HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCG020772_COMPLETE FILE - HISTORICAL_20110628iza7� STORMWATER DIVISION CODING SHEET NCG PERMITS PERMIT NO. /v '�� O� DOC TYPE PrHISTORICALFILE ❑ MONITORING REPORTS DOC DATE ❑ cqr�) WYYMMDD NCDENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality Beverly Eaves Perdue Colleen H. Sullins Governor Director June 28, 2011 Mr. Nuwan Wijesuriya Environmental Engineer 2700 Wycliff Road, Suite 104 Raleigh, NC 27607 Dee Freeman Secretary Subject: NPDES General Permit NCG020000 Certificate of Coverage NCG020772 Martin Marietta Materials, Inc. Formerly 13A Branch Properties, LLC Chatham County Dear Mr. Wijesuriya: On June 20, 201 1 Division personnel received your request to revise your storntwater permit Certificate of Coverage to accurately reflect your new company and facility name. Please find enclosed the revised Certificate of Coverage. The terms and conditions contained in the General Permit remain unchanged and in full effect. This revised Certificate of Coverage is issued under the requirements of North Caroiina General Statutes 143-21 S. i and the Memorandum of Agreement between North Carolina and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. If you have any questions, please contact the Stormwater Permitting Unit at 919-807-6300. Sincerely, ORIGINAL SIGNED B� KEN PICKLE for Colleen H. Sullins cc: DWQ Central Files Fayetteville Regional Office Stormwater Permitting Unit Wetlands and Stormwater Branch 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 Location: 512 N. Salisbury St. Ralegh, North Carolina 27604 Phone: 919-807-63001 FAX: 919-807-64941 Customer Service: 1-877-623-6748 InterneL www.ncwaterquality.org NoirthCarolina Natumllm An Equal Opportunity 1 Affirmahe Action Employer STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY GENERAL PERMIT NO. NCG020000 CERTIFICATE OF COVERAGE No. NCG020772 STORM WATER DISCHARGES NATIONAL POLLUTANT DISCHARGE ELIMINATION SYSTEM In compliance with the provision of North Carolina General Statute 143-215.1, other lawful standards and regulations promulgated and adopted by the North Carolina Environmental Management Commission, and the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, as amended, Martin Marietta Materials, Inc. is hereby authorized to discharge stormwater from a facility located at Martin Marietta Materials, Inc. US Hwy 421 Goldston Chatham County to receiving waters designated as a UT to Cedar creek, a class C stream, in the Cape Fear River Basin in accordance with the effluent limitations, monitoring requirements, and other conditions set forth in Parts I, I1, 111, IV, V and VI of'General Permit No. NCG020000 as attached. This certificate of coverage shall become effective June 28, 201 1. 'Phis Certificate of Coverage shall remain in effect for the duration of the General Permit. Signed this day June 28, 2011. ORIGINAL SIGNM M KEN PICKLE for Coleen H. Sullins, Director Division of Water Quality By Authority of the Environmental Management Commission NCDENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality Beverly Eaves Perdue Coleen H. Sullins Dee Freeman Governor Director Secretary June 28, 2011 Mr. Nuwan Wijesuriya Environmental Engineer 2700 Wycliff Road, Suite 104 Raleigh, NC 27607 Subject: NPDES General Permit NCG020000 Certificate of Coverage NCG020772 Martin Marietta Materials, Inc. Formerly 13A Branch Properties, LL.0 Chatham County Dear Mr. Wijesuriya: On June 20, 201 l Division personnel received your request to revise your stormwater permit Certificate of Coverage to accurately reflect your new company and facility name. Please find enclosed the revised Certificate of Coverage. The terms and conditions contained in the General Permit remain unchanged and in full effect. This revised Certificate of Coverage is issued under the requirements of North Carolina General Statutes 143-215.1 and the Memorandum of Agreement between North Carolina and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. If you have any questions, please contact the Stortmvater Permitting Unit at 919-807-6300. Sincerely, ORIGINAL SIGNED M KEN PICKLE for Coleen H. Sullins cc: DWQ Central Files Fayetteville Regional Office , Stormwater Permitting Unit Wetlands and Stormwater Branch 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 Location: 512 N. Salisbury St. Ralegh, North Carolina 27604 One Phone: 919-807-63001 FAX: 919.807-64941 Customer Service; 1-877-623.6748 NorthCarolina Internet: www.ncwatefquality.org ;Vatura /ly An Equal Opportunity 1 Affirmative Action Employerr L 1 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAND NATURAL RESOURCES DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY GENERAL PERMIT NO. NCG020000 CERTIFICATE OF COVERAGE No. NCG020772 STORM WATER DISCHARGES NATIONAL POLLUTANT DISCHARGE ELIMINATION SYSTEM In compliance with the provision of North Carolina General Statute 143-215.1, other lawful standards and regulations promulgated and adopted by the North Carolina Environmental Management Commission, and the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, as amended, Martin Marietta Materials, Inc. is hereby authorized to discharge stormwater from a facility located at Martin Marietta Materials, Inc. US Hwy 421 Goldston Chatham County to receiving waters designated as a UT to Cedar creek, a class C stream, in the Cape Fear River Basin in accordance with the effluent limitations, monitoring requirements, and other conditions set forth in Parts I, II, 111, 1V, V and VT of General Permit No. NCG020000 as attached. This certificate of coverage shall become effective June 28, 2011. This Certificate of Coverage shall remain in effect for the duration of the General Permit. Signed this day June 28, 2011. ORIGINAL SIGNED M KEN PICKLE fnr Coleen H. Sullins, Director Division of Water Quality By Authority of the Environmental Management Commission jar" NCDENR North Carolina Department cf Environment and N Division of Land Resources Land Quality Section .lames D. Simons, RG, PE Director and State Geologist May 27, 2010 Mr. Bobby A. Branch B A Branch Properties LLC 402 Forestwood .Road Sanford. North Carolina 27330 Re: Goldston Quarry Chatham County Cape Fear River Basin Dear Mr. Branch: The application for a mining permit fcr the above referenced mime site has been found to meet the requirements of G.S. 74-51 of T-,e Mining Act of -1971. As .ve have received the required security to cover this application. I am enclosing the mining permit. The conditions of Mining Permit No. 19-20 were based primarily upon information supplied in the application with conditions added as necessary to insure compliance with The Mining Act of 19; 1. This permit expires on May 27, 2020. G.S. 74-65 states that the issuance of a mining permit does not supersede or otherwise affect or prevent the enforcement of any zoning regulation or ordinance duly adopted '~y an incorporated city or county or by any agency or depar'ment of the State of North Carolina. Please note Operating Condition No. 4D. As a reminder, your permitted acreace at this site is 178.8 acres and the amount of land you are approved to disturb is 62.82 acres. Please review the permit and contact ,Ms. Judy Wehner, Assistant State Mining Specialist, at (919) 733-4574 of any objectiel or questions concerning the terms of the permit. Sincerely, Francis M, Nevils, Jr.. PE Section Chief FMNIjw Enclosures: Permit No. 19-20 Notice of Issuance CC! Mr. John Holley, PE Ms. Shannon Deaton -WRC, wlpermit Mr. William Gerringer-DOL, Mine and Quarry Bureau, %vlo enclosures US Fish and Wildlife Service, wl permit 1612 ,NAad S,r;tce Center, Raleigh, North Carolina _- °-1 o 1 Z Telephone =19-733 ; .