HomeMy WebLinkAbout20131200 Ver 6_Corrective Action Plan_20200630    Harmon Dairy Stream Mitigation Project 2020 Corrective Action Plan This corrective action plan developed by Clearwater Environmental Consultants Inc. (CEC) includes the scope and timeline for remaining work necessary to meet the construction phase requirements for Harmon Dairy Stream Mitigation Project (Site). The project area is located off of NC Highway 9 in the town of Green Creek (Figures 1 and 2). The main components of the plan include: (1) modification of fence lines, (2) signage installed to the Conservation Easement boundary (3) a supplemental planting plan for low stem density areas (4) invasive plant treatment and (5) revision to the Conservation Easement (CE) Boundary due to revised placement of stream crossing on UT3. 1.0 Modification of Fence Lines The As-Built Report for the Site includes sealed record drawings produced by Ben Patton Land Surveying, PLLC. The drawings indicate the locations of conservation easement boundaries and installed fence lines. Figure 3 indicates locations where the installed fence line protrudes inside the conservation easement boundary, thereby violating the restrictions of the conservation easement. Corrective action includes moving the fence line to outside the conservation easement boundary. This will be performed by a licensed contractor and professional land surveyor. The timeline for completion of the modification of the fence line is December 2020. 2.0 Signage installed to the conservation easement boundary Guidance set forth by the North Carolina Interagency Review Team’s (NCIRT) “Wilmington District Stream and Wetland Compensatory Mitigation Update” – October 24, 2016 (USACE 2016) indicates that the final as-built survey include verification of the installation of conservation easement boundary markers. The easement boundary markers were not installed as described in the construction specifications. Corrective action includes installing signage at all conservation easement corners and along boundary lines at 100’ intervals as described per the technical specifications for as- built survey produced by Wildlands Engineering, Inc. on March 9, 2018. Modification to the placement of wooden posts, fence lines and metal t-posts (described above in Section 1.0) will occur prior to the placement of signage. The non-fenced areas of the easement will require a stakeout survey, to be performed by a professional land surveyor to locate and monument easement corners and boundaries. Signage will be placed on existing installed wooden witness posts/fence posts and t-posts with additional posts added as necessary in the non-fenced areas of the easement as described below. The timeline for completion of the installation of signage is December 2020.     Technical specification for As-Built survey. Wildlands Engineering 2018: Contractor agrees to install wooden witness posts and signage at all conservation easement corners as follows:  Treated wood post; 6” round, 8’ long  Treated to a minimum of 0.4 PCF  All posts shall be installed 2’‐3’ below ground (wider end set in the ground)  Place post within 6” of the conservation easement corner  Attach conservation easement signs (to be provided by Owner) with rust resistant bolts, nails or screws, 4 per post  Each sign shall be placed parallel to the conservation easement boundary line, facing away from the conservation area with the corners wrapped around the post and secured  Upper 6” of each post shall be coated with a water based tree marking paint (Nelson tree marking paint 6‐8 year or similar) including post top; signage shall be installed just beneath yellow paint  Each post shall be installed plumb and set solidly in the ground to prevent future movement  Contractor agrees to use cement if needed to add stability as follows: 40‐80 lb