HomeMy WebLinkAbout20100053 Ver 1_Erosion Control_20100121 1 1 1 1 l1§@1NGW 61i"', JAN U 1 2L .% OEM - WATER QUALITY 1NE111ND8A OSTORMWATERBRN" ELLERBE CREEK STREAM STABILIZATION PROJECT DURHAM COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA 2 0 1 0 0 0 5 3 EROSION CONTROL NARRATIVE AND TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS Prepared for: Ellerbe Creek Watershed Association 331 W. Main Street Suite 503 Durham, NC 27705 Prepared by: Wheat Saks EngbwwhV, Me. 8000 Regency Parkway Sums 209 a l Cary. North Carolina 27518 Phone: 919.483.5488 Fax: 919.443.5490 JANUARY 2010 TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................ ' PROJECT DESCRIPTION ........................................................................... SITE CONDITIONS ..................................................................................... EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION CONTROL MEASURES ................ ' DESIGN STANDARDS ............................................................................... MAINTENANCE PLAN .............................................................................. TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS ............................................................... ' A. GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS .............................................................. B. CONSTRUCTION SURVEY .................................................................. C. MOBILIZATION AND DEMOBILIZATION ........................................ ' D. POLLUTION CONTROL STRUCTURES ............................................. E. PUMP-AROUND OPERATIONS ........................................................... F. POLLUTION CONTROL SEEDING AND MULCHING ...................... G. PERMANENT SEED .............................................................................. H. EXCAVATION, FILL, AND GRADING ............................................... 1. STONE ...................................................................................................... 1 J. IN-STREAM STRUCTURES ................................................................... K. FILTER FABRIC ..................................................................................... L. COIR FIBER MATTING ......................................................................... M. VEGETATION TRANSPLANTS .......................................................... 1 N. LIVE STAKING ...................................................................................... 0. VEGETATION PLANTING ................................................................... P. SAFETY FENCE ...................................................................................... Q. TREE PROTECTION FENCE ................................................................ R. GEOLIFT ................................................................................................. S. BRUSH MATTRESS ............................................................................... T. INVASIVE SPECIES CONTROL ........................................................... U. CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCE ............................................................. ......................... 3 ......................... 3 ......................... 3 ......................... 4 ......................... 4 ......................... 5 ......................... 5 ......................... 5 ......................... 5 ......................... 9 ......................... 9 ....................... 10 ....................... 11 ....................... 13 ....................... 14 ....................... 15 ....................... 15 ....................... 17 ....................... 17 ....................... 18 ....................... 21 ...................... 21 ....................... 23 ....................... 23 ....................... 25 ....................... 27 INTRODUCTION This narrative is submitted as part of the proposed Sediment and Erosion Control Plan for the Ellerbe Creek Stream Stabilization Project. Construction of the project will involve the enhancement or stabilization of approximately 3,090 linear feet (LF) of stream along Ellerbe Creek, a tributary to the Neuse River. The designs have been funded through a grant from the NC Clean Water Management Trust Fund, and are not associated with any mitigation work. The DWQ 401 and USACE 404 permit applications have been submitted in conjunction ' with the Sediment and Erosion Control Plan on January 21S`, 2010. Copies of the permits will be distributed upon approval. ' PROJECT DESCRIPTION The Ellerbe Creek Watershed Association (ECWA) proposes to enhance and/or stabilize 3,090 linear feet along Ellerbe Creek located within Durham, NC (See Figure 1). The project site is located in Durham County, NC, in the City of Durham (City). The site lies in the Neuse River Basin within North Carolina Division of Water Quality (DWQ) sub- ' basin 03-04-01. The center point of the site is located at longitude 78° 55' 19.34" west and latitude 36° 01' 32.20" north. The watershed at the downstream end of the project drains a combined 3.8 square miles (See Figure 2). ' The project area is urbanized and has variable buffer vegetation throughout the entire site. An existing greenway trail and 17 acre wooded preserve runs along the right bank for a majority of the project reach and connects to a city park (Westover Park). Ellerbe Creek is incised, has minimal bedform diversity, and provides little aquatic habitat functionality for native wildlife species. Additionally, the accelerated streambank erosion has created sedimentation and erosion problems downstream. Ellerbe Creek is overly wide in certain sections and the streambanks are moderately to highly unstable. The DWQ has placed Ellerbe Creek on the State 303(d) list due to high levels of lead and zinc, and low levels of dissolved oxygen found during water quality monitoring. The total disturbed area for stream and buffer enhancement is approximately 10.5 acres. SITE CONDITIONS ' Westover Park and the Ellerbe Creek greenway trail are frequently utilized and the active bank erosion and downcutting/incision has created a potential safety hazard for the trail system. The predominant soil types found on the site are Congaree and Chewacla- Wehadkee complex. Local relief within the project site is approximately 3-6 feet. Surrounding properties are characterized primarily by an urban residential landscape and a golf course is located immediately upstream of the project site. EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION CONTROL MEASURES Erosion control methods to be used onsite include silt fencing, construction entrances/exits, temporary stream crossings, mulching, temporary seeding, permanent seeding, and erosion control matting. All sediment and erosion control measures are to be built according to the plans and specifications. Bench grading activities and in-stream structure installation will be performed in the channel. Any excess spoil material will be stockpiled as shown on the plans and hauled offsite to a specified location approved by the Engineer. Silt fencing will be used to prevent erosion of the stockpiles toward the open stream areas on site as well as to prevent erosion of disturbed ground toward any flowing streams on site. Pump-around operations will be utilized at the site location to divert water during in-stream structure installation and bank stabilization activities. DESIGN STANDARDS Standard erosion control practices, methods, and procedures described in these plans and specifications are based on those presented in the North Carolina Erosion and Sediment Control Planning and Design Manual (2006). MAINTENANCE PLAN Qualified personnel on a daily basis will evaluate all temporary erosion and sediment control practices for stability and operation. Weekly inspections will be performed and logs kept. A rain gage will also be kept on site and rainfall amounts recorded. Any repairs needed, will be performed immediately to maintain all practices as designed. The selected Contractor will be responsible for the maintenance of temporary on-site erosion control measures. The Contractor will be responsible for implementing and following the approved Sediment and Erosion Control Plan. Project Contact: Kayne Van Stell, Project Manager Michael Baker Engineering, Inc. 8000 Regency Parkway, Suite 200 Cary, NC 27518 Phone: (919) 463-5488 Fax: (919) 463-5490 CULVERT DESIGN CALCULATIONS No culverts will be replaced within the project boundaries. 4 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS A. GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS ' 1. The Contractor is required to install in-stream structures using a track hoe with a hydraulic thumb of sufficient size to move boulders 4ft X 3ft X 2ft (up to a maximum of 2 tons). ' 2. Construction is scheduled for Winter 2010. 0 11 B. CONSTRUCTION SURVEY The construction survey will be performed by the Engineer (Baker). The Contractor is not required to provide construction surveying or layout services, however, the Contractor is required to keep a laser level onsite and a person trained in its use for maintaining grades. C. MOBILIZATION AND DEMOBILIZATION SCOPE The work shall consist of the mobilization and demobilization of the Contractor's forces and equipment necessary for performing the work required under the contract. This work shall not include mobilization and demobilization for specific items of work for which payment is provided elsewhere in the contract. EQUIPMENT AND MATERIALS Mobilization shall include all activities and costs for transportation of personnel, equipment, and operating supplies to the site; establishment of offices, and other necessary facilities for the Contractor's operations at the site; premiums paid for performance and payment bonds, including coinsurance and reinsurance agreements as applicable; and other items as specified in this specification. Demobilization shall include all activities and costs for transportation of personnel, equipment, and supplies not included in the contract from the site; including the disassembly, removal and site clean up and repair of any facilities assembled on the site for this contract. METHODS Items of work to be performed in conformance with these specifications and construction details therefore are: (1) This item shall consist of all work necessary to mobilize and demobilize construction equipment as described above. (2) The Contractor is required to properly and safely identify and secure the construction accesses, staging areas, and material handling areas. Prior to construction activities, the Contractor shall identify and mark boundaries of the staging area as directed by the Engineer. Acceptable materials for identifying the construction