HomeMy WebLinkAbout19950704 Ver 1_Complete File_19950705State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources Division of Environmental Management James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Jonathan B. Howes, Secretary A. Preston Howard, Jr., P.E., Director APPROVAL of 401 Water Quality Certification Mr. Barney O'Quinn Planning and Environmental Branch NC DOT A ATIFAA ?IWA 74 _# ___m C) F= F1 August 14, 1995 Mitchell County DEM Project # 95704 P. O. Box 25201 Co Raleigh, N.C. 27611-5201 FIL r Dear Mr. O'Quinn: You have our approval to place fill material in 0.16 acres of waters for the purpose of constructing the Spruce Pine Bypass along NC 226, as you described in your application dated 28 June 1995. After reviewing your application, we have decided that this fill is covered by General Water Quality Certification Numbers 2671 and 2727. These certifications allow you to use Nationwide Permit Numbers 26 and 33 when they are issued by the Corps of Engineers. This approval is only valid for the purpose and design that you described in your application. If you change your project, you must notify us and you may be required to send us a new application. For this approval to be valid, you must follow the conditions listed in the attached certification. In addition, you should get any other federal, state or local permits before you go ahead with your project. If you do not accept any of the conditions of this certification, you may ask for an adjudicatory hearing. You must act within 60 days of the date that you receive this letter. To ask for a hearing, send a written petition which conforms to Chapter 150B of the North Carolina General Statutes to the Office of Administrative Hearings, P.O. Box 27447, Raleigh, N.C. 27611-7447. This certification and its conditions are final and binding unless you ask for a hearing. This letter completes the review of the Division of Environmental Management under Section 401 of the Clean Water Act. If you have any questions, please telephone John Domey at 919-733-1786. Sincerel estop ward, Jr E. Attachment cc: Wilmington District Corps of Engineers Corps of Engineers Asheville Field Office Asheville DEM Regional Office Mr. John Domey Central Files 95704.1tr P.O. Box 29535, Raleigh, North Carolina 27626-0535 Telephone 919-733-7015 FAX 919-733-2496 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer 50% recycled/ 10% post-consumer paper ,C. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION TRANSMITTAL SLIP' DATE REF. NOI i R RO M, BLDG. - FROM: - REP. MO. OR ROOM, BLDG. ACTION ? NOTE AND FILE ? PER OUR CONVERSATION ? NOTE AND RETURN TO ME ? PER YOUR REQUEST, ? RETURN WITH MORE DETAILS -? FOR YOUR APPROVAL ? NOTE AND SEE ME ABOUT THIS ? FOR YOUR -INFORMATION ? PLEASE ANSWER - ? FOR YOUR COMMENTS ?PREPARE REPLY FOR MY SIGNATURE ? SIGNATURE ? TAKE APPROPRIATE ACTION ? INVESTIGATE AND REPORT COMMENTS: f x .. ... - ado RECEIVED DEC 14 1995 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES DEPARTMENT OF TkA NSPORTATION JAMES B. HUNT JR. DMSION OF HIGHWAYS GARLAND B. GARRETT JR. GOVERNOR P.O. BOX 25201. RALEIGH. N.C. 27611-5201 SECRETARY December 13, 1995 Regulatory Branch U. S. Army Corps of Engineers Wilmington Field Office P. 0. Box 1890 Wilmington, NC 28402-1890 ATTENTION: Mr. Wayne Wright Dear Sir: SUBJECT: Mitchell County - NC 226 (Spruce Pine Bypass) from US 19E to Minpro; T.I.P. No. R-2119; State Project No. 8.1880501; DOA Action ID. 199400977; DEM Project #95704 Reference the Nationwide Permit Authorization issued February 2, 1994 for the construction of a new bypass of Spruce Pine. Also'reference the letter of concurrence issued by the North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission on December 15, 1993. Additionally, on August 8, 1995, DOA issued Nationwide Permit No. 33 for a temporary causeway crossing of the North Toe River. The construction dates for this project will extend from November . 1995 through November 1998. There have been no changes made.to the project design since the permits were issued. We hereby request an extension of the 404 and 401 Permits to allow us to work on this project during the designated construction period. If you have any questions, or need additional information, please contact Cyndi Bell at (919) 733-3141, Extension 306. Sincer ,sly, H. Franklin Vick, P. E., Manager Planning and Environmental Branch HFVJtp cc: Ms. Stephanie Goudreau, WRC, Marion Mr. Bob Johnson, COE, Asheville Field Office Mr. John Dorney, DEM Mr. Stan Hyatt, P. E., Resident Engineer e ,_ , . STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TP ANSPORTATION JAMES B. HUNT JR. DMSION OF HIGHWAYS GARLAND B. GARRETT JR. GOVERNOR P.O. BOX 25201, RALEIGH, N.C. 27611-5201 SECRETARY December 13, 1995 Regulatory Branch U. S. Army Corps of Engineers Wilmington Field Office P. 0. Box 1890 Wilmington, NC 28402-1890 ATTENTION: Mr. Wayne Wright Dear Sir: SUBJECT: Mitchell County - NC 226 (Spruce Pine Bypass) from US 19E to Minpro; T.I.P. No. R-2119; State Project No. 8.1880501; DOA Action ID. 199400977; DEM Project #95704 Reference the Nationwide Permit Authorization issued February 2, 1994 for the construction of a new bypass of Spruce Pine. Also reference the letter of concurrence issued by the North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission on December 15, 1993. Additionally, on