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° ---STORMWATER DIVISION CODING SHEET - . RESCISSIONS. PERMITNO.. L DOC TYPE COMPLETE FILE- HISTORICAL DATE OF RESCISSION ❑ c� � I� l� � L) YYYYMMUD Georgia-Pacific Chemicals LLC Conway Resins Plant P.O. Box 368 Conway, NC 27820 Phone (252) 585-1232 Fax (252) 585-1754 July 30, 2019 Certified Mail — 7019 0160 0001 1456 0108 PUG i:�LE� North Carolina Department of Environmental Qualityy►,��'��Or, Division of Water Quality Surface Water Protection Section 1617 Mail Service Center ATTENTION: Central Files Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 RE: Stormwater Permit NCS000251 Georgia-Pacific Chemicals LLC Northampton County Stormwater Monitoring - February 1, 2019 — July 31, 2019 Conway, NC Dear Gentlemen/Ladies; Georgia-Pacific Chemicals LLC (GP) is respectfully submitting the facility's 2019 Spring Stormwater (February 2019 - July 2019) sampling data on Form SWU-246-051 100, pursuant to the monitoring requirements set forth in the above noted permit. Although NPDES stormwater permit NCS000251 expired on January 31, 2016, the facility continues to discharge stormwater per the automatic authorization to discharge beyond the expiration date granted in Part 11, Section 13: General Condition 1, of the permit. The facility submitted all necessary forms required by the agency to renew the permit on July 30, 2015. ']'he analytical laboratory noted on their report that the relative percent difference between laboratory duplicate sample results for Outfall 002 was outside the acceptance limits for phenol. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact Tim Riddick at (252) 585-3819. Sincerely, <f-z OX4 Ron Walls Regional Manufacturing Manager STORNINYATER DISCHARGE OUTFALL (SDO) MONITORING REPORT Permit Number: NC NCS000251 or Certificate of Coverage Number: NCG FACILITY NAME Geor ia-Pacific Chemicals LLC PERSON COLLECTING SAMPLE(S) Tim Riddick CERTIFIED LABORATORY(S Universal Laboratories LabP 543 Summit Environmental Lab# 631 Georgia-Pacific Chemicals LLC Labs! 5464 Part A: Specific Monitoring Requirements SAMPLES COLLECTED DURING CALENDAR YEAR: 2019 (This monitoring report shall be received by the Division no later than 30 days from the date the facility receives the sampling results from the laboratory.) COUNTY Northam (OR PHONE NO. 52 585- 32 (S[GNATIjRE OF P :RM['I"rEF. OR DESIGNEE) By this signature, I certify that this report is accurate complete t0 the best of my knowledge Outfall No. Date Sample Collected 50050 00556 00310 00340 00600 0066.9 00400 Total Flow Oil and Grease MODS COD Total Nitrogen_- Total Phosphorus [I molddlyr MG mg/1 m /I mg/1 mg/1 mg/1 S.U. 001 07/07/19 0,033 <5 8 47.8 2.33 0.33 6.9 002 0 7107/19 0.157 <5 7 20.6 9.86 0.11 7.3 003 07/07/19 0.018 <5 7 32.0 2.57 0.10 6.8 004 07/07/19 0.024 <5 7 38.7 1.62 0.08 7.1 Does this facility perform Vehicle Maintenance Activities using more than 55 gallons of new motor oil per month?_\ ves _no (If yes, complete fart 13) Part R: Vehicle Maintenance Activitv Monitoring Requirements Otttfall No. Date Sample Collected 50050 00556 00530 00400 'Total Flow Oil and Grease 'Total Suspended Solids pH New Motor Oil Usage moldd/vr \1G mg/1 mg/1 S.U. al/mo 002 07/07/19 0.157 <5 7.2 7.3 100 Form SWU-246-051100 Page I of 3 STORLMIWATER DISCHARGE OUTFALL (SDO) MONITORING REPORT Permit Number: NC NCS000251 or Certificate of Coverage Number: NCG FACILITY NAME Geor ia-Pacific Chemicals LLC PERSON COLLECTING SA,IIPLF(S) Tim Riddick CF,RTIFIFD LABORATORY(S Universal Laboratories Lab# 543 Summit Environmental Lab#€ 631 Georgia-Pacific Chemicals I.LC Lab## 5464 Part A: Specific Monitoring Requirements SAXIPI,FS COL.LFC'i'VD DURING CAIA NDAI2 YEAR: 2019 ('Phis monitoring report shall be received by the Division no later than 30 days from the date the facility receives the sampling results from the laboratory.) COUNTY North n PHONIC: NO. 25 1 -585- 2 1 ',�— VVA (SIGNATURE 01 ERMri TEE OR DESIGNEE) By this signature, I certify that this report is accurate complete t0 the best of my knowledge Date 50050 Outfall No. Sample Collected Total Flow -cresol o-cresol in -cresol Cresol Phenol Formaldehyde NPDES Flow (a7 R'ier mo/ddh•r ,IG m =!l m I m /l mg/1 m g/I mg/1 MGD 002 07/07/19 0.157 < 0.005 < 0.005 < 0.005 < 0.005 0.0061 0.219 nla Dorm SWU-246-051100 Page 2 of STORM EVENT CHARACTERISTICS: Mail Original and one copy to: Division of Water Quality Date: 07/07/2019 Attn: Central Files Total Event Precipitation (inches): 1.00 1617 Mail Service Center Event Duration (hours): 2. 