HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCG030066_COMPLETE FILE - HISTORICAL_20020327STORMWATER DIVISION CODING SHEET •-..- RESCISSIONS . PERMIT NO. /�'G� U ?J oO I' DOC'iYPE C4 COMPLETE FILE -HISTORICAL DATE OF .RESCISSION ❑ � � U� D 3 YYYYMMDD o� FWAr�Rp� c o �c Mr. Ken Arnold Purolator Air Filtration 880 Facet Road Henderson, NC 27537 Dear Mr. Arnold, Michael F. Easley, Governor William G. Ross Jr., Secretary North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Gregory J. Thorpe, Ph.D. Acting Director Division of Water Quality March 27, 2002 Subject: "No Exposure" Exemption Simultaneous NCG030066 Rescission Vance County Based on the information provided on the EPA No Exposure Certification Form that we received via fax on March 12, 2002, it has been determined that your facility does not.require a stormwater permit at this time. Currently there are four ways to claim a stormwater permit exemption. They are 1) the industry has eliminated all potential . stormwater exposures, 2) the activity does not meet the "industrial" definition, 3) all stormwater from the facility drains into a detention pond that does not discharge during a 25 year/ 24 hour storm event, and 4) there are no point source discharges for the entire facility. Because your facility has been designed to prevent all potential pollutant exposure to stormwater it will not require an NPDES stormwater permit at this time, based on exemption #1 above. Since the potential for stormwater pollution leaving your site has been eliminated your existing Certificate of Coverage, NCG030066, is being rescinded at this time. To continue your stormwater exemption in the future you will need to certify that your site still has no stormwater exposures every 5 years. At this time the Division is still developing how this addition to the stormwater permitting program will be handled. You will be notified when you need to recertify. Please be aware that knowingly making any false statement, representation, or certification in any application, record, report, plan or other document filed or required to be maintained under Article 21 or regulations of the Environmental Management Commission implementing that Article, is a misdemeanor [GS 143-215.6B(i)] punishable by a fine not to exceed $10,000 or by imprisonment not to exceed six months, or by both, If at any time your facility plans change so that you will no longer fall under any of the stormwater permit exemption categories, you must apply for and obtain a stormwater permit before making those changes. 1f you have any questions, please feel free to contact Aisha Lau at (919) 733-5083, ext. 578. Sincerely,; ,?LAA &-t 'o"Gregory J. Thorpe, Ph.D. cc: Raleigh Regional Office Stormwater and General Permits Unit Compliance Unit — Vanessa Manuel Budget -- Fran McPherson N. C. Division of Water Quality 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 (919) 733-7015 NCDENR Customer Service 1 800 623-7748 ,k fi Purolator, Products Air Filtration Company a CL ARCORcompany March 21, 2002 Aisha Lau NCDENR — Division of Water Quality / Stormwater & General Permits Unit 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Subj: No Exposure Certification for Exclusion from NPDES Stormwater Permitting Dear Ms. Lau: On February 8, 2002 our completed No Exposure Certification for Exclusion from NPDES Stormwater Permitting form was faxed to your attention. You and I have had several telephone conversations regarding this matter. However, time is a critical factor now. The annual renewal application is due by April 13, 2002 at which time the final sampling results are to be submitted if we are not excluded. Several weeks ago, I spoke with you over the telephone, and you mentioned that you would send me a letter stating that final sampling was not necessary as we were excluded for the requirement to have a permit. Resolution of this matter would be greatly appreciated as we wish to comply with all required