° 18' 22"W 28.84 224.55' /' Q / ?Sr / CQ` / op 25' SAN. SEWER EASEMENT 0� % F# W 781.11 1 PORTION OF: I BILL JUNKER I PIN # 5729756528/ ZONED:HC 1/2" R. PORTION OF: VERIOUS B ANGELL PIN # 5729652654 ZONED:OSR a a , 3' - 0" a liVMrMt� ! CGL J V Ul,7l V1iJC CONCRETE DRAINAGE FLUME SCALE: N.T.S. GENERAL NOTES NOTE: ALL DIMENSIONS, RADII, AND X,Y COORDINATES ARE TO FACE OF CURB, OR TO THE CENTER OF STRUCTURES SUCH AS SIGN POSTS, ETC., UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. GENERAL CONTRACTOR TO: 1. VISIT SITE AND BRING TO THE OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE ATTENTION IN WRITING ANY PROBLEMS OR DISCREPANCIES WITH SITE OR PROJECT PRIOR TO BIDDING AND CONSTRUCTION. 2. COORDINATE WITH THE OWNER FOR PHASING OF CONSTRUCTION. INSURE HIGH LEVEL OF SAFETY DURING ALL PHASES OF CONSTRUCTION. 3. CHECK ALL "VERIFY" DIMENSIONS NOTED ON PLANS. REPORT ANY DISCREPANCIES TO THE OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE IN WRITING PRIOR TO ANY FURTHER CONSTRUCTION. 4. OBTAIN ALL NECESSARY PERMITS INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO - BUILDING, GRADING, UTILITY, EROSION CONTROL, LAND DISTURBANCE AND OCCUPANCY. 5. KEEP ALL PLANTING AND GRASS AREAS FREE OF DEBRIS, STONES, CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS, ETC. 6. THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR LOCATING AND AVOIDING ALL UNDERGROUND UTILITIES SHOWN ON SITE PLAN. UTILITIES SHOWN ON SITE PLAN ARE BASED ON THE SURVEY PROVIDED BY TUTTEROW SURVEYING COMPANY AND STIMMEL ASSOC. ENGINEERING PLANS, AND MAY NOT BE ALL INCLUSIVE. CONTACT THE TOWN OF MOCKSVILLE FOR LOCATION OF CITY -OWNED UTILITIES (WATERLINE, SEWER LINES, AND ELECTRICAL APPURTENANCES). NC ONE CALL IS ALSO TO BE NOTIFIED FOR UTILITY LOCATION. 7. PATCH/REPAIR STREETS, STRUCTURES, ETC. AS NECESSARY AFTER CONNECTION OF PROPOSED UTILITIES. 8. SEE DETAIL SHEET C-5.0 FOR SITE PLAN DETAILS. 9. COORDINATE ANY CONDUIT/IRRIGATION SLEEVES PRIOR TO INSTALLATION OF PAVEMENT COORDINATE SITE LIGHTING WITH SITE LAYOUT. 10. SEE GRADING PLAN (SHEET C-4.0) FOR PROPOSED GRADES AND EROSION CONTROL. 11. BOUNDARY AND TOPOGRAPHICAL INFORMATION TAKEN FROM SURVEY BY: TUTTEROW SURVEYING COMPANY;107 NORTH SALISBURY ST.; MOCKSVILLE, NC 27028 PHONE: 336-751-5615 12, G.C. RESPONSIBLE FOR COORDINATION OF SITE LIGHTING. SITE LIGHTING PLANS BY OTHERS. COORDINATE ALL SLEEVING PRIOR TO CONCRETE INSTALLATION. SITE REFERENCE NOTES j LIGHT DUTY ASPHALT PAVING - SEE DETAIL 3, SHEET C-5.0 2 3' CURB TRANSITION 0.5' TO 0.0' CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER (TYP) - SEE DETAIL 1, SHEET C-5.0 4 4" WIDE PAINTED STRIPES 1.5'O.C. @ 45° 5 4" WIDE PAINTED STRIPES - TYPICAL ElPAINTED TRAFFIC ARROW (TYP.) - SEE DETAIL 4, SHEET C-5.0 MASPHALT DRIVEWAY TO NCDOT STANDARDS AND SPECIFICATIONS EHEAVY DUTY CONCRETE PAD AT DUMPSTERS - SEE ARCHITECTURAL PLANS AND DETAIL 9, SHEET C-5.0 HANDICAP PARKING SPACES-TYP - SEE DETAIL 6, SHEET C-5.0 Q HANDICAP PARKING SIGN-TYP - SEE DETAIL 7, SHEET C-5.0 NOT USED 12 TRASH ENCLOSURE BY OTHERS(SEE ARCHITECTURAL PLANS) CONTRACTOR TO PROTECT EXISTING UTILITIES AND INFRASTRJCTURE TO 13 REMAIN. CONTRACTOR RESPONSIBLE FOR REPAIRING/REPLACNG ANY DAMAGED AT NO COST TO THE OWNER. 14 HEAVY DUTY ASPHALT PAVING (SHADED) LIZA SEE DETAIL 10 SHEET C-5.0 F15] RETAINING WALL BY OTHERS - SEE ARCHITECTURAL PLANS [161 CONCRETE SIDEWALK (TYP) - SEE DETAIL 5, SHEET C-5.0 1 % 4' LOADING DOCK - SEE ARCHITECTURAL PLANS NOT USED 19 CANOPY - SEE ARCHITECTURAL PLANS F0 CONCRETE SIDEWALK AT DROP OFF - SEE DETAIL 11, SHEET C-5.0 21 SITE LIGHTING -APPROXIMATE LOCATION - SEE ELECTRICAL SITE PLAN - SHEET E01 ZZ BOILER PAD, SEE ARCHITECTURAL PLANS 23 GENERATOR PAD, SEE ARCHITECTURAL PLANS 24 CONCRETE FLUME, SEE DETAIL 1 THIS SHEET 25 48" RCP CREEK PIPE, SHOWN FOR REFERENCE. PLEASE REFER TO SHT C-3.1 AND SHT C-4.3 FOR PIPE DETAIL AND SPECIFICATIONS. 30' REF. NORTH NAD 1927 F pFtM Rp G BOYCE DR �N �ROpK y COOPER CREEK DR O �� UZ aRo Ro �QflN�2 SPNF VICINITY MAP N.T.S. SITE DATA OWNER: WAKE FOREST UNIVERSITY MEDICAL CENTER BLVD WINSTON-SALEM, NC 27157 CONTACT: WILLIAM MCDONALD (229) 387-3527 SITE ACREAGE: t2.80 Acres SITE ADDRESS: INTERSTATE DRIVE MOCKSVILLE, NC JURISDICTION: WITHIN CITY OF MOCKSVILLE CITY LIMITS ZONING: HIGHWAY COMMERCIAL (HC) CURRENT LAND -USE: VACANT PROPOSED LAND -USE: MEDICAL OFFICE PARCEL INFORMATION: NC PIN# 5729756528 NC PIN# 5729652654 DEED REFERENCE: DB 629 PAGE 119 PB 10, PG. 51 BUILDING INFORMATION: NUMBER STORIES: 1 HEIGHT: t17' BUILDING AREA; 13,190 SF LANDSCAPE REQUIREMENTS: STREETYARD:B' BUFFERYARDS:25' SEE LANDSCAPE PLAN BUILT UPON AREA INFORMATION: IMPERVIOUS AREA: 51,229 SF TOTAL AREA: 122,006 SF BUILT UPON PERCENTAGE: 42.0% WETLAND NOTE: AS PER JOHN THOMAS OF THE ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS, THERE ARE NO WETLANDS PRESENT AT THIS TIME ON THIS SITE. Approved Storm-watf.,r i`efrr:k Documents Construction Irt accordarn c�, documents is required by the stormwatdr permit North Carolina rules require that the stormwper system designer Inspect during construct n; cq? ;i conformity with the plans and specs; and with the stormwater rules (15A NCAC 2H 10,M (j) ) Permit #.. WIto,10901 1)ete__-?1lOg by_1� _ _ tti division of atP Q lily Sheet #._. f��+,'I icn Date..��31JCft- 0 30' SCALE: 1" = 30' 60' 90, Stimmel 4t ip Stimme! Associates, PA Landscape Architecture Civil Engineering Land Planning 601 N. Trade Street Suite 200 Winston Salem, INC 27101-2916 P:336,723.1067 F:336.7211069 SEALS: ,Q;VLP OR = SEAL �'. C- 6 9 �,�iiwrurr+i4 � % ,hot ' u PROJECT: 0� Uj FIIIIIIII`I` z z Z U Lij 0 z 0 U w V W _ I� LU O Z > z U 0 r� z U � O a� Lij LU Q CLIENT: DAVIE KIDNEY CENTER OF WFU P.O. BOX 7710 TIFTON, GA. 31793 CONTACT: SHELCO, INC. (336) 760-5005 Li OWNER REVIEW BID DOCUMENTS - CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS FIELD DOCUMENTS El RECORD DOCUMENTS DRAWN: KB DATE: 7/06/09 REVISIONS: 1 EC COMMENTS 7116/09 STREAM COMMENTS 7/17/09 3� NCDOT COMMENTS 8/24/09 4 SWM-DWQ COMMENTS 8/31109 DAVIE CO. COMMENTS JOB. NO: 09-'062 SHEET TITLE: . PHASE 2 SITE LAYOUT' PLAN SCALE: 1 "=.30 SHEET NO.: ■ o CQ STIMMEL ASSOCIATES, P.A �f ..S. �rT .��'rl 'T ff 1 i F�'.; .it •i" 5' -� �- �� 1' -'y'. -1'.. ... J— _ i I'_.. -._L' �i'�1i_�.. _. _ • .._ __ .. -. _ ....a .. .a. �.F au •_.-. _o �. .. »_._.. .. _.. .s._r. _.... A'/ / / PORTION OF: r J C VERIOUS B ANGELL I f PIN # 5729652654 / /AV(7 24'Z ZONED: OSR f ' 9 9„ 9 5' Y.000 ! i f CPO �,\ CI� / J 1 ! 1 11 1 CID\ fir` f ( � � i 1 •. 