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STORM WATER DIVISION CODING SHEET NCG PERMITS PERMIT NO. /v -7 DOC TYPE 'HISTORICAL FILE ❑ MONITORING REPORTS DOC DATE ❑ c)01 � b -7 a3 YYYYMMDD Environmental Quality Mr. E. Timothy Morton Morton Trucking, Inc. 121 Garnet Lane Jacksonville, NC 28546 PAT McCRORY Governor DONALD R. VAN DER VAART Secretary June 23, 2016 Subject: Return of Permit Application Morton Trucking, Inc. Ref. Permit Application NCG160212 Onslow County Return #1309 Your request for coverage under NPDES General Permit NCG16000 for hot mix asphalt stormwater discharges, received on October 5, 2012, is being returned unprocessed due to: ❑ Check for $100.00 made payable to NCDENR is missing. ❑ Application is incomplete. ❑ Application package is missing the supporting documents. ❑ Missing copy of county map or USGS quad sheet with facility clearly marked. ur�c u� �� /✓�G o2075 �s sc,�'ci� �lea�__ co���re 7Lo,a��4_4 fie Please contact the DEMLR Stormwater Permitting Program to discuss any questions on this action, at (919) 807-6368 or at bethany.georgoulias@ncdenr.gov. Enclosures to addressee only: 9/28/2012 transmittal letter and NOI signed 10/2/12. CC SPP: NCG020755 file DEMLR Wilmington Regional Office, Georgette Scott State of North CaroUna I Environmental Quality 217 west Jones Street I t601 Mail Service Center I Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1601 919 707 8600 le •� A/C60 Z-D 755 Pickle, Ken /tet�rn aP��. /J�/(o4z12 From: Pickle, Ken Sent: Thursday, June 23, 2016 2:17 PM To: 'Mary Vaughan' Subject: RE: Morton Mine/Eastern Asphalt storm water permit Thanks, Mary, got it. Ken Ken Pickle Stormwater Program Specialist DEMLR Stormwater Permitting Program Department of Environmental Quality 919 807 6376 office ken. oickle@ncdenr.gov 1612 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1612 512 N. Salisbury St, Raleigh, NC 27604 � ->"Nothing Compares Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. From: Mary Vaughan [mailto:MaryV@mortontrucking.comj Sent: Thursday, June 23, 2016 2:16 PM To: Pickle, Ken <ken.pickle@ncdenr.gov> Subject: FW: Morton Mine/Eastern Asphalt storm water permit LETS TRY IT AGAIN THANKS maryvmortontruckin, From: Mary Vaughan Sent: Friday, June 17, 2016 2:32 PM To: 'ken.pickles@ncdenr.com' <ken.pickles@ncdenr.com> Subject: Morton Mine/Eastern Asphalt storm water permit Mr Pickles Please send the permit for the Asphalt, back as unprocessed. Thanks i Avy Va,1 as Morton Trucking, Inc 121 Garnet Lane Jacksonville NC 28546 910-346-9068 ma v mortontruckin .com ✓�' PAT MCCRORY c,,,,• DONALD R. VAN DER VAART December 9, 2015 Energy, Mineral and Land Resources ENVIRONMENTAL OUALITY Morton Trucking Inc Attn: Elijah Morton 121 Garnet Ln Jacksonville, NC 28546 Subject: NPDES Stormwater Permit Coverage Renewal COC #NCG020755 Dear Permittee: TRACY DAVIS For coverage under NPDES General Permit NCG020000, the Division of Energy, Mineral and land Resources (DEMLR) is forwarding herewith the reissued Certificate of Coverage and Stormwater/Wastewater General Permit. This permit is reissued pursuant to the requirements of North Carolina General Statute 143-215.1 and the Memorandum of Agrcement between the state of North Carolina and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, dated October 15. 2007 (or as subsequently amended.) The following information is included with your permit package: • New Certificate of Coverage • Stormwater/Wastewater General Permit • Technical Bulletin for the General Permit • Discharge Monitoring Report (DMR) Forms • Annual Discharge Monitoring Report Forms • Qualitative Monitoring Report Forms The General Permit authorizes discharges of Stormwater and/or wastewater (as applicable to your Site), and it specifies your obligations with respect to discharge controls, management, monitoring and record keeping. Please review the new permit to familiarize yourself wilh all changes in the reissued permit. Significant changes to the General Permit are outlined in the Technical Bulletin. U7® "Your coverage under the General Permit is transferable only through the specific action of DE-MI-R. This permit does not affect the legal requirements to obtain other permits which may be required by the N.C. Department of Environmental Quality, nor does it relieve the permittee from responsibility for compliance with any other applicable federal, state, or local law, rule, standard, ordinance, order, judgment or decree. If you have any questions regarding this permit package please contact the DE -.MLR Stormwater Permitting Program at 919-707-9220. Sincerely, ./or Tracy E. Davis, P.E., C.P.M Cc: Stormwater Permitting Files Slate ol'North Camlm❑ I }?nvimnmeNal Qu; lily I F.nrrgy. Mineral and I :md Rvmlmcvti 1612 Mail Service Center 1 512 North Sa1W)ILry S[reel I Raleigh, NC 27699.1612 919 707 92W T STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY DIVISION OF ENERGY, MINERAL AND LAND RESOURCES GENERAL PERMIT NO. NCG020000 CERTIFICATE OF COVERAGE No. NCG020755 STORMWATER AND WASTEWATER DISCHARGES NATIONAL POLLUTANT DISCHARGE ELIMINATION SYSTEM In compliance with the provision of North Carolina General Statute 143-215.1, other lawful standards and regulations promulgated and adopted by the North Carolina Environmental Management Commission, and the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, as amended, Morton Trucking Inc is hereby authorized to operate approved wastewater treatment system(s) and discharge stormwater and/or wastewater, as approved in the original permit/application or subsequent permit modification, from a facility located at: Morton Mine - Jacksonville 121 Garnet Ln Jacksonville Onslow County to receiving waters designated as Northeast Creek, a class SC;NSW water in the White Oak River Basin, in accordance with the effluent limitations, monitoring requirements, and other conditions set forth in Parts 1, II, III, and IV of General Permit No. NCG020000 as attached. This certificate of coverage shall become effective October 1, 2015. This Certificate of Coverage shall remain in effect for the duration of the General Permit. Signed this day October 1, 2015. for Tracy E. Davis, P.E., CPM Director, Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources By the Authority of the Environmental Management Commission V tr NCENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Division of Water Quality Beverly Eaves Perdue Coleen H. Sullins Governor Director March 5, 2010 Mr. Tim Morton Morton Trucking, Inc. 121 Garnet Lane .Jacksonville, NC 28546 Natural Resources Subject: General Permit No. NCG020000 Morton Mine COC NCG020755 Onslow County Dear Mr. Morton. Dee Freeman Secretary In accordance with your application for a discharge permit received oil August 20, 2009, we are forwarding herewith the subject certificate of coverage to discharge under the subject state -- NPDES general permit. This permit is issued pursuant to the requirements of North Carolina General Statute 143-215.1 and the Memorandum of Agreement between North Carolina _tr,d the US Environmental Protection Agency dated October 15, 2007 (or as subsequently amended). Please take notice that this certificate of coverage is not transferable except after notice to the Division of Water Quality. The Division of Water Quality may require modification or revocation and reissuance of the certificate of coverage. Please be aware that mine dewatering at your site has the potential to impact adjacent wetlands. The specific requirenients'for mine dewatering at facilities near wetlands can be found in Section C, Part 1 of your permit (Part III Page 5 of 9). You must have an approved Operation and Monitorin�ta Plan before mine dewateringu discharges occur at your facility. Discharging mine dewatering wastewater without Plan approval will be subject to enforcement action. An Operation and Monitoring Plan for your facility must be submitted to the Wilmington Rgional Office. Contact Linda Willis at the Wilmington Regional Office at (910) 796-7215 for ;more information about the approval process. Please note that mine dewatering wastewater includes wet pit overflows caused solely by c irect rainffall and groundwater seepage for this type of mining operation. Any discharge of this water (and any stormwater commingled with it) is subject to the effluent limitations in this permit. Wetlands and Stormwater Branch 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 Location'. 512 N. Salisbury St. Raleigh, North Carolina 27604 Phone: 9 19-807-63001 FAX: 919-807-64941 Customer Service: 1-877-623-6748 Internet: www.ncwaterquality.org An Fqual Opportunity 1 Affrmalive Action Employer NordiCarolina Aatumlly Mr. Tim Morton Morton Mine—NCG020755 March 5, 2010 This permit does not affect the legal requirements to obtain other permits which may be required by the Division of Water Quality or permits required by the Division of Land Resources, Coastal Area Management Act or any other federal or local governmental permit that may be required. ` If you have any questions concerning this permit, please contact Robert Patterson at telephone number (919) 807-6375. Sincerely, U for Coleen 1-1. llins cc: Wilmington Regional Office, Linda Willis Central Tiles Stormwater Permitting Unit Files STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DIEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY GENERAL PERMIT NO. NCG020000 CERTIFICATE OF COVERACE No. NCG020755 S"roRMWATER AND MINE DEWATERING DISCHARGES NATIONAL POLLUTANT. DISCHARGE ELIMINATION SYSTEM In compliance with the provision of North Carolina General Statute 143-215.1, other lawful standards and regulations promulgated and adopted by the North Carolina Environmental Management Commission, and the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, as amended, Morton Trucking, Inc. is hereby authorized to discharge stormwater and mine dewatering wastewater from a facility located at Morton Mine 121 Garnet Lane Jacksonville Onslow County to receiving waters designated as Northeast Creek, a class SC; NSW water in the White Oak River Basin, in accordance with the effluent limitations, monitoring requirements, and other conditions set forth in Parts I, 11, III, IV, V, and VI of General Permit No. NCG020000 as attached. This certificate of coverage shall become effective March 5, 2010. This Certificate of Coverage shall remain in effect for the duration of the General Permit. Signed this 5ch day of March, 2010. �Q'0s fa- Coleen I -I. Sildiins., Director' Division of Water Quality By the Authority of the Environmental Management Commission 01 N Morton Mine NW, j.4 Wi TrAv T li Park 13 q A to K 'Uem 0 Y 1�11W- 'I', R I pm, w. g 'a RN PaQ C 'g% 1' 511 XYZ�43 �g It K j ?'X L Y V, VL /�z q/ to. v� .fir; '' foil homtw, V qn.•N S K_ _y, "�h a Pt�" 'Z" X2 IA9 V *L '01111 NCG020755 N W-,*. E S' Map Scale 1:30,000 Morton Trucking, Inc. Morton Mine Latitude: 341 48' 55" N Longitude: 77* 21' 11" W County: Onslow Receiving Stream: Northeast Creek Stream Class: SC; NSW Sub -basin: 03-05-02 (White Oak River Basin) Facility Location •wyr�' F WDENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality Beverly Eaves Perdue Coleen H. Sullins Dee Freeman Governor - _ 'Director . Secretary March 2, 2010 CERTIFIED MAIL #7007 0220 0000 8216 7091 RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Elijah Morton Morton Minerals, Inc. 121 Garnet Lane Jacksonville, NC 28546 Subject: CONTINUED NOTICE OF VIOLATION and RECOMMENDATION FOR ENFORCEMENT RE: NOV-2009-DV-0192 Morton Minerals, Inc. Operating without a Stornixvater Permit Onslow County Dear Mr. Morton, The Division of Water Quality received an application from you for the Morton Minerals, Inc. mine pit off Highway 17, in Jacksonville on August 20, 2009. The application requires an approvable Operation and Monitoring Plan be provided. This office has requested that the NPDES Stormwater Permitting Unit issue the NPDES General Permit under the certificate of coverage NCG020755. The Operation and Monitoring Plan required by this permit requires a wetland delineation be conducted to determine the location+of adjacent wetlands, to identify appropriate locations for wetland monitoring, and to determine whether there have been impacts to the adjacent wetlands as a result of the mining activities. To date, the wetland delineation has not been conducted. In order to ensure the existing stormwater and wastewater discharges from this mine site are not currently impacting water quality in the receiving stream, the following action items and timelines are hereby requested: 1. - Upon receipt of the Certificate of Coverage, implement weekly monitoring of all stormmwater outfalls from the mine pit and institute weekly monitoring for the pit dewatering discharge. You must have the samples analyzed by a certified laboratory. The required parameters for stormwater discharges front the pit are settleable solids, total suspended solids, and turbidity. The required parameters for the pit wastewater are pH, settleable solids, total suspended solids, and N, C. Division of Water Quality Wilmington Regional Office 127 Cardinal Drive Extension, Wilmington, NC 28405 Phone: 910-796.72151 FAX: 910-395-2004 One Customer service: 1-877-623-6748 NortthCaroli na Internet: www.ncwaterquality.org Aaturallty An Equal Cpportunity 1 Affirmative Action Employer rage z Morton Minerals, Inc. O7slow County turbidity. You must also provide rainfall data, duration of rainfall event and flow for the stormwater discharges. Total flow for the pit dewatering is required and should be provided using pump logs and pump curves. Yon will be required to forward the analytical data from the laboratory using the daily monitoring reportingforms (enclosed) within 10 days of receiving the analytical data fr�11 �Irl the laboratory. You will be required to maintain this monitoring schedule f irther notice by this office. Requested Response y, This Office requests that you respond in writing within 10 days of receipt of this Not ` Your response should be sent to both this office at the letterhead address and to the:.•-' attention of Mr. John Hennessey at the Wetlands and Stormwater Branch, NPS \' Assistance and Compliance Oversight Unit, 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC ti 27699-1617. Your response should address the following items: 1. You understand the requirements specified in this Continuing Notice of Violation and Recommendation for Enforcement (NOV-2009-DV-0192). 2. You will provide this office with dates upon which you intend to provide a verified wetland delineation and an approvable Operation and Monitoring Plan. Thank you for your attention to this matter. Failure to conduct the requested monitoring and failure to respond to this Continued Notice of Violation and Recommendation to Enforce may result in enforcement actions . Should you have any questions regarding these matters, please contact me at 910-796-7215. Sincerely, r .�..1 �_ fir• \L�-.- J 1'�.11/\_1����� l�� Rick Shiver Regional Supervisor Surface Water Protection Section cc: Rick Shiver-- DWQ Wilmington Regional Office Supervisor Bradley Bennett — Stormwater Permitting Unit John Hennessey -- NPS Assistance and Compliance Oversight Unit DWQ Central Files Patterson, Robert From: Willis, Linda Sent: Thursday, August 27, 2009 3:23 PM To: Patterson, Robert Subject: RE: NCG020755 - Morton Mine See other email.. we want an 0 & M approved first on this one, they are out of compliance with us. LW From: Patterson, Robert Sent: Thursday, August 27, 2009 7:15 AM To: Willis, Linda Subject: NCG020755 - Morton Mine Linda, 155ttr� �}-S�P. - W l,L_ L wbe< vwr O 4- M '7L_,+N (S 5 u Qrn1GtF. Bradley said you were already working with the owner on this one. Morton Trucking, Inc. — Morton Mine in Onslow County. I am sending you a copy of the application package. I got copied on the email about putting in the COC cover letter that they cannot dewater until WiRO approves their O&M plan. Do you have any concerns with issuing the COC at this point? Thanks Robert D. Patterson, PE Environmental Engineer NCDENR J DWQ I Stormwater Permitting 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 (Mailing) 512 N. Salisbury St, Raleigh, NC 27604 (Location & Parcels) (919) 807-6375 Phone J (919) 807-6494 Fax Email: robert. atterson a ncdenr. ov (NOTE NEW EMAIL ADDRESS) Website: http://h2o.enr.state.ne.us/su/stormwater.html ABefore printing this email, please consider your budget and the environment. If you must print, please print only what you need and save ink with the free Eco-Font. E-mail correspondence to and from this address may be subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. 1 ✓br Patterson, Robert From: Willis, Linda Sent: Thursday, August 27, 2009 3:22 PM To: Patterson, Robert; Wehner, Judy Subject: RE: NCG020755 - Morton Mine, Onslow County Judy and Robert, We sent them an NOV with Recommendation to Enforce for dewatering without a permit. We have documentation showing we advised them they needed our permit in 2004 and again in 2005. They did not act upon that. We opted not to fine, but they should not be dewatering from the pit until they have developed an 0 & M plan that we can approve. They will need to put in monitoring wells in the wetlands. They indicated they had discontinued dewatering, that should still be the case until we can issue an NCG020 (contingent upon receiving an 0 & M for dewatering). Thanks LW From: Patterson, Robert Sent: Thursday, August 27, 2009 10:01 AM To: Wehner, Judy Cc: Willis, Linda Subject: RE: NCG020755 - Morton Mine, Onslow County Thanks Judy! From: Wehner, Judy Sent: Thursday, August 27, 2009 9:29 AM To: Patterson, Robert Subject: RE: NCG020755 - Morton Mine, Onslow County We have a modification pending expanding the LCID at this site. They have not applied for a CCPCUA permit to date and will need that too. I will make them address this issue and send them a letter requesting more information. We have not modified the permit to date to allow dewatering. From: Patterson, Robert Sent: Thursday, August 27, 2009 9:11 AM To: Willis, Linda Cc: Wehner, Judy Subject: NCG020755 - Morton Mine, Onslow County Linda, just noticed their 2005 mining permit mod (67-33) states that no mine dewatering shall occur. Do you know if they have or plan to submit to DLR to modify this? Even though they have an active DLR Mining Permit, I'm not sure if we can issue the COC until the DLR permit allows dewatering. Thanks. Robert D. Patterson, PE Environmental Engineer NCDENR I DWQ I Stormwater Permitting 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 (Mailing) 512 N. Salisbury St, Raleigh, NC 27604 (Location & Parcels) (919) 807-6375 Phone j (919) 807-6494 Fax Email: robert.pattersongncdenr.gov (NOTE NEW EMAIL ADDRESS) Websit.e: htty://h2o.enr.state.nc.us/su/stormwater.html NA Before printing this email, please consider your budget and the environment. If you must print, please print only what you need and save ink with the free Eco-Font. E-mail correspondence to and from this address may be subject to the North Caroiina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties V LC Patterson, Robert om: Bennett, Bradley nt: Wednesday, August 26, 2009 9:31 AM o: Willis, Linda Cc: Shiver, Rick; Patterson, Robert Subject: RE: Morton Mine Linda I'm forwarding this on to Robert to make sure we catch that. He will be the permit writer on this one. :: Bradley Bennett Stormwater Permitting Unit NC Division of Water Quality 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 (919)807-6378 Email: brad ley. ben nett@ncdenr.Aov (New Email Address) Web: http:llh2o.enr.state.nc.us/su/index.htm Email correspondence to and from this address may be subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. From: Willis, Linda *nt: Wednesday, August 26, 2009 9:28 AM 0: Bennett, Bradley Cc: Shiver, Rick Subject: RE: Morton Mine Thanks Bradley, Please instruct them in their COC that dewatering will not be allowed until they have submitted a satisfactory 0 & M approved.by ORO., THANKS LW From: Bennett, Bradley Sent: Tuesday, August 25, 2009 4:49 PM To: Willis, Linda Subject: Morton Mine Linda Just wanted to let you know that we received an application from Morton Mine. I think this is one you have been waiting for. The package does not include a pumping plan, but they indicate in the submittal that they are working with you on the plan. We are going to accept the application and go ahead and start the process. OB 0 El Hpru �uuj Storm water rouuuon rrevenuon Tian u ERM NC, PC 8000 Corporate Center Drive Suite 200 Charlotte, NC 28226 (704)541-8345 (704) 541-8416 (fax) August 18, 2009 Stormwater and General Permits Unit Division of Water Quality 1.617 Mail Service Center Raleigh NC 27699-1617 Subject: Notice of Intent (NOI) NPDES General Permit #NCG020000 Morton Mine, Permit #67-33, Morton Trucking, Inc. Onslow County, North Carolina Gentlemen and Ladies: On behalf of Morton Trucking, Inc., ERM NC, PC (ERM) is submitting this letter and attaclunents to request coverage under the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) General Permit #NCG02000 for dewatering operations at the referenced permitted mining facility. The mine produces natural sand used for construction projects in the region around Onslow County. The mine has been in operation since 1991 and utilizes an on -site 6.9-acre pond to receive dewatering within the mine. Historically, the pond served as an infiltration area and did not discharge water except for major rainfall events. Over recent years, discharges have been observed by Division of Water Quality (DWQ) representatives during site inspections. The locations of dewatering pumps, discharge pipes and on -site 6.9-acre pond are shown on the attached NPDES Site Plan. At the request of the Mining Division during permitting in 2004, a spillway section was added to the 6.9-acre pond. Based on pumping records maintained on -site, dewatering does not exceed an average rate of 100,000 gallons per day utilizing a 50 horsepower pump capable of moving water at rate of 1,300 gallons per minute with a static head of 70 feet. Pumping typically does not surpass one hour per day when pumping activities occur and pumping does not occur every day. We are currently working with the DWQ Wilmington regional office to develop an appropriate operation and maintenance plan for the surrounding wetland areas. Ms. Linda Willis has been our point of contact throughout this process. NCDENR - DWQ Stormwater and General Permits Unit August 18, 2009 Page 2 If you should have any questions or require additional assistance during your review, you may reach me at (704) 541-8345 or via e-mail at dave.wasiela@erm.com. Thank you in advance for your time and 1 Iook forward to hearing from you. Qd�ppL4099Ca0p��,b��, Sincerely, 1y f�1� os^'"t"t' � �d 'aO ` David W. Wasiela, P.E. 20770 � Senior Project Elzgirrrer"•o���.,c',��I�EF���vm{� ��'°0000ejO^°pjNvoo Cc: Mr. Elijah Morton Z Morton7 ucking, Inc. Ms. Linda Willis - NCDENR DWQ - Wilmington Attch: $100.00 Application Fee NCG02000 Notice of Intent Site Location Plan Mine Permit #67-33 - February 16, 2005 Mina Permit Application Form - April 1, 2004 NPDES Site Plan NCDENR NOTICE OF INTENT (NOI) FOR COVERAGE UNDER NCG020000 ' Division of Water Quality / Surface Water Protection NCDENR National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System �wrr cwo�uy Iwarrtrc r or rrvr,e„w.vr wu, H.vtsw.