HomeMy WebLinkAboutGC 3027CENE~.? L CERTIFICATION FOR PROJECTS ELIGIBLE ~ OR CORPS OF ENGINEERS NAT IO''~,~ ~~~E pER'~iI T Ni;~1BERS 4 FISH AND WI~~DLIE~ HARVESTING DEVICES AIv=D ~TIVITIES) 5 (SCIENTIFIC MEASURE~`E~NT D=VICES) 7 (OUTF ALL S'! RuC: JRES1 13 (~~ ^p T ~ PROJECTS JESS THAN 500 E~~ _ .'T h~,'~T ) INK S ~ I L I ZA 1 I OIL FO_ E~ -' .~ L~'- `' H 20 OIL SPILL CLEANUP) , 22 (REMOVAL OF VESSELS) 2~ ~_STRuC ~ URAL ~~ND ISOLATED wE T LAND S ~~~ . i' LES ~ THAN _D\~ ; D~SCHARGE) 26 (HEADW~:=ERS OR E U' TO ONE-THIRD : ARE FILL 0~ WATERS OR ~~E'~'L~?, ~. 2 , (-~, TLA1~~D RESTORATION ~-~, ~ IV ~ ~ ES} , 3~ (CON` L.~TE AC'IONS) 36 BOAT RAI~`?S I'; NONti~~J!'! AND SITESI) , 3 ~ J~1ER~~NCY t `,4~.ERS~ED PROTECTION ~:ND REGIONAL PERMIT 125 (BO^-T R-~~~?= ) ... =' ion is issued in co ~ Y ~^ ~ h the ~ V Tni s General Cert_~ icG- r' °-~~~- `~y ~' ~ ~ I 1 requirements of Section Q O1, Pub ± i c Laws 92-500 ar:d ~ ~-21. o = ~_.e . ~ „_ -, Di~•~ ~ ~ ~ n ~ - U::~ i ted States and subject t~s the 'VOr~h Carolln~ -° ' .0500 1 n Re..alati ons n i5 NCAC 2r ~ ~ecti'=~ E~:vironmenta Manageme.~~ ~~ i 2B .0109 ~nd 0 %O1 for the discharge o= .ill ::.aterial aria 15 NCAC G• ~ __ . -- r n ~ reap whic?: are waters of t?~e ~ni sec States ~o caate_s and wetla d ~~ ~ - 22 as described in 33 CFR 330 ppendi x A (B} ~~, 5, 7, _3, 2C., , ~~~-i ~ This 27 32 36, and 37} of the Corps of Engineers reg~._GY on.,. c~ Certification replaces Cert=fication Number 27 J. .~. , r , ~, the ~~~ci~~=o The State of Nort ~ Carol ~ na cert ~ pies that ..: ~ =~- ^~ 3 0 6 11 r~st l~~ a Sections 301, X02, ~J3, cGtegoY~~ of acts vity j,. vie G~.~ ._ co~..~.,ted -, ... ~, G . .,. ~::~ 307 of the Public ~:a~as J2-50~~ ~~:~ 95-217 i :r' ~ .n acLordance with the cc~:dt ~~ ins h~re_r:after set for ~::. ,. , , Conditions of Cert ~ :. ~ cG~ion . ~ ~ r.. 1. These activities dc~ not ree~:~re ~~,ritten cc.:c~~rrenc.. rro:<< the Division of Environmental Management as _ong as they C ~ ' ~ ~. , com 1 caith all conditio::s of this General -rt= ~-ca~ion. pY ' n) 2. The use of Natonw_de 23 ~CategoriCal Excl::s_o s ' ~ into ~ ~ ~ r.- f requires written n0:. ~ ~iCc.t .a DEM OI t c ..xte. ~ 0 .impact to waters ar:d ~aetlanes; ., 3 , That establis~:ed seaimen.t and erosion contra prac~ices ' ~ ~ ~-` ~ ~~ o gate are utilized to pre-~.~ent ~~iolations oz one ~_ _ r ~r_ turbidit wat~Y CTuc_ i ty standard X50 NTUs ~r. streGTM:s and y ~ - "., ~ , r „L b DFM 2 5 ', : ~ s ~ ~ G 11 revers not des~gn~.t..a as ~.~.ou~. y . saltwater classes, Gnd Gil lakes and reseY~~y~rs; Gnd 10 NTUs in trout ,.aters) ; 4 ~~ieasures shall be ta'~en ~o prevent live or freS~ concrete . _ from coming i?: =o con tact ~~ i t? waters of t r: state ~.~nt i l the concrete r:Gs h~=dened; _ , 5 . The use of Nation~~Tide 13 shall minimize fie- ? n significant wEtlands and waters. r, ~ - 6 This Certif i ca~~ion ~:~:al ~ expire when t ^p. ropriG~e ,~ Nationwide Per:^i~ i s reissued, e~:plres or _s moc, _~.e . Non-co:r-pl i G::; e c~itr. or ~.~lolation of the cc:~.ditions herein set ^orth b_v ~ spec_~ i c fll_ pr~~ect shill resist _~ revoc~t~ion of ~ ~" r ~hls Cert i ~ i cG t _ on ~ or ~:~e fro ject . his i s tic d~~~ ~r September, 1995 _. =~ e s t o n H o ~~l a rd,~~"r .?. E. __re;tor DIV - ~ ~ 01~: 0 ENVIRONMEN ± ~~ "=_'ti~AGEME; r ,. By :~ ' ~•tiTQC ~ 3 0 2 ~ moregen.cet