HomeMy WebLinkAbout20030680 Ver 1_Meeting Minutes_20010619~C~ ~~~~ S~ E ` ~ .~-+- I s 200! ~ - ~~aw.+/' W~--+~'flS GiiOUP '~ STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION MICHAEL F. EASLEY LYNDO TIPPETT GOVERNOR SECRETARY June 11, 2001 MEMO TO: Mike Bell US Army Corps of Engineers Cathy Brittingham NC Division of Coastal Management Bill Arrington NC Division of Coastal Management Ron Sechler National Marine Fisheries Service David Cox NC Wildlife Resource Commission John Hennessey NCDENR Sara Winslow NC Division of Marine Fisheries Bob Capehart NCDOT -Division 1 Construction Engineer Don Conner NCDOT -Division 1 Division Engineer Tom McCartney US Fish and Wildlife Service Gary Foster NCDOT -Roadway Design John Wadsworth FHWA Scott Hidden NCDOT -Soils and Foundations Dean Argenbright NCDOT - Geotechnical Allen Raynor NCDOT -Structure Design FROM: Stacy Harris, P.E. Project Development and Environmental Analysis Branch SUBJECT: Bridge Replacement over Tulls Creek on SR 1222 in Currituck County, TIP No. B-2950 Please plan to attend the NEPA/404 Merger Team Meeting for the following project or have a representative present. The meeting has been scheduled for June 20, 2001, in the Photogrammetry Conference Room, NCDOT Century Center Building B as follows: TIME PROJECT 1:00 pm B-2950, Currituck County, Replace Bridge No. 4 on SR 1222 over .Tuns Creek, Federal-Aid Project No. BRZ-1222(2) Attached for your review and use at the meeting are handouts and functional designs for the subject project. The purpose of the meeting is to select the LEDPA. If you have any questions, please contact me at 733-7844, ext. 264 MAILING ADDRESS: TELEPHONE: 919-733-3141 LOCATION: NC DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION FAX: 919-733-9794 TRANSPORTATION BUILDING PROJECT DEVELOPMENT AND ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS 1 SOUTH WILMINGTON STREET 1548 MAIL SERVICE CENTER WEBSITE: WWW.DOH.DOT.STATE.NC.US RALEIGH NC RALEIGH NC 27699-1548 CONCURRENCE MEETING Bridge No. 4 on SR 1222 Over Tull Creek in Currituck County TIP No. B-2950 Meeting June 20, 2001 @ 1:00 p.m. NCDOT- Photogrammetry Conference Room TIP No. B-2950 Preliminary Planning Information 6/11/01 Page 1 of 5 Replace Bridge No. 4 Over Tull Creek on SR 1222 in Currituck County Federal-Aid Project No. BRZ-1222(2) State Project No. 8.2040301 PURPOSE AND NEED Bridge Maintenance Unit records indicate the bridge has a sufficiency rating of 31.2 out of a possible 100 for a new structure. The bridge is considered functionally obsolete and structurally deficient. The replacement of an inadequate structure will result in safer and more efficient traffic operations. EXISTING CONDITIONS SR 1222 is classified as a rural minor collector. Land use in the project area is predominantly marshland, rural, residential, and agricultural. Private residences and agricultural fields are located in the northeast and southeast quadrants of the study area. Undeveloped coastal marsh lies on both sides of the roadway approaching from the northwest side of the bridge. There is a marina located approximately 800 feet (244 meters) downstream of the existing bridge. Bridge No. 4 was constructed in 1970. The existing bridge is 236 feet (72 meters) in length with a deck width of 28 feet (8.5 meters) providing 20 feet (6 meters) of travelway and 4-foot (1.2-meter) shoulder on both sides. The superstructure consists of seven spans of steel plank flooring on I-beams with an asphalt-wearing surface. The end bents are timber abutment walls and the interior bents are timber caps on timber piles. The center bent has a double steel crutch on both sides. The posted weight limit is 15 tons for single vehicles (SV) and truck-tractors semi-trailers (TTST). The existing bridge and west approach on SR 1222 is on a horizontal tangent. The east approach is on an 8.5-degree curve. SR 1222 has two 10-foot (3-meters) lanes with 6- foot (1.8 meter) grass shoulders. The structure provides approximately 9 feet (2.7 meters) of clearance