HomeMy WebLinkAboutWQCS00068_NOV-2020-DV-0267 Response_20200626South Granville Water and Sewer Authority — -- NC 13eptEnvironme»tuati ' June 26, 2020 Scott Vinson, Regional Supervisor Water Quality Regional Operations Section Division of Water Resources, NCDEQ 1628 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1628 Re: Written Response to NOV-2020-DV-0267 South Granville Water and Sewer Authority Collection System Permit No. WQCS00068 South Granville Water and Sewer Authority (SGWASA) Granville County Dear Mr. Vinson: JUN 2 9 2020 Raleigh Regional Office I am writing you in response to NOV-2020-D 0267 which included Incident Number: 202001520. SGWASA received the June 10, 2020 NOV-2020-DV-0267 notification letter from NCDEQon June 18, 2020. Following is an overview and response by SGWASA to this incident. Incident No. 202001520 (5/21/2020): Joe Peed Road The overflow at this location occurred during a heavy rainfall event on 5/21/20. Rainfall recorded during this event was 3-4 inches. The overflow total at this location (pump station 1#6) was 700 gallons, of which 300 gallons reached surface water. Crews inspected, cleaned and applied lime to area affected. Based on a review of the weather conditions and site conditions observed by staff on initial arrival to these overflows SGWASA submits that these discharges were unintentional, temporary and caused by factors beyond the reasonable control of SGWASA and could not have been prevented by the exercise of reasonable control. Please find below information relative to the mitigation measures we are taking to eliminate the inflow and infiltration problems that affected the infrastructure noted above. Asset Management/CIP Proiects to Mitigate Future Overflows During the past year SGWASA invested in a new asset management/work management program to better manage maintenance activities for SGWASA's utility assets, improve customer service, and provide forecasts of needed future capital improvement projects. The asset management program, presently in its initial stages of implementation, will help SGWASA to be more proactive in sanitary sewer maintenance, including cleaning, televising, root cleaning, pipe repairs, Inflow and Infiltration (I&I investigations/follow up, etc. In addition to the new asset management/work management program, earlier this year SGWASA initiated hydraulic model building for the wastewater collection system. The hydraulic model is assisting SGWASA with a better understanding of hydraulic conditions and restrictions throughout the collection system. Furthermore, the hydraulic model is assisting SGWASA in identifying priority projects, such as pipe replacements, pump station upgrades, manhole repairs, I&I problems, etc. This past year, SGWASA also invested in professional engineering assistance in developing an I&I issues/mitigation strategy across the sanitary sewer system. These proposed I&I studies, although limited in scope presently, are focused on areas that are causing issues with overflows, such as those highlighted above. To enhance these efforts, SGWASA is also pursuing assistance from the vendor SmartCover to help with the monitoring and alerting of collection system flow issues. Lastly, during the past two years, SGWASA invested in a major sanitary sewer study near the 1-85 corridor in the Town of Butner to identify flow issues, along with proposing solutions to these flow issues. The 1-85 corridor study specifically focused on two major sanitary sewer interceptors, along with several sanitary sewer pump stations that feed into the interceptors. Two pump stations that are scheduled for upgrades include the E. Middleton Rd. pump station, and the Joe Peed pump station. The total estimated cost of the 1-85 sanitary sewer work is $50 million. Regarding the 1-85 sanitary sewer project, I have worked recently with consultants to create a tactical schedule that includes engineering design/construction costs for the project. Furthermore, during the past several months I have visited with several agencies, including the USEPA, the USRDA, and NCDEGI, to identify funding/grant opportunities to fund the $50 million project. SGWASA has also invested in preparing the engineering design Request for Qualifications (RFQ), of which will be released to engineering firms shortly. Lastly, in July I'm meeting with the SGWASA Board of Directors again to discuss the funding options and resulting effects on utility rates so SGWASA can better determine a construction timeline. Based on the information contained in this letter, I hope it is apparent to the NCDEQ - Division of Water Resources, that SGWASA is actively, and aggressively pursuing system -wide improvements to their sanitary sewer collection system. I hope that you take this into account as you determine what actions you will be taking regarding the sanitary sewer overflows that have occurred, as outlined above. I look forward to discussing this information further with you. Please contact me at your convenience. Sincerely, t N. Schroyer, Executive Director South Granville Water and Sewer Authority (SGWASA) 415 Central Avenue, Suite B. Butner, NC 27509 919-575-3367 Ext. 312 sschroyer@sgwasa.org Cc; Fred Dancy, SGWASA Utility Operations Director Robert Jackson, Acting Distribution and Collection System Superintendent