HomeMy WebLinkAbout20200606 Ver 1_Comment_Response_06232020_20200626 3040 NC 42 West; Clayton, NC 27520 P:804-761-2455 June 23, 2020 Mr. Lyle Phillips Wilmington District – Raleigh Regulatory Field Office 3331 Heritage Trade Drive, Suite 105 Wake Forest, North Carolina 27587 RE: SAW-2020-00684 – Apex West Greenway Dear Lyle, Carolina Ecosystems, Inc. on behalf of Wetherill Engineering, is providing the following responses to each of the comments, as received on May 28, 2020. The comments are listed below in italics, followed by the associated responses: • Can you confirm that impact S1 is a permanent (with loss) stream channel impact from installation of the culvert and that Impact S2 is a permanent (no functional loss) stream channel impact from stream stabilization? Will the rip rap be placed only along the stream bank or within the stream channel? If riprap is to be placed within the channel and be considered “no functional loss” the rip rap should be keyed in/depressed into the stream bed such that the top of the rip rap is no higher than the stream bed and the profile view should clearly show that. If above-grade rip rap is proposed in the stream bed due to needed velocity dissipation, clearly describe this in the PCN and show on the plans. o The impact proposed at site S1 is a permanent (with loss) stream channel impact from culvert installation, and the impact at site S2 is a permanent (with no functional loss) stream channel impact from stream stabilization. The riprap at site S1 would be placed both along the streambanks, and within the stream channel. All riprap that is proposed to be placed within the stream channel will be keyed in such that the top of the riprap will be no higher than the stream bed. An additional profile views of this proposed impact at site S1 is being provided for consideration. • Please provide an explanation of the reason for using a culvert at impact S1. For example, why could this crossing not be achieved by a greenway bridge similar to the proposed wetland crossings? o A culvert is proposed at impact site S1 in order to meet ADA requirements when tying into the existing American Tobacco Trail. The existing channel appears to have been modified/redirected previously, as it is currently located on top of the approximate five foot tall embankment associated with the existing American Tobacco Trail ditch. The restructuring of the existing channel, and addition of the culverts that are proposed, would allow for the proposed greenway to maintain the necessary slope to remain ADA compliant while staying within the existing easement that is owned by the Town of Apex. • Will the riprap at impact S4 be installed so it is keyed in/depressed into the stream bed such that the top of the rip rap is no higher than the stream bed? o The riprap proposed at impact site S4 would be keyed into the stream bed so that it is no higher than the stream bed. Additional profile drawings are being provided as part of this response. 3040 NC 42 West; Clayton, NC 27520 P:804-761-2455 • Please provide additional details for the installation of the greenway bridge pilings. For example, if the timber pilings are being installed without the introduction of fill material (concrete, footers, etc.) then the activity would not be considered a permanent wetland impact. Additionally, it appears that the installation of the greenway bridges would result in forested wetlands being converted to herbaceous wetlands resulting in permanent conversion wetland impacts. Please update the PCN and impacts maps accordingly. o The proposed timber piles for both greenway bridges are to be installed without the introduction of associated fill material such as concrete or footers. The construction of the bridges would result in approximately 0.02 acre of forested wetland being permanently converted to herbaceous wetlands in these locations. The attached impact tables and plans have been updated to reflect this change. • Please provide details for the clearing of the forested wetlands at the greenway bridge locations. For example, will temporary wetland impacts occur from stumping or grubbing? If temporary wetland impacts occur, please update the PCN and exhibits accordingly. o Temporary wetland impacts will be occurring due to hand clearing of trees at Sites 2 and 4 for the construction of the proposed greenway boardwalk, with stumps resulting from this hand clearing being left in place. The revised impact drawings and tables reflect the 0.02 acre of temporary wetland impact at Site 2 and the 0.01 acre of temporary wetland impact at Site 4 that will result from tree removal at these locations. We look forward to your prompt review of these responses and issuance of the permit for this project. Please don’t hesitate to contact me at (804) 761-2455 or rob.crowther@carolinaeco.com if you have questions or need additional information. Sincerely, Carolina Ecosystems, Inc. Robert Crowther Project Scientist Cc: Stephanie Goss, NC Division of Water Resources Attachments: - Updated Wetland Impact Table - Updated Impact Exhibits (Permit Drawing Sheets 1-3) - Updated Wetland and Surface Water Impact Summary Sheet (Permit Drawing Sheet 4) - Additional Profile Views of Proposed Structures Apex West GreenwayJune 20202. Wetland ImpactsSite # Reason Impact Type Type of Wetland Wetland Name Forested Type of Jurisdiction Impact Area (ac)2 Boardwalk Permanent Headwater Forest WC Y Corps 0.022 Hand Clearing Temporary Headwater Forest WC Y Corps 0.024 Boardwalk Permanent Headwater Forest WA Y Corps 0.014 Clearing Temporary Headwater Forest WA Y Corps 0.01Total Temporary Wetland Impact0.03 acreTotal Permanent Wetland Impact0.03 acreTotal Wetland Impact0.06 acre SITE PROJECTWAKE COUNTYCHATHAM COUNTY64 REEDY BRANCH 540 SR1163 KELLY RD.SR1160 OLIVE CHAPEL RD.SR1145 RICHARDSON RD.BEAVER CREEK BEAVER CREEK.DR LEPAHC EVILO - LLIH WEN 1411RS.DR EUCEBRAB XEPA 2611R SLIAR T OCCABOT NACIREMA VICINITY MAP 150 OLI VE CHAPEL RD.CONCEXI STI NG 30’ POW ER EASEM ENTEXI STI NG 30’ PO W ER EA SEM EN TEXISTING 40’ TOWN OF CARY UTILITY & PIPELINE EASEMENT(IN SI DE R/ W ) M ULTI-USE EASEM ENTEX I STI NG TO W N O F A PEX M U LTI- U SE EASEM EN TEXI STIN G TOW N OF APEX MULTI-USE EASEMENT EXISTING 20’ TOWN OF APEX MON CONC EIP EIP EIP R/W MON R/W MON MON CONC SOI LGRAVELNC GRID NAD 83 NA 2011 WOODS WOODS WOODS SI DEW ALK EASEM ENTEX I STI NG R/ W EX I STIN G R/ W EXI STI NG R/ WAMERICAN TOBACCO TRAILAPPROXIM ATE EXI STI NG R/ W (CALCULATED)APPROXIM ATE EXI STI NG R/ W (CALCULATED) R/W MON WIDTH VARIES2 0.0 0’ MULTI-USE EASEMENT EXISTING 20’ TOWN OF APEX 20.00’ MULTI-USE EASEMENT EXISTING 20’ TOWN OF APEX (FROM APEX GI S I NFO)15+00F T 10 0 2 02FT10F T 10 0 2 SHEET 1 OF 4 PERMIT DRAWING PROJECT DATA -L- STA. 11+70.00 BEGIN BOARDWALK -L- STA. 12+80.00 END BOARDWALK -L- STA. 15+74.00 BEGIN BOARDWALK -L- STA. 16+44.00 END BOARDWALK TOBACCO TRAIL TIE TO AMERICAN -L- STA. 10+08.00 BEGIN PROJECT MULTI-USE PATH TIE TO EXISTING -L- STA. 17+00.00 END PROJECT SITE 1 SITE 4 SITE 3 SITE 2 REVISIONS: NO.DATE PLANS PREPARED BY: ENGINEERING ETHERILL DESCRIPTION Bus: 919 851 8077 Fax: 919 851 8107 License No. F-0377 1223 Jones Franklin Rd. Raleigh, N.C. 27606 PLANS PREPARED FOR: APEX WEST GREENWAY TO AMERICAN TOBACCO TRAIL OLIVE CHAPEL ROAD CONNECTION FROM 919.372.7468 APEX, NC 27502 PO BOX 250 PARKS AND GREENWAY PLANNER ANGELA REINCKE PROJECT CONTACT: Apex, NC 27502 73 Hunter Street TOWN OF APEX WEI PROJECT NO.: 20326.01 UNLESS ALL SIGNATURES COMPLETED DOCUMENT NOT CONSIDERED FINAL ENGINEER ROADWAY DATE: MARCH 4, 2020 the certifications signed on the cover sheet of these construction plans. The signatures affixed below certify that this sheet has been reviewed and approved solely per Date Date Date Date Date Date Date Date Date Date Building Inspections WR - Utility Engineering PW - Transportation Electric WR - S&E WR - Stormwater Planning Planning - Transportation Fire Parks, Recreation & Cultural Res. ENGINEER HYDRAULICS PRELIMINARY PLANS DO NOT USE FOR CONSTRUCTION PRELIMINARY PLANS DO NOT USE FOR CONSTRUCTION A NILO RAC HTRO NLA NOISSEFORP REENIGNE019721 SEAL .RJ MALE .H MAILLIW A NILO RAC HTRO NLA NOISSEFORP REENIGNE35016 SEAL RENFEH .C NAHT ANOJ 1 NORTH CAROLINA TOWN OF APEX APEX WEST GREENWAY COVER SHEET GRADING, PAVING, STRUCTURE, DRAINAGE, & EROSION CONTROL TYPE OF WORK: FROM OLIVE CHAPEL RD. TO AMERICAN TOBACCO TRAIL LOCATION: CONSTRUCTION PLANS FOR: WETLAND AND SURFACE WATER IMPACTS PERMIT SITE 1 SITE 2 SITE 3 SITE 4 herbaceous beneath the boardwalk. Wetland converted from wooded to Trees cleared with the easement.15+00TIE TO EXIST TRAIL -L- STA. 10+08.00 BEGIN PROJECT TIE TO EXISTING DITCH -D- STA. 10+00.00 BEGIN CONTRUCTION TIE TO EXISTING DITCH -D- STA. 12+00.00 END CONTRUCTION TIE TO EXIST TRAIL -L- STA. 17+00.00 END PROJECT -L- STA. 15+74.00 BEGIN BOARDWALK -L- STA. 16+44.00 END BOARDWALK F T 10 0 2 02FT10F T 10 0 2 -L- STA. 12+80.00 END BOARDWALK -L- STA. 11+70.00 BEGIN BOARDWALK 2ft INSIDE EASEMENT. COMBO SILT/TREE PROTECT. FENCE INSTALL TREE PROTECT. FENCE OR SEE DETAIL ON SHEET 6 -L- STA. 10+20, 8’ LT YIELD SIGN SEE DETAIL ON SHEET 6 -L- STA. 14+20.00 INSTALL BOLLARDS SEE DETAIL ON SHEET 6 -L- STA. 15+05.00 INSTALL BOLLARDS SEE DETAIL ON SHEET 6 -L- STA. 14+15, 8’ RT INTERSECTION SIGN SEE DETAIL ON SHEET 6 -L- STA. 15+50, 8’ LT INTERSECTION SIGN SEE DETAIL ON SHEET 6 ORIENT 90 TO DRIVEWAY -L- STA. 14+72, 15’ RT PRIVATE PROPERTY SIGN SHEET 2 OF 4 PERMIT DRAWING HC HC CLEARING DENOTES HAND DI WITH FLARED END SECTIONS 18" RCP-III SEE DETAIL A SEE DETAIL D SEE DETAIL B RETAIN REMOVE SEE DETAIL D SEE DETAIL C WITH FLARED END SECTIONS 30" RCP-III SEE DETAIL SHEET EC-4 CLASS I RIP RAP 10’ L X 15’ W X 15" D OUTLET PROTECTION SEE DETAIL SHEET EC-4 CLASS B RIP RAP 6’ L X 9’ W X 12" D OUTLET PROTECTION SEE DETAIL SHEET EC-4 CLASS B RIP RAP 5’ L X 7.5’ W X 12" D OUTLET PROTECTION SECTION AT OUTLET 15" RCP-IV WITH FLARED END EXISTING MULTI-USE PATH END OF EXISTING MULTI-USE PATH Slope Ditch Front Geotextile GROUND NATURAL SLOPE FILL REVISIONS: NO.DATE PLANS PREPARED BY: ENGINEERING ETHERILL DESCRIPTION Bus: 919 851 8077 Fax: 919 851 8107 License No. F-0377 1223 Jones Franklin Rd. Raleigh, N.C. 27606 PLANS PREPARED FOR: APEX WEST GREENWAY TO AMERICAN TOBACCO TRAIL OLIVE CHAPEL ROAD CONNECTION FROM 919.372.7468 APEX, NC 27502 PO BOX 250 PARKS AND GREENWAY PLANNER ANGELA REINCKE PROJECT CONTACT: Apex, NC 27502 73 Hunter Street TOWN OF APEX WEI PROJECT NO.: 20326.01 UNLESS ALL SIGNATURES COMPLETED DOCUMENT NOT CONSIDERED FINAL ENGINEER ROADWAY DATE: MARCH 4, 2020 the certifications signed on the cover sheet of these construction plans. The signatures affixed below certify that this sheet has been reviewed and approved solely per Date Date Date Date Date Date Date Date Date Date Building Inspections WR - Utility Engineering PW - Transportation Electric WR - S&E WR - Stormwater Planning Planning - Transportation Fire Parks, Recreation & Cultural Res. ENGINEER HYDRAULICS PRELIMINARY PLANS DO NOT USE FOR CONSTRUCTION PRELIMINARY PLANS DO NOT USE FOR CONSTRUCTION A NILO RAC HTRO NLA NOISSEFORP REENIGNE019721 SEAL .RJ MALE .H MAILLIW A NILO RAC HTRO NLA NOISSEFORP REENIGNE35016 SEAL RENFEH .C NAHT ANOJ 150 24" R C P15" HDPEN 1803’23" E271.03’N 6034’46" E 390.29’N 2001’07" E94.30’N 8932’22" E 364.47’ N 8932’22" E 115.10’S 1209’04" W264.90’OLI VE CHAPEL RD.CONCN 0244’33" E216.38’SSMH SSMH SSMH TOP=262.35’ TOP=250.26’ TOP=246.77’EXI STI NG 30’ POW ER EASEM ENTEXI STI NG 30’ POW ER EASEM ENTEXISTING 40’ TOWN OF CARY UTILITY & PIPELINE EASEMENT(I NSI DE R/ W ) M ULTI-USE EASEM ENTEXI STI NG TOW N OF APEX M ULTI-USE EASEM ENTEXI STI NG TOW N O F APEX MULTI-USE EASEMENT EXISTING 20’ TOWN OF APEX MON CONC EIP EIP EIP R/W MON R/W MON MON CONC 36" W OOD SPLI T RAI LSOI LGRAVELNC GRID NAD 83 NA 2011 WOODS WOODS WOODS SI DEW ALK EASEM ENTEXI STI NG R/ W EXI STI NG R/ W EXI STI NG R/ W JV OWNER, LLC RREF II-SH RICHARDSON JV OWNER, LLC RREF II-SH RICHARDSON WAKE COUNTY RACHEL B. PRICE & WAKE COUNTY OF AMERICA UNITED STATESAMERICAN TOBACCO TRAILAPPROXI M ATE EXI STI NG R/ W (CALCULATED)APPROXI M ATE EXI STI NG R/ W (CALCULATED) R/W MON SADDLEBROOK SUBDIVISIONWIDTH VARIES2 0.0 0’ MULTI-USE EASEMENT EXISTING 20’ TOWN OF APEX 20.00’ MULTI-USE EASEMENT EXISTING 20’ TOWN OF APEX (FROM APEX GI S I NFO) 0 1"=30’ 1530 30 60 EXISTING CONDITIONS 4 ( Not to Scale) STANDARD BASE DITCH DETAIL A B= 2.0 Ft. Max. d= 2.0 Ft. Min. D= 2.0 Ft. *When B is < 6.0’ ( Not to Scale) STANDARD BASE DITCH DETAIL B B= 2.0 Ft. Min. D= 1.0 Ft. FROM STA 10+00. TO STA. 10+85 -D- FROM STA. 11+08 TO STA. 12+00 -D- Flatter4:1 or D ( Not to Scale) SPECIAL CUT DITCH FROM STA. 15+00 TO STA. 15+25 -L- RT DETAIL C Min. D= 0.5 Ft. Ground Natural B 2:12:1D Ground Natural Ground Natural 2:12:1D B d Ground Natural Ground Natural Type of Liner= CLASS I Rip-Rap Flatter4:1 or S S SURFACE WATER DENOTES IMPACTS IN TS TS IMPACTS IN SURFACE WATER DENOTES TEMPORARY T T FILL IN WETLAND DENOTES TEMPORARYRR WETLANDS DENOTES CONVERTED ( Not to Scale) TOE PROTECTION d FLATTER2:1 ORDETAIL D b b= 5.0 Ft. d= 1.0 Ft. Type of Liner= COIR FIBER MATTING FROM STA. 15+25 TO STA. 15+50 -L- RT FROM STA. 11+50 TO STA. 11+75 -L- RT 150 N 1803’23" E271.03’N 6034’46" E 390.29’N 2001’07" E94.30’N 8932’22" E 364.47’ N 8932’22" E 115.10’S 1209’04" W264.90’OLI VE CHAPEL RD.CONCN 0244’33" E216.38’SSMH SSMH SSMH TOP=262.35’ TOP=250.26’ TOP=246.77’EXI STI NG 30’ POW ER EASEM ENTEXI STI NG 30’ POW ER EASEM ENTEXISTING 40’ TOWN OF CARY UTILITY & PIPELINE EASEMENT(I NSI DE R/ W ) M ULTI-USE EASEM ENTEXI STI NG TOW N OF APEX M ULTI-USE EASEM ENTEXI STI NG TOW N O F APEX MULTI-USE EASEMENT EXISTING 20’ TOWN OF APEX MON CONC EIP EIP EIP R/W MON R/W MON MON CONC 36" W OOD SPLI T RAI LSOI LGRAVELNC GRID NAD 83 NA 2011 WOODS WOODS WOODS GPS-2 SI DEW ALK EASEM ENTEXI STI NG R/ W EXI STI NG R/ W EXI STI NG R/ W JV OWNER, LLC RREF II-SH RICHARDSON JV OWNER, LLC RREF II-SH RICHARDSON WAKE COUNTY RACHEL B. PRICE & WAKE COUNTY OF AMERICA UNITED STATESAMERICAN TOBACCO TRAILSB WC-01 WC-02 WC-03 WC-04 WC-101 WC-102 WC-103 WC-104 WC-105 WB-03 WB-02 SA WB-01 SA WA-10 WA-09 WA-06 WA-07 WA-08 WA-02 WA-03 WA-04 WA-11 WA-12 WA-13 WA-01 WA-14 WA-15 144 252.19 138 248.36 WA-05APPROXI M ATE EXI STI NG R/ W (CALCULATED)APPROXI M ATE EXI STI NG R/ W (CALCULATED) R/W MON SADDLEBROOK SUBDIVISIONWIDTH VARIES2 0.0 0’ MULTI-USE EASEMENT EXISTING 20’ TOWN OF APEX 20.00’ MULTI-USE EASEMENT EXISTING 20’ TOWN OF APEX (FROM APEX GI S I NFO)24" R C P15" HDPEREVISIONS: NO.DATE PLANS PREPARED BY: ENGINEERING ETHERILL DESCRIPTION Bus: 919 851 8077 Fax: 919 851 8107 License No. F-0377 1223 Jones Franklin Rd. Raleigh, N.C. 27606 PLANS PREPARED FOR: APEX WEST GREENWAY TO AMERICAN TOBACCO TRAIL OLIVE CHAPEL ROAD CONNECTION FROM 919.372.7468 APEX, NC 27502 PO BOX 250 PARKS AND GREENWAY PLANNER ANGELA REINCKE PROJECT CONTACT: Apex, NC 27502 73 Hunter Street TOWN OF APEX WEI PROJECT NO.: 20326.01 UNLESS ALL SIGNATURES COMPLETED DOCUMENT NOT CONSIDERED FINAL ENGINEER ROADWAY DATE: MARCH 4, 2020 the certifications signed on the cover sheet of these construction plans. The signatures affixed below certify that this sheet has been reviewed and approved solely per Date Date Date Date Date Date Date Date Date Date Building Inspections WR - Utility Engineering PW - Transportation Electric WR - S&E WR - Stormwater Planning Planning - Transportation Fire Parks, Recreation & Cultural Res. ENGINEER HYDRAULICS PRELIMINARY PLANS DO NOT USE FOR CONSTRUCTION PRELIMINARY PLANS DO NOT USE FOR CONSTRUCTION A NILO RAC HTRO NLA NOISSEFORP REENIGNE019721 SEAL .RJ MALE .H MAILLIW A NILO RAC HTRO NLA NOISSEFORP REENIGNE35016 SEAL RENFEH .C NAHT ANOJ245245250250250250 250 255 255 255 260SITE 1 SITE 2 SITE 3 SITE 4 herbaceous beneath the boardwalk. Wetland converted from wooded to Trees cleared with the easement.245245245245245245 245 245245245245250250250250250250250250250250250250250 250 250 255255255255255255255255255260260260260260260260260260265265270270SHEET 3 OF 4 PERMIT DRAWING HC HC CLEARING DENOTES HAND TIE TO EXIST TRAIL -L- STA. 10+08.00 BEGIN PROJECT TIE TO EXISTING DITCH -D- STA. 10+00.00 BEGIN CONTRUCTION TIE TO EXISTING DITCH -D- STA. 12+00.00 END CONTRUCTION TIE TO EXIST TRAIL -L- STA. 17+00.00 END PROJECT -L- STA. 15+74.00 BEGIN BOARDWALK -L- STA. 16+44.00 END BOARDWALK -L- STA. 12+80.00 END BOARDWALK -L- STA. 11+70.00 BEGIN BOARDWALK 2ft INSIDE EASEMENT. COMBO SILT/TREE PROTECT. FENCE INSTALL TREE PROTECT. FENCE OR SEE DETAIL ON SHEET 6 -L- STA. 10+20, 8’ LT YIELD SIGN SEE DETAIL ON SHEET 6 -L- STA. 14+20.00 INSTALL BOLLARDS SEE DETAIL ON SHEET 6 -L- STA. 15+05.00 INSTALL BOLLARDS SEE DETAIL ON SHEET 6 -L- STA. 14+15, 8’ RT INTERSECTION SIGN SEE DETAIL ON SHEET 6 -L- STA. 15+50, 8’ LT INTERSECTION SIGN SEE DETAIL ON SHEET 6 ORIENT 90 TO DRIVEWAY -L- STA. 14+72, 15’ RT PRIVATE PROPERTY SIGN DI WITH FLARED END SECTIONS 18" RCP-III SEE DETAIL A SEE DETAIL D SEE DETAIL B RETAIN REMOVE SEE DETAIL D SEE DETAIL C WITH FLARED END SECTIONS 30" RCP-III SEE DETAIL SHEET EC-4 CLASS I RIP RAP 10’ L X 15’ W X 15" D OUTLET PROTECTION SEE DETAIL SHEET EC-4 CLASS B RIP RAP 6’ L X 9’ W X 12" D OUTLET PROTECTION SEE DETAIL SHEET EC-4 CLASS B RIP RAP 5’ L X 7.5’ W X 12" D OUTLET PROTECTION SECTION AT OUTLET 15" RCP-IV WITH FLARED END EXISTING MULTI-USE PATH END OF EXISTING MULTI-USE PATH Slope Ditch Front Geotextile GROUND NATURAL SLOPE FILL 15+00F T 10 0 2 02FT10F T 10 0 2 0 1"=30’ 1530 30 60 EXISTING CONDITIONS 4 ( Not to Scale) STANDARD BASE DITCH DETAIL A B= 2.0 Ft. Max. d= 2.0 Ft. Min. D= 2.0 Ft. *When B is < 6.0’ ( Not to Scale) STANDARD BASE DITCH DETAIL B B= 2.0 Ft. Min. D= 1.0 Ft. FROM STA 10+00. TO STA. 10+85 -D- FROM STA. 11+08 TO STA. 12+00 -D- Flatter4:1 or D ( Not to Scale) SPECIAL CUT DITCH FROM STA. 15+00 TO STA. 15+25 -L- RT DETAIL C Min. D= 0.5 Ft. Ground Natural B 2:12:1D Ground Natural Ground Natural 2:12:1D B d Ground Natural Ground Natural Type of Liner= CLASS I Rip-Rap Flatter4:1 or S S SURFACE WATER DENOTES IMPACTS IN TS TS IMPACTS IN SURFACE WATER DENOTES TEMPORARY T T FILL IN WETLAND DENOTES TEMPORARY ( Not to Scale) TOE PROTECTION d FLATTER2:1 ORDETAIL D b b= 5.0 Ft. d= 1.0 Ft. Type of Liner= COIR FIBER MATTING FROM STA. 15+25 TO STA. 15+50 -L- RT FROM STA. 11+50 TO STA. 11+75 -L- RT R R WETLANDS DENOTES CONVERTED Permanent Hand Existing Existing Wetlands Temp. Excavation Mechanized Clearing Permanent Temp. Channel Channel Natural Site Station Structure Impacts Fill In in Clearing in SW SW Impacts Impacts Stream No.(From/To)Size / Type (Converted)Wetlands Wetlands in Wetlands Wetlands impacts impacts Permanent Temp.Design (ac)(ac)(ac)(ac)(ac)(ac)(ac)(ft)(ft)(ft) 1 -L- 10+39 Channel Stabilization 0.014 155 30" RCP 0.002 25 2 -L- 11+75 to 12+75 20x 7.5" timber piles 0.023 0.023 3 -L- 15+00 LT RR outlet/Pipe Removal 0.001 0.001 10 10 4 -L- 15+70 to 16+40 9x 7.5" timber piles 0.010 0.006 TOTALS*:0.03 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.02 0.00 190 10 0 *Rounded totals are sum of actual impacts NOTES: Revised 2018 Feb SHEET 4 OF 4 WETLAND AND SURACE WATER IMPACTS SUMMARY SURFACE WATER IMPACTSWETLAND IMPACTS DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS forested wetlands to herbaceous wetlands. Additionally, there is approximately 4 sqft additional temporary impact for the timber piles. 6/9/2020 Wake Co. NC DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Apex Greenway SITE 2: Boardwalk footprint impacts include temporary, HC impacts for stumping and grubbing, and permanent impacts for conversion of forested wetlands to herbaceous wetlands. Additionally, there is approximately 7 sqft additional temporary impact for the timber piles. SITE 4: Boardwalk footprint impacts include temporary impacts for stumping and grubbing, and permanent impacts for conversion of