1 + /� � \\ \\\ \ ``\ CD Cb \ / / �Gil 1 m + `/ `I PORTION OF: / ! r �F' ;� �( L JUNKER j !d f I ( r 1 ( J N 5729756P28 U'�I I ! 1 f 1 l r` / 40 D: HC G I z! ] f t t ` '�O= 30' SA�. SEWER EASEMEI\' r Y 'EX. UTILITY EASEI LENT c 4i i96 i / / �-. � ' � I 1 I � \ _ �. ,;• - ._ ?_Q t-.� + -�.,-, \ , _ ,11:- , , A\,- may;' 90 CO CQ \ 800 CP CIO 798 Al �. I - TOP = 794. Q \ ���_ / r \ ; 1 r /,� " �` ; OUT =7 BUj ,.i 9. if MH T6P = 791,01 781-36 PE B LalvOCAP BUFFED �_ .. .. �� 18a�3fi ! ! ! j N88 2 \� 10 HUt�L� S TBACK = � � �i "f �-__-�� o f� .� 7,g4 ! ! J ° 1$ /'. 1>9 � 25r SAN. SEWER EASEMENT � � �- — _ _ --- - _ � I •� � , �'` -`fix. i i ! F �= 781.11 / PO TION OF: V BILL JUNKIER / \ I PIN 572975�526 / ff ZON D: HC `CO 00 I CV COC) 00 CD 30' REF. NORTH NAD 1927 8 PRM Ra G BOYCE DR PS NL J, pK gR0 COOPER CREEK DR p Or �w Ur oRp Rp �DONiZ SpNF VICINITY MAP N.T.S. 0 30' 60' 90, SCALE: 1" = 30' Stimmel Stimmel Associates, PA Landscape Architecture Civil Engineering Land Planning 601 N. Trade Street Suite 200 Winston Salem, NC 27101-2916 P : 336.723.1067 1= : 336.723.1069 SEALS: aaaecr: 0� Uj F- Q Z V W z Q U w w z > z 0 Y z � � o LLI � w a Q 0 CLIENT: DAVIE KIDNEY CENTER OF WFU P.O. BOX 7710 TIFTON, GA. 31793 CONTACT: SHELCO, INC. (336) 760-5005 OWNER REVIEW BID DOCUMENTS CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS FIELD DOCUMENTS El RECORD DOCUMENTS DRAWN: KB DATE: 7/06/09 REVISIONS: 1 EC COMMENTS 7/16/09 >. STREAM COMMENTS 7/17/09 I NCDOT COMMENTS 8/24/09 8131109 DAVIE CO. COMMENTS JOB. NO: 09-062 SHEET TITLE: EXISTING CONDITIONS SCALE: N/A SHEET NO.: �� C.6,o ® STIMMEL ASSOCIATES, P.A. Y . I • Y I.} i 1 } Y 1 St b'� 5 YII lI' } l I,'I 'i I ht-11kVwCzi0 t JA-- tWw OFF/SITE DRAINAGE/ AREA LIMITS (TYP) PORTION OF: .1 VERIOUS B ANGELL IN PIN # 5729652654 24', 54 ZONED:OSR 99.�, OFFSITE # 2 �6v CO 146,549 SIF 3.36 ACRES- OFFSITE DRAINAGE Q_Cb / N \ \ :�V :t� AREA LIMITS (TYP) CZ� / I 99, mom BIO#2 DA: 44490 SF (1.02 AC) 51.7% IMP C: 0.66 CN: 84 (69, Open, Fair) (98: Impervious) PVC UNDERDIRAIN PIPE(rYP)�r� 1_� --- 0. CLEANOUT PC SE CV N88 0181 2� _ � 14 LF 8- PVC A 3.1 % I W.N ITT 794-96 ;!1111F" // foe 0000 14 / 000 0) PORTION OF:, CURB INLET#1 'NL� JUNKER PIN � 5729756P28 NCDOT840JO2 ZOTD: HC GRATE:8M43 INV.0UT799. il 00SITE # 4 86066 SF FUTURE EXPANSION 19.94ACRES FES 16.6% 3875 SF INV LX. imp SEE 19& DIALYSIS CENTER N 9315 SF TO TO 411101 C FFE: 808.00 11 ' FIFE: 808.00 ABOVEISHED 0 70 4irRCP CREEK PPE Va. P1 V- I Z167 LF a 4.00/0 7. SEE DETAL,%U. C-4. 76.11, S86- Oi- 51,'E4 137 LF 15" RCP @ 1,0%I CURB INLET NCDOT840.02 0IV I GRAM 80128 1 OUT` 7QR nR X. MH OFFSITE #3 dfrOP = 794. 14�11 Bloc ILL DRAINAGE 259158 SF OUT = 7 .6 .1 T. AREA LIMITS (TYP) , 1 5.95 ACRES 'OR ...a. 10.1 Y 1310#1 CURB INLET#3 42.4% EX. IMP 214 LF 15" Rap @ 1 0% S DA: 42842 SF NCDOT 84OL02 - - 1 (0.98 AC) GRATE M.83 INV.OUT797.40 52 LF 15' RCP @ 1,3% 59.4% IMP 1 C: 0.71 DROPINLET# CN:86 GRATE 796OD 14LE-T / (69: Open, Fair) STA" IBILVATIM (98: Impervious) I* SEE THIS SHT. 19 LF 15- RCP @ 2. 0% 0 jo, 84 LF-24',RCP GF FES # 12 / �� / 4 .01 INV. LINDEIRDRAIN CLEANOUT JYP) 76' N40M mo.r woo* 224.55' W , IBOX# - 28. 84 4 h '11<' 9X5PFtECAST 88*18'22 a , A, " _Wd �NG INLET §&DETAILSHT. C-43 C TtHROAT: 789YO- CIFFSIT #1 INVN (IDM 787M r4V.IN(1r.7%.50 197,713 SF19 NV IN (011: 7W.85 4.54 ACRES Al INVOUT781.85 DROPINLET#4 n NCOOT840 04 '', / BlC*ETENTlONCEU_# TOP PCM 797.00 PONOM DEPTH: 17 SEE DETAIL SHT. C-42 OFFSITE DRAINAGE 0 AREA LIMITS (TYP) 00000 FINISH GA PLUG POND OW50 DING DEPTH: 12' DETAL SHT. 042 4 BIOCELL DRAINAGE AREA LIMITS (TYP) UNDERDAIN CLEANOUT DETAIL L/ �SCALE: N.T.S. tS'PERFORATED THROAT- 797.00 DROP IINLET # PVC UNDERDRAJN NV.IN 791.46 NCDOTSTD NV. IN 16 791jOC THROAT7MM00 INVOUT790.71 W.IN: 78825 Nv CUT 787.% 66 LF 15- RCP @ 3.7%L P0 T ]ON OF: BILL J LINKER Cl-A PIN#57297*28 ZON-'-:D: HC (0 0 C) CO CID CC) _011f-0 V 0), ly 00 CD 0) t__ LENGTH 5' INLET STABILIZATION DETAIL SCALE: N.T.S. _ Z 9 Al 78 1.11 v 14 LF 18- RCP @ 2.7-AP' REF. NORTH NAD 1927 bt:U I IL)N A -A LENGTH 5' N PE NCOOT CLASS "A" RIP RAP FLOW Pi 12"A 3 -p BOTTOM OFPOND_/ TOP ELEV. I L*1__ 3 TOP BIOCELL MEDIA TOP CELL INV OUTLET STRUCTURE THROAT INV INV IN (6- PVC) INV OUT (RCP) POND DEPTH POND VOLUME #1 796.00 791.46 DI#4 797.00 791.46 790.71 12" 2165 CF #2 799.50 794.96 DI#5 800.50 794.96 794.21 12" 2160 CF BIORETENTION CELL DATA OVERFLOW STRUCTURE LANDSCAPING SEE SHT. L-1.0 GRASS EMBANKMENT PONDING WATER 2" HARDWOOD ELEV. GRASS EMBANKMENT MULCH LAYER TOP ELEV. - 0 3 Ap 1 \ PLANTING SOIL MEDIA 85% SAND ASTM C-33 N ���\,/��f�\//\�%�/�\ 10% FINES 5% PEAT MOSS OR ORGANIC EQUAL WATER Z '\M N FILTER FABRI`` `\ ��/���////,��` �" ��\/// `� ` �" ���, �,��\ �\\l/ �/" \\\ �`/ ��/\\ C NON -WOVEN TREVIRA #1120 OR EQUAL 2 BETWEEN SAND AND WASHED STONE AND BIOCELL AND SURROUNDING EARTH -v- 4" WASHED SAND :D #57 WASHED STONE 6"CORRUGATED PVC UNDERDRAIN (PERFORATED) @ 0.5%. _J CLEANOUTS AT 50'MAXIMUM SEPARATION Specifications for Bloretention 1. Planting Soil The soil shall be a uniform mix, free of stones, stumps, roots or other similar objects larger than two inches. No other materials or substances shall be mixed or dumped within the bioretention area that may be harmful to plant growth, or prove a hindrance to the planting or maintenance operations. The planting soil shall be free of noxious weeds. The planting soil shall be tested and shall meet the following criteria: pH range 5.2-7.0 organic matter 1.5 - 4% (by weight) magnesium 35 lb./ac phosphorus (phosphate - P205 75 lb./ac potassium (potash - K20) 85 lb./ac soluble salts not to exceed 500 ppm Phosphorus Index Not to exceed 30 All bioretention areas shall have a minimum of one test. Each test shall consist of both the standard soil test for pH, phosphorus, and potassium and additional tests of organic matter, and soluble salts. A textural analysis is required from the site stockpiled topsoil. If topsoil is imported, then a texture analysis shall be performed for each location where the top soil was excavated. Since different labs calibrate their testing equipment differently, all testing results shall come from the same testing facility. The NC Department of Agriculture jNCDA) lab is the preferred testing facilitiy. Should the pH fall out ofthe acceptable range, it may be modified (higher) with lime or (lower) with iron sulfate plus sulfur. 