HomeMy WebLinkAbout19940559 Ver 1_Complete File_19940615State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources Division of Environmental Management James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Jonathan B. Howes, Secretary A. Preston Howard, Jr., P.E., Director APPROVAL of 401 Water Quality Certification Mr. W.O. Atkins, Jr. District Engineer NC DOT P.O. Box 558 Elkin N.C. 28721 Dear Mr. Atkins: dft C)EHNR June 21, 1994 Surry County DEM Project # 94559 Project No. 6.742510 FILE COPY You have our approval to place fill material in 0.1 acres of wetlands or waters for the purpose of road improvement at SR 1603, as you described in your application dated 13 June, 1994. After reviewing your application, we have decided that this fill is covered by General Water Quality Certification Number 2745. This certification allows you to use Nationwide Permit Number 3 when it is issued by the Corps of Engineers. This approval is only valid for the purpose and design that you described in your application. If you change your project, you must notify us and you may be required to send us a new application. For this approval to be valid, you must follow the conditions listed in the attached certification. In addition, you should get any other federal, state or local permits before you go ahead with your project. If you do not accept any of the conditions of this certification, you may ask for an adjudicatory hearing. You must act within 30 days of the date that you receive this letter. To ask for a hearing, send a written petition which conforms to Chapter 150B of the North Carolina General Statutes to the Office of Administrative Hearings, P.O. Box 27447, Raleigh, N.C. 27611-7447. This certification and its conditions are final and binding unless you ask for a hearing. This letter completes the review of the Division of Environmental Management under Section 401 of the Clean Water Act. If you have any questions, please telephone John Dorney at 919-733-1786. Sincerely, reston owar r. P.E. rector Attachment cc: Wilmington District Corps of Engineers Corps of Engineers Raleigh Field Office Winston-Salem DEM Regional Office Mr. John Dorney Central Files 94559.1tr P.O. Box 29535, Raleigh, North Carolina 27626-0535 Telephone 919-733-7015 FAX 919-733-2496 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer 50% recycled/ 10% post-consumer paper ?. o ?10?0 401 ISSUED STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF T .,ANsPORTATION JAMES B. HUNT, JR. DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS R. SAMUEL HUNT I I I GOVERNOR P. 0. Box 558 SECRETARY Elkin, North Carolina 28621 June 13, 1994 Mr. Ken Jolly, Office Manager U. S. Army Corps of Engineers Regulatory Branch 6512 Falls of the Neuse Road Suite 105 Raleigh, North Carolina 27615 Re: Project No. 6.742510 - Grade, Drain, Base, & Pave with BST Mat & Split Seal 2.07 Mi. of SR 1603 (Casper Stewart Rd) in Surry County, NC. Dear Mr. Jolly: The North Carolina Department of Transportation, District I Maintenance plans to Grade, Drain, Base, & Pave SR 1603 in Surry County. We plan to Widen Roadway and Reshape Shoulders on this Secondary Unpaved Road in Surry County. The following are pipe lines of perpendicular crossings that will be replaced or extended. Sta. 46+35 Exist 30" Replace with 36" CM Pipe Sta. 58+49 Exist 36" Replace with 42" CM Pipe Sta. 68+00 Exist 24" Replace with 36" CM Pipe Sta. 74+90 Exist 30" Replace with 36" CM Pipe Sta. 86+00 Tie grade to Existing Bridge Approach This is a request for a 404 Permit due to the need to re-establish the roadway section on the proposed secondary road improvement and improve safety of the traveling public. We are requesting a 404 Nationwide Permit (#3 Maintenance) from your agency. I am sending a sketch with the proposed erosion control plan along with a marked county map. By copy of this letter I am asking Mr. Joseph Mickey, Jr., North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission District Fisheries Biologist to comment directly to you concerning the 404 Nationwide Permit Request. z This work appears to involve Class "C" Trout Waters, with perpendicular crossings, but not High Quality Water. Also by copy of this letter, I am requesting authorization to proceed under Section 401 of the Clean Water Act from the Division of Environmental Management. If further information is required, please let me know. Your early review and consideration will be greatly appreciated. Sincerely, W. 0. Atkins, PE District Engineer WOA/cb Enclosures cc: W. E. Hoke, PE, Division Engineer R. M. Freeman, PE, County Maintenance Engineer Doug Miller, PE, Regional Engineer DEHNR Neil Trivette, Area Roadside Environmental Engineer Joseph Mickey, Jr., District Fisheries Biologist, WRC Eric Galamb, Water Quality Certification Unit DEM (7) Aw- t bt" lot hcfi#ON 1bt "AfioNWlbt PVWAI2 ttEQVEsTEb (t'hvVibE NhrfvNWfbt' h)JRtf# a?) t 3 Ja1N1, t-otW t-oft hAftONWfbb t'EhttIT9 t1fAT 11800tRt ftbtrttchtfoN to ±11E boftt's or ENdINEEtts ftAtfON14fbk +11ERitITS tIIAT RV091ftE APPI,tcAtiott Port 69Cf'f0" 401 CERTft tthTfON WfLN#NdToN DISTRICT ENCINEEtt ColtP§ of ENC#tims bEPtif tht"T o#- TtIE ARf1Y h:o. box" logo W#LMiNGTION, NC 28402-1890 hTTNi t`EsAo-co-E tel6pfiotie (819) 251-4511 WATEtt QUALfTY PLANN1140 blvis#oft oP ENVfhoNMENxAL tfnNAcEttENr NC bEhhhi'!tElJT OF' t;NV#hONt1ENr, 11EAL'Tf1, AND NATURAL hf;sooftcEs t'.v. box 29535 ftALt;#GlI, 1JC 27976-05J5 ATTN r MR. .ioIIN boRNEY 3elephone (919) ljj-5083 ONb (1) COPY OP t111S COMPLETED hhftld ftfoN SitOULb 13t ftNt fo t1le CORPS OP ENGfhPkftS. SEVEN (7) COP1ES StIOULD 00 §9111' To 'tiff; N.C. bftifSfoN OF ENVfhoNHPf1tAL t-thNAcEMENT• PLEASE Ptt1N1•. l . 043NERS NAttE -/V C ?,UU/?,Q j ry?C ,'i- O/C % kA NS dD?e %ATi'o 64- 2. bt4NORS hnvnESS e 160 /? O lC S 58,, AE/?! ?l ? of ORS HIONE NUMBER (11014P) ! (WORK) t ?/O- 835-4?-24-1 A- it f1P UChhttf ArPIIT'S NAMP Ott ftE6PoNs1f1L9 CORPOnhtE Ot ICIAL, hD1)R8SS, HIONA NUABERt j.[1D ,97'/ri'N_5--_ -Ar. r -.1EI N6i'n4 aeIP I 5. LOCATION bt, taonx (mUsT ATTACH IlAP) ? coUN?ti i _ 5G! pa2 ? Nt"it kST 'TOWN OR CITY: LOttJ G.,g'4 §P§dfPiC LOCATION (INCLUDE ROAD HOAhERS, LANDMARKS, ktC.) 3 ,S/Z /Ga3 M SR lino 2 To 6: HIM of CLOStSt STREAM/hiVEh! Z 'Tr14F F?.'sh-"le ,ky 7. f}1+i?1? t3hS1Ni _ ?/i4 t>k'? .. U. 1s tOIS Pf OJtCT LOCAM IN A WATPti§ifPD CL1199fPit o hs thoUT, SA, 11QW, Ono, Ws #, bft Ws lit YES 1,4- NO ?. ) q. 11hijk htJY st;cTfott 404 PEhMITS BEEN PftEVIO"" ftt;QUk§t9b Poh USE ON 2112§ PttoPttitf YES ( ) No ?,? tP VM EXPLAIN. id. E§'irf[RhTkD TOTAL NUIJEIER of ACfiEs iif WAfiEft§ Ot; tl,E! U . § . , iNCLUD INa Whi Ll?Nb y LOCATED ON t'ROJECT s ITE f 7/8/92 -2- ii: Willett bP hcRts otr WhTt;ns ot^ tttf V.s. i iNcLUO"d OttthNbS; tNPhctEb by tog PftdposLb Pf ojtct f e f LLeb f L C S3 T.4?/? i? O. /D 4 C. bnhfNEb! --o- excAVATEbs TOTAL IMPACTkbt G c,4u 7,-:4 r 0, /0 /,?c it : . bsch21>fi?vN oi' E't2oPOSf b Wottk (t?thcll bL?1N9 ! G.PA/J c DR,?I ?/. .?i9s? %O 1?i4STi4TC Li'Nc Hi HpposL OP PROPOSED wontc: -72> ? k'vvc SA r'gr/ f P11.v,6F_S2 1403 14. b'thTV hehtOOS WHY TttE htPLfchMt hELtEVP§ tHhT fittt§ ACtivttY MOSt bb Chftftt9b bur tN Wt;TLANbs. ALSO, .Nutt; MhSMA thk0,1 to lft"Mfte WstLhNb tftt;Abfi§. ?i/ ?,yok'.K ?'s i?+/c'n?d P/??? ?9lar?? Ti,S?c E-k•sTrN? It. ybtf hRt ttEQUfhEV TO CONTACT t11E lf.s. Mtt hNb WILbLIPt± SERVICE (U§f:fi§) hNb/Oft NATIONAL MM1111P PISIWEjtS SEttVtcb (HMr6) fledhttblNd THE! PRESENCE'' bft AHV eEVEIIMLy LtSM on VROV0980 f"bft LfsfiiNd t;NbANdt tt9b Ott THRehTt;NEb §i7t dtftA OR CfitttchL t1A13fthx WT11E PWlt Aft§A fHhT RAI bL htPECTmb by ttte pftOf?60b > ftdjkct. t1AVE you botir. §O? : teg 1,4- No ( j ftg§t ONst§ irttON the Ust Ws ANb/Oh "lif s §11duLb t3k ?bf whfibt;b To COttp§. It. #69 hilk fitQUfhEb TO CONTACt T11tt 9thTb 1119t'OtttC t?ftt WWATfON OtirteEh •(§HPtJ) htaAttbtNd THE PRESENCE OP ttt§fibftfc Pft6V ttttt§ M Tog PERMIT hREh Wttfclt RAI M hPPECtkb by THE PhOPOSEb PROJ96tl ffAVig yo" bo" so? y99 t No t. ftWONSb t: hoN tt1E stwo sttouLb bt f:ohWhRb9b to cofiPs : 13: AbbfttoNhL f"VORNAttott REQutRbb by b1Fft A. WrAhHb beLINEATION NAP SHvWtftd ALL MktLhtJbs; srhtihNS; hNb LhttES oN Fife bRoptht r : fl: It hVAtLhbLt, REPhESENThtIVb fSttoToditA?tf bl" Ott Tt,ANb3 to bE IHMCTt V by f?f3oJbCm. b: IP bbLtNbhrlON WAS PERT vttNEb ft>f A toff ULThNT, fNCLUbb htt, bhTh sttkki§ ftbLt vAMt to the PLhCEMhNT OP tit# OtINAAftbN LI49: b. IP h StohNWhTER fthNA(;E11EHT PL} 1N t§ ftL{JUtht;b Poft fittfs t?hait*CT, hrthctt bbt; it . C. tmht f§ LhNb use oP sufthouNbl"d 1,hopthttf fgAr4 /'elyR/3 fr: IP hPPLICht3LE, WHhfi IS PhOPOS??b Nb3tt?fi Off' 5EWhd? bISPOSf1L? bWNER'9 SficNATURt bA?'E SION -t ,O CON DETAILS SPE.C.IFICATION-S lbD3 (TROUT WA-IRS Cov.v r Y SURQV .S ui tilczl 245.03 Te)npola)y Slll Dllch 245.05 Temporary Diverslon ............. . .. lib 093.01 ence .................. Te'?)porary SIII Fence— ........... 090.05 Temporary Slope Draln will) Ear(I) Dern)III II I- 245.01 Sill Dash Type A ........ `- ,- .. 245.02 Sill Dasln Type B ..................... ........... 0 82.01 Temporary hock SII( Check type-A . 9 10 Ten)poraiy flock Sill Check Type ....... -D 892.01 Teirlporary hock Sediment Darn Tyl,e-A...... 892.02 891 01 1e)np0101y hock Sedlrnen( Darn . . Type-[3 .. . Dock Plpe Inlel PrOlecllon Type-A 891.02 [lock Plpe Intel Pf o(eclIon ........... Type-B 894.01 flock Sill Screen ............ +,. 245.04 S(Illiny Dasln ........................ .................. flock Inlet Prolec(IUI1 :................... ......... .. VA ? 896.01 l YPe A .... ....., Ofl -- A) 090.02 Type B ............................... 13 ( • 011 -13) 096.03 85i Type C ....................... c ?1 .. oft ? c ? Ui Lch Liner PiPa OULICL Enct?gy Uisipalor r 40 " w 0 868 I)ip flap 'li? rr «' 12 1992 i 1 )! j,? 3 SR ?'' Jk l3 ?, ? r z ?r 4r 1 I b L4 r a •r m.,. w?o: ? `) ' J,?S rls ? rr :.> ,?5. ?? RI•tR - 3 :r ? ` ?, ? 3 ' , , _ z ; Fr .r Y r .U 3 9 .r ?o¢ ` .r .a i ? 1 yy } P i s !tin ? \? ? ?I 0. ? ? A N V H O 3 l Y Cl Ll ? Cie, a1 ? Q Q v q. AC .. '?o a 4 a\ 1 E\ 1 ' Silt Basin Type B's will be constructed to the dimension of six feet by three feet by three feet unless otherwise noted on the plans. Generally, the order of installation of the erosion control measures will be as follows: Temporary silt basins shall be installed before clearing and grubbing begins. Silt fences and temporary silt ditches shall be installed after clearing and before grading. Temporary stone ditch checks shall be installed as soon as ditchline is established. Pipe outlet and inlet protection will be done as soon as the pipe is installed. Seeding and other permanent erosion control measures are to be.implemented as soon as practical. \v.- !RS Always SUPER toward ditch line as a temporary measure in this situation! W v ? o l? ? ? U LJ ? vl y .-k ,3+oo fOv l foo 1, CLd n n n 5- 2 ?? ? 7- 'Zi h K I ?? J W o ,a W 11J U V) O I+zz o d 0- Ic- 11 O l" O 0, J V x 1C ? 1 ? 00 eXIS-7 2S` e ?xlSi` \ +Sv ? a I?i o o ? O Z ,z?? ? w a IQ Q ,1--n v/Z E? W v Ll. 0 W 4i 25/ 25' ? M 7 -1 4- SS I I ? /.Z?12CP ? i ? ?ja.plnc? r -7 t o o 3 (? 0 0 w w O O 0- 0 + O O vi; x Q. ? is " RcP I S+4o EA?. i 2.S /Y IY S +DU v' S' -? 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