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HomeMy WebLinkAbout19941115 Ver 1_Mitigation Evaluation_19950123State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources Division of Environmental Management James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Jonathan B. Howes, Secretary A. Preston Howard, Jr., P.E., Director January 23, 1995 Mr. Barney O'Quinn Planning and Environmental Branch NC DOT Post Office Box 25201 Raleigh, N.C. 27611-5201 Dear Mr. O'Quinn Re: Modification of 401 Certification #2738 Charlotte Outer Loop - NC 51 to Rea Road Mecklenburg County MOM [D EHNR FILE COPS Based on your request of 1 December 1994, Water Quality Certification # for this segment of the Charlotte Outer Loop is hereby modified to allow a concrete board walk under bridges form McMullen and McAlpine Creek crossings. The concrete boardwalk shall be limited to the construction limits adjacent to the bridges. Please call Mr. John Domey at 733-1786 if you have any questions. Sincerely, eHoward, wgc2738.mod cc: Mooresville DEM Regional Office Corps of Engineers Asheville Field Office Central Files P.O. Box 29535, Raleigh, North Carolina 27626-0535 Telephone 919-733-7015 FAX 919-733-2496 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer 50% recycled/ 10% post-consumer paper ?.'iuit`) ? 1!'S ik } i t iivi ? 4':. ? i?;' ? • _ 1-? i'tf": _? . Planning t.i-Y• s ?"] t 1 } i 1Z .>. + 5.....? _ l1. 1 ..` `SSY 'i: t":;1' Cj+s •s•4 I40.1? -'I'?ti".^ .J1+_jJ{stj•? f`}i"s 1t!.f°,f }J?'?Jt?a i?7{,`,?i??,`(-t i\s•-; T.. :_.i--i "M .L?\.`'???ff u?? . ?._'u .t?'i?A.4 ;-1 !_-iN f~ff. s'.:. }-''i ?.t}. .1._'.•?s., uuy,?gC' •T v? a - ?, {bJTr.}: ?} ,. i aJii!!1'f'Ya }i,:Ht:i•,-Ni`Tifi,;: xl;, f-'yv S t_ 1 t•- t .i 4-% a s\il? } } t•;'- t-`.f? ; i,; }i iil L_- {` N A t-!.1..i.'- ti T• j • H i1 iy t-f{-s-! v , j- .. .t• T/ N C) T' c?a s!n / ; i., t s-,,!Ci•:• .,M /1Vi r 'i• •}•.r .{t^; '}.!{"t sfy L. 'VI R .±.. 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Taxa Entry Abundance RecordlD Waterbody Date EURYLO 10 15059EPT ISAMSBR :8/16/89 10 5951 Full Scale : BIG MARSH SWP 1:8/11/92 10 6229Ful l Scale JUSTICE-REYNOLDS CR 16/29/93 10 6231 Full Scale JUSTICE-REYNOLDS CR :6/29/93 EURYLO BICO 10 3269FULL SCALE : E FK PIGEON RIVER :7/25/84 10 4570Fu1 l Scale BEARWALLOW CR ::6/8/88 EURYLO COXA 10 3483Full Scale : LOWER BARTON CR ::6/13/85 EURYLO TEMP 10 4052Full Scale : W PR L YADKIN 1 ::6/6/87 10 4057Full Scale : E PR L YADKIN R 1166 :6/6/8 7 10 4111 Full Scale I MITCHELL RIVER :6/30/8 7 10 4566Fu11 Scale FIRES CK :6/7/88 10 4569Fu11 Scale TUCKASEGEE R ::6/8/88 10 4971 Full Scale : JACOB FK NR RAMSEY : 7/ 1 0/8 9 10 529017ull Scale : SWIFT CR ::6/7/9 0 10 5404Full Scale CATAWBA R @ OLD FORT ::7/26/9 0 10 5601 Full Scale SWIFT CR : :6/11/91 10 5651 Full Scale WILSON CREEK ::7/9/91 101 5897Full Scale CATAWBA R, OLD FORT ::7/9/92 101 6165SWP IANGOLACR :5/5/93 10 6166SWP ISANDY RUNSWP :5/4/93 10 6180Full Scale : YADKIN RIVER ::7/7/93 10 6183Full Scale ;UPPER CREEK BE ROUGH FISH BARRIER :6/8/93 10 6194Fu11 Scale :MILLS RIVER @ MILLS RIVER :6/15/93 10 6262Full Scale HOWARD CR ::7/13/93 . _ N C. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION TRANSMITTAL SLIP, oATf? REF NO OR f OO M, E.G. B RO REF. NO.' OR ROOM, BLDG. ACTION . ? NOTE AND FILE ?PER OUR CONVERSATION ? NOTE AND RETURN TOME ?,PER YOUR REQUEST ? RETURN WITH MORE DETAILS -? FOR YOUR APPROVAL ? NOTE AND SEE ME ABOUT THIS ? FOR. YOUR INFORMATION ? PLEASE ANSWER - ?;.'? FOR YOUR COMMENTS ? PREPARE REPLY FOR. MY SIGNATURE ?''SIGNATURE ? TAKE APPROPRIATE ACTION ' ??? INVESTIGATE. AND REPORT COMMENTS: C. ???? A lyw,?O' 9 Ll / /)'5 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION JAMES B. HUNT. JR. DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS GomNop, P.O. BOX 25201. RALEIGH, N.C. 27611-5201 December 1, 1994 Department of the Army Wilmington District, Corps of Engineers P.O. Box 1890 Wilmington, North Carolina, 28402-5201 ATTENTION: Mr. G. Wayne Wright Chief, Regulatory Branch Dear Sir: R. SAMUEL HUNT III SECRETARY RECEIV 01 1994 IDEC ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES SUBJECT: Mecklenburg County - Charlotte Outer Loop from. Interchange with NC 51 to Interchange with Rea Road T.I.P. Nos. R-0211DA, DD and DB; State Project No. 8.1670102; DOA Action ID. 199200013 Reference the Department of the Army permit modification issued to NCDOT on April 12, 1994 for the construction of 780 linear feet of elevated boardwalks and 180 linear feet of concrete trail at the McMullen and McAlpine Creek greenway crossings of the o thern Charlotte-Outer Loop. During the permit review meeting on November 17, 1994, you informed us that your agency is reconsidering a request from Mecklenburg County to allow construction of paved walkways throughout both corridors, rather than boardwalks. Since NCDOT is required to construct this greenway trail as part of our right-of-way agreement with Mecklenburg county, we will need to know of the final approved version so that we can prepare our construction contract. Attached are revised plan drawings of the walkways at McMullen and McAlpine Creeks. A typical cross section drawing of the 14-foot-wide concrete trail is also included. The two walkways will require a total of 960 linear feet of paving. Please note that a 180-foot section directly beneath the highway at McMullen Creek was approved under the previous modification, and the associated 0.06 acre wetland impact is to be mitigated at NCDOT's Long Creek mitigation site. The remaining 780 linear feet proposed herein would require an PHONE (919) 733-7384 FAX (919) 733-9428 0 "*` L additional 0.25 acre of wetland fill. NCDOT does not propose mitigation for this impact, as we consider our commitments at this site to have been fulfilled under the previous agreements with Mecklenburg County. We hereby request modification of the 404 Permit issued on May 28, 1992, to allow construction of paved walkways within the NCDOT right- of-way boundaries at the McMullen and McAlpine Creek crossings. Thank you for your continued assistance with this project. If you have any questions, please contact Cyndi Bell at (919) 733-3141. Sincerely, 11-1 .J. IQui , P. E. ist Manager, Planning & Environmental Branch cc: Mr. John Dorney, DEM, DEHNR Mr. John Alford, P.E., Roadway Design Mr. Kelly Barger, P.E., Project Management unit Mr. Don Morton, P.E., Highway Design Branch Mr. A. L. Hankins, P.E., Hydraulics Mr. John Smith, P.E., Structure Design Mr. B.G. Payne, P.E., Division 10 Engineer Mr. W. D. Johnson, Roadside Environmental Mr. John shoemaker, Right-of-way Ms. Nancy Brunnemer, Mecklenburg County ... ?, ? a•. Q Q Z ? r. s f 1 < ? c V:zC14 ?W \ i ? i J J l ? x2V 'u? I1 LJ; C 2 ?J \ ;.. a J 3 1 W O ca! vW co i• lug ^ o p m? \ Q h O ?'? O ? S n?? CC n+^ tiI la, NN° °d a vW NI ?WO 3 <A? 4?w is ~s 10 NI 2 1 ??1 .F N. J'm f \ A CCU 1 4 1 \ VO Q y?C 1 p 0+?Z'ryl!l?.k? 11 ol Q- f v aai N -j a ?l3 W > a u, Ile , W Sao oa. ,V^ Q. ? 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