HomeMy WebLinkAbout20200833 Ver 1_Corrective Action Plan_20200624                                                    CORRECTIVE ACTION PLAN  FOR NOV‐2020‐PC‐0198    SPRINGDALE COUNTRY CLUB      HAYWOOD COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA    1013 State Farm Road Boone, North Carolina, 28607 828.386.1920 Firm License No.: C-0459 MAY 2020 PROJECT NO. 20.00608 CORRECTIVE ACTION PLAN  FOR NOV‐2020‐PC‐0198  SPRINGDALE COUNTRY CLUB  HAYWOOD COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA  TABLE OF CONTENTS   1.0 INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................ 1  2.0 CORRECTIVE ACTION PLAN .................................................................. 3  2.1 EVALUATION OF IMPACTS ............................................................................................ 3  2.2 AFTER‐THE‐FACT PERMITTING ...................................................................................... 4  2.3 SEDIMENT REMOVAL PLAN ........................................................................................... 5  2.4 STREAM AND WETLAND IMPROVEMENT PLAN ............................................................. 6  3.0 FINAL REPORT ......................................................................................... 8  4.0 SCHEDULE/TIMELINE .............................................................................. 9  APPENDICES   1.Location Map 2.USGS Topo Map 3.Impact Areas Map 4.Stream Improvement Plan 5.Photo Sheets Springdale Country Club May 2020  NOV‐2020‐PC‐0198  Page 1 of 8  Corrective Action Plan 1.0     INTRODUCTION  Springdale Golf Partners, LLC (SGP) received a Notice of Violation (NOV) from the  Asheville Regional Office of Water Quality Regional Operations associated with their  Springdale Country Club (SCC) property in Canton, North Carolina.  The violations are  described in a letter to SGP dated April 9, 2020 as follows:   “On March 16, 2020, Amy Annino from the Asheville Regional Office of the  Division of Water Resources (DWR) conducted a site inspection of the Springdale  Country Club in Canton, North Carolina.  The site inspection was conducted after  receiving a complaint from Haywood County Development Services regarding  impacts to an unnamed tributary to Long Branch.  Tim Surrett with Haywood  County Development Services and Chris Morgan with Southeastern Golf were  present during the inspection.  During the site inspection, staff observed that Springdale Country Club had  recently dredged an in‐line pond and an unnamed tributary to Long Branch (Class  WS‐III; Tr) below the pond. Staff observed that the culvert carrying the UT to Long  Branch had been replaced, but was not adequately buried and is perched.  Approximately 8‐12 inches of in‐stream sediment was observed in the UT to Long  Branch. The dredge spoils were deposited adjacent to Long Branch and staff  observed sediment that had overtopped silt fence and washed into Long Branch  (Class WS‐III; Tr). DWR staff observed that SCC had recently made numerous  stream crossings through Long Branch for a new irrigation system. These  temporary stream impacts (open cut trench) were not performed in the dry  according to Chris Morgan. In‐stream sediment impacts were observed in Long  Branch as a result. Erosion control matting placed on the streambanks to stabilize  disturbed areas at crossings were not free of plastic netting or mesh. A review of  DWR files indicates no approval has been issued for the project. As a result of the  site inspection and file review, the following violations were identified:  VIOLATIONS  I.Failure to Secure a 401 Water Quality Certification (WQC) – Title 15A NCAC 02H .0500 requires water quality certifications pursuant to Section 401 of the Clean Water Act whenever construction or operation of facilities will result in a discharge into jurisdictional waters, including wetlands, as described in 33 CFR Springdale Country Club May 2020  NOV‐2020‐PC‐0198  Page 2 of 8  Corrective Action Plan Part 323. A file review confirmed that a Pre‐Construction Notification has not been  received by the DWR for this project and that a 401 Water Quality Certification  has not been issued.  II.Stream Standard Violation – Other Waste (In‐stream sediment) 15A NCAC 02B .0211 (12) – An undetermined length of Long Branch (Classified WS‐III; Tr) and an Unnamed Tributary to Long Branch was impacted with sediment deposition measured to be at least 12 inches in depth in the observed stream reach, representing Water Quality Stream Standard violation of 15A NCAC 02B .0211 (12). III.Stream Standard Violation –Conditions of Best Usage ‐ 15A NCAC 02B.0211 (2) ‐ The stream impacts from excavation and dredging and in‐stream waste (sediment) discharges are a violation of Title 15A North Carolina Administrative Code 02B .0211 (2) which requires that “The waters shall be suitable for aquatic life propagation and maintenance of biological integrity, wildlife, secondary recreation, and agriculture; sources of water pollution which preclude any of these uses on either a short‐term or long‐term basis shall be considered to be violating a water quality standard.” McGill Associates has been contracted by SGP to prepare a Corrective Action Plan to  address issues identified in the NOV and obtain any necessary permitting for existing  impacts. Springdale Country Club May 2020  NOV‐2020‐PC‐0198  Page 3 of 8  Corrective Action Plan 2.0     CORRECTIVE ACTION PLAN   2.1  EVALUATION OF IMPACTS  McGill Associates staff visited the SCC property on April 30, 2020 to assess unauthorized  impacts described in the NOV letter.  Three types of impacts were identified in the letter  – in‐stream  sediment  deposition,  stream/jurisdictional utility line  crossings,  and dredging. Photographs were taken of all impacted areas and representative images are provided in Appendix 5.  Impacted area locations are provided in Appendix 3. 2.11  AREAS OF IN‐STREAM SEDIMENT DEPOSITION  Several areas of significant in‐stream sediment deposition were found within Long Branch  and  “UT‐2  to  Long  Branch”  (see  Appendix  3).   Sediment  deposition  within  impacted  channel segments was estimated using a probe rod, 100’ measuring tape and GPS unit.   The length, average width, and average depth of sediment deposition was determined  and recorded. Field observations and information about access or other constraints that  could impact a cleanup effort were also documented.  Approximately 1,359 linear feet of  Long Branch and 181 linear feet of “UT‐2 to Long Branch” were assessed for sediment  impacts. In general the impacted areas were confined to pools and low gradient point  bars. Steeper riffles and step‐pool sections tended to have only small to moderate zones  of deposition. In many cases it was clear that high sediment loads had moved through but  there was not enough concentrated deposition to justify a cleanup effort.  Due to several recent storm events it appeared that a large portion of the initially observed in-stream sediment had moved through the system or had been deposited on upland riparian areas. Five sediment deposition areas requiring removal were identified as follows:  1)Sediment Area 1 – 10’ x 4’, 8” depth (27 c.f.) 2)Sediment Area 2 – 10’ x 8’, 8” depth (53 c.f.) 3)Sediment Area 3 – 10’ x 2’, 8” depth (13 c.f.) 4)Sediment Area 4 – 12’ x 4’, 12” depth (48 c.f.) 5)Sediment Area 5 – 181’ x 5’, 11” average depth (830 c.f.) The Sediment Areas are identified on the Impact Areas Map in Appendix 3.  The total  volume  of  measured  sediment  deposition  is  estimated  to  be  approximately  36  cubic  yards.   The quantity of in-stream sediment identified is thought to be the result of  sediment loss from various stream crossings with the SCC property, however, there are  other active sources in the Long Branch system within the site that have and continue to  Springdale Country Club May 2020  NOV‐2020‐PC‐0198  Page 4 of 8  Corrective Action Plan contribute an elevated sediment load to the system. These include unstable and actively  eroding stream banks found scattered throughout the reach.    2.12  STREAM AND WETLAND CROSSINGS  McGill Associates staff identified nine unauthorized stream crossings and two wetland  crossings within the SCC property associated with the installation of irrigation lines.  Each  stream  crossing  appeared  to  disturb  approximately  10  linear  feet  and  each  wetland  crossing disturbed 0.004 acres of wetlands.  Plastic mesh had also been installed along  stream banks. The crossing locations are identified on the Impact Areas Map in Appendix 3. 2.13  DREDGING  The  NOV  letter  noted  recent  dredging  to  the  in‐line  pond  and  the  unnamed  tributary  to  Long  Branch  (S3)  below  the  pond.    McGill  Associates  was  not  able  to  determine  the  limits and  depth  of  the  dredging  though  it  did  appear  the  pond  and  stream  channel  had  been  recently  graded.    As  such,  it  is  assumed  that  the  entire  pond  and  stream channel were impacted, which would equate to a total of 14,806 square feet (0.33 acres) of temporary open water impacts and 181 linear feet of temporary stream impacts. The dredging locations are identified on the Impact Areas Map in Appendix 3. 2.2  AFTER‐THE‐FACT PERMITTING  SGP intends to apply for “after‐the‐fact” permits through the USACE and DWR. It is assumed  the irrigation crossings would have been covered under Nationwide Permit 12 and Water  Quality General Certificate No. 4133 for Utility Line Activities.  It is assumed a Nationwide  Permit  3  and  Water  Quality  General  Certificate  No.  4132  for Maintenance  would  have  covered  the  dredging  activities. An  “after‐the‐fact”  Pre‐Construction  Notification will be submitted concurrently with this Corrective Action Plan.   All  dredged  areas  and  crossings  will  be  considered  temporary  impacts  as  the  measures  described  below  are  intended  to  restore  impacted  jurisdictional  features  to  pre‐ construction conditions.  Springdale Country Club May 2020  NOV‐2020‐PC‐0198  Page 5 of 8  Corrective Action Plan 2.3 SEDIMENT REMOVAL PLAN  The  Corrective  Action  Plan  includes  a  detailed  plan  for  the  removal  of  accumulated  sediment  from  all  impacted  surface  waters  within the study area. In‐stream  sediment  deposits were identified in Long Branch and “UT‐2 to Long Branch”. As a result of the  various sources of  sediment  mentioned,  McGill  Associates  identified  approximately  223  linear  feet  of  accumulated sediment impacts.  Sediment  removal  from  Long  Branch  and  “UT‐2  to  Long  Branch”  will  be  primarily  accomplished using a manual labor “bucket” crew. We feel that this technique will be the  most cost effective, have the least impact on the streams, and will be able to access the  areas better than heavy machinery.  The labor required for the job would consist of the  following:  ‐ 5‐6 laborers (i.e. “bucket” crew)  ‐ 2 supervisors (McGill Associates representative, labor crew supervisor)  ‐ 2 operators (dump truck, skid‐steer loader or tractor with front end loader)  We estimate that 5‐6 laborers could remove approximately 120 linear feet of sediment  per  workday,  with  two  additional  laborers  as  machine  operators,  which  would  take  approximately  2‐3  workdays  for  the  total  removal  of  36  cubic  yards  of  sediment.  The  sediment removal operation will be observed and documented by a McGill Associates,  P.A. representative or other qualified individual to make sure that the sediment removal  activities do not create further violations and to collect the required information needed  for the daily and/or final report.  Typical hand tools are proposed for the bucket crews in the form of shovels and five‐ gallon  buckets  for  sediment  removal.  Sediment  will  then  be  deposited  in  a  tractor  or  front‐end  loader  bucket  for  collection  into  a  truck  or  ATV.  The  qualified  individual  supervising sediment removal activities will use a probe rod to calculate sediment depth  in  the  field  and  ensure  that  natural  stream  substrate  is  not  removed.  No  clearing  of  existing riparian vegetation will be necessary during clean‐up efforts. A pump around,  coffer  dam,  silt  fencing,  or  other  diversion  technique  will  be  used  during  sediment  removal to minimize side channel flow and limit the release of sediment downstream.  Bucket  crew  access  to  the  stream  will  be  limited  to  accumulated  sediment  areas  Springdale Country Club May 2020  NOV‐2020‐PC‐0198  Page 6 of 8  Corrective Action Plan minimizing disturbance. In‐stream sediment removal operations will not be conducted  during heavy rain events or periods of high flow.  Removed sediment will be disposed of within a previously disturbed area at a higher  elevation on the project site at least 30 feet from any stream channel or wetland.  Appropriate erosion control measures will be installed prior to removal operations to  confine the sediment to the disposal area. Once removal operations are complete, the  deposition area will be smoothed and permanently stabilized in place or moved to a more  appropriate location on the site and stabilized.    2.4 STREAM AND WETLAND IMPROVEMENT PLAN  Stream and wetland improvement measures will be implemented following sediment  removal operations.  These proposed measures are intended to restore existing impacted  areas and prevent future impacts.  These will include the following improvements:  1)Stabilization of existing disturbed areas adjacent to surface waters and in wetlands with a native riparian seed mix and, if needed, fully biodegradable matting. 2)Removal  of  existing  plastic  mesh  on  stream  banks  and  replacement  with fully biodegradable matting and native riparian seed mix as needed. 3)Regrading  eroded stream  banks  in crossing areas as  needed  to  a  3:1  slope  or  less  to  prevent  future sloughing. 4)Installation  of  live  stakes  on  any  stream  banks  where  woody  vegetation  was removed (Crossings 4, 6, 7, and 10). 5)Replacement of silt fence with super silt fence around any existing soil spoil areas. The  NOV  letter  also  mentions  the  culvert  upstream  of  “UT‐2  to  Long  Branch”  being  replaced,  but  not  adequately  buried.   It  is  assumed  this  comment  is  related  to  the  recommendation  for  pipe  countersinking  to  allow  for  low  flow  passage  of  water  and  aquatic life.  It should be noted that the pipe appears to be connected to an upstream  flashboard riser structure which controls the water elevation of the pond.  The structure  would  likely  prevent  low  flow  passage  regardless  of  downstream  pipe  countersinking.   A  cross  vane  design  has  been  included  in  the  CAP  in  lieu  of  pipe  countersinking  and  could  help  promote  low  flow  passage  if  the  upstream  structure  is  removed at a later date.     Springdale Country Club May 2020  NOV‐2020‐PC‐0198  Page 7 of 8  Corrective Action Plan The cross vane elevations were designed to raise the base flow elevation of the stream a  minimum of 6‐inches above the inlet invert elevation of the pipe.  It will also act as a grade  control structure that decreases near‐bank shear stress, velocity, and stream power,  while increasing the energy in the center of the channel. The cross vane structure is  intended to reduce bank erosion, create a stable width/depth ratio, and maintain channel  capacity while maintaining sediment transport capacity and sediment competence. The  cross vane provides for the proper natural conditions of secondary circulation patterns  commensurate with channel pattern, but with high velocity gradients and boundary  stress shifted from the near‐bank region.  A pump around diversion technique will be used during instream work to ensure that all  work occurs in the dry.  Work will not occur during heavy rain events or periods of high  flow.  Details and specifications for the cross vane design and other stream improvements are  provided in Appendix 4.  Springdale Country Club May 2020  NOV‐2020‐PC‐0198  Page 8 of 8  Corrective Action Plan  3.0     FINAL REPORT  SGP has authorized McGill Associates, PA to act as an independent third‐party inspection  firm to visit the site during the sediment removal and stream improvement efforts to  identify deficiencies and corrective action to be taken in order to bring the sites into  compliance. Any deviations from the plans included in this Corrective Action Plan will be  communicated to the proper permitting authorities and recommendations will be  provided to the Contractor as needed based on our previous experience with similar  projects.  Status reports will be created by a McGill Associates, P.A. representative or other qualified  individual as needed until completion of the Corrective Action Plan. Progress related to  sediment removal will be incorporated into the reports. Status reports will be distributed  to NC DWR and any other necessary parties for comment.  Upon completion of the Corrective Action Plan a Final Report will be completed by McGill  Associates. The Final Report will contain a description of the completed work, the results  of the sediment removal and stream improvement activities, and photo documentation.  The Final Report will be distributed to NC DWR and any other necessary parties for  comment.  Springdale Country Club May 2020  NOV‐2020‐PC‐0198  Page 9 of 8  Corrective Action Plan 4.0     SCHEDULE/TIMELINE  Sediment removal is scheduled to begin as soon as CAP and 404/401 permit approval is  confirmed. We anticipate approximately two weeks for removal, disposal, and  stabilization of all accessible sediment loads.  The next phase of the project will involve  the implementation of stream improvement measures which we also anticipate to take  approximately 2 weeks.   Appendix 1 Location Map © 2020 Microsoft Corporation © 2020 HERE DIVISION VALUE = FEETGRAPHIC SCALE 1000 0 500 1000 2000 1000 LOCATION MAP HAYWOOD COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA SPRINGDALE COUNTRY CLUB CORRECTIVE ACTION PLAN NOV-2020-PC-0198 MC DH AL JS 1OFFICE MANAGER PROJECT MANAGER DESIGNER REVIEWER FIGURE 5/5/20 20.00608 DATE PROJECT #P:\2020\20.00608-SPRINGDALECOUC-SPRINGDALE COUNTRY CLUB\DESIGN\REPORTS & PLANNING\CORRECTIVE ACTION PLAN\FIGURES 1.0.DWG PLOT DATE 5/5/2020 3:21 PM ALEX LOWDERMILKmcgillassociates.com 1013 State Farm Road Boone, NC 28607 828.386.1920 NC Firm License # C-0459 Legend Study Area Appendix 2 USGS Map DIVISION VALUE = FEETGRAPHIC SCALE 1000 0 500 1000 2000 1000 USGS MAP HAYWOOD COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA SPRINGDALE COUNTRY CLUB CORRECTIVE ACTION PLAN NOV-2020-PC-0198 MC DH AL JS 2OFFICE MANAGER PROJECT MANAGER DESIGNER REVIEWER FIGURE 5/5/20 20.00608 DATE PROJECT #P:\2020\20.00608-SPRINGDALECOUC-SPRINGDALE COUNTRY CLUB\DESIGN\REPORTS & PLANNING\CORRECTIVE ACTION PLAN\FIGURES 1.0.DWG PLOT DATE 5/5/2020 3:14 PM ALEX LOWDERMILKmcgillassociates.com 1013 State Farm Road Boone, NC 28607 828.386.1920 NC Firm License # C-0459 Legend Study Area Appendix 3 Impact Areas Map ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ IMPACT AREAS MAP (1)XX.XXXXX CITY OF McGILLINGTON WATER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS1013 State Farm Road Boone, NC 28607 828.386.1920 NC Firm License # C-0459 mcgillassociates.com HAYWOOD COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA SPRINGDALE COUNTRY CLUB CORRECTIVE ACTION PLAN NOV-2020-PC-0198 DIVISION VALUE = FEETGRAPHIC SCALE 60 0 30 60 120 60 0 M. CATHEY M. DOWD J. SWAIM J. SWAIM 5-10-20 20.00608 N/A 1 P:\2020\20.00608-SPRINGDALECOUC-SPRINGDALE COUNTRY CLUB\DESIGN\REPORTS & PLANNING\CORRECTIVE ACTION PLAN\CAP\RESTORATION AND DETAILS.DWG PLOT DATE 5/14/2020 9:13 AM JONATHAN M. HERMANNO. DATE BY DESCRIPTION SHEET OFFICE MANAGER PROJECT MANAGER DESIGNER REVIEWER DATE PROJECT #FUNDING # IMPACT AREAS MAP (2)XX.XXXXX CITY OF McGILLINGTON WATER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS1013 State Farm Road Boone, NC 28607 828.386.1920 NC Firm License # C-0459 mcgillassociates.com HAYWOOD COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA SPRINGDALE COUNTRY CLUB CORRECTIVE ACTION PLAN NOV-2020-PC-0198 DIVISION VALUE = FEETGRAPHIC SCALE 60 0 30 60 120 60 0 M. CATHEY M. DOWD J. SWAIM J. SWAIM 5-10-20 20.00608 N/A 2 P:\2020\20.00608-SPRINGDALECOUC-SPRINGDALE COUNTRY CLUB\DESIGN\REPORTS & PLANNING\CORRECTIVE ACTION PLAN\CAP\RESTORATION AND DETAILS.DWG PLOT DATE 5/14/2020 9:14 AM JONATHAN M. HERMANNO. DATE BY DESCRIPTION SHEET OFFICE MANAGER PROJECT MANAGER DESIGNER REVIEWER DATE PROJECT #FUNDING # Appendix 4 Stream Improvement Plan CROSS VANE DESIGN XX.XXXXX CITY OF McGILLINGTON WATER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS1013 State Farm Road Boone, NC 28607 828.386.1920 NC Firm License # C-0459 mcgillassociates.com HAYWOOD COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA SPRINGDALE COUNTRY CLUB CORRECTIVE ACTION PLAN NOV-2020-PC-0198 DIVISION VALUE = FEETGRAPHIC SCALE 10 0 5 10 20 10 0 M. CATHEY M. DOWD J. SWAIM J. SWAIM 5-10-20 20.00608 N/A 1 PLAN P:\2020\20.00608-SPRINGDALECOUC-SPRINGDALE COUNTRY CLUB\DESIGN\REPORTS & PLANNING\CORRECTIVE ACTION PLAN\CAP\RESTORATION AND DETAILS.DWG PLOT DATE 5/14/2020 9:14 AM JONATHAN M. HERMANNO.DATE BY DESCRIPTION SHEET OFFICE MANAGER PROJECT MANAGER DESIGNER REVIEWER DATE PROJECT #FUNDING # PROFILE SCALE: HORIZ. 1"= 2' VERT. 1"= 1' STREAM IMPROVEMENT NOTES AND DETAILS XX.XXXXX CITY OF McGILLINGTON WATER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS1013 State Farm Road Boone, NC 28607 828.386.1920 NC Firm License # C-0459 mcgillassociates.com HAYWOOD COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA SPRINGDALE COUNTRY CLUB CORRECTIVE ACTION PLAN NOV-2020-PC-0198 DIVISION VALUE = FEETGRAPHIC SCALE 10 0 5 10 20 10 0 M. CATHEY M. DOWD J. SWAIM J. SWAIM 5-10-20 20.00608 N/A 2 P:\2020\20.00608-SPRINGDALECOUC-SPRINGDALE COUNTRY CLUB\DESIGN\REPORTS & PLANNING\CORRECTIVE ACTION PLAN\CAP\RESTORATION AND DETAILS.DWG PLOT DATE 5/14/2020 9:14 AM JONATHAN M. HERMANNO.DATE BY DESCRIPTION SHEET OFFICE MANAGER PROJECT MANAGER DESIGNER REVIEWER DATE PROJECT #FUNDING # TEMPORARY STREAM BYPASS NOT TO SCALE PLANELEVATION · · · · · · ® ® ® ® CROSS VANE DETAIL NOT TO SCALE BIODEGRADEABLE COIR MATTING DETAIL NOT TO SCALE ® ® ® ® NOT TO SCALE SILT FENCE - SUPER NOT TO SCALE SCALE: 1/2" = 1'-0" UPDATED MARCH, 2017 NOT TO SCALE STREAMBANK STABILIZATION SEEDING NOTES LIVE STAKE INSTALLATION Appendix 5 Photo Sheets PHOTO SHEET 1 A-5 FIGURE P:\2020\20.00608-SPRINGDALECOUC-SPRINGDALE COUNTRY CLUB\DESIGN\REPORTS & PLANNING\CORRECTIVE ACTION PLAN\PHOTO SHEETS.DWG PLOT DATE 5/14/2020 11:33 AM JONATHAN M. HERMANPhoto One: View looking north at Wetland Crossing-1 through Wetland A. Photo Two: View looking southeast at Wetland Crossing-2 through Wetland A. Photo Three: View looking north at Stream Crossing-1 through Long Branch. HAYWOOD COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA SPRINGDALE COUNTRY CLUB CORRECTIVE ACTION PLAN NOV-2020-PC-01985/5/20 DATE 20.00608 PROJECT # DH PROJECT MANAGER 1013 State Farm Road Boone, NC 28607 828.386.1920 NC Firm License # C-0459 mcgillassociates.com Photo Four: View looking north at the dredged area of the pond on the subject property. PHOTO SHEET 2 A-6 FIGURE P:\2020\20.00608-SPRINGDALECOUC-SPRINGDALE COUNTRY CLUB\DESIGN\REPORTS & PLANNING\CORRECTIVE ACTION PLAN\PHOTO SHEETS.DWG PLOT DATE 5/14/2020 11:33 AM JONATHAN M. HERMANPhoto Five: View looking north at Stream Crossing-2 through Long Branch on the subject property. Photo Six: View looking at Sediment-1 in Long Branch on the subject property. Photo Seven: View looking at Sediment-2 in Long Branch on the subject property. Photo Eight: View looking at Sediment-3 in Long Branch on the subject property. 5/5/20 DATE 20.00608 PROJECT # DH PROJECT MANAGER 1013 State Farm Road Boone, NC 28607 828.386.1920 NC Firm License # C-0459 mcgillassociates.com HAYWOOD COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA SPRINGDALE COUNTRY CLUB CORRECTIVE ACTION PLAN NOV-2020-PC-0198 PHOTO SHEET 3 A-7 FIGURE P:\2020\20.00608-SPRINGDALECOUC-SPRINGDALE COUNTRY CLUB\DESIGN\REPORTS & PLANNING\CORRECTIVE ACTION PLAN\PHOTO SHEETS.DWG PLOT DATE 5/14/2020 11:33 AM JONATHAN M. HERMANPhoto Nine: View looking east at Stream Crossing-4 through UT-3 To Long Branch on the subject property. Photo Ten: View looking east at Stream Crossing-5 through UT-3 To Long Branch on the subject property. Photo Twelve: View looking south at Stream Crossing-6 through UT-3 To Long Branch. 5/5/20 DATE 20.00608 PROJECT # DH PROJECT MANAGER 1013 State Farm Road Boone, NC 28607 828.386.1920 NC Firm License # C-0459 mcgillassociates.com Photo Eleven: View looking south at Stream Crossing-3 through Long Branch on the subject property. HAYWOOD COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA SPRINGDALE COUNTRY CLUB CORRECTIVE ACTION PLAN NOV-2020-PC-0198 PHOTO SHEET 4 A-8 FIGURE P:\2020\20.00608-SPRINGDALECOUC-SPRINGDALE COUNTRY CLUB\DESIGN\REPORTS & PLANNING\CORRECTIVE ACTION PLAN\PHOTO SHEETS.DWG PLOT DATE 5/14/2020 11:33 AM JONATHAN M. HERMANPhoto Thirteen: View looking north at Stream Crossing-7 through UT-3 To Long Branch. Photo Fourteen: View looking southeast at Stream Crossing-8 through Long Branch. Photo Fifteen: View looking south at Stream Crossing-9 through Long Branch. 5/5/20 DATE 20.00608 PROJECT # DH PROJECT MANAGER 1013 State Farm Road Boone, NC 28607 828.386.1920 NC Firm License # C-0459 mcgillassociates.com Photo Sixteen: View looking at Sediment-4 in Long Branch on the subject property. HAYWOOD COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA SPRINGDALE COUNTRY CLUB CORRECTIVE ACTION PLAN NOV-2020-PC-0198 Photo Nineteen: View looking downstream at dredged area of UT-2 To Long Branch and Sediment-5 on the subject property. PHOTO SHEET 5 A-9 FIGURE P:\2020\20.00608-SPRINGDALECOUC-SPRINGDALE COUNTRY CLUB\DESIGN\REPORTS & PLANNING\CORRECTIVE ACTION PLAN\PHOTO SHEETS.DWG PLOT DATE 5/14/2020 11:33 AM JONATHAN M. HERMANPhoto Seventeen: View looking upstream at dredged area of UT-2 To Long Branch and Sediment-5 on the subject property. 5/5/20 DATE 20.00608 PROJECT # DH PROJECT MANAGER 1013 State Farm Road Boone, NC 28607 828.386.1920 NC Firm License # C-0459 mcgillassociates.com Photo Eighteen: View looking upstream at dredged area of UT-2 To Long Branch and Sediment-5 on the subject property. HAYWOOD COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA SPRINGDALE COUNTRY CLUB CORRECTIVE ACTION PLAN NOV-2020-PC-0198