2. Compaction It is very important to minimize compaction of both the base of the bioretention area and the required backfill. When possible, use excavation hoes to remove original soil. If bioretention areas are excavated using a loader, the contractor should use wide track or marsh track equipment, or light equipment with turf type tires. Use of equipment with narrow tracks or narrow tires, rubber tires with large lugs, or high pressure tires will cause excessive compaction resulting in reduced infiltration rates and is not acceptable. Compaction will significantly contribute to design failure. Compaction can be alleviated at the base of the bioretention facility by using a primary tilling operation such as a chisel plow, ripper, or subsoiler. These tilling operations are to refracture the soil profile through the 12 inch compaction zone. Substitute methods must be approved by the engineer. Rolotillers typically do not till deep enough to reduce the effects of compaction from tieavy equipment. Rototill 2 to 3 inches of sand into the base of the bioretention facility before backfilling the optional sand layer. Pump any ponded water before preparing (rotofilling) base. When backfilling the topsoil over the sand layer, first place 3 to 4 inches of topsoil over the sand, then rototill the sand/topsoil to create a gradation zone. Backfill the remainder of the topsoil to final grade. When backfilling the bioretention facility, place soil in lifts 12" to 18'. Do not use heavy equipment within the bioretention basin. Heavy equipment can be used around the perimeter of the basin to supply soils and sand. Grade bioretention materials with light equipment such as a compact loader or a dozer/loader with marsh tracks. 3. Plant Installation Grasses and legume Areas Shall be sodded. The topsoil specifications provide enough organic material to adequately supply nutrients from natural cycling. The primary function of the bioretention structure is to improve water quality. Adding fertilizers defeats, or at a minimum, impedes this goal. Only add fertilizer if wood chips or mulch are used to amend the soil. F%ototill urea fertilizer at a rate of 2 pounds per 1000 square feet, 4. Underdrains Underdrains are to be placed on a 3'-0" wide section of filter cloth. Pipe is placed next, followed by the gravel bedJing. The ends of underdrain pipes not terminating in an observation well or clean out shall be capped. The main collector pipe for underdrain systems shall be constructed at a minimum slope of 0.5%. Observation wells and/or clean -out pipes must be provided (one minimum per every 1000 square feet ofsurface area). 5. Miscellaneous The bioretention facility shall not be constructed until all contributing drainage area has been stabilized. Materials Specifications for Bioietention hUterial Planting soil (25to 4' deep) Mulch Specification Sand 85 - 88% Silt 8-12% Peat Moss .3.-,-5%-. Shredded hardwood Size N/A Geotextile Class "C" - apparent opening N/A Size (ASTM-D-4751), grab tensile Strength (ASTM-0-4632), puncture resistance (ASTM-0- 833J 0-ndeirdrain gravel AASHTO M-43 ... 0.375" _ to 0.75" Underdrain piping F 758 Type PS 28 or 4" to 6" rigidschedule 40 PVC or AASHTO M-278 SDR35 Poured in place concrete (if Fc = 3500 psi @ 28 days, normal NIA required) weight, air -Entrained, reinforcing to meet ASTM-615-60 Sand [4" deep] BIORETENTION DETAIL SCALE: N.T.S. AASHTO-M-6 or_ASTM-C-3_3___ 1_6_6�to 0.0i4 Notes USDA soil types loamy sand, i sandy loam or loam 5k��d 6 months, minimum For use as necessary beneath underdrains only 3/8" pert. @6" on center, 4 holes per row, minimum of 3" of gravel aver pipes; not necessary underneath pipes On -site testing of poured -in -place concrete required, 28 day strength & slump test all concrete design (cast - in -place or pre -cast) not using previously approved State or local standards requires design drawings sealed & approved by a professional structural engineer licensed in the State of North Carolina design to include meeting ACI Code 350.R/89-, vertical loading [H-10 or H- 20], allotvable, horizontal loading (based on soil pressures); and analysis of potential cracking Sand shall be washed. Substitutions_ such as Diabase & Graystone #10 are not acceptable. No calcium carbonated or dolomitic sand substitutions are acceptable- No "rock dust' can be used for sand. Approved Slorniviater Pe-nili-i Documents Construction :r. accorbancv wiih these documents is required by the stormwater r p� r l ,jj North Carolina rules require ghat the starmwate_:- system dmigner Inspect during c,-riformity with the plans and specs; and certify rcrnplance with the stormwater rules. 05A NCAC. 21iA008(D) Stimmel 4t; ip Stimmel Associates, PA Landscape Architecture Civil Engineering Land Planning 601 N. Trade Street Suite 200 Winston Salem. NC 27101-2916 P: 336.723.1067 F: 336.723.lD69 SEALS, % I � e, SEAL /.,a,. �0 V, • SEAL 23552 co - % PROJECT: UJ Z U _J 0 W " U J 0 W > Z U Z :D 0 oo W LU > C) CLIENT: DAVIE KIDNEY CENTER OF WFU P.O. BOX 7710 TIFTON, GA. 31793 CONTACT: SHELCO, INC. (336) 760-5005 OWNER REVIEW BID DOCUMENTS CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS FIELD DOCUMENTS _E1 2 RECORD DOCUMENTS DRAWN: KB DATE: 7/06/09 REVISIONS: Z 1 EC COMMENTS 7/16/09 & STREAM COMMENTS 7/17/09 ZNCD�OTCOMMENTS 8/24/09 A SWM-DWQ COMMENTS 8/31/09 ZEEDWAVIE CO. COMMENTS JOB. NO: 09-062 SHEET TITLE: STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN AND DETAILS SCALE: 1 "=30' SHEET NO.: C-4.2 71 Permit OTO / Date ateriQuoity Q STIMMEL ASSOCIATES, P.A. Sheet Z_,__._Revisbn Date IC4�f O 1 i f' / 1-1 11 . i- . Z2 / ,� PORTION OF: / "� ,� '�, VERIOUS B ANGELL / �,, ` i PIN # 5729652654 � _ ` ZONED: OSR � � 3 15' O.C. _�� � "/5W84`OZ. ' f �rLd - r 3 ERR 1s�b.r� , i -- -1 iy /'l LAWN , f- �/� - - / / I/ ( I / ( � I r ' .. - /! I / f/ ,' / 11 I ;f I { -, A t / � \ PLAN`\ LIST: e 1 Iii i \ Vil I4 y 14 `; ` (t `1 i \ \ I r 1 r - 2 EliiB 25' (i tit 1 t % \ti -' �'0. \\ % h t t z IJ 1, i � \ � a 1i \ Ii v ff l 11 It I I I L I \ G� �) 41 .'1/' i1 i � 11 1 i t r1 �� \ Qe,-" "� // ,'b 1 I , j 11 � pO 11 f ► I t ! i , , C�0 1 /1 I � // \ F� 1 \ IN a J / t / ! I A ,`f ! 1 t' / C I%, / \ \\\ i ! ! I/ j 1 Y tI Q 4 N. \ ,1 / I r / Iry / t 11 / 1 11 It// l/ I /f 1111\ \ \ \! �1 vv I // ! I. / I/ / i i\ r j� i �p /�r(� 1 N 4j � �r/ .IV - /! 11 11 11 " j 1 {a "i \ N (0 �I �j i I! �I'II� I I j 1i i 1 %/ /1. `.1. � I. &r /..r---e..