HomeMy WebLinkAboutGC 1734(>E~tif~;R.~.1, t:f~:f~rl~Lf~ IC~1"1'It)ti
TI~IS GENERA. CEKTIPIC~~'I IUi~i is issued in cent ~)I-mi t,y with the requirements
of SecCion 401 of Public Laws 92-500 <~Ind y5-217 of tfle United States and
subject to the forth Carolina Division of Environmental Management Regulations
in 15 NCAC 2H, Section .0500 for the category of activities as specified below
in the waters or adjacent wetlands of the State. _
This General Certification is issued to the North Carolina Department of
Transportation and is only valid for the following activities: '
1. Reconstruction or modification of an existing bridge structure on
essentially the same alignment or location (e.g. widening less than
a single travel lane, adding shoulders or safety lanes, walkways,
bideways, or pipelines) except bridges on or eligible for inclusion
on the National Register or bridges providing access to barrier
islands. Reconstruction or modification of an existing one lane
bridge structure, presently serviced by a two lane road and used for
two lane traffic to a two lane bridge on essentially the same
alignment or location, except bridges on or eligible for inclusion
on the National Register or bridges providing access to barrier
2. Construction of bicycle and pedestrian lanes, paths,, and facilities.
3. Modernization of an existing highway by resurfacing, restoration,
rehabilitation, widening less than a single lane width, adding
shoulders, adding auxiliary lanes for localized purposes (e.g.
weaving, turning, climbing}, and correcting substandard curves and
intersections.. This classification is not applicable when the
proposed project requires acquisition of more than minor amounts of
right-of-way or substantial changes in access control.
4. Highway safety or traffic operations improvement projects including
the correction or improvement of high hazard locations; elimination
of roadside obstacles; highway signing; pavement markings; traffic
control devices; railroad warning devices; and lighting. This
classification is not applicable when tl~e proposed action requires
acquisition of more t~lan minor amounts or right-of-way or substantial
changes in access control.
The State of Forth C<~ro 1 in~~ ccrt if i~~<~ th~~t tf~c's~' <IC't iv i t ics will not
~.~i~)late Sections 301 , 3O', 3t.1~3, 3O~~, ~30 ~~l E'I. `l .'--"7O') 111~i E'1. ~5-217 if
~.OildUCCed lil aCCOrdanC~' '.•' ! f_II t hc' ~31)p l l ~",l (_ 1 ~)!1 l;l~E ~~~~lli~ 1 t 1~)n`~ hC'.rC' 1 n~If ter SLt
1 Zhat lnstr~'~ii;? (UI~1?lcf 1 t. '.' lil C h~' Cl'c t' 1'~" 111',', ~~~;I(~'I-~, ~Ilil' C~) Cfl~ project
~~Ctl.Vlty', `~h:il I i1~~)~ t';{('t?(?c1 ~)~~ wl~; 1.1 t I~':i~1 '~1<"ILl'I l)I~ WC'tl~l[~ds, Z5
~+T1~ 1;1 S~) 1 . ilt_' :~. t ~_ ~' I~'i , ,3111 ~ ~) ~~~E t. I I. ~~! . 1 ;',Il;i ~ ~'~f C I~~~ll t_ WTI tl'r5 .
.~. Ifl~~~t W~lk'.rE' CaSt-ltl-~)l~?L E' E~OIICr~'tt' 1`~ ll`~E't~, t_Un~.I~e~_~' S~1al ~~ IIOt t)e
p~~ured unless form; are cumplc~tely dewatered. Foundation seals may
tie ~~laec~d under water.
~3. "I~1at no oils, aspt~al_tic material or other toxl.c substances bt
located, nor stored within 100 feet of adjacent streams or wetlands,
nor be discharged into adjacent streams or wetlands.
4. That the proposed activity shall not restrict stream flow and should
be designed to accomodate at least the 25 year flood, or to pass
flood and/or trial waters in such manner which will not cause
flooding or greater amplitude than that which presently exists.
5. That where box culverts are used the invert will be placed at or
below the bottom of the stream.
6.~ That erosion control methods be implemented such as silt screens,
hay bails, siltation ponds, etc., to prevent sediment from entering
streams or wetlands.
7. That the rip-rap material be of such size so as not able to be carried
off by wave action and consist of clean rock or masonry material free
of debris or toxic pollutants except in trace quantities.
8. That where the rip-rap material is to be placed below the mean high
water mark, the applicant will take all reasonable measures to
minimize adverse impacts on water quality.
9. That placement of rip-rap material will be limited to a maximum
shoreline length of 500 feet and extend an average distance of not
more than 2 feet waterward of the mean high water (MHW) elevation
contour and at no point extend further waterward than 5 feet from
the MHW elevation.
10. That all fill material shall be clean and free from any toxic
pollutants, except in trace quantities.
11. That the area of classified surface waters to be filled not exceed
one-half acre.
12. That widening of roads essentially haral lul to <~ stream wil i nut
result in the filling of th~~t ~~tream.
l3. "That the Director of the ~lortll ~:ar~~~1 ina Divi~~iun ~~f E~nvironment.~1
~ianagemeilt may rC'C~II l r~' `>ll~)II11 ~'~ 1 ~)Il ~) f ~ ! ~; I i~;a ~ ~1~)~) 1 l ~.~~ C 1Ofl ~ i~ f
certlf 1catlon for ~~n}' prc~ )t't't of t ~l ~'; t v~~t, , 11 ~ t 1 ~~ d~~~nled n~~~~~~~~~;,~r V
to assure t11o protectio-1 u1 ;~~:~t~~r ~~~ial ~ t~,~ ~>t,11t~j.ii~d~>. f'lil~i i~
hearings :nay be held f~~r ~~~~c~_i1 i~- ,~,~~~1 i~~.3t ;~~n ~~ri~~r t_~~ ~~~~rt.; 1~~,~~ iu-~
if deemed in t1~~~ ~~u~~l ic~' ~, I>t~~~! i~~t ~~t-~~~;~ h~,, ~ li,, i}ii-t~~~<<~~-.
Original Signed By
Robert F. Kelms, irector .