HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCG120096_MONITORING INFO_20190224-1vt STORMWATER DIVISION CODING SHEET NCG PERMITS PERMIT NO. /V DOC TYPE ❑HISTORICAL FILE [)(MONITORING REPORTS DOC DATE ❑ Q V i � V 1) � I/ YYYYMMDD DocuSign Envelope ID; 41896AF6-9CD4-467B-AC37-1B44F2BC852C _A SMITH+GARUNER ENGINEERS February 17, 2020 NCDEQ Division of Water Quality Attention: DWQ Central Files 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 ADORES TEL WEB 14 N. Boylan Avenue, Raleigh NC 27603 919.828,0577 wwwsmithgardnerinc.com RE: Discharge Monitoring Report — February 2020 Red Rock C&A,landfill Certificate of Coverage #NCG120096 General Permit#NCG120000 Dear Sir/Madam: FEB 2 4 2019 CEN''f-Ftf\L FILES 0wR S CTI(>1 Smith + Gardner (S+GI is pleased to submit this Discharge Monitoring Report (DMR) for stormwater monitoring at the Red Rock C&D Landfill. The facility is permitted to discharge stormwater related to landfilling activities under Certificate of Coverage (COC) No. NCG120096, General Permit No.120000. The facility is required to monitor discharge at the following Stormwater Discharge Outfall (SD01 locations: 1. COMP-1 (Basin B, Basin 6, Basin T11; 2. COMP-2 (Basin AI; 3. Sediment Basin 1 (SB-1); and 4. COMP-4 fBasin 81 The facility received Tier III sampling relief for fecal coliform in September 2018. Sediment Basin 1 entered Tier III status for total suspended solids (TSS) in December 2018 and improvements were made to mitigate erosion from the soil stockpile area. The samples collected at SB-1 were below all benchmark thresholds this sampling period. Samples were also taken from Comp-4, which exceeded the benchmark thresholds for TSS and fecal coliform. Samples from Comp-1 and Camp-2 were grabbed during the January 2020 event. We are providing two (21 copies of the DMR report for this submittal. If you have any questions, or require further information, please contact us via phone at (919) 828-0577 or by email. Sincerely, SMITH GARDNER, INC. DocuSipntd by: LJ �.se �.. 37s},c... Staff Engineer, ext. 170 4essefdsmithgardnerinc.com E(�. N&ad Doeu Signed by: 358C21E84007440... W. Michael Brinchek, P.E. Senior Project Manager, ext.128 mikelasmithgardnerinc.com Attachments CC: Don Plessinger 1GFL) File H:lr'rujects\Red Roes, Dispos,,1\NPDE5%2U2D52- FebrunrylEWOrpdes_ - 4r202r1 Trer III docx DocuSign Envelope iD:41896AF6-9CD4-467B-AC37-1B44F2BC852C This page intentionally left blank. DocuSign Envelope ID: 41896AF6-9CD4-467B-AC37-lB44F26C852C Semi-annual Stormwater Discharge Monitoring Report for North Carolina Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources General Permit No. NCG120000 Date submitted February 18, 2020 CERTIFICATE OF COVERAGE NO. NCG12_0096 FACILITY NAME Red Rock C&D Landfill COUNTY Wake PERSON COLLECTING SAMPLES Jesse Li (Smith Gardner, Inc.) LABORATORY Pace Analytical Lab Cert. # 37738 Comments on sample collection or analysis: Part A: Stormwater Benchmarks and Monitoring Results SAMPLE COLLECTION YEAR 2020 SAMPLE PERIOD ❑■ Jan -June ❑ July -Dec or *Monthly' February _ (month) DISCHARGING TO CLASS ❑ORW ❑HQW ❑Trout ❑PNA ❑Zero -flow ❑Water supply ❑SA OOther c, Nsw PLEASE REMEMBER TO SIGN ON THE REVERSE 4 ❑ No discharge this period' Outfall No. Date Sample Collected' jmo/dd/yr) 24-hour rainfall amount, Inches' Chemical Oxygen Demand mg/L Fecal per Col1 0 Colonies per 100 mL Total Suspended Solids mg/L Standard Units and Benchmarks - - 120 1000 100 or 50° 6.0-9.0 Parameter Code - 46529 00340 31616 C0530 00400 SIB-1 02/06/20 0.8 38 144 75.1 6.77 Comp-4 02/06/20 0.8 56.4 3900 242 6,80 ' Monthly sampling (instead of semi-annual) must begin with the second consecutive benchmark exceedance for the same parameter at the same outfall. Z For sampling periods with no discharge at any single outfall, you must still submit this discharge monitoring report with a checkmark here. 3 The total precipitation must be recorded using data from an on -site rain gauge. Unattended sites may be eligible for a waiver of the rain gauge requirement. 