HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCGNE0689_COMPLETE FILE - HISTORICAL_20100521STORMWATER DIVISION CODING SHEET NCG PERMITS PERMIT NO. NCGNE DOC TYPE CYHISTORICAL FILE ❑ o 0 6 6-cp � -- YYYYMMDD DOC DATE a, t RJA NC®ENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality Beverly Eaves Perdue Coleen H. Sullins Governor Director May 21, 2010 CERTIFIED MAIL 7009 0080 0000 9764 8662 RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Siemens Energy, Inc. Mrs. Amy Gray 5101 Westinghouse Blvd, Charlotte, NC 28273 Subject: Application for No Exposure Certification For Siemens Energy, Inc. manufacturing plant 7000 Siemens Rd. Wendell, NC 27591 Wake County Dear Mrs. Gray: Dee Freeman Secretary On May 11, 2010 Mr. Myrl Nisely of the Raleigh Regional Office made an inspection with your help to evaluate whether the above facility qualifies for a No Exposure Certification and subsequent rescission of General Stormwater Permit NCG030260. Mr. Nisely appreciated that you delayed a meeting in order to carry out this site review while you were visiting the plant that day. It was noted during this visit that no person working daily at this facility is assigned responsibility for environmental oversight. This was also the status encountered when an inspection was attempted in January, 2010 for permit NCG030260. The requirements of that permit were foreign to personnel at the plant. None of the components of an active program called for in a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SPPP) were in evidence, such as employee training, documented observations of the stormwater outfalls, analytical sampling or other elements of the program. Your response to the January Notice of Violation letter was the application for No Exposure status and a March update of the SPPP. You and Mr. Nisely did not take time to review that program any further on May 11 because of your need to participate in a meeting. The hazardous waste storage building has a roof and security fencing, but the four sides are open to the elements. Rain can blow into the area, contact the containers and any spilled material if a spill ever occurred, and then run out onto the concrete and away from the location because there is no containment device. Before the certification can be offered, this storage will need to be improved so that rain cannot enter. There will also need to be at least a minimal containment placed around it to hold any spills. Following this inspection a discussion with the January inspector, Vicki Webb, revealed that a walled building had been used in the past for haz waste. If so, that arrangement would be much preferred. o e NhCarolina Awitrally North Carolina Division of Water Quality Raleigh Regional Office surface Water Protection Phone (919) 791-4200 Customer Service Internet: www.nGwaterquality.org 1628 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1628 FAX (919) 788-7159 877.623-6748 An Equal OpportunitylAffirmative Action Employer —50%Recycled110°/ Post Consumer Paper 1 l Siemens Energy --No Exposure Inspection May 2010 Page 2 of 2 There was'. xposed storag46fdiscarded large electrical parts such as transformers {that you stated contained.cao-P,C,B.:g , j&era1 Q.i,1}, cabinets, and numerous storage bins and shelves containing items ranging from electrical tape to electrical parts to an open container of grease. These constitute a potential threat to stormwater quality, and must be removed before the requested No Exposure can be granted. Based upon the observed site conditions May 11, a file review of past permit history, and the fact that a local delegation of day-to-day environmental oversight appears to be absent, the application for No Exposure is being denied at this time. You may reapply when you feel these issues have been addressed. Until that time, the facility remains responsible for compliance with permit NCG030260. Violations of that permit can be subject to civil penalties of up to c,25,000 per day, if you have questions or comments on this inspection, please contact Myrl at 919-791-4200, or at myrl.nisel a,ncdenncom. ince ely, �i 16/ilityy Danny S Water Qegional Supervisor Raleigh Regional Office ec:`RRO SWP files Central Office files Jovonah Weeden, Stormwater Permitting Unit Ql-�J/ .S. Postal Service ERTIFIED MAIL,. RECEIPT No insurance Coverage Provided) omestic Mail only, LFIr delivery Information visit our webslte at www.usps.coma M - Pastms* C3 Return Receipt Fee Here C3 (Endorsement Required) 1 0 Restricted Delivery Fee E:] (Endorsement Required) co CoED Tot' SIEMENS ENERGY. INC. ATTN: MR& AMY GRAY a- ent, 5101 WESTINGHOUSE BLVD C3 _ CHARLOTTE NC 28273 ClN FOR NO EXPOSURE CATE orPC dY SIEME MAIOLED 5Y.INC MFG- PSENT.WAKEICOUNW LY -.1111awom1l. Compliance Inspection Report Permit: NCGNE0689 Effective: Expiration: Owner: Siemens Power Generation Inc SOC: Effective: Expiration: Facility: Siemens Energy, Inc 7000 Siemens Rd County: Wake Region: Raleigh Wendell NC 27591 Contact Person: Amy Gray Title: Phone: 704-551-5339 Directions to Facility: System Classifications: Primary ORC: Secondary ORC(s): On -Site Representative(s): Related Permits: Inspection Date: 05/11/2010 Primary Inspector: Myrl Nisely Secondary Inspector(s): Certification: Entry Time: 02:25 PM Exit Time: 03:35 PM Phone: Phone: 919-791-4200 Reason for inspection: Routine Inspection Type: Reconnaissance Permit Inspection Type: Stormwater Discharge, No Exposure Certificate Facility Status: ❑ Compliant ❑ Not Compliant Question Areas: . Miscellaneous Questions 1 i ■ Complete items 1', 2, and 3. Also complete A. SI atAfr item 4 if Restricted Delivery is desired. X ■ Print your name and address on the reverse ' so that we can return the card to you. ByRecelved b�(Prir:tec a Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, (See attachment summary) , or on the front if space permits. D. Is deliveryaddress dii 1. Article Addressed to: If YES, enter delivery ❑ Agent It ❑ Addressee E C. Date of Delivery It erss below: l-x;t � SIEMENS ENERGY, INC. 1 ATTW MRS. AMY GRAY 0 1� i 5101 WESTINGHOUSE BLVD CHARLOTTE NC 28273 APPLICATION FOR NO EXPOSURE CERTIFICATE 3Service Type U S SIEMENS ENERGY,INC.MFG. PLANT.WAKE COUNTY 5121 /10.MAILED.5/24110,SWP,NISELY ✓! CertlFled Mail ❑Express Mall P 1 ❑ Registered Ut- Return Receipt for Me.Ghandlse i ❑ Insured Mall ❑ C.O.D. 4. Restricted Delivery? (Extra Pee) ❑ yes 2. Article Number 7009 0080 0000 9764 8662 i r-ransfer from service label) . PS Foim 3811, February 2004 Domestic Return Receipt 10259&02-M•1540 Page: 1 Permit: NCGNE0689 Owner - Facility: Siemens Power Generation Inc Inspection Date: 05/11/2010 Inspection Type: Reconnaissance Reason for Visit: Routine Inspection Summary: This inspection was a site review to determine if a No Exposure Certification is warranted. This facility has permit NCG030260, under which very little has been done to implement permit requirements. NOV-2010-PC-0020 was issued in January accordingly. There is no one at the facility designated as responsible for environmental compliance. Rather, Amy Gray from Charlotte oversees permit issues. She visits several times a year, and perhaps at least once every month, although this was not fully determined. It was observed that most of the outside areas of the site were free of pollutants except for a dicarded equipment area containing electrical equipment, shelves and bins, Some of the bins contained items. Amy agreed that this location must be cleared before no exposure could be granted. In addition, a haz waste storage area outdoors has a roof but no sides to keep rain from blowing onto stored materials, so this must be modified to preclude rain. There needs to be a containment of some kind erected, too, to keep any spill from leaving the storage room. Page: 2