August 8, 1995, DOA issued Nationwide Permit No. 33 for a temporary causeway crossing of the North Toe River. The construction dates for this project will extend from November 1995 through November 1998. There have been no changes made to the project design since the permits were issued. We hereby request an extension of the 404 and 401 Permits to allow us to work on this project during the designated construction period. If you have any questions, or need additional information, please contact Cyndi Bell at (919) 733-3141, Extension 306. Sincer y, H. Franklin Vick, P. E., Manager Planning and Environmental Branch .HFV/tp cc: Ms. Stephanie Goudreau, WRC, Marion Mr. Bob Johnson, COE, Asheville Field Office Mr. John Dorney, DEM Mr. Stan Hyatt, P. E., Resident Engineer 0) JAMES B. HUNT JR. GOVERNOR District Engineer U. S. Army Corps P. 0. Box 1890 Wilmington, North Dear Sir: 40,1 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION 95-70- DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS R. SAMUEL HUNT II I P.O. BOX 25201, RALEIGH, N.C. 27611-5201 SECRETARY June 28, 1995 51995 N ' SCI??I"C-0 of Engineers J Carolina 28402-1890.•; SUBJECT: Mitchell County - NC 2,2'6 (Spruce Pine Bypass) from US 19E to Minpro; State Projec% No. 8.1880501; T.I.P. No. R-2119; DOA Action ID. 19940097f? Reference the not_c_e__df concurrence issued December 15, 1993 by the N.C. Wildlife Resouc 6mmissi6n2'nd Section 404 Permit issued by the Corps of Engineers on Frruary 2, 19,.94 for the Spruce Pine Bypass. This project is to be constructed __new.-1o ation. On May 1, 1995, NCDOT conducted a site review for interested agencies to examine construction options for the new bridge to be built at the North Toe River. As we discussed during this meeting, NCDOT is limited to two options in constructing this bridge. If the bridge were to be constructed without placing any equipment or structures in the river, the mountain on the south side of the bridge would need to be extensively graded to provide a staging area. This land disturbing activity would pose a risk of sedimentation into the river, even with sediment control structures in place. The topography of the area would be altered permanently. Alternatively, a temporary causeway could be placed in the river to facilitate bridge construction. Although neither of these options is ideal, the configuration of this site poses challenges which will require selection of one of these two options. Based upon this meeting, it is our understanding that a consensus was reached among the various agencies that a temporary causeway would be less likely to incur long-term impacts to the river. Additionaly, placement of a causeway would be less costly than the movement of large quantities of material to create the staging area. NCDOT would strongly prefer to utilize a temporary causeway in the construction of the new bridge. With this in mind, we have enclosed illustrations of the causeway which would be installed under this option. A 30 foot wide rock causeway would span the North Toe River directly adjacent to the proposed bridge. This would allow full access to the construction site. A hydraulic opening through the causeway will be created by placement of 5 @ 60" corrugated steel pipes. A cross section drawing is provided to June 28, 1995 Page 2 show the locations of the bridge support structures. Please note that no pilings are to be placed in the riverbed. The cross section also provides an illustration of the steep grades adjacent to the river. The difficulty in providing access to the construction area from the existing elevation is apparent. The causeway will consist of 606 cubic yards of Class II Rip Rap below ordinary high water. The river is approximately seven feet deep at this location. The causeway will cover a 0.16 acre area in the river. It is anticipated that the causeway will be necessary throughout the construction of the bridge, which may take up to two years. As we discussed in our field review, we expect that a construction moratorium will be necessary during -t be SDawc??n9ri. This moratorium wil e e fined at the discretion of the N.C. Wildlife Resources Commission. Upon completion of all 'construction requiring access from the causeway, all rip rap material will be removed from the river. NCDOT hereby proposes a modification of the existing Section 404 Permit to allow placement of a temporary rock causeway in the North Toe River to facilitate the construction of a new bridge., By copy of this letter, a request for 401 Water Quality Certification by the N.C. Division of Environmental Management is hereby made. This information will also be forwarded to the N.C. Wildlife Resources Commission and Tennessee Valley Authority for their review. Thank you for your attention to this matter. If you have any questions, please contact Cyndi Bell at (919) 733-3141, Extension 306. Sincer H. Franklin Vick, P. E., Manager Planning and Environmental Branch HFV/tp cc: Ms. Stephanie Goudreau, WRC, Marion Mr. Steve Chapin, COE, Asheville Field Office Ms. Janice Nichols, FWS, Asheville Mr. Eric Galamb, DEM Mr. Jim Kellenberger, P.E., Traffic Engineering Mr. John Smith, P.E.; attn: Mr. John Frye, Structure Design Ms. Debbie Barbour, P.E., Roadway Design Mr. W.D. Smart, P.E., Division 13 Engineer Mr. R.M. Crisp, P.E., Division 13, Asheville Mr. David Patton, Marion