areas include highly visible tape, road signs, barricades, cables, and safety fencing. (3) Stockpile all construction materials, including stone, riprap, gravel, erosion control devices, etc. in the staging areas. Any soil materials that are stockpiled shall have a silt fence properly installed to ensure materials are contained. Silt fence installation specifications are provided in the POLLUTION CONTROL specifications. (4) To limit the disturbance of soils on site, the Contractor shall restrict the movement of all construction equipment within sensitive areas. Prior to construction activities, the Contractor shall identify the boundaries of all sensitive areas by using a highly visible tape or orange boundary fencing, and will stake the limits of where construction equipment is permitted to travel, as directed by the Engineer. (5) The Contractor shall provide watertight tanks or barrels sealed with plastic sheets to be used to dispose of chemical pollutants, such as drained lubricating or transmission oils, greases, soaps, concrete mixer wash water, asphalt, etc., produced as a by-product of the construction work. At the completion of construction, facilities shall be disposed of without causing pollution. (6) Chemical toilets shall be placed 100 feet from streams and in the staging area away from heavy equipment. At the completion of construction work, facilities shall be disposed of without causing pollution. (7) The Contractor will identify all underground and aboveground utilities and is responsible for ensuring that these utilities are not damaged during construction. The Contractor will promptly notify the Engineer if there are conflicts between the utilities and the design. (8) The Contractor will install construction accesses per specification 6.06 in the North Carolina Erosion and Sediment Control Planning and Design Manual (2006) and shown on the plans. (9) The Contractor shall comply with City requirements and provide and/or coordinate traffic controls as necessary. The Contractor shall protect existing features to remain including curbs, pavement, and utilities. Maintain access for fire-fighting equipment and access to fire hydrants. Any damage to existing features must be replaced by the Contractor at their expense and approved by the City and Engineer. 6 C (10) The Contractor shall properly remove and discard debris and trash. D. POLLUTION CONTROL STRUCTURES SCOPE The work shall consist of installing structural measures or performing work to control erosion and minimize the production of sediment and other pollutants to water during construction operations. This item shall consist of all work necessary to control soil erosion and minimize the introduction of sediment and other pollutants to waterways. Pursuant to NC Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Division of Water Quality regulations, the Contractor shall follow the approved Sediment and Erosion Control Plan for the site, as provided in the plans and these specifications. A copy of General Permit No. NCGO10000 (General Permit To Discharge Stormwater Under the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System) will be supplied to the Contractor prior to commencement of site work. The Contractor is required to follow the requirements of permit NCGO10000, which includes the following conditions: Weekly inspection of sediment and erosion control devices and documentation of their condition. Sediment and erosion control devices shall also be inspected within 24 hours following any rainfall event greater than 0.5 inches of rain per 24 hour period. Any devices which are not functioning adequately shall be immediately reported to the Engineer and repaired. A rainfall gage shall be maintained on the site and a record of rainfall amounts and dates shall be kept. A copy of the approved Sediment and Erosion Control Plan for the site, General Permit No. NCGO10000, log of control device inspections, and log of rainfall events and amounts shall be kept in an accessible location on-site at all times during the construction project. The Contractor is responsible for following the approved Sediment and Erosion Control Plan for the site and for following the requirements of General Permit No. NCGO10000, and assumes liability for any fines or regulatory actions that may be imposed by failure to do so. EQUIPMENT AND MATERIALS Refer to the North Carolina Sediment and Erosion Control Manual (2006). EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL MEASURES The measures and works shall include, but are not limited to, the following: Sediment Fence (Silt Fence) - Geotextile sediment fencing shall be used to trap sediment from areas of limited runoff. Sediment filters shall be properly anchored to prevent erosion under them. These works are temporary and shall be removed and the area restored to its original state when they are no longer needed or permanent measures are installed. Locations for sediment filters are shown on the plans. Refer to sediment fence specifications (6.62) in the North Carolina Sediment and Erosion Control Manual (2006). Temporary Stream Crossings - Culverted stream crossings shall be used where equipment must cross the tributaries to Ellerbe Creek. These works are temporary and shall be removed and the area restored to its original state when they are no longer needed or permanent measures are installed. Refer to temporary stream crossing detail on design plans for