--_�'PORTIONOF:- f 1// 'e--, 1 1 \\ \ ��L JUNKER i I I f ! I f 1t ! ) , , �I. 5729756. \\ I II Il f 1 / / / ZONED: HG i \\ 1 Code Common Name \ Botanical Name Caliper Height Spread Comments T rees AC 'Autumnalis' Cherry Prunus subhirtella'Autumnalis' 15 2" Min. 8-9' ----- BB, Specimen, Pink Flowers ERB Eastern Redbud Cercis canadensis 64 2" Min. 8-10, -- BB, Specimen, Pink Flowers MCM 'Muskogee' Crape Myrtle Lagerstroemia indica'Muskogee' 9 .5" Min. Ea. 8-1D' -- BB, Multi -stem, Purple Flwrs, Spec NO Nuttall Oak Quercus nuttaliii 22 2.5-3" 12-14' - BB, Specimen RSM 'Red Sunset' Ma le Acer rubrum 'Red Sunset' 13 2.5-3" 12-14' - BB, Specimen Shrubs AWS 'Anthony Waterer' Spiraea Spiraea x bumalda'Anthony Waterer 22 -- 15-18" 15-18" Container, Pink Flowers DBB Dwarf Burning Bush Euonymus alatus 'Rudy Haag' 42 -- 18-24" 18-24" Container DBH Dwarf Burford Holly Ilex comuta 'Burfordi Nana' 195 - 18-24" 18-24" Container FG Fountain Grass Pennisetum spp. 87 --- 15-18" 12-15" Container IH 'Eleanor Tabor Indian Hawthorne Raphiolepis umbellata 'Eleanor Tabor' 49 -- 18-24" 18-24" Container, Pink Flowers MIS Maiden Grass Miscanthus sinensis 'Gracillimus' 18 --- 18-24" 18-24" Container, Coral Plumes OLL 'Otto Luyken' Laurel Prunus laurocerasus 'Otto Luuken' 55 ---- 24"Min_ 18-24" Container SIB 'Shamrock' Inkberry Ilex glabra'Shamrock' 98 -- 18" Min 18-24" Container VIB Arrowwood (OR Possurnhaw) Viburnum Viburnum dentaturn (OR nundum) 32 -- 24" Min -- Container WI3 'Southern Gentlemen' Winterberry flex \erticillata 'Southern Gentlemen' 90 - 18'-24" 18-24" Container, Plant w/ 'Berry Nice' WM Wax Myrtle Myrica cerifera 36 --- 4-5' 2-2.5' BU Groundcovers i Perennials HEU 'Palace Purple' Heuchera Heuchera micrantha 'Palace Purple' 19 -- 10-12" Full Container, purple foliage, white flwrs VL Varie ated Liho e Lirio muscan 'Vari ata' 195 -- Full Full Container, 3-bibs �PNZ t 8 PRM RO G BOYCE DR €�SHL�� s �N 5()&- y CDDPER CREEK DR �, v, ' �i k, I= A7 O to �� Q ter" V2 0�\S� R ORQ �00��2 SF'N� VICINITY MAP N.T.S. - �� _ LAWN /i � ---- __-.__-----------,. o erect 1 RSA /Y ---.. Z I f . I i P ERg25' OlIC. Al/J // / iI I \\ i ` - LANDSCAPE WORK SPECIFICATIONS: EC I I I I I F CATIONS: �\ f 1 i I II f( t II 1 I �� l� \ '� t I i 1 A . 1 � : t y - .e. Lime: Ground limestone containing not less than 85% total carbonates to such fineness that 50% will pass t 1 € � J 1 PART I t PA 1-GENERAL / Q� � I i �i. �•-� ` � 1 i i 1 ; ! ; t � ti �,�� i through a 100-mesh slave and 90% volt pass through a 20-mesh sieve. Use as necessary f� specific plants. / 1 \ j Tt 1 I I \ 1 DESCRIPTION OF WORK: / I FUTURE EXPANSION I � 4 i l % ; 1 I 4 \ \, ` 0 1� y i ti j1 r t'_it �` � f Commercial Fertilizer. Organic fertilizer Stay Green Nursery Special 12-M or approved equal; delivered 16 3875 SF I , 1 I ii + 1 t ! 30' S . SEWER EASEMENT i• Extent of landscape work includes furnishing all materials, equipment and labor necessary for preparation of dry/free-flowing. in o inal unopened containers, each bearing manufacturers guaranteed an / \ 't x ,4• j ry 9 n9 9 9 analysis, shall conform � 1 I I I ', \ \ �k r\ > � \\ le, i " final subgrades in planting areas; distribution) application of topsoil; soil treatment; planting of trees and shrubs: to applicable State Fertilizer Laws. Any fertilizer which becomes caked/damaged, making it unsuitable for use, will ---- ��I� 'C{P �/ I I \ .I I q �\ \\ \ \ i ��1 �� \ . / protection) maintenancelguaranteelreplacement of plants; related items required to complete work indicated on not be accepted. 3 ERB 15' O.C. AIIII/ , �\ I 1 LAWN LAWN (, j r \ \\ \\ \� \\ \�`g9 tip`, 30 , 1i " W �/ / S drawings and specifications. (See Landscape Plan.) 3 ERB 15' O.C. / t QL I \ (� \ i .% i per pe apply pre-ornergence Herbicides as r manufacturer's I LAWN \ \ 1 \ Pre mergence Herbicide: Landscape Contractvrty a 3 ERB 15' O. / / I 1 \ -\ \ LAWN ~ " 1 \` t i� ' / specifications in all plant beds prior to final mulch application. O / S !t - ',x. 11 \ � , ` \ .e y GUARANTEE: r. � � , 1 ems\ i \ ,', M 1 CAM \ 'r .a \ i �. -, . , i 1 � / I Guarantee treeslshrubsflawnl rasa for period of one year after date of acceptance, Solt Mix: All plant beds shall be composed of the following: �_ l \ 1 -� .X. UTILITY EASEMENT i �' 9 Pe Yagainst P Po 11 DBH T O.C. \ i ~, \ death and unsatisfactory growth, except for defects resulting from neglect Owner, abuseldam e b others, or 1 part Existing Sal / / „ f \ 1 1 \ �_ \1 i i �' / i / ry g in 9 9 by ag Y 10 Ill 3' O.C. 3 MCM 12' O.C, 1 ' i ' \ 1 `vi \ i d l • unusual phenamenalincidents which are beyond landscape installer's control. 1 part Topsoil 2 Ems' O.C. } r ` a \ ` , ` ?! 1 part Pine Bark Solt Conditioner f I' _ DIALYSIS CENTER 1 MIS \ 2 Ill 3' O.C. 1 \ T !% i �.• I Rertmvelreplace trees, shrubs, grass or other plants found to be dead or in unhealthy condition during i \ % 1 y .'� i j `t / r warranty period. Make replacements during growth season following end of warranty period. Replace Yr� % 3 DBH 3' O.C_ 1 1 \ 1 /1 lrees/shrubs which are in doubtful condition at end of wanes period, opinion s Soil CondHloner. Soil Conditioner shalt be small pine bark particles of 318" or less, provided in prepackaged bags �.,: i d o warranty p rmd, unless, in o n o of Landscape Architect, ft 1 ! 931 5 SF \9 DBH 3' O.0 1 1 i p or approved bulk delivery. p 77 VL 1' O.C.%\ ` -, I is advisable to extend warranty period for a full -growing season. / +.. _.. ;L _ _...: `� _ _ FFE: C708.00 - % t1 tl ,'-` ,�� 'i I - , f' / '' Another inspection will be conducted at end of extended warranty period, it any, to determine Mulch: Contractor shall supply/place clean pine straw mulch 3" depth moistened at time of application to prevent /((// ! `8IH 3 O.G. \ 1 \ I � , PP / I / \ ,C i v iv) acceptancelrejeGbon. Only one replacement will be required at end of guarantee period, except for wind displacement; bad mulched instead of pit mulched. All cones to be removed. iii 1 f ( �� FFE: 808.00 - -r% 11 1 K L._ \/-1 11 losseslrepiacements due to failure to comply with specified requirements. rf Ili i ! I ! f - l .I 0 1 11 `, - �` 1 ` tr / �yL. Y irrigation and free from ingredients harmful to plant life. I ` - t Water: Furnished b Owner, suitable for \� �� ii I ! j i L. ;, \ _ C ' 5 A S 2.5' O.C. L��� t1 1t ,�� `1� `.r� 'f / INDUSTRY STANDARDS: Materials for Staking Trees: Contractor shall place stakes of sound new hardwood, treated softwood or I , , - .._ T'',:,. _ I 1 M14 i �' 1 21E 15- O.G. � , e ' V • /,, e / So n execution redwood, free of knot holesidefects. Provide wire tieslguys of 2 strand twisted, pliable, #2-12 age, galvanized J I I 1 o- me products and execu an are specified in this Section by deference to published specifications or g JJ 1 j 0 1 t. 7, / It 0y standards of the followingwith respective abbreviations used Reference is to the latest edition of the standard iron wire, zinc -coated turnbuckles. Provide not less than 112"hose, cut to required lengths to protect tree trunks � _ -_ I, l r / 3 MIS 4' O.C. 1 ME$ \ t176.11' qJ referenced. ( ) from damage. 