HomeMy WebLinkAbout19960079 Ver 1_Complete File_19960126State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources A 4 Division of Environmental Management OV James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Jonathan B. Howes, Secretary IDE H N F1 A. Preston Howard, Jr., P.E., Director February 6, 1996 Ashe County DEM Project. # 960079 APPROVAL of 401 Water Quality Certification Mr. D. K. Bennett Asst. District Enaineer N.C. Dept. of Transportation P.O. Box 250 North Wilkesboro, NC 28659 Dear Mr. Bennett: You have our approval to place fill materil in 0.11 acres of wetlands or waters for the purpose of replacing existing pine and stablilizing a streaun bank at SR 1601, as you described in your application dated 26 January 1996 . After reviewing vour application, we have decided that this fill is covered by General Water Quality Certification Numbers 2665 and3026. These certifications allow you to use Nationwide Permit Numbers 3 and 13 when they are issued by the Corps of Engineers. This approval is only valid for the,pulpose and design that you described in your application. If you change your project, you must notify us and you may be required to send us a new application. For this approval to be valid, you must, follow the conditions listed in the attached certification. In addition, you should get any other federal, state or local permits before yoAo ahead with your project. If you do not accept any of the conditions of this certification, you may ask for an adjudicatory hearing. You must act within 60 days of the date that you receive this letter. To ask for a hearing, send a written petition which conforms to Chapter 15013 of the North Carolina General Statutes to the Office of Administrative Hearings, P.O. Box 27447, Raleigh, N.C. 27611-7447. This certification and its conditions are final and binding unless you ask for a hearing. This letter completes the review of the Division of Environmental Management under Section 401 of the Clean Water Act. If you have any questions, please telephone John Dorney at 919-733- 1786. Sincerely, jf ' stun Howard, Jr. P.E. L Attachment cc: Wilmington District Corps of Engineers Corps of Engineers Raleigh Field Office Winston-Salem DEM Regional Office Mr. John Dorney Central Files 960079.1tr Environmental Sciences Branch, 4401 Reedy Creek Rd., Raleigh, NC 27607 Telephone 919-733-1786 FAX # 733-9959 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer • 50% recycled/10% post consumer paper dot $?? ? STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION JAMEs B. HUNT JR. DIVIWNdDF hiA9H 'S GARLAND B. GARRETT JR. GOVERNOR SECRETARY North Wilkesboro, N. C. 28659 Jan. 22, 1996 G?J?? ?qqb ??? Mr. John Thomas U. S. Army Corps of Engineers Regulatory Branch 11413 Falls of the Neuse Road Wake Forest, N. C. 27587 Subject: Nationwide Permit No. 3 to replace existing pipe, and Nationwide permit No. 13 for bank stabilization along SR 1601 adjacent to small stream trib. to South fork New River and South Fork New River itself. Dear Mr. Thomas, This letter serves as a request for Nationwide permits 3 and 13 for pipe replacement and bank stabilization along the existing roadway of SR 1601 (Fulton Reeves Rd.) adjacent to South Fork New River Class-B-HQW in Ashe County. This improvement consist of raising the existing grade along SR 1601 to provide an all weather road for several property owners that are trapped in during frequent flooding of New River in this area of the county. This project includes replacement of 2 crossline drainage pipes, and constructing a slope to provide a standard shoulder section including Class II rip rap for armor on constructed slopes. Attached is a straight line sketch with proposed erosion control, river, stream embankment, pipe crossings, areas along the road, with cross sections to cover same, and marked county map. By copy of this letter I am asking Ms. Stephanie Goudreau of the North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission to comment directly to you concerning the 404 Nationwide permit request. A request will be made on this project for a temporary encroachment in the buffer zone of South Fork New river, and I am asking Ms. Goudreau to comment directly tome concerning the buffer zone encroachment. 0 Also by copy of this letter, I am requesting authorization to proceed under Section 401 of the clean water act from the Division of Environmental Management. We would like to begin the construction of this project as soon as possible. If further information is required, please let me know. Your early review and consideration will be greatly appreciated. Respectfully, !? d6mf? D. K. Bennett Asst. District Engineer DKB Enclosures cc: Wade E. Hoke P.E., Division Engineer D. J. Tetzlaff, District Engineer D. K. Miller, County Maintenance engineer W. N. Trivette, Area Roadside Environmental Engineer Eric Galamb, Water Quality Certification Unit DEM Stephanie Goudreau Mt. Region Coordinator NCWRC 5600101 J ACTION ID: DEM NATIoKWIDE PERY.IT APPLIED FOR {Pi?C. ti ry - JOINT APPLICATION ?'OR.'•C i-O :tATlOtitr?ZDE PEP}{iTS TAT R* QUIRE NOTIFICATION --o CORPS OF E*IGIN-ERS YNTIONVIDE PERMITS THAT R-EQUIRE SECTION 401 CERTIFICATION CONCj-R-P :7CE ;=10NNIDE PEP-MITS TAT R°QUIRM INDIVIDUAL SECTION 401 CERTIFICATIOH WILMINGTON DISTRICT ENGINEER WATER QUAL .TTy PLA-NNINC DIVISION OF E'^.'IRCNuENTAI, N=L*lAGEurNT CORPS OF ENGINEERS DEPARTMENT OF THE APMY NC DEPARTHENT CF ENVIRCNLEN -', HEi-T TH, P.O. BOX 1890 AND NATURAL RESOURCES WILMINGTON, NC 28402-1890, P.O. BOX 29535 AT^ti. ^?$.'-. ---._ Aa'?IGH, NC 275^_6-0535 _i Telephone (919) 251-4511 ATTN: NR. jOHt; 110r.111E:' Telephone (919) 733-5083 CNE { 1) COPY OF I5 COMP L-ETZ'D APP ,IC.?TICK S 10"In _E SLr, 0 , HE CC TS OF ENGINEERS. SE'TEN {7) COPIES SHOULD BE SENT TO THE N.C. DIVISION OF ENVIRON,v-2.T:,.L MANAGEMENT. PLEASE PRINT. 1 . OWNERS NAME:A:'4 ;o:x'? -- 2. Oh?.ERS ADDPFSS: ?O. -sox 2Sa 1.? o ?.?-t ?c.l t Ides 6020, ? c 2 8Co 79 3. OWNERS PHONE NUMBER (HOME) 67 4// 7 4. IT APPLICABLE: AGENT'S NAME OR RESPONSIBLE CORPOP.ATE OFFICIAL,. ADDRESS, PHONE NUMBER: tom. -?T . D, Z O A/???h l??lkr5 2t2 Z?r ?" 5. LOCATION OF PLANNED WORM (ATTACH MAP). COUNTY: -i NEAREST TOWN OF, CITY: SPECIFIC LOCATION (INCLUDE ROAD NUMBERS, LANDMARKS,, ETC.) /C47 G 6. NAME OF CLOSEST STREAH/RIVER: 7. RIVER E,%SIN: S ?.,.?? c ?^? ^ yD ;N n r a "°RSt? CT._.ASSIFIED AS 'TROUT SA; HQ?i,` ORW, IS 1.._ - riS I, OR WS 11? YES ( j 40 ( ) ??,T?? -u ^G.'TOUSLY REQUESTED FOR USE ON THIS YES No % Fp7 OF aC=zS OF •?A'IL'RS 01 U.5 N1j 10. ESTIMATED -A.L NETLAh'DS, LOCATED Ott PROJECT SITE: - z /30/c2 .` t24=7R Or 3CP`S CF WA77-RS OF ':'F- U.S., INCLUDING r+?_?A2IDS, IMPACTED BY THE PROPOSED PROJECT: FILLED: DRAINED: FLOODED: EXCAVATED: TOTAL. IMPACTED: O.2/ /L:j 12. DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED WORK (ATTACH PLANS): - - .' -? •"•... I? ,.. ./cam .'. ?., -1 /-" -_ - 13. = U:2PdSE OF PROPOSED ft?J<J? v :'?G/,-'.? rf?::sJ?-v.': i''?r`c_r" G',??,;-- ??+G?.ar? ?' ? :,,•?:,;L J ld. STATE REASONS 'rtfiY THE APPLICA2iT BELIE= THAT THIS ACTIVITY MUST BE C"nrl?iED OUT Iti irLT:?tiiE'S. r.:.SO, NOTE .-.;-.SURZS TA:'.z:i IMPACTS 15. YOU ARE REQUIRED TO CONTACT THE U.S. FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE (USF'riS) AND/OR NATIONAL MARINE FISHERIES SERVICE (tIMFS) REGARDING THE PRESENCE OR ANY FEDEP.-ALLY LISTED OR PROPOSED FOR LISTING ENDANGERED OR TvREATENED SPECIES OR CRITICAL HABITAT III THE PERVIT AREA THAT MAY BE AFFECTED BY THE PROPOSED PROJECT. HAVE YOU DONE SO? YES ( ) RESPONSES FROM THE USFIRS AND/OR NMFS SHOULD BE FORWARDED TO CORPS. 16. YOU ARE REQUIRED TO CONTACT THE STATE HISTORIC PRESERVATION OFFICER (SHPO) REGARDING THE PRESENCE OF HISTORIC PROPERTIES IN T..E PERMIT PRREA WHICH HAY BE AFFECTED BY THE PROPOSED PROJECT? HAVE YOU DONE S07 YES ( ) NO P=PONSE FROM THE SHPO SHOULD BE FORWARDED TO CORPS. 17. ADDITIONAL _TNFCRP.ATION REQUIRED BY DEM: A. WETLAND DELINEATION MAP SHOWING ALL WETLANDS, STREAMS, AND LAKES ON THE PROPERTY. B. IF AVAILABLE, REPRZSENTATI`rE- PHOTOGRAPH OF WETL2=,IIDS TO B : IMPACTED BY PROJECT. C. IF DELINEATION WAS PERFOP?ED BY A CONSULTP.NT, INCLUDE ALL DATA SHEETS RELEVRNT TO THE PLACEHENT OF %t DELI?TEATION LINE D. I° A STOR?i'rIATER F41kiIAGEMENT PL-21?: IS PFQUIFED FOR THIS PROJECT, ATTACH COPY. E. FYVAT IS LAND USE OF SUR.RO=ING PROPERTY? ?^t' ° v- , -S PR*JF'DSE_, OF SF',.-. D?ScCSr 'tom.. J S _ G2'r.Ti.._. D'. you /J/y>' ouuc U -,To . i 1529 S: r 2 o ? ?7J 15f27 \ As cK. j OLD -_0 Cx. ., 1539 : m,.- :ScNY \ LANOI CH. IS p -, '. MM. JfffE ZSON vti LEGEND PRIMITIVE OR UNIMPROVED ROAD -?• GRAOEU AND DRAINED ROAD MIL, GRAVEL, OR STONE SURFACED ROAD HARO Sl1=F,LCE0 ROAD A LANE UNDIVIDED HIGHWAY i SCHOOL j CHURCH .y CHURCH WITH CEMETERY .. __ 'ERA "D HOSPITAL a le 00 rrffexsal 1585 1' ti DR. ism j Wagoner ti ERSON FA h 4 RM 112 261 •'r C 152 115 1 M SURGES ?. .y .r 1627 US?JN 1-70 15 G v BARECR. '.1626.' 4 Oa Orion Index 1628 .9 J .O •4 ? 627 ire 1 FRANK • &s Aid" Knob .jyj n` OKI?RD 11 0, n 1622 1155 4OUNO .•?ih28. 2-i SHEETS 219 S. AVENUE tNOB CH. hc'? 162 1239 12 ; BOGGS 1159 1 A Ox ?.^.. OLD ARE CK.! 4 Wl[ES6090 ACCESS .. 99 ~ G `' 156 1631 1629 629 I ?.. 16 CHEERRY LJOE theR10 1222 t.IA SH n„ 1630E OR. 1158 1M;1 M? 69 P _ .117 na\ riWl , ?.+ nao Glendale Springs ., G s q,D Z? NIKANOR .,yl lr ' HARTSOG CLO ORO,?? o? / ?? Oa /I W.R KES 168 ? 7 ?p I 1SCG \B?GM7162 ,,..1 • ? Ot Fw;C? ..`. ^ tir?>"IKIIPS +?-n?- R:. CALLOWAY .6 AP 1165 519/ IAIMEL 1620 / 4 ap RK3? / ??? •7J .'ii ` I- ?ORiN CAROLINA ' `.? 'c ,_ nr^. ?t T~-' ? •i^r:.n r1 Dn.`. qr•r{ (`r•.?C '1Qt ?,-C- ,e^? J ... r:D w n -'o waver, N't l? t ;`- =;e^(,e anC asslsian- of county employees, it would not have be possible. i I RO, SION CONTROL DETAiLS AND P-RCIFICATIONS S 3- ? __. Std # Description Symbol oI ? c5 Silt Fence orar Tem . y p 163?.?3 Temporary Silt Ditch Tsa 1 G3?.?j Temporary Diversion To = 2 1 .? ; j -m, porary )I,Pe 1 1630.01 Silt Basin Type-A _. ._ ? ?D. I X= 02 166)0 in T e-B Silt B 77-77 1, . . . as , yp _ 1633.01 Temporary Rock Silt Check Type-A 1633.02 Temporary Rock Silt Check Type-B > 1634.01 Temporary Rock Sediment Dam Type-A 1634.02 Temporary Rock Sediment Dam Type-13 1635.01 Rock Pipe Inlet Sediment Trap Type-A A Uzz 1635.02. 1536.01 Rock Pipe Inlet Sediment Trap Type-B Rock Silt Screen B? 1630.04 Stilling Basin Rock Inlet Sediment Trap: 1632.01 Type-A A ? OR -- A 1632.02 Type-g. B OD - OR B 1632.03 Type-C O L-- OR - C 868-04, Rio Rap Lined D141ch ..... ..... ... ...... . . . . r_ r, l „o.l D I L-C" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . r --- J'j 3 ? o v ? e ? SECrFION 1042 1042-1 PLAIN RIP RAP. Stone for I) lain riI) rap shall consist of field stone or rough unhe%vn quarry stone. The stone shall be sound, tough, dense, resistant to the action of air and water, and suitable in all other respects for the purpose intended. Where broken concrete from demolished structures or pavement is avail- „ a,?,; ;; 'Ibie, l+ i may ue useu rri ? ll?? e ., Lorie Pr wy ideal slat supr, , Use ,V ILll the approval of the Engineer. However, the use of broken concrete ,?,hich contains reinforcing steel will not be permitted. The stone or broken concrete shall be graded to meet the following requirements: 1. For Mass 1 Rip Rap. Stone shall vary in weight from 5 Lo 200 pounds. At least 30 percent of the total weight of the rip rap shall be in individual pieces weighing a I ininiunl of GO pounds each. Not more than 10 percent of the total weight of the rip rap may be in individual pieces weighing less than 15 pounds each. 2. For Class 2 Rip Rap. Stone shall vary in weight from 25 to 250 pounds. At least 60 percent of the total weight of the rip rap shall be in individual pieces weighing a minimum of 100 pounds each. Not more than 5 percent of the total weight of the rip rap may be in individual pieces weighing less than 50 pounds each. 691 '?.neTn;t CnNTRnL C'rcn 1r,F ( 1 ) A l l aderi?iai e temporary erosion control measi.ires will he installed before clearing and grubbing operations begin. (2) AG conGtrliction progresses temporary and permanent Pro,!,-inn -nntrol devices shall he inGtmllerl in a timely manner, mrrording to any special permit rerluirements and /nr regi.A rements set oi.it in G . s . 113A-157. MANDA70RY STANDARDS FOR LAND_DISTTJRBING ACTIVITY ?'»rG?iant to G.S. 113A-57(3), Prnvi,,zions for a ground rover ailfficiPnt to rPStrain PrnGinn mi.iGt be. accomplished within 30 working days or 120 calendar days following completion of constr>ction or development, whichever period is shorter, except as provided in 15A NCAC 4S .0024(e). DESIGN STANDARDS IN SENSITIVE WATERSHEDS Pursuant to G.S. 113A-57(3) provisions for a ground rover sufficient to restrain erosion must be provided for any portion of A land-disturbing ar•tivity in a IIQW 7,nnP within 1rl working days or 60 rniPndar dayG following completion of construction or development, whichever period is shorter. (3) All Qiltation and erosion control