HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCG020692_COMPLETE FILE - HISTORICAL_20061201STORMWATER DIVISION CODING SHEET NCG PERMITS PERMIT NO. /V C& DOC TYPE HISTORICAL FILE ❑ MONITORING REPORTS DOC DATE ❑ Q V U � / -� 0' YYYYMMDD NCG020692 AVS Mine rev. 12/1 /06 October 12, 2006 B. Georgoulias Summary This facility submitted a Notice of Intent to be covered under General Permit NCG020000 (Mining Activities). The stormwater discharge drains to Sharron Creek (Class C-Sw HQW), in the Lumber River Basin. This facility is located in Brunswick County, handled by the Wilmington Regional Office. Application review a) The permit application has been signed and sufficiently completed. Yes. b) The SIC code accurately describes this facility's activities and is covered by this general permit. SIC 1442 (Construction Sand and Gravel). [Note — wet pit overflows considered wastewater in this category, even if no pumping.] c) Does the facility propose anew or expanding wastewater discharge to ORW waters (not allowed), or waters upstream of ORW (special limits ma apply)? No. d) Does this facility have other permits? Yes; Mining Permit 10-10 modified 9/ 14/06 (added 4.95 acres for total of 6.75 acres affected). e) Hazardous Waste Activities? No. f) DLR Mining Permit status requested: N/A —already issued. g) Regional Office input requested: 10/ 13/06 (WiRO contact L. Willis). RO Approval received: 11 /29/06 (via phone) Linda verified with Marine Fisheries staff that all of Sharron Creek is PNA waters. General permit does not address special TSS limit, so a supplemental effluent page will be attached. Also, possibility for wetlands to be affected --include O&M Plan requirement. h) Is an ATC Required? No. i) DEH Approval Required? N/A. j) Application approved? Yes. k) Special Notes: This mine expansion will discharge to HQW waters that is also a primary nursery area (PNA). Special HQW TSS limits are addressed in the general permit; however, the TSS limit for Tr and PNA waters (10 mg/1) is not. Also, wastewater discharges to HQW waters should not exceed 50 percent of the 7Q10 (see 2B .0224 (1) (v)). Site will pump to an old pit, so actual discharge rate should be limited. A supplement sheet will be attached to the cover letter to outline special effluent limits. NCG020692 October 12, 2006 B. Georgoulias Phone logs 11 /21 /06: Spoke with Curtis Weaver at USGS (571.4043) to request 7Q10 for Sharron Creek near this location: See 11 /21 e-mail with estimate. 11 /30/06: Discussed issuing COC with supplemental effluent page with Linda Willis. WIRO okay with that approach as long as HQt//PNr1 requirements addressed. r U e, Cl iS Itl-1 lo(" � 1.i.5Cti5 0.05 005 c 3lvoos 2,14k f 3�., 3ov gad_ (b) Sewage; industrial wastes; or other wastes: none which are not effectively treated to the satisfaction of the Commission; in determining the dcgree of treatment required for such waters discharged into waters which are to be used for bathing, the Commission shall take into consideration quantity and quality of the sewage and other wastes involved and the proximity of such discharges to the waters in this class; discharges in the immediate vicinity of bathing areas may not be allowed if the Director determines that the waste can not be treated to ensure the protection of primary recreation; (c) Organisms ofcol iform group: fecal coli forms not to exceed a geometric mean of2001100 ml (MP count) based on at least five consecutive samples examined during any 30 day period and not to exceed 400/100 nil in more than 20 percent of the samples examined during such period. history Note: Authority G.S_ 143-214. l; 143-215.3(a)(1); Eff.' October 1, 1995. 15A NCAC 0213.0223NUTRIENT SENSITIVE WATERS (a) In addition to existing classifications, the Commission may classify any surface waters of the state as nutrient sensitive waters (NSW) upon a finding that such waters are experiencing or are subject to excessive growths of microscopic or macroscopic vegetation. Excessive growths are growths which the Commission determines impair the use of the water for its best usage as determined by the classification applied to such waters. (b) NSW may include any or all waters within a particular river basin as the Commission deems necessary to effectively control excessive growths of microscopic or macroscopic vegetation. (c) For the purpose of this Mule, the term "nutrients" shall mean phosphorous or nitrogen or any other chemical parameter or combination of parameters which the commission determines to be contributing to excessive growths of microscopic or macroscopic vegetation. (d) Those waters additionally classified as nutrient sensitive shall be identified in the appropriate schedule of classifications as referenced' in Section .0300 of this Subchapter, (e) Nutrient strategies applicable to NSW shall be developed by the Commission to control the magnitude, duration, or frequencies of excessive growths of microscopic or macroscopic vegetation so that the existing and designated uses of the waterbody are protected or restored. History Nate: Authority G.S. 143-214.1; 143-215.8B; Eff. October 1, 1995; Amended Eff. August 1, 2000. 15A NCAC 0213 .0224 HIGH QUALITY WATERS High Quality Waters (1-lQW) are a subset ofwaters with quality higher than the standards and are as described by 15A NCAC 213.0101(e)(5). The following procedures shall be implemented in order to implement the requirements of Rule .0201(d) of this Section. (1) New or expanded wastewater discharges in High Quality Waters shall comply with the following: (a) Discharges from new single family residences shall be prohibited. Those existing subsurface systems for single family residences which fail and must discharge shall install a septic tank, dual or recirculating sand filters, disinfection and step aeration. (b) All new NI DES wastewater discharges (except single family residences) shall be required to provide the treatment described below: (i) Oxygen Consuming Wastes. Effluent limitations shall be as follows: BOD5= 5 mg/l, N143-N = 2 mg/l and DO = 6 mg/l. More stringent limitations shall be set, ifnccessary, to ensure that the cumulative pollutant discharge of oxygen -consuming wastes shall not cause the DO of the receiving water to drop more than 0.5 mg/l below background levels, and in no case below the standard. Where background information is not readily available, evaluations shall assume a percent saturation determined by staff to be generally applicable to that