above the average water level. The posted speed limit is 45 miles per hour (mph) (70 kilometers per hour (km/h)). The projected traffic volumes are 2300 vehicles per day (vpd) for the construction year 2002 and 6000 vpd for the design year 2025. The volumes include two percent TTST and three percent dual-tired vehicles (DT). This section of SR 1222 does not correspond to a bicycle TIP request nor is it a designated bicycle route. However, SR 1222 has been identified as a desired bike route in the Currituck County's land use plan. There is a private driveway at the northwest end of the bridge providing access to a local marina. Telephone and power lines cross the stream parallel to the roadway on the north side of the structure. There is a county owned water line along the south side of the bridge, which runs parallel to the roadway, and is buried on the bottom of the creek. Utility impacts are anticipated to be low. Three (3) accidents were reported in the vicinity of the bridge during the period from September 1, 1993 to August 31, 1996. Six (6) Currituck County school busses cross Bridge No. 4 twice daily. TIP No. B-2950 Preliminary Planning Information 6/11/01 Page 2 of 5 ALTERNATIVE DESCRIPTIONS The proposed structure will provide a 24-foot (7.2-meter) travelway with 4-foot (1.2-meter) shoulders for a clear roadway width of 32 feet (9.6 meters). The proposed approach roadway will consist of a 24-foot (7.2 meter) travelway with 8-foot (2.4 meter) shoulders including 4-foot (1.2 meter) paved. The design speed will be 50 mph [80 kmh]. A. Reasonable and Feasible Alternatives Six (6) "reasonable and feasible" alternatives studied for replacing the existing bridge are described below. Alternate C1 and Alternate C2 involve replacing the bridge on a new alignment downstream (north) of the existing bridge with a bridge. During construction of the structure, traffic will be maintained on the existing structure. During construction of the approaches, traffic will be routed off-site. The canal on the northeast quadrant is completely filled. The proposed bridge is approximately 420 feet (128 meters) in length, tangent and on a vertical crest. The approach curve to the bridge from the east is 5° 30". Alternate C1 provides driveway access to the marina perpendicular to SR 1222. Alternate C2 provides driveway access provided to the marina parallel to SR 1222. Alternate D1 and Alternate D2 involve replacing the bridge on new alignment downstream (north) of the existing bridge with a bridge. During construction of the structure, traffic will be maintained on the existing structure. During construction of the approaches, traffic will be routed off-site. The canal on the northeast quadrant is completely filled. The proposed bridge is approximately 900 feet (274 meters) in length, tangent and no vertical crest on the bridge. The approach curve to the bridge from the east is 5° 30". Alternate D1 provides no access to the marina. Alternate D2 provides a driveway access to the marina. Alternate F1 and Alternate F2 involve replacing the bridge on new alignment downstream (north) of the existing bridge with a bridge. During construction of the structure, traffic will be maintained on the existing structure. During construction of the approaches, traffic will be routed off-site. The proposed bridge is approximately 965 feet (294 meters) in length, tangent and no vertical crest on the bridge. The approach curve to the bridge from the west is 2° 30" and from the east is 7° 30". Alternate F1 provides no access to the marina. Alternate F2 provides a driveway access to the marina. TIP No. B-2950 Preliminary Planning Information 6/I 1/Ol Page 3 of 5 B. Alternatives Eliminated From Further Study Alternate A involves replacing the bridge along the existing alignment with an on-site detour north of the existing bridge. Traffic will be maintained on the temporary on-site detour during construction. This alternate was eliminated because of the increased environmental impacts and construction