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HomeMy WebLinkAbout19950806 Ver 1_Complete File_19950802State of North Carolina Department of Environment, LTWAA Health and Natural Resources / • Division of Environmental Management James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Jonathan B. Howes, Secretary p E H N F1 A. Preston Howard, Jr., P.E., Director 22 January, 1996 Alleghany County DEM Project # 95806 APPROVAL of 401 Water Quality Certification Mr. W.O. Atkins District Engineer N.C. Dept. of Transportation P.O. Box 558 Elkin. N.C. 28621 Dear Mr. Atkins: You have our approval to place fill material in 0.03 acres of wetlands or waters for the purpose of widening and improvement at SR 1100 (Stone Mountain Road), as you described in your modified application dated 12 January 1996 . After reviewing your application, we have decided that this fill is covered by General Water Quality Certification Numbers 2735 and 2665. These certifications ?dlow you to use Nationwide Permit Numbers 3 and 13 when they are issued by the Corps of Engineers. This approval is only valid for the purpose and design that you described in your application. If you change your project, you must notify us and you may be required to send us a new application. For this approval to be valid, you must follow the conditions listed in the attached certification. In addition, you should gel any other federal, state or local permits before you' go ahead with your project. If you do not accept any of the conditions of this certification, you may ask for an adjudicatory hearing. You must act within 60 days of Ure date that you receive this letter. To ask for a hearing. send a written petition which conforms to Chapter 150B of the North Carolina General Statutes to the Office of Administrative 1-Iearings, P.O. Box 27447, Raleigh. N.C'. 27611-7447. 'Phis certification and its conditions are final and binding unless you ask for a hearing. This letter completes the review of the Division of Environmental Management under Section 401 of the Clean Water Act. If you have any questions, please telephone John Dorney at 919-733- 1786. Sincerely, Attachment cc: Wilmington District Corps of Engineers Corps of Engineers Raleigh Field Office Winston-Salem DEM Regional Office Mr. John limey Central Files Stephanie Briggs; N.C. DOI' i, reston t ard, Jr. P.I . 95806.1tr Environmental Sciences Branch, 4401 Reedy Creek Rd., Raleigh, NC 27607 Telephone 919-733-1786 FAX # 733-9959 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer • 50% recycled/10% post consumer paper .? : STATE 9 y`Y' STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TPANSPORTATION JAMES Q. HUNT J{L DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS GARLAND Q. GARRETT JR. GOVERNOR SECRETARY P. O. Box 558 Elkin, North Carolina 28621 =;011 ISSIU7 _January 12, 1996 Mr. Ken Jolly Office Manager U. S. Army Corps of Engineers Regulatory Branch 6512 Falls of the Neuse Road Suite 105 Raleigh, North Carolina 27615 Re: Grade, Drain, Base, and Pave SR1100 (Stone Mountain Road) from End of Existing Pavement West of US21 to Existing Pavement East of SR1101 in Alleghany County Dear Mr. Jolly: Attached are revised plans for this project. The original plan was submitted for your approval on July 28, 1995 with a follow-up request on December 11, 1995. We originally planned to realign bad curves from station 22+00 to station 32+00 but we had right of way refusals in this area and will revert to the original (existing alignment). This revision takes place between stations 20+00 and station 47+46LB=37+OOLA. This change will eliminate the need for the gabion basket retaining wall included in the original request for a 404 Permit. We will shift away from the stream in this area to avoid exceeding top of existing bank. All other information on the original submittal will remain the same. We are requesting a revision to the original 404 Nationwide Permit (#3 Maintenance and #13 Bank Stabilization ) from your agency. We would plan to begin construction in spring of `96. If further information is required, please let me know. Your early review and consideration of this request will be greatly appreciated. Sincerely, W. O. Atkins, P. E. District Engineer W OA/JHM Enclosures cc: W. E. Hoke, P. E., Division Engineer R. M. Freeman, P. E., County Maintenance Engineer Doug Miller, P. E., Regional Engineer, DEHNR Neil Trivette, Area Roadside Environmental Engineer Stephanie Goudreau, Mt. Region Coordinator, WRC Eric Galamb, Water Quality Certification Unit, DEM (7) a rA;r. P 1 ? STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION JAMEs B. HUNT JR. DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS GARLAND B. GARRETT JR. GOVERNOR SECRETARY 1'. 0. Box 558 Elkin, North Carolina 28621 Deccniber 11, 1905 Mr. John "I1lonias U. S. Army Corps of Engineers Regulatory Branch 6512 Palls of the Neuse Road Suite 105 Raleigh, North Carolina 27615 Re: Grade, Dniin, Base, ,uid Pave SR 1 100 (Stone Nlountwn Road ) from land of Existing Pavement West of US21 to Ex* tilig Pavement East of SRI 101 in AlIc luny County, N. C. Dear Mr. Tlrornas: We submited this request for a404 Permit on JaIy 28, 1995 and have not as yet received approval '116.5 was discussed at our quarterly niceting in North Wilkesboro recently. We would PLUl to bcgul Con5lrllc11011 Ill Spring of '96 it the right of way problcim can be resolved. If wither illforniatlon is required. plc;tse let rue Know. Your early review and considcratlon of 11115 request will be greatly appreciated. Suiccrcly> W. c.). Atkins. 1'. I?.? Di5lnct Engilieer WOtvjfIM Enclosures cc: W. E. Hoke, P. E., Division Engirlcer M. A. Pettyjofui, P. E.. County hlainteIlance Engiliccr i Sfnfr Or NOI;1-11 C,i\ROLIN;\ DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPOR NFION fMitS B. HUNT. )It. (;ovl1"Nor I)IVISION OF 11161 IWj\)'? P. O. Box 558 EllIi, North Carolina 28621 July 28, 1995 F1 k?f IZ. SAh1l11a I-IllrJl I I I Sac Kl IAO Mr. Ken Jolly Office Manager U. S. Amty Corps of (Engineers Reg ulatory Branch - 6512, Falls oft-lieNeuse Road - Suite f 05 12?kiglt> N«rth.Caloluia_2 7615. - - ----------- Re: grade, Drain, Base, wid Pave SRI t00 (Slone hfountnin Road) from Lind of Exisbng Pavement West of US21 to Existing Pavement (East ol'SRI 101 in Alleghany County, N. C. Dear Mr. Jolly: The North Carolina Department of'1'ransportation, 1)isirict I Maintenance plans to glade this road prim;u-fly along; the existing; alignuncnt in the 1995 - 1996 Fiscal Year. We will be leaving; the existing alignment iTom Station, 5-1-00-1 - to Station 10100+- and From Station 22-1-00+-- to Station 32+001- to straighten bad curves.. We will be replacing/extending; existing; pipes which involve live stremis at Station 301.50 , 50+60, 53+90, 64175, 82+40, and 84+,13. We will also be extending or replacing various other pipe culverts throughout the project which do riot involve live streauns. 1'lie existing bridge at Station 106+10 will be jetained. We will be encroacNng upon the 25' trout stream buffer as follows: 1) Rt of Station 31-150 to 31+75 - First 3' of fill slope will be constructed with either rock shot fi-om project or Class I lup Rap. 2) Rt of Station 31-1.75 to 33-150 - Constiuct a variable height retaining wall 50' right of center line using, gabiota baskets to avoid filling into creek. 3) Right of Station 33-}50 to 351-25 - First part offill slope will be constructed with either rock shot from project or Class I Rip Rap. 4) 1Zigltt of'Station 35-1.25 to 394 00 - Shoulder slope and width will be adjusted to avoid exceeding top olexisting bank . 5) Right of Station 43+00 to Slation 5(}+ 00 - Alignrnent has been staked to avoid exceeding existing; slope. 6) Right of Station 50 1-5.5 - Rip rap will he placed at ends of'pipe and shoulder narrowed as necessary. 7) Lt Station 50+6.5 to 561-00 - Most construction will riot exceed existing slope. 8) Lefl. Station 61-135 to 67+00 - Construction will not exceed existing slope due to alignment sluff. 9) Lt Station 68-1-30 to 76100 - 'Ilse work will not exceed the existing slopes in this area due to alignment shift. 10) Lt Station 81150 to 105+95 - Alignment chilled and shoulder will be narrowed as necessary to avoid exceeding; the existing slope. We are requesting a,10, Nalionwidc Permit (113 Maintenrurce ;Intl 1113 Bank Stabilization) lion, your La,n ?rttdrt a strsrgltf line sl.e#ch with the pro aged rro?i( coritrbl, "scream; and cross ^fior s of the ?iffeeted arc a : In ,ddttion,,t am sendin g a_t Ypical sections of Ilic road; gc rte al notes on crosicin control and a - marked snap. By copy of this letter I am asking Ms Stephanie Mow- ltaii Region Coordinator of the North Carolina-Wilcllife Resources Commission to comment directly to you concen,intg the 404 N,itioilwidc permit request. A request will be made on this project fora Temporary Encroachment in the Trout Water Butler 'Lone of tributaries to DLI-INR "Trout Stream (East Prong Roaring River) and I am asking; Ms. Goudreau to comment directly to me concerning the Trout Water Butter Zone Encroachment. 2 Also, by copy of Ous letter, I orn requesting authori;ntunr to proceed uncles Section -101 of the C'lcan Water Act from the Division of Environmental Managcnu:nt. We would p1m to begin construction in spring of `9G. If tiuther inlurnnition is required, please let rric know. Your early review and consideration of this request will be greatly appreciated. Sincerely, W. O. Atkins, P. E. Disti-ict Engineer womIIIvI -- -- - Enclosures cc. W. E. l lokc, P. E., Division Engineer R. M. Frecrrm.ul, P. E., County Mavitcnancc Engineer Doug Miller, P. 1:'.., Regional Engineer, DEI INK Ned Trivette, Area Roadside Ern4onmcnt.d Engineer Stephanie Goudreau, Mt. Region Coordinator, WRC Eric Galamb, Water Quality Certification Unit, Dl3M (7) _ State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources Winston-Salem Regional Office James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Jonathan B. Howes, Secretary Leesha Fuller, Regional Manager DIVISION OF LAND RESOURCES h I (? LAND QUALITY SECTION 1'- ? AUGUST 23, 1995 AUG 2 5 I99 W. O. Atkins, PE District Engineer Division of Highways P.O. Box 558 Elkin, NC 28621 Re: Trout stream buffer encroachment, approximately 5765 feet SR 1100 and Big Sandy creek Alleghany County Dear Mr. Atkins; Review of the request for encroachment into the trout stream buffer along Big Sandy Creek for the grading and paving of SR 1100 has been completed. The, efforts to move the existing alignment along the stream out of the buffer where possible and protect the stream from sediment by minimizing the disturbance of the existing stream banks is appreciated. Also the use of gabions to avoid filling the stream is appreciated. With the provisions in the erosion and sediment control plan and the stipulations of the August 14, 1995, memo from Wildlife Resources, the encroachment is permitted. Sincer 1 , . Dougla Miller, PE Regional Engineer cc: David Ward 585 Waughtown Street. Winston-Salem. North Carolina 27107-2241 Telephone 910-771-4600 FAX 910-771-4631 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer 50% recycled/ 10% post-consumer paper ?'r SIh7( o STATE OF NORTI-I CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION JAMr.s B. HUNT' Jit DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS, R SAMUEL HUNT 111 Gov&RNOR l SECRETrKY 1'. O. Box 558 Elkin, North Carolina 28621 August 18, 1995 Mr. Doug Miller, P. E. Land Quality Regional Engineer Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources 585 Waughtown Street Winston-Salem, North Carolina 27107 Re: Grade, Drain, Base, and Pave SR 1100 (Stone Mountain Road) from End of Existing Pavement West of US21 to Existing Pavement East'of SRI 101 in Alleghany Co., NC Dear Mr. Miller: Please review the attached plans for the previously described work in Alleghany County. The grading of this project will primarily follow the existing alignment. We will be leaving the existing alignment from Station 5+00,4-- to Station 10+004-- and from Station 22+004-- to Station 32+00+- to straighten bad curves. This work will impact DEHNR Designated Trout Waters (Big Sandy Creel:) and tributaries as follows: Replacement/Extension of pipes at Station 30+50, 50+60, 53+90, 64+75, 82+40, and 84+43. We will be replacing and extending various other pipes throughout the project which do not involve live streams. The existing bridge at Station 1064-10 will be retained. We will be encroaching upon the 25' Trout Stream Buffer Zone as follows: 1) Rt Station 31+50 to Station 31+75 - First 3' of fill slope will be constructed of rip rap or shot rock from project 2) Rt Station 31+75 to Station 33+50 - Construct a variable height retaining wall 50' right of center line using gabion baskets to avoid filling into creek 3) Rt Station 33+50 to Station 35+25 - First part of fill slope will be constructed with rip rap or shot rock 4) Rt Station 35+25 to 39+00 - Shoulder slope and width will be adjusted to avoid exceeding top of existing bank 5) Rt Station 43+00 to Station 50+00 - Alignment has been staked to avoid exceeding existing slope 6) Rt Station 50+55 - Rip rap will be placed at ends of pipe and shoulder narrowed as necessary 7) Lt Station 50+65 to Station 56+00 - Most construction will not exceed existing slope 8) Lt Station 61+35 to Station 67+00 - Construction will not exceed existing slope due to alignment shift 9) Lt Station 68+30 to Station 76+00 - Tlte work will not exceed the existing slopes in this are due to alignment shift 10) Lt Station 81+50 to Station 105+95 - Alignment shifted and shoulder will be narrowed as necessary to avoid exceeding the existing slope. We will place rip rap or shot rock from project at locations where it is impossible to avoid excavation or embankments adjacent to streams. This will be accomplished according to Section 868 of the 1995 Standard Specifications for Roads and Structures. We will employ all necessary erosion and sedimentation control measures as indicated on the enclosed pl rn to minimize any damage to the strearns. Prior to the removal of the existing pipe and during the placement of the proposed pipe, we will have installed a rock silt screen Standard 894.01 down stream to trap sediment 0 State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources Division of Environmental Management James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Jonathan B. Howes, Secretary A. Preston Howard, Jr., P.E., Director APPROVAL of 401 Water Quality Certification Mr. W. O. Atkins District Engineer NC DOT P. O. Box 558 Elkin, N.C. 28621 Dear Mr. Atkins: August 3, 1995 Alleghany County r DEM Project # 95806'" AUG 1 0 199 You have our approval to place fill material in 0.03 acres of wetlands or waters for the purpose of back stabilization and road maintenance at SR 1100 (Stone Mountain Road), as you described in your application dated 28 July 1995. After reviewing your application, we have decided that this fill is covered by General Water Quality Certification Numbers 2745 and 2665. These certifications allow you to use Nationwide Permit Numbers 3 and 13 when they are issued by the Corps of Engineers. This approval is only valid for the purpose and design that you described in your application. If you change your project, you must notify us and you may be required to send us a new application. For this approval to be valid, you must follow the conditions listed in the attached certification. In addition, you should get any other federal, state or local permits before you go ahead with your project. If you do not accept any of the conditions of this certification, you may ask for an adjudicatory hearing. You must act within 60 days of the date that you receive this letter. To ask for a hearing, send a written petition which conforms to Chapter 150B of the North Carolina General Statutes to the Office of Administrative Hearings, P.O. Box 27447, Raleigh, N.C. 27611-7447. This certification and its conditions are final and binding unless you ask for a hearing. This letter completes the review of the Division of Environmental Management under Section 401 of the Clean Water Act. If you have any questions, please telephone John Domey at 919-733-1786. Sr erely, r / Preston oward, Jr. P.E. Attachment cc: Wilmington District Corps of Engineers Corps of Engineers Raleigh Field Office Asheville DEM Regional Office Mr. John Domey Central Files 95806.1tr P.O. Box 29535, Raleigh, North Carolina 27626-0535 Telephone 919-733-7015 FAX 919-733-2496 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer -10% recycled/ 1 0% post-consumor paper GENERATE CERTIFICATION .FOR PROJECTS ELIGIBLE FOR CORPS OF.ENGINEERS NATIOnlIDE PERMIT NUMBERS 3 (MAINTENANCE), 4 (FISH AND WILDLIFE HARVESTING DEVICES AND-ACTIVITIES), 5 (SCIENTIFIC-MEASURED= DEVICES), 7 (OU!FALL STRUCTURES), 13 (BANK STABILIZATION FOR PROJECTS-LESS THAN 500 FEET IN LENGTH); 14 (ROAD CROSSINGS FOR PROJECTS a) IMPACTING WATERS ONLY AND b) SUBJECT.TO.SEPA OR NEPA), 18 (MINOR DISCHARGES FOR PROJECTS WITH LESS THAN 10 CUBIC YARDS OF FILL IN WATERS OR WETLANDS), 20 (OIL SPILL CLEANUP)., 22 (REMOVAL OF VESSELS), 23 (CATEGORICAL EXCLUSIONS),-25 (STRUCTURAL DISCHARGE), 26 . (HEADWATERS AND ISOLATED WETLANDS WITH LESS THAN OR E9UAL; TO ONE-THIRD ACRE FILL OF'WATERS OR WETLANDS), 27 (WETLAND . RESTORATION ACTIVITIES), 32 (COMPLETED ENFORCEMENT ACTIONS), 36' (BOAT RAMPS (IN NONWETLAND SITES)), 37 (EMERGENCY WATERSHED PROTECTION), AND REGIONAL PERMIT 125 (BOAT RAMPS) . This General Certification is issued *in conformity with the requirements of Section 401, Public Laws 92-500 and 95-217 of the United States and subject to the North Carolina Division o_ Environmental Management Regulations in 15 NCAC 2H, Section-.0500 and 15 NCAC 2B .0109 and .0201 for the discharge of fill material to waters and wetland areas which are waters.of the United States as described in 33 CFR 330 Appendix A (B) (3, 4,. 