1 I , .T 11 DBH 3' O_C. " ,�, a 5 A S 2.5' O.0 (o) a- 'L � ! \ I I 1 I r.___.' 19 HEU 1.5' O.C. - -_ I `ty' 8 r_; - I Q� ,�h The American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM ) i € } 1 3 AWS 2.5' O.C. ___ , . . ; _.. l IULGH PART S - EXECUTION I '':I ry J / ` i i i f Association of Official Agricultural Chemists (AOAC) I # Fi i I 3 AWS 25 O.C. I I �s�. i 7 / American Association of Nurserymen (AAN) PLANTING \ I r 1 3 AWS 2.5 O.G. ' � I t l �:' ; U.S. Department o(Agriculture (USDA) _f9- 74 1' O.C. i �\ �/ 1 I r .4 II i � I 3 CAM 4 O.C. s BH 3' O.C. Q _- I I I, r i 8OLL3.5' ` \ ; \ \ : \ , j' ++ 3 MCM 12' O.C. IH 3' O.C. l . , - \\ / % f �9 O Layout: Location for plants/outlines of areas to be planted are indicated on plan. Where construction and utilities \ ` f i 3 DBH 3' O.G. I� � , r r Ci below ground or overhead are encountered or where changes have been made in construction, necessary r �2 AC 16' Q.C. j 2 A 16 C. 5 DOB 4' O.G. �D` f� J I i SUBMITTALS: " 1 j- S ! 1 11 I `,t r , r j 3 AWS 2.5' O.C. 3 DBH 3' O.C. i 1 D O.C. , CH 7 f adjustments to be approved by Landscape Architect- 11 ' � • . I I I �.. 19 Ill 3' O.C. 2 IH T O.C. - 3 MI 4' O.C. . 4- ,� ,. �, X. MH i / /- Substitutions shall not be considered unless it can be reasonably demonstrated that material specifad is or ,f shad be unavailable within 500 mites of the site of the work at the time of installation. Landscape Architect shall i I i s 3 MIS 4' O.C. % 3 MIS 4' O.C. LL 3.5' f.C. Soli Preparation; Soil shalt be as fed; be in relative! d - authorize state and mixed thoroughly b hand or rota �,' t 3 MCM 12' O.C. TOP - 794. a nze the nearest equivalent obtainable sizelvariety of plant having some essential characteristics with Pa P� Y dry 9 h Y rotary UJ ' -1 , r f-I " ' , T = 6 equitable adjustment of contract price. Unit price of substituted item shall not exceed bid item being replaced. All mixer. Commercial fertilizer at rate of 2#/c.y. shall be added. All planting beds shall be coated with approved _-�- / = '� submittal requests are to be made in writin pre -emergence weed killer according to manufacturer's specifications. All shrub planting areas to be bedprepared � LAWN LAWN � L�1WRU 7 g. p 9 \ � ..4 -'• `'' LAWN i � and not just pit preparediplanted unless approved by Landscape Architect. Soil shall be prepared minimum of one Z ,� , .. -- �- Certificates: All material whose transportation requires inspection and/or certification by any governmental �. f r _��_ week prior to planting day, a proper settling. -- P P Y P . ,. g Pe 9 -._s - 9 RSM 0' O�. en i'w..._..._ .�i._ __. '. � 5 a shalt be accam anted copies of certification or inspection II t •r - ,J` , / 9 c1+ P by P n which she be loan o a selected "-, Yv - t Pe g ___.� _ • -. + _ _ --._ i -----_ : .._.•--. _ ._ _._... � _ - `�`_ "" . `' . � _ -� - - .. _ -.... .. - -._ _ ," -�,,-� -�•-�- .. � representative at the site at the time of delivery. scope Co responsible for all shaping and fine grading of termed areas. General Contractor to �... _. _ _ Land Contractor _ .,Llilr �- ' ___..._ y Soil PH Testing: Landscape con I provide topsoil. See Landscape Plans for locations. .: ` „.: r a tractor to submit a soil sample to test the current PH Level beds are Y ,-. .. - - i-- -^, i : ____... y i - r /' defined and prior to any planting. TheP Landscape Contractor responsible for all fine radio of areas to receive seedin . �"t ._) Cam. �, 1 ear ._�.: , eve must (.8�i.) and approved by a Landscape p LAWN P Y . �� ; _ . p.4 , ;,1. to an Pant installation. P 9 PH Level 9 ` - • , �, - Y P For rt/trench backfill, mix plantin soil prior to backfiili and stockpile at site. t:-i ,, I n9 P .. // P planting P be 5 2 a a To the sca teci prior 3 ERB 15' O.C. ' - J- ,y.' f' , .. LAWN MULCH For planting beds. mot planting soil thoroughly prior to planting or apply on surface of topsoil. rl'- cv 3 ERB 15 O,C. 25 DBH 3' O.C. 12 DBH 3' O.C.f QUALITY ASSURANCE: For plant beds against building foundations, soil mix shall be mixed thoroughly prior to placement. Prevent O 3 RBA O. LA N� ! �' - i 1 ERB LAWN 2 ERB 15' O.C. 3 ERB 15' O.C. W 3 1 ' O. L i - ' /' / \\ lime from contacting roots of acid -loving plants. Prepare soil mix as specified to minimum depth of 6' below CD cy WB 4' O.C. 3 ERB 15' O.C. , / \ largest shrub root ball. 28 SIB 3' O.C. \\ General: Ship landscape materials covered and with certificates of inspection required by governing aul ies. LAWN _ / \ Comply with regulations applicable to landscape materials. Ali plant material must be 'nursery grown'. Ail plant I LA \ meter al collected from naturalized areas will be reacted. SalUBudapped Plants: After final setting loosen wrappings of balled/burlapped plants and roll wrappings back . 1 f� \\ _ _ � _ from top of ball leaving ball unbroken. Cut off excessive amounts of burlap, remove sufficient quantity to eliminate ,__ _ a, ; h'\ \ - . . __ _ - creation of voids upon decomposition. - - Soil Ph: Landscape Contractor to submit a soil sample, once beds are amended and nor to planting. the Ph __. ._ _. d ----- MW must be correct and checked b Landscape Architect r to an planting, P P 9 \ �$ - 40' O.C. / /I I- Y P P Y P 9 Container Graven Plants: These may be tied in lieu of balledlburia d !ants 'rf all other s - : �„ - / / P = 791.01 Y applied PPe PPacified Q ILL 3.5` O.C. ! 1 _ _.__. _ - - � o - � ,' / ! requirements are met plants to have grown in container for minimum of six months and maximum of two years ''� / _.._ -__.-. _ \, l 4' O.C. /' / = 782.00 Topsoil: Provide topsoil of a type that is in compliance with Part 2 - Products of this section. and when delivered, have sutft lent root growth to hold earth intact when removed from container; plants must not - - ; / ! / / OUT = 781.36 be root bound. Remove container in way to prevent damage to plantlroot system. _ _ _ _ .. � � .-. -..-.. _ - � - � r , 4:' � i 5 DBB � � / / ,f / C P B NDCAPE E j 1b � t 13 OLL 3.5' / j iI/ Plant List, List of plants as shown on drawings (Sheets L-1 - L-2). lO - 6. ' ' �' ./.N" 3 ERB 15' O . '- , / / !/ /�/f Tree Pit Shea: Minimum diameter/depth of planting pits for balled/burlopped, bare roots and container grown "� ' I plants shall be 24" greater than diameter of ballli read of roots and trees sit di 1 �`� _ -"' 7�� i ! Quantities: Quantities necessary to complete plantings as shown/located on drawings shall be furnished. 