period. Alternate B1 and Alternate 62 involve replacing the bridge along the existing alignment with a slight shift north to avoid closing the canal on the southwest quadrant with proposed fill. The canal in the northeast quadrant has minor fill. During construction, traffic will be maintained by an off-site detour. The proposed bridge is approximately 300 feet (90 meters) in length, tangent and on a vertical crest. The approach curve from the east is 7° 30". Alternate B1 provides a driveway access to the marina perpendicular to SR 1222. Alternate B2 provides a driveway access to the marina parallel to SR 1222. Alternate 61 and Alternate B2 were eliminated because of the length of the off-site detour and the burden it would cause the public that use the road. Alternate E involves replacing the bridge on existing alignment with a bridge. The proposed bridge is approximately 1200 feet (365 meters) iri length which includes approximately 600 feet (183 meters) will be in a 3 degree curve on the east end and a vertical crest requiring prestressed girders. The remaining structure will be tangent and no vertical crest. Minor fill is proposed in the northeast canal and the southwest canal. During construction, traffic will be maintained by an off-site detour. No access is provided to the marina. Alternate E was eliminated because of the length of the off-site detour and the burden it would cause the public that use the road. The proposed detour route along SR 1214, NC 168, and SR 1232 is approximately 17 miles (27.4 kilometers) in length. A road user analysis was performed based on 2300 vehicles per day (vpd) for construction year 2002 and an average of 17 miles of indirect travel. The cost of additional travel will be approximately $4.6 million dollars during a twelve-month construction period. The "do-nothing" alternative will eventually necessitate closure of the bridge. This is not desirable due to the traffic service provided by SR 1222. Investigation of the existing structure by the Bridge Maintenance Unit indicates the rehabilitation of the old bridge is not feasible due to its age and deteriorated condition. TIP No. B-2950 Preliminary Planning Information 6/1 1/O1 Page 4 of 5 PROJECT SCHEDULE, COST, AND IMPACTS ALTER- NATE PROJECT LENGTH (FEET) BRIDGE LENGTH (FEET) TIDAL MARSH IMPACTS ACRES AQUATIC IMPACTS (ACRES) WETLAND RESTORATION (ACRES) RELOC- AT/ONS CONSTR. COST R/GHT OF WAY COST TOTAL COST C1 2,600 420 1.994 0.47 1.07 4 $ 3,400,000 $550,000 $3,950,000 C2 2,600 420 2.039 0.47 1.07 4 3,400,000 $575,000 $3,975,000 D1 3,200 900 1.286 0.53 1.30 6 4,400,000 $800,000 $5,200,000 D2 3,200 900 1.795 0.53 1.30 5 4,400,000 $1,000,000 $5,400,000 F1 3,200 965 1.57 0.38 1.31 3 4,650,000 F2 3,200 965 2.13 0.38 1.31 3 4,750,000 Right of Way acquisition for this project is scheduled to begin in 2001 and construction is schedule to begin in 2002. The Cost Estimate for the project included in the draft 2002 - 2008 Transportation Improvement program is as follows: Ri ht of Wa Ac uisition $ 344,000 Construction $ 600,000 Total Estimated Cost $ 944,000 WATER RESOURCES Tull Creek is a low flowing, coastal creek, which discharges into Tull Bay approximately 0.50 miles (0.80 kilometers) northeast of the project study area. Within the project study area of Bridge No. 4, Tull Creek flows east to northeast and is approximately 200 feet (61 meters) wide. Tull Creek has a Class B, Sw rating from the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources (NCDENR), Division of Water Quality (DWQ). The Class B rating indicates Tull Creek is protected for primary recreation, aquatic life propagation and survival, fishing, wildlife and secondary recreation and agriculture. The secondary classification of Sw indicates these are waters that have low velocities and other natural characteristics which are different from .adjacent streams. Tidal Freshwater Marsh This community is located on both sides of the northwest approach to the bridge. Dominant vegetation includes cord grass (Spartina