0 (only if applicable —see permit.) Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 (if more than one storm event was sampled) Date Total Event Precipitation (inches): Event Duration (hours): (only if applicable — see permit.) "I certify, under penalty of law, that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I ant aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and, im�pri/sonnment for knowing violations." 71:a 1/3 r (Signature of Permittee) (Date) Form SWU-247, Iasi revised 21212012 Page 3 of 3 input total inches during storm event Input storm event duration Calculated rainfall intensity Outfall 001 Stormwater Flow Estimate Drainage Area Runoff (acres) Coefficient (c) 0.49 0.2 1.26 0.9 1.75 0.7 Calculated Flow 0.62 cfs jjj3 ;b Gallons mmPG 03 Q = c iA, where Spring Event - 2019 07/07/19 1 inches 120 minutes 0.500 in/hr Q = Flow (cfs) c = runoff coefficient i = rainfall intensity (in/hr) A = area (acres) Outfall 002 Stormwater Flow Estimate Drainage Area Runoff (acres) Coefficient (c) 6.48 0.9 6.48 0.9 Calculated Flow 2.92 cfs fd,4--4MGalIons Outfall 003 Stommater Flow Estimate Drainage Area Runoff (acres) Coefficient (c) 1.30 0.2 0.45 0.9 1.8 0.38 Calculated Flow 0.33 cfs Gallons v1a Outfall OG4 Stormwater Flow Estimate Drainage Area Runoff (acres) Coefficient (c) 1.01 0.9 1.0 0.90 Calculated Flow 0.45 cfs Gallons Ga Universal Laboratories 20 Research Drive, Hampton, VA 23666 TELEPHONE: (757)865.0880 TOLL FREE: (800)695.2162 FAX: (757)865.8014 REPORT OF ANALYSIS TO: Georgia Pacific Order ID: 1810134 Receive Date: 07/08/2019 Mr. Tim Riddick Print Date: 7/24/2019 P.O. Box 368 Quote Number: UL-060419-001 Conway, NC 27820 PO Number: P552190029 COC Name: Semi -Annual Stormwater Report Date: July 24, 2019 This report contains the analytical results for the indicated Project and Order. The results contained in this report relate only to the samples identified In this Order. The analytical results meet all requirements of the 2009 TNI Standard, unless specifically stated or laboratory does not hold accreditation as seen in the Cart #f column. This report shall not be reproduced except in full. .;# V� - %%% The data in this report has been reviewed and validated by: SEgn^a'jurre .�l V —Na a " Vim Thla Ropon SOW r: 1810134 Page 1 of 7 OF-001 Collection pate: 07/07/2019 15:30 Lob 10: 1810134.001 Permit: Matrix: AQUEOUS SM 5210 8 (2011) Holding Time Met Sample Receipt Temperature Biochemical Oxygen Demand Result Unit Analysis Date Anallnt ualifi RI Cert# Yes Yes/No 07/09/2019 15:26 EK 1 C 07/091201915:28 EK 8 mg/L 07109/201915:26 EK 2 460030 EPA 351.21 EPA 353.2 Resul Unit Analysis Date An-adlys Quanti.Rh Cart# Sample Preservation pH 1 pH Units 07/t1/2019 19;04 AP Holding Time Met Yes Yes/No 07111/2019 19:04 AP Sample Receipt Temperature 1 C 07/11/201919:04 AP Nitrogen, Total 2.33 mg/L 07/1112019 19:04 AP 0.2 ' EPA 1664A Result Unit Analysis Pat AnAlysfi Dualifler IL gad# Sample Preservation pH 1 pH Units 07/111201912:46 EK Holding Time Met Yes Yes/No 07/11/20i912:46 EK Sample Receipt Temperature 1 C 07/1101912:46 EK Petroleum Oil Hydrocarbons ND mg/L 07/11/201912:46 EK 5 460036 (SGT-HEM) EPA 365A Result 9-RB Analysis Date Analyst Qualif€er RL 9-9-119 Semple Preservation pH 1 pH Units 07109/201014:66 AP Holding Time Met Yes Yes/No 07/09/201914:55 AP Sample Receipt Temperature 1 C 07/09/201914:56 AP Phosphorus, Total 0.33 mg/L 07109/201914:56 AP 0,02 460036 HACH 8000 Result [snit Analysis Date Anallys Quallflar RL Cart# Sample Preservation pH 1 pH Units 07/2212019 14:18 EK Holding Tlma Met Yes Yes/No 07/22/2019 14:18 EK Sample Receipt Temperature 1 C 07ra=1914:18 EK Chemical Oxygen Demand 47.8 mg/L 07/221201914:18 EK 20 460036 OF-002 Collection Date: 07/07/2019 14:30 Leh 10: 1810134-002 Permit: Matrix; AQUEOUS SM 5210 8 (2011) Result Unit Analysis Date Analyp gualifiar a Cart,�[ Holding Time Met Yes Yes/No 07/09/2019 15:26 EK Sample Receipt Temperature 1 C 07/09/201915;26 EK Biochemical Oxygen Demand 7 mg/L 07/09/2019 15:26 EK 2 460036 EPA 351.21 EPA 353.2 Result Unit Analysis Date Anal s Quallfle RL Cert Sample Preservation pH 1 pH Units 07/11/201919:04 AP Holding Time Met Yes Yes/No 07/111201919:04 AP Sample Receipt Temperature 1 C 07/t 1/2019 19:04 AP RepcA SsAsM ie10134 Pago 2 0f 7 OF-002 goilaction Date: 07/07/2019 14:30 Lob ID: 1810134-002 Permit; Matrix, AQUEOUS