HomeMy WebLinkAboutWQCS00158_Tapaco Road Sewer Ext. Contract Docs CONTRACT DOCUMENTS US129 NORTH (TAPOCO ROAD) SEWER EXTENSION TOWN OF ROBBINSVILLE GRAHAM COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA JOEL L. STORROW, P.E. McGill N A S SO C I A T E S Engineering • Planning • Finance ST Post Office Pox 2259 `f Asheville, North Carolina 28802 11411AY, 1999 REVISED FEBRUARY, 2000 99710/003 TOWN OF ROBBINSVILLE US 129 NORTH(TAPOCO ROAD) SEWER EXTENSION TABLE OF CONTENTS d' Rb700�.-,i.1Y/2, ON40I1 �1�V1r 9001R ���4iFh.,. {.�'::fkt.i'+ £.1 ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS BID SCHEDULE BID BID BOND NOTICE OF AWARD AGREEMENT PAYMENT BOND PERFORMANCE BOND INSURANCE CERTIFICATES NOTICE TO PROCEED APPLICATION FOR PAYMENT CHANGE ORDER FORM GENERAL CONDITIONS MINORITY BUSINESS ENTERPRISE REQUIREMENTS ULOCO NOTICE TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS N004AC Ik�I� U# ROOM*— 01200 SPECIAL CONDITIONS 01705 MOBILIZATION � � S EDIISIN .5 TEOs �A�C �` 1.1 R!P(� � � „ I� s ... 02200 EARTHWORK 02220 EXCAVATION AND BACKFILL 02222 ROCK EXCAVATION 02230 AGGREGATE BASE COURSE 02510 BITUMINOUS PAVING 02601 BORE AND ENCASEMENT 02730 SANITARY SEWER PIPE AND APPURTENANCES 02731 SANITARY SEWER SERVICE CONNECTION 02905 RESTORATION OF SURFACES 02931 SEEDING, FERTILIZING AND MULCHING 9/22199 TOC-1 PROJECT#99710/003 ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS Sealed bids for the project entitled US 129 North (Tapoco Road) Sewer Extension will be received by the Town of Robbinsville at p.m. local time , 2000 in the and then publicly opened and read aloud. The project generally consists of approximately 3,200 LF of 8" sanitary sewer line and appurtenances extending between the wastewater treatment plant on US129 and Knight Street and Willie Colvin Road. The Contract Documents may be examined at the following locations: McGill Associates, P.A. Asheville, North Carolina Associated General Contractors Asheville, North Carolina Associated General Contractors Charlotte, North Carolina F. W. Dodge Charlotte, North Carolina F. W. Dodge Greenville, South Carolina Copies of the Contract Documents may be obtained at the office of the Engineer, McGill Associates, P.A., located at 55 Broad Street or Post Office Box 2259, Asheville, North Carolina 28802 upon payment of $ .00 for each set. There will be no refund to any party for Contract Documents so obtained. A certified check or cashiers check payable to the Town of Robbinsville or a satisfactory Bid Bond executed by a corporate surety licensed under the laws of North Carolina to execute such bonds in the amount equal to five percent of the total of the bid shall be submitted with each bid. Attention is called to the fact that the Contractor must ensure that employees and applicants for employment are not discriminated against because of their race, color, religion, sex or national origin. The Owner reserves the right to waive any informalities or reject any or all bids. The successful bidder shall be required to furnish separate - 100 percent Performance and Payment Bonds in compliance with North Carolina General Statutes Chapter 44A Section 143-129. The Performance Bond shall be in full force and effect for one (1) year after the date of final acceptance of the project by the Town of Robbinsville. AB-1 The bid deposit shall be retained by the Town of Robbinsville if the successful bidder fails to execute the contract or fails to provide the required bonds, as stated above, within ten (10) days after award of the contract. Each bidder must be appropriately licensed as a Contractor in the State of North Carolina as provided in General Statutes Chapter 87. Each bidder shall make positive efforts to use small and minority owned business enterprises on this project. This project is being financed in part by a grant from the State of North Carolina. Neither the State of North Carolina nor any of its departments, agencies, or employees is or will be a party to this invitation for bids, or any resulting contract. Procurement, however, will be subject to regulations published in the Federal Register dated March 28, 1983 as 40 CFR 33. The Town of Robbinsville reserves the right to award a contract to the lowest, responsive, responsible bidder. Bidders must comply with the President's Executive Order No. 11246 as amended, which prohibits discrimination in employment regarding race, creed, color, sex or national origin. Bidders must comply with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Davis-Beacon Act, the Anti-Kickback Act, the Contract Work Hours Standard Act, and 40 CFR 35.936 (F). A certification by the bidder of prior work performed under Executive Order 11246 and compliance with 40 CFR 60-4 is required. The Owner within ten (10) working days or fifteen (15) calendar days of receipt of acceptable performance BOND, payment BOND and Agreement signed by the party to whom the Agreement was awarded shall sign the Agreement and return to such party an executed duplicate of the Agreement. Should the OWNER not execute the Agreement within such period, the BIDDER may by WRITTEN NOTICE withdraw his signed Agreement. Such notice of withdrawal shall be effective upon receipt of the notice by the OWNER. The NOTICE TO PROCEED shall be issued within ten (10) working days or fifteen (15) calendar days of the execution of the Agreement by the Owner. Should there be reasons why the NOTICE TO PROCEED cannot be issued within such period, the time may be extended by mutual agreement between the OWNER and CONTRACTOR. If the NOTICE TO PROCEED has not been issued within the fifteen (15) calendar or ten (10) working day period or within the period mutually agreed upon, the CONTRACTOR may terminate the Agreement without further liability on the part of either party. The OWNER may make such investigations as he deems necessary to determine the ability of the BIDDER to perform the WORK, and the BIDDER shall furnish to the OWNER all such information and data for this purpose as the OWNER may request. The OWNER reserves the right to reject any BID if the evidence submitted by, or investigation of, such BIDDER fails to satisfy the AB-2 OWNER that such BIDDER is properly qualified to carry out the obligations of the Agreement and to complete the WORK contemplated therein. A conditional or qualified BID will not be accepted. All applicable laws, ordinances, and the rules and regulations of all authorities having jurisdiction over construction of the PROJECT shall apply to the contract throughout. Each BIDDER is responsible for inspecting the site and for reading and being thoroughly familiar with the CONTRACT DOCUMENTS. The failure or omission of any BIDDER to do any of the foregoing shall in no way relieve any BIDDER from any obligation in respect to his BID. The ENGINEER is McGILL ASSOCIATES, P.A. His address is Post Office Box 2259, Asheville, North Carolina 28802. AB-3 INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS I13-01. PREPARATION OF BIDS: All bids shall be prepared in accordance with the following requirements: 1. The Bid form furnished by the Engineer shall be used and shall not be altered. 2. All entries including signatures shall be written in ink. 3. The Bidder shall submit a unit or lump sum price for every item in the Bid form. The unit or lump sum prices bid for the various Contract Items shall be written figures. 4. Changes in any entry shall be made by marking through the entry in ink and making the correct entry adjacent thereto in ink. The individual signing the Bid shall initial the change in ink. 5. The Bid shall be properly executed. In order to constitute proper execution, the Bid shall be executed in strict compliance with the following. No other forms of execution will be accepted. a. If a Bid is by an individual, it shall show the name and address of the individual and shall be signed by the individual. b. If the Bid is by a Corporation, it shall be executed in the name of the Corporation by the President or Vice President. It shall be attested by the Secretary or Assistant Secretary. The seal of the Corporation shall be affixed. The Bid shall show the address of the principal office of the Corporation. C. If the Bid is made by a Partnership, it shall be executed in the name of the Partnership by one of the partners. The address of the Partnership shall also be shown. d. If the Bid is a joint venture, it shall be executed by each of the joint venturers in the appropriate manner set out above. The address for the joint venture shall be shown. 6. The Bid shall not contain any unauthorized additions, deletions, or conditional bids. 7. The Bidder shall not add any provision reserving the right to accept or reject an award, or to enter into a Contract pursuant to an award. W-1 8. The Bid shall not contain irregularities of any kind which make the Bid incomplete, indefinite, or ambiguous as to its meaning. 9. Alternative Bids will not be considered unless specifically called for. Where numbered Alternate Bid Items are provided under any Contract, each Bidder must submit at bid price for each numbered Alternate Item. 10. All attachments, certifications or acknowledgements attached to the Bid shall be executed in the same manner as the Bid. IB-02. RECEIPT AND OPENING OF BIDS: The envelopes containing the Bids must be sealed and addressed to: Town of Robbinsville P.O. Box 126 Robbinsville, North Carolina 28771 Attn: Bobby Cagle, Jr. The outside of the envelopes must bear the name, address, and license number of the Bidder and designate the particular Contract by name for which the Bid is submitted. Bids received prior to the designated hour of opening will be securely kept, sealed. Mailed bids will be treated in every respect as though filed in person and will be subject to the same requirements. Bids received subsequent to the designated hour of opening will be returned to the Bidder unopened. IB-03. WITHDRAWAL OR REVISION OF BIDS: A Bidder may, without prejudice to himself, withdraw a Bid after it has been delivered, providing the request for such withdrawal is made either in writing or by telegram to the Engineer presiding over the opening of the Bids before the date and time set for the opening of Bids. The Bidder may then submit a revised Bid provided it is received prior to the time set for opening of Bids. No Bid may be withdrawn for a period of sixty (60) days after Bids have been opened pending the execution of a Contract with the successful Bidder except as provided for in Section 143-129.1 of the North Carolina General Statutes. Only those persons authorized to sign Bids shall be recognized as being qualified to withdraw a Bid. ie-z IB-04. ADDENDA AND INTERPRETATIONS: No interpretation of the meaning of the Plans, Specifications or other portions of the Contract Documents will be made orally. Every request for such interpretation must be addressed to the office of McGill Associates, P.A., 55 Broad Street, Post Office Box 2259, Asheville, North Carolina 28802, and, to be given consideration, must be received at the above address at least seven (7) days prior to the date fixed for the opening of Bids. Any and all such interpretations and any supplemental instructions will be in the form of written Addenda which, if issued, will be sent by mail and faxed to all holders of Contract Documents at the respective address furnished for such purpose not later than twenty four hours prior to the day fixed for the opening of Bids. Failure of any Bidder to receive any such Addenda shall not relieve said Bidder from any obligation under his Bid as submitted. All Addenda so issued shall become a part of the Contract Documents. Prospective Bidders are cautioned concerning the use of a Post Office Box address as telegraphic Addenda cannot be sent to Post Office Boxes. I13-05. QUALIFICATIONS OF BIDDERS: The Owner may make such investigation as he deems necessary to determine the qualifications of the Bidder to perform the work and the Bidder shall furnish to the Owner all such information and data for this purpose as the Owner may request. The Owner reserves the right to reject any Bid if the evidence submitted by, or investigation of, such Bidder fails to satisfy the Owner that such Bidder is properly qualified to carry out the obligations of the contract, and to complete the work contemplated therein. Conditional bids will not be accepted. Bidders shall comply with all applicable laws regulating the practice of General Contracting as contained in Chapter 87 of the General Statutes of North Carolina. IB-06. RESPONSIBILITIES OF BIDDERS: Each Bidder shall, by careful examination, satisfy himself as to the nature and location of the work, the configuration of the ground, the character quality and quantity of the facilities needed preliminary to and during the prosecution of the work, the general and local conditions, and all other matters which can in any way affect the work or the cost thereof under the Contract. IB-3 The Contractor shall make his own determination as to the nature and extent of the utility facilities, including proposed adjustments, new facilities, or temporary work to be performed by the utility owner or his representative; and as to whether or not any utility work is planned by the Owner in conjunction with the project construction. The contractor shall consider in his Bid all of the permanent and temporary utility facilities in their present or relocated positions, whether or not specifically shown on the plans or covered in the project Special Conditions. It will be the Contractor's responsibility to anticipate any additional costs to him resulting from such utility work to reflect these costs in his Bid for the various items in the Contract. The failure or omission of any Bidder to thoroughly examine and familiarize himself with the Contract Documents or to receive or examine any form, instrument or document or to visit the site and acquaint himself with the conditions there existing shall in no way relieve any Bidder from any obligation in respect to his Bid. No verbal agreement or conversation with any officer, agent or employee of the Owner, either before or after the execution of the Contract, shall affect or modify any of the terms or obligations therein. IB-07. COMPARISON OF BIDS: Bids will be compared on the basis of the totals of the lump sum or unit prices bid. The resulting Total Contract Bid Price will be compared which will include and cover the furnishing of all materials, and the performance of all labor requisite or proper, and completing of all the work called for under the accompanying Contract, and in the manner set forth and described in the Contract Documents. The lowest Bidder under each Contract will be that Bidder whose Bid totals the lowest number of dollars as determined above. I13-08. AWARD OF CONTRACT: The award of the contract will be made to the lowest bidder, who, in the opinion of the Owner, is qualified to perform the work required. These bids are asked for in good faith, and awards will be made as soon as practicable, provided satisfactory Bids are received. The Owner may consider informal and reject any Bid not prepared and submitted in accordance with the provisions hereof. IB-4 The right is reserved to waive informalities in bidding, to reject any or all Bids, or to accept a Bid other than the lowest submitted if such action is deemed to be in the best interest of the Owner. I13-09. COMMENCEMENT OF WORK: Upon execution and delivery of the Contract and the delivery of the required performance and labor and material bonds and insurance certificates and policies by the Contractor to the Owner, the Contractor will be notified to proceed with the work of the Contract. The work of the Contract shall be commenced within ten (10) days following such notification or as otherwise specified in the Notice to Proceed. The Contractor shall notify the Engineer, in writing, of his intention to enter upon the site of the work at least three (3) days in advance of such entrance. IB-5 BID TO: Town of Robbinsville P.O. Box 126 Robbinsville, North Carolina 28771 FROM: of the City of , County of and State of , hereinafter called "Bidder". PROJECT: US 129 North (Tapoco Road) Sewer Extension Gentlemen: The bidder, in compliance with your Advertisement for Bids for the construction of the above-referenced project, having examined the Drawings and Specifications with related documents and the site of the proposed work, and being familiar with all of the conditions surrounding the construction of the proposed project, including the availability of materials and labor, hereby proposes to furnish all labor, materials, and supplies, and to construct the project in accordance with the Contract Documents, within the time set forth therein, and the prices stated below. These prices are to cover all expenses incurred in performing the work required under the Contract Documents, of which this proposal is a part. The Bidder declares that he has carefully examined the site of the proposed work and fully informed 'and satisfied himself as to the conditions there existing, the character and requirements of the proposed work, and the difficulties attendant upon its execution, and that he has carefully read and examined the Drawings, the annexed proposed Agreement, and the specifications and other Contract Documents therein referred to, and knows and understands the terms and provisions thereof. Bidder understands that information relative to existing structures, apparent and latent conditions, and natural phenomena, as furnished to him on the Drawings, in the Contract Documents, or by the Owner or the Engineer, carries no guarantee expressed or implied as to its completeness or accuracy, and he has made due allowance therefor. TIME FOR COMPLETION AND LIQUIDATED DAMAGES: Bidder hereby agrees to commence work under this contract within 10 days of receipt of the Notice to Bid 1 Proceed and to fully complete the project within 120 consecutive calendar days after the date of the Notice to Proceed. Bidder also agrees to pay $100.00/day as liquidated damages for each consecutive calendar day thereafter as hereinafter provided in the General Conditions. ADDENDA: Bidder acknowledges receipt of the following Addenda: Addendum No. Date: Addendum No. Date: Addendum No. Date: ITEMS l7ESCRIPTt®N t2[tAN UNIT UNIT TOTAL _: �,NC� 1 Mobilization LS 1 2 8" PVC Sanitary Sewer Line LF 2965 3 4' Diameter Sanitary Sewer EA 15 Manhole 4 24" Diameter Bore and LF 230 Jack/carrier pipe 5 Concrete Piers EA 2 6 Long Span Ductile Iron Pipe LF 40 7 4" Sanitary Sewer Stub-Out EA 8 8 Rock Excavation CY 100 9 Select Backfill CY 100 10 CABC (Drive Repair) LF 60 11 2" 1-2 (Road Repair) SY 200 12 4" HB (Road Repair) SY 150 13 Asphalt Overlay (1-2 for Drive LF 125 Repair) TOTAL,_. The above unit prices shall include all costs for furnishing materials and labor complete each item including all sales tax, labor cost, material cost, and cost of miscellaneous items. Bidder understands that the Owner reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to waive any informalities in the bidding. The Bidder agrees that this Bid shall be good and may not be withdrawn for a period of 60 calendar days after the scheduled closed time for receiving bids. Bid 2 Upon receipt of written notice of the acceptance of this Bid, Bidder will execute the formal Agreement attached within 10 days. Surety Bonds will be required for this project. The undersigned declares that his firm is (delete those not acceptable): A corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of A partnership consisting of The undersigned declares that the person or person signing this proposal is fully authorized to sign the proposal on behalf of the firm listed and to fully bind the firm listed to all the conditions and provisions thereof. It is agreed that no person or persons or company other than the firm listed below or as otherwise indicated hereinafter has any interest whatsoever in this proposal or the contract that may be entered into as a result thereof, and that in all respects the proposal is legal and fair, submitted in good faith, without collusion or fraud. Respectfully Submitted: CONTRACTOR (SEAL - if bid is by a Corporation) Title Address NC General Contractor's License No. Bid 3 BID BOND KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, THAT WE, THE UNDERSIGNED, as Principal, and as Surety, are hereby held and firmly bound unto the Town of Robbinsville as Owner in the penal sum of (5% of Bid) for the payment of which, well and truly to be made, were hereby jointly and severally bind ourselves, successors and assigns. Signed, this day of 12000. The condition of the above obligation is such that whereas the Principal has submitted to the Town of Robbinsville a certain BID, attached hereto and hereby made a part hereof to enter into a contract in writing for the project entitled US129 North (Tapoco Road) Sewer Extension Town of Robbinsville Graham County, North Carolina NOW THEREFORE, (a) If said BID shall be rejected, or (b) If said BID shall be accepted and the Principal shall execute and deliver a contract in the Form of Contract attached hereto (properly completed in accordance with said BID) and shall furnish a BOND for his faithful performance of said Contract, and for the payment of all persons performing labor or furnishing materials in connection therewith, and shall in all other respects perform the agreement created by the acceptance of said BID, then this obligation shall be void, otherwise the same shall remain in force and effect; it being expressly understood and agreed that the liability of the Surety for any and all claims hereunder shall, in no event, exceed the penal amount of this obligation as herein stated. The Surety, for value received, hereby stipulates and agrees that the obligations of said Surety and its BOND shall be in no way impaired or affected by any extension of the time within which the OWNER may accept such BID; and said Surety does hereby waive notice of any such extension. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Principal and the Surety have hereunto set their hands and seals, and such of them as are corporations have caused their corporate seals to be hereto affixed and these presents to be signed by their proper officers, the day and year first set froth above. BB-1 i Principal i Surety By: IMPORTANT: Surety companies executing BONDS must appear on the Treasury Department's most current list (Circular 570 as amended) and be authorized to transact business in the state where the project is located. BB-2 NOTICE OF AWARD TO: Project Description: US129 North (Tapoco Road) Sewer Extension The Owner has considered the Bid Proposal submitted by you for the above described Project in response to its receipt of Bids on 2000, and the Instruction to Bidders. You are hereby notified that your Bid Proposal has been accepted in the amount of (words) (numbers) You are required by the Instructions to Bidders to execute the Agreement and furnish the required Contractor's Performance Bond, Payment Bonds and Certificates of Insurance within ten (10) calendar days from the date of this Notice to you. If you fail to execute said Agreement and to furnish said Bonds with ten (10) days from the date of this Notice, said Owner will be entitled to consider all your rights arising out of the Owner's acceptance of your Bid Proposal as abandoned and as a forfeiture of your Bid Proposal. The Owner will be entitled to such other rights as may be granted by law. You are required to return an acknowledged copy of this Notice of Award to the Owner. t Dated this day of 12000 TOWN OF ROBBINSVILLE OWNER BY: TITLE: ACCEPTANCE OF NOTICE Receipt of the above Notice of Award is hereby acknowledged this day of 2000. CONTRACTOR BY: TITLE: NA-1 I AGREEMENT This Agreement, made and entered into this day of , 2000, by and between the Town of Robbinsville, party of the first part, hereinafter designated as the Owner and of County of the State of North Carolina, party of the second part, hereinafter designated as the Contractor. WITNESSETH: That the parties hereto, for the considerations contained herein, hereby mutually agree as follows: US1.29 North (Tapoco Road) Sewer Extension Town of Robbinsville Graham County, North Carolina ARTICLE I: Under this Agreement and Contract, the Contractor shall construct the Project entitled: ARTICLE II: In consideration of the payments to be made as hereinafter provided, the Contractor agrees, at his own sole cost and expense, to perform all the labor and services and to furnish all the labor and materials, plant and equipment necessary to complete, and to complete in good, substantial, workmanlike and approved manner, the work named under Article I hereof, within the time hereinafter specified and in accordance with the terms, conditions and provisions of this Contract and with the instructions, orders and directions of the Engineer made in accordance with this Contract. ARTICLE III: The Owner agrees to pay and the Contractor agrees to accept as full compensation for all work done, and materials furnished, and for materials, equipment and supplies sold, and also for all costs and expenses incurred, and loss or damages sustained by reason of the action of the elements or growing out of the nature of the work, or from any unforeseen obstruction or difficulty encountered in the prosecution of the work, and for all risks of every description connected with the work, and for all expenses incurred by, or in consequence of, the suspension or discontinuance of the work as herein specified, and for faithfully completing the work and the whole thereof as herein provided, and for maintaining the work in good condition until the final payment is made, the prices stipulated in the Bid hereto attached. The Owner shall pay to the contractor for the performance of the contract the amounts determined for the total number of each of the units of work in the attached Bid Proposal. AG-1 The final payment shall be made for the actual number of units that are incorporated in or made necessary by the work covered by the Contract. ARTICLE IV: The following documents shall constitute integral parts of the Agreement, the whole to be collectively known and referred to as the Contract Documents or Contract: Invitation for Bids; Instructions to Bidders; Bid; Agreement; General Conditions; Special Conditions; Technical Specifications; Contract Drawings and all interpretations of or addenda to the Contract Documents issued by the Engineer with the approval of the Owner. The Table of Contents, Headings and Titles contained herein and in said documents are solely to facilitate reference to various provisions of the Contract Documents and in no way affect, limit or cast light on the interpretation of the provisions to which they refer. ARTICLE V: The work to be performed under this Contract shall be commenced within 10 calendar days after the date of written notice by the Owner to the Contractor to proceed. The work shall be completed within 120 calendar days after the date of such notice and with such extensions of time as are provided for in the Contract. It is hereby understood and mutually agreed, by and between the Contractor and the Owner, that the date of Beginning, rate of progress and the time for completion of the work to be done hereunder as ESSENTIAL CONDITIONS of this Contract. The Contractor agrees that said work shall be prosecuted regularly, diligently and uninterruptedly at such rate of progress as will insure full completion of the work described herein in a reasonable time for the completion of the same, taking into consideration the average climatic range and construction conditions prevailing in this locality. If the Contractor shall neglect, fail or refuse to complete the work within the time herein specified, then the Contractor does hereby agree, as a part of the consideration for the awarding of this Contract to pay to the Owner the sum of $100.00, not as a penalty, but as liquidated damages for such breach of Contract as hereinafter set forth, for each and every calendar day that the Contractor shall be in default after the time stipulated in the Contract For completing the work. The said amount is fixed and agreed upon by and between the Contractor and the Owner because of the impracticability and extreme difficulty of fixing and ascertaining the actual damages the Owner would in such event, sustain. It is further agreed that time is of the essence to each and every portion of this Contract and to the specifications wherein a definite portion and certain length of time is fixed for the performance of any act whatsoever; and where, under the Contract, any additional AG-2 time is allowed for the completion of any work, the new time limit fixed by such extension shall be the essence of this Contract. ARTICLE VI: If the Contractor shall fail to comply with any of the terms, conditions, provisions or stipulations of this Contract, according to the true intent and meaning thereof, then the Owner may make use of any or all remedies provided in that behalf in the Contract and shall have the right and power to proceed in accordance with the provisions thereof. The following alterations and addenda have been made and included in this Contract before it was signed by the parties hereto: IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties to this Agreement have hereunto set their hands and seals and have executed this Agreement, the day and year first above written. TOWN OF ROBBINSVILLE (Seal) OWNER Attest: BY: TITLE: (Seal) CONTRACTOR Attest: BY: TITLE: AG-3 PAYMENT BOND KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: that (Name of Contractor) (Address of Contractor) a , hereinafter called Principal, and (Corporation, Partnership, Individual) (Name of Surety) (Address of Surety) hereinafter called Surety, are held and firmly bound unto Town of Robbinsville (Name of Owner) P.O. Box 126, Robbinsville, North Carolina 28771 (Address of Owner) I hereinafter called OWNER, in the penal sum of /100 Dollars, $ ( ) in lawful money of the United States, for the payment of which sum well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, successors, and assigns, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. The condition of this obligation is such that whereas, the Principal entered into a certain contract with the Owner, dated the day of , 2000, a copy of which is hereto attached and made a part hereof for the construction of: US129 North (Tapoco Road) Sewer Extension Town of Robbinsville Graham County, North Carolina 4 PAB-1 NOW, THEREFORE, if the Principal shall promptly make payment to all persons, firms, Subcontractors, and corporations furnishing materials for or performing labor in the prosecution of the Work provided for in such contract, and any authorized extension or modification thereof, including all amounts due for materials, lubricants, oil, gasoline, coal and coke, repairs on machinery, equipment and tools, consumed or used in connection with the construction of such Work, and all insurance premiums on said Work, and for all labor, performed in such Work whether by Subcontractor or otherwise, then this obligation shall be void; otherwise to remain in full force and effect. -� PROVIDED, FURTHER, that the said Surety for value received hereby stipulates and agrees that no change, extension of time, alteration or addition to the terms of the contract or to the Work to be performed thereunder or the Specifications accompanying the same shall in any wise affect its obligation on this Bond, and it does hereby waive notice of any such change, extension of time, alteration or addition to the terms of the contract or to the Work or to the Specifications. - PROVIDED, FURTHER, that no final settlement between the OWNER and the Contractor shall abridge the right f any beneficiary hereunder, whose claim may be unsatisfied. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this instrument is executed in 4 counterparts, each one of which shall be deemed an original, this the day of , 2000. ATTEST: (Principal) Secretary Principal (SEAL) BY: Address Witness as to Principal (Address) a PAB-2 I ATTEST: (Surety) Secretary Surety SEAL BY: Witness as to Surety Attorney-in-Fact (Address) (Address) NOTE: Date of Bond must not be prior to date of Contract. If Contractor is Partnership, all partners should execute Bond. IMPORTANT: Surety companies executing Bonds must appear on the Treasury Department's most current list (Circular 570 as amended) and be authorized to transact business in the state where the Project is located. PAB-3 7 i PERFORMANCE BOND KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: that (Name of Contractor) i (Address of Contractor) a , hereinafter called Principal, and (Corporation, Partnership, Individual) (Name of Surety) (Address of Surety) hereinafter called Surety, are held and firmly bound unto y° Town of Robbinsville (Name of Owner) P.O. Box 126, Robbinsville, North Carolina, 28771 (Address of Owner) hereinafter called OWNER, in the penal sum of - /100 Dollars. $ in lawful money of the United States, for the payment of which sum well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, successors, and assigns, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. The condition of this obligation is such that whereas, the Principal entered into a certain contract with the Owner, dated the day of , 2000, a copy of which is hereto attached and made a part hereof for the construction of: US129 North (Tapoco Road) Sewer Extension Town of Robbinsville Graham County, North Carolina PEB-1 - I NOW, THEREFORE, if the Principal shall well, truly and faithfully perform its duties, all the undertakings, covenants, terms, conditions, and agreements of said contract during the original term thereof, and any extensions thereof which may be granted by the Owner, with or without notice to the Surety and during the one year guaranty period, and if he shall satisfy all claims and demands incurred under such Contract, and shall fully indemnify and save harmless the OWNER from all costs and damages which it may suffer by reason of failure to do so, and shall reimburse and repay the Owner all outlay and expense which the Owner may incur in making good any default, then this obligation shall be void; otherwise to remain in full force and effect. PROVIDED, FURTHER, that the said surety, for value received hereby stipulates and agrees that no change, extension of time, alteration or addition to the terms of the Contract or to Work to be performed thereunder or the specifications accompanying the same shall in any wise affect its obligation on this Bond, and it does hereby waive notice of any such change, extension of time, alteration or addition to the terms of the contract or to the Work or to the Specifications. PROVIDED, FURTHER, that no final settlement between the Owner and the Contractor shall abridge the right of any beneficiary hereunder, whose claim may be unsatisfied. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this instrument is executed in counterparts, each one of which shall be deemed an original, this the day of 12000. ATTEST: (Principal) Secretary Principal (SEAL) BY: Address Witness as to Principal (Address) PEB-2 ATTEST: (Surety) Secretary Surety SEAL BY: Witness as to Surety Attorney-in-Fact (Address) (Address) NOTE: Date of Bond must not be prior to date of Contract. If Contractor is Partnership, all partners should execute Bond. IMPORTANT: Surety companies executing Bonds must appear on the Treasury Department's most current list (Circular 570 as amended) and be authorized to transact business in the state where the Project is located. i :r PEB-3 1 r 1 INSURANCE CERTIFICATES IC-1 i NOTICE TO PROCEED TO: DATE: PROJECT: US129 North (Tapoco Road) Sewer Extension Town of Robbinsville Graham County, North Carolina You are hereby notified to commence WORK in accordance with the Agreement dated 2000, on'or before , 2000, and you are to complete the Work within 120 consecutive calendar days thereafter. The date of completion of all Work is therefore , 2000. TOWN OF ROBBINSVILLE OWNER BY: TITLE: ACCEPTANCE OF NOTICE Receipt of the above NOTICE TO PROCEED is hereby acknowledged by this the day of 12000, CONTRACTOR BY: TITLE: NP-1 1 APPLICATION FOR PAYMENT PROJECT: US129 North (Tapoco Road) Sewer Extension Town of Robbinsville Date Notice Proceed: Graham County, North Carolina Completion Date: Days Remaining in Contract: Percent Complete: ENGINEER: McGill Associates, P.A. Asheville, North Carolina CONTRACTOR: Federal ID# Contractor's Address: CONTRACT: ORIGINAL CONTRACT AMOUNT $ APPROVED CHANGE ORDER AMOUNT $ REVISED CONTRACT AMOUNT $ SUMMARY: TOTAL WORK COMPLETED TO DATE $ TOTAL MATERIALS STORED ON SITE $ TOTAL EARNED THIS APPLICATION $ LESS % RETAINAGE $ SUBTOTAL $ LESS PREVIOUS PAYMENTS $ CURRENT PAYMENT DUE $ SIGNATURES: CONTRACTOR: Name Title Date VERIFICATION: IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CONTRACT AND THIS APPLICATION FOR PAYMENT, THE CONTRACTOR HAS COMPLETED THE WORK STATED ABOVE AND IS ENTITLED THE FULL PAYMENT IN THE AMOUNT SHOWN. ENGINEER: McGill Associates, P.A. Name Title Date APPROVAL: THIS APPLICATION IS HEREBY APPROVED FOR PAYMENT: LOWNER: Town of Robbinsville Name Title Date AP-1 CHANGE ORDER Number PROJECT: US 129 North (Tapoco Road) DATE OF ISSUANCE: Sewer Extension OWNER'S PROJECT NO. OWNER: Town of Robbinsville P.O. Box 126 ENGINEER: McGill Associates, P.A. Robbinsville, North Carolina 28771 55 Broad Street Asheville, NC 28801 CONTRACTOR: ENGINEER'S PROJECT NO. 99710/003 CONTRACT FOR: You are directed to make the following changes in the Contract Documents. Description: Purpose of Change Order: Attachments (List documents supporting change): CHANGE IN CONTRACT PRICE: CHANGE IN CONTRACT TIME: Original Contract Price Original Contract Time $ Days or Date Previous Change Order No._to No._ Net Change From Previous Change Orders $ Days Contract Price Prior to This Change Order Contract Time Prior to This Change Order $ Days or Date Net Increase(Decrease)of This Change Order Net Increase(Decrease)of This Change Order $ Days Contract Price With All Approved Change Orders Contract Time With All Approved Change Orders $ Days or Date RECOMMENDED: APPROVED: APPROVED: BY: BY: BY: Engineer Owner Contractor EJCDC No.1910-8-B(1983 Edition) Prepared by the Engineers'Joint Contract Documents Committee and endorsed by The Associated General Contractors of America. 1999/99710/misc/ChgOrd.doc 1 n1S QOGUmCnI 11UN 1111PUl talll Mrdl wtLJcyuGul,c J: wuJwlauvu wlui all a%w,...j .a .,...vw wb..0 ...... i 1Il respect to its completion or modification. STANDARD GENERAL CONDITIONS OF THE CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT Prepared by Engineers Joint Contract Documents Committee - and Issued and Published Jointly By ow ACEC PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS IN PRIVATE PRACTICE A practice division of the NATIONAL SOCIETY OF PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS AMERICAN CONSULTING ENGINEERS COUNCIL' AMERICAN SOCIETY OF CIVIL ENGINEERS This document has been approved and endorsed by The Associated General �� Contractors of America ' These General Conditions have been prepared for use wiih the Owner-Contractor Agreements(No. 1910-8-A-1 or 1910-8-A-2)(1990 Editions).Their provisions are interrelated and a change in one may necessitate a change in the others. Comments concerning their usage are contained in the Commentary on Agreements for Engineering Services and Contract Documents(No. 1910-9)(1986 Edition).For guidance in the preparation of Supplementary Conditions, see Guide to the Preparation of Supplementary Conditions (No. 1910-17) (1990 Edition). When bidding is involved, the Standard Form of Instructions to Bidders(No. 1910-12)(1990 Edition) may be used. EDCDC No. 1910-8(1990 Edition).. . Reprinted 7/95 i i © 1990 National Society of Professional Engineers 1420 King Street, Alexandria,VA 22314 . American Consulting Engineers Council 1015 15th Street,N.W.,Washington,DC 20005 American Society of Civil Engineers 345 East 47th Street,New York, NY 10017 TABLE OF CONTENTS OF GENERAL CONDITIONS Article or Paragraph Page' Article or Paragraph Page Number& Title Number Number& Title - Number 1. DEFINITIONS ..................................• 13 2.5-2.7. Before Starting Construction; 1.1 Addenda ............................. 13 t CONTRACTOR's Responsibility to 1.2 Agreement 13. Report: Preliminary Schedules; 1.3 Application for Payment .............. 13 Delivery of Certificates of 1.4: Asbestos Insurance .......................... 15 15 13 2.8 Preconstruction Conference 1.5 Bid .................................. ........... 16 1.6` Bidding Documents ................... 13 2.9 ' Initially Acceptable Schedules ......... 1.7 Bidding Requirements ................ 13 3 CONTRACT DOCUMENTS: INTENT, 13 �.AMENDING,REUSE ••• 16 1.8. .. Bonds ................................ ........................ 1.9 Change Order ........................ 13. 3.1-3.2 Intent 16 1.10 Contract Documents .................. 13 3,3 Reference to Standards and 1.11 Contract Price ........................ 13 Specifications of Technical Societies; 1.12 Contract Times ....................... . 13 Reporting and Resolving 1.13 CONTRACTOR ...................... 13 . Discrepancies ...................... 16 1.14 defective ............................. 13 3.4 . Intent of Certain Terms or Adjectives .. 17 1.15 i. Drawings ............................. 13 3.5 Amending Contract Documents ....... 17 Effective Date of the Agreement 13 1.16 ...... . 13 3.6 .. Supplementing Contract Documents ... 1 - 1.17 '; ENGINEER.......................... 13 3.7 Reuse of Documents 17 1.18 ENGINEEWs Consultant ............. 1.19, Field Order.......................... 13. .4.AVAILABILITY OF LANDS;SUBSURFACE AND 1.20 Genera!Requirements ......... •••• 14 PHYSICALCONDITIONS;REFERENCEPOINTS. 17 1.21 Hazardous Waste ..................... 4.1 Availability of Lands .................. 17 1.22 Laws and Regulations;Laws or Conditions ... 17 - 4 2 : Subsurface and Physical C d' ' Regulations 14 .... 17 - - 4 2.1 Re rts and Drawings ............ 1.23 Liens ....:............................ ..... . I?o g . . 14 2 2, ..;_ 4. . • : . Limited Reliance by CONTRACTOR 1.24 Milestone............................. ... 14 Authorized;Technical Data ......... 18 1.25 _ Notice of Award ...................... . Subsurface or 4.2 3 Notice of Differing Sub rf .1.26 ::': Notice to Proceed .14-.--. Physical Conditions 1 J.27 OWNER :4.2.4 . ENGINEER's Review ................ 18 1 1.28 Partial Utilization ..................„ 14 � � . . 4.2.5 Possible Contract Documents Change 18 1.29 . _r .PCBs................................. 14 4.2.6 Possible Price and Times Adjustments . 18 1.30 Petroleum ............................ . 14 4.3 . Physical Conditions-Underground 1.31 ;' Project. ............................... . 14 Facilities 18 1.32 . Radioactive Material .................. 14 4.3.1 Shown or Indicated ................... 18 i 1.33 Resident Project Representative ........ 14 _ 4.3.2 - � Not Shown or Indicated .............. 19 .1.34 Samples............................... 14 4.4 Reference Points ....................... 19 1.35 Shop Drawings ....................... 14 4.5 Asbestos,PCBs,Petroleumt Hazardous 1.36 Specifications ......................... 14 Waste or Radioactive Material ...... 19 1.37 Subcontractor ,••••••••, 14 08 Substantial Completion 5. BONDS AND INSURANCE. ..................... 20 1.39 Supplementary Conditions ............ 14 5.1-5.2 Performance,Payment and Other Bonds. 20 1.40 Supplier .............................. 14 5.3 Licensed Sureties and Insurers; 1.41 Underground Facilities ................ 14 Certificates of Insurance 20 1.42 Unit Price Work ............:......... 5.4 CONTRACTOR's Liability Insurance 20 1.43 Work ................................. 15 5.5 OWNER's Liability Insurance ........ 21 1.44 Work Change Directive ............... 15 5.6 Property Insurance •••• 21 1.45 Written Amendment .................. 15 5.7 Boiler and Machinery or Additional 2. PRELIMINARY MATTERS 15 Property Insurance ................. 21 2.1 Delivery of Bonds•.................... 15 5.8 Notice of Cancellation Provisions ..... 21 2.2 Copies of Documents ................. 15 5.9 CONTRACTOR's Responsibility for 2.3 Commencement of Contract Times; Deductible Amounts ................. 22 Notice to Proceed .................. 15 5.10 Other Special Insurance ............... 22 2.4 Starting the Work ..................... 15 5.11 Waiver of Rights .....................* 22 1 Page Page Article or Paragraph Number Article or Paragraph' Number Number& Title 29 'Number& Title 8.6 Change Orders 5.12-5.13 Receipt and Application of Insurance... 22 8.7 Inspections,Tests and Approvals ...... 29 . Proceeds ................. ....••• 22 8.8 Stop or Suspend Work;Terminate 5.14 Acceptance of Bonds and Insurance; - CONTRACTOR's Services ......... 29 Option to Replace ...•••••••••••••• 8.9 Limitations on OWNER's 5.15 partial Utilization-Property 23 Responsibilities ..............a dour 30 Insurance .......................... Asbestos,PCBs,Petroleum,Hazardous 8.10 30 23 Waste or Radioactive Material ...... 6. CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITIES .......... 8 11 Evidence of Financial Arrangements .. 3 6.1-6.2 Supervision and Superintendence ..•••• 23 9• ENGINEER'S STATUS DURING 6.3-6.5 Labor,.Materials and Equipment .••.••..•..• •, 30 6.6 Progress Schedule .................... 23 CONSTRUCTION ..•••.. 30 6.7 9.1 OWNER's Representative .... 30 Substitutes and"Or-Equal" Items; R's Expense; g,2 Visits to Site •••••••••" CONTRALTO P '................ 30 Substitute Construction g,3 Project Representative 30 Methods or Procedures; 9.4 Clarifications and Interpretations •••••' 30 ENGINEER's Evaluation .......... 23. 9.5 Authorized Variations in Work ........ 30 Suppliers 9.6 Rejecting Defective Work ............. 6.8-6.11 Concerning Subcontractors,Rights 24 9.7-9.9 Shop Drawings,Change Orders add and Others;Waiver of Rights ... 25 •.•••.•••••• 31 Patent Fees and Royalties ............. Payments ...••••••••••• 31 6.12 25 9' Determinations for Unit Prices ........ Permits ................. 6.13 25 Lawas s and Regulations ......... 9.11-9.12 Decisions on Disputes;ENGINEER... 31 6.14 - 25 Initial Interpreter ................. 6.15 Taxes. ............................ 26 31 Use of Premises ...................... g,13 Limitations on ENGINEER's 6.16 . ...... - Site Cleanliness . •••••••••••••• 26 Authority and Responsibilities 6.17 ........ 26 6.18 : Safe Structural Loading ............... 26 WORK..................... 32 6.19 Record Documents ................... 26 10. CHANGES IN THE ............ 32 Safety and Protection. ................. . 10.1 OWNER Ordered Cha nge 6.20:'. ........ 26 32 Safety Representative ......... 10.2 Claim for Adjustment Contract 6.21 Y 27 - d Communication Programs ••••• 10.3 � Work Not Required y 6.22` H 27. Documents 32 ::. Emergencies . ............ . ............. 6.23 P 27 6.24 : Sop Drawings and Samples .......... ........... 10 4 Change Orders 32 Notification of Surety ..• -- 10.5 N ety 6.25 : Submittal Procedures; PRICE .............. 32 CONTRAC TOR's Review Prior to Shop Drawing or Sample Submittal 27 11. CHANGE OF Contract Price;Claim for Adjustment; 32 616. Shop Drawing&Sample Submittals GINEER 27 Value of the Work .................. 33 Review by EN ••••••'''` Cost of the Work 11.4 34 6.27 Responsibility for Variation From 27 11 5 Exclusions to Cost of the Work ....... 34 Contract Documents ................ 11.6 . CONTRACPOR's Fee .............. 34 6.28 Related Work Performed Prior to 11.7 Cost Records ........ ...•• ' �"' 35 Approval ENGIN EER's Review and App 27 11 8 Cash Allowances ..•••�.••••••••''''' 35 of Required Submittals Unit Price Work ....................... ............. - ....... 28 11.9 6.29 Continuing the Work ........... 35 R's General 12. CHANGE OF CONTRACT TIMES .............. 6.30 CONTRALTO 28 35 12.1 Claim for Adjustment ........••••••••' 35 Warranty and Guarantee 28 Time of the Essence 6.31-6.33 Indemnification ....................... 12.2 '•'' ............ 28 12 3 Delays Beyond CONTRACTOR'S 6.34 Survival of Obligations ................ 35 Control ...... ............... 7. OTHER WORK ...••••••••••••••"""""" 29 12.4 Delays Beyond OWNER's and 29 R's Control 35 7.1-7.3 Related Work at Site .................. CONTRACTO ••"""" 7.4 Coordination 8. OWNER'S RESPONSIBILITIES ................. 29 g i Communications to Contractor ........ 299 13: ESTSREMO AL OR ACCEPTANCE OF EFEICTIVE 36 8.2 Replacement of ENGINEER .....a.... 2 tl When WORK ....................................... 36 8.3 Furnish Data and Pay promptly 13.1 Notice of Defects ..........••••••''••• 36 29 ... _ Due . 13,2 Access to the Work ............... 8•4 Lands and Easements;Reports and 29 13.3 Tests and Inspections;Contractor's Tests •••"" 36 8.5 Insurance ............................. 29 .............. - 2 Article or Paragraph Page Article or Paragraph Page Number& Title Number Number& Title Number ' 13.4` 'OWNER's Responsibilities; 14.12 Final Application for Payment ......... 40 Independent Testing Laboratory• ..... 36 14.13-14.14 Final Payment and Acceptance ........ 40 13.5 CONTRACTOR's Responsibilities ..... 36 14.15 Waiver of Claims ...................... 40 13.6-13.7 . CoveringWork Prior to Inspection, 15. SUSPENSION OF WORK AND Testing or Approval ................ 36 TERMINATION .•••••••••• •• 40 13.8-13.9 Uncovering Work at ENGINEER's R May S °'°°° Request ............................ 36 15.1 OWNER May Suspend Work ......... 40 15.2-15.4 OWNER May Terminate ........... OWNER May Stop the Work ......... 36 15.5 CONTRACTOR May Stop Work or 13:10:: :.13:11 Correction or Removal of Defective Terminate .......................... 41 Work �... .. 37 ....................... . `.:13.12 Correction Period ..:.............. ' 16. DISPUTE RESOLUTION 41 13.13- Acceptance of Defective Work ........ 37 """"""""""'�' 13.14 OWNER May Correct Defective 17. MISCELLANEOUS Work ............... 37 42 17.1 Giving Notice 4 17.2 Computation of Times ................ 42 14. PAYMENTS TO CONTRACTOR AND 17.3 Notice.of Claim....................... 42 COMPLETION 37 17.4 -Cumulative Remedies ................. 42 14.1 ` Schedule of Values ...:................ .37 - 17.5 Professional Fees and Court Costs 14.2 -Application for Progress Payment ..... 38 Included ........................... 42 14.3 CONTRACTOR's Warranty of Title ... 38.. 14.4-14.7 . Review of Applications for EXHIBIT GC-A(Optional): Progress Payments ................... 38 Dispute Resolution Agreement(Optional) .....GC-Al 14.8-14.9 Substantial Completion ............... : : 39 .16.1-16.6 Arbitration ........GC-A1 ............. M.10 Partial Utilization ....................... . 39 16.7 Mediation .....................GC-A2 14.11 Final Inspection ....... 39 :. ... 1 . . 3 INDEX TO GENERAL CONDITIONS Article or Paragraph . Article or Paragraph Number Number Acceptance of- Bidding pocuments-definition of................ 1.6(6.8.2) .5.14 Bidding Requirements-definitions of ...... 1.7(1.1, Bonds and Insurance .......... Bonds- defective Work .......... 10.4.1 13.13 13.15 Bonds- ............. acceptance of ..............:............S.14 final payment .................................9.12, 14.15 additional bonds ........................... 10.5, insurance ...........................................5.14 .. 11.5.4 .insurance Cost of the Work ...................:::.......... other'�Work,by CONTRACTOR ......................7.3 definition of Substitutes and "Or-Equal" Items ................. delivery of ............2.5 6.30 6.34. ......................................2.1,5.1 Work by OWNER ............ final application for payment ... 14.12-14.14 Access to the- general ...............1.10,5.1-5.3,5.13,9.13,10.5, 14.7.6 Lands,OWNER and CONTRACTOR performance,Payment and Other .................5.1-5.2 _responsibilities .....................................4.1 Bonds and Insurance-in general site,related work ............................ .......7.2. Builder's risk"all-risk" policy form ...................5.6.2 Work, ................................... 13.2, 13.14, 14.9 Cancellation Provisions,Insurance ........5.4.11., Acts or Omissions-, Acts and Omissions- Cash Allowances ................................. 11.8 CONTRACTOR ...:........................6.9.1,9.13.3 •,,,,•,•,,,,,;,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,6.20,9.13.3 Certificate of Substantial Completion ......... T.38 ENGINEER 14.8, 14.10 OWNER .......................................6.20,8.9 Certificates of Inspection ................9.13.4, 13.5, 14.12 Addenda-definition of(also see Certificates of Insurance ..2.7,5.3,5.4.11,5.4.13,5.6.5,5.8, definition of Specifications) ...........(1.6, 1.10,6.19) 1.1 ...................5.i4 9.13.4 14.12 Additional Property Insurances .......................:.5.7 Change in Contract Pnce- Adjustments Cash Allowances ................................... 11.8 Contract Price or Contract claim for price adjustment .....4.1,4.2.6,4.5,5.15,6.8.2, ..Times ......... 1.5,3.59 4.1,4.3.2,4.5.2,4.5.3,9.4,9.5, 9.4,9.5,9.11, 10.2, 10.5, 11.2, 13.9, 10.2-10.4, 11, 12, 14.8, 15.1 13.13, 13.14, 15.1, 15.5 .........6.6 CONTRACTOR's fee ............. progress schedule ........................ ................... 11.6 Agreement Cost of the Work , definition of...................:...................... 1.2 general ........................... 11.4-11.7 Allrisk Insurance,policy form ........................5.6.2 Exclusions to ....................................... 11.5 Allowances,Cash ............. 11.8 _ Cost Records ......................••• 11.7 .3.5. 1.19 1.44 9.11 10.4.2 10.4.3. 11 Amending,Contract Documents'................:....... in general .............. Amendment,Written- Lump Sum Pricing ...................... ....... 11.3.2 ... :. . ... 10.5 i eneral .... 1.10, 1.45,3.5,5.10,5.12,6.6.2,6.8.2,6.19, Notification of Surety ............................ n g . 10.3-10.4 10.1, 10.4, 11.2, 12.1, 13.12.2,:14.7.2 Scope of ...................................... Appeal,OWNER or CONTRACTOR Testing and Inspection, Uncovering the Work . . .. 13.9 intent to ...9.10 9.11 10.4 16.2 16.5 Unit Price Work ..................... •. .. . . 11.9 Application for.Payment- Value of Work ................ 11.3 definition of.......................................... 1.3 Change in Contract Times- , ENGINEER's Responsibility .........................9.9 Claim for times adjustment .... 4.1,4.2.6,,6.8.2, final payment ..................9.13.4,9.13.5, 14.12-14.15 9.4,9.5,9.11, 10.2, 1.5, 12.1, 13.9,113.1, in general .......................2.8,2.9,5.6.4,9.10, 15.5 13.14,progress payment.............................. 14.1, 14.7 Contractual time limits .............................. 12.2 review of ...................................... 14.4-14.7 Delays beyond CONTRACTOR's control ............ 12.3 Arbitration(Optional) ............................. 16.1-16.6 Delays beyond OWNER's and CONTRACTOR's con- trot ........................................ 12.4 Asbestos- """. ,5 .4.5.2,4.5.3 Notification of surety ............................... 10 claims pursuant thereto ......................CONTRACTOR authorized to stop Work ...........4.5.2 Scope of change ..... 10.3_10.4 definition of ............................. 1.4 Change Orders- •••• •• 13.13 OWNER responsibility for ..........4.5.1 8.10 Acceptance of Defective Work ...........:......... possible price and times change•......................�4.5.2 Amending Contract Documents .............•••::::•• 3.5 Authorized Variations in Work ........... 3.6,6.25,6.27,9.5 Cash Allowances Availability of Lands ............................... .4.1,8.4 Change of Contract Price .......... ......... ..,111 12 Award, Notice of-defined 1.25 Change of Contract Times ............................. ........................ .2.5-2.8 Changes in the Work .................................. 10 Before Starting Construction ....................... ••• 11 6 """""" Bid-definition of ................................... .... 1.5 CONTRACTOR's fee ............................ � Cost of the Work ........... 11.4-11.7 (1.1, 1.10, 2.3. 3.3,,6.13. 11.4.3 11.9.1) - 4 Article or Paragraph Article or Paragraph Number Number CostRecords ....................................... 11.7 general ....................................6.2,6.9.2,8.1 definition of.......................................... 1.9 Hazard Communication Programs ...................6.22 emergencies ........................................6.23 Completion- ENGINEER's responsibility .........9.8;10.4, 11.2, 12.1 Final Application for Payment ...................... 14.12 executionof ........................................ 10.4 Final Inspection ................................... 14.11 Indemnification .....................6.12,6.16,6.31,6.33 Final Payment and Acceptance ............... 14.13-14.14 Insurance, Bonds and ...................5.10,5.13, 10.5 Partial Utilization .................................. 14.10 OWNER may terminate ........................ 15.2-15.4 Substantial Completion ................... 1.38, 14.8-14.9 OWNER's Responsibility .......................8.6, 10.4 Waiver of Claims .................................. 14.15 Computation of Times ............ Physical Conditions- � ............ 17.2.1-17. . Subsurfaceand. .....................................4.2 Concerning Subcontractors, Underground Facilities ...........................4.3.2 Suppliers and Others ............................ 6.8-6.11 RecordDocuments .................................6.19 Conferences- Scope of Change ................................ 10.3-10.4 initially acceptable schedules .........................2.9 Substitutes ...................................6.7.3,6.8.2 'preconstruction ......................................2.8 Unit Price Work ..........................:......... 11.9 Conflict,Error,Ambiguity,Discrepancy- value of Work,covered by .......................... 11.3 CONTRACTOR to Report .....................2.5,3.3.2 Changes in the Work .................................... 10 Construction,before starting by CONTRACTOR. ....2.5-2.7 Notification of surety ............................... 10.5 Construction Machinery, Equipment,etc. ......... ...6.4 OWNER's and CONTRACTOR's responsibilities .... 10.4 Continuing the Work ............•.................6.29, 10.4 Right to an adjustment ....................:.......... 10.2 Contract Documents- Scopeof change .....................:......... 10.3-10.4 Amending ...........................................3.5 Claims- ' Bonds ...............................................5.1 against CONTRACTOR .......................:...:..6.16 Cash Allowances ................................... 11.8 ENGINEER ..............................:1.6.32 againstChange of Contract Price ............................. 11 against OWNER .................................:..6.32 Change of Contract Times ...............,•............ 12 Change of Contract Price .......................9.4, 11.2 Changes in the Work ........................... 10.4-10.5 Change of Contract Times ......................9.4, 12.1 check and verify .....................................2.5 CONTRACTOR's 4,7.1,9.4,9.5,9.11, 10.2, 11.2, 11.9, Clarifications and Interpretations .......3.2,3.6,9.4,9.11 12.1, 14.8, 15.1, 15.5, 17.3 definition of ........................................ 