installation procedures. Refer to practice 6.70 "Temporary Stream Crossing" in the North Carolina Sediment and Erosion Control Manual. Other - Additional work as required by the Federal, State, or Local Government. All pollution control measures and works shall be adequately maintained in a functional condition as long as needed during the construction operation. All temporary measures shall be removed and the site restored to as nearly original conditions as practical. E. PUMP-AROUND OPERATIONS SCOPE The work covered by this section consists of furnishing, installing, maintaining and removing any and all temporary channel diversions used on this project in conjunction with the stream stabilization construction. The contractor shall use a pump-around method to accomplish this. The contractor is responsible for determining the location of the impervious dikes. All grading, in-stream structures, and stabilization must be completed in the work areas between the dikes. The pump-around shall provide a passageway for the normal stream flow through the work site. PUMP-AROUND PUMP A pump shall be used to convey the base stream flow around the work area during stream bank excavation, installation of structures, and other stabilization activities. The pump used must be able to convey 1 cubic feet per second (450 gallons per minute)*. The pump includes temporary pipe in sufficient length to pump the water from the upstream side of the upstream impervious dike to the special stilling basin or existing culvert as directed by the Engineer. * The required conveyance discharge shown is an estimate; the Contractor is responsible for the actual pump size. The discharge is a baseflow estimate and does not include an additional requirement for drawdown. The contractor shall not work in the channel or pump around/divert water during high flow conditions. IMPERVIOUS DIKES The work covered by this section consists of furnishing, installing, maintaining, and removing an impervious dike for the purpose of diverting normal stream flow around the working area. The Contractor shall construct an impervious dike in such a manner as approved by Land Quality. The impervious dike shall not permit seepage of water into the working area or contribute to siltation of the stream. The impervious dike shall be constructed of an acceptable material as directed by the Engineer. MATERIALS Acceptable materials shall include but not be limited to sheet piles, sandbags, and/or the placement of an acceptable size stone lined with polypropylene or other impervious fabric. CONSTRUCTION METHODS Earth material shall not be used to construct an impervious dike when it is in direct contact with the stream unless vegetation can be established before contact with the stream takes place. F. POLLUTION CONTROL SEEDING AND MULCHING SCOPE The work shall consist of installing measures or performing work to control erosion and minimize the production of sediment and other pollutants to water and air during construction operations. Temporary seeding will be used on all areas susceptible to erosion, including, but not limited to ditch banks, access areas, and steeper slopes. Seeding will take place immediately after construction activities are completed in the disturbed areas. The work shall consist of preparing the area, furnishing and placing seed ' and mulch, and anchoring mulch in the designated areas as specified. Temporary and permanent seeding shall take place on stream banks before erosion control matting is installed. ' EQUIPMENT AND MATERIALS Temporary Seeding For temporary seeding, apply the following vegetation at the listed rates and times. A combination of the two seed types shall be used during the boundary months of March, ' April, August and September to ensure survival. Temporary Seeding (September to March): Rye grain 120 lbs per acre ' 9 Temporary Seeding (April to August): Browntop Millet 40 lbs per acre Mulching Mulching shall be used to provide temporary protection of soil surfaces from erosion. Mulching should be performed within 48 hours of seeding. Grain straw mulch should be applied on seeded areas at a rate of 130 bales per acre. Apply mulch uniformly. METHODS On sites where equipment can be operated safely, the seedbed shall be adequately loosened. Disking may be needed in areas where soil is compacted. Steep banks may require roughening, either by hand scarifying or by equipment, depending on site conditions. The Engineer will determine condition needs onsite. If seeding is done immediately following construction, seedbed preparation may not be required except on compacted, polished or freshly cut areas. Mulching is used to provide temporary protection of soil surfaces from erosion. Mulching should be performed within 48 hours of temporary seeding. Grain straw mulch should be applied on temporary seeded areas at a rate of 3 bales per 1,000 ft' (130 bales per acre). Mulch shall be applied on streambanks prior to installation of coir fiber matting. Apply mulch uniformly. G. PERMANENT SEED SCOPE The work shall consist of applying permanent seeding on the site for the purposes of establishing stream buffer, wetland vegetation, and controlling erosion. Permanent seeding will be placed on all disturbed areas targeted for stream buffer, or where grading and earthmoving activities have left exposed soil when construction in the area is completed. Seeding'will take place immediately after construction activities are completed. The work shall consist of furnishing and placing seed in designated areas. EQUIPMENT AND MATERIALS Apply the following vegetation at the listed rates. Species may be substituted or removed from the specified mixtures upon approval of the Engineer. 10 Permanent Seed Mixture: Common Name Scientific Name - ------ - ----- Percent of Mixture Seeding Density Ibs/acre) I Wetness Tolerance Redto A rostis alba 15% 2.25 FACW Virginia Wild rye El mus vir inicus 15% 2.25 FAC Swam Sunflower Helianthus an usti olius 7% 1.5 FAC Purple Lovegrass Eragrostis s ectabilis 7% 0.75 FACU Shallow Sedge Carex lurida 10% 0.75 FACW+ Indian Grass Sor astrum nutans 7% 1.5 FACU Soft Rush Juncus e usus 7% 0.75 FACW+ Lance-Leaved Tick Seed Coreopsis lanceolata 10% 1.5 FAC Tio a Deer Tongue Dichanthelium clandestinum 15% 2.25 FACW Black Eyed Susan Rudbeckia hirta 7% 1.5 FACU METHODS ' It is anticipated that the soil will be sufficiently loosened after construction to allow for immediate planting of seed. Disking may be needed in areas where soil is compacted. Disking will be paid for under Section G "Excavation, Fill, and Grading". The Engineer will determine condition needs onsite. Due to the small size of some permanent seed species and the low application rates, it may be necessary to mix the permanent seed with temporary seed or sand to distribute the seed at the stated application rate. If permanent seed is mixed with temporary seed, the temporary seed shall not be applied at a greater application rate than stated under the "POLLUTION CONTROL SEEDING AND MULCHING" specification without the permission of the Engineer. H. EXCAVATION, FILL, AND GRADING SCOPE The Contractor shall excavate and grade the channel and floodplain bench areas according to the design plans and as directed by the Engineer. Typical cross-sections are provided in the drawings. The excavated materials will be placed in the stockpile areas noted on the plans. Some of the excavated material shall be used to fill and reshape banks per the design plans or direction of the Engineer. 11 METHODS GENERAL GRADING The Contractor shall ensure that final grades on all floodplain bench areas are within 0.2 foot of the design cross-section dimension shown on the plans. Bed elevations within the stream channel and elevations of in-stream structures shall be within 0.03 foot of the design grades, unless otherwise directed by the Engineer. All disturbed areas must be ' completely stabilized by the end of the day and no more area can be disturbed than can be reasonably stabilized by the end of each day. SOIL LOOSENING , Soil in the area of tree plantings shall be loosened to a depth of at least 8 to 10 inches. This is necessary only on compacted soil. Any tillage operations shall not disturb existing tree roots. CLEARING , Clearing will be necessary in some areas of the site. These areas are shown on the plans. Prior to the clearing of these areas, vegetation appropriate for transplanting shall be removed and either placed along the newly constructed channel, or stockpiled in an area where the roots will remain wet until the transplants may be placed along the newly constructed channel. These areas for stockpiling transplant material will be determined by the Engineer. Any cleared trees, snags, roots, stumps, etc. not used to stabilize the existing stream , channel shall be removed and disposed of off-site by the Contractor and as directed by the Engineer. GRUBBING , Grubbing will be necessary in some areas of the site. Grubbing shall include satisfactory ' removal and disposal of all trees, brush, stumps and other objectionable material. These areas are shown on the plans. Prior to the grubbing of these areas, vegetation appropriate for transplanting shall be removed and either placed along the channel, or stockpiled in ' an area where the roots will remain wet until the transplants may be placed along the newly constructed channel. These areas for stockpiling transplant material will be determined by the Engineer. Any cleared trees, snags, roots, stumps, etc. not used to ' stabilize the existing stream channel shall be removed from the site. At no time will clearing and grubbing extend more than a 100ft beyond any completed ' and stabilized work area. At no time can more be cleared and grubbed than can be stabilized in one day. 12 t 1 1 1 1 DISPOSAL OF SURPLUS AND WASTE MATERIALS Excess woody debris and spoil materials shall be stockpiled separately and disposed of off-site by the Contractor and as directed by the Engineer. Separate recyclable materials produced during site clearing from other nonrecyclable materials. Store or stockpile without intermixing with other materials and transport them to recycling facilities. All trash, obstructions, demolished materials, and inorganic waste materials shall be hauled off-site and legally disposed of off-site. This includes concrete, and rubble which will be removed from the project boundaries as shown on the plans. 