�'X: 919-733•2876 612 North 5alisaur street, Raleigh, �iNorth Carolina, 27cC"- ernet:http71/ww:-r dir e rsta:a n,c.-; - �_esilandqua iirisection.ntrrid - . _coal Opportunity 1.A.fflrmative nc;�C," _ :ver - 50% Recycles] ! ' -' i Pcsl =_ ' gaper DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES DIVISION OF LAND RESOURCES LAND QUALITY SECTION PERMIT for the operation of a mining activity In accordance with the provisions of G.S. 74-46 through 66. "The Mining Act of 1971," Mining Permit Rule 15A NCAC 5 B, and other applicable laws, rules and regulations Permission is hereby granted to: B A Branch Properties LLC Gcldston Quarry Chatham County - Permit No. 19-20 for he operation of a Crushed Stone Quarry which shall provide that the usefulness, productivity and scenic values of all lands and waters affected by this mining operation will receive the greatest practical degree of protection and restoration. MINING PERMIT EXPIRATION DATE: May 27. 2020 Pace In accordance with the application for this mining permit. which is hereby approves by the Department of Environment and Natural Resources hereinafter referred to as the Department. and in conformity with the approved Reclamation Plan attached to and incorporated as part of this permit, provisions must be made for the protection of the surrounding environment and for reclamation of the land and water affected by the permitted mining operation. This permit is expressly conditioned upon compliance with all the requirements of the approved Reclamation Plan. However, completed performance of the approved Reclamation Plan is a separable obligation, secured by the bond or other security on file with the Department, and may survive the expiration, revocation or suspension of this permit. This permit is not transferabie by the permittee with the following exception: If another operator succeeds to the interest of the permittee in the. permitted mining operation. by virtue of a sale, lease, assignment ur otherwise, the Department may release the permittee from the duties imposed upon him by the conditions of his permit and by the Mining Act with reference to the permitted operation, and transfer the permit to the successor operator, provided that both operators have compliedwith the requirements of the Mining Act and that the successor operator agrees to assume the duties of the permittee with reference to reclamation of the affected land and posts a suitable bond or other security, In the event that the Department determines that the permittee or permittee's successor is not complyingwith the Reclamation Plan or other terms and conditions of this permit. or is failing to achieve the purposes and requirements of the Mining Act, the Department may give the operator written notice of its intent to modify, revoke or suspend the permit, or its intent to modify the Reclamation Plan as incorporated in the permit. The operator shall have right to a hearing at a designated time and place on any proposed modification, revocation or suspension by the Department. Alternatively and in addition to the above, the Department may institute other enforcement procedures authorized by law. Definitions Wherever used or referred to in this permit, unless the ccntext clearly indicates cther4vise, terms shall have the same meaning as supplied by the Mining Act, N.C.G.S. 74-49. Exoiration Date This permit shall be effective from the date of its issuance until May 27, 2020 Conditions This Permit shall be subject to the provisions of the Mining Act, N.C.G.S. 74-46, et. seq.. and to the following conditions and limitations: Pace 3 OPERATING CONDITIONS: 1. Wastewater and Quarry Dewatering A. Any wastewater processing or mine dewatering shall be in accord -Ice with the permitting requirements and rules promulgated by the N.C. Envircrmental Management Commission. B, Any storm water runoff from the affected areas at the site shall be n accordance with any applicable permit requirements and regulations promulga!ed by the Environmental Protection Agency and enforced by the N.C. Envircrmental Management Commission. It shall be the permittee's responsibiht..:o contact the Division Jf Water Quality to secure any necessary storm water permits or other approval documents. 2. Air Quality and Dust Control A. Any mining related process producing air contaminant emissions r.�!uding fugitive dust shall be subject to the requirements and rules promulgated by the N.C. Envirormental Management Commission and enforced by the Division of Air Quality. B. During processing operation, water trucks or other means that'may ce necessary shall be utilized to prevent dust from leaving the permitted area. 3. Buffer Zones A. Any mining activity affecting waters of the State, waters of the U. S. or wetlands shall be in acccrdance with the requirements and regulations prop -:_ gated and enforced by the N. C. Environmental Management Commission. B. Sufficient buffer shall be maintained between any affected land anc any adjoining waterlvay or wetland to prevent sedimentation of that water=vay or wetland from erosion of the affected land and to preserve the integr r�/ of the natural watercourse or wetland. C. All buffer zones shown on the Erosion Control Plan, Sheet 2 of 5, !ast revised January 7, 2010 shall be maintained to protect adjoining property. T :nese buffer zones, with the exception of the installation of required sediment cc7-rol measures and approved earthen berms, shall remain undisturbed. 4 Erosion and Sediment Control A. The operator shall notify the Raleigh Regional Office, Land Quality section, at least 48 hours orior to beginning any of the initial land disturbing ac:: cities indicated in the approved application for a mining permit and ary rrmc_"lficaticns to this permit Thereafter. Prue 4 B. Adequate mechanical barriers including, but not limited to . iversiens, earthen dikes, check dams, sediment retarding structures, rip rap 'its, or ditches shall be provided in the initial stages of any land disturbance and maintained to prevent sediment from discharging onto adjacent surface areas or into any lake, wetland or naturai watercourse in proximity to the affected land- C. All raining activities, including the installation and maintenance of all erosion and sedimentation control measures, shall be conducted as indicated on the Erosion Control Plan, Sheet 2 of 5, last revised January 7, 2010 and supplemental information received by the Land Quality Section on June 1. 2009. August 18. 2009, October 1, 2009 and December 10, 2009. D. No land disturbing activities, except for the installation of the approved erosion and sediment control measures. shall take place within 200 feet of the potem, al wetland area until any necessary permits and/or approvals from the Division .f Water Quality have been obtained.- No excavation of the i+.lining Area shall take place until said permits and/or approvals have been obtained. E. An erosion and sediment control plan(s) shall be submitted -o the Departmer: for approval prior to any land disturbing activities not indicated on the revised erosion control plan or mine maps submitted with the approved application for a mining permit and any approved revisions to it. Such areas include, but are not limited to, expansion outside of the approved pit area, creek crossings, or expansion of overburden or waste disposal areas. 