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SW8050842_Historical File_20060526
NCDENR Stormwater Management Plan Calculations For The Neighborhoods of Holly Ridge, Phase li Onslow County, NC -CAgp� NNs.. P.E. +'+.,9�i�,S ..��61N�.•P�y��.•• y��''�H�uFEN�`�•,`, �2.a0 Co Seal C `23 Date Client: Neighborhoods of Holly Ridge, LLC Scott Cook, President 106-A Cinema Drive Wilmington, NC 28406 Prepared by: Stroud Engineering, P.A. 102-D Cinema Drive Wilmington, NC 28405 LI STORMWATER MANAGEMENT CALCULATIONS PROJECT: NEIGHBORHOODS OF HOLLY RIDGE--PH2 DATE 3/21 /2006 PROJECT # PW647 ENGINEER WZS System 1 Hydraulic Calculations Total Site Drainage Area 13902ac Rational Method Control Panel Impervious Area I 20.13 ac Existing C= % Impervious 51.59 % Predevelopment C= Fully Developed C= Pervious Area I 18.89 ac % Pervious 1 48.41 °% Composite Weighted C= Rainfall Intensity Calculations 10 Year 5.70 in/hr 25 Year 6.52 in/hr 100 Year 7.75 in/hr. Note: G and H values for Intensity calculation from New Hanover County Stormwater Design Manual. Peak Flow Calculation by Rational Method 10 Year Predevelopment 44.5 cis Postdevelopment 130.E cfs 25 Year Predevelopment 50.9 cfs Postdevelopment 149.3 cfs 100 Year Predevelopment 60.5 cfs Postdevelopment 177.5 cfs State Stormwater Runoff Volumetric Calculation Runoff to be Treated= 1.5 in _ Runoff=0.05+0.009*% Impervious f Runoff-" 0.5143 in System 1 Treatment Volume= 109270.3 cf Time of Concentration Calculation (by Kirpitch Method) Hydraulic Length= Watershed Height= Multiplier K= Calculated T,= 1500 FT 10 FT 1.00 15.00 min Q=CIA where C for Predevelopment is 0.20 and C for post development is Weighted C value Impervious Area Breakdown: Bldgs= 562500 sf Walks 35,985 sf Roads 228,752 sf Amenity Area 50,000 sf Note: Treatment Volume Calculated via following expression: V=1.5*Area*Run off*43560/ 12 (Bypass Provided) SCS Curve Number Method Analysis In Situ Soils on Site: Kureb Use Hydraulic Soil Group 0 I Curve Number I Impervious= 1 98 Open Space=1 39 Weighted Curve Numbe 69.44 Ultimate Storage Capacity of Soils=S=(1000/CN)-10 i S= 4.40 in _ Design Storm Precipitation: 10 Year 7.00 in Note: Precipitation figures based on 24 Hour Storm 25 Year 8.05 in 100 Year 10.00 in SCS CN Method Runoff Calculation Calculated Watershed Time to Peak (Tp) Qp=(P-0.2S)2/(P+0.8S) Tp=43.5*Area* Runoff/PostQ 10 Year Runoff 3.56 in 10 Year 46.27 min 25 Year Runoff 4.44 in 25 Year 50.50 min 100 Year Runoff 6.15 in 100 Year 58.83 min - System 1 Pump Basin 1-A Below Permanent Pool Above Permanent Pool EI. I SA Inc. Vol. ITotal Vol JEL ISA linc. Vol ITotal Vol I 22 19500 26 30113 _ 23 22054 20777 20777 27 32849 31481 31481 24 24584 23319 44096 28 35796 34322.5 65803.5 25 27361 25973 70069 29 38710 37253 103056.5 26 30113 28737 98806 Total 103056.5 Total 98806 - Assume Groundwater at approximatly 4' below existing grade, or elevation 25.0 This configuration will preserve groundwater in adjacent wetlands System 1 Pump Basin 1-B Below Permanent Pool Above Permanent Pool `I El. JEA I Inc. Vol. ITotal Vol I El. ISA I Inc. Vol ITotal Vol 22 10802 26 20042 23 12928 11865 11865 27 22610 21326 21326 24 15179 14054 25919 28 25236 23923 45249 25 17564 16372 42290 29 28633 26935 72184 26 20042 18803 61093 Total 72184 Total Available Volume= 175240 STORMWATER MANAGEMENT CALCULATIONS PROJECT: NEIGHBORHOODS OF HOLLY RIDGE-PH2 DATE 3/21/2006 PROJECT # PW647 ENGINEER WZS System 2 Hydraulic Calculations Total Site Drainage Area 22.42 ac Rational Method Control Panel Impervious Area % Impervious Pervious Area % Pervious Rainfall Intensity Calculations 10 Year 5.98 in/hr 25 Year 6.82 in/hr 100 Year 8.09 in/hr. Note: G and H values for Intensity calculation from New Hanover County Stormwater Design Manual. Peak Flow Calculation by Rational Method 10 Year Predevelopment I 26.8 cfs Postdevelopment 1 75.8 cfs 25 Year Predevelopment 30.6 cfs Postdevelopment 86.5 1cfs 100 Year Predevelopment 36.3 cfs - Postdevelopment 102.6 cfs State Stormwater Runoff Volumetric Calculation Runoff to be Treated= 1.5 in Runoff=0.05+0.009"% Impervious Runoff= 0.489161 in System 2 Treatment Volume= 59715.32 cf 10.94 ac 48.80 % 11.48 ac 51.20 % Existing C= 0,2 Predevelopment C= 0,2 Fully Developed C= 0.95 Composite Weighted C= 0.57 Time of Concentration Calculation (by Kirpitch Method) Hydraulic Length= I 1500 FT Watershed Height= 1 15 FT Multiplier K= Calculated T,= 1 12.85 min Q=CIA where C for Predevelopment is 0.20 and C for post development is Weighted C value Impervious Breakdown: Bldgs: 355500 sf Walks 18,044 sf Roads 103,093 sf Note: Treatment Volume Calculated via following expression: V=1.5"Area"Ru noff"43560/12 (Bypass Provided) SCS Curve Number Method Analysis In Situ Soils on Site: Kureb Use Hydraulic Soil Group 0 i Curve Number i Impervious= 1 98 Open Space=1 39 Weighted Curve Number 67.79 f Ultimate Storage Capacity of Soils=S=(1000/CN)-10 I S= 4.75 in Design Storm Precipitation: i 10 Year 7.00 in Note: Precipitation figures based on 24 Hour Storm j 25 Year 8.05 in 100 Year 10.00 in SCS CN Method Runoff Calculation Qp=(P-0.2S)`/(P+0.8S) 10 Year Runoff 3.56 in 25 Year Runoff 4.44 in 100 Year Runoff 6.15 in System 2 Pump Basin Below Permanent Pool EI. I SA Inc. Vol. Total Vol 19 12278 20 13948 13113 13113 21 15696 14822 27935 22 17523 16610 44545 23 19427 18475 63020 _ Total 53020 Calculated Watershed Time to Peak (Tp) Tp=43.5 Area* Runoff/PostQ 10 Year 45.77 min 25 Year 50.10 min 100 Year 58.46 min Above Permanent Pool JEI. SSA linc. Vol ITotal Vol 23 19427 24 21405 20416 20416 25 23457 22431 42847 26 25584 24520.5 67367.5 Storage achieved atju: 27 27785 26684.5 94052 Total 1 94052 Set Permanent pool at El. 23—Soils testing indicates groundwater is at this depth in region. This configuration will also preserve existing wetland hydrology Also set bypass weir elevation at 26.0—this will provide up to 1.5' driving head for bypass weir function Stormwater Management Calculations i Infiltration Pump System i - PROJECT: NEIGHBORHOODS OF HOLLY RIDGE—PH2 DATE 3/21 /2006 PROJECT # PW647 ENGINEER WZS System 1 Required Infiltration Volume= I 109270.3 cf System 2 Required Infiltration Volume= 1 59715.32 cf Overall System Infiltration Ability: Total Volume= 168985.E cf Vtot= I 3340 cf/hr or 415.42 gpm Infiltration Rate (from Solis Report)= 0in/hr Infiltration Basin Bottom Area= 13360 sf Infiltratinn Basin Vniumatriem El. SA 1Inc.Vol ITotalVol 56 13360 57 15523 14442 1 14442 58 18008 16766 31207 1OT21 37LU7 System Drawdown Time System 1 Pump Rate= I 145 gpm System 2 Pump Rate= 1 135 gpm Total Pump Rate= 280 gpm Set pump rate slightly less than infiltration rate Pump Drawdown Time System 1 I 93.73 hr or 3.91 days System 2 1 55.02 hr or 2.29 days Therefore System Drawdown Time is 3.91 days since Infiltration Rate Is equal to pump drawdown rate MI LL 0 CO rl O Th" o a U It LLI IL ui ril ❑8mLU a Cl) a N M 2 co } O Co �- N 0 m II W 0 c� � W IL Y 2w 02 U U O } J J 0 W 2 W LL m 0 0 0 U o Z U Om OJ L9 W Z W z Of z0 LL uj � VO F- a0 O O O O7 co a0 co N h h O h h aD h h h O a0 N CO v CA a0 CM M (O O O O Iq h r r N CA O> OR CO O CO ap M h h 0 N M N N et vC7 W) O V O O N CO CO CO N N CM M Cl) C7 N go to co A TT 0V)rco MT MhrNC9 M C.)V pi V) (00 vM0 hr I- v 0) CD NCJ)O hN coO h O MO aO OO Mr Orr h RR f� 0srh NrO(O M 0 r`O) h(MO co03 CNN h vet a0 vOO 000r hM (D �} rNN NN rMM r MCO MCl) M r rN r NN CO OM MM OP9Cl) O e}� M 000 MMO V:M M O O O O O 0 0 O O O O O O O O O O O O O O G M C7 Mh O W O Oat? va0 a0 h 00 M co O Cl) NW O O '7 M 0 (9 M V h N O O N N a0 O O N 1. % O) N h 07 OO hLOO CAN lNN h t•0)00) Cl) 0 �In(D OC7N W) V' O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O W] O O O O O O O O O 00 000oo 000 0 00 0 coo 00o c0 0 0 vv vvvvv vvv v vv v vvv vvv vv v v N N N N N N N N N N" N N N N N N N N N N N N N hh hhh hh hhh h hh h hhh hhh hh r, fh O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O N V OO co hcoO M MM M Ithh rN NNN Mh r V: O) OM N OOh NNE (OM CA co" 0 0 N� It O CC) r h h O �2 V �2 0 0 0 r M M O 17 O CO Lq M m(�N OM n O N r 0 O r O O O O O r U) CO00n rh hr CO CO OCO CO (OOO U) NNM NM 0 0 U co in (L U m U U U U CO U U m U U U U LL 00 m C.)w in m U U Nr (co coOCO tih Nh� (OO CCOOO CO (DO(00O NNN NN M N m m m m �p m m m m m m m Co m m m m m m m m m m m UU UU�UCi UUU U U� U vvv UUU UU 0 W W N CD a0 co O c0 n n 00 n a0 r r CD W W W co CO W W N c0 co Ln O O n N n N CC) m (C1 r r OR W W r r CR '7 O O O h n O a0 h n n M N In CD n O O M m to N O N W) Ln N Ln N W W N V O In LC) M M n h M co B7 00 v a CD C) co r ems- � r LM r C7 cc w CC* M in r N N N Go r N N M M N cc in h n a 00 N -CO 00 Ln W N O O M N Ln CD CD N N O W O v W N m n n v O O h a0 O W O W h n h v OR ao N M M CM M Ib M O a0 O a n CD m lD a h W a O W Oi M n r N co h h cn V) v h n co a0 M LC) 00 r r r r N r N r M M r M r r r N N N r r N N r r r N r N M Cl) M O a M v Cl) M Cl) CM v 0) M M M W) If) Ln Ln v v N N Ln v v O V; � Ln O O O O G O O O O O O O p 0 0 0 O O r r 0 0 6 r O O O O Ln W CD O CO CO O h W CO O Ln a O M M Ln Ln N N N to W v W a O W W c-r CO IT W ry u7N v, Ln Ln m CphOn OO OO vOr aLn M O 44 46 N N N 07 m co r a r m M N h T v a CD CD N Cl) v CO CD M n Cl) a r Ln Ln Ln Ln CD Ln Ln Ln Ln Ln lD Ln Ln Ln Ln Ln Ln Ln Ln Ln Ln Ln In Cq In Ln Ln Ln Ln Ln U� Ln O O 00 O O O O 00 00 O O O O Coco O O 0 0 0 0 0 O co O 0 era v It v v a It v a It It a v a a v a v a v v v v v v v v v a v v N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N NNNN N N N N N N N N N t: r h h h 1- n n n h n h n n n h h h Ih h r n Ir In n r, h h n 1: h h Ln O In Ln In Ln Ln Ln to Ln Ln Ln O Ln CC) Ln O W) In LD Ln Ln Ln Ln Ln Ln Ln Ln Ln to LD Ln M M Ln W a0 M Ln a a0 M M n n M It h h h n CD CD N h b y W W N aD O CD CD M M N co t` a O h n N a s r CD O n O O O O O O N CM Cl; v r CD CD r r r 00 N M r C] W Ln co CD CO aa N h a Cl) N Ln a v I- t,: O CD M Ln a r CD N m V O M (D CO C) O O O rO CD O OrOO O OG O r C7 O h m a v M M r co h CD (D CD Cl) y CD n I- co O W a0 O In O N N W (n M M M Cr) M N N N N N N N M h Cl) coco ca M mcmi co C) cmi cmi co to 0mc`0i 0 ()C)C)L) m0 mL �C)0 0 cmi0 U C) W W h O Ln a N M r_ O a0 h CD Ln 1 0 M a CO _ W n W O W 00 a In O CO m m in m m m m co in m in m m m m m m m m W m m in m m m m m in m m U U U U U 0 U 0 U U 0 U U-) U U U U U W 9 U U U U U U U U U r MMM N� der h0 (D O) CO CO aph O O N �v COOCO ao ap IO IC) 00 OOO aONONaO O MhO W h l�h I MCl) m C')M NM V: w W)W) M V: COW O N It sP NN ri r) htO CO M'd'It CC)M0IO IO Nw CO MrM O MIC)ri ap j MGM rNNNN go cc TT An co Go co NN PM C9C9 �r ��e�- rwrNN �C9 v �+07 V _ jIl V CON N IO I, -:CO W0r r M cq cl 0M O h LO Wm O M NN LOItM hh OMM �e}v 0)0 to pi N to MMM v0 Z; W,h C) CM Ohh q O r r NN M" � CO NNN q q hh 00 R R GO fhh r ap PI: CO MrTh NM CA O CO h V N r r r r r r r r r r r r r N N N r M M V - CD CO CO OMM CMM Mom' hapO CM W aD MM CMM q 'cl'CDO MO(p v(O sr M ICJ IO CD 00 00000 O0 000 O a C7000 00 000 C7 N000 000 0 i wN Q?rh aD IO IO IO M0000 O IO eh hMM 14:O0 Cn ll� MM OM(A CO IO IO �hh OMCO (DO aD NMI h co co00 �co0)(7)0) MCD CO OD aD v qVl CO CO r0 P7n MNNN NN InLO OO 0GD0 W(O Cn v CO N V II NCO It h ONN N vco0 N { +j1 r r r N M CO CA 1 - IO 100 IO ICJ OIL)CO lO IO In IO In O IO IO IO IOO CO IOO IO IO IO IO lOOOO lO IO II) IO 0 {- O O CD00000 CD CD CD O 00 CD CD O 0 0 000 0 0 06 0 O 0 0 O O vvv vvvvv It It vvv v It vvvv vv vvv vvvvv v vvv v J N N N N N N N N Cl! N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N j1 h h h I - 1- h h h h h h I- h h h h h h h h 1- h h h h h h h h h h h h h h P. CO ICJ In CO O IO CO lO ICJ ICJ CO CC) CO M IC) IO CC) 4) In In O CO lO IO I[) IO O O 0 I[) IO IO CO lO IO cq a00 O O M lO lO IO N CO M Ch) N If) IO ahp OD O of IM N N h co N v I COO r O O CD Co rNNNN Or rNN r vv Otn In Co rr rNN C6 vi4 h c-ci N �pMj Cr �T h a0p (A h NO h co 000 e-0 O O O V:rr 000 O vONi OOrr O O J J h 0(n I(j IM NcM-Ui M �U)in IOOrm co0 OCNO CNO 00Ph.� N CO CO V'M CO 0 0 CD ¢ O co w D U m co m m Co w m CO M co inm U m m m L L U U L C. U L L U U U 0 U U U U U U U U U U m 2 IWl . 0 W M 04 CO h CIJ a U) h Co m m m CO U') CO m m m m m v CO m m CO CO m m m CO m CO m m CO CCOO �cO�7 m m V U) CA W m 'd 'dt h CO m m IO W) v m m m m m I 'd' v ap m m C.L (n LL UUU UUU)� UU UU—) U L)" UUUU IL-n UU-3 UUUUU U m UU� W O u. I I� h CO O) f0 LL7 O O _ h CO N � eF I 1 J o O U - Z W W N N n r� m - H J d U) ` LO LO LL 0 Z_ g U Q Z rn W J W Ix � Ix Z Wco G J h I — Ci T O Q ❑ Q F J W D V S2U-) V ao S2 W C — W W LL M LL U Z 3 { LU F W 1.r w U LL D LL L_ Stormwater Pump Station Pump Design Project: Neighborhoods of Holly Ridge Phase 2 Engineer: Stroud Engineering, PA Date: March 24, 2006 Desizn Flow 2Jp Total stormwater flow desired is 416 gpm during peak pumping timeframe, however, 2 pumps will be used. Consider both cases of 2 pumps pumping in parallel using Hardy Cross analysis as well as singular case of one pump pumping alone as will be case during large storms (System 1 has slower drawdown) FORCE MAIN SYSTEM CURVE - sLPIvk"� 'voC No. of Check Valves 2 No. of Gate Valves 2 FORCEMAIN DIAMETER (IN.) 4 FORCEMAIN LENGTH (FT.) 2300 NO. OF 45 BENDS (EA.) 12 NO. OF 90 BENDS (EA.) 7 FLOW G( PM) 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 210 220 230 240 250 260 270 280 290 300 310 MINOR LOSSES FROM 90 BEND 0.000 0.001 0.006 0.013 0.024 0.037 0.053 0.073 0.095 0.120 0.148 0.180 0.214 0.251 0.291 0.334 0.380 0.429 0.481 0.536 0.594 0.654 0.718 0.785 0.855 0.928 1.003 1.082 1.163 1.248 1.336 1.426 MINOR LOSSES 4 IN FM FROM 45 BEND FRICTION HEAD (FEET1� 0.000 0.000 0.001 0.128 0.004 0.462 0.008 0.979 0.015 1.667 0.023 2.519 0.033 3.52.9 0.045 4.694 0.059 6.009 0.075 7.472 0.093 9.080 0.112 10.830 0.133 12.722 0.156 14.753 0.181 16.920 0.208 19.224 0.237 21.662 0.267 24.233 0.300 26.936 0.334 29.769 0.370 32.732 0.408 35.824 0.448 39.044 0.489 42.390 0.533 45.863 0.578 49.461 0.625 53.183 0.674 57.029 0.725 60.998 0.778 65.089 0.833 69.302 0.889 73.636 MINOR LOSS STATIC HEAD FROM GATE VALVES (FEET) (FEET) 38 0 38 0.00 38 0.00 38 0.00 38 0.01 38 0.01 38 0.01 38 0.02 38 0.02 38 0.03 38 0.03 38 0.04 38 0.05 38 0.06 38 0.06 38 0.07 38 0.08 38 0.09 38 0.11 38 0.12 38 0.13 38 0.14 38 0.16 38 0.17 38 0.19 38 0.20 38 0.22 38 0.24 38 0.26 38 0.27 38 0.29 38 0.31 b+pEis:�C.v� ,por,r' rg 1 y5 6pN. - � MINOR LOSS FROM CHECK VALVE (FEET) 0 0.00 0.01 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.09 0.12 0.16 0.20 0.24 0.30 0.35 0.41 0.48 0.55 0.63 0.71 0.79 0.88 0.98 1.08 1.18 1.29 1.41 1.53 1.65 1.78 1.92 2.05 2.20 2.35 TOTAL HEAD EE 38.000 38.133 38.483 39.026 39.750 40.648 41.715 42.947 44.340 45.891 47.598 49.457 51.468 53.628 55.935 58 .389 .98 87 63.729 °T 66.613 ice' wT' 69.638 72.804 76.108 79.550 83.130 86.946 90.697 94.683 98.804 103.057 107.444 111.962 116.612 140 120 r- W 100 LL Z 80 60 J Q 40 H 20 0 FORCE MAIN SYSTEM CURVE c,oAr'..) {� 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 FLOW (GPM) I Stormwater Pump Station Pump Design