bag of cement per post; use for unconsolidated and sandy soils where necessary to add stability and prevent future movement; all posts must be stable, complete and approved by Engineer Contractor agrees to install metal witness posts and signage along all conservation easement boundary lines (i.e., between corners) as follows:  In non‐wooded areas set 6‐foot T‐Post (tops painted yellow) at no more than 100’ intervals along boundary lines  In wooded areas where trees on the subject property can be marked, blaze and mark conservation easement lines. Conservation easement lines shall be marked with conservation easement signs (to be provided by Owner) and blazed with yellow paint (Nelson tree marking paint 6‐8 year or similar).     3.0 Supplemental Planting Plan for low stem density areas Bare root planting stock was installed on site during April of 2019. The baseline vegetation monitoring for the site was performed in July 2019. The total overall planted density representative for the site was 563 stems/acre, which exceeds the interim measure of vegetative success of at least 320 planted stems per acre at the end of the third monitoring year. However, Permanent vegetation monitoring plots (PVP) 1, 4, 5 and 6 do not individually meet the interim vegetative success criteria. In addition, Temporary vegetation monitoring plot (TVP) 5 did not meet stem density criteria. Stem density and survivability was observed low in the vicinity of these vegetation monitoring plots. Figure 3 shows the location of vegetation monitoring plots, and recommended areas for supplemental planting. These planting areas are approximate and may be modified following the MY1 vegetation monitoring. Corrective action includes installation of supplemental bare root stock in four areas indicated on Figure 3 shown to have low survivability of planted bare root stems. The proposed supplemental planting areas have a combined area of 1.4 acres. Supplemental planting will include species listed on the Baker Grading and Landscaping Plant and Seed Material memo dated April 3, 2019 (Attachment A), installed on 10 x 10 spacing, or approximately 455 trees. The timeline for completion of the installation of supplemental planting is March 2021 4.0 Invasive Plant Treatment Approximate invasive plant treatment areas are shown on Figure 3. Invasive plants observed on site include kudzu, cocklebur, Chinese privet, Chinaberry and tree of heaven. Only mechanical removal of invasive species such as kudzu and Chinese privet have been completed during the As-built. Corrective action includes chemical treatment of invasive exotic plants with herbicide following recommended procedures for herbicide application at aquatic sites within conservation areas. The work will be supervised by Tryon Equestrian Partners (TEP) staff with a certified herbicide applicators license, as well as CEC staff biologists. The timeline for completion of the herbicide application is September 2020.     5.0 Revision to Conservation Easement Boundary A Conservation Easement (CE) on the property is held by the Polk County Soil and Water Conservation District (SWCD) to permanently protect the improved aquatic habitats and riparian buffers and restrict future activities that might otherwise compromise the functions and services of the aquatic resources (Attachment B). The permanent conservation easement recorded January 23, 2017 extends at least 50 feet beyond the top of both banks on all UTs. Within the conservation easement, the riparian buffers are planted with native trees and shrubs in order to provide post- construction bank stability, erosion control and riparian habitat enhancement. The ford crossing on UT3 was modified during construction to avoid unnecessary tree removal. The extended gravel road for the UT3 crossing extending to the southwest penetrates the