hydroenvironment. NORTII CAROLINAADM INISTRATIVE CODE F. . Ailkyust 1 2004 Pa a 41 (ii) Total Suspcndcd Solids:' Discharges of total suspended solids (TSS) shall be limited to 4 effluent concentrations of 10 mgll for trout wafers and PNA`s, and-to-20 nig11 for all other High Quality Waters. (iii) Disinfection: Alternative methods to chlorination shall be required for discharges to trout streams, except that single family residences may use chlorination ifother options are not economically feasible. Domestic dischargcs,are prohibited to SA waters. (iv) ' Emergency Rcquirements: ' Failsafe treatment designs shall 'be employed, including stand-by power capability for entire treatment works, dual train design for all treatment components, or equivalent failsafe treatment designs. (v) Volume: 'The total volume of treated wastewater f'or all discharges combined shall not exceed 50 percent of the total instream flow tinder 7Q10 conditions. (vi) Nutrients: Where nutrient overenrichment is projected to be it concern, appropriate effluent limitations shall be set for phosphorus or nitrogen, or both. , (vii) Toxic substances: In cases where complex wastes (those containing or potentially containing toxicants) may be present in a discharge, a safety factor shall be applied to any chemical or whole effluent toxicity allocation. The limit for a spccific chemical constituent shall be allocated at one-half of the normal standard at design conditions. Whole effluent toxicity shall be allocated to protect for chronic toxicity at an effluent concentration equal to twice that which is acceptable under design conditions. In all instances there may, be no acute toxicity in an effluent concentration'of 90 percent. 'Ammonia toxicity shall be evaluated according to EPA guidelines promulgated in "Ambient Water Quality Criteria for Ammonia 1984"; -EPA document number 440/5-85-001; NITS number PB85-2271 14; July,29,'1985 (50 FRi 30794) or "Ambient Water Quality Criteria for Ammonia (Saltwater) - 1999'; EPA document number 44015-88-004; NTIS number PB89-169825. This material related to ammonia toxicity is hereby incorporated by reference including any subsequent amendments and editions and is available for inspection at the Department of Environment and Natural Resources 1 Library, 512 North Salisbury Street, Raleigh, North Carolina. Copies may be obtained . ' from the National Technical Information Service, 5285 Port Royal Road, Springfield, - Virginia 22161 at a cosi of forty-seven dollars ($47.00). (c) All expanded NPDES wastewater discharges in High Quality Waters shall be required to provide the treatment described in Sub -Item (1)(b) of this Rule, except for those existing discharges which expand: with no increase in permitted pollutant loading. - •u�a=.��.*:::�1;6�''��d•`�:rseSt: .. ' �. -d ..•ea- v,. ' t'r: (2) Devekipmenfitctivtties which require ari�Er�roston and Sedimentation Control Plan in accordance with rules #G"nun, . n:• - 3e'stablished#byttlie NCRSedrmentation-Control Commission orloca!y erosion'aiid sedimentation control piogrfim approved iri`acco dance'witfi-15A�NCAC413 _02-l8­'andwfiich drain to`and are wiiliin'one mile of r rY.".fkr.:y'�i.f ens _•' Wr»3- i1•'!f•aC'4r�1�il3 +i?5'i`?: (+'iat s>> HigVQuality Waters'.(HQW) shall,be required to follow the stormwater management rules as specified in 15A NCAC 21.1.1000. Stormwater management requirements specific to HQW are described in 15A NCAC 2H .1006- (3) Listing of Waters Classified HQW. with Specific Actions. Waters classified as HQW with specific actions to protect exceptional water quality are listed as follows: Thorpe Reservoir [Little Tennessee River Basin, Index No. 2-79-23-(1)) including all of its tributaries shall be managed with respect to wastewater discharges through Item (1) of this Rule. Item (2) of this Rule shall not, be applied in association with this HQW because of the local goverriment implementation of WS-I11 stortnwater management requirements. I f an applicant objects to the requirements to protect high quality waters and believes degradation is necessary to accommodate important social and economic development, the applicant may contest these requirements according to the provisions ofG.S. 143-215. 1 (e)'and 15013-23. 11islory Note: Authority G.S. 143-214.1; 143-215.1; 143-215-3(a)(1); ' Eff. October 1, 1995; Amended Eff. August 1, 199$; April 1, 1996. NORTH CAROI,INAADi%IINISTRAl'1\'E COIF F_ . Atwit i 1 2004 - Page 42 Low -Flow characteristics (7Q 10) for Sharron Creek in Brunswick County Subject: Low -flow characteristics (7Q10) for Sharron Creek in Brunswick County From: John C Weaver <jcweaver a usgs.gov> Date: Tue, 21 Nov 2006 16:52:11 -0500 To: bethany.georgoulias@ncmail.net CC: John C Weaver <jcweaver@usgs.gov> Ms. Georgoulias, In response to your inquiry about the 7Q10 discharge estimate for a location on Sharron Creek in Brunswick County, the following information is provided: A check of the low -flow files here at the USGS North Carolina Water Science Center office does not show any previous determination of low -flow estimates nor site -specific discharge records for any locations on Sharron Creek. In the absence of discharge records that would permit a low -flow analysis, the low -flow characteristics are determined by assessing a range in low -flow yields (expressed as flow per square mile drainage area, or cfsm) at nearby locations where estimates have previously been determined. In central Brunswick County, there are two USGS partial -record sites with discharge records that have been analyzed for low -flow estimates: Sta. 02108910 Pinch Gut Swamp near Bolivia, drainage area 20.6 sgmi Sta. 02108920 Royal Oak Swamp near Supply, drainage area 17 sgmi Low -flow analyses completed for these two sites result in a 7Q10 low -flow yield of 0.44 cfsm. Using an approximate location based on your latllong coordinates (Lat 3359031 Long 781911), a "quick-n-dirty" drainage -area delineation suggests a basin size at about 1 sgmi. Putting the above yield and drainage area together suggests a 7010 flow estimate at about 0.04 cfs. Based on the topographical map, it doesn't appear that flows at your point of interest may be tidally affected. However, if you come across information that suggest tidal effects in this reach, then 7010 discharge cannot be applicable because the techniques for low -flow analysis do not account for tides. Putting all the above together and in the absence of any other analysis, probably the most that can be reasonably be stated about the 7Q10 for your point of interest is that it is less than 0.05 cfs. Expressing in this manner raises the possibility of a zero -flow 7Q10 which are very common in Coastal Plain streams with small drainage areas. The lack of sufficient data (particularly for small basins) for low -flow analyses in Coastal Plain streams is very common. Hope this information is helpful. Thank you. Curtis Weaver J. Curtis Weaver, Hydrologist, PE USGS North Carolina Water Science Center 3916 Sunset Ridge Road Raleigh, NC 27607 < 3?-f;0a hod 37- pn �pd W 1 of 2 1 1 /21 /2006 4:54 PM 7 Low -flow characteristics (7Q 10) for Sharron Creek in Brunswick County D � Telephone: (919) 571-4043 11 Fax: (919) 571-4041 E-mail address -- jcweaver@usgs.gov Internet address -- http://nc.water.usgs.gov/ 1 Re: AVS Mine Subject: Re:-AVS Mine From: Linda Willis <Linda.Willis a ncmail.net> Date: Tue, 21 Nov 2006 08:42:51 -0500 To: Bethany Georgoulias<Bethany.Georgoulias@ncmai1.net> I visited with our friends in Marine Fisheries and they said all of Sharron Creek is PNA waters. He checked the a blue book that gives PNA designations. Bethany Georgoulias wrote: I'm not sure it's a trib--it still looks like Sharron Creek is the receiving water; it's just that not all of Sharron Cr is PNA (or did I look at that map wrong?). That's okay, I understand --I've got a bunch of higher priority projects myself (I need another of me, too :2). If somebody gets out there and can tell for sure, just let me know. If it's not directly to PNA, I guess we still have this dewatering quantity to address... although there's no estimate in the application about what that amount will be. I'll let you know when I hear back about the 7Q10. If we don't get it resolved in the next month, I'll let Bradley know it should go to someone else and they'll be in touch. Thanks! -BG Linda Willis wrote: Yeah, their site location looks like it is on another trib. I'm sorry to have not really answered you, I'm a bit scrambled today. They probably don't discharge directly to PNA but the trib does. Sharron Creek is HQW which if their discharge is 1 mile from the HQW area, they have more stringent limits on their wastewater. . I may have to make that site visit after all in lieu of everything. I am working against the clock on some permit renewals for the LCFRB. My prioritizing has resulted in shoving this one back. I might be able to get Noelle to look if she's up'that way . . or go on Wed to look. Tomorrow I have to go to a mine site in Onslow. I need another me. Linda Bethany Georgoulias wrote: You have everything I have - they didn't send a great map. I use a topo when putting together COCs, but I may have put the mane in the wrong spot (it's attached). It just looks from the DMF map that only a portion of Sharron Creek is PNA ... I was unsure if AVS would be discharging upstream of that red area ... it's hard to tell. Linda Willis wrote: Unfortunately I have only the mining application review form for DWQ to go off. I don't have their map etc. but thought I had marked it on my Gazetteer from the mining application when I was reviewing for our comments. . at any rate, I was puzzled how their discharge would go to Sharron Creek since they (I believe) are located the west side of 17 south (somewhat) from Shallotte. Sharron Creek is south and east of Shallotte. The map shows an unnamed trib (near the mine site) that feeds to the mouth of Sharron Creek and finally to Shallotte River. Their application indicated Sharron creek as the closest receiving water. Also, they did not answer Section C #3.c either, which I thought had to do with dewatering. . I figured we would have to go off the information they gave us . . which was Sharron Creek. Hopefully I don't have this one mixed up with any other. . I reviewed that in May so it's hard to recall the details. Sorry. Linda of4 l 1/21/2006 8:46 AM Re: AVS Mine Bethany Georgoulias wrote: Very cool - and VERY useful! I see where you're talking about —but could the mine be discharging a little upstream of the PNA area on the map? When I approximated it on the topo,.it looked like it might be, but I might have it wrong (there wasn't a good map in the application) --you'd know better since you were out there. I'm'only anticipating what the applicant might claim. Linda Willis wrote: Here's a fantastic website for you. htLe://www.ncdmf.net/maps/index.htm then'double click fishery nursery areas. It's great. To see what the site has go back to www.ncdmf.net and navigate around to see what's there., Linda Bethany Georgoulias wrote: It's not down in NPDES's 7Q10'data files,' so I'm going to have to phone Curtis Weaver at USGS. I'll let you know what I find out. By the way, how do you find out if it's PNA.waters? I•guess that's not in RIMS either... Linda Willis wrote: 7Q10 could be a.problem, I'm not sure where to find 7Q10 flow for streams? I tried looking it up in BIMS. . their application stated they drained to Sharron Crek That is HQW waters and PNA'waters. Hope that helps Linda Bethany Georgoulias wrote: Linda, I need to sit down and talk with Bradley about the status of my projects very soon, and AVS mine.is one that needs attention before I leave.' I believe:we're still holding off to verify.whether it's PNA or not? Also, if dewatering quantity is an issue (i.e., we're worried about the 7Q10 being low enough that dewatering could exceed the 50% threshold); we'll. need to figure out what to do. If neither of'these are issues, we should probably move forward with the general permit since this one's already got its mining permit. Either way, this one probably shouldn't be left sitting in my office until April, especially if it does need an individual permit --it will need to be returned and'/or reassigned to another staff member. Thanks! -BG Linda Willis wrote: IDewatering can be a huge component, (as I am realizing). The Blueberry mine for example estimates 5 2 of 4 11 /21 /2006 8.46 AM Re: AVS Mine MGD on the low end! It is not a very big mine either. If I remember right. . 