9 sp rattly on pit bottom to prevent _ r 1 - S / t / !/ ./ / Quantities shown in list are for convenience of contractors and believed to be substantially correct, but accuracy of settlement. 1 LD &BACK-y � - � , _ '- �-�_ , _ _ -' - ! f j J � :F � �� / / % quantities in list is not guaranteed. •f�•-Mmosommoommmm, 55' 18 NO 50' O.C. / / _ /!' 4\ j / / 2� �; / / ShruttslGroundcower All plant beds for shrubslgroundvovers to be prepared for a total depth of 9" and should o i. - - ` _ - _ -. / / +y/ ! consist of 1 part existing soil, 1 part topsoil and 1 part sod conditioner (see sal mix). Tit] existing sati to a minimum �"` � / ik / Trees and Shrubs: Provide trees and shrubs grown in a recognized nursery in accordance with good hxticukural % --- - aS 1 22 f _-1&'3iR 3` O.C. __ 1 _ / / depth of 3"; add 3" of topsoil and till thoroughly; add 3' of pine bark sal conditioner and till with other amendments - � - - j r practice. Provide healthy, vigorous stock free of disease, insects, eggs, larvae, and defects such as knots, __ 19 W � �C' - / __ '% sun -scald, injuries, abrasions, or disfigurement All shade trees to be 'A' grade trees (see detail below). to a total depth of 9". Entire bed to be covered with 3" of dean pine straw no cones E 15' O.C. f 5' O.C. i Pth Pi ( ] .. _--- - - _� 2 ERB 1 C. LAWN , � / II1 \ 12 51B 3' O.G`^tom' f" 3 FG 3't�.C. � / col cg° �, / / _ . r I { - - - -- - -� _~" G 3'O.C. L, .__ - 11 FG ��:E- J ,1 C]% � / ,� / ,♦ r / / " --�__ �--._.__ ' ' ,/ - / A / Sizes: Provide trees and shrubs of sass shown or specified in Plant List, which are minimum acceptabie sizes 'n - Seeding: All unpaved disturbed areas or lawn to be reestablished excluding areas to be sodded, ' � �✓ / outside planting bed to be seeded with an even of Rebel 11, Falcon and J g and shall be measured before pruning with branches in normal position. Any necessary pruning shall be done at P g Jaguar fine fescues, or approved LANDSCAPE SPECIAL CONDITIONS • time of planting. Trees and shrubs of larger size may be used •If acceptable to Landscape Architect, and Ir sizes of equal, at a rate of 5-6 Ibs.i1,000 s.t so as to produce a thick, firm stand of grass. Fertilize at a rate of 10 roots or balls are increased proportionately. lbs.11,000 s.f, with 10-10-10 slow -release fertilizer (use straw or other material to cover seed until stable.) Apply SOIL MIX SEE SPECS.: �CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCE: lime according to soil test, or apply 4,000 lbs.lacre slow -release palletized agricultural limestone. .� PI.1,111 "11IIIPI"I�I •••I�I•I�f�••� 1. Landscape contractor is responsible for coordinating a "site acceptance inspection" with the , owner, General Contractor and Architect prior to start of Construction. Tagging Trees: Landscape Architect reserves the right to tag specimen trees (See General Notes) at piece of 3" MULCH - Seeding dates: Aug. 20 through Oct. 25 and Feb. 1 through May. One part existing soil 1. Follow landscape construction sequence. 2. Landscape contractor to submit a soil sample, once beds are amended and prior to planting. 9�h for compliance with requirements for size and quality assurance. Landscape Contractor to use the PLANT BED One part topsoil 2. Contact General Contractor prior to submitting bid to verify any phasing of planting areas. The ph must be correct and checked by Landscape Architect prior to any planting. following nurseries for the supply of trees: ADJACENT LAWN One part pine bark soil conditioner 3. Landscap✓ contractor is responsible for providing topsoil in traffic islands so there is a crown of Setting Trees: All trees to be planted according to Planting Details shown on Landscape Plans. Unless OR PAVEMENT 3. Fine grade all grass and planting areas disturbed during construction. Remove from site all temporary seeding/stabilization, stones, gravel and all extraneous debris including roots and 10 12" at he center of each island Shady Grove (803 534-5683) Select Trees (7t)Fr769-9879) ehelof otherwise specified, all trees s be planted in pits, centered, set on unexca; plan soil to depths that finished grade Planting bed depth to be a minimum of 9" 4. All cano !trees 2" caliper or neater shall be staked and guyed. Landscape contractor is level of plant after settlement shall be same as the! whk h plant Wes grown; plant upright and faced to give best SHOVEL CUT PLANTING BED g Pt limbs prior to sodding/seeding. When fine radio insure that positive drainage is occurring. P g g -Bold Springs (770-267-9196) -Lone Oak (706-637-6240) appearance/ relationship to adjacent structures; plant above grade 314" for eve foot of ball diameter. Place tree Pgrading Po a9 9 P f P 9 every EDGE 3' DFFP $O THAT LAWN responsibe to remove all stakes and guys at the end of the one year warranty period. root balls at a level where the trunk flare will be 2" above surrounding 4. Till and amend all plant beds as required in specifications. Apply pre emergence herbicides per Green Thumb (910�28 4587) Gilmore Plant 8 Bulb Co. (336 685445i) g finished grade. No burlap to be pulled out OR PAVEMENT WILL RETAIN 5. All crape nyrdes, kousa dogwoods and tree form burford hollies to have muiti pie trunks (min 3 from under balls; remove platforms, wire and surplus binding from topisides of balls; cut brokenlfrayed roots; MULCH p manufacturer's specifications in all plant beds prior to any planting. Cover entire bed with a 3" Worthington Farms (252-75tr3827} Af V"1�' I 0 N : min. Clean mulch immediate) after planting. Site mulch to be clean pine straw mulch except each) anc be limbed up a min. of 3.W All maples and oaks -height of first branches to be 5-6' placedcompect prepared soil to avoid injury to roots and fill all voids. Saturate the planting hole with water after �_' ; Y P g' P P above grwnd. All hombeams--height of first branches to be 4-T above ground. backfill is %complete and allow to soak away; fill hole to finished grade, allowing 4" of mulch; form shallow saucer =_: SOIL PREP for plant beds at the public doors -use mini -pine bark nuggets. Ins I I , _ -? SPECIFIED SOIL MIXTURE 6. Soil mix for all perennial areas to be 6" thick "metro -mix" from Southern Agricultural Insecticide, compliance Landscape Architect reserves the right to inspect trees and shrubs either at place of growthor at site, around each plant. I 5. Bring to the attention of the Landscape Architect any debris or poor soils remaining in parking lot for compliance with requirements for name, variety, sae and quality. ' I - I I' I - P islands after general construction and prior to planting. j j 1. Prepare all shrub beds to a total de th of 9." Boone, NG (1-800-477-8843). I -1' -' '-- 2. Till existing subsurface soil to a minimum 3" depth. 