HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCG020160_MONITORING INFO_20190211w 6R 0 STORMWATER DIVISION CODING SHEET NC6 PERMITS PERMIT NO. /V DOC TYPE ❑HISTORICAL FILE MONITORING REPORTS DOC DATE 0 YYYYMMDD ANNUAL SUMMARY DISCHARGE MONITORING REPORT, (DMR) — WASTEWATER SUBMIT TO CENTRAL OFFICE* General'Permit No. NCO020000 Calendar Year 2019 Report ALL WASTEWATER monitoring data on this form (include "No FlowT No Discharge" and Limit Violations) from the previous calendar year to the DEQ by MARCH 1 of each year. Certificate of Coverage No. NCG020160 RECEIV�D Facility Name: Vulcan Construction Materials, LLC1115 Quarry FES 11 2019 County: Wilkes CL'1\rEt Phone Number: (828) 838-8072 Total no. of outfalls monitored � cF_L F1LES Certified Laboratory Research & Analytical Labs, Inc. Lab # 34 Lab # Wastewater (WW) Discharge Outfall No. 061 Is this an industrial sand mine (See 40 CFR,§436 Subpart D)? Yes ❑ No Does this outfall discharge WW to SA waters? Yes ❑ No Does this outfall discharge WW to SI3 or PNA waters? Yes ❑ No Does this outfall discharge WW to HQW or ORW waters? Yes ❑ No If so, what is the 7Q10 flow rate? . or Tidally influenced waters, 7Q10 not available ❑ Does this outfall discharge WW to Trout (Tr) designated waters? Yes ❑ No Were there any limit violations in the calendar year? Yes ❑ No Outfall No. Daily Flow Rate, cfs pH, SU TSS, mgll SS, mill lfappllcable Discharge Turbidity, NTU Upstream (U) Turbidity, NTU Downstream (D) Turbidity, NTU Fecal Coliform, coll100 ml SA Effluent Limitations Mo. Ave 1 Daily Max. HQW or ORW 50% of 7{a10 indicate NO FLOW €feppflcable freshwater 6.0-9.0 saltwater 6.B-S.5 Industrial) Sand 25145 HQW orORW 201q^ 30 HOW or ORW and Tr or PNA 10/15 yqW ORW, SA, $8,PNA, or any Trout O'11�.2 No Limit ClrtlaWater Quality Standard that applies: 5 012 5 a 110 NIA Water Quality Standard applies NIA Water Quality Standard applies N/A Date Sample Collected, molddl r a "ki . �: `f�wS.. \:' V"i. L _kt;. '��iR a r 1ka LZ-,r.ft:C ':ti wrt i y M LYr 1�,?Y1'�;l*jFi'm ♦ ra ' t.. Rk}:xi+���wi'K fi +ev. i ��! r �� e' ry. t, .�i:i!'iN(� �.�G�:i�.11�s'i�� �fii +fie -'x '`"r�'" 5�ii�_al�h it. .•'y 06/24/19 0.336 8.1 <5.0 c0.1 7.40 NIA NIA NIA 12/17/19 0.192 7.2 1 8.0 <0.1 8.19 NIA NIA NIA Permit Date 1011/2015 — 9/30/2020 Last Revised 10-2-2015 Certificate of Coverage No. NCG020160 Additional Outfall Attachment (make copies as needed for additional outfalls) Wastewater (WW) Discharge Outfall No. Is this an industrial sand mine (See 40 CFR §436 Subpart D)? Yes ❑ Does this outfall discharge WW to SA waters? Yes ❑ Does this outfall discharge WW to SB or PNA waters? Yes ❑ Does this outfall discharge WW to HQW or ORW waters? Yes ❑ If so, what is the 7Q10 flow rate? or Tidally influenced waters, Does this outfall discharge WW to Trout (Tr) designated waters? Yes ❑ Were there any limit violations in the calendar year reported? Yes ❑ No ❑ No ❑ No ❑ No ❑ 7Q10 not available ❑ No ❑ No ❑ Outfall No. Daily Flow Rate, cfs pH, SU TSS, mgll SS, mlll ifappllcable Discharge Turbidity, NTU Upstream (U) Turbidity, NTU Downstream (D) Turbidity, NTU Fecal Coliform, co11100 ml SA Effluent Limitations Mo. Ave ! Daily Max. HQW or ORW 50% of 7Q10 ladicate NO FLOW it applicable freshwater 6.0-9.0 saltwater 6•8-8.5 industrSal Sand 25/45 HOW orORW 20130 HQW or ORW and Tr or PNA 10115 HOW, ORW, SA. SB,PNA, or any Trout A 0.110.2 No Limit Circle Water Quality Standard that applies: 50/25/1 0 NIA Water Quality Standard applies NIA Water Quality Standard applies NIA Sample , moldd! rw., a �c .' 