5. Groundwater Protection Groundwater monitoring wells shall be installed and monitored as seemed appropriate by the Department. 6. Graded Slopes and Fills A. The angle for graded slopes and fills shall be no greater than the angle which can be retained by vegetative cover or other adequate erosion control measure, structure, or device. In any event, exposed slopes or any excavated channels. the erosion of which may cause off -site damage because of siltation, shall be planted or otherwise provided with groundcover, devices or structures sufficient to restrain such erosion. B. Overburden cut slopes along the perimeter of the quarry opening shall be graded to a minimum 2 horizontal to 1 vertical or flatter and shalt be stabilized within .0 days of completion. Furthermore, a minimum ten (10) foot :vide horizontal safety bench shall be provided at the top of the rock and at the toe of any overburden slope. 7 P-iae Surface Drainage R The affected land shall be graded so as to prevent collection of pools of water that are, or likely to become, noxious or foul. Necessary structures such as drainage ditches or conduits shall be constructed or installed when required to prevent such conditions. Blasting The operator shall monitor each blast with a seismograph located at a distance no farther than the closest off site regularly occupied structure not owned or leased by the operator. A seismographic record including peak particle velocity. air overpressure, and vibration frequency levels shall be kept for each blast (except as provided under Operating Condition Nos. 8B and 8D of this permit). The following blasting conditions shall be observed by the mine operator to prevent hazard to persons and adjacent property from surface blasting: A. Ground Vibration With Monitoring: In all blasting operations, the maximum peak particle velocity of any component of ground motion shall not exceed Figure 1 (below) at the immediate location of any regularly occupied building outside of the permitted area such as a dwelling house, church, school, or public, commercial or institutional building. 1 D. I Page L-1 C I Ground Vibration Without Monitoring: In the event of seismograph malfunction or other condition which prevents monitoring, blasting shall be conducted in accordance with the following formulas: W = (D/DS)2 DS = D W,,,2 V = 160(D;)-1' - W = Maximum charge weight of explosives per delay period of 8.0 milliseconds or more (pounds). D = Distance from the blast site to the nearest inhabited building not owned or leased by the mine operator (feet). DS = Scaled distance factor. V = Peak Particle Velocity (inches per seccnd). The peak particle velocity of any component shall not exceed ' 0 inch per second, for the purposes of this Section. Air blast With Monitori Air blast overpressure resulting frcm surface blasting shall nct axceed 129 decibels linear (dBL) as measured at the immediate location of any regularly occupied building not owned or leased by the Operator outside of the permitted area such as a dwelling house. church, school. or public, commercial or institutional building, unless an alternate level based on the ser:sitivity of the seismograph microphone as specified below is being used: Lower Frequency Limit of Max Level, Measuring System, in Hz in dBL 6.1 Hz or lower -flat response 134 peak 2.0 Hz or lower -flat response 133 peak 6.0 Hz or lower -flat response 129 peak Air blast `/\lithout Monitoring: In the event of seismograph malfunction or other condition which prevents monitoring, blasting shall be conducted in accordance with the `ollowing formulas: U = 82 (Di`PJ: '13)-' Pace - To convert U (psi) to P (dBL): P = 20 x log (U/2.9x10-9) Confined Air blast/Overpressure (dBL) for quarry situation: A=P-35 U = Unconfined air overpressure (pounds per square inch). VV = Maximum charge weight of explosives per delay period of 8.0 milliseconds or more (pounds). D = Distance from the blast site to the nearest inhabited building not owned cr €eased by the mine operator (feet). P = Unconfined air overpressure (decibels). A = Air blast or air overpressure for typicai quarry situations (decibels). The air blastloverpressure shall not exceed 129 decibels, for the purposes of this Section. E. Record Keeping: The operator shall maintain records on each individual blast describing: the tctai number of holes; pattern of 'holes and delay of intervals; depth and size of holes: type and total pounds of explosives; maximum pounds per delay interval; amount of stemming and burden for each hole; blast location; distance from blast to closest offsite regularly occupied structure; and weather conditions at the time of the blast. Records shall be maintained at the oermittee's mine office and copies shall be provided to the Department upon recuest. r-. Excessive Ground Vibration/Air blast Reportir c: If ground vibration or Air blast limits are exceeded, the operator will immediately report the event with causes and corrective actions to the Department. Use of explosives at the blast site that produced the excessive reading shall cease until corrective actions approved by the Department are taken. However, blasting may occur in other approved areas within the permitted boundary. Authorization to blast at the blast site may be granted at the time of the verbal reporting of the high ground vibration or high air blast reading :f the circumstances justify verbal approval. Failure to report will constitute a permit violation. pace 8 G. Flyrock :rEventlon: The operator shall take all reasonable precautions to ensure !hat flyrock is not thrown beyond areas where the access is temporarily or permanently guarded by the operator. Failure to take corrective measures to prevent flyrock and repeated instances of flyrock shall be considered a violation of the Mining Permit. H. Flyrock Reporting, Should :1yrock occur beyond the permitted and guarded areas. the operator shall immediately report the incident to :he Department. Further use of explosives on the mine site shall be suspended ,ntil the following actions have been taken: A :horough investigation as :o the cause(s) of the incident shall be conducted. 2. A -eport detailing the investigation shall be provided to the Department :vithin 10 days of the incidert. The report shall, at a minimum, document cause(s) of the incident along with technical and management actions that will be taken to prevent further incidents. The repert shall meet with the approval of the Department before blasting may resume at the mine Studies: The operator shall provide to the Cepartment a copy of the findings of any seismic studies conducted at the mine site in response to an exceedence of a level ailc,,ied by these blasting cor_-itions. The operator shali make every reasonable effort to incorporate th;. studies' recommendations into the production blasting program. J. Notice: The operator shall, when requested by the Department, give 24-hour advance notice to -.he Land Quality Section Regional Office prior to any blast during a period fcr ,.vhich notice is requested. 9. High Nall Barrier A physical barrier consisting of large boulders placed end -to -end or fencing shall be maintained at all times along the perimeter of any highwall prevent inadvertent public access. In addition, a minimum 10 foot wide horizontal safety bench shall be provided at the junction between the top of rock and the toe of any overburden cut slope. Pace 10. Visual Sc-eenin A. Existing vegetation shall be maintained between the mine and public thoroughfares to screen the operation from the public. Acditional screening methods, such as constructing earthen berms, shall be employed as deemed appropriate by the Department. B. In addition to grasses, long feaf and/or Virginia pines or ether acceptable evergreen species shall be planted as deemed appropriate by the Department to improve visual and noise buffering. 11. Plan Modl-(Cation The operator shall notify the Department in writing of the desire 10 delete, modify or otherwise vhange any part of the mining, reclamation, or erosicr;'sediment control plan contained In the approved application for a mining permit and any approved revisions to it. Approval to implement such changes must be obtained from, :he Department prior to on -site imiementation of the revisions. 12. Refuse Disccsal A. No cn-site disposal of refuse or other solid waste that is generated outside of the miring permit area shall be allowed within the boundaries cf the mining permit area unless authorization to conduct said disposal has rirst been obtained from both the Division of Waste Management and the Land Q! aRy Section, Department of Environment and Natural Resources. The ,method of disposal shall be consistent with the approved reclamation plan. B. Mining refuse as defined by G.S. 74-49 (14) of The Minir:: Act of 1971 generated on -site and directly associated with the mining activity may be disposed of in a designated refuse area. All other waste rrcducts must be disposed of in a disposal facility approved by the Division --f Waste Management. No petroleum products, acids, solvents or t-ieir storage containers or any other material that may be considered hazardous shall be disposed of within the permitted area. C. For the purposes of this permit. the Division of Land Resources considers the folla;ving materials to be "mining refuse" (in addition to these specifically listed under G.S. 74-49 (14) of the N.C. Mining Act of 1971): 1. on -site generated land clearing debris 2. conveyor belts 3. wire cables 4. v-belts 5, steel reinforced air hoses 6. drill steel P ge 10 D. If mining refuse is to be permanently disposed within the mining permit boundary, the following information must be provided to and approved by t'r.e Division of Land Resources prior to commencement of such disposal: 1. the approximate boundaries and size of the refuse disposal area: 2. a list of refuse items to be disposed; 3. verification that a minimum of 4 feet of cover will be provided over the refuse; 4. verification that the refuse will be disposed at least 4 feet above the seasonally high water table; and 5, verification that a permanent vegetative groundcover will be established 13. Annual Reclamation Report An Annual Reclamation Report shall be submitted on a form supplied by the Department by February 1 of each year until reclamation is completed and approved. 14. Bonding The security, which was posted pursuant to N.C.G.S 74-54 in the form of a S94.400.00 Assignment of Savings Account, is sufficient to cover the operation as indicated in :he approved application. This security must remain in force for this permit to 'ce valid. The total affected land shall not exceed the bonded acreage. 15. Archaeological Resources Authorized representatives of the Division of Archives and History shall be granted access to the site to determine the presence of significant archaeological resources. Page .I 1 APPROVED RECLAMATION PLAN The Mining Permit incorporates this Reclamation Plan, the performance of which is a condition on the continuing validity of that Mining Permit. Additionally, the Reclamation Plan is a separable obligation of the permittee, which continues beyond the terms of the Mining Permit. The approved plan provides: Minimum Standards As Provided By G.S. 74-53 1. The final slopes in all excavations in soil. sand, gravel and other unconsolidated materials shall be at such an angle as to minimize the possibility of slides and be consistent with the future use of the land. 2. Provisions for safety to persons and to adjoining property must be provided in all excavations in rock. 3. All overburden and spoil shall be left in a configuration which is in accordance with accepted conservation practices and which is suitable for the proposed subsequent use of the land. 4. No small pools of water shall be allowed to collect or remain on the mined area that are, or are likely to become noxious, odious or fou#. 5. The revegetation plan shall conform to accepted and recommended agronomic and reforestation practices as established by the North Carolina Agricultural Experiment Station and the North Carolina Forest Service. o. Permittee shall conduct reclamation activities oursuant to the Reclamation Plan herein incorporated. These activities shall be conducted according to the time schedule included in the plan, which shall to the extent feasible provide reclamation simultaneous with mining operations and in any event, provide reclamation at the earliest practicable time after completion or termination of mining on any segment of the permit area and shall be completed within two years after completion or termination of mining. RECLAMAT16N CONDITIONS: 1. Provided further, and subject to the Reclamation Schedule, the planned reclamation shall be to allow the quarry excavation to fill with water, provide a permanent barricade (fence) along the top of any high wall, and grade and revegetate any areas in unconsolidated material. 2. The specifications for surface gradient restoration to a surface suitable for the planned future use are as follows: race 12 A. All areas of unconsolidated material such as overburden or .vaste piles shail be graded to a 2 horizontal to I vertical or flatter slope and terraced as necessary to insure slope stability. B. Any settling ponds and sediment control basins shall be backfilled, graded. and stabilized or cleaned out and made into acceptable lake areas. C. The processing, stockpile, and other disturbed areas neighboring the mine excavation shall be leveled and smoothed. D. Compacted surfaces shall be disced, subsoiled or otherwise ,prepared befcre revegetation. E. No contaminants shall be permanently disposed of at the mine site. On -site disposal of waste shall be in accordance with Operating Conditions Nos. through D. F. The affected land shall be graded to prevent the collection cf noxious or fc.:l water. 