[trnwn�ia NCGO20000 NOTICE OF INTENT FOR AGENCY UsHONLY Ante Received Year Month Day cenicoateofcaverx ge Check 9 Hmount Pe k Ass3 ed [o National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System application for coverage under General Permit NCG020000: STORMWATER DISCHARGES associated with activities classified as: SIC (Standard Industrial Classification) Code - 14XX Mineral Mining Industry (except as specified below) The following activities are also included: • Active or inactive mining operations (including borrow pits —except for NCDO T borrow pits) that discharge stormwater contaminated with or that has come in contact with, any overburden, raw material, intermediate products, finished products, byproducts or waste products located on the site of such operations; • Stormwater from vehicle maintenance activities at mining operations; • Overflow from facilities that recycle process wastewater; and/or • Mine dewatering (wastewater) The following activities are specifically excluded from coverage under this General Permit: • Stormwater discharges associated with peat mining, coal mining, and metal mining; • Stormwater discharges from mining operations which are intermixed on site with stormwater from asphalt operations and/or concrete operations; • Stormwater discharges associated with oil and gas extraction operations; and • Stormwater discharges associated with tourist gem mines • NCDOT barrow pits are covered under NCS000150 The following discharges are covered by NPOES general ipermit NCG520000 instead of NCG020000: • Point source discharges of stormwater and wastewater from in -stream sand mining operations (i.e., sand dredging or dlpping operations) For new mining sites that require an authorization to construct (ATC) wastewater treatment facilities: This NOI Is also an APPLICATION FOR an ATC for new wastewater treatment facilities. ATC requests must be submitted at least 90 days prior to construction'. For exist mining sites that require an Authorization to operate (A TO) wastewater treatment facilities: This NOI is also an APPLICATION FOR an ATO for wastewater treatment facilities in place. Construction modification or Installation of anK new treatment components at an existing site requires an ATC. (if the site Is already covered by NCG020000, the RTC request may be submitted without an NOI). Some wastewater treatment facilities used to treat or recycle process wastewater (even if commingled with stormwater) at mining sites will require an ATC prior to construction per 15A NCAC 2H .0138, Please see the NCG020000 General Permit for details about which treatment facilities require an ATC (summarized in Table 1 at the end of this form). For example, an ATC is required for treatment of mine dewatt ring discharge from clay pits and non -closed -loop wastewater recycle systems,. The authorization to constructor continue to operate will be issued at the same time as the Certificate of Coverage (COC) for the NCG02 permit. Design of treatment facilities trust comply with requirements of 15A NCAC 214 .0138 & .0139. Page 1 of 7 'As per 15A NCAC 2hi .0106 2Unless treatment facilities are designed, constructed, and put into operation by employees internal to the company who art) qualified to perform such work for their respective companies in accordance with General Statutes, 890-25 (7), plans and specifications must be signed and sealed by a P.E. SWU-217-071408 Last revised 7/14/08 NCG020000 N.0.1. Construction of wastewater treatment facllitles subject to the ATCIATO requirements in the NCG02 permit at now or existing mining sites requires submission of three (3) sets of plans and specifications signed and sealed by a Professional Engineer (P.E.) or qualifled staff along with this application. A copy of the design calculations should be included. Please see questions 18 & 19, Table 1: Wastewater Permit ATCIATO Requirements ivlirie Dewaterlri 9 Yes No Quarries -- d Sand Pits �- b Clay Pits + Any Dewatering with Chemical Treatment d "P' d_ess"Wastewater; Sand/Gravel -- • Closed -Loop Recycle — ¢ Other Recycle b For questions, please contact the DWQ Regional Office for your area. (See page 7) }l� (Please print or type) 1) Mailing address of owner/operator (address to which all permit correst)ondence will be mailed): Name Marton Trucking, Inc. Street Address 121 Garnet Ln. City _Jacksonville Slate —NC ZIP Code _28546 Telephone No. •,_-91D_ _346-906B Fax; _91.0_ _346-1895 E-mail Address ,_ morton@blzec.rr:com 2) Location of facility producing discharge: Facility Name _Marton Mine Facility Contact Jim Morton Street Address _121 Garnet Ln. City Jacksonville State-,_,NCZIP Code 28546 County —onslow Telephone No. _910� _346-9068 Fax: _910_ _346-1895 Contact E-mail tmorton@bizec.rr.com 3) Physical location Information: Please provide a narrative description of how to get to the facility (use street names, state road numbers, and distance and direction from a roadway intersection). Located on US17 2.6 miles north of Western Blvd. 4) Latitude �34deg 48' 0" Longitude 77deg. 21' 20" (degrees, minutes, seconds) 5) This NPDES Permit NO] Application applies to which of the following: 0 New or Proposed Facility Date operation is to begin CR Existing 13 New Permit not appllcabie- ATC request only. NP©ES Permit Number Page 2 of 7 SWU-217-071408 Last revised 7/14108 NCG020000 N.O.I. 6) Standard Industrial Classification: Provide the 4 digit Standard Industrial Classification Code (SIC Code) that describes the primary industrial activity at thfs facility SIC Code: 1 . 4 4 2 7) Provide a narrative description of the types of minerals mined at this facility: _Natural Sand B) Discharge Points: Number of discharge points (ditches, pipes, channels, etc. that convey discharges from the property): Stormwater:_I Mine dewatering: _1 Process Wastewater Overflow, Discharge points should be clearly marked on the submitted site plan. Please provide short narrative description of discharges: _ Dewatering pumps within mine discharge to an -site 8.9 acre pond. The pond operates primarily as an Infiltration basIrLexcej2t an oc as 'on following a'nfa events or wet periods when discharge frjDrrL1heoond-occurs. at spillway section. 9) Receiving waters: What is the name of the body or bodies of water (creek; stream, river, lake, etc.) that the facility stormwater and/or wastewater discharges end up In? _Little Northeast Creek If the site stormwater discharges to a separate storm sewer system, name the operator of the separate storm sewer system (e.g. City of Raleigh municipal storm sewer). _n/a Receiving water classification (If known): _C; NSW Note: Discharge of process wastewater to receiving waters classified as WS-11 to WS-V or SA must be approved by the N.C. Dept. of.Environmental Health. If DEH does not approve, coverage under NCG020000 cannot be granted. No new discharges of process wastewater are permitted in receiving waters classified as WS-1 or freshwater ORW. 10) Will mining operations require dewatering near wetlands or impact any stream, groundwater, or wetlands? 0 No ® Yes If yes, please provide information about any 404/401 Certification permits. Note: Wetlands must be CLEARLY DELINEATED on the site plan. Mine dewatering activities that have the potential to drain wetlands or otherwise impact surface water or groundwater MUST develop and Implement an Operation and Monitoring (0&M) Plan that has been approved by the Division. The O&M Plan should be submitted to the Regional Office and must be approved prior to operation. The plan shall include, but is not limited to: (1) Groundwater monitoring strategies to demonstrate the effect of pumping and to establish any pumping regime necessary to reduce impacts, and (2) Detailed plans to maintain surrounding hydrology and respective monitoring to demonstrate compliance. 11) Does this facility already have a valid Mining Permit from the Division of land Resources (DLR)? O No (If not, please indicate the status of the Mining Permit application: 9 Yes If yes, please provide the Mining Permit number and Include a copy with your application: _67-33 Note: DWO cannot issue a COC for the NCGO20000 General Permit until a Mining Permit Is Issued or renewed by the Division of Land Resources (DLR). Page 3 of 7 SWU-217-071408 East revised 7114/06 NCG020000 N.O.I. 12) Will this mining operation precede development activities at this site? 19 No ❑ Yes 13) Does this facility have any other NPDES permits? N No ❑ Yes If yes, list the permit numbers for all current NPDES permits for this facility: 14) Does this facility have any Non -Discharge permits (ex: recycle permits)? X No ❑ Yes If yes, list the permit numbers for all current Non -Discharge permits for this facility: 15) Does this -facility employ any best management practices for stormwater control? ❑ No N Yes If yes, please briefly describe: _Runoff is directed into the excavated mine and pumped to the on -site pond_ 16) Does this facility have a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan? N No © Yes It yes, when was it implemented? 17) Will vehicle maintenance activities occur at this facility? ❑ No (a Yes Wastewater Treatment Facilities: 18) Will mine dewatering discharges occur? (AMATO required for clay pits or dewatering with them. treatment) ❑ No 9 Yes 19) Will discharges of overflows from process wastewater treatment systems occur? (ATC or ATO required, unless sand/gravel mining or closed -loop recycle system) N No IJ Yes If yes, answer the following questions on the wastewater treatment system: a. Please describe the type of process used to treat and/or recycle the process wastewater. Give design specifics (Le, design volume, retention time, surface area, etc.). Existing treatment facilities should be described in detail, and design criteria or operational data should be provided (including calculations) to ensure that the facility can comply with requirements of the General Permit, [Use separate sheet(s)] b. Does this facility employ chemical additives to flocculate suspended solids? N No ❑ Yes If yes, please state the name, manufacturer and the quantity of average daily usage of the chemical additive Note: Please see hitp://h2o.enr-state,nc.us/ws/PAMS Ilst.htm for a list of approved polyacrylamide (PAMS) products for use in North Carolina. Page 4 of 7 SW U-217-071408 Last revised 7/14108 NCG020000 N-0.1- c. Does this facility overflow only during rainfall events exceeding the 10-yr, 24-hr rainfall event? R No ❑ Yes 20) Are wastewater treatment facliltles (Including recycle systems) planned In the 100-year flood plain? R No ❑ Yes If so, Include Information to demonstrate protection from flooding. (Minimum design requirements for treatment works include protection from the 100-year flood, per 15A NCAC 2H .0219.) 21) Hazardous Waste: a) Is this facility a Hazardous Waste Treatment, Storage, or Disposal Facility? R No ❑ Yes b) Is this facility a Small Quantity Generator (less than 1000 kg. of hazardous waste generated per month) of hazardous waste? R No ❑ Yes c) Is this facility a Large Quantity Generator (1000 kg, or more of hazardous waste generated per month) of hazardous waste? 9 No ❑ Yes d) If you answered yes to questions b. or c., please provide the following information: 7ypa(s) of waste: How is material stored: Where is material stored: How many disposal shipments per year: Name of transport/ disposal vendor: Vendor address: 22) Certification: North Carolina General Statute 143-215.6 b (i) provides that: Any person who knowingly makes any false statement, representation, or certfflcation In any applicatlon, record, report, plan, or other document filed or raqufred to be maintained under this Article or a rile implementing this Article; or who knowingly makes a false statement of a material tact In a rulemaking proceeding or contested case under this Article; or who falsifies, tampers with, or knowingly renders inaccurate any retarding or monitoring device or method required to be operated or maintained under this Article or rules of the (Envlronmontal Management) Commisslon implementing this Article shall be guilty of a Class 2 misdemeanor which may Include a line not to exceed ten thousand dollars ($10,000). I hereby request coverage under the referenced General Permit. I understand that coverage under this permit will constitute the permit requirements for the discharge(s) and Is enforceable in the same manner as an individual permit. I agree to abide by the fallowing as a part of coverage under this General Permit: t. I agree to abide by the approved Mining Permit for this mining activity. (A copy of the valid mining permit must be attached to this request. 2. 1 agree to not discharge any sanitary wastewater from this mining activity except under the provisions of another NPDES permit specifically Issued therefore. 3. 1 agree that bulk storage of petroleum products and other chemicals shall have adequate protection so as to contain all spills on the site. 4. 1 agree that solid wastes will be disposed of in accordance with N.C. statutes and rules governing solid waste disposal. 5. 1 agree that maintenance activities for vehicles and heavy equipment will be performed so as to not result in contamination of the surface or ground waters. Page 5 of 7 SWU-217-071408 Last revised 7114108 NCG020000 N.O.I. I agree to abide by the provisions as listed above and recognize that the provisions are to be considered as enforceable requirements of the General Permit. I cerlify that I am familiar with the information contained in this application and that to the best of my knowledge and belief such information is true, complete, and accurate. Printed Name of Person Signing: Title: (ACM \ 94 - of S- p7 (Date Signed) Notice of Intent must be accompanied by a check or money order for $100.00 made payable to NCDENR. Final Checklist This application will be returned as Incomplete unless all of the following items have been included: © Check for $100 made payable to NCDENR ❑ This completed application and all supporting documents ❑ Copy of the valid approved mining permit (MP) for the facility or indlcatlon of MP application status ❑ Copy of a county map or other general location map that shows the mining site and nearest major. roads © Copy of USGS topographic map showing the mining site and surrounding areas, or other map that clearly shows site location in relation to nearby streams, wetlands, and other waters, etc. ❑ Copy of mining site plan with all wetlands clearly delineated ❑ If the mine is near wetlands, or may otherwise impact surface water or groundwater, contact the regional office about an O&M Plan (contact information on the next page). Please refer to this O&M Pian checklist: ✓ Site map with wetlands, ditches, welt -placements, borrow areas, overburden storage, stormwater controls/BMPs, vehicle maintenance areas, settling basins, product process areas, and access roads. ✓ Well information (design, depths, maintenance) ✓ Physical monitoring for the wetlands areas ✓ Settling pond sizing information, if applicable ✓ Level spreader design, if applicable ✓ Details about dewatering method ✓ Description of measures to prevent erosion and flooding ❑ If an ATC or ATO is required, three (3) sets of plans, specifications, and design calcuWions, signed, sealed, and dated by a P.E. ATC and ATO requirements in N0002000 are summarized in Table 1 on Page 2 of this NO1 (see the permit text for more details). Plans shall show all pertinent design features, including the location of the outfall(s). If stormwater is flowing off -site, the plan must show that stormwater will not be mixed with wastewater. Mail the entire package to: Stormwater and General Permits Unit Division of Water Quality 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 Note The submission of this document does not guarantee the issuance of an NPDES permit. Page 6 of 7 SWU-217-071408 Last revised 7/14/08 NCG020000 N.O.I. For questions, please contact the DWQ Regional Office for your area. DWQ Regional Office Contact Information: Ashevilie Office ...... (828) 296-4500 Fayetteville Offlce ... (910) 433-3300 Mooresville Office ... (704) 663-1699 Ra}sigh Office ........ (919) 791-4200 Washington Office ...(252) 946-6481 Wilmington Office ... (910) 796-7215 Winston-Salem ...... (336) 771.5000 Central Office .........(919) 807-6300 Page 7 of 7 SWU-217.071408 Last revised 7/14108 0 I Mi SOURCE: USGS 7.5 Minute Topographic Quadrangle; 0 5000 Ft Kellum, N.C. 2000; Contour Interval = 5 feet r. T}T, �., E R M NC, PC ERM TOPOGRAPHIC SITE LOCATION MAP MORTON MINE PERMIT #67-33 121 GARNET LANE JACKSONVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA FIGURE 1 ".—..I1,.�,,.�.�1.---,p-P.,�!._..i-.,�".:.:,,,. '� -.,.I...'"."-�, ......�.��,4,-�;-�.. I: I--L .--, ...I...,..,,-�: 1 ....'t'"�.'.,.._..1."� .-' '.., �.�-1., , '- .!-1.:;. -..- :'.Z .,i. _ ..- %.-.-- ., .,;.-t..-.!_�.L - .. -. ,:I..- , --.�,'_, ..-:��,I n- I,"y-�-�' '�.._..�-L. ., _ _.--. '� ..',..'z' -"., . . ' -, ,�I _'. .I . �. ." -.,'.-- L`.� :- .'.I, . .. . � ,- ,".-I� -. _ 'J ._-- : .-. -I, � ,. I ,�--.I �- ,. --, ,-.-'L`..'-,;� �--..� �.�_� ;,_-,�-_-.�,..��--. ..... ..--.. .�'_.'I. ..'- ,4-� ,,.. -:--,". . , �.� .� . .-,I, ..'. ., ... . �? .j�.-I,-r ''.,� 1I-,.- r - ,- ,��'I.". :-:�, .� ;�.:"-- r.. -'-.. �# x 1 , _.� .r - " . ,II,.. -1 . �L-- ",- ".'.:... '- .-.,.':.. ,,'-"-�� .--', .1�_ ,-�-, r:�'� , . ,,. 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I i"��, :. .-,-"�, I :,,.... -F...:. ,-_.--. .-�' _ -:.. .�.-__ _ r.- , ,r s ` ,' (mil crud ,, n t. l a r - r I �f f r4a- Yr. a n _- .. t k Nort�l Carollna'D' p� W ' t�of E Vir'dnrnent end ` lattiralR6sources , , , *t x�- F ` `Division f # ani Resources: . r , `- f I_andtQU&iity`SeCtI01i I - r , M T .t %- -% James D Slfnofl5_, PG, PE Micha}Q[� F Easley, Gov rnoi +__.-Z. - ,.- K. ,k '--'i "t". h, . �` - f -� i may' k i. 5. ..,.��1 , I ...Y'LY, .'.t - ..- s's4", ,t lreCtp and'Stat�sGeo�ogist February 16, 2005{ Wjlliam G�Ros- , ,Secretary 7, - < , _ - ` ` �_ ;` ref 'M,". Ii}ah Morton r MototTriaCiclrlg, l nc r i�r Y n�tr < ' fr12,1 GarnEt f_`ane r Y. � ,F j.. r- 'Jacksgrivilie, North Carolina - - 8 .r. . i,_" ,, } ' RR Permit r : , r N0. 67 33 f , _ t -. Marton il/lrrie rr Onslow.County `y. - ',W.,h to O� ; River'B,asin = , . :.. . . �: a . , : .. . Dear Mrr:Morto.i : - - v_ Your recent requRest to:have.-'the above referenced mining-permrt rnotlrfied has been . , approved': The modiftcation_is to iricreasie ; e affected 'acreage at this site`io' 77:7.9 acres as , 5in - . __ - on the rev!sed Sate-F'ian received by the , -- -C uaiffy e,cfion on January 3,-2006 : .-..I-. ; ,�&-, .L.1.-,..'.:�:.,J.-,.�.,,-1 �..,.I-�. �r-"-,:- : i.,' -,:.: : .. -...1..L. '` �,-.."I...— ,`.. ..�2� ._,._1T' '": I - '. .: .:7 �-LT: Tl e modification Incitades expansion of the pit area,:addition of a pond and:haul'ro ,di7brid tile__-. . . todu.ctian "of tlie;undist%lrbed buffers --as in icated`on the.revised Site_Plan ;In additrort,,the ` permitted acreage has.beert revised because af.:better:mappirtg.to 2D8.16 acres :A`copy.of ti e i ritadifiedprmit isenclosed . _ - : The condi#ions lri the modified, permit were based primarily upon the°initial sappfica#ion }Modifioatians were made sindicated.by,th, modification request and as required to insure { corn'pliand with -The Mining Act of 1:. The expiration date, mine.name and perrriit number •. shall remain the `same as befpre the., modification. I would liEteto draw your particular attention to #fie following' conditions where'i - - r . . ..ons=or changes were made Operating Condition: ' << - - Nos. 3G;4C, 59B aril 13 aiici;reclamaiion conditian`2B - .Theisst ance,df a mining permit ar. 9r any rriodification to J# "does not supersede local : . . ,,, zoning regulations .i'he responsibility of compliance with any applicable zoning r'eguiations 11ei; ith-you.. :s i 4 . As_ -a reminder -oUr, jip[}Ormitt d a rea e: tr site is 08� ergs and the=a- nt of :1- - ! y r�.. 'i''.a.lN'.Xhg.'SsY��' "i=.nN ]�+.hsa�7 _3i a i .Y land you are. approved to distirrb'r77�7,9sacres�r'S�; _ -. :i ' : -. . .' - - . . : . .j .., - . . .. .. . . .. ! - 'i II _ - - - - L. 161,2 Mail Sernce Center, Rleigh, North Carolina 27699 612, 919 733 4574 / FAX 919 733 287s X y l 512 forth SaiH15 ry�SVeei r;alei�h N6b th Carolina, 2760h "- { '� ` An Lqual Oppo�iuiity 1 A1flretive Aeiivn �rn��yer �6°/o RP,cycled 1 t9°h P,gs1 Consumer Paper Morton • � 4 i y,� Y- ,I modified�pp"�errt��t and�contact�M� �Jd�yWehner, AssistantMiti�ng 5 Specialist, at (919) 73 4t774 should yuafiave �tiyuest�gnsroonern�ng flies d I f I r P t FI yd R Wiiliarils, PG�CPG, C ESC7 r Mate Mining;:Specia st; Land Quality Section I r Enclosures < ` j cc �Mr`Dan Sams, PE : a _Ms Shannon=lDPA nn - WRE wlpr�rinG�arec � -- '.1_,w. .. _ - .. - .. .. f.. '� r': �. ; x ,.x fl R R �, f N' z- 1 ttr Y d 1` `" DPA TMENTQF:ENUI QNME T[ y Y `' `s` - a 5 . ,ND NAT IRALk RESdURCESR_, `` y t Y- t ;� k' I - - I. - j � �ry w - DIVISIQN[QF LAr D RESOURCES: }' Y` ! aS fa y } d >. LAID QUALITY SECTIQ'N` , ' ° "A 1c,. r 1 1. i.. i- tF �h - �. - A , 5 fir Y I f w f'. f 'r , #r { - , _ _ , - , ,� _ _ K f _-, - _. _ _ _ -k .a., :. - f r P,-ERMIT _ 4 _ t - :for the.operattorr of:a tn�ning activity In accordance withlthe provisions of G S 7446 through 68, "The Mining Act of:� 97;1,"=Minmg Permit Rule 5A -0 ' `5 B,.a6d other applicable - . . . laws; -rules and'regulatlans - . - : . =_ ,;�-_.:! �` ;- . missio`riEs hereby granted to: - - .. Per MortohRucking ;li7c, _ . -- , - . , r. . . . Morion`M�ne . Onslow County Permit-:Nd' 67'33` , - . - ;' . far the oiler. 0,—.. f a - , . 1 .-- r - - . - - ", .: f, .. . . .- ... t Sand.Mine - .. ,:�, .. . . __ _ - - {- ' - Y: _ which'shWhj3i,ovlde"thatitheusefulness productivity and scenic -values of !:,� t ! - r - -q " - - :.all lands a - d, 'titers affected by:#his mining -operation wail receive the:' . .. - _ greatest practical degree of proteotiori and restoration . . . . . , - . . . - ;. - . . - '_ . MINING PERMIT EXPIRATiON D�ATE::':July 12, 2012- V . ! '_ ' k 1 4 1 ;' f r f ti r I 'I wE `ti R n E r i � i 4Xk iYf i ` i'L h'y4" ,i %,,.- 4 1 r �F - lRrj C -.l 1 - 1 .r^ s- - _ _ _ _ _ i .