24 acres. Thanks again for your work in this direction. If we have the ability to require individual permits it would give us a better level of oversight. Linda Bethany Georgoulias wrote: Linda, I'm working on this question. It resulted in my drafting up another memo, this time addressing HQW waters and our two wastewater GPs, and it's a little more complicated than addressing the QRW situation. I'd say if you do verify it's PNA waters and there is an expansion of wastewater discharge (I believe this is an existing mine that's expanding), NCG02 doesn't have the limits stipulated by the rules, and I need to.talk to Bradley about requiring an individual permit. Volume restrictions may only be important if WW discharge occurs when it's not raining (entirely possible with dewatering). All for now, BG Linda Willis wrote: Hi Bethany, HQW requires that TSS of all discharges must meet 20 mg/L, Now if it's going to a PNA, which this might, I have to check and see, it will be 10 mg/L. Do we have a problem with the NCG permit if our permit language does not give those kind of limits, or do we build them into the permit? I'll let you know about the PNA. Linda Linda Willis <linda.willis@ncmail.net> Cnvironmental Engineer 3 or4 11/21/2006 8:46 AM Re; AVS Mine Surface Water Protection Section Division Of Water Quality 4 of4 l 1/21/2006 8:46 AM Re: NOI for AVS Mine y .J Subject: Re: NOI for AVS Mine From: Linda Willis <Linda.Willis@ncmail.net> Date: Mon, 16 Oct 2006 10:47:30 -0400 To: Bethany Georgoulias <Bethany.Georgoulias a ncmail.net> Bethany, I will put them on my list for an immediate visit. . . If you have a site map and can forward, that would be helpful. If not a description of where the site is located will do. I'd rather see where they are at and if there are any wetlands in the vicinty. By the way, I'm spending more of my time looking at upcoming mines and old mines never permitted. Can I get credit for visiting these sites? I can't get credit for an inspection if they aren't yet permitted, and would rather see the site before we give a permit if there are wetlands or surface waters that may potentially be impacted, but it does restrict my ability to get to the permitted sites and get that "10%" inspection number met. Also, Victaulic, NC030000, permit at will. They do need a permit. Some of their storage practices for the metal shavings and scrap parts are exposed to stormwater. Have you seen my fax on the Blueberry Mine? Thanks Linda Bethany Georgoulias wrote: Hi Linda, We've received an NOI for AVS Mine in Supply, NC (Brunswick Co.) for coverage under Mining Permit NCG02. They mine construction sand/gravel, and they've already received their Mining Permit modification (MP 10-10) to increase their existing mine acreage from 4.95 to 6.75 acres (issued 9/14/06). I'm guessing this means their existing mine was never covered under NCG02 (at least I couldn't find a record for it). They'll discharge mine dewatering and stormwater to Sharron Creek (Class C-Sw HQW). A copy of the NOI is attached. (By the way, our NCG02 does have special limitis for HQW). Does the Wilmington Regional Office have any concerns about issuing this facility a COC for this general permit? Also, is there the potential to affect wetlands? (The million dollar question these days...) Normally if we don't receive any objections, we'll issue the COC in 30 days, but I usually hold mining permits until we hear from the RO. (By the way, they must have some money to burn ... they're using "silk" fences :P. Sorry, I had a good chuckle about that!) Have a great weekend. Thanks, BG Linda Willis <linda.willis@ncmail.net> i Environmental Engineer I Surface Water Protection Section Division Of Water Quality 1 of 1 10/16/2006 12:45 PM A�RQ Michael F. Easley, Governor �Q G William G. Ross Jr., SecreL•ry North Carolina Department of EnvirDnnlCPl and Natural Resources Alan W. Klimek, P.E. Director Division of Water Qualily December 8, 2006 Ottrue Evans AVS Mine = 553 Wesley Trail SW = , Supply, NC 28462 ' Subject: ,.General Permit No. NCG020000 AVS Mine :. COC NCG020692 Brunswick- County Dear Mr. Evans: = In accordance with your application for a dischargepermit received on September 27, ' 2046, we are forwarding herewith the subject certificate of coverage to discharge under the subject state — NPDES general permit. This permit is issued pursuant to the requirements of . North Carolina General Statute 143-215.1.and the Memorandum of Agreement betweenNorth ' : Carolina and the US Environmental Protection Agency dated May 9, 1994 (or as subsequently ; amended). ; Please take notice that this certificate of coverage is not transferable except after notice to ; the Division -of Water Quality. The Division of Water Quality may require modification or' ; revocation and reissuance of the certificate of coverage. : .i Please be aware that mine dewatering at your site has the potential'to impact adjacent .. .wetlands. The specific requirements for mine dewatering at facilities near wetlands can be found , in Section C, Part I.ofyour permit (Part III Page 5 of9). You must have an approved Operation and Monitoring Plan before mine'dewatering discharges occur atyour facility. ; Discharging mine dewatering wastewater without Plan approval will be subject to enforcennellt action.,— An Operation and Monitoring Plan for your facility must be submitted to the Wilmington ...:. Regional Office within 60 days of your receipt of this permit. Contact Ed Beek at the Wilmington Regional Office at (910) 796-7215 for more information about the approval process. i This site will discharge to a receiving stream designated as )High Quality Waters (HQW)'and a Primary Nursery Area (PNA). As a result, a more stringent TSS limit and ` wastewater discharge volume applies. A supplement sheet is attached outlining the effluelit; limitations that• apply to this discharge and are based on the requirements in the North Carolina ..-Administrative Code Section 15A NCAC 21.3.0224. The 7Q10 flow for Sharron Creek at this. location is estimated to be < 0.05 efs; therefore; iiastewater discharge to. Sharron Creek.., should be limited to 32,300 gallons per day (gpd) or less.',':.' • - _ - - � NonhCarolinn .. _ North Carolina Division of Water Quality .1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Phone (919) 733-5083 Customer Service Internet: www n�.