HomeMy WebLinkAboutSW1100801_HISTORICAL FILE_20101025STORMWATER DIVISION CODING SHEET POST -CONSTRUCTION PERMITS PERMIT NO. SW DOC TYPE El CURRENT PERMIT ❑ APPROVED PLANS HISTORICAL FILE C DOC DATE l:rlwI(%A__ra YYYYMMDD STORMWATER MANAG,,EMEN7r,'f-,L,AN ­.'J, NARRATIVE & SUPPORTING CALCULATIONS FOR UNITED COMMUNITY BANK BIORETENTION AREA ETOWAH HENDERSON COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA -1/isho PREPARED BY: WILLIAM G. LAPSLEY & ASSOCIATES, P.A. CONSULTING ENGINEERS ONE TOWN SQUARE BLVD, SUITE 320 BILTMORE PARK ASHEVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA 28803 JULY 2010 Rev. SEPT. 2010 (Precipitation Frequency Data Server Page 1 of 4 POINT PRECIPITATION FREQUENCY ESTIMATES FROM NOAA ATLAS 14 North Carolina 35.318 N 82.597 W 2112 feel from "1'rccipitatinn-1=rcyocncy Atlas of the United States" NOAA Atlas 14, Volume 2, Version 3 (;.M. Bonnin, D. Martin. 11, Lin, T. Yarzyhok, M.Yel-ta. and 1). Riley NOAA, National Weather Service. Silver Spring. MaryLmd.2111U Lstractc& Thu Jim 24 2010 Confidence Limits Seasonality Related info, Gf5 data Maps E Return to State Map Precipitation Intensity Estimates (in/hr) ARIA` I!} mmmm ����� 15 30 min hll murl l2[I 3 hr6 hr 12 hrM170. Z1bGJL6iJLAd 10 20 30 [LF 0$min clai man-- I s 14.57 3.[i5 3.04 ? 08 1.3O 0.77 0.56 37J 0.23 f}.05 (}.Oi U.U3 (}.!)2 (}.(}1 0.01 0.01 0 5.44 4.14 i.b4 2.51 1.58 (}.93 O.h7 0.44 0.28 0.06 0.04 0.03 0.02 ().(}2 0.01 0.01 0 h.4t) 5.20 4.38 lf} 7. iO 5.83 4.92 57 2.32 1.36 U98 O.C3 U.4O 25 8.35 C.GS S.fi2 4.16 2.77 1.64 1.18 0.76 0.47 51} 9. ] 3 727 6.14 4.62 3.13 1.8fi I .ZS (}.87 0.53 10f1 9.)4 7.�)O 6.65 5.10 3.51 2.09 I.S3 0.99 0.59 20f1 I U.73 8.51 7. l fi 5.57 39l 2. i4 1.7 1,12 {).b6 (},24 O.14 U.UB 0.[}5 U.O4 O.U3 O.U2 0.02 0.02 (}.29 0.17 0.!}g ().(}6 0.05 0.03 O.f)2 (}.f}2 0.[}2 (}.32 O. i) 0.10 0.O7 0.{)5 0.03 O.U3 0.(}2 0,02 U.3fi O.21 O.l ] o.U7 (}.06 O.U4 U.O3 0.{)2 {).02 U.3) 0.23 U.12 0.O8 (}.U(i f}.f}4 O.03 0.02 0.02 50t1 I 0.07 0 04 0.0 i 0.02 f}.O2 littp:Hh(isc.nws.iioaa.gov/cgi-bin/hclsc/bLlildout.perl?type=lclt&units=us&series-pd&Staten... 6/24/2010 t William G. Lapsley & Associates, P.A. JOBC. Consulting Engineers and Land Planners (D1 l92 5 2 Town Square Blvd. Suite 320 sHEETNo. of Biltmore Park -7/ �5 ► o Asheville, North Carolina 28803 CALCULATED BY BATE (828) 687-7177 • FAX (828) 687-7178 G-rJ e.�/ CHECKED BY DATE SCALE 5 j 0 fi h' l - 5 G B 1 2 G A 5 i, l d 2 3 4 S 8 1 4 1 23 4 5 e 8 1 y_ Lf tD 0 �t-L U z 5 1 o c1 o �j { �.��'` `��r i d-�� ✓�C� �-'', 6-cj ( 0. IDS � � �\ U .1Ll F C' 4�}. 1 �� to r �{ l • L, ✓k C 1 O.v-7cS. �� "t-•Y-�(-Fr CC..- V .F �( V.� 'f 0, Q- C 3 Y 1^ A � � 5 h .17coj', �e.6 = 3 139-3 2105 D PRODUCT207 William G. Lapsley & Associates, P.A. JOBS,�3 Consulting Engineers and Land Planners 2 Town Square Blvd. Suite 320 SHEET NO. OF Biltmore Park -7 l 5 l V Asheville, North Carolina 28803 CALCULATED BY DATE Cf (828) 687-7177 * FAX (828) 687-7178 CHECKED BY �'C� Din EJ I 11-3 11 C) SCALE 1 B ? 9 yam. + O� S � ; ce_ � ✓� 5,�1:-�'- a-Q r !'J �1( �-a�+ :5c 1�0. Tc��, 1 Palms - � ev a..tn�,w.2•�,�^ ; 1 _ � � 2tr� L. i :.� k 2 � S : -�-y 5 � �.w� ; .n-�-�' �'a: 6 � rep,-e � k: a ✓� c �1\ , QnIF O V S a 1 6 3 4 2 t 6 S 2 .. d 2 D PRODUCT207 1 William G. Lapsley & Associates, P.A. JOB tom..: Co 0.'V E.r f3o,-.VII Consulting Engineers and Land Planners C� 2 Town Square Blvd, Suite 320 SHEET NO. 3 of Biltmore Park Asheville, North Carolina 28803 CALCULATED BY DATE (828) 687-7177 • FAX (828) 687-7178 CHECKEDBY DATE SCALE 1�C Ve-r M: S2\C.0 �1' SO. TUB ``✓O `� I lMe �� Vo�ur e) 6 s 6 V _rf _ 5 ] A_ : 5 0 -Z� ✓l/L�.c\..: q p &C) { z F.sr 0 -9LI �. ! E �r o ✓� a �' cl. tl 1. v.w• ¢_ co v nti 4� f �r I �p-r✓'sl_ i�ra�—i�uw✓1 M2-12� �•{9 �Uvr� �UK) 0 PRODUCT207 William G. Lapsley & Associates, P.A. JOB Consulting Engineers and land Planners 2 Town Square Blvd. Suite 320 SHEET NO. - __ of 5 Biltmore Park Asheville, North Carolina 28803 CALCULATED BY DATE (828) 687-7177 FAX (828) 687-7178 CHECKED BY G-T-J DATA SCALE 3 1 1 5 5 b 2 D 1 5_ e d ! S b B 5 2 + 5 e 4 1 3 '+ 5 E 3 2 3 1 5 C 1 a 1 2 3 1 t t S a 1 �-C l O— C t. ✓a- — 5 .s 0 - 7(, v4 c ) - - cf s,t � %��..�`..0 �.�,�t,_.✓1 c.1 . e 1 p r . n r {� V-\ j � f Q I Ll�•-$-��-^G-4Z� { �Ilk .. .... ... .. ... .., f C:-V �` �Ir x �j' 17a� U rn a✓, '-� ��� 3' 9— Q= Cw li 1 2 5 Ts 7 I. D PRODUCT207 William G. Lapsley & Associates, P.A. JOB U c_CS Consulting Engineers and Land Planners 2 Town Square Blvd. Suite 320 SHEET No. S of Biltmore Park -7 1 t5 Ito Asheville, North Carolina 28803 CALCULATED BY DATE (828) 687-7177 • FAX (828) 687-7178 CHECKEDBY , DATE SCALE D PRODUCT 207 r K E S S =` 1 oCT. 2 5.2010 E w �TFl3 UALITY SF.Cl-'Cjq ± As E N G I N E E R I NG t G R CI U P u x P r~` WU of Gec � ohnical Explorat10 .��a`I�,b xis: • ' �;h�., . � > L�n�ted,�Gommun�tyBank, rEtcawehy 1\Iorth9lComoline w yr'a J) � S?�i��'� '��:� aA •i.f 1, aT+ 4f1i;:.� t'�1„ :,§*� ��tr �, '� ;., a,: i": yPrepareti for, Mr. Josh Nick ol q Clark & Leath erwooil inc � R iF r f. Hi` S itf Ri 1794ndustrial Park Drive 1! ^Waynesville, North Carolina 28786'r'' Prepared by r.;. Kessel Engineering Group, PLLC ;, $11 r .M Mooresville��North Carolina _ f July 23, 2010 yR 1 h Y to KEG Project Number-JM10-1892-01 'Y I[ July 23, 2010 Mr. Josh Nickol Clark & Leatherwood, Inc. 179 Industrial Part: Dr. Waynesville, North Carolina 28786 Mr. Nickol, Report of Geotechnical Exploration United Community Bank Etowah, North Carolina KEG Project No. JMIO-1892-01 1 j ,,K%E1 S 1� E` L.. - 'ENGINEERING R` 0'U `P, Kessel Engineering Group, PLLC (KEG) is pleased to present this report documenting our geotechnical exploration performed for the United Community Bank project located in Etowah, North Carolina (reference F igure l presented in the Appendix of this report). � E Performance of the exploration was initiated at the request of Mr. Josh Nickol of Clark & Leatherwood in an email to our Mr. Ron Anderson, P.E. and Mr. Brian Rice, E.I. dated July 1, 2010, and in general accordance with the scope of services discussed which are outlined in our proposal dated July 23, 2010 (KEG Proposal No. PM 10-969-01). This report presents the findings and recommendations of the geotechnical exploration performed for the site that will be the location for the new United Community Bank facility located in Etowah, North Carolina. The purpose of this geotechnical exploration is to determine subsurface soil and ground -water conditions at the site and utilize this information in developing geotechnical design and construction recommendations. We appreciate the opportunity to provide our professional services to you on this project. We also provide construction materials testing services and hope that you will consider Kessel Engineering Group for these services as the project nears construction. Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions or if we can be of further assistance. Sincerely, \`fit i 411 ! 1 //" Kessel Engineering Group, PLLC �¢�V%a�i��/ •'r, C. U o �. a SEA!. ter; Ronald L. nderson, P.E. - 3048f Senior Engineer ',, ler* Registered, North Carolina 30461 z;-;, l �) r Brian D. Rice, E.l. Staff Professional KESSEL ENGINEERING GROUP 224 ROLLING HILLS ROAD SUrrE 3A I MOORESVILLE NC 28 t 1 7 I P:17041 799- 1 Of 4 t F.17041 799- 1 0136 WWW.THEKESSELGROUP.COM SOIL TEST BORING NO. B-8 K E S S E L PROJECT: United Community Bank PROJECT NO.: JM10-1892-01 "XI CLIENT: Clark & Leatherwood DATE START; 7-9-10 END: 7-9-10 fie, LOCATION: Etowah, North Carolina ELEVATION: 2108 (feet E N G I N E E R I N G T DRILLER: Carolina Test Borings, Inc. LOGGED BY: B. Rice G` R v u P DRILLING METHOD: Hollow Stem Auger DEPTH TO - WATER> INITIAL: - 14 It AFTER 24 HOURS: T CAVING>M 17 ft ELEVATION/ SOIL Uj STANDARD PENETRATION RESULTS DEPTH (FT) DESCRIPTION TYPE a BLOWSIFOOT CO 2 5 10 20 30 40 50 70 90 Firm, Red, fine sandy SILT with fibrous roots (Fill) 2 2 N=6 3 2105 Orangish brown, fine sandy SILT (Residual) 5 Very Loose, Yellowish Brown, silty fine SAND -moist to wet 2 1 N=2 46 1 2100 1 WOH N-1 10 1 2095 Firm, Strong Brown, silty fine to medium SAND -wet 2 2 N=6 • 15 4 2090 Stiff, Light Brown and Gray, Very Micaceous, fine sandy SILT -moist 4 4 N=9 • 20 6 Soil Test Boring Terminated at 20.0 feet. SOIL TEST BORING NO. B-8 Sheet 'I of 1 KEY TO SOIL CLASSIFICATIONS AND CONSISTENCY DESCRIPTIONS Penetration Resistance' Relative Particle Size Identification Blows per Foot Density Boulder; Greater than 300 mm SANDS Cobble: 75 to 300 mm 0 to 4 Very Loose Gravel: 5 to 10 Loose Coarse - 19 to 75 mm 11 to 20 Firm Fine - 4.75 to 19 mm 21 to 30 Very Firm Sand: 31 to 50 Dense Coarse - 2 to 75 mm over 50 Very Dense Medium - 0.425 to 2 mm Fine - 0.075 to 0.425 mm Silts & Clay: Less than 0.075 mm Penetration Resistance' Consistency Blows per Foot SILTS and CLAYS 0 to 2 Very Soft 3 to 4 Soft 5 to 8 Firm 9 to 15 Stiff 16 to 30 Very Stiff 31 to 50 Hard over 50 Very Hard ' ASTM D 1586 KEY TO DRILLING SYMBOLS ® Grab Sample Q Groundwater Table at Time of Drilling Split Spoon Sample ❑1 Groundwater Table 24 Hours after Completion of Drilling Undisturbed Sample KEY TO SOIL CLASSIFICATIONS • .'• Well -graded Gravel Low Plasticity Clay Clayey Silt GW CL Eff MH ° Poorly -graded IO(A; GP Gravel GLS Sandy Clay /LEEILLE// Sandy Silt MLS Sand SW N�! Silty Sand SM Topsoil TOPSOIL High Plasticity Clay Silt Clayey Sand Concrete CH ML SC ^''4 `'r' AS Laboratory Test Results Permeability Report (Sample B-8) Particle Size Distribution (Sample B-8) PERMEABILITY TEST REPORT TEST DATA: SAMPLE DATA: Specimen Height (cm): 8.61 Sample Tdentificotion: B-�7 UD @ 3.5'-5, Specimen Diameter (cm): 7.21 $ Ory Unit Weight (pcf): 78.6 Visual Description: Orange -Brawn Fine Sandy Moisture Before lest (7.): 41.1 Silt (ML) Moisture After Test (7): 40.5 Remorks: Run Number: 1 • 2 e Cell Pressure (psi): 57.0 Maximum Dry Density (pcf): Test Pressure(psi): 52.0 Optimum Moisture Content (%): Bock Pressure(psi): 50.2 Diff. Head (psi): 1.8 Percent Compaction: Flow Rate (cc/sec):2.4oxto--3 Permeameter type: Flexible Wall Perm. (cm/sec) : 4.5n x to -s Sample type: Shelby Tube 0 0 q 20 1 x 10--5 8 x 10-6 6 x 10--6 4 Y io--6 2 x 10-6 1 a 10^-6 0 5 10 15 20 AVERAGE HYDRAULIC GRADIENT -- dH/L (cm/cm) Project: United Community Bank Project No.: SL-202-05 Location: Etowah, North Carollno File No-: JM10-1892-01 Date: 07-13-2010 Lob No,: M167 Tested by: MH PERMEA91 LITY TEST REPORT Checked by: CPT SUMMIT ENG . & CONST . SERV . , INC. ITest: CH - Constant hood TIME - t (sec) 2500 5000 7500 10000 K LL- Z U1 U x w a- Particle Size Distribution Report VIV\IIV VIL4.-111111. % Gravel % Sand % Fines Coarse ; Fine Coarser Medium 1 Flne Silt Clay 0,0 0.0 1 0.0 1 0.0 1 0,6 1 43,1 56.3 SIEVE SIZE PERCENT FINER SPEC,' PERCENT PASS? (X=NU) 0,375 100.0 44 100.0 #10 100.0 920 100.0 1140 99.4 460 91.5 9140 G8A Q00 56.3 (no specification provided) Location: B$ UD a 3.5'-5' Material pescriRtion Orange -Brown Pine Sandy Silt Atterbera Limits PL= LL= Pl= Coefficients D90= 02331 D85= 0.1885 D60= 0.0835 D50= D30= D15= D10= Cu= Cc= Classification USCS= ML AASHTO= Remarks Date: 07-16-2010 Summit Engineering Client: KesselEngineering Group Project: United Community Bank Etowah (J1.410-1892-01) i Ft. Mill South Carolina Projec Tested By: Mimi Hourani _ BY,A �ffl NCDENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality Beverly Eaves Perdue Governor Mr, G. Thomas Jones III, PE William G. Lapsley & Associates, P.A. One T own Square Blvd, Suite 320 Asheville, North Carolina 28803 Dear Mr. Jones: Coleen H. Sullins { r':`":a.z_, a..,,..,...... ..,cam ,,r.:., . __.pee'.E,reeman Director `� ' "' Secretary S a Subject: Request,for Additional Information F Stormwker.Project. No:;5W1100801. United Community Bank Henderson County August, 2010 i The Division of Water Quality Central Office received a Stormwater Management Permit Application for the subject project on August 9, 2610. A preliminary review of that information has determined that the application is not complete. The following information is needed to continue the stormwater review: 1. The post -development 1 y,, 24-hr peak flow on the bioretention cell supplement appears incorrect. Please revise without routing through the proposed BMP and include the calculations in the project's stormwater calculations• v tion, 2. Please provide the following items that were not included from the Required Item Checklist on the Bioretention Cell Supplement Form: recorded drainage easement and public right of way, boundaries of drainage easement, cell dimensions and indicate the P-Index between 10 and 30. 3. Considering adding notes to C-200 to emphasize that (1) in -situ soils must not be compacted by equipment, and (2) the bottom of the cell should be scarified prior to cell material installation to promote infiltration. The requested information should be received by this Office prior to September 2, 2010, or the application will be returned as incomplete. The return of a project will necessitate resubmittal of all required items, including the application fee. If you need additional time to submit the information, please send your request, including date by which you expect to submit the required information, to my attention. The Division is allowed 90 days from the receipt of a completed application to issue the permit. Please reference the State assigned. -,project number on all correspondence. New original documents must be provided and copies are not acceptable. If you have any questions concerning this matter feel free to contact me at (919) 807-6368 or brian.lowther[?ncdenr.-gov. Sincerely, �= z Brian Lowther Environmental Engineer cc: Asheville Regional Office DWQ Central Files Stormwater Permitting Unit Files Wetlands and Slormwaler Branch One 1617 MO Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 North Carolina Location: 512 N. Salisbury St, Raleigh, North Carolina 27604 �+ifl Phone nm 919-807-63001 FAX: 919-807-64941 Customer Service: 1-877-623-6746 ii LLIly Internet: www.ncwalefquality.org . i ,, -, .. I. " I.- . .-- ".' ,, ;% C I . ,, , .it . I�" P. I" }J, 1, W'��I", I , , (jr ­�. IJfv,, %I � -: ' -, 1, ,!,. ,/1 F, L, . I .' ,O I I- ..,I .'.l., 1 _. , 1 I ­ ­ .� ,, " ., . ". q I, J 1%1jf x ',4e, �4� ;�".rI ,4 I Ili� ,""I� r 1iI1$.ti ,.ij , ,,, I,,:�,',",II ,T,, ,'"-Y," ,I .i,"A I, ,4iI,0 I, ""•a e•.,­,;IIa ... ­ -k ,v _ .- . ,-)I � t 4:A,,-� ,�r-7-ziI I � k .`. V x I 1 V 1k*;,", �F'"I � ,• ,- � , ,i, ", ,[1•.,44I A , � , ,I..YI� , 1-�� 4-SI. U� 6,1. 7 1 i y, ,�,1 6��� �f i I ,1.? -1:1,A �.',L,,1 4, �� , S,,I,,- 1:-4� , 1 r,, N1­} ,�',I ) I %, -AAO sI, P,,:": .,,,.° I 1,,", �WiliaM'-L �leV m1 Ssb.ate5P"A""Fi'l" ,,) ; v1� <., 1Z.," - I 11-r sI ? "�"i '; 1I%,4Ll,4�-%ff 7 . . 1 .,.` , I., , " I " , 1'2-,�, - i,t " " 'A. 'j;I �t,". -I , � �%,-, �tJ ,`_", ,"Cor�blti)�rCi�,il'Engineers'an &s nners; s-I ,�.� %_''Y,"l, ;N 14 4- 1 � "I,,I)�-6n.,,", �, I",-�,��;�,�.,), , � IYj1; ,�"1 - ':t""'','V1., I6 L.t I A�'�li-'I­Ii-�-, _,-Ma6G" Laps1'O, P�E-"1I ,- I. �,illi� ",4­ ,).% , "�i.. irP"�h, _'°` �4.-;� ., i ,,. ,'✓" -,Willia'R:Buie,,PE*,-'-"1} ,1 ig /. -,14FI r","',A I3 w -; i"."1,l ?,, , ;i �...,) Ii'G''Thibnas'Jones III; PrE,� 2,` . 4 I I,.t)1�i, %) , " 1­t-JI , 1I 0PI J"4 t 0"" ",„ , ),� :�� � ,"X'�p-",_!�"t' ." I,'r � �, ,k'� A�, , hi 'T,,J; ij,X' .September 13, 2010 ,y ,": r-,s ,,- I,,, j ,;v ", 4�J, Ij c L s- I;i S I "'$"�,,4. r,, ,,� ,., , (•,",.., ei "k�- �1, , �T".,, � 1, 4��-4 ;4 t­ ��—V , 1 - ' 1t I ".jW ,)� -kJ. Ue'. , ;, ,,r 4 %4,1 ., , �I`1-�-�,; " t, 'k.1,..; , ,1,,"4 e ,�". I 9I , ,-.I ".$ ". O " 4v 11;.4 ,4 I ���, 0;t`l,;,t­i5i""A ,;. I I f ,An .f1 , "A II;r I ,, 1-1--j"H 4 I1 %i I, '""AI,, "" ,�.' ,It,"� 15 i,� A�� ',­�� 4-. I � , a ff NI-Brian*G'LoWth r�,";. Ii �A7 t,T � , tiW1 , ��-!--� ­ 4,­I 1"Al r,,�;fIf,�"1J,.�A, ", I� ,­ -,/­ L"? .V,s ", ,",,'.��,"-NCDENR:S�brYWit6�.P�rm'itiing�,"x,,.;�T,.e,,(A�; -, -�"I,J. I;" 1�t I-4 .-'Ai.,�-" V1, �-, ,- _.?_,• rr %, ,,_% :I ��•�w"�4" J,��-',,, �, N "". �".". j" G� ,_Y y­�';'.I .N.-Sa1isburY.-.Street".,­,,, 1�" 4 �,;"� , 1. � ,00 ",e %"� - t-Rav6h,'NC-27604 1­, .. �, 4kA4III7­-P41 " 4,"�'� t . 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Thomas Jones III [tjones@wgla.com] Sent: Wednesday, August 25, 2010 1:58 PM To: Lowther, Brian Subject: SW1100801 United Community Bank Brian, We received your comments dated August, 2010 for the subject project. By this email, we are requesting additional time to submit the required information. We expect to submit the information no later than September 23, 2010. Please confirm that is acceptable. Thank you, Tom G. Thomas Jones 111, PE William G. Lapsley & Associates One Town Square Blvd Suite 320 Asheville, NC 28803 (826) 667-7177 ext 303 Information from ESET NOD32 Antivirus, version of virus signature database 5397 (20100825) The message was checked by ESET NOD32 Antivirus. http:Hww%v.eset.com CK 147A-Kt 4 .R. ills Application Completeness Review M' First Submittal ❑ Re -submittal Date Received: `1 !f Date Reviewed: Aflil DevelopmenUProject Name: .l.UVt! T-f> Cc w.Ali v',y SRIJ1� Receiving stream name (. ram GAF � � EggA c,classification: BY. 3 - /146U(3> Foe Oft AI TA 0Acs'-jti For post -construction requirements, a program will be deemed compliant for the areas where it is implementing any of the following programs: WS-1, WS-II, WS-III, WS-IV, HOW, ORW, Neuse River Basin NSW, Tar -Pamlico River Basin NSW, and the Randleman Lake Water Supply Watershed Nutrient Management Strategy. High Density Projects that require a 401/404 within an NSW require 85% TSS, 30% TN and 30% TP removal. T&E Species (Goose Creek, Waxhaw Creek or Six Mile Creek Water Sheds) Latitude and Longitude: 25' 82 3s 