3tF xcDate 4Co1!ectedtitl 1 tirS h Certificate of Coverage No. NCG020160 Permit Date 1011I2015 — 9/30/2020 Last Revised 10-2-2015 Additional Outfall Attachment (make copies as needed for additional outfalls) Wastewater (WW) Discharge Outfall No,' , Is this an industrial sand mine (See 40 CFR §436 Subpart D)? Yes ❑ Does this outfall discharge WW to SA waters? Yes ❑ Does this outfall discharge WW to SB or PNA waters? Yes ❑ Does this outfall discharge WW to HQW or ORW waters? Yes ❑ If so, what is the 7Q10 flow rate? or Does this outfall discharge WW to Trout jr) designated waters? Were there any limit violations in the calendar Tidally influenced waters, Yes ❑ rreported? Yes ❑ No ❑ No ❑ No ❑ No ❑ 7Q10 not available ❑ No ❑ No ❑ Outfall No, Daily Flow Rate, cfs pH, SU TSS, mgll SS, mill ,fappflcab,e Discharge Turbidity, NTU Upstream (U) Turbidity, NTU Downstream (D) Turbidity, NTU Fecal Coliform, co11100 ml SA Effluent Limitations Mo. Ave! Daily Max, HOW or ORW 50% of 7Q10 !ndlcare NO FLOW lfappflcabte freshwater 6.0-9.0 saltwater 6.8-8.5 IndustriM Send 25145 HOW or ORW 20130 HOW or ORW and Tr or PNA 10115 HOW, ORW, SA, SO. PNA, or any Trout 0.1I0.2 No Limit circle Water Oua[Ity Standard that applia9: 50/25110 NIA Water Quality Standard applies NIA WaterOuality Standard applies NIA Date Sample Ip Collected molddl r r t 1 s (� sy 't o 14 *¢� �i1d ry 4 i 1 y s 1 r{ ♦' �, Certificate of Coverage No. N00020160 Permit Date 10/112015 — 9/3012020 Last Revised 10-2-2015 CERTIFICATION "I certify, under penalty of law, that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted.- Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations." [Required by 40 CFR §122,22] Signature T Date February 5, 2020 Mail Annual Summary Wastewater DMR to the NCDEQ Central Office: Note the address is correct — Central Fries is housed in DWR (not D1=MLR) N.C. Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) Division of Water Resources Attn: DWR Central Files 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Central Files Telephone (919) 807-6300 Questions? Contact DEMLR Stormwater Permitting Staff in the Central Office at: (919) 707-9220 Permit Date 10r1r2015 — 9/30/2020 Last Revised 10-2-2015 Ws" STORMWATER DIVISION CODING SHEET NCG PERMITS PERMIT NO. /V C& Wo I (O C-i DOC TYPE ❑HISTORICAL FILE Cf`MONITORING REPORTS DOC DATE ❑ ��' � o a YYYYMMDD ANNUAL SUMMARY DISCHARGE MONITORING REPORT (DMR) — STORMWATER SUBMIT TO CENTRAL OFFICE General Permit No. NCG020000 Calendar Year 2019 'Report ALL STORMWATER monitoring data on this form (include "No Flow"1" No Discharge" and Benchmark Exceedances) from the previous calendar year to the DEQ by MARCH 1 of each year. Certificate of Coverage No. NCG020160 RECEIVED Facility Name: Vulcan Construction Materials, LLC1115 Quarry FEB 11 2019 County: Wilkes Phone Number: (828) 838-8072 Total no, of SDOs monitored CENTRAL FILESvR SECTION Certified Laboratory Research & Analytical Laboratories, Inc. Lab # 34 Lab # Stormwater Discharge Outfall (SDO) No. 004 VMA Outfall? Yes ® No ❑ Is this outfall currently in Tier 2 for any parameter? Yes ❑ No Was this outfall ever in Tier 2 during the past year? Yes ❑ No If this outfall was in Tier 2 last year, was monthly monitoring discontinued? Yes, enough consecutive samples below benchmarks to decrease frequency ❑ Yes, received approval from DEMLR to reduce monitoring frequency ❑ No, turbidity benchmark exceedances did not require monthly monitoring ❑ Other ❑ Outfall No. Total Rainfall, inches TSS, mgll SS, mlll Turbidity, NTU Upstream (U) Turbidity, NTU