permitting and avoid any penalties or fines. Sincerely, Ken Arnold Engineering Technician Telephones:, 252-492-1141, ext. 4264 or 800-682-6815, ext. 4264 Fax: 252-492-6557 KA/aa Purolator Products Air Filtration Co. 890 Facet Road - P.O. BOX 1637 - Henderson, NC 27536 Phone (252) 492-1141 - Fax (252) 492-6157 website: www,purolatorair.coni MAR 2 5 2002 DENR - WATER QUALITY POINT SOURCE BRANCH tJnitad Stags Errviranrrsnlal Protection AgencyFenn Approved _ ,Optg s+la:2r146.021 t ' EPA ' Waslifripton. DC 20460 . NO EXPOSURE CERTIFICATION for Exclualon from NPDES Storm Water Permitting 8ubmismion of thta No Eapowro Confiestton ametitutea nati.— thst the entity ide n Mad in Section A dogs not requfro porno authorization for its stain water d*hatges Reeooiated with inderetriatl aativrty in the State identified in 5e0on 13 under LEPA's Storat Water Mule -Sector General Permit due to the exiger,pe of a eondltian of no expmne. A *Orden Of no tiJtpastrto *AM at an industrial tact* when ali indusiria.) materials am a:tivities am protected by a storm reaivtord shaver to prevent exposure to min, ano% snowmelt. and/or runoff. Industrial rralorlafs or =Kt Mas Irtctude. out lire not iim:ted to. material handing equipment or activnies. tntlusb* shed artery, raw materials, intermediate pvducts. by-products. Lira) product& or vast• SrMucts. Matettel handting-aCOV11123 include the slorage. jtMl*h#Pft.-s4 or Conveyance of any raw.material. intermoCiats proou� Mal product or wtssto product. A storm resistant shelter Is indust+iit materials and aCtivd;er- and slrMlar Containers that are tilghthr Sealed, prtrAded these -mtetine•s arc riot deteriorated and do trot leak. 'Sewed' oatwrea and without operational taps or Sahl'@s:vttuetr3 used it.. material hard!`,n. and an p,oducts that woulel be Teb•1 nd to atorrn water diwhargas (v.g.. rook sat/). A No Exposwrs CreMili Gaon swat be provided for each taaliy xtalltylrrq for ttw no exposure cxdus4i. IR adk itiort, the txcluslon from NPDIS pgrrr ting tz avanable on a iaoititywidr bass only, not kir Ktdividual outfatic. It any industrlal activllres a materials are or will be exposed to Precipitation. the tadery is not epgkbfe for the no exposure vir}umon. By signing and subrnttOttg tNe No Ettp9wre Certification form, the entity in Secion A u arrOjin.; that a condition of no exposure exlM at its faculty or end it obilgatod to t0 Mly with the tattle aW condaone of 40 CFR 122.nfi g). ALL INFORMATION MUST SE PROVIDED DV THIS FOAM, 0901191111 fnatrtjCtfWM toe t:vmpleUng this 10rra and obtaining the no exposure exclusivn are provided on pages 3 antl a. A. Ftecillty Op&rMW htfaearation i. New. F U R -0 ' R A I R IF I If 4 T R A T I I I Ot N 2. Phone: ` Zs 12 111 1 3. Msifirg Addrosr a. Streot 1 8 18101 1$ A tE_fT t_ t- R_Q b. Cly 11 B tN I D i& S 5 4?1 I _i. +. !. 1 I l ..1.1 �. s ,�: d. zip coda. 2, 7 5 3 7 S. Fecility=taLocatkintnformatfon 1. Facility Naniel i' LU 1 Rt „q LA_ tT !0 , Rt 1 4 F - I; T IT r I r 41 I t I i 2. a. Street AJ1ttrm; 18i 8t qr S P A IC i Ei T I g 2�A I D f 1 1 t 1 1 1 1 t I t t I II I I b• City: i It& Ni !�_I� R 8 P IN I! I I t I I i t _t i i C. county. l X 4 N LC I E d. State: LHJC *.zip Cade: 3. is the bedity, latmttto on Indian Lands? 12_I7A 513- 7- t i Yet ❑ No}K 4. is this a Federal * tit ? Yes ❑ No '.i a. L,attutie; L3,L ` �7 LL 4 3. Longitude: _Z.Lft 12,31 4L_3_J * a. Was the (soft or sift prry*u* Covered WtdW an NPOES t t M water penttit? Yes [3 No ❑ a tf yea, antes N POES pef inil romoer: _ C Q ..3__ R... 6 5 7. SIVAeevity Codes: Primary: 1 -3 P rb i4 Secondary (if applicablel.. LI 1 I f & Td41 size of &IM astmeiatad +rich industrial actloity., aCrts 9 a. i• MM you hared Ce rooted over a krrmetfy aspoaed, pervious area M orr'ar to qualm tx Me no ttYCosu: G yxcfuaiort? Yes ❑ No 0. If y". pseaae irtdi"M apioraxtmatey how match areA was tared yr roofed over. Competing thq quvg*n does not dsequ$ldy you forme no exposure f7tLiN'JIOn. HonWar, Your pprnaging atirn" rney