3. Reve etation Plan: Disturbed areas shall be permanently revegetated according to the Revegetation :-,'an prepared by James Izzell dated May 20, 2009. Whenever possible, disturbed areas should be vegetated with native warm seasc,-7 grasses such as switch grass, Indian grass. bluestem and gamma grass. In addition, the permittee shall consult with a professional wildlife biologist with the N.C. Wildlife Resources Commission to enhance post -protect wildlife habitat at the site 4. Reclamation Plan: Reclamation shall be conducted simultaneously with mining to the extent feasible. !n any event, reclamation shall be initiated as soon as feasible after completion or termination of mining of any mine segment under permit. Final reclamation, includ7g revegetation, shall be completed within two years of completion or termination of mining. Rage i 3 Permit issued this 27`h day of May, 2010. By ames D. Simons, Director Division of Land Resources By Authority of the Secretary Of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources NOTICE OF ISSUANCE OF MINING PERMIT You gave previously expressed an interest and/or are listed as an adjoining landowner in the application for a mining permit filed by B A Branch Properties LLC to conduct mining activities off US Highway 421 in Chatham County. The mining permit (no. 19-20) was issued on May 2i 2010. North Carolina law allows persons aggrieved by the issuance of a mining permit to contest the decision by filing a petition for a contested case in he Office of Administrative Hearings pursuant to N.C.G.S. 150E-23 of the Administrative Procedure Act (APA). If ycu believe that you are an aggrieved party within the meaning of the APA, a petition for a contested case must be filed in the Office of Administrative Hearings within sixty (60) days of -he mailing of this notice to you. If ycu file a contested case petition, it must be in writing and in the form prescribed by N.C. General Statutes 150E-23. File the original petition and ore copy with the Office of Administrative Hearings, 6714 Mail Service Center, Raleigh. NC 27599-6714. Any questions about filing a petition may be directed to the Clerk of the Office of Administrative Hearings by telephoning (919) 733-0926. You must serve the Department of Environment and Natural Resources by mailing a copy of he petition to Ms. Mary Penny Thompson, Registered r.gent and General Counsel. Departmer- of Environment and Natural Resources, 1601 Mail Service Center, Raleigh. NC 27699-16C 1. .P ames D. Simons Director Division of Land Resources North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources This ;notice was mailed on Brenda Harris Mining Program Secretary BOBBY A BRANCH y x P �. ' 66-456/531 5292 i ELiZABETH M. BRANCH - INCDL 5085500 52'29718 402FORESTWOOD.PARK ROAD'^: 19 91525 i rta,ANFORD, NC 27330 J ' .G �"w.�,� ��' MIA, �. �,� Vp O O 7I" �.�'�`ao a.+J_,'JYE rry:gr FIRS.TBANK. .1 �.�' _ SANrORD. NORTH CAROUNP, 27330Np irl t i:C 5 3 L04 S681: 36 30 L069613'' D 5 z 9r w• ..,�•:_ , ,n;�. 4.� , �.�-„ ram' . 1 .w.. ,, 4� rObos.w��u2Jh �.GfAR 1pfrwtn NnpYN��a - -! - 'lY � •fMur - I : n M. SITE VICINITY MAP NTS f 17\ n r ; _ C Nc ti 'x :,::. ,�: 71 it i _ . � � •' :. t 1r ' L s a max+ r r o USGS TOPO 1 "= 2000' IF, 7 6 5 4 3 2 I- / NABELLE MARSH ` ! �FEARRINGTON DB 821 PG 0727 GILDA HARRIS LAMBERT DB 05E PG 0358 PATRICIA THOMAS DB0391 PG 1072 1T BOUNDARY - PROPERTY LINE/PERM 5C UNDISTURBED BUFFER'PROPERTY LINE/PERMIT BOUNDARY ,rl�l.rw Irr+l I�/�fr ' ��' �'� `^' �Ir^1� 1-1 �!—`�,+ • ISTURBED BUFFER BUFFER-f�f...1-11-k-11�'r rJ0 UNDISTURBED �, rsr yr,r lr,r�rsr sf sr sw,� — I r, rt.,l,�l i �! Irsr,rl s.rsrlrsr,rir, rrr,r lr,rsilairr •l ` �-'.'r'. VISUAL BARRIER BERM - •• I 1 ♦ J OVERBURDEN SLOPE 2:1 1 )01 I CA Z- ',40 , too Cot 71. � + _,01 _1„rlrw krEkrrf 1_ I JEssIE J I EDWARD H RALPH WILLETT - j 1 PIT FLOOR) I . ! Z AND SHERLENE STALES --EL PG 736 H BROOKS DB 563 PG 569 ti ` st, f I DB 560 PG PG 250 1 \ MINING 11 .p♦ - iLL 7) I 0594 R Irk " 1 AR EA I-'%�� FISHE RAN A 0+0 + SECTION THRQUGH\MI E ` - ' �" "'■ 1 / I THOMAS WOMBEL tWs rd N 1(SHEET 5 OF 5) _��,` / Ix LACY MARY ,\ ./ � 1 1 • ,.,` .::D DB 365 PG 0427 JAMES E ROBERAON U- w ♦ / iz J JAMES WILLIAMS r 1 I _ D8 1243 PG 0213 tsa r - - I� r HEIRS W o �,1 1 \ \ z r - , _ I- DB 461 PG 0�'-- �- 1 - i GLORIA 0 WILI,.JAA co \_ AC % ! - I 0 DB 1004 PG 00266 JAMS PRINGLEo 0 sURB UFFER �--- u. /A ANDREW ESTATE >� EA - fa , FED "�/�I II'�1..,..I �• I DB 06E PG 007? 1 I 1 / /O -. = -�Q)1 00 __"'_ SAMUEL LEE , JACKSON DB 513 PG Ego w�3� s • , �. 1 >• k 1 �- 1 = 1 = 1 = 1 .rrY 1 IMI 1 1 =- � k ...r 1.._ k =1 JOSEPH KREMBLER 0497 DB 1358 PG 0043 TAILINGS � '• jL DISCHM E 414 FOR N0,5( POND DETAILS ;� Prr D AT 5p v . �,i' (SHEET 5 OF 5) 1 1IETLANDS <i O000 y Cv 500 ! I y4 1 0 oNz- ! PLANT AND STOCK PILE / Q JOHN T WILKIE JR. 0 � AREA ; � DB LF PG 0443 CIRO MAYA MAYA VALPEZ GUILLERMINA 0- DB 1248 PG 0077 M 4 tz Ld Ld w 'I j I 10 LLJ — moms ' , 1 - OFFICE ,00- I� ,% SCR♦ 1 1 SCALE 7 1 /�` �, 000 - ,� �F�`' ,40 I 200 0 200 00 600 J, F FERRY M BARBER JR. DB 672 PG 0883 i - �.•'�' .''�°�`� i Scale 1 " = 200 )0' I I I CAYCE L AND RUTH HILLIARD REV DATE REVISION DB 257 PG 0245 1=1=1..r1= rr krr5=4=k�1 4 12-3-09 DENR ` — 50' l JDISTURBEIS U�F� THIS DOCUMENT, TOGETHER ITHTHE CONCEPTS AND DESIGNS PROJECT: BILLY HUGH ELKINS REBECCA L ELKINS DB 739 PS 1067 f) TARHEEL LAND AND � TIMBER rG DB 1088 PG 793 /13 z �O 74 E � N LEGEND 1 EXISTING CREEK PROPERTY LINE ADJOINING PROPERTIES ZONING LINE 50' UNEXCAVATED BUFFER •I■I�IIeIM��1■I�I�i�1�1■ EXISTING BUILDING MINE PERIMETER OVERBURDEN DISPOSAL a AREA PERIMETER STOCK PILE PERIMETER �■■� III ■� BASIN (DIMS. IN CHART SHEET C2) L—# i DIVERSION DITCH SILT FENCE' - BUFFER ITE DATA 1. PIN: 9616-07-9402 OWNER: BOBBY BRANCH ZONING: UN -ZONED AND RA-40 DB: 1140 PG: 1090 CALCULATED DEED ACRES 98.8 SKETCH ACRES NA 2. PIN: 9606-95--5658 OWNER: BOBBY BRANCH ZONING: UN -ZONED DB: 99E PG: 0240 CALCULATED DEED ACRES 70.9 SKETCH ACRES NA 3. PIN: 9616-27-3769 OWNER: BOBBY BRANCH ZONING: UN -ZONED DB: ' 262 PG: 1053 CALCULATED DEED ACRES 9.479 SKETCH ACRES NA NOTE: 1. BOUNDARY INFORMATION FOR TRACTS ARE FROM REFERENCES BRANCH PROPERTY DB: 99E PG: 240 LOT 2, PS: 90 PG: 236 LOT 3, PS: 90 PG: 236 BOBBY BRANCH PROPERTY DB: 1140 PG: 1090 PB: 20 PG: 48 DB: 1262 PG: 1053 PB: 2004 PG: 68 2. TOPOGRAPHIC, ZONING, AND FLOOD INFORMATION SHOWN IS FROM CHATHAM COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION SYSTEM. 3. NOT IN 1 % ANNUAL CHANCE FLOOD PLAIN PER FIRM 3710960600J FEBRUARY 2, 2007 3 8-28-09 LAND QUALITY ONLYFORTHESPECIFIC EDRC PUM1011 AND LIENTRFOR WHICH �E ITWAS GOLDSTON QUARRY PREPARED, REUSE OF AND IWRIPER RELIANCE ON THIS DOCUMENT PROPERTY LINE/PE IT BOUNDARY 2 8-27-09 BUFFER WITHOUT WRITTEN AUTHORaATONAND ADAPTATION BY RWK, PA SHALL B.A. BRANCH PROPERTIES LLC. SANFORD NC 1 1 7-30-09 1 DLR COMMENTS 012 r.1Jh :1 r'A APAYIERSON P.O. BOX 3008- SANFORD, N.C. 27331-3008- (919) 774-3770 FAX: (919) 77443510 BE WITHOUT LIABILITY TO RW<, FL ENGINEERINS M SURVEYING 101 W. MAINST., SUITE 202 GARNER, NC 27529 PHONE (919) 779-4854 FAX (919) 779,4056 ! f GULF TOWNSHIP, CHATHAM COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA PROJECT #: SHEET NAME: SHEET NUMBER: DATE: 5-18-09 BRAWN BY: FR MINE � OF5 MAP CHKID BY: CRP n C 0 �V 7 N 4 3 2 1 File name: P:\NCGEO\GOLDSTQN\GOLDSTON - 0-7-7Z D 10 A A 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 \ _ -� L \ 1 `, \\ j ' ` �� / / ANNABEL E M �1' I \ / I ! \ \ \\\ -- ` ` �- / �� /q�gARRIN 0 N/ r /,� / / 1 \ \ �/ I �- % LEGEND LY OUGH E D8 821 PG W27 BIL �gws IM14E��T I, REBECCA 0 El- INS 035,8- PA_4CIA THOMA� DB 7�9 PG 1067% / I --� / j/� Z 2/, 800 lf�. SIT I 111'�_ / 1 l PB0391 PIS 1972 FENCE 7 I,/ / --- \\ \ L/t6�/PERMI� �OYN��Ry z DIVERSION DITCH NECE NS�/TR�P Ag U RT�� 1,y BOUNDARYII q1 R(O5?AKY,�,/ _z/ 50' YJNbIS FFE PROP IZ�l 7 ;7 T_� �.n / RIP RAP BUFFER N E'U tUl 'b-UR'F EI\ __ 1. 1 -7 L 0 1 �'(' , -7- UNPISTURP v SILT FENCE AND R \� 1 // , I / I�� { I 1,� ' r -� TREE PROTECTION _/5o V/ RI yAS AL ilk STORM PIPE LA f E d LAND//40 � '�_/ � � � f ' � ----. � \ \ � ..�\ \ I I � [ `"� � l 4 /3 / � / : � � �.,1 _ 1 L�Z �� ,1 / J \� TIMBER SILT FENCE TRAP C_ /�9 SIFT r D8 0 8" 3�_� 4if 00 CHECK DAM El SKIMMER W/DISCHARGE EY---1 rq 'j� - o / / �/ �I� , / _�1 ,I..+ 1 �Y. 1 1 �1 , 77' Ix cl -�3 7 Iz' RA H J SIE SPILLWAY LLETT J. / - 1 rr / / 1EDWARD__b�/ A,[ SHERLENEI B 736,�-) / i ' i ' z p�� ) `\ r• �� ��i / I '�o E 0 0 KS_ SCA S-EL pp 0 3R DB 563 PG 5 , DB 5-60 PG SEDIMENT BASIN & TRAP SIZING /I-- -LLL- PIG 25 '4E 14n HER �p R BASIN SA SF LxWxD TYPE ORIFICE SPILLWAY V�' 28,600 260x11OX5 RISER BARREL 6.0" 50' _ / / - '00( no, THOMAS �`OMB;L`_ 2 9,800 140000.0 SKIMMER BASIN 2.75" 40 ___MAINAGE,\ LACY MA Y is DB 36� "1- /0427 3 4,050 90x45x3.0 SKIMMER BASIN 2.0" 35 A IFT�ERNA4. F_ 4 4,050 90x45x3.0 SKIMMER BASIN 2.0" 35' CID ALL STORM) 5 7,200 1 20X60x3.0 SKIMMER BASIN 2.5" 40' 4ATERAN 0( ur) �'130 if SILT 6 11,552 1 52x76x3.0 SKIMMER BASIN 3.0" 50' J*MES E RI&KRAON"' Ao UN D '/� �4 tM S W I L L14 E TER -TO FENCE (INS 7 REMOVED -,06 ✓124,Y PG 0219- �13 4� T. Ejf� Eso�RAPS AS D �� 6 1 /P G--'0)G1CY_ 8 1,300 52x25x3.5 TRAP 15' NECESSARY) 255 -Z 9 2,592 72x36x3.5 TRAP 25' N 11 AND- /E' 10 PG 0 1 0 WILLeM RG S Ir*44 \ 1 1 2 02 �/ / 1 <FOR EX. POND INSTALL 8" SKIMMER SEE SHEET C4 X iw�w pp I BUFFER JA LE 2 FE BRING D� PERMANENT SEED MIXTURE FOR SWALES A N=la /(NDRErEESTATE DBC(6E PG_0Q72 SPECIES RATE LB ACRE TALL FESCUE 200 (4-5 LB/1,000 Ff2) L AMUE( LEE NURSE PLANTS ACKSON BETWEEN MAY 1 AND AUG. 15, ADD 15 LB/ACRE SUDANGRASS OR 15 LB/ACRE GERMAN MILLET. PRIOR TO MAY 1 OR AFTER AUG. 15, ADD 40 LB/ACRE RYE (GRAIN). L 'qq� jr:w, - aE:TK 51 PIG R 77 JOSEPH �K REB�EF 0197 SEEDING DATES <DU BEST: AUG, 25 - OCT. Y % 'e tE H Nf DB Y5 � P 0 43 POSSULE: FEB. - APR. 15 AVOID SEEDING FROM NOV. TO JAN. IF SEEDING MUST BE DONE AT THIS TIME, ADD 40 D E T IWFO v LB/ACRE RYE GRAIN AND USE A CHANNEL LINING THAT OFFERS MAXIMUM PROTECTION. \) TEMPORARY SEEDING SCHEDULE k T-Ai SOIL AMENDMENTS SHOULDERS, SIDE DITCHES SLOPES (MAX. 3:1) PER ITEM 4, SEEDBED PREPARATION -0 DATE: P MULCH lk U.1 TYPE. PLANTING RATE: USE A ROLLED EROSION CONTROL PRODUCT TO COVER THE BOTTOM OF CHANNELS AND DITCHES, AND STAPLE SECURELY. THE LINING SHOULD EXTEND ABOVE THE HIGHEST CALCULATED AUG. 15-NOV. I TALL FESCUE 300 LBS,/ACRE DEPTH OF FLOW. ON CHANNEL SIDE SLOPES ABOVE THIS HEIGHT, AND IN DRAINAGES NOT NOV. I-MAR.1 TALL FESCUE 300 LBS./ACRE REQUIRING TEMPORARY LININGS, APPLY 4,000 LB/ACRE GRAIN STRAW, AND ANCHOR STRAW BY STAPLING NETTING OVER THE TOP. A� & ABRUZZI RYE 25 LBS./ACRE I MAR.1-APR.15 TALL FESCUE 300 LBS./ACRE 0 APR.15-JUN.30 HULLED COMMON BERMUDA 25 LBS./ACRE MULCH AND ANCHORING MATERIALS MUST NOT BE ALLOWED TO WASH DOWN SLOPES WHERE JUL.1-AUG.15 TALL FESCUE AND 120 LBS./ACRE THEY CAN CLOG DRAINAGE DEVICES. ***BROWNTOP MILLET 35 LBS./ACRE ***OR SORGHUM-SUDAN HYBRIDS 30 LBS./ACRE MAINTENANCE INSPECT AND REPAIR MULCH FREQUENTLY. REFERTILIZE IN LATE WINTER OF THE FOLLOWING �� �' I �- �T -- V I �� ' ' SLOPES (3:1 TO 2:1) YEAR; USE SOIL TESTS OR APPLY 150 LB/ACRE 10-10-10. MOW REGULARLY TO A HEIGHT OF 2-4 MAR.1-JUNE 1 SERICEA LESPEDEZA (SCARIFIED) 50 LBS./ACRE (MARA-APR.15) & T WILKI JR. ADD TALL FESCUE 120 LBS./ACREPAT/AN _sMCKPfLE,(�HN (MAR.1-JUN.30) OR ADD WEEPING LOVEGRASS 10 LBS,/ACRE SEEDBED PREPARATION B LF "43 (MAR.1-JUN.30) OR ADD HULLED COMMON BERMUDA GRASS 25 LBS./ACRE 1. RIP THE ENTIRE AREA TO FOUR INCHES DEPTH I MAYA- MrAYA--- (AR-E JUN.1 -SEP.1 W**TALL FESCUE AND 120 LBS./ACRE 2. REMOVE ALL LOOSE ROCK, ROOTS, AND OTHER OBSTRUCTIONS LEAVING SURFACE REASONABLY SMOOTH AND eA 35 LBS./ACRE L E�\,GUILLPMINA ***BROWNTOP MILLET UNIFORM. ***OR SORGHUM-SUDAN HYBRIDS 30 LBS./ACRE 3. CHISEL COMPACTED AREAS AND SPREAD TOPSOIL THREE INCHES DEEP OVER ADVERSE SOIL CONDITIONS, IF -P-G 0077 / 70 LBS./ACRE SEPA -MAR.1 SERICEA LESPEDEZA (UNHULLEO- U N SCAR IFIED) AVAILABLE. DB 1 48 s'5 7 _2r AND TALL FESCUE 120 LBS./ACRE 4. APPLY LIME AND FERTILIZER ACCORDING TO SOIL TESTS, OR APPLY 4,000 LB/ ACRE GROUND AGRICULTURAL cp;-- 7 (NOV.1-MAR.1) 25 LBS./ACRE LIMESTONE AND 1,000 LB/ACRE 10-10-10 FERTILIZER. ADDABRUZZI RYE CONSERVATION ENGINEER OR SOIL CONSERVATION SERVICE FOR ADDITIONAL 5. CONTINUE TILLAGE UNTIL A WELL -PULVERIZED, FIRM, REASONABLY UNIFORM SEEDBED IS PREPARED FOUR INCHES CONSULT DEEP. INFORMATION CONCERNING OTHER ALTERNATIVES FOR VEGETATION OF DENUDED AREAS. THE 6. SEED ON A FRESHLY PREPARED SEEDBED AND COVER SEED LIGHTLY WITH SEEDING EQUIPMENT OR CULTIPACK LLJ A� ABOVE VEGETATION RATES ARE THOSE WHICH DO WELL UNDER LOCAL CONDITIONS; OTHER AFTER SEEDING. LLJ SEEDING RATE COMBINATIONS ARE POSSIBLE. 7. MULCH IMMEDIATELY AFTER SEEDING AND ANCHOR MULCH. APPLY 4,000 LB/ACRE GRAIN STRAW OR EQUIVALENT �\ \ - _)o z ***TEMPORARY - RESEED ACCORDING TO OPTIMUM SEASON FOR DESIRED PERMANENT COVER OF ANOTHER SUITABLE MULCH. ANCHOR STRAW BY APPLYING 0.02 TO 0.05 GAL/SQUARE YARD OF ASPHALT VEGETATION. DO NOT ALLOW TEMPORARY COVER TO GROW OVER 12' IN HEIGHT BEFORE BINDING MATERIAL TO ASSURE THAT THE TEMPORARY MULCH IS PROPERLY HELD IN PLACE, ALTERNATE ANCHORING 1 r i I �/ l / / �" \ METHODS ARE NETTING, ROVING OR BY CRIMPING WITH A MULCH ANCHORING TOOL. A DISK WITH BLADES SET MOWING, OTHERWISE FESCUE MAY BE SHADED OUT. 0 NEARLY STRAIGHT CAN BE USED AS A MULCH ANCHORING TOOL. S. INSPECT ALL SEEDED AREAS AND MAKE NECESSARY REPAIRS OR RESEEDINGS WITHIN THE PLANTING SEASON, IF 0 PERMANENT SEED MIXTURE SITE POSSIBLE. IF STAND SHOULD BE OVER 60% DAMAGED, REESTABLISH FOLLOWING ORIGINAL LIME, FERTILIZER AND ` / 1 1 5 \ �- \ ` w O j�Q /,� / / SEEDING RATES. 1 \ \ }� / / / / WA�E SPECIES RATE (LB/ACRE) 9. REFERTILIZE IN THE SECOND YEAR UNLESS GROWTH IS FULLY ADEQUATE. MAY BE MOWED ONCE OR TWIYEAR, '00 CE A TALL FESCUE 100 BUT MOWING IS NOT NECESSARY. RESEED. FERTILIZE. AND MULCH DAMAGED AREAS IMMEDIATELY. ETAIL C4 SERICEA LESPEDEZA 30 H D oo.." ;;Oo KOBE LESPEDEZA 10 PER PLUS: O�HA�d OR/PER PENSACOLA BAHIAGRASS 25 CONSTRUCTION -S EQ U ENCE V � OR BERMUDAGRASS 10 EL Jo 1, SURVEYOR IS TO STAKE LIMITS OF CONSTRUCTION, EROSION CONTROL FEATURES, STORM WATER SYSTEM, SCALE, \ \\ / �. T G % "'j / / (FZ� + SEEDING NOTES ROADS AND PARKING AREAS. 1. AFTER AUG. 15, USE LINSCARIFIED SERICEA SEED. C S­_�@ 2, WHERE PERIODIC MOWING IS PLANNED OR A NEAT APPEARANCE IS DESIRED, OMIT SERICEA 2 INSTALL GRAVEL CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE, DIVERSION DITCHES, SILT FENCING AND SEDIMENT BASINS AND TRAPS A' \ \ CAND INCREASE KOBE LESPEDEZA TO 40 LB/ACRE. I SHOWN 01, THE PLAN. CLEAR ONLY AS NECESSARY TO INSTALL THESE DEVICES. DIVERSION DITCHES AND SEDIMENT BASIN BERMS MUST BE SEEDED, MULCHED AND ANCHORED UPON INSTALLATION, ANY PROJECT ACCESS 5 PER ot_� 'A( I "-"E N 3. TO EXTEND SPRING SEEDING DATES INTO JUNE, ADD 15 LB/ACRE HULLED BERMUDAGRASS. POINTS SHALL HAVE A GRAVEL CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE INSTALLED. HOWEVER, AFTER MID -APR. IT IS PREFERABLE TO SEED TEMPORARY COVER. DIVERSION DITCHES SHALL BE COVERED WITH S75 OR EQUIVALENT BLANKET MATERIAL STAPLED IN PLACE. \ \ \\\ E�� C5\ �` \ \ \ I NURSE PLANTS Z24� 3. RENOVATE EXISTING POND AND RISER BARREL. CLEAR, GRUB AND GRADE ONLY ENOUGH POND AREA TO ACCESS BETWEEN MAY 1 AND AUG. 15, ADD 10 LB/ACRE GERMAN MILLET OR 15 LB/ACRE z to FO SUDANGRASS. PRIOR TO MAY 1 OR AFTER AUG. 15, ADD 40 LB/ACRE RYE (GRAM). EXISTING RISER BARREL. WITHOUT DISTURBING CMP OUTLET PIPE REMOVE STONE AND 24' PERFORATED RISER X-SE BARREL. MATCH WEIR ELEVATION OF EXISTING 24 INCH RISER AND REPLACE WITH AN UNPERFORATED 36" CMP RISER ✓ooe__� j15 too_-- t. SEEDING DATES WITH TRASH RACK. FIT 36" CMP RISER WITH HARDWARE TO INSTALL 8" SKIMMER AT ITS BASE. ANCHOR RISER To BEST POSSIBLE OUTLET BARREL WITH A MINIMUM OF 1 CU. YARD OF CONCRETE TO SEAL AND ANCHOR THE ASSEMBLY. CLEAR, FALL: AUG. 25 - SEPT. 15 GRUB AND SMOOTH REMAINING POND BOTTOM AND SLOPES, INSTALL FLEX HOSE, SKIMMER, STONE SKIMMER SE AUG. 20 OCT. 25 AND COIR BAFFLES. GRADE AND REESTABLISH EMERGENCY SPILLWAY �N UNDISTURBED M T BA LATE WINTER: FEB. 15 -MAR. 21 FEB. 1 APR. 15 SOIL TO PLANNED ELEVATION$ N 00 AND DIMENSIONS. ENTRANCE AND EXIT CHANNEL WIDTHS AND SLOPES ARE CRITICAL TO THE SUCCESSFUL OPERATION �ER� B RJER JR. FALL IS BEST FOR TALL FESCUE AND LATE WINTER FOR LESPEDEZAS. OVERSEEDING OF KOBE OF THE EMERGENCY SPILLWAY. D LESPEDEZA OVER FALL -SEEDED TALL FESCUE IS VERY EFFECTIVE. DB/6 2 0 3� 4. CONTRACTOR IS TO CLEAR CUT AND GRUB SITE AND PROPERLY DISPOSE OF DISCARDED TREES, LAP, STUMPS ETC.. z�' SOIL AMENDMENTS 8, PER ITEM 4. SEEDBED PREPARATION 5. GROUND COVER ON EXPOSED SLOPES SHALL BE APPLIED WITHIN 21 CALENDAR DAYS FOLLOWING THE COMPLETION V , I ' + / / I -�_ \ ` MULCH OF ANY PHASE OF GRADING. TEMPORARY OR PERMANENT GROUND COVER SHALL BE APPLIED TO ALL DISTURBED PER ITEM 7. SEEDBED PREPARATION AREAS WITHIN 15 WORKING DAYS OR 30 CALENDAR DAYS (WHICHEVER IS SHORTER) FOLLOWING COMPLETION OF 4 // / / / / / / /� /- -� J I CONSTRUCTION OR DEVELOPMENT. PERMANENT GROUND COVER MUST BE APPLIED WITHIN 60 CALENDAR DAYS. .10 MAINTENANCE INSTALL PERMANENT PLANT MATERIALS AFTER FINAL GRADE IS REACHED FOR EACH STAGE OF ACTIVITY. t^ \ -�,Z,/ / , I , PER ITEMS 8 & 9. SEEDBED PREPARATION IN E B 6. EXCAVATE AND TRANSPORT OVERBURDEN FROM MINE SITE AND CONSTRUCT BARRIER BERMS. PLACE TOP SOIL AVEL NS' > AND PLANT MATERIALS ON THE BERMS AS SOON AS BERMS ARE COMPLETED. EROSION CONTROL NETTING SHOULD BE USED TO AID PERMANENT VEGETATED STABILIZATION OF BERM SLOPES AND WITH MORE THAN 10 FEET OF TRUCTIO-f� tp-E '--, --- - ----\ \ , / / / VERTICAL RELIEF. NETTING SHOULD ALSO BE USED WHEN MULCH CANNOT BE ADEQUATELY TACKED AND WHERE ��/IN P L \­ - j NT"A C-F-' 24" X7 L rt �E- P1 L N� R�TH EXIS);�NG E TIN/G (--E-X SILT H Ct:�� PPB" CA > IMMEDIATE GROUND COVER IS REQUIRED TO PREVENT EROSION DAMAGE. -eULVERT A Elq'C E R�l HILLIAR S DT 2 T 24� 7. ESTABLISH A WORKING FACE AT OVERBURDEN DISPOSAL AREA DRESS AND SEED THE REMAINING STOCK PILE. -DPE CONTINUE TO WORK STOCK PILE BY MOVING WORKING FACE AND STABILIZED SEEDED > Z45! R1rRAP 11Bpr CAR0,vSLOPE AS NECESSARY Y Aj�qN OPERATIONS. -d-A 6 -I-1 2! - ry 11 jv'ss// 8. GRADE AND PLACE STONE FOR THE PARKING AND HAUL ROADS. 5 �.QST J REV DATE REVISION -1,pf44V 6OU�DKRY/SEAL 9. FABRICATE AND INSTALL ITEMS: Pi:�O P E RTY �NE 026395 Z4 12-3.09 DENR ROAD BARRIER, FENCE AS INDICATED, IF INCLUDED IN THIS WORK 1z THIS DOCUMENT, TOGETHER WrH THE CON 3 9-28-09 LAND QUALITY PRESENTED HEREIN, AS AN IN4RuMENT OF SERVICES, I N 1431�11501�: �ISTIN�% ONLY FOR THE SPECIFIC PURP!iSE AND CLIENT FOR WHICH IT WAS GOLDSTON QUARRY PREPARED. REUSE OF AND IMINOPER RELIANCE ON THIS DOCUMENT RI A 2 8 -09 WITHOUT WRITTEN AUTHORIZAT*4 AND ADAPTATION BY RWK, PA SHALL B.A. BRANCH PROPERTIES LLC.,SANFORD, INC EX SILT -27 BUFFER Be WITHOUT LIABILITY TO RINK. PA NCE 1 1 7-30-09� DLR COMMENTS 7 GULF TOWNSHIP, CHATHAM COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA 200 0 200 400 600 PROJECT #: SHEETNAME: SHEET NUMBER: P DV CA Tzz ENGINEERING M SURVEYING DATE: 5-18-09 SEDIMENT PATTERSON P.O. BOX 3008- SANFORD, N.C. 273314008- (919) 774-3770 101 W. MAIN ST., SUITE 202 DRAWN BY: FIR EROSION Scale 1 200' FAX: (919) 774-3510 GARNER, NC 27529 CONTROL 2 CIF 5 EXPLORATION SERVICES PHONE (919) 779,4854 CHKD BY: CRP PLAN FAx (919) 779-4056 1 [!1 101 C K., A 01 7 .1 61 '7- 7 7- -7 7 77, vo 2 N 2 1 File name: P:\NCGEO\GOLDSTDN\GOLDSTON o -t 0 7 7-2,- 1-i3._._- - -a . i.l i3 -. 1. A. i_.. r_._.._,Y,.__..--..._..__.-`... ...___.�- — _. _: Z_-.... 5... '. _Li -1. "-- -- ___.,:_. i'.»a.._i _li. iL —,—I -I--.- I -- 8 1 7 1 6 1 5 ..IL 4 1 3 1 2 A. 1: I IN] C A NABEL E M�RI RRIN ON/ 1 D 821 PG tY/27 H�RI� �� // f ` I / BILLY UG EL INS 035 / / / / �— PAYRICIA THOMA� I REBECCA I. E INS/ / �� ) I l 1 '/ �'~ 1 1 ' I ' 0391 PG 1 2 DB 7,99�G/067 / / / 11�' \' !r 1^` ' I 40 1 } I T R H E E'L LAN D/AND / i ✓' - . - 1 I /�, 1 _ 1 _ ,1��- 1! - TIMBER / / t / / / / / RA H J �SIE I \ \ �_ I WARD 1 VJILLETT I f /� A SHERLENE J' �B 736 �J -- 1 / / 1 / BROOKS SC S-EL rpG 5�gDB 56 OA PG 25 .HER LANE - �, R/* — / THOMAS �OMBF�LACY MA 4 �, \� ' \; ' \ \\ \ \� -' , j ' ' ♦, ��/ / 1 , DB 36� PG 0427 � 1 � � / � j `/ ..J'' �`� :• � .I l � ) .�° � �:- �\ , � ! ''� I I/ � tMES WILLl,4�MS EJ]hMES E R EIiT ONE�o S / \ / ' �(' rr � :11 I \\' ., j - ��/ o I J D 461 PC'09 I , ' �\ 1Y !y `\ •!/ '+' `' l JA ElCil SZRING �»KNDREESTATE / � � S� :/ � . I1, �` / � , �. _-'~• • ' ��`_�,. � � � � ti J f � / I � / DB 0�6E PG 1�72 I \ 111 ■ _ r � ` >f � ' � �/ / ' �`�.• �� � - >� � � / yL+ ,_ 1� � � �'�``_-�•\� `tom ` ,\` ` II � I 1 � AMUE LEE \ I r I \ I� �j ACKSON51A PC _I! JOS PH KRE B ER \ Q 97 / \ \ 11 { �\ \ �� \ \� \ %�.✓ . % I'� �s / / l _� 1 DB 1 5� P{043 / /�qR BE WIRE C \ _ \ , Fi NOON � \\ �// �� � � � � / �,,� � / � • Gov � � / 1 �- _\ � � ------ � \ PLANJ,,,-,�STdCK ILE-- A TAILINGS CND 1 OHN T WILKI JR. 1 \ \\ / \ / \ 1 J j ' B LF RG 0,443 \ I Al�A- MAYA� I LRA -SEWE / \ 14L E GUILLFMINA J .� J _ DB b1 1 48 -RG 0077 10 Imo- 'A xz \ 1 R' ER JR.\0 �ER�� B 6P 08 3 / / � I % / ♦ / ♦ 100, 200 0 200 400 600 01014 / \ / // CH LScale 1 2004TH LIAR IS D 2 P 24� r -- I REV DATE REVISION IT 111 \ ! I 4 12-3-09 DENR ion-3 9-28-09 LAND QUALITY 2 8-27-09 BUFFER 1 7-30-09 DLR COMMENTS 1��r`kliri►��1 EXPLORATION SERVICES P.O. BOX 3008- SANFORD, N.C. 27331-3008- (919) 774-3170 FAX: (919) 774-3510 THIS DOCUMENT, TOGETHER WITHTSE CONCEPTS AND DESIGNS PRESENTED HEREIN, AS AN INSLIMENT OF SERVICES, IS INTENDED ONLY FOR THE SPECIFIC PURPOt AND CLIENT FOR WHICH IT WAS PREPARED. REUSE OF AND IMPIPER RELIANCE ON THIS DOCUMENT WITHOUT WRITTEN AUTHORIZATIOPAND ADAPTATION BY RWK. PA SHALL BE WITHOUT LIABILITY TO RWK. Is. p� ENGINEERIPG — SURVEYING 10 1 W. MAIIN ST , SUITE 202 GARNER,NC 27529 PHONE (91 a 779-4854 FAx (919)779-4056 PROJECT: GOLDSTON QUARRY B.A. BRANCH PROPERTIES LLC. ,SANFORD, NC GULF TOWNSHIP, CHATHAM COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA PROJECT #: SHEET NAME: SHEET NUMBER: DATE: 4-21-09 DRAWN BY: FIR RECLAMATION � PLAN OF 5 CHKID BY: CRP C L V 0 7 N. 5 In - T 7 1 . � .► T:,t � S f - {! ', i r., rf 1 � I # �%„T� -.�-_ r i. Is o44„i . i 4 I �� r '�'�{ t I � s r � ' s ' r �� 1�, i�d�t, •r; ?:.E; � 1 's; . r. l .1, r r e r i •i �, �.,1., , 5 -1 '.a• i .•: �1-' S'�.l �i. la!i�,.'is�t rl tl• i �.t�-ws 3 2 1 File name: P:\NCGEO\GOLDSTON\GOLDSTON CrZ 0-77 Z- 8 7 I 6 5 4 3 2 L) Cl B A �1' FREEBOARD 12" Layer of 5' Mlti, J #5 Washed Stony; 7 TOP OF B'-Rio I TOP Q Y&IR — — " rJ 4' MAX _ J, 2' Deep x 2' Wide FILTER FABRIC Cut --off Trench BArFLES \W/ Cl2G.� S SEt ; Q• MIN. I�IN. I FILI ER FABRI ' — STENE SEC T iON CIVERF`ILL E.