__ s ' - — - f - y5 'd s I .. , K: .. - -i,r ... ;-. ... -�:�. 3` ,.— .1... ...fir, y�T_...,Z: .. _ ... �I i Y f i C c 7. In accorrfanc2. E ith` r,�e appliaatlon for this,mining_permit which is hereby approved k� Department'c�f l=nvirohme�1t at�d NotuPal'ftesaurces, fieYelnafter refierred to as the'De�artment, } an in `gforItj� with'.the approVedFREclamation Plar1 attachedto and mcofpor'ated as part ofi- ` n . r it t r p s ndirsg environment aY�d�fof; tti this ermit, pravl`sions'rnust be�made for fide pratectiori of,tllesurrou F �$ reclamation of�the land andwaterffecfed by the permitted;minmg operaeimtt}is'� s .ays s f' Y " Ik ik - - t` ,c. .,! xressly c9ndifioned dponempliapce with allhe requiremepis of the ap roed Reclamation_ r Plan Nov ever, -;completed performance of the approved Reclamation Plan is a separahle :rt is mayocuredby oheDepartment;and_obligatn:surviv' r = r the eXpir tior7,revocati n*or suspen`sign ofi this permit n: " X Thls permitees not transferable by the permittee with thefollowrnge ceptin; if another 4 ; ,' _ operati�r succeeds to Elie interest of the permittee intfi permitted rr in�ng operation, iby,virtue'. of a sale, 'lease; assignment or atherwise J�he Dapartment may release the p rrnattee from fhe ; du#ies Impos e ;upan.hlm by�the conditions of his permit and'by theMining;Act with reference:° od r ti to the permltted 'operation ,�and`trari'sfer the perrtmit to' the successor.operafor, prayided,that't both oRerators have complied with the requirements ofthe Mining Act aid -that #lie successor-. o erator a r - - p _ - ee5,tol essurpe the duties of the permittee.with:referenee to reclamation of the 2k, ,., affectetl land and posts a suitable bond ar other"'security : . In the event that the Department tletermines that the'prmittee or permitte`e's successor is riot - - .-' complying with the Reclama#ion Plan or other terms:an conditions,ofthis.permit, ar isfatfing_ to achieve the purposes�and reguiremenks of the Ming}g Act; the Department may give the:. operatar.wnttxen notice'of Its"intentAb modify, revoke or suspenersnenttod t`: modify tie Reclamation Plantar incorporated in:fhe permit The opera4or:shall lave_'right to a hearing at a designated time and place on any p,roposed modification, revocation of - suspension by the Departmeht Alternatively and in ' d ition'fa the abave; the Department' mad institute other enforcement procedtaresTautlorlzed.by,;law: . W h`eraver used or referred to m this permit, unless the _cor�teict clearly indicates: otherwise, terms shall have the'same-meaning astsupplied-by tilaMining Act; N 6-.G:S 74=49 Modifications._: _ - ,; Rugdst �'.4 .199� Thls_permit has_feerj modifl'ed to allow the disposal of�demolition rnaterial'in the `area deslgnated as Demnolition Landfill Area on'the Mortbh Landfyll Map dated 1VIay 2, 1991 The demolition landfill`sha(l b`e operated:.in accordance with'Solid..Vliaste Fermit;Na 67=A !_ July,l997 This permit has beeri:modifed to iricrEase the affected acreage from 4:99 acres to 2D acres as indicated on the mine map last revised'May 28, _ v November t 2 1999 `This permit has been rrmod'ified to add :9'0 acres to the�permittEd and x =affected acreage as �ridicated art tfe Mar#on Mine'xpansio►i: Map dated Septerribr 3,.1999: VL- M..L 7Eibir-b'ti6nIDate. This per► iit shall b&,dff6bfi�6470 f -N'igboance_-_u n iI J U I yI 2.;2012 C b n d i ions I T This perm it, shall' be subtect't.6.4TOprovisions:6f,the Mihin"d'.Act,6 N.C'.G.S. 74, nd:-to the:following condltlph8and linnitA i 6ns':'. PT 0 ERATING C ONDITibs.-._� A: A wastewater er p ro66 ssin g;. o . r .-mine dewej�iering a be-in.aqcorq.Ihq'e iWh7the permitting requirements:and rules promulgated by. tfie;N eN.b.:tn'-virohmen En vironmental m6Rpment-conmssion. e B . .-Ariy§tb'rmWat6r.tOn6fffrom.-the affb6t6'dareas .atIhe-sit6-§ha be j ni:kcordanpe withbhy:app, I"maWe �06rmit-f6qi ' uiremen s'an -.regulations. prom.0 g6t6d -EnvironmOhtdl -P Otecti oh-Age'n-cy-a nd. enforce Ehvif,onrnpntc!l e-permittee s-'- -to spon sib i I ity�jd,, Opta6t �the anagemph oTm!ssion,..lf'sak"Il'q, b` �iviion of Water Q>aahty jo�§bbum.ah -necessary. .si ormWater permits' 6 r other dopro .2— A. - -Apy m!nihg---p.-roq,ppp -air, contamination emissions shall be subject to thepermi producing contamin, -zn --rues promu gat '-"I _&U- by the N, - nvironiti&htal Managt:.fing:�requ " iremen. s. 'Di 1 a ndb hfo rced by "th ofAr' Quality qmqqi,�.160M m i ss, on e4. ivision y B. DurIng-minin ',"op_erafiwater-ons, ,t trucks or o.. prmeans:_th`af__M-dY' be —necessary shall-,.b� tilize tYprevent d ust fro"Hil'ea.vin'gthe.0"' lttqdl�8reE�.' _. er.m. icten u - er,§hWI:bb Maintained- d d' -4 bbtWeen any 06cft) Ian( an ;ahysa Jq p "A Sbff... ---t'b d' I va ewwetland--:t6,p from_ t.'/ by: 0 r', yeveh�'Sedlimentaflon.�of 1h;tr _f the "r §bN e Ihe I .-,.eros awo �6ffobtedldhdl andAd. p 0 n �7. la watercoursefid 7, 7 - t i r P 90e.4i B Riiy activity affectmg:waters of the State; waters of the LJ Sor wetlands shall be Iri accordarEcexvvith tfie,re uiremenYs artd re ulations rotrit[ ated and . k g p 9 enforced'bytl� N C i�virol�mentaf MahagementCornmissioh t - G Buffers shall be=matntalned as indicated on the Site Pian received'by the Land�� { Qpality Section `on,Jarivary 3, 2005. ' - .4 R1` Adequatemechanica! barriers_ including but not {imitedito diversions, earthen}� y dikes, check�dains, s`edimeni retarding structures, rip rap pits, or ditches shN. all,oe; ' provided in the initial s#ages of any'landid I turba'nce grid matrttatne to prevent r , , d sediment from dischargtrlg onto adjacent surface areas or:into"any:lake, wetland: ornatural.watercourso. in�proxirriity to the affected [and, Aldrainage from the affected area5'araurid the`tntne excavatlons'Shall 661 diverted internal to said excavation's _ C. Mining activities'shall;be conducted as indicated on the Site Plan re`ceivedby the Lan d Quality,Section'on January 3:2005,`; D. No mine dO Watedhg:activities shall-occur';at this site; 5. - AIE.affected area 'odndaries {77 79 acres) shall be permanently ma'rketl,at;tl e:'sitb'on 1`00 foot'intervals unless fhe line nfsight allowsfor larger'pacingiinteivais;` 6. The angle o'r'graded slopes and fills.shallbe no'greater thanthe angle whichcan-be ratatned py vegetative;coverorother ade;quate.erosioi' bhtrol measure, structure,,or. - device I;n ,arry event ; exposed slopes oxany excavated ch`arnnels"the erosion•bf which may cause off -site damage fjecausb:bf si{tation, 'shai(be planted .Qr otherwise;provided= - with ground cover, devices or structures sufficient•tb restrain such erosion., 7. "The affected land sha[I be graded so as to prevent coilection:of pools of water that are, or'likeiy #o become,' noxious ar foul:. Necessary structures .such as=drai>�age ditches or ..conduits shall be'constructed ar installed when required to prevent such Conditions. 8:. existing yegetativn or,yegetated eartheri:f3e6ns'shall be mairtainaci between the mine:< artd pubilc thoroughfares.whenevei practical to=;screen the operation from the public 9 A. SufficientSuffer. shall'be maintained"between any excavation and any,mining : e`rmit boundar to'"ratect a acent ro err R.. .Y p 1 p p Y Buffers shall by maintain'ed.as indicated oti #he'.Site`Plan received by tl e` --66 = Quality-Section.:on JanWaty3, 20p5 0 ' A::. No on site disposal:nf_refuse ar other solid waste thaVis generated:outsid of the mining permit'area shal[ b allowed within the boundaries of the mining permlt area unless authonzakion to,con'duct said -disposal t�a`s first;beeri obtained from i both the':�Divisioh:bf.Waste.Management;and the Land Quality_Sebtibn- ': Y t 17 a- . `Page 5 Y x e, Department of ErlvironmentAnd Natural Resources The method of disposal Y shall be can$�sterit witiktl�e approved reclamation p€ai�'. B, �� ` nerafenind1Mey9Trdrz t4 ;z -:a' f w r raj ._ r } on site and d�rectiy associated wifh the mining act€vity.may be disposed ofm a f designated refuse area AI[ otherwaste praducts5rnust be disposed of iri a dispasai facility approved b the D)vlsion of Waste Manageiiient No petroleum 3 . fit s v, products, acids, solve>�t ertheir�storage cof�talriers or, ny aother material IJe consld6Md hazardpu`s sh ICbe�disp sed of within the;pertCiltted For the purposes of this�perrriit, the;DivisiQn of Lrand F2esources considers the ' following materials #o:be "mining refuse" (ia addition t�.aliose"spe"cificahy listed- r: under G` S 74 49 (14) of the N C Mining Act of 1971) 4 t t, `;� 1 on:'sit+{ g nerafed5 fantlYclearmg d' bras 2 cgnvey&r',, its 7 ` ' 3. wire cab€es a 4. v=f3el#s 5. steel rei`riforced air hoses 8, drill steel., :D. If.rninin refus6"is to b-e ermanentl dis used within th6hr iinin ermit bounds , . f 9, 0 Y p, gp.. rYl t_aiad IRe ing iriformaiian must be proviTded`to and approve&:tiy the Divisiori.nf sources rjp or;;to commencemeht of such disposal: 1 .. - I,: ' ' .t€ie approximate bour;daraes'`end size of file rafu;;e'disposal area; 2 a.'list: of refuse i#ems to be disposed, , 3t, verification that a minimum of 4 feet of cover wili be provided •over the • -, . , , 'refuse; - ..j 4, verification thatahe refuse w€II be:dispnsed at {east 4=feel above:the seasonally highwater-table;.and , " 5; �venf€cation that a perrnanent'vegetative:'graundcover-Will bgaestablished. E. _ All Demolition Landfill activities within the mine,perm)t bourtdanes: shall be conducte-d in accardaFce with $ollci Wasfe`Demolitlor>:Landfil[ Perriiit No'fi7 A }, 11 An -Annual Reclamation Report shall be submitted on a form applied by the - Daparfmpt b ; Februa, 1 of each:: ear until rei;iamat€on is completed :oriel approved Y rY Y , 12. The operator sfal! no#ifyfhe-Department in writing of the desire to delete,=madify or otherwise Change any'0. t of the mlhing, reclamation, or eroslonl5edlmer tcontrol plan' } cortairied iil the'appraved application for -'a min�rig permit or any approvede�ision to Approval,to-imp iementsuch:changes must be obtained from the Department prior to an ` situ impfemenfation;of'the,revisions: - 13 , The security, which was posted' pursuant a N CG S 74 54 in he form of,a $58;30Q 00 a surely bond;'is sufficient ta�covertlie opeationas and€sated iri tfie approved application - 1_ _ 1 _ _ Thi's`'security must`remain in farce ' this,permi to be valid The total affecte land Y shill no, e ce�d thel onded'acre0ge; ; . 5 r >r Ind A :._.A'iifhnri�arV_rwn��acaniaEn�ac=%rif. haiflitiJiann=nf A rrhiV=Q. nrl'! lictnnf'chall, Fiji' e .-r + s •j ; F r i :JI 3.. All;;overburden and spoil shall be left tna configutatio which is in accordance with _ accepted conservation practices acid which is ;5ultable'forfhe proposed:subsequent use of, the land. 4 ' No amall`:pools of watnr shall.be allowed to collect or remain, on the mined area=#l�at�al e, or are IEkely to eco'me noxious, odious. or foul `: 5' Th2 revegetatibn ;plan shalt conforn? to accented. -and recommended agronomic and. .- reforestatiowpractices as estab i§hed by the North Carolina Agricuitural:l xpenrnent . Y : Station and the.Norfh Catalina Forest Service 6.. Perrn�ttee"btiall; conduct reclamation activities pursuanfi to the= Reclarimation k 'h--.herO4 incorporated .T bse4activittes steal{ be conducted aGcord�ng to the time schedule:_. included^in the plan; which shall to the extent feasible provide reclamatjon:simultaneous - . ! Srr-'. - with mining operations and in ar~y,OVei�t,tov�de reclamatEon;at the:earl�est practicable;-' tine after completion,or.'termiriatEon'af mining on anyaegmerit of the permit`area and p y after completion or termination.of mining sti'ail be cam [eted within two ears } RECLAMATION. COND1T14NS f F 1 Provided further, and subaect to,the Relamatiori''scheJule, the`planned ieclamation, w shall b;e to res#ore the msne'Excavation to -a lake area and togrdeand'reveefate the r con,-. iW-ebbd areas; The specifications for; -surface grauient rep#oration to a surface suitable for the=planned L : -future ea'se-aye as follows, ` A Tn lake; area shall ba excavated .fo �naintain',a- mihimum'wat�r depth o four.:feet measuretl from:the low water taljle eleva#ion �IC, j ` B }3 Ttte side slopes to th t q��sq - vertical orflatter,t, 'f dis°posal:id fiwaste shallcordance with 4peratmg;Conditlor" os 1OA ` through 14 -E E The affected `!arid shall lae greded .#o present tlie'icolleetion of noxio(i or foul ,. k t �, $, h T c a: z a t wafer F s 3 RdVegbtatibh-.Pl'an: =t After`sife preparation; "all disturbed land areas shall be 'r`evegetated;-as per thb. following l'ermarierit:S: edin •S ecifications -777 Dates S ecres:, Rate, LbslAcre, February 5 --.Ap,rii' 1 Kobe Lespedeza 10 - Bahiagrass 50 Redtop': 1 = ,Wint0r..rye,(grain) _. A ril 1 -Jul 31 Gomnibn Bermuda 50 ' y At4gust_ ;� Qctobar 25 ,esp( ied) :30 Y German millet 40 x bctober,25 February 15 Rye (g ca i nL temporary Sail Amehdrnerrts Lime 2000 l.bslacre or follow recommer-'&t3ons from a sbil:c Fertilizer 1000 ibslacre 8-8 8'or 10 ,10.10, or follow recomment atiorts frpm'a soil . Mulch AlGseetled areas shall be mulched: using_small:gram straw at a rafie of -` 2000'ltslacre and arichored,appraprptely - r .77 i psi -a X ,-, � -•� ' {I W Whehever:possible, disturbed areas'should be vegetated with native':�arm:season Brasses such as°switch. rass lndiari rassrbluestem �qd amiYia rass 9 g Yr In additions the perm�ftee shall"consult with o a professinaogisfl wildlife biolwltn thNe C �. Wi]dl�fe Resources commission to°enhance postprotect wildlife habitat at-#heife' } 4 Reelamat�on Plan : = { Reclamatigh shall be conducted simultaneously i� ikh m�rt�4ng ta'#h'e extant feasible Ins a ri 5,we �nt,'-recla�'nat1oh snail bb Injtfated as soon as feasible after completion or � termination of m>?iing of any mine segr`nen# tanderperrniryma1 r�elama#ear; ncluiing 4 , in 6bbetation,,sl all be:complefed within`AM'Oars:of corr`eplefion art rmmation of mining This,perrriit, issued March 8; 1.991; modified August 14 =1991 :July 1; 1997 Wand November. 2, 1999 b d renewed aiid mddified ;duly 12 2002,2is h reby:rr odfied this 1.6th.:day of February, 200 PursuantrtoVl& 74-52, By G James D. Semons,`Director DMSibil'.bf Ladd Resources' ` By Authority of tha:Secretacy. ;,Of_the Department of Fnyir6hm�nt and Nafura'l Resources in -v ass •G - NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES LAND QUALITY SECTION APPLICATION FOR A MINING PERMIT (PLEASE PRINT OR TYPE) Name of Mine Morton Mine County Onslow River Basin White Oak Latitude (dd.mm.ss) 34' 48' 00" N Longitude (dd.mm.ss) 77' 21' 20" 2. Name of Applicant* Morton Trucking, Inc. Permanent address for receipt of official mail** 121 Garnet Lane Jacksonville, N.C. 28546 Telephone 910 346-9068 4. Mine Office Address Same as above Telephone Same as above 5. Mine Manager _ Elijah Morton We hereby certify that all details contained in this Permit Application are true and correct to the best of our knowledge. We fully understand that any willful misrepresentation of facts will be cause for permit revocation. Date 2,-/ / 2(% Print Name Elijah Morton Title President * This will be the name that the mining permit will be issued to and the name that must be indicated on the reclamation bond (security.) that corresponds to this site. ** The Land Quality Section must be notified of any changes in the pennanent address or telephone number. *** Signature of company officer required. G.S. 74-51 provides that the Department shall grant or deny an application for a permit within 60 days ofreccipt of a complete application or, if a public hearing is held, within 30 days following the hearing and the filing of any supplemental information required by the Department. All questions must be addressed and all required maps provided before this application can be considered complete. Attach additional sheets as needed. -1- APPLICATION FOR A MINING PERMIT ■ NOTE: All of the following questions must be thoroughly answered with regards to your mining operation for the intended life of the mine. All responses must be clearly conveyed on a corresponding, detailed mine map. A. GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS OF THE MINE Answer all of the following that apply: 1. a. If this is an application for a NEW permit, indicate the total acreage at the site to be covered by the permit (this is the acreage that t� a "new permit" fee will be based upon): n/a Of this acreage, how much is owned and how much is leased? Acres owned: n/a Acres leased: Property owner if leased: b. If this is an application for RENEWAL of a mining permit, indicate the mining permit number and the total (overall) acreage covered by the existing permit: Mining Permit No.: n/a Total permitted acreage (this is the acreage that the "renewal" fee will be based upon): n/a If this is an application for a MODIFICATION to a mining permit, indicate the mining permit number and the total (overall) acreage covered y the existing permit: Mitring Permit No.: 67-33 Total permitted acreage: 80 Does the modification involve acreage within the previously approved permitted boundary? Yes XX No . If yes, indicate the acreage to be covered by this modification (this is the acreage that the "major modification" fee will be based upon): 28.1 Does the modification involve acreage outside the previously approved permitted boundary? Yes No XX . If yes, indicate the additional acreage to be covered by this modification: (NOTE: you must complete all of Section F. of this application form entitled Notification of Adjoining Landowners). Of this acreage to be added to the permit, will any portion of this acreage be affected (disturbed, ground cover removed) by the mining operation? Yes XX No (if no, a "minor modification" fee of $50.00 is required, despite the "undisturbed" acreage to be added). If yes, indicate the acreage to be affected within the acreage to be added to the permit (the total acreage to be added to the permit is the acreage that the "major modification" fee will be based upon): d. If this is an application for TRANSFER of a mining permit, indicate the mining permit number and the total (overall) acreage covered by the existing permit: Mining Permit No.: n/a Total permitted acreage: n/a ■ SEE THE FEE SCHEDULE AT THE END OF THIS FORM FOR THE PROPER FEE AMOUNT TO BE PAID FOR THE REQUESTED PERMIT ACTION(S) AND CORRESPONDING ACRE AGE NOTED ABOVE 2. Name of all materials mined: Natural Sand 3. Mining method: Hydraulic Dredge XX Front-end Loader & Truck X Shovel & Truck Dragline & Truck XX Self -loading Scraper Other (explain) 2 .- APPLICATION FOR A MINING PERMIT 4. a. Expected maximum depth of mine (feet) Approximately 70 feet _ Depth is relative to what benchmark? (e.g., natural ground level, mean sea level, road elevation, etc.) Natural Ground Level b. Expected average depth of mine (feet) 70 5. Has any area(s) at this site been mined in the past? Yes X No If yes, when and by whom was this activity conducted?1989 - Current Morton Truckiq , Inc. 6. Number of years for which the permit is requested (10 years maximum): 10 B. MAPS 1. Clearly mark and label the location of your mining operation on six b copies of a 7.5 minute quadrangle and a county highway map. These maps, in addition to six (6) copies of all mine maps and reclamation maps, must be submitted with each permit application. 7.5 minute quadrangles may be obtained from: N.C. Geological Survey NCDENR 1612 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1612 (919) 715-9718 County highway maps may be obtained from: Location Department State Highway Commission Raleigh, North Carolina 27602 (919) 733-7600 -3- APPLICATION FOR A MINING PERMIT Mine maps must be accurate and appropriately scaled drawings, aerial photographs or enlarged topographic maps of the entire mine site. All aspects of the mine site must be clearly labeled on the maps along with their corresponding (approximate) acreage. As a reminder, mining permits can only be issued for up to 10 years; thus, all mine and reclamation maps must only denote those activities that are intended to be conducted during the life of the mining permit. All maps must be of a scale sufficient (see minimum requirements listed below) to clearly illustrate the following, at a minimum: a. Property lines of the tract or tracts of land on which the proposed mining activity is to be located including easements and rights -of -way. b. Existing or proposed permit boundaries. c. Initial and ultimate limits of clearing and grading. d. Outline and width of all buffer zones (both undisturbed and unexuavated). e. Outline and acreage of all pits/excavations. f. Outline and acreage of all stockpile areas. g. Outline and acreage of all temporary and/or permanent overburden disposal areas. h. Location and acreage of all processing plants (processing plants may be described as to location and distance from mine if sufficiently far removed). i. Locations and names of all streams, rivers and lakes. j. Outline and acreage of all settling and/or processing wastewater ponds. k. Location and acreage of all planned and existing access roads and on -site haul roads. 1. Location of planned and existing on -site buildings. m. Location and dimensions of all proposed sediment and erosion control measures. n. Location of 100-year floodplain limits and wetland boundaries. o. Names of owners of record, both public and private, of a]I tracts of land that are adjoining the mining permit boundary; if an adjoining tract is owned or leased by the applicant or is owned by the lessor of the mine tract, names of owners of record of tracts adjoining these tracts, that are within 1,000 feet of the mining permit boundary, must be provided on the mine map. p. Names of owners of record, both public and private, of all tracts of land that are adjoining the mining permit boundary which lie directly across and are contiguous to any highway; creek, stream, river, or other watercourse; railroad track; or utility or other public right -of way; if an adjoining tract is owned or leased by the applicant or is owned by the lessor of the mine tract, names of owners of record of tracts adjoining these tracts, that are within 1,0001eet of the ruining permit boundary, must be provided on the mine map(s). NOTE: "Highway" means a road that has four lanes of travel or less and is not designated as an Interstate Highway. q. Map legend: 1. Name of applicant 2. Name of mine 3. North arrow 4. County 5. Scale 6. Symbols used and corresponding names 7. Date prepared and revised 8. Name and title of person preparing map Map scales should meet the following guidelines: PERMITTED ACREAGE MAP SCALE 0-99 Acres 1 inch. = 50 feet 100-499 Acres 1 inch = 100 feet 500+ Acres 1 inch = 200 feet (NOTE: Smaller scaled maps may be acceptable if they clearly illustrate the above items) —4— APPLICATION FOR A MINING PERMIT A table/chart must be provided on the mine map that clearly lists the approximate acreage of tailings/sediment ponds, stockpiles, wastepiles, processing are haul roads, mine excavation and any other major aspect of the mining operation that is proposed to be affected/disturbed during the life of the mining permit. A table/chart similar to the following will be acceptable: CATEGORY AFFECTED ACREAGE Tailings/Sediment Ponds 6.92 Acres Stockpiles Wastepiles Processing Area/Haul Roads 2.13 Acres Mine Excavation 64.1 Acres Other NOTE: IN ADDITION TO THE ABOVE, THE MAPS MUST ALSO INCLUDE ANY SITE, I >F TRUMATION THAT IS PROVIDED IN THE ANSWERS TO THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS IN THIS APPLICATION FORM (PLEASE NOTE THE ITALICIZED QUESTIONS/STATEMENTS THROUGHOUT THE FORM). THIS APPLICATION WILL NOT BE CONSIDERED COMPLETE WITHOUT ALL RELEVANT ITEMS BEING ADEQUATELY ADDRESSED ON THE MINE MAPS. -5- APPLICATION FOR A MINING PERMIT C. PROTECTION OF NATURAL RESOURCES 1. Describe in detail the sequence of events for the development and operation of the mine and reference the sequence to the mine map(s). Attach additional sheets as needed. Existing mining operations will continue progressing from northeast towards southwest. The southwest portion of the site has been previously mined as a NCDOT Pit. 2. Describe specific erosion control measures to be installed prior to land disturbing activities and during mining to prevent offsite sedimentation (include specific plans for sediment and erosion control far mine excavation(s), waste piles, access/mine roads and process areas), and give a detailed sequence of installation and schedule for maintenance of the measures. Locate and label all sediment and erosion control measures on the mine map(v) and provide typical cross-sections/construction details of each measure. Engineering designs and calculations shall be required when needed to justify the adequacy of any proposed measures. This is an expansion of an existing operation. Runoff from disturbed lands involved in this operation drains into the active mine containing sediments within the mine excavation. 3. a. Will the operation involve washing the material mined, recycling process water, or other waste water handling? Yes No XX_. If yes, briefly describe all such processes including any chemicals to be used. b. Will the operation involve discharging fresh or wastewater from the mine or plant as a point discharge to the waters of the State? Yes No XX . If yes, briefly describe the nature of the discharge and locate all proposed discharge points (along with their method ofstabilization) on your mine map(. Dewatering is an operation at this mine. Groundwater is pumped from the active mining areas to the on -site, 6.92-acre pond. Sediments transported along with the groundwater will settle in the pond. The pond naturally infiltrates into the sandy soils below. APPLICATION FOR A MINING PERMIT c. Will any part of the proposed mine excavation(s) extend below the water table? Yes_ XX_ _ No . If yes, do you intend to dewater the excavation(s)? Yes XX No . If yes, what impact, if any, will mine dewatering have on neighboring wells? Estimated withdrawal rate in gallons per day: . Locate all existing wells on the mane map(s) that lie within 500 feet of the proposed excavation area. Provide data to support any conclusions or statements made, including any monitoring well data, well construction data and current water withdrawal rates. Indicate whether the proposed mine locale is served by a public water system or private wells. This area and the surrounding area is served by County Water Supply. There are no known water supply wells within'/4-mile of the mine site. d. If you answered yes to any of the above questions, provide evidence that you have applied for or obtained the appropriate water quality permit(s) (i.e., non -discharge, NPDES, Stormwater, etc.) from the Division of Water Quality, Water Quality Section. In addition, the applicant is required to register water use with the Division of Water Resources if the operation withdraws more than 100,000 gallons per day and needs a capacity use permit from the Division of Water Resources if the operation lies in a capacity use area and withdraws more than 100,000 gallons per day. The mining activity and the 6.92-acre pond that serves the dewatering process are non - discharging areas. Both the mine and the pond are infiltrating bodies of water. 4. a. Will the operation involve crushing or any other air contaminant emissions? Yes No XX If yes, indicate evidence that you have applied for or obtained an air quality permit issued by the Division of Air Quality or local governing body. b. How will dust from stockpiles, haul roads, etc., be controlled? An on -site water truck will be used for dust control on access roads -7- APPLICATION FOR A MINING PERMIT 5. a. A buffer will be required between any mining activity and any mining permit boundary or right-of- way. It may be an unexcavated buffer (no excavation, but roadways, berms and erosion & sedimentation control measures may be installed within it), an undisturbed buffer (no disturbance within the buffer whatsoever), or a combination of the two, depending upon the site conditions. Note that all buffers must be located within the mining permit boundaries. How wide a buffer will be maintained between any mining activity and any mining permit boundary or right-of-way at this site? A minimum buffer of 25 feet is recommended, although a wider buffer may be needed depending on site conditions. Show all buffer locations and widths on the mine map(s). A 25-foot buffer is maintained along the perimeter of the mine excavation limits. The mine excavation will not extend within 100 feet of the property boundary or within 50 feet of a river, stream, lake or creek. b. A minimum 50 foot wide undisturbed buffer will be required between any land disturbing activities within the mining permit boundaries and any natural watercourses and wetlands unless smaller, undisturbed buffers can be justified: Depending on site conditions, a buffer wider than 50 feet may be needed. How wide an undisturbed buffer will be maintained between any land disturbinU activities within the mining permit boundaries and any natural watercourses and wetlands at this site? Show all buffer locations and widths on the mine map(s). Nearby creeks and streams form the property boundaries. A buffer in excess of 50 feet will be maintained between land disturbing activities and creeks and streams. 6. a. Describe methods to prevent landslide or slope instability adjacent to adjoining permit boundaries during mining. Minimum 2 horizontal to 1 vertical slopes or flatter for clayey material and minimum 3 horizontal to 1 vertical slopes or flatter for sandy material are generally required, unless technical justification can be provided to allow steeper slopes. 3H:IV slopes are proposed as shown on the plans WE APPLICATION FOR A MINING PERMIT b. Provide a cross-section on the mine map(s) for all ill slopes (berms, wastepiles, overburden disposal areas, etc.), clearly indicating the intended s a slope gradient, installation of any benches and/or slope drains (with supporting design information) if needed, and the method of final stabilization. NIA -- Fill slopes are not proposed c. In excavation(s) of unconsolidated (non -rock) materials, specify the angle of all cut slopes including specifications for benching and sloping. Cross-sectionsJor all cut slopes must be provided on the mine map(s). All excavated slopes are proposed as 3H:1V. Cross Sections are shown on the plans d. In hardrock excavations, specify proposed bench widths and heights in feet. Provide cross -sections of the mine excavation clearly noting the angles of the cut slopes, widths of all safety benches and mine benches, and the expected maximum depth of the excavation. N/A 7. Describe other methods to be taken during mining to prevent physical hazard to any neighboring dwelling house, public road, public, commercial or industrial building from any mine excavation. Locate all such structures on the mine map if they are within 300 feet of any proposed excavation. The existing operations maintain controlled access from US Highway 17. Employees are on -site full- time to monitor traffic that enters and exits the site. The site is bordered by natural creek features on the remaining sides to impede public access to the site. 8. Describe what kind of barricade will be used to prevent inadvertent public access along any high wall area and when it will be implemented. Vegetated earthen berms, appropriate fencing and adequate boulder barriers may be acceptable high wall barricades. Q construction detail/cross-section and location of each type of barricade to be used must be indicated on the mine map(s). Controlling public access is described in Item 7 above. Proposed excavated slopes are 3.HAV. �'1 APPLICATION FOR A MINING PERMIT 9. Are acid producing minerals or soils present? Yes No XX How will acid water pollution from the excavation, stockpiles and waste areas be controlled? 10. a. Describe specific plans (including a schedule of implementation) for screening the operation from public view such as maintaining or planting trees, bushes or other vegetation, building berms or other measures. Show the location ofall visual screening on the mine map(s) andprovide cross -sections through all proposed herms or proposed spacing, sizes and species for tree plantings. Existing tree lines remain in -place along the western, southern and eastern boundaries of the property. The northern property boundary is formed by the US Hwy 17 right -of --way. Mining operations occur below the elevations of US Hwy 17 providing adequate screening. b. Could the operation have a significantly adverse effect on the purposes of a publicly owned park, forest or recreation area? if so, how will such effects (i.e., noise, visibility, etc.) be mitigated? No — No facilities are nearby 11. Will explosives be used? Yes No XX . If yes, specify the types of explosive(s) and describe what precaution(s) will be used to prevent physical hazard to persons or neighboring property from flying rocks or excessive air blasts or ground vibrations. Depending on the mine's location to nearby structures, more detailed technical information may be required on the blasting program (such as a third - party blasting study). Locate the nearest offsite occupied structures) to the proposed excavations) on the mine map and indicate its approximate distance to the proposed excavation. 12. Will fuel tanks, solvents, or other chemical reagents be stored on -site? Yes No XX Ifyes, describe these materials, how they will be stored and method of containment in case ofspill. Indicate the location(s) of all storage facilities on the mine map(s). APPLICATION FOR A MINING PERMIT D. RECLAMATION PLAN Describe your intended plan for the final reclamation and subsequent use of all affected lands and indicate the sequence and general methods to be used in reclaiming this land. This must include the method of reclamation of seing ponds and/or sediment control basins and the method of restoration or establishment of any permanent drainage channels to a condition minimizing erosion, siltation and other pollution. This information must be illustrated on a reclamation map and must correspond directly with the information provided on the mine map(s). In addition, design information, including typical cross -sections, of any permanent channels to be constructed as part of the reclamation plan and the location(s) of all permanent channels must be indicated on the reclamation map. Once mining operations cease, the area will be left as a lake. The average depth of water across the mine footprint should be on the order of 30 to 40 feet minimum. The existing pond receiving water from the mine dewatering process will remain as a pond. Is an excavated or impounded body of water to be left as a part of the reclamation? Yes _ XX No If yes, illustrate the location of the bo(s) of water on the reclamation map and provide a scaled cross-section(s) through the proposed bo y(s) of water. The minimum water depth must be at least 4 feet, measured from the normal low water table elevation, unless information is provided to indicate that a more shallow water body will be productive and beneficial at this site. Will the body(s) of water be stocked with fish? Yes XX No . If yes, specify species. Bass, Brim, Crappie and Catfish Describe provisions for safety to persons and to adjoining property in all completed excavations in rock including what kind of permanent barricade will be left. Acceptable permanent barricades are appropriate fencing, large boulders placed end -to -end, etc. Construction details and locations of all permanent barricades must be shown on the reclamation map. NIA 11- APPLICATION FOR A MINING PERMIT 4. Indicate the method(s) of reclamation of overburden, refuse, spoil banks or other such on -site mine waste areas, including specifications for benching and sloping. Final cross -sections and locations for such areas must be provided on the reclamation map. NIA 5. a. Describe reclamation of processing facilities, stockpile areas, and on -site roadways. On -site roadways shall be scarified, seeded and mulched in accordance with the seeding specifications in item 7. b. Will any on -site roadways be left as part of the reclamation? Yes No XX . jyes, identify such roadways on the reclamation map andprovide details onpermaneni ditch line stabilization. Describe the method of control of contaminants and disposal of scrap metal, junk machinery, cables, or other such waste products of mining. (Note definition of refuse in The Mining Act of 1971). No off -site generated waste shall be disposed of on the mine site without prior written approval from the NC Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Land Quality Section and either the Division of Waste Management (DWM) or local governing body. If a disposal permit has been issued by DWM for the site, a copy of said permit must be attached to this application. All temporary and permanent refuse disposal areas must be clearly delineated on the mine map(s) and reclamation map, along with a list of items to be disposed in said areas. Employees are on -site full-time to monitor activities within the mining footprint. No waste or refuse shall be disposed of within the mine footprint. A land clearing -inert debris landfill permitted by the Division of Waste Management is located adjacent to the mine area. -12- APPLICATION FOR A MINING PERMIT 7. Describe your plan for revegetation or other surface treatment of the affected areas. This plan must include recommendations for year-round seeding, including the time of seeding and the amount and type of seed, fertilizer, lime and mulch per acre. The recommendations must include general seeding instructions for permanent revegetation and, if necessary, temporary revegetation. Revegetation utilizing only tree plantings is not acceptable. Recommendations can be sought from: a. Authorized representatives of the local Soil and Water Conservation District; b. Authorized representatives of the Division of Forest Resources, Department of Environment and Natural Resources; c. Authorized county representatives of the North Carolina Cooperative Extension Service, specialists and research faculty with the Colleges of Agriculture and Life Sciences and Forest Resources at North Carolina State University; d. North Carolina licensed landscape architects; e. Private consulting foresters referred by the Division of Forest Resources, Department of Environment and Natural Resources; f. N.C. Erosion and Sedimentation Control Planning and Design Manual; g. N.C. Surface Mining Manual: A Guide for Permitting, Operation and Reclamation; h. Others as may be approved by the Department. LIME - RATE OF APPLICATION (tons/acre): 3,000 lbs/acre FERTILIZER - ANALYSIS AND RATE OF APPLICATION (pounds/acre): 10-10-10 at 500 lbslacre SEED - TYPE (S) AND RATE (S) OF APPLICATION INCLUDING YEAR-ROUND SEEDING SCHEDULE (pounds/acre): [NOTE: Include Legumes] Seed Types: Seeding Dates: Seeding Rates: ensaP coca Bahiagrass April 1 — July 15 501 s acre Sericea lespedeza April I — July 15 30 lbslacre Common Bermudagrass April 1 — July 15 10 lbslacre German Millet April 1— July 15 10 lbslacre Note: Bermuda grass may be replaced with 5 lb/acre centipedegrass Seeding Information taken from NC Erosion and Sedimentation Control Planning and Design Manual, Table 6.11t, Seeding No. 5CP MULCH - TYPE AND RATE OF APPLICATION (pounds/acre) AND METHOD OF ANCHORING: 4,000 lbslacre anchored with tacking asphalt, roving, netting or a disk with blades set straight OTHER VEGETATIVE COVERS — TYPE (S) AND RATE (S) OF APPLICATION INCLUDING SEEDING SCHEDULE (pounds/acre, trees/acre, spacing of trees/shrubs, etc): Revegetation and/or reforestation plan approved by: Signature Date Print Name Title Agency —13— APPLICATION FOR A MINING PERMIT E. DETERMINATION OF AFFECTED ACREAGE AND BOND The following bond calculation worksheet is to be used to establish an appropriate bond (based upon a range of $500 to $5,000 per affected acre) or each permitted mine site based upon the acreage approved by the Department to be affected during the life of the miningpermil. Please insert the approximate acreage, for each aspect ofthe mining operation, that you intend to affect during the_ life of this mining Permit _(in addition, Please insert the annrronriate reclamation cost/acre for each cateeory from the Schedule of Reclamation Costs AFFECTED RECLAMATION RECLAMATION CATEGORY ACREAGE COST/ACRE* COST Tail ingslSediment Ponds: 6.92 Ac. X $ 500.00 IAc. _ $ 3,460.00_ Stockpiles: Ac. X $ IAc. _ $ Wastepiles: Ac. X $ IAc. - $ Processing Area/Haul Roads: 2.13 Ac. X $ .1,800.00_ IAc. _ $3,834.00 Mine Excavation: 64.1 Ac. X $ 500.00 IAc. - $ 32 050.00 Other: Ac. X $ IAc. _ $ TOTAL AFFECTED AC.: 73.15 Ac. (TOTAL PERMITTED AC.: 80 Ac.) Temporary & Permanent Sedimentation & Erosion Control Measures: Divide the TOTAL AFFECTED AC. above into the following two categories: a) affected acres that drain into pproposed/existing excavation and/or b) affected acres that will be graded for positive drainage where measures will be. needed to prevent offsite sedimentation and sedimentation to onsite watercourses and wetlands. a) Internal Drainage 73.15 Ac. b) Positive Drainage Ac. X $1,500.00 = $ SUBTOTAL COST: $ 39,344.00 _ Inflation factor: 0.02 X SUBTOTAL COST: $ 786.88 X Permit Life (1 to 10 years): 10 INFLATION COST: $ 7,868.80 TOTAL COST = SUBTOTAL COST + INFLATION COST = $ 47 212.80 Total Reclamation Bond Cost: $ 47,200.00 (round down to the nearest $100.00) -14- APPLICATION FOR A MINING PERMIT G. LAND ENTRY AGREEMENT We hereby grant to the Department or its appointed representatives the right of entry and travel upon our lands or operation during regular business hours for the purpose of making necessary field inspections or investigations as may be reasonably required in the administration of the Mining Act of 1971. We further grant to the Department or its appointed representatives the right to make whatever entries on the land as may be reasonably necessary and to take whatever actions as may be reasonably necessary in order to carry out reclamation which the operator has failed to complete in the event a bond forfeiture is ordered pursuant to G.S. 74-59, LANDOWNER: Signature: .ter Print Name: �f �-� ! i7'�� ! M4✓ Address: /Z / C'?-'fil_ je.,rT /4,e-r il/lG{/ ]G�'V(%!L L•Gn , �L- � � � f Cy Telephone: ) 2V6 f3 APPLICANT: Signature:* `'V� Print Name: Title:. Company: 44vr-fn—) �r�r•r'l. , lf�c. Mine Name: ,,, z&'rprj *Signature must be the same as the individual who signed Page I of this application. maps, and the appropriate processing fee (see next page for fee schedule) in the forma check or money order payable to the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources must be sent to the Land Quality Section Central Office at the address listed on the front cover of this application form. Inquiries regarding the status of the review of this application should be directed to the Mining Program staff at (919) 733-4574. -Is- MINING A nonrefundable permit application processing fee when filing for anew mining permit, a major permit modification or a renewal permit is required as follows: TYPE ACRES NEW MAJOR PERMIT MODIFICATION RENEWAL Clay 1 but less than 25 $500 $250 $250 25 but less than 50 1000 500 500 50 or more 1500 500 500 Sand & Gravel, I but less than 5 150 100 100 Gemstone, and Morrow Pits 5 but less than 25 250 100 100 25 but less than 50 500 250 500 50 or more 1000 500 500 Quarry, Industrial Minerals, 1 but less than 10 250 100 100 Dimension Stone 10 but less than 25 1000 250 500 25 but less than 50 1500 500 500 50 or more 2500 500 500 Feat & Phosphate 1 or more 2500 500 500 Gold (Heap Leach), Titanium & Others 1 or more 2500 500 500 A nonrefundable $50.00 permit application processing fee is required for minor permit modifications. Minor permit modifications include ownership transfers, Dame changes, bond substitutions and permit renewals where the mine is Inactive and fully stabilized. A minor permit modification also includes lands added ton permitted area, outside of the minimum permit buffer zone requirements, where no plans for mining related disturbance of the added lands have been approved. All other changes are considered major modifications. Acres for new permits and renewal permits means the total acreage at the site. Acres for major modification or permits means that area of land affected by the modification within the permitted mine area, or any additional land that Is to be disturbed and added to an existing permitted area, or both. 1012000 -16- LAND QUALITY SECTION HEADQUARTERS Francis M, Nevlls, Jr., P.E. Section Chief Land Quality Section 1612 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1612 Shipping Address: Land Quality Section 512 North SOlsbury Street Ratelgh, NC 27604 James D. Simons, P.G., Y.E. - Chief Fngineer ? - Sediment Specialist David 11. Ward - Assistant Sediment Specialist Tracy E. Davis, P.E, - Mining Specialist Judy Wehner- Assistant Mining Specialist Chris Ilite - Assistant Mining Specialist James IC. Leumns, P.E. - Dam Safety Engineer Tami Dodd - Assistant Dam Safety Engineer ? - Assistant Dam Safety Engineer Caroline Medlin, E.I.- Sediment Irducation Specialist Tabitha Brown - Sediment Fdueatinn Intern Secretaries Hope Thompson - Lead Secretary Stephanie Lane - Sediment & Dams Susan Edwarda - Mining LAND QUALITY SECTION REGIONAL OFFICES ASHEVILLE MOORESVILLE WINSTON-SALEM RICHARD PHILLIPS, P.H. DOUG MILLER, P.E. MA'I'I'IiEW GAN'17, P.E, JOHN Interebange Bldg. 919 North Main Street 585 Waughlown Street 3800 Bi 59 Woodfm Place Mooresville, NC 28115 Winston-Salem, NC 27107 Raleigh Asheville, NC 28801 COURIER - 13-15-01 INTER COURIER - 12-59-01 COURIER - 09-08-06 (336) 7714600 (919) 5' (828) 251-6208 (704) 663-1699 FAX H (336) 7714631 FAX H FAX H (828) 251-6452 FAX 0 (704) 663.6040 Alamance Alleghany Ashe Chatha Avery Buncombe Burke Alexander Lincoln Caswell Davidson - Davie Frankli Caldwell Cherokee Clay Caharrus Mecklenburg Forsyth Guilford Rockingham Johnstt Graham llnywood llenderson Catawba Rowan Randolph Stokes Sorry Northa Jackson Macon Madison Cleveland Stanly Watauga Wilkes Yadkin Vance McDowell Mitchell Polk Gaston Union Warrei Rutherford Swain Transylvania Iredell Yancey F AYE'I" I'EVILLE WILMINGTON WASHINGTON WILLIAM (TOBY) VINSON, P.E. DAN SAMS, P.E. FLOYD WILLIAMS, P.G. 225 Green Street 127 CnrdinaI Drive Ext. 943 Washington Square Mall Suite 714 Wilmington, NC 28405-3845 Washington, NC 27889 Fayetteville, NC 28301 COURIER - 16.04-01 COURIFR - 14-56-25 COURIER - 04-16-33 (252) 946-6481 (910) 486-1541 (910) 395-3900 FAX N (252) 975-3716 FAX 0 (910) 486-0707 FAX H (910) 350-2018 Beaufort Bertle Camden Anson Montgomery Scotland Brunswick New Hanover Chowan Craven Currituck Bladen Moore Carteret Onslow Dare Gates Greene Cumberland Richmond Columbus Pender Hertford Hyde .tones Harnett Robeson Duplin Lenoir Martin Pamlico Hoke Sampson Pasquotauk Perqulmans Pitt REVI, Tyrrell Washington Wayne SCHEDULE OF RECLAMATION COSTS10/200o m applicos.sch.wpd (Based upon range of $500 - $5,000 per affected acre) COMMODITY CODES: SG = Sand and/or Gravel, GS = Gemstone, Borrow = Borrow/fill dirt, CS = Crushed Stone, DS = Dimension Stone, FS = Feldspar, MI = Mica, LI = Lithium, PF = Pyrophyllite, OL = Olivine, KY = Kyanite/Sillimanite/Andalusite, PH = Phosphate, CL = Clay/Shale, PE = Peat, AU Gold, TI = Titanium, and OT = Other Type T/S Ponds S. ilea W.32iles P.area/H.R. Mine Excay. SG, GS, $500/ac.(L) $1800/ac. $2000/ac. $1800/ac. $500/ac.(L) Borrow 1500(FI) $2000(PD) CS, DS, 500(L) 1800 2000 2000 500(L) FS, MI, 1500(FI) 2500(PD) L1, PF, OL, KY PH 1000(L) 2500 5000 5000 2000(L) 2500(FI) 5000(PD) CL 1000(L) 2500 5000 5000 2000(L) 2500(FI) 3700(PD) PE, AU, 1000(L) 2500 3000 3500 2000(L) TI, OT 2500(FI) 5000(PD) (L) = reclamation to a lake and revegetating sideslopes (FI) = reclamation by filling in and revegetating (PD) = reclamation by grading for positive drainage & revegetating AS PER NCAC 15A 5B.0003, IF YOU DISAGREE WITH THE BOND AMOUNT DETERMINED BY THE BOND CALCULATION WORKSHEET, YOU MAY SUBMIT AN ESTIMATE OF RECLAMATION COSTS FRO14 A THIRD PARTY CONTRACTOR. SAID ESTIMATE MUST BE PROVIDED WITHIN 30 DAYS TO THE FOLLOWING ADDRESS: Mining Program, Land Quality Section, 1612 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1612 ALL ESTIMATES MUST INCLUDE THE FOLLOWING AS A MINIM[lM: - FINAL GRADING COSTS PER ACRE - LIME AND FERTILIZER COSTS PER ACRE - YEAR-ROUND SEEDING MIXTURE COSTS PER ACRE (FROM APPROVED REVEGETATION PLAN IN APPLICATION/PERMIT DOCUMENT) - MULCH AND ANCHORING COSTS PER ACRE - ANY OTHER RECLAMATION COSTS NECESSARY TO COMPLY WITH THE APPROVED RECLAMATION PLAN FOR THE SITE IN QUESTION YOU WILL BE NOTIFIED AS SOON AS POSSIBLE OF THE DIRECTOR'S FINAL BOND DETERMINATION. ARMY CORP OF ENGINEERS 404 JURISDICTIONAL DETERMINATION Action Id• 200500288 U.S. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS WILMINGTON DISTRICT County: Onslow U.S.G.S. Quad: NOTIFICATION OF JURISDICTIONAL DETERMINATIOON Property Owner: Lliiah Morton Agent: James lannuccei . / Morton Trucking Address: ESP Associates, P.A. Address: 121 Garnet Lane 4553-7 Technology Drive Jacksonville, NC 28546 Wilmington, NC 28405 TeIoplone No•: (9IL270-8780 Telephone: (910) 313-6648 Property description: Size (acres) Apl)roximately 120 acres Nearest Town Jacksonville Nearest Waterway Little Northeast Creek ]liver Basin Intracoastal Water Way USGS IIUC Coordinates N 34.7969 W 77.3609 Location description The property is located adjacent to Little_ Northeast Creek, on US 17 near_ Kellum Loon, Jacksonville, Onslow_County, North Carolina_. Indicate Which of the Following Apply: Based on preliminary information, there may be wetlands on the above described property. We strongly suggest you have this property inspected to determine the extent of Department of the Army (DA) jurisdiction. To be considered final, a jurisdictional determination must be verified by the Corps. This preliminary determination is not an appealable action under the Regulatory Program Administrative Appeal Process ( Reference 33 CFR Part 331). "There are Navigable Waters of the United States within the above described property subject to the permit requirements of Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act and Section 404 of the Clean Water Act. Unless there is a change in the law or our published regulations, this determination may be relied upon for a period not to exceed five years front the date of this notification. X There are weilands on the above described roperty subject to the permit requirements of Section 404 (if the Cle,111 Water Act (CWA)(33 USC § 1344). Unless (here is a change in the law or our published regulations, this determination may be relied u on•for a period not to exceed five years from the date of this notification. We strongly suggest you have the wetlands on your property delineated. Due to the size of your property and/or our present workload, the Corps may not be able to accomplish this wetland delineation in a timely manner. For a more timely delineation, you may wish to obtain a consultant. To be considered final, any delineation must be verified by the Carps. _ The wetland on your property have been delineated and the delineation has been verified by the Corps. We strongly suggest you have this delineation surveyed. Upon completion, this survey should be reviewed and verified by the Corps, Once verified, this survey will provide an accurate depiction of all areas subject to CWA jurisdiction on your property which, provided there is no change in the law or our published regulations, may be relied upon for a period not to exceed five years. X The wetlands It aye been delineated am] surveyed and are accurately depicted on the plat signed by the Corps Regulatory Official identified below on December 17, 2004. Unless there is a change in the law or our published re ulations this determinatiun may be relied upon fora period not to exceed rive years from the date of this notification. There are no waters of the U.S., to include wetlands, present on the above described property which are subject to the permit requirements of Section 404 of the Clean Water Act (33 USC 1344). Unless there is a change in the law or our published regulations, this determination may be relied upon for a period not to exceed rive years from the date of this notification. X The property is located in one of the 20 Coastal Counties sub'eet to regulation under the Coastal Area Mana ernent Act (LAMA). You should contact the Division of Coastal Management in Wilmington, NC at (9I0) 395-3900 to determine their requirements. Page 1 of 2 Action'ID: r? Placement of dredged or fill material within waters of the US and/or wetlands without a Department of the Army permit may constitute.a violation of Section 301 of the Clean Water Act (33 USC § 1311). If you have any questions regarding this determination and/or the C6rps regulatory program, please contact Dave Timpy at (9.10) 251-4634 Basis For Determination: This site exhibits wetland criteria as described in the I987 Corps. Wetland DelineationManual and is adjacent Little Northeast Creelc, a tributary of the Intracoastal Water Way, a navigable water of the US_ Determination is based on a field visits by Dave'lImpy on November 5. 2004 and December 2, 2004. Remarks: Borrow Pit also used for construction of NCDOT TIP Project No. U-2107, Jacksonville Bypass, Onlsow County, State Project No. 6.269013T. Action ) 1994029.296. NCDOT Reclamatlon Plan dated 12-17-03 attached. Corps Regulatory Official: Date December 17, 2004 Expiration Date December .17, 2009 Corps Regulatory Official (Initial): FOR OFFICE USE ONLY: .,I-, i_,..,,t, „r.t,.. a_ ._._.r_-,r J_a_ r_.W_ DA5 CEl?TWX7S INAT rM4 COPY OF INS PLAT ACCIA 47UY 09 CIS ME 80004]rY CF .IARfSM ?M miiM ILW 10. or =rwN 4D/ or w CCiAN WAFER Acr AS DVERUAW Dr ME W7ERYM ON M DA 7E .. u U`LESS !HERE f5 A CHANGE MC 7MC LAM ff an PJAIMCP RE' kA riDM$ IPo6 DElEI¢4ACA I04 aF SFCAOM 404 JAC50A.F]W aAY 8E REUED WW FD? A PS70oo Nor r0. ucEM F]VE �S) TEAR$ RROLC FENS W 7- ACIYAMN WAS MACE IIWZM ME 1957 CfWPS IF EN'GXEERS AEFLAND Ll^ AK O 4.$ g ,, 4 rnrta p, �h �R4 .4, y`�t-4 i nnC / _���• -' — ¢ y d �� Yam- ytl �m Y�� � 3'd o LOCATION WW ra SfJ1E . ai 11 - tv, Pa. 4 J� oa Msr a at1 -r c a .., tar rRwvmva Nc R'M1E NO Tt t 7cav p V OTC• a 9. s. 2D07 P. aot7 ' ¢ 5EA1. oco �1-O 3797 0 ' i py 2QSUR`���gti 9 ff n ''• ���--rr � L 4 urrtn rl d U Dix s� P.. ]e.r SHEET INDEX A n>r v< SHEET 2 MA 1174AW WEEr ' . `- • c C rCWAC Starr 7 MA rpRAdE yfEEr i,'. mAxr I OVERALL k A GR PARSER '-"�2D yyyE aD. 130 P. rU1 S e4 r A EkCAVA)7�y s �a SHEET 2 9%Tr J NE7LIND YAP `may • ts`'\\\\\\� 0.a IJf2 P. 111 ems, 1� starts p ro NElL.VD YAP XFIANO MAP r� � � f a. '4 4�S Inl. 4o*M me/v !�. a..la. lenm u. In. �+ PlcPvkY of ESP A..odal.s, A ihr r.yradAcFlon. t/• •�. o •� ti A�M1 wRnout Ih �v4Gn o1Av 1 i. �prdANl.! aM v.r �y � tom- bEbv.lwlk .0 a .wJ..+ La I.ym em SrQ•Er A 1 �' y IF' Cho ES A..acb1... PA N07M LWC rAME k, Lta R t R s�nYlf ' q� • a 4� '?��. - M. F z7t PAAMER 6,9= �v `= OAr �sM6 P. lnC • ' . •'' 1 IL Itivmal ]u slrt +ar ..w wss n.r lu WA d' .L r/lAlPYiPEY 4,�4 a �'R �• 5[ I uK PFM.x M0. �]�i thwcs (w.N 'LIP D@. 1428 A 470 ;t•1 , / Lh 4 rxro+a ]�aa..x ..a.1e • .. • : Q� �sY� NO.. DATE RE1ASpIY - M 4 ` o j l� s WKr"YDS DELINEATION NAP wmvR. ult wr rew xa.0 =gym J k 3 a0 a?� _ y 2� '•' *� q-al MORTON MINES 'r N, 0 � <1'4. 250 500 1000MORTDN TRU ESP ASSDCIATES P.A. ire 'u`r- CKING, INC. ..kgi]lurf]W.r<]+yt.<n9•ylannl+v b a - 12T CAMV LONE BAR SCALE I"=5q0' . �'o JAtxsa+Nu.E,uc Ma c I e s sn TWS QRAKWS THAT TWS COPY OF NWS PLAT AttVRA 1ELF OERCTS FW BOUA'DARY OF J-NSDlCNON OF SECVON 404 CI MF CLEW WADER ACT AS QElllH " M MEt751 MV ON NAS OA 1F, , .i.LSS noW 1S A OWor AY T'X LIW OF OGR AELP4ED WrLXA nONS 595 OE1LFJWAWN OF SECROW 404 •AM=17OV II AY aE RE" UPLW FOR A PERM NOT M p'MO {lr¢ (5) MARS FKU Nd5 OA 1C MIS OEMWNA7A N WAS MADE UAUM0 W 1987 CORPS � EA•G1rEERS NEAA74D DELW[AR ANUA4_ nlie_�� 1N�G�v(r, DATE., L �i 7� -- �N W S.E. KVITE a• m D.B. 1884 P. 852 y Cs N/F a 150 300 soo R 8• KELLUM D.B. 2001 P. 000 4 / BAR SCALE 1"=300' �iTIT1111rp41 4 S ? r SEAL L-3 970. Lmaom 0 9.0-k \.``;. N11F .�nwnr.... �w �'•,9¢F UR " Ord,, L. L. LITTLETON ., JOHD.B. 523 P. 763 emw relo.w't a+rm �1ny�n . a Torun wn ��fj I' • ..oPu+r u+c nr Inn nc.rm _ N11F a ESP ASSOCIATES P.A. N. & C.P. PARxER '.,o<"".c,�•^^'yc Q•p4°^.z'� D.B. 458 P. 404 4 ww. Y _ .T�.�Q.w Prol 4ir�.a � � wj• 4 zCi h0. h o�\z� V� a zzi uq ,9 Q Z�4 5ti rN A. fi.6 TCHLINE SHEET 2 TCHLINE SHEET 5 A, kgliN 577E X b VrATM YAP ' NO SCALE �O O oc p ie �O V 4ip O� tim U. S. N rn h f 7 — 175• R.O. W. � O 4 ZOO. �ji '1 Ccl .� rranr z i INC.6 UORTON TRUCKING. D.B. 1379 P, 824 } c 4c a .! .•�. r.sae�.w p x 016 £'ROPO 6p 47 M/ACRESCAVA p� MORTON TRUCKINC, INC. D.8. 1084 P. 776 Tns a..Iw ew/v m• a..�. anon. o.. rn. Paw.rEY or fSP Av icl . A �I.. nbrodvollm. dtvatb•, eeb�+ a o1Fv uu ar YY. anr�Yp tir�.nt ,o n. F,bjwe to i.�d ecuoa ESP Awodolw. PA N0. I DATE FaMsoN By ' I 11ETLANDS OSLTN6ATTON MAP seol moRTON MINE EXP.INSfON N.t TON ONSLOW Cq.. N.C. MORTON TRUCKING, INC. 121 GA -ET LANE JACICSOWLLP. NC 29544 MATC eINE SHEET 2 ATC LINE SHEET 3 i mpg 4 z a2 n A � a n Z 8.YLi11, 105J P_ 755 CAROL FR SHWA 7ER D.8, 588 P. 007 o C N x I & B FRESHWA TER D.B. 588 P. 010 qq k m N/F W.D. & L GILLEY F.B. 7,98 P. 064 z c7 {' 2` N/F NIF J, W. & E: KELLU! f n L.A. ORO D.B. 306 P.97 D.B. 1676 P, 963 NIF A.R. & M. COOOSON D.B. 489 P, 608 NI - M.M. WNBERRY HEIRS & 07HERS H. P. & A.LF WA TE S D.8. 1456 P. 262 D.B. 1215 P. 10 N/F MORTON 759 1NC. R.M, KELL UM D• N 59 P. 25 D. 2 0 P. 029 NIF D.W. CORBETT WR• & C. MLL1S P. 289 D.B. 2004 P. 200 f "6 NI EU✓AH r MOR MN p� D.B. 1795 P.. 958 N/1- JEAN KELLUM D.B. 224 P. J88 AEYER14AUESER CO. D.B. J42 P. 431 vy cn:h= y C a U A i e{ ymy o tz p MICHAEL DUD4EY PROPERTIES• L.L.C. D.B. 1595 P. 690 iF4AsR AN jog kn o' � P'?OPOS-d �A RESC.9 VA TlOiy t LGyp P�. �6 � �53��'QST Cp • ' ' ' J Z b t 2 e, v cl 'O 200�1 ESP As ocrA7'-'S n V Envvaf r1/• Nn'ryy'Y•P fnrtn n+�M•+ Yc�iroi Irv! +ra��.s MATCHLINE SHEET MATCHLINE SHEET/ rr4� �a �Ss� • �• O� ��T a9sA�y t,l I1 t L 11 I,,,fr CA/�O%•� a` pivi �0.OpESSi0 �9s rp 4 SEAL r' 3 i o �lt� psp _ y L-3797 Q ` �'20 �tp•' � cs t ,,[LjyiEPSt s � tf,'9`S'p!1�Qy�A �� <* K 2 2 ��0 Or SECDON dO# CF THE CLEA + w M? APUS C7i AS DE7D? w[u�il E u vE s oq n��� UdESS POM fS A OUNW 0! IfE LAW W mar PLV_Wh RECIY. Mvs; ONS OETEWzyAAOW Cr "aa jAwsoicnm xw RELAM nwExe sRo TE� s RUMymA umma -w isoa AV N�2y fuLUE :7r� T-1 LOGAMN LLW NO SCALP ieeam oanw rvm.rw s,awc omw ,ua sxrom uc Nor rco racfrm 0 ISO 300 600 BAFt SCALE 1"-300' Wv bwi� a0/ tb, a.�an �.awr as b• dY �1.� mr P A. ! .�.sarmrcuen. .1Nrwl Nvf sA! ! 6 �r� ary i,hbgemu,! sQ b• w,bFvct le F,qd xCm. ESP Aneeioln• PA ETLANDS DELINEATION MAP MORTON A(INE EXPANSION mmrcq ONOSLOW m7oN rRucraffc, INC. 121 OARNEi LANE JAC1LSnY[µE, IIC '!8]�6 L. L. LJTR£TON 763 D.S. 523 P. ... emu+, tram � m awmiE5 nar m CGWY DF IFO'S PUf r ACCT.I7A mY DEPtlCTS DfE 8IX11mARY •t7.4 t]N CIF =MW 404 t7 771E CLEAN WAM? ACT AS DE7ERINED @r 7ME I11vDQ757CNID Off M DAM '4 _ OUSS nERE A A D7AMC414V W LAW CFDl.R PLOLISHED REp 49O TEAS DE7FRMw WN DF SECMW 404 .LWlS TVN MAY DE RELIED WIN FM A Pf?" NOr M � ✓<Ti£ ds) TE4� FRW t D,6 DAM Of7MaNATAW WAS DADS UntRMV PE 107 CCFY S OF EMW7a ME71AN0 ATCHLINE� SHEET 2 SIX DELAII III TCHLINE SHEET 5 NAPE; 141F , L _ H. & C.P. PARKER wLe / r " 458 P. 404 y ROPpssp A &ES ,4 VA 17pN a octimn kW no SCALE /J�t/rT xA— DAM Y• to R. & DNd STONE* W LLr y O.S. 1332 P. 224 w LQ Z of 10 .010 oe •.•• ••',•,•• ','. �. ',t• tip • N/F STONE a P R. & D. 0-6. 524 P. 669 �. G N. & Z.N. PARKER D.U. 46 NI. 306 I ✓e t t ty t "4� t N.K. & J. HUMPHREY t 0150 Sop 60D D.B. 1428 P. 4 d t jµEPSS iyc ¢ BAR SCALE 1'-300' �C`"A c"vrir a fSP b.pelolr. P.4 A. r.prWlcfEn �. a'Ilk 1\?,, ESP A —dot.• PA Q pr _� +cam Iu« and en.«fwwi:e:nu y i.,,i, 1,f �rf77 +��PSy.y CAFjCr'rr m Q' _ ,so, ogre peA.saft By `� gyp¢ Essrp T9��S 2 EX KETLANDS DELINEATION VAP w _ ry [;3737 JIORTON ,VINE EXPANSION Rum ggETOR D - ESP A6L0I P.A. 9 c S� 1 q�� MORTON TRUCKING, INC. .++�a.w.�uw•R+w.c+a 4JO y �ai2. •�''" C4ANEi ANE Izi L _ .�.�r"'A"ri%or P.e7 a,arw �" .ur ww&Lr NC 2E5Y rM COMM THAT W COPY OF D45 PLAT ACCLYi.41ELY. DEPICIS P t7MMARY ar .LMdSC n W OF SEC7XW 404 4F JW CLEAR WA TO? ACT AS DE7L7 UV9p 8Y W LWD? eD DW 1195 DAM LMESS nIME IS A OWIOE AV THE LAW Cr WA PUaUAIEO REM" DBRS 905 DETVW&ADW ff SECOON 404 JMP-A'CWN WY SE R KV LRRkV FOR A PER700 NOT TD EX= ITI>r (5) YEARS FRM 77CS DAM MS OE7D?UWATYW WAS MADE UM)IVX^ Pq 1067 OORPS OF &MEERS KERAW OELA'EA t>�Y4NUALir71 \ ESP ASSOCIATES P.A. n'9M44*+1v^cuWWP� WETLANDS LINE TABLE LINE TABLE LINE LENGTH BEARING Ll 136.36 N68.07'46'E L2 259.93 N63'3759'E L3 6685 N09.28'38'V L4 209dt N42.55'58'E LS GEN N46.37'14'V L6 21555 S86.OV10-V L7 15115 N26'44'43V Le 161,42 N43'l7'45'V L9 124,51 N1P47'49'V LI0 44958 S83'00'58'E Lll 96.38 S46'41'14'E Ll2 6944 S47'12'IS'E L13 147.42 S29'57'49'E L14 7022 S18.39C0'E LIS 195.62 S00.46'05E L16 92.29 S23.52'54'E L17 138.98 Sl5.49'31'E LIS 6513 S41.21'09"V L19 360.08 N78'30'03'E L20 32624 S22-41'39'E L.21 205.07 S19.59439'E L22 61594 S08'17.02'E L23 250,17 S84'3V38'V L24 90.96 S38944'25'V L25 136.93 S30'05'301V L26 90.91 S80659'02'V L27 152,O1 S89.03'l3'V L29 209,90 N82.54'30'V L29 ]03.01 543.2V50'V L30 19515 N60'07'06'V L31 69749 S6252'08'V L32 168.59 S29.56'2I'V L33 149.50 N54'58'45'V L34 8159 N55110'381V L35 86112 N40'30'59'V L36 144.79 N23.04WW L37 93.25 N73'31'301d L30 8522 S68'33'12'E L39 125.98 N41.00'00'V L40 87.33 N3I.45'48'V L41 6L.66 NOS'11'56'V L42 133.65 N64'22'43'V 1.43 45A0 N85.55'S8'V L44 6127 NO2'29'I4'V L45 277,18 36r46'50'V L46 16327 N40'35'04'V L47 135.31 N57'13'191V L48 LOP-39 N62'01'06'V L.49 - 77.77 N86'34'04'V NORTH CAROIINA LURlSDIC77ONAL WATERS OF THE U S. AREA SF AC4a REILA110 A 465,966 10.697 M:!tD 1,414241 32.35a 14ETLATID C 42,990 0.778 9E1L.ANC O t1,814 Q.7A7 1DTAL LL,9A4M 1 44,489 A SYTE u4 x LOCAMN IOP 140 SCALE !!PIES. PROPERrY OWO MA 71LW FAXUV FROM CEEB BOOK I094, PAL£ 726. PIS MAP Ls BLISS AVT PELT THE UR W SrAM7AW5' SET FLW IM W THE YAMIAL 1r FRAOME FOR [Mm SURlIYAYO A' "im OAROLWA Am) is Nor P7rzA= ,FM RCCMA 1109 D45 PRO-MlY 6 LOCATED 0! FLOOD ZCNE 4 D, Alm AS AS PR FRY MAP CWe6VM7Y PAAU RONO 021-4 ri DA 1ED .U. Y, 2 10a7. TM YAP S fVR NOMWADVLAL PUVO= CKY. NOT aTr27DFD ro EE 6'UUA'DARY SVRY[Y, t+tutllrrrlr 0oP1N CAq% L397Q' �} Ff ���/I•/� Thb dv.bg d/a U. dwyyn di- vs p�utY of AaodolR P.A no rpry h.nl� c.PYbO a elhr u+4 ar N. do .RNnA th+b +.Rt� tanrnl b prd"W 1,WW..t Ml b+ +ubj t 1. ,"d ..tkn Fp A.-.%t k P.A. (: A �1iV on f- � North CarolinaRf Deprtrnent°af Ir. m�k�t ar,d �Jattaral R�squrces ..i , E ; 1 , DiVlsion O V, Land Resources t 4 R games D-Srmori PG, P = Mlch del F Easley, Governors �; ' Ek Di�6Wr,arid'Sta(6 Geofp�fsi February 6, 2�05 William G Ross Jr ,,Sr cretary a 'Mr llrjah Morton * - tr z Mor#otlTrucKm :Inc z 121Garnet Lane- Jaclisanvilfe North,Car'blrna _28546:r .' f ,. t Y RE Perm,VJNo( 67 3 Morton,Mine }:. - •'� s . � `° -Y, ; y , . - ~White Oak RwerBasrr _ - OW, WMy D6arJMr 'Morton: ., nt request to:have;the above referenaea mIriing pe�;m,t mo8lfied'has,been r approved Ti�e.madrf,c`atron-,s to increase the affo+;ted acreage atthlsrts,te t6 77 79 acres as our rece 'r Z - - - kndlcated on',th�Tevised,5ite;'Plan received by the Land:Qual(ty Section an'January 3,_200t?' Tho':modI Icatrorr includes expansion of tt e p,#area, add,tibwof a.poud and haul roads.:and the= reduct�+an of the undlstiirhed buffers'as indica#ePon ihe.revised Site `Plan :In addrt,on, the p.errr�ittr?d acreage has- ben rvisod'because ot.better mappi:Ctg to 208.1 B, acres: A copy.of:Ehe modified':perr#iit;is �nelased . V The conditbh _Jn the modifle permit were based prirrranly upon the -initial .applEca#iar .. -- Mgdrfrcations were made as ihdreated by;the mdi�rf,cation request grid as: requkred to insure , cornpllance with' The Mining Act of �:971 The expiration date, mine;name and permit number shall, remain the `same as before the: modificatrart 1 would like to draw your parirular attention _,. to the folioWMT.condI ions where minor addrtloris or cFtanges were Tr ade Operating Lo6ditrorj: Nos 3C,4C, 5,=98 and 13 an:reclamatioii condition 2B Tlie issuance of -a mining permit an or. any . mod,ifrcatron #oat does not supersede local zotli�tg regulatiofis ,The responsrbifity of compliance wltli any applicable zoning regulations Iles,.w,th you. s Asa reminde,r,_.you_r permI gd,��cr gel t„t s site is, 08 ac sand the amours#`of land youra,re appro'yed to:dlsturb,r"s.7�7*`1x9cres� }' �i r 1612;Ma,l Service Center; Raleigh, North Carolina 27699 1.612 919 733'45741 FAX 91 -.733 2876 _. r , . 512 North SMsbpry_Street Raleigh; Notth Caroliha, 27Bp�:: f t = An Equa16 0 rtu6 ly 1 AfPrrrialfve Ackl9n EmpfbYe� 6G% Rgcycled 1,10%Rpsi 90nsumer Paper _ I.. -.. ..I� "� .-•'-- ...-S .....-. � ...._1 .: . V -t-.., 1 _ . 1. 4 T g t DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRQNMENT' � S -c I:--ANDNAT1`RAL RESOURCES' x z I 'r D11/jSIc OF LAND RESOUF7CES; y;Y LAIDQUALITY�SECTION. FPj— RMIT A r; r' F 4.7 1 r �, `,for the''operation of "a mining activlty . is In acwrdance wlth,.the provlslpns of G'S 79 46 through 68; "The Mlnirig ' Act of- ining Perry Rule � WNCAC-'5 S; and other applicable laws, rules and regulation's = Perrnlssionls Xe%reb-g.rOnted to: Halton Trucking, lnc. I Lorton M ne - "Ohs low County Permit:No 67-33 forthe operation of a Sand 'Mine Which shall pravldethat the usefulness, prod uctivltyrand scenic values;of , - _ ;all lands and waters affected by,,`thls r iining operation wlll:rec6iv, the =;greatest pra'ctical degree of pro tectlorvand-restoration MWAGRERMIT EXPIRATION DATE -July 12. 2012 r 1-, - I r, s F -Page:, sr- :.`; ,-dry s�,H ..i} 34I f t'' x Inraccordance with the appl+catlon for th+s m+n+ng ,permit, whichsis hereby approved by the ceeds to the ar+tere ise. assianment'or ra eperator a frees to assume rile duties of tFie perm+tree w+th rgfererice toreclamatfon of`the affected ,land andxposts: a suitable bond or;other Security, In the event that the, .epa, ment determines that the'permittee or perm+ttee`s successor is not compiying_Wth the Reclaniat+on Plan or`other terms and conditions of ihispernli;; or is failing_ t to achieve tIib purposas`and requiremonts Qf f e„Mining Ack, :the Department may g+ve'the _ M operator.whtten hotice bf Its intentao modify, I. revoke or`suspend the permit, or Mks +nterit to modify.the Rbb_f Matbri Plahcbs;+neorporated +n the permit .The operatorshal! Have 'right to a hearing at•a designated time -and p1`ace on any proposed modifIcation reVbcatiori or suspension by the Deparkrne;nt ,Alternatively and in add+t+on-to the above; the D:ep.'arkment rbay.;iristitute bther'enforcement.,procedures a�thlbdzed:by,;law, �hce Witn-all the requirements of.;the approved�Reclamation ,-:` lance of tale approve Reclamatron Plan is a separable ether security:on fife With the Department;�and.lriay survive: s+on of this permit ^� ;r +` ie'perm+ttee with the';folfowing exceptis s If ar o#her 4 �� hhe perm+ttee m the permitted',rimining operatlan, by:virtup JrwGser the Depe itm.ent may release the perrnittee from the rid+t+ons of his:permlk and b7jhe M+ning:Act w+th reference, l '� sferJh'e permit to the sucaesso'r operator,rprov+ded diet' :' ; the regu+rem.ents'af:the. Mining, -Act and_that the successor �' •s 'l:: Expir6b6 Date. r. This perriit shall -be effective fromthe date of its Issuance until July2 202' ��+`r ,� �.fir;- --s _ "2 t •" Candifiohs ' Y This permit shail..b(isutitecttoIthe provisibhs:ofI a Mming.Act, N.G:G S _74 4fi et�se,g., and:;to thefollowing conditions and limitations OPERATING CONDITIONS. ` A. Any wastewater: processar g 'or mine d¢wgtering shall `be in accordance With the .. :. permitting requirements grid rules promulgated, by the-:N C._ ErnvirohmeP I Management Gorrimissiori `. f3. Any sto niwater`suriofF`fromahe affectedtq(pas.at the site shall be in accofciance with any;applic ble permit re quirernents�and regulations promulgated tiythe - e Envfronmen#al Protection Agency -and enforced by the:N C: Env�rQnmen#al IVianagement Comrn�ss�on =1t sham! be the:permittee's responsibil�ty_'to contact the Div�sion,of Water -Quality tQ secure'.anyh6e ssa:ry stflrmwater permits or'rathe`r approvaldocuments 2.._ -, A, . An`y rnining process producing air, contamination emissions. -shall be subtectto the = z3 per,`m�tting requirements and 'rules,promulgated` by the N G :l nviranffi6nta! ' Managmen# Cnmmissmn .and enforced kiytlie Division of Air Quality B. During mining operations, water trucks or of 'meansA 'at-May,be,necesysary shall-be:at llzed `to.pTevent-dust from leaving the perrdtted:area: _A:, Siifficient buffdr shall`bb maintained betwe army affected land and any aoiniiig waterway or wetland to prevent sedimentat�4n :of tha#.waterway or_Vvetlarid from, y 7 rve thecrnte r.. eroslbn of the affected laid andao:prese g ity of-Ah natural d i{ watercourse or.wetland, Page's-} 4 B Any minli7g activity affecting'wates of the State; waters of the lJ S; or wetlands';, xshall be in accordancew�th;tlie rerquirements and regulations promulgatedand :r erlforcedby theAC - Env�ronmentai Management Cornmjss�on } ; 4 „� Buffers'sh`ai{ be: ma�nta[ned as lndicate`d on theF ate Pian received�byfthe Land C u'allty Section :on Jat uary,3 200 '� R . , Adequate3mechanucal,barners �nclutling but not lmfted:to diversions; earthena4 'r deices, check dams sediment'reta'rd.ing structures, rip rap pits; ar dit Nd shall be { provided ii� tine In�kial stages of any.land disturbance=and maintaaned fo prevent { sedimentfrom discharging onto adjacent surFace areas or into. ariy'leke,`wtland: '. ornatural:w tercawrse.Rprox�rn.lty; thd`affeet dfang. = = L; B Ail drainage froh� the affected areas around'the mine:excavations shag tie= ' clivertEd internalto said excavat�ol's ` C. Mirimg actrvitie6? hajl•be conducted as in on the. Site Plan:recerved by°the Land QARl .',Section on an -' 4' Do.:-mine dewaternng`activities shali occurat this site: 5: All affected area boundaries '(77 79'acres) shall --be pbrmanently.ma'rked at'the site on '. , l'ou fd : lr tervais unless the,lme_--p :s ghtl'. How ' for lafiger spacing ififeivals. 6. Tf1e angfe`;for graded slopes.an fills shall be no'greater thaneahe angle which can:be retained .by veg'eta#ivd cover.or atlier adequate .erosion control measure, structure, or tlwice In:any event, exposed-sio`pes or -any, excavated chani>els; the erosion -of which maycause off -site darrmage'hecause of siltation:shall:he planted br othEnnrtse provided with ground cover, devices or structures suffieient-tb-:restrain: such erosion. , 7. i he affected iand'shall be graded. so alto prevent cgllect�cn:af pools of water that are, or%likely:to become, noxious flr faun!;,Necessary'structures:su.ch as= 'ehirib'bd7dit6h6str conalts shall fje constracted or'installed`vwheh:required,to prevent such Conditions. $ - Existing vegetation ,vr �eget'ted earthen berms'shall be mainta€'ned. between the amine and -.public thorn.ughfares,whenever_practical t&kfeen'the operation #romkhe public A: Stiffidant buffer, shall.M maintalried between any exeav; #ion and any -min s perms# boundary #o'orotect adjacent property B::: Buffers steal! be maintained :as indicated an the Bike Plan recefvetl' by the hand " Quality _Section:`on January 3; 2005 A.'. Noon site disposal ofrefuse or other solid waste that is generated outside of the rri rung perm�tarea shall be -allowed with in the boundaries of-themini i�g permit area unless authorization to con said disposal"has first been obtained from both the''l7rvisiarl af,Vllaste Management and the Laird Quality Section +' r _ .. .a:. Department ofr)viroment and Natural Resources The method of disposal 1 x shall be consistent Witl1 the approved reclafnation�plani' z , B, = Mining refuse as defined�by G 5 574;49 (1.4'`} of Tha fulirtang Aet of 1971�gonerated W on site and directl as5ocia#etl with;the mining adt�vty may be disposed of in a ;: z Y designated refuse ar'ea'All otherwaste=products,must:be dispvsedof;�n t i, disposal facility apprav5ed hey fhe Divlsiori of Waste Management No petroleum ' --products; acids; soiv�rfs°or,their�storageteoY�talners or'any other material that �- ; may he�consldered haza�rdou`s shall be disposed�of within the permlttecj area i 1 C For:the;urposes of this permit, the: DNis�on of Land. Resources (considers the 'following materials to be minmg refuse tin additron to .those specifically fisted under G S 74.49 (14} of fhe N C Mming Act of 1971} .y' '4 -- -{' y i 7} t.,lt �5 Y ., f*f _ 1;- iy -rt'Lt -`�j *'Yj•�` i, f S - ;:.,. 1 t.on`s�ta generated lantl clearjng ebCis conveyor.belts .Y " .3. wire cables 4 rbelts = 5. steel.reinorced air-h;oses 6, drill steel r{ D. If.mining'refuse is to ire permanEnt.ly disposed within'the mining permit boundary, 4 } tfie foln61hformatipn must be pr6Vj- ij to and approved•.hy tli ;Dr�ision of Land Resources rip or':to corrtmencement of sucli`dispasai: 1: the app'raximate boundaries;arid size of #lie refiuse'disposai area; list=of refuse° teirris to bo'di`sposed; " f verification that a minlmum;of 4:feEt of corer will be. providetl=over ttie refuss; ' 4. verification thafahe refuse will bedisposed at least 44 eef above the ; seasonally highwatertable,.and, i. 5; verifica#ion that a permanent vegetatwe.:groundcover will be established E. - All, OmOlitiod Landfill activities within the:mine permit boundaries shall conducted �n accordance mth Solid: Waste I]emol�tlor� Lanufili Permit 11. An'Annual Reclamation Report�shaI be sUbrnitted on a form supplied by the r, Department 1=ebrua 1 of'each- ear, until reclamation js corriplefed arii approved Y . rY :.. Y 12: The operator shall notify the Eepartrnent in writing of the desire to d_ele#e,;modify-_b otherwise --change any>pa-t ofIhe mihin ; reclamation; or erosionlsedlmerit control plan, jF cant' ' d m the,approved application far`a mining`permit or any;appraved°revisEon to ik = .: Approval,tompl.ernentsuch„changes must be 61?ta4ned from'the Department priortto on site:-implementafton.of:the revisions; 13 T.he security, which was postod pursuant to N CC S 74 54'in the farm of:a $58,340 Qq i surety bond, issuff�cient to caverthe operation.as indicated in the approved application: 47 � 1 _ M r �. s - � :t .�; -P h rd §_ .0morn S#ar�das As�Prdvlded f3.v G S n[ '� ryt 'l} �` 1 • r - l; .fie k ` ' 1', I' ,The final slopes'in all Excavations iii�soif,'fsand, gravel and other urEconsolidated materials shall tje at such ari:artg[e as,to` minimize the` possiliility°of slides:an be _ „. consistenf with the future uselof the land 1 ter Litt k 1.4x w „ 5 i - 2 Pro�is[ons for safety to` persops and to �djpining:property must.be:p'ro�ided.�n excavations- in. rocK :z 3 All.;overburde rand spoil shall be'left in a configurat[or which is in accordance with _ accepted`conservatiori practices and which is1suitable fortliepropose( subsequent Use of the land 4 No,small pools of water shall be allgwed'to collect ar`remain on'tfie'.mined area thaf are, `or;are ltk. iyto become noxious;-od'ious.of foul 5. The revogetation plan shall conform to accepted and recommended agroriam[c and r6fcjrestatio514p actib6s as eskalaltshed by the North Carolina Agricul#ur�I:Experiment r Staf[on;and_the-North North-Seivice.. - - . . - � ,lam .. -.. S - - - ikies pursuant to the ,Reclamatio�i PI "hereh fi . Permittee shall conduct reclamation activ -c p incar orate'd These,act[vitres shalllbe conducted aecardmg,to'the time schedule jr 7. included [nJI)e pian,;which shall kolthe extent.feasible proVlde reclamaltjon,s[multaneai�s with rhihIng operations and in anysevent; 'prouidG reclamat[on,at the: earliest prae#[cable;- ` '' time affier co,mpaet166, or termiriatlon of mining on. ny=segmein of khe >je�m[t"a`raa `and h'all be completed within. two years after.compfetion or term[nat[on.of mining ti s. r REE-ANINTION_CONDITI`ONS 9 Provided furkher, and 5ubt�ct to£the ieolarraat�or�'`schedule,'the planned reclamation shall be to restore the`rnih'e excavation too lake.area and to gratle; and: revegt'a'ko the.:_+ :- adjacent disturfied area 2 Tl��speeificp. t[oris forsurface gradient restoration to a„surface su[tble forthe'pfar�[ied r - future iise�re as follows: A_ Tile lake: aree shell be excavated to maintain a minimum water depth of fiour;fEet' measured from.#lie low water t a15 ei le ' at[oh ` _ y L a r .. 4.` ♦ '. ..Ij Bak 'he -sidb§ilopes :tbAhe7,,Ja'Re-- excavaibn --Nc vertical brrfIatter-A6th6.Wm orinemand"8, ra vate K fli h-'eAs indicated 7:von jh6Re'bjj'a I ma revise "7 -1, arias -,.use. cr . eening, --s ockpjHJn-%or-,,-other ...... Any. or.,., -,was e t t pi ps d:ghtothq b6 16V616 d �ah` ........ ..r. :.--:-"-q' Wp.ro contaminants . :-45 ' . :. , ,.-.shOjjq,� ,0-permanently ermah. ..e... 'ntly-,dJ. " b d-,, T:a t U `9ccorcance.ting=CUO, d.t.:0.! E— The -affectddJa6-d-§h61bOVaded 16.p�6v ecoecion:6 .nO L'X, I- O, LS - or w tor v t---Revecedtidn,P bn: rAftd preparation, Ind:areas;sha beeVeqe ctedppr thb.ffi- llowing: 6rndh tedi�q-Sdbtion§Sredies,Rate Lbs/Acrb Dates F&bA57April 1 Kbb Lespede2a10 Bahiabrass. 50 UVanter ry In .15- AprIII, "CorrTibn Berg uda-5 wgu§t:LOctober 25Uespeeza tunsca:00 40- German millet` ::..Oc tober ,25 - --jFebruary Rye(grain --temporary) ` 120 " !Sbi -Amendmen s Uime, 001bslacre or:fallow .recoMMOhd tion rbMa8bjl-test - j or 1 "TOr.t iliz*&:, .-000 lbs/acr&-'-878-8 -,,-1646or f6 .jlqyj-e: qpT.Teqd btjohs' jrjom a soi Mulch T Allsebded-ateb�-shall 'using �Mallqrains at W6f 2000-lbs/abrb-bn anchored appropriotely F 7: 7:T c T i Wheeverpossible, disturbed areas should be vegetated with nativ@"v�arrri season * �`` grasses staah as switch -grass; indian grass, bluestem and gamma grass'.�� k° In aeld[tion the p�;mitEee shall consul# with a profess�onawildvlEfe bialogast wlth the N fi, Yl Wildlife Resources ommission�to�anhanee�po-t'protect wildlife habitat at thezite� 4 Reclamation Play i 1 Reelarnation shaft bd conducted simultaneous) with mi'riing to'th'e eictent feasible. in 4 many event; redarnat�o shall tie initiated as soon as feasib�+ after completion art.°; , a i-x ih- �.,.ape 'Y.� i gr.'�4a -•i y'+ ks�i. s r- � - . ,termination of mining of and+ mine segment under permitinaf reclamation, iricluung revegetatronshafl be completed wifh�n two years of completion or termination of min�hg t t , This errrii# issued March $ 1991 modified Au ust 9°4'= E991 Jul 1 1':6§7 nd P l: r y:� Noveml?eT 12; 1 09 and renewed„aEid modified July .1 200is hereby Mddffi d this. 96th day of: i=ebruary, 200� pursuant to G 'S- 74-52 James D' Sir 'bns,-'Director Divis-io'n.of La' n' Resources: BV Authority 0f4 e,:Secretary, Of.the Department of.�Envlronment:and,-Natural Resdurccs - Action Id, 200500288 U.S. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS COPY WILMINGTON DISTRICT County: Onslow U.S.G.S. Quad: NOTIFICATION OF JURISDICTIONAL DETERMINATION Property Owner: Elijah Morton Agent: James Tannuccel Morton Trucking Address; ESP Associates, P.A. Address: 121 Garnet T,ane 4553-7 Technology Drive Jacksonville, NC28546 Wilmington, NC 28405 Telephone No.: (910) 270 9780 Telephone: (910) 313-6648 Property description: Size (acres) Approximately 120 acres Nearest Town ,laelcsonville Nearest Waterway Little Northeast Creek River Basin Intracoastal Water Way USES HUC Coordinates N 34.7969 W 77.3609 Location description 11LiLproperty is located adjacent to Little Northeast Creek, on US 17 near Kellum poop, Jacksonville, Onslow County, North Carolina, Indicate Which of the Followhig Apply: _ Based on preliminary information, there may be wetlands on the above described property. We strongly suggest you have this property inspected to determine the extent of Department of the Army (DA) jurisdiction. 'robe considered final, a jurisdictional determination must be verified by the Corps. This preliminary determination is not an appealable action under the Regulatory Program Administrative Appeal -Process ( Reference 33 CFR Part 331). There are Navigable Waters of the United States within the above described property subject to the permit requirements of Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act and Section 404 of the Clean Water Act. Unless there is a change in the law or, our published regulations, this determination may be relied upon for a period not to exceed five years from tine date of this notification, X 'There are wetlands on the above described property subject to the permit re uirerrtents of Section 404 of the Clean Water Act (CWA)(33 USC § 1344). Unless there is a change In the law or our published_regulatians, this determination may be relied anon for a period not to exceed five years from Elie date of this notification. _ We strongly suggest you have the wetlands on your property delineated. Due to the size of your property and/or our present workload, the Corps may not be able to accomplish this wetland delineation in a timely manner. For n more timely delineation, you may wish to obtain a consultant. To be considered final, any delineation must be verified by the Corps. The wetland on your property have been delineated and the delineation has been verified by the Corps. We strongly suggest you have this delineation surveyed. Upon completion, this survey should be reviewed and verified by the Corps. Once verified, this survey will provide an accurate depiction of all areas subject to C WA jurisdiction on your property which, provided there is no change in the law or our published regulations, may be relied upon for a period not to exceed five years, X The wetlands have been delineated an(] surveyed and are accurately de icted on the plat signed by the Corps ReaolatoryOfticial_identified below on December 17, 2004. Unless there is a change in the law or our published regulations, this determination may be relled upon for a period not to exceed five years from the date of this notification. _ There are no waters of the U.S,, to include wetlands, present on the above described property which are subject to the permit requirements of Section 404 of the Clean Water Act (33 USC 1344). Unless there is a change in the law or our published regulations, this determination may be relied upon for a period not to exceed five years from the date of this notification. X The property is located in one of the 20 Coastal Counties subject to regulation under the Coastal Area Manat:errrent Act (CAMA). You should contact the Division of Coastal Management fn Wilmington, NC at (910) 395-3900 to determine their requirements. Page 1 of 2 Action ID., '21MI S'A129 If? Placement of dredged or fill material within waters of the US and/or wetlands without a Department of the Anny permit may constitute.a violation of Section 301 of the Clean Water Act (33 USC § 1311). 1f you have any questions regarding this determination and/or the Corps regulatory program, please contact Dave Timpy at (910) 251-4634 Basis For Determination: This site exhibits wetland criteria as described in the 1987 _Corps. Wetland Delineation Manual and is adiacent Little Northeast Creek a tributary of the Intracoastal Water Way, a navigable fvater of the US. Determination is based on a field visits by Dave Tim on November 5 2004 and December 2 2004, Remarks: Borrow Pit also used for construction of NCDOT TIP Project No. U-2107 Jacksonville Bypass, Oalsory Date .December t7, 2004 Expiration Date December 17, 2009 Corps Regulatory Official (Initial): FOR OFFICE USE ONLY: A _1-, ---1--,-L-BA."-'-'-`• --.I.L_ ------ 1.- -..--1 - Cy- -p-:- m NHS cENrw7E3 nlAr m oIFY or n8S PIAr AtxLn zaY bErwt3 mt ffmw r OF.L/M$p/i^7A;.W QY 3£Gn(AV to THE CLEAN W47F7t ACT AS !A'7ERMWE]7 8Y nLE C"vr CYED GN! 7tftS DA7E UMDOW LS A MWE W 7w Llw 6 Ow PLBEfw4M REa" MVS, DOS MM eWW IOo• ro. OCT47MYM O= tL Cn,5 SECAQV AO{ •[AVMCMN MAY Q[ RELEF Plav FLAT A PVwD Nor ro EN=Ep FnS (S) 7$ARS FRW MS aA r[ MWA MV WAS MADE U7V WC 7NE 1987 COO4PS OF ENGNEERS AERAND ,+ Q 17 CIELAYEA7ILWt(j� NAVE.ltt=+�=- • • P"k-4 3 [j y� cbVdy3� � y4 yp[ }$ g � Vlg tY9 Yflm4tCL� 2 �-dd5 Mpip 57r _ uJlf�i1/i /�, , � Y ; qpq j q E nRE _ Yd �Vi ci y v� ;d Gf Yd 1� Yd DA7E`_ Yd �u{ LOCATION lNP NO SCALE ttR Il - rTi'KaC N r ..r q ri Mi,N7Q'! iitYP'Wq P'rC•� x�� �x lST7P 62� y� �D 4 Ld77'..i7.. 0.8 �V V. piE N.TF dm SC IHaf P. LSI YC Q D. tN- 1 Ypq RAY TRf.41YQ NLC n.g 70D1 P. !M � .QOFE•r]$ • q ATU ���6FG ae. zcol P. WO ; SEAL r � .� '•�•qe� J o yO�1``. l[ t� �` t N7F L L UMEIaY •r'•• Y.l� ma 523 A 763 5 sHEE'r INDEX Ard7LWE SHEET MA 7PMLLNE SFEEET � '. •a d MWUNE SNEEr 5 - AU TQfRNE SWEET Si£Er r OYplALE M Ar GP.. PARKII7--"D /,/yam j /• $ P( 0.9, aid P. 101 x 6df A�CAYA tkjy q: SHEET� n SHEET J R d! Q a10NE ••`� �d WErtMq YIP XERAA41 AUP f�/ y ~7• '6za Thh d..r'th oM{> tA. tl�im tla.n an tM prvprlr .r ESP A..oci la. 1 1M r.prodmlbn, of th dlwltw., awtbp or .Nr ! Nf. 4erbq *JF �`r • ' '�• 4g a rW�ou! (A.b rAln 1 is bl tq—t .n w w )-t tr i"a o<u� y!E[f 6 'fr NOTES, LWE TABLE • r . �• L �• iF" <'k-A- ' r ��a ESP M..bt... P.A ' R ! 6 S7prE - „!p . [ 4-Q-TQy�. P''• Q9. a7� Qa9 �S�M„ 46•Tq�? taoom 0.8 a� P. JE.n r y •. :: : ,�} �.4• r• 0°'G,y 2 i NncgN rtn vrE +ter w ou[ uwr ru WR r'Fl�l N0. r!-si - a81428 P.P. hy3 fsT t NO-. PALE REH90M er amen.omr.,asw.d 0 warn Tom o ^ .•a•••• ' '.t ,Y '" i E 1I1'LANDS DELINEATION MAP ;H Qm� Pp wic \Y4 dfORTON dffNES = o zsa soo i000 N.C. ` MORTON INC. ESP ASSOCIATES P.A. 4, TRUCKING, —_ go-•=.�. YcAw arvt n.-.w BAR SCALE 1'=SDO* - � c ,zt LE JAQcsaWNt+LU-Ltt.NcANzasaa r b 6 ur MS OWME5 TNAr TNTS COPY OF TMS PlAI ACaWA ra r O mrs THE 8GlNOARY or JNmwcaGY of Xl; V&f 404 Cr ME G[AN WA TER ACr AS AETEUOYED 'Y OIE MVER9a1ED ON TMS WE: [M= TXVT 1i A 0 14ILZ AN IW LAM CF OER 3%/8l1VtED RfL TXWI TMS OEIE WNANGN cr MrMW $04 .4W45 VUW WAY 8£ RNJEV UPEW FP4 A PERM Nor To EJ:CfEb Ald: (n) TSARS FRW TMs OAre11M0 gj£TKw NAs wACE ulvlwc�6R�YWAnWE 1987 CGRFS or E1V"*IPS WETtANO 0 150 306 GOO BAR SCALE J � ry k �C 22q; SE. KNIT£ q• Qi D.B. 1884 P. 852 Q O N/F R. k B. KELLUM z 0.8. 2001 P. 000 \ ' 1 =304 t�t1NITC qlfj rrr4, AI?o a SEAL v L-3797 q j �:9 'SUFJ•.O�`,�?� L L L1TTL£TON .n.w, l�n om 'hey -/011S4 ,.)` r n1 D.B. 523 P. 763 »slw .Pm+.0 new! r t t `77" ESP ASSOCIATKS P.A. . p$u winp• •un'M^9 • P ['THdN --. R TCHLINE SHEET 2 TCHLINE SHEET 5 U. S. W Z O 0 4�r Q ;4N .,dcd wO re 17 — 175' R.O.W. .aea ETC x e L rA IM YAP ' W0 SME O a ta48 O� �O �m C pcs ��. Q �r0 qua �r �md RTON TRUlp, C;,B24 INC.Q D.B. 1379 ar MORTON TRUCKING, INC. 0.8. 1094 P. 776 inh dr•vb9 •.w/� u• e•.b., Ma..• w q. erwrty •1 [SP A•.9datw, Pa m• r•Pr•b�cnm, at.�ln.. wP�y •r •fh.r T ua. a'••5+9 IlAeut n+r• .r5llm k 6 Pr•h69•d and a.y NFkrpw,st •tl 6• wbj.et le 4qa a9p4 ESP Aswa•Iw. PA IFETUNOS PEUlffATION MAP MORTON MINE EXPANSION , 458 P 404 4 � ' pROP056a xlINE £L4, 1GAVgTI I I MORTON TRUCKING, INC. e ti ACR£S QN 'Zt ur�lQ iEr LANE By I� MATCH INE SHEET 2 *A TC LINE SHEET 3 x n r � Z m N/F JEAN KELLUM D.B. 224 P. 3d6 WYERHAUESER Co. D.B. 342 P. 431 _p C 0 Z. �0R . Ada°: O ,rrrrr1111111 \\\\ R�g�s g.LLUE K 105J .P. 7-55 NIP CAROL FRESHWATER D• 6. 568 P. 007 n v R.E. & H' yfRI•SHWATER D. 588 P. 010 "s a 1 0 a Al/F . W. D. & L GILLEY O.B. 765 P. 064 +"o c Oo � A z N/fi J.W. & E. KELLUM n LA. BRO aO.B, 306 P. D,B. 7676 P. 963 97 1J/F- A.R. & M. GOODSON D,B, 489 p• $08 r I N R M.bf. WINBERRY "— NIF HEIRS & OTHERS N.P. & A.L WA TE S D.B. 1456 P. 262 D.B. 1215 P. 10 NIP "OR TON TRUCK! D.B. 58 p R.M. KELLUM 25NC QB. 230 P. 029 N N/F D. W. CORBETT W.R. & C. WILUS D.B. 313 P, 289 D.B. 2004 P. 200 N EUWAH T: I.IORTON D.B. 1795 P. 956 MICHAEL DUDLEY PROPER77ES, L.L.C. D.B. 1595 P. 69D ;A� s>�I�i4i fi Y � i y 2 4§ 8t MATCHLIINE SHEET MATCHLINE SHEET 4, pRDpp564 MIACRESCAVA Poo \Y a "' W W 4 OF .r G1� AG• 69s r S �T04; A os�4y 0 c' J�T �Z = q , ESP ASSOCIATES. % rLLCif LerrhLQ.w.aY W P tarvL �L+ RYA (.11) naa Zd 0 +`ogl iA CAROB/..,. +��40SEALo r29 yy L•3797C co 0 dOH t `LPL } L 'C D �z Z n N0. OF =MW ICI OF " CLEAN WA" ACf AS Af7CR7NH£D 7FiE UhDEli .lN�SGYE - �p WERE I3 A CF4H[L P' aA< UW or OW PUBLWffD AER.�ITTCY'f IfdS CETf]CVJIAACN Cr .p�F -a,G i M>7+a5 404 MMUMDW unl�/L n�PFRA)0 NOY (� F. L'EtAVEAPLM' ,+om -ULM VLAM bfc QA TC �Q ImeLN LOV w. R IORnL 9tE X LOCATMH ury NO SCAU LFo— pSlilp IP➢.L4 L][.Yq 1� pf1Yi0 IMIGi wwun I+E wt rus uihh>Ea 0 150 300 Epp BAR SCALE 1'=300' �I, d..t, pia a... n p, t. P'orPnrtltr�,OL RyP�gAuetluL� .a. A. ,ywdY, .- h"q t -i1 b. ).t t I p' EM and my MlrMpmw,t .A 6, wAJ,cl to Ipd e+etlan. ESP AW lgtN Pk !AIE RElt3CN ANDS DELINEATION MAP BTON .VINE' EXPANSION WON ON90R CO.. N. TON TRUCKING, INC. Ul CARNET LANE y1CKSMWUE NC 2B346 L. L_ LITTLE70N � 1' 0.6. 523 P. 763 [�1 M CEI?VW3 RG r n& COPY OF Y+M P[A r ALvx7A Tar ACWTS RfE BttWARr - .11RA9ICRg4 OF SE'CDON fat OF 1NE LIEAN MAW? ACr AS M-MWNE0 ar 7W aAH/El9WIM ON Dn W 7E IR, M REFS fS A OWWX - AV THE LAW CF OLR PLIIYISHEL ReaOLAMAX 7M5 DEfFMM DOW OF srcAm of .51475fwrxw 1(AY BE Raxv u-oN PC9 A Pvd00 Sr M EMfED fRE r3) }EARS FRW Db5 DAM DE7vWM YM WAS MAW UMIZR 7997 R]4P^ t7F ENC7r7f?7PS O NAyE N/F / H. do C. P. PARKER nne WT L 458 P. 404, — DAM_i21,L�U sS/��• 3 h N R. & B. STONE B.B. r332 P. 224 6� cP` N/F R. & D. STONE' D.B. 52NA 669 N. & Z. H. PARKER D.B. 46N P. 306 N.K_ & J. HUMPHREY 0 150 300 600 D.B. 1428 P 4 BAR SCALE 1'-300' tcaPm aTtNm lue ,Gbl onTwi+w...t eucxo Rmvwn tR Nx rm ,.'•� ESP ASSOCIATES P.A. f fcA f frf��4' . �QQ fE3s Oyy'� ^� . SEAL r: = _iy L=3797 q € 7-CHLINE SHEET 2 TCHLINE SHEET 5 PRnOOSED �G11 tav m k n 517E x 64. T ,q REXC,q V4 AON LOCaY1N NAP NO SC&E ES e Th~ oe ar, W) ti 1n 4J Z d , Lr P000 t JOG i a 6. ! S� fY •`a`r�cF f ,• r.�,tiP • 'P�� • •3E4S ,' ,' • . •' ' SN, bv,ing ,ut/vr Th, tl, a ,hsm v. Fhr F,^PrtY of ESP A.,ppal,� Th, r.pytlu tic,. [ttl, h •�jF T � 1."Da4 my��iiyy • 9 , •4MYl lMk trpf r � nl b ptf.6lGtl rmtl „y .1. � � hYlepan,n! ,fl W eWf,et to lqd octlaw v NO, DATE ftVV N ar METL MPS} DELINEATION AUP qY � e- .� NORTON .DINE EXPANSION O Q. MORTON TRUCKING, INC. IV DAFMU LANE JAMSDNAtLJZ NC 7154E 9 v A TTRS tunmrS rmAr Pis CaPY cF OBS PLAT ACWAA Far DEPACFS TFC B&MVARY V .A.RI;LCMV OF SE07M 404 OF TFLE CAE.IN WATER ACT AS DC7DiYvAfp BY W WA)Vz9CNFD L1V R#5 DAIE WALMS RLERE S A MAW,; N PTLAW Li aiR PUBLmCp RfCftARM" VPS Dfn1 MfNA7XN OF SW=W 404 ,1gMwCRO4 NAr BE M" LB'aV FM A PORLD7 NOT TV EtrM nW (o WARS FROM n,TS DATE:,., W W7VUW lXW WAS MADE 1JUA3 G DBE JPS7 CORPS CP EhVft-4 S KrTL4&V DEEPEA RI6NI AARVALYF NAUD 7)1& ESP ASSOCIATES P.A. ..1p1M4YLt1p 41tfW1lfnp•PS np WETLANDS LINE TABLE LINE TABLE LINE LENGTH i BEARING Ll 136.361 N66407'46E LZ 259.93 663'3759'E L3 66.05 H02.281391V L4 20S.11 N42'55'59'E L5 6226 N46'37'14'V L6 21555 S86'01'30'V L7 ]53.15 N36-4443'V LB 161.42 N43'17'45'V L9 124,51 H11'47'49'V L10 4493B S83'00'58'E U1 96M 1 S46.4t'14'E L12 69.04 S47.12.15'E L13 147,42 S29'5749'E U4 70.22 SIB'3910'L L75 195.62 S00'46'05'E L16 92,29 S23'52'54'E L17 138.98 S15'49'31'E US 65.13 S41.2t'09'V LI9 3fi0.08 N78-SOW-E L20 326,24 S22.41'39'E L21 205A7 SI9159591E L22 615.94 S09'17'02'E L23 250,17 SO4'30'36'V L24 90,96 S38'44'25'V L25 136.93 330'05'381V L26 9a91 S80.39'02' V L27 MA1 L69-03-13-V L28 209.90 N82'5430'W L29 103.01 S43'2L'5VW L30 195.15 N60'07'06'V L31 697.09 S62.52.08'V L32 168.59 S29.56'21'V L33 L29050 N54.5W45'V L34 13159 N55'10'38'V L35 E1602 N40'30'59'W L36 144,79 N23'04'30'V L37 9325 N73.5V304V L38 85.82 S68.33'12'L L39 125.99 N41'00'00'W L40 97.33 N31.45.491V L41 6L66 NO5'll'561V U2 133.65 N64'22'43'V L43 45.00 NE5'55'59'V L44 GL2T N82.29014'W L45 277.18 S6746'50' V L46 163R7 N40.35'G4'V L17 135,31 N57.13'18'W L4 L02.38 N62.01'061V L491 77.771 N86'34TV% NOR714 CAROUNA XRISDIC71ONAL WA 7ERS OF THE' U. S. AREA SF ACRES Wn-40 A 465.%6 =07 ME3IAND 0 1,414241 323l6 IFEILF110 C 12,560 0.974 METLAHO O 11,614 0.267 SOTµ 1,9]tl,10e 44,499 4W 17 w v1VIE x X LDCAMN LIAP NO SCALE N Mall !Wrr WF01[VA MW TARDY FROM OEFD BOOK Mgt PACE rib. Rr15 MAP LR A= NOT MEET RC UNUM STAWAWS SET FORM 4V W AIAHIAL OF PKd CnW FM LAW sIRYEVNC W OL'D MMM o4RWA AND S NOT 040C ,Fm Rf0G1RDAl)o,% THS PROPERTY LR LOCA FED N nDW ZONE G R AL0 AS AS PER F7W MAP CU14OWTY PAAML. 3=40 0215 C. GATED JAY L 1907 TH5 IL4P S FOR AVFORWAW6U KOWOS EV ONLY. AOT 6YR7�ED TD LT BCUAmARr.SIAWY. kALCA DOFF. .=Q op�ssao���� 5$AL f- t y L 3797 Q _ c '•,2 A ,0 tnr m9.A9 a+a/ tti P no.n m prcv.tl' d ESP Aaoclo4., .i4 P. rgwv, rtratl�.wmPlV1 a otter u.. V 11hdt N� PMI. -*UZ_t M pry M d ti.M.P not .4 b. wib*t 1. 41.1 ..Ll- f3P Ae.p41.N., P.A. NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES LAND QUALITY SECTION APPLICATION FOR A MINING PERMIT (PLEASE PRINT OR TYPE) 1. Name of Mine Morton Mine County Onslow River Basin White Oak Latitude (dd,mm.ss) 34' 48' 00" N Longitude (dd.mm.ss) 77' 21' 20" 2. Name of Applicant* Morton Trucking,Inc. 3. Permanent address for receipt of official mail** 121 Garnet Lane Jacksonville, N.C. 28546 Telephone 910 346•-9068 4. Mine Office Address Same as above Telephone Same as above Mine Manager Elijah Morton We hereby certify that all details contained in this Permit Application are true and correct to the best of our knowledge. We fully understand that any willful misrepresentation of facts will be cause for permit revocation. ***Signature / 2e)o Print Name Elijah Morton Title President * This will be the name that the mining permit will be issued to and the naive that must be indicated on the reclamation bond (security) that corresponds to this site. ** The Land Quality Section must be notified of any changes in the permanent address or telephone number. *** Signature of company officer required. G.S. 74-51 provides that the Department shall grant or deny an application for a permitwithin 60 days of receipt of a complete application or, if a public hearing is held, within 30 days following the hearing and the filing of any supplemental information required by the Department. All questions must be addressed and all required maps provided before this application can be considered complete. Attach additional sheets as needed. -1- APPLICATION FOR A MINING PERMIT ■ NOTE: All of the following questions must be thoroughly answered with regards to your mining operation for the intended life of the mine. All responses must be clearly conveyed on a corresponding, detailed mine map. A. GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS OF THE MINE Answer all of the following that apply: 1. a. If this is an application for a NEW permit, indicate the total acreage at the site to be covered by the permit (this is the acreage that te-"new permit" fee will be based upon): n/a Of this acreage, how much is owned and how much is leased? Acres owned: n/a Acres leased: Property owner if leased: b. If this is an application for RENEWAL of a mining permit, indicate the mining permit number and the total (overall) acreage covered by tie existing permit: Mining Permit No.: _ _ n/a Total permitted acreage (this is the acreage that the "renewal" fee will be based upon): n/a c. If this is an application for a MODIFICATION to a mining permit, indicate the mining permit number and the total (overall) acreage covered y the existing permit: Mining Permit No.: 67-33 Total permitted acreage: 80 Does the modification involve acreage within the previously approved permitted boundary? Yes XX No if yes, indicate the acreage to be covered by this modification (this is the acreage that the "major modification" fee will be based upon): 28.1 Does the modification involve acreage outside the previously approved permitted boundary? Yes No XX . If yes, indicate the additional acreage to be covered by this modification: (NOTE: you must complete all of Section F. of this application form entitled Notification of Adjoining Landowners). Of this acreage to be added to the permit, will any portion of this acreage be affected (disturbed, ground cover removed) by the mining operation? Yes XX No (if no, a "minor modification" fee of $50.00 is required, despite the "undisturbed" acreage to be added). if yes, indicate the acreage to be affected within the acreage to be added to the permit (the total acreage to be added to the permit is the acreage that the "major modification" fee will be based upon): d. If this is an application for TRANSFER of a mining permit, indicate the mining permit number and the total (overall) acreage coveredby the existing permit: Mining PermitNo.: n/a Total permitted acreage: n/a ■ SEE THE FEE SCHEDULE AT THE END OF THIS FORM FOR THE PROPER FEE AMOUNT TO BE PAID FOR THE REQUESTED PERMIT ACTIONS) AND CORRESPONDING ACREAGE NOTED ABOVE 2. Name of all materials mined: Natural Sand 3. Mining method: Hydraulic Dredge XX Front-end Loader & Truck X Shovel & Truck Dragline & Truck XX Self -loading Scraper Other (explain) -2- APPLICATION FOR A MINING PERMIT 4. a. Expected maximum depth of mine (feet) _ Approximately 70 feet__ Depth is relative to what benchmark? (e.g., natural ground level, mean sea b. Expected average depth of mine (feet) 70 5. Has any area(s) at this site been mined in the past? Yes X No 1f yes, when and by whom was this activity conducted? 1989 — Current Morton T_rnckkg, Inc. 6. Number of years for which the permit is requested (10 years maximum): 10 B. MAPS 1. Clearly mark and label the location of your mining operation on six G copies of a 7.5 minute quadrangle and a county highway map. These maps, in addition to six (6) copies of all mine maps and reclamation maps, must be submitted with each permit application. 7.5 minute quadrangles may be obtained from; N.C. Geological Survey NCDENR 1612 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1612 (919) 715-9718 County highway maps may be obtained from: Location Department State Highway Commission Raleigh, North Carolina 27602 (919) 733-7600 -3- APPLICATION FOR A MINING PERMIT 2. Mine maps must be accurate and appropriately scaled drawings, aerial photographs or enlarged topographic maps of the entire mine site. All aspects of the mine site must be clearly labeled on the maps along with their corresponding (approximate) acreage. As a reminder, mining permits can only be issued for up to 10 years; thus, all mine and reclamation maps must only denote those activities that are intended to be conducted during the life of the mining permit. All maps must be of a scale sufficient (see minimum requirements listed below) to clearly illustrate the following, at a minimum: a. Property lines of the tract or tracts of land on which the proposed mining activity is to be located including easements and rights -of -way. b. Existing or proposed permit boundaries. c. Initial and ultimate limits of clearing and grading. d. Outline and width of all buffer zones (both undisturbed and unexcavated). e. Outline and acreage of all pits/excavations. f. Outline and acreage of all stockpile areas. g. Outline and acreage of all temporary and/or permanent overburden disposal areas. h. Location and acreage of all processing plants (processing plants maybe described as to location and distance from mine if sufficiently far removed}. i. Locations and names of all streams, rivers and lakes. j. Outline and acreage of all settling and/or processing wastewater ponds. k. Location and acreage of all planned and existing access roads and on -site haul roads. 1. Location of planned and existing on -site buildings. m. Location and dimensions of all proposed sediment and erosion control measures. n. Location of 100-year floodplain limits and wetland boundaries. o. Names of owners of record, both public and private, of all tracts of land that are adjoining the mining permit boundary; if an adjoining tract is owned or leased by the applicant or is owned by the lessor of the mine tract, names of owners of record of tracts adjoining these tracts, that are within 1,000 feet of the mining permit boundary, must be provided on the mine map. p. Names of owners of record, both public and private, of all tracts of land that are adjoining the mining permit boundary which lie directly across and are contiguous to any highway; creek, stream, river, or other watercourse; railroad track; or utility or other public right-of-way; if an adjoining tract is owned or leased by the applicant or is owned by the lessor of the mine tract, names of owners of record of tracts adj oining these tracts, that are within 1,000 feet of the mining permit boundary, must be provided on the mine map(s). NO`l'E. "Highway" means a road that has four lanes of travel or less and is not designated as an Interstate Highway. q. Map legend: i . Name of applicant 2. Name of mine 3. North arrow 4. County 5. Scale 6. Symbols used and corresponding names 7. Date prepared and revised 8. Name and title of person preparing map Map scales should meet the following guidelines: PERMITTED ACREAGE MAI" SCALE 0-99 Acres 1 inch = 50 feet 100-499 Acres 1 inch = 100 feet 500+ Acres 1 inch = 200 feet (NOTE: Smaller scaled maps may be acceptable if they clearly illustrate the above items) ClL APPLICATION FOR A MINING PERMIT A table/chart must be provided on the mine map that clearly lists the approximate acreage of tailings/sediment ponds, stockpiles, wastepiles, processing area/haul roads, mine excavation and any other major aspect of the mining operation that is proposed to be affected/disturbed during the life of the mining permit. A table/chart similar to the following will be acceptable: CATEGORY AFFECTED ACREAGE Tailings/Sediment Ponds 6.92 Acres Stockpiles Wastepiles Processing Area/Haul Roads 2.13 Acres Mine Excavation 64.1 Acres Other NOTE: IN ADDITION TO THE ABOVE, THE MAPS MUST ALSO INCLUDE ANY SITE -SPECIFIC I1�RMATION THAT IS PROVIDED IN THE ANSWERS TO THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS IN THIS APPLICATION FORM (PLEASE NOTE THE- ITALICIZED QUESTIONS/STATEMENTS THROUGHOUT THE FORM}. THIS APPLICATION WILL NOT BE CONSIDERED COMPLETE WITHOUT ALL RELEVANT ITEMS BEING ADEQUATELY ADDRESSED ON THE MINE MAPS. —5— APPLICATION FOR A MINING PERMIT C. PROTECTION OF NATURAL RESOURCES 1. Describe in detail the sequence of events for the development and operation of the mine and reference the sequence to the mine map(s). Attach additional sheets as needed. Existing mining operations will continue progressing from northeast towards southwest. The southwest portion of the site has been previously mined as a NCDOT Pit. 2. Describe specific erosion control measures to be installed prior to land disturbing activities and during mining to prevent offsite sedimentation (include specific plans for sediment and erosion control for mine excavation(s), waste piles, access/mine roads and process areas), and give a detailed sequence of installation and schedule for maintenance of the measures. Locate and label all sediment and erosion control measures on the mine map(s) and provide typical cross-sections/construction details of each measure. Engineering designs and calculations shall be required when needed to justify the adequacy of any proposed measures. This is an expansion of an existing operation. Runoff from disturbed lands involved in this operation drains into the active mine containing sediments within the mine excavation. 3. a. Will the operation involve washing the material mined, recycling process water, or other waste water handling? Yes No XX_. if yes, briefly describe all such processes including any chemicals to be used. b. Will the operation involve discharging fresh or waste water from the mine or plant as a point discharge to the waters of the State? Yes No XX . If yes, briefly describe the nature of the discharge and locate all proposed discharge points (along with their method ofstabilization) on your mine map(s). Dewatering is an operation at this mine. Groundwater is pumped from the active mining areas to the on -site, 6.92-acre pond. Sediments transported along with the groundwater will settle in the pond. The pond naturally infiltrates into the sandy soils below. APPLICATION FOR A MINING PERMIT c. Will any part of the proposed mine excavation(s) extend below the water table? Yes XX No . If yes, do you intend to dewater the excavation(s)? Yes XX No . If yes, what impact, if any, will mine dewatering have on neighboring wells? Estimated withdrawal rate in gallons per day: . Locate all existing wells on the mine map(s) that lie within 500 feet of the proposed excavation area. Provide data to support any conclusions or statements made, including any monitoring well data, well construction data and current water withdrawal rates. Indicate whether the proposed mine locale is served by a public water system or private wells. This area and the surrounding area is served by County Water Supply. There are no known water supply wells within 1/4-mile of the mine site. d. if you answered yes to any of the above questions, provide evidence that you have applied for or obtained the appropriate water duality permit(s) (i.e., non -discharge, NPDES, Stormwater, etc.) from the Division of Water Quality, Water Quality Section. In addition, the applicant is required to register water use with the Division of Water Resources if the operation withdraws more than 100,000 gallons per day and needs a capacity use permit from the Division of Water Resources if the operation lies in a capacity use area and withdraws more than 100,000 gallons per day. The mining activity and the 6.92-acre pond that serves the dewatering process are non - discharging areas. Both the mine and the pond are infiltrating bodies of water. 4. a. Will the operation involve crushing or any other air contaminant emissions? Yes No XX If yes, indicate evidence that you have applied for or obtained an air quality permit issued by the Division of Air Quality or local governing hody. b. How will dust from stockpiles, haul roads, etc., be controlled? An on -site water truck will be used for dust control on access roads —7— APPLICATION FOR A MINING PERMIT 5. a. A buffer will be required between any mining activity and any mining permit boundary or right-of- way. It may be an unexcavated buffer (no excavation, but roadways, berms and erosion & sedimentation control measures may be installed within it), an undisturbed buffer (no disturbance within the buffer whatsoever), or a combination of the two, depending upon the site conditions. Note that all buffers must be located within the mining permit boundaries. How wide a buffer will be maintained between any mining activity and any mining permit boundary or right-of-way at this site? A minimum buffer of 25 feet is recommended, although a wider buffer may be needed depending on site conditions. Show all buffer locations and widths on the mine map(s). A 25-foot buffer is maintained along the perimeter of the mine excavation limits. The mine excavation will not extend within 100 feet of the property Boundary or within 50 feet of a river, stream, lake or creek. b. A minimum 50 foot wide undisturbed buffer will be required between any land disturbing activities within the mining permit boundaries and any natural watercourses and wetlands unless smaller undisturbed buffers can be justified. Depending on site conditions, a buffer wider than 50 feet may be needed. How wide an undisturbed buffer will be maintained between any land disturbing activities within the mining permit boundaries and any natural watercourses and wetlands at this site? Show all buffer locations and widths on the mine map(s). Nearby creeks and streams form the property boundaries. A buffer in excess of 50 feet will be maintained between land disturbing activities and creeks and streams. 6. a. Describe methods to prevent landslide or slope instability adjacent to adjoining permit boundaries during mining. Minimum 2 horizontal to 1 vertical slopes or flatter for clayey material and minimum 3 horizontal to 1 vertical slopes or flatter for sandy material are generally required, unless technical justification can be provided to allow steeper slopes. 3H:1V slopes are proposed as shown on the plans WE APPLICATION FOR A MINING PERMIT b. Provide a crass -section on the mine map(s) for all fill slopes (berms, wastepiles, overburden disposal areas, etc.), dearly indicating the intended side slope gradient, installation of any benches and/or slope drains (with supporting design information) if needed, and the method of final stabilization. NIA -- Fill slopes are not proposed c. In excavation(s) of unconsolidated (non -rock) materials, s ecify the angle of all cut slopes including specifications for benching and sloping. Cross-sectionsjbr all cut slopes must be provided on the mine map(s). All excavated slopes are proposed as 3H:1V. Cross Sections are shown on the plans d. In hardrock excavations, specify proposed bench widths and heights in feet. Provide cross -,Sections of the mine excavation clearly noting the angles ofthe cut slopes, widths oj'all safety benches and mine benches, and the expected maximum depth vfthe excavation. NIA 7. Describe other methods to be taken during mining to prevent physical hazard to any neighboring dwelling house, public road, public, commercial or industrial building from any mine excavation. Locate all such structures on the mine map if they are within 300 feet of any proposed excavation. The existing operations maintain controlled access from US Highway 17. Employees are on -site full- time to monitor traffic that enters and exits the site. The site is bordered by natural creek features on the remaining sides to impede public access to the site. 8. Describe what kind of barricade will be used to prevent inadvertent public access along any high wall area and when it will be implemented. Vegetated earthen berms, appropriate fencing and adequate boulder barriers may be acceptable high wall barricades. A construction detail/cross-section and location of each type of barricade to be used must be indicated on the mine map(s). Controlling public access is described in Item 7 above. Proposed excavated slopes are 311:1V. APPLICATION FOR A MINING PERMIT 9. Are acid producing minerals or soils present? Yes No XX How will acid water pollution from the excavation, stockpiles and waste areas be controlled? 10. a. Describe specific plans (including a schedule of implementation) for screening the operation from public view such as maintaining or planting trees, bushes or other vegetation, building berms or other measures. Show the location of all visual screening on the mitre maps) and provide cross -sections through all proposed berms or proposed spacing, sizes and species for tree plantings. Existing tree lines remain in -place along the western, southern and eastern boundaries of the property. The northern property boundary is formed by the US Hwy 17 right -of way. Mining operations occur below the elevations of US Hwy 17 providing adequate screening. b. Could the operation have a significantly adverse effect on the purposes of a publicly owned park, forest or recreation area? If so, how will such effects (i.e., noise, visibility, etc.) be mitigated`? No - No facilities are nearby 11. Will explosives be used? Yes No XX . If yes, specify the types of explosive(s) and describe what precautions) will be used to prevent physical hazard to persons or neighboring property from flying rocks or excessive air blasts or ground vibrations. Depending on the mire's location to nearbyy structures, more detailed technical information may be required on the blasting program (such as a third - party blasting study). Locate the nearest offsite occupied structures) to the proposed excavation(v) on the mine map and indicate its approximate distance to the proposed excavation. 12. Will fuel tanks, solvents, or other chemical reagents be stored on -site? Yes Na XX Ifyes, describe these materials, how they will be stored and method ofcontainment in case ofspill. Indicate the location(s) of all storage facilities on the mine map(s). _1.0- APPLICATION FOR A MINING PERMIT D. RECLAMATION PLAN 1. Describe your intended plan for the final reclamation and subsequent use of all affected lands and indicate the sequence and general methods to be used in reclaiming this land. This must include the method of reclamation of settling ponds and/or sediment control basins and the method of restoration or establishment of any permanent drainage channels to a condition minimizing erosion, siltation and other pollution. This information must be illustrated on a reclamation map and must correspond directly with the information provided on the mine map(s). In addition, design information, including typical cross -sections, of any permanent channels to be constructed as part of the reclamation plan and the location(s) of all permanent channels must be indicated on the reclamation map. Once mining operations cease, the area will be left as a lake. The average depth of water across the mine footprint should be on the order of 30 to 40 feet minimum. The existing pond receiving water from the mine dewatering process will remain as a pond, 2. is an excavated or impounded body of water to be left as a part of the reclamation? Yes XX No If yes, illustrate the location of the body(s) of water an the reclamation map and provide a scaled cross-section(s) through the proposed body(s) of water. The minimum water depth must be at least 4 feet, measured from the normal low water table elevation, unless information is provided to indicate that a more shallow water body will be productive and beneficial at this site. Will the body(s) of water be stocked with fish? Yes XX No . if yes, specify species. Bass, Brim, Crappie and Catfish 3. Describe provisions for safety to persons and to adjoining property in all completed excavations in rock including what kind of permanent barricade will be left. Acceptable permanent barricades are appropriate fencing, large boulders placed end -to -end, etc. Construction details and locations of all permanent barricades must be shown on the reclamation map. N/A -11- APPLICATION FOR A MINING PERMIT 4. Indicate the method(s) of reclamation of overburden, refuse, spoil banks or other such on -site mine waste areas, including specifications for benching and sloping. Final cross -sections and locations for such areas must be provided on the reclamation map. N/A 5. a. Describe reclamation of processing facilities, stockpile areas, and on -site roadways. On -site roadways shall be scarified, seeded and mulched in accordance with the seeding specifications in item 7. b. Will any on -site roadways be left as part of the reclamation? Yes No XX , Ifyes, identify.such roadways on the reclamation map and provide details on permanent ditch line stabilization. 