devices shall be properly maintained »ntil no -longer n?PdPd. (4) nn projects performed by D.O.T. Maintenance Forces, rPr{»eGt will promptly he mane to the Divisinn Roadside Environmental Unit for stage and permanent seeding. (5) Any removal of siltation devices will he based on the rendition of eGtnblished groixnd cnvPr of that area the dPvir'P is serving. COW1 TPTTrTTMI ?!rOiTrtTCE FOR PlSTALLING ROADWAY CULVERTS 1 . O l -ar mart ly eTinilgh area and insta 1 1 the downstream measures s!] ? check dams, sil t screens, and silt basins as nnt?d on plan. 2. F7rnvato the 2' base tail ditch. 3. ExrnvatA and install the roadway culvert. 4. Tn4ta1.1 sediment control measures at inlet as noted on plan. 5. Tti-tall additional pipe outlet protection and Inlet protectinn as noted. t' EROSION CONTROL-PLAN COUNTY ?Ji raL NAME WORK ORDER NO. - BY: DISTRICT ENGINEER: ROADSIDE ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEER ' 2 3 .r 29? J y c-. r ? ^ I v ; T y ' ' ? o ?, C , , 1 I I 47 VOTE: PIPE LOCATIONS `Aly V-'aY DUE TO GRADE CHANGES IN R02t3WAY SHEET ; OF _z 1 `17 r - 1A i i sxzxz S Sxzx -i-4 czc:. _ 1 ' _ '00' EROSION CONTROL PLAN \? \ SR COUNTY <; \ \ T.'.lCAL "NAME \ WORK ORDER NO. ,y ?01 'e. I .3o i 9 jb q 'r I (j 1 I hw l ^? ?I `o?T Cori , lei , r . ?i . I ? - n I i -77 I '7T SHEET OF 2 ?cl A? I IV,? "" T ? 1? 42 c SCALE 1" = 100' EROSION CONTROL-PLAN 5 ?. ^1 I COURNTY f {S11 LOCAL NAME WORK ORDER NO. :'RAW", BY: DISTRICT ENGINEER: ROADSIDE ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEER NOTE: PIPE LOCATIONS :LAY VARY DUE TO GRADE CHANGES IN ROADWAY OO--E 1'' = 100' I SHEET OF S'l? ?" Itt s,?bP? c ?s ?l?4?1ClDN RE?t??a?kS r7 + 0: 1 ii i 1 i i STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA suBJECT t-lZ,a`e`>tPROJECT 5 i? fly 7i DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION ?Sfl? SAG'S ?2v- °?.'' COUNTY DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS ?•= DATE /-72' 9G STATION HIGHWAY BUILDING PREPARED BY P. O. BOX 25201 RALEIGH. NORTH CAROLINA 27611 CHECKED BY DATE STR NO SHEET Z OF SO-01 cour?Ty Wsh e ?Xts?lu6 X0,.1 l? E r.J QcAC? ?DspoSEA IP w • EX15TIuU Plpc - ------------a u?w A1?6. S,e.1.lo. 1 to O 1 AIY\ F 1--u Kee t/s5 i o4- Z # 4`,(p I r LsuTeR LIME N? ?4, C Tlit, -To SAl+N SCALE ?IN• = 30 ?r. 1 1' I F-o?k. Ncv (Z.,?.r -GIA'S5 ? +-? c'?.w - ?i or ? ? rti?. ? 10 tSo?? «?,Po?A?.y E?osloN coN-??o? I)EVILF-•, GSM sAcw?a; -3U-7 VliLL Jw e-lut e TEmpo2pv-V S?I.Z F'ENC.Er ZoCte, GrIELEG I)At4mj Rua SILK' -1p3psig5, N6 ?IaEdiEA Re9tAce gS, x 2a" GSP_Z:ipe i; SIAPw bAT?4 1-Z-C\ L? Cotx1UGTED By U( C I pAfc.?1 ?zAwti B M 1- 11- =1 COUtaTTp n ?15r?e S.e•?1o i to I ?q,M?u I-f?aa, ?e e ve; EX1sZiN6 P.?o,1 llt:w Road - - -?? - I-==J ? Roc.K S:lk Suet.... ?RopobE? >Z u.? EXISTIuU 'PIPS ------------- r l - - - - - - - - - 1 utw Pict . t;6NTER I.tNE I t' 1 A-j No iSAn.t xr:6.-To Sot }? F'oc\,L Neva IZ:vef C\as "$ -N Q L. ) NOTE; I?MpoRARy EROStoN ccNTRcL DEVISES t?loT sJAaV46, -B uT WILL iW GJUAF- Tempos v-y S?L-s FEWLE.I t?a?k CKELk ZDAMg Rucl SIQT -?3P+SI ks, ('5 "SexliLd SGRLE t IN, = 3o Fr. <i at ?_ I IN, = 10 FT ZO'x 1 $" Cs0 - Eats-l-s eeplA.c e. 4 o' x Z4 " Cs P-iypc G SuIRV>±.V bA?Ck i?Z COK%alc zr FV 1??f?e? PACE?? ?IZAw? Bpi Q '(Yl Ma?l,'s l-li-9C? Z ?? z