6_ Verifyall underground utilities prior to installation of an plant materials. Utilities shown on Ian T All perennial areas (stella d'oro daylilies) to be mulched with mini -pine bark nuggets. Plant beds Pruning New Plant Material: Remove deadlbroken branches from all plant material. Prune all trees/ shrubs to a I i -- I -_ 3. Add 3" of topsoil and till with existing soil. 9 P Y P at public Coors to be mulched with mini -pine bark nuggets. DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING: branch node and remove only as much foliage as necessary for neat appearance while retaining natural growth III I-_ are for reference only and may not be all inclusive. See General Contractor far as -built habit of plant variety. Prune away crossing limbs or water sprouts/ shoots from trees always leaving branch colter i I I I �- I ` ! 4. Add 3" of pine bark soil conditioner and fill thoroughly with other amendments. intact (no additional stub length). Under cut larger limbs to prevent tearing of the bark. Girdling roots of trees -- I - -; I ice_ i __ , .:_._ I � --'I ; I ' I ' � � I I ��� EXISTING SUBGRADE P g y drawings for all underground utilities. 7. Provide 3' diameter mulch rings for all trees in grass areas. Packaged Materials: Deliver packaged materials in containers showing weight, analysis and name of should be cut at this time to prevent future problems. Make all cuts with sharp pruning equipment, Topping of S. Insure that all tree mulch rings are a minimum of 2.0' from the edges of shrub beds and curbs. manufacturer. Protect materials from deterioration during delivery, and while stored at site. trees and wound painting are NOT permitted. Remove trimmings from the site. MULCH EDGE LAWN O R PAVEMENT 9. Neatly edge all plant bed/grass borders with a straight "V%cut edge. fAr 'Bf 10. insure all trees of same variety match in shape and size where they are to be installed in groups, Trees, Shrubs 8 Transplanted Trees. Provide freshly dug trees and shrubs. Do not prone prior to delivery. Do Guying Trees: All canopy trees 2' caliper or greater shall be staked and guyed. Landscape Contractor is NO SCALE 11 rows or as street trees. p not bend or bind -tie trees or shrubs in such manner as to damage bark, break branches or destroy naturEi shape. responsible to remove all stakes and guys at the end of the one year warranty period, See Planling/Staking 11. Obtain authorization prior to any changes of plant location due to utilities or other factors. GENERAL LANDSCAPE NOTES. Provide protective covering during delivery. All trees, shrubs i3 groundcovers much be delivered in a corrlolately Details. 12. Protect all existing structures (ie. Curb and gutter, pavement, etc.) During installation of large Carped and covered vehicle or the entire load will be refused. Immediately after unloading, trees to be set apright trees and other plants. never placed lying down. Always lift and move trees by strapping on roof ball or by using chain cradle on the root p Mulching: Trees/shrubs shall be mulched immediately after planting with 3" depth of pine straw. Prevent wind 1. General contractor to use pre-quallfed Landscape Contractors with Landscape Architect prior to bail for larger root balls. 13. Prior to seeding, verify that all trenching and other land disturbing activities within areas to be displacement of mulch by thoroughly wetting doom. Mulch the area over tree rootballs to a depth no deeper than REMOVE CONTAINER OR WRAPPING, EXCEPT SET TOP OF BALL 1-2' ABOVE seeded have been completed. bidding. Bids using Landscape Contractors not pre -approved will not be considered. 1.5-2". Keep all mulch away from the trunk flare. If plant has existing mulch, remove old mulch before applying BURLAP, COMPLETELY FROM SHRUB, REMOVE FINISHED GRADE. new mulch. BURLAP FROM TOP. Landscape -contractor to: JOB CONDITIONS: PERMANENT SEEDING: 1. Follow landscape construction sequence. Excess SHRUBS IN BEDS SHALL HAVE ENTIRE BED 34" MULCH 2, Contact General Contractor prior to submitting bid to verify any phasing of planting areas. Irrigation System: Irrigation system to be provided by Landscape Contractor. He shall be responsible for all Excavated Soil: PREPARED, RATHER THAN INDIVIDUAL All unpaved disturbed areas (or lawn to be reestablished) outside planting bed to be seeded 3. Fine grace all grass and planting areas disturbed during oonstruction. Remove from site all coordination required to install the irrigation system. Contractor to visit the site and coordinate all sleevin; with To be disposed of by Contractor at no additional expense to Owner, PLANTHOLES, • yx i �z with an even mixture of Rebel I I, Falcon and Jaguar fine fascias, or approved equal, at a rate of 5,15 temporary seeding/stabilization, stones, gravel and all extraneous debris including roots and General Contractor during grading phase. Illllllll Illllllllll p;g IbsJ1,000 s.f. so as to produce a thick, firm stand of grass. Fertilize at a rate of 10 IbsJ1,000 s.f. limbs prior to sodding/seeding. When fine grading insure that positive drainage is occurring. Proceed with and complete landscape work as rapidly as portions of the site become available, worbvg within MAINTENANCE: with 10-10-10 slow -release fertilizer (use straw and asphalt emulsion to cover seed until stable.) 4. Till and amend all plant beds as required in specifications. Apply pre-ernergenoe herbicides per seasonal limitations for each kind of landscape work required. See "Landsrape Construction Sequence". Apply lime according to soil test, or apply 4,000 lbs./acre slow -release pelletized agricultural manufacLrer's specifications in all plant beds prior to any planting. Cover entire bed with a 3" Begin immediately after granting. Heinlein twe ding s roger plants healthy final acceptance. Maintain 'A' GRADE TREE WITH 'B' GRADE TREE WITH treeslshrubslother plants by pruning, cultivating, weeding as required for healthy growth. Restore planting SOIL SACKFILL MIXTURE limestone. min. Clean mulch immediately after planting. Site mulch to be dean pine straw mulch except Utilities: Determine location of underground utlites and perform work in a manner which will avoid pass* saucers; tightenlrepair stake and guy supports and reset trees/shrubs to proper grades/vertical position as SEE SPECIFICATIONS 4" MIN. STRAIGHT, MAIN LEADER THUR MORE S, S, A'Y' FORK Seedingdates: Aug.0 through Oct. 25 and Feb. 1 through May. for plant Beds at the public doors --use mini -pine bark nuggets, damage. Hand excavate, as required. Maintain grade stakes set by others until removai is mutually agrdd upon 9� 9 9 Y P P gg required. Resfor'e/repiacectamaged wrappings. Spray as required to keep trees/shrubs free of insectsldisease. 