EPA 351.21EPA 353.2 Re Unit Analysis Date Analyst Quallfle RL Cart# Nitrogen, Total 9.86 mgIL 0711 M019 19:04 AP 0.2 EPA 1664A Result Unit a� Ivsl_s Date Analval Clusliiler RL Cert# Sample Preservation pH 1 pH Units 07/11/2019 12:46 EK Holding Time Met Yes Yes1No 07/11/2019 12:46 EK Sample Receipt Temperature 1 C 07/11=19 1246 EK Petroleum Oil Hydrocarbons NO mg/L 07/1112019 1246 EK 6 460036 (SGiT-HEM) EPA 365.1 Res"It Unit Analysis Date Analyst gualifier RI Cart# Sample Preservation pH 1 pH Udia 07/09/2019 14:56 AP Holding Time Met Yes Yes/No 07/0912010 14:56 AP Sample Receipt Temperature I C 07/0912019 14:56 AP Phosphorus, Total 0.11 mg/L 07/09/2019 14:56 AP 0.02 460036 SM 2540D (2011) Result Und Analysis Date Analyst uallfier R Cert# Holding Time Met Yes Yes/No 07/1 M019 19.18 LS Sample Receipt Temperature I C 0711112019 19:18 LS Solids, Total Suspended 7.2 mg/L 07/1112019 1918 LS 1 460036 EPA 625.1 Result U-n-11 Analysis Date Analyst ualifier R�L Cert Holding Time Met Yes Yes1No IOJul2019 10:57 pm BD Sample Receipt Temperature 1 C 10Jul 2019 10:57pm BD Cresols, Total NO ug& 10 Jul 2019 10:57 pm BD 5 460038 m,p-Cresols Na ugA. 10 Jul 2019 10:57 pm BD 5 460036 o-Cresol NO ug1L 10 Jul 2019 10:57 pm BD 5 460036 Phenol 6.1 ug& 10 Jul 2019 10:57 pm BD 0 5 46D036 surrogate2,4,6- 78 % 10Jul 2019 10:57pm BD 9.5-123.4 Trlbromophenol (% Recovery) surrogate 2-Fluoroblphenyl 48 % 10 Jul 2019 10:57 pm BD 42.6- (% Recovery) 116.5 surrogate 2-Fluorophenol (% 34 % 10 Jul 2019 10:57 pm BD 20.6. Recovery) 110.5 surrogate Nitrobenzene-d5 47 % 10 Jul 2019 M57 pm BD 34.6- (% Recovery) 114.5 surrogate p-Terphenybd14 87 % 10Jul 2019 10:57 pm BD 32.6- (% Recovery) 141.4 surrogate Phenol-& (% 23 % 10 Jul 2019 10:57 pm BD 9.5-110.5 Recovery) MACH 6000 Result U_nIj Analysis pate Anallys Qualifier RL Cart# Sample Preservation pH i pH Units 07/22/2019 14:18 EK Holding Time Met Yes Yes/No 07=2019 14:18 EK Sample Receipt Temperature 1 C 07/22/2019 14:18 EK Chemical Oxygen Demand 20.6 mg1L 07/22J2019 14.18 EK 20 460036 R4?p9d 8edd a: 1810134 Page 3 o1 7 OF-003 Collection Date: 07/07/2019 15:00 Lab We 1810134-003 Permit: Matrix: AQUEOUS SM 5210 B (2011) 1Resu ! nit Analysis Date Analys Quallfier $b Holding Time Met Yes Yes/No 07/09/2019 15:26 EK Sample Receipt Temperature 1 C 07/09/201915:26 EK Biochemical Oxygen Demand 7 mg/L 071091201915:26 EK 2 460036 EPA 351.21 EPA 353.2 Result Unit Analvels-Mota Analyst uallfie Cert# Sample Preservation pH 1 pH Units 07/11/2019 19:04 AP Holding Time Met Yes YeslNo 07/11=10 %04 AP Sample Receipt Temperature 1 C 07/11/2019 19:04 AP. Nitrogen, Total 2.57 mg/L 07/11/2019 19:04 AP 0.2 EPA 1664A Result unit Analysts Date Analyst ualifi S6 cart# Sample Preservation pH 1 PH UM3 07/1112019 12:46 EK Holding Time Met Yes YeslNo 071111201912:46 EK Sample Receipt Temperature 1 C 071111201912:48 EK Petroleum Oil Hydrocarbons ND mg/L 07/11/2019 12:46 EK 5 460036 (SGT-HEM) EPA 365.1 Ream[ Unit Analysis Date Analyst Qualifier $L Cert# Sample Preservation pH 1 pH UNIS (17/0912019 14:56 AP Holding Time Met Yes YeslNo 07/09/2019 14:56 AP Sample Receipt Temperature 1 C 07/D9PM019 14:55 AP Phosphorus, Total 0.10 mg/L 07109/201914:56 AP 0.02 460036 HACH 8000 Result 90It Analysis Oat Analyst Qualifie�,I. Cert# Sampfe Preservation pH . 1 pH Unils 07/2212019 14:18 EK Holding Time Met Yes YeslNo 07)2212019 14:18 EK Sample Receipt Temperature 1 C 07/2Z2019 14:18 EK Chemical Oxygen Demand 32.0 mg/L 07/22/201914:18 EK 20 460036 OF-004 Collection Dale: 07/07/2019 15:55 LgD113: 1810134-004 Parmltb Mgtrlx: AQUEOUS SM 5210 B (2011) Result t�it� Analysi"at Anglys Qualifler R1 Cart# Holding Time Met Yes Yes/No 07/091201915:26 EK Sample Receipt Temperature 1 C 07/09/201915:26 EK Biochemical Oxygen Demand 7 mg/L 07/09/201915:26 EK 2 460036 EPA 351.21 EPA 353.2 RqsuJt YJIAI Analysis Date Analyst Qualifler L Cert# Sample Preservation pH i pH Units 07/11/2019 19:04 AP Holding Time Met Yes YeslNo 07A 1/201919:04 AP Sample Receipt Temperature 1 C 07/11/201919:04 AP Report 8ori¢1 r; 410134 Page 4 of 7 OF-004 Collectlon Date: 07/07/2019 15:55 Lab IM, 1610134-004 Permit: Matrix; AQUEOUS EPA 351.21 EPA 353.2 Raoult W Analysis Date Analyst Qualifier RL Cert# Nitrogen, Total 1.62 mg1L 07111/2010 19.04 AP 0.2 ' EPA 1664A Result Unit Analysis Date Analys Qualifier U Gert# Sample Preservation pH 1 pH Units 07111/201912:46 EK Holding Time Met Yes Yes/No 0711la019 12:46 EK Sample Receipt Temperature 1 C 07I1112019 12:46 EK Petroleum 611 Hydrocarbons ND mg1L 07111/201912.46 EK 5 460036 (SGT-HEM) EPA 365.1 Res f ijj Analysis Date Analyst ualifler RL C, ert# Sample Preservation pH 1 pH Units 071091201914:56 AP Holding Time Met Yes YeslNo 07109W 19 14:56 AP Sample Receipt Temperature 1 C 071091201914:56 AP Phosphorus, Total 0.08 mgJL 0711091201914:56 AP 0.02 460030 MACH 6000 Result MOR Pnalvsl"ate Analys Qualifler RL Cert# Sample Preservation pH 1 pH Units 07122/201914:18 EK Holding Time Met Yes Yes1N0 0712MO 19 1 4:18 EK Sample Receipt Temperature 1 C 0712PJ2019 14:18 EK Chemlcat Oxygen Demand 38.7 mglL 07122MI 9 14:18 EK 20 460036 Analytical Quality Control Results OGN LIDS ID Test Parameter Result 071119.011-Me-01 ON and Grease (SGT-HEM) - MB Petroleum Oil Hydrocarbons (SGT-HEM) 0 marl. 071119-011-LCS-01 ON and Grease (SOT -HEM) - LCS Petroleum Oil Hydrocarbons (6GT-HEM) (% 91 % Recovery) 1010134.001 Op and Grease (SGT-HEM) - MS Petroleum Ol Hydrocarbons (SGT•I IEM) (% 76 % P eCovery ) PREP SVOA AO 62513510 LIMS ID Test Parameter Result 0710t9.007-MB-01 SVOA 625 - AO M8 m.p-Cresols 0 uglL 071019.007-LCS-01 SVOA 625 - AO LCS Repon Srrinl +: 1810r3< n Phenol 0 ugA. surrogate 2-Fluorobiphanyl (% Recovery) 80.8 % surrogate p•Terphanyl-d14 (% Recovery) 92.4 % surrogate Nitrobonzene45 (% Recovery) 79.0 % surrogate 2-Fluorophenol (% Recovery) 58.7 % surrogate Phenol-d5 (% Recovery) 37.0 % surrogate 2,4,6-Tnpromophonal (% Recovery) $2.0 % surrogate 2-Fluorobiphanyl (% Recovery) 61 % surrogate p-Torphanyl-d t 4 (% Recovery) 12o % surrogate Nitrobenzone-d5 (% Recovery) 67 % surrogate 2-Fluorophenol(%Recovery) 54% surrogate Phenol-d5 (% Recovery) 33 % Page 5 0f 7 Batch: 071119-01 RL Oual Accuracy Precision Control Control 1.4 63.6 - 132.5 63.5. 132.5 Batch: 071019-00 RL Quel accuracy Proclerorr Control Control 0 0 42.6 - 116,5 32.6 -141.4 34.6. 114.5 20.6. 110.5 9.5- 110.5 9.5- 123.4 36 - 120 50. 181 29 • 114 13.69 10.5a PREP SVGA A 0 62513510 Batch: 071019-007 LIMS ID Teat Parameter Result RL Quail Accuracy Prvclefon Cdnfrol Control 071019.007-LCS-01 SVOA 625 - AQ LCS surrogate 2,4,6-Tdbtomophenol (% Recovery) 102 % 42. 122 Phenol 1% Recovery) 25 % 17. 120 1810134-DO2 $VOA 625 - AO MS surrogate 2-Fluorebiphenyi (% Recovery) 47 % 32 - 110 surrogate p-Terphanyl-d 14 (% Recovery) 114 % 45. 172 eurrogato 1,1140craws-0 (% Recovery) 43 % 22. 104 surrogate 2-Fruorophanol (% Recovery) 29 % 13- 60 surrogate Phanol•d5 (% Recovery) 19 % 10.50 surrogate 2,4,6-Tr)bromophono) (% Recovery) 98 % 50. 128 Phenol (%RecOMM 13 % 10. 120 SVOA 625 - AO DUP surrogate 2-Fluoroblphonyl (% Recovery) 20 % 5 32 -•1 i0 surrogate p-TBrpheq-di4 (% Recovery) SB % 45. 172 surrogate Nitrabenzone•6 (% Recovery) 22 % 22. 104 eutrogale 2-Fluoroph8nol (% Recovery) 17 % 13 - 60 8urrogale Phenol-d5 (% Recovery) 101. S 10 • s0 surrogate 2,4,6.Tdhromophenol (% Recovery) 76 % 50 - 126 Phenol (RPD) 200 ti; 0 0.04 m.p-Cresols (RPD) 0 % 0.30 SOUDS Batch: 071119-025 LIMS 10 Teat Parameter Rosulr RL Quirt Accuracy Pieclslan Control Control 071119-025-MB-01 TSS - MS Spuds. Total Suspended 0 mWIL 0.5 BOD Batch: 070919-013 LIMS ID Test Parameter Result RL Quirt Accuracy Precision Control Control 070919-013.LCS•01 SOD - A0 OQA Biochemical Oxygen Demand 200 mgll- 2 167.6 - 228.5 070919.013-LCS-02 Biochemical Oxygen Demand 195mgIL 2 167.5-228.5 070919-013-LCS-03 Slochemkal Oxygen Demand 189mg/L 2 167.5-228.5 070919.013-MEWI BOD - AO M8 Biochemical Oxygen Demand 0.05 mgA- 0.2 070919.013-KM-02 Slochemlcal Oxygen Demand 0 mgA 0.2 COD Batch: 072219-008 LIMS ID Test Parameter Result RL Qual Accuracy Precision Control Control 1610134.004 Chemical Oxygen Demand - AO Chemical Oxygen D4mend (RPD) 6 % 0 - 18.1 DUP 072219.008-LCS-01 Chemical Oxygen Demand - AO Chemical Oxygen Demand (% Recovery) 101 % 89.5. 110.5 LCS 072219-Ooo-MR-Di Chemical Oxygen Demand - AQ Chemical Oxygen Demand 0 mglL 10 MB 1010134.001 Chemical Oxygen Demand - AO Chemical Oxygen Demand (% Recovery) 94 % 81.5. 