lee this idorrn9:Wt Ir oWWdenng whether S*-M water doo*► :gO3 f" your orte are likely to is" an adverse irttaact trn trtt a► quality m which case you could be rewi, ed tc oWain perrn,t coverage- Lm wan one sae ❑ One to ftO 9"t: ❑ Mori thank" ecru ❑ ERA Form 3510-1T (t 0-M x Page 1014 IFORMEPA NO EXPOSURE CERTIFICATION for Exduslon from pW"AMf1 3310-11 10, NPDES Storm Water Permitting C. F,UPosttra Ct"Mmblt Are arry of the loth+" n mssrbh or acttvIdes exposed to precior3a0on, now or In the Iortse#&ble ftrttre? (Please dstedf etpttr'YW or'W in the appropriate bcm) It You answer `Ye+s" to arty of these qLMSUMS (1) through (11h yvu ere not a ftbta for the no exposure taclusion. you No 1. (."sing, sforSnp or chartirp industrio machinery or equipment. and areas where residuals from v*N. eturvV ❑ f� or Okartieq industrial machinery or eWprnent rerrWri and are exposed to storm waist 2. MateriaN or residuals on the ground or to stmn water intets from oprisroaks ❑ I Materials or products from least industrial ocWty [] 13 4. Material hen Ingr equip. (*xcgDI adequately mainntined veWol") ❑ 11 B- Materials or products during ioad.rrprunloa ling or transporting activities ❑ 2 B. lviaterkft or products stored mWoora (except Anal pfoCw.3 intended Icr outside ure (e g., now cars) where ❑ 12 exposure to storm water does not result In the discharge of poomrits) 7. Materials oantaineo tr opon, dateriomwd or leakrn9 s>rrase drums. barrels, tanks, and similar contabots ❑ L= ✓!. Materials or produces hendledratered on roads or railways owned or rwritained -y the discharger ❑ 9. Waste mattr'.al (except waste �n oovtredt, ner.A*aking corainpra'Q.p.. dumpsteroj) ❑ 10. Appiaabon a dwosal of pracess wastswatar (urlees cthems* pornined) ❑ Ci 11. Particulate matter or >rlslble deposits of residuals from -wt stacim andror vents nor.othcrvase regUitted ❑ Ca (�e., under an air quaRy control pwirn) end o%idert in ere storm water outflow D. Certification stotowwm l deftly under penalty of law that I have read and understand the algibilay roquirerrents for dairrnng a condition of 'no e> Mvw*' and ebtainin9 an exciuskm from NPOES storm water permitting. I atrMy under penally of left thatthere ere no discharger, of storm water contaminated by exposure to industrial activitres cr rratarlals hen the ftuctrial fastfty or site tdenoKied in this document (except as alkofed under 40 CF'R 122.MgX2)i. I vitderstand that I am obligated to anbntit a no exposure certlticadon tam aide eery twt► Min to the NFTES permithnq authority and. 11 requested, tp the operator of the local mtmtcipai separate storm agvw aystem (MS4) into whits ins facility dkxharVes (where applicable), i understand that l must allow the NPpES ponnit in9 authority. or M94 operator w"re the discharge is into th.r lomf MU. to peAorm intrpecbona to confirm the conc6tron ct no expmrt asp to make s=h inspection reports pubb* avadM@ upon e*yuest. 1 underviund that I must oDWn coverage under an NPDES permit prio► m any point sours[ discharge of storm waver from the tanilly. AWtionpy. I otrtlly under pomtry of law that ffws dowment and an attachments mere prepared under my dtrectlon or supervision In adxxardar>ct with b systarr, designed to assum tnat quatifitd personetet properly gathered ono evaluated the inlormatkm rvwnittvd. Baa*d on my inquit)r of the person or prrwn who managt"system. or tl'iose persons d octy mvpvswole for gathering the informaren, fht: Inforrnatlon submated is to the best o! my knewladge and beef true. eocurtirte and comptNe. I am aware chat Mra ars t ignificant penalties for wl tits 9 latse Uhlvrrmum, irtdWmg the possiblity of fine and impnsormtent for knowing vidMbns. Print Name: [ D A L A i 101 A K& iE iyi t, 1 i i l I I i i t i l I i i_ i i i Prinf 7W Sigrtaturw Data: EPA Form 35WI I (W-M IJ01. 111 021 I �t _ . •� F• � � t i;r for ^ •.i F _ .. _ - • 'a'uY..f s - ..iu�. � . x..: :CC1'� '•r; , x� .. r.:.4' . �.�:: ! .'� ... '�r_ - . .... .. .. �. - . r . -. Paw 2 d 4