Downstream (D) Turbidity, NTU Non -polar O&G, mgll (VMA) New Motor Oil Usage allmo. Benchmarks Indicate NO FLOW lr a flcabfa circle nchrm limchmark 100/50 0 .1 CircleStormwater Benchmark Benchmark J 0 ��12J11 n NIA Water Quality Standard appllaa NIA Water Quality Standard applies 1 5 >SSerequi average requires TSS and Non -polar 0&0 monitorin Date Samples Collected, molddl r t 1 r ,. ' 01101119- 12/31/19 No Flow Permit Date 101112015 — 9/30/2020 Last Revised 10-2-2015 Certificate of Coverage No. NCG020160 Additional Outfall Attachment (make copies as needed for additional outfalls) Stormwater Discharge Outfall (SDO) No. 007 VMA Outfall? Yes ® No ❑ Is this outfall currently in Tier 2 for any parameter? Yes ❑ No Was this outfall ever in Tier 2 during the past year? Yes ❑ No If this outfall was in Tier 2 last year, was monthly monitoring discontinued? Yes, enough consecutive samples below benchmarks to decrease frequency Yes, received approval from DEMLR to reduce monitoring frequency No, turbidity benchmark exceedances did not require monthly monitoring Other Outfall No. Total Rainfall, Inches TSS, mg/1 SS, mf11 Turbidity, NTU I Upstream (U) Turbidity, NTU Downstream (D) Turbidity, NTU Non -polar O&G, mgll (VMA) New Motor Oil Usage allmo. Stormwater Benchmarks indicate N0 'FLO WD7 Circle Benchmark 100I50 0•1 0lrc" Benchmark 50125I10 N/A S watior andard appliQualites N/A 5 andard apples Water Quality 1 "5gallmo. average requires TSS and 0&0 m nitca Non -polar Date Sample Collected, molddl r 4 02/12/19 1.0 <5.0 <0.1 3.25 NIA NIA NIA NIA 07/01/19 — 12131/19 No Flow Certificate of Coverage No. NCG020160 Permit Date 101112015 — 913012020 Last Revised 10-2-2015 Additional Outfall Attachment (make copies as needed for additional outfalls) Stormwater Discharge Outfall (SDO) No. 013 VMA Outfall? Yes ❑ No Is this outfall currently in Tier 2 for any parameter? Yes ❑ No Was this outfall ever in Tier 2 during the past year? Yes ❑ No If this outfall was in Tier 2 last year, was monthly monitoring discontinued? Yes, enough consecutive samples below benchmarks to decrease frequency Yes, received approval from DEMLR to reduce monitoring frequency No, turbidity benchmark exceedances did not require monthly monitoring ❑ Other ❑ Outfall No. Total Rainfall, inches TSS, mgll SS, mlll Turbidity, NTU Upstream (U) Turbidity, NTU Downstream (D) Turbidity, NTU Non -polar O&G, mgll (VMA) New Motor Oil Usage allmo. Benchmarks lrtdleate NO FLOW!f a Ucable CircleStormwater Benchmark Benchmark 100150 0.1 Circle Benchmark 50/25/10 NIA water Quality Standard applies N/A Water Standard appliaa 1 tJ >55paequi everepe requires T55 and Nompokr QdG monitorin Date Sample Collected, molddl r , ,... n.. , Y v 01/01/19 - 12/31/19 No Flow Certificate of Coverage No. NCG020160 Permit Date 1011/2015 - 9/3012020 Last Revised 10-2-2015 CERTIFICATION "I certify, under penalty of law, that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted, Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations." [Required by 40 CFR §122.22] Signature Date February 5, 2020 Mail Annual Summary Stormwater DMR to the NCDEQ Central Office: Note the address is correct — Central Files is housed in DWR (not DEMLR) N.C. Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) Division of Water Resources Attn: DWR Central Files 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Central Files Telephone (919) 807-6300 Questions? Contact DEMLR Stormwater Permitting Staff in the Central Office at: (919) 707-9220 Permit Date 101112015 — 9130/2020 Last Revised 10-2-2015