�,slerqualitv.a Location: 512 N. Salisbury St. Raleigh, NC 27664 Fax (919) 733-9612 1-877-623-6749 An Equal Opportunity/Airnnative Action Empoyer - 50% Recycle(00%Post Consumer Paper 'Mr. Qttrue Evans AVS Minim-•NCG020692-' December 8, 2006 Please note that mine dewatering wastewater includes wet pit overflows caused solely by direct rainfall and groundwater seepage for this type of mining; operation. Any discharge of this water (and any stormwater commingled with it) is subject to the effluent limitations in this . permit. : This general permit allows the discharge of stormwater and certain.types of wastewater from your facility. In your application, you specified that only mine dewatering water would be' discharged from this facility.. -If separaie point -source discharges of stormwater occur {i.e.; stormwater not combined with mine dewatering water), you will be required to adhere to the = conditions in this permit for stormwater discharges.. . :,This' permit does not affect the legal requirements to obtain other permits which may be required by the Division of Water Quality or permits required by the Division of Land _ Resources, Coastal Area Management Act or any other federal or local governmental permit that may be required, If you have any questions concerning this permit, please contact Bethany Georgoulias at _ telephone number (919) 733-5083 ext. 529. ' �. Sincerely,ETT . .. .• ' _ , . - _ .` '_ . . - . C:'L�:,�,`;•� :SIGNED �.Y_r ` • � ' •• -, :. . yAlan W. Klimek, P.E. 4 • cc: .Wilmington Regional' Office -Central Files. Stormwatdr Peianittiiig.UnitiFiles'I.. ' : •Attaclimdnts- Supplemental Effluent Limitations for NCCO20000 Effluent Limitations for Process Wastewater and Mine Dewatering diselharges into Higli Quality Waters (HQW) that are also designated a Primary Nursery Area (PNA) ... !: •'L?!3is, dd �-, . 'ds 5 '.^se'va -c' •�li'a*.3s f y al I.I,'y'yl 71 I , ., r n�selaar e.Ch.irsctertsttcs y- .. ,. , 1 Osy, u:•^ i. - 'K. i�i.^`.:vrlr101-miM i� y` �n t` reY yX4 'y ,1)5isch'arse E mttatioffs .h��k � ; i?�Y•Y} �Ar ��::,�.��t� ti x a" 11t1} rrkis}p-2 ,Iy'fuf i iln ! �.` A+f 1 114 "" 2`� s%�'.y�' •it,. x w f } �.ii M`�''41•�91 �! sisr Sty FM �� �. 'E.1 . •. a I. �f+,: Ei , , SI.1 •y''_i{'• &-- ,xw3d _I5 )ii t'y15l. F. 14A'/^�M.. ^Month_1 ;Avers c si. ` - ; •�th:I�E'I�!♦;y.�[ T1ii� �1'rr7 *e�R M�In �Datl ,�Ma�tmu.m. t .�., °� r Settleable Solids 0.1 mlll 0.2 mI/I Total Suspended Solids (Industrial Sand Mining)10 rn 1 45 m /l H RanLe' ., -------- .. • 6.0 — 9.0 Turbidity (Freshwater non -trout streams --------` 50 NTU Turbidity(Non-trout lakes and saltwaters -------- 25 NTU Turbidity Trout waters � � � -------- 10 NTU Total Volume of Wastewater Dischar edZ -------- 50 % of 7Q10 floes ' Footnotes: ; Alternatively, the pH range for saltwater is 6.8-8.5. Designated swamp waters can have a pH as low as 4.3 if due to natural conditions. 2 The total volume of treated wastewater for all discharges combined shall not exceed 50 percent of the total ' instrIearn,flow of the receiving waters under 7Q10 conditions. •.. '-`1 .. .,` ,- �y— .. - -, 1.'..' _ — .? t- •. a . ... • -STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA ` „ . DEPARTMENT OF. ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES . DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY. ' GENERAL PERMIT NO. NCG020000 CERTIFICATE OF COVERAGE No. NCG0206921 STORMWATER, MINE DEWATERING, AND/OR OVERFLOW FROM PROCESS WATER RECYCLE SYSTEMS DISCHARGES NATIONAL POLLUTANT DISCHARGE ELIMINATION SYSTEM In compliance with the provision of North Carolina General Statute 143-21.5:1, other lawful ' standards and regulations promulgated and adopted by the North Carolina Environmental Management Commission, and the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, as amended, Ottrue'Evans . is hereby authorized to discharge stormwater and discharges associated with mine dewatering from a facility located at AVS Mine`,. ~; 553-Wesle Trail SW Brunswick County r .to receiving waters designated. as Sharron Creek, class'C-Sw H.QW water, in the LuM4er'Rive,r Basin in'accordance with the effluent limitations, monitoring'.requiremenis, and other conditions'. set forth in Parts 1, II, III,.IV, V, VI and VII of General Permit No. NCG0200.00 as attached. r ' "This certificate of coverage shall become effective December 8, 2006. This Certificate. of Coverage shall remain in effect for the duration of the General Permit. ',. Signed this day December 8, 2006. y��-iatt�l ,�:1.311i43s for Alan W. Klimek, P.E., Director :•'' . ;- - : Division of Water Quality - ' ;'.. ;1.7 By the'Authority'of the Environmental Management Commission -LOCATION MAP: Latitude: 33"59'13". NCG020692•'", fl _ Facility Longitude: 78 1911 AVS Mine g� County: Brunswick..' Location Stream Class: C-Sw HQiV ' �►. Receiving Streain: Sharron Creek Subbasin: 03-07-59 (Lumber Rivet Basin) 6vo ttA SCAL111:24,000 . . ANA NCDENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of land Resources Land Quality Section James D. Simons, PG, PE Director and State Geologist September 14, 2006 CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED 7003 0500 0002 0451 9897 Mr. Ottrue E. Evans, Jr. 553 Wesley Trail SW Supply, NC 28462 RE: Permit No. 10-10 AVS Mine Brunswick County Lumber River Basin Dear Mr. Evans: Michael F. Easley, Governor William G. Ross Jr., Secretary Your application for renewal and modification of the above referenced mining permit has been approved. The modification is to increase both the permitted and affected acreage at this site to 6.75 acres. This modification includes the addition of 4.95 acres to be affected for both the mine excavation area and the haul road tc the state maintained road. A copy of the renewed and modified permit is enclosed. The new expiration date is September 14, 2016, The conditions in the renewed and modified permit were based primarily upon the initial application. Modifications were made as indicated by the renewal and modification requests and as required to insure compliance with The Mining Act of 1971. 1 would like to draw your particular attention to the following conditions where minor additions or changes were made: Operating Condition Nos. 1 B, 4D, 5, 9, and 13. G.S. 74-65 states that the issuance of a mining permit does not supersede or otherwise affect or prevent the enforcement of any zoning regulation or ordinance duly adopted by an incorporated city or county or by any agency or department of the State of North Carolina. 1612 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1612 •919-733-45741 FAX: 919-715-8801 512 North Salisbury Street, Raleigh, North Carolina 27604 An Equal opportunity 1 Affirmative Action Employer- 50% Recycled l 10% Post Consumer Paper Mr. Evans AVS Mine #10-10 Page 2 As a reminder, your permitted acreage and affected acreage for this site are both 6.75 acres as indicated on the mine map received by the Land Quality Section on June 20, 2006. Please review the renewed and modified permit and contact Ms. Kristin Hicklin, Assistant State Mining Specialist, at (919) 733-4574 should you have any questions concerning this matter. Sincerely, 14ve�e Floyd R. Williams, PG, CPG, CPM State Mining Specialist Land Quality Section FRW/kh Enclosures: Renewed and Modified Permit No. 10-10 with highlighted map attached Savings Deposit & Withdrawal Book cc: Mr. Dan Sams, PE Ms. Shannon Deaton-WRC, w/permit Mr. Bradley Bennett-DWQ, w/permit Mr. William Gerringer-DOL, Mine and Quarry Bureau, w/o enclosures DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES DIVISION OF LAND RESOURCES LAND QUALITY SECTION PERMIT for the operation of a mining activity In accordance With the provisions of G.S. 74-46 through 68, "The Mining Act of 1971," Mining Permit Rule-1 5A NCAC 5. B, an6other,applicable laws, rules and regulations Permission is hereby granted to: Ottrue E. Evans, Jr. AVS Mine Brunswick County - Permit No. 10-10 for the operation of a Sand and Marl Mine which shall provide that the usefulness, productivity and scenic values of all lands and waters affected by this mining operation will receive the greatest practical degree of protection and restoration. MINING PERMIT EXPIRATION DATE: September 14, 2016 Page 2 In accordance with the application for this mining permit, which is hereby approved by the Department of Environment and Natural Resources, hereinafter referred to as the Department, and in conformity with the approved Reclamation Plan attached to and incorporated as part of this permit, provisions must be made for the protection of the surrounding environment and for reclamation of the land and water affected by the permitted mining operation. This permit is expressly conditioned upon compliance with all the requirements of the approved Reclamation Plan. However, completed performance of the approved Reclamation Plan is a separable obligation, secured by the bond or other security on file with the Department, and may survive the expiration, revocation or suspension of this permit. This permit is not transferable by the permittee with the following exception: If another operator succeeds to the interest of the permittee in the permitted mining operation, by virtue of a sale, lease, assignment or otherwise, the Department may release the permittee from the duties imposed upon him by the conditions of his permit and by the Mining Act with reference to the permitted operation, and transfer the permit to the successor operator, provided that both operators have complied with the requirements of the Mining Act and that the successor operator agrees to assume the duties of the permittee with reference to reclamation of the affected land and posts a suitable bond or other security. In the event that the Department determines that the permittee or permittee's successor is not complying with the Reclamation Plan or other terms and conditions of this permit, or is failing to achieve the purposes and requirements of the Mining Act, the Department may give the operator written notice of its intent to modify, revoke or suspend the permit, or its intent to modify the Reclamation Plan as incorporated in the permit. The operator shall have right to a hearing at a designated time and place on any proposed modification, revocation or suspension by the Department. Alternatively and in addition to the above, the Department may institute other enforcement procedures authorized by law. Definitions Wherever used or referred to in this permit, unless the context clearly indicates otherwise, terms shall have the same meaning as supplied by the Mining Act, N.C.G.S. 74-49. Modifications September 14, 2006: This permit has been modified to increase both the permitted and affected acreage at this site to 6.75 acres. This modification includes the addition of 4,95 acres to be affected for both the mine excavation area and the haul road to the state maintained road. Expiration Date This permit shall be effective from the date of its issuance until September 14, 2016, Page 3 Conditions This permit shall be subject to the provisions of the Mining Act, N.C.G.S. 74-46, et. seq., and to the following conditions and limitations: OPERATING CONDITIONS: A. Any wastewater processing,or mine dewatering shall be in. accordance with the permitting requirements and rules promulgated by the N.C. Environmental Management Commission. B. Any stormwater runoff from the affected areas at the site shall be in accordance with any applicable permit requirements and regulations promulgated by the Environmental Protection Agency and enforced by the N.C. Environmental Management Commission. It shall be the permittee's responsibility to contact the Division of Water Quality to secure any necessary stormwater permits or other approval documents. 2. A. Any mining process producing air contamination emissions shall be subject to the permitting requirements and rules promulgated by the N.C. Environmental Management Commission and enforced by the Division of Air Quality. B. During mining operations, water trucks or other means that may be necessary shall be utilized to prevent dust from leaving the permitted area. 3. A. Sufficient buffer (minimum 50 foot undisturbed) shall be maintained between any affected land and any adjoining waterway or wetland to prevent sedimentation of that waterway or wetland from erosion of the affected land and to preserve the integrity of the natural watercourse or wetland. B. Any mining activity affecting waters of the State, waters of the U. S., or wetlands shall be in accordance with the requirements and regulations promulgated and enforced by the N. C. Environmental Management Commission. 4. A. Adequate mechanical barriers including but not limited to diversions, earthen dikes, check dams, sediment retarding structures, rip rap pits, or ditches shall be provided in the initial stages of any land disturbance and maintained to prevent sediment from discharging onto adjacent surface areas or into any lake, wetland or natural watercourse in proximity to the affected land. B. All drainage from the affected areas around the mine excavations shall be diverted internal to said excavations or into the existing sediment basin. C. The existing sediment basin shall be repaired, maintained, and utilized during dewatering activities to prevent sediment from being pumped directly into the natural stream leaving the site,' Page 4 D. Dewatering shall be limited to pit outlined in green on the attached map. Said .area is the "Old Pit" located adjacent to the south of the °AVS Mine" as indicated on the mine map received by the Land Quality Section on June 20, 2006. In addition, the pipe inlet shall be suspended above the bottom at all times during dewatering. E. Mining activities shall occur as indicated on the mine map by the Land Quality Section on June 20, 2006. 5. All mining permit boundaries.(6.75 acres) shall be permanently marked at the site on 100-foot intervals unless the line of sight allows for larger spacing intervals. 6. The angle for graded slopes and fills shall be no greater than the angle, which can be retained by vegetative cover or other adequate erosion control measure, structure, or device. In any event, exposed slopes or any excavated channels, the erosion of which may cause off -site damage because of siltation, shall be planted or otherwise provided with ground cover, devices or structures sufficient to restrain such erosion. 7. The affected land shall be graded so as to prevent collection of pools of water that are, or likely to become, noxious or foul. Necessary structures such as drainage ditches or conduits shall be constructed or installed when required to prevent such conditions. 8. Existing vegetation or vegetated earthen berms shall be maintained between the mine and public thoroughfares whenever practical to screen the operation from the public. 9. Sufficient buffer (minimum 25 foot unexcavated) shall be maintained between any excavation and any mining permit boundary to protect adjacent property. 10. A. No on -site disposal of refuse or other solid waste that is generated outside of the mining permit area shall be allowed within the boundaries of the mining permit area unless authorization to conduct said disposal has first been obtained from both the Division of Waste Management and the Land Quality Section, Department of Environment and Natural Resources. The method of disposal shall be consistent with the approved reclamation plan. B_ Mining refuse as defined by G.S. 74-49 (14) of The Mining Act of 1971 generated on -site and directly associated with the mining activity may be disposed of in a designated refuse area. All other waste products must be disposed of in a disposal facility approved by the Division of Waste Management. No petroleum products, acids, solvents or their storage containers or any other material that may be considered hazardous shall be disposed of within the permitted area. C. For the purposes .of this -permit, the Division of Land Resources considers the following materials to be'"mining refuse".(in addition to those specifically listed under G.S. 74-49 (14) of the N.C. Mining Act of 1971): Page 5 1. on -site generated land clearing debris 2. conveyor belts 3. wire cables 4. v-belts 5. steel reinforced air hoses 6. drill steel D. If mining refuse is to be permanently disposed within the mining permit boundary, the following information must be provided to and approved by the Division of Land Resources prior to commencement of such disposal; 1. the approximate boundaries and size of the refuse disposal area; 2. a list of refuse items to be disposed; 3. verification that a minimum of 4 feet of cover will be provided over the refuse; 4. verification that the refuse will be disposed at least 4 feet above the seasonally high water table; and, 5. verification that a permanent vegetative groundcover will be established. 11. An Annual. Reclamation Report shall be submitted on a form supplied by the Department by February 1 of each year until reclamation is completed and approved. 12. The operator shall notify:the Department in writing of the desire to delete, modify or otherwise change any part of the mining, reclamation, or erosion/sediment control plan contained in the approved application for a mining permit or any approved revision to it. Approval to implement, such changes must be, obtained from the Department prior to on -site implementation ,of the revisions. 13, The security, which was posted pursuant to N.C.G.S. 74-54 in the forms of a $6,500.00 assignment of savings account and a $1,000.00 assignment of savings account (for a total of $7,500.00 required for this site), is sufficient to cover the operation as indicated in the approved application. This security must remain in force for this permit to be valid. The total affected land shall not exceed the bonded acreage. 14. A. Authorized -representatives of the Division of Archives and History shall be granted access to the site to determine the presence of significant archaeological resources. B. Pursuant to N. C. G. S. 70 Article 3, "The Unmarked Human Burial and Human Skeletal Remains Protection Act," should the operator or any person in his employ encounter human skeletal remains, immediate notification shall be provided to the county medical examiner and the chief archaeologist, North Carolina Division of Archives and History. Page 6 APPROVED RECLAMATION PLAN The Mining Permit incorporates this Reclamation Plan, the performance of which is a condition on the continuing validity of that Mining Permit. Additionally, the Reclamation Plan is a separable obligation of the permittee, which continues beyond the terms of the Mining Permit. The approved plan provides: Minimum Standards As Provided By G.S. 74=53 The final slopes in all excavations in soil, sand, gravel and other unconsolidated materials shall be at such an angle as to minimize the possibility of slides and be consistent with the future use of the land. 2. Provisions for safety to persons and to adjoining property must be provided in all excavations in rock. 3. All overburden and spoil shall be left in a configuration which is in accordance with accepted conservation practices and which is suitable for the proposed subsequent use of the land. 4. No small pools of water shall be allowed to collect or remain on the mined area that are, or are likely to become noxious, odious or foul. 5. The revegetation plan shall conform to accepted and recommended agronomic and reforestation practices as established by the North Carolina Agricultural Experiment Station and the North Carolina Forest Service. 6. Permittee shall conduct reclamation activities pursuant to the Reclamation Plan herein incorporated. These activities shall be conducted according to the time schedule included in the plan, which shall to the extent feasible provide reclamation simultaneous with mining operations and in any event, provide reclamation at the earliest practicable time after completion or termination of mining on any segment of the permit area and shall be completed within two years after completion or termination of mining, RECLAMATION CONDITIONS: 1. Provided further, and subject to the Reclamation schedule, the planned reclamation shall be to restore the mine excavation to a lake area and to grade and revegetate the adjacent disturbed areas. 