boundary of the conservation easement by approximately 30 feet. Corrective action: If the crossing is to be maintained in this location, a modification to the 2017 conservation easement boundary held by SWCD will be necessary. All site protection instruments require 60-day advance notification to the US Army Corps of Engineers (Corps) and the NC Division of Water Resources (DWR) prior to any action to void, amend, or modify the document. No such action would take place unless approved by the Corps and DWR. The revised boundary would be surveyed and marked by a professional land surveyor. The timeline for completion of the CE boundary revision is December 2020. Harmon Dairy Stream Mitigation Project (+/- 22.28 AC) Ü 0 10.5 Miles 32 Clayton St Asheville, North Carolina 28801 Vicinity Figure 1 Polk County, North Carolina Drawn by: AKT Date; 6.17.2020 CEC Project #747 Project Boundary Legend Conservation Easement (22.28 AC) Harmon Dairy Stream Mitigation Project (+/- 22.28 AC) Ü 0 10.5 Miles 32 Clayton St Asheville, North Carolina 28801 USGS Topographic Map Fingerville West Quad 1:24k Figure 2 Polk County, North Carolina Drawn by: AKT Date; 6.17.2020 CEC Project #747 Project Boundary Legend Conservation Easement (22.28 AC) VP3 VP5 VP6 VP4 VP1 VP7 VP2 TVP1 TVP5 TVP4 TVP3 TVP2 Source: Esri, Maxar, GeoEye, Earthstar Geographics, CNES/Airbus DS, USDA, USGS, AeroGRID, IGN, and the GIS User Community Harmon Dairy Stream Restoration Project (+/- 22.28AC) Ü 0 500 1,000250 Feet Legend Conservation Easement (22.28 AC) Fence Line Surveyed Streams Gravel Crossing Does not meet success criteria Meets success criteria Supplemental Planting Area Fence line adjustment (2,346 ft) Stakeout CE Boundary (5,586 ft) Invasive plant management areas (approximate) Conservation Easement Boundary Revision 32 Clayton Street Asheville, North Carolina 28801 Corrective Action Plan Figure 3 Polk County, North Carolina Drawn by: AKT 6.29.2020; CEC Project# 747 UT2 UT3 UT5 UT4 UT1 0.6 Acres; 200 stems 0.2 Acres; 65 stems 0.3 Acres; 95 stems 0.3 Acres; 95 stems CE revision needed due to modified crossing     Attachment A: Baker Grading and Landscaping Plant and Seed Material memo dated April 3, 2019 Baker Grading & Landscaping, Inc. 1000 Bat Cave Road Old Fort, NC 28762 Tel. (828) 668-5060 Fax (828) 668-5065 info@bakergrading.com Plant & Seed Material Harmon Dairy Harmon Dairy Bare Roots Item Common Name Species Qty Comments 1 Tag Alder Alnus serrulata 650 2 Buttonbush Cephalanthus occidentalis 700 3 Witch Hazel Hamamelis virginiana 500 4 Silky Willow Salix sericea 600 5 Meadowseet Spiraea latifolia 650 6 Yellow-root Xanthorhiza simplicissima 650 7 Hazelnut Corylus americana 650 8 Ninebark Physocarpus opulifolius 650 9 Sycamore Platinus occidentalis 700 10 River Birch Betula nigra 650 11 Swamp Chestnut Oak Quercus michauxii 700 7,100 Harmon Dairy Riparian Seed Mix Item Common Name Species % Mix Comments 1 Deer tongue Panicum clandestinum 20% 2 Big Bluestem Andropogon gerardi 20% 3 Virginia Wildrye Elymus virginicus 20% 4 Indian Grass Sorghastrum nutans 20% 5 River Oats Chasmanthium latifolium 10% 6 Soft Rush Juncus effusus 10% Harmon Dairy Upland Seed Mix Item Common Name Species % Mix Comments 1 Orchardgrass Dactylis glomerata 50% 2 Perennial Ryegrass Lolium perenne 40% 3 Red Clover Trifolium pratense 5% 4 White Clover Trifolium repens 5% of 1 1     Attachment B: Conservation Easement Plats 0Aw c PvwN eAPBMx C Yv.E �ntau PYN P.t. f/tul • FDMND ATOM PIN (rip) O SET W- PIN (NIP) POINT Q NAIL OR RANJtOAD SPIKE NIDRANT TELEPIlQNE PE"OESTAL (PED} II LrONT POLE pt LAMP UNUTY POLE WATER VAL1E a WATER MErER (Ym) CAS VALVE SCKER MANHOLE Q CONCRETE MONUMENT ® POONT or WAY MrYIUMENT G s roNE Property Lme Ad' ' — (Sarwyed) — —Ad)gi — (^.I earr•yad) —Rghl er Y1by — - —wryly Linaa Aepna: 1 / 1. D. Scott O.stk, Pre1...;o 1 L.ne S«r.y« H.. L-3001, 1. D. Scott fie.tic� c Ufy Not Ihl. plut was ar..n STATE Of NORTH CARWNA c lily I. one «more .f I_ fdlv.ing .e Mlaiwtea tn�a, canoe my ap.Ma« b.m .n gclual eurxy mega COUNTY OF POLK my wpKrhi.n (xee M211pNen —dee �. f I ® P, wcl lhla plot ]. or a tur.,•T of .mtNK wleq«Y. n` Book AS N ❑ : that Me bountlora. nal 1 Pc yetl ve dearly fndic.iee q tlrv.n han ReNew OK.K of WK e .4 tfia remmb Folien of e. t:ig pw,N h o rm lion f.ar16 m 13 a AS N07 ; that M< Cvvuty. c ly toot Na mop ar plul f..N caulk-v.tlenf y «other e.cpuon to th, raL'u f preNal.n .e cofcWatee la 1:10000: to.l tltia cerlific. Ion h oMeed m 1 ell .[alum., tleMlllen of .ubtllHaion. this plat wva prep d KI .cw d— with G.S. ragWremanta for r «tllnq. A 47 -30 .. am.nced. ant-- my «Iginol a .lure, V U_ SCOTT ROSTC PROFE59Cp LAND STIR regi.Lrt tlm numbK Outl wW [hl. _7Sr _ e.Y - C wyor .neu 01 [Rm lacan.. Na P-1108] STATT 9 AlOMW CA.401L ,4 - $$/rf, N[GS Y�yWENT '91AtrfETfE'-��Ey _ - lr39Ol - = hr +PJ-f-.FAN~ 'Sp].e.�a r �miriae. xl 1 l.L.yd�r Ao ';p' srrR�,'$: c M eyeara} me Yc eyaal lt�Nrnrre .IM Y wx:xm [ Iue]iini] n 1 f �a�2oa1«aam. R.EY.rr M PI•e. NIP �) 584'OS'S1 �✓� � FHP t22,82' S]gyy9g (�r.V) a T39,)1• NIP S pW0.xi NAxv rH O ODYA.�HAai.rl �'M1 I. Voa9 rxp�� xwrp.A.n° Knl.aw Fp �y]n e/P119-4 2' ry p.w. oe-[%fJ1 PHASE 1 CREEK ' IP CDNSERVATION AREA Sirnor5 1E7,480 Sq It rl 2 3 .E4 A.., -sJ• �' W—) \ / Tf// pp1nA�KMWa AxIK3 NA4 YAa1w roea:PHY-. ftEp r.YK \ M eEA11 \ lAryu+EYC))[ \ Ne(eK oH6-a \ m-7 Nip (17r.E.1 I 1 A'u .ems YMS .1-N1O1T'5 EE.-' ]Aw r7> fi�l N8 ]Q. w3. ti ��' x: s.3tap.e. c,lgeTeeaae .It ti. Lxw dn(m117, sPe Yc e]oel '��w Is5,42' y P„�Yn.e ms xc c..rx.es NM NB4'S412�W (r'r.evl 3]Oq, Elea]Sa6.61 ak NIP W�1 (n.° ary1R�)�Cart,,.y a xt]]) SURVEY FOR HARMON DAIRY PHASE 1 CREEK CONSERVATION EASEMENT EASEMENT AREA LES ON THE LANDS aF OOUOEAS HARNON N TAMES ALAN HARMON DrrD BOOK OB-E PACE 231 PARCEL NIWRER P119-4 ""EEN CREEK TOWNSHIP, POLK COUNTY. NC PELD: I. CRAUDSMS, E. LANDIS MAP' E CRAUUS US DAIS: JAN 23. 201T YAPt, 23D81 HARMON DMRY CREEK CONSERVATION EA5EYIENT GRAPHIC SCALE • NOTES ' 1 INCH = 100 FEET 4. rilyea '.purl la w..m.nu e} r.cwq .,Inky —I.. lone .0'. cal ..y eee untlrpaun. uNi1a. ' a °igvid °"0"' '°'ef• q°'• e'"°e' 11Ae' PROFESSIONAL SURVEYING ora o.awva^e x.arnc p� 6..wt r be oa . pm1 al �. .wey y 4. N. fpWn4 lacWw .two thaw lno.. .M1own. [FIRM ULENSE NO. P-1136] 5- Tna .urwy rww pKlwnrtl .Naa.1 lh. b•rAt r.ea.d. z04 N- MAIN STREET PO BON 11e1 6. tkepr[y M .ably! to teaks a+e rnvicOw "eCO'eN K'AIK^b4' RIITIE :F 82ON, NL 28130 PHONE: (B25} 38]-]059 NCGS Monument 'BILL" N= 566, 503. 27 E= l , 090, 900. l 7 ```� 1 1 1 1 ��� 1, Cameron S. Baker certify that this plat �N CA Rp ��� was drawn under my supervision from an actual survey under 0 0Fess' 04, �/ �i my supervision, (deed description recorded in book 426 --- PRrL�1VINAR, URI�VCINigage 580 ) that the ratio ofprecision as calculated by EAL - latitudes and departures does not exceed 1:10, 000 and that EQR VIEW �QPQ.SEE Qhli gap was prepared in accordance with G. S. 47-30 as amended. Witness my hand and seal this, day of , 20 ,O� i1RON S.B;���� 1111 Professional Land Surveyor No. L-4920 /, Cameron S. Baker O Professional Land Surveyor, certify that this Z survey is of another category, such as recombination of existing parcels, a court ordered survey, or other exception to the L2 I -L27 Are Tie Lines Line Bearing Distance L 1 5 0401 025" E 37.G7 L2 5 20025'55" W 1 18.2 P L3 5 0G°03'59" E 11 7. 1 9' L4 5 G301 2'52" W 90.G2' L5 5 820201 3" W 140.G2' LG N 4G°00'40" W I 17. G I' L7 5 3504044" W 128.40 L8 N 0G°03'59" W 83.39' L9 N 20025'55" E 1 1 7.80' L 10 N 0401 025" W 54.22' L 1 I N 84039'48" E 1 34.88' L 12 5 2302 1 '02" E 14G.84' L 13 5 39042'48" W 1 70. 1 P L 14 5 GG03 1 '20" E 139.77 L 15 5 2404748" W I 1 9 . G I' L I G 5 G801 3'05" W 1 05.05' L 17 5 72030'34" W 1 44.G0' L 18 N 42028'43" E 1 1 8.58' L 19 N 2302 1 '02" W 147.59' L20 5 2 1 °38'03" E 1 58.75' L2 1 5 0001 8'32" W 35.20' L22 5 47045'07" E 90.34' L23 5 42049' 1 2" W 15 1 .70' L24 N 3504044" E 37.47' L25 5 1 3003'30" E 25. 1 7' L2G N G802 1'30 E 25.0 P L27 N 72030'34" E 1 42 33' N \ N 63° \� N 5/8" EIS ' Phase / Creek Flush W/Ground , Conservation Easement �\ P. B. F Pg. 794 Ford 5/8" El, Flush W/Ground N= 542,45 1.54 E= 1,004,652,50 State of North Carolina County of Polk Review Officer of Polk County, certify that the map or plat to which this certification is affixed meets all statutory requirements for recording. Review Officer Date State of North Carolina, County of Polk filed for registration on the day of 20 at o'clock M and recorded in slide in the office of the Register of Deeds of Polk County. Register of Deeds By: Deputy. l /2" IPS N= 543,710.05 E= 1,057,067.94 N i Q w i W definition of subdivision. AA / Spring \ 3 Professional Land Surveyor L-4920 3 E 56/ / QP N 6�� QQ� AREA 82, 3 — 43 W 726,02' — �°� °2 i0g`2 Ford h� I Q \• � wl 0 AREA 2 6°38 58� :, / Spring \ o / 24" CMP / \\ AREA 4 Al W 3 N �b / 0 1.2 L� I h��/ /-'/ 23Q,08 Spring 36 / ° I X(b McDowell D.B.555, Pg. 1678 P.B. E, Pg. 1236 Pin: P119-59 S 87°47'06" E 254.30' �g / \ AREA 3 2 -EIS (In Stump) Sob tti� ' - sue- ElS (In Stump) � e I're /0' Notes. _ �. T% 252' / . Property /s subject to all easements, restriction and right of ways of record. _ \ �� 0 0,34 \ 2. The locations of underground utllltles are based on above -ground structures N 7Q0 337_ /- N and record drawmgs provided to the surveyor. Locations of underground V W utIlitles/structures may vary from locations shown hereon. AddItIonal 44p 34' _ \ L 1 \ buried ublitles/structures may be encountered. 3. Surveyor has made no Investigation or Independent search for easements of record, Tie Lin 05 62 encumbrances, restrictive covenants, ownership tale evidence, or any other facts that W\ an accurate tale search may disclose. Fence Pos�t � 2°3 4. The certification of survey and plat was prepared for the entity named in the title block \ hereon and does not extend to any other entity, unless recertified by the professional land surveyor. \ Jackson 5. All miscellaneous survey related materials, mcludmg but not limited to, project plans, deed and ROW research, maps, field notes and data, survey reports, record tale report, calculations, working drawmgs, estimates, and other materials acquired and/or prepared by the surveyor as Instruments of service shall remain the property of the surveyor and a531gn3. 6. This drawing is not valid unless the original signature and stamp are attached. Any reproduction or variance to this survey by e%ctron1c or any other means are not to be considered issued by the professional surveyor. 7. Area by Coordinate Computation. 100 0 100 200 300 GRAPHIC SCALE — FEET i i i i J Ridings D. B. 394, Pg. 361 i P.B. F, Pg. 76 Pin: P110-74 i i i Ridings D. B. 594, Pg. 358 I P. B. F, Pg. 76 I Pin: P110-76 D. B. 252, Pg. 2021 P.B. C, Pg. 977 Pin: P119-88 Vicinity Map Global Positioning System Certification (RTK) The Positional Accuracy Of The RTK Derived Positional Information is 0.03' Horizontal & 0.03' Vertical Horizontal PositionalAre Referenced to NAD 83 (NSRS 2011) Vertical Positions Are Referenced To NA VD 88 (Geoid 12) Combined Factor 0.99984087 (Ground To Grid) Equipment Used: Carlson Supervisor + GPS Tablet Legend: EIP = Existing Iron Pipe EIS = Existing lron Stake IPS = Iron Plpe Set ® = 1/2" Iron Pipe Set o = Unmarked Point, Unless Otherwise Noted = Centerline of Creek = Proposed Easment Lines CMP = Corrugated Metal Pipe A Portion 00hat Property a5 %Scribed in D. B. 426, Pg. 580 Pl-opo5cd Ea5ement Survey OF Harmon Paipy Ph,35e 2 C.-ee% Con5em.3 on E.35eme17t - Owner - Jandy Land Company LLC D. B. 426, Pg. 580 Pin: P119-4