cynosuroides), needlerush (Juncus sp.), southern wild rice (Zizaniopsis miliacea), cattail (Typha /atifolia) and widely scattered wax myrtle (Myrica cerifera) and bald cypress (Taxodium distichum). TIP No. B-2950 Preliminary Planning Information 6/11/01 Page 5 of 5 Aquatic Communities The Tull Creek area represents a high quality fishery habitat and functions as a nursery area for numerous freshwater and estuarine species. NCWRC and NCDENR, Division of Marine Fisheries (DMF) recommended no instream work from February 15 to September 30. The DMF has no sampling stations at Tull Creek at Bridge No. 4. This area is designated as an inland primary nursery area for blueback herring (A/osa aestivalis) and alewife (Alosa pseudoharengus). This area is also used by estuary dependent species as well as resident and anadromous species. DMF also recommended a construction moratorium from February 15 to September 30. COMMITMENTS Tull Creek is designated as an Inland Primary Nursery Area including the canal on the north side. Tull Creek and adjacent canals (if navigable by canoe) are considered public trust waters. Public Trust Waters must have "same current and potential navigable use" after construction. No in-water work will occur from February 15 to September 30, as requested in the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources (NCDENR) memorandum dated June 21, 1999. This is longer than the standard anadromous fish moratorium due to the primary nursery area designation. If any trees will be removed, bald eagle nest surveys will be performed as requested by the North Carolina Wildlife Resource Commission (NCWRC) in a memorandum dated July 27, 1998. Construction activities will adhere to the guidelines outlined in Precautions For Construction In Areas Which Mav Be Used By The West Indian Manatee In North Carolina. PROJECT STATUS 3/22/01 Concurrence Meeting was held to present Concurrence Point 1 and 2. All team members present signed Concurrence Point 1. At this meeting the agencies requested an additional alternate to be evaluated with the proposed bridge as close as possible to the existing bridge. This is Alternate F1 and F2 (attached). Section -104/NEPA Merger Project Team Meeting Agreement Concurrence Point No. l -Purpose and Need Project Name/Description: Replace Bridge No. 4 on SR 1222 over Tulls Creek in Currituck County TIP Project No. B-2950 Federal Aid Project No. BRZ-1222(2) State Project No. 8.2040301 Purpose and Need of the Proposed Project: To replace a functionally obsolete and structurally deficient structure with a safer and improved structure and approaches. To do-nothing will eventually necessitate removal of'the bridge and this is not desirable due to the traffic service provided by SR 1222. The Project Team has concurred on this date of March 14, 2001 with the purpose and need for the proposed project as stated abewe. USAC1~: USEPA NMFS DCM NCWI NCDI~ NCDOT ~?~ ~~Q~'-o r U S F W S ~o...~..,, ,c.(. ~~~„~,.~~ NPS NCDWQ ~ "~- ~G - v~ ~/ NCDCR~' FHWA N. W. RIVER MARSH I / GAME IAND ® C/ pry ~' ~F s T \,~ se °---°---t---s---- BRIDGE N Tu// c,.~ Gum co.olla ~z ,, ,, ~` `~ L ~` ~~\ ~` ~` Q ~`, Z ~~~ ~ °`~ 2 ~~ a K 2~ O 16 Cumfuck I~ i2as ~ J ,349 Izb9 ,~ ,zee rte, ;::; --• ,__. x ~ Mod. LEGEND Studied Detour Route NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OP TRANSPORTATION PROJECT DEVELOPMENT AND ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS BRANCH CURRITUCK COUNTY BRIDGE N0.4 ON SR 1222 OVER TULL CREEK TIP No. B-2950 ~. o u~ z~ FIGURE 1 ~ ra ~ `. `. .~ scux,em snow ~ ' IGtly Nawk ~ 158 ~ TULL BAY Tulls Creek ,m B-2950 APPROACH FROM THE EAST LOOKING WEST FROM BRIDGE APPROACH FROM THE WEST LOOKING WEST FROM BRIDGE t=. - - ~~ - _ - ~:_ ..._ ~ 1.. ;..f.. LOOKING FROM EAST END DOWNSTREAM LOOKING FROM WEST END OF BRIDGE SIDE DOWNSTREAM SIDE o a~~ ~~ a ° ~ a ~~ ~ y o ° ~ '~' ~ C y o~~ ~ o~ ~. ~ x ~~O ~~ ~ o U s,` o ~ ~: W ~ ~ N y U ~ ~ O .~ ~ N (~ y O ~ ~, p ~ ~ 3 ~ ~ a ry rrw~ `i O ~ _J V N ~ ~~1 a 0 ~~~~~~~ w ~ ~ s a N N y U ~ ~ ~ a ~ ~