HomeMy WebLinkAbout19930781 Ver 1_Complete File_19930922 DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY WILMINGTON DISTRICT, CORPS OF ENGINEERS i ; 0 i993 P.O. BOX 1890 WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28402-1890 WETL,V4DS GWII' IN REPLY REFER TO November 29, 1993 t°J3TFR QUALITY SE Regulatory Branch Action ID No. 199400172 and Nationwide Permit No. 26 (Headwaters and Isolated Waters) Mr. Roger Cates, P.E. State of North Carolina Department of Transportation Post Office Box 1460 Boone, North Carolina 28607 Dear Mr. Cates: Reference your October 4, 1993 application for Department of the Army (DA) authorization to grade, base, pave, and drain along SR 1396, adjacent to Riddle Fork, near Meat Camp, in Watauga County, North Carolina. As part of the project, a culvert will be installed at station 7+60 to carry a small stream under the,- oad to the main stream. Some channel work will be required for pipe placement and road alignment. The channel change will be done between statio 6+ 0 and 10+00. No wetlands will be impacted by the project and less than /10 f an acre of headwater stream channel will be impacted. This project as b en coordinated with the NC Wildlife Resources Commission (WRC). For the purposes of the Corps of Engineers' Regulatory Program, Title 33, Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), Part 330.6, published in the Federal Register on November 22, 1991, lists nationwide permits. Authorization was provided, pursuant to Section 404 of the Clean Water Act, for discharges of dredged or fill material into headwaters and isolated waters. Your work is authorized by this nationwide permit provided it is accomplished in strict accordance with the enclosed conditions and those conditions outlined in the November 19, 1993 WRC letter (which you have received). This nationwide permit does not relieve you of the responsibility to obtain other required State or local approval. This verification will be valid for 2 years from the date of this letter unless the nationwide authorization is modified, reissued, or revoked. Also, this verification will remain valid for the 2 years if, during that period, the nationwide permit authorization is reissued without modification or the activity complies with any subsequent modification of the nationwide permit authorization. If during the 2 years, the nationwide permit authorization expires or is suspended or revoked, or is modified, such that the activity would no longer comply with the terms and conditions of the nationwide permit, activities which have commenced (i.e., are under construction) or are under contract to commence in reliance upon the nationwide permit will remain authorized provided the activity is completed within 12 months of the date of the nationwide permit's expiration, modification or revocation, unless discretionary authority has been exercised on a case-by-case basis to modify, suspend, or revoke the authorization. -2- Questions or comments may be addressed to Mr. Steve Chapin, Asheville Field Office, Regulatory Branch, telephone (704) 271-4014. Sincerely, G. Wayne Wright Chief, Regulatory Branch Enclosure Copies Furnished (without enclosure): Mr John Dorney ater Quality Section Division of Environmental Management North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources Post Office Box 29535 Raleigh, North Carolina 27626-0535 Mr. Joe Mickey NC Wildlife Resources Commission Route 2, Box 278 State Road, North Carolina 28676 COPY ? A 0 North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission 0 512 N. Salisbury Street, Raleigh, North Carolina 27604-1188, 919-733-3391 Charles R. Fullwood, Executive Director --- n ? lrj l5 ? V November 19, 199.".) # U 1 Mr. Steve Chapin i NOV 2 21993 U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Regulatory Branch Room 75, Grove Arcade Building WETLANDS GRQI1' ':" fiVATEP. QUtiLITY Sc?'•! Asheville, North Carolina 28801. i St.11f:+:.1EC O A review of an application by NCDOT for improvements to `='R 1396 along an unnamed tributary to Riddle Fork, Watal1_Irl<ra County Dear Mr. Chapin: The North C:aar°r. ling Dep,:ar°tn'1c?n't: of Transportation (NCDOT•) is .requesting a letter (:} 'f concurrence from the North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission obtain 404 permit .f: 1... f.} IY1 the U.S. Army Corps o Engineers. 1 have reviewed information provided by the E 1 site e applicant and visits were made , on September ' 1992 September ..i:.:.„ and 21, 1993. These comments are provided accordance with provisions of the C:lr-_;'Eia'n Water Act of 1977 (3::3 U.S.C. 466 cal:„ seq.) and the Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act (49 Sta:at. 401, as amended; lF:) U.S.C. 6bl--667fa). The NCDOT is proposing to grade, drain, base, and pave along the existing roadway c! SR 1396 (Troy I'''Ir.:•'rr"i.s Rd.). A E:1i.ped will be installed ?:?t :,tas -1,i.r.:n 7+60 to r.::a:a1-'r..y a small stream under t:t•1(:' road to the main str"(•'•?<alm„ Some channel change work will be required for pipe placement and road alignment. Also, because the road parallels the unnamed tributary, NCDOT is requesting Temporary Encroachment in the Trout Stream Buffer Zone. The unnamed tributary flows into Riddle Fork, a tributary to P'1(-,?,ais Camp Creek which is Designated Public Mountain Trout Water. The unnamed tributary contains a population of wild brook trout ` ..: W"' data, 11/12/92), has as an average width C} '°h feet :1a':ankful.l a:1'i°id a'1 substrate of sand, gravel <:a1"d cobble. (rout habitat is considered (:)food.. The site visits revealed that the main channel of the unnamed tributary parallels SR 1396 on the left. In addition to the ", l: 1e:, main stream, ea smaller road ditch stream fed by springs parallels the road on the right before entering the main channel. at station 6••f"47. Br.(aoI: t:'i°o1..1't: wer(:;;' found in both streams., However, the channel on the right supports trout for a (:1 i S o f less 1':I'lan 200 feet before br"iiitrl'.:::1"11.ng into numerous springs. Mr. Chapin P ag e November 19, 1903 Because of the close prDXiMity Of the proposed project to the unnamed streams, 'i;hle rdt.`,bJI° C is ('_faIIC::(ii•. possible .> 1r14:::'i:a iiil ?:b011..1t the impacts 't:I"tis project mcit'y' h't<fa'',.'e on w:1..1.(:I brook r"o1!.'t; populations., t..3t..1'r f.;:(:ar1C::erns::i w43Y"e discussed with Johnny Brown, r`tt.,C?t.3 1 on September 81, 1993 during a s s i t e visit. At that time suggestions wt::,r°e made «.t to lessen I ! :7r.'o;c;:..tr.::t; impacts populations. ... on I:r'r'.c..cf: 1"1'1,. Brown has revised project plans to address theme concerns.. T t?travc•-, i tc? cah:1;!4::?r:..1::acar t to Temporary Encroachment I. i 1 the Therefore, Trout Stream t::cuf'fer .:::.ogle or he r'4:ivi!iii4:d 1::1ro;Jec::' as proposed provided that the following stipulations are implemented. 1. Construction within the 85-foot buffer prohibited during the brook trout spawning period of October 15 to March 30 in or'der to protect the egg and fry stages from sedimentation. 2 . . Erosion controls should be installed where s o i l is disturbed and maintained u n t i l project completion. 3,. Temporary ground cover (e.g. hardwood mulch, straw,, etc.) should be placed on all bare s o i l during construction,. Permanent vegetation in these same areas should b fry established within 15 days of ground dist1.Ir"h:1irtg activities to provide long term erosion control. Thank you for the opportunity to review and comment on this please contact me <:a project. If I c<:ar1 be c;t")' further assistance, Sincerely, original stgned by Joe Mickey Joseph H. Mickey, Jr.. District ? Fisheries Biologist c.:: r.: N M s .. Stephanie G o c..c d r_ e as c..c ,, Mt. Region Habitat Biologist Pr. Roger Cates, 1:::' .. I::::..:, N t ; D C.3 ..1.. I" 1 r° .. E r i c C: alt=a rrt h:t ., t:) k: M 7XOY /110/e/11S 1<7O,Q 0 F": sinrt'„'? t t? tt) r A116 A CO UN Ty Si'An. or Noui i CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TmNSPORTATiON JAMS R. I IUNT. III, DIVISION OF I II(_j1(WAYS SAM I It IN T GOWRNCm M CM IA10 P.n. Box 1460 Boone, N.C. 28607 October 4. 1993 Mr. Steve Chapin U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Room 75, Grove Arcade Building 37 Battery Park Avenue Asheville, N.C. 28801 Dear Mr. Chapin: As discussed with or. Joe Mickey and Yourself, T pill enclosing a revised straight line sketch sheet with the Proposed erosion control from Sta 5400 to Sta 10+00 and revised cross sections for St? 7+50 to Sto 9+00. Plen^n repl ace the sheets in Q- permit ?ppl l cati on packagn gnttt h„ You previously. Ry ropy -f this letter, T am r-q"estina Mr. IncoPh U. Mickey, Jr., N.C. Wildlife Resources Commission Distri.rt Fisheries Biologist to comTlent directly to you crnn-tt)ir)n tl)- 404 Nationwide Permit r oquesh . Si nco a rr quogt. "i l l ho mad- for a T-mpor ary Encroachment in th- Trout Naley Buffer Zon- for thi7 P1 n'jant T am n0i nq Mr. Hi ckov f, -omtllnnt di T nrll y to me annnorr) i",j t l)e Tr nut. Watnr B"ffei ?nn" Fncroachm-nt . up would like to Komi" '^1)`?t.1_t.lr'tlfll) as an"n is Pngyi.hl- I f further informed on i_c roq"ired, ply?r- l of we Unntl. Ynrtt nlrly review and np?i.rlrr ?I int) will he grn?tly iPt?r°r latn?l. Yours truly. / pnq„1.,..Intel. P.F. District Engineer PC: JMB Fn0l ns"re Mr. Do"q Hiller, P . F,. , Fogi ona 1 Engine-r, DFUiIR Mr. Joseph H. Mickey. or., Distii-h 7 Fisherler P_.inl-ill Mr. Eric Anl?mh, Nqt.-r nt_):il ity Certification "nit, i`Ftl fir. W.E. Hoke. F.F.. Division 11 Engineer Mr. Nell `1'rlvetto, Arpa Pnidsirl r' ITI t/1 roTiit)^nl'?I Fltninnnt Mr. Martin Bolick. County Maintenin- Fnoirl-ny !V i .. + I a ?s NOT,- . TI EMPoPARy foCK S I LT s c ft <7F' nl 815r09E A1Ar?1 S TREAm 711 71 D - y OP, Pcptncr I IF Nc?e? AnY . v? (0+00 ( w 0 F 0 D A 9+00 8+00 NOTE ro(R CIIAIVAC L CIII1 NCr rl?()&) 5771 (r, f `-n P-7 Tb e- 111 4 50rT 7+00 6+00 5+00 cry! i i I , • s+-i C?f ?. tr- Q=?I t11 i - i ? ' i 1 oI ?' v t ;4 7 ? *r r l v?Q ??`` o ?? -; `r ti t ? tr 1 I ° ? ct? 1 ? M M U 1 a a'- } ? r r I ? N?1 rI' I J 1 it r State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources Division of Environmental Management James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Jonathan B. Howes, Secretary A. Preston Howard, Jr., P.E., Director September 22, 1993 Mr. Roger Cates District Engineer NC Dept. of Transportation P.O. Box 1460 Boone, N.C. 28607 Dear Mr. Cates: Subject: Proposed fill in Wetlands or Waters Road improvement, SR 1396 Watauga County 4 t ,SEP 2 T 10f- OAPEFT. 