Project: Neighborhoods of Holly Ridge Phase 2 Engineer: Stroud Engineering, PA Date: March 24, 2006 Desisn Flow Total stormwater flow desired is 280 gpm during peak pumping timeframe, however, 2 pumps will be used. Consider both cases of 2 pumps pumping in parallel using Hardy Cross analysis as well as singular case of one pump pumping alone as will be case during large storms (System 1 has slower drawdown) FORCE MAIN SYSTEM CURVE No. of Check Valves 2 No. of Gate Valves 2 FORCEMAIN DIAMETER (IN.) 4 FORCEMAIN LENGTH (FT.) 2000 NO. OF 45 BENDS (EA.) 12 NO. OF 90 BENDS (EA.) 7 FLOW (GPM) 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 210 220 230 240 250 260 270 280 290 300 310 MINOR LOSSES MINOR LOSSES 4 IN FM FROM 90 BEND FROM 45 BEND FRICTION HEAD (FEE) (FEE11 E1 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.001 0.001 0.112 0.006 0.004 0.402 0.013 0.008 0.851 0.024 0.015 1.449 0.037 0.023 2.190 0.053 0.033 3.069 0.073 0.045 4.081 0.095 0.059 5.225 0.120 0.075 6.497 0.148 0.093 7.895 0.180 0.112 9.418 0.214 0.133 11.063 0.251 0.156 12.828 0.291 0.181 14.713 0.334 0.208 16.716 0.380 0.237 18.836 0.429 0.267 21.072 0.481 0.300 23.422 0.536 0.334 25.886 0.594 0.370 28.463 0.654 0.408 31.152 0.716 0.448 33.951 0.785 0.489 36.861 0.855 0.533 39.881 0.928 0.578 43.009 1.003 0.625 46.246 1.082 0.674 49.590 1.163 0.725 53.042 1.248 0.778 56.599 1.336 0.833 60.263 1.426 0.889 64.031 dP�izATot-1-PO,1-1-T - is MINOR LOSS STATIC HEAD FROM GATE VALVES E1 (FEET) 40 0 40 0.00 40 0.00 40 0.00 40 0.01 40 0.01 40 0.01 40 0.02 40 0.02 40 0.03 40 0.03 40 0.04 40 0.05 40 0.06 40 0.06 40 0.07 40 0.08 40 0.09 40 0.11 40 0.12 40 0.13 40 0.14 40 0.16 40 0.17 40 0.19 40 0.20 40 0.22 40 0.24 40 0.26 40 0.27 40 0.29 40 0.31 MINOR LOSS FROM CHECK VALVE (FEET) 0 0.00 0.01 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.09 0.12 0.16 0.20 0.24 0.30 0.35 0.41 0.48 0.55 0.63 0.71 0.79 0.88 0.98 1.08 1.18 1.29 1.41 1.53 1.65 1.78 1.92 2.05 2.20 2.35 TOTAL HEAD 40.000 40.117 40.423 40.898 41.532 42.320 43.255 44.335 45.556 46.917 48.413 50.044 51.808 53.703 55.728 C,pF¢orrTp 57.881 60.162 62.568 65.100 67.756 70.534 73.435 76.457 79.601 82.864 86.246 89.746 93.365 97.101 100.954 104.923 109.008 FORCE MAIN SYSTEM CURVE 120 100 w BO -ram E z E._ Q �i' 6o ❑ a-m-mrp- 40 •-o-o-c-o-o�o-� E 0 20 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 FLOW (GPM) 1t9VON NC A1ddNS S3HM WdS�:E 900Z '6 '933 STROUD ENGINEERING, P.A. 3961-A Market Street WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28403 (910) 815-0775 L— PSOOMT 2N-1 (Simple Sheets( 205-1(Padded) JOB }LAJ. AMA5 SHEET NO. 1 OF CALCULATED BY 1A,1ZS DATE 4 I tnl�o CHECKED BY DATE SG�t1Ae-�a'. Pv. QYMY'S ai.l 5irsm, Sti w -xrw-- ,5K:L-C P"Pav P-44C&4 5 y--,-Ir -P .gyp :Z6Jp,L.-r1F ATIPIl 115"to s IV /v,, 1" F� a_ 2 Day 1,12A0 / 3401r--ik� s. P"A&P gySt *9 = Pvn,wP Network Table - Links Link ID Flow GPM Velocity fp s Unit Headloss ft/Kft Friction Factor Pipe 3 141.07 0.40 0.06 0.024 Pipe 4 150.31 0.43 0.07 0.023 Pipe 5 150.31 3.84 13.94 0.020 Pipe 6 141.07 3.60 12.39 0.021 Pipe 7 291.39 7.44 47.48 0.018 Pump 1 150.31 0.00 -113.92 0.000 Pump 2 141.07 -Z 0.00 -115.79 0.000 I JeL&COY ov L - (�,-v4 VOIAPS oO Network Table - Nodes Node ID Demand GPM Head ft Pressure psi Quality Junc 3 0.00 143.78 51.04 0.00 Junc 4 0.00 141.92 51.10 0.00 Junc 5 0.00 28.00 1.73 0.00 Junc 6 0.00 28.00 0.87 0.00 June 7 0.00 136.35 45.21 0.00 Resvr 1 -150.31 28.00 0.00 0.00 Resvr 2 -141.07 28.00 0.00 0.00 Resvr 8 291.39 58.00 0.00 0.00 L. SKs�sM-2t �b Network Table - Links Link ID Flow GPM Velocity fps Unit Headloss $/Kft Friction Factor Pipe 3 221.32 0.63 0.14 0.022 Pipe 4 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.000 Pipe 5 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.000 Pipe 6 221.32 5.65 28.53 0.019 Pipe 7 221.32 5.65 28.53 0.019 Pump 1 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.000 Pump 2 221.32 0.00 -94.20 0.000 AOA,�AOCLO `RO.&W CAXWO--TKJ L Network Table - Nodes Node ID Demand GPM Head ft Pressure psi Quality Junc 3 0.00 122.19 41.68 0.00 Junc 4 0.00 105.08 35.13 0.00 Junc 5 0.00 28.00 1.73 0.00 Junc 6 0.00 28.00 0.87 0.00 Junc 7 0.00 105.08 31.66 0.00 Resvr 1 0.00 28.00 0.00 0.00 Resvr 2 -221.32 28.00 0.00 0.00 Resvr 8 221.32 58.00 0.00 0.00 7 t 13 FLa) old 4-C% Network Table - Links Link ID Flow GPM Velocity fps Unit Head loss ft/Kft Friction Factor Pipe 3 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.000 Pipe 4 228.61 0.65 0.14 0.022 Pipe 5 228.61 5.84 30.30 0.019 Pipe 6 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.000 Pipe 7 228.61 5.84 30.30 0.019 Pump 1 28.61 0.00 -92.11 0.000 Pump 2 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.000 f L._ �ru-PF2d�+� Network Table - Nodes Node ID Demand GPM Head ft Pressure psi Quality Junc 3 0.00 107.99 35.53 0.00 Junc 4 0.00 120.11 41.64 0.00 June 5 0.00 28.00 1.73 0.00 Junc 6 0.00 28.00 0.87 0.00 June 7 0.00 107.99 32.93 0.00 Resvr 1 -228.61 28.00 0.00 0.00 Resvr 2 0.00 28.00 0.00 0.00 Resvr 8 228.61 58.00 0.00 0.00 J 0-r6- ums ->�-MO 2�4"-O^) = 2911c-1P-U- i JOB �1�,4a�goQ.►�a��s O� 11�c UV,b STROUD ENGINEERING, P.A. SHEET NO. I OF 3961-A Market Street r CALCULATED BY DATE _"4. i WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28403 I _ (910) 815-0775 CHECKED BY DATE_ crai F ...........ry........_...:...Y.......................+.............. . .............:..........._:........._..+............. ;.............. i.... ...... - - ---- - ---- ----- - ---- ----- - ----- __ .......... ------ .... _ . o ` .............+...--- -----moo h Roi. El . ............%P............._....... - ----- - - ..... - .... - �. -- ..,.................................................... ........Y3i="r.............4._.......;.......... 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A T . .......................................LoG 1st .................... ....................... single Sheets( 205.1(Padded) PROJECT: NEIGHBORHOO➢S OF HOLLY RIDGE SYSTEM I DATE: 3f26106 PROJECT NO.: PW-647 10 YR STORM ROUTING SHEET 1 OF 3 INFLOW HYDROGRAPH—ENTIRE WATERSHED Q p = 130.6 ors Tp = 46.27 min 140 120 100 n0 60 e 40 20 0 Innow (cfs) . � • • IMIow SCFv} • 0 50 100 150 time (minute) PROJECT: NEIGHBORHOODS OF HOLLY RIDGE SYSTEM I DATE: 3/26/06 PROJECT NO.: PW-647 10 YR STORM ROUTING SHEET 2 OF 3 STAGE -STORAGE RELATION-1.6" BASIN ELEV. Surface Area Inc. Volume Ace. VoL Stage S Z 26 50155 0 0 0 0 0 27 55459 52807 52807 1 52807 1 28 61032 58246 111053 2 111053 2 29 67343 64188 175240 3 175240 3 52807 tr = 1.09184352 STAGE -STORAGE CURVE 3.5 3 c 2.6 w 2 a 1.5 F � 1 0.5 0 0 50000 100000 150000 200000 STORAGE (CF) ♦ STORAGE —Poly. (STORAGE) PROJECT: NEIGHBORHOODS OF HOLLY RH)GE SYSTEM I PROJECT NO.: PW-647 10 YR STORM ROUTING SHEET 3 OF 3 10 YR STORM ROUTING4.6" BASIN BYPASS STAG`- 2.00 � WEIR LENGTH= 25.00 FT NOTE: THIS ROUTING IGNORES PUMP DISCHARGE DURING STORM DURATION TIME BASIN INFLOW BASIN STORAGE STAGE OUTFLOW 0.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 4.627 3.193 0.00 0.00 0.00 9.254 12.459 886.3E 0.02 0.00 13.981 26.892 4345.24 0.10 0.00 18.508 45.082 11811.11 0.25 0.00 23.135 65.248 24326.67 0.491 0.00 27.762 85.419 42440.82 0.82 0.00 32.389 103.623 66164.97 1.23 0.00 37.016 118.080 94922.91 1.71 0.00 41.643 127.375 127704.24 2.25 9.11 46.270 130.600 160538.12 2.77 50.54 50.897 127.439 182763.88 3.12 88.63 65.524 118.202 193537.92 3.29 109.34 60.151 104.586 195999.35 3.321 114.25 04.778 91.831 193316.12 &281 108.90 69.406 80.642 188580.09 3.21 N.64 74.032 70.811 183305.48 3.13 89.64 78.659 62.179 178078.47 3.04 80.06 83.286 54.599 173114.65 2.97 71.28 87.913 47.943 100483.48 289 63.38 92.540 42099 164196.51 2.83 56.34 97.167 36.967 160242.41 2.76 50.08 101.794 32460 156601.39 2.71 44.53 106.421 28.503 153251.04 2.65 39.60 111.048 25.028 150168.93 260 35.24 115.675 21.977 147333.62 2.56 31.37 120.302 19.298 144725.02 2.62 27.94 124.929 16.946 142324.54 2.48 24.90 129.556 14.880 140115.06 2.44 22.21 134.183 13.066 138080.84 2.41 19.81 138.810 11.473 136207.48 2.381 17.69 143.437 10.075 134481.76 2.361 15.80 148.064 8.846 132891.58 2.33 14.13 152.691 7.768 131425.84 2.31 12.64 157.318 6.821 130074.40 2.28 11.31 161.945 5.990 128827.95 2.26 10.13 166.572 5.259 127677.97 2.24 9.08 171.199 4.616 128616.65 2.23 8.15 175.826 4.055 125636.84 2.21 7.31 180.453 3.561 124731.97 2.20 6.57 185.080 3.127 123896.01 2.18 6.91 189.707 2.746 123123.47 2.17 5.32 194.334 2.411 122409.27 2.16 4.79 198.961 2.117 121748.77 2.16 4.32 203.688 1.859 121137.70 2.14 3.90 208.215 1.632 120512.16 2.13 3.52 212.842 1.433 120048.55 2,121 3.18 217.469 1.259 119563.68 2.11 2.88 222.096 1.105 119114.20 2.11 2.61 226.723 0.970 118697.95 .10 2.36 231.350 0.852 118311.37 2.09 2.14 235.977 0.748 11795299 2.09 1.95 240.6D4 0.61 117620.37 208 1.7i 245.231 0.577 117311.51 2.081 1.61 249.858 0.507 117024.59 2.07 1.47 254.485 0.445 116757.93 2.07 1.34 259.112 0.391 116509.98 2.06 1.22 263.739 0.3431 116279.31 Z06 1.12 268.366 0.301 116064.63 2.06 1.02 272.9,931 0.264 115864.72 2.05 0.94 277.6201 0.232 115678.47 2.05 0.86 282.2471 0.204 115604.861 2. 61 0.79 C5Z DATE: 3/26106 L BASIN ROUTING CHART 140.000 120 000 a,+ 60.000 t INFLOW . _ —FOUTFLOW 40.000 ... 20.000 •.. 0.000 Woo 50. 100.000 150.b00 �.. 200.000- 2500bb 30C 000 TIME PMN) �A,,(200 PROJECT: NEIGHBORHOODS OF HOLLY RIDGE SYSTEM H DATE: 3/26loe PROJECT NO.: PW-647 10 YR STORM ROUTING SHEET 1 OF 3 INFLOW HYDROGRAPH-ENTIRE WATERSHED Q p = 75.8 cfs Tp = 45.77 min 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 0 Innow (cfs) 50 100 150 time (minute) • Innow {Gs) L PROJECT: NEIGH$ORHOODS OF HOLLY RIDGE SYSTEM H DATE: 3126/06 PROJECT NO.: PW-647 10 YR STORM ROUTING SHEET 2 OF 3 STAGE -STORAGE RELATION-4.6" BASIN ELEV. Surface Area Inc. Volume Ace. Vol. Stage S Z 23 19427 0 0 0 0 0 24 21405 20416 20416 1 20416 1 25 23457 22431 42847 2 42847 2 26 25584 24521 67368 3 67368 3 27 27785 26685 94052 4 94052 4 Ks = 20416 b = 1.10187919 STAGE -STORAGE CURVE 4.5 4 3.5 LL 3 W 2.5 • STORAGE Q 2 —Poly. (.S fORAGF) pI 1.5 _ y_-BE-11 e +5E•&l5x 1 —1 0.5 0 20000 40000 60000 80000 100000 STORAGE (CF) PROJECT: NEIGHBORHOODS OF HOLLY RIDGE SYSTEM H PROJECT NO.: PW-647 10 YR STORM ROUTING SHEET 3 OF 3 10 YR STORM ROUTINO4.6" BASIN BYPASS STAGE= I 3.00 WEIR LENGTH-- I 25_00FT NOTE: THIS ROUTING IGNORES PUMP DISCHARGE DURING STORM DURATION TIME BASIN INFLOW BASIN STORAGE STAGE OUTFLOW 0.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 4.577 1.853 0.00 0.00 6.00 9.154 7.231 508.90 0.04 0.00 13.731 15.608 2494.72 0.15 0.00 18.308 26.165 6781.07 0.37 0.00 22.885 37.870 13966.58 0.71 0.00 27.462 49.577 24366.39 1.17 0.00 32.039 60.143 37981.31 1.761 0.00 36.616 68.533 54497.74 2.44 0.00 41.193 73.928 73318.36 3.19 6.25 45.770 75.800 91903.46 3.92 65.86 50.347 73.966 94633.92 4.02 77.54 54.924 66.604 93652.23 3.90 73.27 59.501 60.702 92370.79 3.94 67.81 64.078 53.302 90417,71 3.86 59.76 68.656 46.804 88644.27 3.79 52.73 73,232 41.099 67016.97 173 46.53 77.869 35.688 85523.10 3.67 41.07 82.386 31.689 84153.91 3.621 36.26 86.963 27.826 82897.93 3.57 32.02 91.540 24.434 81745.59 3.52 28.28 96.117 21.455 80688.17 3.48 24.99 100.694 18.840 79717.66 3.44 22.08 106.271 16.543 78826.77 3.41 19.52 109.848 14.526 78008.83 3.38 17.26 114.426 12.766 77257.74 3.35 15.27 119.002 11.201 76567.92 3.321 13.51 123.579 9.835 75934.26 3.29 11.96 128.156 8.636 75352.09 3.27 10.58 132.733 7.583 74817.13 3.25 9.37 137.310 6.659 74325.49 3.23 8.30 141.687 5.847 73873.56 3.21 7.36 146.4641 5.134 73458.07 3.20 6.53 151.041 4.509 73076.02 3.18 5.79 155.616 3.959 72724.65 3.17 5.14 160.195 3,476 72401.44 3.15 4.56 164.772 3.053 72104.138 3.14 4.06 169.349 2.660 71830.45 3.13 3.60 173.926 2.354 71578.61 3.12 3.20 178.503 2.067 71346.79 3.11 2.84 183.080 1.815 71133.34 3.101 2.53 187.657 1.594 70936.78 3.10 2.26 192.234 1.399 70755.72 3.09 y 2.01 196.811 1.229 70588.92 3.08 1.79 201.388 1.079 70435.22 3.08 1.59 205.965 0.947 702.93.55 3.07 1.42 210.542 0.832 70162.94 3.07 1.21 216.119 0.730 70D42.51 3.06 1.13 219.696 0,641 69931.43 3.06 1.01 224.273 0.563 69828.95 3.D5 0.91 228.850 0.495 69734.39 3.05 0.81 233.427 0.434 69647.10 3.05 0.73 238.004 0.381 69566.51 3.04 0.65 242.581 0.335 69492.08 3.04 0.59 247.158 0.294 69423.32 3.04 0.53 251.735 0.258 69359.78 3.031 0.47 256.312 0.227 69301.05 3.03 0.42 260.889 0.1901 69246.75 3.03 0.38 265.466 0,175 69196.52 3.03 0.34 270.043 0.154 69160.05 3.03 0.31 274.6201 0.135 69107.04 3.02 0.28 279.1971 0.1181 69067.22 3.02 0.25 DATE: 3/26106 STROUD ENGINEERING, P.A. 3961-A Market Street WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28403 (910) 815-0775 L- PSOOOG721)4-1(Singla Sheets( 205-1(Padded) JOB ASC-� Ri NE- SHEET NO. -I OF CALCULATED BY 02r-1 DATE CHECKED BY DATE ArAI F Project Summary Report Project Description Worksheet Triangular Channe Flow Element Triangular Channe Method Manning's Formula Solve For Channel Depth Input Data Mannings Coefflc 0.030 Slope 031000 ft/ft - Left Side Slope 0.20 V : H Right Side Slope 0.20 V : H Discharge 92.27 cfs Results Depth 1.58 ft Flow Area 12.5 f:2 Wetted Perimi 16.14 ft Top Width 15.83 ft Critical Depth 1.84 ft Critical Slope 0.013838 fUft Velocity 7.36 ft/s Velocity Head 0.84 ft Specific Enert 2.43 ft Froude Numbs 1.46 Flow Type supercritical LProject Engineer. Julie Tuten c:\haestad\fmw\hollyridge.fm2 Stroud Engineering Company FlowMaster v6.0 [614b] 03/24/06 12:54:23 PM 0 Haestad Methods, Inc. 37 Brookside Road Waterbury, CT 06708 USA (203) 755-1666 Page 6 of 6 Project Summary Report Project Description Worksheet OFFSITE2 Flow Element Triangular Char Method Manning's Forrr Solve For Channel Depth i Input Data Mannings Coeffic 0.030 Slope 015000 ft/ft Left Side Slope 0.20 V : H Right Side Slope 0.20 V : H Discharge 42.75 cfs Results Depth 1.36 ft Flow Area 9.2 ft2 Wetted Perim4 13.86 ft Top Width 13.59 ft Critical Depth 1.35 ft Critical Slope 0.015333 ftlft r r�7 jZ oR- Velocity 4.63 fUs Velocity Head 0.33 ft Specific Enerc 1.69 ft Froude Numbs 0.99 Flow Type 3ubcritical 1, Project Engineer. Julie Tuten c:\haestad\fmw\hollyridge.fm2 Stroud Engineering Company FlowMaster v6.0 [614b] L 03/24/06 12:64:23 PM C Haestad Methods, Inc. 37 Brookside Road Waterbury, CT 06708 USA (203) 755-1666 Page 2 of 6 Project Summary Report Project Description Worksheet OFFSITE3 Flow Element Triangular Char Method Manning's Forrr Solve For Channel Depth Input Data i Mannings Coeffic 0.030 Slope 011700 ft(ft Left Side Slope 0.20 V : H Right Side Slope 0.20 V : H Discharge 92.02 cis - Results Depth 1.90 it Flow Area 18.0 fta Wetted Perim( 19.36 ft Top Width 18.98 ft Critical Depth 1.84 ft - Critical Slope 0.013843 ft/ft cc a eiL Velocity 5.11 ft/s _[_EIS 1b� .1� Velocity Head 0.41 ft Specific Eneq 2.30 ft Froude Numb, 0.92 Flow Type 3ubcritical I Project Engineer: Julie Tuten c:\haestad\fmw\hollyridge.fm2 Stroud Engineering Company FlowMaster v6.0 [614b] 03/24/06 