HomeMy WebLinkAboutWQ0000455_Modification_20200706 (2)Initial Review Reviewer Thornburg, Nathaniel Is this submittal an application? (Excluding additional information.)* r Yes r No Permit Number (IR)* WQ0000455 Applicant/Permittee Lewis Farms and Liquid Waste, Inc. Applicant/Permittee Address 8155 Malpass Corner Road, Currie, NC 28435 Is the owner in BIMS? r Yes r No Is the facility in BIMS? r Yes r No Owner Type Organization Facility Name Lewis Farms and Liquid Waste RLAP County Fender Fee Category Major Is this a complete application?* c Yes r No Signature Authority Signature Authority Title Signature Authority Email Document Type (if non -application) Email Notifications Does this need review bythe hydrogeologist?* r Yes r No Regional Office CO Reviewer Admin Reviewer Fee Amount $395 Complete App Date 07/06/2020 Below list any additional email address that need notification about a new project. Email Address Comments to be added to email notfication Comments for Kendall Comments for RO Comments for Reviewer Comments for Applicant Submittal Form Project Contact Information Rease provide information on the person to be contacted by N B Staff regarding electibnittal, confirmation of receipt, other .......................................................... electronic surece, aner correspondence. _ - Name * Martin Mabe Email Address* martin@Wllcoxmabesoil.com Project Information ........ ......... ....................................................................................................................................... . Application/Document Type* r New (Fee Req ui red) c Modification - Major (Fee Required) r Renewal with Major Modification (Fee Required) r Annual Report r Additional Information r Other Phone Number* 336-312-1396 O Modification - Minor C Renewal C GW-59, NDMR, NDMLR, NDAR-1, NDAR-2 r Residual Annual Report r Change of Ownership We no longer accept these monitoring reports through this portal. Please click on the link below and it will take you to the correct form. https://edocs.deq.nc.gov/Forms/NonDischarge_Monitoring_Report Permit Type:* r Wastewater Irrigation r High -Rate Infiltration r Other Wastewater r Reclaimed Water r Closed -Loop Recycle r Residuals r Single -Family Residence Wastewater r Other Irrigation Permit Number:* WQ0000455 Fbs Current Existing permt number Applicant/Permittee * Lewis Farms and Liquid Waste, Inc. Applicant/Permittee Address* 8155 Malpass Corner Road, Currie, NC 28435 Facility Name * Lewis Farms and Liquid Waste RLAP Please provide comments/notes on your current submittal below. Major modification request to add one source (Lear Corporation WWTP - 500 DT'sNear). No other changes proposed at this time. One hardcopy will be shipped UPS overnight with check. At this time, paper copies are no longer required. If you have any questions about what is required, please contact Tessa Monday at tessa.monday@ncdenr.gov or (919) 707-3660. Please attach all information required or requested for this submittal to be reviewed here.* (Application Form Engineering Rans, Specifications, Calculations, Rc.) Lewis FarmsWQ0000455 Permit Modification 6-25-20.pdf 13.31MB upload only 1 RDFdocurrent (less than 250 W). Maftiple documents must be combined into one RDFfile unless file is larger than upload limit. * W By checking this box, I acknowledge that I understand the application will not be accepted for pre -review until the fee (if required) has been received by the Non - Discharge Branch. Application fees must be submitted by check or money order and made payable to the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (NCDEQ). I also confirm that the uploaded document is a single PDF with all parts of the application in correct order (as specified by the application). Mail payment to: NCDEQ — Division of Water Resources Attn: Non -Discharge Branch 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Signature Q��fasre�o+2.�uci9 Submission Date Is filled inautonaticallyonce subnitted. APPLICATION FOR PERMIT MODIFICATION NON -DISCHARGE PERMIT WQ0000455 Prepared for: Lewis Farms and Liquid Waste, Inc. 8155 Malpass Corner Currie, North Carolina 28435 Prepared by: Willcox & Mabe Soil Solutions, PLLC 723113 Summerfield Road Summerfield, North Carolina 27358 a� willcox&mabe SOIL SOLUTIONS June - 2020 willcox&mabe SOIL SOLUTIONS June 24, 2020 NCDEQIDWR Water Quality Permitting Section Non -Discharge Branch 512 N. Salisbury Street, 9'h Floor, Office #942X Raleigh, North Carolina 27604 Attention: Non -Discharge Permitting Unit Reference: Application For Permit Modification Permit No. WQ0000455 WMSS Job No. 15-20 Ph: 01 Non -Discharge Penmitting Unit: Willcox & Mabe Soil Solutions, PLLC (WMSS) is submitting this Permit Modification application on behalf of Lewis Farms and Liquid Waste, Inc. (Lewis Farms). Lewis Farms is requesting to add the following source: Lear Corporation - 500 Dry Tons annually. No further modifications are being requested at this time. It should also be noted that no changes have been made to the existing Operations and Maintenance Plan, therefore it has not been included in this application. If there is any further information required or questions regarding this application please do not hesitate to contact WMSS, Mr. Martin Mabe at 336-312-1396 for further assistance. Sincerely, WMSS, PLLC A4�� A6'.4 Martin Mabe Partner cc: Lewis Farms Shared\WMSS Proiects12015115-20 Lewis Farms12020 Permit ModificalionlLear Corporationk202O Permit Mod Pkg.doc Willcox & Mabe Soil Solutions, PLLC / 7231 B Summerfield Road 1 Summerfield, NC 27356 I Rob 336.339.9128 or Martin 336.312.13961 www.willcoxmabesoil.com TABLE OF CONTENTS APPENDIX: TITLE RLAP - APPLICATION FORM II RSC - SOURCE ADDITION State of North Carolina DWR Department of Environmental Quality Division of Water Resources Division of Water Resources 15A NCAC 02T .1100 — RESIDUALS LAND APPLICATION PROGRAM INSTRUCTIONS FOR FORM: RLAP 06-16 & SUPPORTING DOCUMENTATION Please use the following instructions as a checklist in order to ensure all required items are submitted. Adherence to these instructions and checking the provided boxes will help produce a quicker review time and reduce the amount of additional information requested. Failure to submit all of the required items will lead to additional processing and review time for the permit application. Unless otherwise noted the Applicant shall submit one original and two copies of the application and supporting documentation For more information, visit the Water Quality Permitting Section's Non -Discharge Permitting Unit General — This application is for treatment, storage, transport, and/or land application of Class B residuals (may include residuals that are generated from a water treatment plant or other type facilities) on the proposed or currently approved land application site(s) under 15A NCAC 02T .1100. Unless otherwise noted, the Applicant shall submit one original and two copies of the application and supporting documentation listed below. A. Residuals Land Application Program (FORM: RLAP 06-16) Application: (All Application Packages): ® Submit the completed and appropriately executed Residuals Land Application Program (FORM: RLAP 06-16) form. Please do not make any unauthorized content changes to this form. If necessary for clarity or due to space restrictions, attachments to the application may be made, as long as the attachments are numbered to correspond to the section and item to which they refer. ® The Applicant's Certification on Page 5 of this form shall be signed in accordance with 15A NCAC 02T .0106(b). An alternate person may be designated as the signing official if a delegation letter is provided from a person who meets the criteria in 15A NCAC 02T .0106(b). ® If this project is for a modification of an existing permit, submit one copy of the existing permit. ❑ Please submit this application form at least 180 days prior to the expiration date on the existing permit, or 90 days prior to operation of proposed facility(ies) for application packages involving new or changes to treatment and storage units. B. Application Fee (New and Major Modification Application Packages) ® Submit a check, money order or electronic funds transfer made payable to: North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (NCDEQ). Facility Classification New Permit Major Modification Major (land are permitted for > 300 acres) $1,310 $395 Minor (land are permitted for < 300 acres) $810 $245 ' - A major modification shall be defined as any permit modification that: increases the generating facility's residuals dry tonnage, adds additional land application areas not previously approved for that particular program [including transferring of field(s) from one program to another]; adds additional residuals sources; or includes the addition of new treatment or storage units/processes not previously permitted. There is no fee for minor modifications to a permit. C. Cover Letter (All Application Packages) ® List all items included in the application package, as well as a brief description of the requested permitting action. D. Environmental Assessments (May be Required — See 15A NCAC IC .0300) ❑ Submit a copy of the Findings of No Significant Impact (FONSI) or Environmental Impact Statement (EIS). Also, include information on any mitigating factor(s) from the Environmental Assessment (EA) that impact the construction of the residuals treatment and storage facilities. An EA may also be required for private systems if any public funds and/or lands are used for the construction of the subject facilities. INSTRUCTIONS FOR FORM: RLAP 06-16 Pagel of 3 E. Operation and Maintenance Plan (New and Renewal Application Packages) ® For Modification Application, if there are any changes to the existing plan, submit an updated 0&M plan. ❑ Submit the O&M Plan in accordance with 15A NCAC 02T. 1110 and include at a minimum: ❑ Operational functions; describe the operation of the program to show what operations are necessary for the program to function and by whom the functions are to be conducted. ❑ Maintenance schedules; may include equipment calibration, maintenance of signs, etc. ❑ Safety measures; may include safety training program, manuals, signs, etc. ❑ Spill response plan; including control, containment, rcmediation, emergency contact information, etc, ❑ Inspection plan including the following information; ❑ Names and titles of personnel responsible for conducting the inspections. ❑ Frequency and location of inspections, including those to be conducted by the ORC, and procedures to assure that the selected location(s) and inspection frequency are representative of the residuals management program. ❑ Detailed description of inspection procedures including record keeping and actions to be taken by the inspector in the event that noncompliance is observed. ❑ Sampling and monitoring plan iincluding the following information; ❑ Names and titles of personnel responsible for conducting the sampling and monitoring_ ❑ Detailed description of monitoring procedures including parameters to be monitored. ❑ Sampling frequency and procedures to assure that representative samples are being collected. Fluctuation in temperature, flow, and other operating conditions can affect the quality of the residuals gathered during a particular sampling event. The sampling plan shall account for any foreseen fluctuations in residuals quality and indicate the most limiting times for residuals to meet pathogen and vector attraction reduction requirements (e.g. facilities that land apply multiple times per year but have an annual sampling frequency, may need to sample during winter months when pathogen reduction is most likely to be negatively affected by cold temperatures. THE FOLLOWING ADDITIONAL ITEMS (G to M) ARE REQUIRED FOR DEDICATED PROGRAM ONLY. F. Program Determination ❑ Dedicated residuals land application programs are ones in which land application sites meet the criteria in 15A NCAC 02T .110202). Specifically, a residuals land application program is designated as dedicated if any of the following are applicable: ❑ Any land application site certified for the residuals land application program that receives residuals at rates or frequencies greater than agronomic rates. ❑ Any land application site certified for the residuals land application program that is used primarily for residuals disposal, and agricultural crop production is of secondary importance. ❑ Any land application site certified for the residuals land application program that receives residuals through fixed irrigation facilities or irrigation facilities fed through a fixed supply system. ❑ Please contact the Non -Discharge Permitting Unit if you need any assistance in determining whether your residuals program falls under the dedicated program definitions. G. Program Information ❑ Provide an explanation of why a dedicated system is required instead of a conventional non -dedicated system. ❑ Provide an explanation of the dedicated system and its operation. H. Detailed Site Maps (All New or Modification Application Packages) ❑ Submit three (3) sets of standard size plans and two (2) sets of 11" by 17" plans (electronic format is acceptable - Adobe PDF only). For Modifications, submit plans specific to the modification(s) only. ❑ Plans must include the following minimum items: ❑ A general location map, a vicinity map and a topographic map with contours not exceeding 10 feet or 25% of the total site relief and showing all facility related structures and fences within the land application area. ❑ The location of all wells (including usage and construction details if available), streams (ephemeral, intermittent, and perennial), springs, lakes, ponds, and other surface drainage features within 500 feet of the land application site(s). ❑ Delineation of the review and compliance boundaries ❑ Setbacks as required by 15A NCAC 02T .1108 ❑ Site property boundaries within 500 feet of all waste treatment, storage, and disposal site(s). ❑ A map showing the entire irrigation area with an overlay of the suitable irrigation area depicted by the soil scientist's evaluation. The irrigation plans shall show each nozzle/emitter and wetted area (when applicable). Clearly label spray irrigation zones as they will be operated. ❑ Plans must depict a completed design and not be labeled with preliminary phrases (e.g., FOR REVIEW ONLY, NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION, etc.) that indicate that they are anything other than final plans. However, the plans may be labeled with the phrase: FINAL DESIGN - NOT RELEASED FOR CONSTRUCTION INSTRUCTIONS FOR FORM: RLAP 06-16 Page 2 of 3 I. Project Evaluation and Receiver Site Management Plan (All New Application Packages or Modifications that include new sites) ❑ Submit a project evaluation and a receiver site management plan (if applicable) with recommendations concerning cover crops and their ability to accept the proposed application rates. J. Hydrogeologic Report (All New Application Packages or Modifications involving increasing the total design capacity) ❑ Submit a detailed hydrogeologic evaluation in accordance with 15A NCAC 02T .1104(d)(4) and current Division Policy available at: http://www.ncwater.org/Ruies Policies and Regulations . The document shall be signed, sealed and dated by a qualified professional. K. Engineering Design Documents (All New or Modification Application Packages with fixed irrigation facilities or irrigation facilities fed through fixed supply system) ❑ Submit engineering design documents that have been signed, sealed, and dated by a NC licensed Professional Engineer and/or Professional Land Surveyor in accordance with 15A NCAC 02T .I 104(d)(2). For Modifications, submit an updated site map specific to the modification(s) only. ❑ The design documents must include the following minimum items: ❑ Engineering plans for the facility and equipment except those previously permitted unless they are directly tied into the new units or are critical to the understanding of the complete process; ❑ Specifications describing materials to be used, method of construction, and means for ensuring quality and integrity of the finished product including leaking testing; and ❑ Engineering calculations including hydraulic and pollutant loading, sizing criteria, hydraulic profile, total dynamic head curve analysis for each pump, and irrigation design. ❑ Soil mapping units shown on all disposal sites. L. Water Balance (All New Application Packages or Modifications that include new sites utilizing fixed irrigation facilities or irrigation facilities fed through fixed supply systems) ❑ Submit a completed and accurate water balance in accordance with 15A NCAC 02T .1104(d)(5) and current Division Policy available at: hLtp://www.newater.org/Rules Policies and Re ulations/. M. Property Ownership Documentation (All New or Modification Application Packages involving new and/or relocated treatment or irrigation components) ❑ Property ownership documentation shall consist of one of the following: ❑ Legal documentation of ownership (i.e., GIS, deed or article of incorporation), or ❑ Written notarized intent to purchase agreement signed by both parties with a plat or survey map, or ❑ An easement running with the land specifically indicating the intended use of the property and meeting the requirements of 15A NCAC 02L .0107(f), or ❑ A written notarized lease agreement signed by both parties, indicating the intended use of the property, as well as a plat or survey map. ONE ORIGINAL AND TWO COPIES OF THE COMPLETED APPLICATION PACKAGE, INCLUDING ALL SUPPORTING INFORMATION AND MATERIALS, SHALL BE SENT TO THE FOLLOWING ADDRESS: NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES WATER QUALITY PERMITTING SECTION NON -DISCHARGE PERMITTING UNIT By U.S. Postal Service: 1617 MAIL SERVICE CENTER RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA 27699-1617 TELEPHONE NUMBER: (919) 807-6464 By Courier/Special Delivery: 512 N. SALISBURY STREET RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA 27604 FAX NUMBER: (919) 807-6496 INSTRUCTIONS FOR FORM: RLAP 06-16 Page') of 3 State of North Carolina DWR Department of Environmental Quality Division of Water Resources DIvision of Water Resources 15A NCAC 02T .1100 — RESIDUALS LAND APPLICATION PROGRAM FORM: RLAP 06-16 I. APPLICANT INFORMATION: 1. Applicant's name: Lewis Farms and Liquid Waste, Inc, Applicant type: ❑ Individual ® Corporation ❑ General Partnership ❑ Privately -Owned Public Utility ❑ Federal ❑ State ❑ Municipal ❑ County Signature authority's name per 15A NCAC 02T .0106: Wesley Wooten Title: President Applicant's mailing address: 8155 Malpass Corner Road City: Currie State: NC Zip: 28435- Telephone number: (910) 283-9823 Email Address: wesley@lewisfarmsandliquidwaste.com 2. Consultant's name: Martin Mabe License Number (for P.E.): Affiliation: ❑ On Staff ® Retained (Firm: WMSS, PLLC) Consultant's mailing address: 7231B Summerfield Road City: Summerfield State: NC Zip: 27358- Telephone number: 3( 36) 312-1396 Email Address: martin@willcoxmabesoil.com 3. Agronomist's name: Martin Mabe License Number: Affiliation: ❑ NIA ❑ On Staff ® Retained (Firm: WMSS. PLLC) Agronomist's mailing address: 7231B Summerfield Road City: Summerfield State: NC Zip: 27358- Telephone number: (336) 312-1396 Email Address: martin@willcoxmabesoil.com 4. Soil Scientist's name: Rob Willcox License Number: 1098 Affiliation: ❑ NIA ❑ On Staff ® Retained (Firm: WMSS, PLLC) Soil Scientist's mailing address: 7231B Summerfield Road City: Summerfield State: NC Zip: 27358- Telephone number: (336) 339-9128 Email Address: rob@wiIlcoxmabesoil.com 5. Fee submitted: $395.00 (See Instruction B) II. PERMIT INFORMATION: 1. Application is for (check all that apply); ❑ new, ® modified, ❑ renewed permit 2. If this application is being submitted to renew or modify an existing permit, provide the following: Permit number: W00000455 Date of most -recently issued permit: March 15, 2018 Date of most -recently certified Attachment A (if different than the permit): March 15, 2018 Date of most -recently certified Attachment B (if different than the permit): March 15, 2018 FORM: RLAP 06-16 Page I of 5 III. RESIDUALS LAND APPLICATION PROGRAM INFORMATION: 1. Residuals Processing Facility's physical address: 8155 Malpass Corner Road City: Currie State: NC Zip: 28435 Coordinates: Latitude: 38° 28' 29" Longitude: 78° 05' 47" Datum: NAD83 Level of accuracy: Nearest second Method of measurement: MAP 2. County where residuals land application program is headquartered: Pender 3. List the Operator In Responsible Charge (ORC) and all Back -Up ORCs for the residuals land application program, their certification numbers, and their affiliations in the following table: Designation Name Affiliation Certification Number ORC Wesley Wooten Coastal Farms 993105 Back -Up ORC Martin Mabe WMSS, PLLC 22753 Additional Back -Up ORCs if applicable) If an ORC and at least one Back -Up ORC are not currently designated for this residuals land application program, provide the candidates' names, affiliations, and an estimated time schedule for each candidate's completion of the required training school and certification test; 4. Complete the following tables regarding management of the residuals land application program: a_ Plant Available Nitronen Summary: Determine the maximum plant available nitrogen (PAN) generated by all residuals source -generating facilities as currently certified and proposed for certification with this application and list the results in the following table: Maximum amount of residuals to be certified: 1,902 dry tons per year. PAN Pounds of PAN per Dry Ton (Weighted Average) Pounds of PAN per Year Surface Incorporation or Injection Surface Incorporation or Injection First -Year 29.55 35.23 56,203 67,008 Five -Year Maximum Adjusted 44.36 50.04 84,379 95,184 b. Land Application Site Use Stuninarv: Summarize information regarding the land application sites as currently certified and proposed for certification with this application: Category Use Acres Comments Crops Forest or Plantation Row Crops 385.6 Corn, Soybean, Small Grain Hay 57.2 Bermuda Pasture Total: 545.0 Methods Surface 545.0 Incorporation or Injection Total: 545.0 FORM: RLAP 06-16 Page 2 of 5 c. Residuals Land Application Sununarx: Determine the minimum acreage required to land apply the residuals as currently certified and proposed for certification assuming the scenarios listed in the following table: Assumed Application Rate (lbs PAN/ac yr ) Acres Required Using First -Year PAN Concentrations Acres Required Using Five -Year Maximum Adjusted PAN Concentrations Surface Incorporation or Injection Surface Incorporation or Injection 50 1,124 1,340 1,688 1,904 100 562 670 844 952 150 375 447 563 635 200 281 335 422 476 6. If applicable, provide a plan and a schedule to resolve any known issues that would prevent land application of the proposed residuals due to the violation of North Carolina Administrative Code (e.g. not enough storage, not enough land, vector reduction practices not in place, etc.): NIA 7. Specify type of residuals program (See Instruction F): ® Non -dedicated ❑ Dedicated If Dedicated, specify the following (check all that apply): ❑ Residuals program contains any land application site(s) that receives residuals at rates or frequencies greater than agronomic rates, explain; ❑ Residuals program contains any land application site(s) that is used primarily for residuals disposal, and agricultural crop production is of secondary importance, explain; ❑ Residuals program contains any land application site(s) that receives residuals through fixed irrigation facilities or irrigation facilities fed through a fixed supply system, explain; IV. RESIDUALS SOURCE INFORMATION: (Required for all new, renewed, or modified residuals source) Complete and submit the following Residuals Source Certification and all associated documentation. ir Residuals Source Certification V. LAND APPLICATION SITE INFORMATION: (Required for all new, renewed, or modified land application site) Complete and submit the following Land Applications Site Certification and all associated documentation. r JJ j j Land Application Siite Certification. doc FORM: RLAP 06-16 Page 3 of 5 Note: Item VI. Applicable to Dedicated Ptogram with fixed irrigation system only. VI. DESIGN INFORMATION FOR FIXED IRRIGATION SYSTEM (NIA) 1. The irrigation system is: ❑ Spray ❑ Drip 2. Disposal system is: ❑ existing ❑ proposed. 3. Minimum depth to mean seasonal high water table (SHWT) within irrigation sites(s) per Soil Scientist's Evaluation: feet below ground surface. Rules 15A NCAC 02T .0505(p) requires at least one -foot vertical separation between SHWT and ground surface. 4. Are there any artificial drainage or water movement structures within 200 feet of any irrigation area? ❑ Yes or ❑ No If Yes, please explain if the soil scientist report addresses artificial structures and please indicate if structures are to be maintained or modified: 5. Loading rates recommended by the Soil Scientist Evaluation: Soil Series Fields within Soil Area Recommended Loading Rate 0nlhr) Recommended Loading Rate (in/ r) 6. Design loading rates are equal or less than the loading rates recommended by Soil Scientist? ❑ Yes or ❑ No If No, explain why 15A NCAC 02T .0505(n) is not met: 7. Non -dedicated System Design (fill in the appropriate information for either a spray or drip irrigation system): Field 1 Zone Design Area ft2) Number of Nozzles Maximum Application Rate { allonslhr) Design Annual Loading Rate allons/ r) Total Spray Irrigation Design Element Plan Sheet Number Specification Page Number Wetted diameter of nozzles ft Wetted area of nozzles fe Nozzle capacity gpm Nozzle manufacturer 1 model 1 Elevation of highest nozzle ft FORM: RLAP 06-16 Page 4 of 5 Applicant's Certification (signing authority must be in compliance with 15A NCAC 02T .0106): The applicant or any affiliate has not been convicted of an environmental crime, has not abandoned a wastewater facility without proper closure, does not have an outstanding civil penalty where all appeals have been exhausted or abandoned, are compliant with any active compliance schedule, and do not have any overdue annual fees under Rule 15A NCAC 02T .0105. ® Yes ❑ No, Explain; I, Wesley Wooten President (Signature Authority's Name — PLEASE PRINT) (Title) attest that this application for Coastal Farms and Residuals. LLC (Facility Name) has been reviewed by me and is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge. I understand that the Division of Water Resources may not conduct a technical review of this program and approval does not constitute a variance to any rules or statutes unless specifically granted in the permit. Further, any discharge of residuals to surface waters or the land will result in an immediate enforcement action, which may include civil penalties, injunctive relief, and/or criminal prosecution. I will make no claim against the Division of Water Resources should a condition of this permit be violated. I also understand that if all required parts of this application are not completed and that if all required supporting information and attachments are not included, this application package will be returned to me as incomplete. Note: In accordance with North Carolina General Statutes § 143-215.6A and § 143-215.6B, any person who knowingly makes any false statement, representation, or certification in any application shall be guilty of a Class 2 misdemeanor, which may include a fine not to exceed $10,000 as well as civil penalties up to $25,000 per violation. Signature: Date: 6/25/2020 FORM: RLAP 06-16 Page 5 of 5 Water Resources ENVIRONMEW AL QUALITY March 15, 2019 WESLEY A. WOO EN -- PRESIDENT LEWIS FARMS AND LIQUID WASTE. INC. 8I55 MAL.PAss CoR ER ROAD CURRIE.. NORTH CAROLFNA 28435 Dear Mr. Wooten: ROY COOPER isomer„or MICHAEL S_ REO.N; tiecrehtYP L1NDA CULPEPPER Inferim Direaur Subject: Permit No, WQ0000455 Lewis Farms and Liquid Waste RLAP Land Application of Class B Residuals Pender County In accordance with your permit major modification and renewal request received February 6, 2018, and subsequent additional information received February 26, 2018, we are forwarding herewith Permit No. WQ0000455 dated March L5, 2018, to Lewis Farms and Liquid Waste, Inc. for the continued operation of the subject residuals management program. Modifications to the subject permit are as follows: Removal of the following residuals sources: Dolphin Bay WWTP (NC0055107), Ocean Bay Villas & Ocean Glen Condos (WQ0003067), Camp Don Lee -Arapahoe WWTP (WQ0014550), Walnut Hills WWTP (NC0039527), Cypress Station WV4TF (WQ003488I), Castle Hayne Plant (NC003875). Scotchman 3303 (NC0065307), Hampstead Town Center (WQ0032115), Webb Apartments WWTP (NIC0023825), Richlands WWTP (NC0023230), Kenwood WWTP (NC0030813), Springdale Acres WWTP (NC0057053), Peppertree Resort WWTF (WQ0011313), PruittHealth at Sealevel WWTP (NC0047759), Queens Grant WWTP (487039), Beulaville WWTP (NC0026018), Bridgeton WWTP (NC0074837), Burgaw WWTP (NC0021113), Maysville WWTP (NC0021482) and New Topsail School Complex (WQ003293 0). 