'Or ()l9T12(C1 6?t1t{it+?:?? y+F M'..iy DEM Project # 93781 Upon review of your request for 401 Water Quality Certification to place fill material in 0.3 acres of wetlands or waters which are tributary to Rittle Fork Creek for road improvement located at SR 1396 in Watauga County as described in your submittal dated 7 September 1993, we have determined that the proposed fill can be covered by General Water Quality Certification No. 2671. A copy of the General Certification is attached. This Certification may be used in qualifying for coverage under Corps of Engineers' Nationwide Permit No. 26. If this Certification is unacceptable to you, you have the right to an adjudicatory hearing upon written request within thirty (30) days following receipt of this Certification. This request must be in the form of a written petition conforming to Chapter 150B of the North Carolina General Statutes and filed with the Office of Administrative Hearings, P.O. Box 27447, Raleigh, N.C. 27611-7447. Unless such demands are made, this Certification shall be final and binding. 1786. If you have any questions, please contact John Dorney at 919-733- Sincerely, A. 6reston Howard, Jr. P . E . 93781.1tr I Attachment cc: Wilmington District Corps of Engineers Corps of Engineers Raleigh Field Office Winston-Salem DEM Regional Office Mr. John Dorney Central Files 71, s 40 o P.O. Box 29535, Raleigh, North Carolina 27626-0535 Telephone 919-733-7015 FAX 919-733-2496 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer RM recycled/ 1 M, post-consrimer paper State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources Division of Environmental Management James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Jonathan B. Howes, Secretary A. Preston Howard, Jr., P.E., Director September 22, 1993 Mr. Roger Cates District Engineer NC Dept. Of Transportation P.O. Box 1460 Boone, N.C. 28607 Dear Mr. Cates: Subject: Proposed fill in Wetlands or Waters Road improvement, SR 1396 Watauga County DEM Project # 93781 Upon review of your request for 401 Water to place fill material in 0.3 acres of wetlands orwaters tributary to Rittle Fork Creek for road im Quality Certification in Watauga County as which are 1993, we have determindedcthatdthe your submit taledatedc7te SR 1396 General Water Quality C Proposed fill can September Certification is ertification No. 2d f be qualif in atta ached. This Certification macopy c°fothveered by No. 26y g for coverage under General Corps of Engineers, y used in Naat tionwide Permit If this Certification is unacce to an adjudicator Y he ptable to you, following receipt upon written request wit You ha vet the right the form of aeipt of this Certification. hin Y (30) Carolina written petition conforming This request must be in General Statutes and filed withg to Chapter 150B of the North ngs, P.O ' Box 27447, Ralei h the Office of demands are e m made, this Certification C. 276"-7447. Admini shall be strative final and binding. 1786 If you have any questions, please contact John Dorn ey at 919-733- Sincerely, 93781.1tr A. Attachment Preston Howard, Jr p E I cc: Wilmington District Corps of Engineers Corps of Engineers Raleigh Field Office Winston-Salem DEM Regional Office Mr. John Dorney Central Files P.O. Box 29535, Raleigh, Norfh Carolina 27626-0535 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employes Telephone 919-733-7015 F 50% recycled/ 10% Post-consumer pape 3 2496 f? 0 f.. ,• ...,..,,.t IjISEP 1'3'199'3 A d,a STA)j ?? 