12:54:23 PM ® Haestad Methods, Inc. 37 Brookside Road Waterbury, CT 06708 USA (203) 755-1666 Page 3 of 6 Project Summary Report Project Description Worksheet SWALE 4 Flow Element Triangular Char Method Manning's Forrr Solve For Channel Depth Input Data Mannings Coeffic 0.030 j Slope 022000 ft/ft ._ Left Side Slope 0.20 V : H Right Side Slope 0.20 V : H Discharge i 5.25 cis f_ Results Depth 0.58 ft 1 Flow Area 1.7 ft' — Wetted Perimi 5.88 ft Top Width 5.76 ft Critical Depth 0.59 ft — Critical Slope 0.020280 ft/ft Velocity 3.16 ft/s 494 Velocity Head 0.16 ft Specific Enerf 0.73 ft Froude Numbs 1.04 Flow Type supercritical Project Engineer. Julie Tuten c:\haestadlfmwlhollyridge.fm2 Stroud Engineering Company FlowMaster v6.0 [614b] 03/24/06 12:54:23 PM ®Haestad Methods, Inc. 37 Brookside Road Waterbury, CT 06708 USA (203) 755-1666 Page 4 of 6 Project Summary Report Project Description Worksheet swale5 Flow Element Triangular Char - Method Manninq's Fom Solve For Channel Depth - Input Data Mannings Coeffic 0.030 Slope 007000 ft/ft Left Side Slope 0.20 V : H Right Side Slope 0.20 V : H Discharge 66.67 cfs Results Depth 1.85 ft Flow Area 17.2 ftz Wetted Perimi 18.89 ft Top Width 18.52 ft Critical Depth 1.62 ft Critical Slope 0.014451 ft/ft Velocity 3.89 ft/s Velocity Head 0.23 ft Specific Ener( 2.09 ft Froude Numbi 0.71 Flow Type 3ubcritical Project Engineer: Julie Tuten c:lhaestadlfmwlhollyr11dge.fm2 Stroud Engineering Company FlowMaster v6.0 [614b] 03/24/06 12:54:23 PM 0 Haestad Methods, Inc. 37 Brookside Road Waterbury, CT 06708 USA (203) 755-1666 Page 5 of 6 Project Summary Report Project Description Worksheet amenity swale Flow Element Triangular Char Method Manning's Forrr Solve For Channel Depth - Input Data Mannings Coefflc 0.030 Slope 005000 ft/ft Left Side Slope 0.33 V : H Right Side Slope 0.33 V : H Discharge 6.05 cfs Results Depth 0.98 ft Flow Area 2.9 fts Wetted Perim( 6.23 ft Top Width 5.91 ft Critical Depth 0.76 ft Critical Slope 0.019428 ft/ft Velocity 2.10 ft/s Velocity Head 0.07 ft Specific F_.ner( 1.04 ft Froude Numbs 0.53 Flow Type 3ubcritical LProject Engineer. Julie Tuten c:\haestad\fmw\hollyridge.fm2 Stroud Engineering Company FlowMaster v6.0 [614b] 04/25/06 01:21:09 PM 0 Haestad Methods, Inc. 37 Brookside Road Waterbury, CT 06708 USA (203) 755-1666 Page 1 of 1 III I"— IuI L0i_i_ ,,I- j'I aI vVICINI"I T'M.AP� - I - --.-- - -,--I_r II I-- 41-w l' : ,,,- ..,, ..1 ""I - '-I ..'. - _,,- ,_ ,_ I_ __ , ,_ I 1, r.. '..Iil l Z1 ,,• t , t. , I " ,I ": ,, TO JACKSONVILLE � � ".�� � "t ' >� k I., f i 7I, . ,.. : c .. t is 3- 1 _ / fi I.. _s :`;: 1 ! 1 s.__ \• I I `t� �� I I ;�i;:` _ (1, 3' 1 I I" �^±� �+• r• -' I: SITE j ` L,7 �. _ ••' _. �YS ,.�. 1 1 t I ti7 - , i ` 0. re'fW tai frit aye€ ! CJ [ „+.. F I j` I 9 8, , '6 ..r 1' `1 _ `', .r �' :Q '1:' F C _ j 't 1 .- ( .. / t. y l N C 50 •r , 1' T' _ _ I _� -- _ tt _ _ _ - a i :'. _ 'R _ - -ram:`-t---' - - 1 a , - , , . , a �/ C, T • ) `{ r .i jj y_ �^� W INTN _ a /�,t T ILM GOR ` `ice « '•/ rvNF , sue` ` ` � .- �'''`. � LINE C.��.EY1dENT' �_ _Y �• - _- �. +_ F..AS , , , PHASE 1 /' _ T IT --. 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', 1`4� t �' j3 !\ t 44 r 4� r - `- Ott, [per ) �� ` \ `• �' - "1 -A11 i, / `1 ! €', ,E '�, t�0' r'�rt' �• a. , C� ,: I c �. / /: !� , 1: t i, , ..fag' ',• 1 >e 3fl ` I 46 ;$ 70 r, t / / f 4• -I i� cr> \ 148 'F 1 ' _ . _ 4i • FE .69 15 c!m D _ I G4 :i �0'' ya I •% ,. , Ss y,r t _ `Z� 13 _ ,Y'1 O sro�sl� `/ _. Z € -__ .\. K EN ,� _ _ I . . „• - /t I • .. �� , ...,.>, , € w tI , :,* ". :,I:. : : I.:f- _ .:':..:9w: #� I, . . " R' ., 14*- .:,: _':.__--1I -_-.-, _- z. I ---. ,, - . . "iA,, I ,_: I,n " , '* .. " , , .:I, .IR..%-I , w,,. /� t t I . 1 -_ . , , N, : - ! 4 3 FE3t, }`` ;lmRil $ 149: ! ! �5 € �D - 8` l J ;4'J c 1 4.`• Vl`-n 1 47 CaM1MON AREA ` / . ;\, U j i,�,) 3 i'" _ \ <Ia fie! f J I C, ' - - 1 P �, q - a '•� eau ' _ _ -3 a t' r H g h G �1 ' FCC. Q r'' i \� 3 ` _ j SE ED f"' %• 1: a• l.3' _ \ I l t `� a != ' r 56 T' D _ 2' _ • • � t t I' 48', t /\ 1 i I I I .. . I - -I .- -I II 1 pI-:I 1--_.I, -.1-.- x aI-I _- - I-_1a_.a1I --1--"I1,%I_1.3-- --, .- 1. . _. -I, , - 1�,,.�- . .�__\__ --0.., .0--'-_-4----_I ._---.---._-'-"---"--. - I' 'I ) .";-I :., .,,.:I. I,,I.,::'I;: I. i jI .' ,I. '" . ,./,,'*",,:-, ,' %t 3Qf. '' 7 FE' 1 , _ '¢ 1 rrr' 1, �% 1 - \ e t z 1. \ .\ GENERAL NOTES. r w \ r 43' �.. FE3320 1 l- • CJ I 1� \ } € . _ _ _ - 54 € TOP 28-0 U l� - 151'' \ 1 *11 t i r n� I BO ) 1 , \ 1 / 33.00 FE i to t5 r P 1 € F N LLI / 30 1 E 33 :\ 52 F _ r� O �L f Z € Ls 1 TO ' .r. POGRAPHtCAL t F /� / N ORMATI N P / `C \ E 1 O ROViDED 8Y CHARLES F. RiGGS C, S OP S CN ! 3 T € �\ 0. , •, , ; 1 f , . \ y y F _ _ . ANDASSOCiATES, PLS # L-2981. INFORMATION PROVIDED FOR \ t `� r I ' ' ci C` € r 1" \ GINEERING DESIGN PURPOSE ONLY. NOT FOR RECORDATION. 2 1 . ALL W D BUFF - ETLAN ER - . - � • ., ;, : , , ; ,' : : .. _ , "• , l _ KS HAVE BEEN ' . ` _-. _ , + \ :. ' ' ` - - _ . � ' • • , :: .- '+:: ' FE 39.00 - , FE 27.00 INFORMATION AND SETBAC APPROVED / , 131 1 2 . ` \ _ _ = :i t BYTHEARMY CORPS OF I„ ,.._ - . / . -- _ _ "•,• ,4 SON SEP1'EMNO 28, 2004AND PROVIDED 8Y d c /, ; ; CHARLES RIGGS AND EO G _ FE 29.37 1 ! . 2T g / , : :S?+ ASS CtATES, PPLS # L 2981. NOT FOR RECORDATION. M 0 � / \ 3. ALL EXISTING UTILITIES HAVE BEEN OBTAINED THROUGH RE ! • / - - rQ E CORDS. CONTRACTOR EL. 23 Q l i. • - 260 : % \ SHALL HELD LOCATE AND VERIFY LOCATION OFALL EXISTING UTIL€TIES PRIOR 153 t ' :I • g 14 F6t}R BA3tN a * +' Z / , ; \ TO COMMENCING WORK ON SITE. tLS ' / -, - 1 "'� •: - • - ': - �, _ ; r� \ 4. CONTRACTOR €S RESPONSIBLE FOR DISPOSAL OF ALL WASTE MATERI S <, Ii 10 Ovv AL- 136 _ N MUNrcla :7 1litr .:__ - ' : • , .. '" : ice'' _ _ rP • • - _ _ u - `: � - % : : �:•' :. •' \ C� _ �. , ® / - ,- ±ILtTy EAS .. _ _ _ . :: ':; ` ' GENERATED THROUGH DEMOLITION AND GRtJBBiNG ACTIVITIES i �- , I ti _ ......_ ENT , . _ .� ` .. ££ \ •' ' - - - - - ,�'�J• _ 4 . _ SHOWN. m , ,aI � . _ HE , -' ^ ; : \ : : : : kANE 35.05 % w' FCC. DITCH TO \ ;,41:••;' 'ti . , F DISTURBANCE AS SHOWN. \ ' % NC HALL BE UT€L€ZED AT T I.iMITS O ,# \ , "`! : BLt ' RIW 28'B/B B PILL i : *? • ♦ CONTROLLED SEDIMENT FENCE OUTLETS SHALL BE INS S ;(60 PU ) E . FA \ yr . STALLED EVERY 200 FEET \ m• / . ,155 , DITCH TO • A $ ; ; \. \ 'a T ENCE PER DETA€L SHEET. _ - _ \ . /' ' ALONG INSTALLED SiL F [ I-i _J I: 156 FiLLED \ cr, co U- \ J ; ' j L DISTURBED MATERIALS SHALL BE SEEDED, MULCHED, AND STABILIZED \ 0 157 \ ,� 6. AL N N _ 9. \ \ : ! % wa> ?L/ 158 1 3 cS I WITHIN 18 CALENDAR AY -s Ott m D S OF CFASE OF ACTIVITY � / ::1:59'' • � :f m 7. THE FJC€STING GRAVEL DRIVE AS SHOWN SHALL BE liV[PROVED T _ '.� , "� ' 16(% 61 15� '�;' %: O MEEt EROSION 1 �::% o 'A y \ : I �; a� : ; : \ STANDARDS AND SHALL MATCH TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EN o �`.` . t>,r� °"� .m ,� STORMwATER PUitAP \ %. - CONTROL TRANCE ,r:'' '. > rsrAr tf +tate Am a{itii: I !® BASIN 1- \ AS SHOWN. - .. A' ;,' :. ,� 294 -A wA P 8_ TERANDSEWER RV _ TO \ SE ICE SHALL BE PR _ _ _ _ :;•-.. OVIDED 8Y THE TOWN OF \ '`i :r'� O HOLLY r , , a .r _ r P.EEa2M POOL EL 26 Q - 'v�.' LU . _ ASiN ar F $ ._ E tT 14 OR .;,-.6 01; 0- 0 . �y ` _ _ ` EE _ , ., . ': - , _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ - _.. _ _ a G SHALL BE THERMOPLAS , --•---_.... _..,^ ,- ,, .,, :� SNERDETAtl. l ' .'<,'-::%`' , - -- ---_ _----------`--------• ------------ =------=- •.,,,. 'mac.': O _ g ' s NCDOT STANDAARD SECTION 1205 AS WELL AS STANDARD SPEC(F1CAT{ONS FOR �< Kti W FE 26.Q0 Z ,c � s r - - -� \ - - / CA tl _ - _ _ - - - ` • - _ . - - - . 1 _ � _ - '.�J. •: •' ROADS AND STRUGTtJRES AS €SSUED BY TF€E NORTH GAR I t- _ , - - - - - -' - - _ NA ENT -,. - _ - - - - •` - - - - ! \ ,� . . } OL DEPARTM w � a Cd.1 d - '� OF TRANSPORTATION. Q d vi' s .. _ tilt` 10. _ _ THIS SiTE LiES _ IN FLOG - D ZONE *C" - _ AS DEFINED BY FEMA F - LOO D MAPS . - - tAtwF - \ I - - ! - +` \' : COMMUNITY PANELS 370340 C AND 370340 C. �' . „ , - L'' tp' 1i. UTIL E - - ALL !il S SHAL LBEU D - N ERGROU b 1 _r� a ' " - V.. . ` _ _ _ 12. - ALL BRO _ KEN OR € I - ., :GTE MSS NG ID _ �' S EWALK P i - ANELS AN -�-= ..' DCUR N - BI G SHALL �},� _ BE 1 t, :�---� 3 t _ Zg _ - - ;� SHEET 16A OF 1 B I 31 REPAIRED OR REPLACER E§ 4 A ! E \'- . A10'N 13 ON M 'm UNtCI PAL UT€CITY EA ME '� - .---� - `. i `, /""\i 3. t apt `,3 .W - - • _ _ - _ - _ S NT SHALL BE OBSERVED .c3' G 2 1 L ram" - BEEEN AL R€ D L GHT SOFW Y A jiT. a _ , , , , a• , a a , ._ --- -'i'�- _ '- "-- ----- ---- --' ., 14.SITEZONIN 7 - _ � \' G IS R-15 RESIDENTIAL - C-. 3 rv' �- - �: _ _ _I ...[.:...H.......__.---- tO w . 15. RUNOFF FROM ALL IMPERVIOUS RF _ tv SU ACES SHALL 8E DIRECTED TOWARDS PERMITTED I III . . I . I I. II.. . ) . L_ I 5I �� ."___1--..: I,-.: -I- -:- - _ -- ---- ;k•. _ ...� T RMW -----r _, . , ",111I . -- •-a-_ S O ATER TREATMENT SYSTEM. IN NO C - _ ASE ANY RUNOFF BE ALLOWED T t , - - = -- 1 }, 9 DRAT FF _ _ � _ N O SI7E WITHOUT BEING TREATED IN 98 6` `- _ - STORS�R SYSTEM. t` _ , o a -- , a ;; tBj .`--- ` (� . v ._ __ _ _.__. _. +O S,i6q fig@ �!� - - _ _ _ �'J -_ } ,r" ,:i (��iV1d 4 Gym {�.l f I� _ \ 4$ 0 .� t'. , ,\I c>, - - 27. ; SEAL o t L.. \ `, _ _ 100a o 100 2oa I % : C C C - `14' _ - -__�` : g. 3 a , -T&i" A z --- . - GRAPHIC SCALE: _1"=104' C C ',�e� h..,uA I r � ^y �} e E:t �� 2 Y\ _ter Cv ���uxsttttz'", \J SEAL BACK OF CURB am. X A PLAN LX zo zo zo SECTION Y-Y 8. T_ ;D 1, VIEW WHEN 8' X 6' CURB IS USED IN PLACE OF HOOD SHEET I OF , 840.02 SECTION X-X END ELEVATION WHERE 304 TO 36' PIPE IS USED SECTION J-J B PLAN GENERAL NOTES, L1,Z] c) CLASS 'B' CONCRETE TO BE USED THROUGHOUT. ALL CATCH BASINS OVER 3`6' IN DEPTH TO BE PROVIDED WITH STEPS 1-2- Llju�*LJ� ON CENTER. STEPS SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH STO. NO. 840.66. oc (Z) W OPTIONAL CONSTRUCTION - MONOLITHIC POUR 2' KEYWAY OR 04 BAR DOWELS AT 12* CENTERS AS DIRECTED BY THE ENGINEER. LL_ (Z) 0:. FORMS ARE TO BE USED FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE BOTTOM SLAB. IF REINFORCED CONCRETE PIPE IS SET IN BASE SLAB OR BOX, ADD TO BASE ON STO. NO. 840.00. zt AS SHOWN *E*, *F* -0- OTHERWISE INDICATED. USE TYPE AND GRATES UNLESS FOR 8'-0' IN HEIGHT OR LESS USE G' WALLS AND BOTTOM SLAB. OVER 81-0' TO 16'-0' IN HEIGHT USE S' WALLS AND BOTTOM SLAB. QUANTITIES TO BE ADJUSTED ACCORDINGLY. — n cc STEPS - STO. NO. 840.66 SIDE ELEVATION SECTION M-M m m A PLAN c_f) CO uj Q_ LO ui ui cc_ C) Zj 71 0 I OF 2 840.02 12' 12* ZZ CE w Q) 21-6% -1 Q) a- STO. 840.03 FRAMEi IRATE AND HOOD < f'n c S-2 c) :z EXPANSION JOINT EXPANSION JOIN, > ::z (n:--o c) A U-31 Zz Zt *0 (Z> -T, ()-- Lt_!�? Cc IN IF —I IT ............................ ....... SECTION - AA (Z) Q VAR. VAR. 9- EA -0. 9. TG6• TO 2, -w io RADIUS •RADIUS C RADIUS PLAN 1.0 RADIUS VAR. I'S' co 101-01, 101_01� 88 'In m SECTION - Q C) D11__ d3 EPRESSED GUTTER LINE 74 EXPANSION JOINT rr ADItl n, EXPANSION JOINT 0 Z \—SEE STANDARD NO. 840.01 OR 840.02 10�1 Q LL ELEVATION rn C-) X S. 2'-0' ZD RADIUS 0 (-) 3' RADIUS > RADIUS 4E < r Lo r-) Qc S1Z) cl) _11 uj tf- -SO'-' r SECTION CC SHEET OF t 11-64 CURB AND GUTTER SHEET 1 OF 1852.05 852.05 (!z) V) 4 NOTE: USE TYPE "E', 'F* AND "On GRATE UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. P, Li- _____T_7T j N ciQQO� SECTION LL LL_ Q) � A A ALIGN FRAME WITH INSIDE EDGE OF WALL TO ALLOW FOR VERTICAL ADJUSTME Al y Jj SECTION PP SECTION NN PLAN 4-1 c) FRAME,GRATE, & HOOD ASS'Y 0 —n 1clix LL0 B_n I 2` -00 > Q y Q ZZ Qz Q m 31-Ou 7:7 LO m d < c < 3 T > K —L —M K. aLu , Q rz) m SECTION AA o o L L > -L �M J_j >. FRAME PLAN SECTION JJ __4 z) LH 0 --n xv xw 39 .0 I L N X, T 3 �3- [7_ 3'-0' OT4-' SECTION - KK SHEET 1 OF R— SECTIONRR SHEET I OF 3 840.03 HOOD ELEVATION 840OR D7 F� A A C C 2-' LLI dzc3uj C5 -T1 4 DO w x Q_ LL_,Z) Cl- Z___ w 2-' x SECTION B-B 2x 2x SECTION C-C 2- _nTYPED SECTION A -A SECTION W-W SECTION D-D YPE SECTION X-X ip C) —n rri Zt > :zz 2, F x 4 0 m >1 H H E E LL1 Z_- 5� > Z z I-L y Y T 11111 rr (Z7) Z 50 I G-.1 1 2 f 1 F va 2 11 Ld LLJ — 75 V) SECTION G-G < Zt cc_ 2xit SECTION F-F SECTION H-H SECTION Z-Z SECTION E-E TYPE A TYPE SECTION Y-Y SHEET 2 OF 3 SHEET 2 OF_3, 1 840.03 840.03 z z ce) C:) Nt W co > 04 re () c) z LO �D 0 I C) W vzo co E-1 0:2 , c� —1 va— u_ 0 C,4 U) U)w 0 U) 0 < w w z 00 0 MCI F- c� C) D_ W>-- w z j wo z C) w t 0) z 0 w(j) > w ca N J w o w ff c/) 0 w z C9 co 4. z 3: < 0 z 1—N 1 w w Q� SHEET 16 OF 16 o`liaometG A R 0j'," tm* March 15, 2006 Stroud Engineering, PA 102-D Cinema Drive Wilmington, North Carolina 28403 Attention: Mr. Zak Shipman Reference: Double Ring Infdtrometer Testing Neighborhoods of Holly Ridge, Phase 2 North Carolina Highway 50 Holly Ridge, North Carolina Job Number 1061-06-069D Dear Mr. Shipman: In accordance with S&ME Proposal 039A-06 (Revised) dated February 9, 2006, S&ME personnel have iecently conducted double -ring infiltrometer testing of the surficial soils at the subject site at the approximate locations shown in Figure 1. Specifically, our representatives performed the following work items: 1. Advanced 8 hand-augered borings across the site in order to visually classify the in -place soils. The hue and chroma of the recovered soil samples were compared to a Munsell Soil Color Chart. 2. Conducted 5 double -ring infxltrometer tests at a depth of approximately 24 inches below the existing ground surface. This testing was conducted in general accordance with American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) procedure D-3385 entitled, "Infiltration Rate of Soils in Field Using Double - Ring Tn filtrometer". Based on our field classifications of the excavated soils at the hand-augered boring locations, the in - place soils consist of sands with varying amounts of silt or clay which extended to the maximum completed boring depth of 84 inches below the existing ground surface. Water was encountered in the boreholes at depths ranging from 31 to 83 inches below the existing ground surface. The site water level will fluctuate with climatic and seasonal conditions, however, and may be higher or lower at other times of the year. S&ME, Inc. (910) 799-9945 6409 Amsterdam Way, Building B-3 (910) 799-9958 fax Wilmington, North Carolina 2BA05 www.smeinc.com Stroud Engineering, PA March 15, 2006 S&ME Job Number 1061-06-069D Page Two The average infiltration rate at the test locations ranged from approximately 0.0 to 3.0 inches per hour. A summary of the field test results is presented in Tables 1 and 2. Please note that the locations of infiltration tests 2 and 3 are different than the location of their respective hand auger borings. As such, the water elevations were not the same. These locations were offset at your request, on the assumption that more favorable infiltration rates could be encountered at the offset locations. Because we cannot predict infiltration rates based upon visual evaluation of the soils, our offset locations were performed at higher elevations. Differences noted in depth to water between time of hand auger advancement and time infiltration testing is due to a rain event that occurred between the two, and the slow drainage experienced in much of the soils on this site. S&ME appreciates the opportunity to provide our services during this phase of the project. Should you have any questions after reviewing this letter, or it we can be of additional assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us at your convenience. Sincerely, S&ME, INC. Paul A. Masten Environmental Professional PAM:RGWjns Attachments e�!?A Randy Martin, P.E. Branch Manager TABLE 1 Hand Auszer Borings and Munsell Soil Descriptions The Neighborhoods of Holly Ridge, Phase 2 North Carolina Highway 50 Holly Ridge, North Carolina Job Number 1061-06-069D Depth Location Inches Hue Value/Chroma 1 0-10 2.5Y 4/3 10-20 2.5Y 5/4 20-55 2.5Y 4/1 55-62 2.5Y 6/2 Soil Description Olive Brown Slightly Silty Medium to Fine SAND Light Olive Brown Slightly Silty Medium to Fine SAND Dark Gray Slightly Silty Medium to Fine SAND Light Brownish Gray Slightly Silty Medium to Fine SAND Water was encountered at a depth of 60" below the existing ground surface. 