6. Describe the method of control of contaminants and disposal of scrap metal, junk machinery, cables, or other such waste products of mining. (Note definition of refuse in The Mining Act of 1971). No off -site generated waste shall be disposed of on the mine site without prior written approval from the NC Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Land Quality Section and either the Division of Waste Management (DWM) or local governing body. if a disposal permit has been issued by DWM for the site, a copy of said permit must be attached to this application. All temporary and permanent refuse disposal areas must be clearly delineated on the mine maps) and reclamation map, along with a list of items to be disposed in said areas. Employees are on -site full-time to monitor activities within the mining footprint. No waste or refuse shall be disposed of within the mine footprint. A land clearing -inert debris landfill permitted by the Division of Waste Management is located adjacent to the mine area. -12- APPLICATION FOR A MINING PERMIT 7. Describe your plan for revegetation or other surface treatment of the affected areas. This plan must include recommendations for ear -round seeding, including the time of seeding and the amount and type of seed, fertilizer, lime and mulch per acre. The recommendations must include general seeding instructions for permanent revegetation and, if necessary, temporary revegetation. Revegetation utilizing only tree plantings is not acceptable. Recommendations can be sought from: a. Authorized representatives of the local Soil and Water Conservation District; b, Authorized representatives of the Division of Forest Resources, Department of Environment and Natural Resources; c. Authorized county representatives of the North Carolina Cooperative Extension Service, specialists and research faculty with the Colleges of Agriculture and Life Sciences and Forest Resources at North Carolina State University; d. North Carolina licensed landscape architects; e. Private consulting foresters referred by the Division of Forest Resources, Department of Environment and Natural Resources; f. N.C. Erosion and Sedimentation Control Planning and Design Manual; g. N.C. Surface Mining Manual: A Guide for Permitting, Operation and Reclamation; h. Others as may be approved by the Department. LIME - RATE OF APPLICATION (tons/acre): 3,000 lbs/acre FERTILIZER - ANALYSIS AND RATE OF APPLICATION (pounds/acre): 10-10-10 at 500 lbs/acre SEED - TYPE (S) AND RATE (S) OF APPLICATION INCLUDING YEAR-ROUND SEEDING SCHEDULE (pounds/acre): [NOTE: Include Legumes] Seed Types: Seeding Dates: Seeding Rates: Pensacola Bahiagrass April 1 —July 15 50 l • acre Sericea lespedeza April 1 M- July 15 30 lbslacre Common Bermudagrass April I — July 15 10 lbslacre German Millet April 1 — July 15 10 lbs/acre Note: Bermuda grass may be replaced with 5 lb/acre centipedegrass Seeding Information taken from NC Erosion and Sedimentation Control Planning and Design Manual, Table 6.1 It, Seeding No. 5CP MULCH - TYPE AND RATE OF APPLICATION (pounds/acre) AND METHOD OF ANCHORING: 4,000 lbslacre anchored with tacking asphalt, roving, netting or a disk with blades set straight OTHER VEGETATIVE COVERS — TYPE (S) AND RATE (S) OF APPLICATION INCLUDING SEEDING SCHEDULE (pounds/acre, trees/acre, spacing of trees/shrubs, etc): Revegetation and/or reforestation plan approved by: Signature Date Print Name Title Agency —13— APPLICATION FOR A MINING PERMIT E. DETERMINATION OF AFFECTED ACREAGE AND BOND The following bond calculation worksheet is to he used to establish an appropriate bond (based upon a range of $500 to $5,000 per affected acre)for each permitted mine site based upon the acreage approved by the Department to be affected during the life ofthe miningpermit. Please insert the yMroximate acreabe. for each aspect o the mining operation, that you intend to affect during the li e o this mininz permit in addition lease insert the appropriate reclamation cost/acre for each categoryfrom the Schedule of Reclamation Costs provided with this application form) OR you can defer to the Department to calculate your bond for you based upon our maps and standard reclamation costs: AFFECTED RECLAMATION RECLAMATION CATEGORY ACREAGE COST/ACRE* COST Tailings/Sediment Ponds: 6.92 Ac. X $ 500.00 /Ac. _ $ 3,460.00 Stockpiles: Ac. X $ . /Ac. _ $ Wastepiles: Ac. X $ /Ac. - $ Processing Area/Haul Roads: 2.13 Ac. X $ 1,800.00 _ /Ac. _ $3,834.00 Mine Excavation: 64.1 Ac. X $ 500.00 /Ac. - $ 32,050.00 Other: Ac. X $ /Ae. _ $ TOTAL AFFECTED AC.: 73.15 Ac. (TOTAL PERMITTED AC.: 80 Ac.) Temporary & Permanent Sedimentation & Erosion Control_ Measures: Divide the TOTAL AFFECTED AC, above into the following two categories: a) affected acres that drain into proposed/existing excavation and/or b) affected acres that will be graded for positive drainage where measures will c needed to prevent offsite sedimentation and sedimentation to onsite watercourses and wetlands. a) Internal Drainage 73.15 Ac. b) Positive Drainage Ac. X $1,500.00 = $ SUBTOTAL COST: 39,344.00 Inflation Factor: 0.02 X SUBTOTAL COST: $ 786.88 X Permit Life (1 to 10 years): 10. INFLATION COST: $ 7,868.89 TOTAL COST = SUBTOTAL COST + INFLATION COST = $ 47,212.80 Total Reclamation Bond Cost: $ 47,200.00 _ (round down to the nearest $100.00) -14- APPLICATION FOR A MINING PERMIT G. LAND ENTRY AGREEMENT We hereby grant to the Department or its appointed representatives the right of entry and travel upon our lands or operation during regular business hours for the purpose of making necessary field inspections or investigations as may be reasonably required in the administration of the Mining Act of 1971. We further grant to the Department or its appointed representatives the right to make whatever entries on the land as may be reasonably necessary and to take whatever actions as may be reasonably necessary in order to catry out reclamation which the operator has failed to complete in the event a bond forfeiture is ordered pursuant to G.S. 74-59. LANDOWNER: Signature: Print Name: �� !'�� lD►� Address: 121 Telephone: ' L/' % /(?) 2`` % '- 206 8 APPLICANT: Signature:* Print Name: Title: r� Company: Mine Name: 111r17MI1 *Signature must be the same as the individual who signed Page 1 of this application. maps, and the appropriate processing fee (see next page for fee schedule) in the form a check or money order payable to the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources must be sent to the Land Quality Section Central Office at the address listed on the front cover of this application form. Inquiries regarding the status of the review of this application should be directed to the Mining Program staff at (919) 733-4574. SID-Z MINING A nonrefundable permit application processing fee when filing for anew mining permit, a major permit modification or a renewal permit is required as follows: TYPE ACRES NEW MAJOR PERMIT MODIFICATION RENEWAL Clay 1 but less titan 25 $500 $250 $250 25 but less than 50 1000 500 500 50 or more 1500 500 500 Sand & Gravel, I but less than 5 150 100 100 Gemstone, and Morrow Pits 5 but less than 25 250 100 100 25 but less than 50 500 250 500 56 or more 1000 500 500 Quarry, Industrial Minerals, I but less than 10 250 100 100 Dimension Stone 10 but less than 25 1000 250 500 25 but less than 50 1500 500 500 50 or more 2500 500 500 Peat & Phosphate 1 or more 2500 500 500 Cold (Heap Leach), Titanium & Others 1 or more 2500 500 500 AnonrefundableM.00permitapplicationprocessingfee13requiredforminorpermitmodifcations. Minor permit modificalionsinclude ownership transfers, name changes, bond substitutions and permit renewals where the mine Is Inactive and fully stabilized. A minor permit modification also Includes lands added to a permitted area, outside of the minimum permit buffer zone requirements, where no plans for mining related disturbance of the added lands have been approved. All other changes are considered major modifications. Acres for new permits and renewal permits means the total acreage at the site. Acres for major modification orpermits means that area of land affected by the modification within the permitted mine aren, or any additional land that is to be disturbed and added to an existing permitted area, or both. 10/2090 -I6- LAND QUALITY SECTION HEADQUARTERS Francis M. Nevils, Jr., P.E, Section Chief Land Quality Section 1612 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1612 Shinnine Address: Land Quality Section 512 North Salisbury Street Raleigh, NC 27604 James D. Simons, P.G., P.E. - Chief Engineer ? - Sediment Specialist David If. Ward - Assistant Sediment Specialist Tracy E. Davis, P. F. - Mining Specialist Judy Wehner -Assistant Mining Specialist Chris Elite - Assistant Mining Specialist James K. Leumas, P.E. - Dam Safety Engineer Tami Dodd -Assistant Dam Safety Engineer ? - Assistant Dam Safety Engioecr Caroline Medlin, F..1.- Sediment Educatinn Specialist Tabitba Brawn - Sediment Education Intern Secretaries Hope Thompson - Lead Secretary Stephanie Lane - Sediment & Dams Susan Edwards -Mining LAND QUALITY SECTION REGIONAL OFFICES ASHEVI.LLE MOORESVILLE WINSTON-SALEM RICHARD PHILLIPS, P.F. DOUG MILLER, P.E. MA'ITHEW GANTI', Y.E. JOHN: Interchange Bldg. 919 North Main Street 585 Waughtown Strcet 3800 Bi 59 Woodfin Place Mooresville, NC 28115 Winslon-Salem, NC 27107 Raleigh Asheville, NC 28801 COURIER-13-15-01 INTER COURIER-12-59-01 COURIER - 09-08-06 (336) 7714600 (919) 5' (828) 251-6208 (704) 663-1699 FAX 0 (336) 7714631 FAX W FAX # (828) 251-6452 FAX # (704) 663-6040 Alamance Alleghany Ashe Chatha Avery Buncombe. Burke Alexander Lincoln Casweil Davidson Davie Frankli Caldwell Cherokee Clay Cabarrus Mecklenburg Forsyth Guilford Rockingham Johnst( Graham llaywond Henderson Catawba Rowan Randolph Stokee Surry Noriba Jackson Macon Madison Cleveland Stanly Watauga Wilkes Yadkin Vance MCDnwcll Mitchell Polk Gaston Union Warrei Rutherford Swain Transylvania Iredell Yancey FAYE'1T1'EVILLE WILMINGTON WASHINGTON WILLIAM ('TOBY) VINSON, P.E. DAN SAMS, P.E. FLOYD WILLIAMS, P.C. 225 Green Street 127 Cardinal Drive F.xt, 943 Washington Square Mall Suite 714 Wilmington, NC 28405-3845 Washington, NC 27889 Fayetteville, NC 28301 COURIER - 16-04-01 COURIER - 14-56-25 COURI ER - 04-16-33 (252) 946-6481 (910) 486-1541 (910) 395-3900 FAX 0 (252) 975-3716 FAX 9 (910) 486-0707 FAX 8 (910) 350-2018 Beaufort Bertic Camden Anson Montgnmery Scotland Brunswick New Hanover Chowan Craven Currituck Bladen Moore Carteret Onslow Dart Gates Greene Cumberland Richmond Columbus Ponder Ifertford Hyde Janes Harnett Robeson Duplin Lenoir Martin Pamlico Hoke Sampson Pasquotank Perquimans Pitt REVI! "Tyrrell Washington Wayne SCHEDULE OF RECLAMATION COSTSZ0/2000 - a PP1iC0B.9ch.wpd aed upon range of $500 - $5,000 per affected acre COMMODITY CODES: SG = Sand and/or Gravel, GS = Gemstone, Borrow = Borrow/fill dirt, CS = Crushed Stone, DS = Dimension Stone, FS = Feldspar, MI = Mica, LI = Lithium, PF = Pyrophyllite, OL = Olivine, KY = Kyanite/Sillimanite/Andalusite, PH Phosphate, CL = Clay/Shale, PE = Peat, AU = Gold, TI = Titanium, and OT = Other Type _ T/S Ponds S.piles W.pil_es P.area/H.R. Mine Excay. SG, GS, $500/ac.(L) $1800/ac. $2000/ac. $1800/ac. $500/ac.(L) Borrow 1500(FI) $2000(PD) CS, DS, 500(L) FS, MI, 1500 (FI) LI, PF, OL, KY PH 1000(L) 2500 (FI) CL 1.000 (L) 250.0 (FI) PF, AU, 1.000 (L) T1, OT 2500(FI) 1800 2000 2000 500(L) 2500 (PD) 2500 5000 5000 2000(L) 5000 (PD) 2500 5000 5000 2000(L) 37.00 (PD) 2500 3000 3500 2000(L) 5000 (PD) (L) = reclamation to a lake and revegetating sideslopes (FI) = reclamation by filling in and revegetating (PD) = reclamation by grading for positive drainage & revegetating AS PER NCAC 15A 5B.0003, IF YOU DISAGREE WITH THE BOND AMOUNT -DETERMINED BY THE BOND CALCULATION WORKSHEET, YOU MAY SUBMIT AN ESTIMATE OF RECLAMATION COSTS FROM A THIRD PARTY CONTRACTOR. SAID ESTIMATE MUST BE PROVIDED WITHIN 30 DAYS TO THE FOLLOWING ADDRESS: Mining Program, Land Quality Section, 1612 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1612 ALL ESTIMATES_ MUST INCLUDE THE FOLLOWING, AS A MINIMUM: - - - FINAL GRADING COSTS PER ACRE - LIME AND FERTILIZER COSTS PER ACRE - YEAR-ROUND SEEDING MIXTURE COSTS PER ACRE (FROM APPROVED REVEGETATION PLAN IN APPLICATION/PERMIT DOCUMENT) - MULCH AND ANCHORING COSTS PER ACRE - ANY OTHER RECLAMATION COSTS NECESSARY TO COMPLY WITH THE APPROVED RECLAMATION PLAN FOR THE SITE IN QUESTION YOU WILL BE NOTIFIED AS SOON AS POSSIBLE OF THE DIRECTOR'S FINAL BOND DETERMINATION. a- ,. --_ --___-_I*.-..—i—"._.,.i'-._.._i.C....._,..__,,,mt-_.,;5L._._Lij.:'L! _-�1."',',:I t1L-11.-1_._.L......—_..___LA :_.A,'Lt,'1.2,ivin.'_. �- P ! _ l l t , G^ 1 5 �i o Ij i -, / / ' ' . - - �, � ., v 5 r I ��� i �l � ��`-, % / �� \VA�A\ v iv ,� � • sl�,� 0I sae �.' //" / - - - - . - . . .1 -L.. , A� I vA . ' `, --_� 1 \ % P ` �\ \` \ i, ry Q \ _- '` \ \ \ / \ / \ G'• i! / �\ ,' ;` / - - _ . _, f \ \. X\ ,\ - ''� i 1 , �$ / I \\\` -� r f \ �; \ ti \. \ - - \ \ i` I. \ - - : a .� - ./ P I _ � /. 1.2 0 i \ / - _� - 7 � i y - _ P ,/ .� \ \ '\ �iMI T$ OF '1 � y \ \ \ \ - �/ //'r µ - \ ' PCJ�TEN AAL _ a- \ it / ` 1 _T _c `%\ WETLAND - �p \ �� / - - - \ - / J \\ 2 /' _ AR£A5 / _ _%r�• � 1 l i v , ii I o. \ G, Z ; ;\ LIMITS OF ! , _-_ _ ~..� \-1 / _.-- 1___ I WETLAND ry ems. 011 \ a AREAS �� 4' 4 � o i 1 \ `'i \ \ -ter _ _ \ . / \ f, \ ti - ; O' 0 \ i I T %.}�' fl �' /%y �, / \\\ . ,` \ �'',j it • -`�. - --- --- �- \ �•`+�` \ 7� _ \ _ _ \, -L l \ / \\\ / 1 A �f f / l / l Y - _ I'l \ r % _ �- - i z _ - / h r, 1F \ __-- \ 5 \ \.---- \ P• \ \ \\ / F , ,p /- 5 _ \ {� \ 1` a "1 / !' i I \ r �. i' �` ;; . I 'fir �`, � ! P -.-,---,--\ "� \• _. \ i r J �"' \ / , \ �y i l 1� \1'+ I / / a \ ! _ V NI l \ 1 G - ,i� I ;` �, ;' r - /� I 2 i i 1 / I/ \ U3 .. �. \ f � V. ti r `r % 1 \' �: i r 'fir f .�, / f �/ �'I 5 :i I � 0 , I f 1' -_ I � 44 \ it ,, / �\\ '`\ Q S �`r t � � ! 1 \. < \� . .� . � 6 O fl 0 \ - - - �% t rr/ \ rt' 1 .\ \ '.\ Z \ f - - - - - • `, , / 1 1 '1 1 f \ \\ \` \\ \ \ / ! \\ 1 /' / , \F ' ,y l } I I}I i ', `) \"1 ,`a\\r•,\\,F, i' \-\: 11�`, �- - - - - i - - - < , 1 1 ,,' �i I LIMITS OF ��y , ' \ I � LII'' \' � � ``'\'' ' i : i i +' - - - - - • t WETLAND l /h ( [(v I'I \ `\ F ''.\,,. j r i, .� /' AREAS ---\,--.---I..----- ._ ow i� I 1 /� �l i �` % V. g, 695 �' � , -"( . \ - -,j ff � 1 I I \ n ) // 11f / - - - i i , , " '� � r � / N'R\ �� f�s I A 1;tV,F, �!r c A� - - , - `y �. v r, , ;i j \, �� y� l�i� 1` , , t` \V\V�\� �1 + - ` LIMITS �� \ -1 J/� I ` \�• L\ \\��\ f'OTENI7A yv a; -� - y ! v 1'.��w A` 44 4 i t•► c-�-_ _ -_ � �i , v, �\ v� 1 � AREAS / ti- j 1 i' 1 1 5J l I. Oi, it \\ r 't�` 4 .f ,-,-� �' \ �'` �\ I - ,��, ,�.1 ,, Sul +;\ \ ' /�, ,,, �' 2 -�' 1 (fr' is (� �� �� ��1': I ; '\ \ / / W gyp, .. _ I / 4� _ A /" \ ! t � / she .. � , _ ,j _ lI - , - \ ` ^'' ` '1 40, ` % %�� 10�1VEH-D RGE PIP '/ �'" 1 i` i \ \` \, \ ,F i� t N/ TON \1.otp o�v rE e-NCA ARK- _ I; \ \ --T__ f 1 \'` ; �( - Fg0�1/I I'UAZP-H TD I . A JJMox ,-V— / , ;. ,, \... ,y' ,-_'__�// -, / j� .�- \. -- �. , AREA UPDATED FOR RECLAMATION �-'� yam- - I 11,I \„ � �� 1_1 `\ \ --,� _ -� h : I I r i; i BY ERM NC PC 2009`r r �'� _ � ., - -'�"- ;- /' %'- _�r.-= •� } ; i .-.fir= [ / N/ } I,1N� \ � - � -� :\ \. �-=� ter, �`t`i % - \ i' :' - ��--- ^ I . i Z 1 F• /ice \:r \��` - 1.j� . _ \ \ .;\ f /;;',,, ,�_ PREVIOUSLYAPPROVED MIl�TE EXCAVATION w aQ. �. _ ___ - -,i i,% ! l: ' '` _ 1 /� : % j ii/'' i �" \ ',} , LIMITS 2004 /, irri A -� \, � j_ /f,/ / �`;>r r.i �` I, --'' - ,T y 1i E - ! { \' / 4_ _.. '�.` J f;%'' Q \` _ '"� /,/� / L,� \ �1,1i1 I I'L __. PREVIOUS LIMTS OF LCiD LANDFILL (2004) �_ _ Z. - -23 lI �- _., ,: _ --,- _1 _`-_ ; i _ ' i /, / �, F- Ihll'S i`I,, 1 -- i \ v 7r .......... L,(jM \ \ O \\`\ � / ire- �f i / 3 1 I. - - D.S. g(/Sp �� \ t,� ( i l i / L ` W -& _.-_._ i - \ \ ! _ ,t 1 l ` 1 1���,,` Il 1i ��i } ILA /- I'' I I .h •\ ,` - ; .� / _- _ __ I LL ` Is �/` _ .,_ 1 `\\ - .., ( _ r� I 7 i SCJ5P. 72? _____ '-� ^-`��\ �y � - `- - l � ! I ,1� ,i,i1 i,!I 115 �_ ,--F \ �� '� 'E 11j � „ \ �, /�/ C+ _. .'y 1 , �' a f+,'I ` �\ \ / -! / \\ \:, ? \ „ \ \ _ _ 1 F`' i� � r t1 - \ •i \v % ( _ \ \ \\ \\ \ ��O /� �� , : �1,1 �ti, II I �` \\ � 11 � 1�;! � , i PREVIOUSLY.AEPROVED 25FT SUFFER (2W4) y �> r F .' -'\ �` / ':iC ` J "i i' -'iI �Itll' \\ \'\ \�`�\� ��.� p�j� ,�.� �1J9} i`fI F - - `�... .✓a 6` ' y.__` �\\,rl d l ;l \ \ �� % \'- \- /. �' ='` \ — _ 0 �{ c �� \ i t _ w - _ / ' I . '1 - -__ u ` r% ^ ' - -11 ` ` _.. _ r _•_ h - - `\ ^- ii �` .� q. , \ 1 �' / �If .. \ \ � ._ k \ T \ - - - \ ` LE \1. 2 ,' - \ - WE AN _ o --` ��� - _-- v v - - - - - - - - - - i AR AS D / , r \ f -- \ ; Q _�- - \ '� ; ___._ \. \ - - - - - - - - - - • - 'I LIlVIlTS OF LCID LANDFFILL {200 '� -� ` '� i' \ \ / ,��4,C \ \` W .LIMITS 0 - - . - - - . - - - -_- -i / -- �- GS " - ,, � _ -- AN T HI SURVEY PERFORMED BY _` - wETL D OPOGRAP C ; , a �� ��` - AREAS - - - - - ESP ASSOCIATES P.A. CHARLOTTE NC = / ' i' l g ' %LANDFIL OOR LE = , - _ \ /' i \ - ' - . - . - • . - - - - - - - / � �=�� Y 10, 2007. L MIN. FL E V.18.0 MSL. ----- ,��,' ' ', '� / \ / vv _� _ - v i / / �'� / - 1' _:5 �- J / v , v v % _ �C / r A �? /` �I I �// i ��' /� v �r i� J ;� , Z �,' , \\\ ti - - - . f' - -__ _ -_ - _ , goo• i ' �" . �-1. �, _.. - v /-. �\. 1' - i v V � .%/-_ --" ., _ mac_ , . I , /;//�— / i ,/ / ` - - PROPOSED LAKE RECLAMATION ELEVATION 0.0 MSL ' '�; ' .'I \ \ , PREVIOUSLY APPROVED LAKE RECLAMATION ACREAGE =51.8 AC. __ % _ / _ \ \ , 6 Q \ � CURRENT PROPOSED LAKE RECLAMATION ACREAGE = 46.8 AC_ ----__ _ /` AV`v�`,�_ \ / ! I \ ,A `�V v` \ ;/ '� �' 'i''"/ / D o �\ VA Vyv NO. DATE APPR. REVISION NO_ DATE APPR. REVISION w -._-— ___._� ----- z _____________..._ - -- MORTON MINE — PERMIT #67-33 __ co X MORTON TRUCKING, INC. JACKSOWMLE, NORTH CAROLINA x _ _ X __ DRAWN BY _ -� -�-� PROJECT ENGINEER DWW DWW o DESIGN ENGINEER PROJECT MANAGER DWW DWW W A RECLAMATION CROSS SECTION .__ ._ .._ -_ . ,. ....... _. . _.. .. _.. ..__. _ _ __ --- ----- -- - - -- - -- -- - A, - - _ __ e :. _ - .-- 30- I : I i 1 - _ ._... __. _... ._. - _ ----__1_ - - __ -.. _ __ , - - . II I. I. . y. .. -- - - - ---- - 30 I. - _ . _. _ ..-. -- - _ , - w, . - � �— - -- - . . SLOPEABOVE WATT; ms 7o $L0,REA8OVB WA- "ER POT 0 20 _.. BEAPD'S7:�IBILT$EB I - I I- DM -- 20 - _.. - - _- .. . .... .. __..- _.. ., _. - - 1 ti '', - . _ . - - _._ ..... I ''. . - . ___ - _ -. —__ _ _ _ : . _... ..._ ...._ _... - -_ --- - .... --- -.._- . _ *. _._ ___.. __ Arai - -- r -- - WATER ELEVA : 0 L _. �,. -_ _ - --_ _ , 1.. — 0 -- __...'._ _.. 0 — . ... --- -- __ - - -- r. - . -- -10 . - _ ,.. - - , ...... ... . , - - - - . _. - --- - - . - - . - - - - - -- -10 - - _- ....-. . - -i ... a........ -.� T : - 3x1v PR��y-a�����.�-� I , i,a.� -20 : . - --_ . ___-. _ r- _-- _-- _.--'�. - - . _ _ _ i ,..._ - --- -20 '', i._.. ._._. _ 3FL1V _ _, .. 1 - - -__ - _,_ .. _ __._ --- __ . - - - __ ..-_ ._.. _ -- .. 30 ;_. . - _.. _ _. - -- —_ _ h P :... _.. _ r . i - _ - _.. -. _ .-W.-.. ..... ._� _ _. ,- — , T .-� -30 -- _, .. Y. . __ _ .. - .... ...__. _ ,._ _... _ - . _..-__. _ --- ._ _ - - - .-__---- _...... .._... ,.....I.. _ , - --- -- - - .. - _ — ._ .. . ....... _ _ - __ _.. - _ .. - i �0 _ - _.._.. _ :.. __. - }.. - _. _ ... _ . __._. _..A _ .... T__ -. ._ _ _... _ _. _ ... --5 0 -.. __ __ _....._ — -- 60 _._ _ ._ -;_ __. _ - - — r.. _ . I _. _ _ �... + -60 11 _____ �_ ._ _ ... _ -_. - T---___ .._.� - -r ',. ._�_ - - --- - _. - I - _ _ - -+- - - -- Dd.Eir TUM . DATUM EZEV — 70- 00 0 O. a n aeon a a Qa toy toy Qa Cad Cad Cad Qa Cod a aq oo -v N c� dray eN c�M cyr �o aqo qo v Cc o�"I " n c*E "? +t\� `? a�-g, `? �. N `Q V N co �1 a 9 2+•010 3+010 4+00 5+-00 6+00 7+00 8+00 9+00 10+00 11+00 12-r00 13+•010 14+00 15+00 16+W 17+W 18+W 19+-00 20+•010 HORIZONTAL SCALE: 1 "=200' VERTICAL SCALE_• 1 "= 20' CA TEGOR Y AFFEC TED A CREA GE TAILINGS/SEDIMENT PONDS 6.92 AC PROCESSING AREA/HAUL ROADS 2.13 AC MINE EXCA VA TION 64.1 AC TOTAL AFFECTED ACREAGE 73.15, AC TOTAL PERMIT ACREAGE 208.16 AC PERMI T NO: 67-33 MINE NAME .• MOR TON MINE APPLICANT MORTON TRUCKING, INC. PREPARER: THIS PLAN WAS ORIGINALLY PREPARED BY ESP ASSOCIATES, P.A., CHARLOTTE, N. C. USING PUBLICLY AVAILABLE TOPOGRAPHY GENERATED FROM 2002 LIDAR DATA AND COUNTY RECORDS (2004) THIS PLAN HAS BEEN MODIFIED B Y ERM NC PC (2009) TO UPDA TE RECLAMATION USES . DA WD W. WASIELA, P.E., PROJECT ENGINEER -70.00 LOCATIONS OF PROPERTY BOUNDARY, FLOODPLAIN AND EXISTING STRUCTURES TAKEN FROM "MORTON MINE EXPANSION" PREPARED BY JOHN L. PIERCE AND ASSOCIATES, P.A., REVISED 10104/01 EXISTING 6.92 ACRE POND RECIEVES DISCHARGED - GROUND WA TER FROM DEWA TERING OPERATIONS FROM WITHIN MINING OPERATIONS. PROPERTY WITHIN PROPERTY BOUNDARY IS OWNED BY MORTON TRUCKING, R G, INC. OR MORTON MINERALS, INC. UNLESS DESIGNATED OTHERWISE WETLAND AREAS MA Y BE PRESENT WI THIN THE 100— YR FLOODPLAIN BEYOND THE LIMITS OF PROPOSED OPERATIONS "LIMITS OF WETLAND AREAS" INDICATES THE PRESENCE OF DISCRETE WETLAND POCKETS WITHIN FLOODPLAIN. LEGEND EXISTING CONTOURS - . - - .. - ' . - - - --- PROPOSED CONTOURS . PROPERTY BOUNDARY 100- YR FLOODPLAIN PERMIT BOUNDARY EXISTING STRUCTURES o NOTES.- THUPLAN WAS ORIGINALLYPREPARED ANDSUBA=D BYESPASSOCLATES, P.A., CHARLOTTE, NC, 2004 AND SUBSEQUENTLYAPPROVED BYNCDENR -LAND QUALITYSECTIONFEBRUARYI6, 2005. ONLYTHE AREA ASLUVDICATED ON Th"PLAN HAS BEEN MODMED BYERM NC, PC (2009) THE ON -SITE LCID LANDFILL ISANACTIVE DISPOSAL AREA PERMITTED BYNCDENW DIVISION OF WASTE MANAGEMPVT, PERMIT #67-A, PERMIT RENEWED A UGUST 22, 2005. MINING PERMIT #67-33 ISSUED TO MORTON TRUCKUVG, INC. AS MODLFIED FEBRVAR Y 16, 200t5 WITH EXPIRATIONDATEOFJULY12, 2012. ERM NC, PC NPDES SITE PLAN N SCALE IN FEET 200 100 50 0 200 DRAWING NO. 1 REV. N0. +CALE DATE 111=2001 AUGUST 14, 2009 '120JECT NO. AutoCAD 2007 SHEET 0 F 103137 RECLAMATION UPDATE.DWG 1 1 '. 3T-I{' - ' - - i ft r �rrr.• Y-� i s d T -'+T 'r ;, --i; ` -T -" r 3' %'�, ;;•.•? ; < «+!'.'?'� qq 3 I- 1 ',1 I a S i i.(', �! �! I � � I� lSf �1:r3 l sa } t' A. �� S t 1.41�a �, �, ,r1 �q lrya 4. l,. '.,�i1 I 1 ",'t!'4- VF." 1 lr a,.� "I 3 i', , I• a r a i e= a s I �r' S .� 41S3�+ I' et. r: ? , S }I,.i "3 1 I, Y.;. •.r �' I;a i _ i .1 ... , - a. is •la :.vi f..t,r. r. u sa .. .. ... t•.: