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20070493 Ver 1_Shoreline Stabilization_20070320
PERMITS-4-U 19721 Bethel Church Road, Cornelius, NC 28031 ~PAIIl) March 5, 2007 NC DENR Division of Water Quality Attn: Cyndi Karoly Parkview Building 2321 Crabtree Blvd. Raleigh, NC 27604 2oa7a49~ ~~c~~ad~ Q MAR 2 0 20U7 Project: Lake Hickory Marina DENR -WATER QUALITY Planned: Expansion of True Public Marina VYE7llUd03AND S70RMVdATER BRANCH Location: Lake Hickory, Hickory, NC, Caldwell County Lake Hickory Marina (321 Marina) was approved for 74 boat slips in February 23, 2000 (Project No: 2232-394- copy enclosed). Lake Hickory Marina is a True Public Marina used by the general public. They are requesting the following: 1) Rebuild existing boat slips. 2) Add an additional 102 slips for a total of 176 boatslips. 3) Build an 864 square foot dry-stacked storage to accommodate 30 boats. 4) Renovate the boat ramp and service dock . 5) Add a dry hydrant under dock 6) Staging area for possible construction use. This will allow contractors to use the marina to access the lake with construction materials. 7) Stabilize the shoreline with boulder rip-rap The shoreline has an old existing concrete wall that is falling in. In addition to boat slips, this True Public Marina provides to the general public, restrooms, pump-out facilities, gas, and convenience store and marine supplies. The new leased azea for the True Public Marina is A- 2.50 acres and B-.60 acres for a total of 3.l0acres. Application is being made to Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC for the required Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) permit to rebuild, renovate and expand this True Public Marina. We ask that you advise us, by return mail, of any comments you may have concerning this marina or any permits your authority may require. Your comments are a requirement of the FERC application process. We thank you in advance for your cooperation and we appreciate your prompt response. If you need additional information, please let me know. My cell number is 704-652- 2957. My fax number is 704-784-4384. Sincerely, ~• ~~-~' Ann L. Duncan Permits 4U, Inc. Direct all correspondence to: Permits 4U, Inc. c/o Wendy Wazd Smith 19721 Bethel Church Road Cornelius, NC 28031 9 0 FERC 1 a-13 1, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA FEDERAL ENERGY REGULATORY COMMISSION Duke Energy Corporation ) Project No. 2232-394 ORDER APPROVING NON-PROJECT USE OF PROJECT LANDS (February 23, 2000) On June 10, 1999, Duke Energy Corporation, licensee for the Catawba-Watene Project, filed an application requesting Commission authorization to amend as existing lease with 321 Marina by increasing the parcel size of leased j~roject tend for the consuuction of additional boat slips. Specifically, the proposal involves rebuilding 36 slips and constructing 38 new slips for a total of 74 boat slips.: The proposal would also involve increasing the lease area from 1.1 acres to 1.448 acres. No dredging is proposed. The marina is located on Labe Hickory in Mountain Creek Township, in Caldwell County, North Carolina. A public notice was issued for the application. The couwrent period extended from August Z0, 1999, until September 20, 1999. No comments wen received pursuant to the notice. The proposal is consistent with the approved Shoreline hanagement Ptan (Plan) for the project'. The proposed marina will be located in an area classified by the Plan for commercial development. The Commission has considered the effects of this and other types of development at rho project in We arvironmartal assesFment (EA) associated with the Plea EA findings indicate that, by adhering to the EA recommendations for resource protection and existing Federal, state, and local regulations an<t permitting requirements, arvironmartal resources would be protected. Commission ardPr dated February 2, 1996, requires the licensee to adhere to the conditions recommended in the EA.. 1 The Catawba-Wateree Project Shoreline Management Plan was approved by Commission Order dated Febnsary 2, 1996. An environmental assessmart (EA) of the Plan was issued with the Commission approval of the Plan. The final EA analyses potential arvironmartal effects of implemarting the Plan, including marina development. Duke Power and the Commission use the Plan as baseline information to evaluate development proposals and ncrextional needs at the project. Project No. 2232-394 -2- The application includes letters of consultation with appropriate local, state, and Federal agencies. No letters were filed indicating any objections to the proposal. Copies of applicable permits are included with the application. The Nord Carolina State Historic Preservation Officer (SHPO) has reviewed the proposal. By letter dated August 4, 1998, SHPO says it is aware of no properties of architectural, historic, or archaeological significance which would be affected by the proposed action. The proposal will not conflict with the operation, environmental values, or recreational uses of the project. Ground-distm~bed activities within the project boundary would be limited to the ihstatlation of pier pilings. Environmental effects of the proposed project, including those to water quality fiom installing the pilings, would be negligible. The licensee's proposal should be approved. (A) The licensee's filing of June 10, 1999, for authorization to amend as existing lease with the 321 Marinas by increasing the parcel size of leased project land for the re- construction and expansion of the marina to contain 74 boat slips, is approved. (B) This order constitutes final agency action. Requests for rehearing by We Commission may be filed within 30 days of the date of this order, pursuant to 18 C.F.R §385.713. J Mark Robinson L - hector Division of Licensing and Compliance Printable map of 6706 Limbaugh Ln, Hickory, NC ~_ sic: ctt.:ec h'-_n:.._m• Location Map 6706 Limbaugh Ln Hickory, NC 28601 Page 1 of 1 '~t'R~fE . ~ C~a~~ R~ ~?8a C~ i Y 1~ 'Oa'~Q ~ ~ 6?U6 Limbaugh Ln :~ . ,~ 327 .~ ~o ~ ~, Hi ckory .. Clemenk Blvd N7+' ~ z .= ~ z z~ Hickor7r Re iorrai ' ~ 4~ `^ ~, g Airport : ~ `~ ~ 02007 MiarosoR Cory 02006 NdVTEQ, artd jarTele atlas, Inc. rcni u.~ 1 mi 0.2 0. Use this map or these directions at your own risk- No representation or warranty is made as to their accuracy, completeness or drnability. Infospace and Switchboard will not be responsible for any damages, losses or delays which result from using these directions. Obey all traffic regulations. http://www.mapsonus.com/bin/c~imap.dll?FUNC=MAI'&SID=dw~mm~5;wnnUnfQS ~ ~ltaf ~ iT ~ i~nn~ Maptech MapServer r~Ari~~ii MAPSERVER 35.771025° N 35.771025° N 81.382726° W. ,... .... _. ... .... . . ...... ........ ..... 81,361810° W~ --- ,:~ SWELL CD RKE C4 Page 1 of 1 http://mapserver.maptech. com/api/api_includes/navigator.print.cfm?height=5 00&width=4... 3 / 16/2007 JJ./.7YVGV 1\ JJ./JYVLJ A 81.382726° W 81.361810° W www.maptech.com MA!'TECH' To order call 888-839-5551 c! 9~%<-933~3GOp © 1989 - 2007 Maptech, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Maptech ®is a registered trademark of Maptech. Inc. Google Maps V~ ~ ~~' Huasor~ ~•..- 321 ._r , ;_~ 321 Sa'~•rnills P.'. rl s 5c'r~. ~hcs: 321 lys is La ~a 'vsr:h n ~ - -ck.e7~ ~ .ygS~ AvP~ p ~ ``~ ~. m 5t Stc~h~_ n5 ie.vmcnt Hickory _ .....: rater .., _'"~, _ 321 f,".n~n;an _ -: Ir. ,. 5rc o'~ '•r1Na3e - ®2007 Google -Map data 02007 NAVTEQ'"' - T •3race ~ -r •da Far s ~t8nlh ~~hapei _,_-AryG'- - Fa Is 321 321 3-:r ,~ Rhaahiss V _ ~ ftheb~ - - 3 1~ f rckarr• ~--~ Regiural ~--pat ?ene'o a Long'Jier; (card _ - a ~: -. ., +,~ - Hitifebran 70 S~ ~.e h~, _; Page 1 of 1 httn://marn.~oo~le.com/?ie=i JTFR&~=14&11=35.758772.-R 1.3 82942&snn=O.Q3Q29R.O.OS... 3/16/20Q7 r -' ~ 71 ~,s-1D- ~ ~o~r :L~ : 41 rm~- i -^^-_31 P®01f 0~2 F-74 r Ft?~'I = ~Y pLINCAN VALSP~ ~ i INC. Pk-l~+E 1~. 76~t 7844384 MB.r. 16 200"? ia9: 49E~M F'1 DUfCiI: POWER LAKE MANAGEMENT, EC12-Q ~. O. sox 144s C3NAI~.gTTE, NC 282131 1006 .. 7tt4~.3>!k2 ~58't t7R Tf;?LL FREE 1-8~0-~143~483 APPLiCATltaN FOR PERMIT TOj~S~TABit_(ZE THE SH~RELtNE tiV NOE~TH 3~1~d8e lyp@ to prl-i= area fill itt .111 b~1K7. 11 ~T(~777T~a.w WrMawoataa.. ~.....vuwaa. vj ,.........~ .«. ~ .. t>lenk. PLEASE 9U8lVgT Ai'PLiCATtON ANp APPRDPRlATE DUKlFc PowER F~.1t13G FEE, PAYAE~.B TY'? DUKE R. To ABOVE ADDRESS. 2 ~ ~ 7 ~ ~ ~ 3 ;~ 1. Appiit~rtt hwtorn-~n A. N~ Lakr Milekvry Marina ~ ~ 11.IC,- ~ ~ ~` ~=-s ~ .-. $. Meula-S Addreexs 3z'I IRrittga, Micia~ry, NC 2860"1 C_ T~iephone 7~4~95-688 Ib Grj Proposed ProjvCt A. L81ae l~idcory B. Strctt Address 67'48 Li1n4a1tgft Lane C. County C~IddvYleti Y > b. City, Town, Community ar Landmark Hicicoey E. S~CFian La# # n/a Sutadlvlsicn take Hi~ry Me~id F_ Dlr+ec4ons m property by roar! 1-y7 N fie 140 W - Right on Ni~nray 321• = is On ~t a! 32'l 6T46 Llrubaugh i.ane r.: ':' G. . l.~atilxld@ aerltid br3gl~ude for ttie BGt she p3'4! .~i.1- ~~S;rr }~I-377$ W H. Piece sabmit a map 5howir>4 the t~Ordirtates ar a detailed rlRp it1 t~usd ~P, ~ ~, etc.} showing the eDtept loca8on of the pr4JeCt site. (NOTE: Laltitudellongitude t~ardinatem can be touted ~n intemet site, www.maesotats.carn. Di3~sclians: Oort't register. cock "Maps°, enter adetae~ss, draw map, sei~'Map Ciictcittg 11Vitl._.', select "t.~/L•ong°. dick maPl iEi. O~ription ofi ProJ~t _ A. Ler~th of was Apprtsidrne!'aty 540' i~. Material 8ouidet +tP~9 C. Dtstarlce from property linestshoretme 1iVitt follow sxistir~g sh~7relir,e ~, : N irrtettded Uae tat Projs# Area u• aF 1t. Ptirrllte . 3. Comme3r~i X` - y~ ~. _t,. ;;: V. AppiiCMtt SigefsSt[$ ~r `~ ~ ~7 ~: ~: ~x= 1iK CA.Q=~ ~~t: • A CQPY OF THE CGMPI.ET6 APPLiCATN33~t VY3TH A RoAQ fiAl-p S C.OCJi CaF TF3E PRdPER11F MtlS'T 61! SUBMt1i'EU TO: US /ifU1YL`01~P6 Qf, i~t PATTOwAY RL30M~IO~r,A~f1Ei~.L~, .e3das . • R GUFY OF 7'NE "D1~ PC3YYER/13~P3,ICAT70N ~ ! 70 STABAJZE Til6 ~blE Ad NORTH C~i2at.3NA" M~ 5[:1/Eiil (7} cxiwtes of Tl1~ c'x>~.Fr>aa rt+IC anns~ox of tntwre3 ctuALmr Hcm3=3G-'i70N APt~1..tCAT3Q1+~ ra1~sT EE suenrrrEC wtrr,;r+e onraslcNl of WATi1i awu.rrr APPLICATKl~1 ~ T'0: iitc erYelydH gFrYA7a! Quaur~-, J477~mo~r: cy~r xar~ ~tvtsH-~,. x~t r~enans~ ~cvne, RACt~ ~ teens, rtrt3a~ szs~~s-rraa 401 WATER QUALITY CERTIFICATION APPLtGATION The foNowing is an abbreviated application form for those applying fora 401 Water Quai'ity Certfication to impact FERC (Federal Energy Regulatory Commission) regulated lake shore or bottom under the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Permit GP30. This Application cannot be used for wetland ar stream impacts. Please provide seven (7) copies of this application and supporting information as well as a non- refundable application fee to the Division of Water Quality of $200.00 for impacts to lake bottom of less than 1 acre and $475.00 for impacts to lake bottom of greater or equal to 1 acre. APPLICATIONS TO BE SENT TO: DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY WETLANDS UNIT 1650 MAIL SERVICE GENTER RALEIGH, NC 27699-1650 1. Applicant Informafion 1. Owner/Applicant information Name Lake Hickory Marina - ~/~/ype S (,~ , 5(1 ~-/~~/?, Mailing Address 321 Bridge Hickory, NG 28601 Telephone Number 704895-5885 Fax Number 704895-2696 E-mail Address 2. Agent Information (A signed and dated copy of the Agent Authorization letter must be attached if the Agent has signatory authority for the ownerlapplicant) Name Wendy Ward Smith Company Affiliation Permits 4U, Inc. Mailing Address 18721 Bethel Churrch Rd Cornelius, NC 28031 Telephone Number 704784532 Fax Number 7047844384 E-mail Address ll. Project Formation Attach a vicinity map dearly showing the Nation of the property with respect to local landmarks such as towns, rivers, and roads Also provide a detailed site plan showing property boundaries and development plans in relation th surrounding properties. You may use the diagram below to make a hand ske#ch of your project Also, see the example below for guidance. Both the vicinity map and site plan must indude a scale and north arrow_ The footprints of all buildings, impervious surfaces, ar other fatalities must be included. Location County Caldwell Nearest Town Hickory Subdivision name or site address (include phase/tot number}: Lake Hickory Marina .... _~ ..~ j,,.=~ ~,,.,,~, 1-'iSl "~1147bI1747L M-~4.t >=RCIF'i : ~ RW~-Dk' DUl~fiFJ Uf~.£~R, Ih1C. PHCNF hq~. 7G74 76443$4 Mar. i6 2807 tom: a9F1M P2 Directions to site ~ please lndude road numbers, IarcdtnetiCs, etc• {1't'~is is nOt necBSSary an adequafie vldt~ity rr~p is indudCd): 1-?T N to 140 YY- Right on Highway 321 l,~...,_._~.__......... ....~....... _. _ Manna is on rtgfit at SZ1 btid$o 8746 Umb*ugfi E.arue h4 2 t3ascrlbg the exiattng land use or co>tidttiron of the sifts at tt~e time of this application: tiiacistle~ True tau6ic !!/aritpt witfi bo+llbiips and +eonvvelet„Ge store ~. ~. Ft+DpertY sloe {acxas}: 2.730 e~ a_ Nearest body of wabx ~strs~aRntrwerlsow+dlac~anllatce)- H~1~~f- 5. C~SCxibe true PutPasa' of the proposed work; t';xemovs old ~ wail and Rspfsce with boWda' r~-rap s<~. 8. last the type of equipment to be u~d to runt tire- project Work and be derma by land ~'; z ~: 7. Amount vt impact (mdttdine all won. ~ nP ~~~ -~talning walls, ~} bebw ~~_ 4' : op-israadrraatalY SQO' of altDreliRe ' i~5.' ',~ e. a amount at impluCt {nalu~ ~Idl gea~ng, g0~it tug, excevatton, ~ rap. ~ waif. . etrr.} above th6 Hama{ pool bake level and SO'bet i~d-~rord in equate fleet or etxea: 'l ~ - 4 'ye' x sppraxtane~tY 30ti' ,,. r,~ ti.c~., LL.a ...,,..L.U.....,L...... U~.1.~.tewail Meal Uka l~wl and 6fl t11ot i9tYlaYt~Rl tR .k~_ ~ imparted {number of trees fcsr ingtsrtoe}= t+lo Y+~t~n - existlnn paw let . t; ~ ~,~y p le~,ham ale ~ . ~: Full Pond- Shoreline fake (Full Pond} ~~~~ '~.~%~_ Please approximately sketch the following information on this plan (please provide dimensions foe each item, such as 10 ft. x 100 ft.): 1) All proposed vegetation clearing (provide dimensions] 2) Location of rip rap or fill to be placed above the FuA Pond elevation 3) Location of rip rap or fill to be placed below the Fuli Pond elevation 4) The location of any proposed structures such as buildings, retaining walls, docks, etc. 5) The location of any excavation or dredging below the Full Pond elevation. 6) Location of construcfion access corridors. Name: Lake Hickory Marina Mailing Address; 321 Bridge Town & State: Hickory, NC 28601 Lake Address: SAME Feet of shoreline and material: 500' of Boulder rig-rap AMOUNT OF FILL ~ 1 ~5t5 CUBIC YARDS Elevation 935 ft. Full Pool Hickory Summer Pool 933 ft. ~ 1 ~- l `f z` ~-J~o~ ~-- Elevation .~ `- y ~ ~ G~.--~ ~ CROSS SECTION DIRECTIONS BY RQAD FORM Lake Use Permit Applicants and Contractors: Ease of locating the proposed project site can have a big impact on permit processing time. Please complete this form and return it along with your completed permit application to: DUKE POWER C j0 LAKE MANAGEMENT - EC 12 Q P. O. BOX 1006 CI~[ARLOTTE, NC 28201-1006 1-800-443-5193 Applicant's Name:- Lake Hickory Marina Lake Name: Hickory Subdivision Name: Lake Hickory Marina Property Section: Lot (s): City: Hickory _ County: Caldwell State: NC Zip: 28601 Telephone: rl a y- S R S- 5 F~ 8 S Type of Permit Requested "Circle": Private Facility Commercial Facility Excavation tabilizati Conveyance Miscellaneous Uses Directions (from major road or highway): I-7? N to I 40 W- Rig,~rit on Highway 321- Marina is on right at 321 Bridge 6706 Limbaugh Lane Descriptive Structure (s) on Prouert~(i.e. brick garage, white fence, mobile home, etc. Lake Hickory Marina '"Note: Please use the back of this form, zf desired to draw us a map to the site. Printable map, of 67Q6 Lim~baugh Ln, Hickory, NC .., Lacaiaan Ntap 6706 Limbaugh !n Hickory, NC 28601 Page 1 of 1 - ---_ tY~t __ Q $ --_ ~ _ ..... ~~ ~ ~a~tE16 Lirnbaugh t..n ct,t aiwa +~: - ~ .. ~ :- ~ _ -~ wort - ~ ~ ~`~~•.' ~ _. ~- o.~ rerc ~ o. Use this map or these directions at your own risk No n:pn~ntation or warranty is made as to their accuracy, completeness or drivabit'dy. lnfospace and Switchboard wilt not be responsble for any damages, tosses or decays which nesuit from using these directions. Obey all traffic regulations. http:/fwww.mapsonus.coin/bin/cgimap.dll?FIJNC=M~1P&SID=dvsr~mm~55wtt~o~ttfa~ct Strof ~zi~ ~ ~~nn-~ Maptech MapServer 1-11~-~' i C~1-1~.: 1 A F'.'1- H_ ~ U H~ 35.771025° N J 87.382726° W ~~(i~i ~ }~ ~ / i ~ i. --~.. ~, ~ ~ r i f ' A . - .h:ya Y DWELL 'RKE C~ -. ._ -: . _. v:.-- ~~,,~~. k` ~ ~:._ VF . ~;~~\_-- //~!/< 35.754025° N 35.754025° N~ 81.382726° W 81.361810° W = tNt~iRl.Ii)Ft~tBCII.CtNt? r - To order call 888-839-5551 or 978-933-3000 © 1989 - 2007 Maptech, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Maptech ®is a registered trademark of Maptech, Inc. 35.771025° N 81.361810° W~ ( ~ ~, f i , ,~ r° ~ ~ X11 ~ i, f 3 1+ r~ L.,/ ~ ~Jil~ ~ t ~ f" ~ ~ - ~ F ,~,~~~~,..- _ __.,AL~w~r. z , r ~. ~,;- rh ;+f ~~ `' t!r'; !r r ;` ~ `.iri F 4i~ ';` y~~: ~,Park;1~;~ ~ ; `~ 'f "~ ~ ~~ t :l ri • Page 1 of 1 http://mapserver.maptech.com/api/api_includes/navigator.print.cfin?height=500&width=4... 3/16/2007 r ___ - !=~_ ~. ~~ ~~, ~ ~~ j ~:~ r ~ ~ i~" t