2 0-4 2.5Y 2.5/1 Black Slightly Silty Medium to Fine SAND with Organics 4-12 2.5Y 4/3 Olive Brown Slightly Silty Medium to Fine SAND 12-33 2.5Y 5/6 Light Olive Brown Slightly Silty Medium to Fine SAND 33-54 2.5Y 511 Gray Slightly Silty Medium to Fine SAND (small amount of clay present) 54-59 2.5Y 3/1 Very Dark Gray Slightly Clayey Medium to Fine SAND 59-72 2.5Y 4/1 Dark Gray Clayey Medium to Fine SAND 72-84 2.5Y 511 Gray Slightly Silty Medium to Fine SAND Water was encountered at a depth of 83" below the existing ground surface. 3 0-30 2.5Y 3/1 Very Dark Gray Slightly Silty Medium to Fine SAND (very slightly cemented) 30-48 2.5Y 6/1 Gray Slightly Silty Medium to Fine SAND Water was encountered at a depth of 44" below the existing ground surface. TABLE 1 Job Number 1061-06-069D Page Two Depth Location Inches Hue Value/Chroma Soil Description 4 0-5 2.5Y 4/1 Dark Gray Slightly Silty Medium to Fine SAND 5-22 2.5Y 7/1 Light Gray Slightly Silty Medium to Fine SAND 22-36 10 YR 4/3 Brown Slightly Silty Medium to Fine SAND (cemented layers observed) 36-48 2.5Y 5/3 Light Olive Brown Slightly Silty Medium to Fine SAND 48-63 10 YR 3/3 Dark Brown Slightly Silty Medium to Fine SAND 63-72 10 YR 3/3 Dark Brown Slightly Silty Medium to Fine SAND (cemented layers observed) Water was encountered at a depth of 72" below the existing ground surface. 5 0-6 2.5Y 2.5/1 Black Slightly Silty Medium to Fine SAND 6-12 2.5Y 4/1 Dark Gray Slightly Silty Medium to Fine SAND 12-18 2.5Y 3/2 Very Dark Grayish Brown Slightly Silty Medium to Fine SAND (cemented) 18-43 2.5Y 5/6 Light Olive Brown Slightly Silty Medium to Fine SAND Water was encountered at a depth of 36" below the existing ground surface. 6 0-12 2.5Y 3/1 Very Dark Gray Slightly Silty Medium to Fine SAND 12-20 2.5Y 5/1 Gray Slightly Silty Medium to Fine SAND 20-45 2.5Y 3/2 Very Dark Grayish Brown Slightly Silty Medium to Fine SAND 45-50 2.5Y 4/2 Dark Grayish Brown Slightly Silty Medium to Fine SAND (small amount of clay present) Water was encountered at a depth of 48" below the existing ground surface. TABLE 1 Job Number 1061-06-069D Page Three Depth Location Inches Hue 7 0-3 2.5Y 3-30 2.5Y 30-40 2.5Y Value/Chroma Soil Description 3/1 Very Dark Gray Slightly Silty Medium to Fine SAND 5/3 Light Olive Brown Slightly Silty Medium to Fine SAND 3/1 Very Dark Gray Slightly Silty Medium to Fine SAND Water was encountered at a depth of 3 1 " below the existing ground surface. R 0-24 2.5Y 3/2 Very Dark Grayish Brown Slightly Silty Medium to Fine SAND (cemented layers observed) 24-70 2.5Y 4/2 Dark Grayish Brown Slightly Silty Medium to Fine SAND Water was encountered at a depth of 53" below the existing ground surface. According to the Soil Survey of Onslow County, the areas wherein the hand auger borings were advanced consists of the Kureb soil series, which has a reported seasonal high water table greater than 6 feet below 'land surface. Some portions of the subject site may fail in areas classified as Fits; no seasonal high water table is listed for these areas. TABLE 2 Double Ring Infiltrometer Testing The Neighborhoods of Holly Ridge, Phase 2 North Carolina Highway 50 Holly Ridge, North Carolina Job Number 1061-06-069D Date of Test: March 1, 2006 Depth of Test Below Site Grade: 24 inches Depth of Water in Rings: 3%2 inches Depth to Water: 60" Location: 1 Inner Diameter of Inner Ring: 11% inches Inner Diameter of Outer Ring: 22%2 inches Average Infiltration Rate at Location 1: 0.6 inch per hour High Water Table: >6 feet bellow land surface* Soil Series: Kureb* Location: 2 Date of Test: March 3, 2006 Depth of Test Below Site Grade: 24 inches Inner Diameter of Inner Ring: 11% inches Depth of Water in Rings: 4 inches Inner Diameter of Outer Ring: 22%2 inches Depth to Water: 22" (Test location moved to higher elevation) Average Infiltration Rate at Location 2: 0,0 inch per. hour (No measurable fall after 2.5 hours) High Water Table: >6 feet below land surface* Soil Series: Kureb* Note: *As interpolated from the "Soil Survey of Onslow County" prepared by the United States Department of Agriculture Soil Conservation Service TABLE 2 - Continued Double Ring Infiltrometer Testing The Neighborhoods of Holly Ridge, Phase 2 North Carolina Highway 50 Holly Ridge, North Carolina Job Number 1061-06-069D Date of Test: March 2, 2006 Depth of Test Below Site Grade: 24 inches Depth of Water in Rings: 4 inches Depth to Water: 34" Location: 3 Inner Diameter of Inner Ring: I I% inches Inner Diameter of Outer Ring: 22%2 inches Average Infiltration Rate at Location 3: 0.2 inch per hour High Water Table: >6 feet below land surface* Soil Series: Kureb* Date of Test: March 1, 2006 Depth of Test Below Site Grade: 24 inches Depth of Water in Rings: 3 inches Dept&.. to Water: 72" Location: 4 Inner Diameter of Inner Ring: 11% inches Inner Diameter of Outer Ring: 22% inches Average Infiltration Rate at Location 4: 3.0 inches per hour High Water Table: >6 feet below land surface* Soil Series: Kureb* Note: *As interpolated from the "Soil Survey of Onslow County" prepared by the United States Department of Agriculture Soil Conservation Service TABLE 2 - Continued Double Ring Infiltrometer Testing The Neighborhoods of Holly Ridge, Phase 2 North Carolina Highway 50 Holly Ridge, North Carolina Job Number 1061-06-069D Date of Test: March 3, 2006 Depth of Test Below Site Grade: 24 inches Depth of Water in Rings: 6 inches Depth to Water: 48" Location: 6 Inner Diameter of Inner Ring: 11% inches Inner Diameter of Outer Ring: 22% inches Average Infiltration Rate at Location 6: 0.0 inch per hour (No measurable fall after 4 hours) High Water Table: >6 feet below land surface* Soil Series: Kureb* Note: *As interpolated from the "Soil Survey of Onslow County" prepared by the United States Department of Agriculture Soil Conservation Service Q LLIm it � � � I I ®• it N IL � W z� 1 I 11 a w=Q0 !� 0 o ! � U) o ++is�px� �OQO o g�g z co Lu Ir a !+ r ocxao m II s; r I M LLI m 0I--Zx O' ! 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Marshall North Carolina Secretary of State C200407100339 State of North Carolina Department of the Secretary of State LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY ARTICLES OF ORGANIZATION Pursuant to §57C-2-20 of the General Statutes of North Carolina, the undersigned does hereby submit these Articles of Organization for the purpose of forming a limited liability company. 1. The name of the limited liability company is: Neighborhoods of Holly Ridge, LLC 2. There shall be no limit on the duration of the limited liability company. 3. The name and address of the organizer executing these articles of organization is as follows: F. Darryl Mills 5710 Oleander Drive, Ste., 112 Wilmington, NC 28403 New Hanover County 4. The street address and county of the initial registered office of the limited liability company is: Number and Street: 429 Longleaf Drive City, State, Zip Code: Hampstead, NC 28443 County: Pender 5. The mailing address of the initial registered office is the same as the registered office. 6. The name of the initial registered agent is: Scott Cook 7. Check one of the following: M(I) Member -managed LLC: all of the members by virtue of their status as members shall be managers of this limited liability company. _(ii) Manager -managed LLC: except as provided by N.C.G.S. §57C-3-20(a), the members of this limited liability company shall not be managers by virtue of their status as members. 8. Any other provisions which the limited liability company elects to include are attached. None. 9. These articles will be effective upon filing. This the at- of March, 2004. L k F. DarryMills, Organizer C200511600957 LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY ANNUAL REPORT NAME OF LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY: SOSID: 0716245 Date F71ed: 6/17/2005 3:27:00 PM Elaine F. Marshall North Carolina Secretary of State C200511600957 NEIGHBORHOODS OF HOLLY RIDGE, LLC STATE OF INCORPORATION: NC SECRETARY OF STATE L.L.C. ID NUMBER: 0716245 FEDERAL EMPLOYER ID NUMBER: 043787200 NATURE OF BUSINESS: LAND DEVELOPMENT REGISTERED AGENT: emyt, '� REGISTERED OFFICE MAILING ADDRESS: tiC* rA C if%e' tx t>v i vt wi I: na�n5 Mt 4C) 1,4S'o 3 REGISTERED OFFICE STREET ADDRE G'Nt,v,Aa,viv� SIGNATURE OF THE NEW REGISTERED AGENT: TURE CONSTITUTES CONSENT TO THE APPOINTMENT PRINCIPAL OFFICE TELEPHONE NUMBER: eq t C . -:�, j - . �� PRINCIPAL OFFICE MAILING ADDRESS: I U(o G� � 7 �Vt- w � � �� � PRINCIPAL OFFICE STRE ADDRESS: Iaelk c4ftw.a• NO- MANAGERS/MEMBERS/ORGANIZERS.' MANAGERSJMEMBERS/ORGANIZERS: Name: $ Nelms: Awn., Tft. T � ,�'� 7Yi{s: Tide: Address:�Gu Address: Address: caty: vvvi 1 S vi Ili Ca�ih W. CNr: Stale: w zip- ~ State: LP: State: ZIP: MUST BE COMPLETED BY ALL LIMITED UABIUTY COMPANIES .� Xv 8Y RIMEM8ER DATE MANAGING MEMBER TYPE OR PRINT NAME TYPE OR PRINT TITLE ANNUAL REPORT FEE: $200.00 MAIL TO: Secretary of State • Corporations Division • Past Offke Box 29525 • Raleigh, NC 270 %.0525 400201 01-P 1-00 111111111 1111111111111111 1 111111111111111111111 Page 1 of 1 North Carolina Elaine F. Marshall D E 'PARTM E NT OIL -1-1 It: Corporations 6Corporations Home &Important Notice *Corporate Forms/Fees *Corporations FAQ ,-Tobacco Manufacturers %Dissolution Reports 'Non -Profit Reports ,-Verify Certification Online Annual Reports tKBBE 6213 Annual Reports Links *Secretary Of State Home *Register for E-Procurement Dept. of Revenue Legislation *1999 Senate Bills V2001 Bill Summaries *Annual Reports 1997 "Corporations 1997 IbOther Legislation Search OBy Corporate Name =For New Corporation By Registered Agent Online Orders °Start An Order New Payment Procedures Contact Us 0Corporations Division 4'Secretary of State's web site Print ,-'Printable Page PO tSux 29622 Raieigh,: NC 2762"022 (919)8071-2000 Date: 5/11 /2006 Click here to: View Document Filings i Corporation Names Name Name Type NC The Neighborhoods of Holly Ridge Owners Legal Association Non -Profit Corporation Information SOSID: 0828544 Status: Current -Active Date Formed: 2/15/2006 Citizenship: Domestic State of Inc.: NC Duration: Perpetual Registered Agent Agent Name: Registered Office Address: Registered Mailing Address: Principal Office Address: Principal Mailing Address: WASLAW, LLC 1001 College Court New Bern NC 28562 Post Office Box 867 New Bern NC 28563-0867 106-A Cinema Drive Wilmington NC 28403 106-A Cinema Drive Wilmington NC 28403 For questions or comments about the North Carolina Secretary of State's web site, please send e-mail to Webmaster. http://www.secretary.state.nc.us/Corporations/C'orp.aspx?PitemId=791.981.6 5/11/2006 C200604600481 SOSID:828544 Date Filed: 2/15/2006 4:17:00 PM Elaine F. Marshall North Carolina Secretary of State i C200604600481 ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION OF THE NEIGHBORHOODS OF HOLLY RIDGE OWNERS ASSOCIATION (A NONPROFIT CORPORATION) 1, the undersigned individual, here by do make and acknowledge these Articles of Incorporation ("Articles") for the purpose of forming a nonprofit corporation under and by virtue of the laws of the State of North Carolina as contained in Chapter 55A of the General Statutes of North Carolina, entitled "North Carolina Nonprofit Corporation Act," and the several amendments thereto, and to that end do hereby set forth: Name: The name of the Corporation is The Neighborhoods of Holly Ridge Owners Association (the "Association") apply: 2. Duration: The period of duration of the Association shall be perpetual. 3. Definitions: As used in these Articles, the following definitions shall (a) Capitalized terms shall have the same meaning specified for such terms as more particularly set forth in the Declaration of Covenants, Conditions, Restrictions and Easements of The Neighborhoods of Holly Ridge, and any amendments thereto (collectively, the "Declaration") recorded or to be recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Onslow County, North Carolina, unless such terms otherwise are specifically defined herein; and, (b) References to the "North Carolina Nonprofit Corporation Act" shall mean Chapter 55A of the General Statutes of North Carolina; and, (c) References to the "North Carolina Planned Community Act" shall mean Chapter 47F of the General Statutes of North Carolina; and, (d) References to the "Code" shall mean the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended. 4. Purpose: The Association is organized and will be operated consistent with the North Carolina Planned Community Act to undertake and perform any and all activities, responsibilities, and obligations applicable to the Association set forth in the North Carolina Planned Community Act, Declaration, the Association's Bylaws, and these Articles. C2 MMODU481 In order to achieve the foregoing purposes, the Association shall have the following powers and authorities: (a) To exercise all powers and rights and perform all of the acts and duties and obligations of the Association as more particularly described in the Declaration, the Bylaws and these Articles; and, (b) To undertake any activity whatsoever that is in furtherance, directly or indirectly, of the purposes of the Association set forth above; and (c) To take any and all action necessary and appropriate to qualify the Association under Code Section 528 and to elect that the Association be taxed under Code Section 528, if such qualification and election is determined by the directors of the Association to be in the best interests of the Association; and, (d) To take any and all action necessary and appropriate to qualify the Association under Sections 105-125(a)(8) and 105-130.11(a)(11) of the General Statutes of North Carolina, if such Sections are applicable. Provided, however, and notwithstanding any power or authority set forth above in this Article, the Association shall have the power and authority to engage only in activities that meet each of the following requirements: (aa) Such activities are not broader than those activities that may be undertaken by a nonprofit corporation pursuant to the North Carolina Nonprofit Corporation Act; and, (bb) Such activities are not broader than those activities that may be undertaken by the Association pursuant to the Declaxationa; and, (cc) Such activities are not broader than those activities that may be undertaken by a planned community pursuant to the North Carolina Planned Community Act. 5. Initial Directors: The number of directors constituting the initial Executive Board shall be three (3), and the names and addresses of the persons who shall serve as directors until successors shall be elected and qualified, are as follows: (1) Scott H. Cook 106-A Cinema Drive Wilmington, NC 28403 2 UMUOMUU451 (2) Jeff Hilton 106-A Cinema Drive Wilmington, NC 28403 (3) Leon Skinner 106-A Cinema Drive Wilmington, NC 28403 Subsequent Boards of Directors, the number of directors, their terms of office, and the method of their selection shall be provided for and determined as is set forth in the Bylaws of the Association. 6. Nonprofit Issues: The Association is not organized and shall not be operated for pecuniary gain or profit. No part of the net earnings of the Association shall inure to the benefit of, or be distributable to, its members, directors, officers, or any other individuals, other than (a) reasonable compensation paid by the Association for services actually rendered or other value received, (b) by acquiring or providing management, maintenance, and care of any property as may be set forth in the Declaration and by undertaking any other responsibilities of the Association as set forth in the Declaration, the Bylaws, and these Articles, and (c) by rebating excess membership dues, fees, or assessments, if applicable, pursuant to Section 55A-13-02(b)(3) of the North Carolina Nonprofit Corporation Act. 7. Members: The Association shall have members, and the qualifications and rights of members shall be set forth in the Bylaws of the Association. 8. Dissolution: In the event of dissolution of the Association, any net assets remaining after the satisfaction of the Association's liabilities shall be transferred and delivered (a) to one (1) or more nonprofit corporations formed under the North Carolina Nonprofit Corporation Act, as shall be selected by the Executive Board of the Association, that are organized generally for purposes similar or related to those set forth in Article 4 hereof, or (b) as otherwise permitted or required by law. The Association may be dissolved at any time, if such dissolution is undertaken consistent with the North Carolina Nonprofit Corporation Act and the North Carolina Planned Community Act, and with the required affirmative consent of not less than an eighty-five percent (85%) vote of all members of the Association entitled to vote. 9. Registered Office and Agent: The street address of the initial registered office of the Association is 1001 College Court, New Bern, Craven County, North Carolina 28562; the mailing address of the initial registered office of the Association is Post Office 3 C200604600481 Box 867, New Bern, Craven County, North Carolina 28563-0867; and the name of the initial rCgistefed agent at such address is `VIVILSLAW, LLC. 10. Principal Office: The street and mailing address of the Corporation's principal office is 106-A Cinema Drive, Wilmington, New Hanover County, North Carolina 28403. IL Duty and Obligation of Association to accept Transfers: Notwithstanding any other provision of these Articles and the Association's Bylaws, the Association shall have the duty and obligation to perform the following acts: Subject to the terms and conditions of applicable provisions in the Declaration regarding the Permit and Stormwater Management Facilities, or the Permit itself: (a) to accept transfer of (i) the Permit from the Declarant and (ii) Declarant's responsibilities under the Permit upon tender of the transfer of such responsibilities by Declarant to the Association, (b) to take any and all actions necessary to be done by the Association regarding the Permit (including without limitation, amending these Articles or the Association's Bylaws), and (c) to execute all documents required to be executed by the Association in order to allow such transfers to occur. 12. Limitation on Personal Liability: To the fullest extent provided by law, no director of the Association shall be personally liable for monetary damages arising out of an action, whether by or in the right of the Association or otherwise, for breach of any duty as a director. 13. Architectural Control Committee: The Declaration sets forth the appointment and the members of the Architectural Control Committee of the Association ("Committee"). The Committee shall have the powers as set forth in the Declaration. Amendment of the provisions of the Declaration dealing with the Committee shall be made as provided in the Declaration. 14. Veto Power of Declarant: Pursuant to the authority granted in Section 55A-8-01(c) of the North Carolina Nonprofit Corporation Act, the Declarant shall have veto power over all actions taken by the Executive Board of the Association or by any committee of the Association as may have been appointed by the Executive Board or established by the Bylaws or the Declaration. The Declarant's veto power shall begin as of the incorporation date of the Association and shall terminate at the end of the Development Period, as defined in the Declaration. During such time as the Declarant's veto power is in effect as set forth above, the 4 C200604600481 Executive Board and any committee of the Association shall communicate in writing by certified mail, return receipt requested, to the ecla6'ant any and all action taken by the Executive Board or committee, as applicable, within two (2) business days of taking action, and the Declarant shall have ten (10) business days after receipt of such communication in which to veto such action by delivering written notice of the Declarant's veto to the Secretary of the Association. The Declarant may terminate the rights authorized by this Article 14 prior to the termination date provided above in this Article by recording, and effective as of the date of recording, an instrument in the Office of the Register of Deeds of Onslow County, North Carolina, terminating the veto rights set forth in this Article 14. 15. Declarant Approval of Changes to Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws: No Amendment to these Articles and the Bylaws shall be effective and enforceable until approved in writing by the Declarant. This requirement of written approval by the Declarant of any amendments to the Articles or Bylaws shall begin as of the incorporation date of the Association and shall terminate at the end of the Development Period, as defined in the Declaration. The Declarant may terminate the rights authorized by this Article 15 prior to the termination date provided in the previous sentence by recording, and effective as of the date of recording, an instrument in the Office of the Register of Deeds of Onslow County, North Carolina, terminating the approval rights set forth in this Article 15. 16. Amendments to Articles of Incorporation: Amendment of these Articles may only be undertaken consistent with the applicable provisions of the North Carolina Nonprofit Corporation Act, and with the required affirmative consent of not less than a seventy-five percent (75%) vote of all of the members of the Association entitled to vote; subject, however, (a) to the Declarant's power to approve any amendments to these Articles set forth above in Article 15 hereof, (b) to the Declarant's power to amend these Articles set forth below in Article 17 hereof, and (c) certain limitations on voting rights of members of the Association on amendments to these Articles set forth the Bylaws. 17. Declarant Power to Amend Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws: Until the amendment power of the Declarant terminates as is provided in this Article 17, the Declarant shall have the authority, instead of the Executive Board having such authority as provided as is permitted in Section 55A-8-01(c) of the North Carolina Nonprofit Corporation Act, to amend the Articles of Incorporation and the Association's Bylaws without the joinder or consent of any 5 C200604600481 'r . other Person if such amendment is required by any governmental agency for governmental approval, including, but not limited to, (a) compliance with any requirements imposed by any agency of the State of North Carolina with respect to the Permit; or (b) compliance with any rule or regulation of the Department of Housing and Urban Development, the Veterans Administration, or their successors. The Executive Board shall not have the authority for such period either to amend these Articles to preempt Declarant's authority or to amend these Articles to preempt any action taken by Declarant in the exercise of Declarant's authority. The aforementioned right of the Declarant shall begin as of the incorporation date of the Association and shall terminate at the end of the Development Period, as defined in the Declaration. 18. Incorporator: The name and address of the incorporator are: Adam M. Beaudoin, 127 Racine Drive, Post Office Box 7068, Wilmington, NC 28406-7068. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand, this the 14th day of February, 2006. Please Return To: Adam M. Beaudoin For the firm of Ward and Smith, P.A. University Corporate Center 127 Racine Drive PO Box 7068 Wilmington, NC 28406-7068 Telephone: (910) 794-4800 Facsimile: (910) 794-4877 WLMAIN\126958\1 Adam M. Beaudoin C TopoZone - The Web's Topographic Map Page 1 of 1 t � _ s Ct o � tie y. ...-r.4''" �l n . �n .-.•--•k }I� J� — � �"�y , L C?. .�k � ��.•���,w, . �, ^ J rev: "y r"� .�' � ,� ~ - c'�...yq � � � '� _ T i' r6tr► ,, X $,... a •. . -. '' ,Y fir., J� a� - 5 G �z r � ,. •` .�� ,i \y � f t y ! __ j � r �s�`� No-P. 14, .liy } .L '�� ". •se' a r 't:rar�r„c Y( , Awl 0 0.6 1.2 1.8 2.4 ---- 3 km 0 0.4 0.8 1.2 1.6 2 mi Map center is UTM 18 262079E 3814949N (WGS84/NAD83) Holly Ridge quadrangle M=-9.26 Projection is UTM Zone 18 NAD83 Datum G=-1.466 http://Www.topozone.comlprint. asp?z=18&n=3 814948.9995245&e=262078.999888212&... 10/24/2005 TopoZone - The Web's Topographic Map Page 1 of 1 topozone 71 "l OLLY hHEIL"ikn 9 ATE �� :�7'•`3 l . �� rrs I . t77iGt idlxa�► � i. '' 'r _ ..,�... ,,. � �`lf� !` • 4 Tt+l'R:f � Y' � —���•�' .—J .. � r _ _ I'It r 4 J 1 t • �Y.. �, .:._ -•t-- 44--}- -.-----'•-•.:r—t 1.-.:,: � � t �r •�.. .+._-.-_s,. �-- ,'.r s . •. �,�_ Il ., . '�, a � I , ,re ° o1(J, ixd u+rserta Czft OW WIA M* 0 li .BC � 1.2 2 Mi Map center ism° 2W 15"N,770 34!9,,W4 Y'GS84/NAD83) Holly Ridge quadrangle M=_9.278 Projection is UTM Zone 18 NAD83 Datum G=-1.457 http://www,topozone.com/print.asp?7,=18&n=3817357.99954843&e =263766.999893379&... 5/11/2006 STROUD ENGINEERING, P.A. CONSULTING ENGINEERS 102-D CINEMA DRIVE WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28403 (910) 815-0775 May 23, 2006 NCDENR Division of Water Quality Ta° 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Wilmington, NC 28409 Attn: Mr. Paul Bartlett, PE MAY `� 006 P oV.6 Re: The Neighborhoods of Holly Ridge, Phase 2 SW8 050842 Modification Dear Mr. Bartlett, Attached please find updated plans and calculations for the reference project. Per your letter of may 15, I have made several changes to the project and would request your review and. consideration for approval. I have summarized modifications to the plan as outlined below: have modified the application to reflect Mr. Scott Cook as the president the J.LQ and as �— the signing official for the project. �ve verified the lattitude and longitude of the site by two separate sources and mo 'died acc rdingly on the application. • ttached with the plan set is a drawing delineating the drainage areas for each pump system as r nested. have mclueded a label on sheet 2 indicating basin liner details are shown on sheet 14 as requested. • I e included a pressure relief valve at the high point of the 4" stormwater force main at appr " ately Sta 19+00. This is indicated on sheet 2 • s we discussed by phone recently, the bypass for both of the pump basins is regulated by the elevation of the pipe weir on the vegetated filter as shown on sheet 2. 1 am concerned that a bypass weir in a junction box cannot handle the large flow volume for the design storm and that this would compromise the functionality of the system. The storage elevation is met at the elevations listed for the pipe weir. As soon as this elevation is breached, water begins the byptiss around the basin through the filter. • the 2.4" differential on the high -low switches is due in part to the accuracy needed for the V pump station, but mainly to allow a small safety factor in the construction of the system. Having the pump basin stage down that small amount will limit unnecessary pump run cycles wring dry Periods. ,. ,tom•/I have corrected the pump station details to list them as Pump Station 1 an p Station 2, sA,��. required.. --7t{,J I hav orrected the invert elevation for the pump stations to those required. ly S' slopes for the infiltration basin have been noted on the detail sheet 14. • p system curve calculations have been modified to include head loss from gate and check valves. 107 COMMERCE ST HES 7 RON PLAZA TWO SUITE B 102-'D CINEMA DRIVE 151-A HWY. 24 39EENVILLE, NC 27658 WILMINGTON, NC 28403 MOREHEAD CITY, NC 28557 (252) 756-9352 (910) 815-0775 (252) 247-7479 We hope these changes satisfy your remaining concerns for the project and will lead to the issuance of a stormwater permit for the site. If I maybe of further assistance, please don't hesitate to call meat (910) 815-0775. Regards, Zak Shipman, EI Stroud Engineering, PA Attachments WZS/zs F:/master/pw647/wpd/sw2.doc STROUD ENGINEERING, P.A. 102-D Cinema Drive WILMINGTON, NC 28403 (910) 815.0775 TO fkaEy�- fl►VIS�J � 1h/P�'�F.fZ��uZ'Y WE ARE SENDING YOU ❑ Shop drawings ❑ Copy of letter ILM L� L� En OO 1P L1 UM590VU&I DATE 5 04 JOB NO. % ATTEN ON a. RE: - 001% a ObLL 046° 8 z�$+t2-- an�F To►J ❑ Attached J1 Under separate cover via o TsE1=Vrk(L the following items: ❑ Prints ❑ Plans ❑ Samples ❑ Specifications ❑ Change order ❑ COPIES DATE NO. DESCRIPTION l 1t W69P Ft-A-WS VAUMS* D n a_.' 