117.4 MS Report Sewed C 1810134 Page 6 of 7 Glossary of Terms and Abbreviations No No Analyla Detected NR No Results available, anafyte not In Instrument calibration r RL (Reporting Limit) The minimum levels, concentrations, or quantities of a target analyto that can be reported within a speciliod degree of confidence. Generally, this number Is equal to or just above the lowest calibration standard run with the analytical batch. B Analyse was found In the method blank D RPD outside acceptable limits H Holding time exceeadsd Is — Internal standard outside acceptable limits J Result above callbratfon curve • results are approximate L _ LCS Outside acceptable omits MI Matrix Interance MS Matrix spike recovery outside acceptable Ilmlls 0C Method OC criteria not met S. Surrogate outside acceptable Ilmlts r V ICVICCV/FCV outside acceptable limits LCS (Laboratory Control Sample) A sample matrix, free from the analytes of Interest, spiked with verified known smounis of analytes or a material containing known and verified amounts of analytes. MDL Method Detection LlmilEs Is an estimate of the minimum amount of a substance that an analytical process can reliably detect RPD (Relative Percent Dlflerence) The difference between a set of duplicates or sample spike duplicates. MSIMSD (Matrix Spike or Matrix Spike Duplicate) A sample prepared by adding a known mass of target anelyte to a specified amount of matrix sample for which an Independent estimate of target analyzes concentration Is available. Matrix Spikes are used, for example, to determine the effect of the matrix on a method's recovery efficiency, Calibration Verfication (Initial, Continuing, or Final) A standard analyzed at different times to verify that the Initial callbratlon curve Is still valld. , Holding Time The maximum time that samples may be held prior to analysis and still be considered valid or not compromised. Internal Standard A known amount of standard added to a fast portion of a sample as a reference for evaluating and controlling the precision and bias of the applied analytical method. Method Blank A sample of a matrix similar to the batch associated samples (when available) that Is free from the analyses of interest and Is processed simulatanously with and under the same conditions as samples. Surrogate A substance with properties that mimic the anatyte of interest. It Is urf. kely to be found In environmental samples and Is added to them for quallty control purposes In Organics, EPL Exceeds Permit Limit. This Is a qualifier to denote that the result exceeds the permit limit of the sample iocatlon. Exceeds Benchmark Concentration Result Exceeds Benchmark concentration listed In the General Permit. Benchmark Concentratlons are primarily used to determine the overall effectivenss of the Stormwater pollution prevention plan. Excedance of Benchmmrk concentrations does NOT constitute a dolalfon of this permit and does NOT Indicate that violation of a water quality standard has occured, nepod Sodas r: t$1004 Page 7 of 7 Georgia Pacific P.O. Box 368 Corlway,NC,27820 Ca la=Ttm Rkkick.M- 585-123Z (C)252.395- 1625.TARIDDtC0GAPAC,00M Universal Laboratories CHAIN OF -CUSTODY ID: 1810134 Semi -Annual Stormwater 20 Pasawth Dyke HanVwm VA 23%5 1-BOD-E95-2162 h tt P:/Avww. u n i ve ma I Iabo rats rie s. net Page 1 of 2 .Ssmpi wrli6l UL Sarleple' Matrix SamplJa'DaLedF[mJrJtnttlals ~ [3ottlslD •:S�_e v� Prekrvitkm Te�Fn9 '.;:_; ` - • -a 0E-07 1810134-001 AQUEOUS AQUEOUS AQUEOUS AQUEOUS AQUEOUS '!`SIe4� j b 0 `./ 4— 0(1A 2500G = H2SO4k6 C write, TRANS. AM, COD, TN, OGN.T•PNOS 001B 500fHDPE ODIC I/HDPE 451C 001D 11Glass H2SO4/e6-C ODIE 1/131M H2SZW<VC OF-= 181M34 )M AQUEOUS AQUEOUS AQUEOUS AQUEOUS AQUEOUS AQUEOUS AQUEOUS AQUEOUS e I ? J? 1 t4t�i3d i� �L 002A 250JGIass H25'4 16'C Irr ,OGN, aSte. B D. C . TN, OGN T 0023 SOMMPE H2SO4/<5'C 002C 1hiDPE cM 002D 11GLass H2SO4kWC 002E 1/QLMS H2SON<C'C 002E t/Gtass 41C 002G 2MDPE -eve 002H 11GLass we Of-OQ3 1810134.OW AQUEOUS AQUEOUS AQUEOUS AQUEOUS AQUEOUS 7/.�144' )�oa : tj-rL 003A 25O G3Ms H2SO41sfi'C Zta waste, BOO. COD. TN, OGN, T.PHOS 0D3a 50&14DPE H2SO4/<M 003C IMOPE -CwC OMD Il[3tasg H2SO4/<S`C O03E 11Gtass H25O4kg*C OF-004 1810134-004 AQUEOUS AOU€OUS AQUEOUS AQUEOUS IAOUEOUSI / � p 7�Zf iql 004A 25QfG:WS H2SO � W2S1Jf. BOO. COD. TN. mm T.PHOS �8 50G'HDPE H2SCW,-6'C 004C 1/HDPE <6'C CM 1/C,lass H2SOdkVC OD4E H2SO4kWC NOTES: CooI erTemp f _C Phenol utt Brock______ CH bst dreek_ SOD tnt deck_ NH3 hlr Check TRANSFER SIGNATURE DATElTIME TRANSFER SIGNATURE DATEMME 9 Universal Laboratories 20 RWCVMDfM Georgia Pacific Kanplo%vA236W P.O. Box368 CHAIN �� CUSTODY 1-800-695-2162 C4nway.NC,27820 ID: 1810134 nttp:l/www.universaltaboratories.net Caaap rcn R'i&kk,M-sas-1232, (c)M-395- Semi -Annual Stormwater Page 2 of 2 16n 7AMOD3CO GAPAC.