Mr. L.A. Sanderson, P.E., Construction Mr. Phil Watts, P.E., Construction Mr. Freddie Bennett, TVA NOTIFICATION FORM INFORMATION SHEET Nationwide permits that require notification to the Corps of Engineers Nationwide permits that require application for Section 401 certification A. NOTIFICATION TO TBE CORPS OF ENGINEERS DISTRICT ENGINEER (REFER TO ITEM B. BELOW FOR DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT APPLICATION RE- QUIREMENTS AND SPECIFICALLY NOTE NWP 26 DIFFERENCE.) Certain nationwide permits require notification to the Corps of Engineers before work can proceed. They are as follows: NWP 5 (only for discharges of 10 to 25 cubic yards) NWP 7 NWP 13 (only for stabilization activities in excess of 500 feet in length or greater than an average of one cubic yard per running foot) NWP 14 (only for fills in special aquatic sites, including wetlands, and must include a delineation of affected special aquatic sites) NWP 17 NWP 18 (required when discharge exceeds 10 cubic yards or the discharge is in a special aquatic site and must include a delineation of the affected special aquatic site, including wetlands) NWP 21 (must include a delineation of affected special aquatic sites, including wetlands) NWP 26 (only for greater than 1 acre total impacts and must include a delineation of affected special aquatic sites, including wetlands) NWP 33 (must include a restoration plan of reasonable measures to avoid and minimize impacts to aquatic resources) NWP 37 NWP 38 (must include a delineation of affected special aquatic sites, including wetlands) For activities that may be authorized by the above listed nationwide permits that require notification, the applicant shall not begin work a. Until notified that the work may proceed under the nationwide permit with any special conditions imposed by the District Engineer, or b. If notified that an individual permit may be required, or c. Unless 30 days (calendar) have passed from the time a complete notification is received by the District Engineer and no notice has been received from the District Engineer, and required state approvals have been obtained. Required state approvals include: 1) a Section 401 water quality certification if authorization is requested for a discharge of dredged or fill material, and 2) an approved coastal zone management consistency determination if the activity will affect the coastal area. Use of NWP 12 also requires notification to the District Engineer, but work may not begin until written concurrence is received from the District Engineer. The time periods described above do not apply. Furthermore, requirements to notify the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS), the National Marine Fisheries Service (NUTS), and the State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO), as indicated below and on the notification form, do not apply. B. APPLICATION TO DEM FOR NATIONWIDE PERMIT SECTION 401 CERTIFICATION. Certain nationwide permits require an application to DEM in order to obtain Section 401 water quality certification. They are NWP 6, NWP 12, NWP 15, NWP 16, NWP 17, NWP 21, NWP 33, NWP 34, NWP 38, and NWP 40. Certain nationwide permits were issued general certifications and require no application. They are NWP 3, NWP 4, NWP 5, NWP 7, NWP 20, NWP 22, NWP 23 (requires notification to DEM), NWP 25, NWP 27, NWP 32, NWP 36, and NWP 37. The following nationwide permits were issued general certifications for only limited activities: NWP 13 (for projects less than 500 feet in length), NWP 14 (for projects that impact waters only), NWP 18 (for projects with less than 10 cubic yards of fill in waters only), and NWP 26 (for projects with less than or equal to one-third acre fill of waters or wetlands). Projects that do not meet these criteria require application for Section 401 water quality certifications. C. NOTIFICATION/APPLICATION PROCEDURES. The attached form should be used to obtain approval from the Corps of Engineers and/or the N.C. Division of Environmental Management as specified above. The permittee should make sure that all necessary information is provided in order to avoid delays. One copy of the completed form is required by the Corps of Engineers and seven copies are required by DEM. Plans and maps must be on 8 1/2 x 11 inch paper. Endangered species requirement: For Corps of Engineers notifications only, applicants must notify the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and/or the National Marine Fisheries Service regarding the presence of endangered species that may be affected by the proposed project. U.S. FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE RALEIGH FIELD OFFICE P.O. Box 33726 Raleigh, NC 27636-3726 Telephone (919) 856-4520 NATIONAL MARINE FISHERIES SERVICE HABITAT CONSERVATION DIVISION Pivers Island - Beauforc, NC 28516 Telephone (919) 728-5090 Historic resources requirement: For Corps of Engineers notifications only, applicants must notify the State Historic Preservation Office regarding the presence of historic properties that may be affected by the proposed project. STATE HISTORIC PRESERVATION OFFICE N.C. DIVISION OF ARCHIVES AND HISTORY 109 East Jones Street Raleigh, NC 27601 - Telephone (919) 733-4763 Information obtained from these agencies should be forwarded to the Corps. I)EM ID: ACTION ID: 199400977 Nationwide Permit Requested (Provide Nationwide Permit #): Modification to the NWP 26 JOINT FORM FOR Nationwide permits that require notification to the Corps of Engineers Nationwide permits that require application for Section 401 certification WILMINGTON DISTRICT ENGINEER CORPS OF ENGINEERS DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY P.O. Box 1890 Wilmington, NC 28402-1890 ATTN: CESAW-CO-E Telephone (919) 251-4511 WATER QUALITY PLANNING DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT NC DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT, HEALTH, AND NATURAL RESOURCES P.O. Box 29535 Raleigh, NC 27626-0535 ATTN: MR..i OHN DORNEY Telephone (919) 733-5083 ONE (1) COPY OF THIS COMPLETED APPLICATION SHOULD BE SENT TO THE CORPS OF ENGINEERS. SEVEN (7) COPIES SHOULD BE SENT TO THE N.C. DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT. PLEASE PRINT. 1. Owners Name: North Carolina Department of Transportation; Planning and Environmental 2. Owners Address: P- 0. Box 25201; Raleigh, NC 27611 3. Owners Phone Number (Home): --- (Work): (919) 733-3141 4. If Applicable: Agent's name or responsible corporate official, address, phone number: H. Franklin Vick. P.E. Manager 5. Location of work (MUST ATTACH MAP). County: Mitchell . Nearest Town or City: Spruce Pine Specific Location (Include road numbers, landmarks, etc.): Construction of bridge over the North Toe River in conjunction with the construction of'the Spruce Pine Bypass (NC 226) 5. Name of Closest Stream/River: North Toe River 7. River Basin: French Broad s 8. Is this project located in a watershed classified as Trout, SA, HQW, ORW, WS I, or WS II? YES a ] NO [ ] 9. Have any Section 404 permits been previously requested for use on this property? YES V] NO [ ] If yes, explain. Received NWP 26 permit dated 2/2/94 10. Estimated total number of acres of waters of the U.S., including wetlands, located on project site: 0.16 acre 11. Number of acres of waters of the U.S., including wetlands, impacted by the proposed project: Filled: 0.16 acre Drained: Flooded: Excavated: Total Impacted: 0.16 acre 12. Description of proposed work (Attach PLANS-8 1/2" X 11" drawings only): Placement of a `temporary rock causeway in the North Toe River to facilitate the construction of a new bridge on NC 226 13. Purpose of proposed work: To construction of this section of the Spruce Pine Bypass. 14. State reasons why the applicant believes that this activity must be carried out in wetlands. Also, note measures taken to minimize wetland impacts. Only feasible alternative less likely to incur long-term impacts to the river. 15. You are required to contact the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) and/or National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) regarding the presence or any Federally listed or proposed for listing endangered or threatened species or critical habitat in the permit area that may be affected by the proposed project. Have you done so? YES[X] NO [ ] RESPONSES FROM THE USFWS AND/OR NMFS SHOULD BE FORWARDED TO CORPS. 16. You are required to contact the State Historic Preservation Officer (SHPO) regarding the presence of historic properties in the permit area which may be affected by the proposed project? Have you done so? YES [X ] NO [ ] RESPONSE FROM THE SHPO SHOULD BE FORWARDED TO CORPS. 17. Additional information required by DEM: A. Wetland delineation map showing all wetlands, streams, and lakes on the property. B. If available, representative photograph of wetlands to be impacted.by project. C. If delineation was performed by a consultant, include all data sheets relevant to the placement of the delineation line. D. If a stormwater management plan is required for this project, attach copy. E. What is land use of surrounding property? F. If applicable, what is proposed method of sewage disposal? ? 30 9s wn 's Signature Date •?, - ------------ vi " Cf) ICJ' ,a `\ Ir% . ?. ?r .?c`F• .I 9;, .:E'.l i ?i ??'^'•?; -_q1'• i?? r, ?vj. 0 z 00 Cf) !t 115 t, rz, 1 1 • o a z ? - x z? H .. o U o ? U z ?I O z °O a a C -+ U W ro _ L d x c? a s m o z a z A Ca O ? ry 1 e ;J n V h W W ".Z c W ° U ccs' U ° cn ? W U_' z L J Z ?\ O LC) N C? N DETAIL OF CAUSEWAY N.W.S. EL=2478.5- ?, -} 1301 I?- ROCK EMBANKMENT 1+ ? - vi 5 e 60 STREAM BED { `8 CSP (NOT TO SCALE) VOLUME AND A.CERAGE OF CLASS II RIP RAP BELOW W.S. ACREAGE=0.16 AC ROCK EMBANKMENT= ;06 CU. YDS. N. C. DEPT-OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS MITCHELL COUNTY PROJECT: _ 8.1880501 (R-2119) BRIDGE-REPLACEMENT OVER TOE RIVER ON NC 266 BYPASS. SHEET 4 OF 5. 1 PROPERTY OWNERS NAME AND ADDRESS OWNERS NAME ADDRESS UNIMIN QUARTZ BOX 588 SPRUCE PINE NC. 28777 HAROLD RHYNE 150 SPARKS RD SPRUCE PINE. NC. 28777 LEONARD BREEMAN,JR. RT 1, BOX10 SPRUCE PINE NC. 28777 OSCAR V. COULTER RT 1, BOX 28 SPRUCE PINE NC. 48777 r ?, N. C. DEPARTMENT OF PRANSPORTATION TRANSMITTAL SLIP DATE TO: REF. NO. OR ROOM, BLDG. FROM: REF. NO. OR ROOM, BLDG. ACTION ? NOTE AND FILE ? PER OUR CONVERSATION ? NOTE AND RETURN TO ME ? PER YOUR REQUEST ? RETURN WITH MORE DETAILS-? FOR YOUR APPROVAL ? NOTE AND SEE ME ABOUT THIS ? FOR YOUR INFORMATION ? PLEASE ANSWER t3 F R YOU C TS O OMMEN R ? PREPARE REPLY FOR MY SIGNATURE ? SI TURE GNA ? TAKE APPROPRIATE ACTION ? INVESTIGATE AND REPORT ,COMMENTS: ell no IV? fti;?k / y rya ?s W l f J 1 8'f? ? W ?-f'? rd w e ?s 4ec? G ?en 3. 7?1 E" r ,V P/ s ? o b v.SA /?e??,/??6?t/ ? be c a?SQ no . be ; ,v IMP v,71161 ?4Q 'rte 1/3.f o r ? `9 s uys ,:7 ? lloo? ?' 40 , _.. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TANSPORTATION UEL HUNT III JAMES B. HUNT, JR. DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS R. VMSECRETARY GovERNOR P.O. BOX 25201, RALEIGH, N.C. 27611-5201 December. 9, 1993 District Engineer U.S. Army Cori S of ?P_gineerS P. cY 189n Wilmington, rIC, 28402-5201 AT^E ITI^:i . Reaulater_r 3ranc Dear u:_ . 9Q29 ro STjBJECT : M=tchell Count; - NC 226 (Spruce Piffle Bypass) fro US 19_ to Nfiiipro; State Protect No. 8.1820501 T.I.P. No. R-2119 The Nor..11 Carolina Department of Transportatici_ proposes to coii3 t_ uct- a new '_ . 5 mile four-lane divided aighwa_ on new 4- T he ro os " orr_ will%viv= eiev iii ?a- -r: so1._gb, two o; ?'i is _ T,,7 -4 also r-Guff--- C:.annel C _a ges . T be :^7_ Ri%--r will be br_dged. done of these s..reams are Deti_gi_ - ec C icuiit- a --- T'-o z Waze:: This -ro;ect will- 1'111-111/olvez no wet-lands, as defined in tale Federal manual for Iden-_fy-ng and Dell neat'_ng i u r isdictional Wetlands ( 1987 Manual) . It is anticipated that t:ir S pro j eCt may -be authorized under Gell@rdl Permit No. CESAW-C082-N-000-0")31 }Cr construction Waters Of the United States. As this project occurs in a aeS-g_lated rout county, a letter of concurrence :dust be obtained from the North Cc?'olina Wildlife Resources Commission (1N=C). By copy of this letter, we herein request that WRC review the rOject and provide their comments on this prcposal. Plait drawings ilustrat?ng all culverts and the bridge at the North Tee River are attached. K r If you have any questions, or need additional information, please contact Cyndi Bell in Raleigh at (919) 733-9770. Sincerely, B. uin , P.E. Assistant Manager, Planning & Environmental Branch Enclcsures cc: :sir. Joe Mickey, WRC, District 7, State Road Mr. Steve Chapin, COE, Asheville Field Office ( ?4c1..P- II ?f ot_,j -}-y. F2-2rr? f??# 8 c5£i0570/ ?sw C ha N niL t 11 C, l / ?,v?.G -..._.._............... ._. r! // be lou . 1- TA L ... i _.._ .... _. _. 1 ' +,of.5Cj yz ._ ??"c.5. .-_... _ 103' - ?- ------ r Q- - C?- - -O- -- ------ - ---- $8+543 •L 3v"?.?.P t ?}I6 , - ?- ? -U- ? - G - - U- i t . t r 7? 90-L- (.5. • ?o b? - O i = G? - C - - C - . -- -- _... -- ? c1-7r38 -L- 1 5, ?Z ? i U -` U - _ . _ . .. .. ._. Y7-- . .._ _ -- - - - ..._ - ---• ----. .. --- - -..- --- - 3?t6 0 -L_ c?oss;N? A N? i N N n AA ' i i t ! I s I I P? Na; revlr `???'` vy2?•3`".c.:.sva'- - sxt:?c....•...u.:_:- t..?..: •.a -:c .:." -? _ .a.. __ _ __ _ ... - A 261 O N A ? 76I 0, 7u. 178 - -.. . 55 / 210 226 v Itu ,, LM ltla 48 (tab 1712 J A "71211 't "°sRrd H'Ud""t,.? t 'r it 11114128 ,.1' 2 _ :ti :i :>y? e ? Itt7 How4 C.1?,t• ,\ 21,1t1 2, s` Silt o ltt~ - fts o -. •:t 1'v;?r.?;t !s:Fi . 9 I b 35•:.. 441 •? 1217? 61211 I 5. 7J raacone Loaf Glary 4.,,_. , 1211 •6 ?°tP I303 , I7a1 1206 D 8AKERSVIL 1107 mss * 1103 1 -1 ? 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'MOODS \;p`\' ,GS, 91t05.2o .wD?s c l0 LDRW PC 10.30- 4 . `POT •' !0.0 :, r !r3s c, RW ` DRW P. w x k w SEE : NO.19 PR `SHEET FOR -L- C 1 Y , e 1r+pt ya , , : / Y ti Y ,• .. , , . Pls Sto .9.1.8025 ` , ± is 5 fd'7g?0620 "' + P1;Sta '85x2340 3.56 15.00" I :<' .. P 0 ¢2'x0':30-O';IRT t 15.00::41 .. .'225-000 z '' tt r ,:?25 X000 s. w D 3x30'=00.00 ?? : ,150-371' V''> L" f?00371'•:. L=?224a0T6 =Y S 75.0338' ?``?• /r s- 6422288' ?c"F? it,4,l,a'I?Qi{I?''}rl,?r .?,t,_..?.-. ?•?` Q': ? • \\ 2 `/'''I'ii-?.7{'??/. •" ? . ' hack x ??? ' ?,+ ,. ?',< I 1-•.. •. L TS• 10 oon 67 vto 1 t\\ ' \U ' • , r-` ?? 7.?. v\ x,56^2 ?J -± 7 \flaw Lr as, ---' ' [!t,,`\Yi '• 14,JL 4;y ?: 1w'.'i ' - r`? rD " I '?" i•i: G7 RETANdl?I_ 1'H.lLL .."Td.1,5t00Ts X75•,- z*'' 'fir-?,•'?"LSi!1 .i '• '.` . C ` 1Y0005 tom. ?? ?.. 85f . 3 14 L !S Gs• ?? Q7 '?h I r: I f t{!, 1 "? Q \\?Q T 'it c..\\Q\\\ G REAI40E I'1'' h 4-PAVED `-SHLA PRO :. -LL LEE- PROP. DR, )1, P i PXAT=R'':: 2 PROP. 1.? 0..:7.R3000 _ . 1 ?Qtli 11101 1011i f$1' • 11,0717' • ip?fG?dl(,?ipf?l)!F?}f rd?p ilif?f gi4yi f , I t,? /?f f:•: R?MOV EXIST. ; :.44•.I t;? v'SrA"1?+25:'9d•?5i ?i +f '170'I,T:l?l?7 8•Cll GUARDRAIL .w00D5 Li gE7AU/LfEc-Y:fdLL r„a E `r -__--- , --n_aiN?1? N f?fl?i?Q'i?l4igi7??/ 4 ?'• - ." - ? •,?• Z-F 'I'?'I'fl.!l?•fl? I r1'f',Ji.' a x-w •.c. v , fig " 7( /,j,y \ WOODS. PENLAND`BAILEY CO. C a \ ^ W0005 DRW PC., 13.53.18 DRW.-POT'14.6119. \ ; :. w= •\\? DRW,` PT 14.1378 `'' `e. 9c, -CU cl7+c c / \\\ •.?SG-•E DETA 7.L ?- mot) ? ? - \ \ L)HW- - DRW- : . ;. 11.0378 Pl Sto 13+8358 ...: . 49' 4625' (LT) 0--11' 34r 2q.09':(RT '8' ll' 4987' D • - 19' 05' `5494' = - 5.6894' :,. L -; 605921.', , 28838' T L 303995`,' 50.0000' . R - 3owdbo's _:zt, ,.. -PREEIMINXgyX' :PL ANS .41 DO•NCC??66'PO$ CON6=L7lF ON• . INCOMPIE'PE':PLANS 09-JUL-V993'-11 .32 JasC/?dy/r•21"19/p i onsheet/r is ` - _ 1 ba7-bbur - TS ;s'_. of •. 3 1 t k G Y2 PT ? 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Ir t 4 I It I i I I -? 7 r i'r-- {-_I I? ! -I I ;? I - 1 ? -I I_? ! ? ? J , ? - yr . f? f' I I I I i s I i I: I ups A 01+11.: a E ?Q X -?' p t } DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY WILMINGTON DISTRICT, CORPS OF ENGINEERS P.O. BOX 1890 WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28402-1890 February 2, 1994 IN REPLY REFER IU Regulatory Branch rt,u64 01111SICA4 0" "WAYS l7R4NMEtS?' Action ID No. 199400977 and Nationwide Permit No. 26 (Headwaters and -1solated Waters) Mr. Frank Vick } $ O State of North Carolina Department of Transportation Planning and Environmental Branch Post office Box 25201 Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-5201 Dear Mr. Vick: Reference your December 9, 1993 application for Department of the Army (DA) authorization to construct a bridge over the North Toe River and install 10 culverts in unnamed tributaries to the North Toe River as part of the construction of the N.C. 226 Spruce Pine Bypass in Mitchell County, North Carolina. The bridge will be a concrete structure that completely spans the river. Support piers will be above the ordinary high water level. The roadway will require the installation of 10 culvert crossings in the headwaters of unnamed tributaries to the river and approximately 1,500 linear feet of channel change will be necessary to successfully construct the road. Approximately 0.1 acre of headwater wetlands and stream channel will be impacted by the work. This project has been coordinated with the N.C. Wildlife Resources Commission (WRC). For the purposes of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers' Regulatory Program, Title 33, Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), Part 330.6, published in the Federal Register on November 22, 1991, lists nationwide permits (NWP). Authorization was provided, pursuant to Section 404 of the Clean Water Act, for discharges of dredged -r fill ;material into headwaters and isolated waters. Your work is authorized by this NWP provided it is accomplished in strict accordance with the enclosed conditions. This NWP does not relieve you of the responsibility to obtain other required State or local approval. You should contact Mr. John Dorney at telephone (919) 733-1786 regarding water quality certification. This verification will be valid for 2 years from the date of this letter unless the nationwide authorization is modified, reissued or revoked. Also, this verification will remain valid for the 2 years if, during that period, the NWP authorization is reissued without modification or the activity complies with any subsequent modification of the NWP authorization. If during the 2 years, the NWP authorization expires or is suspended or revoked, or is modified, such that the activity would no longer comply with the terms and -2- conditions of the NWP, activities which have commenced (i.e., are under construction) or are under contract to commence in reliance upon the NWP will remain authorized provided the activity is completed within 12 months of the date of the NWP's expiration, modification or revocation, unless discretionary authority has been exercised on a case-by-case basis to modify, suspend, or revoke the authorization. Questions or comments may be addressed to Mr. Steve Chapin, Asheville Field Office, Regulatory Branch, telephone (704) 271-4014. Sincerely, e Wri t Chief, Regulatory Branch Enclosure Copies Furnished (without enclosure): Mr. John Dorney Water Quality Section Division of Environmental Management North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources Post Office Box 29535 Raleigh, North Carolina 27626-0535 Mr. Chris Goudreau N.C. Wildlife Resources Commission Route 6, Box 685 Marion, North Carolina 28752 GENERAL CONDITIONS 1. Navigation. No activity may cause more than a minimal adverse effect on navigation. 2. Proper Maintenance. Any structure or fill authorized shall be properly maintained, including maintenance to ensure public safety. 3. Erosion and Siltation Controls. Appropriate erosion and siltation controls must be used and maintained in effective operating condition during construction, and all exposed soil and other fills must be permanently stabilized at the earliest practicable date. 4. Aquatic Life Movements. No activity may substantially disrupt the movement of those species of aquatic life indigenous to the waterbody, including those species which normally migrate through the area, unless the activity's primary purpose is to impound water. 5. Equipment. Heavy equipment working in wetlands must be placed on mats or other measures must be taken to minimize soil disturbance. 6. Regional and Case-by-case Conditions. The activity must comply with any regional conditions which may have been added by the Division Engineer and any case specific conditions added by the Corps. 7. Wild and scenic Rivers. No activity may occur in a component of the National Wild and Scenic River System; or in a river officially designated by Congress as a "study river" for possible inclusion in the system, while the river is in an official study status. Information on Wild and Scenic Rivers may be obtained from the National Park Service and the U.S. Forest Service. 8. Tribal Rights. No activity or its operation may impair reserved tribal rights, including, but not limited to, reserved water rights and treaty fishing and hunting rights. 9. Water Quality Certification. In certain states, an individual state water quality certification must be obtained or waived. 10. Coastal Zone Management. In certain states, an individual state coastal zone management consistency concurrence must be obtained or waived. 