9&=.8L_&-rWVrj THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: 79 For approval ❑ Approved as submitted ❑ For your use ❑ Approved as noted VAs requested ❑ Returned for corrections It For review and comment ❑ ❑ FORBIDS DUE REMARKS ❑ Resubmit copies for approval ❑ Submit copies for distribution ❑ Return corrected prints ❑ PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US COPY TO SIGNED: /f enclosures are not as noted, kindly notify us at once. P. 1 * * * COMMUNICATION RESULT REPORT ( MAY.15.2006 FILE MODE OPTION -----•---------------------- 677 MEMORY TX REASON FOR ERROR E-1) HANG UP OR LINE FAIL E-3) NO ANSWER ADDRESS (GROUP) ------ 98150593 3:42PM ) TTI NCDENR WIRO .RESULT PAGE -------- --------------- OK P. E-2) BUSY E-4) NO FACSIMILE CONNECTION State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Wilmington Regional Office Michael F, Easley, Governor Date: 5/15/06 To-. Zak Shipman Company: Stroud Eng. FAX #: (910) 815,-0593 William G, Ross, Jr., Secretary FAX COVER SHEET No. of Pages; 3 (Incl. Cover) From: Paul Bartlett Water duality Section - Stormwater FAX #: 910-350-2004 Phone #: 910-796-7301 DWQ Stormwater Project Number; SING 050842 Modification Project Name: The Neighborhoods at Holly Ridge, Phase II MESSAGE: Zak, A Request for Additional Information is attached for the subject project. The original will be mailed to Me, Zackman, and a copy will be mailed to you. State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Wilmington Regional Office Michael F. Easley, Governor FAX COVER SHEET William G. Ross, Jr., Secretary Date: 5/15/06 No. of Pages: 3 (Incl. Cover) To: Zak Shipman From: Paul Bartlett Company: Stroud Eng. Water Quality Section - Stormwater FAX #: (910) 815-0593 FAX #: 910-350-2004 Phone #: 910-796-7301 DWQ Stormwater Project Number: SW8 050842 Modification Project Name: The Neighborhoods at Holly Ridge, Phase II MESSAGE: Zak, A Request for Additional Information is attached for the subject project. The original will be mailed to Ms. Zackman, and a copy will be mailed to you. ENB1ptb: S:IWQSISTORMWATERIADDINF0120061050842Mod.may06 127 Cardinal Drive Extension, Wilmington, NC 28405-3845 Telephone (910) 796-7215 FAX (910) 350-2004 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer W A r t7 � May 15, 2006 Ms. Kallie Zackman Neighborhoods of Holly Ridge, LLC 106-A Cinema Drive Wilmington, NC 28403 Michael F. Easley, Governor William G. Ross Jr., Secretary North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Subject: Request for Additional Information Stormwater Project No. SW8 050842 Modification The Neighborhoods of Holly Ridge, Phase II Onslow County Dear Ms. Zackman: Alan W. Klimek, P.E. Director Division of Water Quality The Wilmington Regional Office received a Stormwater Management Permit Application for The Neighborhoods of Holly Ridge, Phase 11 on May 1, 2006. A preliminary review of that information has determined that the application is not complete. The following information is needed to continue the stormwater review: 1. Please provide documentation that you are registered with the NC Department of the Secretary of State as a member of Neighborhoods of Holly Ridge, LLC. 2. Please clarify the latitude and longitude in Section 1.7 of the application. Both entries seem to be incorrect. Please provide a marked copy of Sheet 2 that illustrates the System 1 and s�0 System 2 drainage areas. � ry 4. Please add to the Basin 1 A, 1 B, and 2 labels on Sheet 2: "See Sheet 14 for t Basin Liner Details". 5. Please clarify whether a pressure relief valve is supplied at the high point(s) of the 4' stormwater pressure main, such as at Sta 19+00, elevation 47' (Sheet 10), where the line bends beneath the 8" line and then continues its lift to the infiltration basin. 6. Please provide a bypass weir detail on Sheet 13, 14, or 15 for each CB/JB that is G used as a bypass vice (one detail with table of d ensions for ch device is ).� _5 0�r toa&v 7. Please clarify the high -low elevation differential (2.4) ?or the mercury float switches. Is a greater high -low level separation needed due to accuracy of the selected switches? None Carolina tura!!y North Carolina Division of Water Quality 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Wilmington, NC 28405 Phone (910) 796-7215 Customer Service Wilmington Regional Office Internet: www.ncwaterqualitv.or¢ Fax (910) 350-2004 1-877-623-6748 An Equal OpportunitylAffirmative Action Employer— 50% Recycled110% Post Consumer Paper Us. Kallie Zackman May 15, 2006 Stormwater Application No. SW8 050842 Modification 8. Please clarify the Pump Station Profile views on Sheet 14. Both are labeled Pump Station 1. fC �" ��6 9. Assuming Pump Station 2 is on the right on Sheet 14, please clarify its bottom elevation. If the inlet's invert elevation is also the permanent I elevation, it appears that the pump station bottom elevation should e 1 ' y r 10. Please label the infiltration basin side slope ratio on the Sheet 14 de 1. 11. For each pump system, please add pressure losses to the calculations due to check and gate valves, plus pump entrance losses, such as from a foot valve, if used. Please note that this request for additional information is in response to a preliminary review. The requested information should be received by this Office prior to May 23, 2006, or the application will be returned as incomplete. The return of a project will necessitate resubmittal of all required items, including the application fee. If you need additional time to submit the information, please mail or fax your request for a time extension to the Division at the address and fax number at the bottom of this letter. The request must indicate the date by which you expect to submit the required information. The construction of any impervious surfaces, other than a construction entrance under an approved Sedimentation Erosion Control Plan, is a violation of NCGS 143-215.1 and is subject to enforcement action pursuant to NCGS 143-215.6A. Please reference the State assigned project number on all correspondence. Any original documents that need to be revised have been sent to the engineer or agent. All original documents must be returned or new originals must be provided. Copies are not acceptable. If you have any questions concerning this matter please feel free to call me at (910) 796-7301. Sincerely, Paul T. Bartlett, P.E. Environmental Engineer ENB/ptb: S:IWQSISTORMWATERIADDINFO120061050842Mod.may06 cc: Zak Shipman, Stroud Engineering, P.A. Pau! Bartlett STROUD ENGINEERING, P.A. 102-D Cinema Drive WILMINGTON, NC 28403 (910) 815-0775 TO j_je DCnLjfZ- — Dryls,o d JA)Ari5;e 0jAPuryl WE ARE SENDING YOU ❑ Shop drawings ❑ Copy of letter UEVUIM OCR DATE ,!;- 61, JOB NO. 1 rLaLA,41 ATTENTICIN Ma • aPj �joR�� RE: Ob b 1; ❑ Attached -0 Under separate cover via dxoO pj�t rurL— the following items: ❑ Prints ❑ Plans ❑ Samples ❑ Specifications ❑ Change order ❑ DESCRIPTION S �` IIAWE FINE ME IIIEE FEE! THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: W For approval ❑ For your use ❑ As requested For review and comment ❑ FORBIDS DUE REMARKS COPY TO ❑ Approved as submitted ❑ Approved as noted ❑ Returned for corrections ❑ Resubmit copies for approval ❑ Submit copies for distribution ❑ Return corrected prints ❑ PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US If enclosures are not as noted, k/ndly notify is at once. NCDMR ---- rn arolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources 127 Cardinal Drive, Wilmington NC 28405 (910) 796-7307 FAX (910) 350-2004 Request for Express Permit Review ( b L FILL-IN all information below and CHECK required Permits .O "'� �p r`tri FAX or email to Cameron. Weaver(&-ncmall.net along with a narrative and vicinity map of the piojecf location. Projects must be submitted by 9:00 A.M. of the review date, unless prior arrangements are made. APPLICANT Name Swrr Q wd Company cK Wou.N ;ul E� Address i oLn -A Cra&ww . ti?rOE PhoneFax r�,. �UTo► ,,�,c Zip z�c► r� CountyJE%.3 Email PROJECT Name -mr- o& ►bu.Y R,sea, PAA-� -rC PROJECT SYSTEM(S) TRIBUTARY TO (STREAM NAME) C&019 r-i5av__ RIVER BASIN ENGINEER/CONSULTANT Company Smy-out. 1<>,e+�t��¢,�►4, vA Address ,oz - o c_%%AE,v.A I)IL, lE City/State ge— Zip County clew la00— Phone to, I6l44'- anx< FaXJ4��l��f - Ds`r3 Email 2SF+tVnna..J CJ S-c¢uuu>cNc,+►�Z;C-sZ, cd„� State or National Environmental Policy Act (SEPA, NEPA) — EA or EIS Required ❑ Yes © No L❑ STREAM ORIGIN Determination It of stream calls; Stream Name E] STORMWATER ❑ Low Density ❑ High Density -Detention Pond ❑ High Den: Wetlands MUST be addressed below ❑ Low Density -Curti & Gutter ® High Density -Infiltration ❑ Off Site ❑ COASTAL ❑ Excavation & Fill ❑ Bridges & Culverts ❑ Structures Information MANAGEMENT ❑ Upland Development ❑ Marina Development ❑ Urban Waterfront ❑ LAND QUALITY ❑ Erosion and Sedimentation Control Plan with acres to be disturbed. WETLANDS (401) Wetlands on Property Z] Yes 0 No Isolated Wetlands on Property ❑ yes ❑ No Check all that appit/ Wetlands Will Be Impacted M Yes ❑ No Wetland Impacts: o, o9 Acre(s) Wetlands Delineation has been completed [4 Yes ❑ No ❑ Buffers Impacted: Acre(s) USA COE Approval of Delineation completed ® Yes ❑ No 404 Application in process w/USACOE []Yes R]No I Permit received from USACE ❑Yes []No 401 Application required ❑Yes ❑ No If Yes, ❑ Regular ❑ Express Additional fees, not to exceed 50% of the original Express Review permit application fee, may be charged for subsequent reviews due to the insufficiency of the permit applications. SUBMITTAL DATES: SW CAMA LQS 401 For DENR use only Fee Split for multiple permits: $ Total Fee Amount $ fi/� 'A 7(,0'ON 'V'rl `qNi? N19N� flAONI5 Mo:[ 9006 'ti6 "a IjN w- STROUD ENGINEERING, P.A. CONSULTING ENGINEERS 102-D CINEMA DRIVE WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28403 (910) 815-0775 Stormwater Design Narrative The Neighborhoods of Holly Ridge, Phase 2 By: Zak Shipman, Ell, Stroud Engineering PA Project Overview: The Neighborhoods of Holly -Yddge Phase is a proposed develop `• ent of 204 single family residential units on approximate y 100 acres of land inolly Ridge, North Carol' . The site is located just inside the Onslow County line roximatly 7-mi es from the US17/ NC 50 intersection. The site is proposed to be sewered by Onslow County and be provided with water via the Town of Holly Ridge. Stormwater collection system will consist of a piped detention/infiltration system that features a pump to convey runoff to the infiltration area. Site Description The site itself is distinctive of locations in this area of the State in its topography; it features almost 30 feet of relief from the top of the ridgeline on site to the outfall. Visual inspection reveals moderately rolling terrain segmented by small existing ditches. The site is sparsley wooded with longleaf pines and low brush. Soils on site are fine to loamy sand mixed with some amount of hardpan. Groundwater location varies from 18 inches below existing grade to more than 72 inches below grade depending on location. Proposed Stormwater Treatment Measures sY loam(- .4 '� Stormwater will be treated via a h brid ump infiltration system., Runoff will be Elected by a 8 j'�"' series of curb inlets and vegetated swales an conveyed via hard piping to a.deiention, bo at the lowest ( t I part on site. The first inch and a half of runoff will then be pumped,.to a. single infiltration basin with soils ' suitable for infiltrating. runoff inr excess of the design volume will bypass the system as shown on the drawings. There arr t, such pump systems_proposed, each serving approximately half of the site. Soils are particulary poor on this site, and this, coupled with the varied topography, has necessitated the pump system. Also, a significant amount of offsite sormwater is directed at the site, and this will be bypassed around the perimeter of the development and not be allowed to enter the treatment system. 107 COMMERCE ST. SUITE 8 GREENVILLE, NC 27858 (252) 756-9352 102-D CINEMA DRIVE WILMINGTON, NC 28403 (910) 815-0775 HESTRON PLAZA TWO 151-A HWY.24 MOREHEAD CITY, NC 28557 (252) 247-7479 ti/ti 'd ZStiti 'IN 'd 'd 'JNId33NI9N3 WES AM.:1 SIM 'tiZ ""A Mar. 24. 2006 1:03PM STROUD ENGINEERING, P. A. No, 4452 . P. 2/4 0 r I 0 Z D cn m 1 0 cz C7 AnSTROUD ENGINEERING, P.A. IV Date: 3/22/06 Number of Pages 4 To: ATTN: Cameron Weaver FACSIMILE TRANSMITTAL From: Zak Shipman Telephone Number: Telephone Number: 910-815-0775 Facsimile Number: 350-2004 Facsimile Number: 910-815-0593 E-Mail Address: E-Mail Address: zshipman@stroudengineer.com Reference: Fast Track Review —Neighborhoods of Holly Ridge Phase2 ❑Original will follow via mail Comments: Cameron, ■Original will NOT follow via mail Please find attached neccesary information to set up a fast track stormwater permit review for the reference project. The site is located in Onslow County near Surf City and proposes high density infiltration. Please let me know as to the soonest we can set up the pre -application meeting. Thanks, Zak Shipman -Please call if you experience trouble with this transmittal- ! 