=n Relinquished by 41m< Lit i•S'w ! GRemivedby '�— Refsnquished by Received by r Za Relinquished by Received by Relinquished by Received by 0 1 Srmmrif E+rvirnnnrcnlaf Teduralogres, lnc. 3310 wr„ sr. ENVIli014blewrAt:'lcrtINOI,oS918s, INC Co3mhoga Falls, Ohio 44223 EI]Annfyflcal Lnbaratofleg TFL: (330) 253-8211 FAX.- (330) 253.4489 Websrfe: hum-11immsertek.cor+r July 12, 2019 Tim Riddick Georgia Pacific Inc. 27820 200 Ampac Rd.P.O. Box 368 Conway, NC 27820 TEE,: (252) 585-1232 FAX: (252) 585-1754 RE: Water Formaldehyde Test Dear Tim Riddick: Order No.: 19070460 Summit Environmental Technologies, Inc. received 1 sample(s) on 7/7/2019 for the analyses presented in the following report. There were no problems with the analytical events associated with this report unless noted in the Case Narrative. Quality control data is within laboratory defined or method specified acceptance limits except where noted. If you have any questions regarding these tests results, please feel free to call the laboratory. Sincerely, Holly Florea Project Manager 3310 Win St. Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio 44223 ArkwLsas 88-0735, ('alifarnia 07256CA, Celorado, Conrtecdcut PH-0108, Pda+vare, Florida NELAC E87688, Geergin E87688, Idaho OH00923, Illinois 2{10061. Indiann C•014-13, Kansas E-10347, Kenhrclry (Undergrotmd Stornge Tank) 3, Kentucky 90146, Louisiana 04061, Maryland 339, Ivihinesotn 409711, Ncry Hampshire 2996, Nov Jersey OH006, New York I1777, North Carolina 39705 and 631, North Dakota 11.201, OMo DW, Ohio VAP CL0052, Oklahoma 9940, Oregon 0}1200001, Pntroylvania 010, Rhode Island LA000317, Sotalt Carolina 92016001,'fexas T104704466-11-5, Utah 01100923201 l-1, Virginia ViLAP9456, Wash:inglon Ca9l Page 1 of 9 Sunrnril Environmental Technologies, Inc. Case Narrative SUMMIT 3310 Yin St. ENvttfoilrlrzrrTACTZMVJO_Lorirs, wc. Cu)whoga !'ells. Ohio d4223 WO#: 19070460 Anirlyfical taborbiorloe TEL (330) 253-8211 rAX: (330) 253-4489 Websire: haaVivivivsauek.cora Dale: 7/12/2019 CLIENT: Georgia Pacific Inc. 27820 Project: Water Formaldehyde Test WorkOrder Narrative: This report in its entirety consists of the following documents: Cover Letter, Case Narrative, Analytical Results, QC Summary Report, Applicable Accreditation Information, Chain -of -Custody, Cooler Receipt Form, and other applicable forms as necessary. All documents contain the Summit Environmental Technologies, Inc., Work Order Number assigned to this report. Summit Environmental Technologies, Inc., holds the accreditations/certifications listed at the bottom of the cover letter that may or may not pertain to this report. Please refer to the "Accreditation Program Analytes Report" for accredited analytes list. The information contained in this analytical report is the sole property of Summit Environmental Technologies, Inc. and that of the customer. It cannot be reproduced in any form without the consent of Summit Environmental Technologies, Inc. or the customer for which this report was issued. The results contained in this report are only representative of the samples received. Conditions can vary at different times and at different sampling conditions. Summit Environmental Technologies, Inc. is not responsible for use or interpretation of the data included herein. All results for Solid Samples are reported on an "as received" or "wet weight" basis unless indicated as "dry weight" using the "-dry" designation on the reporting units. This report is believed to meet all of the requirements of the accrediting agency, where applicable. Any comments or problems with the analytical events associated with this report are noted below. Analytical Sequence QC Notes: LCSD-38298 svoc-8315_npw(8315A): LCSD RPD out of acceptance limits for Formaldehyde Original Page 2 of 9 Sumruitbon,it•ormrental Technologies, Irrc. Workorder SUMM07- 3310 1vin Sr. Sample Summary ENVII19MMENiALTMINOLOPIFS,INC CiryalrogaFalls, Ohio44223 Armlyllcal Laboralorlar TEL: (330) 253-8211 FAX: (330) 253-4489 WON: 19070460 WebsUs: hrin:/fwrvrrsellek.cnrrr 12-Jn1-19 CLIENT: Georgia Pacific Inc. 27820 Projcct: Water Formaldehyde Test Lab SamplelD Client Sample lD 'fag No Date Collected Date Received Matrix 19070460-001 OF-002 7M2019 2:30:00 PM 7l7l2019 2:30:00 PM Nan-lVable Water Page 3 of 9 snn�nt�tr:,:vire menralTechnologies.,nc. Analytical Report 3310 [Yin Sr. SUMMIT , C+ryahagaFalls, Ohio 44223 _ (consolidated) AnaIyflcal LaboriPforlRG TEL: (330) 253.8211 FAX. (330) 253-4489 WO#: 19070460 Website: h1lp.1AysPiy.seuek.con1 Date Reported: 7/12/2019 Lab ID: 19070460-001 Collection