11. Endangered Species. No activity is authorized under any NWP which is likely to jeopardize the continued existence of a threatened or endangered species or a species proposed for such designation, as identified under the Federal Endangered Species Act, or which is likely to destroy or adversely modify the critical habitat of such species. Non-Federal permittees shall notify the District Engineer if any listed species or critical habitat might be affected or is in the vicinity of the project and shall not begin work on the activity until notified by the District Engineer that the requirements of tY -2- the Endangered Species Act have been satisfied and that the activity is authorized. Information on the location of threatened and endangered species can be obtained from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and National Marine Fisheries Service. 12. Historic Properties. No activity which may affect Historic Properties listed, or eligible for listing, in the National Register of Historic Places is authorized, until the District Engineer has complied with the provisions of 33 CFR 325, Appendix C. The prospective permittee must notify the District Engineer if the authorized activity may affect any historic properties listed, determined to be eligible, or which the prospective permittee has reason to believe may be eligible for listing on the National Register of Historic Places, and shall not begin the activity until notified by the District Engineer that the requirements of the National Historic Preservation Act have been satisfied and that the activity is authorized. Information on the location and existence of historic resources can be obtained from the State Historic Preservation Office and the National Register of Historic Places (see 33 CFR 330.4(g)). 13. Notification. a. Where required by the terms of the NWP, the prospective permittee must notify the District Engineer as early as possible and shall not begin the activity: (1) until notified by the District Engineer that the activity may proceed under the NWP with any special conditions imposed by the District or Division Engineer; or (2) if notified by the District or Division Engineer that an individual permit is required; or (3) Unless 30 days have passed from the District Engineer's receipt of the notification and the prospective permittee has not received notice from the District or Division Engineer. Subsequently, the permittee's right to proceed under the NWP may be modified, suspended or revoked only in accordance with the procedure set forth in 33 CFR 330.5(d)(2). b. The notification must be in writing and include the following information and any required fees: (1) Name, address and telephone number of the prospective permittee; (2) Location of the proposed project; (3) Brief description of the proposed project; the project's purpose; direct and indirect adverse environmental effects the project would cause; any -3- other NWP(s), regional general permit (s) or individual permit (s) used or intended to be used to authorize any part of the proposed project or related activity; ,(4) Wherw-required by the terms of the NWP, a delineation of affected special aquatic sites, including wetlands; and (5) A statement that the prospective permittee has contacted; (a) The USFWS/NMFS regarding the presence of any Federally listed (or proposed for listing) endangered or threatened species or critical habitat in the permit area that may be affected by the proposed project; and any available information provided by those agencies. (The prospective permittee may contact Corps District Offices for USFWS/NMFS agency contacts and list of critical habitat.) (b) The SHPO regarding the presence of any historic properties in the permit area that may be affected by the proposed project; and the available information, if any provided by that agency. 14. Water Supply Intakes. No discharge of dredged or fill material may occur in the proximity of a public water supply intake except where the discharge is repair of the public water supply intake structures or adjacent bank stabilization. 15. Shellfish Production. No discharge of dredged or fill material may occur in areas of concentrated shellfish production, unless the discharge is directly related to a shellfish harvest activity authorized by nationwide permit. 16. Suitable Material. No discharge of dredged or fill material may consist of unsuitable material (e.g., rush, debris, car bodies, etc.) and material discharged must be free from toxic pollutants in toxic amounts. 17. Mitigation. Discharges of dredged or fill material into waters of the United States must be minimized or avoided to the maximum extent practicable at the project site (i.e., on-site), unless the District Engineer has approved a compensation mitigation plan for the specific regulated activity. 18. Spawning Areas. Discharges in spawning areas during spawning seasons must be avoided to the maximum extent practicable. 19. Obstructions of High Flows. To the maximum extent practicable, discharges must not permanently restrict or impede the passage of normal or expected high flows or cause the relocation of the water (unless the primarf purpose of the fill is to impound waters). -4- 20. Adverse Impacts from Impoundments.. If the discharge creates an impoundment of water, adverse impacts on the aquatic system caused by the accelerated passage of water and/or the restriction of its flow shall be minimized to the maximum extent practicable. 21. Waterfowl Breeding Areas. Discharges into breeding areas for migratory waterfowl must be avoided to the maximum extent practicable. t ?Y. t rj 22. Removal of Temporary Fills. Any temporary fills must be removed in their entirety and the affected areas returned to their preexisting elevation. NATIONWIDE CONDITIONS a. The discharge does not cause the loss of more than 10 acres of waters of the U.S. For the purpose of this nationwide permit, the acreage of loss of waters of the U.S. includes the filled area plus waters of the U.S. that are adversely affected by flooding, excavation, or drainage as a result of the project. b. A 30-day notification to the District Engineer (DE) is required if the discharge would cause the loss of water of the U.S. greater than one acre. For discharges in special aquatic sites, including wetlands, the notification must include a delineation of affected special aquatic sites including wetlands. C. The discharge, including all attendant features, both temporary and permanent, is part of a single and complete project. STATE CONSISTENCY CONDITIONS a. All fill material authorized by this permit must be obtained from an upland source. b. Use of this nationwide permit for waste disposal facilities is not authorized. C. If the proposed activity is within the North Carolina Coastal Area and the activity will result in the loss of waters of the United States greater than 1/3 of an acre, the applicant must receive written concurrence from the North Carolina Division of Coastal Management (NCDCM) that the activity is consistent with the North Carolina Coastal Management Program. d. Should all or part of a proposed activity be located within an Area of Environmental Concern (AEC) as designated by the North Carolina Coastal Resources Commission, a Coastal Area Management Act (CAMA) permit is required from the North Carolina Division of Coastal Management (NCDCM). Should an activity within or potentially affecting an AEC be proposed by a Federal agency, a consistency determination pursuant to 15 CFR 930 must be provided to the NCDCM at least 90 days before the onset of the proposed activity. GMTE? i s CERTIF ICATICiv CONDIT.T_ONS a. General Certification is denied for fills greater than one area in SA, trout, HQW, ORW, WS-I and WS-II watersheds. General certification is issued for all other waters for fills of not more than 10 acres and in those watersheds specified above for fills of not more that one acre. b. Proposed fill or substantial modification of greater than one-third of an acre of such waters, including wetlands, requires a written concurrence from the North Carolina Division of Environmental Management (NCDEM). CL7-26 -2- . C. Established sediment and erosion control practices will be utilized to prevent violations of the appropriate turbidity water quality standard (50 NTU's in streams and rivers not designated as trout waters by the North Carolina Division of Environmental Management (NCDEM), 25 NTU's in all saltwater classes and all lakes and reservoirs and 10 NTU's in trout waters). d. Measures shall be taken to prevent live or fresh concrete from coming into contact with waters of the State until the concrete has hardened. e. Additional site-specific conditions may be added to this Certification in order to ensure compliance with all applicable water quality and effluent standards. f. Concurrence from the North Carolina Division of Environmental Management (NCDEM) that this Certification applies to an individual project shall expire three years from the date of the cover letter from the NCDEM. 77 ® .North. Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission 512 N* Salisbury Street, Raleigh, North Carolina 27604-1188, 919-733-3391 Charles R. Fullwood, Executive Director December 15, 1993 Mr. Steve Chapin, Permit Coordinator U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Regulatory Branch Room 75, Grove Arcade Building Asheville, North Carolina 28801 SUBJECT: NCDOT application to construct a bridge over North Toe River and install 10 culverts in unnamed tributaries to North Toe River as part of the construction of the NC 226 (Spruce Pine bypass), Mitchell County Dear Mr. Chapin: The North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) is requesting a letter of concurrence from the North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission (NCWRC) to obtain a 404 permit from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. The NCWRC has reviewed information provided by the applicant, and field biologists on our staff are familiar with habitat values of the project area. These comments are provided in accordance with provisions of the Clean Water Act of 1977 (33 U.S.C. 466 et. seq.) and the Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act (48 Stat. 401, as amended; 16 U.S.C. 661-667d). Based on the information provided by the applicant and our , information on the range of trout in the project area, we do not believe this project will cause significant effects to waters supporting trout. Therefore, we do not object to the project as proposed. Thank you for the opportunity to review and comment on this project. If we can be of further assistance, please advise. Sincerely, Christopher Goudreau District Fisheries Biologist cc: Ms. Stephanie Goudreau, Mt. Region Habitat Biologist Mr. Barney O'Quinn, Planning and Environment Branch, NCDOT