102 Suite D Cinema Drive, Wilmington, NC 28403 (910) 815-0775 FAX (910) 815-0593 ■ V/ 'd ZStiti 'IN 'b 'd 'JNIf33NION3 VOLS WdEO: I 90OZ 'tiZ "'A Neighborhoods of Holly Ridge Subject: Neighborhoods of Holly Ridge From: Linda Lewis <linda.lewis@ncmail.net> Date: Fri, 21 Oct 2005 17:20:54 -0400 To: Ted Burke <tburke@cavanaughsolutions.com> Ted: I meant to compose this email yesterday, but got too busy and forgot. I talked with Paul, and he confirms that his discussion regarding pockets of high density was probably just for the phase that you presented to him at the time, and not for the entire development. However, this does not mean that just because your conversation with Paul was limited to the phase in review and did not include the entire project, that you get a free pass to ignore the rules. It is as much your responsibility to know and understand the rules as it is ours. The rules specifically say that projects under a common plan of development are considered a single project and shall require stormwater management. We have interpreted this to mean that all of the multiple projects that make up the common plan of development must be considered as either overall high density or overall low density. You and I met on January 19, 2005 to discuss this project. My notes do not specifically say whether or not this issue was discussed. We have had several undocumented conversations regarding this development. I don't take notes of every conversation or meeting and I don't always keep copies of emails. Phased development and common plans of development are not new concepts for you. If I did not state this to you at any time in the past, I am stating it now that the Neighborhoods of Holly Ridge is a common plan of development, and must submit the phases as either overall high density or overall low density. Pockets of high density with suitable treatment within the low density project are allowable, as long as the overall density of the project is maintained at the required level. Thanks for your understanding of this issue. Linda 1 of 1 10/21/2005 5:21 PM Edward Burke From: Jay Carmine Sent: Thursday, May 19, 2005 8:48 AM To: Edward Burke; jell holland; Ray Cox Subject: FW: Neighborhoods of Holly Ridge -----Original Message ----- From: Linda Lewis [mailto:linda.lewis@ncmail.net) Sent: Thursday, May 19, 2005 8:41 AM To: Jay Carmine Cc: Cameron Weaver; Paul Bartlett; Robert Gordon Subject: Re: Neighborhoods of Holly Ridge Jay: The amount of wetlands that can be incorporated into the site area for calculating low density is determined on a case by case basis. It is best if you either schedule a pre - application meeting so that we can make this call, or send us a copy of the plan and we will mark it up with the appropriate site area. I am no longer involved in Express reviews. We just hired our second Express review engineer, so I can now go back to my real job. Please coordinate Express reviews through Cameron Weaver. Linda Jay Carmine wrote: > Linda. > We are in the preliminary design of Phase II for the Neighborhoods of > Holly Ridge and we are looking into different stormwater options; one > of which being low density development. What are the restrictions > regarding the use of wetlands into the overall area. I called into > DENR to see if I could get an answer on this and it was explained that > it was determined on a case by case basis depending on whether the > wetlands were isolated or not. That being said, I thought that it > would be best if I got my answer directly from you since you would be > oversee the fast -track stormwater permitting process. Can you please > give me some insight onto this issue? I have no problem bringing in > the layout so that you can see what we are talking about. This is just > something that I want to hash out in the beginning so that we are all > on the same page as design continues. > Thank you. > Jay R. Carmine > Engineering Intern > > Cavanaugh and Associates, P.A. > > 130 North Front Street, Suite 202 > Wilmington, NC 28401 > Office: (910) 392-4462 x 236 1 > Fax: (910) 392-4612 > http://www.cavanaughsolutions.com Page 1 of 1 Edward Burke From: Jay Carmine Sent: Wednesday, May 18, 2005 2:33 PM To: Linda.Lewis@ncmail.net Cc: Edward Burke; jeff holland Subject: Neighborhoods of Holly Ridge Linda. We are in the preliminary design of Phase II for the Neighborhoods of Holly Ridge and we are looking into different stormwater options; one of which being low density development. What are the restrictions regarding the use of wetlands into the overall area. I called into DENR to see if I could get an answer on this and it was explained that it was determined on a case by case basis depending on whether the wetlands were isolated or not. That being said, I thought that it would be best if I._got my answer directly from you since you would be oversee the fast -track stormwater permitting process. Can you please give me some insight onto this issue? I have no problem bringing in the layout so that you can see what we are talking about. This is just something that I want to hash out in the beginning so that we are all on the same page as design continues. Thank you. Jay R. Carmine Engineering Intern Cavanaugh and Associates, P.A. 130 North Front -Street, Suite 202 Wilmington, NC 28401 Office: (910) 392-4462 x 236 Fax: (910) 392-4612 http://www.cavanaughsolutions.com 10/3/2005 • b � CAVANAU G H Solutions through integrity and partnership Record of Meeting Attendees: Paul Bartlett (NCDENR-Stormwater), Jay Carmine (Cavanaugh) Date/Time: May 25, 2005, 08:15am Location: NCDENR-Wilmington Regional Office Regarding: Neighborhoods of Holly Ridge -Phase II Density To determine: Usable Wetlands in Project Site This meeting was to determine what wetlands could be included into the overall density for The Neighborhoods of Holly Ridge, Phase II. It was explained by you [Paul] that after you had discussed this issue with the wetlands group, the overall area would be allowed to encroach onc-hundred (100) feet into the wetlands. We discussed that it would mean that most of the wetland on the site could be .counted as open space with most likely some left over for the larger wetlands. The one -hundred (100) feet encroachment will have to be verified with AutoCAD to determine if the entire wetland could be included. Also discussed 'at this meeting was pocket of high density that you [Paul] noticed for the amenity center and multi -family development. I [Jay] was instructed that the pocket of high density should try to remain <35% impervious or less. Going along with this discussion, it was also discussed that Bill Hunt, with NC State University and the North Carolina Cooperative Extension Unit, is in the process of having the BMP manual updated to allow porous pavement to be counted as pervious. As of now, porous pavers and porous concrete are considered impervious surfaces. You [Paul] instructed me [Jay] to check up with you before final calculations were tabulated because the manual may have changed by then. 1 agreed and we closed the meeting at 08:45am. Please feel free to add any comments or corrections to this record of conversation and if no comments or rebuttals are included by June 3, 2005, this record of conversation will stand as accepted. Thank you, Jay Carmine, E.I. Cavanaugh and Associates, P.A. Michael F. Easley, Governor William G. Ross, Jr., Secretary North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Alan W. Klimek, P.E. Director Division of Water Quality September 7, 2005 Mr. Scott Cook, Managing Partner Neighborhoods of Holly Ridge, LLC 429 Long Leaf Drive Hampstead, NC 28443 Subject: Request for Stormwater Management Permit Application The Neighborhoods of Holly Ridge Phase II Stormwater Project No. SW8 050842 Onslow County Dear Mr. Cook: On August 9, 2005, the Wilmington Regional Office received a copy of a Letter of Receipt for an Erosion Control Plan Express Review for the subject project. The North Carolina Administrative Code requires any project that must receive either Sedimentation and Erosion Control Plan approval and/or a CAMA Major permit to apply for and receive a Stormwater Management Permit by the Division of Water Quality. Any construction on the subject site, prior to receipt of the required permit, will constitute a violation of 15A NCAC 2H.1000 and may result in appropriate enforcement action by this office_ Either a Stormwater Permit Application Package including 2 sets of plans, completed application form, fee, and supporting documentation, or a written response regarding the status of this project and the expected submittal date must be received in this Office no later than October 7, 2005. Failure to respond to this request may result in the initiation of enforcement action, and construction may experience a subsequent delay. The NPDES 010000 Federal Stormwater Permit that accompanies the Erosion Control Plan approval letter must NOT be considered the Coastal Stormwater Managgement Permit, which will be signed by the Water Quality Supervisor. Please reference the Project Number above on all correspondence. If you have any questions, please call me at (910)-796-7404. Sincerely, Linda Lewis Environmental Engineer ENB/arl: S:IWQSISTORMWATISTORMSUB1050842.sep05 cc: Mike Morris, Onslow County Building Inspections Ted Burke, Cavanaugh Consulting Wilmington Regional Office Central Files North Carolina Division of Water Quality 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Phone (910) 796-7215 Wilmington Regional Office Wilmington, NC 28405-3845 FAX (910) 350-2004 Internet www.ennstate.nc.us J 1V OTne karofi la An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer— 50% Recycled/10% Post Consumer Paper N%'hmallf/ RECEIVED Am, AU �� 0 q ?UU5 UP BY: NCDENR North Carolina Department of Environment and. Natural Resources Division of Land Resources James D. Simons, PG, PE Land Quality Section Michae! F. Easley, Governor Director and State Geologist William G. Ross Jr., Secretary 8/9/2005 LETTER OF RECEIPT FOR AN EROSION CONTROL PLAN EXPRESS REVIEW Neighborhoods of Holly Ridge, LLC Mr. Scott Cook, Managing Partner 429 Long Leaf Drive Hampstead, NC 28443 RE: Project Name: The Neighborhoods of Holly Ridge Phase II, Express Review Project ID: Onslo-2006-041 County: Onslow, NC HWY 50 River Basin: Cape Fear Submitted By: Cavenaugh Consulting Eng. Date Received by LQS: August 8, 2005 Plan Type: NEW Dear Mr. Cook: RCS This office has received a soil erosion and sediment control plan for the project listed above which was submitted as required by the North Carolina Sedimentation Pollution Control Act (G.S. 113A-57 (4)). The Act requires that all persons disturbing an area of one or more acres of land must obtain approval of a soil erosion control plan prior to the commencement of the land -disturbing activity (G.S. 113A-54(d) (4)). The review period for an express review is three days of receipt of a complete plan. If additional information is requested, it must be submitted within five working days of receipt. Commencement or continuation of a land -disturbing activity under the jurisdiction of this Act prior to the approval of an erosion and sediment control plan is a violation of the Act. We have performed a preliminary review of your submitted plan and have determined that additional information will be necessary before a final review can be completed. Enclosed is a checklist of items that _must be submitted before we can complete the review process. Failure to provide the additional information may result in disapproval of your plan. The approval of an erosion and sediment control plan is conditioned on the applicant's compliance with Federal and State water quality laws, regulations and rules. If you have questions please do not hesitate to contact this office. Your cooperation in this matter is appreciated and we look forward to working with you on this project. Sincerely, Carol N. Miller Assistant Regional Engineer cc: Ted Burke, P.E., Cavanaugh Consulting Engineers LQS-WiRO; SWS-WiRO Wilmington Regional Office 127 Cardinal Drive Ext., Wilmington, North Carolina 28405-3845 • Phone: 910-395-3900 / FAX: 910-350-2004 NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT & NATURAL RESOURCES LAND QUALITY SECTION EROSION and SEDIMENTATION CONTROL PLAN PRELIMINARY REVIEW CHECKLIST PROJECT NAME: The Neighborhoods of Holly Ridge Phase II DATE: 8/8/2005 0:00:00 PROJECT NO.: Onslo-2006-041 _ COUNTY: Onslow To expedite the approval process, a cursory review of your submitted Erosion and Sediment Control Plan application has been made and has shown the need for additional information as specified below. To meet our review schedule, any additional information should be received by this office no later than —August 15, 2005 . Failure to meet this schedule may result in disapproval of your plan. The following items shall be incorporated with respect to specific site conditions, in an erosion and sediment control plan: LOCATION INFORMATION Project location (roads, streets, landmarks) North arrow and scale GENERAL SITE FEATURES (Plan elements) Legend: North arrow, scale, etc. Property lines Existing contours (topographic lines) Proposed contours Limits of disturbed area (provide acreage total, delineate limits, and label) Planned and existing building locations and elevations Planned & existing road locations & elevations Lot and/or building numbers Geologic features: rock outcrops, seeps, springs, welland and their limits, streams, lakes, ponds, dams, etc. Easements and drainageways Profiles of streets, utilities, ditchlines, etc. Stockpiled topsoil or subsoil locations If the same person conducts the land -disturbing activity & any related borrow or waste activity, the related borrow or waste activity shall constitute part of the land -disturbing activity unless the borrow or waste activity is regulated under the Mining Act of 1971, or is a landfill regulated by the Division of Waste Management. If the land -disturbing activity and any related borrow or waste activity are not conducted by the same person, they shall be considered separate land -disturbing activities and must be permitted either thru the Sedimentation Pollution Control Act as a one -use borrow site or through the Mining Act. Required Army Corps 404 permit and Water Quality 401 certification (e.g. stream disturbances over 150 linear feet) EROSION CONTROL MEASURES (on plan) Legend Location of temporary measures Location of permanent measures Construction drawings and details for temporary and permanent measures Maintenance requirements of measures Contact person responsible for maintenance SITE DRAINAGE FEATURES Existing and planned drainage patterns (include off -site areas that drain through project) Method of determination of and calculations for Acreage of land being disturbed Size and location of culverts and sewers Soil information: type, special characteristics Soil information below culvert storm outlets Name and classification of receiving water course (only where stormwater discharges are to occur) Comments: See Attached STORMWATER CALCULATIONS Pre -construction runoff calculations for each outlet from the site (at peak discharge points) Design calculations for peak discharges of runoff (including the construction phase & the final runoff coefficients of the site) Design talcs of culverts and storm sewers Discharge and velocity calculations for open channel and ditch flows (easement & right-of-ways) Design calcs of cross sections and method of stabilization of existing and planned channels (include temporary linings) Design calcs and construction details of energy dissipators below culvert and storm sewer outlets (diameters & apron dimensions) Design calcs and dimension of sediment basins Surface area and settling efficiency information for proposed sediment traps and/or basins VEGETATIVE STABILIZATION Area & acreage to be vegetatively stabilized Method of soil preparation Seed type & rates (temporary & permanent) Fertilizer type and rates Mulch type and rates NOTE: Plan should include provisions for groundcover on exposed slopes within 15 working days or 30 calendar days (whichever is shorter), following completion of any phase of grading; permanent groundcover for all disturbed areas within 15 working days or 90 calendar days (whichever is shorter) following completion of construction or development. FINANCIAL RESPONSIBILITY/OWNERSHIP FORM Completed, signed & notarized FR/O Form Accurate application fee ($50.00 per acre rounded up the next acre with no ceiling amount) Certificate of assumed name, if the owner is a partnership Name of Registered Agent (if applicable) Copy of the most current Deed for the site NOTE: For the Express Permitting Option, inquire at the local RegionalOffice for availability. NARRATIVE AND CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCE Narrative describing the nature and purpose of the construction activity Construction sequence related to erosion and sediment control(including installation of critical measures prior to the initiation of the land -disturbing activity & removal of measures after areas they serve are permanently stabilized) Bid specifications related only to erosion control r11 Continuation of Erosion and Sedimentation Control Plan Preliminary Review Checklist: Project Name: The Neighborhoods of Holly Ridge Phase Il Project# Onslo-2006-041 1. Provide modifications as per Dan Sams e-mail and our meeting on 8/9/05 Wilmington Regional Office 127 Cardinal Drive Extension, Wilmington, NC 28405 Phone: 910-395-3900 Fax: 910-350-2004 t- LrJ E C5 In 01 aD In 0 1 I CO 0) J 1, CHARLES FRANCIS RIGGS, PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR, CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAT WAS DRAWN UNDER MY SUPERVISION FROM AN ACTUAL URVEY MADE UND MY SUPERVISION (DEED DESCRIPTION RECORDED IN DEED BOOK !i2 7(► . PAGE 2 ): THAT THE BOUNDARIES NOT SURVEYED ARE CLEARLY INDICATED AS BROKEN LINES AND DRAWN FROM INFORMATION FOUND IN DEED BOOK , PAGE "" : THAT THE RATIO OF PRECISION AS CALCULATED BY LATITUDES AND DEPARTURES IS 1: 10,000+: THAT THIS PLAT WAS PREPARED IN ACCORDANCE WITH G.S. 47-30 AS AME � DED. WITNESS MY ORIGINAL SIGN TuRt "`LICENSE NUMBER AND SEAL THIS DAY OF •`it�1 � 0, `' f i so�ocno"o' Cz q IS . a 'L. % CH 0 2 al r `�rrrrrrrrr����� THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE SUBJECT PROPERTY IS LOCATED IN FLOOD ZONE "C" WHICH IS NOT A SPECIAL FLOOD HAZARD AREA AS DETERMINED BY THE FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY, AND THE NATIONAL FLOOD INSURANCE PROGRAM. COMMUNITY PANEL NUMBER 370344 0425 B FEBRUARY 15. 1985_ WETLANDS LINE TABLE LINE LENGTH BEARING L40 39.33 N23'31'58"E L41 61.33 N39'51'30"E L42 47.30 N38'25`38"E L43 41.86 N74'47'55"E L44 33.13 N41'41'02"E L45 46.11 N58'08'50" E L46 45.45 N59'27'13"E L47 32.25 N82'40'49"E L48 26.14 N66'57'23"E L49 36.21 N65'36'43"E L50 37.62 S89'54'04"E L51 28.63 N64'27'36"E L52 48.18 N38'50'00"E L53 75.36 N69'23'03"E L54 7.50 N53'13'30"E L55 25.38 N58'41'11"E L56 38.93 S75'58'26"E L57 49.22 N57'30'23"E L58 59.06 N04'1544" E L59 56.34 N65'51'11"E L60 36.86 N84'17'33"E L61 21.76 N79'37'15"E L62 24.25 N60'44'29"E L63 30.93 N25'56'24"W L64 40.00 N25'26'46"W L65 61.38 N42'35'55"W L66 135.33 N84'02'48"E L67 1 26.38 N43'23'45" E L68 14.34 N22'45'34"E WETLANDS LINE TABLE LINE LENGTH BEARING L69 36.90 N37'53'22"E L70 16.66 N57'31'01"E L71 36.22 N08'45'16" E L72 38.52 N14'30'25"W L73 47.62 N24'33'35"W L74 29.24 S55'09'24"W L75 34.37 N21'15'12"W L76 26.99 N18'17'25"E L77 21.05 N56'43'51 "E L78 37.11 N48'42'49"E L79 29.46 N15*16'23"W L80 29.45 N23'59'30"E L81 14.40 N68'41'03"E L82 29.40 N84'11'47"E L83 30.81 S77'46'28"E L84 30.07 S86'29'35"E L85 20.37 N79'29'02"E L86 35.18 N68'31'48"E L87 34.85 N73'47'13"E L88 17.28 N16'37'29"E L89 19.73 NO2'18'06"W L90 16.78 N50'59'18"E L91 13.16 N72'15'04"W L92 13.22 S78'28'33"W L93 23.91 S53'54'41" W L94 18,96 S87'20'30"W L95 32.85 N10'50'29"E L96 21.67 N37'18'37"W L97 16.47 N05'53'46"E If L98 er1.37 N67 56 57 E L99 45.21 N17'03'44"E L100 19.34 N44'27'39"E L101 22.61 S62'22'40"E L102 35.43 1 S75'36'04"E L103 24.08 S72'02'41"E L104 30.84 N74'36'45"E L105 32.64 N62'14'33"E L106 26.79 S59'15'42"W Ll07 33.84 N70'31'45"W L108 15.48 N09'26'21"W Ll09 37.38 N44'05'20"W L110 13.80 N85'38'18"W L111 37.65 N22'53'46"E L112 41.44 N59'40'50"W L113 24.50 N69'19'49"W L114 27.13 N00'30'50E L115 26.61 S81'35'19"W L116 19.22 N46'39'02"W L117 62.73 N23'5243"W L118 15.05 N48'07'02"W L119 51.07 N71'12'38"W Ll20 53.12 N34'21'50"W L121 15.78 N05'37'33"E L122 21.14 N14'43'49"W L123 29.47 N40'03'28"E L124 17.46 N50'09135"W nr7x•nr,':)n"W L126 53.96 N36'02'35' L127 29.91 N45'17'55"W L128 29.83 N70'12'03"W L129 57.86 N69'06`1911W Li 30 22.00 N22'51'50"W L131 11.81 N45'36'30"W L132 39.17 N2818'02"W L133 22.11 N51'01'12"E Ll34 42.50 N00'22'08"W L135 25.14 N87'36'31 "E L136 38.73 S42'40'39"W L137 23.00 S62'12'04"W L138 67.09 S65'23'46"W L139 45.96 S55'01'42"W L140 21.83 S32'14'54"W L141 42.90 N77'02'39"W L142 17.64 N65'59'56" W L1 43 13.70 S88'19'45"W L144 11.60 N831232W L145 35.06 S75'29'17' L146 12.48 0324'39" W L147 23.33 SO4'20'02"W L148 13.96 S59'4350"E L149 25.48 S31'09'58"E L150 36.30 S40'58'15"E L151 48.12 S37'40'15"E L152 15.67 S29'13'08"E L153 33.49 550'59'25"E L154 26.28 S28'58'36"E L155 48.73 S45'03'06"E L156 58.14 S13'50'32"E L157 32.00 S32'20'12"E L158 22.07 S50'54'10"E L159 23.14 N85'24'34"E L160 33.55 S20'51'26"E 177 L161 47.03 S40'57'35"W L162 34.63 N67'48'58"W 1 In L163 34.75 S62'05'00"W C:) L164 15.14 S22'42'09"W THIS CERTIFIES THAT THIS COPY OF THIS PLAT IDENTIFIES AS WETLANDS ALL AREAS OF WETLANDS REGULATED PURSUANT TO SECTION 404 OF THE CLEAN WATER ACT AS DETERMINED BY THE UNDERSIGNED ON THIS DATE. UNLESS THERE IS A CHANGE IN THE LAW OR OUR PUBLISHED REGULATIONS, THIS DETERMINATION OF SECTION 404 JURISDICTION MAY BE RELIED UPON FOR A PERIOD NOT TO EXCEED FIVE YEARS FROM THIS DATE. THIS DETERMINATION WAS MADE UTILIZING THE 1987 CORPS OF ENGINEERS WETLANDS DELINEATION MANUAL. 7S 21�- O -- _ H.° Mi4F's /Hip Tp EMN MoH�q J, 0 psFc N6 ?r p & Apy OF S4¢� C/L INTERSECTION Of ¢TB,s ? F R/W N.C. HIGHWAY 210 & 4 \ EMPIE N. SIDBURY ROAD \ R/W. EMN NOW OR FORMERLY ��� o`� \ Nss (NAME) BARNES D.B. 1201, P. 69 0 Q' 4/- ► (TI TLE) (DATE W5 (Alo#) NOW OR FORMERLY PARAMORE D.B. 1707, P. 120 N.C. HIGHWAY 210 LINE TABLE LINE LENGTH BEARING L1 77.77 N67'47'20"E L2 112.36 N74'47'00"E 1-3 34.23 N80'06'09"E L4 55.63 N83'16'50"E L5 44.20 N88'16'56"E L6 47.86 S87'o0'l8"E L7 62.03 S81-12'10"E L8 22.17 S79'27'39"E L9 59.79 S75'30'05"E L10 54.10 S73'41'25"E L11 107.73 S72'45'27"E L12 99.06 S72'3624" E Ll3 77.83 S69'27'33"W •c Q• ��., �Gt-��,q � �yssyo3� 5�. 0 4 EIP N 37 = p O � " v e'03� MN 88 3g � � {� S24'11'56"E >\� EIP 8 �9' Q O 30.34 \ c880' EIP Q ���� ^ EIP L4O L41 L42 �ss,^/��Q A3 L44 tqs 204 9 `So'� EIP R W t4s S` ? Q' p �c�� ,y p j 6 \ \ R/W t¢e t4s �02 SIBS �� �' <so EIP 41 j 1 / iUPLANDS s L52 02 86, 2 / / \ L54 WETLANDS 4s7 J/ `^/ / O L67 / m ,N <rp WETLANDS LIKE TABLE LINE LENGTHM3�11 L165 41.16 L166 41.29 L167 35.52 L168 32.61 L169 30.50 ; S05'34'21 "W L170 42.63 S61'47'12"E L171 39.24 S65'39'03"E L172 44.20 S44'00'37"E L173 22.56 S19'47'22"E L174 14.66 S66'52'10" E L175 39.46 S46'18'50"E L176 31.94 S66'40'26"E L177 28.46f S05'02'34"W L178 49.37' S46'07'26"W L179 31.79' S82'48'41 "W L180 12.31' N23'47'32"W Ll81 40.1 & S58'23'47"W L182 17.58 N66'13'05" W L183 20.20 S35'50'29"W L184 11.38 S11'38'29"W L185 18.22 N85'58'20"W L186 1 17.55 N31'24'56"W L187 14.04 N19 50'38'W L188 15.37 N48 48 04'W L189 30.04 N55'44'08"W L190 46.9,1 N46'57'23"W L191 49.8C N51'12'54"W L192 27.5 N44'27'09"W L193 40.81 N48'10'56"W L194 26.7t N33'10'55"W L195 11.51 N09'48'43"E L196 N04'02'55"E L197 _ 15.71 N20'27'21"E L198 27.74 N20'00'53"E L199 22.56 N07'25'12"W L200 28.'94 N34'06'01"E L201 32.4' N56'20'48"E L202 45.67 N29-07-26" E WETLANDS LINE TABLE LINE LENGTH BEARING L203 44.02 574=24'29"W L204 32.49 S02'38'51"W L205 22.29 S49'11'22"E L206 37.54 S18'44'04"W L207 16.86 S54'49'11 "W L208 35. 44 S74'17'15"W L209 23.96 578'30'49"W L210 19.04 S56'29'21 "W L211 31.18 S45'00'31"W L212 2.35 S88'29'07"W L213 30.95 S27'39'17"E L214 27.35 S54'28133W L215 15.82 N15'39'32"E L216 29.28 N46'41'16"E L217 29.03 N37'20'51"E L218 21.99 N35'58'04"E L219 37.23 1 N57'09'04"E L220 30.18 N62'34'46"E L221 34.23 N73'42'40"E L222 27.96 S77'48'42"E L223 15.36 S44'35'24"E L224 19.55 S01'46'51 "W -L225 42.40 S86'48'26"E L226 25.20 S89'02'17"E L227 17.03 S79'37'49"E L228 28.34' S77'19'36"E L229 28.75 S66'S8'o2''E L230 58.82 S88'14'28"E L231 16.09 S83'08'26"E L232 40.14 S54'32'26"E L233 21.54 S74'14'20"E 1A6 4. L234 29.43 N26'01'43"W L235 17.02 N31'42'33"E L236 29.78 S82'20'48"E L237 20.51 SO4'50'52"W L238 86.15 S47'38'06°E L239 50.59 S22'4710"E L240 99.27 SO4'13'05" E / Sao a s �s4 6 2� Lss < L241 32.13 519 37 01 W /Q ry L242 52.65 S25'03'52"W j eMt>> u8 NOW OR FORMERL10do L243 39.62 S13'05'02"E CUTLER \ L244 13.01 S14'20'41"E 4 J / 95 < / t245 84:92 562.23'21 "W > L246 25.81 S35,05 30 W D.B. 1329, P. 1 � t7 � � � rn o NOW OR FORMERLY v,, ��8s m ts3 / s3o80.1s"W cc / CUTLER t8s 9 0 L200 t201 L202 % 280.1s' O / D.B. 1707, P. 117 <e e oR ,ga / L248 27.14 N76 50 46 W a i9 <, �°j r' `'' L248 26.14 N8T06'18"W s 41 ,9 G �, / PORTION OF L249 27.52 N36'23'17"W v °S t'0s 9 �9 TRACT 12 -A L250 22.01 S84'48'3S' N32'22'20"W Lss y �� <� �,� \ \ M.B. 22, P. 85 �� y �� L251 24.50 S69'46'46"W N5737140"E 60.88' o� J \ \ L252 29.80 S70'17'32"W UPLANDS `� M \\\ \ �\�.� L253 20.81 S36'54'47"W 114.51' EIP �t/6 �, \ L254 22A3 S2T35'29"W " \ / 23�9,j r N r a m \\ G`�-> L255 23.26 S16'59'S3''W EIP S¢ > > J ,6 \ W 0 L256 28.73 SO0'13 23 W 5l EIPgO EIP 1�� 1 \\\ RAILROAD IRON �V3 \ �n \ L257 31.12 S45'33'52"E \ L258 49.29 S61'00'19"E ro J o WETLANDS \\ (7 ss 48?813"W L259 36.07 N37'16'06"E TOTAL AREA �J M \\ 3 L260 9.69 N19'47'28"E \ 1629621 S Ft. ,� _� `UPLANDS \ SIR \ L261 23.09 N38'46'37"E \ \ 37.411 ACRES<s VVV N \\\ o ERRS L262 7.30 N49'2T00"E \ G \ \ \ L263 25,84 N43'07'05"E � '' tia2 s3 L284 L264 35.16 N70'00'48"E 6' WOOD ! I 28 FENCE D.B. 466, P. 30 �Lz78 . ^^� .,^ �� 2a \ \ L265 31.13 N61*11'22"E 20' DITCH w " L274 27 L266 12.99 N88'51 49 E WATERS OF THE U.S.""L2 6 L267 19.78 S66'07 24"E r ,8 � rn -j �ti \\ \ \ \ L268 13.93 S59'06 33''E ft OR FORMERLY HALL , t:3. 1040, P. 155 � �� L123 s� N t18, ,ti \ �� �, '9 7$ �,��a Lt N t � t WETLANDS k� ?4s s ?ss 24s ��V?s ��VJJJJ <a � 2s3 26 L259 L2k� y2a2 L262 a \ R `11 �r R/W `e L270 12,99 S6J,'54 03"E L271 _ _ 28.95 1 S44'25 36 'E L272 2777 1 S06'36'04"E L273 21.69 S08*03'56"E L274 26.96 S30'13'55"W L275 18.57 S29'22'11"W L276 11.56 S36'05'15"W L277 28.99 S20'21'19"E L278 35.50 S40'42'39"W L279 10.44 S07'20'02"E L280 18 07 S50'S2151 "W RUN OF 1M HILL BRANCH LIE TABLE LINE IJGTH BEARING L14 71.11 S39'46'01 "W 1 5 E.32 S85'15'04"W L16 2.75 S03'22'34"W Ll7 8.90 S60'40'11"W Ll8 5.47 S27'01'58"W L19 7.96 S49'12'09"W L20 2.32 S16*30'47"W L21 3.63 S35'03'04"W L22 3.09 S64'26'12"W L23 6:00 N86'44'50"W L24 9.23 N62'20'04'W L25 0.03 N731947"W L26 >3.01 S77'15'28"W L27 7.99 N79'34'04"W L28 7.33 S85'34'28"W L 2 9 3.59 S02'19'17"W L30 6.36 S61'23'10"W L31 '.2.63 N80'09'1 O" W L32 0-79 S43'33'09"W 133 i6.33 S36'32'19"W L34 9.21 S71'48'43"E L35 8.47 S22'17'34"E L36 50.01 S42'56'16"W L37 t9.86 S19'31'56"W L38' 87.45 14_7'58'45"W L39' 09.25 4'03'40"E I d- 0 0 CHARLES F. RIGGS & ASSOCIATES, IN(. 0 LAND SURVEYING - CONVENTIONAL & GLOBAL POSITIONING SYSTMS, o LAND PLANNING & COMPUTER MAPPING F 202 WARLICK STREET Q P.O. BOX 1570 ~ JACKSONVILLE, N.C. 28541-1570 TELEPHONE: (910) 455-0877 FACSIMILE:(910) 455-9033 E-MAIL: riggsland@bizec.rr.com O, NcP., NNE O cA 0 3' WIRE FENCE NOW OR FORMERLY KING D.B. 609, P. 30 TOM HILL BRANCH / 4.83' m L281 19.23 S21'42'24"W N L282 28.35 S30'10'06"W N ` L283 24.77 S45'13'20"W si �s2 25 6 W L284 29.74 N45'07'24"E 25 O UPLANDS v \\\JJJ v' < UPLANDS m ���...JJJ NOW OR FORMERLY. _N co KING ^M D.B. 473, P. 79 14 t rss � C11 _M 13> rn REF - REN E$ OWNERS WETLANDS , �.� D.B. 466,' P. 30 TOWN OF SURF CITY VVVVVV Q `�s 23 G D.B. 473, P. 79 KI N 11r� ��' D.B. 11040, P. 155 L34 L29 <�s D.B. 1201, P. 69 ZONED RA _ D.B. 1329, P. 1 BONING SETBACKS L� D.B. 1578, P. 205 FRONT = 40' ,- o --3e L32 L.38 ----� �3 SIR L36 D.B. 1609, P. 254 REAR = 30' L35 L30 N D.B. 1707, P. 117 SIDE = 20' L28 D.B. 1707, P. 120 � Gas D.B. 1779, P. 1 < D. B. 1894, P. 227 26 j D.B. 2404, P. 122 s �a 4, M.B. 28� P.1 4680 TITLE SOURCE �s D. M.B. 37, P. 12D.B.2476, P. 280 r NP �ry� G LEGEND as L212 ' CC = CONTROL CORNER TOM HILL BRANCH- - / ,(, L211 �/�(j� ECM EXISTING CONCRETE MONUMENT (FOUND) ro <z2p 2� �tio <2o iJ EIP EXISTING IRON PIPE (FOUND) t219 21 L217 L216 t214 9 0 23.26' 3 �j\� EIR = EXISTING 'IRON ROD (FOUND) G V" OAD EMN EXISTING MAGNETIC NAIL (FOUND) NOW OR FORMERLY �2 O 20 y2os-RTILRRON / >� EPK = EXISTING PARKER-KALON NAIL (FOUND) LANIER `� �-2 L19 • 1 rj ERRS EXISTING RAILROAD SPIKE (FOUND) D.B. 1953, P. 28 L21 L18 �1> 36.99' !} �A/ �i MBL MINIMUM BUILDING LINE i to NMP NON MONUMENTED POINT L16 L15 L14 �� ` ` Q� 0, R/W _ RIGHT OF WAY CONTROL CORNER �j SCM - SET CONCRETE MONUMENT( ) TOM HILL BRANCH .N1i1 Q� SIP = SET IRON PIPE 1 Qi / j�5 / ,� SIR SET IRON ROD ��IV /� / SMN _ SET MAGNETIC NAIL (CONTROL CORNER) fV SPK = SET PARKER-KALON NAIL (CONTROL CORNER) `(✓` CENTERLINE GRAPHIC SCALE 100 0 50 100 200 400 BOUNDARY SURVEY FOR TOWN OF SURF CITY 37.411 ACRE TRACT ON N.C. HIGHWAY 210 TOPSAIL TOWNSHIP, PENDER COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA U, J Q O�� O Wol ZZQ OO WU0 0�Oj OFF OAS t=1-:w 0 Cr CL wgO CL J Roza w O >OM 3 O = MW (0 Z Mo nZwa xmw� EWm QooE. J OwU Uj Z000 o0oz vOWO 'drmuj O�om 0 ywo-< UOU)= YOQ< 3G?U, @Dpl-� OZ5 =Z fir O W Z => U0-0 OD(n w CO t 0 0 0 0 0 X J O 0 - k / r • �• �s ; , ' `'. / / .��� 0� � e �' "` :,� LIMITS OF USEABLE SITE AREA \ PROPERTY LINE 184.97' ZZ1 it 1 U 1 159.9 7' RAAOAD (FOUN ) i t 1 PROPOSED 22"X34" RCP - (PIPE TO BE COUNTERSUNK 1.0' BELOW EXISTING DITCH LINE) NOTE: FROM DRIVEWAY CENTERLINE, PROPERTY EXTENDS 700' ALONG NC 210. LIMIT OF USEABLE SITE AREA TOWN OF SURF CITY WATER TREATMENT PLANT SITE PIN 4225-46-9797-0000 PROPERTY AREA 37.41 ACRES USEABLE SITE 339,102 SF = 7.78 ACRES AREA UNUSED NATURAL 29.63 ACRES AREA PROPOSED BUILT 65,722 SF = 1.51 ACRES UPON SURFACE % BUILT UPON 19.4 % AREA PROPOSED BUILT UPON SURFACE (GRAVEL, ASPHALT, CONCRETE, AND BUILDINGS) USEABLE SITE AREA WITHIN WETLANDS (t0.15 ACRES) LIMITS OF USEABLE SITE AREA WETLAND BOUNDARY 5, ` W 7 1 o tO 1 l CL °' `n t 1 E l DATE PROJECT MANAGI SDL DL DRAWNG SCALE 1"=40' 909 MARKET STREET WILMINGTON, NC 28401 (910) 762-4200 Locations: community infrastructure consultants North Carolina Georgia South Carolina Florida RELEASED FOR DATE APPROVALS RAW BY BNMOCT DATE PROJECT TDATE BIDDING APPROVED BY PROJECT NUMBER 50144.00.WLDiEft.;Office CONSTRUCTION DESCRIPTION DESCRI TION FILE NAME STORM PLOT DATE 10/11/2005 RECORD DWG. RFVl Y III x 1 I � rear.. r G ) �I mc _ .:�.,�. . e. .. , • ��: • o` _-_ I rr.'I I � • � /�„� �� fir.`= � �� \ i\� t F /r A 1 t r / F _ F O € � f - i t } , I , I f r O F t t t t PR r F 1 00 f !f o 4 1 I _ I } I — t n- t r r L s - I IGA I� m IRR " P r 41A I t r Y n _BAS : : . 4 , o ..- . d r rt 3 S I •_ - -__ r t, .y , :i r — " t I y _.. I 4aA I T , l i 13 B:, t 14 B r :eI F I B t I 1 3 n 1 t B I , f a B3JA I 1 B � 4� I _ , 1 it _ � t t 1 Se 4 s , t i 3 : w_ 1 r T j , , P 5 t ( !r I F = f ! t \ (t ., 4 t \ 9B r � I 5 t I I I d d i I t k ## 6 e �B 17 Bf o , / 9-B } i t 1 1 f k i It w. >t .—Ir LLa• O I f F t 2B I / 1` } Y= ¢ ire j[ rl ) A f fj , {f rt\ F { s{ t 1 1 <i I � t s' I r Y 'I > y. -_ 3 J A s f. t \ O x err' I BB.r 3 t ' ; t .) 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