2. The specifications for surface gradient restoration to a surface suitable for the planned future use are as follows: A. The lake area shall be excavated to maintain a minimum water depth of four feet measured from the low water table elevation. Page 7 B. The side slopes to the lake excavation shall be graded to a 3 horizontal to 1 vertical or flatter to the water line and 2 horizontal to 1 vertical or flatter below the water line. C. Any areas, used for wastepiles, screening, stockpiling or other processing shall be leveled and smoothed. D. No contaminants shall be permanently disposed of at the mine site. On -site disposal of waste shall be in accordance with Operating Condition Nos. 10A through 100. E. The affected land shall be graded to prevent the collection of noxious or foul water. 3. Revegetation Plan: After site preparation, all disturbed land areas shall be revegetated as per the following: Permanent Seeding Specifications Dates Species Rate, Lbs/Acre February 15 - April 1 Kobe Lespedeza 10 Bahiagrass 50 Redtop 1 Winter rye (grain) 15 April 1 - July.31 Common Bermuda 50 August 1 - October 25 Lespedeza (unscarified) 30 German millet 40 October 25 - February 15 Rye (grain- temporary) 120 Soil Amendments Lime: 2000 Ibslacre or follow recommendations from -a soil test. Fertilizer: 1000 Ibslacre 8-8-8 or 10-10-10, or follow recommendations from a soil test. Mulch: All seeded areas shall be mulched using small grain straw at a rate of 2000 Ibslacre and anchored appropriately. Whenever possible; disturbed areas should be vegetated with native warm season grasses such as switch grass, Indian grass; biuestbm and gamma -grass. Page 8 In addition, the permittee shall consult with a professional wildlife biologist with the N.C. Wildlife Resources Commission to enhance post -project wildlife habitat at the site. 4. Reclamation Plan: Reclamation shall,be conducted simultaneously with mining to the extent feasible. In any event, reclamation shall be initiated as soon as feasible after completion or termination of mining of any mine.segment under permit. Final reclamation,,including revegetation, shall be completed within two years of completion or termination of mining: This permit, issued July 21, 1997, is hereby renewed and modified this 141h day of September 2006 pursuant to G.S. 74-52. By: %telzca James D. Simons, Director Division of Land Resources By Authority of the Secretary Of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources NOTICE OF ISSUANCE OF MINING PERMIT You have previously expressed an interest and/or are listed as an adjoining landowner in the application to modify this mining permit filed by Ottrue E. Evans, Jr. to conduct mining activities off Civietown Road/SR 1132 in Brunswick County. The mining permit (no. 10-10) was modified on September 14, 2006, North Carolina law allows persons aggrieved by the issuance of a mining permit to contest the decision by filing a petition for a contested case in the Office of Administrative Hearings pursuant to N.C.G.S. 15OB-23 of the Administrative Procedure Act (APA). If you believe that you are an aggrieved party within the meaning of the APA and NC General Statute 74-61, a petition for a contested case must be filed in the Office of Administrative Hearings within thirty (30) days of the mailing of this notice to you. If you file a contested case petition, it must be in writing and in the form prescribed by N.C. General Statutes 15013-23. File the original petition and one copy with the Office of Administrative Hearings, 6714 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-6714. Any questions about filing a petition may be directed to the Clerk of.the Office of Administrative Hearings, by telephoning (91.9) 733-0926. You must serve .the Department of Environment and Natural'Resources by mailing a copy of the petition to Ms. Mary Penny Thompson, Registered Agent and General Counsel, Department of Environment and Natural Resources, 1601 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1601. James D. Simons Director Division of Land Resources North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources This notice was mailed on r Il y 6 . Y Brenda Harris Mining Program Secretary o 0 /41� 4"d 010 �Vss1 ,ld 09 010 r s *A 9-5 F---'-� t ow v'W snV i I 010 N l r— G1is C+o.� • .1� 213 �1ig I ly, rx 1�1:. 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Rackgmund Imagery are u.S, Geological Fishery Nursery Areas Fishery Nurse Areas Survey 1:100•000-scale 0anlmetric maps © Primary rY Nursery Q Permanent Secondary 0 Special Secondary Q Witary Danger Zones and Restricted Areas locator map Inland waten (WRCIurMk-V.) Map 29 Map Datum: NA083 Map Projection: NC State Plane Map note- July2006 MARINE 1000 0 1000 2000 Yards, ra+ KK 0.7 0 0,7 1.4 Mlles or ! 1 _ f - CAP 0 N 40 2W9 / 422 ]t�] arm 4 F LEGEND L r' , 6 O PRISTIWORUNIMIROVffiROAD tT �• �/ UA ` =-- ORADEO AND DRAINED ROAD ' liQ4 - .� �4t 01 / !I3 `� \ SMGRAVEL OR STONE SURFACED ROAD WARD SURFACED ROAD q .a " ! ° 1. _ —•—•— 4 LANE UNDIVIDED HIGHWAY a im ` >a ~• L t 1500 160E ® - / O I s44 ' ' DIVIDEDHIGHWAY HKJ,✓ ,l _ '� -.i - tit aar i % P ` _ O 1 ! i I \ J I ` / .� •./ / ) J . _ MFRONTAGE ROADS us9 FCA FULLC40NOLACCESS NON -SYSTEM ROAD awe —.-1 •��J Imo/ `, r I j�7 °Fs aoFa sera 47 1 ` �, a , 'rT7 _ ! 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NOTE : MAP INCLUDES ONLY &TATE MAINTAINED ROADS 90SPRING 6 aeu, remlru, 1 LAKES\ 1UN0 OR IMPORTANT NON -SYSTEM ROADS. r POP.2.20 ROADS pHgWN A8 OF JAN. 19, 2005. ti • limes . •,j,' 4, ® 4. 1 • ' a S , i � 1 . 1 �' - �e tea:. 1 • C ((, Li �.� ` - _ a - ti - l i�•{ 7 � 11 j 1--`_'tom % 1,141E , a liLL r a j,//. /� r r � ' r f'� - - r • ^ O us9 ` � ^ � � � � l ``� �./`\ 1 J a ( ,� , is �l,144\ L oI 113.4 BRUNSWICK COUNTY fttr SHALLO C ' 157E 1 1ty4T y12x9 smnn �y L— o =' Ck � ]II4I 1lift - INN " _ m „ �Y•T�'' 1B , 16a6 ,, - , NORTH CARO L I NA ,� y ! , PREPARED BY THE arar e z " 121 ,a F j-���L f T.AI/,M9H 1 Ij s !� ii9 -`i ibt 'r y- 1Bi--±__ 14ii , I �a7 , NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION ` DIVISION. 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