4 See General Permit text, Table 1, identifying the especially sensitive receiving water classifications where the more protective benchmark applies. - Note: Results must be reported in numerical format. For example, do not report Below Detection Limit, BDL, <PQL, Non -detect, ND, or other similar non - numerical format. When results are below the applicable limits, they must be reported in the format, "<XX mg/L", where XX is the numerical value of the detection limit, reporting limit, etc. in mg/L. Conversely, where fecal coliform results exceed the dilution upper limit, report the result as ">XX", Note: If you report a sample value in excess of the benchmark, you must implement Tier 1, Tier 1, or Tier 3 responses. See General Permit text. Permit Date: 11/1/2018-5/31/2021 5WU-248, last revised 11/1/2018 Page 1 of 2 DocuSign Envelope ID: 41896AF6-9CD4-467B-AC37-1B44F2BC852C Part B: Vehicle Maintenance Area Monitoring Results: only for facilities averaging > 55 gal of new oil per month. ❑ No discharge this period outfall No. Date Sample Collected' (mo/dd/yr) 24-hour rainfall amount, Inches' Non -Polar Oil & Grease mg/L Total Suspended Solids, mg/L New Motor or Hydraulic Oil Usage, gal/man Benchmarks _ 15 100 or 504 - Parameter Code - 46529 00552 C0530 NCOIL Footnotes from Part A also apply to this Part B Note: if you report a sample value in excess of the benchmark, you must implement Tier 1, Tier 2, or Tier 3 responses. see General Permit text. FOR PART A AND PART B MONITORING RESULTS: • A BENCHMARK EXCEEDANCE TRIGGERS TIER 1 REQUIREMENTS. SEE PERMIT PART II SECTION B. • 2 EXCEEDANCES IN A ROW FOR THE SAME PARAMETER AT THE SAME OUTFALL TRIGGER TIER 2 REQUIREMENTS, SEE PERMIT PART II SECTION B. • TIER 3: HAS YOUR FACILITY HAD 4 OR MORE BENCHMARK EXCEEDENCES FOR THE SAME PARAMETER AT ANY ONE OUTFALL? YES 0 NO ❑ IF YES, HAVE YOU CONTACTED THE DEMLR REGIONAL OFFICE? YES Q NO ❑ REGIONAL OFFICE CONTACT NAME: Thadyalentine Mail an oriainal cony of this DMR. including all "No Discharae" reports. within 30 days of receipt of the lab results tor at end of monitorina period in the case of "No Discharge" reports) to: Division of Water Quality Attn: DWQ Central Files 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 YOU MUST SIGN THIS CERTIFICATION FOR ANY INFORMATION_ REPORTED: "I certify, under penalty of law, that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance With a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the'system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations." r— DocuSlgned by: VaV. P(I s Signature of Pe Permit Date: 11/1/2018-5/31/2021 2/18/2020 Date SWU-248, last revised 11/1/2018 Page 2 of 2 DocuSign.Envelope ID: 41896AF6-9CD4-467B-AC37-1 B44F2BC852C Semi-annual Stormwater Discharge Monitoring Report for North Carolina Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources General Permit No. NCG120000 Date submitted February 18, 2020 CERTIFICATE OF COVERAGE NO. NCG12 0096 FACILITY NAME COUNTY Red Rock C&D Landfill Wake PERSON COLLECTING SAMPLES Jesse Li (Smith Gardner, Inc.) LABORATORY Pace Analytical Lab Cert. # 37738 Comments on sample collection or analysis: Part A: Stormwater Benchmarks and Monitoring Results SAMPLE COLLECTION YEAR 2020 SAMPLE PERIOD ❑■ Jan June ❑ July -Dec or ❑■ Monthly'_ February (month) DISCHARGING TO CLASS ❑ORW ❑HQW [—]Trout ❑PNA ❑Zero -flow ❑Water Supply [:]SA ❑■ Other C, NSW PLEASE REMEMBER TO SIGN ON THE REVERSE 4 ❑ No discharge this periodz Outfall No. Date Sample Collected' (mo/dd/yr) 24-hour rainfall amount, Inches' Chemical Oxygen Demand mg/L Coli Fecal per 100 mL Colonies per Total Suspended Solids mg/L Standard Units .Benchmarks _ - 120 1000 100 or 504 6.0-9.0 Parameter Code - 46529 00340 31616 C0530 00400 SB-1 02/06/20 0.8 38 144 75.1 6.77 Comp-4 02/06/20 0.8 56.4 3900 242 6.80 ' Monthly sampling (instead of semi-annual) must begin with the second consecutive benchmark exceedance for the same parameter at the same outfall. 'For sampling periods'with no discharge at any single outfall, you must still submit this discharge monitoring report with a checkmark here. The total precipitation must be recorded using data from an on -site rain gauge. Unattended sites may be eligible for a waiver of the rain gauge requirement. See General Permit text, Table 1, identifying the especially sensitive receiving water classifications where the more protective benchmark applies. Note: Results must be reported in numerical format. For example, do not report Below Detection Limit, BDL, <PQL, Non -detect, ND, or other similar non - numerical format. When results are below the applicable limits, they must be reported in the format "<XX m L" where XX is the numerical value of the detection limit, reporting limit, etc. in mg/L. Conversely, where fecal coliform results exceed the dilution upper limit, report the result as ">XX", Note: If you report a sample value in excess of the benchmark, you must implement Tier 1, Tier 2, or Tier 3 responses. See General Permit text. Permit Date: 11/1/2018-5/31/2021 SWU-248, last revised 11/1/2018 Page 1 of 2 DocuSign Envelope ID: 41896AF6-9CD4-467B-AC37-1B44F2BC852C Part B: Vehicle Maintenance Area Monitoring Results: only for facilities averaging > 55 gal of new oil per month. ❑ No discharge this period' Outfall No. Date Sample Collected' (mo/dd/yr) 24-hour rainfall amount, Inches3 Non -Polar Oil & Grease mg/L Total Suspended Solids, mg/L New Motor or Hydraulic Oil Usage, gal/mon Benchmarks - - 15 100 or 504 - Parameter Code 46529 00552 C0530 NCOIL Footnotes from Part A also apply to this Part B Note: If you report a sample value in excess of the benchmark, you must implement Tier 1, Tier 2, or Tier 3 responses. See General Permit text. FOR PART A AND PART B MONITORING RESULTS: • A BENCHMARK EXCEEDANCE TRIGGERS TIER 1 REQUIREMENTS. SEE PERMIT PART II SECTION B. • 2 EXCEEDANCES IN A ROW FOR THE SAME PARAMETER AT THE SAME OUTFALL TRIGGER TIER 2 REQUIREMENTS. SEE PERMIT PART ll SECTION B. • TIER 3: HAS YOUR FACILITY HAD 4 OR MORE BENCHMARK EXCEEDENCES FOR THE SAME PARAMETER AT ANY ONE OUTFALL? YES 0 NO ❑ IF YES, HAVE YOU CONTACTED THE DEMLR REGIONAL OFFICE? YES Q NO ❑ REGIONAL OFFICE CONTACT NAME: Thad Valentine Mail an oriainal coon of this DMR, including all "No Discharge" reports, within 30 dovs of receipt of the lab results for at end of monitoring period in the case -of "No Discharge" reports) to: Division of Water Quality Attn: DWQ Central Files 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 YOU MUST SIGN THIS CERTIFICATION FOR ANY INFORMATION REPORTED: "I certify, under penalty of law, that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations." —Docu Signed by: v6I(. Signature of Permit Date: 11/1/2018-5/31/2021 2/18/2020 Date SWU-248, last revised 11/1/2018 Page 2 of 2 DocuSi n Envelope ID: 41896AF6-9G1)4-467B-AC37-1B44F26C852C ceAnalytical WWW.pecellbs.com February 17, 2020 Jesse Li Smith Gardner, Inc. 14 N. Boylan Ave Raleigh, NC 27603 RE: Project: RED ROCK-13-1 Pace Project No.: 92464085 Dear Jesse Li: Pace AnaWlcal Services, LLC 9800 Kincey Ave. Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 (704}875-9092 Enclosed are the analytical results for sample(s) received by the laboratory on February 06, 2020. The results relate only to the samples included in this report. Results reported herein conform to the most current, applicable TNI/NEI_AC standards and the laboratory's Quality Assurance Manual, where applicable, unless otherwise noted in the body of the report. If you have any questions concerning this report, please feel free to contact me. Sincerely, T�_1 Matthew Brainard matthew.brainard@pacelabs.com (704)875-9092 Project Manager Enclosures This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, LLC. Page 1 of 11 DocuSign Envelope ID: 41896AF6-9CD4-467B-AC37-1B44F2BC852C r_-1151,ceAnalytical " www.Daceiaba.com Project: RED ROCK-1 3-1 Pace Project No.: 92464085 Pace Analytical Services Raleigh 6701 Conference Drive, Raleigh, NC 27607 North Carolina Wastewater Certification #: 67 Pace Analytical Services Asheville 2225 Riverside Drive, Asheville, NC 28804 Florida/NELAP Certification #: E87648 Massachusetts Certification #: M-NC030 North Carolina Drinking Water Certification #: 37712 Pace Analytical Services Eden 205 East Meadow Road Suite A, Eden, NC 27288 North Carolina Drinking Water Certification #: 37738 CERTIFICATIONS North Carolina Bioassay Certification #: 16 North Carolina Drinking Water Certification #' 37731 North Carolina Wastewater Certification #: 40 South Carolina Certification #: 99030001 VirginiaNELAP Certification #: 460222 North Carolina Wastewater Certification #: 633 VirginiaNELAP Certification #: 460025 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS Pace Analytical Services, LLC 9800 Kincey Ave. Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 (704)875-9092 This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, L.L.C. Page 2 of 11 ,/'* 7DocuSi n Envelope ID: 41896AF6-9CD4-467B-AC37-1 B44F2BC852C ace Analytical wwwr.pacelebs.com SAMPLE ANALYTE COUNT Project: RED ROCK-13-1 Pace Project No.: 92464085 Pace Analytical Services, LLC 9800 Kincey Ave. Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 (704)875-9092 Lab !D Sample ID Method Analysts Analytes Reported Laboratory 92464085001 COMP-4 SM 254OD-2011 SOB 1 PASI-E SM 9222D-2006 WT i PASI-R SM 5220D-2011 LMS1 1 PASI-A 92464085002 SB-1 SM 2540D-2011 SOB 1 PASI-E SM 9222D-2006 WT 1 PASI-R SM 5220D-2011 LMS1 1 PASI-A REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in fuf1, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, LLC. Page 3 of 11 I1 _ 75ceAnalytical" velope ID: 41896AF6-9CD4-467B-AC37-1 B44F2BC852C Pace Analytical Services, LLC 9600 Kincey Ave. Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 www.pacrtabs.com (704)B75-9092 ANALYTICAL RESULTS Project: RED ROCK-13-1 Pace Project No.: 92464085 Sample: COMP-4 Lab ID: 92464085001 Collected: 02/06/20 12:25 Received: 02/06/20 13:42 Matrix: Water Parameters Results Units Report Limit DF Prepared Analyzed CAS No. Oual 2540D Total Suspended Solids Analytical Method: SM 254OD-2011 Total Suspended Solids 242 mg/L 19.2 1 02/12/20 11:04 MB10 9222D Fecal Coliform RAL Analytical Method: SM 9222D-2006 Preparation Method: SM 9222D-2006 Fecal Coliforms 3900 CFU1100 mL 1.0 1 02/06120 15:35 02/07/20 15:15 5220D COD Analytical Method: SM 5220D-2011 Preparation Method: SM 5220D-2011 Chemical Oxygen Demand 56.4 mg1L 25.0 1 02/10/20 14:00 02/11/20 11:59 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, Date: 02/1712020 02:14 PM without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, LLC, Page 4 of 11 DocuSi n Envelope 1D: 41895AF6-9CD4-467l3-AC37-1B44F2BC852C ceAnalytical www.pacelabs.com ANALYTICAL RESULTS Pace Analytical Services, LLC 9800 Kincey Ave. Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 (704)875.9092 Project: RED ROCK-13-1 Pace Project No.: 92464085 Sample: SB-1 LabID: 92464085002 Collected: 02/06/20 12A2 Received: 02/06/20 13:42 Matrix: Water Parameters Results Units Report Limit OF Prepared Analyzed CAS No. Qual 2540D Total Suspended Solids Analytical Method: SM 254OD-2011 Total Suspended Solids 75.1 mg/L 9.4 1 02/12/20 11:05 MBIO 9222D Fecal Colitorm RAL Analytical Method: SM 9222D-2006 Preparation Method: SM 9222D-2006 Fecal Coliforms 144 CFU1100 mL 1.0 1 02/06/20 15:35 02/07/20 15:15 5220D COD Analytical Method: SM 5220D-2011 Preparation Method: SM 5220D-2011 Chemical Oxygen Demand 38.0 mg1L 25.0 1 02/10/20 14:00 02/11/20 11:59 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, Date: 02/17/2020 02:14 PM without the written consent a: Pace Analytical Services, LLC. Page 5 of 11 Docu5ign Envelope ID: 41896AF6-9CD4-467B-AC37-1844F2BC852C r_-Aace Analytical www.pacelab$.com Project: RED ROCK-13-1 Pace Project No.: 92464085 QC Batch: 524669 QC Batch Method: SM 2540D-2011 Associated Lab Samples: 92464085001, 92464085002 METHOD BLANK: 2804515 Associated Lab Samples: 92464085001, 92464085002 Parameter Units Total Suspended Solids mglL QUALITY CONTROL DATA Analysis Method: SM 254OD-2011 Analysis Description: 2540D Total Suspended Solids Matrix: Water Blank Reporting Result Limit Analyzed Qualifiers ND 2.5 02/1212011:03 Pace Analytical Services, LLC 9800 Kincey Ave. Suite 100 Huntersviile, NC 28078 (704)875-9092 LABORATORY CONTROL SAMPLE: 2804516 Spike LCS LCS % Rec Parameter Units Conc. Result % Rec Limits Qualifiers Totat Suspended Solids mg/L 250 252 101 90-110 SAMPLE DUPLICATE: 2804517 92464611001 Dup Parameter Units Result Result RPD Qualifiers Total Suspended Solids mg/L 2080 2120 2 SAMPLE DUPLICATE: 2804518 92464611004 Dup Parameter Units Result Result RPD Qualifiers Total Suspended Solids mglL 17-4 18.0 3 Results presented on this page are in the units indicated by the "Units" column except where an alternate unit is presented to the right of the result. REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced. except in full, Date: 02/17/2020 02:14 PM without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, LLC., Page 6 of 11 I 7DocuSi n Envelope ID: 41896AF6-9CD4-467B-AC37-1844F2BC852C aceAnalytrcal www.pacolabs.com QUALITY CONTROL DATA Project: RED ROCK-13-1 Pace Project No.: 92464085 QC Batch: 524689 Analysis Method: SM 92221)-2006 QC Batch Method: SM 9222D-2006 Analysis Description: 9222D Fecal Coliform(MF) - RAL Associated Lab Samples: 92464085001, 92464085002 METHOD BLANK: 2804644 Matrix: Water Associated Lab Samples: 92464085001, 92464085002 Blank Reporting Parameter Units Result Limit Analyzed Qualifiers Fecal Col'Iforms CFU1100 mL ND 1.0 02/07/20 15:15 SAMPLE DUPLICATE: 2804663 Parameter Fecal Coliforms 92464085002 Dup Units Result Result RPD Qualifiers CFUl100 mL 144 150 4 Pace Analytical Services, LLC 9800 Kincey Ave. Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 (704)875-9092 Results presented on this page are in the units indicated by the "Units" column except where an alternate unit is presented to the right of the result. REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, Date: 02/1712020 02:14 PM without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, LLC. Page 7 of 11 DocuSign Envelope ID: 41896AF6-9CD4-467B-AC37.1B44F2BC852C ceAnalytical o www.pacolabs.com Project: RED ROCK-13-1 Pace Project No.: 92464085 QC Batch: 524220 OC Batch Method: SM 5220D-2011 Associated Lab Samples: 92464085001. 92464085002 METHOD BLANK:. 2802333 Associated Lab Samples; 92464085001, 92464085002 Parameter Units Chemical Oxygen Demand mg/L LABORATORY CONTROL SAMPLE: 2802334 Parameter Units Chemical Oxygen Demand mg/L QUALITY CONTROL DATA Analysis Method: SM 5220D-2011 Analysis Description: 5220D COD Pace Analytical Services, LLC 9800 Kincey Ave. Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 (704 )875-9092 Matrix: Water Blank Reporting Result Limit Analyzed Qualifiers ND 25.0 02/11/2011:45 Spike LCS LCS % Rec Conc.. Result % Rec Limits Qualifiers 750 772 103 90.110 MATRIX SPIKE & MATRIX SPIKE DUPLICATE: 2802335 2802336 MS MSD 92463482001 Spike Spike MS MSD MS MSD % Rec Parameter Units Result Conc. Conc. Result Result % Rec % Rec Limits RPD Qual Chemical Oxygen Demand mg1L 220 100 100 328 321 108 101 90-110 2 MATRIX SPIKE & MATRIX SPIKE DUPLICATE: 2802337 2802338 MS MSD 92463482002 Spike Spike MS MSD MS MSD % Rec Parameter Units Result Conc. Conc, Result Result % Rec % Rec Limits RPD Oual Chemical Oxygen Demand mg1L 213 100 100 309 314 97 101 90-110 1 1 Results presented on this page are in the units indicated by the "Units" column except where an alternate unit is presented to the right of the result. REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in iull, Date: 02/17/2020 02:14 PM without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, LLC. Page 8 of 11 DocuSi n Envelope ID: 41896AF6-9CD4-467B-AC37-1B44F2BC852C � aceAnalyticalo www.pacelabs.tem QUALIFIERS Project: RED ROCK-13-1 Pace Project No.: 92464085 DEFINITIONS DF - Dilution Factor, if reported, represents the factor applied to the reported data due to dilution of the sample aliquot. ND - Not Detected at or above adjusted reporting limit. TNTC - Too Numerous To Count J - Estimated concentration above the adjusted method detection limit and below the adjusted reporting limit. MDL- Adjusted Method Detection Limit. Pace Analytical Services, LLC 9800 Kincey Ave. Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 (7041875.9092 POL - Practical Ouantitation Limit. RL - Reporting Limit - The lowest concentration value that meets project requirements for quantitative data with known precision and bias for a specific analyte in a specific matrix. S - Surrogate 1,2-Diphenylhydrazine decomposes to and cannot be separated from Azobenzene using Method 8270. The result for each analyte is a combined concentration. Consistent with EPA guidelines, unrounded data are displayed and have been used to calculate % recovery and RPD values. LCS(D) - Laboratory Control Sample (Duplicate) MS(D) - Matrix Spike (Duplicate) DUP - Sample Duplicate RPD - Relative Percent Difference NC - Not Calculable. SG - Sitica Gel - Clean -Up U - Indicates the compound was analyzed for, but not detected. Acid preservation may not be appropriate for 2 Chloroethylvinyl ether. A separate vial preserved to a pH of 4.5 is recommended in SW846 Chapter 4 for the analysis of Acrolein and Acrylonitrile by EPA Method 8260. N-Nilrosodiphenylamine decomposes and cannot be separated from Diphenylamine using Method 8270. The result reported for each analyte is a combined concentration. Pace Analytical is TNI accredited. Contact your Pace PM for the current list of accredited analytes. TNI - The NELAC Institute. LABORATORIES PASI-A Pace Analytical Services - Asheville PAST-E Pace Analytical Services - Eden PASI-R Pace Analytical Services - Raleigh REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, Date: 02/17/2020 02:14 PM without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, LLC. Page 9 of 11 DocuSign Envelope ID: 41896AF6-9CD4-4678-AC37-1B44F2BC852C 4 ceAnalytical www.pacilabs.com QUALITY CONTROL DATA CROSS REFERENCE TABLE project. RED ROCK-13-1 Pace Project No.: 92464085, Lab ID Sample ID QC Batch Method 92464085001 COMP- SM 254OD-2011 92464085002 S13-1 SM 2540D-2011 92464085001 COMP-4 SM 9222D-2006 92464085002 SB-1 SM 9222D-2006 92464085001 COMP-4 SM 5220D-2011 92464085002 SB-1 - SM 5220D-2011 Date: 02/1712020 02:14 PM QC Batch 524669 524669 524689 524689 524220 524220 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, LLC. Pace Analytical Services, LLC 9800 KinceyAve. Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 (704)875-9092 II Analytical Method SM 9222D-2006 SM 9222D-2006 SM 522OD-2011 SM 5220D-2011 Analytical Batch 524691 524691 524435 524435 Page 10 of 11 CHAIN -OF -CUSTODY Analytical Request Document' ':liigusE �� -� r:.ryumt or 0 - # : 92464085-_ ... c .., aceArralytical" Chain -of -Custody is a LEGAL DOCUMENT -Complete all relevent Fields - � n rrtCompany: Billing Information: Contair 9246406E o ' y' Address: ! N k •� Preservative Types: III nitric acid,12) sulfuric acid, i31 hyd"rochtortc acid. 141 sodium hydrozide, 151 zinc acetm, O Report To: rft�:(f L Email To: �SI�S (6) methano4 (7) sodium blsultate, (a) sodium thiasulfate, (9);fiixane, (A) ascorbic acid, (5) ammonium -sulfate, A (C) ammonium nydrmdde, (0) TsP, (u) Vnpressrved, (0) timer-' m Copy To: Site Collection Info/Address: Analyses Cab Profile/Une:. ::::'•- .- : •_ rn Customer Project Name/Number: State:' County/City: rime Zone Collected: :- - Y Lab; Same eft ceipt=chec sts: -n- eavtL—l3�][')''T[ jNIT ['ICT WEl. -` _- :..:,.'...,:.;:?.., ;: m . - s a, s ° -': .::;:.:... Custody ••Boole Preeantihitact:. x g'taA n . Cuatody.Sigaatu ee Present.,, Y NA - Phone: 5D9-33S-331g Site Fadll 1D q: / tY r G Compliance monitoring? P g• Email: �� Sr! PoYes [ ]No5ignature : Present . BTIt, NA a 'gott:las ." a ., r' -=. 1- :., _ < =.: ; ;. i -:a,� t: r :Iiitcat=•'�• ':;.; :' ;-b.:p: NA.-' to Correct ktots les m ttA ,' Sufficient. Volta e g L}.p- m Colleted By (print): Purchase Order ff: Quote if: DW PWS ID tf: DW Location Code: ` = 4. `- F ; �' y - 'Samples Received on -Ice ' ®ti rtA -_: Y voA ikandspece 'Acceptable �Y v g w . Collected B (signature): Turnaround Date Required: -immediately Packed onIce: [ ]No :: ? :QSOA Aegczlated Soils Y t$ �_' J e5 _H a'. NA .W.:. '.Aasidnai. Rush: : Sample Disposal t,%�pEspose ) Same Day [ j NCM.Day Field Filtered {if applicable): Yes * ;i'. - Chlorine Present Y tt a C'Cl 9tsipa "'•� •n as apprapr3atc ( ) Return[ [ j �QNp .> t -'- _ : -_ [ [Archive: ) ) 2 Day [ 1 3 DaY I 14 Day I ) S Day Analysis:'Z :' ,'sample pH Accra able ' I I Hold: - (Ezpedi:e &rges Apptyl v 3 �'' s. � r ->- �• r v` <<, - Sulfide 4rsaeat Y R �A oD ' LCIId Acetate 5t=1 s t _.`!• ...: r) p ro ' s + I,ASr, USE; 03II.Y 1 � - ;i Lab sample aE / 'Comments . Matrix Codes {Insert In Matrix box below): Drinking Water (DW), Ground Water (GW), Waste_ water (WW), Product (P), Soil/Solid (SQ. 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