--' FLT SETTLEMEFIT T URAL GROUND S-FANDARD IRGCK i!)Atv1 SED N4EN-T BASIN EMERGENCY PY--PASS 1--6' BELOW SETT' ED TLzP `\ F 'DAM 'IFLAYN TARP PROTECTION 1 a 30' MI '- - — WEIR LENGTH k I SEE SHEET C2 _ ( j SECTIION_ III OL;GIB' '4'-iElR EMERGENCY SI'?Li.VrAY F'LrIti V EW —_--� �rOP OF BERM Dr-WK., EKING BAFFLES (s-D) i' MIN FREE60ARD EMERGENCY NF_ON ZONE SPILLWAY S'"RUCTit;E ` � / I \�1',iME\ 241— ELEVATION 3'Wx6'Lxl2"T DISSIPATER PAO RIP RAP �\ ?,AINIVLJIM VOLUME OF BALAST: INFLOW I \ VOLUME OF RISER = 6' XI.5-2 X PI STRUCTURE l` = 42.4 CU. /{ 50, \ SK1MAER WIDE vVEIGHT OF DISPLACED WATER = 62.4 Ld./CU. Ff. X 42.4 C.U. FT. r EMERGENCY PLUS FACTOR OF SAFETY = 2,13346 1-3. X 1.5 = 3,969 LB. - s SPILLWAY REQUIRED CONCRETE BALLAST = 3,969 LB. / 150 L8. / CU. FT, 26 CU FT > I C'.i YD, I � w BAFF LES LAN VIEW DAF FIL _S 1' MIIJ FREEBOARD L//1\ 36' RISER rip n,' DERM-29B,C' I BARREL \ EMERGENCr INFLOW \ RIM 295.0' / SPILLe'AV STRUCTURE TRASH RACK ELEVATION � bEWATtiRI;Gil�- /— I \:1 \ / AN I -SEEP COLLAR ZONE S rLNE RESTING F B \ .y FDR SiINMEIR \ INLET SHALL BE PROTECTED ANT -FLOATATION CAS NEEDED) FROM EROSION INVERT = 2900' DEVICE WITH RIP RAP, TARP, EXISTING POND 11 MATTING OR EQUIVALENT, PROP —ETtiSTING DISSIPATER 24' CMP / PAD OUTLET PIPE CLASS 'A' RIP RAP NOTES: *1) I~ISTALL S INCH SKIMMER WITH 6 INCH ORIFICfr 2) FOLLOW CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCE ON SHEET C2 31 BASIN SHOULD BE CLEANED OUT WHEN CAPACITY REACHES AN ELEVATION REPRESEVTI>dG TI-.AT TI,= BASIN IS HALF --RILL 4) #NSTALL "THREE POROUS BAFFI-ES PER DETAIL. 5) POND SHALL NOT BE CONVERTED FOR STORMWATER USE UNTIL APPROVED 3Y ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEER, STANDARD SKIMMER ATTACHED TO PERMANENT RISER IN EXISTING POND EDGE (M N. BURY 2� TARP j STD I .� : �I~P CUT 0R .. FILL SLOPE DITCH FILL VOIDS W/#57 - v _ _ _ STONE) ANT -FLOATATION INLET SHALL BE PROTECTED (AS NEEDED) FROM EROSION WITH RIP DEVICE C�,DSS S 4;T JN L S'� ONE RESTING PAD RAP, TARP, MATTING OR EQUIVALENT. FpR SKIt Mf.R CMP OUTLET PIPE (12" TYP.) NOTES: 1) BASIN StOU:_D BE GLEANED OUT W.-,EN CAPACITY REACHES AN ELT_VATIG'1 RcPRESENTING THAT THE BASiti IS HA[_F--RILL, 2) THE TARP USED TC PROTECT THE A-EiR SHA.J_ BF TI-!E WIDTH SPECIF =D. THE LENGTH OF THE' TARP SHALL BE ACCCRUNG TO A`.`AI'_A0'_E SUPPLY. IF MULTIPLE TARPS ARE TO 3E USED, THEN 'rpRFS SHALL 5E OVERLAPPED AT LEAST 12", THE UPS RErM l2" TARP SHAL1 OVERLAP THE DG'ANSTR=AM TARP. TI-r ARP S-!AL:. BE 50 MiL. HEAVY DUTY SILVER TARPAUL NS OR EQUI,ALENT FOR U.V. RESISTANCE- S) PRCV DE A `A1NiMUlt OF THREE POROUS BAFFLES TO EWNLI' DISTRIBL. TE =LOW ACROSS THE PASIN, RELUCING TUR8U'IIENCE. 4) BAFFLE MATERIAL MUST Bc SECURED AT THE 90-TOM AND SIDES US'VG STAPLES OR BY TRENCHINC AS FOR A SILT FENCE, 51 MOST OF THE SEDIMENT ''AALL. ACCUMULATE. IN THE F•'RS7 BAY, SO Tw S SHOULD BE RFADILY AVAILABa FOR WAiNTENANCE. 6) DURING THE: CONSTRUCTION FsHASE OF THE PROJECT, PERMANENT ST RMWATEP. RISER SHALL ONLY DEWATER FROM THE TG'� 0;, F'IPE. 71PGNC Si -.ALL NOT �E CONVERTED FOR STCRMWATER USE UNTIL, AFPRIVED HY ENVIROi4MENTAL ENGINEER. STANDARD SKIMMER BASfN' PQrES: ESUC SL1rFiCiL:NI TO KEEP _ PUT Sii_'f Im,,,l_ OR TREE PROTECT!ON FENCE UP TO S'rGiMI N- [,N SsIE ENSURE CCINSTRU_TICN ENTRANCE 1S USED. 2. IF CON STRUT ON ON THE S11-- S ARE SUCH THN.T THE MUD iu NO RE1 C'v1=C B Y THr `lEtiICLE TRAVELING OVER THE S FGNE, -HEIN THE TIRES GY THE V`f-OCLES MUST 8E WASHED 2"-3" `vTfJt:F- TO 8:= 'USED. 1 rjC1' OR WIDTH Or BEFORE EN, ERI#�G THE PUC�LIC ROAD. EXISTING (SURGE STONE O 2 RAiLROP D .. PRCPGSED ST=FEET, ?OAD:VAY _ BALLAST) •.- W-iICHEVER IS MAtNTHJN Gh�VEI_ PAFi IN I COfvDl-ION TO PREVENT MUD 0R ;, r GREATER. SECIh1_N1 FROM LEA1:N� �OVSTRLICTiON :,il_. ENTRANCE WILL REQUIRE PERIOD C REMOVAL OF S€:D'MFNT—LADEN ST+:)NE AND `�Et'LACEtvlEN T v, rH FRESH sro'�E. M. 60' MIN. EXISTING RJAJVvAY - � �---`— --- --- — — t I I '--FABRIC UtvDER SCONE CROSS 5 TOR STAr,]DARD (30N TIJf'l ENTRgN%"1E 7 NEW CONSTRUCTION 12" MIIN N. SIDE SLOPES 2 : 1 'MAX.) _ REVISIONS DATE -I DESCRIPTION I QUARFc1( SIDE 2 OF ASS/ 9 a� SEAL T c*) 026395 A. 2' MIN 2' MIN COMPACTED — / I L___2: 1 _CPE TAX} :-- 3 Tr E (VERSION 2A= 5.5' USE Al`h GREEN C' 25 OR iwQL'AL DIVERSION 6A=4.0' USE AM GREEN C'•25 OR rQUAL CROSS SECTlO'' -- _-- - STA.8IU7_E Di VERSION )ITCH W/SWALE SEED MIX SHEET C2 AND EROSION CONTROL NETTING V POSITIE GRADE '.0% MAX. UPSLOPE: TOE--POSITIVE _j/ iNrE i r SCREEN ACCE-SiEJLE THRCUCH t)O(,,R VLN7 FLOA s FLEXIBLE XjiNT / \ (RADIATOR HOSE:) °� JREt=1C'= FLAIL CUTI Ei END: CONNI_CTIOty TC O:JTLE.T PIPE OR RISER - BARfi-L PIPE ,-ONGE- TrIAN SHC'NN. EXCEPT ` W0 D 1, ALL S'<IM .IE ;'S ARu 4" PVC OR'FIC_ AILS -�07 T-AC•i BASIN ARE NOTED ')N Si-EEi C2 2. SKIMMERS 'NS'-AL.LI D IN BAS€Na WITHOUT RIS'.R BARREL '. IL'_ CUTLET TO 2" CMP STANDARD SUMIMER DETAIL., C,F —��N�� P4RSPECTIVE VIE`_V i E SU' PORT ROPE" \ \\\\ _\\\ \\\\\ . \\ \\\ \�•\ \\ I TO W.rcE'O 24' NTCBOT'UM PREVLNI' SE.G'G:NG OR SIDE STAKE TO Si Fr^CR7 519Ru OUTLET \ — - - STEEP CUT OR FILL SLOPE PLAN---J;EVV D VERS QN D RCAD/ADJACENT SIDE SIDE SLOPES _ 2:1 TYP. JSE E ROSiON CONTROL NETTING 4HEN VERTICAL BELIE: IS 3R.EkTER THAN '10' ��— FIDE SL.O?E OF BERM VISUAL BAD RIrL-R BE-RM (NI'S ;CE ORE., TOP Vi_V, 3' I --� ��, � — - --- Mlf-' j I_.L--.-- - -1 ! 7 --- I PCROUS BAFFLES iN A SFT,IMEr€T EAMN. THE F-PH 4 DISTRIBUTED E,IENLY ACROLS 7-IE DASti TO REDUCE ICOIR M,_SH OR SI:,SIL.R S' APLED OR FLOW RITES AND TURBUI•E14CE, RESULTING IN GREATER TRENCI L"D NTO BOTOM AND S',DE i SEDIMENT RETENTION. -—_—..--- _ CRJ`_ S -S_:C "lC;N OF h COR PGR'vS B+ E' I_F- Ir'I A SEDItAE±J'F BASIN. - I L, L_ 6'--6" Min. bragH f See Mortise uetcil 5r ke i II !I F line !I � it �il- — — — - — -- — n'-(I' Min----- 6' S" Mln—w-1— L -f — - - - L - - -- I END P AhEL-T1?E F ND PANEi_---TYP'- II - - MAI a M 111 1 1 �Mlsi 5 ' i y r! 11 { -.— 6'-6" Mii n_..-— STRESS' PANE. REV DATE 4 12-3-09 3 9-28-09 2 8-27-09 1 7-30-09 T%,'Sted r: e 6r woua stay U--Stael line pest Ui L1NE. NAMEL`) ne POST T- Add adL`itiozai wire cf the same material as bcctol:z wire I r-----� , o' f�nae and a rock deadn:nn (min. weight 50 Ibs,) t}hen steer) 1, 5e � aecIiculior.s `or the fo owmg: I . � _ y ' - space between bottom w;r and ground �.. e a g ou d exceed 20 inches a Ra: o of steel to wood line pests. �, D Pc:t spccing. lerg ^.d depth in •'.W) rOCI. I Pf;�vE J T 1�•4INO'R DEPRESSION=Ty_e c* ena panel o .Ised. I' e cf vAre to be OSetl, f Spika�spik'ng' e Sp �c:r,g betIAeen wires. cr tae rali ng—%'` f.N zecr of says per spar, (L;. aS specified) iVii�lC�I:a I -E I1'_A L SAFFT`{ A:.WA•'s -NHm REVISION DENR LAND QUALITY BUFFER DLR COMMENTS P.O. BOX 3008- SANFORD, N.C. 27331.3008- (919) 774-3770 FAX: (919) 774-3510 3 UN!TED STATES `)EF,1RIACNT OF '.HE iN�TERiOR B.,RFAU OF _AND \AANAGEC,1,T GNISiCN 0: T CftNl F,_ SER+IC-5 'NTrR E(,��"} TYPiCA_ h' 9/FRB �) VYIF,'E FE`V 1 _ ­41 RE Gc`S13NED 5y ethers REVIEWED-----__ DRAWN I SCAt.L riI''NE DATE FEBRUPR( 25 991 SHEET OF DR,%WNG NO. 02834-2 8Ll428342.%V0 THIS DOCUMENT, TOGETHER WITHTHE CONCEPTS AND DESIGNS PRESENTED HEREIN, AS AN INSTIUMENT OF SERVICES, IS INTENDED PROJECT: ONLY FOR THE SPECIFIC PURPO`,E AND CLIENT FOR WHICH J WAS GOLDSTON QUARRY PREPARED. REUSE OF AND IMPRiPER RELIANCE ON THIS DOCUMENT WITHOUT WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION AND ADAPTATION BY RWK, PA SHALL B.A. BRANCH PROPERTIES LLC. ,SANFORD, NC BE WITHOUT LIABILITY TO RWK, Pi. GULF TOWNSHIP, CHATHAM COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA U ILi�-./L/���1► PROJECT #: SHEET NAME: SHEET NUMBER: ENGINEERING - SURVEYING DATE: 4-21 _09 EROSION 101 W. MAN 57., SUITE 202 CONTROL PRAWN BY: FR /� GARNER, NC 27529 DETAILS 4 OF 5 PHONE (919) 779-4854 CHWD BY: CRP FAx (919)779-4056 2 1 File name: P:\NCGEO\GOLDSTON\GOLDSTON U7 0--772 C 0 A ,---.-n r -rr 7 I,1_� 5I, + i 4 y , s I lr N .r +! �•1! + �. IIS I�i I} I it k riS lI't/ � 11, 1 `S I !IV I 1V1 I tI . I I I NaF-4 \VVL✓J!MY i