1- nmM`? STNI E OF Noiu-i1 CAROLINA L.... DEPARTMENT OF TMANSPORTAFION JAMS R. I IUN1. )R. I )IVISION OF 111(0 IWAYS GovrRNOR P.O. Box 1460 Boone, N.C. 28607 September 7, 1993 Mr. Steve Chapin 401 ISSUED U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Room 75, Grove Arcade Building 37 Battery Park Avenue Asheville, N.C. 28801 Dear Mr. Chapin: J Ulf \Tll l,l r`7 ....-. _, SAM I I(INI SICRIIARY The Department of Transportation is scheduled to grade, drain, base, and pave along the existing roadway of SR 1396 Troy Norris Road as soon as the necessary permits are obtained. As part of this project, a pipe carrying a stream will be replaced in the same location if it cannot be extended. Also there is a proposed channel change from Sta 6+50 Rt. to Sta 10+00 Rt. Therefore, we are requesting a 404 Nationwide Permit for this project. I am sending a joint application for.rn, a roadway typical section, a straight line sketch with the proposed erosion control, detail of proposed channel change from Sta 650 Rt. to Sta 10+00 Rt., notes on pipe installation, general notes on erosion control, some erosion control standards, plan drawings and cross sections for proposed encroachments in trout water buffer zone, and a marked county map. By copy of this letter, I am requesting fly. Joseph H. Mickey, Jr., N.C. Wildlife Resources Commission Di.str.ict. Fisheries Biologist to comment directly to you concerning the 404 Nationwide Permit request. A request will be made for a Temporary Encroachment in the Trout Water Buffer Zone of the unnamed tributaries of Rittle Fork for this project, I am asking Mr.. Mickey to comment directly to me concerning the Trout Water Buffer Zone Encroachment. Since I beli6lv_e t is project should qualify as a Nationwide Per it 26 a d the area of wetlands filled or substantially -i d will be less than a third of an acre, I do not think a Section 401 Certification will be required. A f. Page 2 Mr. Steve Chapin SR 1396 Troy Norris Road September 7, 1993 We would like to begin construction as soon as possible. If further information is required, please let me know. Your early review and consideration will be greatly appreciated. Yours truly, Roger Cates, F.E. District Engineer RC:JMB Enclosure cc: Mr. Doug Miller, P.E., Regional Engineer, DEHNR Mr. Joseph H. Mickey, Jr.. District. 7 Fisheries Etiologist. Mr. Eric Galamb, Water Quality Certification Unit, DEM Mr. W.E. Hoke, P.E., Division 1.1 Engineer Mr. Neil Trivette, Area Roadside Environmental Engineer. Mr. Martin Bolick, County Maintenance Engineer _. I . bkN tbs q3r]M ACTION Iba HATtoMbk PERMIT APPLIEb tOR (PROVIDE NATIONWIDE PERMIT ))! 2 ?o JolkT APPLtCAt'toN "km fbtt IloibNolk wd44A +"At ktQvl" 1loTtttattoN To CbhPS bp ftdikEkRs NOtb"t" P"Atth "At kEQUihk ttMtOH 401 bkkTttICATION COOCUPPENcr MAItOMbI ifik 1ttl *ffAf "00M tkbtVtbt#Ati fifi etbH dot CLRTZtiCATION RILMtHGroN btSThtcf Mothttft t,oRPS bt kNGthttAt bkPMtMENT Ot fiNE AhAk Kb: hok 090 'HZLNZftatOH, he 2W2LIO§a ATTH! CESAO-CO-k T616phone (919) 251-4511 bN! ??) Cotif tS? fNts CoMPLkTEb APkLfcATioN !?floULb )!k bEHt TO'Titk 66RPS OF kHGtNLL#i5. f3 v N (il bOH9S LOOM) EFE SENT TO Tlft H.C. btVlStoH oP kNvfRoHNkNfiAL NANAbkMkNT. kLt;ASE PRINT. ?. biaNkh? HAl1L! /V.C. E,OA/27/nENT ?? AI V, 2. OWNERS ADb"98 ! WATER QUALITY bLhNNING bIVISION OP kNVIRONMENTAL FlANAGEMEN'i HC bPPARTHtNT OP RNVIR Tom, nrt AND NATURAL RESoUR 0 P.O. hot 29535 hAtEIGH, HC 27t; 6-053 hTTN t MR. 3oNt4 bORNEY T614phont (919) 711-SO F3 3. bNNERS k))ONE hdkN ER (HOME) ! (WoRk ? ! 71?-2?s 53_?Q 4. it AtPLfCABLit AGkNT'S NAME OR hESPONSI13Lk CORPORATE OFPlclht, ADDRESS, PHOHk NUMftktt! i .,- .. 1..1 1 . s11 T-6.s to, £ . it t t. ?. HANE OP CLbbk§T SThkAN/RIVERS wyroftcn T916UTAxI£s rP? 1?CTT66 ?D/Zy i. Zt2Vk)t bANtN! _ NECu i2 ? v, .2 N.'' tN THIS k1tOJkCT LOCATED N A WATERSHEb CLAOIFIEb AS TROUT, Sh, HQW, ORR, US tj bb WS tit YLS 1XI NO 1 1 §. Milk A"# kkCTtOH 404 PkRNITA bkEN PhkVIOUStV RXQUkSTPD tOR USE ON TFlIS pbO*b#fil tog tX1 it tMI kXptAtNt t Nd lb. i§ttM+Ab fOt'AL b"""kh OP AcRts Ot 14At'kk5 bt TNt U.S., INCLUDINO WkTLAHbS j LOCAtkb bH PNO.Ikcfi Silt! _ O, 3 f?c/z?s 3/30/92 LOCATION bt bt.AHHEb 0ORX (ATTACH NAP) . COUNTY! WATAU6A HkhREST TOWN OR CITY! 660NE SPPCItic LbCAT1OH (tNCLUbE Rohb NUMf3ERSk LANDMARXSj kTC.)t . :?k 13960 7W-0.V IVelZRl-S /Wt? 0 - 1 1 1. , -2- NUMB" OF ACRES OF WATERS Off' THE 0:9.1 MCLUbiNC WETLANDS, IMPACTED BY t'1!E PRoPoskb kAwkef t ,_ ?tLLEb! bkAiNEb+ • PLOObF,b ! EXCAVATEbs _ O.2 ,c1CI2G ' TOTAL INPACTED4 ?, 2 A a 121 bMeAttfioN bt' YROPo§Eb WbAk (ATTACH PLANS) t /t 2-4" 7 7 ' S S S L t3. PURPobE bR PRdMOI) Wohk: T __?.POPasE,d i ARK P ECr , , .., ? ---_./,.??A2T off" A 14. bt'ATR MAAONs W1tY 'PHE APPLICANT bti th'009 Titht Tlith hbfIVITY MUST RE CARRIEb 00+ fN kfthftb§: ALAO j NOT9 NEA§0 tk9 Wtg TO ktHil4I2E WETLAND tMPACT§. THE PROODs¢p raw& of ?tJda? .-.... - - - 1 /NOtCAmO oN 1-pE -SWOSMV CQNTfoe iS. Yb qv 00 Akk kLQUtkkb fio CONTACT THE U.S. X1911 AND WILbt,iPP AgnifCE )0§H§) ANbjbft NAtibNAL NARINE tISE1EhIEb bEhvlcg (NHS'§) REGAhbiNG THE PRESENCE bR ANY fkb§W1t,t,V Ubthb bR PROPOSED l•OR.LIbTINd P"nANGEhED 00 THREATENED WbiAA bft bAtHtAL NAbItAT tN THE PERMIT AREA THAT NAY bE AFFECTED 13Y THE PAOPOSAb PkWACti NAND X00 bONE §o? fthhPo""A tho" ANN op"S ANb/OR NMf§ bNOULb bE PORWAItDED TO CORPS. iS. YOU W "QUIRE!) TO CONTACT THE hTATb 111STOhIC Phf;SERVATION oFFlcPR (bNPO) htdWiNd +ht PRESENCE OF Ht§TORIC PROPERTIES tN THE PERMIT AREA WHICH NAY bb Atf?Cfbd by tftktPROPO§ED PROJECT? hAVE YoU bONg bot YPS ( ) No "§PON§k IRON flit MOO §HOULb bE FORWAADEb To CORPS. (X, Abbtfitohkt fft ORMATtoN REQUIREb BY bEN! A. WPTLANb bkLf0ATtbN NAP 91104iftu ALL lk9tLA14bAs bTREAM§ j AND LAKES° ON +HE bhoPLttty t R: IP AVAttOtto REPRESENTATIVE PHOTOGRAPH OF WETLANDS To BE IMPACTED BY PROJECT: C. tP bbLthkATtoN WAS PERFORMED BY A CONSULTANT, INCLUDE ALL DATA SHEETS ftkLkVANT " THL PLACEMENT OF THE bELINEATION LINE. A bi0ftWATEtt MkAGEMENT PLAN 3N "Q91W MR THIS PROJECTS ATTACH COPY. A? "Af th UN6 b§N bP bvRftOOMINd PRoPARTY APP" CAbLtl WHAT t§ PROPOSED kETHOb Ok 9EWAck blsPo§AL? OWNER' b SId'{1ATURE DATE r 4 J t d h ti J 2 W a r? z O v UJ w t ? J v / 2 u N h it r? 0 J V H 0 z d.. I , 21t G?ft?tfN1? nt:bnti. r,.,„ „ `???1Rl1t1S , , ? MOSlotl AND 8EDIN1ftATjCN COMROL MM Ebafbck hvnb _< tbFpnlt?b h??4. e„?II.n _ i nbt'ttvV?ti by 2-IX , at/114C Coutlty fin fitenance Ettg veer Uietr cE Ettg fleet Dads de ;rwtron. ?g HePr LEGEND= Temporary Stohe blEch Check Rock silt ditsek Darn Silt Pasin Type g tilt,-bap [,fined bitch rv"Xj%,}- f VIIVv- --TSD - Fiberglass tiovinq Lined bitcl, Eattlt Perm Wipe Outlet 11hd Iftlet E'rotect lort brush barrier Te?t?porary slope Utnlh Ten"racy Silt blEcit Silt Fence ''-"'-- trip-bap Fill -?' " "?- Stream Temporary Sttobtn dtog©lttg Sheet .1 of .l . c"'gA-_ bpg;N, iQgsc + PAVe T.o ad. s, Q, ! 3 06 --- c 'A 1, 4, 69 = 0.3a r+.: saA/e 1" : /on' 1 ?I o 1 1 U? ? Cry IS B f ?. n Q a' a Y 1 , 0 3 a tj ' 5+UU i 1 Pi ®I- - i i4 i 3+00- h E a x a 1 At 0 A 2+00 slG7 --fMt1 /D'x 3 k 31 _VS 1+00 ?•o I F. E D t i R i 0 0 r.VCul :Y •9?s'o v v , I a ' v U, dp ach?ncr ? f i? r?c?c?sAny Y I( ? 0 Lx i 104-00 ?r 0 E 0 D I 9+00 8+00 pole: pLFnsF ?C,r -I yPicR r: rota r?InNnc.c CNI1Ncr- rIsom S7A 6,f SO RT TQ 5 1 /1 10 4 Oo 2T , 7+Oc_) 6+00 5+00 0w1VrWAg IoD ,s^ r.?.P. 1 IIFA IR r 0 3 0 t? R kh lsfao . F.,j .5', tv -- _f)r'J " 1iJIt 8, 1 14100 - -- - D^_vec7A, ?3+61 11310o Idf^o 1 oo Q®Id ID+dO 1 I t I ? Q 3 0 3 0 r+ I? L L I O.P._ /6,069 L l6foo L I 1 S goo gX f 5T7A/G CRp?7NDy PIPE INSTALLATION 1. Install erosion control devices. In streams, where necessary, rock silt screens will be used. 2. Remove material and existing pipe while limiting, as much as possible, material and sediment from entering a stream and/or escaping from project. 3. Prepare pipe foundation while again taking care to limit, as much as possible, material and sediment from entering a stream and/or escaping from project. Where possible, new grade will be below existing stream bed. If needed, bedding material will be clean stone. 4. Place the new pipe and compact backfill. 5. Install slope protection on outlet and inlet ends of pipe. Also complete installation of erosion control measures and perform maintenance as needed on existing measures. 6. Establish permanent vegetation as soon as possible. I GENERAL NOTES ON EROSION CONTROL Silt Basin Type B's will be constructed to the dimension of six feet by three feet by three feet unless otherwise noted on the plans. Where slope protection treatment is required, Section 868 and Section 1042 of the 1990 Standard Specifications for Roads and Structures will be followed. Any material obtained from the project must be clean before being placed. Generally, the order of installation of the erosion control measures will be as follows: Temporary Silt Basins shall be installed before clearing and grubbing begins. Silt Fences and Temporary Silt Ditches shall be installed after clearing and before grading. Temporary Stone Ditch Checks shall be installed as soon as ditchline is established. Pipe Outlet and Inlet Protection will be done as soon as the pipe is installed. Seeding and other permanent erosion control measures are to be implemented as soon as practical. O''B F N A U w w x ?N o O Q 47 d ?-a c xx ? U Cl- o0?= LIJ >? O t n 0 ? F- . o Q lfl Z a cn - 'T li o p [Y t, E- o z. Q w O Ln a c n om 7 2 14 March,1992 `4l'o w wx E..,o ?F O? m in 'i az x -- w ?v 00 ao '" z as as ox F to u V d a d ? 0 ?., v U ? U a w a 18 I I I- i Q ? T z -II I dx I= ?z wx f+. ------- - w w x -------?--- -? z0 oz U .a w a w w G?. Q ? F d O III W 4. V -Fl I 5 d W ivy w z C7 z .d a 43 Z w m C4 xd -s x w C4 F c?CF 5 .`'a z iv mw=F..L4?vwi w x a to Z >~c3mx Z I- x a d mN C4 I-- FCY WE. xd? C.. k ,t M0ZW C4 IL wA_3xw= E4-3 F ?cpUVIWPO.4 a: V) ? z zo(WL oco xa z mQ d 'I. O r7 nim Lij u LU L.l_ J W }- _-^ O -r., cxi?: Q ex r- U- 7 x? L_l p Lli ?.o ~ w? O ?Q Q O Q W LTJF March, 1992 i N O m n IIIII a 1Hill = s - IIIII IIII i = 111111 m w III it 1?I11 ? IIIII 'IIIII z 'vo to R IIIII m _ z ?zx IIIII, 0z z-? a 0.0m: IIIII IIIII ? Z Fc 1111) IIIII IIII 111111111111= ? IIIII k 1111 ? IIIII ? III II _ z v. II II ti IIII = z O c,? O ^11.2 n CL' O 0?1 24 Mamli,1992 a H fir'' r- z 0 0 a o o Tt3 w CL a o W > 0 U. o 0 U. Q. 0 1.1 111 1 ono WI- mU p Film Z J Ga l it O J )- F- JaZ d O 3 . WOxOZZ o i w crtn000 W W ,,.., > m ZOW U) a ' Z m o z x a o JUa?-wa= a ° 1 w J aw + zo• aWa• o a > >- W -m Uom I- Wo 0W ZoccnLLawcn a co N w __- 0LdW zcn hO? j W - I-Wr_ Z W..aO- , U g _j a 0 -o U) LxJ f# 41 7 a (D U ? 0-- wom Jo N MON O 0m Q F 1 \? 0 U CD z ° w - o W > _ W...,: wa ---.j = Z ' U) o -« _ - U) o O - U)W r L 0C r a w > ( 1) w Lo Q O Q U a a ; = U? z z z Q Q O Q U) E W z a c Q h o w >, cr- _ - - 28 March,1992 I i W E-• ? t.] a ztiQxE' ° oQ?wo I-'na°w m W 4dE,jap}.,3zW V- - q o W a Q wt4 E'zta.fL'wtA?O.a- W Wfi i ?NgR'G0 p z?dpZGj-.4z 1 a?dtM.ta.dVOXUOZ CAW W.-4mzf' ot-zW zWz _ p O .JW ?vtr)iww?°?....aW oodE'a.-?xa?cs W?Ua?2?gaWaW4:- w s FN azzzvw,aoxUzcUxW J j z wou U WOCL-MU 4aotx- LL w % x 3 cr O ' It J Vw _ i a .. LL D a z NN W N i I \ ] i z O i Z Q O J 4L 4 ? J ZD Q Z - zzw .= U z w `J' 0 w N d O U U7 vl x? m IL H Z O H U W zI n- aj W J rx:d z.? IL o°M IL U Ir O 1z Q O Z Q U) 1 10l 36 Murch,1992 7i w > CL T, - a x x z A F z wzzt- a-2 Ep-u?p,pw rat-.o wpddUo ta to aZwVQ DD.t,. zto s W. o m ,g W.4 w oowpaw x to ,g 6o-c,cz uo*w pzppz ?w0 abz_t,Z W L-, 0 tE zw z , wv) WP?EF•• 41- ww-3jwdwOd?<?7dx o?wo=000 =1o-0 ao =raw x aoc?cnc?t-v fnfn? n.? fn..o 38 `l Fct\ LL? u a W z 0 a LL X r- z O z ?r )f; u _ ?r? S)dt3 ? w ? , N t L C) ole Fjv J 1 rr z w w Cr u ?-a o x? U moo., o O 7?T U- cz.o? o W Q D o March,1992 PIPE, Ov'rt,t;r ENt111MV DISIPATc)lu 00 0 0°0 0 A pipe outlet energy disipator shall be used at pipe outlets to slow the water velocities when it exits the pipe and flows out ditched or natural waterways. It is an apron of stone of a sufficient thickness to protect the outlet area from scouring out and causing off-site sedimentation dam- age. Pipe outlet energy disipators should be built according to the guideline chart shown on page 52 of this manual. ARr_AS or tJst:: • Outlets of pipes and culverts to prevent from scouring. Dr--SIGN CRri-ri-RIA: i In accordance with chart on page 52. Filter fabric, or six inch layer of gravel, shall be used under stone. Mn>ERIAts: 4 Filter Vabrie shall tneet requirements of section 1056 of Standm-d Specifications for A Pipe Outlet to f=lat Aree- No Well•delin6d Channel pl?ri L? nlil rtlill?n Section AA ri ter I'ahric or Chavel (aver Where: L = length of apron (11) W = vMdth of apron (11) D = thickness of stone (in) S = class of stone L- MMVI ? 4Secrlon I I) rifer r ahric or Gravel Layer 46a June, 1992 Pipe Outlet to Well-defined Channel t1 ,1 ??; 1. ,, i l ?????,? 1 1 Ali it I?I,lii? iIII ?' Iii ? ?, I? i??;??.1 ?? '1 ?1.,?,? ?,3JI13?l1 `""• "'? 1'li IIIiA ro ro r m c C in r ?/ 0 113 Qr-- M 4L I 1 c a I! Ic P 1, Qh i CIS' s. 37 ? I j a ' ? J7 er o O ? ? j 1 0, / ??i '! . S i aui I sur Fr)1CE X0.3 ?a?s j iz.0 6.0 70 4 C4.0 I z3.by? I , ?< I h C! Oi; I I I I j LTr ENCE itl? o c`,O I -1 i CIO 11, 42 Ail ' ! 75 ? I Gk i? SILT rcr-w oi0 t6,5 zad ! in i r i I I ' ? i , cy- i? R, Al t c•? Q +I s 0'N M ? i v6l 6 3 `? M ? I Mlo ? *? ?i o l i I X04 ?+ p d? 1 O 1C? ! - o cS G;I U ' o , o I I I I a ?. n O oe ? I ? ? I r' t N? i ! o' oIj 1 lLf ? a ' °1cl 4- 1 I 1 I L \ ? I pI9 s oI9 4 h o 1 ., _fLi_' INIa. '- M I 1 i i • Q4 V I I'I`I, j t I I Ijljill; I I,,?Ifl ?d+i' i I I I + ? I ? I (?u 1 I?i?l X11 r IY i i f l ? l, 'lIll 11l a-? I j i t II ill jdM I I l I ' l ti' i 1 i • I- I I i . I IIj ! I I ?lilll?i, lii't L cis I , f ?- I 1.f l I I4 i-i I Q+? j I I i {, i ! I? t 00j , -, I l l f? l i+ i l_ i ko I ll ? ! I ? I t: j i l ! f ; i. ;! I II i,` ? jl I f f' '? ? t I , I ?11 11! ? .1I ??? I l l i l 'iil II. Ib ct-Ix -- I- 1 I I t -? I ;I I ill i + J? i ' ' l l ? f, , j I I I i I I ? I,II. I i I al cal I ? ? I I ' I 0 t ! I I I? ? I I I ?I i 1. ? I i I YI t (: ? ? 1N i i I???? ; III I I ; I .;+ ,?3 t ' y wl y- st; i j i I LL ! !li SIN, . ', ? ? ,L MIN .? -t- I l I ? = o yy III, d I11-11-11=14- 'f 1I I ^ )I l) f?. ? ? ?hV, ll II c ? r n ? • U Of . F p ??,IF?'Y? ? 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