5; 20, 22, 27, 32, 36, and 37) of the Corps of Engineers regulations. This Certification replaces Certification Number 2663. The.State of North Carolina certifies that the specified category of activity will not violate Sections 301, 302, 303, 306- and 307 of the Public Laws 92-500 and 95-217 if conducted in accordance with the conditions hereinafter set forth. Conditions of Certification: 1. These activities do not require written concurrence from the Division of Environmental Management as long as they comply with all conditions' of this General Certification. 2. The use of Nationwide 23 (Categorical Exclusions) requires written notification to DEM of the extent of impact to waters and wetlands; 3. That established sediment and erosion control practices are utilized to prevent violations of the appropriate turbidity water quality standard (50 NTUs in streains and rivers not designated as trout by DEM; 25 NTUs in all saltwater classes, and all lakes and reservoirs; and 10 NTUs in trout waters); 4. Measures shall be taken to prevent live or fresh concrete from coming into contact %,aith waters of the state until` the concrete has hardened; 5. The use of Nationwide 13 shall minimize fill in significant wetlands and waters. 6. This Certification shall expire %•.hen the appropriate Nationwide Permit is reissued, expires or is modified. Non-compliance with or violation of the conditions herein set forth by a specific fill project shall result in revocation of GENERAL CERTIFICATION FOR *BANK STABILIZATION PROJECTS-INCLUDING PROJECTS -•ELIGI•BLE FOR CORPS OF ENGINEERS NATIOA??IDE PERMIT -NUMBER 13 - AND : REGIONAL: PERMIT 080 .- . 1.: This General Certification is issued in conformity the .requirements. of Section 401, Public-Laws 92-500 and 95-217 of the United States. and--subject to the North Carolina Tivision' of Envi- ronmental Management-Regulations in 15A VCAC 2R, Section .0500 and 15A•.NCAC 2B'-.01 ' 09 and . 0201 for the di.s,charge- of fill mate- rial to waters as described in 33 CFR-330 AppendiX':`A (B) (13) bf the Corps of Engineers regulations (i.e. Nationwide Permit No. 13) and Regional Permit 080._ The category of activities shall include 'any* fill activity for bank stabilization as long as impacts to waters or significant wetlands are minimized.. This Certification replaces Water Quality Certification Number 1663 issued'on September 8,'1983; and Water Quality Certification' Number 1272 issued. November 10, 1978. The State of North Carolina certifies that the specified category of activity s-;i11 not violate Sections 301, 302, 303, 306 and 307 of the Public Laws 92-500 and 95-217 if conducted in accordance with the conditions hereinafter set forth. Conditions of Certification: 1. Proposed bank stabilization greater than or 500 feet in lengtr. requires written concurrence from the Division of E-vironmental Management. 2. Proposed bank stabilization less than 500 feet in length does not require written concurrence from the Division of Environmental Management as long as all the following conditions are met; 3. That established sediment and erosion control practices are utilized to prevent : -iolations_of t he appropriate turbidity water quality standard (50 N=Us in streams and rivers not designated as trout waters by DEM; 25 NTUs in all. salt%,.ater classes, and all lakeS -and -reservoirs; 10 -NTUS in DEM-classified trout waters); 4. That the riprap shall be of such a size so as not to be able to be carried off by- wave or current action and con- sist of clean rock or masonry material free of debris or toxic pollutants; 5. That additional site-specific conditions may be added to projects proposed under this Certification in order to ensure cci!lpliance %-;ith all applicable '.rater quality and effluent standards; 6. D9easures shall be taken to prevent live or :fresh concrete from coming into contact with waters of the state until the concrete has hardened. 7. Concurrence from DAM that this Certification applies to an indivdual project shall expire three, years from the date of the cenver letter from DEM. Non-compliance with or violation of the conditions herein set forth by a specific fill project shall result in revocation of this Certification for the project. ±h? Di. 1:0. ci:or the No 2:t:i? Carolina Division of Enviro!Wenta]. la!tn;l°:-. J!li. I!ic: ;? is C- Sll??i ll ?.U!'t UJ: d fU? U?: p !,' -rte t ??; . ?• ..i^-ems - ?' ,.?.t Jf ?? `• ?'? •f r'A f AUG. ! 1 North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission 512 N. Salisbury Street, Raleigh, North Carolina 27604-1188, 919-733-3391 Charles R. Fullwood, Executive Director MEMORANDUM TO: John Thomas, Permit Coordinator Raleigh Office, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers FROM: Stephanie E. Goudreau, Mt. Region Coordinator Habitat Conservation Program -61 DATE: August 14, 1995 y' SUBJECT: Review of an application by NCDOT to replace/extend pipes in unnamed tributaries to Big Sandy Creek in conjunction with paving SR 1100, Alleghany County. The North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) is requesting a letter of concurrence from the North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission (NCWRC) to obtain a 404 permit from the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers. The NCWRC has reviewed information provided by the applicant, and field biologists on our staff are familiar with habitat values of the project area. These comments are provided in accordance with provisions of the Clean Water Act of 1977 (33 U.S.C. 466 et. seq.) and the Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act (48 Stat. 401, as amended; 16 U.S.C. 661-667d). The NCDOT proposes to pave SR 1100 (Stone Mountain Road) from the end of the existing pavement west of US 21 to existing pavement east of SR 1101, some on new alignment. Six pipes in unnamed tributaries to Big Sandy Creek will be replaced or extended, along with several pipes that do not involve live streams. The project will also involve encroachment into the 25-foot trout buffer in ten locations. Big Sandy Creek is Wild Designated Public Mountain Trout Water and supports wild rainbow trout. The NCWRC does not object to the issuance of this permit, provided the following conditions are met by the NCDOT: 1) Instream work and land disturbance within the 25-foot wide buffer zone are prohibited during the rainbow trout spawning season of January 1 through April 15 to protectthe egg and fry stages of trout. SR 1100 Page 2 August 14, 1995 2) Heavy equipment should be operated from the bank rather than in the stream channel in order to minimize sedimentation and reduce the likelihood of introducing other pollutants into the stream. 3) If concrete will be used, construction must be accomplished so that wet concrete does not contact stream water. This will lessen the chance of altering the stream's water chemistry and causing a fish kill. 4) Temporary or permanent herbaceous vegetation should be planted on all bare soil within 15 days of ground disturbing activities to provide long-term erosion control. 5) Trees within the 25-foot stream buffer zone damaged during construction should be replanted within 15 days of project completion with the same species or with other native species. Thank you for the opportunity to review and comment on this project. If you have any questions regarding these comments, please contact me at 704/652-4257. cc: Mr. Joe Mickey, District 7 Fisheries Biologist Mr. W. O. Atkins, NCDOT EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION CONTROL PLAN EVALUATION FORM Evaluator: Date: Project No.: County: Div.: Location: 5R 1100 15to'16 /174?1. &4J 1. Is there a Erosion and Sedimentation Control Plan for the project? YE NO 2. Are the design calculations shown? 3. Is the plan adequate to control Erosion and Sedimentation on the project? 4. Is the project in a HQW zone? 5. Respond below where appropriate: Site location or vicinity map . . . . Erosion control schedule. . . . . . . EC measures in drainage turnouts and before ditch outfalls into streams. . Basin sizes . . . . . . . . . . . . . Temporary slope drains. . . . . . . . Temporary rock silt checks. . . . . . Temporary silt fence. . . . . . . . . Temporary diversions. . . . . . . . . Catch basin/Drop inlet protection . . Pipe inlet protection devices . . . . Pipe outlet stabilization . . . . . . Ditch liners - matting . . . . . . . - roving . . . . . . . . - stone, class . . Are Temporary Silt Fences used in proper locations? Are Temporary Rock Silt Checks spaced properly? Are Basin sizes adequate? Other Comments: YES NO N/A YE NO YES NO N/A NO N/A YE NO N/A AUG 1 4: i9 (kettles(. 1,or WI,C C"ol-11111cnt E ?,n I P HT onlnlcnl for a IlO l Na(ionwI I'crnlI in the 25 U-0111 C0 1,111(I IZC cs (ahpl?c:itlmi 1mckage a((ached) C?clnlnlcnt f(lr a lc((cr (?f allhr(l?,al i(I w?lrk millIn the "tl'Olll hUffCr none" (Octal l? cl sgdfflcrrta(iml N c r onion Coil tfol. l?tu5:arc all lolled) -- 77 Rc tilrn comments o: i j. ,srRic r E'iG? E2 N.C. DEVT. oF- ?.QIJN.S??RT?Tio..l P.o. Box s58 E?,??.? N. c. Z86zr a Corllnlcnt. for Cat,.l?orical FACILIS1011, and (0 hC u(ilizCd also For a 404 NW trout COllllty I-CCIUII'CIllCIl( at. a flItUl-C (IIItC (Cl; alld SL1ppol ling (10CLIMCIltatlOn attached) a Other I'CCIUCStS: J a W 1 e J 2 w o Q k 7 nj 0 X00 O Q C? I ?L ?o o? ° CG 0 % oQ a o? p d ~? ?) cS. V )) J IT ? o ? Q w o Q I: o h CQ ? X e ?l I° V "1 `I 4O Q p Cd V ?jl ?? U 1) 1.:11 I1): AC ,1'1() N ID NI1'1'SONW11)E PFlt MIT ItxQu1;:rI;I? (IItOVIDF; r4A,rIOrIWIUI I'I?IZIiTT J r) I t7'I' f'ORid 1'Ori t11'I'IONL11D1I I'I:RFII'I'S '1'11(\'1' IJIIIIIty: tIU'I'IhI("A'I'IUt1 'rO -1111:; CORI,s OF I.:tI(I Iti 1?ERS NA 111M171II)II; 1'I:R1IT,, '1'11AT ftl-: )IIIRI: TwI'F.Icm.Iw; I'ult SF('TION 1101 CRRTIFIC'AT1,(M W I I.H l fl(;'! ON 1) 1.1;•['11 I (" I' h;tI 1 111.:1:1( CORPS OF EI I (1 .1Jh;I:RS DE PA 11,1111EtIT OF THE AlillY P.O. Box 11390 WILMING'1'011, tic, 2£3402-1£190 AT'1'IJ : C'F;ST1'r7 CO I: Te 1 o1,1)(:me ( 919) 1 51 - 1 1 1 1d)1'1'III QII,11,1'I"( 1'L.r,NtJiNG DIVISION OF 1 r1VIROHME'N AI, MANAGEMENT NC DI?PAR'Ih1F--:f) ' OF FIIVIR0HHFf4T, HEALTH, AND Nr1TURAI, RESOURCES P.O. IiO}; 29535 It AI,h;f(;I I , fC 2'7112( -O i.1 /1.1'•1'11: HR. )()[III DORNNY To lophone (9 1 9) 7-13--50133 ONE (1) COPY OF 'T'ills COtiPLI?'I'F,U Al'1'I,l('r1.1'IOrl SHOIIF,D RR SEtI'1' '1'O 'I'HI CORPS OF I,tIGft I EI;IlS. SI.--VEt1 (7) COPIES SIIOUI11) BE SE11T TO THE t1. C. D1.VISIUN OF L'NVII1O11MLNTAJ, .MT'NPL,.hMENT.. YLF_RsF'._:Plkildl'_,. _ ??-- - 1., OWNERS N711lL: ATK1r1 /-, c CIO r, .;Q'/Z- '-/f2gNSPoG-rlaTl?h 2 . 01., N E R S ADDRESS : /? D .- Qo n s58 ------------------ -- -- - - - 3. OWNERS 11110HE NUMBER ( I1OHF, (WORK) 91O 4. IF APPLICABLE: AGENT'S NAME OR RESPONSIBLE CORPORATE OFFICIAL, ADDRESS, YHONC. IIUMF1F R:._. ??. Y?IJyNE (0. -S PE /Y. C.---288 21 5 . LOCATION OF WORK (MUST ATTACH HAP). I T Y 'Y: ____ALLEGNRHY NEAREST TOWN OR CITY: ?tJlJ?Tq SPECIFIC LOCATION (INCLUDE ROAD NUMBERS, LANDMARKS, FTC.) : .5 140 40 _ P4--F,eo _E-+ o 6,- _r?s r.?rl r. L 1. a F U 5 2 I 6. NAME OF CLOSES'T' STREAM/RIVER 7. RIVER BASIN: U-4 N A M C- O 7-,e ,?r £3. IS THIS PROJECT LOCATED IH A WA1'ERSIIED (I,ASSIFIEI) AS '1'R( SA, HQW, Olm, VIS I , OR WS I I? YES 1,10 ( ) _ _ ?- H11VE _I1NY SEGPiON .404 'PI;RTdLTS BLL'td _PREVIOUSLY;-i2L(?UE6ZrJ);.:>vnR: i)gU r)N __THIS:' _ __ _ -- -IF-YLS; EXPLr IN ----- - - - - -- - -- .?:-.:_: 10, ES`I IMA'iED- `I'O'I'AE,--NUIIBEII -OF ACRES OF -WATDRS- OF - THE-U's. r:-:INCLUDING--L WETLANDS, , ,LOCATED_ ON-PROJECT - SITE: 0. 037 7/£3/92 I_ i.. NIJIM ;R OF A<'Itl?:; ()F ';7A'I'i;}t:; i)P THI': U. . , i N''; A t':! Vi 'l`11!' Plt<rPOSP:I) PR?7Jh;C":: F n.1,1?:n : o , 03 DP.AINEH: o FLUUUL:U : o E'XCAVA'TED: C -- -- TOTAL IMPACTED: o .03 12. DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED WUMK (ATTACH PLANS) : AOt ? q r r B/J SC P ? _ s2_/I oU -_4??ro!1_E_ /YITrI._ Q_?._ _F_ lzo 1 - F r - of-J X%,s7 PV'nT,_ -.?1. o?-US??--T°--EXisr,___P?,•,r. -E.--o/c_ s42 //oi 13. PURPOSE OF PROPOSED WORT.: li*1PC?ovE. ?r??F.Ery_r_ ?CA/ ce Eaoolo'l By rgaA_?iZi ?-?- __fJ2?q-------------- -- -- 1.11. STATE REASONS-WHY THE APPLIC'i,NT iS! LIEVES i'HAT THIS- ACTIVITY MU ,T'-H CARRIED OUT IN WETLANDS. ALSO, NOTE MEASURES TAKEN TO MINIMIZE WETLAND - - IMPACTS. Drags / 7uzr E x r?wpEO Q "Pl qc -O /? QQTgrN - /g Ft [-A ??r 3i {75` 711 03vS T. Avo p ?$r2C_-An1_._ E?a..s/sN ? SC'OIM?NT-n.TION D?Yr?G-1 J`C.ON/VLO U?, IS. YOU ARE REQUIRED TO CONTACT THE U.S. FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICI, (USFWS) AND/OR NATIONAL MARINE: FISHERIES SERVICE (UMPS) REGARDING THE PRESENCE: OR ANY FEDERALLY LISTED OR PROPOSED FOR LISTIH" ENDANGERED OR THREATENED SPECIES OR CRITICAL, HABITA'T' IN THE PERMIT AREA THAT MAY HE AFFECTED B THE PROPOSED PROJECT. HAVE YOU DONE SO? YES [ , NO (,-< __.RESPUNSES FROM THE USFWS AND/OR UMFS SHOULD BE FORWARDED, TO CORPS._.._ 16. YOU ARE REQUIRED TO CONTACT THE STATE HISTORIC PRESERVATION OFFICER (SHPO) REGARDING THE. PRESENCE OF HISTORIC PROPERTIES IN THE PERMIT AREA WHICH MAY BE AFFECTED BY THE PROPOSED PROJECT? HAVE YOU DONE SO? YES ( ) NO RESPONSE FROM THE SHPO SHOULD HE FORWARDED TO CORPS. 17. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION REQUIRED BY DEM: A. WE'T'LAND DELINEATION MAP SHOWING ALL WETLANDS, STREAMS, AND LAKES ON THE PROPERTY. 0. IF AVAILABLE, REPRESENTATIVE, PHOTOGRAPH OF WETLANDS TO HE IMPACTED BY PROJECT. C. IF DELINEATION WAS PERFORMED BY A CONSULTANT, INCLUDE ALI, DATA SIIE,E1'S RELEVANT TO TIM PLACEMENT OF THE DELINEATION LJ TIE. OWNER'S SIGNATURE DATE t'r1 ?' {aY r r--/o..r 3/ So i . -21 75 /:?-i!?ST 3 <1N'_ ?rLL JCUPE ),-JILL ?E C^r,Sr/'UCrEO Z-- /T-/I Cl- 455 1 rL•P ICA Q e ?ocK ?"o-r /?/_'orr PoJEc% 31-1 7-o 331-,50 GgBio.,r gAS/ca'r'-- _E-7'q/.?r.,rG )--?AGL a <?/Lr /? NvarO F,?S7- `- A04r----oF ?Loe67 4L Sr,C'UGTt D /rrr1 ?yf L rrrlL"/z ?L4SS 1 T / ?pr» /?eUJEti y) fir 35 * Z5'- To .39 too i / C /? Sr?Oc/?Ot ? 6 Aa??sr?-? T_E o rc? O QF (7 /?••?/C ?) /C r 4-3 * Oa / ? SO * O U C CoNS7-1;2uCT/U?4 ?i/icL Nay CXC4f G? Xt.5ri•?G sLOP? 0: ?,? ?nr o 4 L r.= --SHOu(.pG2_ ?YA!_P-0.440 RS /?eLOCC!. P/-.S r- ?--s7-?vGrid-r //bI l< CL- LO Y?-57 CorJS7-4-UCr/0-1 H3T- c.op Lr 76 too Co•rsT/ ucrioN ),?,cc /?or G XcEED C Xisri?rG Sow°E ro? L f 8/ t.Sd T /oS r 9-5//?? v ?P0000 ?P L L U E ?4? ? IeowC l? AS C LS S T //?? qn-/ /?vorp Z-:: tcCE0- E?(rsr.1-rG --5eoo4 S_ + SlA STAVI-E OF Noim-I CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION JAMES B. I-IUNT JR. DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS GARLAND B. GARREFF JR- GovmNOR SCCRUTRY P.O. Box 558 Elkin, North Carolina 28621 January 10, 1996 MEMORANDUM TO: Joe Thompson Division Right of Way Agent From: W.O. Atkins, P.E. District Engineer Subject: Right of Way Acquisition - Project No. 6.702249 -Grade, Drain, Base, and Pave - SR 1100 ( Stone Mountain Road)- Alleghany County -* Revision * Attached for your further handling are the revised plan sheets, pole data sheets, and marked county map for the proposed improvements. Revised right of way acquisition begins at Sta.20+00 and ends at Sta. 47+46 line-back = 37+00 line ahead end revision. There is an intersection staked on the right for y-line {SR 1102} sta. 37+15 L- Line = sta 0+00 Y-Line sta 1+00 is E.O.P. Y=Line. There is a 100 X 100 sight distance staked at the intersection of SR 1100 and SR 1102 as shown on plans. All other information on previous plans remain the same. This project is to be constructed in the 1995-96 road program. Your efforts in obtaining this right of way should be charged to W.O. 6.702249. Your further handling and notifying this office will be appreciated. WOA:vjb Attachments cc: W.E. Hoke, P.E. M.A. Pettyjohn, P.E. <I3f?? ?? J,7 -J P 1 ? } `r r ? ?.1 ? li1 J J. • K. ' 1 \ \ \ r ` + 10 ?... S d' j 1 ?? -9 .JJ ? 1 1 i • ?? •/ l r ? I .fir. 1'? .: 1 > r. -/.. .. N \ %? \ I ?•`?I of ?I ? r?' it/ry?i ? a 4) ('', O+I .p ril Sit O y ?.l 1. r r i `? QVQ R0 1S) I y T ;.. r ?' G r U symbol P2 245.03 245.05 893.01 890.05 245.01 245.02 892.04 895.10 892.01 892.02 897.01 894.01 245.04 896.01 896.02 896.03 Temporary Silt Ditch ............................. 1s[, _ -- V1-2 Temporary Diversion V1-4 Temporary Silt Fence - __ VI 6 .............. -_-___ _- - Temporary Slope Drain with Eart h Berm ?- F _ ^- VI - 8 Silt Basin Type A -0_ VI - 10 Silt Basin Type B -------- ........ 7- _- _ VI - 12 Temporary Rock Silt Check Type -A ---------- - VI - 14 Temporary Rock Silt Check Type -B ____. ---------- -- VI - 16 Temporary Rock Sediment Dam Type--A . •... -- - V1_ 18 Temporary Rock Sediment Dam Type-B ._ VI - 20 Rock Pipe Inlet Protection ...--------•....----- ---• ---- o ag -- 0 0 o VI - 22 - Rock Silt Screen .......................................... VI - 24 Stilling Basin _ _-- -- VI - 26 Rock Inlet Protection; Type A ................................ A ? OR --A) ----- V1- 30 Type B ..............................• B [IOR B ) ----- VI - 32 Type C ............................... C [IOR C) ---- VI - 34 VI-1 March, 1993 ry 0 M N LAI Lu Z i - 25 I 'X h 2.5 to-4 -Lo C) /bs-;-OD /b f i o 0 /?3+00 /? l8 I I / / /S 3?CZ ? I / S io , 3v, 02 iSx ! , 2' i / ` N I i r? I QI \ \I • ? ?® ill w . iB"_d?/rIP '/D3 5 i `N 0 N u, ix Q v ? ti ? h ?? I I ? ? W h I I ` I ? i 5}4 i // -+ U o- -3;< rv. iiz .? s?t-°° riES ro 30? ?? w i ? x2 o < V b? ? 25' 7.5 s I i .k? N - // + o C) </P 9d /oy+v0 0 2 c o P- h N 'r 0 I,v /'do +oo T IV IE: Silt Basin Type B's will be constructed to the dimension of six feet by three feet by three feet unless otherwise noted on the plans. Generally, the order of installation of the erosion control measures will be as follows: Temporary silt basins shall be installed before clearing and grubbing begins. Silt fences and temporary silt ditches shall be installed after clearing and before grading. Temporary stone ditch checks shall be installed as soon as ditchline is established. Pipe outlet and inlet protection will be done as soon as the pipe is installed. Seeding and other permanent erosion control measures are to be implemented as soon as practical. RS Always SUPER toward ditch line as a temporary measure in this situation! ROAD ZVI- 121' -72 PRO,IEC f 2,2 ¢ 9 000NTY g2f,1,,y,jUSJ SHEET OF OWNER 01: POLE LINE TEL TFL E PP 111DA% ,f STATION POLE DIST FR NUMBER PRESE OM CENTER NT ROAD DIST FRO PROJE M CENTER CT DIST FRO AFTER M CENTER MOVING REMARKS LT. RT. LT. RT. LT. RT. 214-24 po ,C - ?4 -f- 7 S 20, o ' /B, D' mac ?- f ROAD NAMI`._ PROJEC OWNER OF STATION / Z -f- 7U 314- 7a ?39t i8 SD f *s- ?SfD/ 4Zf Z 7 , 7 O 2 POLE LIr POLE NUMBER 9 D S'7 ,! mC 01-T IX :jfD A 2) ¢ y COUNTYA12f61"NP SHEET / OF / DIST FROM CENTER PRESENT ROAD DIST FROM CENTER PROJECT DIST FRO AFTER M CENTER MOVING REMARKS LT. RT. LT. RT. LT. RT. 3? BOG E' . Z0, 0' »s' y?DLE 2D 3,0 ?DdLE f' Z GuY; 2 2,,5- ' COL F 2 Gu S?. ?o L L-C / ;7 D' 2/, f ?D ,L E 2SS' 21, ?'"' ?o?E l G yy ----.------- --.-------.------ DITCH LINER ---------------- SR ioo__ DNE ----- ----------- ------- _/7 -IV. STATION STATION - ----- RT/LT TYPE LINER REQUIRED ; 0-o - --- --- 'D 8Rp 4 o D ---------- / 7-f So -------------- ; )77- ---------- --- __RL?- BAP-------------- 4 ?5-D - ---- ; -TY4-66 ---------- fjT ------- --- ; ----- 33f DD -------- -- - -------- -------------- ----- -- -------- ---- ----------- ?Sf66 ------------ ------------ ------------- ----------- ----- - -- ----- - ------------- ------------- ------------- ----------- ----------- ; LT ; ---------- --- ---------- ---- ---- ---------- ---- - ---- - ----- ---- ' ----------- ' ---- -------- ----------- ---- ---------- ---- ------ ---- ----- ---------- - - - - -------- ; - - F --- ---- ----- --- ---- ----- ----- ----- ---- ----- ----- ---- - ----- --------------------- , --------- ------------------ ------------ ---- ------ ------- --------------- --- - --- -------------- - y r a 3 ?. O ° Q` 1j o ? II ? ..... r 7--0 0 N ? ?n N I • _I LINE 25 25 rN N ?fao V) CQ I)Q V N Q? I N 0 tike cn> CL O C C ¢ -f-o 0 ?T W LLJ c1? U7 O O IZ C O O a r 0 D Qt c. R/w /?L T Sfoo o' 0 V ?u R v V) 3f o 0 N Ili- C) ?N ?.n • /3 -} 0 0 /2 +Oo Sus/?4J ND,CLDUJ/i A'7- 1;2Y-2 ? O? <- 2S' -k 25 // -r- v 0 •a X00_. e +00 Cl- I ? \N .x y ® ? . k0 ® ? 1(fL4 h N I° i_ i y 16400 vc Till' „ ?EZ i -7 f fv / 7-r?D D -YFA !L9+49-L -3A(_)< = STA. ILL 4 3S eg-L Al\EaOI CD -1- 00 i? ?0. IS ov v Iq ivo i i I f-00 ! k Z5 - 2 ti b v O ?J 1 . ry? 31 0 0 M I N Q ? I_tl i ? 3 ACClJ ? 4 a V/ 22 too 2/ -? 0 0 2O +oo --Oo 3 ?? N 0 c? C?l I \? e ' I 15312 - I ki v Cb 4 a b v l? zz /R +oo ??Tc? iL c IhiE 2 8?-Da l,. U1 (l) 6-00 _Z?fo a _ 73f vv Cc q W O a Q? I I a l'am' v TC N tx? L? ,x® N4 3o Q O O Q LL U C a N `ry .N p 7- ,r0 ,,2 ?I O v, v O' VJ 33+ n a N k 0 v z: t? 32-?0?7 3/?- Cd 3D40D 28fpi -JAATr is N LL C 3 (? O; ;CY Q. ' I _ MATC A M A (N - ao'-? A rM - 30' - ?/foo Lu cc cy-I ?) V N '0 Q Q LA q ? w a VI k v MY E a N n fi lil 37 fda_ STA, U 0 0 - Y- /NF N 3 6 -f-o d 3 S-{-DD ?3-t-Da 3 ?I ?i 3 0 a W O ° a O Q. `k E ly I N F? -------- ??= S?aTTY SP??s 9 A ? n / d5 00\ 4 i N A, MX C: 1 0 U O Cl- cc O C Q- A N MATC t? N M N 0 L? ¢ 9-? 00 *z+oo 4(+00 4--L±: 00 39 +00 2B +00 ,M N G k V A Cn .11 7- i N N o T TO ? sc,qLE ¢ 7 4- ?¢ C K= I - ! r ® 4-7+00 r N k ¢6 +O0 'v ? ? 'mac j rI r i Ai ?i - T4- 00 ?i O Q5-' QI Ni ?. 0 0 I A! n -f-- 0 0 _ Mil TCN -- -- I ?'--? l NE i i n ? n ? n I \ I 42-F Ta 12 I ?dSE?'r5' .?EYLF i , ¢Z+oo ry _ n r w r +oo N ? f© µ ? ? V ? 4-0 1 0 o d o 4 ,- o {? r N 3y oo a®\ 38±no .A,, r h ? 0. O I n n n q n A A n LIYF STKFf+m V Q n A I J? n n ¢8 t Oro N W 'r. I I- ?U - :J 6 -r- 0 0 4S-r-oo .:?4-? 00 ? i AA h N N h 2 O `m ?N N I ft - Imo-- 25, /IU-Z7o? /?8-878/38-3/9 ? 70 '47 i V77SON A Lc ¢ 7+3 D ? n n n o n 4 Zs' OJ "Li n I a? tc I ry I? f'i 1 Al T ? N h ? O V- ,, Tai U n A ? n - ; n n - J 7D /'o- 3G7 4?, +00 NJ r- N ?l O N lxJ I Uj r O ? 4 , N' •i • i 141 N S +J ~p: ® \® yI cJ 25 a i h I s -;-vv CQD n SD-h p0 -¢9 i o o r? p o Pk- voM h -ICCx kp, I U j ?Q + 1< l 'L Al ci?S +oo T a b; ?Q I ? .5itsa R VI i ? Q lri l ? v? 0 /?Pfit'OX .1 STA. SD ?-5U ?o4YE? ¢' W r1TE.Y 1 /iLE LC VDER RD rrV11 V N ?l O ?I i 7• (f) r)o v ? I I N n -c5 25 ?+vv I i N 0 _ r ?S-F0O N I W? ? i V ? ?3 T00 J. a / A/ r `I• I? N ?l. G ?I I I(N f -. O O %? • r.1 ? r- 61 -4- OO _/2 60 1 0 0 ??e h? W J w ,-I- v o S9 +OO v v 2ti Zs 3 2 P- N ?1 `k i i - i J ,k® N /B" MP I /v Q /) ? h I N V/1 N i \ kL - I LLJ u, V n ? I i ? ? Col-,?25 R ? N x ?2z+vS2 - ?5 -ZS' - .3 v I r vv 6+ 00 h -?? j ` M r o N ? h ?I S+oo f 00 v R 0 A p CY i, I r I, Q N ?l 0 ?I w W .L Z3:' 00 _i"Y7 i Z4? 0 C) 2 -I- 00 7D-`-Oo V i v ' V V V /f50? I Ia ?f :k?& ('511 o o 608+oo 34? 5 ?3 I N 1_. I ; ,i ?t Cl) ? N D N .. k ® vi `I • /f 5D R /8y n?P?I?skaxz?/ 130 !'d''rsX3X i N N I ? ?N I v 1 ? h ? n d' N tl G I,tl u? =I: i VI ti I i n J 7 +vo ??o ;3 7s00 V Y I v Y V V v `h V v I? v V ` v 74+00 ? v v v v v v V v v v v v 73+oo V h i i I i 2.5 ' 4---1) s' V) ?i R M ? N 0 ?V V ?v Iv N O IU V, Wj ix II? Ilh I CO II??I I H ,kO, BL+U CL 8?-+vv F $a+oo %f ll?<< z? ? - zs I ? h! = 1 ri 'XZ 79 + v o ;_78-1.66 N I , e... -•+ N j- 0 I? i l1J l11 .1 I i I ? I 0 87+0[7 n I I n n n ? I n ? n I ? ? ? U n I .M I ?i ${,+ 00 n i ry ®I ?I n ? n 3 ?? o-I 2 ? `I es -r-oo ? ? ,ry I I ? 8¢-,?43 n n ?i oo_ l? h n ti n n /2 s rzo /,? ?? R19 ID n e3+00 -T-r k ?R_ 3.f/D 12 N I? n Q N? w LJ 9/ -4- v o 90 -t-oo O qIi o o s +oo r? A I? A A ? f 25,4 N i X25-- V)j I 1\j I v ?? O QJ I •?Q ?1 \_vVYI 89 i ye V?IslsX21 N ?x® 9 & -F O O_- N ,l 0 N rT v . - +v 1''i f i LIN N ? II +vv 7s +Oo I /IP n y? V ? v Ey, o © v ?k ) Q Y :F } v o -;2 9')( + '20 i ?c 0 ?k n I-IN 23+00 _= LAJ ?; ? SiA7(, ?.4 rf ?`r "i?lv`]?_ S V liJ ?? STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION JAMES B. HUNT JR. GOVERNOR 6;0'1 lssur"' DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS P. O. Box 558 Elkin, North Carolina 28621 January 12, 1996 Mr. Ken Jolly Office Manager U. S. Army Corps of Engineers Regulatory Branch 6512 Falls of the Neuse Road Suite 105 Raleigh, North Carolina 27615 CIS9os GARIAN D B. GARRF.TT J R. SECRUTARY t v Re: Grade, Drain, Base, and Pave SR1100 (Stone Mountain Road) from End of Existing Pavement West of US21 to Existing Pavement East of SR1101 in Alleghany County Dear Mr. Jolly: Attached are revised plans for this project. The original plan was submitted for your approval on July 28, 1995 with a follow-up request on December 11, 1995. We originally planned to realign bad curves from station 22+00 to station 32+00 but we had right of way refusals in this area and will revert to the original (existing alignment). This revision takes place between stations 20+00 and station 47+46LB=37+OOLA. This change will eliminate the need for the gabion basket retaining wall included in the original request for a 404 Permit. We will shift away from the stream in this area to avoid exceeding top of existing bank. All other information on the original submittal will remain the same. We are requesting a revision to the original 404 Nationwide Permit (#3 Maintenance and #13 Bank Stabilization) from your agency. We would plan to begin construction in spring of `96. If further information is required, please let me know. Your early review and consideration of this request will be greatly appreciated. Sincerely, L' J. 0 , . W. 0. Atkins, P. E. District Engineer 0 t W OAIJHM Enclosures cc; W. E. Hoke, P. E., Division Engineer R. M. Freeman, P. E., County Maintenance Engineer Doug Miller, P. E., Regional Engineer, DEHNR Neil Trivette, Area Roadside Environmental Engineer Stephanie Goudreau, Mt. Region Coordinator, WRC Eric Galamb, Water Quality Certification Unit, DEM (7) STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION JAMES B. HUNT JR• DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS GARLAND B. GARRETT JR. GOVERNOR SECRETARY P. O. Box 558 Elkin, Nortll Carolina 28631 December 11, 1905 Mr. John 'I'lionias U. S. Army Corps ofEngineers Regulatory Branch 6512 Falls of die Neuse Road Suite 105 Raleigh, North Carolina 27615 Re: Grade, Dnun, Base, and Pave SRI 100 (Stone Mountain Road ) from land of Existing Pavement West of US21 to ExLstitig Pavement East of SR1101 ul Alleglnany County. N. C. Dear Mr. Thomas: We subnlitcd this request for a 404 Permit on July 28, 1995 and have not as yet reccived approval. 'llus was discussed at our quarterly rnC°Iirlg in North Will:csboro reccntly. We would plan to begun construction ul spnn;.g of '96 it the right of way problems can be resolved. If further information is required. please let me know. Your early review and consideration of tlus request will be greatly appreciated. Sinccrcly, kJ.0.q W. 0. Alkiul, P. Distnct Engineer WOAMIM Enclosure C(;,. W. L. Iloke, P. E., Division Engincer M. A. Pettvlohrl, P. E.. County Maintenance Engineer Jn,Arti B. Hur'n Jlt. Gc vi1",J tlt S"'ri: ()I- No i)vri I C?11;1)l INA D C 11/w 1_*Nv1 E NT O }, TRA NS POIV I n TI O N DIVISION ()F I fl(d IVV/\Y,? IZ. SnntuI l 1-1tINl II I ?i l'RI I?\Ia' P. O. Box 558 EJk-in, Nordi Carolina 28621 July 28, 1995 Mr. Kell Jolly Office Manager U. S. Army Corps of I?ngineers Regulatory Branch - 6512:1ulls of the Neuse_ Road, Suite 105 _)Z Re: Grade, Drain, Base, tuul Pave, SR 1100 (Stone Mountain Rowl from Ind of Existing Pavement West of US21 to Existing Pavement East of SRI 101 in Alleghany County, N. C. Dear Mr. Jolly: 1lie Nordi Carolina Deparlment Of Transportation, District 1 Maintenance plans to grade this road primarily along the existing alignment in fie 1995 - 1996 Fiscal Year. We will he leaving the existing aligtuncnt from Station 5+00+- to Station 10100+- and from Station 22+00+- to Station 32+001-- to straighten bad curves... We will be replacing/extcnding existing pipes which involve live stxcauns at Station 301.50 , 504-60, 53+90, 64 1-75, 82+40, and 84+43. We will also be extending or replacing various other pipe culverts throughout the project which do not involve live streams. The existing bridge at. Station 106+ 10 will be retained. We iinll be encroaching upon the 25' trout stream buffer as follows: 1) Rt of Station 31-150 to 31-1-75 - First 3' of 1r11 slope will be constructed with either rock shot from project or Class 1161) Rap. 2) Rt of Station 31+75 to 33 t 50 - Construct a variable height retainuag wall 50' right of center line using gabion. baskets to avoid filling into creek. 3) Right of Station 33+50 to 35+25 - First part of fill slope will be constructed with either rock shot from project or Class I Rip Rap. 4) Right of Station 35-125 to 39+00 - Shoulder slope and width will be adjusted to avoid exceeding top of oxisting bank . 5) Right of Station 431-00 to Slation 5(}I 00 _ Alignment has been staked to avoid exceeding existing slope. 6) Right of Station 50 15.5 - Rip rap will he placed at ends of pipe and shoulder narrowed as necessary. 7) Lt Station 50+65 to 56100 - Most construction will not exceed existing slope. 8) Left Station 61-1-35 to 674 00 - C'orlstruclion will not exceed existing slope clue to alignment shift. 9) Lt Station 68+30 to 761 00 - 'llrc work will not exceed the existing slopes in this area due to alignment shift. 10) Lt Station 81+50 to 1051-95 - Alignment shilrcd and shoulder will be narrowed as necessary to avoid exceeding the existing slope. We arc reclnesting it 404 Nationwide Permit (113 Mtuntenturce and #13 Barlk Slabdir.atiori 4.0114.0111 your rgency; I am ,eiiduisr asirarg3rtlmesl etDh wrth the pr4rc1 err??tt?;cnt+ttt?Jy° Strcarii esrcl cross s ?tior of the afTecte(1 rrc is ii addition],:! rim sending n-rrypiealseolton of the road, eneral notes on erosion'control niid r marked map. By copy of this letter I am asking Jv1s: Stephanie-Goudreau, Ivlowitairi Region Coor(hnalor of the North - CarolutaWildlife: Resources Commission to comment directly to you concerning the 404 Natioitw'de " Permit request. A request will be made on this project for a Temporary Encroaclunent in the "Trout Water Buller 'Lome of tributaries to DEHNR Trout Stream (East Prong Roaring River) and I am asking Ms. Goudreau to comment directly to me concerning the Trout Water Buffer Zone Encroachment. 2 Also, by copy of dlis letter, I ion requesting authorisation 10 proceed under Section 401 ofi-he (:Iean Wilier Act from tlic Division of tinvironn?ental ivfanagemmIlt. We would phut to begun construction in spring of `9(i. ICliuther informalion is required, ple,i::e h"t 111c know. Your early review and consideration of this request will be greatly appreciated. Sincerely, - W. O. Atkins, 1'. E District Engineer -- WOM11M Enclosures cc: W. E. Hoke, 1). E., Division Engineer R. M. Freeman, P. E., County Mahrtenancc Engineer Doug Miller, 1'. 1-:., Regional Engineer, DEIfNR Ncil Ti-ivette, Area Roadside Environmentiil Engineer Stephanie Goudreau, Mt. Region Coordinator, WRC Eric Galautnb, Water Quality Cer6frcation Unit, DEM (7) State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources Winston-Salem Regional Office James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Jonathan B. Howes, Secretary Leesha Fuller, Regional Manager DIVISION OF LAND RESOURCES LAND QUALITY SECTION - - _-I AUGUST 23, 1995. AUG 2 5 )99 W. O. Atkins, PE District Engineer Division of Highways P.O. Box 558 Elkin, NC 28621 Re: Trout stream buffer encroachment, approximately 5765 feet SR 1100 and Big Sandy creek Alleghany County Dear Mr. Atkins; Review of the request for encroachment into the trout stream buffer along Big Sandy Creek for the grading and paving of SR 1100 has been completed. The.efforts to move the existing alignment along the stream out of the buffer where possible and protect the stream from sediment by minimizing the disturbance of the existing stream banks is appreciated. Also the use of gabions to avoid filling the stream is appreciated. With the provisions in the erosion and sediment control plan and the stipulations of the August 14, 1995, memo from Wildlife Resources, the encroachment is permitted. Sincer 1 , Dougla Miller, PE Regional Engineer cc: David Ward 585 Waughtown Street, Winston-Salem, North Carolina 27107-2241 Telephone 910-771-4600 FAX 910-771-4631 An Equal Opportunity Affirmativ© Action Employor 50% rocycl©d/ 10% post-consumor papor e grn7 3 /,-I t --e STArL OF NomI-1 CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF T MNSPORTXFION JAMES B. HUNT,-JI1 DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS , R SAMULL HUNT I I GowiiNOR SECRETARY P. O. Box 558 Elkin, North Carolina 28621 .. August 18, 1995 .. . Mr. Doug Miller, P. E. Land Quality Regional Engineer Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources 585 Waughtown Street Winston-Salem, North Carolina 27107 Re: Grade, Drain, Base, and Pave SR 1100 (Stone Mountain Road) from End of Existing Pavement West of US21 to Existing Pavement East'of SRI 101 in Alleghany Co., NC Dear Mr. Miller: Please review the attached plans for the previously described work in Allegharry County. The grading of this project will primarily follow the existing alignment. We will be leaving the existing alignment from Station 5+00+- to Station 104-00+- and from Station 224-00+- to Station 32+00+- to straighten bad curves. This work will impact DEHNR Designated Trout Waters (Big Sandy Creek) and tributaries as follows: Replacement/Extension of pipes at Station 30+50, 50+60, 53+90, 64+75, 82+40, and 84+43. We will be replacing and extending various other pipes throughout the project which do not involve live strearns. The existing bridge at Station 106+-10 will be retained. We will be encroaching upon the 25' Trout Stream Buffer Zone as follows: 1) Rt Station 31+50 to Station 31+75 - First 3' of fill slope will be constructed of rip rap or shot rock from project 2) Rt Station 311-75 to Station 33+50 - Construct a variable height retaining wall 50' right of center line using gabion baskets to avoid filling into creek 3) Rt Station 33+50 to Station 35+25 - First part of fill slope will be constructed with rip rap or shot rock 4) Rt Station 35+25 to 39+00 - Shoulder slope and width will be adjusted to avoid exceeding top of existing bank 5) Rt Station 43+00 to Station 50+00 - Alignment has been staked to avoid exceeding existing slope 6) Rt Station 50+-55 - Rip rap will be placed at ends of pipe and shoulder narrowed as necessary 7) Lt Station 50+65 to Station 56+00 - Most construction will not exceed existing slope 8) Lt Station 61+35 to Station 67+00 - Construction will not exceed existing slope due to alignment shift 9) Lt Station 68+30 to Station 76+00 - The work will not exceed the existing slopes in this are due to aligmment shift 10) Lt Station 81+50 to Station 105+95 - Alignment shifted and shoulder will be narrowed as necessary to avoid exceeding the existing slope. We will place rip rap or shot rock from project at locations where it is impossible to avoid excavation or embankments adjacent to streams. This will be accomplished according to Section 868 of the 1995 Standard Specifications for Roads and Structures. We will employ all necessary erosion and sedimentation control measures as indicated on thre enclosed plan to minimize any damage to the streams. Prior to the removal of the existing pipe and during the placement of the proposed pipe, we will have installed a rock silt screen Standard 894.01 down stream to trap sediment \qw Stage of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources Division of Environmental Management James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Jonathan B. Howes, Secretary A. Preston Howard, Jr., P.E., Director APPROVAL of 401 Water Quality Certification Mr. W. 0. Atkins District Engineer NC DOT P. 0. Box 558 Elkin, N.C. 28621 Dear Mr. Atkins: August 3, 1995 Alleghany County DEM Project # 95806" 1 _ .i _. t AUG 1. 0 i99 `.kkir1, IVc You have our approval to place fill material in 0.03 acres of wetlands or waters for the purpose of back stabilization and road maintenance at SR 1100 (Stone Mountain Road), 'as you described in your application dated 28 July 1995. After reviewing your application, we have decided that this fill is covered by General Water Quality Certification Numbers 2745 and 2665. These certifications allow you to use Nationwide Permit Numbers 3 and 13 when they are issued by the Corps of Engineers. This approval is only valid for the purpose and design that you described in your application. If you change your project, you must notify us and you may be required to send us a new application. For this approval to be valid, you must follow the conditions listed in the attached certification. In addition, you should get any other federal, state or local pen-nits before you go ahead with your project. If you do not accept any of the conditions of this certification, you may ask for an adjudicatory hearing. You must act within 60 days of the date that you receive this letter. To ask for a hearing, send a written petition which conforms to Chapter 150B of the North Carolina General Statutes to the Office of Administrative Hearings, P.O. Box 27447, Raleigh, N.C. 276 1 1-7447. This certification and its conditions are final and binding unless you ask for a hearing. This letter completes the review of the Division of Environmental Management under Section 401 of the Clean Water Act. If you have any questions, please telephone John Domey at 919-733-1786. Si erely, r / Preston -loward, Jr. P.E. Attachment cc: Wilmington District Corps of Engineers Corps of Engineers Raleigh Field Office Asheville DEM Regional Office Mr. John Domey Central Files 95806.1tr P.O. Box 29535, Raleigh, North Carolina 27626-0535 Telephone 919-733-7015 FAX 919-733-2496 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer 50% recycled/ 10% post-consumer paper GENERAL CERTIFICATION FOR PROJECTS ELIGIBLE FOR CORPS OF ENGINEERS NATIONWIDE PERMIT NUMBERS 3 (MAINTENANCE), 4 (FISH AND WILDLIFE HARVESTING DEVICES AND-ACTIVITIES), 5 (SCIENTIFIC-MEASUREMENT DEVICES), 7 (OUTFALL STRUCTURES), 13 (BANK STABILIZATION FOR PROJECTS.LESS THAN 500 FEET IN LENGTH); 14 (ROAD CROSSINGS FOR PROJECTS a) IMPACTING WATERS ONLY AND b) SUBJECT.TO.SEPA OR NEPA),.18 (MINOR DISCHARGES FOR PROJECTS WITH LESS THAN 10 CUBIC YARDS OF FILL IN WATERS OR WETLANDS). 20 (OIL SPILL CLEANUP)., 22 (REMOVAL OF VESSELS), 23 (HEADWATERS AND ISOLAT ONE-THIRD ACRE FILL OF RESTORATION ACTIVITIES This General Certification is issued -in conformity with the requirements of Section 401, Public Laws 92-500 and 95-217 of the United States and subject to the North Carolina Division o_ Environmental Management Regulations in 15 NCAC 2H, Section-.0500 and 15 NCAC 2B .0109 and .0201 for the discharge of fill material to waters and wetland areas which are waters.of the United States as described in 33 CFR 330 Appendix A (B) (3, 4,. 5; 20, 22, 27, 32, 36, and 37) of the Corps of Engineers regulations. This Certification replaces Certification Number 2663. The,State of North Carolina certifies that the specified category of activity will not violate Sections 301, 302, 303, 306• and 307 of the Public Laws 92-500 and 95-217 if conducted in accordance with the conditions hereinafter set forth. Conditions of Certification: 1. 2. These activities do not require written concurrence from the Division of Environmental Management as long as they comply with all conditions' of this General Certification. The use of Nationwide 23 (Categorical Exclusions) requires written notification to DEM of the extent of impact to waters and wetlands; That established sediment and erosion control practices are utilized to prevent violations of the appropriate turbidity water quality standard (50 NTUs in streams and rivers not designated as trout by DEM; 25 NTUs in all saltwater classes, and all lakes and reservoirs; and 10 NTUs in trout waters); Measures shall be taken to prevent live or fresh concrete from coming into contact with waters of the state until` the concrete has hardened; The use of Nationwide 13 shall minimize fill in significant wetlands and waters. This Certification shall expire when the appropriate Nationwide Permit is reissued, expires or is modified. Non-compliance with or violation o-f the conditions herein set forth by a specific fill project shall result in revocation of r GENERAL CERTIFICATION F OR BANK STABILIZATION PROJECTS-INCLUDING PROJECTS%ELIGI•BLE FOR CORPS OF ENGINEERS NATIONWIDE PERMIT -NUMBER -13 AND : REGIONAL PERMIT 080.. . This,General Certification is issued in conformity' the :requirements.of Section 401, Public Laws 92-500 and 95-217 of the United States. and•-sub_ j ec.t to the North Carolina I3ivis i on of Envi- ronmental Management-Regulations in 15A NCAC 2H, Section 0500 and 15A..NCAC 2B'.01 ' 09 and .0201- for the discharge' of fill mate- rial to waters as described in 33 CFR-330 App-en i.5?, -.'A (B) (13) bf the Corps of Engineers regulations (i-e. Nationwide Permit No. 13) and Regional Permit 080.. The category of-activities shall include -any fill activity for bank stabilization as long -as impacts to waters or significant wetlands are minimize.d.. This Certification replaces-Water Quality Certification Number 1663 issued-on September 8, 1983; and Water Quality Certification Number 1272 issued - November 10, 1978. The State of Norte Carolina certifies that 'the' specified category of activity kill not violate Sections 301, 302, 303, 306 and 307 of the Public Laws 92-500 and 95-217 if conducted in accordance with the conditions hereinafter set forth. Conditions of Certification: 1. Proposed bank stabilization greater than or 500 feet in length requires -written concurrence from the Division of Environmental Management. 2. Proposed bank stabilization less than 500 feet in length does not require written concurrence =rom the Division of Environmental !Management as long as all the following conditions are met;. 3. That establis-ed sediment and erosion control practices are utilized to prevent violations of the appropriate turbidity water quality standard (.50 N•=Us in streams and rivers not designated as trout waters by DEM; 25 NTUs in all saltwater classes, and all lake.:•and-reservoirs; 10 nTUs in DEM-classified trout waters); 4. That the riprap shall be of such a size so as not to be able to be carried off by wave or current action and con- sist of clean rock or masonry material free of debris or toxic pollutants; S. That additional site-specific conditions may be added to projects proposed under t-nis Certification in order to ensure ccmpliance .pith all- applicable ;'ater quality and effluent standards; 6. Pleasures shall be taken to prevent live or fresh concrete from coming into contact %.,ith beaters of the state until the concrete has hardened,. 7. Concurrence from DEM that this Certification applies to an indivCiual project shall expire three years from the date of the cenver letter from DErI. -' 14on-compliance with or violation of the conditions herein set forth by a specific fill project shall result in revocation of this Certification for the project. - Tnc Di.reci:o?: the Noe. ti? Carolina Divisio:) of EnvirorLmcnta7. ')and, f;- 1!l i. I!ic'._ _.i re- sulxrli ?`:?.orl applica-4on 401: -AJ 4-- AUG North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission 312 N. Salisbury Street, Raleigh, North Carolina 27604-1188, 919-733-3391 Charles R. Fullwood, Executive Director MEMORANDUM TO: John Thomas, Permit Coordinator Raleigh Office, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers FROM: Stephanie E. Goudreau, Mt. Region Coordinator Habitat Conservation Program y '?"?'C-'t 1?_?. +.,.?..a •?t :...1 ii C.i .,. DATE: August 14, 1995 qt Sj rI. s Z SUBJECT: Review of an application by NCDOT to replace/extend pipes in unnamed tributaries to Big Sandy Creek in conjunction with paving SR 1100, Alleghany County. The North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) is requesting a letter of concurrence from the North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission (NCWRC) to obtain a 404 permit from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. The NCWRC has reviewed information provided by the applicant, and field biologists on our staff are familiar with habitat values of the project area. These comments are provided in accordance with provisions of the Clean Water Act of 1977 (33 U.S.C. 466 et. seq.) and the Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act (48 Stat. 401, as amended; 16 U.S.C. 661-667d). The NCDOT proposes to pave SR 1100 (Stone Mountain Road) from the end of the existing pavement west of US 21 to existing pavement east of SR 1101, some on new alignment. Six pipes in unnamed tributaries to Big Sandy Creek will be replaced or extended, along with several pipes that do not involve live streams. The project will also involve encroachment into the 25-foot trout buffer in ten locations. Big Sandy Creek is Wild Designated Public Mountain Trout Water and supports wild rainbow trout. The NCWRC does not object to the issuance of this permit, provided the following conditions are met by the NCDOT: 1) Instream work and land disturbance witlun the 25-foot wide buffer zone are prohibited during the rainbow trout spawning season of January l through April 15 to protect-the egg and fry stages of trout. SR 1100 Page 2 August 14, 1995 2) Heavy equipment should be operated from the bank rather than in the stream channel in order to minimize sedimentation and reduce the likelihood of introducing other pollutants into the stream. 3) If concrete will be used, construction must be accomplished so that wet concrete does not contact stream water. This will lessen the chance of altering the stream's water chemistry and causing a fish kill. 4) Temporary or permanent herbaceous vegetation should be planted on all bare soil within 15-days di ground disturbing activities to provide long-term erosion control. 5) Trees within the 25-foot stream buffer zone damaged during construction should be replanted within 15 days of project completion with the same species or with other native species. Thank you for the opportunity to review and comment on this project. If you have any questions regarding these comments, please contact me at 704/652-4257. cc: Mr. Joe Mickey, District 7 Fisheries Biologist Mr. W. O. Atkins, NCDOT I I EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION CONTROL PLAN EVALUATION FORM Evaluator: M Al 7; yd f-r Date: 0-'y -1?j Project No.: County: ?44Div.: Location: 6R 1100 .51o&a /111Ay1. ?ead 1. Is there a Erosion and Sedimentation Control Plan for the project? YE NO 2. Are the design calculations shown? 3. 4. 5. Is the plan adequate to control Erosion and Sedimentation on the project? Is the project in a HQW zone? Respond below where appropriate: Site location or vicinity map . . . . Erosion control schedule. . . . . . . EC measures in drainage turnouts and before ditch outfalls into streams. . Basin sizes . . . . . . . . . . . . Temporary slope drains. . . . . . . . Temporary rock silt checks. . . . . . Temporary silt fence. . . . . . . . . Temporary diversions. . . . . . . Catch basin/Drop inlet protection . . Pipe inlet protection devices . . . . Pipe outlet stabilization . . . . . . Ditch liners - matting . . . . . . . - roving. . . . . . . . - stone, class YES NO N/A YE NO YES Are Temporary Silt Fences used in proper locations? NO N/A Are Temporary Rock Silt Checks spaced properly? NO N/A Are Basin sizes adequate? YE NO N/A Other Comments: AUG 1 4 "i9 l'c:(lLJCSt. 1*01- WI C: Con?mcnt Ml ,i f 1O"I' 1)ro.1c cl LRrconlineW Cor a 404 Nationwide Permit in t.hc 25 trout- counties (;lppl?'c;ation package a mchcd) Comment f?c?r,? lctlcr ol',lpprov,ll i() word: w)(111 11 the "tri?ut l?ufCcr ronc" (clct<iil?d ???L??tc}?t<?(???r? &_ cro,, 1011 c?>>Il?"??l.ul??tls ?lrc t?lltl?hedl_ Return commCnt:, to:. ?sne EwGi ? ? c- IQ //.C, QE,PT. ?F 7,q v.51onen7T?o4 P.o. 8.x 558 154-</ 1 N. C. zg621 ?Conimcnt fol. CatajWrical l;xclusion, and to be utilized also Dora 404 NW trout county rccluircnicnt at a Cuturc date (C)and sul)l)orling (1oeuMcnlation attached) Cl Othc:r rcclucsts.. ? Q J W ? ? ? d O v ? J Q Q 7 Q I?j Q Q cG Il ml o X00 ?0 X - ilia Op ? a_ goo p w o 0, 'J o) J T ? o Q I\ o h C? ? ? IX1 Q' W I° V L J J Z3 ct v U Dh:Df .ID: ACT tnN ID: NATIONWIDE, PE RtiI'I- REQMF: 1'E1) (PROVIDE NATIONT-111,)E 1'FRMI'T' JO I NT F'ORH h'OIl NATIMill; IDl1: 1111AMI'll, 11'11AT VI.:(,)IITRI: 11( )'1'1PIA'I'IOtJ '1'O '1'll1', (:ORPS OF Eti (IiNEEItS NAll, 1011,111D1'; 11 I':RTIITI , 'T'l1AT )?I.:?)TIII±T: AI'PI,I('A'1'ION hUli SG:I"T'10N 101 cERTI.FI(;A'1'TUN ',a 11•H I H(GTOH D I:;TR I CT 1:H 1 itEHIt CORPS OF EM:111EERS DEPAR'T'MEI}'T' OF THE ARMY P.O. BOX 1690 WI I'll INCTON, N(:' 2840:)--IRO0 'I'e 1 ,pholw (91.()) :? 51- 1 5 1 1 t;ATI.:H f>IIAI, I TY I'I,ANII I NG D IMS ION OF ENV I RONHENTAT, MANAGEMENT N(' DEPARTHENT OF FlIVIRONt1F14T, HEALTH, AND NATURAL, RESOURCES P.O. ROX 29531; RALETCFI, N(' 27626 0 35 ATTH: HR. JOIIN PORNEY elel)Ilone (919) 7 13--5 0133 ONI? (1) COPY OI, 'T'HIS Co 1.1PLf•:TE,1) AI'PL1CATIaN SIIOUL,1) RE SI;1JT TO 'fill; CORPS OF ENGINEERS. SHVEN (7) COPIES SHOUTA) HE SENT TO N.C. DlV1SIOI4 OF , FNVIP,Ol1MEfI'IAI; .1aRNl1G.F.MI N1 YLEF?S?, -YI)IN I` i r?l?r 5 .- P. ?Y C _ LSE Ci•J JI;R3':-tJA1iB: RgN.SP0 A2 tprl 6N 2 . OFJNERS ADDRESS: ---------------?-`-,? ?•'? - ?-??-C ••---X86.21---- 3. OWNERS PHONE NUMBER (NOriE) : _- /Y!_19 (;7ORq : _91O 83.5 - !/Z`!/ 4. IF APPLICABLE: AGEIIT'S NAME OR RESPONSIBLE CORPORATE OFFICIAL, ADDRESS, YI_iQNE tIUt?1}3ER: /-/?. 1-,/,oy.?E O. AfKI?-!.S PE ---?c ?. /Y. C_ _ 2 8 6 2 1 `i. LOCATION OF WORK. (RUST ATTACH HAP) COUNTY _____?LLEGNANy NEAREST TOWN OR CI'T'Y : -- SPECIFIC LOCATION (INCLUDE ROAD NUMBERS, LANDMARKS, ETC.) _'i-m-4 E n,-_ _ Xis r-?Yi'T r . 1,4 a F U ?2 I T-o_L..?I s r. y nl T E. n c ?S R //O/ - -- -- G. NAME OF CLOSF,ST S'T'REAM/RIVER V. RIVER HASIN: gOKi±J U?wAMis- o -T;c,ax - 8. IS 'T'HIS PROJECT LOCATED IN A WATFRSIIE1) CLASSIFIED AS '1'RO SA, I1QW, ORW, 47S I, on WS II? YES iJO ( ) - q IihVE ANY-:SEC-Tloti 404-°PLRi•iLTS..-BELtI .YktCVIOUSLY-:R.rQUEs'1}L FOR USE ON' THIS - PROPEPTY t --- YES- -'I - -`ta0 -I ^ - - - -- - YES;-_EXI LAVIN .._.__?_ :.:.--- --..- - - _ 10.- ESTIMATED 'IQTT%b- HlJHBER -UF--ACRES- OF WA'T'ERS -OF THE • U . S WETLANDS.,,,,LOCAT,ED ON-PROJECT - SI'Z'E: _- O 032 1. 1 . I11)"iHE.R OF AC'RE; OF WATER:; Oi.. '!'Ili: ;1 .., . i I1. ? AI;i , I MPA( TI:i) li'i T!Hi: 1'ROi'l?::l;D 1'R()JECT: (0 .03 DI?AIhI.:D: e__1 FLOOD I; 1) : 0 EXCAVATED: --------------- - - - TOTAL IMPACTI.;D: O , 03 12. DESCRIVTfON OF PROPOSED WORK (ATTACH PLANS) : Gen 0. ? ?qIN Z94J r_ -i r_...(. -?_usZ?--j-°--E.x,?.T,_._._P?,•,r', E._-off s2iloi 13. PURPOSE OF PROPOSED WORK: AwlpQOvE__?A? ErY- - ?EgiwAGE Aq_vE _ ?.--_-- C D I C C K O ?S / O n/ BY mss! g 6 A L l;/ r(_ C` _ /q r C-Q -------- -- -- 1'+. STATE REASONS WILY TH.E APPLI(.ANT HELIEVEY THAT THIS ACTIVI`I`Y rit151' is CARRIED OUT IN WE'T'LANDS. ALSO, NOTE MEASURES TAKEN TO MINIMIZE; WETLAND IMPACTS. P,AEs 1P,?usr - --- - ---?E_?xrc-,rae?J?QEPCgc?p _/.,_eeTpoWQ!"/gFE_ /- 1 P?GAL ____ =1_o?e!G! q L _1Q _ 4l_G^i f'1?_n r TgL v .D---- _ fll05 T 4F lpy q5r,_ X? er-, - / e_l.?a r 3/ +75= 71 .33-, 5? T --A_vo,o ?r2_C__An1 _ Ep-C*5/6..4 c _Seo"",C jrear"' ?6vrcC1 P1g11eo f'U,--. IS. YOU ARE, REQUIRED TO CONTACT THE U.S. 1, 1 SH AND WILDLIFE SERVICI (USFWS) AND/OR NATIONAL MARINE FISHNPIES SERVICE (NY,FS) REGARDING THE PRESENICE OR ANY FEDERALLY LISTED OR PROPOSED FOR LIS'T'ING ENDANGERED OR THREA'TENED SPECIES OR CRITICAL HABITAT IN THE PERMIT AREA THAT MAY BE AFFECTED HY THE PROPOSED PROJECT. HAVE YOU DONE SO? YES ( NO -RESPONSES FROM THE USFWS AND/OR NMFS SHOULD BE FORWARDED TO CORPS..-. _ 16. YOU ARE REQUIRED TO CONTACT THE STATE HISTORIC PRESERVA'1'LOil OFFICER (SHPO) REGARDING THE PRESENCE OF HISTORIC PROPERTIES If,' THE PERMIT AREA WHICH MAY BE AFFECTED BY THE PROPOSED PROJECT? HAVE YOU DONE SO? YES ( ) NO RESPONSE FROM THE SHPO SHOULD HE FORWARDED TO CORPS. 17. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION REQUIRED BY DEM: A. WETLAND DELINEATION MAP SHOWING ALL WETLANDS, STREAMS, AND LAKES OIJ THE PROPERTY. B. IF AVAILABLE, REPRESENTATIVE PHOTOGRAPH OF WETLANDS TO BE IMPACTED BY PROJECT. C. IF DELINEATION WAS PERFORMED BY A CONSULTANT, INCLUDE ALL DATA SHEE'T'S RELEVANT TO THE PLACEMENT OF THE DELINEATION LINE. D. IF A STORMWATER MANA:F:MEN'T' -PLAN IS REQUIREIA FOR THIS PROJECT, ATTACH-- ISO- WHAT ISLAND--USE."OI SJRROUI'D'ING"PROPERI'L? -A2Aj _ __..... ...__..:'_..... _ F. . IF APPLICABLE; WHAT IS PROPOSED ME'T'HOD OF SEWAGE DISPOSAL? - OWNER'S SIGNATURE; DA'Z'E S2 //vU ' /?ccEGNq^! y . iY? ?' !ate 2 1 ? S o i o _2-1 ? 75 /:re,5 T .3 - Uf=' _?rcL SCOPL ?„?lu? 1P L- CNST%uc?LD }?/rq P\oG! - LL rrNE2 C?gss 1 __ ,C.? /G?F? O C ?ocK ?NuT ?Ko+. J E c Zf / 37S To n 3 t SU/ n GoB/o-/ [?los e?5 --)-/IQ6 S? /Lr /. NvolO /,C-5 7- / OCr _o r_ ?c?Pt` ?cc__ - Qc Cv?srOucr? D )-A rN y) IZr ?? + IS ` T? 39 roo = o 1- 14 Aojusreo T 7,i /o rUD OF ?< S? Pr 43*00 77. SO ?/ 00 C Co..1sr1cacrro,r ??I ?? ?or ?XGCC'? L XrSTI•r(, ??uPC jrlou(.?E2_ /YAlf?QW[,o AS /`lECOCO /J Lr votGS - s5 +00 / /oST ?..?sr/?VCr/d-r ?'? ?T G???S C7 rOd C'ow.ST!'(JC I- 0.,1 ??/LL /Ar ?: X CE C? h/_ //-/( ?ic.o!-'f ?? LT 68030 - 76 too Co ,STS Li crroN ?.?icc /?or XctL=O efXr-5r/^rG jouPE lu? L r g/ ?SU 7- P 0 U L 9.S ?pe£' f-Po wCO AS ?!t CL'S srJ2y To I?vorc L Xcc:rCl?V EXr?r'-1G `SLoPCS_ STATE OF NORTI-I CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION JAMES B. HUNF JR. DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS GARLAND B. GARRETT JR- Govrl1NOR SfOUJARY P.O. Box 558 Elkin, North Carolina 28621 January 10, 1996 MEMORANDUM TO: Joe Thompson Division Right of Way Agent From: W.O. Atkins, P.E. r District Engineer Subject: Right of Way Acquisition - Project No. 6.702249 -Grade, Drain, Base, and Pave - SR 1100 { Stone Mountain Road}- Alleghany County -* Revision * Attached for your further handling are the revised plan sheets, pole data sheets, and marked county map for the proposed improvements. Revised right of way acquisition begins at Sta.20+00 and ends at Sta. 47+46 line-back = 37+00 line ahead end revision. There is an intersection staked on the right for y-line {SR 11021 sta. 37+15 L- Line = sta 0+00 Y-Line sta 1+00 is E.O.P. Y=Line. There is a 100 X 100 sight distance staked at the intersection of SR 1100 and SR 1102 as shown on plans. All other information on previous plans remain the same. This project is to be constructed in the 1995-96 road program. Your efforts in obtaining this right of way should be charged to W.O. 6.702249. Your further handling and notifying this office will be appreciated. WOA:vjb Attachments cc: W.E. Hoke, P.E. M.A. Pettyjohn, P.E. i i? 'J , s X1.3 f ?? I.1 CV- c-/ Aw i f `( \ . G / ... > ^?• ?{' Chi _ ? i /.. .r v /?p? I ???? 1i I n .7 -1 n ?z ai ?r ? // V S .? OMs O N U `? '/ O f al '1 I'. ! -('ll \% QU•? ,(ow II ( y /l ??1 u{ I aty Std. # D .s riQtion Sym bol Pill= 245.03 Temporary Silt Ditch ' VI-2 245.05 ................. Temporary Diversion ............. T S 1) VI - 4 893.01 Temporary Silt Fence H VI 6 ................. i ..... Hi ------ - -- 890.05 Temporary Slope Drain with Eart h Berm . ......... F-- Silt Basin Type A ..................... ............ -(D v1-10 245.02 Silt Basin Type B 892.04 Temporary Rock Silt Check Type-A ___.. ---------- - VI - 14 895.10 Temporary Rock Silt Check Type -B .._.._ ----------- - VI - 16 892.01 Temporary Rock Sediment Dam Type-A __ __.____ __ _ VI - 18 892.02 Temporary Rock Sediment Dam Type-B ._ . VI - 20 897.01 Rock Pipe Inlet Protection 0 0 vi - 22 894.01 Rock Silt Screen ...................................... .... ----- - VI -24 245.04 Stilling Basin .... --- _- VI - 26 Rock Inlet Protection: 896.01 Type A • ............................ .. A "- OR --- -- VI - 30 896.02 Type B ............................. .. B OR B --- -- VI - 32 896.03 Type C ............................. .. C OR --C) --- - VI - 34 V1- 1 March, 1993 - Ps ?co - N 0 N I?- l?) I = cT) ? _ i ? _STifi7TE f?/?R? 4DllNR S/ />1/9R.4?fp N ?v 2S' 25' - ri /66-11/41 /off+ov /bS ; 00 /D ioo_ /,,'> 3 + o o ' q I? ?o Ot SX X2' 1 QL- ? i v \Q ? N B" d /?1P C WE i t? O I- ll: U? +00 16,.9-+o o s n o ? M M Z0. I ? t STi7_ //z --54po r/--s To EX/ST 30' "q/ ti I I 'x3XI' *3t ? I t5 <11P-119b Q- 0 ;Y i? . M `N r? ? 25 ? ? 25 .k? N r 3 0 0 v Ida +00 MA-7-Cy I I I I ,- /v t 46 Silt Basin Type B's will be constructed to the dimension of six feet by three feet by three feet unless otherwise noted on the plans. Generally, the order of installation of the erosion control measures will be as follows: Temporary silt basins shall be installed before clearing and grubbing begins. Silt fences and temporary silt ditches shall be installed after clearing and before grading. Temporary stone ditch checks shall be installed as soon as ditchline is established. Pipe outlet and inlet protection will be done as soon as the pipe is installed. Seeding and other permanent erosion control measures are to be implemented as soon as practical. RS Always SUPER toward ditch line as a temporary measure in this situation! PR0,1t:CT?2 70 Z2 y? COUNTY 1L 65??J SHEET / OF OWNER OF POLE LINE ??N TEL TFL IF PIIIDI% STATION POLE NUMBER DIST FROM CENTER PRESENT ROAD DIST FRO PROJE M CENTER CT DIST FRO AFTER M CENTER MOVING REMARKS LT. RT. LT. RT. LT_ RT. /3-") pEo, PO ?- F 3 ?± o o ?3, D QED, 4-4 + 7S 20, o ' /6B, b' ?o? E ROAD NAHl- 5 ? /A PROJECT 70 2 ; OWNER OF POLE LIt• STATION POLE NOMBER g -7- /IJ /2-70 3/f70 <39t i8 78 So -? -?s 6S- D/ ?2 -- Z 7 DIST FROM CENTER PRESENT ROAD LT. RT. (p Q, D Zo.o' 2.50 / S,1> /7.D' ev :rL-? 2S, f' n7TN,. Z0 A ? COUNTY422f6l ?ql ?L ,FCT'f? / G DIST FROM CENTER PROJECT DIST FROM CENTER Al=-(-ER MOVING LT. RT. LT. RT. 3, D' 2 2, S' VP SHEET / OF / REMARKS ?DL E yPD L E AD,c?- f' / Git? p ,q L L-' ?D ,t E ?D ?- e 1 -------------- -'-------------- ---------------- ------ ------------------ DITCH LINER SR /DD __ ONE _ /)'ITIV.. lj-L__. ; STATION STATION I I RT/LT I , TYPE LINER REQUIRED I I ; I I I I I , Rl?D 1 R14 p ; // t Do I I 174,5-,o I 1 I ITT ; I I 2/ LSD I I I ; 33-F DO I ; /qT /L T -' ---_ ; ; _R/P_ I I I I ------------ I I 1 I --.---._-- I I I I ' I 1 I ------- ---- 1 I I I I - - -------- I I , I I 1 I - ---------- I I I I , I 1 _ I --__-_-----_ I 1 , ; t , ------------ 1 I I , ------------- I 1 , , , ------ 1 , , I 1 ---------- - , I LT ? I 1 - , ---------- ---- ; ; - I _-_-_-_-_-__- ---- , - 1 I 1 ; I 1 ; I 1 ; 1 I - ---- ? I I I I I I , ---- 1 I 1 I 1 I , I ---- I I I ---- I 1 I I ; I ----------- ---- ; ---------- I I I I F T? -- ---- ---- ------ ----- ----- ----- I I I -------------------- 1 1 1 , I I ---------- - - - - - -- I 1 I ------------------- 1 I I ------------------- I --------------- , I ---------------------- I I ? i I I I I I I - - - - - - I I - - - - - - - - - - - I 1 1 -- - - - - - - --- - - - - - - I - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I I I ; I 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 , i , I 1 I 1 - - - - - - - - - - - , ; - - - - - - - - --- - - - - I - - - - - - , - - - - - - I I Q ? ail w `? ?' - (A, 3 Q'19 .v N? 74-0 d S,?-n o Yf-D 0 ?J 4 a 3 N I O LL (1,X: CL 0 N (V N ? 5-4f-2 5 I CSI ? C) C) W U? U) 0 0 a_ n 0 0 Cif a? a n O D LINE T So6 0 v cZU cz: ?l3-ono N O ?N 'I'J Itf) // -+- o v 10*00 1Oo- sus?ov No,?cnw? ?,? <-25'- 25' .e c ?N .k y 0 k?0 ® IX 8 +00 T l J - -f- L l ?/ N c ?I ?c;1I i?,?no /_1 /7-,49-0 I ? f ?sx3'Z? SFA !(o+Z)9-? 3ACI< =_ STA. Il9 4 ?S 9$_L A?\Eap - ov I? 5_ o o pI i I v i 14 +oo_ - i L?//YLL - 2 s-' R/ k ?OD v p / (, -14v 12 SI 0 Z z rJ n,e Ling: N Q i I l tl I ?J ,N ? ! J a®I - 'J a ----*- 112 ?2 r o o h 2/ I 00 Pill 2 p Pi ---- 20 ae fiYD /8' Fi'/W I ?N B ?-c l v l? a D IVHLL /ltiz /,q +0 0 %c ?i I I ?- c ?v E 8 DD N h ?I UI (l? ,16 0 _. 2Sf DD -z-4+6 a _ 23f vv T CC C) O a QL i 0 k' (ETC -M, N N 3o cr Q C v? v O C a O N Q 'ry Z i ,e 22 12 QI 0 v; v o' , N w 0 v z: c r) N 1_ 1 11 (. A A -- ' 3i?-oa --9k:](- D a _2-9f as 2gfPi 3 3 to o Jcc w" JJII I 1 j MATC cy o C "o o cc a (0 Q N q W QC -----j-, rl F_.__ I A I N 0 f.?l Ul ?7 f DD STA, O f 0 0 - y /NE N 36-{-00 3 S-{-DD C o a w O a O .k m N -R-t=oa _ MraYC N A I \ r a- S2arTY SPEI?S h d7 Op pl41 a ?M 3 N cl? q ? U O ®M CL O c? N ca- I -_-_! Cq E-.__-_- N y i i irn W? i *Z-+00 4r +00 ?o + 00 39 + 00 2S -x-00 ?I N y O i `s i NOT TO 1 -}-' SCALE ¢ 7 -f- -? 6 - L R C K j 1. a7+ o o _ L- .4 /-1,5A D h r4-7 +00 ? I r I . N ® rl h ?I I ¢6 +O0 ,ry ® ?I Al - ? -i I --fT - 0 0 ?I = O ?I NI ±0 0 . i ® N1 ?I o 34,5-0 1t ?.3 +00 _ IWATCH I I NE N 0 I -,, ,N Nil ry n? n n n n ?rJ `?Z f TD 12 I ? ? n ; JasE,?,y /,?EYcF h ?--25' _-25 n n I V o ? O ? A J \ 3y ?+-vo 3 8 -{- O o ?h T Al n Al n A A A ,r 9 \ LIVE SrREf1m v Q /?E N ?l O I,:1 UJ -? -t Uo v G+vo ¢s+oo - 4-Fvo ,N I J _?_aNEy/-t,-;R?_ ! Div -0 70 i3 8 N N N rl (' 3 CL 0 AQ n n ? B- 78? /38-3/9 n A ? G y D ??D?SON i Z3 - -- • 1? ?ODNEy/y?}??? /38-3/9 ? i38-$78 //p !1 n A ; w , n I a AI T V? ?a ?I n; !I n h 1 nI'll n n, h to W cl U' ?iN9 I I? ?J I G? _/2) 43f7D /27 ?I +00 NI IL. / hiE N O ?N U; l (vl r O l ? V1J 4 ? ' •ti 5 +U s?ov SD-l- o 0 L 1 ?N yl 25 25 Q r„ n S6f?s ?,_ ? - -.(-% -1- o o rL ':I Qi I N I _I N I? ps h I? ? A u !]?$ +oo a b; sitso R ./2D v? (?PP?oX -1 STA Sa t5y ??o4IEiP f' GJ r1TER L /NE LC .vd EiP RD, ? ? 49 -f 80 ? o ?N? • v r N it O I? T I . , N ho i i I? SS-F0o vI r ?I I 41, I -5-? + 0 0 -,5"3 -f- o o ?M N vi i a NI i? ,I® ?Mol a O N, ?1. tV N C), ?9 I(?I N i ?Z+. o S2-- I 61-4-00 _ _ ??i goo ?a +ov _ ??e h? J? I v J' w of 25'4-} 25 3 0 cxl .sf -? 0 0 r1. -? o N i I ,N® Z11 , i a, ?i S9 +00 MAT?_M I i i? r ? B-t00 `"FiT F ? I I u L_1w N ? ri LO v i 67425 R U? :Y_Z±OC2- -_ `k 2J - - ZS ry . 3 5 t ?. i 00 66+00 h S+o ?? ? 'n `m0 ?? vo 1 Oo E N 0 rw ? ? l!J _L I zl+o? n v p /7" 12 I -r- v v P 7Droo R? . "m (p i o o 6,g+oo i5 15f h <f- ? N of ?, 1. \ ?v ll? /8y-{ /flP ?Sk3X2' N ?k ?l 0 h \ X10 .r? ri ?h N I 'Al h A ?4,I I", r vl N /V (7c -r i ?I N I.L U t- I W ?i `J 1 ?c -- ZZ+_LL2- f i ? I' 7 ! 00 ,ADD i 7S F O O V V ? V v v v v ? v I ?` V \? v 7 -+00 ? v v ' v v v v V V v v v v ' 73+00 V 7- h 'X A M ry ® i O N `?Y O ?i vi R ? y, l D Iv! V t / ></ J / N ? u_ it uj i ICO 81-4-00 I ep 7 0o S ll?<< 79+oo 5466 P.i 25 - 2.5 h w O ?? a kk N xz 78+0o MAC-CN, l I J_ _ ?r? N wl 0 I? I-- w W 7 ? J 87+U? 964-0c) es ;? 0 0 i i I N? ?ry 3 ?„I Q ? ? 21 a el ? R-I I n I I ' I t J v ?I cat ?I . 8¢43 .ef-- oo- 83+00 h n A A A n ?R3-f/D ? I _ l? ?, ,C I n/ E V? ?I I ? N n q N? w CJ Is i g2-+Oo 9i -I- vv 90 -r-oo ? j I (' i N 2s'->- f-zs- - ?I ? ? NI f\' ti mili ?? O N I ?I ?I i •` ^89 7G ?SX3X2' 6gioo Sg +oo N _rr _[j ?? _M • { 3. i`a+ N i N n n N ^ 111 ? ? 9Lv_cL I - ^ N A !N-fo0 9s +on a W /?'¢ -1- O O 9"( " D d 3+oo n . n ? I /8 % rYIP 96 %5 ? Sx3x.z n l ? ?I r 1 o Y c 0 ?k LLl h - r? r I I State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources Division of Environmental Management James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Jonathan B. Howes, Secretary A. Preston Howard, Jr., P.E., Director August 3, 1995 Alleghary County DEM Project # 95806 APPROVAL of 401 Water Quality Certification Mr. W. O. Atkins District Engineer NC DOT P. 0. Box 558 Elkin, N.C. 28621 1 Dear Mr. Atkins: You have our approval to place fill material in 0.03 acres of wetlands or waters for the purpose of back stabilization and road maintenance at SR 1100 (Stone Mountain Road), as you described in your application dated 28 July 1995. After reviewing your application, we have decided that this fill is covered by General Water Quality Certification Numbers 2745 and 2665. These certifications allow you to use Nationwide Permit Numbers 3 and 13 when they are issued by the Corps of Engineers. This approval is only valid for the purpose and design that you described in your application. If you change your project, you must notify us and you may be required to send us a new application. For this approval to be valid, you must follow the conditions listed in the attached certification. In addition, you should get any other federal, state or local permits before you go ahead with your project. If you do not accept any of the conditions of this certification, you may ask for an adjudicatory hearing. You must act within 60 days of the date that you receive this letter. To ask for a hearing, send a written petition which conforms to Chapter 150B of the North Carolina General Statutes to the Office of Administrative Hearings, P.O. Box 27447, Raleigh, N.C. 27611-7447. This certification and its conditions are final and binding unless you ask for a hearing. This letter completes the review of the Division of Environmental Management under Section 401 of the Clean Water Act. If you have any questions, please telephone John Domey at 919-733-1786. Si erely, Preston 3oward, Jr. P.E. Attachment cc: Wilmington District Corps of Engineers Corps of Engineers Raleigh Field Office Asheville DEM Regional Office Mr. John Domey Central Files 95806.1tr P.O. Box 29535, Raleigh, North Carolina 27626-0535 Telephone 919-733-7015 FAX 919-733-2496 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer -10% recycled/ 10% post-consumer paper SIrATi: OF Noiu'i I CAROLINA DuAR1,MENT OF TRANSPOIU-NFION ),\I\ 11.s L3. 11t;N i. jIZ. DIVISION 01: 11161 WAYS R. SAMUH IIUNI I I I G uV I K"t n; S i l l:l I'vo P. O. Box 558 Elkin, North Carolina 28621 July 28, 1995 ,1 Mr. Ken Jolty F,gy? ?I Office Manager All U. S. Ariny Corps of Engineers Regulatory Brunch 6512 Falls of tlteNetise Roo: d F,I?FS Suite 105 Ralrigh,;v?i[t1t.C,uoliita.27t?15.._ . .. Re: Grade, Drain, Base, and Pave SR 1100 (Stone Mountain Road) from Find of Existing Pavement West of US21 to Existing Pavement East of Sltl 101 in Alleghany County, N. C. Dear Mr. Jolly: The North Carolina Department of'rl ailiportation, District I Maintenance plans to grade this road primarily along the existing aligruncnl its the 1995 - 1996 Fiscal Year. We will be leaving the existing alignment from Station 5-100 i-- to Station 101001-- and from Station 22+00+- to Station 32+00+- to straighten bad curves. We will be replacing/extending existing pipes which involve live streams at Station 301-50, 50+60, 531-90, 64175, 82 i 40, mid 84143. We will also be extending or replacing various other pipe culverts throughout the project which do not involve live stretuns. 'llae existing bridge at Station 106 i 10 will be retained. We will be encroaching; upon the 25' trout stream buffer as follows: 1) Rt of Station 31-150 to 31+75 - First 3' of fill slope will be constructed with either rock shot from project or Class I Rip Rap. 2) Rt of Station 31+75 to 33 i 50 - Constrict a variable height retairiing wall 50' light of center line using gabion baskets to avoid 1-tllutg into creek. 3) Right of Station 33+50 to 35+25 - First part of till slope will be constructed with either rock shot from project or Class I Rip Rap. 4) Right of Station 354-25 to 394 00 - Shoulder slope and width will be adjusted to avoid exceeding lop of existing bank . 5) Right of Station 43+00 to Station )GI 00 - Alignment has been staked to avoid exceeding existing slope. 6) Right. of Station 50-i 55 - Rip i ap will be placed at ends of pipe and shoulder narrowed as necessary. 7) Lt Station 50+65 to 564 00 - Most construction will not exceed existing slope. 8) Left Statior16l i M to 67A 00 - Construction will not exceed existing slope due to alignrirelit slutl. 9) U Station 68 r30 to 76100 - 'line work will not exceed the existing slopes in this area due to iilignment shill. 10) Lt Station 81 i 50 to 105+95 - Alignment sltitlcrl and shoulder will be narrowed as necessary to avoid exceeding die existing slope. We are requesting a 404 Nationwide Permit (113 Maintenance and 1113 Bank Stabilisation) from your agctrcy. I alh sendirtt a striLlit 1uie sketch with the prcrpo:etl crosioti c?,ntrol, stream; and cress sections of the - ilffected csreas. In addition, I am sending a typical section of the road, general notes on erosion control and it marked map. By copy of this letter 1 air asking Ms. Stephanie Goudreau, Mountain. Region Coordinator of the North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission to comment directly to you concerning the 404 Nationwide Permit request. A request will be made oil this project for a Temporary Encroachment in the Trout Water Butler Zbne of tributaries to DEI INR Trout Stream (East Prong Roaring River) and I air asking; Nis. Goudreau to comment directly to me concerning the Trout Water Butler Zone Encroachment. 2 Also, by copy of this letter, I am requesting au[liorii;ltion to proceed under Section -101 of the Clain Water i1ct i'ro?n the Division of Emironmcntal Managerrieiit. We would phut to begin construction in spring of-96. If bother inturnialion is required, please let nie know. Your early review and consideration of this request will be greatly apprecisited. WotIVRINI Enclosures cc: W. E. Hoke, P. E., Division Engineer R. M. Freeman, P. E., County Maintenance Engineer Doug Miller, P. Is., Regional Engineer, DE.] INR Neil Trivette, Area Roadside Environmental Engineer Stephanie Goudreau, Mt. Region Coordinator, WRC Eric Galaurlb, Water Quality Certification Unit, DENI (7) , Rcduc l: for W RC COIl1 C]1Ct11. i on I DOT l?roiec ? Con1mcnt Cor a 404 N?itionwide Permit in the 25 trout countic5 (aphl?cation lrlckage attached) C.on1n1cnt fora letter of approval to work within the "trout huffer zone" - (detailed SM111 cntation_&- cros10n control Mails arc attached) : _. -Return comments to. _ ..._ R r?INr p E. DSr,eic r E.,?Gi E2 -11-C. D6,07-- -P.n. r.s ?o,e TAT, o •? Box S.58 E4.K- i •?r N. C. z x621 Comment for Catagorical 1=?xclusion, and (o be utiliied also fora 404 NW trout county rcquircnlent at a future Cate (Cl and supporting docuillent,16 attached) ? Other- rCCIueS(s: r DEM ID: ACTION ID: NATIONWIDE PERMIT REQUI STFI) (PPOVIDF, NATIONWIDI? I'x1mi'r e), JOINT FORM FOR NATIONWIDE PrIMITS THAT 1(1-:()IITM: 110TI17IC7\'I'10N TO THE CORPS OF EtW1flP.ERS N7ITIO111-1IDF I'ERHITI ; TITAN' RE;)UI!(T: APPLICATION FOR SEFCTION 401 CERTIFICATI011 WILIMINC'fON 1) IS'I'RI_("'1' ENt;I11P;1'At CORPS OF ENGINEERS DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY 11.0. Box 1890 WILMINGTOtl, t1C 28402 -1890 A'I" II: CESA4]--CO-E Telephone (919) 251-4511 WATER QUALITY 1'I,ANtlTtIG DIVISION OF Et4VIR0NMEt1TAI, MANAGEMEN'T' NC DEPARTMEIIT OF F,NVIRONMENT, HEALTH, AND NATURAL RESOTIRCES P.O. ROX 29535 RALF,IGH, NC 2-1626-05.351 ATTN: HR. JOHN. DORt1EY 'I'e Iephollo (919) 733-50£33 ONE (1) COPY OF THIS COHPLETEU APPI,ICA'PIOIJ SHOULD lip SENT' 'I'O THE CORPS OF ENGICIEE;{ZS. SEVEN (7) COP1FS SHOULD 13F SENT TO THE, N.C. DIVISION OF _ENVIRO"I` ENTAL MANAGEMENT T. MINER;_NAME T<1 r-1.51 PLC L?y' EpT __G F' ./F2>a•,rsPoerr?rioN 2. 01-i'HERS ADDRESS 3. OWNERS PHONE HUMBER (HONE) (WORK,) : 9/0 83.5' qZ`-// 4. IF APPLICABLE: AGENT "S NAME OR RESPONSIBLE CORPORA'T'E OFFICIAL, ADDRESS, PHONE NUMT3ER: Yy,oy y O. Iq r x:, 1.5 ---rPE---- 1? .cs r,e 1c r ?N6 . •.? ? e;e - N c a a r _ __-- -- ?LKIN fy. C._ 28621 5. LOCATION OF WORM, ( MUS'T' ATTACH MAP) . COUNTY LL66H -N Y - NEAREST TOWN OR CITY: ?Sl?gQ7_,Q _ SPECIFIC LOCATION (INCLUDE ROAD NUMBERS, LANDMARY.S, ETC.) : SR 11,00 Tani E 1'2rN. ?Q j?o,'1 __ eS -, o O F 1s T._ 1,4. o,--: U6 21 To Exlsr. Pvrnr E'. of 6. NAME OF CLOSEST STREAM/RIVER: 7. RIVER BASIN: Ao 11: g3,QoNC, /CoA_(2 1µ(a eiyC? ¢ -- CJvnlAmr;o 8. IS 'I'RIS PROJECT LOCA'T'ED IN A , SA, HQW, ORW, WA'I'E115HED CLASSIFIED AS 'jgj2jLT WS I, OR WS II? YES J/J 110 ( J - 9. IIAVE-ANY-SECTIOIl 404 :PELU4ITS - -BEEN -PREV1t?U SLY.-RF,QUF.S'T'F,D FOR USE _Oil THIS-: _ -PROPERTY?--- - -- .YES ? ( -) -- --- -140.jt-J,' _°__-----_.__ --...._LT,,_. yES?•'EXPLAIfl:_ ._ __.._:__ -___._----_- ._..__:.. _____ :?_.___. _ __ __ - 10. ESTIMATED TOTAL, HUMBER OF -ACRES OF- WATERS OF THE U. S. I14CLUDIIIG WET1,ANDS, LOCATED. ON -PROJECT - SITE: 0 .037 -T - 7/13/92 _2- 11 . NUMBER OF ACRES OF WATERS OF 'I'llp ll. S. ItICLl1D INC; IJF.'I'I.ANU::, THPAC'I'ED B'i '11:1171 PROPOSED IIIMIJECT: T' l I,LIsD : O ?.3 DRAINED: 0 FLOODED : -- .. - - ---- 0 ---- EXCAVATED: TOTAL, IMPACTED: 0.03 17. DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED WORK (ATTACH PLANS) : GQgoE .5E ?^+ 9A Ol-A Pq v e S Q / 1 O O roil - /'7 ?1 -- - Fla -i E •y p p F - . - l- 0 U-521 T'c EXj .5 r_ n aF_s,Q //61 13. PURPOSE OF PROPOSED WORK: - mpeovc- -- cry Deq,"Q6 v'e ,e g 0,4 C C E,c Q's i a N _ BY ?srq Q g L I / .r ?_ /4 2 G q. __-- ---___-- 14. - STATE REASONS- WHY THE, APPLT CANT BFf T%V!,S THAT THIS- ACPIVT`I'Y-MUST HE- CARRIED OUT IN WETLANDS. ALSO, NoTL MEASURES 'T'AKEN TO MINIMIZE WETLAND - IMPACT'S PEA S P?uzr' q6t L`xrt%v0EO iQEPCpC /a FE-- --?- YP,GgL --SECY?o N Oe?G, vq__L!Q4LCt"I ^t4-0_t' -,Q&- 12_?-a2 sr a_F t??v ?r ?Crg,•??NG Wot-c- A?'r 31 +75_` T, -73osa T. Avo,e E2?/sH SeO,mC?rAT,aN D?ev,cC-1 PLgNNaO Fob, 15. YOU ARE REQUIRED TO CONTAC'T' THE U.S. FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE (USFWS) AND/OR NATIONAL MARINE FISHERIES SERVICE (1114PS) REGARDING THE PRESENCE OR ANY FEDERALLY LISTED OR PROPOSED FOR LISTING ENDANGERED OR THREATENED SPECIES OR CRITICAL HABI TAT IN 'T'HE. PERMIT AREA THAT MAY BE AFFECTED BY THE PROPOSED PROJECT. HAVE YOU DONE SO? YES f I 1!O f/1( RESPONSES. FROM-THE USFWS--AND./Oil NMFS-SHOULD 13E,FORWARDED, TO CORPS. 16. YOU ARE REQUIRED TO COHTAC•T' THE STATE HIS'T'ORIC PRESERVATIOtl OFFICER (SHPO) REGARDING THE PRESENCE OF HISTORIC PROPERTIES IN THE PERMIT AREA WHICH MAY BE AFFECTED BY THE PROPOSED PROJEC'T'? HAVE YOU DONE SO? YES [ ] IIO RESPONSE FROM THE SHPO SHOULD BE FORWARDED TO CORPS. 17. ADDITIONAL IIIFOIIMATIO14 REQUIRED FTY DEM: A. WETLAND DELINEATION MAP SHOWING ALL WETLANDS, STREAMS, AND LAKES ON THE PROPERTY. B. IF AVAILABLE, REPRESENTATIVE PHOTOGRAPH OF WETLANDS TO BE IMPACTED BY PROJECT. C. IF DELINEATION WAS PERFORMED BY A CONSULTANT, INCLUDE ALL DATA SHEETS RELEVANT TO THE PLACEMENT OF THE DELINEATION LINE. X, - OWNER'S SIGNATURE DATE i i ?l. J W I ,I J _ J v 2 ? ? L '11 2 fl ,l \ J^ EROSION CONTROL DETAILS ,AND SPECIFICATIONS d p.sari ion ?y_r?.nl I)4i - 215.03 Tern DOr i (. o m ..... .............. = V t -,2 05 Temporary D;,,e"'c`I . ...... ,.,................ , ?? - - _V1 - 893.01 . Temporary Silt Fence -t+f Itt - ---- -- - V,1 890.05 Temporary Slope Drain with Earth Berm f- f - V1-8 245.01 Silt Basin Type A _____________ 0 _ ------- -- VI - 10 245.02 -__. Silt Basin Type B .. ....... . = _ __ vI - 12 892.04 Temporary Rock Silt Check Type-A ..... --------- -- N11 - 14 895.10_ Temporary Rock Silt Check Type-B --..... --------- --- V1- 16 892.01 Temporary Rock Sediment Dam Type-A ._ _..___ . - vI - 1S 892,02 Temporary Rock Sediment Dam Type-B ________ ___ VI - 20 897.01 Rock Pipe Inlet Protection ......... o; oo vi - 22 894.01 Rock Silt Screen °i*° " ___ VI - 24 245.04 Stilling Basin ....._-_..._ _- --- VI - 26 VI- I March, 1993 t I- Fi • _ ?? S LL+ I J i 1 ?{ it 3 - - - - - - - - - - --- 1 tv, t ?L r. , i ? q ? -rY t ? - lr ? ` { o. t j r , L ?r _ Q' " 'a Lp O V . EROSION C 0 NTRO 1, -PLAN- --aE.T Silt Basin Type B's will be constructed to the dimension of six feet by three feet by three feet unless otherwise noted on the plans. - - - holy 1 y the vrdF1l =li 1itStcil i?1 1?I1 Cdr tht?-E?I ?S'ivn'! .OTltl'C?1 - measures w i l l be as follows: 'T'emporary silt basins shall be installed before. clearing and grubbing begins. Silt fences and temporary silt ditches shall be installed after clearing and before grading. Temporary stone ditch checks shall be installed as soon as di Uhl ine-is established. Pipe outlet and inlet protection will be done as soon as the pipe is installed. Seeding and other permanent erosion control measures are to be implemented as soon as practical. ._ as \ Always SUPER toward ditch line as a temporary measure in this situation! DITCH MINER SR /;GG 5To/)JE lWT/I/. /7L, ; !'AT [ tl Q) FAT EON )IJIuEn 114,90 I I HT I 1 1 I 2? ,So i I 33-f ?o 1 I /T T - I ? -_h'_/P_ RHP_?FXCc??T_,ci«?; 1 I ?3f nrJ 4Slbd I ; 1 1 1 I I I I I I I I r I I I 1 1 1 1 I I I I I 1 I 1 I 1 I I I I I _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I I I I I 1 I 1 I I 1 ; I I I 1 1 I I I 1 1 I 1 I I I 1 I 1 I I I I - I I 1 - -------- --- ----- 1 I I I 1 I I 1 LT F7? ; I I 1 I I I 1 I 1 I I 1 I I 1 1 I I 1 I I I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 I I - - - - - - - - - - - - - I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I 1 I I --------------- 1 I 1 I I I I I I 1 I ' I 1 I 1 1 I t I I 1 1 I I 1 I I I I I I I I I 1 I 1 I 1 1 I 1 1 I 1 I 1 I I I 1 1 1 1 1 t i I 4 ? ll. ? Cl 1 i; II I? \ \ ? 1j ??II N Ir I I? . ,I \? . ? I h _'_. _...-._ _.__. __------ ,.._ --_. :._...: .--•-- --?_.---..__-:?.._.. __::.___j . -=.. .._ ..-.i:. _. .._ i .:. ?.;'.. ._:?--_.--??---: _.... . _.,.:._.-fir . - : Ui C? (1 i I ? I c. Cj lr.J ??J Nj ) I i I 1 , j i NI 'N . ^1! it 'i :. / 2 -?Oc' i I i r r i oil ?- i I N iP - _ 5 u1 v c? r ?t r? '1 b? v ?J 6? N N ?I 22?Uo 2,0 G, DU ;i i NI N 1r ; I I 1 " ) t.i I i 27-1-0-o i I .? I i i i • I 1?_J r J J I o ?- ?G f i? 1 C)? i ( tt j i - ,v L1-I / I o I/_ /-J/I, "') P < J IT i P i42 t; r 1 .f j It ,rJ, rjI QA /1 370 A. nl ., vJl l ? ?u n - n A n n i? I i ? ? r A.i i , A'd I A i -_ I - I I ? I . _ I 1 ??" -? - 0 :) ?'I??? - '. ?, <<?)? i? •: ?' ? lit ; ':. `i N ?i n / Js- 38- 319 i I n ^ ?i I t ` ? II I J i n I I ? L' j I I I NI , +L i O i + {l? I p. J;l +, ti-vl U?! I ^J ?I !? 1 E2 `k Q N 1' 1 :l h? -I f, ? I i I M I A I _ ,. r VV/LA ? V ?! 41I ' {iKhJ ' N Vr, I ? I I ? I r, ; i I I i Ir I ' ? / 40, t . i i , \ I I I I N ? I '•L N . 'ntiO i ' f ? ?I Cli ? l? 1/ 1 ? I ' I I I r , C) ., i . ?1 A i I 0 k? ? H - - -- -- T J' 71 _ -_ - - - - - - I ' 1 ? l ? IK/1/JI i II I ? 4 1 N n 1 y1 - ? I • Tf, (00 '.' _? rt+ i r? i V i r i I I ? 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'• _I I ? _T I I L LL I 4 .??_?- _ I I _1 I ?!_ __ I , ?, 1_ ? `?-?- I r 1 I -7- t _ II _? j l J - I - ?- - - - - _ I , LIT I - 7 -11 .I - - - -I- - ' _ _ - } - t I -' t - -r 1- -i i -1 , - { + - ? . - F r.. _ '- -r i i i4 - L r- - - - - - !- - --? - --; I '- - - -t I _ 1- 1 -T- - - - - - - -?- - -; - I-- T I ; 1, -? II - 1 - - r j ` ?- - ' -a- -!-- I - ? ! 1 -t-1 - - -1 .. _ _ 1 '_? I 7 - - -1 -I -.- i -1 - - - - 1 ; -i- 1 --t r I _. 1 I I I_I I 1 -T r_ _i f I -i - - -I - , _T-- 1 - ' ' . - '-'t- ?-- .-'--1 -},{_i -- 6 '- - -?-t- •- -• -? i'-1 - + __. I j 1- 1.-1--:-1-- •'- I - •- ' - _ t ... I 7 lY, _L.1 ____.__ I r r - e ' 4 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF T ANSPORTATION JANAES B. HUNT JP_ GovEikNoR {,101 ISSUE Mr. Ken Jolly wEi? Office Manager 1;4?7ER 0 U. S. Army Corps of Engineers Regulatory Branch 6512 Falls of the Neuse Road Suite 105 Raleigh, North Carolina 27615 O6?NGEs Ja\RGN??'"Pr?G Re: Grade, Drain, Base, and Pave SR1100 (Stone Mountain Road) from End of Existing Pavement West of US21 to Existing Pavement East of SR1101 in Alleghany County Dear Mr. Jolly: Attached are revised plans for this project. The original plan was submitted for your approval on July 28, 1995 "with a follow-up request on December 11, 1995. We originally planned to realign bad curves from station 22+00 to station 32400 but we had right of way refusals in this area and will revert to the original (existing alignment). This revision takes place between stations 20+00 and station 47+46LB=37+OOLA. This change will eliminate the need for the gabion basket retaining wall included in the original request for a 404 Permit. We will shift away from the stream in this area to avoid exceeding top of existing bank. All other information on the original submittal will remain the same. We are requesting a revision to the original 404 Nationwide Permit (#3 Maintenance and #13 Bank Stabilization) from your agency. We would plan to begin construction in spring of `96. If further information is required, please let me know. Your early review and consideration of this request will be greatly appreciated. Sincerely, Lj . o A v? W. O. Atkins, P. E. District Engineer GARIAN D B. GARRETT J R SECRETARY DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS P. O. B.o,x 558 Elkin, North ?j oliz?a b-- -- January) l'_?r1996 2 W OA/JHM Enclosures cc: W. E. Hoke, P. E., Division Engineer R. M. Freeman, P. E., County Maintenance Engineer Doug Miller, P. E., Regional Engineer, DEHNR Neil Trivette, Area Roadside Environmental Engineer Stephanie Goudreau, Mt. Region Coordinator, WRC Eric Galamb, Water Quality Certification Unit, DEM (7) I f . s Tflytrt3?? b i?x! rf STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION JAMES B. HUNT JR. DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS GARLAND B. GARRETT JR. GOVERNOR SECRETARY P. O. Box 558 Elkin, North Carolina 28621 December I I, 19e5 ,Mr. Jolui lliomas U. S. Arty Corps of Engineers Regulatory Branch 6512 Falls of the Neuse Road Suite 105 Raleigh, North Carolina 27615 Re: Grade, Drain, Base, and Pare SR 1 100 (Stone ;`Mountain Road ) ti•om land of Existing Pavemcllt West of US21 to Existurg Pavement East of SRI 101 in Allleghany County, N. C. Dear i,ir.' liomas: We submited this request for a,,104 Permit on Jr>1y 2S7 1995 and have not as yet received approval. Phis was discussed at our quarterly in North Wilkesboro recently. We would plan to begin construction in spring of `96 ItAlic right of way problems can be rasolveci. If further information is required. please let me know. Your early review and consideration of this request will be greatly appreciated. Siltcercly, t,"-) . o . Q jj,,-4.- W. O. Alkins, P. f,- District Erngirtccr WO.NJH1%1 Enclosures cc: W. E. Hoke, P. E., Division Engineer N4. A. Petty john, P. E.. County Maintenance Engineer "?I All V4c ? ? Pr?l?aa Sri?l (: m No i\, rI I C/\ROt INA DF-PARTMENT OF TRANSPO1Zf FION JAMES 11. HUN-r. JR. DIVIslON or I IIGI I1vml GUVIANOR P. O. Box 558 Elkin, North Carolina 28621 July 28, 1995 Dear Mr. Jolly: F 1 'Qf lt. SAivillll I?i1LV?l? I11 Si('I,[ AI", The North Carolina Department of'1'ransportation, District I Maintenance plans to grade this road primw-fly along; the existing alignment in the 1995 - 1996 Fiscal Year. We will be leaving the existing alignment from Station 5-1-00-1 - to Station 10100+- and firom Station 22-1-00+- to Station 32+00+- to straighten bad curves. We will be replacing/extending existing; pipes which involve live strcwns at Station 301.50 , 50+60, 53+90, 641-75, 82+40, and 84-143. We will also be extending or replacing various other pipe culverts throughout the project which do not involve live strewns. The existing bridge at Station 106+10 will be retained. We will be encroaching upon the 25' trout strewn buffer as follows: 1) Rt of Station 31-150 to 31-1-75 - First 3' of Jill slope will be constricted with either rock shot from project or Class 1 161) Rap. 2) Rt of Station 31"175 to 33-150 - Construct a variable height retaining wall 50' right of center line using gabion baskets to avoid filling into creek. 3) Right of Station 33+50 to 35-1-25 - First part of fill slope will be constructed with either rock shot from project or Class I Rip Rap. 4) Right of Station 354 25 to 39{00 - Shoulder slope and width will be adjnsled to avoid exceeding top of existing bank . 5) Right of Station 43100 to Station 5(}4 00 - Alignment has been staked to avoid exceeding existing; slope. 6) Right of Station 5015.5 - 161) rap will he placed at ends of pipe and shoulder narrowed as necessary. 7) Lt Station 50+65 to 56-1-00 - Most construction will not exceed existing slope. 8) Lefl. Station 61-135 to 674-00 - Construction will not exceed existing slope due to alignment shift. 9) Lt Station 68+30 to 76100 - 'Ilse work will not exceed the existing slopes in this area due to alignment shift. 10) Lt Station 81150 to 1055 95 - Alignment shitlcd and shoulder will he narrowed as necessary to avoid exceeding the existing slope. We arc requesting a 404 Nationwide J'ermit (113 Mwttenwnce and 913 Bank Stabilization) fi-om your agency; I am ?endtrt? a str,rrnlrt lrrteskeinh with:#h? prcis?sPd Fr???ton caritrbl,sir< am-artd cross c}sons of the - - ------------------- --- -- afie?ted uc u. In ,ddrfion L nm sendin n L _g typicalsectioil of tltc road; general notes on erosion control t)iid a marked map. By copy of this letter I wn asking Ms. Stepha e' Goudicau, Mourrtairi Region Coordinator of the North - Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission to comment directly to-you concerning the -404 Natiotiwzdc Permit request. A request will be made on this project for a Temporary Encroactunent in the "trout Water Butler 'Lone of tributaries to DL'HNR Trout Stream (East Prong Rowing River) and I am asking; Ms. Goudreau to comment directly to inc concerning the'I7out Water Butler Zone 1?rrcroachmcnt. 2 Also, by copy of Ulis letter, I am rcquesting authori7,ation to proceed under Section 401 01'111e C;lcan `.Water Act from the Division of I irviroiunental Manal;CniC"I. We would plan to begul construction iii spring of `9G. If fintlicr information is required, please let nie know. Your early review and consideration of this request will be greatly appreciated. Sincerely, W. 0. Atkins, P. E. _ District Engineer -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ------ --------- _ -- Enclosures cc. W. E. Hoke, P. E., Division Engineer R. M. Freeman, P. E., County Maintenance Engineer Doug Miller, P. E., Regional Engineer, DEIINR Neil'Divette, Area Roadside Environmental Engineer Stephanie Goudreau, Mt. Region Coordinator, WRC Eric Gahunb, Water QmAlty Cerdfrcation Unit, DEN (7) State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources Winston-Salem Regional Office James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Jonathan B. Howes, Secretary Leesha Fuller, Regional Manager DIVISION OF LAND LAND QUALITY AUGUST 23, W. O. Atkins, PE District Engineer Division of Highways P.O. Box 558 Elkin, NC 28621 .? 4©v RESOURCES SECTION 1995. AUG 2 5 1199" Re: Trout stream buffer encroachment, approximately 5765 feet SR 1100 and Big Sandy creek Alleghany County Dear Mr. Atkins; Review of the request for encroachment into the trout stream buffer along Big Sandy Creek for the grading and paving of SR 1100 has been completed. The. efforts to move the existing alignment along the stream out of the buffer where possible and protect the stream from sediment by minimizing the disturbance of the existing stream banks is appreciated. Also the use of gabions to avoid filling the stream is appreciated. With the provisions in the erosion and sediment control plan and the stipulations of the August 14, 1995, memo from Wildlife Resources, the encroachment is permitted. Sincer 1 , Dougla Miller, PE Regional Engineer cc: David Ward 585 Waughtown Street, Winston-Salem, North Carolina 27107-2241 Telephone 910-771-4600 FAX 910-771-4631 An Equal Opportunity Affirmativo Action Employor 50% rocyclod/ 10% post-consumor papor t_? s STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION JAMF.s B. FIUNT;'JfL DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS , R SAnnu[t. I IUNT III GovmR oit SECRET\RY P. O. Box 558 Elkin, North Carolina 28621 August 18, 1995 Mr. Doug Miller, P. E. Land Quality Regional Engineer Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources 585 Waughtown Street Walston-Salem, North Carolina 27107 Re: Grade, Drain, Base, and Pave SR 1100 (Stone Mountain Road) from End of Existing Pavement West of US21 to Existing Pavement East'of SRI 101 in Alleghany Co., NC Dear Mr. Miller: Please review the attached plans for the previously described work in Alleghany. County. The grading of ttnis project will primarily follow the existing alignment. We will be leaving the existing alignunent from Station 5+00-E-- to Station 10 f-00+- and from Station 22+00+- to Station 32A-00+- to straighten bad,curves. This work will impact DEHNR Designated Trout Waters (Big Sandy Creek) and tributaries as follows: Replacement/Extension of pipes at Station 30+50, 50+60, 53+90, 64+75, 82+40, and 84+43. We will be replacing and extending various other pipes throughout the project which do not involve live streams. The existing bridge at Station 1064-10 will be retairned. We will be encroaching upon the 25' Trout Stream Buffer Zone as follows: 1) Rt Station 31+50 to Station 31+75 - First 3' of fill slope will be constructed of rip rap or shot rock from project 2) Rt Station 31+75 to Station 33+50 - Construct a variable height retaining wall 50' right of center line using gabion baskets to avoid filling into creek 3) Rt Station 33-1-50 to Station 35+25 - First part of fill slope will be constructed with rip rap or shot rock 4) Rt Station 35+25 to 39+00 - Shoulder slope and width will be adjusted to avoid exceeding top of existing bank 5) Rt Station 43+00 to Station 50+00 - Alignment has been staked to avoid exceeding existing slope 6) Rt Station 50+55 - Rip rap will be placed at ends of pipe and shoulder narrowed as necessary 7) Lt Station 50+65 to Station 56+00 - Most construction will not exceed existing slope 8) Lt Station 614-35 to Station 67+00 - Construction will not exceed existing slope due to aEgrunent shift 9) Lt Station 68+30 to Station 76+00 - The work will not exceed the existing slopes in this are due to alignment shift 10) Lt Station 81+50 to Station 105+95 - Alignunent shifted and shoulder will be narrowed as necessary to avoid exceeding the existing slope. We will place rip rap or shot rock frorn project at locations where it is impossible to avoid excavation or embankments adjacent to streams. 'Phis will be accomplished according to Section 868 of the 1995 Standard Specifications for Roads and Structures. We will employ all necessary erosion and sedimentation control measures as indicated on the enclosed plan to minimize any damage to the strearns. Prior to the removal of the existing pipe and during the placement of the proposed pipe, we will have installed a rock silt screen Standard 894.01 down strearn to trap sediment State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources Division of Environmental Management James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Jonathan B. Howes, Secretary A. Preston Howard, Jr., P.E., Director APPROVAL of 401 Water Quality Certification Mr. W. O. Atkins District Engineer NC DOT P. O. Box 558 Elkin, N.C. 28621 Dear Mr. Atkins: a ®© ED P%.,J F=11 August 3, 1995- . , , `. Alleghany Co# my DEM Project G1 0199- You have our approval to place fill material in 0.03 acres of wetlands or waters for the purpose of back stabilization and road maintenance at SR 1100 (Stone Mountain Road), as you described in your application dated 28 July 1995. After reviewing your application, we have decided that this fill is covered by General Water Quality Certification Numbers 2745 and 2665. These certifications allow you to use Nationwide Permit Numbers 3 and 13 when they are issued by the Corps of Engineers. This approval is only valid for the purpose and design that you described in your application. If you change your project, you must notify us and you may be required to send us a new application. For this approval to be valid, you must follow the conditions listed in the attached certification. In addition, you should get any other federal, state or local permits before you go ahead with your project. If you do not accept any of the conditions of this certification, you may ask for an adjudicatory hearing. You must act within 60 days of the date that you receive this letter. To ask for a hearing, send a written petition which conforms to Chapter 150B of the North Carolina General Statutes to the Office of Administrative Hearings, P.O. Box 27447, Raleigh, N.C. 276 1 1-7447. This certification and its conditions are final and binding unless you ask for a hearing. This letter completes the review of the Division of Environmental Management under Section 401 of the Clean Water Act. If you have any questions, please telephone John Dorney at 919-733-1786. Sierely, Preston oward, Jr. P.E. Attachment cc: Wilmington District Corps of Engineers Corps of Engineers Raleigh Field Office Asheville DEM Regional Office Mr. John Domey Central Files 95806.1tr P.O. Box 29535, Raleigh, North Carolina 27626-0535 Telephone 919-733-7015 FAX 919-733-2496 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer 50% recycled/ 10% post-consumor paper GENERAL CERTIFICATION FOR PROJECTS ELIGIBLE FOR CORPS OF ENGINEERS NATIOMTIDE PERMIT NUMBERS 3 (MAINTENANCE), 4 (FISH AND WILDLIFE HARVESTING DEVICES AND-ACTIVITIES), 5 (SCIENTIFIC-MEASUREMENT DEVICES), 7 (OUTFALL STRUCTURES), 13 (BANK STABILIZATION FOR PROJECTS. LESS THAN 500 FEET IN LENGTH) ; 14 (ROAD CROSSINGS FOR PROJECTS a) IMPACT?NG WATERS ONLY AND b) SUBJECT-TO-SEPA OR-NEPA),'18 (MINOR DISCHARGES FOR PROJECTS WITH LESS THAN 10 CUBIC YARDS OF FILL IN WATERS OR WETLANDS), 20 (OIL SPILL CLEANUP)., 22 (REMOVAL OF VESSELS), 23 (CATEGORICAL EXCLUSIONS) ,.25 (STRUCTURAL DISCHARGE), 26 . (HEADWATERS AND ISOLATED WETLANDS WITH LESS THAN OR EgUAL TO ONE-THIRD ACRE FILL OF*WATERS OR WETLANDS), 27 (WETLAND RESTORATION ACTIVITIES), 32 (COMPLETED ENFORCEMENT ACTIONS), 36• (BOAT RAMPS [IN NONWETLAND SITES)), 37 (EMERGENCY WATERSHED PROTECTION), AND REGIONAL PERMIT 125 (BOAT RAMPS) . This General Certification is issued -in conformity with the requirements of Section 401, Public Laws 92-500 and 95-217 of the United States and subject to the North Carolina Division o_ Environmental Management Regulations in 15 NCAC 2H, Section-.0500 and 15 NCAC 2B .0109 and .0201 for the discharge of fill material to waters and wetland areas which are waters.of the United States as described in 33 CFR 330 Appendix A (B) (3, 4; 5; 20, 22, 27, 32, 36, and 37) of the Corps of Engineers regulations. This Certification replaces Certification Number 2663. The.State of North Carolina certifies that the specified category of activity will not violate Sections 301, 302, 303, 306' and 307 of the Public Laws 92-500 and 95-217 if conducted in accordance with the conditions hereinafter set forth. Conditions of Certification: 1. 2. 3. These activities do not require written concurrence from the Division of Environmental Management as long as they comply with all conditions' of this General Certification. The use of Nationwide 23 (Categorical Exclusions) requires written notification to DEM of the extent of impact to waters and wetlands; That established sediment and erosion control practices are utilized to prevent violations of the appropriate turbidity water quality standard (50 NTUs in strea_ins and rivers not designated as trout by DEM; 25 NTUs in all saltwater classes, and all lakes and reservoirs; and 10 NTUs in trout waters); Measures shall be taken to prevent live or fresh concrete from coming into contact with waters of the state until. the concrete has hardened; The use of Nationwide 13 shall minimize fill in significant wetlands and waters. This Certification shall expire when the appropriate Nationwide Permit is reissued, expires or is modified. Non-compliance with or violation of the conditions herein set forth by a specific fill project shall result in revocation of GENERAL CER'T'IFICATION FOR'BANK STABILIZATION PROJECTS-INCLUDING PROJECTS %ELIGIBLE FOR CORPS OF ENGINEERS NATION-WIDE PERMIT-NUMBER 13 AND:REGIONAL PERMIT 080 This,General: Certification is issued in conformity the ;requirements. of Section 401, Public Laws 92-500 and 95-217 of the United States. and--subjec-t to the North Carolina Division of Envi- ronmental Management-Regulations in 15A NCAC 2H, Section 0500 and 15A-•NCAC 2B'- 0109 and . 0201 _or the discharge-of fill mate- rial to waters as described in 33 CFR-330 Appendi5trA (B) (13) of the Corps of Engineers regulations (i.e. Nationwide Permit No. 13) and Regional Permit 080. The category of activities shall include -any fill activity for bank stabilization as long-as impacts to waters or significant wetlands are minimized.. This Certification replaces -Water quality Certification Number 1663 issued-on September 8,-1983; and Plater Quality certification* Number 1272 issued-November 10, 1978.- The' State of North Carolina certifies that the' specified category of acti ,.city will not violate Sections 301, 302, 303, 306 and 307 of the Public Laws 92-500 and 95-217 if conducted in accordance with the conditions hereinafter set forth. Conditions of Certification: 1. Proposed bank stabilization greater than or equal. to 500 feet in length recuires written concurrence from the Division of Environmental Management. 2. Proposed bank stabilization'less than 500 feet in length does not require ?%ritten concurrence -from the Division of Environmental Management as long as all the following conditions are met; 3. That establis=ed sediment and erosion control practices are utilized to prevent :-iolations of the appropriate turbidity water quality standard (50 NT-Us in streams and rivers not designated as trout waters by DEM; 25 NTUs in all.saltwater classes, and all lake., -and-reservoirs; 10 NTUs in DEM-classified trout waters); ?• That the riprap shall be of such a size so as not to be able to be carried off bi= wave or current action and con- sist of clean rock or masonry material free of debris or toxic pollutants; 5. That additional_ site-specific conditions may be added to projects proposed under this Certification in order to ensure ccmpliance with all applicable '.rater quality and effluent standards; 6. Measures shall be taken to prevent live or fresh concrete from coming into contact with waters o= the state until the concrete has' hardened. 7. Concurrence from DEM that this Certification applies to an indivdual project shall expire three years from the date of the cenver letter from DEM. Non-compliance ;•rith or violation of the conditions herein set forth by a specific fill project shall result in revocation of this Certification for the project. The Dj.reci:or of t ?e No?:--'n Carolina Division of Lnv1'r0izricnta7. gal?n:,r e'i°!?t. I?ic_ _t .? re subr.llSSlo 1.1 o): _On q?: ?\ 4, ?, qua 1 7 ? _ J J ?. ?ca?i lr 'f -UG 799 • ??'-`.'..> ..,?-,;.,' _. ? mow.. i' :? ? - __ . _ , ..: ? 52 North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission 512 N. Salisbury Street, Raleigh, North Carolina 27604-1188, 919-733-3391 Charles R. Fullwood, Executive Director MEMORANDUM TO: John Thomas, Permit Coordinator Raleigh Office, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers FROM: Stephanie E. Goudreau, Mt. Region Coordinator Habitat Conservation Program t tom. August 14, 1995 DATE: SUBJECT: Review of an application by NCDOT to replace/extend pipes in unnamed tributaries to Big Sandy Creek in conjunction with paving SR 1100, Alleghany County. The North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) is requesting a letter of concurrence from the North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission (NCWRC) to obtain a 404 permit from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. The NCWRC has reviewed information provided by the applicant, and field biologists on our staff are familiar with habitat values of the project area. These comments are provided in accordance with provisions of the Clean Water Act of 1977 (33 U.S.C. 466 et. seq.) and the Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act (48 Stat. 401, as amended; 16 U.S.C. 661-667d). The NCDOT proposes to pave SR 1100 (Stone Mountain Road) from the end of the existing pavement west of US 21 to existing pavement east of SR 1101, some on new alignment. Six pipes in unnamed tributaries to Big Sandy Creek will be replaced or extended, along with several pipes that do not involve live streams. The project will also involve encroachment into the 25-foot trout buffer in ten locations. Big Sandy Creek is Wild Designated Public Mountain Trout Water and supports wild rainbow trout. The NCWRC does not object to the issuance of this permit, provided the following conditions are met by the NCDOT: 1) Instream work and land disturbance within the 25-foot wide buffer zone are prohibited during the rainbow trout spawning season of January 1 through April 15 to protect-the egg and fry stages of trout. A SR 1100 Page 2 August 14, 1995 2) Heavy equipment should be operated from the bank rather than in the stream channel in order to minimize sedimentation and reduce the likelihood of introducing other pollutants into the stream. 3) If concrete will be used, construction must be accomplished so that wet concrete does not contact stream water. This will lessen the chance of altering the stream's water chemistry and causing a fish kill. 4) Temporary or permanent herbaceous vegetation should be planted on all bare soil within 15 days of ground disturbing activities to provide long-term erosion control. 5) Trees within the 25-foot stream buffer zone damaged during construction should be replanted within 15 days of project completion with the same species or with other native species. Thank you for the opportunity to review and comment on this project. If you have any questions regarding these comments, please contact me at 704/652-4257. cc: Mr. Joe Mickey, District 7 Fisheries Biologist Mr. W. O. Atkins, NCDOT EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION CONTROL PLAN EVALUATION FORM Evaluator: _iy • /V. -? Date : ?3-0-9j Project No.: County: -??R!?- Div.: Location: 50q 1100 15,11,16 1. Is there a Erosion and Sedimentation Control Plan for the project? YE NO 2. Are the design calculations shown? 3. 4. 5. Is the plan adequate to control Erosion and Sedimentation on the project? Is the project in a HQW zone? Respond below where appropriate: Site location or vicinity map . . . . Erosion control schedule. . . . . . . EC measures in drainage turnouts and before ditch outfalls into streams. . Basin sizes . . . . . . . . . . . Temporary slope drains. . . . . . . . Temporary rock silt checks. . . . . . Temporary silt fence. . . . . . . . . Temporary diversions. . . . . . . . . Catch basin/Drop inlet protection . . Pipe inlet protection devices . . . . Pipe outlet stabilization . . . . . . Ditch liners - matting . . . . . . . - roving. . . . . . . . - stone, class . . YES NO N/A YE NO YES Are Temporary Silt Fences used in proper locations? 0> NO N/A Are Temporary Rock Silt Checks spaced properly? ? NO N/A Are Basin sizes adequate? YE NO N/A Other Comments: At A U G 1 4 i99, i Rcqucst. foI wR'c Corr mellt. <f .ommetit For a 404 N?rtimmide Permit in (lie 25 trout counties IZCI (aipljli,c:ation pack( i c attache(l) Comment for ,? letter (>f ;Ipprov,il h) work wi(hin the "trout buffer Zone" _ ((Ict,rrlccl w(Imcirta(im) &- cro.?t?n co>1t???1 1n5 ale alached) Rctrrr I cornrnTent, to: D,s rR -z r Ew G E 2 N._C, IDgpr. aF %?nNS?oer?rio./ P.n. (fox -58 , ?4 N.C. Za6zt CommCnt f'or Cata?Dorical ) XClusion, ,111(1 (o he u(iliiecl also for a 404 NW rout county requirement (it ,I future (late (Cl: Mid 1111 (IC)CLImclit,11.1011 attached) ? Other requests: J T W ? Q3 e J Q Q .J F? 10 o? Q ?4 ?l ? o 1. ?l oP O o. o0 o? J U1 O J V v Ir Cl ? 0 h a J a Q I\ ti z h o Co ? K Iz \ `vI v ? N O Q Q C( v v? ?? U DE;F1 ID: ACTI(M 11): HAT].ONWIDE PE RHI'T RF(.)UIf:S'I'IE1) (11 ROVroF, NAT IOW-11D{; PBluiT'l, JO I rIT F0 I'M I H NAT lOtJSt1U1', II F: R!1I'I'f; '1'lln'I' Ill?f)IIIRf: 1!O1'IFT('/\'1'IOtI 'I'O '1'llf: R1 5-, (fF I;;N( IN1,RRS HAT IOrl"rlllli l'I:NIIT`; 1'11 AT 11.1:Q I I?I: AIIIIIIIA'I'IUt1 FUR B("x1011 11 E I(TIFICAIUN W I1_.ti M(;1011 t) I:;TR I C' l' hH(:I III:EIt CORI'S OF ENGINEERS DEPARTi1P:N'1, OF T[ 11.11 AIZIIY I' . O. ROX 1890 WIIIH1NGTO IJ, N(; 28402--I81M A'r,i,fI: C'FS AW__CO--E Tc,If,I1)1o11e (91.9) 251-4511 SJ11'I'f•;It r)IIAI,I'I'Y 1'LAtIHI11 G DIVI:TFOH OF FlIVIROHMENTAT, HANAGEMENT NC DFIIAI('I't1ENT OF EtIVIRONMEN'T, HEALTH, AND NATURAF, RESOURCES P.O. ROX 29 ;3'i RAI,F:TGH NC 77(?2G--05 3 ATTN: HP. )()fill DORNE:Y OtJF? ( 1 ) COPY OF THIS COIIPL1;:,1'I?D API'LICAT10n SIIOUI,D IIIll SFtIT TO 11111 E CORPS OF F,NGINEI?RS. SEVF,I1 (-1) (_'o111E`; SI10U1,1) 13E SE1IT TO 'rtIE 11 .C. DIVISION OF LfiVIRONt1E1I'1 ?1J; 1"TNr.C F`MF'tl'I _- YLE AS F. -Yrt11A r 1. OWNERS".fIAtL`_?: / /TAI 5_ P :.. . .-f, C?__. ePT, aF. :/RAN3Poc'.Tlar/on 2. OSINI;MS ADDRrE:>S : ?? O. Qon 558- -- - - --- - 3. OWNERS PHONE NUMBER (11011E) 910 83.5 - 1{ Z'/ I __-- 4. IF APPLICABLE: AGE1`J1'' / S HAIIF OR RESPONSIBLE' CORPORATE OFFICIAL, ADDRESS, J?/Ay y6 O. / /? - <, _5 /Y. C._ ?_86 Z 1 5. LOCATION OF WORK (MUST ATTACH HAP) COUNTY: _ LL_EGNANY _ NEAREST TOWN OR CITY: ___s l•'/J.2_TA SPECIFIC LOCATION (INCLUDE ROAD HUHRERS, LANDMARKS, ETC.) : 10 -- U?-2 I TOnI E 1')r?Y _!Q.-- Flo ?'1_-Lc-. ao F?s r-'i r_. - L /. 0,c To Exr r. vr-L- - z5. of S?2 //Ol ------- -- - - 6. NAME OF CLOSEST STREAM/RIVER: Eo 37- _P ko?.__1CoAK (?fy 8(VEQ_ -___- 7. RIVER BASIN: ?gO,Cl?J _ 8. IS THIS PROJECT LOCATED IN A WATERSHED CC.ASSIFIIED AS 'TRn SA, HQW, ORW, VIS I, oft WS II? YES NO ( ) HAVF =-ANY jSEC.iIOtJ..404 _PERMI-'1S BEEN PREVIOUS LY::-RF-QUF,STED -.FOR-USE .OtJ 'THIS - TRQPERT.Y?_` -- --_Y.ES- I - )--- ?..- __ ....-- -----I-F-YESL__EXPli11irJ:'?-- --- --------- ---..--- -_.-------__... ...----. __ - •-- -----------_- ----•--_---___ ____.. .-----:.. _..... 10.- ESTIMATED TO'!'AIr-HUMBER OF-ACRES- OF-WATERS OF THE.U S. t.-INCLUDING- :_._ :. WETLANDS,. LOCIIT,ED. ON _PROJECT SITE:.. 0.037 T ? - 7/8/92. r• 1: I, I,r:n : o . n3 uI?AItIE;i,: d FLOODED: ? EXCAVATED: 0 TOTAL IMPACTI?:D: 0 .03 ---- 12. DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED WORK (A"T"TACH PLANS): e404" ??qr r zenje Pv-_s2 AP IJ. PURPOSE OF PROPOSED WORK: IMPf'OVE -AF_E.ry__?egrrvgGE PgvE lei. STATE REASONS WILY THE APPLttANT Hi LYEVES THAT THIS ACTIVITY attl,?`I' f1 CARRIED OUT IN WETLANDS. ALSO, NOTE MEASURES TAKEN TO MINIMIZE WETLAND IMPAC:`IS PraEs /?usT L` xrc^rOEfl Qc"P?qc O /? ?argrN /a rqF? Pe?ecr.-?Cra, v? OIL- ??r 3i +7S?--7. -.33.5o--j;--Avv,o Sr2C_4?.- E(`O.Sr6N ? -SeomCNl-?TION D?YrGC1 7"'?LIONNLO f?o?, - 15. YOU ARE REQUIRED TO CONTACT THE U.S. FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE (USFWS) AND/OR NATIONAL MARIUE FISHERIES SERVICE (UMPS) REGARDING THE PRESEUCF OR ANY FEDERALLY LISTED OR PROPOSED FOR LISTING Et1DAUGL'RI;D OR THREATII"NED SPECIES OR CRITICAL HABITAT %II THE PERMIT AREA THAT MAY BE AFFECTED BY THE PROPOSED PROJECT. HAVE YOU DONE SO? YES ( I NO wl' -__RESP.ONSES FROM THE USFWS AUV/OR UMFS SHOULD BE FORWARDED TO CORPS. 16. YOU ARE REQUIRED TO CONTACT THE STATE HISTORIC PRESERVATION OFFICER (SHPO) REGARDING THE PRESENCE OF HIS'T'ORIC PROPERTIES IN THE PERMIT AREA WHICH MAY BE AFFEC'T'ED BY THE PROPOSED PROJEC'T'? HAVE YOU DONE SO? YES ( ) 14 RESPONSE FROM THE SHPO SHOULD BE FORWARDED TO CORPS. 17. ADDI'T'IONAL INFORMATION REQUIRED BY DEM: A. WETLAND DELINEATION MAP SHOWING ALL WETLANDS, STREAMS, AND LAKES Oil THE PROPERTY. B. IF AVAILABLE, REPRESENTATIVE PHOTOGRAPH OF WETLANDS TO BE IMPAC'T'ED BY PROJECT. C. IF DELINEA'T'ION WAS PERFORMED BY A CONSUL'T'ANT, INCLUDE ALL DATA SHEET'S RELEVANT TO THE PLACEMENT OF THE DELINEATION LINE. OWNER'S SIGNA'T'URE DATE /-I,eST v - U/="? ??UL_ SLUP(; )??,?? ?C CNsr?ucrc0 ?-?,rti/ /-'.?' o J E c T Fesr 7 -----_6j ),,/tL? l?t w ?sr,CUGreo ,rN E(z ci y) fir 35 +Z5j T? 39 too /o rc,0 OF ?/`^,/G A? 77. 60 Co-Is7- a c r i o J ?rl L L- Nor CXCECO L %1,5rl"6 S,oP,- ?) ?r SOtSS ?Npf? 0r Apt JJ G?- O r 6S - SL * 00 ?oSr o ?rlZvcrid?, )VI LL /lar ' X C-C_O L? X?srl^IG ???O?C Co.,I.:ST/'uCriO-1 ?._!•LL ff??T ? X Ct`E? ?-.:41Sti--/? ?,)?o/=f: Z- 76 t o0 C0•vsri'Li Cr;v-, ?./iLL /?or L XCE?D C xisri?,G s??r'E IU) T Q/ tsd / /O,5 r 95 o s C L S Z Q l.'_.'/ N O U L L U )i . L I- c / C nVUrr, ? ?f<.Ct??r/v EX/Sr??IG JGOPi=S. ?. SIn I, ,? r• ? 4 !fr r:1,?? S STATE OF NORI'I-I CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION JAMES B. FIUNT JR. DIVISION OI: HIGHWAYS GARIAND B. GARRETI- JR. GOVERNOR SECRETARY P.O. Box 558 Elkin, North Carolina 28621 January 10, 1996 MEMORANDUM TO: Joe Thompson Division Right of Way Agent From: W.O. Atkins, P.E. r District Engineer Subject: Right of Way Acquisition - Project No. 6.702249 -Grade, Drain, Base, and Pave - SR 1100 { Stone Mountain Road}- Alleghany County -* Revision * Attached for your further handling are the revised plan sheets, pole data sheets, and marked county map for the proposed improvements. Revised right of way acquisition begins at Sta.20+00 and ends at Sta. 47+46 line-back = 37+00 line ahead end revision. There is an intersection staked on the right for y-line {SR 1102} sta. 37+15 L- Line = sta 0+00 Y-Line sta 1+00 is E.O.P. Y=Line. There is a 100 X 10C sight distance staked at the intersection of SR 1100 and SR 1102 as shown on plans. All other information This project is to be Your efforts in obtai 6.702249. Your further handling WOA:vjb Attachments on previous plans remain the same. constructed in the 1995-96 road program. ning this right of way should be charged to W.O. and notifying this office will be appreciated. cc: W.E. Hoke, P.E. M.A. Pettyjohn, P.E. PC I??.J 1 S ti. 1 ?{ 3 f rJU° )- 7 JL 72'? `?7 M tick 1 __ s•. rbj ?, ? I , I s:'i 1 1 'i 7, __ ''? of i%r7• ??'`••? '1 cl xY \.YZ ? ?, ,f•\\ . ?1 oY J ?? _. f ? 1 ?? ?i f?• ? , o; t ol.r d / n D N lpV? ROB 13 I y f W \ i ? ?i •J ? 1 \ r w Symbol PII= i 245.03 245.05 893.01 890.05 245.01 245.02 892.04 895.10 892.01 892.02 897.01 894.01 245.04 896.01 896.02 896.03 Temporary Silt Ditch -_- VI-2 Temporary Diversion --- VI - 4 Temporary Silt Fence .... i I H Hi -___-__ VI - 6 Temporary Slope Drain with Earth Berm f - VI - g Silt Basin Type A ................................. -0 VI 10 Silt Basin Type B ........................................... ? --- VI - 12 Temporary Rock Silt Check Type-A --_-____ ----------- VI - 14 Temporary Rock Silt Check Type-B .......... Temporary Rock Sediment Dam Type-A --_ VI - 18 Temporary Rock Sediment Dam Type-B .__ _ -------- V1 - 20 Rock Pipe Inlet Protection -? VI 22 Rock Silt Screen ......................................... -- ----- VI - 24 Stilling Basin F? ----- VI - 26 Rock Inlet Protection: ? . Type A ------------------------------• A ? OR .. A)) ----- VI - 30 .. Type B ............................... B OR .. B 11 1) ----- VI - 32 Type C -• .....................•----- . C OR C) ---- vz - 34 VI-1 March, 1993 V C) N 1,1 I IW v \I -.N ? I i N ? v ?C N ti v ZS'-? -Z5- /D +VO /bs -}- O o /D -}- v 0- /,53+00 /? ld /S 3?Z t FJ U . Y 1 ^1 Q \ . Qi I B" G? irIP I ,N 0 N UJ • ? o I I ? ?w I ? STf7. //Z -54J o T/ES TO EX/ 5T 30 T?/ t/ I X3X 2 ' //2 o ///+ oo /o --00 15?3{y ? I V b ? 25 -ZS ?N f I 0 c o P-1 ;y ;-L h `N /d8 +00 T E Silt Basin Type B's will be constructed to the dimension of six feet by three feet by three feet unless otherwise noted on the plans. Generally, the order of installation of the erosion control measures will be as follows: Temporary silt basins shall be installed before clearing and grubbing begins. Silt fences and temporary silt ditches shall be installed after clearing and before grading. Temporary stone ditch checks shall be installed as soon as ditchline is established. Pipe outlet and inlet protection will be done as soon as the pipe is installed. Seeding and other permanent erosion control measures are to be implemented as soon as practical. RS Always SUPER toward ditch line as a temporary measure in this situation! ROA0 NAMF ----- PROJE:C F 742 22 ¢ COUNTY ?,?IV SHEET / OF OWNER OF POLE LINE ?f /N 7-Zl- TFL E P/MD'v/ POLE DIST FROM CENTER DIST FROM CENTER DIST FROM CENTER REMARKS STATION NUMBER PRESENT ROAD PROJECT AFTER MOVING LT. RT. LT. RT. LT. RT. 21+24- 3 F- o o ¢3, p D,,57 D, 4-f7S pbv- E ROAD NAMf=_, PROJECT OWNER OF F STATION 76) SD-,z *s- ?SfD/ 42- -?- Z 7 Std /A 70 2 ; OLE LIf, POLE NUMBER D f7e) A) C ?¢s DIST FROM CENTER PRESENT ROAD LT. RT. (p Q D Z U, D? 2.?0 IS,D' /, S' /Z70' / 7. ?e v ;rte ? 2s5? DIST FROM CENTER PROJECT LT. RT. 3 l? ? 17. 5' ' --3,o 22,5' Zl, S' ;OUNTY4 DIST FROM CENTER AFTER MOVING LT. RT. /P SHEET / OF / REMARKS Pol- E 'PDLE POSE ? 2 Gu?? ?o J- G u y E 2 G u s?, t? o L C f a?E , / G u? ----- --------- - ----------- -- ------------------------------- DITCH LINER SR 11,.9e9 ,ZONE IV7-A/ IFD - STATION I I 1 I I I I I I 1 I 4 DD -------------- 1 1 I I 2/4,SD ;- 1 , I I 1 I 1 1 I -------- ; I I , 1 ; ; I ---------- -------- -- I ; 1 I ------------- 1 ------------ i t I I I I ; i ; I I I ------ ------ ---- ------------ - - --- --- -- STATION ; I -------- RT/LT ; I TYPE -- ---------- ------- ' LINER REQUIRED / f d d ; ; ?T?? r -- ----- - --- - - - r P -- -------- - --- - I , - - - I --------- 1 -- , 334-?0 T /LT--' ---- -1?/p- q?EXCrP__??«s S? 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