Date: 7/7/2019 2:30,00 PM Client Sample ID OF-002 Matrix: NON -POTABLE WATER Analysis Result MIA, PQL Qual Units Dilution Batch Date Analyzed ALDEHYDES (EPA 8315A) EPA 8315 A Analyst: PGP Formaldehyde 0.219 0.0153 0.229 1 mg/1, 1 38298 711 112019 4:01:54 PM Qualifiers: ft Analyte detected in the associated Method Blank P, Value above quantitation range I I I [aiding times for preparation or analysis exceeded M Manual integration used to determine area response MC Value is below Minimum Compound Limit. N Tentatively identified compounds ND Not Detected P Second column confirmation exceeds I'L Permit Limit R RPD outside accepted recovery limits Page 4 of 9 55mmrrr l•)brnnrmeatol 7irhnnlaglcs. 11w, QC SUM_ViARY REPORT m o r 3310 1vin Si. FnylnOttm NTALTCCHNOL(IOlES,19C Ce}ahoga Farb, Ohio 44223 Arlalytleal Leborararw M: (330) 253.8211 FAX, (330) 253-44,99 WON: 19070460 IYrbs7r: hna✓•irnrr.serrekcanr f1�7u1-19 Client: Georgia Pacific Inc. 27820 Project: Water Formaldehyde Test BatchlD: 38299 Semple ID MB3ffi98 SampType: MBLK TeslCoda: rvoc-8316 n Units: mgfL Prep 0219: 711012019 RunNo: 100680 Client ID: PBW Beteh 10: 38290 TastNa: SW8316A SW8315A Analysis Dale 711112019 SegN¢ 2210757 Artalyte Resin PQL SPK value SPK Ref Val %REC Lowl-imit HIDhl-knit RPD RefVal %RPD RPDUrnit Qual Formaldehyde ND 0.200 Sample to LCS302U SampType: LCS TeslCode: avoc-8315_n Units: mgrL Prep Date: 711W2019 Rumo: 100680 Client ID: LCSW Baton 10: 39298 Tes1No: SW8315A SW8315A Analysis Date: 711112019 SegNo-- 2210758 Arm" Resua PQL SPK value SPK Ref Val %REG Lowl.lmil F90hl-knit RPD Rel Val %RPD RPOLimit Dual Formaldehyde 0.134 0.200 0.150 0 89,2 39 153 JQLR Sample10 LCSD38290 SampType: LCSD TeslCods: svoc-8318_n Units: mg1L Prep0ate: 7110120119 RunNo: 100680 Cllent ID: LCSS02 Batch ID: 38298 Testft. SW8315A SW0315A Analysis Data: 711112019 SegNo: 2210769 Analyte Resua PQL SPK value SPK Ret Val %REC LowLimit HlphLimil RPD Ref Vel %RPD RPOLImit Dust Formaldehyde 0,0973 0.200 0,150 0 04.9 39 153 0.134 31-6 20 JR. Qusilncrs: B Analyle deeded in the associated Method Blank S Value above quantitation range H 11o26ns times fnrpreparalien or gnat? 1 Anslyle detected below quandution limits M hfanud lrttegatian used W dHermine Brea response MC Value is below Minimum Compound Original NO Not Detected p Second cobnen canfirmaGon esttods Pl. Permit t.imit it RPF outride accepted recovery limits RL Reporting Detection Umit S Spike Recovery outside accepted reco Page 5 of 9 $nrnrrrifrnvironnrentalTechnologies. In 3310 iVrn Qualifiers and Acronyms El11'll ONI,tENTAL IVEC11NOLOGIF$, IiYC Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio 4422 Wou: 19070460 Analutical Laberrptarlos TEL: (330) 253-8211 FAX: (330) 253-446 lYebstre: hun://ivrvn•settek,ca Dale: 7l12/2U19 These commonly used Qualifiers and Acronyms may or may not be present in this report. Qualifiers U The compound was analyzed for but was not detected. J The reported value is.greatcr than the Method Detection Limit but less than the Reporting Limit. H The hold time for sample preparation and/or analysis was exceeded. D The result is reported from a dilution. F The result exceeded the linear range of the calibration or is estimated due to interference. MC The result is below the Minimum Compound Limit. The result exceeds the Regulatory Limit or Maximum Contamination Limit. m Manual integration was used to determine the area response. d Manual integration in which peak was deleted N The result is presumptive based on a Mass Spectral library search assuming a 1:1 response. P The second column confirmation exceeded 25% difference. C The result has been confirmed by GUMS. X The result was not confirmed when GUMS Analysis was performed. DIMB+ The analyte was detected in the associated blank. G The ICB or CCB contained reportable amounts of analyte. QC -I+ The CCV recovery failed low (-) or high (+). I21QDR The RPD was outside of accepted recovery limits. QL-/+ The LCS or LCSD recovery failed low (-) or high (+). QLR The LCS/LCSD R.11D was outside of accepted recovery limits. Q114-1+ The MS or MSD recovery failed low (-) or high (+). QMR The MSIMSD RPD was outside of accepted recovery limits. QV-/+ The ICV recovery failed low (-) or high (+). S The spike result was outside of accepted recovery limits. Z Deviation; A deviation from the method was performed; Please refer to the Case Narrative for additional information Acronyms ND Not Detected RL Reporting Limit QC Quality Control NiDL Method Detection Limit MB Method Blank LOD Level of Detection LCS Laboratory Control Sample LtiQ Level of Quantitation LCSD Laboratory Control Sample Duplicate PQL Practical Quantitation Limit QCS Quality Control Sample CRQL Contract Required Quantitation Limit DUP Duplicate PL Pennit Limit MS Matrix Spike RegLvl Regulatory Limit NISI) Matrix Spike Duplicate MCL Maximum Contamination Limit RPD Relative Percent Different NIinCL Minimum Compound Limit ICV Initial Calibration Verification RA Reanalysis ICB Initial Calibration Blank RE Rccxtraction CCV Continuing Calibration Verification TIC Tentatively Identified Compound CCB Continuing Calibration Blank RT Retention Time I1LC Reporting Limit Check CF Calibration Factor Dh Dilution Factor RF Response Factor This list of Qualifiers and Acronyms reflects the most commonly utilized Qualifiers and Acronyms for reporting. Please refer to the Analytical Notes in the Case Narrative for any Qualifiers or Acronyms that do not appear in this list or for additional information regarding the use of these Qualifiers on reported data. Original Page 6 of 9 5umrrritErrriromrrerrralTechnologie.c, brc. ACCCeCjltiit10I1 Prograin 3310 Win St. EtiVlrfptartENr�t rCcnrant,[3ri�^,,rHC GryahogaFalls. Ohio 44223 Analytes Report Analytical Laboratories TGI,: (330) 253-8211 FAX. (330) 253-4489 Woll; 19070460 IYebsile: hire:/hvww.settgk sore 12-Jtr1-19 Client: Georgia Pacific Inc. 27820 State: NW Project: Water Formaldehyde Test Program Name: NC_W W_SCrM Sample rD Matrix Test Flame Analyte Status 19070460-001 A Non-Patable Water Aldehydes (EPA 8315A) Formaldehyde N NC W W SCM N Not Accredited Original #1 Page 7 of 9 ENViROHMENTACTECHNOLOGIES.- INC. Ew7ahcjj*.FOIII. ONO 44273 800.278-C1140 Analysis Request/ Chain of"Custody. For Summit F6vironmenW TecKnolorics.-Inc, use only. Page i Cliern Name - VnUM tuen%hc.,dan Georg ia-Paiific.clieriiica Is LLC' water Formaldehyde test Project Addrcsc 200 Ampac Road -200 Ampac Road Conway, INC. _ 27820 Conway, NC 27820 cli.-c-al ?hone Rcpon To (252)75.35-3819 Tim Riddick Oi6t VxNo.. N' :6 Rcccic e R% siAts b;. rax' PO Numbtr P552190027 '-rattan Person.. QuDL, Number mirn Riddick ;wm.plvJ 0-%1'if'Ohio VAP Samples IFWEMLOZ MR RIM.-p fe,I dle�7�a V 1ri�qtji2Nn a'1jmt .MM:CD7ie¢tcd CaElct d -A )�Z- Riil-1n:q_uj:6E_d-6y- Fticil�x:d b)F-1 Nores f UG"Imen1b. Walterlee- 7/812019 1300 Fedex tracking no, .40933897181() CC15 Ile r1zC__ Aeoed FC14 Ex. -.1 U_ Di tF7 7 �__ Rush Requesled: Dav(s)' Z7M'7 Most he appn)'cd by LahNI-an2gt 1:11 — Summir Enriraurrerrrnl Tec'lmologies, hrc. 3310HinS1. EffVIEtONrdCrITAI TCCHHr)L[)nIL-S,INC. Cuyahoga rails. Ohio44223 Sample Log -in Check List AnnlytlCa Lnboraror�as TEL: (330) 153-8111 FAX: (330) 253-4489 iVebsrte: ht '1A n PSP r k e n Client Name: GEO-NC-27820-A Work Order Number. 19070460 RcptNo: 1 Lugged by: John A.Semenik 717/2019 2:30:00 PM10, /—!�"" 1� Completed By: Jesseca E. Westfall 71912019 1:26.04 PM �//�'; -M �" i Reviewed By: Hotly Florea 7/10/2019 9:33:00 AM Chain ofCus[ody 1, Is Chain of Custody complete? Yes No ❑ Not Present ❑ 2. How was the sample delivered? FedEx Log In 3. Coolers are present? Yes No ❑ NA ❑ 4. Shipping containedcooler In good condition? Yes © No ❑ Custody seals Intact on shipping container/cooler? Yes ❑ No ❑ Not Present W No. Seal Date: Signed By: 5. Was an attempt made to coot the samples? Yes © No ❑ NA ❑ 6. Were all samples received at a temperature of >0" C to 6.0°C Yes R No ❑ NA ❑ 7. Sample(s) In proper contalner(s)? Yes 2 No ❑ 8. Suff:clent sample volume for Indicated test(s)? Yes 0 No ❑ 9, Are samples (except VOA and ONG) properly preserved? Yes 0 No ❑ 10, Was preservative added to bottles? Yes ❑ No NA ❑ 11. Is the headspace in the VOA vials less than 114 Inch or 6 mm? Yes © No ❑ No VOA Vials ❑ 12. Were any sample containers received broken? Yes ❑ No 13. Does paperwork match bottle labels? Yes R No ❑ (Note discrepancies on chain of custody) 14. Are matrices correctly identified on Chain of Custody? Yes No (J 16. Is it clear what analyses were requested? Yes No ❑ 16, Were all holding times able to be met? Yes No (� (If no, notify customer for authorization.) Special Handlincr Of applicable) 17. Was client notified of all discrepancies with this order? Yes ❑ No ❑ NA ❑�I Person Notified: pate By Whom: Via: [] eMail ❑ Phone ❑ Fax ❑ In Person Regarding: Client Instructions: 18. Additional remarks: Cooler Information Page 9 of 9