312 W Project Address: �W 4— tiXr-' r 4 Engineer name and firm: „T11vrws Sous s mi W;'& .idwi G. 44.ps"LAY t aT-Vee"*rxr ,_ AS! yL Ld-e',,rC, ❑ Low Density (no curb and gutter) ❑ Low Density with curb and gutter outlets 3'fTigh Densi ❑ Other 0 401/404 impacts to surface waters, wetlands, and buffers (add language to cover letter and/or addinfo letter) ta` BUA 5 Z. 8 % 8" Check for $505.00 included it*'_Original signature (not photocopy) on application ir""Legal signature (Corporation-VPlhigher, Partnership -General Partner/higher, LLC-member/manager, Agent). Jurisdiction g&W&(_,R9=&tAL&:r Copoy Check spelling, capitalization, punctuation: hap:Uwww.secretary.state.ne.us/corporations/thepage.aspx If an agent signs the application.-,-. signed letter of authorization from the applicant must be provided which includes the name, title, mailing address and phone number of the person signing the letter. For subdivided projects, a signed and notarized deed restriction statement ealed, signed & dated calculptions Correct supplement.and O&M provided for each BMP on site (check all that were provided & number of each) R"'Bioretention ❑ Dry Detention Basin ❑ Filter Strip ❑ Grass Swale ❑ Infiltration Basin * Infiltration Trench ❑ Level Spreader is Permeable Pavement n Restored Riparian Buffer ❑ Rooftop Runoff Management ❑ Sand Filter ❑ Stormwater Wetland ❑ Wet Detention Basin ❑ Low Density ❑ Curb Outlet ❑ Off -Site ❑ NCDOT Linear Road :q"' Two sets of sealed, signed r'._dated layout & finish grading plans with appropriate details Cd'- Narrative Description of stor•.'twater management provided Soils report provided Wetlands delineated o n •':he plans that none exist on site and/or adjacent pro e Af 0 ❑ Details for the roads, parking are,,--:cut-de-sac ra ii, si ewal wR s, c n er; AJ0 ❑ Dimensions & slopes provided S e. a AJO TC V'_ Drainage areas delineated ❑ Pervious and impervious reported for each ❑ Areas of high density SORT Inspection and maintenance agreements provided OFyr-e'� Application complete ❑ Application Incomplete Returned: (Gate) Tr_ Comments Fsoru ry 9, 2009 Revision k- UCB DATE S/2/2010 Cl[ECK NUMBER 308147 INVOICE NUM13ER INVOICE DATE DESCRIPTION GROSS AMOUNT DISCOUNT NL•T AMOUNT Storm Water 112 7/16/2010 Vchr: VOU557962 $505.00 $0.00 $505.0 PRINT BATCH 12, 048 VENDOR CODE 999999 PAY TO NAME NC DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT & NATURAL NET TOTAL $505 .00 AMOUNT $505.00 TO THE NC DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT & NATURAL ORDER RESOURCES OF WILLIAM G. LAPSLEY & ASSOCIATES, P.A. Consulting Engineers & Land Planners One Town Square Boulevard Suite 320 Asheville, NC 28803 (828) 687-7177 - Fax (828) 687-7178 www.wgla.coni TRANSMITTAL Brian Lowther G. Thomas Jones III, PE iJ� V COMPANY: DA'I I?: NCDENR Stormwater Permitting 9/16/2010 FAX NUMBER: TOTA1. Ni). OF I'AGI;S INCI,UDING COVl(R: PHONE NUMBF'.R: WGLA I'RV11{Cf NU1%1HI?R: RE: YCIUR REFFREN'CE NUMBER: UCB SW 1 100801 ❑ URGHN"1' ❑ FOR RIr.VEli1'U ❑ PLE?ASE? (:UMMI•: T ❑ PIJOMO RE PLY ❑ PLIVSK RI?CYCIJi Nn'1'I:Slf;f)h[MI N'1'S: I Set of signed plans for your use. Please let me know if you need any additional information. Thank you, Tom m a �m &---1 10 C fV r ---CEM3 THI'S MESSAGF. IS CONFIDENTIAL. AND IS INTENDED SOLELY FOR 'I "H ADDRESSEE ABOVE NAMED. IF YOU ARI( NoT THE INTENDED REC""ENT OR TIIE PERSON RKSPONSIBLIK FOR DELIVERY TO THE INTENDED RECIPIVNT, YOU ARY ADVISFA) THAT ANY DI55RMINATI(1N, DISTRIBUTION OR 1;(II'1'IN(; 01' '1'IIEti 1tlP,titirlGl. IS' I'RC)Illli!'1'I?D. IF YOU 11AVI.: I(HI:I:IVIsD THIS MFISSAGI& IN I&RROR,YOU ARE REQUESTED TO PLEASE NOTI1'1"1IH! SENDER BY T1-.'I.1?P11ONI? (,(1].1.1',CT AND 11) KHTUaN THE IIR"NNAL tilF;titiAC,l{ T() "!'111{ SF',NDFR BY U.S. MAIL. WILLIAM G. LAPSLEY & ASSOCIATES, P.A. Consulting Engineers & Land Planners One Town Square Boulevard Suite 320 Asheville, NC 28803 (828) 687-7177 - Fax (828) 687-7178 www.wgla.colrl MEMORANDUM To: FROM: Bradley Bennett G. Thomas Jones III, PE �$ COMPANY: DATE: NCDENR Stormwater Permitting 8/5/2010 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 FAX NUNIBEW TOTAL NO. OF PAGES INCLUDING COVIX 11I10N1 NUMHE;R: 11`GLA PR01EC'I' NUMBER: Etli: YIIUR 111 17FRFIN CE NUM11 R: SWMP United Community Bank Etowah Community Henderson County, NC ❑ URGENT ❑ POR REVIIsW ❑ PLEASF, CO,%IPfFN-r ❑ P1,E.iASI:' RI1`PLY ❑ NA-"ASI's RESCYCI.1 NOTES/C0MNiL'NTS: Enclosed please find the Stormwater Management Permit Application Form, plans, check for $505 and supporting information for the above referenced project. Please let me know if you need any additional information. Thank you, Tom Jones m `7y r� G s cA ^Q GG U c::) THIS MESSAGE Is CONP]DEiN'1'IA1, AND IS INTE;NDUD SOLELY FOR TM.'.. ADDRESSF,E ABOVE NAMED. IF YOU AR]", NOT THE INTENDED RECIPIENT OR 'I'lI1: PERSON RESPONSIBLE FOR 1)ELIVIi.I1,Y -1.0 THE INTENDED RECIPIENT, YOU ARE ADVISID THAT ANY DISSHMINATION, DISTRIBUTION OR COPYING OF 'I'MS IS PR011Ili ITE11). 11' YOU HAVE' RECEIVED THIS MESSAGE IN ERROR,YOU ARE, REQUE;STF.D TO PLL'ASE NOTIFY THE SEND1?R 14Y THLFPHONP. COLIA."C ' AND TO 11PTURN 7'1ll' ORIGINAL, MESSAGE' TO TM- SFNDEIi BY U.S. MA11.. 7/28/2010 North Carolina Secretary of State rf ' North Carolina DEPARTMEfNT oFTHE y Elaine F. Marshall E1, Secretary SECRETARY OF STATE PO Box 2%22 Raleigh, NC 2762"022 (919 607.2000 i:C3F2Nf?Fels'if.1NS ONI.'hir: t7[�€�:i1S 1�f)F.Ts:CS iti TCn7L3 Dale: 712812010 Click here to: View Document Filings I Sign Up for E-Notifications 1 TPrint apre-populated Annual Report Form I Annual Report Count I File an Annual Report I Corporation Names Name Name Type NC UCB NORTH CAROLINA PROPERTIES, INC. LEGAL Business Corporation Information SOSID: Status: Effective Date: Dissolution Date: Annual Report Due Date: Cltizenship: State of Inc,: Duratlow Registered Agent Agent Name: Offlco Address: 0878406 CURRENT -ACTIVE 1112112D06 DOM E ST1C NC PERPETUAL MILLER, BRADLEY J 116 PEACHTREE STREET MURPHY NO 29906 Mailing Address: PO BOX Boo MURPHY NC 28906 Principal Office Office Address: 116 PEACHTREE S7REE7 MURPHY NC 20906 Mailing Address: 116 PEACHTREE STREET MURPHY NC 20906 Officers Title: PRESIDENT Name: ��1 GREG HINING Business Address: 116 PEACHTREE STREET MURPHY NC 28905 Title: SECRETARY Name: LCRI MCKAY Business Address: P.O. BOX399 BLAIRSVILLE GA 30514 Title: TREASURER Name: ALAN KUMLER Business Address: P. O- BOX 399 BLAIRSVILLE GA 30514 Stock Class Shares No Par Value Par Value COMMON 100 YES WA www.secretary. state.nc.us/.../Corp.asp... 1/1 OFFICE. NEDRA W. MOLES, REGISTER/--" DATE: 3'31 b0 TIME: 3• J�0 PAA I Q EXCISE TAX STAMP: v "15' po BOOK: ./Y2,1: PAGE: NORTH CAROLINA GENERAL WARRANTY DEED Excise Tax $ 825.00 Parcel Identifier No. 9529-70-1199 10-08415 Mail after recording to Van Winkle, Buck, Wall, Starnes & Davis , P.A. ___ Attorney's Initials: CWE Post Office Box 7376 Asheville NC 28802-7376 12082-65 This instrument was prepared by: Van Winkle, Buck, Wall, Starnes & Davis, P.A. Brief description for the Index: 2.55 Acres, Plat Slide 8005 THIS DEED made this 31st day of March, 2010, by and between: GRANTOR Terry A. Baker and wife Pamela L. Baker P. O. Box 578 Horse Shoe, NC 28742 GRANTEE UCB North Carolina Properties, Inc. P. O. Box 398 125 Highway 515 East Blairsville, GA 30514 The designation Grantor and Grantee as used herein shall include said parties, their heirs, successors, and assigns, and shall include singular, plural, masculine, feminine or neuter as required by context. WiTNESSETH, that Grantor, for a valuable consideration paid by Grantee, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, has and by these presents does grant, bargain, sell and convey unto Grantee in fee simple, all that certain lot or parcel of land situated Mills River Township, Henderson County, North Carolina, and more particularly described as follows: BEING the 2.55 Acre tract shown on a Plat entitled "Map Recombination of Pamela L. Baker and Terry A. Baker", recorded in Plat Slide 8005, Office of the Register of Deeds for Henderson County, North Carolina, to which plat reference is hereby made for a more particular description of said tract. THIS PROPERTY DOES NOT INCLUDE THE GRANTOR'S PRINCIPAL RESIDENCE. -- --" -'--------- --' -- r------ -- - ----- "---' -'-- r--'-'-u-- thereto belonging to Grantee in fee simple. And Grantor covenants with Grantee, that Grantor is seized of the premises in fee simple, has the right to convey the same in fee simple, that title is marketable and free and clear of all encumbrances, and Grantor will warrant and defend the title against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever except for the exceptions hereinafter stated. Title to the property hereinabove described is subject to the following exceptions: Easements, covenants, conditions and restrictions of record; 2010 ad valorem taxes, which are not yet due and payable; and utilities physically located on the property IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Grantor has hereunto set their hands and seats, the day and year first above written. /� , A(SEAL) Terry aker (SEAL) Pamela L. Baker STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF BUNCOMBE I certify that the following persons personally appeared before me this day, each acknowledging to me that he or she signed the foregoing document in the capacity Indic d: r y nd Pamela L. Baker Date: March 31, 2010 otaLry,�t�bi�c , � �_ — 1,U C� L PLACE NOTARY SEAL INSIDE THIS BOX ONLY! (Printed Name of Not My Commission Expire : W SA842-6554-9317v 1112082-12082-0066 j312912010 NG EH HORSE SHOE QUADRAs pj r ��k ��, �-�.,�+ I✓J�l._ oe y- �, =1� PR!��' �t/ _ •�1'' j�`'���� a p `S✓ �_ �� a MiW-1 Horse Shoe —Bent! �• '�`f t 1• o I �-�• �' ,.�� .�� � _� :fie �- � f3raan^-��"�\�;' .` 7 ( �p i\ • �- 'P a `��`i'®f�' 11r �" / f' J_ ./.•<f /. .t�; r�r�rl` sdWe •.l'. �0.:' j 1`r •m.��r b/ �f u/ 1 �� ' � I '��,�f'%.�1�r .= ,SITE` �`�,' ��� �;.- �`�•t , ����_" jf/j' 117 �'•` �' "`!/� �' 11 ��\••`�f •I I��` 1�J � \�i�` \ ��'�\�-�� 1, "�'�s[�)� � J � 11 r !, V \ IO . r ` ,_ � •- f � � 1 I ti / 11 �' � � J-•5` ` � � i DIo r•p� r-4?�fI'1 L�J!•�. I •fie N M JJp BRpA �� �� p k �181 Plea nt Grcve`rpTvE'IS / RQ�%, �Fletcha!4 C / !11 A '�'� L•. � _ �$ �f I r�I (ram. ,i ri 6id II 9P, hr v _ii # \ �' rJ / �'•� ii'7 ll f f r 4 r WILLIAM G. LAPSLEY & ASSOCIATES, P.A. CONSULTING ENGINEERS & LAND PLANNERS United Community Bank VICINITY MAP NC License No: C-0556 Etowah Community One Town Square Blvd, Suite320 Henderson County Asheville, NC 28803 (828) 687-7177 Fax (828) 687-7179 North Carolina SCALE: I "= 2,000' www.wgla.com