2. Addition of the following residuals source: Smithfield -Clinton WWTP (IUP0006). Modifications of quantity of residuals received from the following three sources: Emerald Plantation (V1-25-I0), Hampstead Pines WWTP (WQ0022052) and Pender ]nigh School (_NC0042251), 4. Addition of the following two fields totaling 502 acres in Fender County: CFC-I t and Cl~C- I2. 5. Modifications to the acreage for the PoIlOwk-ng five fields in Pender County. L02. L03, L08, A`01 and W02_ "Nothing Comparcr Of eika! Enc;vsm=dQeacwa=Resou"=1 WS-a. Mr. Wesley A- Wooten March 15, 201 S Page 2 of 2 This permit shall be effective from the date of issuance until February 28, 2023, shall void Permit No. WQ0000455 issued February 2, 2012, and shall be subject to the conditions and limitations as specified therein. Please pay particular attention to the monitoring requirements listed in Attachment A for they may differ from the previous permit issuance. Failure to establish an adequate system for collecting and Maintaining the required operational information shall result in future compliance problems. Please note the following permit conditions have been removed since the last permit issuance dated February 2, 2012: A Old Condition 11.11.h. —This condition concerning soil pH is covered in Old Condition I11,11.1. and Condition 111.1 l.k. and thus is redundant. If any parts, requirements or limitations contained in this permit are unacceptable, the Permittee has the right to request an adjudicatory hearing upon written request within 30 days following receipt of this pennit. This request shall be in the form of a written petition, conforming to Chapter 150B of the North Carolina General Statutes, and fled with the Office of Administrative Hearings at 6714 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-6714. Unless such demands are made, this permit shall be final and binding. If you need additional information concerning this permit, please contact Troy Doby at (919) 807- 6336 or troy.doby. ancdenr.gov. Sincerely, Linda Culpepper, Interim Directo Division of Water Resources cc: Pender County Health Department (Electronic Copy) Wilmington Regional Office, Water Quality Regional Operations Section (Electronic Copy) Rob Willcox — Willcox and Mabe Soil Solutions (Electronic Copy) Martin Mabe — Willcox and Mabe Soil Solutions (Electronic Copy) Beth Buffington — Protection and Enforcement Branch (Electronic Copy) Digital Permit Archive (Electronic Copy) Central Files NORTH CAROLINA ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COMMISSION DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY RALEIGH LAND APPLICATION OF CLASS B RESIDUALS PERMIT In accordance with the provisions of Article 21 of Chapter 143, General Statutes of North Carolina as amended, and other applicable Laws, Rules, and Regulations PERMISSION IS BEREBY GRANTED TO Lewis Farms and Liquid 'Waste, Inc. Pend.er County FOR TBE continued operation of a residuals management program for Lewis Farms and Liquid Waste, Inc. and consisting of the land application of Class B residuals generated by the approved facilities listed in Attachment A to the approved fields listed in Attachment B with no discharge of wastes to surface waters, pursuant to the application received February 6, 2018, and subsequent additional information received by the Division of 'hater Resources, and in conformity with other supporting data subsequently filed and approved by the Department of Environmental Quality and considered a part of this permit. The use and disposal of residuals are regulated tinder Title 40 Code of Federal Regulations Part 503. This permit does not exempt the Permittee from complying with the federal regulations. This permit shall be effective from the date of issuance until February 28, 2023, shall void Permit No. WQ0000455 issued February 2, 2012, and shall be subject to the following specified conditions and limitations; I. SCHEDULES No later than six months prior to the expiration of this permit, the Permittee shall request renewal of this permit on official Division forms. Upon receipt of the request, the Division will review the adequacy of the facilities described therein, and if warranted, will renew the permit for such period of time and under such conditions and limitations as it may deem appropriate. Please note Rule 15A NCAC 02T ,0105(d) requires an updated site map to be submitted with the permit renewal application. [I5A NCAC 02T .0108(b)(2), 02T .0105(d), 02T .0109] III. PERFORMANCE STANDARDS The subject residuals management program shall be effectively maintained and operated at all times so there is no discharge to surface waters, nor any contravention of groundwater or surface water standards. In the event the facilities fail to perform satisfactorily, including the creation of prolonged nuisance conditions due to improper operation and maintenance, the Permittee shall immediately cease land applying residuals, contact the Wilmington Regional Office supervisor, and take any immediate corrective actions. [G.S. 143-215.11 W00000455 Version 5.0 Shell Version 171103 Pace I of 12 2. This permit shall not relieve the Permittee of responsibility for damages to groundwater or surface water resulting from the operation of this residuals management program_ f 15A NCAC 02B .0200,, 02L .0100] 3. Only residuals generated by the facilities listed in Attachment A are approved for land application in accordance with this permit. [G.S. 143-215. l ] 4. Only the fields fisted in Attachment B are approved for residuals Iand application. [G.S. 143-215.11 5. Pollutant concentrations in residuals applied to land application sites listed in Attachment B shall not exceed the following Ceiling Concentrations (i.e., dry weight basis) or Cumulative pollutant Loading Rates (CPLRs): 3 ne Mrmittee shall determine compliance with the CPLRs using one of the following methods; a. By calculating the existing cumulative level of pollutants using actual analytical data from all historical land application events of residuals, or b. For land where residuals application has not occurred or for which the required data is incomplete, by determining background concentrations through representative soil sampling. [15A NCAC 02T. 1105] 6. Residuals that are land applied shall meet Class B pathogen reduction requirements in 15A NCAC 02T .1106 (a) and (c). Exceptions to this requirement shall be specified in Attachment A. [ 15A NCAC 02T .11061 7. Biological residuals (i.e. residuals generated during the treatment of domestic or animal processing wastewater, or the biological treatment of industrial wastewater, and as identified in Attachment A) that are land applied shall meet one of the vector attraction reduction alternatives in 15A NCAC 02T .1107(a). Exceptions to this requirement shall be specified in Attachment A. [15A NCAC 02T .11071 W00000455 Version 5.0 Shell Version 171 I03 n.,,.e ,, -C ,,, S. Setbacks for treatment and storage facilities shall be as follows: Setback Description Habitable residence or place of public assembly tinder separate owns r$hip or not to be maintained as part of the project site Property lines - - Private or public water supply Surface waters (streams - intermittent and perennial, perennial wa.terbodies, and Wells with exception to monitoring wells (I5A NCAC 02T .110 9. Setbacks for Class B land application sites shall be as follows: Setback Description Habitable residence or place of public assembly under separate ownership or not to be maintained as part of the project site Habitable residence or places of public assembly owned by the Perm ittee, the owner of the land, or the lessee/operator of the land to be maintained as part of the project site Property lines f Public right of way I' Private or public water supply Surface waters (streams - intermittent and perennial, erennial waterbodies and wetlands Surface water diversions (ephemeral streams, water -ways, ditches Groundwater lowering ditches (where the bottom of the ditch intersects the SHW Subsurface groundwater lowering system Wells with exception to monitoring wells Bedrock outcrops Setback 100 50 100 50 100 Setback by application type (feet) Vehicular I Irrigation Surface Surface Injection / Application Application Incorporation 400 400 200 0 200 0 50 150 50 50 50 50 100 100 100 100 100 50 25 100 25 25 100 0 l00 100 25 25 Top of -slope of embankments or cuts of two feet or ' more in vertical heigkt 15 15 Building foundations or basements 0 15 Water lines 0 l0 Swimming pools 100 too (vitrification fields. 0 E 20 (15A NCAC 02T .I 1081 25 0 100 25 15 0 0 100 0 w 7NX455 VTsioa 5-0 5aeTJ Vers [ r [ IQ_ l��e 3 eF 12, I 0_ Land application areas shall be clearly marred on each site prior to and during any residuals application event. [ISA NCAC 02`f .0108(b)(1)] l 1. Sulk residuals and other sources of Plant Available Nitrogen (1'AN) shall not be applied in exceedance Of agronomic rates. Appropriate agronomic rates shall be calculated using expected nitrogen requirements based on the determined Realistic Yield Expectations (RYE) using any of the following methods - a. Division's pre -approved site specific historical data for specific crop or sail types by calculating the mean of the best three yields of the last five consecutive crop harvests for each field. b. North Carolina Idistorical Data for specific crop and soil types as provided by North Carolina State University, Department of Soil Science (litt�i:lliiutrients.soil.ncsti.edu/vields/inde .. )' A). A copy shall be kept on file and reprinted every five years in accordance with Condition IV.6. C. If the RYE. cannot be determined using methods (a) or (b) above, the Permittee may use the RYE and appropriate nutrient application rates reported in any of the following documents: i. Crop management plan as outlined by the local Cooperative Extension Office, the North Carolina Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, the Natural Resource Conservation Service, or other agronomist. ii. Waste Utilization Plan as outlined by the Senate Bill 1217 Interagency Group - Guidance Document- Chapter I (http://w«^w.ncaa-.eov/SWC/tech�docuilients/9th Guidance Doe 100109 pdf). iii. Certified Nutrient Management Plan as outlined by the Natural Resources Conservation Services (NRCS). These plans must meet the USDA-NRCS 590 Nutrient Management Standards (ft :flft-fc.sc.e ov.usda. -ov/NII i ractice-standards/standards/590. did d. If the RYE and appropriate nutrient application rates cannot be determined, the Permittee shall contact the Division to determine necessary action.. [ 1 SA NCAC 02T .1109(b)(1)(k)] 12. When residuals are land applied to grazed pasture, hay crop realistic nitrogen rate shall be reduced by 25/o in accordance with the USDA-NRCS 590 Nutrient Management Standards. [15A NCAC 02T .0108(b)(1)] 13. If land application sites are to be aver -seeded or double -cropped (e.g., bermuda grass in the summer and rye grass in the winter with both crops to receive residuals), then the second crop can receive an application of PAN at a rate not to exceed 50 pounds per acre per year (lbs/ac/yr). This practice may be allowed as long as the second crop is to be harvested or grazed. If the second crop is to be planted for erosion control only and is to be tilled into the soil, then no additional PAN shall be applied. [15A NCAC 02T .0108(b)(I)] 14. Prior to land application of residuals containing a sodium adsorption ratio (SAR) of 10 or higher, the Permittee Shall obtain and implement recommendations from at least one of the following: the local Cooperative Extension Office: the Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services; the Nature( Resource Conservation Service; a North Carolina Licensed Soil Scientist; or an agronomist. 'me recommendations shall address. the sodium application rate; soil amendments (e.g., gypsurn, etc.,; or a mechanism for maintainir;g site integrity and conditions conducive to crop growth. The penmittee shall maintain written records Of these recommendations and details of their implementation. (15A NCAC 02T .0108(bKI)] W QQ4&,455 Version 5_0 f $t'7 S ofi l?, 1 t tip 15. These residuals land application sites were individually permitted on or after December 30, 1983: therefore, the compliance boundary is established at either 250 feet from the residual land application area, or 50 feet within the property boundary, whichever is closest to the residual land application area. An exceedance of groundwater standards at or beyond the compliance boundary is subject to remediation action according to 15A NCAC 02L .0106(d)(2) as well as enforcement actions in accordance with North Carolina General Statute 143-215.6A through 143-215.6C. Any approved relocation of the COMPLIANCE BOUNDARY will be noted in Attachment B. [15A NCAC 02L .0107(a)] 16. The review boundary shall be established midway between the compliance boundary and the residual land application area. Any exceedance of groundwater standards at the review boundary shall require action in accordance with 15A NCAC 02L .0106. [15A NCAC 02L .0108] III. OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE RE IIIREMENTS I , The residuals management program shall be properly maintained and operated at all times. The program shall be effectively maintained and operated as a non -discharge system to prevent any contravention of surface water or groundwater standards. [15A NCAC02T .1110] 2. The Wilmington Regional Office, telephone number (910) 796-7215, and the appropriate local government official (i.e., county manager, city manager, or health director) shall be notified at least 48 hours prior to the initial residuals land application to any new land application site. Notification to the regional supervisor shall be made from 8:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. on Monday through Friday, excluding State Holidays. [15A NCAC 02T .0108(b)(1)] 3. The Wilmington Regional Office shall be notified via email or telephone, (910) 796-7215, at least 24 hours prior to conducting any land application activity. Such notification shall indicate, at a minimum, the anticipated application times, field 1Ds, and location of land application activities. If it becomes necessary to apply to additional fields due to unforeseen events, the Regional Office shall be notified prior to commencing the application to those fields. [15A NCAC 02T .0I08(b)(1)] 4. The Permittee shall maintain an approved Operation and Maintenance Plan (O&M Plan) Modifications to the O&M Plan shall be approved by the Division prior to utilization of the new plan. The O&M Plan, at the minimum, shall include: a. Operational functions; b. Maintenance schedules; c. Safety measures; d. Spill response plan; e. Inspection plan including the following information: i. Names and/or titles of personnel responsible for conducting the inspections; ii. Frequency and location of inspections, including those to be conducted by the ORC, and procedures to assure that the selected location(s) and inspection frequency are representative of the residuals management program; iii. Detailed description of inspection procedures including record keeping and actions to be taken by the inspector in the event that noncompliance is observed pursuant to the noncompliance notification requirements under the monitoring and reporting section of the permit; f. Sampling and monitoring plan including the following information: i. Names and/or titles of personnel responsible for conducting the sampling and monitoring; ii. Detailed description of monitoring procedures including parameters to be monitored; W00000455 Version 5.0 SheIl Version 171103 n-__ r _r In iii. Sampling frequency and procedures to assure that representative samples are being collected. Fluctuation in temperature, flow, and other operating conditions can affect the quality of the residuals gathered during a particular sampling event. The sampling plan shall account for any foreseen fluctuations in residuals quality and indicate the most limiting times for residuals to meet pathogen and vector attraction reduction requirements (e.g. facilities that Iand apply multiple times per year but have an annual sampling frequency, may need to sample during winter months when pathogen reduction is most likely to be negatively affected by cold temperatures). [15A NCAC 02T .1100] 5. Upon the Water Pollution Control System Operators Certification Commission's (WPCSOCC) classification of the facility, the Permittee shall designate and employ a certified operator in responsible charge (ORC) and one or more certified operators as back-up ORCs in accordance with 15A NCAC 08G .0201. The ORC or his back-up shall visit the facilities in accordance with 15A NCAC 08G. 0204, or as specified in the most recently approved O&M plan (i.e., see Condition III.4.), and shall comply with all other conditions of 15A NCAC 08G. 0204. For more information regarding classification and designation requirements, please contact the Division of Water Resources' Protection and Enforcement Branch at (919) 707-9105. [15A NCAC 02T .0117] 6. When the Permittee land applies bulk residuals, a copy of this permit and a copy of O&M Plan shall be maintained at the land application sites during land application activities. [15A NCAC 02T .0108(b)(1)] When the Permittee transports or land applies bulk residuals, the spill control provisions shall be maintained in all residuals transport and application vehicles. [ 15A NCAC 02T .1110] 8. Residuals shall not be stored at any land application site, unless written approval has been requested and received from the Division. [G.S. 143-215.11 9. When the Permittee land applies bulk residuals, adequate measures shall be taken to prevent wind erosion and surface runoff from conveying residuals from the land application sites onto adjacent properties or into surface wafters. [G.S. 143-215. I ] 10. When the Permittee land applies bulk residuals, a suitable vegetative cover shall be maintained on land application sites onto which residuals are applied, or application shall be in accordance with the crop management plan outlined by the local Cooperative Extension Office, the Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, the Natural Resource Conservation Service, or an agronomist and as approved by the Division. [15A NCAC 02T .1109(b)(1)] 11. Bulk residuals shall not be land applied under the following conditions: a. If the residuals are likely to adversely affect a threatened or endangered species listed under section 4 of the Endangered Species Act or its designated critical habitat; b. If the application causes prolonged nuisance conditions; c. If the land fails to assimilate the bulk residuals or the application causes the contravention of surface water or groundwater standards; d. if the land is flooded, frozen or snow-covered, or is otherwise in a condition such that runoff of the residuals would occur; C. Within the 100-year flood elevation, unless the bulk residuals are injected or incorporated within a 24-hour period following a residuals land application event; f. during precipitation events or within 24 hours following a rainfall event of 0.5 inches or greater in a 24-hour period; WQ0000455 Version 5.0 Shell Version 171103 g. If the slope is greater than 10% for surface applied liquid residuals, or if the slope is greater than 18% for injected or incorporated bulk liquid residuals; h. If the land does not have an established vegetative cover unless the residuals are incorporated or injected within a 24-hour period following a residuals land application event. Any field that is in a USIA no -till program shall be exempted from meeting this vegetative coves requirement; i. If the vertical separation between the seasonal high water table and the depth of residuals application is less than one foot; j. If the vertical separation of bedrock and the depth of residuals application is less than one foot; k. Application exceeds agronomic rates. [15A NCAC 02T .1109] 12. The following public access restrictions apply to residual land application sites. a. Public access to public contact sites (e.g., golf courses, parks, ball fields, etc.) shall be restricted for 365 days after a residuals land application event; b. Public access to non-public contact sites shall be restricted for 30 days after a residuals Iand application event. [15A NCAC 02T .I109(b)(2)] 13. Public access controls shall include the posting of signs with a minimum area of 3 square feet (e.g., 1.5' x 2'). Each sign shall indicate the activities conducted at each site, permit number, and name and contact information, including the Permittee or applicator's telephone number. Signs shall be posted in a clearly visible and conspicuous manner at the entrance to each land application site during a land application event, and for as long as the public access restrictions required under Condition 11I.12. apply. [15ANCAC 02T.0108(b)(1)] l4. The following harvesting and grazing restrictions apply to residual land application sites after each land application event: Harvesting and Grazing Description Restricted Duration Animals shall not be allowed to graze during land application activities and restricted period. Sites that are to be used for grazing shall have fencing to 30 days prevent access after each land application event. Food crops, feed crops and fiber crops shall not be harvested for: 30 days Turf grown on land where residuals have been applied shall not be harvested for: 12 months Food crops with harvested parts that touch the residual/soil mixture and are totally above the land surface (e.g., tobacco, melons, cucumbers, squash, etc.) 14 months shall not be harvested for: When the residuals remain on the land surface for four months or longer prior to incorporation into the soil, food crops with harvested parts below the land surface (e.g., root crops such as potatoes, carrots, radishes, etc.) shall not be 20 months harvested for: When the residuals remain on the land surface for less than four months prior to incorporation into the soil, food crops with harvested parts below the land 38 months surface shall not be harvested for: [15A NCAC 02T .1109(b)(3)] WQ0000455 Version 5.0 Shell Version 171103 Patre 7 of 12 15. The Permittee shall acquire from each landowner or lessee/operator a statement detailing the volume of other nutrient sources (i.e., manufactured fertilizers, manures, or other animal waste products) that have been applied to the site, and a copy of the most recent Nutrient Management Plan (NMP) for those operations where a NMP is required by the US Department of Agriculture — National Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) or other State Agencies, The Permittee shall calculate allowable nutrient loading rates based on the provided information and use appropriate reductions. For the purpose of this permit condition, a Crop Management Plan (CMP), Waste Utilization Plan (WUP) or Certified Nutrient Management Plan (CNMP) shall also be considered a Nutrient Management Plan. [15A NCAC 02T .0108(b)(1), 02T .I 104(c)(3)] 16. No residuals shall be land applied unless the submitted Land Owner Agreement between the Permittee and landowners or lessees/operators of the land application site is in full force and effect. These agreements shall be considered expired concurrent with the permit expiration date, and shall be. renewed during the permit renewal process. [15A NCAC 02T .1104(c)(4)] IV. MONITORING AND REPORTING RE UIREMENTS 1. Any Division -required monitoring (including groundwater, plant tissue, soil and surface water analyses) necessary to ensure groundwater and surface water protection shall be established, and an acceptable sample reporting schedule shall be followed. [15A NCAC 02T ,0108(c)l 2. Residuals shall be analyzed to demonstrate they are non -hazardous under the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA). Residuals that tests or is classified as a hazardous or toxic waste under 40 CF'R Part 261 shall not be used or disposed under this permit, The analyses [corrosivity, ignitability, reactivity, and toxicity characteristic leaching procedure (TCLP)] shall be performed at the frequency specified in Attachment A, and the Permittee shall maintain these results for a minimum of five years. Any exceptions from the requirements in this condition shall be specified in Attachment A. The TCLP analysis shall include the following parameters (the regulatory level in milligrams per liter is in parentheses): Once the residuals have been monitored for two years at the frequency specified in Attachment A, the Permittee may submit a permit modification request to reduce the frequency of this monitoring requirement. In no case shall the monitoring frequency be less than once per permit cycle. W00000455 Version 5.0 Sbell Verzinn 171 1I1YA n [15A NCAC 13A .0104- b), 02T .1101, 02T,11051 3. An analysis shall be conducted on residuals from each source generating facility at the f-equenc:y specified in Attachment A, and the Perrnittee shall maintain the results for a miniEnum of five years. The analysis shall include the following parameters: Aluminum Ammonia -Nitrogen Arsenic Cadmium Calcium Copper Lead Magnesium [15A NCAC 02T, 1101] Mercury Molybdenum Nickel Nitrate -[nitrite Nitrogen Percent Total Solids pH Phosphorus Plant Available Nitrogen (by calculation) Potassium Selenium Sodium Sodi urn Adsorption Ratio (SAR) TKN Zinc 4. Residuals shall be monitored for compliance with pathogen and vector attraction redaction requirements at the frequency specified in Attachment A, and at the time indicated in the sampling and monitoring sections of the approved O&M plan. The required data shall be specific to the stabilization process utilized, and sufficient to demonstrate compliance with the CIass B pathogen reduction requirements in 15A NCAC 02T .1106 (a) and (c), and one vector attraction reduction requirement in 15A NCAC 02T .1107 (a) shall be met. Any exceptions from the requirements in this condition shall be specified in Attachment A. [15A NCAC 02T .110b, 02T .1107, 02T .1111(c)] An annual representative soils analysis (i.e., Standard Soil Fertility Analysis) shall be conducted on each land application site listed in Attachment B on which a residuals land application event will occur in the respective calendar year. This analysis shall be in accordance with the "Guidance on Soil Sampling" located in the Sampling Instructions section of the NC Department of Agriculture & Consumer Services' website (I7ttB:LA—w.nca`r_aav/aa_ronc3mi/pubs.htm). The Permittee shall maintain these results and a description of the sampling methodologies used to determine soil fertility for a period of no less than five years, and shall be made available to the Division upon request. At a minimum_ the Standard Soil Fertility Analysis shall include the following parameters: Acidity Base Saturation (by calculation) Calcium Cation Exchange Capacity Copper Exchangeable Sodium Percentage Phosphorus Magnesium Potassium Manganese Sodium Percent Hurnic Matter Zinc pH [15 A NCAC 02T .0108(c), 15A NCAC 02T .l 111(d)] S. Laboratorly parameter analysers shall be performed on the residuals as they am land applied, and shall be in accordance with the monitoring requirements in 15A \CAC 02B .0505. [15AN-CAC 0.2B .0505] WWW455 Ver*icn 5.0sheC, Versien t i 1103 ��� .T.F T? 7. The Permittee shall maintain records tracking all residual land application events_ At a minirntim, these records shall include the following: a. Source of residuals; b. Date of land application; c. - Location of land application (i.e., site, field, or zone number as listed in Attachment B); d. Approximate areas applied to (acres); e. Method of land application; f. Weather conditions (e.g., sunny, cloudy, raining, etc.); g. Predominant Soil Mapping Unit (e.g., CbB2); h. Soil conditions (e.g., dry; wet, frozen, etc.); i_ Type of crop or crops to be grown on field; j. Nitrogen Application Rate based on RYES (if using data obtained from the North Carolina State University Department of Soil Science Website, the printout page shall be kept on file and reprinted every five years); k. Volume of residuals land applied in gallons per acre, cubic yard per acre, dry tons per acre, or wet ton per acre; 1. Volume of animal waste or other nutrient source applied in gallons per acre, dry ton per acre, or wet tons per acre; in. Volume of soil amendments (e.g., lime, gypsum, etc.) applied in gallons per acre, dry ton per acre, or wet tons per acre; and n. Annual and cumulative totals in dry tons per acre of residuals as well as animal waste and other sources of nutrients (e.g., if applicable), annual and cumulative pounds per acre of each heavy metal (e.g., shall include, but shall not be limited to, arsenic, cadmium, copper, lead, mercury, molybdenum. nickel, selenium, and zinc), annual pounds per acre of PAN, and annual pounds per acre of phosphorus applied to each field. [I 5A NCAC 02T .0109(a)] Three copies of an annual report shall be submitted on or before March I". The annual report shall meet the requirements described in the Instructions for Residuals Application Annual Reporting Forms. Instructions for reporting and annual report • forms are available at http://deg. ne.i[ov,`_about/divisions, water-resourcesha_-ater-resources-permits.`�,%-,astewater-branchlnon- dischar_D-perrnittint=-unitlre orting---;torms, or can be obtained by contacting the Non -Discharge Permitting Unit directly. The aunual report shall be submitted to the following address: Division of Water Resources Information Processing Unit 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 [ 15A : 'CAC 02T . 1111(a)] W 43004-55 Version 5.0 Shelf VeL-=iim 1711().3 V?.,_ in "or T -t 9. Noncompliance Notification The Permittee shall report by telephone to the Wilmington Regional Office, telephone number (910) 796-7215, as soon as possible, but in no case more than 24 hours or on the next working day following the occurrence or first knowledge of the occurrence of any of the following: a. Land application of residuals abnonnal in quantity or characteristic. b. Any failure of the land application program resulting in a release of material to surface waters. c. Any time self -monitoring indicates the facility has gone out of compliance with its permit limitations. d. Any process unit failure, due to known or unknown reasons, rendering the facility incapable of adequate residual treatment. e. Any spill or discharge from a vehicle or piping system during residuals transportation, Any emergency requiring immediate reporting (e.g., discharges to surface waters, imminent failure of a storage structure, etc.) outside normal business hours shall be reported to the Division's Emergency Response personnel at telephone number (800) 662-7956, (800) 858-0368, or (919) 733-3300.Persons reporting such occurrences by telephone shall also file a written report in letter form within five days following first knowledge of the occurrence. This report shall outline the actions taken or proposed to betaken to ensure that the problem does not recur. [ 15A NCAC 02T .0105(i), 02T .0108(b)(1)] V. INSPECTIONS 1. The Permittee shall provide adequate inspection and maintenance to ensure proper operation of the subject facilities and shall be in accordance with the approved O&M Plan. [ 15A NCAC 02T .0108(b)] 2. Prior to each bulk residuals land application event, the Permittee or his designee shall inspect the residuals storage, transport and application facilities to identify malfunctions, facility deterioration and operator errors that could result in discharges to the environment, a threat to human health or a public nuisance. The Permittee shall maintain an inspection log that includes, at a minimum, the date and time of inspection, observations made, and any maintenance, repairs, or corrective actions taken. The Permittee shall maintain this inspection log for a period of five years from the date of inspection, and this log shall be made available to the Division upon request. [15A NCAC 02T .0I08(b)] 3. Any duly authorized Division representative may, upon presentation of credentials, enter and inspect any property, premises or place on or related to the land application sites or facilities permitted herein at any reasonable time for the purpose of determining compliance with this permit; may inspect or copy any records required to be maintained under the terms and conditions of this permit; and may collect groundwater, surface water or leachate samples. [G.S. 143-2I5.3(a)(2)] VT. GENERAL CONDITIONS 1. Failure to comply with the conditions and Iimitations contained herein may subject the Permittee to an enforcement action by the Division in accordance with North Carolina General Statutes 143-215.6A to 143-215.6C. [G.S. 143-215.6A to 143-215.6C] 2. This permit shall become voidable if the residuals land application events are not carried out in accordance with the conditions of this permit. [15A NCAC 02T .0110] 3. This permit is effective only with respect to the nature and volume of residuals described in the permit application and other supporting documentation. [G.S. 143-215.11 W00000455 Version 5.0 Shell Version 171103 Nap 1 1 of 17 4. The issuance of this permit does not exempt the Permittee from complying with any and all statutes, rules, regulations, or ordinances, which may be imposed by outer jurisdictional government agencies (e.g., local, stage, and federal). Of particular concern to the Division are applicable river buffer rules in I5 A NCAC 02B .0200, erosion and sedimentation control requirements in 15A NCAC Chapter 4 and under the Division's General Permit NCGO 10000; any requirements pertaining to wetlands under 15A NCAC 02B .0200 and 0211.0500: and documentation of compliance with Article 2I Part 6 of Chapter 143 of the General Statutes. [15A NCAC 02T .0105(c•K6)1 5. In the event the residuals program changes ownership or the Permittee changes his name, a formal permit modification request shall be submitted to the Division. This request shall be made an official Division forms; and shall include appropriate documentation from the parties involved and other supporting documentation as necessary_ The Perinittee of record shall remain fully responsible for maintaining and operating the residuals program permitted herein until a permit is issued to the new owner. [15A NCAC 04T .0104] 6. This permit is subject to revocation or unilateral modification upon 60-day notice from the Division Director, in whole or part for the requirements listed in l 5A NCAC 02T .01 i 0. [ 15A NCAC 02T .0110] 7. Unless the Division Director grants a variance, expansion of the permitted residuals program contained herein shall not be granted if the Permittee exemplifies any of the criteria in 15A NCAC 02T .0120(b). [15A NCAC 02T .0120] 8. The Permiitee shall pay the annual fee within 30 days after being billed by the Division. Failure to pay the annual fee accordingly shall be cause for the Division to revoke this permit, [15A NCAC 02T .0105(e)(3)] Permit issued this the 15" day of March 2018 NORTH CAROLINA ENVIRONMF,NTAL MANAGEMENT COMMISSION Linda Culpepper, Interim Director ' Division of Water Resources By Authority of the Environmental Management Commission Permit Number WQO000455 WOikltxW5 Versiota 5.0 Shei@ Ven; ion E71 ta; R•- r? -F i � ATTACHMENT A -- Approved Residual Sources Lewis Farms and Liquid Waste, Inc. Certification Date: March 15, 2018 Permit Number: WQ0000455 Version: 5.0 Permit Biological Maximum Monitoring Frequency far Monitoring Frequency for Monitoring Frequency for Approved Owner Facility Name County Number Residuals Dry Tons Non -hazardous Metals and Pathogen & Mineralization Per Year Characteristics Z Nutrients a, s Vector Aftraetioa Rate Reductions 4, S Serenity Point HOA Serenity Point WWTP Pender Di;H/LOCAL Yes 5 Not Required Annually Annually 0.30 Topsail Greens Topsail Greens WWTP Pender D) HfLOCAL Yes 10 Not Required Annually Annually 030 Smithfield Fresh Meats Corp. Smithfield -Clinton W WTP Sampson IUP0006 Yes 150 Annually Annually Annually 0.30 House of Raeford House of Raeford WWTP Duplin NC0003344 Yes 250 Annually Annually Annually 0.30 Town of Wallace Wallace WWTP Duplin NCO020702 yes 40 Once per permit Annually Annually 0.30 cycle Town of Trenton Trenton WWTP ,Tones NCO021342 Yes 10 Once per permit Annually Annually 030 cycle Town of Clarkton Clarkton WWTP Bladen NCO021610 Yes 32 Annually Annually Annually 0.30 Sherwood Mobile Home Park Shenvood Mobile Horne Park W WTP Onslow NCO022462 Yes 5 Not Required Annually Annually 0.3U Town of Morehead City Morehead City WWTP Carteret NCO026611 Yes 300 Annually Annually Annually 0.30 Beacham Associates, Ltd. Beacham Apartments #2 Onslow NCO028215 Yes 10 Not Required Annually Annually 0,30 Beacham Associates, Ltd, Beacham Apartments # 1 Onslow NCO028223 Yes 10 Not Required Annually Annually 0.30 Town of River Bend. River Bend WWTP Craven NCO030406 Yes 10 Once per permit Annually Annually 0.30 c cle Pender County Schools Board of Education Pender High School Pender NCO042251 Yes 5 Not Required Annually Annually 0.30 Castle Hayne Health Castle Creek Memory Care New Holdings, LLC WWTP Hanover NC0051969 Yes 5 Not Required q Annually Y Annually Y 0.30 Aqua North Carolina, Inc. The Cape WWTP Hanover NCO057703 Yes 100 Not Required Annually Annually 030 Horse Creek Farms Utility Corporation Horse Creek WWTP Ons[Gw NCO062359 Yes 10 Not Required Annuall Y Annually Y 0.30 Pluris LLC Pluris Webb Creek WWTP Onslow NCO062642 Yes 20 Not Required Annually Annually 0.30 Marine Corps Base Camp Camp LeWWTP Advanced Le'eune WWTP Onslow NCO063029 Yes 265 Annually Annually Annually 0.30 North Carolina, Beau Rivage Plantation WWTP NewAqua Hanover NCO065490 Yes 10 Not Required Annually Annually 0.30 Aqua North Carolina, Inc. Emerald Plantation Carteret VI-25-10 Yes l0 Not Required Annually Annually 0.30 Aqua North Carolina. Inc. Grand Villas WWTP Carteret VI-30-09 Yes 5 Not Required Annually Annually 0.30 Village of Bald Head Island Bald Head Island WWTP Brunswick WQ0000193 Yes 10 Not Required Annually Annually 0.30 WQ0000455 Version 5.0 Attachment A Page 1 of 2 ATTACHMENT A --- Approved Residua! Sources Lewis Farms and Liquid Waste, Inc. Certification Date: March 15, 2018 Permit Number: WQ0000455 Version: 5.0 Pluris LLC Pluris North Topsail WWTP Onslow WQ0005849 Yes 35 Not Required Annually Annually 0.30 Aqua North Carolina, Inc. Castle Bay WWTP Pender WQ0018755 Yes 10 Not Required Annually Annually 0.30 Hampstead Pines Homeowners Association, Inc. Hampstead Pines WWTP Pender WQ0022052 Yes 10 Not Required Annually Annually 0.30 Onslow Water and Sewer Authori Swansboro WWTF Onslow WQ0023261 Yes t0 Not Required Annually Annually 0.30 Aqua North Carolina, Inc- Sterling Fauns WWTF Onslow WQ0029475 Yes 25 Not Required Annually Annually 0.30 Old North State Water Com an , LLC Majestic Oaks WWTP Pender WQ0030088 Yes 10 Not Required Annually Annually 0.30 Carolina Plantation Development Corporation Carolina Plantation WWTF Onslow WQ0033770 Yes 10 Not Required Annually Annually 0.30 Old North State Water Company, LLC Stateside WWTF Onslow WQ0035809 Yes 10 Not Required Annually Annually 0.30 Old North State Water Coln an , I,LC Cedar Point WWTP Carteret WQ0036766 Yes 10 Not Required Annually Annually 0.30 Total 1,402 . Maximum Dry Tons per Year is the amount of residuals approved for land application from each permitted facility. 2. Analyses to demonstrate that residuals axe non -hazardous (i.e., TCLP, ignitability, reactivity, and corrosivity) as stipulated under permit Condition 1V.2. 3. Testing of metals and nutrients as stipulated under permit Condition IV.3. 4. Analyses of pathogen and vector attraction reductions as stipulated under permit Condition IVA. 5. Monitoring frequencies are based on the actual dry tons applied per year tlsina the table below, unless specified above. Dry Tons Applied short tons per ear) Monitoring Frequency (Established in 40 CFR 503 and 15A NCAC 02T .I I11 <319 IIYear =>319 - <1,650 l/ uarter (4 times per ear) =-1,650 - <l6,500 1/60 Days 6 times per ear =>16,500 iimonth (12 times per ear) If uo laud application events occur during a required sampling period (e.g. no land application occur during an entire year when annual monitoring is required), then no sampling data is required during the period of inactivity. The annual report shall include an explanation for missing sampling data. Those required to submit the annual report to EPA may be required to make up the missed sampling, contact the EPA for additional information and clarification. WQ0000455 Version 5.0 Attachment A Page 2 of 2 ATTACHMENT R — Approved Land Application Sites Lewis Farms and Liquid Waste, Inc. Certification Date: March 15, 2018 Permit Number: WQ0000455 Version: 5.0 Field Owner Lessee County Latitude Leagitude Aeret a Dominant Soil Series Figures AW-F1 Wooten, H. Allen et al. Pender 34.5362560 -77.997536" 36.3 GoA—Goldsboro 1 CFC-I I Corbett Farming Co. Pender 34.4064830 -78.0480860 20.7 Mu - Murville 2 CFC-12 Corbett Fanning Co. Pender 34.404964' -78,0509810 29.5 Mu - Murville 2 JJ-01 5mithfish Farm LLC Fender 34,459875" -77.63724741 48.1 LnA — Leon 3 JJ-02 Stnithfish Farm LLC Pender 34.45538I0 -77.6312060 9.1 Ln.A — Leon 3 JR-F1 Rowe, John Jacob Pender 34.5568030 -78.0815890 15.4 EmA — Exurn 4 L02 Lewis Farms of Burgaw LLC Wooten, Wesley Allen Fender 34.5777830 -79.059042" 14.2 GoA - Goldsboro 5 L03 Lewis Farms of Burgaw LLC Wooten, Wesley Allen Pender 34.5768030 -79.0605690 18.6 GoA— Goldsboro 5 L04 Lewis Farms of Burgaw LLC Wooten, Wesley Allen Pender 34,5757720 -78,062299' 24.5 GoA — Goldsboro 5 L05 Lewis Farms of Burgaw LLC Wooten, Wesley Allen Pender 34.5746580 -78.062628' 23.3 GoA — Goldsboro 5 L06 Lewis Farms of Burgaw LLC Wooten_ Wesley Allen Fender 34.5756190 -79.0555640 5.90 GoA — Goldsboro 5 L07 Lewis Farms of Burgaw LLC Wooten, Wesley Allen Pender 34.5745890 -78.056272° 8.10 GoA - Goldsboro 5 L08 Lewis Fauns of Burgaw LLC Wooten, Wesley Allen Pender 34.5732310 -78.0659780 31.2 Gr - Grantham 5 L09 Lewis Farms of Burgaw LLC Wooten, Wesley Allen Pender 34.57233 V -78.0613140 36.7 Gr— Grantham 5 Ll0 Lewis Farms of Burgaw LLC Wooten, Wesley Allen Pender 34.573247" -78.0576720 14.2 NoA — Norfolk 5 W01 W02 W03 W04 Total Wooten, Wesley Al ten et al. Wooten, Wesley Allen at al. Wooten, Wesley Allen at al. Wooten, Wesley Allen al al. Pender Pender Pender Pender 34.5706110 34,5687690 34.567086" 34.566119" -78.0658640 -78.0662690 -78,0653580 -78.0658390 33.7 36.7 24.2 12.5 442.8 Gr — Grantham Gr — Grantham Wo - Woodington Wo - Woodington 5 5 5 5 WQ0000455 Version 8.0 Attachment B Page 1 of 1 N I I RU I:1I ! ` r eF FIELD ALW FI t A'• A. a Well •, � � • SlydChlrO } _L LU IL[Y fig • a arper Rpad - ( Z t al?ass o 1 ... Huller I t 0 LL r-13 Boundary Prop?riy f3ounUary vj v LD -.-._ � ;prcdonl�rerltSoll � �' GrossAeres Buff4rEd.gtres NelAcres _ Scrlle3 2 1. i i� • AW FI a1.6 `—RT M1.7 air Go sbo D•29w e x s -•` Nate: rae This map is not suY quality and Fa far rnrerrpellengl purootts Dory. 14 ,� All lacallone orb appmximela. REVIEW EOUMOARY shall be established around aaRh 4od applicalian NIO — l midway Calwean the CaalpliahCe Coundary and ilia parlmCrnr ti l Iha residuals land eppr"Hon omi. COMPLIANCE OOUHOANY: TRo Compliance HoUndury la,' eocn lend appl,oatlen sole M •LI.I rr § NgtE in eswahshea Ya ahher 15O feat from the roaiduotc land apptiaation Mau m 40 fool :f�1 n:i:IrgwpPf lidihrNFn FFIIM kP,l,l 1Y1, i•Ir:Ftl,ir+li �N�NA"iRY!}r,in-{ytVnr4YXN PIrnA7YLr,,rirr is iRH.:�n'Aryiral: TIES vN A 11401t •.lnrri uj4 j,ifhp Ani-hob ii•�nnnNlorYad4i,f,t; M14LI�nRr.'J YNNi1i AS:aiMty,In rsr R,YYY�,ilnl�i,r RlYn At.r lYlC,S�Va N.1CF, rAthhY Ow properly boundary,WhIch"Of ly daalst tO the tasrdtial trnd applic*149n kl4h, nos nOlnh% WOO, ill lilt µ4tlIt HMpii WOO imq, IIS+i, M416Cn Sou rot: Orthophotapraphy aorldeq by GINO mope. Y,,.�•�„_ ._..•pe Esn l?IgIIaIG1N�e. GedEye, Earl: _l,h Note: This map is not survey quality and is for informatyonat purposes only. lllt locations are approximate. REVIEW BOUNDARY shalt be established around each land application site midway between the Compliance Boundary and the perimeter ofthe residuals land application area. COMPLIANCE BOUNDARY-, Tile Compliance Boundary for each land application site is established at either 250 feet from the residuals land application area or 50 feet within the property boundary, whichever is closest to the residual land application area. Field JR-F1 DATE' j Field LOS Field L03 --� Field L04 Field L02 Field L06 Field L07 Field L010 a Field L08 Field Lag Its 01 Field W01 f jField woe n ,• li s Field W03 I Field W04 ' ` Legend _, i ■ �elkr; r Feq How . i 11 Gate Note: This map is rot survey gedWAY and is For info r icrral'i purppses 0nEy. Altfacatioes are aposoxirT?;e. — _ = Access Road Lewis Farms and Liquid Waste, Inc. Permit # WQ0000455 RESIDUALS APPLICATION DATA .1,902.0 Combined Maximum Dry Tons of residuals to be certified PLANT AVAILABLE NITROGEN SUMMARY (WEIGHTED AVERAGE) PAN Pounds of PAN per DT (Weighted Average) Pounds of PAN per Year Surface Incor . Or Inject. Surface Incor . Or Inject. First -Year 29.55 35.23 56,203 67,008 Five -Year Maximum Adjusted 44.36 50.04 84,379 95,184 Assumed Application Rate (lbs PANIae-yr) Acres Required Using First -Year PAN Concentrations Acres Required Using Five -Year Maximum Adjusted PAN Concentrations Surface Incor . Or Inject. Surface Incor . Or Inject. 50 1,124 1,340 1,688 1,904 100 562 670 844 952 150 375 447 563 635 200 281 335 422 476 Camp Lejeune comprises —13.9 % and Smithfields comprises 7.9 % of the total DT's on a weighted average basis. Lewis Farms only has Camp Lejeune on the permit in order to be a backup for their Class A land application program. Smithfields is also only a backup option for the dewatering and landfilling currently ongoing at the Clinton facility. Several of the sources listed are only land applied once or twice per permit cycle. Some sources are not land applied during a permit cycle. Willcox & Mabe Soil Solutions, PLLC Summerfield, North Carolina RESIDUAL PAN CALCULATION Lewis Farms and Liquid Waste, Inc. Weighted Average TKN= 43,649 mg/kg NH3= 5,681 mg/kg NO3-NO2-N= 543.72 mg/kg Min Rate= 0.30 PAN= [min.rate (TKN - NH3) + 0.5 (NH3) + NO3-NO21 * 0.002 0.30 37,968 2,841 543.72 PAN= 29.55 LBS/DT Calculate residual nitrogen for years 2,3,4 and 5 following the initial application to determine the amount of PAN/DT remaining. 2ND YEAR RESIDUAL PAN PAN= [min.rate (1st year org. - N 2nd year min. - NJ * 0.002 0.15 37,968 11,390 PAN= 7.97 LBS/DT remaining from I st year application 3RD YEAR RESIDUAL PAN PAN= [min.rate (2nd year org. - N 3rd year min. - NJ * 0.002 0.08 26,578 3,987 PAN= 3.61 LBS/DT remaining from Ist year application 4TH YEAR RESIDUAL PAN PAN= [min.rate (3rd year org. - N 4th year min. - NJ * 0.002 0.05 22,591 1,807 PAN= 2.08 LBS/DT remaining from 1 st year application 5TH YEAR RESIDUAL PAN PAN= [min.rate (4th year org. - N 5th year min. - NJ * 0.002 0.03 20,784 1,039 PAN= 1.15 LBS/DT remaining from 1st year application Residual PAN from years 2 thru 5 after the initial application = 14.81 Lbs/Pan/DT State of North Carolina DWR Department of Environmental Quality Division of Water Resources Division of Water Resources RESIDUALS SOURCE CERTIFICATION INSTRUCTIONS FOR FORM: RSC 06-16 Please use the following instructions as a checklist in order to ensure all required items are submitted. Adherence to these instructions and checking the provided boxes will help produce a quicker review time and reduce the amount of additional information requested. Failure to submit all of the required items will lead to additional processing and review time for the permit application. Unless otherwise noted the Anplicaut shall submit one original and two copies of the application and supporting documentation For more information, visit the Water Qualiry Permitting Section's Non -Discharge Permitting Unit General — This certification provides detailed information of residuals source generating facility and its residuals quality for land application, distribution, or disposal in accordance with 15A NCAC 02T .1100. Do not submit this certification for review without a corresponding application form (FORM: RLAP 11-I5, FORM: DCAR 11-15, or FORM: SDR 11-15). Unless otherwise noted, the Applicant shall submit one original and two copies of the application and supporting documentation listed below. A. Residuals Source Certification (FORM: RSC 11-15): ® Submit the completed and appropriately executed Residuals Source Certification (FORM: RSC 11-15) form. Please do not make any unauthorized content changes to this form. If necessary for clarity or due to space restrictions, attachments to the application may be made, as long as the attachments are numbered to correspond to the section and item to which they refer. ❑ For new or renewed permits, submit a separate certification for each source facility. ® For modified permits, submit a separate certification for only those facilities that are affected by the proposed modification. ® Complete the residuals source facility summary page. List all new, renewed, or modified facilities. B. Residuals Source -Generating Facility Information: ® For each source facility, attach the following: ® Vicinity map - A vicinity map that shows the location of the facility and meets all of the criteria in the "Man Guidance for Residuals Land Application Permits". ® Process flow diagram and/or narrative - A detailed narrative and/or process flow diagram that describes how the residuals are to be generated, treated, processed, and stored at the facility. ® Quantitative justification for residuals production rate - A quantitative justification for the value provided in Item I. 8. Ensure that the amount of residuals listed is the maximum amount expected to be generated by the facility for the life of the permit. In addition, ensure that this amount is equivalent to that which is actually to be land applied, distributed, and/or disposed, including any chemicals, amendments, or other additives that are added to the residuals during processing. ® Sampling plan - A detailed sampling plan for the residuals source -generating facility. Ensure that the plan identifies sampling points, sampling frequency, sample type, as well as the Division -certified laboratory to be used. In addition, ensure that the plan details how the facility and/or the residuals are monitored for any applicable pathogen reduction and vector attraction reduction requirements. Note that all sampling and monitoring must be completed on the residuals as they are to be land applied, distributed, and/or disposed. C. Residuals Quality Information: ® For each source facility, attach the following: ® Laboratory analytical reports and operational data - reports for all laboratory analyses used to complete this certification. ® Documentation that the facility complies and/or the residuals comply with any applicable pathogen reduction and vector attraction reduction requirements. ❑ For new facility that may have not yet been constructed and analytical results of residuals cannot be obtained, please attach analytical results of residuals generated from a similar facility along with the description of similarities of the two facilities. INSTRUCTIONS FOR FORM: RSC 06-16 Page 1 of 1 RESIDUALS SOURCE FACILITY SUMMARY Applicant's name: Lewis Farms and Liquid Waste, Inc. Status Maximum Dry Tons Per Year o Facility Permit Holder Facility Name County Permit Number Code Current 6 Proposed N Lear Corporation Lear Corporation WWTP Duplin NCO002305 0 500 'Status Code for source facility are: ♦ N (New) ♦ R (Renewed) ♦ M (Modified) ♦ D (Deleted) h The amount of residuals currently permitted for distribution, land application, or disposal (i.e, not applicable to new facility). SUMMARY FOR FORM: RSC 06-16 Page 1 11h�L'� Division of Water Resources State of North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Division of Water Resources RESIDUALS SOURCE CERTIFICATION FORM: RSC 06-16 I. RESIDUALS SOURCE -GENERATING FACILITY INFORMATION (See Instruction B.): 1. Facility Name: Lear Corporation WWTP 2. Facility permit holder is: ❑ Federal, ❑ State, ❑ Local Government, or ® Private. Facility permit issued by: ❑ Div. of Water Resources, ❑ Div. of Environmental Health, or ❑ Other (explain: ). 3. Facility contact person and title: Steven Molino — Technical Manager Complete mailing address: 1754 NC 903 City: Kenansville State: NC Zip: 28349- Telephone number: (910) 372-1151 E-mail address: smolino@lear.com 4. Facility physical address: 1754 NC 903 City: Kenansville State: NC Zip: 28349- Coordinates: Latitude: 35' l' 4" Longitude: 77°51' 33" Datum: NAD83 Level of accuracy: Nearest second Method of measurement: MAP 5. Purpose of the facility: ❑ treatment of municipal wastewater, ❑ treatment of 100% domestic wastewater, ❑ treatment of potable water, ❑ treatment of 100% industrial wastewater, ® treatment of industrial wastewater mixed with domestic wastewater, (approximate percentages: 97 % industrial and 3 % domestic) ❑ other (explain: ). 6. Does the facility have an approved pretreatment program: ❑ Yes ® No 7. .Facility permitted/design flow: 1_5 MGD and facility average daily flow: 0_8 MGD 8. Average amount of residuals being generated at this facility 500 dry tons per year. 9. Specify the following regarding treatment and storage volumes available at the facility: Type and volume of residuals treatment: Aerobic digestion 1,000,000 gallons Type and volume of residuals storage (i.e., outside of residuals treatment units): 500,000 gallons — 12 D[ying Beds H. RESIDUALS QUALITY INFORMATION (See Instruction C.): 1. Specify if residuals are regulated under: ❑ 40 CFR Part 503 or ® 40 CFR Part 257. Note: Only residuals that are generated during domestic/municipal wastewater treatment processes are regulated under 40 CFR Part 503, otherwise, the residuals are regulated under 40 CFR Part 257. 2. Specify if residuals are defined under 15A NCAC 02T.1102(6) as: ® Biological ❑ Non -Biological Note: Biological residuals are residuals that have been generated during the treatment of domestic wastewater, animal processing wastewater, or the biological treatment of industrial wastewater (biological treatment is a system that utilizes biological processes including lagoons, activated sludge systems, extended aeration systems, and fixed film systems). FORM: RSC 06-16 Page 1 of 5 3_ Hazardous Waste Determination: Complete the following to demonstrate that the residuals are non -hazardous under RCRA: (Note - this item does not have to be completed for facilities that are less than 0.5 MGD in design flow that treat 100% non -municipal, domestic wastewater only) a. Are the residuals listed in 40 CFR §261.31-§261.33: ❑ yes ® no. If yes, list the number(s): b. Specify whether or not the residuals exhibit any of the characteristics defined by 40 CFR §261.21- 261.24: ❑ yes ® no. Fill in the following tables with the results of the latest toxicity characteristic leaching procedure (TCLP) analysis as well as those for corrosivity, ignitability, and reactivity: Laboratory. Environmental Chemist. Inc and Date of analysis: 2/20/20 Passed corrosivity test: ® yes ❑ no. pH: s.u. (2 < pH < 12.5) Passed ignitability test: ® yes ❑ no. Flashpoint: 22 10 IF (> 140°F) Passed reactivity test: M yes Ono. HCN: 0.104 mg/kg (<250) & 112S: 14.2 mg/kg (<500) TCLP Parameter Limit (mg/1) Result (mg/1) TCLP Parameter Limit (mg/1) Result (mg/1) Arsenic 5,0 <1.0 Hexachlorobenzene 0.13 <0.05 Barium 100.0 <1.0 Hexachloro-1,3-Butadiene 0.5 <0.05 Benzene 0.5 <0.01 Hexachloroethane 3.0 <0.05 Cadmium 1.0 <1.0 Lead 5.0 <1.0 Carbon Tetrachloride 0.5 <0.01 Lindane 0.4 <0.0005 Chlordane 0.03 <0.02 Mercury 0.2 <0.0002 Chlorobenzene 100.0 <0.01 Methoxychlor 10.0 <0.0005 Chloroform 6.0 <0.01 Methyl Ethyl Ketone 200.0 0.05 Chromium 5.0 <1.0 Nitrobenzene 2.0 <0.05 m-Cresol 200.0 0.065 Pentachlorophenol 100.0 <0.25 o-Cresol 200.0 <0.05 Pyridine 5.0 <0.05 p-Cresol 200.0 0.065 Selenium 1.0 <1.0 Cresol 200.0 0.065 Silver 5.0 <1.0 2,4-D 10.0 <0.003 Tetrachloroethylene 0.7 <0.01 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 7.5 <0.05 Toxaphene 0.5 <0.05 1,2-Dichloroethane 0.5 <0,01 Trichloroethylene 0.5 <0.01 1,1-Dichloroethylene 0.7 <0.01 2,4,5-Trichlorophenol 400.0 <0.05 2,4-Dinitrotoluene 0.13 <0.05 214,6-Trichlorophenol 2.0 <0.05 Endrin 0.02 <0.0005 2,4,5-TP (Silvex) 1.0 <0.003 Heptachlor and its Hydroxide 0.008 <0.0005 Vinyl Chloride 0.2 <0.01 FORM: RSC 06-16 Page 2 of 5 4. Metals Determination: Complete one of the following tables (i.e., as applicable) to demonstrate that the residuals do not violate the ceiling concentrations for metals regulated under 15A NCAC 02T .1105. a. For Distribution/Land Application: Fill in the following table with the results of the latest analyses (i.e., on a dry weight basis) for the following metal parameters: Laboratory: Evironmental Chemist Inc and Date of analysis: 2/20/20 Parameter Ceiling Concentration Limits (ClassA & ClassB) (mg/kg) Monthly Average Concentration Limits (Class A Only) (mg/kg) Result (mg/kg) Arsenic 75 41 <18.4 Cadmium 85 39 <18.4 Copper 4,300 1,500 57.9 Lead 840 300 <18.4 Mercury 57 17 <1.24 Molybdenum 75 n/a <18.4 Nickel 420 420 <18.4 Selenium 100 100 <18.4 Zinc 7,500 2,800 35.6 b. For Surface Disposal Unit (lanrlrll): Fill in the following table with the results of the latest analyses (i.e., on a dry weight basis) for the following metal parameters: Laboratory: and Date of analysis: Distance from Disposal Unit to Boundary to Closest Property Line (meters, check one) Arsenic (mg/kg) Chromium (mg/kg) Nickel (mg/kg) ❑ > 0 but < 25 30 200 210 ❑ > 25 but < 50 34 220 240 ❑ ? 50 but < 75 39 260 270 ❑ > 75 but < 100 46 300 320 ❑ > 100 but < 125 53 360 390 ❑ ? 125 62 450 420 Result (mg/kg) FORM: RSC 06-16 Page 3 of 5 5. Nutrient/Micronutrient Determination: Complete the following: a. Total solids: 1.35 %. b. Fill in the following table with the results of the latest analyses (i_e., on a dry weight basis) for the following nutrient and micronutrient parameters: Laboratory: Environmental Chemist. Inc and Date of analysis: 2/20/20 Parameter Result NOW) Aluminum 105,000 Ammonia -Nitrogen <7.41 Calcium 8,000 Magnesium 1,990 Nitrate -Nitrite Nitrogen 7.78 pH (Standard Unit) 6.36 Phosphorus 12,200 Potassium 1,000 Sodium 6,090 Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen 15,100 c. Using the results listed in Item II. 5b. above, calculate the sodium adsorption ration (SAR): 1.35 [Note: If residuals contain SAR of 10 or higher, the applicant shall obtain recommendations from the local Cooperative Extension Office, the Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, the Natural Resource Conservation Service, a North Carolina Licensed Soil Scientist, or an agronomist, prior to land application of residuals. The recommendations shall address the sodium application rate, soil amendments (e.g., gypsum, etc.), or a mechanism for maintaining site integrity and conditions conducive to crop growth]. d. Specify the mineralization rate to be used in calculating the plant available nitrogen (PAN) of the residuals: 30 %. This rate is a (check one): ® default value, or ❑ actually established. If the residuals are not generated from the treatment of municipal or domestic wastewater, explain or provide technical justification as to why the selected default value is appropriate to be applied to these residuals: N/A e. Calculate the PAN for the residuals (i.e., on a dry weight basis) and fill the results in the following table: Application Method First 0") Year PAN Five -Year Maximum Adjusted PAN (m91k9) (171g/kg) Surface 4,539 7,484 Injection/Incorporation 4,543 7,487 6. Other Pollutants Determination: Specify whether or not there are any other pollutants of concern in the residuals and provide the results of the latest analyses: N/A FORM: RSC 06-16 Page 4 of 5 7. Pathogen Reduction: Per 15A NCAC 02T.1106, specify how residuals will meet the pathogen reduction requirements: a. For Distribution/Land Application of Class A or Equivalent: ❑ A fecal coliform density that is demonstrated to be less than I,000 MPN per gram of total dry solids, or ❑ A salmonella sp, density that is demonstration to be less than 3 MPN per 4 grams of total dry solids. AND one of the followings (except for non -biological residuals): ❑ Alternative 1 [I5A NCAC 02T. I 106(b)(3)(A)] - Time/Temperature Compliance. ❑ Alternative 2 [I5A NCAC 02T. 1 106(b)(3)(B)] - Alkaline Treatment. ❑ Alternative 3 [15A NCAC 02T.I 106(b)(3)(C)] - Prior Testing for Enteric Virus/Viable Helminth Ova. ❑ Alternative 4 [15A NCAC 02T. 1106(b)(3)(D)] - No Prior Testing for Enteric Virus/Viable Helminth Ova. ❑ Alternative 5 [15A NCAC 02T.I 106(b)(3)(E)-(K)] - Process to Further Reduce Pathogens (PFRP). Specify one: ❑ composting, ❑ heat drying, ❑ heat treatment, ❑ thermophilic aerobic digestion, ❑ beta ray irradiation, ❑ gamma ray irradiation, or ❑ pasteurization. b. For Land Application of Class B: ® Alternative 1 [ 15A NCAC 02T. 1 106(c)(1)] - Fecal Coliform Density Demonstration. ❑ Alternative 2 [15A NCAC 02T.1106(c)(2)] -Process to Significantly Reduce Pathogens (PSRP). Specify one: ❑ aerobic digestion, ❑ air drying, ❑ anaerobic digestion, ❑ composting, or ® lime stabilization, c. For Surface Disposal: ❑ Select One of the Class A or Equivalent Pathogen Reduction Alternatives in Item II. 7a. above. ❑ Select One of the Class B or Equivalent Pathogen Reduction Alternatives in Item II. 7b. above. ❑ Exempt -If Daily Cover Alternative is chosen in Item II.8. below [15A NCAC 02T.1106(a)(2)]. ❑ Not Applicable - Non -Biological Residuals with NO Domestic Wastewater Contribution. 8. Vector Attraction Reduction (VAR): Per 15A NCAC 02T.1107, specify how residuals will meet the VAR requirements: ❑ Alternative I [I5A NCAC 02T. 1 107(a)(1)] - 38% Volatile Solids Reduction (Aerobic/Anaerobic Digestion). ❑ Alternative 2 [15A NCAC 02T. I 107(a)(2)] - 40-Day Bench Scale Test (Anaerobic Digestion). ❑ Alternative 3 [15A NCAC 02T.I 107(a)(3)] - 30-Day Bench Scale Test (Aerobic Digestion). ❑ Alternative 4 [15A NCAC 02T. 1107(a)(4)] - Specific Oxygen Uptake Rate Test (Aerobic Digestion). ❑ Alternative 5 [15A NCAC 02T.I 107(a)(5)] - 14-Day Aerobic Processes. ❑ Alternative 6 [15A NCAC 02T.I 107(a)(6)] - Alkaline Stabilization. ❑ Alternative 7 [15A NCAC 02T.I 107(a)(7)] - Drying of Stabilized Residuals. ❑ Alternative 8 [15A NCAC 02T.I 107(a)(8)] - Drying of Unstabilized Residuals. ® Alternative 9 [15A NCAC 02T.I 107(a)(9)] - Injection. ® Alternative 10 (15A NCAC 02T.1107(a)(10)] - Incorporation. ❑ Alternative for Surface Disposal Units Only - Soil/Other Material Cover [15A NCAC 02T.I 107(b)(2)]. ❑ Not Applicable - Non -Biological Residuals with NO Domestic Wastewater Contribution. Note: For animal processing residuals, only alternatives 9 or 10 may be chosen due to the nuisance conditions that typically occur when these residuals are applied and left on the land surface. FORM: RSC 06-16 Page 5 of 5 Lear Corporation #`s +�,. Ir 3 :£'}d.. A• e. u="' t.. < S_' / fir':. a .. r y, Legend Lear Corporation WWTP s;a y;Kenansville, NC •349 „T' 1 - r1 •4. �b� ° .� ,-:' _. �/ ��" t\ {yes., a a��ti � ,� i a ; , ��Ci 1 � ? �- ,S 1'.* y' e��'f• nth t+F� J= 1 s 3 ��A -ry n } �r c -903 , ' �1754 NC �� `� � Lrear Corporation WWTP �y r Ali �r � `fig � _ �� `` ... � •o' "���;r �� ham.. a a a ��� �1i �`\ � � 4.._ 1 .� .:�'' '4'y� t, ?� � :i yea " 5 .,� • F "�''a 4� `f�.• � to �i � � f c �`� � F C �. ff. �.i �� J� w, f�41:1J ) / \ Goo N -. 9 t. .F � r .+.. � f ,,,3 v ,y, Fat y I ;: i s ., s �-. P rs Rii' "'� •jc`, ,� x ���' t. � .�,,., �. 2020 Goog.e _ - _ .I .. 600 ft WWTF Lear Corporation Projected %TS 2.5 Projected Gallons 4,750,000 Projected DT's1YR 495.1875 Proposed DT'sIYR 500 SAMPLING PLAN Sampling Procedures Accurate sampling is essential for valid laboratory test results. All samples collected at the Lear Corporation WWTP are grab samples, which are samples taken at selected intervals to represent conditions at a given location at a particular point in time. The following residuals process flow streams are sampled: • Feed residuals into the aerobic digesters • Digested residuals removed from the aerobic digesters Grab samples of residuals are stored in a manner that will not alter sample characteristics. Proper preservatives are used for specific parameters. The samples are kept under refrigeration at 4° C until delivered to laboratory for analysis. Sampling Log Sampling information is recorded in a log book and maintained by Lear Corporation WWTP ORC. Log book entries include, at a minimum: • Purpose of sampling • Location of sampling point • Type of sample (grab or composite) • Name of person collecting samples • Type of residuals sampled (undigested, post -digestion, post -storage) • Number and volume of sample(s) collected • Description of sampling point • Date and time of collection The residual solids analysis will be conducted for, but not limited to, the following parameters, percent total solids, phosphorus, lead, copper, cadmium, sodium, total Kjeldahl nitrogen, nitrate nitrogen, nitrite nitrogen, magnesium, potassium, zinc, nickel, arsenic, mercury, selenium, molybdenum, calcium, ammonia nitrogen, aluminum and pH on an Annual Basis. Toxicity Characteristics Leaching Procedure (TCLP) analysis for regulatory compliance as required by permit conditions if greater than 0.5 MGD occurs. The permit requires that the biosolids be sampled and meet Condition IVA testing before each hauling event occurs. LEWIS FARMS LAND APPLICATION PROGRAM RESIDUALS ANALYSIS Residual Type: Wastewater Treatment Plant Date Sampled: February 20, 2020 Lear Corporation WWTP Permit No. WQ0000455 1.35 % Solids 6.36 pH Parameter % Mg/Kg Dry Weight (% x 10,000) Pounds/Dry Ton (Mg/Kg(Mg/Kg x 0.002) Nitrogen (TKN) 1.510 15,100.000 30.200 Phosphorus 1.220 12,200,000 24.400 Potassium 0.100 1,000.000 2.000 PAN (injected)* 0.454 4,542.967 9.086 PAN (surface)* 0.454 4,539.262 9.079 Ammonia Nitrogen 0.001 7.410 0.015 Calcium 0.800 8,000.000 16.000 Calcium Carbonate E . --- --- Magnesium --- 1,990,000 3.980 Sodium --- 6,090.000 12.180 Sulfur --- --- --- Nitrate N / Nitrite N --- 7.780 0.016 Barium --- --- --- SAR 1.83 Chloride --- --- Iron --- --- --- Ceiling Concen. (Mg/Kg) Aluminum --- 105,000.00 210,000 Arsenic --- 19.40 0.037 75 Cadmium --- 18.40 0.037 85 Chromium --- 18.400 --- --- Copper --- 57.90 0.116 4,300 Lead --- 18.40 0.037 840 Mercury --- 1.24 0.002 57 Molybdenum --- 18.40 0,037 75 Nickel --- 18.40 0.037 420 Selenium --- 18.40 0.037 1 100 Zinc --- 35.60 0.071 7,500 Environmental Chemists 2020-02951 *Determination of Plant Available Nitrogen (PAN): Injected Application: (Mineralization Rate)(TKN-Ammonia N) + Ammonia N + Nitrate N + Nitrite N = % PAN Surface Application: (Mineralization Rate)(TKN-Ammonia N) + (0.5)(Ammonia N) + Nitrate N + Nitrite N = % PAN Note: Constituents N.D. (Not Detected) or ¢ detection limits are listed as detection limits for calculation purposes. Willcox & Mabe Soil Solutions, PLLC Summerfield, North Carolina RESIDUAL PAN CALCULATION Lear Corporation WWTP TKN= 15,100 mg/kg NH3= 7 mg/kg NO3-NO2-N= 8 mg/kg Min Rate= 0.30 PAN= [min.rate (TKN - NH3) + 0.5 (NH3) + NO3-NO21 0.30 15,093 4 PAN= 4539.26 mg/kg 7.78 Calculate residual nitrogen for years 2,3,4 and 5 following the initial application to determine the amount of PAN/DT remaining. 2ND YEAR RESIDUAL PAN PAN= [min.rate (1st year org. - N 2nd year min. - N] 0.15 15,093 4,528 PAN= 1584.72 mg/kg remaining from 1st year application 3RD YEAR RESIDUAL PAN PAN= [min.rate (2nd year org. - N 3rd year min. - N] 0.08 10,565 1,585 PAN= 718.41 mg/kg remaining from 1st year application 4TH YEAR RESIDUAL PAN PAN= [min.rate (3rd year org. - N 4th year min. - N] 0.05 8,980 718 PAN= 413.08 mg/kg remaining from 1st year application 5TH YEAR RESIDUAL PAN PAN= [min.rate (4th year org. - N 5th year min. - N] O.03 8,262 413 PAN= 228.16 mg/kg remaining from 1 st year application Residual PAN from years 2 thru 5 after the initial application = 2944.37 mg/kg Application Method First Year PAN (mg/kg) Five Year Maximum Adjusted PAN Surface 4,539 7,484 incorporation 4,543 7,487 SAR SAR Calculation Na mgll Ca mgll Mg mgll 82.215 108 26.865 Na Ca Mg SAR 3.575 5.400 2.239 1.829 Na mil eq Ca mil eq Mg mil eq 3.575 5.400 2.239 Enter Enter .% TS 1.35 Data Na mg/kg 6090 Ca mg/kg 8000 Mg mg/kg 1990 Job Name: Lear Corporation WWTP Page 2 LEWIS FARMS AND LIQUID WASTE, INC. WQ0000455 Lear Corporation WWTP 01/16/20 31,819 4.5027 01/16/20 59,355 4.7735 01/16/20 11,112 4.0458 01/16/20 36,242 4.5592 01/16/20 23,649 4.3738 01/16/20 23,027 4.3622 01/16/20 23,179 4.3651 Total 1 30.9823 Average 4.4260 Geometric Mean F I i 111 ; I I 15-6- # 7 Fecal Coliform MPN / gram Geometric Mean of Less than 2,000,000 meets Class B - Alternative I Pathogen for Reduction requirement. ANALYTICAL & CONSULTING CHEMISTS Environmental Chemists, Inc, 6602 Windmill Way, Wilmington, NC 28405 ' 910.392.0223 Lab • 910,392.4424 Fax 710 Sowsertown Road, Mantea, NC 27954 ° 252.473.5702 Lab/Fax 255-A Wilmington Highway, Jacksonville, NC 28540 ' 910.347.5843 Lab/Fax info@environmentalchemists.com Guilford East Date of Report: Mar 12, 2020 1754 NC HWY 903 Customer PO #: Kenansville NC 28349 Customer ID: 11030018 Attention: Keith Westbrook Report #: 2020-02951 Project 10: Sludge Lab ID Sample ID: Collect Date/Time Matrix Sampled by 20-07148 Site: sludge 2/20/2020 11:30 AM Solid/Sludge westbrooklbaker Test Method Results Date Analyzed Chlordane (TCLP) SW 846 Method 8081 B13510 <0.02 mg/L 02/28/2020 Endrin (TCLP) SW 846 Method 80BIB13510 <0.0005 mg1L 02/28/2020 Heptachlor (TCLP) SW 846 Method 8081B13510 <0.0005 mg/L 02/28/2020 Heptachlor epoxide (TCLP) SW 846 Method 808113/3510 <0.0005 mg/L 0212812020 Lindane (TCLP) SW 846 Method 6081SI3510 <0.0005 mg/L 02128/2020 Methoxychlor (TCLP) SW 846 Method 8081B13510 <0.0005 mg/L 02/28/2020 Toxaphene (TCLP) SW 846 Mefhod 8081813510 <0.05 mg/L 02/28/2020 1,4-Dichlorobenzene (TCLP) SW 846 method 827013510 <0.050 mg/L 02/28/2020 2,4,5-Trichlorophenol (TCLP) 5W 646 method 8270/3610 <0.050 mg/L 02/28/2020 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol (TCLP) SW 846 method 8210/3510 <0.050 mg/L 02/28/2020 2,4-Dinitrotoluene (TCLP) SW 846 method 827013510 <0,050 mg/L 02/28/2020 Cresol (TCLP) SW 846 method 8270/3510 0.065 mg/L 02/28/2020 Hexachloro-1,3-butadiene (TCLP) SW 846 method 8270/3510 <0.050 mg/L 02/28/2020 Hexachlorobenzene (TCLP) SW 846 method B27013510 <0.050 mg1L 02/28/2020 Hexachloroethane (TCLP) SW 846 method 827013510 <0.050 mg/L 02/28/2020 m + p-Cresol (TCLP) SW 846 method 8270/3510 0.065 mg/L 02/28/2020 Nitrobenzene (TCLP) SW 846 method 627013510 <0.050 mg/L 02/28/2020 o-Cresol (TCLP) SW 845 method 827013510 <0.050 mg/L 02/28/2020 Pentachlorophenol (TCLP) SW 846 method 827013510 <0,250 mg/L 02/28/2020 Pyridine (TCLP) SW 846 method B27013510 <0.050 mg/L 02/28/2020 2,4,5-TP (TCLP) SW846 Method 8151A <0.003 mg/L 02/26/2020 2,4-D (TCLP) SW846 Method 8151A <0.003 mg/L 02/26/2020 1,1-Dichloroethylene (TCLP) SW846 Method B26015030 <0.01 mg1L 02/27/2020 1,2-Dichloroethane (TCLP) SW846 method 82601503U <0.01 mg/L 02/27/2020 Benzene (TCLP) SW846 Method 6260/5030 <0.01 mg/L 02/27/2020 Carbon Tetrachloride (TCLP) SW846 Method B26015030 <0.01 mg1L 02/27/2020 Report #:: 2020-02951 Page 1 of 4 �ren��rac.[lE'nI.' r ANALYTICAL & CONSULTING CHEMISTS Environmental Chemists, Inc. 6602 Windmill Way, Wilmington, NC 28405 ° 910.392.0223 Lab • 910.392.4424 Fax 710 6owsertown Road, Manteo, NC 27954 ® 252.473,5702 Lab/Fax 255-A Wilmington Highway, Jacksonville, NC 28540 ° 910.347.5843 Lab/Fax infix@environmentalchemists.eom Guilford East Date of Report: Mar 12, 2020 1754 NC HWY 903 Customer PO #: Kenansville NC 28349 Customer ID: 11030018 Attention: Keith Westbrook Report #: 2020-02951 Project ID: Sludge Chlorobenzene (TCLP) SW846 Method 6260/5030 <0.01 mg/L 02/27/2020 Chloroform (TCLP) SW846 Method 626015030 <0.01 mg/L 02/27/2020 Methyl ethyl ketone (TCLP) SW846 Method 8260/5030 0.05 mg/L 02/27/2020 Tetrachloroethylene (TCLP) SWB46 Method 8260/5030 <0.01 mg/L 02/27/2020 Trichloroethylene (TCLP) SW846 Method 8260/5030 <0.01 mg1L 02/27/2020 Vinyl Chloride (TCLP) SW846 Method 8260/5030 <0.01 mg/L 02/27/2020 RCI Cyanide EPA 335.4 0.104 mglkg 03/04/2020 Sulfide SM 4500 S D 14.2 mg/kg 02/28/2020 Ignitability SW B46 method 1010 210 °F 03/03/2020 Sludge Residuals Aluminum EPA 200.7 105000 mglkg 02/26/2020 Arsenic EPA 200.7 <18.4mg/kg 02/26/2020 Cadmium EPA 200.7 <18.4 mg/kg 02/26/2020 Calcium EPA 200.7 8000 mglkg 02/26/2020 Chromium EPA 200.7 <18.4mg/kg 02/26/2020 Copper EPA 200.7 57.9 mg/kg 02/26/2020 Lead EPA 200.7 <18.4 mg/kg 02/26/2020 Magnesium EPA 200.7 1990mg/kg 02/26/2020 Molybdenum EPA 200.7 <18A mglkg 02/26/2020 Nickel EPA 200.7 e 18.4 mg/kg 02/2612020 Potassium EPA 200.7 1000 mg/kg 03/03/2020 Selenium EPA 200.7 <18.4 mg/kg 02/26/2020 Sodium EPA200.7 6090mg/kg 02/26/2020 Zinc EPA 200.7 35.6 mg/kg 02/26/2020 Nitrate+ N itrite-Nitrogen EPA 353.2 7.78 mg/kg 02/24/2020 Total Solids (%) SM 2540 B 1.35 % 02/20/2020 pH SM 4500 H B 6.36 units 02/28/202D Ammonia Nitrogen SM 4500 NH3 C <7.41 mglkg 02/25/2020 Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen (TKN) SM 4500 Org B 15100 mg/kg 02/24/2020 Report #:: 2020-02961 Page 2 of 4 Environmental Chemists, Inc. 6602 Windmill Way, Wilmington, NC 28405 ° 910.392.0223 Lab • 910.392.4424 Fax 710 Bowsertown Road, Manteo, NC 27954 & 252.473.5702 Lab/Fax 255-A Wilmington Highway, Jacksonville, NC 28540 V 910.347.5843 Lab/Fax infoCenvironmentalchenlists.com Guilford East Date of Report: Mar 12, 2020 1754 NC HWY 903 Customer PO #: Kenansville NC 28349 Customer ID; 11030018 Attention: Keith Westbrook Report #: 2020-02951 Project ID: Sludge Total Phosphorus SM 4500 P F 12200 mg/kg 02/28/2020 Mercury SW8467471B <1.24mg/kg 0212612020 TCLP Metals Arsenic EPA 200.7 <1.0 mg/L 02/28/2020 Barium EPA 200.7 <1.O mg/L 02/28/2020 Cadmium EPA 200.7 <1.O mg/L 02/28/2020 Chromium EPA200.7 <1.0mg/L 02/28/2020 Lead EPA 200.7 <1.Omg/L 02/28/2020 Selenium EPA 200.7 <1.0 mg/L 02/26/2020 Silver EPA 200.7 <1.O mg/L 02/28/2020 Mercury EPA 245.1 <0.0002 mg/L 03/02/2020 Lab ID Sample 1D: Collect Date/Time Matrix Sampled by 20-07149 Site: 1 2/20/2020 11:35 AM Solid/Sludge westbrook/baker Test Method Results Date Analyzed Total Solids (°/a) SM 2540 B 1.10 % 02/20/2020 Fecal Density SM 9221C E MPN 24 hr 503 31819 MPN/g 02/20/2020 Lab ID Sample ID: Collect DatelTime Matrix Sampled by 20-07150 Site: 2 2/20/2020 11:37 AM Solid/Sludge westbrook/baker Test Method Results Date Analyzed Total Solids (%) Fecal Density Lab ID Sample ID: 20-07151 Site:3 Test Total Solids (%) Fecal Density SM 2540 B SM 9221 C E MPN 24 hr 503 Method 1.55 % 0212012020 59355 MPNIg 02/20/2020 Collect Date/Time Matrix Sampled by 2/20/2020 11:39 AM Solid/Sludge westbrook/baker SM 2540 8 SM 9221 C E MPN 24 hr 503 Results 1.53 % 11112 MPNIg Date Analyzed 02/20/2020 02/20/2020 Report #:: 2020-02951 Page 3 of 4 Environmental Chemists, Inc. 6602 Windmill Way, Wilmington, NC 28405 + 910.392.0223 Lab b 910.392.4424 Fax 710 Bowsertown Road, Manteo, NC 27954 ° 252.473.5702 Lab/Fax 255-A Wilmington Highway, Jacksonville, NC 28540 a 910.347.5843 Lab/Fax info(wenvironmentalchemists.com Guilford East Date of Report: Mar 12, 2020 1754 NC HWY 903 Customer PO #: Kenansville NC 28349 Customer ID: 11030018 Attention: Keith Westbrook Report #: 2020-02951 Project ID: Sludge Lab ID Sample ID: Collect Date/Time Matrix Sampled by 20-07152 Site:4 2/20/2020 11A1 AM Solid/Sludge westbrooklbaker Test Method Results Date Analyzed Total Solids (%) SM 2540 B 1.49 % 02/20/2020 Fecal Density SM 9221 C E MPN 24 hr 503 36242 MPNIg 02120/2020 Lab ID Sample ID: Collect Date/Time Matrix Sampled by 20-07153 Site: 5 2/20/2020 11:43 AM Solid/Sludge westbrooklbaker Test Method Results Date Analyzed Total Solids (%) SM 2540 B 1.48 % 02/20/2020 Fecal Density SM 9221C E MPN 24 hr 503 23649 MPNIg 02/20/2020 Lab ID Sample ID: Collect Date/Time Matrix Sampled by 20-07154 Site: 6 2/20/2020 11:45 AM SolidlSludge westbrooklbaker Test Method Results Date Analyzed Total Solids (%) SM 2540 B 1.52 % 02/20/2020 Fecal Density SM 9221C E MPN 24 hr 503 23027 MPNIg 02/20/2020 Lab ID Sample ID: Collect Date/Time Matrix Sampled by 20-07155 Site: 7 2/20/2020 11:48 AM Solid/Sludge westbrooklbaker Test Method Results Date Analyzed Total Solids (%) SM 2540 B 1.51 % 02/20/2020 Fecal Density SM 9221C E MPN 24 hr 503 23179 MPN/g 02/20/2020 Comment: Sludge residuals, except pH, reported on a dry weight basis. pH reported on an as received basis_ Reviewed by: LAo Report #:: 2020.02951 Page 4 of 4 Environmental Chemist, Inc,, Wilmington, NC Lab #94 5602 Windmill Way 'Nilmington, NC 28405 910,392.0223 Sample Receipt Checklist Client: �la� Date: ! l i, Report Number: Receipt of sample: Delivered © YES ❑ YES ❑ NO UPS ❑ FedEx ❑ Other ❑ NIA 1. Were custody seals ❑ NO NIA present on the cooler? 2. If custody seals were present, were they intact/unbroken? Original temperature upon receipt Z. oC How temperature taken: Corretted temperature upon receipt oC Blank IR Gun ID: Thomas Traceable S/N192511657ture ❑ against Battles ❑ YES YES ❑ ❑ NO 3. if temperature of cooler ie exceeded 6'C,R Gun I on Factor -C: O, YES ❑ NO NO was Project Mg' 4. Were proper costa /� notified? dY procedures (relinquished/received) followed? 5. Were YES ❑ NO p sam le 10 i listed on the COC? YES ❑ NO 6. Were samples Ip's listed on sample containers? 7, Were collection date YES ❑ NO and time listed on the COC? e. Were tests to be performed YES Cl NO listed an the COC? 9. Did samples arrive in YES ❑ NO proper containers for each test? 10. Did samples arrive in YES YES ❑ NO good condition for each test? 11. Was adequate sample volume ❑ YES C3 1] NO NO available?' 12. Were samples received within proper holding time For ❑ YES E 3 NO requested tests? 13. Were acid preserved samples received at a pH of <2? • 14. El YES ❑ NO Were cyanide sa mples received 15. Were suat a pH >12? lfide samples ❑ YES ❑ NO received a 16, Were NH3 t a pH �9? /TKN/Phenol Cl YES O NO received at a chlorine residual of c0.5 m/L? Were Sulf 17. ide/Cyanide received at a chlorine residual of <0.5 m/L? I CC/Valatiles are pH checked at time of analysis and recorded on the benchsheet, *` Bacteria sampies are checked for Chlorine at time of analysis and recorded on the benchsheet Sample Preservation: (Must be completed For any sample(5J incorrectly Y Preserved or with headspace} were received incorrectly preserved and were adjusted accordingly by adding (circle one): H2SO4 Time of preservation: a rIN03 �ICf NaOH If mare than one preservative is needed, Note: Notify customer servsce �mm notate In Cam ediately for incorrectly preserved samples. Obtain a new sample or ment5 below notify the state lab d directed to analyzed by the customer 'Nho was notified, Voiatiles Sampte(s) date and time! vere received with headsoace COMMENTS: RUC. 'QAJ02 `�� �Er) Analytical & Consulting Chemists Client: Guilford-Kenansvilie Sampled By:_!ad Sample Identification Sludge 2) 31 ENVIRONMENTAL CHEMISTS, INC OFFI E: 910+392-0223Windml Way1JmingtonFAX 910-392-44244� NCDENR: DWQ CERTIFICATION # 94 NCDHHS: DLS CERTIFICATION # 37729 info@environmentalchemists.com COLLECTION AND CHAIN OF CUSTODY PROJECT NAME: Sludge Analysis REPORT NO: [,"-' CONTACT NAME: PO NO: REPORT TO: Keith Westbrook, O PHONE/FAX: COPY TO: i' e' � 3 4"email: SAMPLE TYPE: I = Influent, E = Effluent, W = Well, ST = Stream, SO = Soil, SL = Sludge, Other: m 4m m o a o° ct m or c a (? m c� u E �w �' PRESERVATION ANALYSIS REQUESTED o z = N x z = a z g ~ = O � lq$ X Full TCLP, Nutrients/metals/RCI G G C P 49 X fecal densit /%TS G G C P b X fecal densit /%TS G G C P Sr X _ fecal densit NTS G G C P 5z X fecal densit /%TS G G C P 53 X fecal densit /%TS G G C P CC J --TT X fecal densit /%TS G G C P _ X feral riancity!°/TC G G Transfer Relinquished By: ❑atelTime Received By: Date/Time 1. 2. Temperature when Received: tJ V Accepted: ✓ Rejected: Resample Re a ted: Delivered By: Received By: Date: Z� Time: 5r� Comments: TU N OUND: