HomeMy WebLinkAbout19951271 Ver 1_Complete File_19951214State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources Division of Environmental Management James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Jonathan B. Howes, Secretary A. Preston Howard, Jr., P.E., Director ID EHNR December 20, 1995 Buncombe County DEM Project # 951271 APPROVAL of 401 Water Quality Certification Mr. Danny Tolar District Engineer NC DOT Post Office 3279 Asheville, N.C. 28802 FILE Got,, i Dear Mr. Tolar: You have our approval to excavate and place fill material in 0.09 acres of wetlands or waters for the purpose of replacing/extending several pipes on SR 1384, South Turkey Creek Road, as you described in your application dated 11 December 1995. After reviewing your application, we have decided that this fill is covered by General Water Quality Certification Number 2735. This certification allows you to use Nationwide Permit Number 031 when it is issued by the Corps of Engineers. This approval is only valid for the purpose and design that you described in your application. If you change your project, you must notify us and you may be required to send us a new application. For this approval to be valid, you must follow the conditions listed in the attached certification. In addition, you should get any other federal, state or local permits before you go ahead with your project. If you do not accept any of the conditions of this certification, you may ask for an adjudicatory hearing. You must act within 60 days of the date that you receive this letter. To ask for a hearing, send a written petition which conforms to Chapter 150B of the North Carolina General Statutes to the Office of Administrative Hearings, P.O. Box 27447, Raleigh, N.C. 27611-7447. This certification and its conditions are final and binding unless you ask for a hearing. This letter completes the review of the Division of Environmental Management under Section 401 of the Clean Water Act. If you have any questions, please telephone John Dorney at 919-733-1786. Sincerely, eston oward, J . E. Attachment cc: Wilmington District Corps of Engineers Corps of Engineers Asheville Field Office Asheville DEM Regional Office Mr. John Domey Central Files 951271.1tr P.O. Box 29535, Raleigh, North Carolina 27626-0535 Telephone 919-733-7015 FAX 919-733-2496 An Eaual Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer 50% recycled/ 10% post-consumer paper A RECElVEp DrM t b --?5 7 fNVIR 41995 oNM ,fNr ACsclf ACTIoN IDt ,.? NCfS NntibNuinr ht:nilll's THAT 11RgUtn?LlcnrlbN r()nM rots NA'itONWti1C " MITI THAT AL'QUlttt: St~C7ibNAlO1NCrp TII' htS'IIZIC?' rNGtNEEa NArioNWiDr hrnUM THAT ArQUIRr INDIVIDUAL SECtIONIJOIICrnCONCURArNCts CIHCATION NIL"INotoN pj,5tftiCT kNcltN p" Wnp or F'N(1l "O"S "A"Tt' t or 't'lir AntlY P-0, 11ox 111go wtLIlIN(;TONr NC pA,Iw- ingo Am! CrsnW-ro-r 'to-l-pplivilo (919) 751-?1511 WATPh QUALITY KAMM(; D t "" N Or "NV I RONMrNTA L MANACrHENT NC bPPA"THrNT Or FNVrnoN -- - AND NATIMAL RFsOUR 4 ' S P.O. nox 29535 5 nAl.rlrlr, NC ?7626-0535 - AT ?'N: Hit. ,1olIN lxmpy -,, I 4 ?.IAI,IrnnA ( 919) 733-50, bNF (1) CbhY Ur TIIIS ('011CLATPI) ADp[,Ir,ATtUN srjOUr-,D Dr vas t Nr; INrrns . S? VCN o ,t tr C +i.? SF.,NI (?) t:NVi ttoN Cnr1PS ,Sr1OULD nr "MT TO TIM M... NrN't'A L MnNAOrMrN'r, CLrnSr hnlN?'. btV1S1O or 1. UWNrttS NANr ? ---- -_--- ?. bwNrns nnn?trss? ----?0. Box 3. owNrns rltoNr NUHnrn (Imrlr) ---- 4. tr nrhLrr,AnLr: (wOnk) = 2741 PIMP N1111" n: n('rN7 5 NOW on Pr'"o"InI.f: CORP011nTr orrtr,Jni,, nbnhrS,9 -- t?4RfuY R , VLAR J. I.OCATIoN Or hLANNrD WOnk (nrTn(-n HAP), -- COIIN'I'Y NrnnrST •1•0-Wiv c n-?Bo?tir8E - SrrCir•rr, I.,oCATION (1NCLUn? r-ROA - nOnn N-- Upf?C?f+,tt5 f ANbMngKS, FT(, S' 1384 r ? ll?ITER SECI7Q? p? SR f 220 Z --- S T? soa r"C-(eCy FO 6. NAHr UP CLMMt sTPPrAllini Vrn r , 15oU7i r 7URKG cfZEC(C nI h IIAStN! _ MEQ04 a ?Wfl.tlltb i vER . I'II1.? hrto,irr,?r r.orntrD IN n CLASStrtr I) Ws r r on Ws i t z Yrs f NO f AS 'IttOUT, sn, rrvw ON A P nUr ANY I'ftbhrnm SrC."ON 11011 hrnHi7,S "M PhrVIoI1SLY nrQUrS YrS ( No f IEn Fort Usr ON 'rNis it Yrs, rXr'LniN. rnrnr. lnrrmr.n nr nrnr.; or WFTf.n??n., r nl•nTT n n r r rnO.rr('T ? r Tr ? 0. r3 A-c ?- 71 AOO ;,,,, X91A 'k P.A i t , "011"P A rlr nrr?t~q nr wr-tt,AND Y ttrnctr i) nY Tim rnOPOIRD rnd,Ircr ! nnntNr;n: 7a'rAL tttr?r,rrn! d.Q4- + 17. hrScPth'rt0R Of PPOPOSrh WonK (A fArii PLANS)! ?.EVERAL (?l PES ? Q 8>: _A EX7C?(DED L (J,t! _?? TR(.QU7rtR(E TWO PrtQPOS?O CEf!41cf?f ?c.???Gt . __ 11, PUPPOsP OP PnOPoSrb WOPK! 7? F-4K(L(WtT PAU[KCG dF SR TffE 4l(cvE?lltV_ G f44D,,., itl. S'rn?'r ttrASONS WIIY 'rlir APPIACAN'r OLirVrS TIIAT TH1S. ACTIVITY 1411sT nt, cnnntrn our IN wrlr,nNnS, nLSO, No1'r HrnsUnrs TAKPN To HINIHi7,r WrTLAND 1 HrAr,TS , SSE ?46oU E ALL Routr,zC- A ?p _!vECt?SS?R NcEASURES Cag'LRoL -ROStO __-AND EDfMEWATtQti WILL? 8 VUZED. 15. Vol; Anr nrQUtMrh TO CONTACT 'rlir (1.5, rt.'H AN() Wtl,nt,trr: SrnVtC,E (t15tWS) AND/on NA1'10NAL HAMINr rt,111Fntrs SEnvtcr, (NHCS) arrnnnlNr Tllr, rtl?:SrNGF; On ANY rrhrnAt,I,V Ltstrrn on rnoroSrn ron r,1STINr, rNDANrrnrD on 'rlinrA'i'rNrb SrrClr.1 Ott rni'rt('AL. ilAI11TAr IN 1'lir rrnt+tT WA TIIAT frnY hr ArrrCTrD HY 1'lir rnorosrD Pnwrr'r, IIAVr Yoll DONr Sol YrS [ I No [?) HOPI -M &r.C. W , R.C . nrSrONSrS r11011 1'I1r IISMI AND/On NNr.? Sllotllm nr A'r•rnrllrn. 16. Voll Anr nrQtt t nrD To C,oN1'Ar,T VIA; STATr 11 ts'ron i c rnrsr"VAT tON orr t rrn (Silrn) I1FGAnhtNG 'flit rnrSFNrr Or IIiSTOnrC rnorr•,n'riri IN Ttir rrnMiT AnFA WFItcIt HAY nr ArrrrTrn MY 1-lir rnOPOSrD PPO-IF,CTI ilAVF Yofl DoNr Soj YrS [ ) NO [ nr.SrONSr, rnOH TIM sllro Slfolll.n Mr A'r1'AcllrD, 17. Ahht'1'rONAL. 1NE'Ont1A'rtOtt nr?litnrh nY hrH! ' A. Wr1'LAND brl,tNrn1'IoN Hnr S11OWINr, Al.t. Wr-rr.ANDS, S1'nrAtt.S, AND CAKES ON Tllr rnorrM't'Y, P. Ir AVAIi,AMI,r, nrrnr••.NrA'rtur tllo'roC;nAPII or Wr-1'i,ANDS T nr rHl'ACTFn MY rnn.lrrl', C. it hri.iPPATWN WAS rrnrOPHrn MY A CoNsttt,'rWr, INCL.UDr ALL DATA SIIr'ETS nr1,PVANT fo, 'rilr PI,AcrHrNT or Tim DELINEATION LINT, h, tr A ntonflWAt'rn HANANOTHf PI,AN iS nFOUtMrh rOn Tlit,? PPORCT, ATTAClt rorv, w, WiIAT i.S LAND Ucr Ot' "IIn11nUNhrNct PP()PFn'rY? c+ULTUR? RES( P. it ArrLtl'AMU, WiIA'r rs rltnrosrb 111°'rilt)n or Srwnr,R btSPRUL? ntJNrn .?rr,rrn7'rlltr. DATF P.O. Box 3279 Asheville, N.C. December 11, 1995 Mr. David Baker U.S. Army Corp. of Engineers Regulatory Field Offfice 151 Patton Ave. Rm. 143 Asheville, N.C. 28801-5005 SUBJECT; S.R. 1384, Buncombe Co. Dear Mr. Baker: We are providing a package of design sketches concerning wetlands that will be impacted by this project. We have enclosed a completed N.C D.E.M. application for your use. We are planning on replacing or extending several pipes in unnamed tributaries flowing into South Turkey Creek and also one proposed channel change in an unnamed tributary as well as one in South Turkey Creek itself. This stream is not a trout stream nor a tributary to one. If you have any comments or questions concerning this matter, please feel free to contact us at this office at 704-298-2741. Thank you for your cooperation and assistance in this matter. Sincerely yours, D11 r) n ? -R . Tout" Danny R. Tolar District Engineer cc: Mr. Eric Galamb, Div. of Environmental Management Mr. David Yow, Dist 9 Environmental Coordinator DRT:JNJ:jnj I-c = ? P N.C. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISON OF-HIGHWAYS SECONDARY ROAD SURVEY r ERASION CONTROL SPECIFICAA'g' IONS .?Ym bol Not 245.03 Temporary Silt Ditch 245.05 Temporary Diversion .........................• '• TSD --- VI - 2 893.01 .............•---••--.... ence ."' -` TD ---- Temporary Silt Fence--* --- Vi - 4 890.05 Temporary ............... Slope Drain with Earth Berm 245.01 Silt Basin Type A --"""'. ,..- S VI ` - - 245.02 Silt Basin Type B ... ---• .......................... -? ----- --- VI - 10 ___ 892.04 -•------• ................ ............... Temporary Rock Silt Check T yp?A --- VI -12 895.10 Temporary Rock Silt Check Type-B .......... -------- --- VI - 14 892.01 Temporary Rock SedimentDam .. Type ..-..A ...... > --------- --- V1- 16 892.02 Temporary Rock Sediment Dam Type-B - -- VI - 18 897.01 Rock Pipe Inlet Protection '-' --------- e -- VI - 20 894.01 Rock Silt Screen ................. •----• '_""'"' er? ° o - ° ?'° -- VI - 22 245.04 Stilling Basin ""' - -°=? --- -- VI 2 ................ ..................................... ®----- VI 26 Rock Inlet Protection: 896.01 Type A • .............................. AG-OR -- A 896.02 Type B 896.03 Type C ............................... C - OR - C \ ---- VI - 34 t le OUTLET EuEf-,,Gy D(S50}P4TdK ERa S (Q t ,t C09TRO L k(!}TTI ?.! G FtUER aAss RCV(U(? VI-1 F6R March, 1993 ' C /?EC,? E v ? l•?E.f y S? o.? n ? E-l/E?li7? i;;•t?D L'!_ E?iVE1? Ulf 7? CU,yE,? Hf,'LF ,r',{/? ?•? I? vo T" 7-a S C.9 C E- N` --?-•-------•--- ? z? LE,t?G7,S' aF ??/STI?,fBE_Z? AREA 21 Z? 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RD , -OCATION FRom sty (?-?-o smflERLV TO F. *OR I< YP GRAL?-= EASE PA-UE 1JRAW O' ORD FR PRIORI LOUNTY BukicamE? T0WNS111P E Esr_ DATE SCALE MOTES J tiJ PUB: - BY EROSION CONTROL DETAILS AND SPECIFICATIONS St. Symbol Page 245.03 Temporary Silt Ditch ............................ 245.05 Temporary Diversion _ ?' ?D 2 893.01 Temporary Silt Fence _--•?"•-?•-?? --- VI 4 890.05 Temporary Slope . Drain....wif-.. h...Earth........ Berm . -------- VI - 6 245.01 Silt Basin Type ..'••••••• 1 `_- VI' s 245.02 •-•--•• ................. Silt Basin Type B •'"""'- ------------ Vi- 10 892.04 ••-'•_ M --- VI -12 Temporary Rock .'""' Silt Check Type- A 895.10 VI - 14 Temporary Rock Silt Check Type-B .......... ----------- VI . 16 892.01 Temporary Rock Sediment Dam Type-A...... > -------- -- - VI -1s 892.02 Temporary Rock Sediment Da - 897.01 m Type-B VI - 20 Rock Pipe Inlet Protection _'. ----- o . 894.01 •• ....................... -° --- VI - 22 Rock Silt Screen • 245.04 Stilling Basin ----•---• ....... .......................... --?=°= =----- VI - 24 ..................................... ® ----- VI 26 Rock Inlet Protection: 896.01 Type A ............................... A 10-- OR ,A)) ----- VI - 30 896.02 Type B ............................... B 10-- OR B ----- V1 - 32 896.03 Type C ............................... C []-. OR • C ---- VI - 34 PIPE OUTLET EQERb? b(S5F}P6TdR ERo s (d 1 C09TRO L Mj- rc"G RDER GLAss RUfN0 VI-1 ---RM F6R March, 1993 ch'EC.?EV Eb?E,E y S?o?n) E'l?E.v?- .s V? C'LE??v6v a??7" ?rrh'E,? r ? 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