1.10 CONTRACTOR's Fee .............................. 11.6 ENGINEER as initial interpreter of .................9.11 CONTRACTOWs liability ............5.4,6.12,6.16,6.31 ENGINEER as OWNER's representative ............9.1 Costof the Work ............................... 11.4, 11.5 general ................................................3 Decisions on Disputes ...................:......9.11,9.12 Insurance ............................................5.3 ... Dispute Resolution ................. ..........:... 16.1 Intent ............................................ 3.1-3.4 Dispute.Resolution Agreement ...... 16.1-16.6 minor variations in the Work .........................3.6 ENGINEER as initial interpretor ....................9.11 OWNER's responsibility to furnish data ..............8.3 Lump Sum Pricing ................................ 11.3.2 OWNER's responsibility to make Notice of ............................................ 17.3 prompt payment ........................8.3, 14.4, 14.13 OWNER's ........... 9.4,9.5,9.11, 10.2, 11.2, 11.9, 12.1, precedence ....................................3.1,3.3.3 13.9, 13.13, 13.14, 17.3 Record Documents ..................................6.19 OWNER's liability ...................................5.5 Reference to Standards and Specifications OWNER may refuse to make payment .............. 14.7 of Technical Societies ..............................3.3 Professional Fees and Court Costs Included .......... 17.5 Related Work ........................................7.2 request for formal decision on .......................9.11 Reporting and Resolving Discrepancies ...........2.5,3.3 Substituteitems .................................. Reuse of.............................................3.7 TimeExtension .........................:............ 12.1 Supplementing ....................................... 3.6 Time requirements ............................9.11, 12.1 Termination of ENGINEER's Employment ........... 8.2 Unit Price Work ................................... 11.9.3 Unit Price Work .................................... 11.9 Valueof ............................................ 11.3 variations .................................3.6,6.23,6.27 Waiver of-on Final Payment ................ 14.14, 14.15 Visits to Site, ENGINEER's .........................9.2 Work Change Directive .............................. 10.2 Contract Price- - written notice required ...................9.11, 11.2, 12.1 adjustment of ................ 3.5,, 10.3, 11.2-11.3 Clarifications and Interpretations ............3.6.3,9.4,9.11 Change of ............................................ 11 CleanSite ......................:..........:...........6.17 Decision on Disputes ............................•...9.11 Codes of Technical Society, Organization or definition of ........................................ 1.11 Association ..............................:........3.3.3 Contract Times- Commencement of Contract Times .....................2.3 adjustment of ......................3.5,4.1,9.4, 10.3, 12 Communications- Change of....................................... 12.1-12.4 5 -Article or Paragraph Article or Paragraph Number Number For Acts and Omissions of Others ..... 6.9.1-6.9.2,9.13 Commencementof .................................:.2.3 5.9 definition of ......................................... ,. 1.12 - � for deductible amounts,insurance .................. general ................................. 6, 7.2,7.3, 8.9 CONTRACTOR- 5.14 Hazardous Communication Programs .............6.22 Acceptance of Insurance ............................ .... 6.31-6.33 .....4.2.2 Indemnification .......................... Limited Reliance on Technical Data Authorized . ....6.2 6.9.2 Labor,Materials and Equipment ................ 6.3-6.5 Communications ........................ Laws and Regulations ... 6.14 Continue Work ......................6.29, 10.4 g .............................5.4 ...... . . ..-. .: .... ..............6.9.2 Liability Insurance ........... coordination and scheduling........... .....6.27 definition of ................. 1.13 Notice of variation from Contract Documents • �- • .. 15.5 Patent Fees and Royalties ......................... 6.12 May Stop''Work or Terminate ..................... .7.2, 13.2 Permits ........................................... 6.13 provide site access to others ................... 6.6 .......,6.16,6.18,6.21-6.23, Progress Schedule .............................. Safety and Protection .. ..........................6.19 _. 7.2, 13.2 .Record Documents .. relatedoW 1 k performed prior to ENGINEER's Shop Drawing and Sample Review Prior to Submittal.6.25 pe ....,,, ,,,,•,,,.6.28 Stop Work requirements ...........................4.5.2 pp of required submittals• •.. 6.18 CONTRACPOR's- safe structural loading ......., ... .6 20,7 2, 13.2 Compensation ........................................ 11.1-11.2 Safety and Protection .... 14.15 - Safety Representative .............................6.21 Continuing Obligation ........................ 6.9.2 ....9.6 13.10-13.14 Scheduling the Work Defective;Work ...................... .....6.24 Duty to correct defective Work ..................... I3.11 Shop Drawings and Samples ..v............. Shop Drawings and Samples Review Duty to Report- :............................... Changes in the Work caused by b ENGINEER....•.............. ... .. y R 62 Emergency ..................................::..:6.23 .............................6.25 Site Cleanliness 6.17 ` Defects in Work of Others ....................... . 7.3 Submittal Procedures .4.2.3 Substitute Construction Methods and :r Differing conditions ............................. ................................6.7.2 .... :_.:,.Discrepancy in Documents ...........2.5,3.3....4.3.2 r- Items ................ . . Procedures 6 7 1 Underground Facilities not indicated ..............4.3.2 Substitutes and"O Equal" ....6.23 Superintendence ................... Emergencies 6.2 . uperintende e Equipment and Machinery Rental,Cost Supervision.................................. 6 1 ... o tons . -of the Work ................................... Survival f Obligations ..................., 11.5.1, 11.6 Taxes ... 6 Fee=Cost-Plus .. .6.30 :�Tests and Inspections ............................. 13.5 GeneralWarranty and Guarantee ...........••••••"•6.22 To Report .....................................:.. 2.5 Hazard Communication Programs .................. 6 16-b 18, Indemnification ......................6.12,6.16,6.31-6.33 .. . Use of Premises :.. : Review Prior to Shop Drawing or Sample Submittal 6 25 Inspection of the Work .........................7.3, 13.4, g J g ,,,,,,,.. 10.2 Labor;Materials and Equipment ..................6.3r6.5 Right to adjustment for changes in the Work Laws.and Regulations,Compliance by .............6.14.1 right to claim ..4,7.1,9.4,9.5,9.11, 10.2, 11.2, 11.9, 12.1, ...5.4 ' � 13.9, 14.8 15.1, 15.5, 17.3 Liability Insurance ...............................• Safety and Protection .....6.20-6.22 7.2 13.2 Notice of Intent to Appeal .....................9.10, 10.4 ••••• •........'. ' obligation to perform and complete the Work ........6.30 � Safety Representative ................. ....6.21 6.12 Shop Drawings and Samples Submittals ........ 6.246.28 Patent Fees and Royalties, paid for by ............... • 11.4.4 Performance and Other Bonds ........................5.1 Special Consultants ..................................6.7 Permits,obtained and paid for by ....................6.13 Substitute Construction Methods and Procedures 6.6,6.29, 10.4, 15.2.1 Substitutes and "Or-Equal" Items, Expense .. 6.7.1,6.7.2 Progress Schedule .....2.6,2.8.2•9, .............9.11 Subcontractors, Suppliers,and Others ............6.8-6.11 Request for formal decision on disputes Supervision and Superintendence ........... 6.1,6.2,6.21 Responsibilities- .Taxes,Payment by ..................................61 ................... Changes in the Work .•••..•... 10.1 6.16-6.18 Use of Premises ........................••••••''• 6.30,6.5 Concerning Subcontractors,Suppliers and Others.6.8- Warranties and guarantees ...................... 6.11 Warranty of Title .................. 14.3 Continuing the Work 10.4 """"•.....••... 6.7.1 Written Notice Required- • 15.5 CONTRACTOR's expense ...................... CONTRACTOR stop Work or terminate .......... CONTRACTOR's General. Warranty and Guara 0 Reports of Differing Subsurface and Physical Condi- t ...............6.30 P tee ................................ lions •................................4.2.3 . . ............. CONTRACTOR's review prior to Shop Drawing or am- .. 14.8 ,,,,,:; ........6.25 Substantial Completion ......................... ple submittal ................ CONTRACTORS-other Coordination of Work .. .............•••••••••••••6.9.2 5.4.10 . Emergencies .....................................6.23 Contractual Liability Insurance ...................... Contractual Time Limits .............................. 12.2 ENGINEER's evaluation,Substitutes or"Or-Equal" Items ..........................6.7:3 Coordination 6 i Article or Paragraph Article or Paragraph Number Number CONTRACTOR's responsibility 6.9.2 Determinations for Unit Prices ........................9.10 Copies of Documents ..................................2.2 Differing Subsurface or Correction Period .................................... 13.12 Physical Conditions Correction, Removal or Acceptance of Notice of ..........................................4.2.3 Defective Work ENGINEER's Review ............:................4.2.4 in general ............................. 10.4.1, 13.10-13.14 Possible Contract Documents Change ...............4.2.5 Acceptance of Defective Work ..................... 13.13 Possible Price and Times Adjustments ...............4.2. Correction or Removal of Defective Work .....6.30, 13.11 Discrepancies-Reporting and Resolving ....2.5, 3.3.2,6.14.2 Correction Period .................................. 13.12 Dispute Resolution- -OWNER May Correct Defective Work ............. 13.14 Agreement ..................................... 16.1-16.6 OWNER May Stop Work .......................... 13.10 Arbitration ..................................... 16.1-16.5 ..... l6 Cost-. general .......................................... ofTests and Inspections ............................. 13.4 Mediation .......................................... 16.6 Records ............................................ 11.7 Dispute Resolution Agreement .................... 16.1-16.6 Cost of the Work- Disputes,Decisions by ENGINEER ..............9.11-9.12 Bonds and insurance,additional ................. Documents- Cash Discounts .. 11.4.2 Copies of ............................................2.2 CONTRACTOR's Fee................................... .............................. 11.6 Record ............................................6.19 EmployeeExpenses Reuse of............................................ 3.7 Exclusions to ................... 11.5 Drawings-definition of ............................... 1.15 General .......................................... 11.411.5 Easements .......................................... 4.1 16 Home office and overhead expenses .............. 11.5 Effective date of Agreement-definition of ............. 1. Lossesand damages ............................. Emergencies ............................................6.23 Materials and equipment .......................... 11.4.2 ENGINEER- Minor expenses .................................. I IA.5.8 as initial interpreter on disputes .................9.11-9.12 Payroll costs on changes I I A.1 definition of ........................................ 1.17 performed by Subcontractors ....................... 11.4.3 Limitations on authority and Records-............................................ 11.7 . responsibilities ..................................9.13 Rentals of construction equipment and machinery. Replacement of ...............................I......8.2 Royalty payments,permits and license fees .... I I A.5.5 Resident Project Representative ..:...................9.3 Site office and temporary facilities ............... ENGINEER's Consultant-definition of ............... 1.18 Special Consultants,CONTRACTOR's ............ 11.4.4 ENGINEER's- Supplemental ....................... 11.4.5 authority and responsibility, limitations on ...:.......9.13 Taxes related to the Work .....................`.. Authorized Variations in the Work ..:........:........9.5 Testsand.lnspection ............... 13.4 Change Orders,responsibility for ..........9.7, 10, 11, . Trade Discounts ...................11.4.2 Clarifications and Interpretations ...............3.6.3, . 'Utilities;fuel and sanitary facilities ............... Decisions on Disputes ..........................9.11-9.12 Work after regular hours .......................... 11.4.1 defective Work, notice of ........................... 13.1 Covering Work `........:.... 13.6-13.7 Evaluation of Substitute Items .................. 6.7.3 Cumulative Remedies............................... ............................ 17.4-17.5 Liability ............................:.... . ...6.32,9.12 ..............7.2 Notice Work is Acceptable ' ............ 14.13 Cutting,fitting and patching .............. ••••••....•." Data,to be furnished by OWNER ......................8.3 Observations ................................. 6.30.2,9.2 Day-definition of................................... 17.2.2 OWNER's Representative .................... .. 9.1 Decisions on Disputes ...........................9.11,9.12 Payments to the CONTRACTOR, defective-definition of................................. 1.14 Responsibility for ..............................9.9, 14 defective Work- Recommendation of Payment .................. 14.4, 14.13 Acceptance of .............................. 10.4.1, 13.13 Responsibilities- Correction or Removal of 10.4.1; 13.11 Limitations on ...............................9.11-9.13 Correction Period .................................. 13.12 Review of Reports on Differing Subsurface in general 13 14.7 14.11 and Physical Conditions ..........................4.2.4 Observation by ENGINEER .........................9.2 Shop Drawings and Samples, review OWNER May Stop Work .......................... 13.10 responsibility .....................................6.26 - Prompt Notice of Defects ........................... 13.1 Status During Construction- Rejecting ............................................9.6 authorized variations in the Work ..................9.5 Uncovering the Work ............................... 13.8 Clarifications and Interpretations ..............:....9.4 Definitions • ...•••• 1 Decisions on Disputes ........................9.11-9.12 Delays .................................4.1,6.29, 12.3-12.4 Determinations on Unit Price .....................9.10 Delivery of Bonds ................................ . ...2.1 ENGINEER as Initial Interpreter.............9.11-9.12 Delivery of certificates of-insurance .....................23 ENGINEER's Responsibilities ................9.1-9.12 7 Article or Paragraph 'Article or Paragraph Number Number Limitations on ENGINEER's Authority and deductible amounts,CONTRACTOR's responsibility ...............•.• •••••••••••••5.9 po ... Responsibilities ...................................9.13 payment .............. 14.12 ,,,,,,;,,,.,..:.9.1 Final Application for Pay •••••••' ..............5.3 OWN ER's Representative ......... Licensed Insurers ...................... Project Representative ........9.3 ..................... Rejecting Defective Work .. .•••••••9.6 Notice requirements,material5,8 10.50 changes .................................. Shop Drawings, Change Orders and Option to Replace .:...........5.14 :wpayments .. 5.10 ••...'........." other special insurances Visits to Site ..............5.12-5.13 Unit Price Determinations .............9.10 OWNER as fiduciary for insureds .5.5 Visits to Site .......... "' .9.2 OWN ER's Liability ..................................8.5 ...................... ........................... .,,,....7.2,9.1 OWNER's Responsibility. •,5.15 Written consent required ................. Insurance ............. 6.3-6.5 Partial Utilization, Property 5,6-5,10 Equipment, Labor, Materials and Property •••••""""""" Equipment rental, Cost of the Work .............:.. Pe Y .............. Equivalent Materials and Equipment ....................6.7 Receipt and Application of Insurance Proceeds ••5.12-5.10 .............6.33 Special Insurance ................................... Errors or omissions ...................... ....5.11 .8.11 Waiver of Rights ...........................••••' .3,1-3.4 Evidence of Financial Arrangements ..................•4.11 Intent of Contract Documents ...................... Explorations of physical conditions ...••••••••••• . Interpretations and Clarifications ..3.6.3,9.4 Fee,CONTRACTOR's-Costs-Plus ................... 11.6 ,......4.2 Investigations of physical conditions ............. Field Order Labor,.Materials and Equipment ....................6.3�i.5 definition of 1.19 ...... ................................ Lands- issued 3.6.1 9.5 issued by ENGINEER ....................... ........................................8. ••....,•,•,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 14.12 and Easements Final Application for Payment Availability of 4.1,8.4 . .................................... ......... 14.11 Reports&Tests ...........8.4 FinalInspection ••••••••""" ••••••••"""""""��•� -............... Final Payment Laws and Regulations-Laws or Regulations- . ...: 14.13-14.14 Bonds 5.1-5.2 - and Acceptance.................. ......................•.............:...... . 10.4 Prior to,for cash allowances ........................ 11.8 Changes in the Work 17.3-17.4 ;,,,;,,•..................3.1 General Provisions .............................. Contract Documents ....... 6.14 General Requirements- CONTRACTOR'S Responsibilities ...................13.12 defintion of .....................................6.. 1.20 Correction Period,defective Work .................. 2.6 6.4 6.6-6.7,6.24 Cost of the Work,taxes .....:................... principal references to .............. 1 22 :.............. 17.1 definition of ..............:.:....................... Giving Notice .................••••••••• 6.14 general 6.31-6.33 Guarantee of Work-b ......................................... CONTRACTOR ..............6.309' 14.12 Indemnification ................................ 6.22 Insurance ......................................3.1 •3 3.3 Hazard.Communication Programs ...................... precedence .....................................: J Hazardous-Waste- ....3.3.1 definition of ...................... 1.21 Reference to .....................•••••••""".6,20 13.2 . ..........4.5 Safety and Protection .......................... .6.8 6.11 general ................................... Subcontractors,Suppliers and Others .........•- OWNER's responsibility for ........................ 8.10 . 13.5 .....6.12,6.16,6.31-6.33 Tests and Inspections ...........•••••i• • •• Indemnification .............. ..............6.l6 ..•....2.9 Use of Premises ...................... Initially Acceptable Schedules ................... 9.2 CONTRACTOR'S Inspection- Visits to Site .......................... Certificates of .........................9.13.4, 13.5, 14.12 Liability Insurance- ,,,,,5.4 Final .......................................... .... 14.11 CONTRACTOR's ............................... ..5.5 y .....................9.6 OWN ER's ......................................... Special, required b ENGINEER ,,,,•,,....5.3 . ,,,,,......8.7, 13.3-13.4 Licensed Sureties an Insurers .............. Tests and Approval ............. Liens- Insurance- 14.2 ....S.14 Application for Progress Payment ................... Acceptance of,by OWNER ........... ..............•..._. 14.3 . Contractor's Warranty of Title 14.12 , Additional, required by changes Final Application for Payment ...................... in the Work ................................. 1.23 definition of ..................... „ 14.15 Before starting the Work .............................2.7 WMver of Claims '•"""""' Bonds and-in general .................................5 ,,.,,S,g Limitations on ENGINEER'S authority and q,13 Cancellation Provisions .......................... ...... Certificates of ..2.7,5,5.3,5.4.11,5.4.13,5.6.5,5.8,5.14, responsibilities ............................... 9.13.4, 14.12 Limited Reliance by CONTRACTOR Authorized ...:..4.2.2 ••.••••,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5.4.13 Maintenance and Operating Manuals- •.... 14.12 completed operations .... Final Application for Payment ................. CONTRACTOR's Liability ...........................5.4 PP CONTRACTOR's objection to coverage ..............5.14 Manuals(of others}- Precedence.......:. ...... • Contractual Liability ..............................5.4.10 ........................ - 8 Article or Paragraph Article or Paragraph Number Number ...........8.7, 13.4 Reference to in Contract Documents ............... .3.3.1 Inspections,tests and approvals ...... Liability Insurance ............... 13.1 ............ . Materials and equipment- � , furnished by CONTRACTOR ,,,,;,,,,,,,,,,6.3 Notice of Defects ............................6...., not incorporated in Work ..................6......... 14.2 Representative-During Construction, Materials or equipment--equivalent .....................6.7 ENGINEER's Status ............................9. Mediation(Optional) ...... 16.7 Responsibilities- • ••..••.•••.•• .••,,,••,•,,...... 1.24 Asbestos, PCBs, Petroleum, Hazardous .10 Milestones�Iefinition of ............... 8 .. � Waste on Radioactive Material .................. Miscellaneous- ...................8.6 ... 17.2 Change Orders ................. Computation of Times ........................... 10.1 ............... 17.4 Changes in the Work ............... Cumulative Remedies ................Giving Notice......................6................ 17.1 communications ...................................8.1 , 17.3 � CONTRACTOR'S responsibilities ..................8. Notice of Claim ...6....................... 8.11 Professional Fees and Court Costs Included .......... 17.5 evidence of financial arrangements ................ •....•.•••..••••,,,,,,,,,,,,,,•,,,,,7 • inspections,tests and approvals ....................8.7 Multi-prime contracts ,,,,•.•..... 8.5 NotShown orindicated ..................4.3.2 Insurance ............................ landsand easements ...............6...............8.4 Notice of- 14.13 prompt payment by ...............................8.3 Acceptability of Project .............6.............. ..8.2 ...... 1.25 replacement of ENGINEER ..................... Award,definition of........................... reports and tests •8.4 Claim ! .....................................6.6.... 17.3 ...........;..................6 ,•................ 13.1 stop or suspend Work ....... .8.8,.13.10, 15.1 Defects: .......................... ..........8.8 15.2 Differing Subsurface or Physical Conditions ..........4.2.3 terminate CONTRACTOR'S services .6... 17.1 separate representative at site ........................9.3 Giving ......................................... ... 13.4 ...:...... 13.3 independent testing ...... Tests and Inspections ..................... ..................... Variation,Shop Drawing and Sample .:..............6.27 use or occupancy of the 5.15, 14.10 Notice to Proceed- Work .................................... Proceed- definition of ................ 1.26 written consent or approval givingof . ....................................2.3 required ...............................9.1,6.3, 11A Notification to Surety ...... 10.5 written notice Observations,by ENGINEER .........6...........6.30,9.2 required ..........7.1,9.4,9.11, 11.2, 11.9, 14.7, 15. Occupancy of the Work ...........6....5.15,6.30.2A, 14.10 PCBs- ... 1.29 Omissions or acts by CONTRACTOR .............6.9,9.13 definition of .........................6........... 6..........6..... general ..6................6......... 4.5 "Open peril" policy form, Insurance •"""""""' Optionrto Replace .......................6.6.6 6........5.14 OWNER's responsibility for "Or Equal" Items ................................:.....6.7 Partial Utilization- .,, 1.28 Otherwork ..........6.........7 definition of ............................:........ Overtime Work-prohibition of ......:.6.3 general ...................................6.30.2A 14.10 5.15 OWNER- Property Insurance ........6........................ Patent Fees and Royalties ........................... 6.12 Acceptance of defective Work ...................... 13.13 ••••••.••.•..••..••.• .•.•••.•..,•5.1-5.2 appoint an ENGINEER ..........8.2 Payment Bonds ... as fiduciary •�•���•�•����•�••��� .5.12-5.13 " Payments,Recommendation of ............. 14.4-14.7, 14.13 Availability of Lands,responsibility ...................4.1 Payments to CONTRACTOR and Completion- .................. 14.2 definition of ........................................ 1.27 Application for Progress Payments 143 8.3 CONTRACT�OR's Warranty of Title ................. data,furnish. ................-...................... . 14.12 ,,••••........ 13.14 Final Application for Payment ..................... May Correct Defective Work ......... 14.11 ,,,...... 14.7 Final ...........6....................... May refuse to make payment ............... ,,,,,• 14.13-14.14 May Stop the Work ................................ 13.10 Final Payment and'Acceptance ......... .•••.••••8 3 14 maysuspend work, � general ............................................ ....."............................ ....8.8 13.10 15.1-15.4 Partial Utilization .................................. 14.10 terminate .................. .. 14.2 ......... 8.3 14.4 14.13. Retainage ....................................... Payment, make prompt .......... + + performance of other Work ...........................7.1 Review of Applications for Progress• .••.•••••.. 14.4-14.7 permits and licenses, requirements 6.13 Payments ..................... ...............5.6-5.10 prompt payment .................... .............6 8.3 purchased insurance requirements •.............. 14.1 Scheduleof Values .......................6.......... OWNER's- Substantial Completion ... ........... 14.8-14.9 """""' Acceptance of the Work ........................• Waiver of Claims ................................:. 14.15 Change Orders,obligation to when payments due ... 14.4 14.13 execute ....................................8.6, 10.4 P Y 6..... 143 Communications 8.1 withholding payment .......................... Coordination of the Work ............................7.4 Performance Bonds ................................. Disputes, request for decision .........:.............9.11 Permits ...............................................6.13 9 'Article or Paragraph Article or Paragraph Number Number Regulations, Laws and(or) ............................ 6.14 Petroleum- Rejecting Defective Work ....................•••••.••••.9.6 definitionof ........................................ 1.30 general .........4.5 Related Work- OWNER's responsibility for ........................8.10 at Site ......•........................... Physical Conditions- Performed prior to Shop Drawings 6 28 •.••, and Samples submittals review ........:......... Drawings of, in or relating to .............. . 17.4 17,5 ENGINEER's review ..............................4.2.4 Remedies,cumulative ........................... , existing structures ........ .......4.2.2 Removal or Correction of general ................................................. Defective Work .......... 13.11 •Subsurface and. ............................. 4.2 rental agreements,OWNER approval.•..••...••.•.. 4.3 required ....................... Underground Facilities .........................juju.. 8.2 Possible Contract Documents Change ................4.2.5 replacement of ENGINEER,by OWNER Possible Price and Times Adjustments ..............4.2.6 Reporting and Resolving Discrepancies ....2.5,3.3.2,6.14.2 Reports and Drawings •••............................ 4.2.1 Reports- Notice of Differing Subsurface or, .••• ....4.2.3 and Drawings ......................................4.2.1 Subsurfaceand ................................... 4.2 and Tests,OWNER's responsibility ..................8. Subsurface Conditions .......................:.... Resident Project Representative- Subsurface ...........................I......... 1.33 Technical.Data,Limited Reliance by "' CONTRACTOR Authorized .........4.2.2 provision for .............................•••••••=•••• 6.3 ............. juju 6.2 Underground Facilities- Resident Superintendent,CONTRACTOR's ...:..... general ...........4.3 Responsibilities- ••.•.6 ............................... Not Shown or Indicated 4.3.2 CONTRACTOR's-in general ..................... ..................4.3,6.20 � ENGINEER'S-in general ...............................9 Protection of ............. .,....9.13 Shown or Indicated ............................4.3.1 Limitations on general ..................................8 Technical Data ...................................... 4.2.2 OWNER's-in general juju.. .....2.8 Retainage ................................................• 3 Preconstruction Conference Reuse of Documents .......... ...... •••••• 3.7 Preliminary Matters ......................................2 .....awin . 2.6 Review by CONTRACTOR: Shop Drawings Preliminary Schedules ••'•••""' " •6•u Premises, Use of ........................................�•. .. . .....6.16-6.18 and Samples Prior to Submittal ................. ... Price,Change of Contract .................:. 11 Review of Applications for Progress •14.4-14.7 Price,Contract-definition of...............juju.. .. lull Payments ........................... just.••................................... 10.2 Progress Payment,Applications for ................... 14.2 Right to an adjustment 4.1 ........ 14.2 Rights of Way .......................................... Progresspayment retainage .................. ,,,,,,,,,,;...6.12 Progress:schedule,CONTRACTOR's .....2.6,2.8,2.9,6.6, Royalties,Patent Fees and ............... 6.29, 10.4, 15.2.1 Safe Structural Loading ..........6.1 8 Project-definition of.........................:..........1.31 Safety- and Protection .......4.3.2,6.16,6.18,6.20-6.21,1.2, 13.2 Project Representative- general .............6'20-6•23 ENGINEER'S Status During Construction ............9.3 Representative,CONTRACTOR's juju:. ...6.21 .......... Project Representative,Resident= 133 Samples- definition of ...................................... . 1.34 prompt payment by OWNER juju...8.3 definition of ..........................!.......... ............... 6.2".28 ..... general ........................................ Property Insurance Review by CONTRACTOR •••.••••••••••••••••••••'6'25 Additional """" -5'7 •...6.26 6.27 ................................. .5.6-5.10 Review by ENGINEER ................... general ......................................... related Work ........................6.28 .....5.15 14.10.2 ••••••••"""" Partial Utilization ...................... � submittal of � ...6.24.2 receipt and application of submittal procedures •••"""6'� proceeds .....................:.......5.12-5.13 .................juju •••• .2.6,2.8-2.9,6.6,6.29. 10.4, 15.2.1 Protection,Safety and .......................6.20-6.21, 13.2 Schedule of progress . •, •,,,,,,,,,,,,,,•••..... 14.11 Schedule of Shop Drawing and Sample Punch list .................. Submittals .....2.6 2.8-2.9,6.24-6.28 Radioactive Material- 2.6 2.8-2.9. 14.1 definition .................................. ,,,juju.. 1.32 Schedule of Values ......................... , general ..........................4.5 Schedules- 15.2.1 OWNER's responsibility for ........................8.10 Adherence to ................................... 6.6 6.6 Recommendation of Payment .............. 14.4, 14.5, 14.13 Adjusting .. '. 10.4 ..6.19 14.12 Change of Contract Times .....:................... Record Documents ........................... 2.8-2.9 Records,procedures for maintaining ................ ,,..2.8 Initial) Acceptable •'•••••.... . Reference Points .......................................4.4 Preliminary ...... 10.3-10.4 Scopeof Changes ........................ Reference to Standards and Specifications 33 Subsurface Conditions .............................. of Technical Societies ................................ 10 Arlicle or Paragraph Arlic•le or Paragraph Number Number Shop Drawings- ' Substitute Items .................................. and Samples,general ...........................6.24-6.28 Subsurface and Physical Conditions- ,......,.... Change Orders&Applications for Drawings of,in or relating to .......... ..........................9.7-9.9 ENGINEER's EER's Review .............................4.2.4 Payments,and ..... general ... ....... 1.35 . ................... definition of ................................. ENGINEER's approval of .........................3.6.2 Limited Reliance by CONTRACTOR ENGINEER'S responsibility , Authorized ....................................4.2.2 for review ...............................9.7,6.24-6.28 Notice of Differing Subsurface or .;• ••,4,2.3 rela(ed.Work ........................................6.28 Physical Conditions ............................. ........2.8 6.24-6.28 Physical Conditions ................ . review procedures ...........E.... ,,,,,,,•4.2.5 submittal required .................................6.24.1 Possible Contract Documents Change ......... 6.25 Possible Price and Times Adjustments ................4.2.6 SubmittalProcedures ............................... 4 2 1 use to approve substitutions ........................6.7.3 Reports and Drawings ................................ Shown or Indicated 4.3.1 Subsurface and ......................................4.2 ................................... Site Access 7.2 13.2 Subsurface Conditions at the Site ................. ................................... , 13.2 Technical Data .....................................4.2.2 SiteCleanliness ................................... Site,Visits to- Supervision- by ENGINEER ..............:.................9.2, 13.2 CONTRACTOR's responsibility ............. .. . .............. 13.2 OWNER shall not supervise 8.9 by others ..................... ...............9.2,9.13.2 "Special causes of loss" policy form,insurance .......5.6.2 ENGINEER shall not supervise Specifications- Superintendence .......................................6.2 ' .. 1.36 � Superintendent,CONTRACTOR's resident ...........6. definition of ...............:..................:... IIA.5 of Technical Societies,reference to .................3.3.1 Supplemental costs ................................_. precedence ..................:.....................3.3.3 Supplementary Conditions- Standards and Specications of Technical definition of fi ................................. 1.39 • Societies ......................................... . 1.10 1.18 2.2 2.7 4.2,4.3,5.1, ' .3.3 principal reference to ... + Starting Construction, Before .......................2.5-2.8' � 5.3,5.4,5.6-5.9,5.11,6.8,6:13:7.4�8.11:9.3:9.10 Starting the Work .......................... ,...........2.4 Supplementing Contract Documents ..............3.6 Supplier-= Stop or Suspend Work- •� .............. 15.5 definition of ..................................... .. by CONTRACTOR 3.7 6.5 6.8-6.11, by OWNER ..................8.8, 13.10, 15.1 principal references to .................. , ••••••••••• 6.20,6.24,9.13, 14.12 Storage of materials and equipment .........:.......4..6.181,7.2 .6.11 ' Waiver of Rights ................................... Structural Loading,Safety .......................... Subcontractor- Surety- ...6.8-6.11 consent to final payment ..................... 14.... 14.14 Concerning. .................................. ......9.13 definition of ........................... 1.37 ENGINEER has no duty to ................... 10.1 10.5 15.2 delays ......... 12.3 Notification of ........................... , ............................ ..6.11 qualification of ...............................5.1-5.3 waiver of rights . . ............ ........:..6.34 ...6.8-6.11 Survival of Obligations ...... Subcontractors-in general ..................... ...... 13.10 15.1 5.11 6.11 11.4.3 Suspend Work,OWNER May ...........1 Subcontracts-required provisions ........ . Submittals- .. 15 Suspension of Work and Termination- ...i• 14.2 CONTRACTOR May Stop Work or Applications for Payment ............................ 15.5 ' .14.12 Terminate ........ ............................... Maintenance and Operation Manuals ............... ... 15.1 Procedures .........................................6.25 OWNER May Suspend Work ••••••••:'•'•'.•.•..•..•.•.•.•15.2-15.4 Progress Schedules 2.6,2.9 OWNER May Terminate ....... 6.24-6.28 Taxes-Payment by CONTRACTOR ....................6.15 Samples ....................................... Schedule of Values .............................2.6, 14.1 Technical Data- 4 2 2 Schedule of Shop Drawings and Limited Reliance by CONTRACTOR ...::::::::: Samples Submissions*.................... 2.6,2.8-2.9 Possible Price and Times Adjustments ..............4.2.6 Shop Drawings ............................... 6.24-6.28 Reports of Differing Subsurface and ••.•.•...........4 23 Substantial Completion- Physical Conditions ............. certification of ........................, 14.8-14.9 Temporary construction facilities ........................4.1 definition of ........................................ 1.38 Termination- ,,, 15.5 .... .......6.7.2 by CONTRACTOR ......................... . Substitute Construction Methods or Procedures g,8 15.1-15.4 Substitutes and "Or Equal" Items ......................6.7 by OWNER ............................... CONTRACTOR's Expense ....................... of ENGINEER's employment ........................ 8.2 ENGINEER's Evaluation .................. ........6.7.3 Suspension of Work-in general ........................ 15 "Or-Equal" .................................. ......6.7.1 Terms and Adjectives .....................:............3.4 Substitute Construction Methods of Procedures .....6.7.2 Tests and Inspections- ' 11 . Article or Paragraph Article or Paragraph Number Number ........ 1.28,5.15,6.30,2.4, 14.10 • Access to the Work, by others ...................... 13.2 Utilization,Partial ...... 11 3 . CONTRACTOR's responsibilities .................... 13.5. Value of the Work ..................................... . costof.............................................. 13.4 Values Schedule of .......................2.6,2.8-2.9, 14.1 covering Work prior to ......... 13.6-13.7 . Variations in Work-Minor Laws and Regulations(or) .......................... 13.5 Authorized ................. Visits of Site-by ENGINEER ......................... 9.2 Notice of Defects ................................... 13.1 . Waiver of Claims-on Final OWNER May Stop Work .......................... 13.10 .................................... 14.15 13.4 Payment ....... OWNER's independent testing ...................... 5.11 6.11 special;:required by ENGINEER ..........9.6. Waiver of Rights by insured parties ............... ........... timely notice required ................. 13.4 Warranty and Guarantee,General-by .............. CONTRACTOR ...................6.30 Uncovering the Work,at ENGINEER's Warranty of Title,CONTRACTOR's ................... 14.3 request .................... 13.8-13.9 :, .. . Work- Timesr-' Access to ........................... 13. Adjusting ............................................6.6 by others, .....7 Changeof Contract ................................... 12 Changes in the•....................................... 10 Adjusting ............................................6 2 Continuing the, ...........:.........................6.29 Computation*of ..................................... CONTRACTOR May Stop Work Contract Times-definition of ....................... 1.12 or Terminate ................................... 15.5 day.- I.............................................17.72 Coordination of ......................................7.4 Milestones ........................................... 12 Cost of the ....... 11.4-11.5 .............................. 43 Requirements- definition of ......................................... 1. 16 appeals ..:............:.......................... neglected by CONTRACTOR ...................... 13.14 clarifications,claims and other.Work .................................... disputes .............................9.11, 11.2, 12 OWNER May Stop Work ............................ 13.10 commencement of contract times OWNER May Suspend Work 13.10, 15.1 pre construction conference ..........................2.8 Related,Work at Site .............................7.1 7.3 schedules .................................2.6,2.9,6.6 ........................................... ................. . Starting the ••• 2 -, ..:.. starting the Work ................................:.2.4 Stopping by CONTRACTOR ........................ 15.5 Title,Warranty of ................ 14.3 Stopping by OWNER .............. 15.1-15.4 Uncovering Work ...............................: 13.8-13.9 Variation and deviation authorized, 3 6 Underground Facilities,Physical Conditions- ................................... ..... . minor "' Directive- definition of ....... 1.41 Work Change Directive- . 4.3.2 � claims pursuant to .................................. 10.2 Not Shown or Indicated ............................ . 1.44 protection of ..................... :....:.....:.4.3,6.20 definition of ........:............:..:....:........... - ..........4.3.1 principal references to .3.5.3, 10.1-10:2 Shown or Indicated ...................... Unit.Price Work- Written Amendment .. ......... 11.9.3 definition of ....................................71 45 claims ................................. . 1.10 3.5 5.10,5.12,6.6.2,6.8.2, definition of ........................................ 1.42 principal references to.. + general .................................. 6.19, 10.1, 10.40- 11.2, 12.1, 13.12.2, 14.7.2 Written Clarifications and Unit Prices- ...3.6.3 9.4 9.11 general ........................................... 11.3.1 Interpretations , Determination for ...................................9.10 Written Notice Required Use 9.10-9.11, 10.4, 11.2, 12.1 Use of Premises ........................6.16,6.18, by CONTRACTOR .........•.,9..10-9-11 10.4, 11.2, 112.1 Utility owners ......................6.13,6.20,7.1-7.3, 13.2 by OWNER..........:..... 12 GENERAL CONDITIONS' ment,together with all Written Amendments,Change Orders, Work Change Directives, Field Orders and ENGINEER's written interpretations and clarifications issued pursuant to ARTICLE 1—DEFINITIONS paragraphs 3.5,3.6.1,and 3.6.3 on or after the Effective Date of the Agreement. Shop Drawing submittals approved pursu- ant to paragraphs 6.26 and 6.27 and the reports and drawings Wherever used in these General Conditions or in the other referred to in paragraphs and are not Contract Contract Documents the following terms have the meanings Documents. indicated which are applicable to both the singular and plural thereof: 1.11. Contract Price—The moneys payable by OWNER to CONTRACTOR for completion of the Work in accordance Addenda—Written or graphic instruments issued prior with the Contract Documents as stated in the Agreement to the opening of Bids which clarify, correct or change the (subject to the provisions of paragraph 11.9.1 in the case of Bidding Requirements or the Contract Documents. Unit Price Work). 1.2. Agreement—The written contract between OWNER 1.12. Contract Times—The numbers of days or the dates and CONTRACTOR covering the Work to be performed;other stated in the Agreement:(i)to achieve Substantial Completion, Contract Documents are attached to the Agreement and made and (ii) to complete the Work so that it is ready for final a part thereof as provided therein. payment as evidenced by ENGINEER's written recommenda- tion of final payment in accordance with paragraph 14.13. 1.3. Application for Payment—The form accepted by EN- GINEER which is to be used by CONTRACTOR in requesting 1.13. CONTRACTOR The person, firm or corporation progress or final payments and which is to be accompanied by with whom OWNER has entered into the Agreement. such supporting documentation as is required by the Contract Documents. 1.14. defective-An adjective which when modifying the word Work refers to Work that is unsatisfactory, faulty or. 1.4. Asbestos—Any material that contains more than one. deficient,in that it does not conform to the Contract Docu- percent asbestos and is friable or is releasing asbestos fibers ments,or does not meet the requirements of any inspection, into the air above current•action levels established by the reference standard, test or approval referred to in the United States Occupational Safety and Health Administration. Contract Documents, or has been.damaged prior to ENGI- NEER's recommendation of final payment(unless responsi- 1.5. Bid—The offer or proposal of the bidder submitted on bility for the protection thereof has been assumed by OWNER the prescribed form setting forth the prices for the Work to be at Substantial Completion in accordance with paragraph 14.8 performed. or 14.10). 1.6: Bidding Documents—The advertisement or invitation 1.15. Drawings The drawings which show the scope, to Bid,instructions to bidders,the Bid form,and the proposed extent and character of the Work to be furnished and per- Contract Documents (including all Addenda issued prior to formed by CONTRACTOR and which have been prepared or receipt of Bids). approved by ENGINEER and are referred to in the Contract Documents.Shop drawings are not Drawings as so defined. 1.7. Bidding Requirements—The advertisement or invita- tion to Bid,instructions to bidders,and the Bid form. 1.16. Effective Date of the Agreement-The date indicated in the Agreement on which it becomes effective,but if no such 1.8. Bonds—Performance and Payment bonds and other date is indicated it means the date on which the Agreement is instruments of security. signed and delivered by the last of the two parties to sign and deliver. 1.9. Change Order=A document recommended by ENGI- 1.17. ENGINEER—The person,firm orcorporati6n named NEER,which is signed by CONTRACTOR and OWNER and authorizes an addition,deletion or revision in the Work,or an as such in the Agreement. adjustment in the Contract Price or the Contract Times,issued on or after the Effective Date of the Agreement. 1.18. ENGINEER's Consultant—A person,firm or corpo- ration having a contract with ENGINEER to furnish services 1.10. Contract Documents—The Agreement, Addenda as ENGINEER's independent professional associate or con- (which pertain to the Contract Documents),CONTRACTOR's sultant with respect to the Project and who is identified as such Bid (including documentation accompanying the Bid and any in the Supplementary Conditions. post Bid.documentation submitted prior to the Notice of Award) when attached as an exhibit to the Agreement, the 1.19. Field Order—A written order issued by ENGINEER Notice to Proceed, the Bonds, these General Conditions, the which orders minor changes in the Work in accordance with Supplementary Conditions, the Specifications and the Draw- paragraph 9.5 but which does not involve a change in the ings as the same are more specifically identified in the Agree- Contract Price or the Contract Times. 13 1.20. General Requirements—Sections of Division 1 of the 1.33. ' Resident Project Representative— The authorized ' Specifications. representative of ENGINEER who may be assigned to the site or any part thereof. 1.2Li 'Hazardous Waste—The term Hazardous Waste shall have the meaning provided in Section 1004 of the Solid Waste 1.34. Samples—Physical examples of materials,equipment, Disposal Act(42 USC Section 6903)as amended from time to or workmanship that are representative of some portion of the time. Work and which establish the standards by which such portion of the Work will be judged. 1.2il.: Laws and Regulations; Laws or Regulations—Any diagrams, illustra- and all applicable laws, rules, regulations, ordinances, codes 1.35. Shop Drawings drawings, and orders of any and all governmental bodies, agencies, [ions, schedules and othea All r data or information which are authorities and courts having jurisdiction. specifically prepared or assembled by or for CONTRACTOR and submitted by CONTRACTOR to illustrate some portion of 1.23." Liens—Liens, charges, security interests or encum- the Work. brances upon real property or personal property. 1.36. Specifications—Those portions of the Contract Doc- 1.24:". Milestone—A principal event specified in the Con- uments consisting of written technical descriptions of materi- tract Documents relating to an intermediate completion date or als,equipment,construction systems,standards and workman- ship as applied to the Work and certain administrative details time prior to Substantial Completion of all the Work. applicable thereto. 1.25:, Notice of Award—The written notice by OWNER to 1.37. Subcontractor—An individual, firm or corporation the apparent successful bidder stating that upon compliance by having a direct contract with CONTRACTOR or with any the apparent successful bidder with the conditions precedent other Subcontractor for the performance of a part of the Work enumerated therein, within the time specified, OWNER will at the site. sign and deliver the Agreement. 1.38. Substantial Completion The Work (or a specified 1.26:"..Notice toProceed—A written noticegivenby OWNER part thereof)has progressed to the point where,in the opinion to CONTRACTOR (with a copy to ENGINEER) fixing the of ENGINEER as evidenced by ENGINEER's definitive date on which the Contract Times will commence to run and on certificate of Substantial Completion, it is sufficiently com- which CONTRACTOR shall start to perform CONTRA& plete,in accordance with the Contract Documents,so that the 'POR's obligations under the Contract Documents. Work(or specified part) can be utilized for the purposes for which it is intended;or if no such certificate is issued,when the 1.27. OWNER—The public body or authority, corpora- Work is complete and ready for final payment as evidenced by tion,_association, firm or person with whom CONTRACTOR ENGINEER's written recommendation of final-payment in has entered into the Agreement and for whom the Work is to be accordance with paragraph 14.13. The terms "substantially provided. complete"and "substantially completed" as applied to all or Substantial Completion thereof. part of the Work refer to 1.28.:' Partial Utilization—Use by OWNER of a substan- tially completed part of the Work for the purpose for which it is 1.39. Supplementary Conditions The part of the Contract intended(or a related purpose)prior to Substantial Completion Documents which amends or supplements these General Con- of all the Work. ditions. 1.29. PCBs—Polychlorinated biphenyls. 1.40. Supplier—A manufacturer, fabricator, supplier, dis- tributor,materialm n or vendor having a direct contract with 1.30.- Petroleum—Petroleum, including crude oil or any CONTRACTOR or with any Subcontractor to furnish materi- fraction thereof which is liquid at standard conditions of als or equipment to be incorporated in the Work by CON- temperature and pressure (60 degrees Fahrenheit and 14.7 TRACTOR or any Subcontractor. pounds per square inch absolute), such as oil, petroleum,fuel oil,oil sludge,oil refuse,gasoline,kerosene,and oil mixed with 1.41. Underground Facilities—All pipelines,conduits,ducts, other non-Hazardous Wastes and crude oils. cables, wires, manholes, vaults, tanks, tunnels or other such facilities or attachments,and any encasements containing such 1.31. Project—The total construction of which the Work to facilities which have been installed underground to furnish any be provided under the Contract Documents may be the whole, of the following services or materials:electricity,gases,steam, or a part as indicated elsewhere in the Contract Documents. liquid petroleum products, telephone or other communica- tions,cable television,sewage and drainage removal,traffic or 1.32.. Radioactive Material—Source, special nuclear, or other control systems or water. byproduct material as defined by the Atomic Energy Act of 1954(42 USC Section 2011 et seq.) as amended from time to 1.42. Unit Price Work—Work to be paid for on the basis of time, unit prices. 14 1.43. Work—The entire completed construction or the var- Contract Times commence to run later than the sixtieth day after ious separately identifiable parts thereof required to be fur- the day of Bid opening or the thirtieth day after the Effective Date nished under the Contract Documents. Work includes and is of the Agreement,whichever date is earlier. the result of performing or furnishing labor and furnishing and incorporating materials and equipment into the construction, Starting the Work: and performing or furnishing services and furnishing docu- ments,all as required by the Contract Documents. 2.4. CONTRACTOR shall start to perform the Work on the date when the Contract Times commence to run,but no Work 1.44. Work Change Directive—A written directive to CON- shall be done at the site prior to the date on which the Contract TRACTOR, issued on or after the Effective Date of the Times commence to run. Agreement-and signed by OWNER and recommended by ENGINEER,ordering an addition,deletion or revision in the Before Starting Construction: Work,or responding to differing or unforeseen physical condi- tions under which the Work is to be performed as provided in 2.5. Before undertaking each part of the Work, CON- paragraph 4.2 or 4.3 or to emergencies under paragraph 6.23.A TRACTOR shall carefully study and compare the Contract Work Change Directive will not change the Contract Price or Documents and check and verify pertinent figures shown the Contract Times,but is evidence that the parties expect that thereon and all applicable_field measurements. CONTRAC- the change directed or documented by a Work Change Direc- ' TOR shall promptly report in writing to ENGINEER any tive will be incorporated in a subsequently issued Change conflict, error, ambiguity or discrepancy which CONTRAC- Order following negotiations by the parties as to its effect, if TOR may discover and shall obtain a written interpretation or any, on the Contract Price or Contract Times as provided in clarification from ENGINEER before proceeding with any paragraph 10.2. Work affected thereby;however,CONTRACTOR shall not be liable to OWNER or ENGINEER for failure to report any 1.45. Written Amendment—A written amendment of the conflict,error,ambiguity or discrepancy in the Contract Doc- Contract Documents,signed by OWNER and CONTRACTOR uments, unless CONTRACTOR knew or reasonably should on or after the Effective Date of the Agreement and normally have known thereof. dealing with the nonengineering or nontechnical rather than 2.6. Within ten days after the Effective Date of the Agree- strictly construction-related aspects of the Contract Docu- ments. ment(unless otherwise specified in the General Requirements), CONTRACTOR shall submit to ENGINEER for review: 2.6.1. a preliminary progress schedule indicating the times(numbers of days or dates)for starting and completing ARTICLE 2—PRELIMINARY MATTERS the various stages of the Work, including any Milestones specified in the Contract Documents; 2.6.2. a preliminary schedule of Shop Drawing and Sam- Delivery of Bonds: pie submittals which will list each required submittal and the times for submitting,reviewing and processing such submit - 2.1. When CONTRACTOR delivers the executed Agree- tal; ments to OWNER, CONTRACTOR shall also deliver to 2.6.3. a preliminary schedule of values for all of the OWNER such Bonds as CONTRACTOR may be required to Work which will include quantities and prices of items furnish in accordance with paragraph 5.1. aggregating the Contract Price and will subdivide the Work into component parts in sufficient detail to serve as the basis for progress payments during construction.Such prices will Copies of Documents: include an appropriate amount of overhead and profit appli- cable to each item of Work. 2.2. OWNER shall furnish to CONTRACTOR up to ten copies(unless otherwise specified in the Supplementary Con- 2.7. Before any Work at the site is started,CONTRACTOR ditions) of the Contract Documents as are reasonably neces- and OWNER shall each deliver to the other, with copies to sary for the execution of the Work. Additional copies will be each additional insured identified in the Supplementary Condi-, furnished, upon request, at the cost of reproduction. tions,certificates of insurance(and other evidence of insurance which either of them or any additional insured may reasonably request)which CONTRACTOR and OWNER respectively are Commencement of Contract Times,Notice to Proceed. required to purchase and maintain in accordance with para- graphs 5.4,5.6 and 5.7. 2.3. The Contract Times will commence to run on the thirti- eth day after the Effective Date of the Agreement,or,if a Notice Preconstruction Conference: to Proceed is given,on the day indicated in the Notice to Proceed. A Notice to Proceed may be given at any time within thirty days 2.8. Within twenty days after the Contract Times start to after the Effective Date of the Agreement. In no event will the run, but before any Work at the site is started, a conference 15 attended by CONTRACTOR;ENGINEER and others as ap- cations and interpretations of the Contract Documents shall be propriate will be held to establish a working understanding issued by ENGINEER as provided in paragraph 9.4. among the parties as to the Work and to discuss the schedules referred to.in paragraph 2.6, procedures for handling Shop f 3.3.Reference to Standards and Specifications of Technical Drawings and other submittals, processing Applications for Societies;Reporting and Resolving Discrepancies: Payment and maintaining-required records. 3.3.1. Reference to standards,specifications,manuals or codes of any technical society, organization or association, Initially Acceptable Schedules: or to the Laws or Regulations of any governmental authority, whether such reference be specific or by implication, shall 2A Unless otherwise provided in the Contract Docu- mean the latest standard, specification, manual, code or ments;at least ten days before submission of the first Applica- Laws or Regulations in effect at the time of opening of Bids tion for Payment a conference attended by CONTRACTOR, (or,on the Effective Date of the Agreement if there were no ENGINEER and others as appropriate will be held to review Bids),except as may be otherwise specifically stated in the for acceptability to ENGINEER as provided below the sched- Contract Documents. ules submitted in accordance with paragraph 2.6.CONTRA& TOR shall have an additional ten days to make corrections and 3.3.2. if, during the performance of the Work, CON- adjustments and to complete and resubmit the schedules.No TRACTOR discovers any conflict, error, ambiguity or dis- progress payment shall be made to CONTRACTOR-until the crepancy within the Contract Documents or between the schedules are submitted to and acceptable to ENGINEER as Contract Documents and any provision of any such Law or provided below. The progress schedule will be acceptable to Regulation applicable to the performance of the Work or of ENGINEER as providing an orderly progression of the Work any such standard, specification, manual or code or of any to completion within any specified Milestones and the Contract instruction of any Supplier referred to in paragraph 6.5, Times, but such acceptance will neither impose on ENGI- CONTRACTOR shall report it to ENGINEER in writing at NEER responsibility for the sequencing,schedulingor progress once,and,CONTRACTOR shall not proceed with the Work of the Work nor interfere with or relieve CONTRACTOR from affected thereby (except in an emergency as authorized by CONTRACTOR's full responsibility therefor.CONTRACTOR's paragraph 6.23) until an amendment or supplement to the schedule of Shop Drawing and Sample submissions will be Contract Documents has been issued by one of the methods acceptable to ENGINEER as providing a workable arrange- indicated in paragraph 3.5 or 3.6; provided, however, that ment for reviewing and processing the required submittals. CONTRACTOR shall not be liable to OWNER or ENG1- CONTRAC POR's schedule of values will be acceptable to NEER for failure to report any such conflict,error,ambigu- ENGINEER as s form and substance. ity or discrepancy unless CONTRACTOR knew or reason- ably should have known thereof. 3.3.3. .Except as otherwise specifically stated in the Contract Documents or as may be provided by amendment ARTICLE 3—CONTRACT DOCUMENTS: INTENT, or supplement thereto issued by one of the methods indi- AMENDING,REUSE cated in paragraph 3.5 or 3.6,the provisions of the Contract J Documents shall take precedence in resolving any conflict, error, ambiguity or discrepancy between the provisions of the Contract Documents and: Intent: the provisions bf any such standard,speci- 3.1. The Contract Documents comprise the entire agree- fication, manual, code or instruction (whether or not ment between OWNER and CONTRACTOR concerning the specifically incorporated by reference in the Contract Work. The Contract Documents are complementary;what is Documents);or called for by one is as binding as if called for by all. The Contract Documents will be construed in accordance with the the provisions of any such Laws or Regu- law of the place of the Project. lations applicable to the performance of the Work (unless such an interpretation of the provisions of the 3.2. It is the intent of the Contract Documents to describe Contract Documents would result in violation of such a functionally complete Project (or part thereof) to be con- Law or Regulation).. structed in accordance with the Contract Documents. Any Work,materials or equipment that may reasonably be inferred No provision of any such standard,specification,manual, from the Contract Documents or from prevailing custom or code or instruction shall be effective to change the duties and e intended result responsibilitiesofOWNER,CONTRACTORorENGINEER, trade usage as being required to produce th will be furnished and performed whether or not specifically or any of their subcontractors, consultants, agents, or em- called for. When words or phrases which have a well-known ployees from those set forth in the Contract Documents,nor technical or construction industry or trade meaning are used to shall it be effective to assign to OWNER, ENGINEER or describe Work,materials.or equipment,such words or phrases any of ENGINEER's Consultants,agents or employees any shall be interpreted in accordance with that meaning. Clarifi- duty or authority to supervise or direct the furnishing or 16 an M or authority to under- of the Drawings, Specifications.or other documents(or copies performance of the Work or y y Y take responsibility inconsistent with the provisions of para- of any thereof)prepared by or bearing the seal of ENGINEER graph 9.13 or any other provision of the Contract Docu- or ENGINEER's Consultant, and (ii) shall not reuse any of " ments. such Drawings, Specifications, other documents or copies on extensions of the Project or any other project without written 3.4. Whenever in the Contract Documents the terms"as consent of OWNER and ENGINEER and specific written ordered," "as directed," "as required;' "as allowed," "as verification or adaption by ENGINEER. approved" or terms of like effect or import are used,or the adjectives"reasonable,""suitable,""acceptable:' 'proper" or:"satisfactory" or adjectives of like effect or import are used.to describe a requirement, direction, review or judg- ARTICLE 4—AVAILABILITY OF LANDS; menfof ENGINEER as to the Work,it is intended that such SUBSURFACE AND PHYSICAL requirement, direction, review or judgment will be solely to CONDITIONS; REFERENCE POINTS evaluate, in general, the completed Work for compliance with the requirements of and information in the Contract Documents and conformance with the design concept of the completed Project as a functioning whole as shown or Availability of Lands: indicated in the Contract Documents (unle"ss there is a specific statement indicating otherwise).The use of any such 4.1. OWNER shall furnish, as indicated in the Contract term or adjective shall not be effective to assign to ENGI- NEER any duty-or authority to supervise or direct the Documents,the lands upon which the Work is to be performed, furnishing-or performance of the Work or any duty or rights-of-way and easements for access thereto,and such other authority to undertake responsibility contrary to the provi- lands which are designated for the use of CONTRACTOR. are of 'paragraph 9.13 or any other.-provision of the Upon reasonable written request,OWNER shall furnish CON- Contract Documents. TRACTOR with a correct statement of record legal title and legal description of the lands upon which the Work is to be performed and OWNER's interest therein as necessary for Amending and Supplementing Contract Documents: giving notice of or filing a mechanic's lien against such lands in accordance with applicable Laws and Regulations. OWNER 3.5. The Contract Documents may be amended to provide shall identify any encumbrances or restrictions not of general for additions,deletions and revisions in the Work or to modify application but specifically related to use of lands so furnished lthe terms and conditions thereof in one or more of the following with which CONTRACTOR will have to comply in performing ways: the Work. Easements for permanent structures or permanent changes in existing facilities will be obtained and paid for by 3.5.1.' a formal Written Amendment, OWNER, unless otherwise provided in the Contract Docu- ments.If CONTRACTOR and OWNER are unable to agree on .%--3.5.2.-: a Change Order(pursuant to paragraph 10.4), or entitlement to or the amount or extent of any adjustments in the J " Contract Price or the Contract Times as a result of any delay in 3.5.3. a Work Change Directive(pursuant to OWNER's furnishing these lands,rights-of-way or easements, paragraph 10.1). CONTRACTOR may make a claim therefor as provided*in Articles 11' and 12. CONTRACTOR shall provide for all 3.6. In addition, the requirements of the Contract Docu- additional lands and access thereto that may be required for ments may be supplemented,and minor variations and devia- temporary construction facilities or storage of materials and tions in the Work may be authorized, in one or more of the equipment. following ways: 3.6.1. a Field Order(pursuant to paragraph 9.5), 4.2.Subsurface and Physical Conditions: 3.6.2. ENGINEER's approval of a Shop Drawing or 4.2.1. Reports and Drawings: Reference is made to the Sample(pursuant to paragraphs 6.26 and 6.27),or Supplementary Conditions for identification of: 3.6.3. ENGINEER's written interpretation or clarifica- Subsurface Conditions:Those reports of explo- tion(pursuant to paragraph 9.4). rations and tests of subsurface conditions at or contiguous to the site that have been utilized by ENGINEER in preparing the Contract Documents;and 4_ Reuse of Documents: Physical Conditions:Those drawings of physical 3.7. CONTRACTOR, and any Subcontractor or Supplier conditions in or relating to existing surface or subsurface or other person or organization performing or furnishing any of structures at or contiguous to the site(except Underground the Work under a direct or indirect contract with OWNER(i) Facilities)that have been utilized by ENGINEER in prepar- shall not have or acquire any title to or ownership rights in any ing the Contract Documents. 17 4.2.2. Limited Reliance by CONTRACTOR Authorized; 4.2.5. Possible Contract Documents Change: If ENGI- Technical Data: CONTRACTOR may rely upon the general NEER concludes that a change iri the Contract Documents is accuracy of the"technical data"contained in such reports and required as a result of a condition that meets one or more of the drawings, but such reports and drawings are not Contract categories in paragraph 4.2.3., a Work Change Directive or a Documents.Such"technical data" is identified in the Supple- Change Order will be issued as provided in Article 10 to reflect mentary Conditions. Except for such reliance on such "tech- and document the consequences of such change. nical data, CONTRACTOR may not rely upon or make any claim against OWNER,ENGINEER or any of ENGINEER's 4.2.6. Possible Price and Times Adjustments:An equitable Consultants with respect to: adjustment in the Contract Price or in the Contract Times,or both, will be allowed to the extent that the existence of such uncovered or revealed condition causes an increase or de the completeness of such reports and drawings - for CONTRACTOR'S purposes, including, but not limited crease in CONTRACPOR's cost of, or time required for Performance of,the Work;subject,however,to the following: to, any.aspects of the means, methods, techniques, se- quences and procedures of construction to be employed by such condition must meet anyone or more of the CONTRACTOR and safety precautions and programs inci- categories described in paragraphs through, dent thereto,or. inclusive; other data, interpretations, opinions and infor- a change in the Contract Documents pursuant to mation contained in such reports or shown or indicated in paragraph 4.2.5 will not be an automatic authorization of nor such drawings,or a condition precedent to entitlement to any such adjustment; 4.2.2.K. any CONTRACTOR interpretation of or conclu- with respect to Work that is paid for on a Unit sion drawn from any "technical data" or any such data, Price Basis,any adjustment in Contract Price will be subject interpretations, opinions or information. to the provisions of paragraphs 9.10 and 11.9;and 4.2.3. Notice of Differing Subsurface or Physical Condi- CONTRACTOR shall not be entitled to any l tions: If CONTRACTOR believes that any subsurface or adjustment in the Contract Price or Times if; physical condition at or contiguous to the site that is uncovered _ or revealed either: CONTRAC POR knew of the existence of such conditions at the time CONTRACTOR made a final is of such a nature as to establish that any commitment to OWNER in respect of Contract Price and "technical data" on which CONTRACTOR is entitled to Contract Times by the submission of a bid or becoming rely as provided in paragraphs 4.2.1 and 4.2.2 is materially bound.under a negotiated contract;or inaccurate,or the existence of such condition could rea- :A.2.3,2, is of such a nature as to require a change in the sonably have been discovered or revealed as a result of 'trontracE Documents,or any examination,investigation,exploration;test or study of the site and contiguous areas required by the Bidding 4.23.3. ' differs materially from that shown or indicated in Requirements for CONTRACTOR prior toCONTcuments tRACPOR's making the Contract Documents,or o be conducted by or such final commitment;or is of an unusual nature, and differs materially from conditions ordinarily encountered and generally recog- CONTRACTOR failed to give the h written nized as inherent in work of the character provided for in the notice within the time and as required by pa g p Contract Documents;then If OWNER and CONTRACTOR are unable to agree on CONTRACTOR shall,promptly after becoming aware thereof entitlement to or as to the amount or length of any such and before further disturbing conditions affected thereby or equitable adjustment in the Contract Price or Contract Times, ection therewith (except in an a claim may be made therefor as provided in Articles 11 and 12. performing any Work in conn Consult- emergency as permitted by paragraph 6.23), notify OWNER However,OWNER,ENGINEER and ENGINEER's Consult- and ENGINEER in writing about such condition.CONTRAC- ants shall not be liable to CONTRACTOR for any claims, TOR shall not further disturb such conditions or perform any costs,losses or damages sustained by CONTRACTOR on or in _ Work in connection therewith (except as aforesaid) until re- connection with any other project or anticipated project. ceipt of written order to do so. 4.2.4. ENGINEER's Review: ENGINEER will promptly 4.3.Physical Conditions—Undergrbund Facilities: review the pertinent conditions, determine the necessity of OWNER's obtaining additional exploration or tests with re- 4.3.1. Shown or Indicated:The information and data shown spect thereto and advise OWNER in writing(with a copy to or indicated in the Contract Documents with respect to existing CONTRACTOR) of ENGINEER's findings and conclusions. Underground Facilities at or contiguous to the site is based on 18 information and data fumished to OWNER or ENGINEER by without the prior written approval of OWNER. CONTRAC- the owners of such Underground Facilities or by others.Unless it TOR shall report to ENGINEER whenever any reference is otherwise expressly provided in the Supplementary Conditions: point is lost or destroyed or requires relocation because of necessary changes in grades or locations,and shall be respon- OWNER and ENGINE ER shall not be respon- sible for the accurate replacement or relocation of such refer- sible for the accuracy or completeness of any such informa- ence points by professionally qualified personnel. tion or data;and 4.5, Asbestos,PCBs,Petroleum,Hazardous Waste or Radio- The cost of all of the following will be included in active Material: the Contract Price and CONTRACTOR shall have full respon- 4.5.1. OWNER shall be responsible for any Asbestos, sibility for:(i)reviewing and checking all such information and PCBs, Petroleum, Hazardous Waste or Radioactive Material data,(ii)locating all Underground Facilities shown or indicated uncovered or revealed at the site which was not shown or in the Contract Documents,(iii)coordination of the Work with the owners of such Underground Facilities during construction, indicated in Drawings or Specifications or identified in the Contract Documents to be within the scope of the Work and and (iv) the safety and protection of all such Underground which may present a substantial danger to persons or property Facilities as provided in paragraph 6.20 and repairing any damage thereto resulting from the Work. .exposed thereto in connection with the Work at the site. OWNER shall not be responsible for any such materials 4.3.2. Not Shown or Indicated:If an Underground Facility brought to the site by CONTRACTOR,Subcontractor,Suppli- ers or anyone else for whom CONTRACTOR is responsible. is uncovered or revealed at or contiguous to the site which was not shown or indicated in the Contract Documents, CON- 4.5.2. CONTRACTOR shall immediately: (i) stop all TRACTOR shall, promptly after becoming aware thereof and Work in connection with such hazardous condition and in before further disturbing conditions affected thereby or per- any area.affected thereby (except in an emergency as re- forming any Work in connection therewith (except in an quired by paragraph 6.23), and (ii) notify OWNER and emergency as required by paragraph 6.23),identify the owner ENGINEER(and thereafter confirm such notice in writing). of such Underground Facility and give written notice to that OWNER shall promptly consult with ENGINEER concern- owner and to OWNER and ENGINEER. ENGINEER will ing the necessity for OWNER to retain a qualified expert to promptly review the Underground Facility and determine the evaluate such hazardous condition or take corrective action, extent, if any, to which a change is required in the Contract ' if any.CONTRACTOR shall not be required to resume Work = Documents to reflect and document the consequences of the in connection with such hazardous condition or in any such existence of the Underground Facility. If ENGINEER con- affected area until after OWNER has obtained any required cludes that a change in the Contract Documents is required,a permits related thereto and delivered to CONTRACTOR Work Change Directive or a Change Order will be issued as special written notice: (i)specifying that such condition and provided in Article 10 to reflect and document such conse- any affected area is or has been rendered safe for the quences. During such time, CONTRACTOR shall be respon- resumption of Work,or(ii)specifying any special conditions sible for the safety and protection of such Underground Facility under which such Work may be resumed safely.If OWNER as.provided in paragraph 6.20. CONTRACTOR shall be.al- and CONTRACTOR cannot agree as to entitlement to or the lowed an increase in the Contract Price or an extension of the amount or extent of an adjustment,if any,in Contract Price Contract Times,or both,to the extent that they are attributable or Contract Times as a result of such Work stoppage or such to the existence of any Underground Facility that was not special conditions under which Work is agreed by CON- shown or indicated in the Contract Documents and that CON- TRACTOR to be resumed, either party may make a claim TRACTOR did not know of and could not reasonably have therefor as provided in Articles 11 and 12. been expected to be aware of or to have anticipated. If OWNER and CONTRACTOR are unable to agree on entitle- 4.5.3. If after receipt of such special written notice merit to or the amount or length of any such adjustment in CONTRACTOR does not agree to resume such Work based Contract Price or Contract Times,CONTRACTOR may make on. a reasonable belief it is unsafe, or does not agree to a claim therefor as provided in Articles 11 and 12. However, resume such Work under such special conditions, then OWNER, ENGINEER and ENGINEER's Consultants shall OWNER may order such portion of the Work that is in not be liable to CONTRACTOR for any claims,costs,losses or connection with such hazardous condition or in such af- damages incurred or sustained by CONTRACTOR on or in fected area to be deleted from the Work. If OWNER and connection with any other project or anticipated project. CONTRACTOR cannot agree as to entitlement to or the amount or extent of an adjustment,if any,in Contract Price or Contract Times as a result of deleting such portion of the Reference Points: Work, then either party may make a claim therefor as provided in Articles 11 and 12. OWNER may have such 4.4. OWNER shall provide engineering surveys to estab- deleted portion of the Work performed by OWNER's own lish reference points for construction which in ENGINEER's forces or others in accordance with Article 7. judgment are necessary to enable CONTRACTOR to proceed Reg- with the Work.CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for laying 4.5.4. To the fullest extent permitted by Laws and Reg- out the Work, shall protect and preserve the established ulations,OWNER shall indemnify and hold harmless CON- reference points and shall make no changes or relocations TRACTOR, Subcontractors, ENGINEER, ENGINEER's 19 Consultants and the officers,directors, employees, agents, companies that are duly licensed or authorized in the juris- other consultants and subcontractors of each and any of diction in which the Project is.located to issue Bonds or them from and against all claims,costs,losses and damages insurance policies for the limits and coverages so required. arising out of or resulting from such hazardous condition, Such surety and insurance companies shall also meet such provided that: (i) any such claim, cost, loss or damage is additional requirements and qualifications as may be pro- attributable to bodily injury,sickness,disease or death,or to vided in the Supplementary Conditions. injury to or destruction of tangible property(other than the Work itself), including the loss of use resulting therefrom, 5.3.2. CONTRACTOR shall deliver to OWNER, with and (ii) nothing in this subparagraph 4.5.4 shall obligate copies to each additional insured identified in the Supple- OWNER to indemnify any person or entity from and against inentary Conditions, certificates of insurance (and other the consequences of that person's or entity's own negli- evidence of insurance requested by OWNER or any other gence. additional insured) which CONTRACTOR is required to purchase and maintain in accordance with paragraph 5.4. 4.5.5. The provisions of paragraphs 4.2 and 4.3 are not OWNER shall deliver to CONTRACTOR, with copies to intended to apply to Asbestos,PCBs,Petroleum,Hazardous each additional insured identified in the Supplementary Waste or Radioactive Material uncovered or revealed at the Conditions,,certificates of insurance(and other evidence of site. in requested by CONTRACTOR or any other addi- tional insured)which OWNER is required to purchase and maintain in accordance with paragraphs 5.6 and 5.7 hereof. ARTICLE 5. BONDS AND INSURANCE Insurance: CONTRACTOR's Liability - 5.4. CONTRACTOR shall purchase and maintain such Performance,Payment and Other Bonds: liability and other insurance as is appropriate for the Work being performed and furnished and as will provide protection 5.1. CONTRACTOR shall furnish Performance and from claims set forth below which may arise out of or result Payment Bonds, each in an amount at least equal to the from CONTRACTOR's performance and furnishing of the Work and CONTRACTOR's other obligations under the Con- Contract Price as security for the faithful performance-and payment of all CONTRACTOR'S obligations under the tract Documents,whether it is to be performed or furnished by Contract Documents. These Bonds shall remain in effect at CONTRACTOR,any Subcontractor or Supplier,or by anyone least until one year after the date when final payment becomes directly or indirectly employed by any of them to perform or due,except as provided otherwise by Laws or Regulations or furnish any of the Work,or by anyone for whose acts any of by the Contract Documents. CONTRACTOR shall also fur- them may be liable: nish such other Bonds as are required by the Supplementary Conditions:All Bonds shall be in the form prescribed by the 5.4.1. claims under workers' compensation, disability Contract Documents except as provided otherwise by Laws or benefits and other similar employee benefit acts; Regulations,'and shall be executed by such sureties as are named in the current list of"Companies Holding Certificates 5.4.2. claims for damages because of bodily injury, oc- of Authority as Acceptable Sureties on Federal Bonds and as cupational sickness or disease, or death of CONTRAC- Acceptable Reinsuring Companies" as published in Circular TOR's employees; 570 (amended) by the Audit Staff, Financial Management Service, Surety Bond Branch, U.S. Treasury Department. 5.4.3. claims for damages because of bodily injury,sick- (Phone 202-874-6850).All Bonds signed by an agent must be accompanied by a certified copy of such agent's authority to, ness or disease, or death of-any person other than CON- TRACTOR's employees; act. 5.2. if the surety on any Bond furnished by CONTRA&- 5.4.4. claims for damages'insured by customary personal TOR is declared a bankrupt or becomes insolvent or its right to injury liability coverage which are sustained: (i) by any do business is terminated in any state where any part of the person as a result of an offense directly or indirectly related Project is located or it ceases to meet the requirements of to the employment of such person by CONTRACTOR,or(ii) paragraph 5.1,CONTRACTOR shall within ten days thereafter by any other person for any other reason; substitute another Bond and surety, both of which must be 5.4.5. claims for damages,other than to the Work itself, acceptable to OWNER. because of injury to or destruction of tangible property wherever located,including loss of use resulting therefrom; 5.3.Licensed Sureties and Insurers;Certificates of Insurance: and 5.3.1. All Bonds and insurance required by the Contract 5.4.6. claims for damages because of bodily injury or Documents to be purchased and maintained by OWNER or death of any person or property damage arising out of the CONTRACTOR shall be.obtained from surety or insurance ownership,maintenance or use of any motor vehicle. 20 1 The policies of insurance so required by this paragraph 5.4 to ance upon the Work at the site in the amount of the full be purchased and maintained shall: replacement cost thereof(subject to such deductible amounts as may be provided in the Supplementary Conditions or 5.4.7. with respect to insurance required by paragraphs required by Laws and Regulations). This insurance shall: 5.4.3 through 5.4.6 inclusive, include as additional insureds (subject to any customary exclusion in respect of profes- 5.6.1. include the interests of OWNER, CONTRAC- sional liability)OWNER,ENGINEER,ENGINEER's Con- TOR, Subcontractors, ENGINEER, ENGINEER's Con- sultants and any other persons or entities identified in the sultants and any other persons or entities identified in the .Supplementary Conditions, all of whom shall be listed as Supplementary Conditions,each of whom is deemed to have additional insureds,and include coverage for the respective an insurable interest and shall be listed as an insured or officers and employees of all such additional insureds; additional insured; 5.4.8. include the specific coverages and be written for • not less than the limits of liability provided in the Supple- 5.6.2. be written on a Builder's Risk "all-risk" or open mentary Conditions or required by Laws or Regulations, peril or special causes of loss policy form that shall at least whichever is greater; include insurance for physical loss or damage to the Work, temporary buildings,falsework and Work in transit and shall 5.4.9. include.completed operations insurance; insure against at least the following perils:fire,lightning, extended coverage,theft,vandalism and malicious mischief, 5.4.10. include contractual liability insurance covering earthquake,collapse,debris removal,demolition occasioned CONTRACTOR's indemnity obligations under paragraphs by enforcement of Laws and Regulations, water damage, 6.12,6.16 and 6.31 through 6.33; and such other perils as may be specifically required by the 5.4.11. contain a provision or endorsement that the Supplementary Conditions; coverage afforded will not be cancelled,materially changed 5.6.3. include expenses incurred in the repair or replace- or renewal refused until at least thirty days prior written ment of any insured property (including but not limited to notice has been given to OWNER and CONTRACTOR and fees and charges of engineers and architects); to each other additional insured identified in the Supplemen- tary,Conditions to whom a certificate of insurance has been y issued (and the certificates of insurance furnished by the S.b.4. cover materials and equipment stored at the site or -: CONTRACTOR pursuant to paragraph 5.3.2 will so pro- at another location that was agreed to in writing by OWNER vide); prior to being incorporated in the Work,provided that such materials and equipment have been included in an Applica- 5.4.12. remain in effect at least until final payment and at tion for Payment recommended by ENGINEER;and all times thereafter when CONTRACTOR may be correct- ing, removing or replacing defective Work in accordance 5.6.5. be maintained in effect until final payment is made :.with paragraph 13.12;and unless otherwise agreed to in writing by OWNER, CON- TRACTOR and ENGINEER with thirty days written notice 5.4.13. with respect to completed operations insurance, to each other additional insured to whom a certificate of and any insurance coverage written on a claims-made basis, insurance has been issued. remain in effect for at least two years after final payment (and CONTRACTOR shall furnish OWNER and each other 5.7. OWNER shall purchase and maintain such boiler and additional insured identified in the Supplementary Condi- ' lions to whom a certificate of insurance has been issued machinery insurance or additional property insurance as may be required by the Supplementary Conditions or Laws and evidence satisfactory to OWNER and any such additional insured of continuation of such insurance at final payment Regulations which will include the interests of OWNER, and one year thereafter). CONTRACTOR,Subcontractors,ENGINEER,ENGINEER's Consultants and any other persons or entities identified in the Supplementary Conditions, each of whom is deemed to have OWNER's Liability Insurance: an insurable interest and shall be listed as an insured or additional insured. 5.5. In addition to the insurance required to be provided by CONTRACTOR under paragraph 5.4,OWNER,at OWNER's. 5.8. All the policies of insurance (and the certificates or option, may purchase and maintain at OWNER's expense other evidence thereof) required to be purchased and main- OWNER's own liability insurance as will protect OWNER tained by OWNER in accordance with paragraphs 5.6 and 5.7 against claims which may arise from operations under the will contain a provision or endorsement that the coverage Contract Documents. afforded will not be cancelled or materially changed or renewal refused until at least thirty days' prior written notice has been Property Insurance: given to OWNER and CONTRACTOR and to each other additional insured to whom a certificate of insurance has been 5.6. Unless otherwise provided in the Supplementary Con- issued and will contain waiver provisions in accordance with ditions,OWNER shall purchase and maintain property insur- paragraph 5.11. 21 5.9. OWNER shall not be-responsible for purchasing and loss or damage to the completed Project or maintaining any property insurance to protect the interests of part thereof caused by,arising out of or resulting from fire CONTRACTOR, Subcontractors or others in the Work to the or other insured peril covered by any property insurance maintained on the completed Project or part thereof by extent of any deductible amounts that are identified•in the OWNER during partial utilization pursuant to paragraph Supplementary Conditions. The risk of loss within such iden- 14.10,after substantial completion pursuant to paragraph tified deductible amount, will be borne by CONTRACTOR, 14.8 or after final payment pursuant to paragraph 14.13. Subcontractor or others suffering any such loss and if any of them wishes property insurance coverage within the limits of Any insurance policy maintained by OWNER covering any such amounts, each may purchase and maintain it at the loss,damage or consequential loss referred to in this paragraph purchaser's own expense. 5.11.2 shall contain provisions to the effect that in the event of payment of any such loss, damage or consequential loss the 5.10.`v If CONTRACTOR requests in writing that other insurers will have no rights of recovery against any of CON- special insurance be included in the property insurance policies TRACTOR,Subcontractors,ENGINEER,ENGINEER's Con- provided under paragraphs 5.6 or 5.7,OWNER shall,if possi- sultants and the officers, directors, employees and agents of ble, include such insurance, and the cost thereof will be any of them. charged to CONTRACTOR by appropriate Change Order or Receipt and Application of Insurance Proceeds Written Amendment. Prior to commencement of the Work at 5 12. An insured loss under the policies of insurance the site, OWNER shall in writing advise CONTRACTOR Y whether or not such other insurance has been procured by required by paragraphs 5.6 and 5.7 will be adjusted with OWNER. OWNER and made payable to OWNER as fiduciary for the insureds,as their interests may appear,subject to the require- ments of any applicable mortgage clause and of paragraph 5.13. 5.11. Waiver of Rights: OWNER shall deposit in a separate account any money so received,and shall distribute it in accordance with such agree- ment as the parties in interest may reach. If no'other special _ agreement is reached the damaged Work shall be repaired or policies purchased in accordance with paragraphs 5.6 and _ replaced,the moneys so received applied on account thereof 5.7 will protect OWNER,CONTRACTOR,Subcontractors, ENGINEER, ENGINEER's Consultants and all other per- and the Work and the cost thereof covered by an appropriate Change Order or Written Amendment. sons or entities identified in the Supplementary Conditions to be listed as insureds or additional insureds in such policies 5.13. OWNER as fiduciary shall have power to adjust and and will provide primary coverage for all losses and damages settle any loss with the insurers unless one of the parties in caused by the perils covered thereby.All such policies shall interest shall object in writing within fifteen days after the contain provisions to the effect that in the event of payment occurrence of loss to OWNEWs exercise of this power.If such of any loss or damage the insurers will have no rights of objectionbe made,OWNER as fiduciary shall make settlement recovery against any of the insureds or additional insureds with the insurers in accordance with such agreement as the thereunder. OWNER and CONTRACTOR waive all rights parties in interest may reach.if no such agreement among the -against each other and their respective officers, directors, parties in interest is reached,OWNER as fiduciary shall adjust ges caused by, and settle the loss with the insurers and,if required in writing employees and agents for all losses and dama arising out of or resulting from any of the perils covered by - by any party in interest,OWNER as fiduciary shall give bond such policies and any other property insurance applicable to for the proper performance of such duties. the Work; and, in addition, waive all such rights against o Bonds and Insurance,Option to Replace: Accelance p Subcontractors, ENGINEER, ENGINEER's Consultants f and all other persons or entities identified in the Supplemen- 5.14. If either party(OWNER or CONTRACTOR)has any tary Conditions to be listed as insureds or additional insureds objection to the coverage afforded by or other provisions of the under such policies for losses and damages so caused.None Bonds or insurance required to be purchased and maintained of the above waivers shall extend to the rights that any party by the other party in accordance with Article 5 on the basis of making such waiver may have to the proceeds of insurance non-conformance with the Contract Documents,the objecting held by OWNER as trustee or otherwise payable under any ply shall so notify the other party in writing within ten days policy so issued. after receipt of the certificates (or other evidence requested) required by paragraph 2.7.OWNER and CONTRACTOR shall 5.11.2. In addition, OWNER waives all rights against each provide to the other such additional information in respect CONTRACTOR, Subcontractors, ENGINEER, ENGI- of insurance provided as the other may reasonably request.if NEER's Consultants and the officers,directors,employees either party does not purchase or maintain all of the Bonds and and agents of any of them,for: insurance required of such party by the Contract Documents, such party shall notify the other party in writing of such failure loss due to business interruption,loss of use to purchase prior to the start of the Work,or of such failure to or other consequential loss extending beyond direct phys- maintain prior to any change in the required coverage.Without . the other art may ical loss or damage to OWNER's property or the Work prejudice to any other right or remedy, party Y caused by, arising out of or resulting from fire or other elect to obtain equivalent Bonds or insurance to protect such. peril,whether or not-insured by OWNER;and other party's interests at the expense of the party who was 22 CONTRAR perfor- required to provide such coverage, and a Change Order shall mane of Work on l Saturday, y or any legal not permit ame work or ehol day be issued to adjust the Contract Price accordingly. mane without OWNER's written consent given after prior written notice to ENGINEER. Partial Utilization—Property Insurance: 6.4. Unless otherwise. specified in the General Require- . 5.15. If OWNER finds it necessary to occupy or use a ments, CONTRACTOR shall furnish and assume full respon- portion or portions of the Work prior to Substantial Completion sibility for all materials,equipment,labor,transportation, con fuel, of all the Work,such use or occupancy may be accomplished in struction equipment and machinery, tools, appliances, accordance with paragraph 14.10;provided that no such use or power,light,heat,telephone,water, sanitary facilities,tempo- occupancy shall commence before the insurers providing the rary facilities and all otth�anclittestinges and incidentals and cessar- property insurance have acknowledged notice thereof and in for the furnishing, pe o writing effected any changes in coverage necessitated thereby. tion of the Work. The insurers providing the property insurance shall consent by endorsement on the policy or policies,but the property insur- 6.5. All materials and equipment shall be of good quality ance shall not be cancelled or permitted to lapse on account of and new,except as otherwise provided in the Contract Docu- any such partial use or occupancy. ments.All warranties and guarantees specifically called for by the Specifications shall expressly run to the benefit of OWNER. If required by ENGINEER, CONTRACTOR shall furnish satisfactory evidence(including reports of required,tests)as to the kind and quality of materials and equipment. All materials ARTICLE 6—CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITIES and equipment shall be applied,installed,connected,erected, used,cleaned and conditioned in accordance with instructions of the applicable Supplier,except as otherwise provided in the Contract Documents. Supervision and Superintendence: 6.1. CONTRACTOR shall supervise,inspect and direct the progress Schedule: Work competently and efficiently, devoting such attention thereto and applying such skills and expertise as may be 5 ti. CONTRACTOR shall adhere to the progress schedule necessary to perform the Work in accordance with the Con- established in accordance with paragraph 2.9 as it may be tract Documents. CONTRACTOR shall be solely responsible adjusted from time to time as provided below: for the means,methods,techniques,sequences and procedures J of construction,but CONTRACTOR shall not be responsible for the negligence of others in the design or specification of a 6.6.1: method,technique, CONTRACTOR shall submit to ENGINEER for sequence or procedure of acceptance (to the extent indicated in paragraph 2.9) pro specific means, - construction which is shown or indicated in and expressly posed adjustments in the progress schedule that will not required by.the Contract Documents.CONTRACTOR shall be change the Contract Times (or Milestones). Such adjust- responsible:to see that the completed Work complies accu- ments will conform generally to the progress schedule then rately with the Contract Documents. in effect and additionally will comply with any prov the General Requirements applicable thereto. 6.2. CONTRACTOR shall keep on the Work at all times during its progress a competent resident superintendent,who 6.6.2. Proposed adjustments in the';progress schedule shall not be replaced without written notice to OWNER and that will change the Contract Times(or Milestones)shall be submitted in accordance with the requirements of paragraph ENGINEER except under extraordinary circumstances.-The superintendent will be CONTRACTOR's representative at the 12.1. Such adjustments may only be made by a Change site and shall have authority to act on behalf of CONTRAC- Order or Written Amendment in accordance with Article 12. TOR. All communications to the superintendent shall be as binding as if given to CONTRACTOR. 6.7. Substitutes and"Or-Equal"Items: Labor,Materials and Equipment: 6.7.1. Whenever an item of material or equipment is specified or described in the Contract Documents by using 6.3. CONTRACTOR shall provide competent,suitably qual- the name of a proprietary item or the name of a particular ified personnel to survey, lay out and construct the Work as Supplier, the specification or description is intended to required by the Contract Documents.CONTRACTOR shall at establish the type,function and quality required. Unless the all times maintain good*discipline and order at the site.Except specification or description contains or is followed by words as otherwise required for the safety or protection of persons or reading that no like, equivalent or "or-equal" item or no te or adjacent thereto,and except substitution is permitted, other items of material or equip the Work or property at the si - indicated in the Contract Documents,all Work at ment or material or equipment of other Suppliers may be as otherwise the site shall be per during regular working hours and accepted by ENGINEER under the following circumstances: 23 "Or-Equal": If in ENGINEER's sole discre- construction is shown or indicated in and expressly required by tion an item of material or equipment proposed by CON- the Contract Documents, CONTRACTOR may furnish or - TRACTOR is functionally equal to that named and suffi- utilize a substitute means, method, technique, sequence or ciently similar so that no change in related Work will be procedure of construction acceptable to ENGINEER. CON- required, it may be considered by ENGINEER as an TRACTOR shall submit sufficient in to allow ENGI- "or-equal"item,in which case review and approval of the NEER,in ENGINEER's sole discretion,to determine that the proposed item may, in ENGINEER's sole discretion, be substitute proposed is equivalent to that expressly called for by accomplished without compliance with some or all of the the Contract Documents.The procedure for review by ENGI- requirements for acceptance of proposed substitute items. NEER will be similar to that provided in subparagraph Substitute Items. If in ENGINEER's sole 6.7.3. Engineer's Evaluation:ENGINEER will be allowed discretion an item of material or equipment proposed by a reasonable time within which to evaluate each proposal or CONTRACTOR does not qualify as an "or-equal" item submittal made pursuant to paragraphs and 6.7.2. under subparagraph, it will be considered a pro- ENGINEER will be the sole judge of acceptability. No "or- posed substitute item. CONTRACTOR shall submit suffi- equal" or substitute will be ordered, installed or utilized cient information as provided below to allow ENGINEER without ENGINEER's prior written acceptance which will be to determine that the item of material or equipment evidenced by either a Change Order or an approved Shop proposed is essentially equivalent to that named and an Drawing.OWNER may require CONTRACTOR to furnish at acceptable substitute therefor. The procedure for review CONTRACTOR's expense a special performance guarantee or by the ENGINEER will include the following as supple- other surety with respect to any "or-equal" or substitute. mented in the General Requirements and as ENGINEER ENGINEER will record time required by ENGINEER and may decide is appropriate under the circumstances. Re- ENGINEER's Consultants in evaluating substitutes proposed quests for review of proposed substitute items of material orsubmitted by CONTRACTOR pursuant to paragraphs or equipment will not be accepted by ENGINEER from and 6.7.2 and in making changes in the Contract Documents(or anyone other than CONTRACTOR. If CONTRACTOR in the provisions of any other direct contract with OWNER for wishes to furnish or use a substitute item of material or work on the Project) occasioned thereby. Whether or not equipment,CONTRACTOR shall first make written appli- ENGINEER accepts a substitute item so proposed or submit- cation to ENGINEER for acceptance thereof, certifying ted by CONTRACTOR, CONTRACTOR shalt reimburse that the proposed substitute will perform adequately the OWNER for the charges of ENGINEER and ENGINEER's functions and achieve the results called for by the general Consultants for evaluating each such proposed substitute item. design, be similar in substance to that specified and be suited to the same use as that specified. The application will state the extent, if any, to which the evaluation and Concerning Subcontractors,Suppliers and Others: acceptance of the proposed substitute will prejudice CON- TRACTOR's achievement of Substantial Completion on 6.8.1. CONTRACTOR shall not employ any Subcon- time,whether or not acceptance of the substitute for use in tractor, Supplier or other person or organization (including the Work will require a change in any of the Contract those acceptable to OWNER and ENGINEER as indicated ..'Documents (or in the provisions .of any other direct in paragraph 6.8.2), whether initially or as a substitute, contract with OWNER for work on the Project)to adapt against whom OWNER.or ENGINEER may have reason- the design to the proposed substitute and whether of'not able objection. CONTRACTOR shall not be required to incorporation or use of the substitute in connection with employ any Subcontractor, Supplier or other person or the Work is subject to payment of any license fee or organization to fumish or perform any of the Work against royalty.All variations of the proposed substitute from that whom CONTRACTOR has reasonable objection. specified will be identified in the application and available �. maintenance, repair and replacement service will be indi- 6.8.2. If the Supplementary Conditions require the iden- cated.The application will also contain an itemized esti- tity of certain Subcontractors,Suppliers or other persons or mate of all costs or credits that will result directly or organizations(including those who are to furnish the princi- indirectly from acceptance of such substitute, including pal items of materials or equipment) to be submitted to costs of redesign and claims of other contractors affected OWNER in advance of the specified date prior to the by the resulting change,all of which will be considered by Effective Date of the Agreement for acceptance by OWNER ENGINEER in evaluating the proposed substitute. EN- and ENGINEER, and if CONTRACTOR has submitted a r GINEER may require CONTRACTOR to furnish addi- list thereof in accordance with the Supplementary Condi- tional data about the proposed substitute. dons, OWNER's or ENGINEER's acceptance (either in writing or by failing to make written objection thereto by the CONTRACTOR's Erpense: All data to be date indicated for acceptance.or objection in the bidding provided by CONTRACTOR in support of any proposed documents or the Contract Documents)of any such Subcon- "or-equal"or substitute item will be at CONTRACTOR's tractor,Supplier or other person or organization so identified expense. may be revoked on the basis of reasonable objection after due investigation, in which case.CONTRACTOR shall sub- 6.7.2. Substitute Construction ftfelhods or Procedures:l f a mit an acceptable substitute, the Contract Price will be specific means, method, technique, sequence or procedure.of adjusted by the difference in the cost occasioned by such 24 substitution and an appropriate Change Order will be issued of the Work or the incorporation in the Work of any invention, or Written Amendment signed. No acceptance by OWNER design, process, product or device which is the subject of or ENGINEER of any such Subcontractor.Supplierorother patent rights or copyrights held by others. if a particular person or organization shall constitute a waiver of any right invention,design,process,product or device is specified in the of OWNER or ENGINEER to reject defective Work. Contract Documents for use in the performance of the Work and if to the actual knowledge of OWNER or ENGINEER its 6.9.1. CONTRACTOR shall be fully responsible to use is subject to patent rights or copyrights calling for the OWNER and ENGINEER for all acts and omissions of the . payment of any license fee or royalty to others,the existence of Subcontractors, Suppliers and other persons and organiza- such rights shall be disclosed by OWNER in the Contract tions performing or furnishing any of the Work under a direct Documents. To the fullest extent permitted by Laws and or indirect contract with CONTRACTOR just as CON- Regulations, CONTRACTOR shall indemnify and hold harm- TRACTOR is responsible for CONTRACTOR's own acts less OWNER, ENGINEER, ENGINEER's Consultants and -and omissions. Nothing in the Contract Documents shall the officers,directors,employees,agents and other consultants create for the benefit of any such Subcontractor,Supplier or of each and any of them from and against all claims, costs, other person or organization any contractual relationship losses and damages arising out of or resulting from any between OWNER or ENGINEER and any such Subcon- infringement of patent rights or copyrights incident to the use in tractor,Supplier or other person or organization,nor shall it the performance of the Work or resulting from the incorpora- create any obligation on the part of OWNER or ENG1- tion in the Work of any invention,design, process,product or NEER to pay or to see to the payment of any moneys due device not specified in the Contract Documents. any such Subcontractor,Supplier or other person or organi- zation except as may otherwise be required by Laws and Regulations. Permits: 6.9.2. CONTRACTOR shall be solely responsible for 6.13. Unless otherwise provided in the Supplementary scheduling and coordinating the Work of Subcontractors, Conditions,CONTRACTOR shall obtain and pay for all con- Suppliers and other persons and organizations performing or struction permits and licenses. OWNER shall assist CON- furnishing any of the Work under a direct or indirect contract TRACTOR, when necessary, in obtaining such permits,and with CONTRACTOR.CONTRACTOR shall require all Sub- licenses. CONTRACTOR shall pay all governmental charges contractors,Suppliers and such other persons and organizes- and inspection fees necessary for the prosecution of the Work, tions performing or furnishing any of the Work to communi- which are applicable at the time of opening of Bids,or,if there cate with the ENGINEER through CONTRACTOR. are no Bids, on the Effective Date of the Agreement. CON- TRACTOR shall pay all charges of utility owners for connec- 6.10. The divisions and sections of the Specifications and tions to the Work,and OWNER shall pay all charges of such the identifications of any Drawings shall not control CON- utility owners for capital costs related thereto such as plant TRACTOR in dividing the Work among Subcontractors or investment fees. Suppliers or delineating the Work to be performed by any specific trade. 6.11. All Work performed for CONTRACTOR by a Sub- Lar'vs'and Regulations: contractor or Supplier will be pursuant to an appropriate 6.14.1. CONTRACTOR shall give all notices and comply agreement between CONTRACTOR and the Subcontractor or with all Laws and Regulations applicable to furnishing and Supplier which specifically binds the Subcontractor or Supplier performance of the Work.Except where otherwise expressly to the applicable terms and conditions of the Contract Docu- required by applicable Laws and Regulations,neither OWNER ments for the benefit of OWNER and ENGINEER.Whenever ' nor ENGINEER shall be responsible for monitoring CON- any such agreement is with a Subcontractor or Supplier who is TRACTOR's compliance with any Laws or Regulations. listed as an additional insured on the property insurance provided in paragraph 5.6 or 53, the agreement between the 6.14.2. If CONTRACTOR performs any Work knowing CONTRACTOR and the Subcontractor or Supplier will con- or having reason to know that it is contrary to Laws or tain provisions whereby the Subcontractor or Supplier waives Regulations, CONTRACTOR shall bear all claims, costs, all rights against OWNER, CONTRACTOR, ENGINEER, losses and damages caused by, arising out of or resulting ENGINEER's Consultants and all other additional insureds for therefrom; however, it shall not be CONTRACTOR's pri- all losses and damages caused by, arising out of or resulting mary responsibility to make certain that the Specifications from any of the perils covered by such policies and any other and Drawings are in accordance with Laws and Regulations, property insurance applicable to the Work. If the insurers on but this shall not relieve CONTRACTOR of CONTRAC- any such policies require separate waiver forms to be signed by TOR's obligations under paragraph 3.3.2. any Subcontractor or Supplier,CONTRACTOR will obtain the same. Taxes: Talent Fees and Royalties: 6.15. CONTRACTOR shall pay all sales,consumer,use 6.12. CONTRACTOR shall pay all license fees and royal- and other similar taxes required to be paid by CONTRACTOR ties and assume all costs incident to the use in the performance in accordance with the Laws and Regulations of the place of -25 the Project which are applicable during the performance of the the Work, these record documents, Samples and Shop Draw- Work. ings will be delivered to ENGINEER for OWNER. -_ Use of Premises: Safety and Protection: 6.16. CONTRACTOR shall confine construction equip- 6.20. CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for initiating, ment, the storage of materials and equipment and the opera- maintaining and supervising all safety precautions and pro- tions of workers to the site and land and areas identified in and grams in connection with the Work.CONTRACTOR shall take permitted by the Contract Documents and other land and areas all necessary precautions for the safety of, and shall provide permitted by Laws and Regulations,rights-of-way,permits and the necessary protection to prevent damage, injury or loss to: easements,and shall not unreasonably encumber the premises with construction equipment or other materials or equipment. 6.20.1. all persons on the Work site or who may be CONTRACTOR shall assume full responsibility for any dam- affected by the Work; age to any such land or area, or to the owner or occupant thereof or of any adjacent land or areas, resulting from the. 6.20.2. all the Work and materials and equipment to be performance of the Work. Should any claim be made by any incorporated therein, whether in storage on or off the site; such owner or occupant because of the performance of the and Work, CONTRACTOR shall promptly settle with such other party by negotiation or otherwise resolve the claim by arbitra- 6.20.3. other.property at the site or adjacent thereto, tion'or other dispute resolution proceeding or at law. CON- including trees,shrubs,lawns,walks,pavements,roadways, TRACTOR shall, to the fullest extent permitted by Laws and structures, utilities and Underground Facilities not desig- Regulations, indemnify and hold harmless OWNER, ENGI- nated for removal,relocation or replacement in the course of NEER, ENGINEER's Consultant and anyone directly or construction. indirectly employed by any of them from and against all claims, costs,losses and damages arising out of or resulting from any CONTRACTOR shall comply with all applicable Laws and claim or action,legal or equitable,brought by any such owner Regulations of any public body having jurisdiction for safety of or occupant against OWNER,ENGINEER or any other party persons or property or to protect them from damage,injury or indemnified hereunder to the extent caused by or based upon loss;and shall erect and maintain all necessary safeguards for CONTRACTOR's performance of the Work. such safety and protection.CONTRACTOR shall notify own- ers of adjacent property and of Underground Facilities and 6.17. During the progress of the Work, CONTRACTOR utility owners when prosecution of the Work may affect them, shall keep the premises free from accumulations of waste and shall cooperate with them in the protection, removal, materials,rubbish and other debris resulting from the Work.At relocation and replacement of their property. All damage, the completion of the Work CONTRACTOR shall remove all injury or loss to any property referred to in paragraph 6.20.2 or waste materials, rubbish and debris from and about the pre- 6.20.3 caused, directly or indirectly, in whole or in part, by mises as well as all tools, appliances,construction equipment CONTRACTOR, any Subcontractor, Supplier or any other and'machinery and surplus materials. CONTRACTOR sha11 person or organization directly or indirectly employed by any leave the site clean and ready for occupancy by OWNER at of them to perform or furnish any of the Work or anyone for Substantial Completion of the Work. CONTRACTOR shall whose acts any of them may be liable, shall be remedied by restore to original condition all property not designated for CONTRACTOR (except damage or loss attributable to the alteration by the Contract Documents. fault of Drawings or Specifications or to the acts or omissions of OWNER or ENGINEER or ENGINEER's Consultant or 6.18. CONTRACTOR shall not load nor permit any part of anyone employed by any of them or anyone for whose acts any any structure to be loaded in any manner that will endanger the of them may be liable, and not attributable, directly or indi- structure, nor shall CONTRACTOR subject any part of the rectly, in whole or in part, to the fault or negligence of Work or adjacent property to stresses or pressures that will CONTRACTOR or any Subcontractor, Supplier or other per- endanger it. son or organization directly or indirectly employed by any of them).CONTRACTOR's duties and responsibilities for safety and for protection of the Work shall continue until such time as Record Documents: all the Work is completed and ENGINEER has issued a notice to OWNER and CONTRACTOR in accordance with para- 6.19. CONTRACTOR shall maintain in a safe place at the graph 14.13 that the Work is acceptable (except as otherwise site one record copy of all Drawings,Specifications,Addenda, expressly provided in connection with Substantial Comple- . Written Amendments, Change Orders, Work Change Direc- tion). tives, Field Orders and written interpretations and clarifica- tions (issued pursuant to paragraph 9.4) in good order and Sae Representative: annotated to show all changes made during construction. Safety P These record documents together with all approved Samples and a counterpart of all 'approved Shop Drawings will be 6.21. CONTRACTOR shall designate a qualified and expe- available to ENGINEER for reference. Upon completion of rienced safety representative at the site whose duties and 26 responsibilities shall be the prevention of accidents and the all field measurements, quantities, dimen- maintaining and supervising of safety precautions and pro- sions,specified performance criteria, installation require ments,materials,catalog numbers and similar information grams. with respect thereto, Hazard Communication Programs: all materials with respect to intended use, fabrication, shipping, handling, storage, assembly and 6.22. CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for coordinating installation pertaining to the performance of the Work,and any exchange of material safety data sheets or other hazard communication information required to be made available to or all information relative ea CONTR s, tech- exchanged s exchanged between or among employers at the site in accor- sole responsibilities in respect of means, methods, tec dance with:Laws or Regulations. niques, sequences and procedures of construction and safety precautions and programs incident thereto. Emergencies: CONTRACTOR shall also have reviewed and coordinated each Shop Drawing or Sample with other Shop Drawings 6.23. In emergencies affecting the safety or protection of and Samples and with the requirements of the Work and the per or the Work or property at the site or adjacent Contract.Documents. thereto,CONTRACTOR,without special instruction or au- thorization from OWNER or ENGINEER, is obligated to 6.25.2. Each submittal will bear a stamp or specific act to prevent threatened damage, injury or loss. CON- written indication that CONTRACTOR has satisfied CON- TRACTOR shall give ENGINEER prompt written notice if TR.ACTOR's obligations under the Contact Documents with CONTRACTOR believes that any significant changes in the respect to CONTRACTOR'S review and approval of that Work or variations from the Contract Documents have been submittal. caused thereby. If ENGINEER determines that a change in the Contract Documents is required because of the action . 6.25.3. At the time of each submission,CONTRACTOR taken by CONTRACTOR in response to such an emergency, shall give ENGINEER specific written notice of such vari- a Work Change Directive or Change Order will be issued to ations, if any, that the Shop Drawing or.Sample submitted document the consequences of such action. may have from the requirements of the Contract Documents, such notice to be in a written communication separate from the submittal;and,in addition,shall cause a specific notation 6.24.Shop Drawings and Samples: to be made on each Shop Drawing and Sample submitted to ENGINEER for review and approval of each such variation. 6.24.1. CONTRACTOR shall submit Shop Drawings to ENGINEER for review and approval in accordance with the 6.26. ENGINEER will review and approve Shop Drawings accepted schedule of Shop Drawings and Sample submittals and Samples in accordance with the schedule of Shop Draw- :;_ (see paragraph 2.9). All submittals will be identified as ings•and Sample submittals accepted by ENGINEER as re- ENGINEER may require and in the number of copies gaited by paragraph 2.9. ENGINEER's review and approval specified in the General Requirements.The data shown on -will be only to determine if the items covered by the submittals the Shop Drawings will be complete with respect to quanti- will,after installation or incorporation in the Work,conform to ties,dimensions, specified performance and design criteria, the information given in the Contract Documents and be ? materials and similar data to show ENGINEER the materi- compatible with the design concept of the completed Project as als and equipment CONTRACTOR proposes to provide and a functioning whole as indicated by the Contract Documents. to enable ENGINEER to review the information for the ENGINEER's review and approval will not extend to means, limited purposes required by paragraph 6.26. methods,techniques,sequences or procedures of construction 6.24.2. CONTRACTOR shall also submit Samples to (except where a particular means, method, technique, se- quence or procedure of construction is specifically and ex- ENGINEER for review and approval in accordance with ample sub- pressly called for by the Contract Documents) or to safety said accepted schedule of Shop Drawings and S mittals.Each Sample will be identified clearly as to material, precautions or programs incident thereto. The review and approval of a separate item as such will not indicate approval of Supplier,pertinent data such as catalog numbers and the use " for which intended and otherwise as ENGINEER may the assembly in which the item functions. CONTRACTOR require to enable ENGINEER to review the submittal for shall make corrections required by ENGINEER, and shall return the required number of corrected copies of Shop Draw- the limited purposes required by paragraph 6.26.The num- bers of each Sample to be submitted will be as specified in ings and submit as required new Samples for review and approval. CONTRACTOR shall direct specific attention in the Specifications. writing to revisions other.than the corrections called for by ENGINEER on previous submittals. 6.25. Submittal Procedures: 6.27. ENGINEER's review and approval of Shop Draw- 6.25.1. Before submitting each Shop Drawing or Sam-' ings or Samples shall not relieve CONTRACTOR from respon- and verified: . . sibility for any variation from the requirements of the Contract pie,CONTRACTOR shall have determined 27 Documents unless CO NTRACTOR has in writing called EN- any acceptance by OWNER or any failure to GINEER's attention to each such variation at the time of do so; ' submission as required by paragraph 6.25.3 and ENGINEER has given written approval of each such variation by specific any review and approval of a Shop Drawing written notation thereof incorporated in or accompanying the or Sample submittal or the issuance of a notice of accept- Shop Drawing or Sample approval; nor will any approval by ability'by ENGINEER pursuant to paragraph 14.13; ' ENGINEER relieve CONTRACTOR from responsibility for complying with the requirements of paragraph 6.25.1. any inspection,test or approval by others;or <. 6.28. Where a Shop Drawing or Sample is required by the any correction of defective Work by OWNER. Contract Documents or the schedule of Shop Drawings and Sample submissions accepted by ENGINEER as required by Indemnification: J paragraph 2.9, any related Work performed prior to ENGI- NEER's review and approval of the pertinent submittal will be 6.31. To the fullest extent permitted by Laws and Regula- at the sole expense and responsibility of CONTRACTOR. tions, CONTRACTOR shall indemnify and hold harmless OWNER, ENGINEER, ENGINEER's Consultants and the I officers,directors,employees,agents and other consultants of Continuing the Work: each and any of them from and against all claims,costs,losses and damages(including but not limited to all fees and charges 6.29. CONTRACTOR shall carry on the Work and adhere of engineers,architects,attorneys and other professionals and to the progress schedule during all disputes or disagreements all court or arbitration or other dispute resolution costs)caused with OWNER.No Work shall be delayed or postponed pend- by, arising out of or resulting from the performance of the ing resolution of any disputes or disagreements, except as Work,provided that any such claim,cost,loss or damage:(i)is permitted by paragraph 15.5 or as OWNER and CONTRAC- attributable to bodily injury, sickness, disease or death, or to TOR may otherwise agree in writing. injury to or destruction of tangible property (other than the Work itself),including the loss of use resulting therefrom,and (ii) is caused in whole or in part by any negligent act or 6.30. CONTRACTOR's General Warranty and Guarantee: omission of CONTRACTOR,any Subcontractor,any Supplier, any person or organization directly or indirectly employed by 6.30.1. CONTRACTOR warrants and guarantees to any of them to perform or furnish any of the Work or anyone ' OWNER,ENGINEER and ENGINEER'S Consultants that for whose acts any of them may be liable,regardless of whether all Work will be in accordance with the Contract Documents or not caused in part by any negligence or omission of a person and will not be defective. CONTRACTOR's warranty and or entity indemnified hereunder or whether liability is imposed 1 guarantee hereunder excludes defects or damage caused by: upon such indemnified party by Laws and Regulations regard- less of the negligence of any such person or entity. abuse,modification or improper maintenance 6.32.' In any and all claims against OWNER or ENGI- or operation by persons other than CONTRACTOR,Sub-- NEER or any of their respective consultants,agents;officers, contractdrs or Suppliers;or directors or employees by any employee (or the survivor or normal wear and tear under normal usage. personal representative of such employee)of CONTRACTOR, any Subcontractor, any Supplier, any person or organization directly or indirectly employed by any of them to perform or 6.30.2. CONTRACTOR's obligation to perform and com- furnish any of the Work,or anyone for whose acts any of them plete.the Work in accordance with the Contract Documents may be liable,the indemnification obligation under paragraph shall be absolute. None of the following will constitute an 6.31 shall not be limited in any way by any limitation on the acceptance of Work that is not in accordance with the amount or type of damages,compensation or benefits payable Contract Documents or a release of CONTRACTOR's obli- by or for CONTRACTOR or any such Subcontractor,Supplier gation to perform the Work in accordance with the Contract or other person or organization under workers' compensation Documents: acts,disability benefit acts or other employee benefit acts. observations by ENGINEER; 6.33. The indemnification obligations of CONTRACTOR under paragraph 6.31 shall not extend to the liability of ENGI- recommendation of any progress or final NEER and ENGINEER's.Consultants, officers, directors, payment by ENGINEER; employees or agents caused by the professional negligence, errors or omissions of any of them. the issuance of a certificate of Substantial Completion or any payment by OWNER to CONTRAC- TOR under the Contract Documents; Survival of Obligations: use or occupancy of the.Work or any part. 6.34.• All representations,indemnifications,warranties and thereof by OWNER; guarantees made in, required by or given in accordance with 28 the Contract Documents, as well as all continuing obligations Coordination: indicated in the Contract Documents, will survive final pay- 7.4. If OWNER contracts with others for the performance ment,completion and acceptance of the Work and termination of other work on the Project at the site,the following will be set or completion of the Agreement. forth in Supplementary Conditions: 7.4.1. the person, firm or corporation who will have authority and responsibility for coordination of the activities ...ARTICLE 7—OTHER WORK among the various prime contractors will be identified; 7.4.2. the specific matters to be covered by such author- ity and responsibility will be itemized;and Related Work at Site: 7.4.3. the extent of such authority and responsibilities 7.1. OWNER may perform other work related to the will be provided. Project at the site by OWNER's own forces, or let other Unless.otherwise provided in the Supplementary Condi- direct contracts therefor which shall contain General Condi- tions,OWNER shall have.sole authority and responsibility in tions similar to these, or have other work performed by respect of such coordination. utility owners. If the fact that such other work is to be performed was not noted in the Contract Documents, then: (i) written notice thereof will be given to CONTRACTOR ARTICLE 8—OWNER'S RESPONSIBILITIES prior to ',starting any such other work, and (ii) CONTRAC- TOR may make a claim therefor as provided in Articles 11 and 12 if CONTRACTOR believes that such performance 8.1. Except as otherwise provided in these General Condi- will involve additional expense to CONTRACTOR or re- . tions,OWNER shall issue all communications to CONTRAC- quh,,*additional time and the parties are unable to agree as TOR through ENGINEER. to the amount or extent thereof. 8.2. In case of termination of the employment of ENGI- 7.2. CONTRACTOR shall afford each other contractor NEER, OWNER shall appoint an engineer against whom who is'a party to such a direct contract and each utility CONTRACTOR makes no reasonable objection,whose status rming the addi- under the Contract Documents shall be that of the former owner (and OWNER, if OWNER is perfo tional work with OWNER's employees)"proper and safe ENGINEER. access to the site and a reasonable opportunity for the introduction and storage of materials and equipment and the 8.3� OWNER shall furnish the data required of OWNER execution of such other work and shall properly connect and under the Contract Documents promptly and shall make pay- =.:coordinate the Work with theirs. Unless otherwise provided ments to CONTRACTOR promptly when they are due as in the Contract Documents, CONTRACTOR shall do all . provided in paragraphs 14.4 and 14.13. cutting,fitting and patching of the Work that may be required .8.4. OWNER's duties in respect of providing lands and to make its several parts come together properly and inte- easements and providing engineering surveys to establish ref- grate with-such other work. CONTRACTOR shall not en- erence points are set forth in paragraphs 4.1 and 4.4.Paragraph danger any work of others by cutting, excavating or other- 4 2 refers to OWNER's identifying and making available to wise altering their work and will only cut or alter their work CONTRACTOR copies of reports of explorations and tests of with the written consent of ENGINEER and the others subsurface conditions at the site and drawings of physical whose work will be affected.The duties and responsibilities of CONTRACTOR under this paragraph are for the benefit of conditions in existing structures at or contiguous to the site that such utility owners and other contractors to the extent that have been utilized by ENGINEER in preparing the Contract there are comparable provisions for the benefit of CON- Documents. TRACTOR in said direct contracts between OWNER and 8.5. OWNER's responsibilities in respect of purchasing such utility owners and other contractors. and maintaining liability and property insurance are set forth in paragraphs 5.5 through 5.10. 7.3. If the proper execution or results of any part of - CONTRACTOR's Work depends upon work performed by 8.6. OWNER is obligated to execute Change Orders as others under this Article 7,CONTRACTOR shall inspect such indicated in paragraph 10.4. other work and promptly report to ENGINEER in writing any delays,defects or deficiencies in such other work that render it. 8.7. OWNER's responsibility in respect of certain inspec- unavailable or unsuitable for the proper execution and results tions,tests and approvals is set forth in paragraph 13.4. of CONTRACTOR's Work. CONTRACTOR's failure so to o stop*Work or report will constitute an acceptance of such other work as fit 8.8. In connection with OW3E0 and 15.1R"s right t suspend Work,see paragraphs Paragraph 15.2 and proper for integration with CONTRACTOR's Work except for latent or nonapparent defects and deficiencies in such other deals with OWNER's right to terminate services of CON- work. TRACTOR under certain circumstances. . 29 8.9. The OWNER shall not supervise, direct or have observations of CONTRACTOR's Work ENGINEER will not control or authority over, nor be responsible for, CONTRAC- supervise,direct,control or have authority over or be respon- •TOR's means, methods, techniques, sequences or procedures sible for CONTRACTOR's means, methods, techniques, se- of construction or the safety precautions and programs incident quences or procedures of construction, or the safety precau- thereto, or for any failure of CONTRACTOR to comply with tions and programs incident thereto, or for any failure of Laws and Regulations applicable to the furnishing or perfor- CONTRACTOR to comply with Laws and Regulations appli- mance of the Work. OWNER will not be responsible for cable to the furnishing or performance of the Work. CONTRACTOR's failure to perform or furnish the Work in accordance with the Contract Documents. • Project Representative: S.10. OWNER'S responsibility in respect of undisclosed 9.3. If OWNER and ENGINEER agree,ENGINEER will Asbestos,"PCBs,Petroleum, Hazardous Waste or Radioactive furnish a Resident Project Representative to assist ENGI- Materials uncovered or revealed at the site is set forth in NEER in providing more continuous observation of the Work. paragraph 4.5. The responsibilities and authority and limitations thereon of any such Resident Project Representative and assistants will be 8.11. If and to the extent OWNER has agreed to furnish as provided in paragraph 9.13 and in the Supplementary CONTRACTOR reasonable evidence that financial arrange- Conditions. If OWNER designates another representative or ments have been made.to satisfy OWNER's obligations under agent to represent OWNER at the site who is not ENGI- the Contract Documents, OWNER's responsibility in respect. NEER's Consultant, agent or employee, the responsibilities thereof will be as set forth in the Supplementary Conditions. and authority and limitations thereon of such othAr person will be as provided in the Supplementary Conditions. ARTICLE 9-ENGINEER'S STATUS DURING Clarifications and Interpretations: CONSTRUCTION 9.4. ENGINEER will issue with reasonable promptness such written clarifications or interpretations of the require- ments of the Contract Documents(in the form of Drawings or otherwise) as ENGINEER may determine necessary, which shall be consistent with the intent of and reasonably inferable 9.1. ENGINEER will be OWNER's representative during from Contract Documents. Such written clarifications and the construction period.The duties and responsibilities and the limitations of authority of ENGINEER as OWNER's repre- interpretations will be binding on OWNER and CONTRAC- sentative•during construction are set forth in the Contract TOR. If OWNER or CONTRACTOR believes that a written Documents and shall not be extended without written consent clarification or interpretation justifies an adjustment in the Contract Price or the Contract Times and the parties are unable of OWNER and ENGINEER. to agree to the amount or extent thereof, if any, OWNER or CONTRACTOR may make a written claim therefor as pro- vided in Article I I or Article 12. Visits to Site: 9.2. ENGINEER will make visits to the site at intervals Authorized Variations in Work: appropriate to the various stages of construction as ENGI- NEER deems necessary in order to observe as an experienced 9.5. ENGINEER may authorize minor variations in the and qualified design professional the progress that has been Work from the requirements of the Contract Documents which made*and the quality of the various aspects of CONTRAC- do not involve an adjustment in the Contract Price or the TOR's executed Work. Based on information obtained during Contract Times and are compatible with the design concept of such visits and observations, ENGINEER will endeavor for the completed Project as a functioning whole as indicated by the benefit of OWNER to determine,in general,if the Work is the Contract Documents. These may be accomplished by a proceeding in accordance with the Contract Documents. EN- Field Order and will be binding on OWNER and also on GINEER will not be required to make exhaustive or continu- CONTRACTORwho shall perform the Work involved promptly. ous on-site inspections to check the quality or quantity of the If OWNER or CONTRACTOR believes that a Field Order Work. ENGINEER's efforts will be directed toward providing justifies an adjustment in the Contract Price or the Contract for OWNER a greater degree of confidence that the completed Times and the parties are unable to agree as to the amount or Work will conform generally to the Contract Documents. On extent thereof, OWNER or CONTRACTOR may make a the basis of such visits and on-site observations, ENGINEER written claim therefor as provided in Article I 1 or 12. will keep OWNER informed of the progress of the Work and will endeavor to guard OWNER against defective Work. EN- . GINEER's visits and on-site observations are subject to all the Rejecting Defective Work: limitations on ENGINEER's authority and responsibility set forth in paragraph 9.13,and particularly,but without limitation, 9.6. ENGINEER will have authority to disapprove or during or as .a result of .ENGINEER's on-site visits or. reject Work which ENGINEER believes to be defective, or 30 that ENGINEER believes will not produce a completed Project to ENGINEER and the other party to the Agreement promptly that conforms to the Contract Documents or that will prejudice (but in no event later than thirty days) after the start of the the integrity of the design concept of the completed Project as occurrence or event giving rise thereto,and written supporting a functioning whole as indicated by the Contract Documents. data will be submitted to ENGINEER and the othee party ENGINEER will also have authority to require special inspec- within sixty days after the start of such occurrence or event tion or testing of the Work as provided in paragraph 13.9, unless ENGINEER allows an additional period of time for the whether or not the Work is fabricated,installed or completed. submission of additional or more accurate data in support of such claim,dispute or other matter. The opposing party shall submit any response to ENGINEER and the claimant within Shop Drawings, Change Orders and Payments: thirty days after receipt of the claimant's last submittal(unless ENGINEER allows additional time). ENGINEER will render 9.7. In connection with ENGINEER's authority as to a formal decision in writing within thirty days after receipt of Shop Drawings and Samples,see paragraphs 6.24 through 6.28 the opposing party's submittal, if any, in accordance with this inclusive. paragraph. ENGINEER's written decision on such claim. dispute or other matter will be final and binding upon OWNER 9.8. In connection with ENGINEER's authority as to and CONTRACTOR unless:(i)an appeal from ENGINEER's Change Orders, see Articles 10, 11,and 12. decision is taken within the time limits and in accordance with the procedures set forth in EXHIBIT GC-A. "Dispute Reso- 9.9. In connection with ENGINEER's authority as to lution Agreement;'entered into between OWNER and CON- Applications for Payment, see Article 14. TRACTOR pursuant to Article 16. or 60 if no such Dispute Resolution Agreement has been entered into, a written notice of intention to appeal from ENGINEER's written decision is Determinations for Unit Prices: delivered by OWNER or CONTRACTOR to the other and to 9.10. ENGINEER will determine the actual quantities and ENGINEER within thirty days after the date of such decision classifications of Unit Price Work performed by CONTRA& and a formal proceeding is instituted by the appealing party in TOR. ENGINEER will review with CONTRACTOR the EN- a forum of competent jurisdiction to exercise such rights or GINEER's preliminary determinations on such matters before remedies as the appealing party may have with respect to such dance with applicable rendering a written decision thereon(by recommendation of an claim, dispute or other matter in accor Application for Payment or otherwise). ENGINEER's written Laws and Regulations within sixty days of the date of such decision thereon will be final and binding upon OWNER and decision,unless otherwise agreed in writing by OWNER and CONTRACTOR, unless, within ten days after the date of any CONTRACTOR. such decision,either OWNER or CONTRACTOR delivers to the other and to ENGINEER written notice of intention to 9.12. When functioning as interpreter and judge under appeal from ENGINEER's decision and: (i) an appeal from paragraphs 9.10 and 9.11,ENGINEER will not show partiality ENGINEER's decision is taken within the time limits and in to OWNER or CONTRACTOR and will not be liable in accordance with the procedures se[ forth in Exhibit GC-A, connection with any interpretation or decision rendered in "Dispute"Resolution Agreement, entered into between g� faith in such capacity. The rendering of a decision by ,. OWNER and CONTRACTOR pursuant to Article 16,or(ii)if ENGINEER pursuant to paragraphs 9.10 or 9.11 with respect no such'Dispute Resolution Agreement has been entered into, to any such claim, dispute or other matter(except any which a formal proceeding is instituted by the appealing party in a have been waived by the making or acceptance of final forum of competent jurisdiction to exercise such rights or payment as provided in paragraph 14.15)_will be a condition remedies as the appealing party may have with respect to precedent to any exercise by OWNER or.CONTRACTOR of ENGINEER's decision,unless otherwise agreed in writing by such rights or remedies as either may otherwise have under the OWNER and CONTRACTOR.Such appeal will not be subject Contract Documents or by Laws or Regulations in respect of to the procedures of paragraph 9.1 I. any such claim,dispute or other matter pursuant to Article 16. Decisions on Disputes: 9.13. Lbnitations on ENGINEER's Authority and ResponsibUl es: .9.11. ENGINEER will be the initial interpreter of the 9.13.1. Neither ENGINEER's authority or responsibil- requirements of the Contract Documents and judge of the it under this Article 9 or under any other provision of the acceptability of the Work thereunder. Claims, disputes and Y other matters relating to the acceptability of the Work or the Contract Documents nor any decision made by ENGINEER interpretation of the requirements of the Contract Documents in good faith either to exercise or not exercise such authority pertaining to the performance and furnishing of the Work and or responsibility or the undertaking,exercise or performance Claims under Articles 11 and 12 in respect of changes in the of any authority or responsibility by ENGINEER shall Contract Price or Contract Times will be referred initially to create,impose or give rise to any duty owed by ENGIN EER ENGINEER in writing with a request for a formal decision in to CONTRACTOR, any Subcontractor, any Supplier, any accordance with.this paragraph. Written notice of each such other person or organization, or to any surety for or em- claim,dispute or other matter will be delivered by the claimant ployee or agent of any of them. 31 9.13.2. ENGINEER will not supervise, direct, control 10.4. OWNER and CONTRACTOR shall execute appro- or have authority over or be responsible for CONTRAC- priate Change Orders recommended by ENGINEER(or Writ- TOR's means, methods, techniques, sequences or proce- ten Amendments)covering: dures-of construction, or the safety precautions and pro- grams incident thereto,or for any failure of CONTRACTOR 10.4.1. changes in the Work which are (i) ordered by to comply with Laws and Regulations applicable to the OWNER pursuant to paragraph 10.1,(ii)required because of furnishing or performance of the Work.ENGINEER will not acceptance of defective Work under paragraph 13.13 or be responsible for CONTRACTOR's failure to perform or correcting defective Work under paragraph 13.14, or (iii) furnish the Work in accordance with the Contract Docu- agreed to by the parties; ments. 10.4.2. changes in the Contract Price or Contract Times 19.13.3. ENGINEER will not be responsible for the acts which are agreed to by the parties;and or omissions of CONTRACTOR or of any Subcontractor, any Supplier,or of any other person or organization perform- 10.4.3. changes in the Contract Price or Contract Times ing or furnishing any of the Work. which embody the substance of any written decision ren- dered by ENGINEER pursuant to paragraph 9.11; 9.13.4. ENGINEER's review of the final Application for Payment and accompanying documentation and all mainte- provided that,in lieu of executing any such Change Order,an nance and'operating instructions, schedules, guarantees, appeal may be taken from any such decision in accordance bonds and certificates of inspection,tests and approvals and with the provisions of the Contract Documents and applicable Other documentation required to be delivered by paragraph Laws and Regulations, but during any such appeal, CON- 14.12 will only be to determine generally that their content TRACTOR shall carry on the Work and adhere to the progress complies' with the requirements of, and in the case of schedule as provided in paragraph 6.29. certificates of inspections, tests and approvals that the results certified indicate compliance with,the Contract Doc- 10.5. If notice of any change affecting the general scope of uments. . the Work or the provisions of the Contract Documents(includ- ing, but not limited to, Contract Price or Contract Times) is 9.13.5. The limitations upon authority and responsibility required by the provisions of any Bond to be given to a surety, set forth in this paragraph 9.13 shall also apply to ENGI- the giving of any such notice will be CONTRACTOR's respon- NEER's Consultants, Resident Project Representative and sibility, and the amount of each .applicable Bond will be assistants. adjusted accordingly. ARTICLE 10—CHANGES IN THE WORK ARTICLE I I—CHANGE OF CONTRACT PRICE 11.1. The Contract Price constitutes the'total compensa- 10.1: .Without invalidating the Agreement and without tion (subject to authorized adjustments) payable to CON-; notice to any surety,OWNER may,at any time or from time TRACTOR for performing the Work. All duties, responsibili- to time, order additions,deletions or revisions in the Work. ties and obligations assigned to orundertakenby CONTRACTOR Such additions, deletions or revisions will be authorized by shall be at CONTRACTOR's expense without change in the a Written Amendment, a Change Order, or a Work Change Contract Price. Directive. Upon receipt of any such document,CONTRAC- TOR shall promptly proceed with the Work involved which 11.2. The Contract Price may only be changed by a Change will be performed under the applicable conditions of the Order or by a Written Amendment. Any claim for an adjust- Contract Documents (except as otherwise specifically pro- ment in the Contract Price shall be based on written notice vided). delivered by the party making the claim to the other party and to ENGINEER promptly (but in no event later than thirty 10.2. If OWNER and CONTRACTOR are unable to agree days)after the start of the occurrence or event giving rise to the as to the extent, if any,of an adjustment in the Contract Price claim and stating the general nature of the claim.Notice of the or an adjustment of the Contract Times that should be allowed amount of the claim with supporting data shall be delivered as a result of a Work Change Directive,a'claim may be made within sixty days after the start of such occurrence or event therefor as provided in Article 1 I or Article 12. (unless ENGINEER allows additional time for claimant to submit additional or more accurate data in support of the claim) 10.3. CONTRACTOR shall not be entitled to an increase in and shall be accompanied by claimant's written statement that the Contract Price or an extension of the Contract Times with the adjustment claimed covers all known amounts to which the respect to any Work performed that is not required by the claimant is entitled as a result of said occurrence or event. All Contract Documents as amended, modified and supplemented claims for adjustment in the Contract Price shall be determined as provided in paragraphs 3.5 and 3.6 except in the case of an by ENGINEER in accordance with paragraph 9.11 if OWNER emergency as provided in paragraph 6.23 or in the case of and CONTRACTOR cannot otherwise agree on the amount uncovering Work as provided in paragraph 13.9. involved.No claim for an adjustment in the Contract Price will 32 be valid if not submitted in-accordance with this paragraph cash discounts shall accrue to OWNER.All trade discounts, 11 2. rebates and refunds and returns from sale of surplus materi- als and equipment shall accrue to OWNER, and CON- 11.3: The value of any Work covered by a Change Order or TRACTOR shall make provisions so that they may be of any claim for an adjustment in the Contract Price will be obtained. determined as follows: 11.4.3. Payments made by CONTRACTOR to the Sub- 11.3.1. where the Work involved is covered by unit contractors for Work performed or furnished by Subcontrac- prices contained in the Contract Documents,by application tors. If required by OWNER, CONTRACTOR shall obtain of such unit prices to the quantities of the items involved competitive bids from subcontractors acceptable to OWNER (subject to the provisions of paragraphs 11.9.1 through and CONTRACTOR and shall deliver such bids to OWNER 11.9.3;inclusive); who will then determine, with the advice of ENGINEER, which bids, if any, will be accepted..If any subcontract 11.3.2. where the Work involved is not covered by unit provides that the Subcontractor is to be paid on the basis of prices contained in the Contract Documents,by a mutually Cost of the Work Plus a fee,the Subcontractor's Cost of the agreed lump sum (which may include an allowance for Work and fee shall be determined in the same manner as overhead and profit not necessarily in accordance with -CONTRACTOR's Cost of the Work and fee as provided in paragraph 11.6.2); paragraphs 11.4, 11.5, 11.6 and 11.7. All subcontracts shall be subject to the other provisions of the Contract Documents 11.3.3. where the Work involved is not covered by unit insofar as applicable. prices contained in the Contract Documents and agreement to a lump.sum is not reached under paragraph 11.3.2,on the 11.4.4. Costs of special.consultants (including but not basis of the Cost of the Work (determined as provided in limited to engineers,architects,testing laboratories,survey- paragraphs 11.4 and 11.5) plus a CONTRACTOR's fee for ors,attorneys and accountants) employed for services spe- overhead and profit.(determined as provided in paragraph cifically related to the Work. 11.4.5. Supplemental costs including the following: Cost of the Work: The proportion of necessary transportation, travel and subsistence expenses of CONTRACTOR's em- 11.4. The term Cost of the Work means the sum of all costs ployees incurred in discharge of duties connected with the necessarily incurred and paid by CONTRACTOR in the proper Work.. performance of the Work.Except as otherwise may be agreed to in writing by OWNER, such costs shall be in amounts no . Cost, including transportation and mainte- higher than those prevailing in the locality of the Project,shall nance, of all materials, supplies, equipment, machinery, include'onl.y the following items and shall not include any of the appliances,office and temporary facilities at the site and :costs itemized in paragraph 11.5: hand tools not owned by the workers, which are con- sumed in the performance of the Work, and cost less 11.4.1. Payroll costs for employees in the direct employ market value of such items used but not consumed which of CONTRACTOR in the performance of the Work under remain the property of CONTRACTOR. schedules of job classifications agreed upon by OWNER and CONTRACTOR.Such employees shall include without lim- - Rentals of all construction equipment and itation superintendents, foremen and other personnel em- machinery and the parts thereof whether rented from ployed full-time at the site. Payroll costs for employees not CONTRACTOR or others in accordance with rental agree- employed full time on the Work shall be apportioned on the ments approved by OWNER with the advice of ENGI- basis of their time spent on the Work. Payroll costs shall NEER, and the costs of transportation, loading, unload- include, but not be limited to, salaries and wages plus the ing, installation, dismantling and removal thereof—all in cost of fringe.benefits which shall include social security accordance with the terms of said rental agreements.The contributions,unemployment,excise and payroll taxes,work- rental of any such equipment, machinery or parts shall ers' compensation, health and retirement benefits,bonuses, cease when the use thereof is no longer necessary for the sick leave,vacation and holiday pay applicable thereto.The Work. expenses of performing Work after regular working hours, on Saturday, Sunday or legal holidays, shall be included in Sales,consumer,use or similar taxes related the above to the'extent authorized by OWNER. to the Work, and for which CONTRACTOR is liable, imposed by Laws and Regulations. 11.4.2. Cost of all materials and equipment furnished and incorporated in the Work, including costs of transportation Deposits lost for causes other than negli- and storage thereof,and Suppliers'field services'required in gene of CONTRACTOR, any Subcontractor or anyone connection therewith. All cash discounts shall accrue to directly or indirectly employed by any of them or for CONTRACTOR unless OWNER deposits funds with CON- whose acts any of them may be liable, and royalty TRACTOR with which.to make payments,in which case the payments and fees for permits and licenses. 33 Losses and damages.(and related expenses) 11.5.5. Costs due to the negligence of CONTRAC- caused by damage to the Work, not compensated by TOR, any Subcontractor,'& anyone directly or indi- insurance or otherwise, sustained by CONTRACTOR in rectly employed by any of them or for whose acts any connection with the performance and furnishing of the of them may be liable,including but not limited to,the Work (except losses and damages within the deductible correction of defective Work, disposal of materials or amounts of property insurance established by OWNER in equipment wrongly supplied and making good any accordance with paragraph 5.9), provided they have re- damage to property. sulted from causes other than the negligence of CON- TRACTOR, any Subcontractor, or anyone directly or Other overhead or general expense costs of any kind indirectly employed by any of them or for whose acts any _of them may be liable. Such losses shall include settle- and the costs of any item not specifically and expressly ments made with the written consent and approval of included in paragraph 11.4. OWNER.No such losses,damages and expenses shall be included in the Cost of the Work for the purpose of 11.6. The CONTRACTOR's fee allowed to CONTRAC- determining CONTRACTOR's fee. If,however,any such TOR for overhead and profit shall be determined as follows: loss or damage requires reconstruction and CONTRAC- TOR is placed in charge thereof,CONTRACTOR shall be 11.6.1. a mutually acceptable fixed fee; or paid for services a fee proportionate to that stated in paragraph 11.6.2. 11.6.2. if a fixed fee is not agreed upon, then a fee based on the following percentages of the various The cost of utilities, fuel and sanitary facili- portions of the Cost of the Work: ties at the site. for costs incurred under paragraphs 11.4.1 Minor expenses such as telegrams,long dis- and 11.4.2, the CONTRACTOR's fee shall be fifteen tance telephone calls, telephone service at the site, ex- percent; pressage and similar petty cash items in connection with the Work. for costs incurred under paragraph 11.4.3, the CONTRACTOR's fee shall be five percent; Cost of premiums for additional Bonds and where one or more tiers of subcontracts are .insurance required because of changes in the Work. on the basis of Cost of the Work plus a fee and no fixed fee 11.5. The term Cost of the Work shall not include any of is agreed upon, the intent of paragraphs 11.4.1, 11.4.2, the following: 11.4.3 and 11.6.2 is that the Subcontractor.who actually performs or furnishes the Work,at whatever tier, will be paid a fee of fifteen,percent of the costs incurred by such 11.5.1. Payroll costs and other compensation of CON- •TRACTOR's officers, executives, principals(of partnership Subcontractor under paragraphs 11.4.1 and 11.4.2 and that and sole proprietorships), general managers, engineers, ar- any higher tier Subcontractor and CONTRACTOR will each be paid a fee of five percent of the amount paid to the chitects'.estimators, attorneys, auditors, accountants;pug- next lower tier Subcontractor; ''chasing and contracting agents, expediters, timekeepers, clerks and other personnel employed by CONTRACTOR . no fee shall be payable on the basis of costs whether at the site or in CONTRACTOR's principal or a itemized under paragraphs 11.4.4, 11.4.5 and 11.5; branch office for general administration of the Work and not specifically included in the agreed upon schedule of job the amount of credit to be allowed by CON- classifications referred to in paragraph 11.4.1 or specifically TRACTOR to OWNER for any change which results in a covered by paragraph 11.4.4—all of which are to be consid- net decrease in cost will be the amount of the actual net ered administrative costs covered by the CONTRACTOR's decrease in cost plus a deduction in CONTRACTOR's fee fee. by an amount equal to five percent of such net decrease; and 11.5.2. Expenses of CONTRACTOR's principal and branch offices other than CONTRACTOR's office at the site. *when both additions and credits are involved in any one change, the adjustment in CONTRACTOR's 11.5.3. Any part of CONTRACTOR's capital expenses, fee shall be computed on the basis of the net change in including interest on CONTRACTOR's capital employed for accordance with paragraphs through, the Work and charges against CONTRACTOR for delin- inclusive. quent payments. 11.7. Whenever the cost of any Work is to be determined 11.5.4. Cost of premiums for all Bonds and for' all pursuant to paragraphs 11.4 and 11.5, CONTRACTOR will insurance whether or not CONTRACTOR is required by the establish and maintain records thereof in accordance with Contract Documents to purchase and maintain the same generally accepted accounting practices and submit in form (except for the cost of premiums covered by subparagraph acceptable to ENGINEER an itemized cost breakdown to- above). gether with supporting data. 34 of having incurred additional expense or OWNER be- Cash Allowances: lieves that OWNER is entitled to a decrease in Contract Price and the parties are unable to agree as to the amount 11.8. .It is understood that CONTRACTOR has included in of an such increase or decrease. the Contract Price all allowances so named in the Contract Y Documents and shall cause the Work so covered to be fur- nished and performed for such sums as may be acceptable to OWNER and ENGINEER. CONTRACTOR agrees that: ARTICLE 12—CHANGE OF CONTRACT TIMES 11.8.1. the'allowances include the cost to CONTRAC- TOR (less any applicable trade discounts) of materials and 'equipment required by the allowances to be delivered at the 12.1. The Contract Times (or Milestones) may only be site,and all applicable taxes;and changed by a Change Order or a Written Amendment. Any claim for an adjustment of the Contract Times(or Milestones) 11.8.2. CONTRACTOR's costs for unloading and han- shall be based on written notice delivered by the party making dling on the site, labor, installation costs, overhead, profit the claim to the other party and to ENGINEER promptly(but and other expenses contemplated for the allowances have in no event later than thirty days) after the occurrence of the been included in the Contract Price and not in the allowances event giving rise to the claim and stating the general nature of and no demand for additional payment on account of any of the claim. Notice of the extent of the claim with supporting the foregoing will be valid. data shall be delivered within sixty days after such occurrence (unless ENGINEER allows an additional period of time to Prior to'Ifinal payment,an appropriate Change Order will be ascertain more accurate data in support of the claim)and shall issued as°,recommended by ENGINEER to reflect actual be accompanied by the claimant's written statement that the amounts due CONTRACTOR on account of Work covered by adjustment claimed is the entire adjustment to which the allowances, and the Contract Price shall be correspondingly claimant has reason to believe it is entitled as a result of the adjusted. occurrence of said event. All claims for adjustment in the Contract Times(or Milestones)shall be determined by ENGI- NEER in accordance with paragraph 9.11 if.OWNER and 11.9. Unit Price Work: CONTRACTOR cannot otherwise agree. No claim for an 11.9.1. Where the Contract Documents provide that all adjustment in the Contract Times(or Milestones)will be valid or part of the Work is to be Unit Price Work, initially the if not submitted in accordance with the requirements of this Contract Price will be deemed to include for all Unit Price paragraph 12.1. Work_an amount equal to the sum of the established unit nit 2 All time limits stated in the Contract Documents are price for.each separately identified item of Unit Price Work of the essence of the Agreement. times the estimated quantity of each item a indicated in the 'Agreement.The estimated quantities of items of Unit Price Work are not guaranteed and are solely for the purpose of 123. Where CONTRACTOR Work within h n prevented pl he Contract Times (or comparison of Bids and determining an initial Contract ing any p o e Price.Determinations of the actual quantities and classifica- Milestones) due to delay beyond the control of CONTRAC- tions of Unit Price Work performed by CONTRACTOR will 'TOR,the Contract Times(or Milestones)will be extended in an be made by ENGINEER in accordance with paragraph 9.10. made therefor ount equal tastprovided in paragraph 121he time lost due to such e1 claimay if a Delays beyond 11.9.2. Each unit price will be deemed to include an the control of CONTRACTOR shall include,but not be limited amount considered by CONTRACTOR to.be adequate to to,acts or neglect by OW NrER,acts other neglector k a contemplated owners by rs or cover CONTRACTOR's overhead and profit for each sepa- Articler7,fires, floods, epidemics, abnormal weather condi- rately identified item. tions or acts of God. Delays attributable to and within the 11.9.3. OWNER or CONTRACTOR may make a claim control of a Subcontractor or Supplier shall be deemed to be for an adjustment in the Contract Price in accordance with delays within the control of CONTRACTOR. Article 1 i if: _ 12.4. Where CONTRACTOR is prevented from complet- the quantity of any item of Unit Price Work ing any part of the Work within the Contract Times (or performed by CONTRACTOR differs materially and sig- Milestones)due to delay beyond the control of both OWNER nificantly from the estimated quantity of such item indi- and CONTRACTOR, an extension of the Contract Times (or cated in the Agreement;and Milestones) in an amount equal to the time lost due to such delay shall be CONTRACTOR's sole and exclusive remedy for there is no corresponding adjustment with such delay.In no event shall OWNER al other person or respect to any other item of Work;and TOR, any Subcontractor, any Supplier, ny organization,or to any surety for or employee or agent of any if CONTRACTOR believes that CONTRA& of them,for damages arising out of or resulting from(i)delays TOR is entitled to an-increase in Contract Price as a result caused by or within the control of CONTRACTOR, or (ii) 35 pay all claims, costs, losses and damages attributable to shall not give rise to any duty on the part of OWNER to 'exercise this right for the benefit of CONTRACTOR or any OWNER's evaluation of and determination to accept such defective Work(such costs to be approved by ENGINEER as surety or other party. to reasonableness). if any such acceptance occurs prior to ENGINEERRIs recommendation of final payment, a Change Order will be issued incorporating the necessary revisions in Correction or Removal of Defective Work: theContract Documents with respect to the Work;and OWNER hall shall be entitled to an appropriate decrease in the Contract CONTRACTOR s 13.11. if required by ENGINEER, Price,and,if the parties•are unable to agree as to the amount promptly,as directed,either correct all defective Work,whether thereof, OWNER may make a claim therefor as provided in or not fabricated, installed or completed, or, if the Work has Article 11.if the acceptance occurs after such recommenda- been rejected by ENGINEER, remove it from the site and tion,an appropriate amount will be paid by CONTRACTOR to replace it with Work that is not defective.CONTRACTOR shall OWNER. pay all claims,costs,losses and damages caused by or resulting from such correction or removal(including but not limited to all OWNER May Correct Defective Work: costs of repair or replacement of work of others). 13.14. if CONTRACTOR fails within a reasonable time after written notice from ENGINEER to correct defective 13.12.Correction Period: Work or to remove and replace rejected Work as required by ENGINEER in accordance with paragraph 13.11, or if CON- 13.12.1. If within one year after the date of Substantial TRACTOR fails to perform the Work in accordance with the Completion or such longer period of time as may be pre- Contract Documents, or if CONTRACTOR fails to comply with any other provision of the Contract Documents,OWNER scribed by Laws or Regulations or by the terms of any may, after seven days' written notice to CONTRACTOR, applicable special guarantee required by the Contract Doc- correct and remedy any such deficiency. In exercising the uments or by any specific provision of the Contract Docu- rights and remedies under this paragraph OWNER shall pro- ments,any Work is found to be defective,CONTRACTOR teed expeditiously. In connection with,such corrective and shall promptly,without cost to OWNER and in accordance remedial action,OWNER may exclude CONTRACTOR from with OWNER's written instructions: (i)correct such defec- all or part of the site,take possession of all or part of the Work, tive Work,or,if it has been rejected by OWNER,remove it and suspend CONTRACTOR's services related thereto, take from the site and replace it with Work that is not defective, possession of CONTRACTOR's tools, appliances, construc- and..(ii) satisfactorily correct or remove and replace any tion equipment and machinery at the site and incorporate in the damage to other Work or the work of others resulting Work all materials and equipment stored at the site or for which therefrom. If CONTRACTOR does not promptly comply OWNER has paid CONTRACTOR but which are stored . with the terms of such instructions, or in an emergency elsewhere.CONTRACTOR shall allow OWNER, OWNER's where delay would cause serious risk of loss or damage, representatives,agents and employees, OWNER's other con- OWNER may have the defective Work corrected or the tractors and ENGINEER and ENGINEER's Consultants ac- ...;,. cted Work removed and replaced,and all claims,costs, cess to the site to enable OWNER to exercise the rights and rejlosses and damages caused by or resulting from such re- remedies under this paragraph. All claims, costs, losses and losses moval and replacement(including but riot limited to all costs damages incurred or sustained by OWNER in exercising such of repair or replaceent of work of others)will be paid by rights and remedies will be charged against CONTRACTOR m CONTRACTOR. and a Change Order will be issued incorporating the necessary revisions in the Contract Documents with respect to the Work; 13.12.2. In special circumstances where a particular item and OWNER shall be entitled to an appropriate decrease in the of equipment is placed in continuous service before Substan- Contract Price,and,if the parties are unable to agree as to the tial Completion of all the Work,the correction period for that amount thereof, OWNER may make a claim therefor as item may start to run from an earlier date if so provided in provided in Article 11.Such claims,costs,losses and damages the Specifications or by Written Amendment. will include but not be limited to all costs of repair or replace- ment of work of others destroyed or damaged by correction, t of fective 13.12.3. Where defective Work (and damage age to other er COovalorTplareplaceme not bOeN loweCdan'e eension of the Work resulting therefrom) has been co . replaced under this paragraph 13.12, the correction period Contract Times (or Milestones) because of any delay in the hereunder with respect to such Work will be extended for an performance of the Work attributable to the exercisebyOWNER additional period of one year after such correction or re- of OWNER's rights and remedies hereunder. moval and replacement has been satisfactorily completed. ARTICLE 14—PAYMENT8 TO CONTRACTOR AND COMPLETION Acceptance of Defective Work: 13.13. If, instead of requiring correction or removal and Schedule of Values: replacement of defective Work,OWNER(and,prior to ENGI- e of values bas provided in NEER's recommendation of final payment,also ENGINEER) paragraph14.1. The schedul 2.9 will serve as the basis for progress payment and prefers to accept it,OWNER may do so.CONTRACTOR shall 37 will be incorporated into a form of Application for Payment 14.5.1. the Work has progressed to the point indicated, acceptable to ENGINEER. Progress payments on account of . it Price Work will be based on the number of units com- 14.5.2. the quality of the Work is generally in accor- Un it : dance with the Contract Documents(subject to an evalu- ation of the Work as a functioning whole prior to or upon Substantial Completion, to the results of any subsequent Application for Progress Payment: tests called for in the Contract Documents, to a final determination of quantities and classifications for Unit .14.2. At least twenty days before the date established for Price Work under paragraph 9.10, and to any other quali- each progress payment (but not more often than once a fications stated in the recommendation),and month), CONTRACTOR shall submit to ENGINEER for 14.5.3. the conditions precedent to CONTRACTOR's review an Application for Payment filled out and signed by being entitled to such payment appear to have been CONTRACTOR covering the Work completed as of the date fulfilled in so far as it is ENGINEER's responsibility to of the Application and accompanied by such supporting observe the Work. documentation as is required by the Contract Documents. If payment is requested on the basis of materials and equip- However, by recommending any such payment ENGINEER ment not incorporated in the Work but delivered and suitably will not thereby be deemed to have represented that: (i) stored at the site or at another location agreed to in writing, exhaustive or continuous on-site inspections have been made the Application for Payment shall also be accompanied by a to check the quality or the quantity of the Work beyond the bill of sale, invoice or other documentation warranting that responsibilities specifically assigned to ENGINEER in the OWNER has received the materials and equipment free and Contract Documents or(ii)that there may not be other matters clear of all Liens and evidence that the materials and or issues between the parties that might entitle CONTRAC- equipment! are covered by appropriate property insurance TOR to be paid additionally by OWNER or entitle OWNER to and other arrangements to protect OWNER's interest therein, withhold payment to CONTRACTOR. all of which will be satisfactory to OWNER.The amount of retainage with respect to progress payments will be as 14.6. -ENGINEER's recommendation of any payment,in- stipulated in the Agreement. cluding final payment, shall not mean that ENGINEER is responsible forCONTRACTOR's means,methods,techniques, sequences or procedures of construction,or the safety precau- CONTRACT'OR's Warranty of Title: tions and programs incident thereto, or for any failure of CONTRACTOR to comply with Laws and Regulations appli- 14.3. CONTRACTOR warrants and guarantees that title to cable to the furnishing or performance of Work, or for any all Work,materials and equipment covered by any Application failure of CONTRACTOR to perform or furnish Work in for Payment, whether incorporated in the Project or not, will accordance with the Contract Documents. pass to OWNER no later than the time of payment free and 14.7. ENGINEER may refuse to recommend the whole or clear of all Liens. any part of any payment if,in ENGINEER's opinion,it would be incorrect to make the representations to OWNER referred to in paragraph 14.5. ENGINEER may also refuse to recom- Review.of Applications for Progress Payment: mend any such payment,or,because of subsequently discov- ered evidence or the results of subsequent inspections or tests, 14.4. ENGINEER will, within ten days after receipt of nullify any such payment previously recommended, to such each Application for Payment, either indicate in writing a extent as may be necessary in ENGINEER's opinion to recommendation of payment and present the Application to protect OWNER from loss because: OWNER, or return the Application to CONTRACTOR indi- cating in writing ENGINEER's reasons for refusing to recom- 14.7.1. the Work is defective,or completed Work has mend payment. In the latter case,CONTRACTOR may make been damaged requiring correction or replacement, the necessary corrections and resubmit the Application. Ten 14.7.2. the Contract Price has been reduced by Writ- days after presentation of the Application for Payment to ten Amendment or Change Order, OWNER with ENGINEER's recommendation, the amount 14.7.3. OWNER has been required to correct defec- recommended will (subject to the provisions of the last sen- tive Work or complete Work in accordance with paragraph tence of paragraph 14.7)become due and when due will be paid 13.14,or by OWNER to CONTRACTOR. 14.7.4. ENGINEER has actual knowledge of the oc- 14.5. ENGINEER's recommendation of any payment re- currence of any of the events enumerated in paragraphs quested in an Application for Payment will constitute a repre- 15.2.1 through 15.2.4 inclusive. sentationby ENGINEER to OWNER,based on ENGINEER's OWNER may refuse to make payment of the full amount on-site observations of the executed Work as an experienced recommended by ENGINEER because: and qualified design professional and on ENGINEER's review of the Application for Payment and the accompanying data and 14.7.5. 'claims have been made against OWNER on schedules,that to the best of ENGINEER's knowledge,infor- account of CONTRACTORs performance or furnishing of mation and belief. the Work, • 38 14.7.6. Liens have been filed in connection with the ENGINEER in writing prior to ENGINEER's issuing the Work, except where CONTRACTOR has delivered a definitive certificate of Substantial Completion, ENGINEER's specific Bond satisfactory to OWNER to secure the aforesaid recommendation will be binding on OWNER and satisfaction and discharge of such Liens, CONTRACTOR until final payment. 14.7.7. there are other items entitling OWNER to a 14.9. OWNER shall have the right to exclude CONTRAC- set-off against the amount recommended,or TOR from the Work after the date of Substantial Completion, but OWNER shall allow CONTRACTOR reasonable access to 14.7.8. OWNER has actual knowledge of the occur- complete or correct items on the tentative list. rence of any of the events enumerated in paragraphs 14.7.1 through 14.7.3 or paragraphs 15.2.1 through 15.2.4 Partial Utilization: inclusive; but OWNER must give CONTRACTOR immediate written 14.10. Use by OWNER at OWNER's option of any sub-. stantially completed part of the Work which:(i)has specifically notice (with a copy to ENGINEER) stating the reasons for such action and promptly pay CONTRACTOR the amount so been identified in the Contract Documents, or (ii) OWNER, ENGINEER and CONTRACTOR agree constitutes a sepa- withheld,or any adjustment thereto agreed to by OWNER and rately functioning and usable part of the Work that can be used CONTRACTOR, when CONTRACTOR corrects to OWN- by OWNER for its intended purpose without significant inter- ER's satisfaction the reasons for such action. ference with CONTRACTOR's performance of the remainder of the Work,may be accomplished prior to Substantial Com- pletion of all the Work subject to the following: Substantial Completion: 14.10.1. OWNER at any time may request CON- 14.8. Wh;n CONTRACTOR considers the entire-Work TRACTOR in writing to permit OWNER to use any such ready for its intended use CONTRACTOR shall notify OWNER part of the Work which OWNER believes to be ready for and ENGINEER in writing that the entire Work is substantially its intended use and substantially complete. If CON- complete (except for items specifically listed by CONTRAC- TRACTOR agrees that such part of the Work is substan- TOR as incomplete) and request that ENGINEER issue a tially complete, CONTRACTOR will certify to OWNER certificate of Substantial Completion.Within a reasonable time and ENGINEER that such part of the Work is substan- thereafter, OWNER, CONTRACTOR and ENGINEER shall tially complete and request ENGINEER to issue a certif- make an inspection of the Work to determine the status of icate of Substantial Completion for that part of the Work. completion. If ENGINEER does not consider the Work sub- CONTRACTOR at any time may notify OWNER and stantially complete, ENGINEER will notify CONTRACTOR ENGINEER in writing that CONTRACTOR considers in writing giving the reasons therefor.If ENGINEER considers any such part of the Work ready for its intended use and the Work substantially complete,ENGINEER will prepare and substantially complete and request ENGINEER to issue a deliver to OWNER a tentative certificate of Substantial Com- certificate of Substantial Completion for that part of the pletion which shall fix the date of Substantial Completion. Work.Within a reasonable time after either such request, There shall be attached to the certificate a tentative list of items OWNER, CONTRACTOR and ENGINEER shall make to be.completed or corrected before final payment. OWNER an inspection of that part of the Work to determine its shall have seven days after receipt of the tentative certificate status of completion. If ENGINEER does not consider during which to make written objection to ENGINEER as to that part of the Work to be substantially complete, ENGI- any provisions of the certificate or attached list. If, after NEER will notify OWNER and CONTRACTOR in writ- considering such objections, ENGINEER concludes that the ing giving the reasons therefor. If ENGINEER considers Work is not substantially complete, ENGINEER will within that part of the Work to be substantially complete, the fourteen days after submission of the tentative certificate to provisions of paragraphs 14.8 and 14.9 will apply with OWNER notify CONTRACTOR in writing,stating the reasons respect to certification of Substantial Completion of that therefor. If,after consideration of OWNER's objections,EN- part of the Work and the division of responsibility in GINEER considers the Work substantially complete, ENGI- respect thereof and access thereto. NEER will within said fourteen days execute and deliver to OWNER and CONTRACTOR a definitive certificate of Sub- 14.10.2. ' No occupancy or separate operation of part stantial Completion(with a revised tentative list of items to be of the Work will be accomplished prior to compliance with completed or corrected) reflecting such changes from the the requirements of paragraph 5.15 in respect of property tentative certificate as ENGINEER believes justified after insurance. consideration of any objections from OWNER.At the time of delivery of the tentative certificate of Substantial Completion ENGINEER will deliver to OWNER and CONTRACTOR a Final inspection: written recommendation as to division of responsibilities Pend- ing final payment between OWNER and CONTRACTOR with 14.11. Upon written notice from CONTRAC , ENGI- at the respect to security,operation, safety, maintenance,heat,utili- entire Work or an agreed portion thereof is complete, ties,insurance and warranties and guarantees.UnlessOWNER NEER will make a final inspection with OWNER and CON- and CONTRACTOR agree otherwise in writing and so inform TRACTOR and will notify CONTRACTOR in writing of all 39 particulars in which this inspection reveals that the Work is CONTRACTOR. incomplete or defective.-CONTRACTOR shall immediately take such measures as are necessary to complete such Work or 14.14. If, through no fault of CONTRACTOR, final com- remedy such deficiencies. pletion of the Work is significantly delayed and if ENGINEER so confirms,OWNER shall,upon receipt of CONTRACTOR's final Application for Payment and recommendation of ENGI- Final Application for Payment: NEER, and without terminating the Agreement, make pay- ment of the balance due for that portion.of the Work fully 14.12. After CONTRACTOR has completed all such cor- completed and accepted.If the remaining balance to be held by rections to the satisfaction of ENGINEER and delivered in OWNER for Work not fully completed or corrected is less than ...accordance with the Contract Documents all maintenance and the retainage stipulated in the Agreement, and if Bonds have operating instructions, schedules, guarantees, Bonds, certifi- been furnished as required in paragraph 5.1, the written con- cates or other evidence of insurance required by paragraph 5.4, sent of the surety to the payment of the balance due for that certificates of inspection, marked-up record documents (as Portion of the Work fully completed and accepted shall be provided in paragraph 6.19)and other documents,CONTRAC- submitted by CONTRACTOR to ENGINEER with the Appli- TOR may make application for final payment following the cation for such payment. Such payment shall be made under procedure for progress payments. The final Application for the terms and conditions governing final payment,except that Payment shall be accompanied(except as previously delivered) it shall not constitute a waiver of claims. by:(i)all documentation called for in the Contract Documents, including but not limited to the evidence of insurance required by subparagraph 5.4.13,(ii)consent of the surety,if any,to final Waiver of Claims: payment, and (iii) complete and legally effective releases or 14.15. The making and acceptance of final payment will waivers(satisfactory to OWNER)of all Liens arising out of or filed in connection with the Work. In lieu of such releases or constitute: waivers of Liens and as approved by OWNER, CONTRAC- 14.15.1. a waiver of all claims by OWNER against TOR may furnish receipts or releases in full and an affidavit of CONTRACTOR,except claims arising from unsettled Liens, CONTRACTOR that: (i) the releases and receipts include all from defective Work appearing after final inspection pursu- labor,services,material and equipment for which a Lien could ant to paragraph 14.11, from failure to comply with the be filed, and(ii)all payrolls,material and equipment bills and Contract Documents or the terns of any special guarantees other indebtedness connected with the Work for which OWNER or OWNER's property might in any way be responsible have specified therein,or from CONTRACTOR's continuing ob- been paid or otherwise satisfied. If any Subcontractor or ligations under the Contract Documents;and Supplier fails to furnish such a release or receipt in full, 14.15.2. a waiver of all claims by CONTRACTOR against CONTRACTOR may furnish a Bond or other collateral satis- OWNER other than those previously made in writing and factory to OWNER to indemnify OWNER against any Lien. still unsettled. Final Payment and Acceptance: ARTICLE 1.5—SUSPENSION OF WORK AND 14.13. If,on the basis of ENGINEER's observation of the TERMINATION Work during construction and final inspection, and ENGI- NEER's review of the final Application for Payment and accompanying documentation as required by the Contract Documents, ENGINEER is satisfied that the Work has been OWNER May Suspend Work: completed and CONTRACTOR's other obligations under the Contract Documents have been fulfilled, ENGINEER will, 15.1. At any time and without cause, OWNER may sus- within ten days after receipt of the final Application for pend the Work or any portion thereof for a period of not more Payment, indicate in writing ENGINEER's recommendation than ninety days by notice in writing to CONTRACTOR and of payment and present the Application to OWNER for pay- ENGINEER which will fix the date on which Work will be ment. At the same time ENGINEER will also give written resumed. CONTRACTOR shall resume the Work on the date notice to OWNER and CONTRACTOR that the Work is so fixed.CONTRACTOR shall be allowed an adjustment in the acceptable subject to the provisions of paragraph 14.15. Oth- Contract Price or an extension of the Contract Times,or both, erwise, ENGINEER will return the Application to CON- directly attributable to any such suspension if CONTRACTOR TRACTOR, indicating in writing the reasons for refusing to makes an approved claim therefor as provided in Articles 11 recommend final payment,in which case CONTRACTOR shall and 12. make the necessary corrections and resubmit the Application. Thirty days'after the presentation to OWNER of the Applica- tion and accompanying documentation, in appropriate form OWNER May Terminate: and substance and with ENGINEER's recommendation and notice of acceptability, the amount recommended by ENGI- 15.2. Upon the occurrence of any one or more of the NEER will become due and will be paid by OWNER to following events: 40 15.2.1. if CONTRACTOR persistently fails to perform 15.4.2. for expenses sustained prior to the effective date the Work in accordance with the Contract Documents (in- of termination in performing services and furnishing labor, cu cluding,but not limited to,failure to supply sufficient skilled materials or equiprtient as required by the Contract Work, lus it and workers or suitable materials or equipment or failure to connection withover unceadompleted p profit on such expenses adhere to the progress schedule established under paragraph reasonable or 2.9 as adjusted from time to time pursuant to paragraph 6.6); 15.4.3. for all claims,costs,losses and damages incurred 15.2.2. if CONTRACTOR disregards Laws or Regula- in settlement of terminated contracts with Subcontractors, • lions of any public body having jurisdiction; Suppliers and others;and 15.2.3. if CONTRACTOR disregards the authority of 15.4.4. for reasonable expenses directly attributable to ENGINEER;or termination. 15.2.4. if CONTRACTOR otherwise violates in any sub- CONTRACTOR shall not be paid on account of loss of stantial way any provisions of the Contract Documents; anticipated profits or revenue or other economic loss arising _out of or resulting from such termination. OWNER may, after giving CONTRACTOR(and the surety, if any,) seven days' written notice and to the extent permit- ted by Laws and Regulations, terminate the services of CONTRACTOR May Stop Work or Terminate: CONTRACTOR,exclude CONTRACTOR from the site and take possession of the Work and of all CONTRACTOR's 15.5. If, through no act or fault of CONTRACTOR, the tools, appliances, construction equipment and machinery at Work is suspended for a period of more than ninety days by the site and use the same to the full extent they could be used OWNER or under an order of court or other public author- by CONTRACTOR(without liability to CONTRACTOR for ity, or ENGINEER fails to act on any Application for trespass or conversion), incorporate in the Work all materi- Payment within thirty days after it is submitted or OWNER als and equipment stored at the site or for which OWNER fails for thirty days to pay CONTRACTOR any sum finally has paid CONTRACTOR but which are stored elsewhere, determined to be due, then CONTRACTOR may, upon ' written notice to OWNER and ENGINEER, and finish the Work as OWNER may deem expedient. In seven days such case CONTRACTOR shall not be entitled to receive and provided OWNER or ENGINEER do not remedy such any further payment until the Work is finished. If the unpaid suspension or failure*within that time, to minate the the same eree rors balance of the Contract Price exceeds all claims, costs, rent and recover from OWNER pay paragraph 15.4. In lieu of terminating the losses and damages sustained by OWNER arising out of or as provided in resulting from completing the Work such excess will be paid Agreement and without prejudice to any other right or to CONTRACTOR. If such claims, costs, losses and dam- remedy, if ENGINEER has failed to act on an Application ages exceed such unpaid balance,CONTRACTOR shall pay for Payment within thirty days after it is submitted, or the'difference to OWNER. Such claims, costs, losses and OWNER has failed for thirty days to pay CONTRATRACTO y damages incurred by OWNER will be reviewed by ENGI- any sum finally determined to be due, NEER as:to their reasonableness and when so approved by upon seven day's written notice to OWNER and ENGI- NEER stop the Work until payment of all such amounts due ENGINEER incorporated in a Change Order,provided that when exercising any rights or remedies under this paragraph CONTRACTOR, including interest thereon. The provisions of this paragraph 15.5 are not intended to preclude CON- OWNER shall not be required to obtain the lowest price for TRACTOR from making claim under Articles 11 and 12 for the Work performed. an increase in Contract Price or Contract Times or otherwise - for expenses or damage directly attributable to CONTRAC 15.3. Where CONTRACTOR'S services have been so ter - TOR's stopping Work as permitted by this paragraph. minated by OWNER,the termination will not affect,any rights or remedies of OWNER against CONTRACTOR then existing or which may thereafter accrue. Any retention or payment of moneys due CONTRACTOR by OWNER-will not release ARTICLE 16—DISPUTE RESOLUTION CONTRACTOR from liability. 15.4. Upon seven days' written notice to CONTRACTOR and ENGINEER, OWNER may, without cause and without If and tprocedure for o the extent that OWNER and CONTRACTOR have es prejudice to any other right or remedy of OWNER, elect to agreed on the method andarise under this rAgree Agreement, sesolving uc h terminate the Agreement. In such case,CONTRACTOR shall between them that may be paid(without duplication of any items): dispute resolution method and procedure,if any,shall be as set forth in Exhibit GC-A,"Dispute Resolution Agreement;'to be 15.4.1. for completed and acceptable Work executed in attached hereto and made a part hereof. If no such agreement accordance with the Contract Documents prior to the effec- on the method and procedure for resolving such disputes has tive date of termination,including fair and reasonable sums been reached,and subject to the provisions of paragraphs 9. for overhead and profit on such Work; 9.11, and 9.12, OWNER and CONTRACTOR may exercise se 41 such rights or remedies as either may otherwise have under the act of the other party or of any of the other party's employees Contract Documents or by Laws or Regulations in respect of or agents or others for whose acts the other party is legally any dispute. liable,claim will be made in writing to the other party within a reasonable time of the first observance of such injury or damage. The provisions of this paragraph 17.3 shall not be ARTICLE 17—MISCELLANEOUS.. construed as a substitute fbt or a waiver of the provisions of any applicable statute of limitations or repose. Giving Notice: Cumulative Remedies: 17.1. Whenever any provision of the Contract Documents 17.4. The duties and obligations imposed by these General requires the giving of written notice,it will be deemed to have Conditions and the rights and remedies available hereunder to been validly given if delivered in person to the individual or to the parties hereto,and,in particular but without limitation,the a member of the firm or to an officer of the corporation for warranties, guarantees and obligations imposed upon CON- whom it is intended,or if delivered at or sent by registered or TRACTOR by paragraphs 6.12, 6.16, 6.30, 6.31, 6.32, 13.1, certified mail, postage prepaid, to the last business address 13.12, 13.14, 14.3 and.15.2 and all of the rights and remedies known to the giver of the notice. available to OWNER and ENGINEER thereunder, are in addition to, and are not to be construed in any way as a Computation of Times: limitation of,any rights and remedies available to any or all of them which are otherwise imposed or available.by Laws or 17.2.1: When any period of time is referred to in the Regulations, by special warranty or guarantee or by other Contract Documents by days, it will be computed to exclude provisions of the Contract Documents, and the provisions of the first and include the last day of such period. If the last day this paragraph will be as effective as if repeated specifically in of any such period falls on a Saturday or Sunday or on a day the Contract Documents in connection with each particular made a legal holiday by the law of the applicable jurisdiction, duty,obligation,right and remedy to which they apply.: such day will be omitted from the computation. 17.2.2. `A calendar day of twenty-four hours measured Professional Fees and Court Costs Included. from midnight to the next midnight will constitute a day. 17.5. Whenever reference is made to"claims,costs,losses Notice of Claim: and damages," it shall include in each case,but not be limited to,all fees and charges of engineers,architects,attorneys and 17.3. Should OWNER or CONTRACTOR suffer injury or 'other professionals and all court or arbitration or other dispute damage to person or property because of any error,omission or resolution costs. - 1 I [The remainder of this page was left blank intentionally.] 42 EXHIBIT GC-A to General Conditions of the_ American Arbitration Association, and a copy will be sent to ENGINEER for information.The demand for arbitration will Agreement Between OWNER and CON- be made within the thirty-day or ten- day period specified in TRACTOR Dated — paragraph 16.2 as applicable, and in all other cases within a For use with EJCDC No. 1910-8 (1990 ed.) reasonable time after the claim, dispute or other matter in question has arisen,and in no event shall any such demand be made after the date when institution of legal or equitable proceedings based on such claim, dispute or other matter in DISPUTE RESOLUTION AGREEMENT question would be barred by the applicable statute of limita- tions. OWNER and CONTRACTOR hereby agree that Article 16 16.4. Except as provided in paragraph 16.5 below, no of the General Conditions to the Agreement between OWNER arbitration arising out of or relating to the Contract Documents and CONTRACTOR is amended to include the following shall include by consolidation,joinder or in any other manner agreement of the parties: any other person or entity (including ENGINEER, ENGI- NEER's Consultant and the officers, directors, agents, em- 16.1. All claims, disputes and other matters in question ployees or consultants of any of them)who is not a party to this between OWNER and CONTRACTOR arising out of or relat- contract unless: ing to the Contract Documents or the breach thereof(except for claims which have been waived by the making or accep- 16.4.1. the inclusion of such other person or entity is tance of final payment as provided by paragraph 14.15)will be necessary if complete relief is to be afforded among those decided by arbitration in accordance with the Construction who are already parties to the arbitration,and Industry Arbitration Rules of the American Arbitration Asso- ciation then obtaining,subject to the limitations of this Article 16.4.2. such other person or entity is substantially in 16.This agreement so to arbitrate and any other agreement or volved in a question of law or fact which is common to those consent'to arbitrate entered into in accordance herewith as who are already parties to the arbitration and which will arise provided in this Article 16 will be specifically enforceable under in such proceedings,and the prevailing law of any court having jurisdiction. 16.4.3. the written consent of the other person or entity _ sought to be included and of OWNER and CONTRACTOR 16.2. No demand for arbitration of any claim, dispute or other matter that is required to be referred to ENGINEER has been obtained for such inclusion, which consent shall initially for decision in accordance with paragraph 9.11 will be make specific reference to this paragraph; but no such consent shall constitute consent to arbitration of any dispute made until the earlier of(a)the date on which ENGINEER has not specifically described in such co an nsent or to arbitration rendered a written decision or(b)the thirty-first day after the with arty not specifically identified in such consent. parties have presented their evidence to ENGINEER if a Y party written decision has not been rendered by ENGINEER before 16.4 if a claim,dispute or that date.-No demand for arbitration of any such claim,dispute 16.5. Notwithstanding paragraph or other matter will be made later than thirty days after the date other matter in question between OWNER and CONTRAC- on which ENGINEER has rendered a written.decision in TOR involves the Work of a Subcontractor,either OWNER or respect thereof in accordance with paragraph 9.11; and the CONTRACTOR may join such Subcontractor as a party to the failure to demand arbitration within said thirty days'period will arbitration between OWNER and CONTRACTOR hereunder. result in ENGINEER's decision being final and binding upon CONTRACTOR shall include in all subcontracts required by OWNER and CONTRACTOR. If ENGINEER renders a de- paragraph 6.11 a specific provision whereby the Subcontractor cision after arbitration proceedings have been initiated, such consents to being joined in an arbitration between OWNER decision may be entered as evidence but will not supersede the and CONTRACTOR involving the Work of such Subcontrac- arbitration proceedings, except where the decision is accept- tor.Nothing in this paragraph 16.5 nor in the provision of such able to the parties concerned.No demand for arbitration of any subcontract consenting to joinder shall create any claim,right written decision of ENGINEER rendered in accordance with or cause of action in favor of Subcontractor and against paragraph 9.10 will be made later than ten days after the party OWNER, ENGINEER or ENGINEER's Consultants that making such demand has delivered written notice of intention does not otherwise exist. to appeal as provided in paragraph 9.10. 16.6. The award rendered by the arbitrators will be final, 16.3. Notice of the demand for arbitration will be filed in judgment may be entered upon it in any court having jurisdic- writing with the other party to the Agreement and with the tion thereof,and it will not be subject to modification or appeal. [The remainder of this page was left blank intentionally.] GC-AI 16.7. OWNER and CONTRACTOR agree that they shall tion would irrevocably prejudice one of the parties. The first submit any and all unsettled claims, counterclaims, dis- respective thirty and ten day time limits within which to file a putes and other matters in question between them arising out of demand for arbitration as provided in paragraphs 16.2 and 16.3 or relating to the Contract Documents or the breach thereof above shall be suspended with respect to a dispute submitted to ("disputes"), to.mediation by The American Arbitration As- mediation within those same applicable time limits and shall sociation under the Construction Industry Mediation Rules of remain suspended until ten days after the termination of the the American Arbitration Association prior to either of them mediation.The mediator of any dispute submitted to mediation initiating against the other a demand for arbitration pursuant to under this Agreement shall not serve as arbitrator of such paragraphs 16.1 through 16.6,unless delay in initiating arbitra- dispute unless otherwise agreed. [The remainder of this page was left blank intentionally.] GC-A2 [This page.was left blank intentionally.] GC-A3 MINORITY BUSINESS ENTERPRISE -- REQUIREMENTS FOR_FEDERAL_ LOAN..PROJECTS.; It is a federal'r'equir 'ment:'that`recioients' of a'.fedetal'loan for wastewater ff'acilities°'award 'i-fair share of-subagreements: to small, minority ,__. and women s: businesses-.= Fair 'Share is a-reasonable`: amount.`of funds -rt.r commensurataj,,witli--th'e total- project funding; demographic;'factord and the availability of�miaot'ity•'and -women's=businesses:7• A•=fair:.share does not constitute an absolute goal, but a commitment on the part of the recipient to attempt to u'se minority,'and•'women's businesses. by..: carrying:.out the s it offirmative':=steps below. —The recipient must'.document-' the•, actions taken to comply. with the affirmative-steps::. If. the. recipient. has a..;law, ordinance, or executive order which"• establishes a: goal:for minority...and/or women s the recipient•m� use.`that::goal as the ..'fair.; share" objective busiae�sses, for the project. • -•. ^:. �,...- : *_. : . .. Th'e. a=fir native'. staps ;.to:be-+;.foll•owed.by.:..recipi~ents. ZI 1. . Including _qualified: small.--and:minority and women',s busirie"sses..on-.solicitation-:1'_�ts. �. :y:.= �... _ .. �. �Asssring that small and minority and women's business:s are-:solicited:whenever;they_ are potential sources.;::�- 3:. . Div_dJa- total requirements," when economically feasible, into:.small: tasks_ or quantities to; permit_ma-�cimum. _garticipation - --of: small.`a and;women.'" business : -4.::.:: Establis.hing:-'delivery: schedules, where the. requirements ire:ae�ts of the 'work p,eimit,_which will encourage.part cipat .on by small and minority and women's businesses. 5. Using tie services •and••assistance. of- the U.S. Small. Business Administration and the Office of Minority Business Enta.prise of..the:U.S..:>Department. of... Commerce. F. `art to a subagieementy to take the affirmative 6. Requiring each p y _ .. . - steps outlined in items one through five of this section. ' nnr nn ' C Definitions 1, Minority Business Enterprise (MBE) is. a business concern which is: a. Certified• asYsocially-and• economically disadvantaged by the Small Business Administration. (1).:- Socially-disadvantiged individuals teams. such_ - _ _:•. persous_'wbich- are socially_disadvantaged because of . theirz identif ication-.as ,members Of certain. groups .... .,.-. that:.have: suffered. the effects. of. discriminatory..., -:.� .:,:_____ r _ - practices or _similar invidious circumstances. ; _ (2)= !Economically -disadvantaged- individuals' zeans� socially disadvantaged individuals .whose ability-, - to compete in .the-free enterprise-- _ •_ , • _. - impaired.due .to,'.diminished...opportunities to"'I __ob taro'capital and--credit as compared to :- - -; others in the same lire 'of business who are ne.t socially disadvantaged. Individuals who certify :t►iat .:the are: membe-_:of. named:7groups ;(Black::;'_ Americans, Rispanic. Cr^c.erica-ns, Native Americans, .si Pacifid'A-mericans,- Asian=Indian.?mericaris) ii; ; are to-be considered- socially'and economically•G` di sadvantage&. . b. CeTtif d°as a'mirioiity, busincss="e:iterpri�e by Statz or federal agency,' or .. c. A',i' indeenet` business 'concern Which is at least 51:percent cc��ed and controlled byirority group"memb_er_(s) -(I) "minority group member is ar.=iridividuai who is a citizen of the tnited States='and one:of the following: (a) - Black:American;_ •' :.= �:::- ;.,,.• e_ c��­(wit i h_origins::fr6m;;: `: .;.;. ' :;.• j:.: .,a'o_ :c, Puerto Rico, Me::ico; Cuba; 'South or . Central,America); and, (c) Asian-Pacific ,Emerican (with origins from Japan, China, the Phillipires, Vietn;:r.., Korea, Samoa, Guam, the U. S. Trust Territories of the Pacific, Northern �. . Marianas, Taos, Cambodia, Taiwan or the Indian subcontinent) . (d) American Indian or Alaskan NativeJall persons having origins in any of the original peoples of North America and maintaining identifiable tribal affiliations through membership and participation or community identification) . SrF-30 (?) . In order to. satisfy this third criteria of the• I-IME definition, . the minority ownership's . inter es t:must be -real;. substantial and continuing. : : Such interest is-characterized"by... _ . : _ _.s:'.. (a) Risk of loss/share -of prof it'..con.mensurate'._ .' i,ith the proportional ownership; and (b) Receipt of the customary'::incidents`of l . ^ ownership, such as salary and/or intangible _,. . _. ..:. .. ._,.. benefits. :�'.. . ..' •.. _ .. •---....._ . _.., •.. ...�_.�� � _ (3) A minority ow-ner must have and exercise ccntrol of the _. :. .-.business': decisions: '- Characteristics of .control'include, but are not limited to: "= (a) .--Authority to s` gri`bids;aiid''centracts; - _... . ; : (b)� .D•ecisions in price ne�otiatiors;'. - (c) In_curring _liabilities.-for`r'the`firr• __ _.. (d)=-.Find 'staffing deci.'sions;- • .. _ •__. � (�)_ "Poltc};-making;=-azd =-• - - ':- -•. , ..:- . _ �. .:__.. __ri'., (f). : :.Gen eral COII:L+aT_ly manaRemea decisions. d: =UL:�r=°°tnose= fins perforriin 'a usefu?: business'funCt- n acc6rdin€ .to'-'custom-'and'practice= in the=industry=area MB : ActiriQ-"mere-" . as�g=pacS1V2- COACL;t y:: of:.fuiid-W "to some otfi- fief- waere%such- activit}� urs�cecesszry to accomblish t15e project`toes='not'. constitute a useful tusiness-fuactionattotd_ng"to custom zn practice='iu the industry'.::"-=:•The= put osc o�:= this=appreac , i�.=to'=eiscourage- the use of- MEG:."froats" and lami t'the cYe_tion~`of 2n artificial supplies• and broker r•�arketp"�ice. ,....( o _the':.a`= liates:j. R.5L1c�'hi'BLS_i'ie.SSx-COITC�?rn a�+'-•:1`.ean-s: Iai:COi:Cerll•�:;.1nCZlldi.. g-.. _ = •;%'' that � is' independentl-r-ow-1 and operated,:�not' dominant`iu' the 'field' of•' operation -in=i:hich; it is bidding- on government contracts, s::c eualifiEd �s a small business• under the critciia end 'size standards •e-zt forth in 13 CFR. 12 1 A. Concern. lieans any business entity located inside: rdha United States that is organize? for prof;,: (even o�i_ oi..ked by a noi�prof.it entity) , .pays U. S. to es , and/or uses • Pxierican 'Products, materials" and/or labor, eCC. P CCIICC:I1 . ...rpy. be an. individual, a . partnership, a. col:poration , a joint venture, an. association, or a cooperative. b. Not dominant in the field of operation means not exercising a_cortrolling• or•..major. influence in. an . industry. 'A controlling :or:major: influence: can. be- der ived from factors such as business volume, 1'number,.of; employees, financial•_resources; •competitive-- . Hess, - ow-nership, or•control-of: materials;7•.processes, patent ..-license.agreements, ifacilities, sales territory, and nature of businss .activity:... C. Affiliates. Business concerns are affiliates 'of each other., if directly-=or: indirectly:. . . (1) Either one controls or has the .power .to:control the other; or -. .. (2) -...:Another concern- controls cr. -has -,the power .to_control both. in determining whether..:affiliation, exists; consideration+. is ' g:•ver. to all appropriate factors including common ow:lersh=p, common management;_and .contractual relationships;: provided that 'restraints imposed by a franchise agreement are rot considered;:ir0 detexmining.:whether .the---f ranchisor ccrtr.ols.:off has: the .power: to• control the franchisee, if the_ fra nchisaa has the- right to- pro=it :from its: -efor-ts,:,commensurate with ow=,lership, and bears the risk of loss or failure. Any business• er_tity may.be an ..affil ate,.wh_ether .or- not it is organi zed �for profit Or located inside the. IiIIi ted States. d. Anrua! receipts. Means the grass i::come (less returns : and-allowaa.ces :.sales:: of -fi.:ced- assets, and=interaffiliate transactions) of=z concern .(and- domes tic. and--fereig:: -'affiliates) from_=.sales_' of..produc_ts and- services,.,inter-s-, _•.rents;' fees;_c o m ssions,; a:id�or from whatever other _ ounces derived for.it-s;most recently. completed fiscal.:year (whether;,on: a cash, accrual,,_compJ.eted.'.contrasts-,._ percentage _of..completion, or- other.. acceptable accounting basis) -i= a concern-has-been-in- business. less than a years'. its. aL1r:L`al _receipts for the: purpose of a size standard will be.based on one. year's receipts and shall be computed by dividing its ;average,.weekly T_f. a,concern. has; been...in :''_business::less thaII three years, `its a�*erage `sanual::rece p`s: for:the purpose_.of a size. standard based on three years' : mputed by determining its average receipts; shall .be.. co weekly receipts for the period in which it has been. ir... ,• business , and multiplying such' figure . by 52. SAF-32 I£ a conceru'acquir'ed an affiliate during the applicable accounting period, the affiliate's receipts for the period during which-. it. was an affiliate- must be- added to the ic applant's_ receipts. '-,The receipts of. a�. former: affiliate are -- not included,:: even if such a concern. has been as affiliate during a.•portionyo•f..the,'.applicable. accounting period. 3. Positive .Efforts:are.documentable:attempts to;use small business and minority-businesses 4. Women's' Business..Ente' rprise' (WBE)- is a business,,ahich-;is.-•�' certified as .such by a State or.-.federal; agency; -or.which meets the following definition: A. ;.omen's business.'renterpris.e is- an independent business concern which. is at least 51 perceat..owned by a..womika or women, who ,also ,control and operate it. Determination of I � whether a business is''at least 51 percent owned by a woman or otherwise qualified WBE which is 51 percent owned by a ;married woman in a co—unity property State will not be disgiialified..becausa •he husband•...has.•a..50::perceat:--interest in- her share::'::'.Similarly,"a' business which is 51 percent owned by..a married man and 40, percent owed by a unmarried woman ' will..not. become a aualified WBE by virtue .of his wife's 50 percnt intergst .in 'his share of the business ." As.'in- the case' of an MBE, only United States citizens will be deemed to by. W'BEs.• Similar to the MBE criteria, WBE should meet the criteria cited in subparagraphs 3 c. (2) and •(3). and 3.d. In,order.'.to comply with the MBE requirements of the federal loan projects; the;.Special Notice to Bidders shall -be, as previously noted, included in . the specifications for all contracts and/or subcontracts in . excess :of'.$10,000. MEET ULOCO ULOCO is an abbreviation for Utilities Locating Company, a Corporation formed and funded by participating utility companies and municipalities in the interest of community and job safety and improved service through damage reduction to the utilities. A one call toll free number, 1-800-632-4949, provides an avenue to all of the participating members from any point within the State of North Carolina. Anyone proposing to excavate, dig, bore, tunnel, blast or disturb the earth in any manner in which buried utilities may be damaged is requested to call the toll-free number between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., Monday,through Friday, forty-eight hours before starting the proposed work. Within minutes of your telephone call, the participating members will be made aware of your plans and will be given pertinent information that has been provided by you about your planned work. You will be told the names of the participating members from whom you can expect a response. If there are buried facilities in the path of your activity, the route of the utilities will be staked and/or marked at no expense to you. If there are no facilities in the area of the planned work, you will be called or notified by a representative of the participating company accordingly. Should a non-participating utility operator be serving your area, we recommend that you call them on an individual basis. All utility operators, whether company or municipality, will be provided an opportunity to become a member of ULOCO. Naturally, knowing the route of the utilities, the excavator is expected to exercise caution and to avoid damage as the project progresses. Damage prevention doesn't just happen - it is a planned and orderly process through which each of us can participate - Yes, we can and will dramatically reduce damages to the utilities in the State of North Carolina! Thanks for your help. BEFORE YOU DIG IN THE INTEREST OF COMMUNITY AND JOB SAFETY AND IMPROVED SERVICE CALL ULOCO 1-600-632-4949 ULOCO SECTION 01200 SPECIAL CONDITIONS PART 1: GENERAL 1.01 SUMMARY OF WORK A. This project generally includes the following: Approximately 3200 LF of 8" sanitary sewer line and appurtenances extending between the wastewater treatment plant on US129 and Knight Street and Willie Colvin Road. 1.02 PROJECT MEETINGS A. PRECONSTRUCTION CONFERENCE A preconstruction conference will be scheduled by the Engineer within 14 days after issuance of the Notice to Proceed. The Contractor and his major subcontractors shall attend the meeting, which will be chaired by the Engineer or his representative. The purpose .of the pre-construction conference will be to discuss administration of the Contract and the execution of work, and to answer any questions relative to performance of work under these Contract Documents. All decisions, instructions and interpretations made at this conference shall be binding and conclusive. The proceedings of this conference will be recorded and copies of the proceeding minutes will be issued to the Contractor for his use and distribution to his subcontractors. B. PROGRESS MEETINGS The Contractor and any subcontractors, material suppliers or vendors whose presence is necessary or requested shall attend meetings, referred to as Progress Meetings, when requested by the Engineer or his representative for the purpose of discussing the execution of work. Each meeting will be held at the time and place designated by the Engineer or his representative at these meetings shall be binding and conclusive on the Contractor and such decisions, instructions and interpretations shall be confirmed in writing by the Engineer or his representative. The proceedings of these meetings will be recorded and the Contractor will be furnished with a reasonable number of copies for his use and for his distribution to the subcontractors, material suppliers and vendors involved. i Rev. 1017/98 PROJECT#99710 01200-Page 1 1.03 PROJECT PAYMENTS AND RETAINAGE A. The Owner may retain a portion of the amount otherwise due the Contractor. Except as provided elsewhere, the amount retained by the Owner shall be limited to the following: 1. Withholding of not more than 10% of the payment claimed until -. work is 50% complete. 2. When work is 50% complete, reduction of the withholding to 5% of the dollar value of all work satisfactorily completed to date, provided that the Contractor is making satisfactory progress and there is not specific cause for greater withholding. 3. When the work is substantially complete (operational or beneficial occupancy), the withheld amount shall be further reduced below 5% to only that amount necessary to assure completion. 4. The Owner may reinstate up to 10% withholding if the Owner determines, at its discretion, that the Contractor is not making satisfactory progress or there is other specific cause for such withholding. 5. The Owner may accept securities negotiable without recourse, conditions or restrictions, a release of retainage bond or an irrevocable letter of credit provided by the Contractor in lieu of all or part of the cash retainage. B. For unit price projects, the Contractor may use the "Unit Bid Item Summary" form included at the end of this section, or a similar form that provides the required information. C. SALES TAX STATEMENT When requested by the Owner, each request for progress payment submitted by the Contractor shall include a sales tax reimbursement statement. The Contractor shall utilize the form provided at the end of this section, or a similar form that provides the required information and certification. ti Rev. 10/7198 PROJECT#99710 01200-Page 2 4 1.04 SUBMITTALS A. GENERAL All transmittals from the Contractor shall be accompanied by a transmittal cover form that includes pertinent information related to the project and the particular transmittal. The Contractor shall use the "Transmittal Form" provided at the end of this section, or a similar form that includes the required information. B. CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE . The Contractor shall, within thirty (30) days after receipt of the Notice of Award, prepare and submit to the Engineer for approval a practicable construction schedule showing the order in which the Contractor proposes to carry on the work, the date on which he will start the several salient features and the contemplated dates for completing such salient features. The schedule may be in any form, at the option of the Contractor, but shall maintain current with each submittal for progress payment, at least the following information. 1. The various classes and area of work broken down into times projected for submittals, approvals and procurement; times for installation and erection; and times for testing and inspection. 2. The work completed and the work remaining to complete the project. 3. Any items of work which will delay the start or completion of other major items of work so as to delay completion of the whole project. C. MATERIAL SUPPLIERS AND SUBCONTRACTOR LISTINGS As soon as possible, but in no case more than 30 days after receipt of the Notice of Award, the Contractor shall supply the names and addresses of all major material suppliers and subcontractors to the Engineer. D. SHOP DRAWINGS AND SAMPLES The Contractual requirements for shop drawings and samples are specified in the General Conditions and in the individual specification sections for each item. The Contractor shall submit shop drawings and samples accompanied by the "Submittal and Routing Form" included at the end of this section. Resubmissions, where required, shall be in accordance with the procedures established for the initial submittal. Rev. 1017/98 PROJECT#99710 01200-Page 3 E. RECORD DOCUMENTS Record drawings will not be required of the Contractor; however, to enable the Owner to prepare record drawings, the Contractor shall keep a complete and accurate record of changes and/or deviations from the Contract Documents and shop drawings, indicating the work as actually installed. Changes shall be neatly and correctly shown on the respective portion of the affected document, using prints of the Drawings affected, or the Specifications, with appropriate supplementary notes. The record set of marked-up Drawings, shop drawings, and Specifications shall be kept at the job site during construction and be available for inspection by the Engineer and the Owner. These marked prints shall be included in the package of final documentation submitted before final payment is required. 1.05 TYPES AND LIMITS OF INSURANCE A. CERTIFICATES OF INSURANCE Satisfactory certificates of insurance shall be filed with the Owner through the Engineer prior to starting any construction work on this contract. The Owner will be named as an additional insured on all policies of insurance and all certificates shall contain a 60-day Notice of Cancellation. In connection with the provisions set forth in the General Conditions Article 2.7, the Notice to Proceed will not be issued until satisfactory certificates of insurance are filed. 1. Worker's Compensation and Employer's Liability This insurance shall protect the Contractor and Owner against all claims under applicable state workmen's compensation laws. The Contractor and Owner shall also be protected against claims for injury, disease, or death of employees which, for any reason, may not fall within the provisions of a workmen's compensation law. This policy shall include an "all states" endorsement. The liability limits shall be not less than: a. Worker's Compensation.:.......... Statutory b. Employer's Liability................... $100,000 each occurrence Rev. 10/7/98 PROJECT#99710 01200-Page 4 1 I 2. Comprehensive Automobile Liability This insurance shall be written in comprehensive form and shall protect the Contractor and Owner against all claims for injuries to members of the public and damage to property of others arising from the use of motor vehicles, and shall cover operation on or off the site of all motor vehicles licensed for highway use, whether they are owned, non-owned or hired. The liability limits shall be not less than: i' a. Bodily Injury $100,000 each person $300,000 each occurrence b. Property Damage....................$100,000 each occurrence $100,000 aggregate 3. Comprehensive General Liability This insurance shall be written in comprehensive form and shall protect the Contractor and Owner against all claims arising from injuries to persons other than his employees or damage to property of the Owner or others arising out of any act or omission of _ Contractor or his agents, employees, or Subcontractors. The policy shall also include protection against claims insured by usual personal injury liability coverage and shall include a "protective liability" endorsement to insure the contractual liability assumed by the Contractor under the indemnification provisions in the General Conditions, and "Completed Operations and Products Liability" coverage (to remain in force during the correction period). To the extent that the Contractor's work, or work under his direction, may require blasting, explosive conditions, or underground operations, the comprehensive general liability coverage shall contain no exclusion relative to blasting, explosion, collapse of building, or damage to underground property. a. Bodily Injury ...........................$100,000 each person $300,000 each occurrence b. Property Damage....................$100,000 each occurrence $100,000 aggregate Rev. 10/7/98 PROJECT#99710 01200-Page 5 4. Umbrella Liability Policy This insurance shall protect the Contractor against all claims in excess of the limits provided under the workmen's compensation and employer's liability, comprehensive automobile liability, and general liability policies. The liability limits of the umbrella liability policy shall not be less than $5,000,000. 1.06 DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING A. The Contractor shall be responsible for delivery, storage and handling of all materials and equipment, unless otherwise noted. All material and equipment shall be shipped to arrive at the job site on the dates indicated on the purchase order. The following information shall be supplied: 1. The contents and bill of lading, number of shipments. 2. The method of shipments. 3. The date of shipment. 4. The name of the construction project. B. Prior to shipment, all items shall be properly prepared to protect all critical areas from the effects of weather, normal expected transport and on site handling. C. Items shall be tagged and marked with equipment and/or motor numbers as per the manner stipulated in the purchase order. D. All spare parts and expendable supplies shall be properly created, marked, and shipped to the job site on the date specified. 1.07 ENCROACHMENT AGREEMENTS The Town of Robbinsville has been granted a right-of-way encroachment agreement from the North Carolina Department of Transportation for all work occurring within their right-of-way. All provisions of these arrangements are in accordance with the policies and procedures of each agency and are incorporated into the plans and specifications. Rev. 1017/98 PROJECT#99710 01200 -Page 6 i PART 2: PRODUCTS 2.01 EQUIPMENT AND MATERIAL STANDARDS A. All equipment and materials of construction described in this specification shall meet the more stringent requirements of the applicable codes listed below: 1. OSHA - Occupational Safety and Health Administration. 2. ASTM - American Society for Testing Materials. 3. ANSI -American National Standards Institute. 4. AGMA -American Gear Manufacturers Association. 5. AISC -American Institute of Steel Construction. 6. AWS -American Welding Society. 7. NEC,- National Electric Code. 8. NEMA - National Electrical Manufacturers Association. 9. API -American Petroleum Institute. 2.02 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. All equipment shall, after installation by the Contractor, shall be inspected, - tested and started up by a qualified representative of the equipment manufacturer. The Contractor and the manufacturer's representative shall complete the "Equipment Start-up Form" provided at the end of this -" section and submit the completed form to the Engineer. B. The listing of a manufacturer in the specifications does not necessarily imply that the manufacturer's standard equipment meets the requirements of the specifications, but that the manufacturer listed has the capability to meet the requirements of the specifications. PART 3: EXECUTION 3.01 SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS A. LIMITS OF CONSTRUCTION The Contractor shall confine all operations and personnel to the limits of construction as shown on the plans. There shall be no disturbance whatsoever of any areas outside the limits of construction nor shall the workmen be allowed to travel at will through the surrounding private property. 6 Rev. 10/7/98 PROJECT#99710 01200-Page 7 r B. CONSTRUCTION SUPERINTENDENT The Contractor shall place in charge of the work a competent and reliable superintendent, who shall have the authority to act for the Contractor and who shall be accountable to the Engineer. The Contractor shall, at all times, employ labor and equipment sufficient to accomplish the several classes of work to full completion in the manner and time specified. C. SITE CONDITIONS 1. The Contractor shall maintain the work and project grounds free from rubbish, debris and waste materials during all phases of the work. 2. Immediately upon completion of the work and prior to final acceptance, the Contractor shall remove all rubbish, debris, temporary structures, equipment, excess or waste materials and shall leave the work and project grounds in a neat and orderly condition that is satisfactory to the Engineer and Owner. D. RIGHT OF ENTRY The Engineer and his representative will at all times have access to the work. In addition, authorized representatives and agents of any participating Federal or State agency shall be permitted to inspect all work, materials, payrolls, records of personnel, invoices of materials, and other relevant data and records. E. TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION SERVICES AND FACILITIES The Contractor shall obtain all necessary permits, licenses, etc. and shall pay all costs incident to the furnishing, installing and maintenance of temporary utility services and facilities required for the duration of the work. F. CONTROL OF EROSION, SILTATION AND POLLUTION 1. Surface drainage from cuts and fills within the construction limits, whether or not completed, and from borrow and waste disposal areas, shall, if turbidity producing materials are present, be graded to control erosion within acceptable limits. Temporary erosion and sediment control measures such as berms, dikes or drains, if required to meet the above standards, shall be provided and maintained until permanent drainage and erosion control facilities Rev. 10/7/98 PROJECT#99710 01200 -Page 8 are completed and operative. The area of bare soil exposed at any one time by construction operations should be held to a minimum. Fills and waste areas shall be constructed by selective placement to eliminate silts or clays on the surface that will erode and contaminate adjacent streams. 2. The Contractor shall take whatever measures are necessary to minimize soil erosion and siltation, water pollution, and air pollution caused by his operations. The Contractor shall also comply with the applicable regulations of all legally constituted authorities relating to pollution prevention and control. The Contractor shall keep himself fully informed of all such regulations which in any way affect the conduct of the work, and shall at all times observe and comply with all such regulations. In the event of conflict between such regulations and the requirements of the specifications, the more restrictive requirements shall apply. 3. The Engineer shall have the authority to limit the area over which clearing and grubbing, excavation, borrow, and embankment operations are performed whenever the Contractor's operations do not make effective use of construction practices and temporary measures which will minimize erosion, or whenever construction operations have not been coordinated to effectively minimize erosion, or whenever permanent erosion control features are not being completed as soon as permitted by construction operations. 4. The Contractor shall control dust throughout the life of the project within the project area and at all other areas affected by the construction of the project, including, but not specifically limited to, unpaved secondary roads, haul roads, access roads, disposal sites, borrow and material pits, and production sites. Dust control shall not be considered effective where the amount of dust creates a potential or actual unsafe condition, public nuisance, or condition - endangering the value, utility, or appearance of any property. 5. The Contractor will not be directly compensated for any dust control measures necessary, as this work will be considered incidental to the work covered by the various contract items. G. DISPOSAL OF MATERIALS Debris and waste materials, including all combustibles, shall be removed by the Contractor from the construction area unless otherwise approved in writing by the Owner or his Representative. Rev. 1017/98 PROJECT#99710 01200-Page 9 H. QUANTITIES OF ESTIMATE The estimated quantities of work to be done and materials to be furnished under this Contract shown in any of the documents, including the proposal, are given for use in comparing bids and to indicate approximately the total amount of the contract; and the right is especially reserved, except as herein otherwise specifically limited to, to increase or diminish the quantities as may be reasonably necessary or desirable by the Owner to complete the work contemplated by this Contract. I. UTILITY COORDINATION T The Contractor shall make all necessary arrangements with private and public utility companies to avoid any possible damage to or interruption of utility equipment or service. The Contractor shall be responsible for all inquiries concerning locations of utility lines. Repair of any damage to public or private utilities resulting from this work shall be the responsibility of the Contractor. J. CONSTRUCTION SURVEYING All work shall be constructed in accordance with the lines, grades and elevations shown on the plans or as given by the Engineer in the field. The Contractor shall be fully responsible for maintaining alignment and grade. All principal controlling points and base lines for locating the principal components of the work together with a suitable number of benchmarks adjacent to the work will be provided by the Engineer. From this information, the Contractor shall verify benchmarks and develop and make all detail surveys needed for construction. The Contractor shall protect and safeguard all points, stakes, grade marks, monuments, and benchmarks at the site of the work and shall re-establish, at his own expense, any marks which are removed or destroyed due to his construction operations. K. RIGHT TO STOP WORK The Engineer or his authorized representative has the authority to stop _ the Contractor from further work progress if, during the construction, the Engineer deems the work being performed is not in compliance with these Contract Documents. L. USE OF EXPLOSIVES 1. If the use of explosives is necessary for the prosecution of the work, the Contractor shall exercise the utmost care not to endanger Rev. 10/7/98 PROJECT#99710 01200-Page 10 life or property. The Contractor shall be responsible for any and all damage or injury to persons or property resulting from the use of explosives. Such responsibility shall include, but shall in no way be limited to, all damages arising from all forms of trespass to adjacent property as a result of blasting by the Contractor. 2. All explosives shall be stored in a secure manner, in compliance with all laws, and all such storage places shall be marked clearly "DANGEROUS EXPLOSIVES". M. USE OF CHEMICALS All chemicals used during project construction, whether herbicide, pesticide, disinfectant, polymer, reactant or of other classification, must show approval of either EPA or USDA. Use of all such chemicals and disposal of residues shall be in conformance with instructions. N. SAFETY AND HEALTH REGULATIONS 1. The Contractor shall comply with all Federal, State and Local Safety and Health Regulations including the Department of Labor Safety and Health Regulations for construction promulgated under the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970 (P.L. 91 - 596) and under Section 107 of the Contract Work Hours and Safety Standards Act (P.L. 91-54). 2. The Contractor shall provide continuous, safe access to all properties, both public and private, along the project in all cases where such access will be provided by the completed facility and shall conduct his operations in such a manner that inconvenience to the property owners will be held to a minimum. O. EQUIPMENT AND MATERIAL STORAGE The Contractor shall plan his activities so that all materials and equipment can be stored within the project limits. There shall be no disturbance whatsoever of any areas outside the project limits without the prior approval of the Engineer. P. DISTURBED AREAS All areas disturbed as a result of the work of the Contractor shall be restored to the original or better condition. Reasonable care shall be taken during construction to avoid damage to the Owners property or that of any adjacent property owner(s). Rev. 10/7/98 PROJECT#99710 01200-Page 11 i Q. TREE AND PLANT PROTECTION No trees or shrubs except those specifically indicated, shall be removed or trimmed without prior approval from the Engineer. All trees and shrubs within the construction limits to be retained by the Owner shall be properly protected by fencing, posts or other means approved by the Engineer. Where any trees or shrubs are damaged or where limbs are required to be trimmed or removed because of operations under this Contract a qualified horticulturist shall be consulted and the trimming performed in the proper manner. Any landscape plantings severely damaged or which - die as a result of the Contractor's operations shall be replaced at no additional cost to the Owner. R. TEMPORARY SANITARY FACILITIES The Contractor shall be solely responsible for furnishing and maintaining temporary sanitary facilities during the construction period. Such facilities shall include but not be limited to, potable water supply and toilet facilities. Such facilities shall be in compliance with all applicable state and local laws, codes, and ordinances and shall be placed convenient to work stations and secluded from public observation. Once the project is completed all temporary sanitary facilities shall be removed by the Contractor. S. TRAFFIC MAINTENANCE 1. The Contractor shall provide, erect, and maintain all necessary barricades, suitable and sufficient warning lights, danger signals, and signs, shall provide a sufficient number of flagmen to direct the traffic and shall take all necessary precautions for the protection of the work and the safety of the public. 2. All barricades and obstructions or hazardous conditions shall be illuminated as necessary to provide for safe traffic conditions. 3. Warning and caution signs shall be posted throughout the length of any portion of the project where traffic flow is restricted. 3.02 PROJECT CLOSE-OUT A. FINAL DOCUMENTATION Prior to final payment, and before the issuance of a final certificate for payment in accordance with the provisions of the General Conditions, the Contractor shall file with the Engineer the documents listed hereinafter: Rev. 10/7/98 PROJECT#99710 01200-Page 12 1. Guarantees - The Contractor's one (1) year guarantee required by the General Conditions and all other guarantees stated in the Specifications. 2. Release of Waiver of Liens - As required by General Conditions. The Contractor shall utilize the form provided at the end of this section. 3. Project Record Documents - Record documents shall be as specified in Section 01200-1.04.D B. SUBMITTALS The above records shall be arranged in order, in accordance with the various sections of the Specifications, and properly indexed. At the completion of the work, the Contractor shall certify by endorsement thereof that each of the revised and marked-up prints of the Drawings and Specifications is complete and accurate. C. No review or receipt of such records by the Engineer or the Owner shall be a waiver of any change from the Contract Documents or the shop drawings, or in any way relieve the Contractor of his responsibility to perform the work as required by the Contract Documents, and the shop drawings to the extent they are in accordance with the Contract Documents. END OF SECTION (Recommended Standard Front End Documents follow) Rev. 10/7/98 PROJECT#99710 01200-Page 13 1 UNIT BID ITEM SUMMARY UNIT TOTAL ITEM OF CONTRACT TOTAL WORK WORK THIS TOTAL WORK PAYMENT # DESCRIPTION MEAS. UNIT BID LAST APPL. APPLICATION TO DATE EARNED E (G FROM LAST G H A" AB C D APPL,) F (E&F) (DXG) unbidsum.doc SALES TAX REIMBURSEMENT FORM PROJECT CONTRACTOR OWNER FOR PERIOD VENDOR ADDRESS INVOICE DATE AMOUNT N.C. TAX COUNTY COUNTY I , being duly sworn, certify that the foregoing statement of sales tax paid in connection with the referenced contract does not contain sales or use taxes paid on purchases of tangible personal property purchased by such contractors for use in performing the contract which does not annex to, affix to or in some manner become a part of the building or structure being erected, altered or repaired for the governmental entities as defined by G.S. 105-164.14(c) and is to the best of his/her belief,true and correct. Signature Sworn to before me this day of , 19 Title My commission expires slstxstm.doc Notary Public TRANSMITTAL FORM ( ) Shop Drawings Transmittal Date: ( ) Printed Materials Return Date: ( ) Other REFERENCE: FOR: ( ) Transmittal Only Project ( ) Approval Owner ( ) Approved as noted Address ( ) Revise & Resubmit Location FROM: TO Name Name Company Company Address Address telephone/fax telephone/fax Log# Description Copies Sheet/Drawing # Status Project Ref. No. By: Signature transmit.doc • "OmMC A S S O C I A T E S ATTENTION: CONSTRUCTION ADMINISTRATION SUBMITTAL AND ROUTING FORM (TO BE USED WITH EACH INDIVIDUAL PLAN SUBMITTAL OR SHOP DRAWING) SUBMITTAL AND APPROVAL (Contractor to complete) Project Name: McGill Project#: Contractor: Submittal #: Contract for: Specification Section: Submittal Title: Sheet/item numbers: Subcontractor: Supplier: Date Transmitted: Date Needed: Change from Contract Documents? Yes No Attached documentation: Complete Submittal? Yes No The Contractor must review and approve this submittal for all requirements and conformance to Contract documents prior to submittal to McGill Associates. Submittals forwarded without the Contractor's approval will be returned without review or comment. Reviewed by: Date: McGILL ASSOCIATES SUBMITTAL ROUTING(McGill to complete) Date Received: Logged by: To: Return by: REVIEW CODES: I =Approved:2=Approved as Noted:3 =Revise&Resubmit:4=Not Approved Reviewed by Review (in order) Code COMMENTS Date Initials Project Engineer's approval: Date McGill EQUIPMENT START-UP FORM Proj. # ASSOCIATES NO. Date: PROJECT DATA NAME: NUMBER: LOCATION: DATE: OWNER: DRAWING NO.: OTHER: SPEC. SECTION: NAME OF EQUIPMENT CHECKED: NAME OF MANUFACTURER OF EQUIPMENT 1. The equipment furnished by us has_. . ._ .._. _.. _ _.. . . ....._.., . ,. - .__ s been checked on the job by us. We have reviewed (where applicable) the performance verification information submitted to us by the Contractor. 2. The equipment is properly installed,except for the items noted below.* 3. The equipment is operating satisfactorily, except for the items noted below.* . 4. The written operating and maintenance information (where applicable)has been presented to the Owner, and gone over with him in detail. Three(3)copies of all applicable operating and maintenance information and parts lists have been furnished to him. 77 ,.._.F ,. ,u.. .. _......., CHECKED BY: ;, Name of Manufacturer's Representative I Name of General Contractor Address&Phone No.of Representative Authorized Signature/Title/Date � E Signature and Title of Person Making Check [ Name of Subcontractor Date Checked u Authorized Signature/Title/Date MANUFACTURER'S REPRESENTATIVE Notations: Exceptions noted at the time of check were. Manufacturer's Representative to note adequacy of related equipment that directly affects operation, performance or function of equipment checked. (No comment presented herein will indicate adequacy of related systems or equipment.) COPIES TO: ❑ OWNER: ❑ CONTRACTOR: ❑ ENGINEER: ❑ FIELD: ❑ ARCHITECT: ❑ OTHER: EquipStartup.doc CONTRACTOR'S FINAL AFFIDAVIT AND WAIVER OF LIEN PROJECT: OWNER: CONTRACTOR: CONTRACT AMOUNT: STATE OF: CONTRACT DATE: COUNTY OF: DATE: This is to certify that all claims for labor, material, services and any other just claims arising out of the performance of this Contract have been satisfied, except for payment to subcontractors to be made out of retainage presently being held by the Owner, and that no claims or liens exist against this Contractor in connection with this contract; that to the best of our knowledge no claims or liens exist,and if any such claims or liens appear after payment of the retained amount due on the Contract, this Contractor shall save the Owner harmless on account thereof. After payment of the retained amount the undersigned does hereby waive, release and relinquish any and all claims or rights of lien presently held or hereafter accruing upon the above project. CONTRACTOR: BY: TITLE: Sworn to and subscribed before me this day of 19 (Notary Public) My Commission expires: relolien.doc SECTION 01705 MOBILIZATION PART 1: GENERAL 1.01 SCOPE OF WORK The work covered by this section consists of preparatory work and operations, including but not limited to those necessary for the movement of personnel, equipment, supplies, and incidentals to the project site; for the establishment of all offices, building, and other facilities necessary for work on the project; and for all other work and operations which must be performed or costs incurred prior to beginning work on the various items on the project site. Included in this item will be the erection of all construction signs and signals, traffic warning devices, project sign and other preparatory signs. PART 2: NOT USED PART 3: NOT USED PART 4: MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT 4.01 COMPENSATION Partial payments for the item of "Mobilization" will be made with the first, second and third partial pay estimates paid on the contract, and will be made at the rate of 33% of the lump sum price for "Mobilization" on each of these partial pay estimates. The amount for "Mobilization" in the approved schedule of values shall not exceed 3% of the total project bid. Rev.5110/99 PROJECT#99710 SECTION 01705-Page 1 SECTION 02200 EARTHWORK PART 1: GENERAL 1.01 SCOPE OF WORK A. GENERAL The work included in this section consists of the grading of the project area. The work includes: 1. Site clearing and off-site disposal of all debris and unsuitable material. 2. Removal of all topsoil, organically contaminated soil and existing unsuitable fill. 3. Proofrolling and grading of the property to the prescribed elevations. 4. Stockpiling or wasting on site of any excess cut material for providing acceptable material as required to obtain the desired grades. PART 2: PRODUCTS 2.01 MATERIALS A. UNSTABLE MATERIAL 1. Organically contaminated soils must be removed from the area of grading operations. At the discretion of the Engineer, topsoil within the area to be stripped shall be stockpiled in a convenient area, selected by the Engineer, for later use in planting area. All topsoil shall be graded by the Engineer as suitable and shall be stockpiled separately as directed by the Engineer in the field. 2. Soft or excessively yielding material shall be removed and replaced with inert controlled fill. B. FILL MATERIAL 1. Material to be used for fill shall be approved by the Engineer. Rev.9122/99 PROJECT#99710 02200-Page 1 2. All roots, organic matter, trash, debris, and other unsuitable materials that may find their way into otherwise acceptable fill material shall be removed during the dumping and spreading operations. 3. Broken rock and boulders larger than 6" in any dimension may not be used as fill without the specific approval of the Engineer. 4. Frozen soil shall not be used for fill. 5. Fill material shall have a maximum laboratory dry weight, ASTM D- 698, of at least 100 pounds per cubic foot unless specifically exempted from this requirement by the Engineer. PART 3: EXECUTION 3.01 PREPARATION A. SURFACE PREPARATION 1. After removal of all existing topsoil, debris, and other undesirable material, the areas which are to receive fill, which have been cut to the desired grade, or which are at the approximate required subgrade elevation without additional earthwork, should be proofrolled to locate any soft or yielding area. Proofrolling shall be done with at least four overlapping passes of a heavy-duty flat wheel vibratory roller, at least 20 tons, or by its approved equivalent. 2. Any soft, or excessively yielding material revealed by the proofrolling shall be removed and replaced with inert controlled fill. The Engineer shall be the sole judge of what constitutes soft or excessively yielding material. 3. Drainage from existing watercourses, springs or other sources should be rerouted out of the earthwork area. The Contractor shall take special care to remove all organically contaminated sediment, saturated soil, and other undesirable material from existing watercourses. B. BLASTING AND DAMAGES Where blasting is done, it shall be done by qualified personnel and in accordance with all federal, state or local requirements and procedures. The Contractor shall be responsible for any damage done to adjoining properties, or to persons, by reason of the blasting or other earthwork operations. The Contractor shall also be responsible for damage to Rev.9/22199 PROJECT#99710 62200-Page 2 embankments and cut areas, and sewer, water, gas or other underground lines which may result from blasting or earthwork operations. All such damage shall be repaired and made good by the Contractor in a timely manner. 3.02 INSTALLATION A. FILLING AND COMPACTION 1. After a stable non-yielding surface has been established, the surface of the area to be filled shall be scarified with a disc or harrow to a depth of 4" to 6". An initial 3" layer of fill material shall then be spread over the scarified surface and the entire area compacted as specified below. 2. No fill shall be placed on any area until that area has been inspected and approved by the Engineer. Fill shall not be placed on a snow covered or frozen surface. Fill materials shall be spread in uniform horizontal layers not exceeding 8" in uncompacted thickness. Alternating layers of cohesive and granular fill soils shall not be permitted. Spreading and compacting of fill material should be started at the lowest portion of the site. All fill must be placed in horizontal layers. Sloping fill planes will not be permitted. Fill material shall be distributed over the full width of the embankment, and in no case will deep ruts be allowed to form. 3. Keyways shall be provided at the toe of each fill slope as shown on the drawings. As each layer of fill meets the natural grade of a slope, a bench, approximately 7 to 8 feet wide, shall be cut into the existing grade with each layer of newly placed fill. If rock is encountered at the face of the natural grade, the original ground shall be cut in vertical steps of 4 to 5 feet and a horizontal bench cut into the rock at the top of each vertical increment. A horizontal plateau, approximately 15 to 20 feet wide, should be provided in the existing slope at vertical intervals of roughly 25 feet. Subsurface drains shall be installed at the toe of the slope and wherever springs or excessive seepage are encountered. Drains should be led to the outside face of the embankment and the water picked up and carried away in such a manner as to avoid softening the embankment or its toe, or producing erosion gullies. 4. Before compaction begins, the fill shall be brought to a water content that will permit proper compaction. This may require aerating the material if it is too wet, or the addition of water if it is too dry. If additional water is required, it should be uniformly distributed through Rev.9122199 PROJECT#99710 02200-Page 3 the use of approved water wagons, and shall be thoroughly incorporated into the material by means of discs or other suitable mixing equipment. Care shall be taken to avoid trapping water within the fill. 5. The standard Proctor method of moisture-density relationship test, ASTM D 698 or AASHTO T-99, shall be used to determine the maximum laboratory dry density and the optimum moisture content of the material which is to be used for fill. 6. Each layer of fill material shall be compacted until its density is not less than 95% of the maximum laboratory dry density for the same material. The moisture content of compacted cohesive materials shall not vary by more than two (2) percentage points from the optimum moisture content for the same material, providing excessive yielding is not produced within this range of moisture contents. Where, in the opinion of the Engineer, proposed fill material is too wet to permit drying in a reasonable length of time, the Engineer may reject the material and it must be removed from the work area. 7. The above compaction requirements are to be satisfied for all soil and weathered or soft rock fills. Weathered or soft rocks are those that can be broken down and disintegrated under normal compaction procedures and equipment. 8. At the close of each day's work, or where work is to be interrupted for a period of time, the surface of the site shall be shaped to drain freely, and sealed. If after a prolonged rainfall, the surface of the area to be filled or cut is too wet to work properly, the unsuitable material shall be removed to expose workable soil. The wet material removed may be dried and reused. Construction traffic shall be controlled so as to prevent rutting of graded areas and to avoid overrolling of any section. 9. All cut areas shall be rolled and compacted to produce a compaction equal to that of the filled area. If soft or yielding material is encountered in cuts, or fills as a result of trapping water, overrolling or improper control of construction traffic, and cannot be satisfactorily stabilized by moisture control, compaction or other means approved by.the Engineer, the unstable material shall be excavated to the depth required by the Engineer. The excavation shall then be filled with suitable compacted material in accordance with the requirements outlined above. Rev.9122/99 PROJECT#99710 02200-Page 4 B. GRADING a" 1. Elevations shown on the plans are finished ground unless otherwise noted. Grading shall be maintained in such a manner as to provide free surface drainage of the site at all times without any ponding of water. 2. Provide ditches and swales to the cross-sections and grades shown on the drawings. Cut ditch subgrades 4" below the grades shown and provide 4" of topsoil where the plans call for seeding or sodding of the ditch. Keep ditches and swales free of accumulations of debris or washed in material until final acceptance of work by the Engineer. 3. Shape all surfaces to within not more than 0.10 feet above or below the required subgrade elevations and free from irregular surface changes. C. MAINTENANCE 1. The Contractor shall be responsible during construction and until final acceptance for the maintenance of all embankments made under the Contract. 2. During construction and until final acceptance; the Contractor shall construct temporary or permanent earth berms along the outer edges of the top surface of the embankment, construct temporary ditches, shape the embankment surface to provide for the drainage of surface runoff along and throughout the length of the embankments, and use any other methods necessary to maintain the work covered by this section so that the work will not contribute to excessive soil erosion. The Contractor shall construct brush dikes, or install temporary or permanent slope drains or other drainage features to assist in controlling erosion. 3. The Contractor shall replace, at no cost to the Owner, any portion of embankment which have become displaced or damaged due to carelessness or neglect on the part of the Contractor. Where the work has been properly constructed, completely drained and properly maintained, and damage occurs due to natural causes, the Contractor will be paid at the Contract unit price for the excavated material required to make necessary repairs to such damage. 4. All embankments shall be brought to the grade and cross section shown on the plans or established by the Engineer, prior to final inspection and acceptance by the Engineer. Rev.9/22199 PROJECT#99710 02200-Page 5 3.03 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. QUALITY CONTROL AND TESTING 1. The services of qualified soils testing personnel may be engaged by the Owner for the making of tests to determine the moisture-density relationships, relative densities, plastic and liquid limits and suitability of materials for compaction and for inspection and control of the site preparation, selection, placing and compaction of the fill. A copy of the testing personnel's daily field report including results of in-place density and moisture content tests should be forwarded to the Owner and the Engineer at the end of each working day. 2. The Contractor shall cooperate with the testing personnel so as to permit proper inspection and control of the work without unnecessary delays. PART 4: MEASUREMENTS AND PAYMENTS 4.01 MEASUREMENTS Measurement of materials shall be made based on the units shown, if any, in the bid schedule.. If no units are shown in the bid 'schedule, or if there is no bid schedule, no measurements or payments shall be made. 4.02 PAYMENTS Payment for materials shall be made at the Contract prices for the measured quantities in the field. If no units are shown in the bid schedule, of if there is no bid schedule, no separate payments shall be made for the earthwork described in this section. END OF SECTION Rev.9/22199 PROJECT#99710 02200-Page 6 SECTION 02220 EXCAVATION AND BACKFILL PART 1: GENERAL 1.01 SCOPE OF WORK A. GENERAL 1. The work covered by this Section shall consist of furnishing all materials, labor, equipment and services for the excavation and backfill at all areas within the limits of the project. Work is limited to the areas of construction, and includes (but is not necessarily limited to) stockpiling of topsoil, site grading, excavation of footings and trenches, filling, backfilling, compaction, finish grading, spreading of topsoil, disposal of waste material, and proof rolling. 2. Perform all excavation, dewatering, sheeting, bracing, and backfilling in such a manner as to eliminate all possibility of undermining or disturbing the foundations of existing structures. 3. Requirements of the General and Supplemental Conditions apply to all work in this Section. Provide all labor, materials, equipment, and services indicated on the drawings, or specified herein, or reasonably necessary for or incidental to a complete job. 4. Excavations shall provide adequate working space and clearances for the work to be performed therein and for installation and removal of concrete forms. In no case shall excavation faces be undercut for extended footings. 5. Subgrade surfaces shall be clean and free of loose material of any kind when concrete is placed thereon. 6. Backfilling during freezing weather shall not be done except by permission of the Engineer. No backfill, fill, or embankment materials shall be installed on frozen surfaces, nor shall frozen materials, snow, or ice be placed in any backfill, fill, or embankment. Rev.2124199 PROJECT#99710 02220-Page 1 1.02 SYSTEM DESCRIPTION A. EXCAVATION, GENERAL Excavation consists of the removal and disposal of all materials encountered for footings, foundations, pipework, and other construction as shown on the Drawings. Perform all excavation work in compliance with applicable requirements of governing authorities having jurisdiction. 1.03 QUALITY ASSURANCE - A. REFERENCED STANDARDS Unless otherwise indicated, all referenced standards shall be the latest edition available at the time of bidding. Any requirements of these Specifications shall in no way invalidate the minimum requirements of the referenced standards. Comply with the provisions of the following codes and standards, except as otherwise shown or specified. 1. ASTM C33: Standard Specifications for Concrete Aggregate 2. ASTM D698: Standard Test Methods for Moisture-Density Relations of Soils and Soil-Aggregate Mixtures Using 5.5 lb. Rammer and 12" Drop. 3. ASTM D3282: Standard Recommended Practice for Classification of Soils and Soil-Aggregate Mixtures for Highway Construction Purposes. 4. Standard Specifications for Roads and Structures, North Carolina Department of Transportation, January 1, 1990 edition. 5. Erosion and Sediment Control Planning and Design Manual. B. UNAUTHORIZED EXCAVATION Except where otherwise authorized, indicated, or specified, all materials excavated below the bottom of concrete walls, footings, slabs on grade, and foundations shall be replaced, by and at the expense of the Contractor, with concrete placed at the same time and monolithic with the concrete above. Rev. 2124/99 PROJECT#99710 02220-Page 2 C. EXISTING UTILITIES 1. Locate existing underground utilities in the area of work. If utilities are to remain in place, provide adequate means of protection during earthwork operations. 2. Should uncharted or incorrectly charted piping or other utilities be encountered during excavation, consult the Engineer immediately for directions as to procedure. Cooperate with Owner and utility companies in keeping respective services and facilities in operation. Repair damaged utilities to the satisfaction of utility companies. PART 2: PRODUCTS 2.01 MATERIALS A. CLASSIFICATION OF EXCAVATED MATERIALS Classification of excavated materials will be made as follows: 1. Rock. Rock is defined as being sandstone, limestone, flint, granite, quartzite, slate, hard shale, or similar material in masses more than 1/2 cubic yard in volume or in ledges 4" or more in thickness which cannot be excavated with a Caterpillar Model 225, or equal, hydraulic excavator equipped with rock teeth on a 24" wide bucket. 2. Earth. All material not classified as rock. B. CLASSIFICATION OF OTHER MATERIALS 1. Satisfactory Subgrade Soil Materials: Soils complying with ASTM D 3282, soil classification Groups A-I, A-24, A-2-5, and A-3. 2. Unsatisfactory Subgrade Soil Materials: Soils described in ASTM D 3282, soil classification groups A-2-6, A-2-7, A-4, A-5, A-6, and A-7; also peat and other highly organic soils, unless otherwise acceptable to the Engineer. 3. Cohesionless Soil Materials: Gravels, sand-gravel mixtures, sands, and gravelly-sands. 4. Cohesive Soil Materials: Clayey and silty gravels, sand-clay mixtures, gravel-silt mixtures, clayey and silty sands, sand-silt mixtures, clays, silts, and very fine sands. Rev. 2124/99 PROJECT#99710 02220-Page 3 5. Backfill and Fill Materials: Provide satisfactory soil materials for backfill and fill, free of masonry, rock, or gravel larger than 4" in any dimension, and free of metal, gypsum, lime, debris, waste, frozen materials, vegetable, and other deleterious matter. Use only excavated material that has been sampled, tested, and certified as satisfactory soil material. 6. Select Backfill — Select backfill is defined as backfill and fill material that is transported to the site from outside the project limits, and which meets the soil requirements specified above under "Backfill and Fill Materials." Material excavated in conjunction with the construction of this project cannot be considered as "select backfill" for payment purposes. 7. Pipe Bedding: Crushed stone or crushed gravel meeting the requirements of ASTM C 33, Gradation 67. 8. Inundated Sand: Sand for inundated sand backfill shall be clean with not more than 25% retained on a No. 4 sieve and not more than 7% passing a No. 200 sieve and shall have an effective size between 0.10 mm and 0.30 mm. Sand shall be deposited in, or placed simultaneously with application of, water so that the sand shall be compacted by a mechanical probe type vibrator. Inundated sand shall be compacted to 70% relative density as determined by ASTM D4253 and D4254. 9. Graded Gravel: Gravel for compacted backfill shall conform to the following gradation: r 1„ 100 3/4" 85 - 100 3/8" 50 - 80 No. 4 35 - 60 No. 40 15 - 30 No. 200 05.- 10 The gravel mixture shall contain no clay lumps or organic matters. The fraction passing the No. 4 sieve shall have a liquid limit not greater than 25 and a plasticity index not greater than 5. Gravel backfill shall be deposited in uniform layers not exceeding 12" in uncompacted thickness. The backfill shall be compacted by a . suitable vibratory roller or platform vibrator to not less than 70% relative density as determined by ASTM D4253 and D4254. Rev. 2/24199 PROJECT#99710 02220-Page 4 2.01 EQUIPMENT A. MECHANICAL EXCAVATION 1. The use of mechanical equipment will not be permitted in locations where its operation would cause damage to trees, buildings, culverts, or other existing property, utilities, or structures above or below ground. In all such locations, hand excavating methods shall be used. 2. Mechanical equipment used for trench excavation shall be of a type, design, and construction and shall be controlled, that uniform trench widths and vertical sidewalls are obtained at least from an elevation one foot above the top of the installed pipe to the bottom of the trench, and that trench alignment is such that pipe when accurately laid to specified alignment will be centered in the trench with adequate clearance between the pipe and sidewalls of the trench. Undercutting the trench sidewall to obtain clearance will not be permitted. PART 3: EXECUTION 3.01 PREPARATION A. DEWATERING 1. The Contractor shall provide and maintain adequate dewatering equipment to remove and dispose of all surface water and groundwater entering excavations, trenches, or other parts of the work. Each excavation shall be kept dry during subgrade preparation and continually thereafter until the structure to be built, or the pipe to be installed therein, is completed to the extent that no damage from hydrostatic pressure, flotation, or other cause will result. 2. All excavations for concrete structures or trenches which extend down to or below groundwater shall be dewatered by lowering and keeping the groundwater level beneath such excavations 12" or more below the bottom of the excavation. 3. Surface water shall be diverted or otherwise prevented from entering excavated areas or trenches to the greatest extent practicable without causing damage to adjacent property. Rev.2/24/99 PROJECT#99710 02220 -Page 5 4. The Contractor shall be responsible for the condition of any pipe or conduit which he may use for drainage purposes, and all such pipes or conduit which he may use for drainage purposes, and all such pipes or conduits shall be left clean and free of sediment. 5. Where trench sheeting is left in place, such sheeting shall not be braced against the pipe, but shall be supported in a manner which will preclude concentrated loads or horizontal thrusts on the pipe. Cross braces installed above the pipe to support sheeting may be removed after pipe embedment has been completed. B. STABILIZATION 1. Subgrades for concrete structures and trench bottoms shall be firm, dense, and thoroughly compacted and consolidated; free from mud and muck; an sufficiently stable to remain firm and intact under the feet of the workmen. 2. Subgrades for concrete structures or trench bottoms, which are otherwise solid but which become mucky on top due to construction operations, shall be reinforced with one or more layers of crushed rock or gravel. The stabilizing material shall be spread and compacted to a depth of not more than 4"; if the required depth exceeds 4", the material shall be furnished and installed as specified for granular fills. Not more than 1/2" depth of mud or muck shall be allowed to remain on stabilized trench bottoms when the pipe bedding material is placed thereon. The finished elevation of stabilized subgrades for concrete structures shall not be above subgrade elevations indicated on the drawings. C. CUTTING CONCRETE OR ASPHALT SURFACE CONSTRUCTION 1. All pavement cutting and repair shall be done in accordance with local ordinances. Cuts in concrete pavement and asphaltic concrete base pavements shall be no larger than necessary to provide adequate working space for proper installation of pipe and appurtenances. Cutting shall be started with a concrete saw in a manner which will provide a clean groove at least 1-1/2" deep along each side of the trench and along the perimeter of cuts for structures. 2. Concrete pavement and asphaltic concrete base pavement over trenches excavated for pipelines shall be removed so that a shoulder not less than 12" in width at any point is left between the cut edge of the pavement and the top edge of the trench. Trench Rev.2/24199 PROJECT#99710 02220-Page 6 width at the bottom shall not be greater than at the top and no undercutting will be permitted. Pavement cuts shall be made to and between straight or accurately marked curved lines which, unless otherwise required, shall be parallel to the center line of the trench. 3. Pavement removed for connections to existing lines or structures shall not be of greater extent that necessary for the installation. 4. Where the trench parallels the length of concrete walks and the trench location is all or partially under the walk, the entire walk shall be removed and replaced. Where the trench crosses drives, walks, curbs, or other surface construction, the surface construction shall be removed and replaced between existing joints or between saw cuts as specified for payment. D. SITE GRADE 1. General: Uniformly grade areas within limits of grading under this section, including adjacent transition areas. Smooth finish the surface within specified tolerances; compact with uniform levels or slopes between points where elevations are shown, or between such points and existing grades. 2. Ground Surface Preparation: Remove vegetation, debris, unsatisfactory soil materials, obstructions, and deleterious materials from ground surface prior to placement of fills. Plow, strip, or break up sloped surfaces steeper than 1 vertical to 4 horizontal so that fill material will bond with existing surface. Shape the subgrade as indicated on the Drawings by forking, furrowing, or plowing so that the first layer of new material placed thereon will be well bonded to it. 3.02 FIELD MEASUREMENTS A. ALIGNMENT, GRADE, AND MINIMUM COVER 1. Vertical and horizontal alignment of pipes, and the maximum joint deflection used in connection therewith, shall be in conformity with requirements of the section covering installation of pipe. 2. Where pipe grades or elevations are not definitely fixed by the contract drawings, trenches shall be excavated to a depth sufficient to provide a minimum depth of backfill cover over the top of the pipe cover depths may be necessary on vertical curves or to Rev. 2/24/99 PROJECT#99710 02220-Page 7 i provide necessary clearance beneath existing pipes, conduits, drains, drainage structures, or other obstructions encountered at normal pipe grades. Measurement of pipe cover depth shall be made vertically from the outside top of pipe to finished ground or pavement surface elevation except where future surface elevations are indicated on the drawings. B LIMITING TRENCH WIDTHS Trenches shall be excavated to a width which will provide adequate working space and sidewall clearances for proper pipe installation, jointing, and embedment. Maximum trench widths shall be no greater than the pipe outside diameter plus 36" (18" either side of pipe). 3.03 PROTECTION A. TEMPORARY PROTECTION Protect structures, utilities, sidewalks, pavements, and other facilities from damages caused by settlement, lateral movement, undermining, washout, and other hazards created by earthwork operations. B. SHEETING AND BRACING Make all excavations in accordance with the rules and regulations promulgated by the Department of Labor, Occupational Safety and Health Regulations for Construction. Furnish, put in place, and maintain such sheeting, bracing, etc., as may be necessary to support the sides of the excavation and to prevent any movement of earth which could in any way diminish the width of the excavation to less than that necessary for proper construction, or could otherwise injure or delay the work, or endanger adjacent structures, roads, utilities, or other improvements. C. BLASTING 1. The Contractor shall be responsible for all damage caused by blasting operations. Suitable methods shall be employed to confine all materials lifted by blasting within the limits of the excavation or trench. 2. All rock which cannot be handled and compacted as earth shall be kept separate from other excavated materials and shall not be mixed with backfill or embankment materials except as specified or directed. Rev.2/24/99 PROJECT#99710 02220-Page 8 D. CARE AND RESTORATION OF PROPERTY 1. Enclose the trunks of trees which are to remain adjacent to the work with substantial wooden boxes of such height as may be necessary to protect them from piled material, equipment or equipment operation. Use excavating machinery and cranes of suitable type and operate the equipment with care to prevent injury to remaining tree trunks, roots, branches and limbs. 2. Do not cut branches, limbs, and roots except by permission of the Engineer. Cut smoothly and neatly without splitting or crushing. In case of cutting or unavoidable injury to branches, limbs, and trunks of trees, neatly trim the cut or injured portions and cover with an application of grafting wax and tree healing paint as directed. 3. Protect by suitable means all cultivated hedges„shrubs and plants which might be injured by the Contractor's operations. Promptly heel in any such trees or shrubbery necessary to be removed and replanted. Perform heeling in and replanting under the direction of a licensed and experienced nurseryman. Replant in their original position all removed shrubbery and trees after construction operations have been substantially completed and care for until growth is reestablished. 4. Replace cultivated hedges, shrubs, and plants injured to such a degree as to affect their growth or diminish their beauty or usefulness, by items of kind and quality at least equal to the kind and quality existing at the start of the work. 5. Do not operate tractors, bulldozers or other power-operated equipment on paved surfaces if the treads or wheels of the equipment are so shaped as to cut or otherwise injure the surfaces. 6. Restore all surfaces, including lawns, grassed, and planted areas which have been injured by the Contractor's operations, to a condition at least equal to that in which they were found immediately before the work was begun. Use suitable materials and methods for such restoration. Maintain all restored plantings by cutting, trimming, fertilizing, etc., until acceptance. Restore existing property or structures as promptly as practicable and do not leave until the end of construction period. Rev.2/24199 PROJECT#99710 02220-Page 9 E. PROTECTION OF STREAMS Exercise reasonable precaution to prevent the silting of streams. Provide at Contractor's expense temporary erosion and sediment control measures to prevent the silting of streams and existing drainage facilities. The Contractor shall size structures and conform fully with the North Carolina Sedimentation Pollution Control Act. F. AIR POLLUTION 1. Comply with all pollution control rules, regulations, ordinances, and statutes which apply to any work performed under the Contract, including any air pollution control rules, regulations, ordinances and statutes, or any municipal regulations pertaining to air pollution. 2. During the progress of the work, maintain the area of activity, including sweeping and sprinkling of streets as necessary, so as to minimize the creation and dispersion of dust. If the Engineer decides that it is necessary to use calcium chloride or more effective dust control, furnish and spread the material, as directed, and without additional compensation. G. BRIDGE TRENCHES 1. Provide suitable and safe bridges and other crossings where required for the accommodation of travel; provide access to private property during construction, and remove said structures thereafter. 2. Bridge or backfill trenches in any portion of the travel lanes of public or private roads, or drives, at the end of each day's operation to provide for safe travel. No additional compensation will be made for this work. 3.04 TRENCH EXCAVATION A. LENGTH OF TRENCH 1. No more trench shall be opened in advance of pipe laying than is necessary to expedite the work. One block or 400 feet (whichever is the shorter) shall be the maximum length of open trench on any line under construction. 2. Except where tunneling is indicated on the drawings, is specified, or is permitted by the Engineer, all trench excavation shall be open cut from the surface. Rev.2124/99 PROJECT#99710 02220-Page 10 B. TRENCH EXCAVATION 1. General Perform all excavation of every description and of whatever substance encountered so that the pipe can be laid to the alignment and depth shown on the Drawings. 2. Brace and shore all trenches, where required, in accordance with the rules and regulations, promulgated by the Department of Labor, Occupation Safety and Health Administration, "Safety and Health Regulations for Construction". 3. Make all excavations by open cut unless otherwise specified or indicated on the Drawings. 4.. Width of Trenches: Excavate trenches sufficiently wide to allow proper installation of pipe, fittings and other materials and not more than 18" clear of pipe on either side at any point. Do not widen trenches by scraping or loosening materials from the sides. 5. Trench Excavation in Earth: Earth excavation includes all excavation of whatever substance encountered. In locations where pipe is to be bedded in earth excavated trenches, fine grade the bottoms of such trenches to allow firm bearing for the bottom of the pipe on undisturbed earth. Where any part of the trench has been excavated below the grade of the pipe, fill the part excavated below such grade with pipe bedding material and compact at the Contractor's expense. 6. Trench Excavation in Fill: If pipe is to be laid in embankments or other recently filled material, first place the fill material to the finish grade or to a height of at least one foot above the top of the pipe, whichever is the lesser. Take particular care to ensure maximum consolidation of material under the pipe location. Excavate the pipe trench as though in undisturbed material. 7. Trench Bottom in Poor Soil: Excavate -and remove unstable or unsuitable soil to a width and depth, as directed by the Engineer, and refill with a thoroughly compacted gravel bedding. 8. Bell Holes: Provide bell holes at each joint to permit the joint to be made properly and to provide a continuous bearing and support for the pipe. 11 �� Rev. 2/24/99 PROJECT#99710 02220-Page 11 C. TRENCH BACKFILL 1. General: Unless otherwise specified or indicated on the Drawings, use suitable material for backfill which was removed in the course of making the construction excavations. Do not use frozen material for the backfill and do not place backfill on frozen material. Remove previously frozen material before new backfill is placed. Start backfilling as soon as practicable after the pipes have been laid, or the structures have been built and are structurally adequate to support the loads, including construction loads to which they will be subjected, and proceed until its completion. 2. With the exception mentioned below in this paragraph, do not backfill trenches at pipe joints until after that section of the pipeline has successfully passed any specified tests required. Should the Contractor wish to minimize the maintenance of lights, and barricades, and the obstruction of traffic, he may, at his own risk, backfill the entire trench as soon as practicable after installation of pipe, and the related structures have acquired_a suitable degree of strength. He shall, however, be responsible for removing and later replacing such backfill, at his own expense, should he be ordered to do so in order to locate and .repair or replace leaking or defective joints or pipe. 3. Material: The nature of the materials will govern both their acceptability for backfill and the methods best suited for their placement and compaction in the backfill. Both are subject to the approval of the Engineer. Do not place stone or rock fragments larger than 4" in greatest dimension in the backfill. Do not drop large masses of backfill material into the trench in such a manner as to endanger the pipeline. Use a timber grillage to break the fall of material dropped from a height of more than 5 feet. Exclude pieces of bituminous pavement from the backfill unless their use is expressly permitted. 4. Zone Around Pipe: Place bedding material to the level shown on the Drawings and work material carefully around the pipe to insure that all voids are filled, particularly in bell holes. For backfill up to a level of 2 feet over the top of the pipe, use only selected materials containing no rock, clods or organic materials. Place the backfill and compact thoroughly under the pipe haunches and up to the mid-line of the pipe in layers not exceeding 6" in depth. Place each layer and tamp carefully and uniformly so as to eliminate the possibility of lateral displacement. Place and compact the remainder of the zone around the pipe and to a height of one foot Rev.2/24/99 PROJECT#99710 02220-Page 12 above the pipe in layers not exceeding 6" and compact to a maximum density of at least 100 % as determined by ASTM D0698. 5. Tamping: Deposit and spread backfill materials in uniform, parallel layers not exceeding 12" thick before compaction. Tamp each layer before the next layer is placed to obtain a thoroughly compacted mass. Furnish and use, if necessary, an adequate number of power driven tampers, each weighing at least 20 pounds for this purpose. Take care that the material close to the bank, as well as in all other portions of the trench, is thoroughly compacted. When the trench width and the depth to which backfill has been placed are sufficient to make it feasible, and it can be done effectively and without damage to the pipe, backfill may, on approval, be compacted by the use of suitable rollers, tractors, or similarly powered equipment instead of by tamping. For compaction by tamping (or rolling), the rate at which backfilling material is,deposited in the trench shall not exceed that permitted by the facilities for its spreading, leveling and compacting as furnished by the Contractor. 6. Wet the material by sprinkling, if necessary, to insure proper compaction by tamping (or rolling). Perform no compaction by tamping (or rolling) when the material is too wet either from rain or applied water to be compacted properly. 7. Trench Compaction: Compact backfill in pipe trenches to the maximum density as shown on the Drawings, or as listed in the subsection entitled COMPACTION, with a moisture content within the range of values of maximum density as indicated by the moisture-density relationship curve. 3.05 SITE GLADE A. PLACEMENT AND COMPACTION 1. Place backfill and fill material in layers not more than 8" in loose depth. Before compaction, moisten or aerate each layer as necessary to provide the optimum moisture content. Compact each layer to the required percentage of maximum density for each area classification. Do not place backfill or material on surfaces that are muddy, frozen, or contain frost or ice. 2. In areas not accessible to rollers or compactors, compact the fill with mechanical hand tampers. If the mixture is excessively Rev. 2/24/99 PROJECT#99710 02220-Page 13 moistened by rain, aerate the material by means of blade graders, harrows, or other approved equipment, until the moisture content of the mixture is satisfactory. Finish the surface of the layer by blading or rolling with a smooth roller, or a combination thereof, and leave the surface smooth and free from waves and inequalities. 3. Place backfill and fill materials evenly adjacent to structures, to the required elevations. Take care to prevent wedging action of backfill against structures. Carry the material uniformly around all parts of the structure to approximately the same elevation in each lift. 4. When existing ground surface has a density less than that specified under the subsection entitled COMPACTION for the particular area classification, break up the ground surface, pulverize, moisture-condition to the optimum moisture content, and compact to required depth and percentage of maximum density. B. GRADING OUTSIDE BUILDING LINES Grade to drain away from structures to prevent ponding of water. Finish surface free from irregular surface changes. C. PLANTING AREAS Finish areas to receive topsoil to within not more than one inch (1") above or below the required subgrade elevations, compacted as specified, and free from irregular surface changes. D. WALKS Shape the surface of areas under walks to line, grade, and cross-section, with the finish surface not more than 0" above or 1" below the required subgrade elevation, compacted as specified, and graded to prevent ponding of water after rains. E. PAVEMENTS 1. Shape the surface of the areas under pavement to line, grade and cross section, with finish surface not more than 1/2" above or below the required subgrade elevation, compacted as specified, and graded to prevent ponding of water after rains. Include such operations as plowing, discing, and any moisture or aerating required to provide the optimum moisture content for compaction. Rev.2/24/99 PROJECT#99710 02220-Page 14 2. Fill low areas resulting from removal of unsatisfactory soil materials, obstructions, and other deleterious materials, using satisfactory soil material. 3. Shape to line, grade, and cross section as shown on the Drawings. F. PROTECTION OF GRADED AREAS Protect newly graded areas from traffic and erosion, and keep free of trash and debris. Repair and re-establish grades in settled, eroded, and rutted areas to specified tolerances. G. RECONDITIONING COMPACTED AREAS Where completed compacted areas are disturbed by subsequent construction operations or adverse weather prior to acceptance of work, scarify surface, reshape, and compact to required density prior to further construction. H. UNAUTHORIZED EXCAVATION 1. Unauthorized excavation consists of the removal of materials beyond indicated elevations without the specific direction of the Engineer. Under footings, foundations, bases, etc., fill unauthorized excavation by extending the indicated bottom elevation of the concrete to the bottom of the excavation, without altering the required top elevation. Lean concrete fill may be used to bring elevations to proper position only when acceptable to the Engineer. 2. Elsewhere, backfill and compact unauthorized excavations as specified for authorized excavations of the same classification, unless otherwise directed by the Engineer. 3.06 BACKFILL AROUND STRUCTURES A. GENERAL Unless otherwise specified or indicated on the Drawings, use suitable material for backfill which was removed in the course of making the backfill and do not place backfill which was removed in the course of making the construction excavations. Do not use frozen material for the backfill and do not place backfill upon frozen material. Remove previously frozen material before new backfill is placed. Rev.2/24199 PROJECT#99710 02220-Page 15 B. MATERIAL Approved selected materials available from the excavations may be used for backfilling around structures. Obtain material needed in addition to that of construction excavations from approved off-site borrow pits. Furnish all borrow material needed on the work. Place and compact all material, whether from the excavation or borrow, to make a dense, stable fill. Use fill material which contains no vegetation, masses of roots, individual roots over 18" long or more than 1/2" in diameter, stones over 4" in diameter, or porous matter. Organic matter must not exceed minor quantities. C. PLACING BACKFILL Do not place backfill against or on structures until they have attained sufficient strength to support the loads (including construction loads) to which they will be subjected, without distortion, cracking, or other damage. Make special leakage tests, if required, as soon as practicable after the structures are structurally adequate and other necessary work has been done. Use the best of the excavated materials in backfilling within 2 feet of the structure. Avoid unequal soil pressures by depositing the material evenly around the structure. 3.07 COMPACTION A. GENERAL Control soil compaction during construction providing at least the minimum percentage of density specified for each area classification. B. PERCENTAGE OF MAXIMUM DENSITY REQUIREMENTS After compaction, all fill will be tested in accordance with Method "C" of ASTM D-698, unless specified otherwise. Except as noted otherwise for the zone around pipe, provide not less than the following percentages of maximum density of soil material compacted at optimum moisture content, for the actual density of each layer of soil material-in-place: UNPAVED AREAS Compact Full Depth to 92% DRIVES AND PARKING Top 9" - 100% TRENCH BACKFILL (PAVED AREAS) Compact full depth to 95% TRENCH BACKFILL (UNPAVED AREAS) Compact full depth to 95% ALL OTHER BACKFILL Compact full depth to 95% Rev. 2/24/99 PROJECT#99710 02220-Page 16 C. MOISTURE CONTROL Where subgrade or layer of soil material must be moisture conditioned before compaction, uniformly apply water to surface of subgrade, or layer of soil material, to prevent free water appearing on surface during or subsequent to compaction operations. Remove and replace, or scarify and air dry, soil material that is too wet to permit compaction to specified density. Soil material that has been removed because it is too wet to permit compaction may be stockpiled or spread and allowed to dry. Assist drying by discing, harrowing or pulverizing, until moisture content is reduced to a satisfactory value, as determined by moisture-density relation tests. D. DISPOSAL OF SURFACE MATERIAL Upon approval of the Engineer, haul all surplus materials not needed or acceptable for backfill and dispose of at location approved by the Engineer. 3.08 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. SOIL TESTING AND INSPECTION SERVICE: Compaction tests of all fill areas will be made by an independent testing laboratory. Rework any fill areas which fail to meet the compaction requirements as herein specified and perform this work at no additional cost to the Owner. Testing of fill areas will be provided by the Owner and paid for by the Owner, except that tests which reveal non-conformance with the Specifications and all succeeding tests for the same area, until conformance with the Specifications is established, shall be at the expense of the Contractor. PART 4: MEASUREMENTS AND PAYMENTS 4.01 MEASUREMENTS Measurement of materials shall be made based on the units shown, if any, in the bid schedule. If no units are shown in the bid schedule, or if there is no bid schedule, no measurements or payments shall be made. 4.02 PAYMENTS Payment for materials shall be made at the Contract prices for the measured quantities in the field. If no units are shown in the bid schedule, or if there is no bid schedule, no separate payments shall be made for the excavation and backfill materials described in this section. END OF SECTION Rev. 2/24/99 PROJECT#99710 02220-Page 17 SECTION 02222 ROCK EXCAVATION PART 1: GENERAL 1.01 SCOPE OF WORK A. The work covered by this section consists of the blasting and excavation of rock material in cut areas. Rock excavation shall be classified material which cannot be removed with normal construction equipment such as panscrapers, bulldozers with "rippers" and requires the construction practice of blasting. 1.02 DEFINITIONS A. Rock is defined as being sandstone, limestone, flint, graphite, quartzite, slate, hard shale, or similar material in masses more than 1/2 cubic yard in volume or in ledges 4" or more in thickness which cannot be excavated with a Caterpillar Model 225, or equal, hydraulic excavator equipped with rock teeth on a 24" wide bucket. B. Should rock be encountered in two or more ledges, each ledge being not less than 3" thick and with interlying strata of earth, clay or gravel not more than 12" thick in each stratum, the entire volume between the top of the top ledge and the bottom of the bottom ledge will be classified as rock. PART 2: NOT USED PART 3: EXECUTION 3.01 CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS A. BLASTING The use of explosives shall conform to be in strict accordance with all Federal, State, County and local regulations and only after the approval of the Engineer. The Contractor shall be responsible for all damage caused by blasting operations. Suitable methods shall be employed to confine all materials lifted by blasting within the limits of excavation or trench. B. When rock is encountered, all lines and grades will be held in accordance with the plans or adjusted only after approval of the Engineer. Rev. 1121198 PROJECT#99710 02222-Page 1 i C. When rock is encountered within the limits of construction, the Contractor shall notify the Engineer prior to any removal. Upon the Engineer's authorization, the Contractor shall remove the rock. The Contractor shall not be paid for rock removed without prior approval from the Engineer. D. All rock which cannot be handled and compacted as earth shall be kept separate from other excavated materials and shall not be mixed with backfill or embankment materials except as specified or directed. PART 4: MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT A. MEASUREMENT The quantity of rock removed to be paid for will be by cubic yard measured in place by the average end area method for rock excavation, based upon measurements made prior to and following excavation. Maximum measurement shall be limited to the trench widths shown on the plans. B. PAYMENT 1. The quantity measured will be paid for at the Contract unit price per cubic yard for rock excavation. Such price and payment will be compensation for all work covered by this section including but not limited to drilling, explosives, loading of drill holes, blasting, removal and disposal of rock. 2. All rock which cannot be handled and compacted as earth shall be kept separate from other excavated materials and shall not be mixed with backfill or embankment materials except as specified or directed. r END OF SECTION Rev.9122199 PROJECT#99710 02222-Page 2 SECTION 02230 AGGREGATE BASE COURSE PART 1: GENERAL 1.01 SCOPE OF WORK A. The work covered by this section consists of the construction of a base composed of an approved aggregate material hauled to the site, placed on the site, compacted, and shaped to conform to the lines, grades, depths, and typical sections shown on the plans or established by the Engineer. PART 2: PRODUCTS 2.01 MATERIALS A. Aggregate base course materials shall consist of crushed stone or uncrushed gravel, or other similar material having hard, strong, durable particles free of adherent coatings. C. The Contractor shall furnish aggregate base course material produced in accordance with the requirements indicated herein for Type A, aggregate unless otherwise specified in the special provisions. D. All aggregates shall be from approved sources. Sources will not be approved unless the material has satisfactory soundness and satisfactory resistance to abrasion. Satisfactory soundness will be considered to be a weighted average loss of not greater than 15% when subjected to five (5) alternations of the sodium sulfate soundness test in accordance with AASHTO T104. Satisfactory resistance to abrasion will be considered to be a percentage of wear of not greater than 55% when tested in accordance with AASHTO T96. E. Aggregates shall be handled in such a manner as to minimize segregation. F. Sites for aggregate stockpiles shall be grubbed and cleaned prior to storing aggregates, and the ground surface shall be firm, smooth, and well drained. A cover of at least 3" of aggregate shall be maintained over the ground surface in order to avoid the inclusion of soil or foreign material. Stockpiles shall be built in such a manner as to minimize segregation. When it is necessary to operate trucks or other equipment on a stockpile Rev. 1/21/98 PROJECT#99710 02230-Page 1 in the process of building the stockpile, it shall be done in a manner approved by the Engineer. G. Stockpiles of different types or sizes of aggregates shall be spaced far enough apart, or else separated by suitable walls or partitions, to prevent the mixing of the aggregates. H. Any method of stockpiling aggregates which allows the stockpile to become contaminated with foreign matter or causes excessive degradation of the aggregate will not be permitted. Excessive degradation will be determined by sieve tests of samples taken from any portion of the stockpile over which equipment has been operated, and failure of such samples to meet all grading requirements for the aggregate will be considered cause for discontinuance of such stockpiling procedure. I. GRADATION All standard sizes of aggregates shall meet the gradation requirements when tested in accordance with AASHTO T27. PART 3: EXECUTION 3.01 CONSTRUCTION OF STONE BASE A. The aggregate material shall be spread on the subgrade to a uniform loose depth and without segregation. B. Where the required compacted thickness of base is 8" or less the base material may be spread and compacted in one layer. Where the required compacted thickness of base is more than 8", the base material shall be spread and compacted in 2 or more approximately equal layers. The minimum compacted thickness of any one layer shall be approximately 4'. C. Each layer of material shall have been sampled, tested, compacted, and approved prior to placing succeeding layers of base material or pavement. D. No base material shall be placed on frozen subgrade or base. Hauling equipment shall not be operated on subgrade or a previously completed layer of base material soft enough to rut or weave beneath the equipment. E. The maximum speed of trucks hauling or traveling over any part of the subgrade or base shall be 5 miles per hour. F. The Contractor shall utilize methods of handling, hauling, and placing which will minimize segregation and contamination. If segregation occurs, Rev. 1/21198 PROJECT#99710 02230-Page 2 the Engineer may require that changes be made in the Contractor's methods to minimize segregation, and may also require mixing on the road which may be necessary to correct any segregated material. No additional compensation will be allowed for the work of road mixing as may be required under this provision. Aggregate which is contaminated with foreign materials to the extent the base course will not adequately serve its intended use shall be removed and replaced by the Contractor at no additional cost to the Owner. The above requirements will be applicable regardless of the type of aggregate placed and regardless of prior acceptance. 3.02 QUALITY CONTROL A. TOLERANCES 1. After final shaping and compacting the base, the Engineer will check the surface of the base for conformance to grade and typical section and will determine the base thickness. 2. The thickness of the base shall be within a tolerance of t1/2" of the base thickness required by the plans. B. MAINTENANCE Where the base material is placed in a trench section, the Contractor shall provide adequate drainage through the shoulders to protect the subgrade and base until such time as shoulders are completed. The Contractor shall maintain the surface of the base by watering, machining, and rolling or dragging when necessary to prevent damage to the base by weather or traffic. PART 4: MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT A. MEASUREMENT The quantity of Aggregate Base Course to be paid for will be the actual number of square yards of material measured along the surface of the ground at the specified compacted thickness which has been incorporated into the completed and accepted work. Rev. 1/21/98 PROJECT#99710 02230-Page 3 i B. PAYMENT The quantity of Aggregate Base Course, measured as provided in Section 4.A above will be paid for at the contract unit price as specified in the bidding document. In all cases, regardless of the unit of measure, the Contractor shall furnish copies of certified weight tickets for all material placed on the project. END OF SECTION Rev. 1/21198 PROJECT#99710 02230-Page 4 SECTION 02510 BITUMINOUS PAVING PART 1: GENERAL 1.01 SCOPE OF WORK The work covered by this section shall consist of the construction, production, delivery and placement of bituminous plant mix base and surface courses properly laid on a prepared aggregate base course, in accordance with these specifications and in conformity with the lines, grades, thickness, and typical sections shown on the plans. 1.02 SUBMITTALS A. BITUMINOUS MIXTURE PRODUCTION The quantity of surface course, measured as provided in Section 02510 will be paid for at the contract prices as specified in the bidding documents. In all cases, the Contractor shall furnish copies of certified weight tickets for all surface course placed on the project. 1.03 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. When required by the Engineer, the automatic weighing and recording system shall be checked by weighing a truck load of mix with an approved set of platform scales. Other means of checking the automatic weighing and recording system will be designated by the Engineer if such checking becomes necessary. B. The Contractor will not be permitted to use mixture delivered to the road which is not accompanied by a load ticket signed by the weighman or an automatic printout ticket in accordance with the above requirements. C. The original of all tickets, including any voided tickets or tickets for rejected mixture, shall become the property of the Engineer. D. ACCEPTANCE OF BITUMINOUS MATERIALS Bituminous materials will,be accepted at the source of shipment subject to the following conditions: Rev. 10/7/99 PROJECT#99710 02510-Page 1 1. All bituminous transport tankers shall have a sampling valve in accordance with the recommendation of the Asphalt Institute and ASTM D140, or a comparable device acceptable to the Engineer. 2. Each transport tanker delivering bituminous materials to the project shall keep a running log showing the date, destination, and type and grade of material hauled on each trip. The tanker number shall be printed, stamped, or written in ink on each logbook. The logbook shall be available for examination upon request of the Engineer at any time. 3. The Contractor shall furnish with each shipment two (2) copies of the delivery ticket. One copy shall accompany the shipment and be delivered to the Engineer or his representative at the destination. The delivery ticket shall contain the following information: Delivery ticket number, date shipped, state project or purchase order number, destination, name of consignee, trailer number, storage tank or batch number, quantity loaded (pounds or gallons), loading temperature, correction factor used, and net gallons at 60C. 4. In addition to the delivery tickets, the Contractor shall furnish a statement of certification which is signed (not initialized or stamped) by an authorized representative of the supplier and which is either stamped, written, or printed on the delivery ticket; or attached thereto. The certification shall be essentially in the following form: "This is to certify that this shipment of M gallons of M grade (Asphalt) (tar) meets all requirements of the applicable North Carolina Department of Transportation Specifications, and that the transport tank was clean and free from contaminating materials when loaded. The material transported on the previous load in this tanker was - ." Signed Authorized Representative of Supplier Failure to sign the certification will be cause to withhold use of the material until a sample can be taken and tested. 5. The Engineer reserves the right to sample and test any shipment regardless of whether or not the above conditions have been met and to reject any material not meeting the requirements of the specifications. Rev. 1017/98 PROJECT#99710 02510-Page 2 1.04 DELIVERY AND STORAGE A. SURGE STORAGE BINS Surge storage bins may be used providing the mix that is discharged from the bin meets the requirements of the job mix formula. B. HOT MIX SILO STORAGE BINS Hot mix silo storage bins may be used providing the mix that is discharged from the bin meets the requirements of the job mix formula. C. TRANSPORTATION OF BITUMINOUS MIXTURE 1. The mixture shall be transported from the mixing plant to the point of use in vehicles which have tight, clean, smooth metal beds that have been sprayed with a lime solution, a soap and oil solution, or other approved material, to prevent the mixture from adhering to the beds. Each vehicle shall be covered with a canvas or other suitable material. All covers shall be so constructed and secured as to prevent the entrance of moisture and the rapid loss of temperature. A 3/8" diameter hole shall be provided on each side of the vehicle body near the center of the body and 6" above the bed of the vehicle for the purpose of inserting a thermometer. 2. The temperature of the mixture immediately prior to discharge from the hauling vehicle shall be within a tolerance of plus 15°F. to minus 25°F. of the specified job mix temperature. PART 2: PRODUCTS 2.01 MATERIALS A. COMPOSITION OF MIXTURES 1. The bituminous plant mix shall be composed of a mixture of aggregate, asphalt cement, and mineral filler when required. The several aggregate fractions shall be sized, uniformly graded, and combined in such proportions that the resulting mixture meets the grading requirements of a job mix formula prepared by the Engineer. Materials which will not produce a job mix within the.full allowable tolerances required by these specifications will be rejected. Page 3 Rev. 1017/98 PROJECT#99710 02510- 2. The job mix formula with the allowable tolerances shall be within the design limits specified for the particular type of bituminous mixture. The job mix formula for each mixture will establish a single percentage of aggregate passing each required sieve size, a single percentage of asphalt cement to be added to the aggregate, and a single temperature at which the mixture is to be discharged from the plant. 3. The job mix formula for each mixture shall be in effect until modified in writing by the Engineer. 4. All mixtures furnished for the work shall conform to the job mix formula within the tolerance ranges specified for the particular mix involved as specified herein. 5. Should a change in sources of aggregate materials be made, a new job mix formula will be required before the new mixture is produced. 6. When unsatisfactory results or other conditions make it necessary, the Engineer may establish a new job mix formula. 7. The asphalt cement for the mixture will be accepted at the source subject to the provisions of these specifications. Silicone shall be added to all asphalt cement used in surface courses and open-graded asphalt friction course, Type J-1, unless otherwise directed by the Engineer. The amount of silicone added shall range from 1 oz. per 2,000 gallons of asphalt cement to 1 oz. per 2,500 gallons. The addition of the silicone to the asphalt cement shall be in the presence of the Engineer unless it is added at the source and it is so noted on the delivery ticket. 8. The brand of silicone used shall be from the list published by the N. C. Department of Transportation. A Contractor proposing to use a brand not on the approved list shall submit a sample and manufacturer's data to the Engineer for approval prior to use. 9. Bituminous Concrete Base Course, Type HB a. A combination of graded coarse and fine aggregates will be required which will produce an acceptable mix. The coarse aggregate shall consist of standard sizes No. 1 and No. 13, except that other standard sizes may be used when approved by the Engineer. Rev. 1017/98 PROJECT#99710 02510-Page 4 b. At least 1/2 of the fraction passing the No. 200 sieve shall be mineral filler or stone screenings. C. The total natural sand or sands in the mixture will be tested in accordance with AASHTO T11 to determine the amount of material which can be washed through the No. 200 sieve. ' The total amount of such washed material shall not exceed 8% by weight of the total aggregate in the mixture. The above test will be performed prior to establishing the design mix and, when required by the job mix formula, prior to the entry of the sand into the drier. 10. Bituminous Concrete Surface Course, Type 1-1 and 1-2 a. A combination of graded coarse and fine aggregates will be required which will produce an acceptable mix. The use of crusher run material will not be permitted. The coarse aggregate shall consist of standard size No. 13, except that other standard sizes may be used when approved by the Engineer. b. At least 1/2 of the fraction passing the No. 200 sieve shall be mineral filler or stone screenings. C. The total natural sand or sands in the mixture will be tested in accordance with AASHTO T11 to determine the amount of material which can be washed through the No. 200 sieve. The total amount of such washed material shall not exceed 8% by weight of the total natural sand in the mixture. The above test will be performed prior to establishing the design mix and, when required by the job mix formula, prior to the entry of the sand into the drier. 11. Bituminous Prime Coat All materials shall meet the requirements shown below: a. Prime coat for bituminous surface treatments: i. Asphalt, Grade MC-30 ii. Asphalt, Grade RC-30 iii. Tar, Grade RT-2 iv. Tar, Grade RT-3 Rev. 1017/98 PROJECT#99710 02510-Page 5 i b. Where the grade of bituminous material is not established by the special provisions, the Contractor may select the grade to be used. C. Prime coat for plant mix asphalt: I i. Asphalt, Grade RC-30 12. Bituminous Tack Coat All materials shall meet the requirements shown below: 1 a. Tack coat for bituminous surface treatments: i. Asphalt, Grade AC-20 ii. Asphalt, Grade RS-1 H iii. Asphalt, Grade CRS-1 H iv. Asphalt, Grade CRS-1 1 b. When tack coat is required beneath an open-graded asphalt friction course the asphalt grade to be used will be specified on the job mix formula. PART 3: EXECUTION I ' 3.01 CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS A. BASE COURSE, TYPE HB; SURFACE COURSES TYPES 1-1 AND 1-2 1. General Ia. The bituminous plant mix shall be compacted to a density of at least 90% of the maximum theoretical density. b. Where the surface course is to be.placed on Type H binder course, the surface course shall be placed as soon as possible after the binder course has been placed and in all cases during the same paving season. The bituminous plant mix shall be compacted to a density of at least 95% of the laboratory density as determined by the Marshall Method Test. Rev.10/7/98 PROJECT#99710 02510-Page 6 j 2. Spreading and Finishing a. Tack coat shall be applied in accordance with the provisions of these specifications. b. The bituminous mixture shall be spread and struck off to the required grades, cross sections, and thicknesses by self contained, power propelled pavers. The pavers shall be equipped with an activated screed or strike off assembly which is designed to be preheated, and shall have a sliding shoe attachment which will form a slope on the edge of the mixture which will prevent edge raveling when the mixture is compacted. C. A string line shall be placed by the Contractor for the first lane of each layer of mixture placed to provide alignment control for the paver, except that a string line will not be required when the first layer is placed adjacent to a curb section. d. Pavers shall be operated at forward speeds consistent with satisfactory laying of the mixture and plant production in order to provide a uniform and continuous laydown operation. Should unevenness of texture, tearing, or shoving occur during the paving operation due to unsatisfactory methods or equipment, the Contractor shall immediately take such action as may be necessary to correct such unsatisfactory work. Throwing back excessive material will not be permitted. e. When placing adjacent lanes of the same course, pavers shall be equipped with a joint matching device which will automatically provide control of the depth of the mixture being placed so that, when compacted, it will match the depth of the existing lane. f. When required by the special provisions, pavers shall be equipped with a joint matching device which will automatically provide control of the depth of the mixture being placed so that, when compacted, it will match the depth of the existing lane. g. When required by the special provisions, pavers shall be equipped with a control system which will automatically control the longitudinal profile and cross slope of the Rev. 10/7198 PROJECT#99710 02510-Page 7 pavement by the use of either a mobile string line or fixed string line. When a fixed string line is required, the Engineer will furnish grade stakes for the finished pavement grade and the Contractor shall furnish and erect the necessary guideline for the equipment. h. The Engineer will waive the requirement for automatic paver controls in areas where the use of such equipment is impractical due to irregular cross section or shape. In the case of malfunction of the automatic control equipment, the Contractor may manually operate the paver for the remainder of the workday only. i. The Engineer will waive the requirement for use of pavers for spreading and finishing where irregularities or obstacles make their use impractical and the Contractor shall spread, rake, and lute the mixture by hand methods. j. Roadway paving shall be as continuous as possible. Intersections and irregular areas shall be paved after the adjacent roadway has been paved. 3. Compaction a. Immediately after the bituminous mixture has been spread, struck off, and surface and edge irregularities adjusted, it shall be thoroughly and uniformly compacted. The degree of compaction required shall be in accordance with the applicable section of the specifications for the type of mixture being placed. b. All final wearing surfaces except open-graded asphalt friction course, Type J-1, shall be compacted using a minimum of 2 steel wheel tandem rollers. Steel .wheel tandem vibrating rollers may be used provided they are operated without vibration. C. Rollers used to compact the mixture shall be in good condition, capable of reversing without backlash. The rollers shall be operated with the drive wheels nearest the paver and at speeds slow enough to avoid displacement of the mixture. Steel wheel rollers shall be equipped with wetting devices to prevent the mixture from sticking to the roller wheels. Rev. 10/7198 PROJECT#99710 02510-Page 8 d. The number and weight of rollers shall be sufficient to compact the mixture to the required density while it is still in a workable condition. e. Rolling for open-graded asphalt friction course shall consist of one coverage with a tandem steel wheel roller weighing a maximum of 10 tons, with additional rolling limited to one coverage with the roller where necessary to improve riding surface. f. The use of rolling equipment with results in excessive crushing of the aggregate or excessive displacement of the mixture will not be permitted. g. In areas inaccessible to equipment, the mixture shall be thoroughly compacted by the use of hand tampers or hand operated mechanical tampers. h. The tolerance of the final compacted pavement shall be 1 1/4" from the typical cross-sections shown on the plans. 4. Joints a. Transverse Joints i. When the laying of the mixture is to be suspended long enough to permit the mixture .to become chilled, transverse joints shall be constructed. At the end of the day's operation the Contractor shall construct a sloped wedge ahead of the end of the full depth pavement to provide for proper compaction and protection of the full depth pavement. When directed by the Engineer, the Contractor shall place a paper parting strip beneath this wedge to facilitate joint construction. ii. Before paving operations are resumed, the Contractor shall remove the sloped wedge and cut back into the previously constructed pavement to the point of full pavement depth. The exposed edge of the previously constructed pavement shall then be lightly coated with tack coat. Rev. 1017/98 PROJECT#99T10 02510-Page 9 When laying of the mixture is resumed at the joint, the construction of the joint shall be completed while the mixture is still in a workable condition. b. Longitudinal Joints i. Longitudinal joints shall be formed by allowing the paver to deposit the mixture adjacent to the joint to such depth that maximum compaction can be obtained along the joint. The joint shall be pinched by rolling immediately behind the paver. ii. When multi-lane multi-layer construction is required, the longitudinal joint in each layer shall offset that in the layer immediately below by approximately 6 inches. The joint in the top layer shall be constructed, where possible, between design travel lanes. 5. Weather and Temperature Limitations a. Bituminous mixtures shall not be produced or placed during rainy weather, when the subgrade or base course is frozen, or when the moisture on the surface to be paved would prevent proper bond. Bituminous material shall not be placed when the air temperature, measured in the shade away from artificial heat at the location of the paving operations, is less than the following temperatures: s THICKNESS OF MATERIA[ru LAYER BING AIRTEMPERATURE' �._ Bituminous Concrete 1-1/2"or Greater 35OF Base Course, Type HB; Bituminous Concrete Binder Course; or Sand Asphalt Base Course Bituminous Concrete Less Than 1- 40OF Bind Course, or Sand 1/2" Asphalt Base Course Surface Course 1"or Greater 40OF Materials (except final layer) Surface Course 1"or Greater 40OF for Final Layer except Materials 50OF Between Nov. 1 &April 1 Surface Course Less Than 1" 50°F, except 60OF Between Materials Nov. 1 &April 1 Rev. 1017/98 PROJECT#99710 02510-Page 10 b. In addition, open-graded asphalt friction course, Type J-1, shall not be placed between November 1 and April 1. C. As an exception to the above, when in any day's operations the placement of a layer of bituminous base course material or binder material 1-1/2" or greater in thickness has started, it may continue until the temperature drops to 32' F. B. BITUMINOUS PRIME COAT 1. Base Preparations a. The base shall be cleaned of objectionable dust, dirt, clay, and any other deleterious matter prior to placing the prime coat. b. When directed by the Engineer, the Contractor shall dampen the surface of the base prior to the application of the prime coat. 2. Equipment The distributor shall be so designed, equipped, maintained, and operated that bituminous material at even heat may be applied uniformly on variable widths of surface at predetermined and controlled rates. The width of application shall not exceed 20'-6" unless otherwise permitted in writing by the Engineer. Distributor equipment shall include an accurate volume measuring device or a calibrated tank, and a thermometer for measuring the temperature With r a of the tank contents. The distributor shall be equipped power driven pump, full circulation spray bars adjustable laterally and vertically, and hand hose for hand application. The volume of the distributor tank shall be calibrated by a commercial laboratory prior to use and the calibration chart shall be kept with the distributor at all times. Rev. 10/7198 PROJECT#99710 02510-Page 11 3. Application Rates and Temperature The rates of application of prime coat and the temperature at which the bituminous material shall be applied will be established by the Engineer and shall be within the limits shown in the Table below: TABLE APPLICATION RATES AND TEMPERATURES FOR PRIME COAT Brtumrnous Material Applrcatron Rates Application (Gallons Per Te"mperature,. Square Yartl) Asphalt, Grade MC-30 0.18-0.45 90OF-130OF Asphalt, Grade RC-30 0.18-0.45 900 F-130OF Tar, Grade RT-2 0.18-0.45 100OF -125OF Tar, Grade RT-3 0.18-0.45 100OF-125OF The required rates of bituminous materials shall be the volume of the material measured at 60' F. 4. Application a. When the plans require the base course to be constructed with side slopes flatter than 1:1, the prime shall be applied to the full width of the base including the side slopes. b. Prime coat shall be applied only when the base to be treated has been approved by the Engineer. C. A string line shall be placed by the Contractor to provide alignment control for the distributor during prime coat application unless waived by the Engineer. d. Bridge floors, curbs, and handrails of structures and all other appurtenances shall be covered to prevent prime coat from being tracked or splattered on the structures or appurtenances. e. After the prime coat has penetrated sufficiently, when directed by the Engineer the Contractor shall roll the primed surface until all loose base material is thoroughly bonded. Rev. 1017198 PROJECT#99710 02510-Page 12 5. Weather Limitations a. Prime shall be applied only when the surface to be treated is sufficiently dry and the atmospheric temperature in the shade away from artificial heat is 40°F or above for plant mix, and 50°F or above for bituminous surface treatment. b. Prime coat shall not be applied when the weather is foggy or rainy. 6. Maintenance and Protection a. The prime coat shall be allowed to thoroughly penetrate the base. The Contractor shall, when so directed by the Engineer, spread an adequate amount of suitable granular material over the prime coat to avoid its being picked up by traffic. b. The prime shall be maintained in an acceptable condition until such time as the pavement is placed. All maintenance and replacement of damaged prime shall be done at no cost to the Owner. C. BITUMINOUS TACK COAT 1. Surface Preparation a. The surface to which the tack coat is to be applied shall be cleaned of objectionable dust, dirt, clay, and any other deleterious matter prior to placing the tack coat. b. The Contractor shall remove grass, dirt and other materials from the edge of the existing pavement prior to the placement of tack coat. 2. Equipment The distributor shall be so designed, equipped, maintained, and operated that bituminous material at even heat may be applied uniformly on variable widths of surface at predetermined and controlled rates. The width of application shall not exceed 20'-6" unless otherwise permitted in writing by the Engineer. Distributor equipment shall include an accurate volume measuring device or a calibrated tank, and a thermometer for measuring the temperature of the tank contents. The distributor shall be equipped with a Rev.1017198 PROJECT#99710 02510-Page 13 power driven pump, full circulation spray bars adjustable laterally and vertically, and hand hose for hand application. The volume of the distributor tank shall be calibrated by a commercial laboratory prior to use and the calibration chart shall be kept with the distributor at all times. 3. Application Rates and Temperatures a. Tack coat shall be uniformly applied at a rate from 0.02 to 0.05 gallons per square yard. The exact rate of application will be established by the Engineer. When tack coat is required beneath an open-graded asphalt friction course, the exact rate of application will be specified on the job mix formula and will be within the range of 0.02 to 0.08 gallons per square yard. b. The temperature of the material at the time of application shall be within the ranges shown in the table below: Table Application Temperatures for Tack Coat Bituminous Material : Temperature Range Asphalt Cement AC-20 3850 F - 500OF Asphalt, Grade RS-111 90°F - 150OF Asphalt, Grade CRS-1 H 90°F - 1500E Asphalt, Grade CRS-1 90°F - 150OF 4. Application a. No more tack coat material shall be applied than can be covered with base, binder, or surface course during the following day's operations. b. Tack coat shall be applied only in the presence of and as directed by the Engineer. No base or surface mixture shall be deposited thereon until the tack coat has sufficiently cured. C. Contact surfaces of headers, curbs, gutters, manholes, vertical faces of old pavements, and all exposed transverse and longitudinal edges of each course shall be painted or Rev.1017/98 PROJECT#99710 02510-Page 14 sprayed with tack coat before mixture is placed adjacent to such surfaces. d. Bridge floors, curbs and handrails of structures, and all other appurtenances shall be covered to prevent tack coat from being tracked or splattered on the structures or appurtenances. 5. Weather Limitations a. Tack shall be applied only when the surface to be treated is sufficiently dry and the atmospheric temperature in the shade away from artificial heat is 350 F or above. b. Tack coat shall not be applied when the weather is foggy or rainy. 6. Maintenance and Protection After the tack coat has been applied, it shall be protected until it has cured for a sufficient length of time to prevent if from being picked up by traffic. 3.02 QUALITY CONTROL AND TESTING A. SAMPLES 1. Samples of the mixture shall be taken from the full depth of the course at locations designated by the Engineer. 2. Where samples have been taken, new material shall be immediately placed and compacted to conform with the surrounding area by the Contractor. B. SURFACE REQUIREMENTS 1. The surface of the plant mix base or pavement after compaction shall be smooth and true to the required cross section and grade. Any defective areas shall be corrected with satisfactory material which shall be immediately compacted to conform with the surrounding area. Any area showing an excess of asphalt cement shall be removed and replaced. 2. The surface will be tested by the Engineer at all joints and at other selected locations using a 10'-0" straightedge. The variation of the Rev. 1017198 PROJECT#99710 02510-Page 15 surface from the testing edge of the straightedge, when applied parallel to the centerline of the surface, shall not exceed 1/8" between any two contact points. Areas found to exceed this tolerance shall be corrected by the Contractor by removal of the defective work and replacement with new material unless other corrective measures are permitted by the Engineer. The work and materials required in the correction of defective work shall be provided by the Contractor at no cost. i 3. The Contractor shall repaint and restripe any traffic markings that were damaged, removed or covered during construction. All work shall be done in accordance with NCDOT requirements and specifications. The cost of this work shall be included in the unit bid prices for other related work and no additional payment shall be made. 4. All existing manhole and valve covers shall be raised by the Contractor as necessary prior to paving so that the tops of the covers are flush with the final surface. The cost of this work shall be included in the unit bid prices for other related work and no additional payment shall be made. PART 4: MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT A. BITUMINOUS CONCRETE BASE COURSE, TYPE HB 1. Measurement The quantity of base course to be paid for will be the actual amount of base course which has been incorporated into the completed and accepted work. 2. Payment a. The quantity of base course, measured as provided in Paragraph 4.A.1 above will be paid for at the contract unit price. The Contractor shall furnish weight tickets for all material placed before payment is made. b. Payment will be made per unit of measurement as indicated on the bid documents. Rev. 1017198 PROJECT#99710 02510-Page 16 B. BITUMINOUS CONCRETE SURFACE COURSE, TYPE I-1 AND I-2 1. Measurement The quantity of surface course to be paid for will be the actual amount of surface course which has been incorporated into the completed and accepted work. 2. Payment The quantity of surface course, measured as provided in Paragraph 4.13.1 above will be paid for at the contract prices as specified in the bidding documents. In all cases, the Contractor shall furnish copies of certified weight tickets for all surface course placed on the project. C. BITUMINOUS PRIME COAT There shall be no direct payment for the placement of prime coat but it shall be considered incidental to asphalt paving. D. BITUMINOUS TACK COAT There shall be no direct payment for the placement of tack coat but it shall be considered incidental to asphalt paving. END OF SECTION Rev. 1017198 PROJECT#99710 02510-Page 17 SECTION 02601 BORE AND ENCASEMENT PART 1: GENERAL 1.01 SCOPE OF WORK A. The work under this section consists of furnishing all materials, labor, equipment and services required for the complete installation of encasement pipe and carrier pipes under highways and railroads by boring and jacking as shown on the drawings and specified herein. All work in connection with constructing encasement pipes under highways and railroads shall comply with all current requirements of governing highway and railroad agencies. The Contractor shall be familiar with these requirements. The Contractor shall inspect the locations at the proposed crossings and shall familiarize himself with the conditions under which the work will be performed, and with all necessary details and the suitability of his equipment and methods for the work required. PART 2: PRODUCTS 2.01 MATERIALS A. Encasement pipe shall be smooth wall welded steel conforming to ASTM Designation A139, Grade B. The outside of the pipe shall be coated in accordance with AWWA Standard C203. Minimum pipe wall thickness shall be as follows: Pipe Nominal Diameter ln'ches Wall ThiIj ckness Inches 16 .250 20 .250 24 .250 30 .312 36 .500 Rev. 1/14/98 PROJECT#99710 02601 -Page 1 PART 3: EXECUTION 3.01 INSTALLATION A. Encasements shall be installed by boring and jacking unless field conditions require otherwise. It shall be the Contractor's responsibility to notify the Engineer immediately if conditions do not permit a jack and bore installation. B. The encasement pipe shall be of the diameter indicated for the carrier pipe as shown on the drawing. C. Installation of encasement pipe shall include all related work and services such as mobilization of equipment, constructing and maintaining working pits, right-of-way maintenance and restoration, traffic maintenance, mining, excavations, dewatering, sheeting, shoring and bracing for embankments, operating pits, and as elsewhere required shall be placed and maintained in order that work may proceed safely and expeditiously. D. Installation of the casing pipe shall be carried out without disturbance of the embankment, pavement, tracks, or other railroad or highway facilities and without obstructing the passage of traffic at any time. E. The driven portions of the casing shall be advanced from the lower end of the casing unless specific permission to do otherwise is obtained by the Contractor from the Engineer. F. The alignment and grade shall be carefully maintained and the encasement pipe installed in a straight line. G. The space outside the encasement and the ground shall be filled with grout, sand or pea gravel, as directed by the Engineer. The Engineer will direct that this space be filled if the space is large enough to cause any earth settling. H. Before the pipe is installed in the casing, bolt-on metal--skids painted with bitumastic paint shall be rigidly fastened to the barrel of the pipe. After completion of the casing, the Contractor shall insert the pipeline in pre jointed segments. No contact will be permitted between the casing and the carrier pipeline. i Rev. 1114/98 PROJECT#99710 02601 -Page 2 PART 4: MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT A. Quantities of encasement pipe installed by the boring and jacking method shall be determined by measuring the actual lineal feet of encasement pipe installed with proper alignment and grade. No payment shall be made for encasement pipe that does not match the alignment and grade requirements. Also, no payment shall be made for a failed bore attempt or excavation for a bore pit that cannot be used. B. Payment shall be for the total number of lineal feet of encasement pipe installed at the respective unit price bid for the item. C. Price and payment shall constitute full compensation for furnishing all equipment, labor, tools, and materials to complete all of the work required under this section including excavation of working pits, encasement pipe, carrier pipe, dewatering, shoring, etc. END OF SECTION Rev.1/14/98 PROJECT#99710 02601 -Page 3 SECTION 02730 SANITARY SEWER PIPE AND APPURTENANCES PART 1: GENERAL 1.01 SCOPE OF WORK A. Furnish all labor, equipment, materials and incidentals necessary to install and complete the sanitary sewer and/or force main installation in accordance with the plans. All pipe and appurtenance material shall be of the type and class specified herein. B. All sewer pipe and force main excavation, bedding, pipe laying, jointing and coupling of pipe joints and backfilling shall be completed as described herein. 1.02 SUBMITTALS A. Shop drawings or submittals shall be required for the following: 1. All sizes and types of pipe on the project. 2. Pipe fittings and couplings. 3. All valves, valve boxes, manholes, manhole frames and covers, air relief valves or any other required for completion of the project. 1.03 DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING A. The Contractor shall unload pipe and appurtenances so as to avoid deformation or other injury thereto. Pipe shall not be placed within pipe of a larger size and shall not be rolled or dragged over gravel or rock during handling. The Contractor shall store the pipe and appurtenances on sills above storm drainage level and deliver for laying after the trench is excavated. When any material is damaged during transporting, unloading, handling or storing, the undamaged portions may be used as needed, or, if damaged sufficiently, the Engineer will reject the material as being unfit for installation. Rev.2/24/99 PROJECT#99710 02730-Page 1 f PART 2: PRODUCTS 2.01 MATERIALS A. PIPE 1. All materials shall be first quality with smooth interior and exterior surfaces, free from cracks, blisters, honeycombs and other imperfections, and true to theoretical shapes and forms throughout. All materials shall be subject to the inspection of the Engineer at the plant, trench, or other point of delivery, for the purpose of culling and rejecting materials which do not conform to the requirements of these specifications. Such material shall be marked by the Engineer and the Contractor shall remove it from the project site upon notice being received of its rejection. 2. As particular specifications are cited, the designation shall be construed to refer to the latest revision under the same specification number, or to superseding specifications under a new number except provisions in revised specifications which are clearly inapplicable. 3. Ductile Iron Sewer Pipe (DIP) a. Ductile Iron Pipe shall be as manufactured in accordance with ASTM A 746, ANSI Specification A21.50 and A21.51 and shall be Class 350 unless otherwise specified on the drawings. b. The pipe interior shall be cement mortar lined and seal coated, standard thickness, in accordance with ANSI Specification A21.4. C. The exterior of all pipe shall be coated with either a coal or asphaltic base bituminous pipe coating in accordance with ANSI Specification A21.8. d. Pipe shall be furnished with Slip Joints, Mechanical Joints, or Flanged Joints as indicated on the drawings and in accordance with the specifications described below: e. Slig Joints - This pipe joint shall be done by guiding the plain end of the pipe into the bell end until contact is made with a gasket and by exerting a sufficient compressive force to Rev.2/24199 PROJECT#99710 02730-Page 2 drive the plain end through the gasket until the plain end makes full contact with the base of the bell. i. Bells of slip-joint pipe shall be contoured to receive a circular rubber gasket and plain ends shall have a slight taper to facilitate installation. ii. The circular gasket shall be furnished by the pipe manufacturer and shall be manufactured in accordance with ANSI Specification A21.11. iii. The pipe manufacturer shall also furnish the lubricant used to assist in the pipe installation. f. Mechanical Joints - This pipe joint is essentially the same as the slip joint except it is furnished with a cast iron clamp which acts as a retainer to hold circular rubber gasket in place. All mechanical type joints shall be furnished by the pipe manufacturer and manufactured in accordance with ANSI Specification A21.11. i. All bolts shall be tightened by means of torque wrenches in such a manner that the following shall be brought up toward the pipe evenly. If effective sealing is not obtained by tightening the bolts to the specified torques, the joint shall be disassembled and reassembled after thorough cleaning. g. Flanged Joints - The flanged pipe joint is composed of a flat steel plate shop fitted on the threaded end of the ductile iron pipe. The flanges shall be accurately faced at right angles to the pipe axis and shall be drilled smooth and true. i. Flanged joints shall be furnished with 125 lb. flanges drilled in accordance with ANSI Specification B16.1. ii. In general, flanged joints shall be made up with through bolts of the required size. Stud or tap bolts shall be used only where shown or required. iii. Gaskets for flanged joints shall be the ring type of cloth inserted rubber or rubber with a minimum thickness of 1/8". Rev.2124/99 PROJECT#99710 02730-Page 3 iv. Connecting flanges shall be in proper alignment and no external force shall be used to bring them together. Bolts and gaskets shall be furnished by the installer of piping for joints connecting the piping with equipment, as well as for those between pipe and fittings, whether such equipment and piping is furnished by the installer or not. 4. Polyvinyl Chloride Sewer Pipe (PVC) a. Gravity - Polyvinyl Chloride Pipe shall be as manufactured in accordance with ASTM D-3034, latest edition, and shall be suitable for use as a gravity sanitary sewer pipe. The standard dimension ratio (SDR) shall be 35 unless otherwise specified on the contract drawings. b. All polyvinyl chloride pipe joints shall be of an integral bell and spigot of the same material as the pipe. It shall have a solid cross-section with rubber "0" ring securely locked in place at the point of manufacture. C. Force Main - Polyvinyl chloride pipe shall be as manufactured in accordance with ASTM D-2241, latest edition, and shall be suitable for use as a sanitary sewer force main pipe. The standard dimension ratio (SDR) shall be 18 or 21 as shown on the contract drawings. d. All polyvinyl chloride pipe shall be of an integral bell and spigot of the same material as the pipe. It shall have a solid cross-section, with rubber "0" ring securely locked in place at the point of manufacture. e. Where PVC pipe is installed in iron pipe size (IPS), an IPS gasket shall be furnished with each fitting to insure compatibility. 5. Reinforced Concrete Sewer Pipe (RCP) a. Reinforced concrete sewer pipe shall be furnished in accordance with ASTM C-76, latest edition, and shall be suitable for use as a gravity sanitary sewer pipe. The pipe shall be Class III, wall thickness B, with spigot groove joint. The rubber "0" ring gasket shall form a flexible water-tight seal at the assembled pipe joint and manufactured in accordance with ASTM C-443. Rev.2/24/99 PROJECT#99710 02730-Page 4 b. The pipe manufacturer shall furnish to the Engineer certification from an independent laboratory that the alkalinity of the pipe is at least 90% calcium carbonate equivalent. Certification shall also be furnished by the pipe manufacturer stating the type of aggregate used in the pipe. 6. Galvanized Steel Pipe and Fittings a. Galvanized steel (mill) pipe shall be manufactured in accordance with AWWA Standard C202 and ASTM A370. b. The pipe is to be seamless (weldless) tubular steel pipe manufactured in straight standard length (21'-0"). Each length shall be subjected to an internal hydrostatic pressure test by the manufacturer. The Engineer may request certified copies of the testing results for the pipe purchased for this project. C. Unless otherwise stated in the bid schedule or noted on the drawings, the diameter shall mean the nominal inside diameter of pipe as covered by the applicable section(s) of AWWA C-202. d. The maximum working water pressure, including water hammer allowance, for this pipe material shall be taken as 250 psi. e. All pipe lengths shall be threaded National Standard Thread (NSPT) at the point of manufacture. Where other end preparation is required, it shall be as specified on the contract drawings. 7. Fittings Whenever the sanitary sewer force main has a-significant change in alignment or grade it will be necessary to furnish and install a fitting made of either cast/ductile iron or galvanized steel. The specifications for the force main fittings are described below: a. Cast Iron/Ductile Iron - All cast iron and ductile iron fittings shall be mechanical joint manufactured in accordance with ANSI Specification A-21.1 and AWWA Standard C-110 for underground piping. Rev. 2/24/99 PROJECT#99710 02730-Page 5 The interior of the fittings shall be cement mortar lined and seal coated in accordance with ANSI Specification A21.4 and AWWA C-104. b. Galvanized Steel - See Section 2.01.6 above. 8. Gate Valves All gate valves shall be designed for a working pressure of 200 psi unless otherwise specified and shall have a clear waterway equal to the full nominal diameter of the pipe and shall be opened by turning counterclockwise. Each valve shall have the initials of the maker, pressure rating and year of manufacture cast on the body. Prior to shipment from the factory, each valve shall be tested by hydraulic pressure equal to twice the specified working pressure. Valves shall be operated by handwheel or operating nut as herein specified and shall have an arrow cast in the metal indicating the direction of opening. Valves to be installed underground shall be non-rising stem type while valves installed above ground or in buildings and structures shall have rising stems. All gate valves 16" or larger shall have a 3" bypass with valve. a. Gate Valves 2" and Smaller i. Gates valves 2" and smaller shall be all brass, single disc type, double seat tapered wedge type built to manufacturer's standards with material and construction conforming to AWWA C-500. ii. Each valve shall have a 2" operating nut. Valves shall have screwed ends conforming to NPT standards. b. Resilient Seated Wedge Valve i. Gate valves 3" through 24" diameter size shall be of the ductile iron body, resilient seated wedge type meeting the requirements set forth in AWWA C-509 and AWWA C-500. All valves shall be from one manufacturer and parts interchangeable. ii. Gate valves shall have body, bonnet and gate manufactured of ductile iron conforming to ASTM A- 536. The shell thickness of all components shall i Rev.2/24199 PROJECT#99710 02730-Page 6 conform to the thicknesses in Table 2, Section 4.4 of AWWA C-509 and C-500. The valve body and bonnet shall be coated on both the interior and exterior surfaces with a fusion bonded epoxy paint conforming to AWWA C-550. i iii. The gate shall be fully covered with a rubber cover over all exterior and interior ferrous surfaces. The rubber shall be securely bonded to the gate body, including the part which houses the stem nut. The gate and rubber coat shall conform to ASTM D429. iv. Valve stems shall be cast bronze. The stuffing box shall use "O"-ring seal type with two rings located above the thrust collar. The rings shall be replaceable with the valve fully open and under pressure. V. Valves larger than 12" diameter shall be designed for horizontal installation with beveled gear boxes with reduction gears to reduce the number of turns required to operate valve. C. Double Disc Type Gate Valves i. Gate valves larger than 24" diameter size shall be of the ductile iron body, double disc parallel seat type meeting the requirements set forth in AWWA C-500. All valves shall be from one manufacturer and parts interchangeable. ii. . Gate valves shall have body, bonnet and gate manufactured of ductile iron conforming to ASTM A- 536. The shell thickness of all components shall conform to the thicknesses in C-500. The valve body and bonnet shall be coated on both the interior and exterior surfaces. iii. The gates shall be high strength cast iron, sturdily proportioned without pockets on the backs. All cam surfaces shall open to the bottom. Gate rings shall be rolled into a dovetail groove under pressure to make a single insertable finish. Rev.2124/99 PROJECT#99710 02730-Page 7 iv. Valves shall use bottom wedging type design with a two part floating wedge contact. The wedge and f� hook shall be separate castings and not a single piece. V. Valve stems shall be cast bronze. The stuffing box shall use "O"-ring seal type- with two rings located above the thrust collar, The rings shall be replaceable with the valve fully open and under pressure. vi. Valves shall be designed for horizontal installation with beveled gear boxes with reduction gears to 11 reduce the number of turns required to operate valve. Valves shall have bronze rollers, tracks, and scrapers. " vii. All valves shall be supplied with a bypass as a part of the valve. Bypass shall be a minimum of 3" diameter 11 with a 3" resilient seated wedge valve. 9. Sewage Air Relief Valves a. The air/vacuum release valve shall be designed specifically for use on sanitary sewer pressure (force) mains. It shall " exhaust large volumes of air which may be present in a system during filling of the main or On pump start-up. It shall also allow air to re-enter when the system is drained intentionally or due to a break in the main (prevents vacuum from forming). ,I b. The valve shall feature stainless steel trim as standard manufacture with stainless steel floats, Buna-N seating and cast iron housing. 10. Flexible Couplings Whenever it becomes necessary to join sewer pipe lines of dissimilar materials or pipe sizes it shall be required to use a flexible coupling. The coupling shall be made of virgin polyvinyl chloride (PVC) and shall not harden and shall be impervious to all known soil conditions. The coupling shall provide a permanent leakproof seal approved by the Southern Building Code Congress and manufactured in accordance with ASTM #C-594-70. The 1 Rev.2124/99 PROJECT#99710 02730-Page 8 i f I couplings shall be as manufactured by Fernco Joint Sealer Company or an approved equal. 11. Manholes a Precast concrete manhole bases, risers and cones shall conform to ASTM C 478, latest revision of Precast Reinforced Concrete Manhole Sections. Tapered section and transition sections, where required, shall be of eccentric cone design, having the same wall thickness and reinforcement as the cylindrical ring sections. Flat slab tops shall be required for very shallow manholes and where shown or specified. Cast iron manhole covers and assemblies shall be cast into slab tops for access into manholes. b. Maximum compressive strength of concrete shall be 4,000 psi and the maximum permissible absorption shall be 6.5%. Risers shall be reinforced with a single cage of steel placed { within the center third of the wall. The tongue or the groove of the joint shall contain one (1) line of circumferential reinforcement equal in area to that in the barrel of the l manhole riser. The minimum cross-sectional area of steel per linear foot shall be 0.12 square inches for larger sizes. Precast manhole section shall fit together readily and shall have a self-contained "O" ring rubber gasket conforming to ASTM C-443. C. The quality of materials, the process of manufacture, and the finished manhole sections shall be subject to inspection and approval by the Engineer and his inspector. The manhole sections shall be perpendicular to their longitudinal axis within the limits listed in ASTM C 478. d. Frames and Covers i. Frames and covers shall be cast iron of superior I quality, tough and even texture. Castings shall be gray iron conforming to ASTM A 48, size as indicated, free from blow holes, porosity, hard spots, shrinkage distortion, or other defects, well cleaned and coated with asphalt paint. This paint shall result in a smooth �I coating, tough and tenacious when cold, not tacky and not brittle. The bearing surface between frame 11 '� Rev.2/24199 PROJECT#99710 02730-Page 9 and cover shall be machined to prevent rocking and rattling. ii. The standard manhole casting shall be designed for heavy duty use with a 210 pound frame and 130 pound cover. Acceptable products include Sumter Machinery Company (#MC-18 & MF-11), Dewey Brothers Foundry (#MHRCR-2001) or an approved equal. Special waterproof manhole frame and covers shall be installed only at those locations indicated on the ' contract drawings. Acceptable products include Neenah Foundry, Sumter Machinery Company, Dewey Brothers Foundry, or an approved equal. iv. The frame and cover shall be properly set in a bed of mortar and aligned to fit the top section of the manhole. Concrete brick, set in mortar, shall be used to adjust the top of the frame and cover to finished grade; however, no more than four (4) courses of brick will be used for adjustment. e. Manhole Inverts L Manhole inverts and benches shall be constructed in accordance with the standard details shown on the drawings. Invert shall be a U-shaped channel with a height of 0.8 of the diameter and shall ba smooth continuation of the pipe. The benches be constructed with a slope of 1" per foot to the channel. ii. The channel and invert shall be constructed with a minimum of 2000 psi concrete or brick fill with concrete finish minimum 1 thick. Where sewer changes directions at the manhole, channel shall be constructed with a -smooth curve with as large a radius as the diameter of the manhole will allow. } f. Manhole Drops Standard drop manholes will be constructed acted only t those the locations shown on the drawings or a approved of the drop connection shall be in Engineer. The design accordance with the standard detail drawing. The cost of Rev.2124/99 PROJECT#99710 02730-Page 10 i. the extra pipe, labor, etc. required to construct a drop manhole will be included in the unit price for the drop manhole at the depths listed. g. Manhole Vents i. Where designated on the contract drawings, a 4" diameter vent pipe shall be installed as an integral part of the manhole. The vent pipe is to be tapped in to the upper most section of the manhole, anchored in concrete and extended vertically to the elevation shown on the drawings. The pipe shall have a reverse bend and screen to prohibit rain and foreign materials from entering pipe. ii. The pipe material shall be Schedule 40 Galvanized Steel with two (2) coats of epoxy paint approved by the Engineer. PART 3: EXECUTION 3.01 INSTALLATION A. EXCAVATION 1. The work covered by this section consists of the excavation and satisfactory disposal of all materials excavated in the construction of trenches. 2. Trenches will be defined as all excavation for the installation of storm sewers, sanitary sewers, water pipe, manholes, catch basins, hydrants, watergates, sewer services, water taps, drainage j structures, drainage ditches and other unclassified excavation as may be deemed necessary by the Engineer. 3. The excavation shall be done to the lines, grades, typical sections, and details shown on the plans or established by the Engineer. All work covered by this section shall be coordinated with the grading, construction of drainage structures, and other work along the project, and shall be maintained in a satisfactory condition so that adequate drainage is provided at all times. Any roots which protrude into the trench shall be trimmed flush with the sides of the trench. Trenches for pipe lines shall be completed before the pipe is installed unless otherwise permitted by the Engineer. Y� Rev.2/24/99 PROJECT#99710 02730-Page 11 4. All trenches shall be excavated in accordance with all applicable OSHA regulations or other regulations having jurisdiction at the project site. 5. All excavation shall be by open cut unless otherwise authorized by the Engineer. If the bottom of the excavation is found to consist of rock or any materials that cannot be excavated to give a uniform bearing surface, the material shall be removed to a depth at least 6" below established bottom grade and backfilled to grade with sand thoroughly compacted in place. Any excavations carried below the depths indicated, without specific directions, shall be backfilled in the same manner. The excavation shall be of sufficient width to allow a clearance of not less than 6" between the side of the trench and the outside of the pipe, or in case of pipe with a bell, the outside of the bell of the pipe. This rule will apply at all times, and consequently, proper allowance must be made for additional space required for sheeting the trench where necessary. Maximum trench width, unless as otherwise authorized by the Engineer, as measured at a depth of 2'-0" above the top of the pipe shall be 30" or 10" clearance from the outside of the pipe, whichever is greater. 6. Sheeting Bracing Trenches and Trench Boxes a. If necessary, the Contractor will be required to keep the sides of the excavation vertical by sheeting and/or bracing or the use of a trench box to prevent movement by slides or settling of the sides of the trench, in such manner as to prevent injury or displacement of the pipe or appurtenances or diminish the working space required at the sides of the pipe. Also, the Contractor may be required for the purpose of preventing injury to persons or property or adjacent structures in place or to be constructed, to leave sheeting and bracing in place. Sheeting and bracing shall be provided in accordance with OSHA regulations or other regulations having jurisdiction at the project site. b. No sheeting or bracing shall extend closer than 2'-0" off the ground surface, or within subgrade, and no timbers shall be left in the trench that may form pockets or cavities that cannot easily be filled during the operation of backfilling and settling or compacting the trench backfill. It is understood that the Owner will be under no obligation to pay for sheeting or bracing left in place by the Contractor. Failure to sheet and brace trenches or other excavation shall be the Rev.2124199 PROJECT#99710 02730-Page 12 Contractor's risk, and he will be held responsible for caving, settlement, and all other damage resulting therefrom 7. Excavated materials to be used for backfill will be approved by the Engineer, and if acceptable shall be neatly deposited at the sides of the trenches where space is available. Where stockpiling of excavated material is required, the Contractor shall so maintain his operations as to provide for natural drainage and not present an unsightly appearance. Materials which are excess to the needs of the project will be disposed of according to the section on "Waste Material Disposal.". 1 8. Pipe Foundations a. The preparation of the pipe bedding shall be in accordance with the typical trench cross-sections as shown on the plans for the type of pipe being installed. b. The pipe foundation shall be prepared to be uniformly firm and shall be true to the lines and grades as shown on the plans. Any deviation or field adjustment will require the approval of the Engineer. When a representative of the Engineer is present on the site and is so requested by the Contractor, he may check the position of grades and lines but the Contractor shall be responsible for the finished work conforming to exact and proper line and grade. : C. Whenever the nature of the ground will permit, the excavations at the bottom of the trench shall have the shape and dimensions of the outside lower third of the circumference of the pipe, care being taken to secure a firm bearing support uniformly throughout the length of the pipe. A space shall be excavated under and around each bell to sufficient depth to relieve it of any load and to allow ample space for filling and finishing the joint. The pipe, when thus bedded firmly, shall be on the exact grade. d. In case the bed shaped in the bottom of the trench is too i low, the pipe shall be completely removed from position, and earth of suitable quality shall be placed and thoroughly tamped to prepare a new foundation for the pipe. In no case shall the pipe be brought to grade by blocking up under the barrel or bell of same, but a new and uniform support must be provided for the full length of the pipe. Rev.2/24199 PROJECT#99710 02730-Page 13 i e. Where rock or boulders are encountered in the bottom of the trench, the same shall be removed to such depth that no part of the pipe, when laid to grade, will be closer to the rock or boulders than 6". A suitably tamped and shaped foundation of approved material shall be placed to bring the bottom of the trench to proper subgrade over rock or boulders. f. Where the foundation material is found to be of poor supporting value, the Engineer may make minor adjustment in the location of the pipe to provide a more suitable foundation. Where this is not practical, the foundation shall be conditioned by removing the existing foundation material by undercutting to the depth as directed by the Engineer, within limits established on the plans, and backfilling with either an approved material secured from unclassified excavation or borrow excavation at the nearest accessible location along the project, or foundation conditioning material consisting of crushed stone or gravel approved by the Engineer as being suitable for the purpose intended. The selection of the type of backfill material to be used for foundation conditioning will be made by the Engineer. g. The Contractor shall remove all water which may be encountered or which may accumulate in the trenches by pumping or bailing and no pipes shall be laid until the water has been removed from the trench. Water so removed from the trench must be disposed of in such a manner as not to cause injury to work completed or in progress. h. Whenever the bottom of the trench shall be of such nature as to provide unsatisfactory foundation for the pipe, the Engineer will require the pipe to be laid on a washed stone or concrete cradle foundation. Such foundations whether washed stone or a poured concrete cradle, shall be placed by the Contractor and compensation will be allowed the Contractor for the work, based on the unit prices provided in the bid schedule. B. INSTALLING PIPE AND APPURTENANCES 1. Laying Pipe a. The layout of gravity sanitary sewer lines and invert elevations at governing points are as shown on the drawings. Rev.2/24/99 PROJECT#99710 02730-Page 14 b. The Contractor shall do all layout work for lines and grades from that information shown on the drawings or as furnished by the Engineer. C. When a laser beam instrument is used to set line and grade, the unit must be maintained in good working order, and the calibration checked daily for both alignment and percent grade. In the event the required accuracy of alignment and grade is not adhered to, the Engineer will prohibit the use of laser beams. d. Pipe shall be laid with bell ends facing in the direction of pipe laying, unless directed otherwise by the Engineer. In all cases, pipe is to be installed in strict accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations and the contract material specifications. The Engineer may augment any manufacturer's installation recommendations if, in his opinion, it will best serve the interest of the Owner. e. Proper tools, implements, and facilities satisfactory to the Engineer shall be provided and used for the safe and convenient prosecution of pipe laying. All pipe and other materials used in the laying of pipe will be lowered into the trench piece by piece by means of suitable equipment in such a manner to prevent damage to the pipe, materials, to the protective coating on the pipe materials, and to provide a safe working condition to all personnel in the trench. Each piece of pipe being lowered into the trench shall be clean, sound and free from defects. It shall be laid on the prepared foundation, as specified elsewhere to produce a straight line on a uniform grade, each pipe being laid so as to form a smooth and straight inside flow line. Pipe shall be removed at any time if broken, injured or displaced in the process of laying same, or of backfilling the trench. f. When cutting short lengths of pipe, a pipe cutter, as approved by the Engineer, will be used and care will be taken to make the cut at right angles to the centerline of the pipe or on the exact skew as shown on the plans. In the case of push-on pipe, the cut ends shall be tapered with a portable grinder, or coarse file to match the manufactured taper. Rev. 2/24/99 PROJECT#99710 02730-Page 15 g. During times when pipe laying is not in progress, the open ends of pipe shall be closed and no trench water or other material shall be permitted to enter the pipe. h. Where the pipe is laid on a grade of 10% a ragreater, the laying shall start at the bottom of the p d proceed upward with the bell end of the new pipe upgrade. All pipe laid on a grade of 10% or greater shall require thrust blocking and keying as shown on the drawings and standard details. i. Where pipe lines of different materials are joined together, a standard sewer repair coupling shall be used. The couplings shall be Eastern Standard Sewer Fernco Joint Couplings (Miss the n Rubber Company), by the Sealer Company or an equal product approved Engineer. j. All gravity sewer shall have minimum 12" vertical separation from storm sewer and shall have minimum 10'-0" horizontal separation from water mains or 18" vertical separation above the top of the water main. In the event these separations cannot be met, sanitary sewer and the water main, if applicable, shall be constructed of ductile iron pipe as directed by the Engineer or as shown on the drawings. In addition, all gravity sewer shall have a minimum 100'-0", horizontal separation from wells or other water supplies. Rev. 2/24/99 PROJECT#99710 02730-Page 16 2. Manholes a. Sanitary sewer manholes shall be installed at each break in line or grade in each sanitary sewer line as shown on the contract drawings. v b. The manhole foundation shall be prepared so as to provide a firm, level area on which to place the precast concrete manhole base section. When poor foundation soil is encountered or excess groundwater exists, the foundation shall be excavated 12" below the final subgrade elevation backfilled with washed stone to provide a proper foundation. C. The manhole sections shall be lifted from the side of the excavation to the bottom of the trench with equipment and support slings capable of safely handling the heavy concrete pieces. The manhole shall be set plumb and adjusted to the i final finished surface grade with brick and mortar. d. Pipe openings shall be exactly aligned to that of the pipe entering and leaving the manhole. The gravity sanitary sewer pipe lines shall be placed in the manhole openings, properly aligned, and set to grade. Sanitary sewer shall be connected to the manholes using lock joint flexible manhole sleeves or equal. e. For large diameter pipe where a flexible rubber sleeve is not available, the pipe line shall be sealed into the manhole using an expanding type or non-shrink type grout. f. Manhole steps shall be properly spaced as shown in the standard detail drawing, but in no case more than 15" on center. The steps shall be made of heavy cast iron (1" " thick), reinforced plastic (ASTM 2146-Type II), or aluminum (minimum load 1000 lbs.). 3. Manhole Frames and Covers The frame and cover shall be properly set in a bed of mortar and aligned to fit the top section of the manhole. Concrete brick, set in mortar, shall be used to adjust the top of the frame and cover to finished grade; however, no more than four (4) courses of brick will be used for adjustment. Rev.2/24199 PROJECT#99710 02730-Page 17 4. Manhole Invert a. Manhole inverts and benches shall be constructed in accordance with the standard details shown on the drawings. Invert shall be a U-shaped channel with a height j of 0.8 of the diameter and be a smooth continuation of the pipe. The benches shall be constructed with a slope of 1" per foot to the channel. b. The channel and invert shall be constructed with a minimum of 2000 psi concrete or brick fill with concrete finish minimum 1" thick. Where sewer changes directions at the manhole, channel shall be constructed with a smooth curve with as large a radius as the diameter of the manhole will allow. { 5. Manhole Drops Standard drop manholes will be constructed only at those locations shown on the drawings or as approved by the Engineer. The design of the drop connection shall be in accordance with the standard detail drawing. The cost of the extra pipe, labor, etc. required to construct a drop manhole will be included in the unit price for the drop manhole at the depths listed. 6. Manhole Vents a. Where designated on the contract drawings, a 4" diameter vent pipe shall be installed as an integral part of the manhole. The vent pipe is to be tapped in to the upper most section of the manhole, anchored in concrete and extended vertically to the elevation shown on the drawings. The pipe shall have a reverse bend and screen to prohibit rain and foreign materials from entering pipe. b. The pipe material shall be Schedule 40 Galvanized Steel with two coats of epoxy paint approved by-the Engineer. 7. Fittings (Force Main) a. All plugs, caps, tees, bends, and other fittings shall be provided with adequate thrust blocks. Thrust blocks shall be constructed to the minimum dimensions shown on the drawings or as directed. Thrust blocks shall be made of { concrete and shall bear directly against the undisturbed trench wall. Where possible, the backing shall be so placed i �f Rev.2124199 PROJECT#99710 02730-Page 18 i that the fitting joints will be accessible for repair. All bolts ! and pipe joints shall be protected against contact with thrust block concrete by the installation of a polyethylene film placed between the fittings and the poured concrete. Where any section of a main is provided with concrete thrust blocks, the hydrostatic pressure test shall not be made until three days after installation of the concrete thrust blocks unless otherwise approved by the Engineer. b. Where trench conditions are, in the opinion of the Engineer, unsuitable for thrust blocks, the Contractor shall provide steel tie rods and socket clamps to adequately anchor the piping. All tie rods and clamps shall be given a bituminous protective coating or shall be galvanized. i C. Concrete for thrust blocks shall consist of a mix of Portland Cement, fine and coarse aggregate and water to produce concrete with a*minimum compressive strength at 28 days of not less than 3000 psi when tested in accordance with ASTM Specifications C 39 or C 42. Sakrete or any similar material will not be permitted under any circumstances. 8. Gate Valve and Valve Box (Force Main) a. When shown on the contract drawings, a standard gate valve shall be installed in the sanitary sewer force main. Before setting each valve, the Contractor shall make sure the interior is clean and shall test the valve for proper opening and closing. Valves shall be set with stems plumb, unless horizontal installation is called for on the drawings, and at the exact location(s) shown on the drawings. b. A standard type valve box shall be installed over each underground sanitary sewer force main valve. All valve boxes shall be set plumb with their top set flush with the ifinished grade. C. Trench backfill shall be properly tamped for a distance of 3'-0" on each side of the valve and valve box. 9. Sewage Air Relief Valve (Force Main) a. A sanitary sewage air relief valve shall be installed at the locations shown on the contract drawings and the actual high points in the line. Rev.2/24/99 PROJECT#99710 02730-Page 19 b. A standard air relief valve installation, as shown in detail in the contract drawings, shall consist of the force main tap, air relief valve, precast concrete manhole sections, and standard heavy duty iron frame and cover. C. BACKFILLING AND COMPACTION 1. Backfill trenches immediately after approval of the pipeline construction. 2. Pipes a. Use backfill carefully placed in uniform layers not exceeding 6" in thickness to a depth of 2'-0" over the top of the pipe. Place material and fill the area under the pipe haunches. Place each layer, moisten; then uniformly compact by use of hand, pneumatic, or mechanical tampers exercising care to prevent lateral displacement. Areas of backfill 2'-0" over top of pipe to top of trench, shall be backfilled with a material containing no rocks larger than 6" in the greatest dimension and shall be free of material with an exceptionally high void content. The initial backfill shall meet the same requirements except no rocks over 4" in diameter will be allowed. b. Moisten backfill above 2'-0" over the top of the pipe and place in 8" layers. Compact each layer with hand, pneumatic or mechanical compactor. Puddling or flooding of trench for consolidation of backfill or use of wheel rolling by construction equipment will not be permitted. 3. If material excavated from the trench is unsuitable to be used as backfill, "select backfill" shall be transported to the site by the Contractor from outside the project limits to be used as backfill material. Material excavated in conjunction with the construction of the project is not considered "select backfill" for payment purposes. 4. Roadways and Road Crossings Use backfill placed in uniform layers not exceeding 6" in thickness for full trench depth and width, thoroughly compacted with mechanical tampers under optimum moisture conditions to 95% compaction (100% for the top 2'-0" of subgrade beneath pavements). Replace removed paving and base course with new Rev.2/24/99 PROJECT#99710 02730-Page 20 material of equal or better quality and of the same texture and color as the adjacent roadway. 5. All backfill shall be compacted so as not to damage the pipe and appurtenances and shall be compacted to 95% of the Standard Proctor Test (100% for the top 2'-0" of subgrade beneath pavements) for the various types of backfill material. Methods of backfilling shall be in strict accordance with the pipe manufacturer's recommendations. All backfill material shall have been approved by the Engineer. Select backfill material shall be used when requested by the Engineer. 6. Care shall be taken during backfill and compaction operations to maintain alignment and prevent damage to the joints. The backfill shall be kept free from stones, frozen lumps, chunks of highly plastic clay, or other objectionable material. All pipe backfill areas shall be graded and maintained in such a condition that erosion or saturation will not damage the pipe bed or backfill. 7. Heavy equipment shall not be operated over any pipe until it has been properly backfilled and has a minimum cover as required by the plans. Where any part of the required cover is above the proposed finish grade, the Contractor shall place, maintain, and finally remove such material at no cost to the Owner. Pipe which becomes mis-aligned, shows excessive settlement, or has been otherwise damaged by the Contractor's operations, shall be removed and replaced by the Contractor at no cost to the Owner. 8. The Contractor shall maintain all pipes installed in a condition that they will function continuously from the time the pipe is installed until the project is accepted. 9. Cleanup a. Grade all areas disturbed to a finish ordinarily obtained from a blade grader with no abrupt changes in grade or irregularities that will hold water. Prior to final inspection and acceptance, remove all rubbish and excess material and leave area in a neat, satisfactory condition. b. Cleanup and seeding is part of the pipeline installation. No more than 3,000 LF of sewer line may be laid prior to completion of cleanup of the first section of pipeline laid. To facilitate this the Owner reserves the right to withhold up to 30% of the unit price bid for water line if in the opinion of the Rev.2/24199 PROJECT#99710 02730-Page 21 Owner and Engineer completed sections have not been properly cleaned. 3.02 QUALITY CONTROL A. TESTING 1. Line Cleaning a. Prior to inspection of any section(s) of gravity sanitary sewer pipe or force main the Contractor shall completely clean the a lines of all debris, silt, etc. The pipe line shall be ready for use by the Owner and shall be proved to be in first class condition and constructed properly in accordance with the drawings and specifications, Y b. The Contractor shall maintain the project, insofar as his construction work is concerned, in first class condition for such time as is necessary to satisfy the Engineer that all installations are correct and acceptable. 2. Inspection and Testing (Gravity Sewer) a. Alignment and grade between manholes shall be tested by the Engineer by flashing a light between manholes. A full circle of light shall be seen when reviewed from the adjoining end of the line. All defects disclosed as a result of this test shall be corrected by the Contractor at his expense. b. PVC pipe shall pass a go-no go Mandrel sized to 95% of the pipe diameter with the pipe in place and properly backfilled. All pipe which will not pass the Mandrel shall be relaid or replaced by the Contractor at no additional cost. The allowable deflection (less than 5%) shall be calculated using the pipe stiffness formula in ASTM D 2321. The mandrel test shall not take place until the final backfill has been in place for 30 days (minimum). C. When the sewers are completed they shall be inspected by the Engineer for conformance with the provisions of the plans and specifications, particularly line and grade, and tested to determine the amount of ground water infiltration into the sewer. All visible and audible leaks will be stopped and the remaining infiltration will be measured using a V-notch weir and/or other devices, which shall be furnished Rev.2124199 PROJECT#99710 02730-Page 22 a by the Contractor. The Contractor shall also furnish all required assistance for measuring the infiltration. d. If infiltration into the whole system. or any segment thereof exceeds 100 gallons per 24 hours per inch of diameter per mile of sewer, necessary corrective measures shall be taken by the Contractor to limit the infiltration to the maximum specified above. The Engineer shall decide the number and length of segments of sewer line on which the testing shall be performed. e. All gravity sanitary sewer lines shall be subjected to a low pressure air test to determine the presence of damaged pipe or faulty installation. The Contractor will furnish all facilities and personnel for conducting the test(s). a f. The acceptance air test shall be made after backfilling has been completed and compacted and in the presence of the Engineer. The test shall be performed as described under ASTM C 828, latest edition, Standard Practice for Low Pressure Air Testing of V.C. Pipe lines. i. Compressor capacity shall be sufficient to pressurize the sewer main to 4 PSIG within a time equal to or less than the required test time. The following !. equation may be used to insure compliance with this requirement: C= 0.17 x D2 x L +Q T Where: C=Required Compressor Capacity (cfm) T=Required Test Time (min) D=Pipe Internal Diameter (feet) L=Length of Test Section (feet) Q=Allowable Air Loss Rate (cfm) The following allowable air loss rates will be used for all pipe tests: PIPE SIZE Q (cfm) PIPE SIZE Q(cfm) 4" 2.0 15" 4.0 6" 2.0 18" 5.0 8" 2.0 21" 5.5 101, 2.5 24" 6.0 12" 3.0 Rev.2/24/99 PROJECT#99710 02730-Page 23 i I y I ii. The sewer section shall be plugged at both ends and air pressure shall be applied until the pressure inside v the pipe reaches 4 PSIG. When a stable condition r has been reached, the pressure shall be bled back to _ - 3.5 PSIG. At 3.5 PSIG, the time and pressure shall ' be observed and recorded. If groundwater is present at the sewer, the height of the groundwater above the { top of the pipe shall be added to the above air P 9 (height pressure readings hei ht of water in feet X 0.433 = d air pressure in psig). A minimum of five (5) readings will be required for each test. 4 Ili. If the time for the air pressure to decrease from 3.5 I ; PSIG to 2.5 PSIG is equal to or greater than that shown in the following table, the pipe shall be presumed to be free from defect. When these times are not_ attained, pipe breakage, joint leakage, or leaking plugs are indicated and the cause must be determined and corrected. After repairs have been made, the sewer sections shall be retested. This process shall be repeated until all sewer sections i_ pass the air tests. Minimum Test Time for PipePipe _ I _size j 4" 6"� 8" I 10 12"" I 15" I 18" ( 21" `I 24" 25 _� 0:04 0:10 0:17 0:22 0:26 , 0:31 0:36 j 0:44 i 0:53 I 50 i 0:09 1 0:20 0:35 0:44 0:53 1:02 1:12 1:29 1 1:47 LV I— 75 ��0.13 0:30 j 0:53 1:06 1:20 1:34 1:48 2:14 i�2:40 j f E"' 100 017 0:40 ( 1.11 1:29 1:47 2:05 2 2:24 58 3:53^i 125 0:22 0:50_ 1:29 1:51 2:13 1 2:36 3:00L 1 _4:27 � LV 150 0:26 1:00 1:47 2:13 2:40 3:07 1 3:36 1 4:27 5:20 ' ~ 175 0:31 1:10 2:04 2:35 3:07 3:39 4:12, 5:12 6:14 ! _ .200 0:35 1:20 2:22 2:58 3:33 4:10 4:48 5:57� 225 0:40 1:30 2:40 3:20 4:00 1 5:24 16:41 i 8:00 (' 250 0:44 -� 1:40 2:58 1 3:42 1 4:27 5:13 1 6:00 7:26 8:54T i 12 Z 275 0:49 1 1:50 3:16 1 4:05 1 4:53 5:44 6:36 8:10Tul W 300 0:53 1 2:00 3:33 4:27 5:20 6:15 7:12 8:55 , J 325 0:58 2:10 3:51 4:49 5:47 6:47 7:48 9:40 11:34 +i 350 1:02 2:20 4.09 5:11 6:14 7:18 8:25 10:24 _12:28 375 1:06 2:3015:34 6.40 7:49 9:01 1 11:09 '' 13:21 400 1:11 2:40 4:45 r 5:56 7:07 8.21 9:37 11:54 f 14:14 1 425 1:15 _2:50 ` 5:02 6:18 7:34 8:52 1 10:13 12:38 115:08 450 1:20 3:00 5.20 . 6:40 8:00 9:23 10:49 13:23 16:01 475 1:24 3:10 5:38 7:03 8:27 9:54 11:25 14:07 16:55 500 1:29 3:20 5:56 725 8:54 10:26 12:01 14:52 17:48 I 525 1:33 3:30 6:14 747 9:21 10:57 12:37 15:37 �18:42 550 1:38 3:40 6:31 8:09 9:47 11:28 13:13 16:21 19:35I 575 1:42 3:50 6:49 8:32 10:14 12:00 13:49 17:06 20:28 I _ 600 1:47 4:00 7:07 8:54 10:41 U-.31 14:25 V-.51 21.22 3 Rev.2/24/99 PROJECT#99710 02730-Page 24 by the Contractor. The Contractor. shall also furnish all required assistance for measuring the infiltration. d. If infiltration into the whole system or any segment thereof exceeds 100 gallons per 24 hours per inch of diameter per mile of sewer, necessary corrective measures shall be taken by the Contractor to limit the infiltration to the maximum specified above. The Engineer shall decide the number and length of segments of sewer line on which the testing shall be performed. e. All gravity sanitary sewer lines shall be subjected to a low pressure air test to determine the presence of damaged pipe or faulty installation. The Contractor will furnish all facilities and personnel for conducting the test(s). f. The acceptance air test shall be made after backfilling has been completed and compacted and in the presence of the Engineer. The test shall be performed as described under ASTM C 828, latest edition, Standard Practice for Low Pressure Air Testing of V.C. Pipe lines. i. Compressor capacity shall be sufficient to pressurize the sewer main to 4 PSIG within a time equal to or less than the required test time. The following equation may be used to insure compliance with this requirement: 0.17xD2xL C= T +Q Where: C=Required Compressor Capacity (cfm) T=Required Test Time (min) D=Pipe Internal Diameter (feet) L=Length of Test Section (feet) Q=Allowable Air Loss Rate (cfm) The followini allowable air loss rates will be used for all pipe tests: PIPE SIZE Q (cfm) PIPE SIZE Q(cfm) 4" 2.0 15" 4.0 6" 2.0 18" 5.0 8" 2.0 21" 5.5 10" 2.5 24" 6.0 12" 3.0 Rev.2/24/99 PROJECT#99710 02730-Page 23 ii. The sewer section shall be plugged at both ends and air pressure shall be applied until the pressure inside the pipe reaches 4 PSIG. When a stable condition has been reached, the pressure shall be bled back to 3.5 PSIG. At 3.5 PSIG, the time and pressure shall be observed and recorded. If groundwater is present at the sewer, the height of the groundwater above the top of the pipe shall be added to the above air pressure readings (height of water in feet X 0.433 = air pressure in psig). A minimum of five (5) readings will be required for each test. iii. If the time for the air pressure to decrease from 3.5 PSIG to 2.5 PSIG is equal to or greater than that shown in the following table, the pipe shall be presumed to be free from defect. When these times are not .attained, pipe breakage, joint leakage, or leaking plugs are indicated and the cause must be determined and corrected. After repairs have been made, the sewer sections shall be retested. This process shall be repeated until all sewer sections pass the air tests. _ Minimum Test Time for Pipe Pipe Size 4" 6' 8" 10. 12" 15" 18" 21" 24" 25 0:04 0:10 017 0:22 0:26 0:31 0:36 0:44 0:53 0 50 0:09 0:20 0:35 0:44 ±1-:20 3 1:02 1:12 1:29 1:47 W 75 1 0:13 0:30 0:53 1:06 1:34 1:48 2:14 2:40 100 0:17 1 0:40 1:11 1:29 1:47 2:05 2:24 2:58 3:33 U) 125 0:22 0:50 1:29 1:51 2:13 2:36 3:00 3:43 4:27 Lu 150 0:26 1:00 1:47 2:13 2:40 3:07 3:36 4:27 5:20 175 0:31 1:10 2:04 2:35 3:07 3:39 4:12 5:12 6:14 _ .200 0:35 1:20 2:22 2:58 3:33 4:10 4:48 5:57 7:07 �.. 225 0:40 1:30 2:40 3:20 4:00 4:41 5:24 6:41 1 8:00 0 250 0:44 1:40 2:58 3:42 4:27 5:13 6:00 7:26 8:54 Z 275 0:49 1:50 3:16 4:05 4:53 5:44 6:36 8:10 9:47 LV 300 0:53 2:00 3:33 4:27 5:20 6:15 7:12 8:55 10:41 J 325 0:58 2:10 3:51 4:49 5:47 6:47 7:48 9:40 11:34 350 1:02 2:20 4:09 5:11 6:14 7:18 8:25 10:24 12:28 375 1:06 2:30 4:27 5:34 6:40 7:49 9:01 11:09 13:21 400 1:11 2:40 4:45 5:56 7:07 8:21 9:37 111.54 14:14 425 1:15 _2:50 5:02 6:18 7:34 8:52 . 10:13 -12:38 15:08 450 1:20 3:00 5:20 6:40 8:00 9:23 10:49 13:23 16:01 475 1:24 3:10 5:38 7:03 8:27 9:54 11:25 14:07 16:55 500 1:29 3:20 5:56 7:25 8:54 10:26 12:01 14:52 17:48 525 1:33 3:30 6:14 7:47 9:21 10:57 12:37 15:37 18:42 550 1:38 3:40 6:31 8:09 9:47 1 11:28 13:13 16:21 19:35 _ 575 1:42 3:50 6:49 832 10:14 12:00 13:49 17:06 20:28 600 1:47 4:00 7:07 8:54 10:41 12:31 14:25 1751 21:22 Rev.2124199 PROJECT#99710 02730-Page 24 iv. For testing a sewer system with one or more installed service lateral pipes, an effective pipe length shall be " added to the total sewer main pipe length. The equation used to calculate Effective Pipe Length is as follows: d2xI Le= D2 1 , Where: Le=Effective Pipe Length (added to Total Test Length) d=Diameter of Service Lateral Pipe 1=Length of Sewer Lateral D=Diameter of Sewer Main Pipe being tested g. Failure of any section of the pipeline to meet the requirements of this test shall cause the Contractor to determine, at his own expense, the source(s) of leakage, and repair or replace all defective materials or workmanship. The repaired section(s) of line shall be re-tested to insure conformance with the requirements of these contract specifications. 3. Inspection and Testing (Force Main) a. When the sanitary sewer force main is completed, the Engineer shall inspect the line for conformance with the provisions of the drawings and specifications, particularly with respect to alignment and depth. b. All newly constructed sanitary sewer force main and valved sections shall be subjected to a hydrostatic pressure-leakage test. Force mains shall be tested in sections not to exceed 4,00 lineal feet per test section. The Contractor shall install sufficient additional valves if not shown on the drawings to allow testing. C. Each completed section of the pipeline shall be plugged at both ends and slowly tilled with water. As the main is being filled with water ,in preparation of the test, all air shall be expelled from, the pipe. The main shall be subjected to hydrostatic pressure of 100 pounds per square inch for a period of two hours unless otherwise specified. Pressure shall be applied to the main by means of a hand pump for Rev.2124199 PROJECT#99710 02730-Page 25 small lines or by use of a gasoline pump or fire engine for larger lines. d. The rate of leakage shall be determined at 15 minute intervals by means of volumetric measure of the water added during the test until the rate has stabilized at the constant value for three consecutive 15 minute periods. I e. Leakage is defined as the quantity of water to be supplied into the newly laid pipe, or any valved section thereof, necessary to maintain the specified leakage test pressure after the pipe has been filled with water and the air expelled. No piping installation will be accepted until the leakage is less than ten (10) gallons per inch of pipe diameter per mile of pipe per 24 hours. f. Cracked or defective pipe, joints, fittings, or valves discovered in consequence of this test shall be removed and replaced with sound materials, and the test shall be repeated until the test results are satisfactory. Precautions shall be taken to remove or otherwise protect equipment in, or attached to, pipe to prevent damage or injury thereto. g. Tests of insulated and concealed piping shall be made before the piping is covered or concealed. No leakage will be allowed under the above tests for piping in buildings, structures or on bridges. h. The Contractor shall notify the Engineer when the work is ready for testing with all testing done in the presence of the Engineer. All labor, equipment, water and materials, including meters and gauges, shall be furnished by the Contractor at his own expense. 4. Inspection and Testing (Manholes) Manholes shall be constructed to provide a true circular inside diameter with properly corbeled tops, satisfactory inverts and properly placed steps and castings. Any visible leaks in the manholes shall be completely stopped to the satisfaction of the Engineer. Rev.2/24/99 PROJECT#99710 02730-Page 26 B. FINAL ACCEPTANCE 1. The Engineer will notify the Contractor, in writing, as to the satisfactory completion of the work in any or all sections of gravity sanitary sewer pipe, force main and manholes, included in the project. 2. Upon such notification, the Contractor shall immediately remove all construction equipment, excess materials, tools, debris, etc. from the site(s) and leave the same in a neat, orderly condition acceptable to the Engineer. 3. Final landscaping requirements and restoration of surfaces shall then be completed by the Contractor in accordance with their respective specifications and as shown on the drawings. PART 4: MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT 4.01 MEASUREMENT A. Quantities of pipe installed in accordance with the requirements of this section shall be verified in the field by the Engineer. Payment shall be made for total number of lineal feet of pipe installed at the unit prices bid. Price and payment shall constitute full compensation for furnishing all equipment, tools, labor, and materials to complete the work as specified. B. Quantities of manholes installed in accordance with the requirements of this section shall be verified in the field by the Engineer. Payment shall be made for the actual quantity of Standard Manholes or Standard Drop Manholes installed by the Contractor and approved by the Engineer at the respective unit price bid. C. Quantities of sewer force main pipe, gate valves and air relief valves installed in accordance with the requirements of this section shall be verified in the field by the Engineer. 4.02 PAYMENT A. Payments for watertight manhole frame and covers and manhole vents will be considered to be included in the unit price bids for the respective manholes. B. Payment shall constitute full compensation for furnishing all equipment, tools, labor and incidentals and performance of all work necessary to install the manholes as specified. Rev. 2124199 PROJECT#99710 02730-Page 27 C. Payment shall be made for the total number of lineal feet of pipe installed, for each gate valve and valve box installed, and for each sewage air relief valve installation at the respective unit prices bid for the item. D. Price and payment shall constitute full compensation for furnishing all equipment, tools, labor, and materials to complete the work as specified. E. Fittings will be paid for at the contract unit price per pound, based upon weights for fittings installed, excluding weights of accessories. No additional payment will be made for accessories. F. There will be no payment for testing specified in Part 3. The cost of providing all equipment, labor, materials, etc. required for the work described in Part 3 of this section shall be considered incidental to that work covered under other parts of this section. END OF SECTION Rev.2/24/99 PROJECT#99710 02730-Page 28 SECTION 02731 SANITARY SEWER SERVICE CONNECTION PART 1: GENERAL 1.01 SCOPE OF WORK A. The work covered under this section shall consist of furnishing all materials, labor, equipment, and services for the complete installation of a sanitary sewer service connection from the sanitary sewer (gravity) main line to the edge of the property to be served as shown on the project drawings. PART 2: PRODUCTS 2.01 MATERIALS A. Main line connections shall use a "wye" branch constructed by the same material as the main line. B. Sewer service lines shall be constructed of either PVC (Schedule 40) or Ductile Iron (CL350) as shown on plans. C. When joining pipes of different materials, a flexible, watertight, rubber transition coupling shall be used. PART 3: EXECUTION 3.01 INSTALLATION A. CONNECTION TO MAIN The standard sewer service connection shall be 4" in diameter unless shown otherwise on the drawings, and shall connect to the main at a "wye" branch connection installed with the pipe line as it is being laid. The "wye" branch shall be of the same material as the main pipe line. Direct taps into the sewer main will not be acceptable unless approved by the Engineer prior to the laying of the main line. B. CONNECTION TO MANHOLE When shown on the drawings or directed by the Engineer, a sewer service connection shall be made into a manhole. The connection shall be made at the manhole invert. The invert shall be rebuilt so as to provide Rev. 1/14/98 PROJECT#99710 02731 -Page 1 a smooth transition from service connection to main line. Inverts and benches shall be constructed in such a way as to prevent the deposition of solids in the manhole. C. SERVICE LINES The service line shall be installed from the "wye" branch connection to the edge of the public or utility right-of-way as shown on the plans. Less than 3'-0" of cover will require the use of ductile iron pipe. D. CLEANOUT AND PLUG At the edge of the public or utility right-of-way, a "cleanout" shall be installed. The cleanout shall consist of a "wye" branch connection, 45-E� bend, riser pipe, and threaded plug installed flush with finished ground elevation. The end of the utility owner's sewer service connection shall terminate at the end of the pipe which will normally extend five feet beyond the "Wye" branch for the cleanout. A watertight plug shall be installed at the end of this line until such time as the property owner directs the utility owner to connect his facilities to the sewer system. PART 4: MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT A. Payment for the furnishing and installation of all service connections ("wye" branches, service line, cleanouts, plugs, couplings, etc.) as described in this section and as shown on the plans, shall be covered under the contract unit price bid for each Sewer Service Connection. END OF SECTION Rev. 1114198 PROJECT#99710 02731 -Page 2 SECTION 02905 RESTORATION OF SURFACES PART 1: GENERAL 1.01 SCOPE OF WORK A. This section covers the furnishing of all labor, equipment and materials necessary for the proper restoration of existing surfaces disturbed or damaged as a result of construction operations which are not specifically scheduled or specified for topsoil and seeding, paving, landscaping or other surfacing. B. In general, the types of replacement included in this section are seeding along pipelines, concrete sidewalks, driveways, roadways, ditches, lawns and landscaped areas, curb and gutter. C. Any damage to existing structures shall be repaired using materials and workmanship equal to those of original construction. PART 2: NOT USED PART 3: EXECUTION 3.01 RESTORATION OF SURFACES A. SEEDING ALONG PIPELINES 1. All ground surfaces along pipelines, which are not classified as lawns, landscaped areas, or pavement areas, but would be classified as open fields, shall be raked smooth and seeded in accordance with the section entitled Seeding, Fertilizing and Mulching. Large rocks, clumps of earth and excessive spoil material shall be removed from the area prior to seeding. 2. Shoulders of all roads shall be restored as specific for lawns and landscaped areas. 3. Wooded areas, not classified as lawns shall be restored to as near their original condition as possible. Rev. 1017198 PROJECT#99710 02905-Page 1 B. CONCRETE SIDEWALKS 1. Concrete walks removed in connection with, or damaged as a result of, construction operations under the Contract shall be replaced with new construction. Such walks shall be constructed of Class B concrete on a thoroughly compacted subgrade, shall have a vertical thickness of not less than 4" or the thickness of the replaced walk where greater than 4". 2. Walks shall be float finished, edged with an edging tool, and grooved at intermediate intervals not in excess of the width of the walk, uniform throughout the length of the walk in any one direction. C. DRIVEWAYS 1. Unpaved driveways shall be surfaced with not less than 3" of Crusher-run gravel, topped with 3" of stone, gravel, or other materials equal to that found in the original driveway. Driveways shall be left in a condition better than their original condition. 2. Concrete drives shall be replaced with Class B concrete and shall have equal thickness and reinforcing steel to that of the original drive. Prior to placing the concrete a 6" aggregate base course shall be placed in the drive area. - 3. Bituminous or Asphaltic concrete drives shall be restored with a 6" aggregate base course and a 2" surface course, as defined in the section entitled Bituminous Pavement Repairs. D. ROADWAY REPLACEMENT 1. Bituminous or Asphaltic pavements shall include all areas paved with blacktop; built-up pavements or oil and stone, tar and stone and similar pavements constructed with a bituminous or asphalt and stone materials. 2. Immediately upon completion of installation of underground piping and structures, the trench shall be backfilled and the roadway shall be repaired. In the excavated area, the repair shall consist of an 8" aggregate base course, 4" HB Binder Course and a 2" surface course as defined in the section entitled Bituminous Pavement Repairs. If, in the opinion of the Engineer, the area adjacent to the excavation has not been damaged to the extent that the base Rev. 1017/98 PROJECT#99710 02905-Page 2 course need to be replaced, restoration may consist of a surface course of sufficient thickness to meet the existing pavement. 3. Portland cement concrete roadways shall be replaced with Class B Concrete and shall have equal thickness and reinforcing steel as the original roadway. An aggregate of 6" shall be placed prior to the placing of concrete. 4. Differential settlement of restored pavements shall be corrected immediately. 5. The Contractor shall repair and restripe any traffic markings that were damaged, removed or covered during construction. All work shall be done in accordance with NCDOT requirements and specifications. 6. All existing manhole and valve covers shall be raised as required by the Contractor prior to paving. The cost of this work shall be included in the unit bid prices for other related work and no additional payment shall be made. E. DITCHES Ditches shall be regraded to the original grade and line. The surface of all _ ditches shall be returned to the same condition as found before commencing work. F. LAWNS AND LANDSCAPED AREAS 1. Lawns and landscaped areas shall be regraded and replaced as follows: a. Grading shall be to the grade existing before construction of the work under this Contract. b. Lawn replacement shall be in accordance with the section entitled Landscaping. Topsoiled areas shall be replaced with topsoil of equal quality and quantity. 2. Landscaped areas shall be replaced with shrubs, hedges, ornamental trees, flowers, or other items to original condition. Rev. 1017/98 PROJECT#99710 02905-Page 3 G. CURB AND GUTTER Curb and gutter removed with, or damaged as a result of construction operations, injured or disturbed by the Contractor, his agents, or employees, shall be replaced with new construction to a condition similar and equal to that existing before damage was incurred. Class B Concrete shall be used in curb and gutter replacement. H. DAMAGE TO STRUCTURES Any damage to existing structures shall be repaired of materials and workmanship equal to those of original construction. Extensively damaged structures, where the structural stability has been affected or which cannot be repaired in a suitable fashion shall be replaced entirely. Replacement shall not commence until approval of the plan of replacement has been given by the Engineer. Replacement costs shall be responsibility of the Contractor. PART 4: MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT 4.01 MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT A. Seeding along pipelines (Section 3.01.A) shall be included in other related work and no separate payment shall be made for this work. Other work included in this section shall be measured and paid at the units specified in the bid schedule. END OF SECTION Rev. 1017198 PROJECT#99710 02905-Page 4 SECTION 02931 SEEDING, FERTILIZING AND MULCHING PART 1: GENERAL 1.01 SCOPE OF WORK A. This section covers the furnishing of all labor, equipment and materials necessary for the landscaping of all areas of the site disturbed by construction operations and all earth surfaces of embankments including rough and fine grading, topsoil if required, fertilizer, lime, seeding and mulching. The Contractor shall adapt his operations to variations in weather or soil conditions as necessary for the successful establishment and growth of the grasses or legumes. PART 2: PRODUCTS 2.01 MATERIALS A. FERTILIZER 1. The quality of fertilizer and all operations in connection with the furnishing of this material shall comply with the requirements of the North Carolina Fertilizer Law and regulations adopted by the North Carolina Board of Agriculture. 2. Fertilizer shall be 10-10-10 grade. Upon written approval of the Engineer a different grade of fertilizer may be used, provided the rate of application is adjusted to provide the same amounts of plant food. 3. During handling and storing, the fertilizer shall be cared for in such a manner that it will be protected against hardening, caking, or loss of plant food values. Any hardened or caked fertilizer shall be pulverized to its original conditions before being used. B. LIME 1. The quality of lime and all operations in connection with the furnishing of this material shall comply with the requirements of the North Carolina Lime Law and regulations adopted by the North Carolina Board of Agriculture. Rev. 1/14/98 PROJECT#99710 02931 -Page 1 2. During the handling and storing, the lime shall be cared for in such a manner that it will be protected against hardening and caking. Any hardened or caked lime shall be pulverized to its original condition before being used. 3. Lime shall be agriculture grade ground dolomitic limestone. It shall contain not less than 8.5% of the calcium and magnesium carbonates and shall be of such fineness that at least 90% will pass a No. 10 sieve and at least 50% will pass a No. 100 sieve. C. SEED 1. The quality of seed and all operations in connection with the furnishing of this material shall comply with the requirements of the North Carolina Seed Law and regulations adopted by the North Carolina Board of Agriculture. 2. Seed shall have been approved by the North Carolina Department of Agriculture or any agency approved by the Engineer before being sown, and no seed will be accepted with a date of test more than nine (9) months prior to the date of sowing. Such testing however, will not relieve the Contractor from responsibility for furnishing and sowing seed that meets these specifications at the time of sowing. When a low percentage of germination causes the quality of the seed to fall below the minimum pure live seed specified, the Contractor may elect, subject to the approval of the Engineer, to increase the rate of seeding sufficiently to obtain the minimum pure live seed contents specified, provided that such an increase in seeding does not cause the quantity of noxious weed seed per square yard to exceed the quantity that would be allowable at the regular rate of seed. 3. During handling and storing, the seed shall be cared for in such a manner that it will be protected from damage by heat, moisture, rodents, or other causes. 4. Seed shall be entirely free from bulblets or seed of Johnson Grass, Nutgrass, Sandbur, Wild Onion, Wild Garlic, and Bermuda Grass. The specifications for restricted noxious weed seed refers to the number per pound, singly or collectively, of Blessed Thistle, Wild Radish, Canada Thistle, Corncockle, Field Bindweed, Quackgrass, Dodders, Dock, Horsenettle, Bracted Plantain, Buckhorn or Wild Mustard; but in no case shall the number of Blessed Thistle or Wild Radish exceed 27 seeds of each per pound. No tolerance on weed seed will be allowed. Rev. 1114/98 PROJECT#99710 02931 -Page 2 D. MULCH Straw mulch shall be threshed straw of oats, rye or wheat free from matured seed of obnoxious weeds or other species which would grow and be detrimental to the specified grass. E. TACKIFIER Emulsified asphalt or organic tackifier such as Reclamare R2400 shall be sprayed uniformly on mulch as it is ejected from blower or immediately thereafter. Tackifier shall be applied evenly over area creating uniform appearance. Rates of application will vary with conditions. Asphalt shall not be used in freezing weather. PART 3: EXECUTION 3.01 PREPARATION A. PROTECTION OF EXISTING TREES AND VEGETATION 1. Protect existing trees and other vegetation indicated to remain in place against unnecessary cutting, breaking or skinning of roots, skinning and bruising of bark, smothering of trees by stockpiling construction materials or excavated materials within drip line, excess foot or vehicular traffic, or parking of vehicles within drip line. Provide temporary guards to protect trees and vegetation to be left standing. 2. Provide protection for roots over 1-1/2" diameter cut during construction operations. Coat cut faces with an emulsified asphalt, or other acceptable coating, formulated for use on damaged plant tissues. Temporarily cover exposed roots with wet burlap to prevent roots from drying out and cover with earth as soon as possible. 3. The Contractor shall not remove or damage trees and shrubs which are outside the Clearing Limits established by the Owner or those.within the Clearing Limits designated to remain. 4. Repair trees scheduled to remain and damaged by construction operations in a manner acceptable to the Engineer. Repair damaged trees promptly to prevent progressive deterioration caused by damage. Rev. 1/14/98 PROJECT#99710 02931 -Page 3 5. Replace trees scheduled to remain and damaged beyond repair by construction operations, as determined by the Engineer with trees of similar size and species. Repair and replacement of trees scheduled to remain and damaged by construction operations or lack of adequate protection during construction operations shall be at the Contractor's expense. B. GRADING 1. Rough grading shall be done as soon as all excavation required in the area has been backfilled. The necessary earthwork shall be accomplished to bring the existing ground to the desired finish elevations as shown on the Contract Drawings or otherwise directed. 2. Fine grading shall consist of shaping the final contours for drainage and removing all large rock, clumps of earth, roots and waste construction materials. It shall also include thorough loosening of the soil to a depth of 6" by plowing, discing, harrowing or other approved methods until the area is acceptable as suitable for subsequent landscaping operations. The work of landscaping shall be performed on a section by section basis immediately upon completion of earthwork. 3. Upon failure or neglect on the part of the Contractor to coordinate his grading with seeding and mulching operations and diligently pursue the control of erosion and siltation, the Engineer may suspend the Contractor's grading operations until such time as the work is coordinated in a manner acceptable to the Engineer. C. SEEDBED PREPARATION 1. The Contractor shall cut and satisfactorily dispose of weeds or other unacceptable growth on the areas to be seeded. Uneven and rough areas outside of the graded section, such as crop rows, farm contours, ditches and ditch spoil banks, fence line and hedgerow soil accumulations, and other minor irregularities which cannot be obliterated by normal seedbed preparation operations, shall be shaped and smoothed as directed by the Engineer to provide for more effective seeding and for ease of subsequent mowing operations. 2. The soil shall then be scarified or otherwise loosened to a depth of not less than 6" except as otherwise provided below or otherwise directed by the Engineer. Clods shall be broken and the top 2" to Rev. 1114/98 PROJECT#99710 01931 -Page 4 3" of soil shall be worked into an acceptable seedbed by the use of soil pulverizers, drags, or harrows; or by other methods approved by the Engineer. 3. On 2:1 slopes a seedbed preparation will be required that is the same depth as that required on flatter areas, although the degree of smoothness may be reduced from that required on the flatter areas if so permitted by the Engineer. 4. On cut slopes that are steeper than 2:1, both the depth of preparation and the degree of smoothness of the seedbed may be reduced as permitted by the Engineer, but in all cases the slope surface shall be scarified, grooved, trenched, or punctured so as to provide pockets, ridges, or trenches in which the seeding materials can lodge. 5. On cut slopes that are either 2:1 or steeper, the Engineer may permit the preparation of a partial or complete seedbed during the grading of the slope. If at the time of seeding and mulching operations such preparation is still in a condition acceptable to the Engineer, additional seedbed preparation may be reduced or eliminated. 6. The preparation of seedbeds shall not be done when the soil is frozen, extremely wet, or when the Engineer determines that it is in an otherwise unfavorable working condition. D. APPLICATION RATES Seed shall be applied by means of a hydro-seeder or other approved methods. The rates of application of seed, fertilizer and limestone shall be as stated below. 1. Lime and Fertilizer In the absence of a soil test, the following rates of application of limestone and fertilizer shall be: a. 4,000 pounds limestone per acre b. 1000 pounds 10-10-10 (N-P205 K20) fertilizer per acre and the remaining quantity applied when vegetation is three inches in height or 45 days after seeding, whichever comes first. Rev. 1114/98 PROJECT#99710 02931 -Page 5 2. Mulch Mulch shall be applied at the following rates per acre: a. 3,000-4,000 pounds straw mulch, or b. 1,500-2,000 pounds wood cellulose fiber. C. 35-40 cubic yards of shredded or hammermilled hardwood bark d. 1,200-1,400 pounds of fiberglass roving 3. Seed The kinds of seed and the rates of application shall be as contained in this table. All rates are in pounds per acre. See Notes 1 and 2. a. Fall and Winter (Normally August 1 to June 1) 80 pounds of Ky-31 tall fescue and 15 pounds of rye grain b. Summer (Normally May 1 to September 1) 100 pounds of Ky-31 tall fescue NOTE: 1. On cut and fill slopes having 2:1 or steeper slopes, add 40 pounds of sericea lespedeza per acre to the planned seeding (hulled in spring and summer unhulled in fall and winter) plus 15 pounds of sudangrass in summer seeding or 25 pounds of rye cereal per acre in fall and winter seeding, if seeded September to February. 2. These seeding rates are prescribed for all sites with less than 50% ground cover and for sites with more than 50% ground cover where complete seeding is necessary to establish effective erosion control vegetative cover. On sites having 50% to 80% ground cover where complete seeding is not necessary to establish vegetative cover, reduce the seeding rate at least one-half the normal rate. E. APPLICATION 1. Equipment to be used for the application, covering or compaction of limestone, fertilizer, and seed shall have been approved by the Engineer before being used on the project. Approval may be revoked at any time if equipment is not maintained in satisfactory working condition, or if the equipment operation damages the seed. 2. Limestone, fertilizer, and seed shall be applied within 24 hours after completion of seedbed preparation unless otherwise permitted by Rev. 1/14198 PROJECT#99710 02931 -Page 6 the Engineer, but no limestone or fertilizer shall be distributed and no seed shall be sown when the Engineer determines that weather and soil conditions are unfavorable for such operations. 3. Limestone may be applied as a part of the seedbed preparation, provided it is immediately worked into the soil. If not so applied, limestone and fertilizer shall be distributed uniformly over the prepared seedbed at the specific rate of application and then harrowed, raked, or otherwise thoroughly worked or mixed into the seedbed. 4. Seed shall be distributed uniformly over the seedbed at the required rate of application, and immediately harrowed, dragged, raked, or otherwise worked so as to cover the seed with a layer of soil. The depth of covering shall be as directed by the Engineer. If two kinds of seed are to be used which require different depths of covering, they shall be sown separately. 5. When a combination seed and fertilizer drill is used, fertilizer may be drilled in with the seed after limestone has been applied and worked into the soil. If two kinds of seed are being used which require different depths of covering, the seed requiring the lighter covering may be sown broadcast or with a special attachment to the drill, or drilled lightly following the initial drilling operation. 6. When a hydraulic seeder is used for application of seed and fertilizer, the seed shall not remain in water containing fertilizer for more than 30 minutes prior to application unless otherwise permitted by the Engineer. 7. Immediately after seed has been properly covered the seedbed shall be compacted in the manner and degree approved by the Engineer. 8. When adverse seeding conditions are encountered due to steepness of slope, height of slope, or soil conditions, the Engineer may direct or permit that modifications be made in the above requirements which pertain to incorporating limestone into the seedbed; covering limestone, seed, and fertilizer; and compaction of the seedbed. Rev. 1/14/98 PROJECT#99710 02931 -Page 7 9. Such modifications may include but not be limited to the following: a. The incorporation of limestone into the seedbed may be omitted on 1 i. cut slopes steeper than 2:1; ii. on 2:1 cut slopes when a seedbed has been prepared during the excavation of the cut and is still in an acceptable condition; or iii. on areas of slopes where the surface of the area is too rocky to permit the incorporation of the limestone. b. The rates of application of limestone, fertilizer, and seed on slopes 2:1 or steeper or on rocky surfaces may be reduced or eliminated. C. Compaction after seeding may be reduced or eliminated on slopes 2:1 or steeper, on rocky surfaces, or on other areas where soil conditions would make compaction undesirable. F. MULCHING 1. All seeded areas shall be mulched unless otherwise indicated in Ithe special provisions or directed by the Engineer. 2. It shall be spread uniformly at a rate of two tons per acre in a continuous blanket over the areas specified. 3. Before mulch is applied on cut or fill slopes which are 3:1 or flatter, and ditch slopes, the Contractor shall remove and dispose of all exposed stones in excess of 3" in diameter and all roots or other debris which will prevent proper contact of the mulch with the soil. 4. Mulch shall be applied within 24 hours after the completion of the seeding unless otherwise permitted by the Engineer. Care shall be exercised to prevent displacement of soil or seed or other damage to the seeded area during the mulching operations. 5. Mulch shall be uniformly spread by hand or by approved mechanical spreaders or blowers which will provide an acceptable application. An acceptable application will be that which will allow some sunlight to penetrate and air to circulate but also partially shade the ground, reduce erosion, and conserve soil moisture. Rev. 1114198 PROJECT#99710 02931 -Page 8 6. Mulch shall be held in place by applying a sufficient amount of asphalt or other approved binding material to assure that the mulch is properly held in place. The rate and method of application of binding material shall meet the approval of the Engineer. Where the binding material is not applied directly with the mulch it shall be applied immediately following the mulch operation. 7. The Contractor shall take sufficient precautions to prevent mulch from entering drainage structures through displacement by wind, water, or other causes and shall promptly remove any blockage to drainage facilities which may occur. G. MAINTENANCE 1. The Contractor shall keep all seeded areas in good condition, reseeding and mowing if and when necessary as directed by the Engineer, until a good lawn is established over the entire area seeded and shall maintain these areas in an approved condition until final acceptance of the Contract. 2. Grassed areas will be accepted when a 95% cover by permanent grasses is obtained and weeds are not dominant. On slopes, the Contractor shall provide against washouts by an approved method. Any washouts which occur shall be regraded and reseeded until a good sod is established. 3. Areas of damage or failure due to any cause shall be corrected by being repaired or by being completely redone as may be directed by the Engineer. Areas of damage or failure resulting either from negligence on the part of the Contractor in performing subsequent construction operations or from not taking adequate precautions to control erosion and siltation as required throughout the various sections of the specifications, shall be repaired by the Contractor as directed by the Engineer at no cost to the Owner. PART 4: PAYMENT A. Unless a separate bid item is provided on the bid schedule for "Seeding, Fertilizing and Mulching," all work covered by this section will be considered incidental to other payment items to which it relates and no separate payment will be made therefor. END OF SECTION Rev. 1/14198 PROJECT#99710 02931 -Page 9