5. Bring to the attention of the Landscape Architect any debris or poor soils remaining in parking lot by parties concerned. is"MIN. ACCEPTABLE UNACCEPTABLE islands after general construction and prior to planting. 6. Verify all underground utilities prior to installation of any plant materials. Utilities shown on plan Coordination with Other Work: Plant new trees and shrubs after final grades are established and pricrb CLEANUP AND PROTECTION; SHRUB PLANTING DETAIL 'A' AND ' B' GRADE TREES are for reference only and may not be all inclusive. See General Contractor for as -built planting of lawns, unless otherwise acceptable to Landscape Architect. If planting of trees and shrubs occurs after During landscape work keep pavements clean, work area in orderly condition; protect work/materials from SEEDBED PREPARATION: drawings for all underground utilities, lawn work, protect lawn areas and promptly repair damage to lawns resulting from planting operations. damage due to landscape operations, operations by other contractomAradesttrespassers. Maintain protection NO SCALE during installation/maintenance periods. Treallrepair/replace damaged landscape work as directed. NO SCALE 7. Provide 3' diameter mulch rings for all trees in grass areas. 1. Remove any undesirable ground covers including any temporary seeding. 8. Insure that all tree mulch rings are a minimum of 2.0' from the edges of shrub beds and curbs. 9. Neatly edge all plant bed/grass borders with a straight'v'-cut edge. INSPECTION: 2. Rip the area to be seeded to a min. Depth of 4"-6." 10. Insure all trees of same variety match in shape and size where they are to be installed in groups, PART 2 - PRODUCTS 3. Remove all loose rocks, roots, etc. Leaving surface smooth and uniform. See "Landscape Construction Sequence' on Landscape Plans. When landscape work is complete, including PRUNE DEAD AND DAMAGED LIMBS AS NECESSARY rows or as street trees. maintenance, Landscape Architect will, U 4. Apply seed, agricultural lime, and fertilizer uniformly and mix with the soil. Ps pArpr98 cry; LancWWp0j pl f ndnspee work PRUNE DEAD AND r3AMAGED LIMBS AS NECESSARY 5. Mulch immediate after seedingand anchor mulch. 11. Obtain a;dhorization prior to any changes of plant location due to utilities or other factors. Topsoil: Additional toprsoii to be famished at no cast to Owner. Topsoil to be natural, fertile, friable soil maybe ins for acceptance in Ns Ins 12. Protect all existingstructures le. Curb and utter, pavement, etc. During installation of large possessing characteristics of representative productive soils in vicinity; obtained from naturally well�reirtd areas; P� PB �199lettol anrlaCOgpill t"lL fir inspection ( 9 P } 9 r9 is complete, including maintenance. WhereQt&pBWo .wgftc11"I�emenis, replace not excessively acid! alkaline nor contain toxic substances harmful to plant growth; without admixture o!-,Itosoil ��' trees anj ather plants. rejected work, continue specified maintenOahmLm"CWRspat4Ob)gj�1ow@RW,4� to be and creased and reasonably free from dayllumpslstonel stumps/roots or similar substances 2" or more h 13. Prior to seeding, verfy that all trenching and other land disturbing activities within areas to be acceptable. Remove rejected plants/ma c:en;f rorformit diameterldebrislobjects which might hinder planting operations. Landscape Architect requests topsoil tr Pope ! - y with the 3 PIECES REINFORCED RUBBER HOSE. �^ 3 NO. 12 GAUGE GALVANrZED WIRE seeded have been completed. plans and specs; and certl?'i r O pli• 4' MULCH. DO NOT LEAVE SOIL ON BURLAP, POSITIONED AT 120 DEGREES AROUND 2 PIECES REINFORCED RUBBER HOSE Sand &Gravel of Winston-Salem, PH# (910) 765-3130. 5tormwater rules r "" i once` j )h ttLca THE TREE. '-'i NO. 12 GAUGE GALVANIZED WIRE. � � JA N(;/�(; 2H .1 fiU3 r � 1 Permit # _SW I p I.__ _ C?2tx 9 1 69 ALL SYNTHETIC STRAPS, BANDS AND TWINE SHALL BE 4' MULCH. Ex) NOT LEAVE SOIL ON BURLAP. 2 X 2 X B' TREATED STAKE. b I REMOVED FROM 1!4 TO 1130E THE TOP OF THE ROOT ALL SYNTHETIC STRAWS BANDS AND TWINE SHALL BE Y _,.. C Division Of \M.a�t/@ Qu l• BALL AND ALL ROPES OR WIRES SHALL BE REMOVED 3 - 2' X 2' x T TREATED STAKE. REMOVED FROM 1A TO •n OF THE TOP OF THE ROOT }TOLE OWNETER FOR BALL UP TO Z Sheet #.�__.,,,le_ t `D _ _ Re V I Ginn Date' q �I C) FROM THE PLANTS TRUNK OR CROWN. BALL AND ALL ROPES OR WIRES SHALL BE REMOVED\1 SHALL BE TWICE BALL DIAMETER. HOLE �- �- SCARIFY ALL EDGES OF TREE PIT SOIL HAUTILL MIXTURE, SEE SPECIFICATIONS BALLS GREATER THAN T OLAMETER SHALL SIT I HOLE DIAMETER FOR BAIL SHALL BE ON MOUND OF UNDISTURBED SOIL TO TWCE BAIL DIAMETER - PREVENT SETTLING. WIT, ' M_ TREE PLANTING DETAIL FOR SMALL TREES WITH A LOW BRANCHING HABIT NO SCALE FROM THE PLANT's TRUW OR CROWN. SOIL BACKFILL MIXTURE SEE SPECIFICATIONS. BALLS GREATER THAN 2' DUIMETER SHALL SIT ON MOUND OF UNDWURBED SOIL TO PREVENT SETTLING. tl Ll t--4" MIN. TREE PLANTING DETAIL FOR TREES 1" THRU 3 1/2" CAL. NO SCALE FOR BALL 2' AND GREATER SHALL BE 2' LARGER THAN BALL DIAMETER. SCARIFY EDGES OF TREE PIT 30' REF. NORTH NAD 1927 0 30, 60' 90, SCALE: 1" = 30' Stimmell . 01 4t;:ip Stimmel Associates, PA Landscape Architecture Civil Engineering Land Planning 601 N. Trade Street Suite 200 Winston Salem, NC 27101-2916 P:336.723.1067 F:336-723.1069 a z (se) =' Z Q Ld U J W O > z �e �Z- U ::) O U 2 w a 0 CLIENT: DAVIE KIDNEY CENTER OF WFU P.O. BOX 7710 TIFTON, GA. 31793 CONTAGT: SHELCO, INC. (336) 760-5005 OWNER REVIEW ■ BID DOCUMENTS ❑ CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS 11 FIELD DOCUMENTS RECORD DOCUMENTS DRAWN: KB, CR DATE: 7106109 REVISIONS: I EC COMMENTS 7116/09 2 STREAM COMMENTS 7117/09 NCDOT COMMENTS 8/24/09 if SWM-DWQ COMMENTS 8/31109 5 DAVIE CO. COMMENTS JOB. NO: 09-062 SHEET TITLE: LANDSCAPE PLAN SCALE: 1 R=30' SHEET NO.: L-1 .o © STIMMEL ASSOCIATES, P.A - - . - . - _ - r Y `' � f I T S 5 _ : i r T T- r - .i T - T -7 771 --, ',t �I ' P l - v ' i l D. 'r'� P i' r t , -'Iltf r 1 1 I�', j, 1 F,` ' 4f t { t 1` r I r i I' , ! i 11 �` , , 15„ Jt!r /i lift.: , f . 1. t • . ,',, +'1. 7q f, t ' II'� dJ}:`11: :i s: 1, I.l i