1. STONE SCOPE The work covered by this section consists of furnishing, stockpiling, placing and maintaining an approved stone to be utilized primarily to construct in-stream structures, construction entrances, step-pool outlet protection, and for use in other locations as directed by the Engineer. EQUIPMENT AND MATERIALS Stone for "Stone, Gravel" shall consist of uncrushed gravel. It shall be composed of clean, tough, durable fragments free from fines, organic matter and deleterious substances. Stone for "Gravel (#57)", "Class A", "Class B", "Class I", "Class II", and "Boulders" shall consist of blasted granite quarry stone stockpiled onsite and approved by the Engineer. The stone shall be sound, tough, dense, resistant to the action of air and water, and suitable in all other respects for the purpose intended. All stone shall meet the approval of the Engineer. While no specific gradation is required, the various sizes of the stone shall be equally distributed within the required size range. The size of an individual stone particle will be determined by measuring its long dimension. REQUIRED STONE SIZES - INCHES CLASS V1INI1tIUM AVERAGE NTAXIMUM GRAVEL 457 0.25 0.5 1.5 CLASS A 2 4 6 CLASS B 5 8 12 CLASS I 5 10 17 CLASS II 9 14 23 BOULDERS 24 36 48 No more than 5.0% of the material furnished can be less than the minimum size specified. No more than 10.0% of the material can exceed the maximum size specified 13 METHODS The Contractor shall place stone in locations shown on the plans or as directed by the Engineer, to the thickness, widths, and lengths as shown on the plans and described in the specifications, or directed by the Engineer. All stone shall be placed to form an erosion control device or an in-stream structure in accordance with the plans, neatly and uniformly, and shall meet the approval of the Engineer. J. IN-STREAM STRUCTURES SCOPE The work covered by this section consists of the construction of in-stream structures to stabilize streambanks and improve aquatic habitats. In-stream structures include cross vanes, single wing deflectors, and double wing deflectors. The quantity of in-stream structures to be constructed will be affected by actual conditions that occur during the construction of the project. The type and quantity of structures may be increased or decreased at the direction of the Engineer. Such variations in quantity will not be considered as alterations in the details of construction or a change in the character of the work. MATERIALS Filter fabric for sealing structures shall be Type 2 non-woven, at least 75 mils thick with a minimum weight of 6 oz/sq yd. Filter fabric will be placed behind the boulders to create an adequate seal. All stone materials shall meet the requirements given in the "Stone" section. METHODS Items of work to be performed in conformance with this specification and the construction details therefore include: a. Excavation of In-stream Structures (Cross Vanes, Single Wing Deflectors, and Double Wing Deflectors). (1) This item shall consist of the excavation, placement of rock and wood materials, and backfill associated with the installation of in-stream structures. (2) The Engineer may adjust the excavation limits to improve the channel foundation conditions during construction. (3) Excavated material shall be placed on the upstream side of the structures or transported to a stockpile location as directed by the Engineer. 14 1 ' (4) Unless otherwise approved by the Engineer, excavation to prepare subgrade for the installation of in-stream structures shall be consecutive and continuous. Once the excavation of a structure has begun, the structure will be completed by the end of the workday. All equipment shall be removed from the stream at the end of each workday. (5) Any accumulation of sediment in the channel shall be cleaned as needed during ' construction and at the end of construction. No separate payment will be made for this clean-up work. Any disturbed soil shall be seeded utilizing temporary and permanent seeding methods. K. FILTER FABRIC SCOPE Filter fabric needed for sealing the in-stream structures and temporary construction ' entrances. MATERIALS Filter fabric shall be Type 2 non-woven, at least 75 mils thick with a minimum weight of 6 oz/sq yd. METHODS The Contractor shall install filter fabric in locations shown on the plans or as directed by the Engineer, to the thickness, widths, and lengths as shown on the design plan details and as described in the specifications. Filter fabric shall be placed to seal erosion control devices or in-stream structures in accordance with the plans, neatly and uniformly, and shall meet the approval of the Engineer. L. COIR FIBER MATTING SCOPE Furnish materials, install and maintain Coir Fiber Matting in locations shown on the plans or in locations as directed by the Engineer. Work includes providing all materials, ' excavating and backfilling, and placing and securing Coir Fiber Matting. Coir Fiber Matting will only be used in locations specified in the plans or by the Engineer. Locations will primarily be on graded streambanks. Other problem areas may also require the placement of coir fiber matting. EQUIPMENT AND MATERIALS Ecostakes: Provide ecostakes made from wood not less than 12 in. (300 mm) in length 1 with a notch cut 1 in. (25 mm) from the top. These stakes shall be used to stake the matting along the slopes. Wooden 3 ft. stakes spaced approximately 4 ft. apart shall be 15 used to secure the matting at the toe of slope. The toe stakes shall have a minimum f - inch by 1-inch cross-section and shall be installed so that the matting can not slide past the exposed end of the stake. Matting: Provide coir fiber matting to meet the specifications of the C-7 or comparable matting. Netting material MUST be biodegradable. The erosion control blanket/channel lining shall be a machine-produced mat of 100% coconut fiber with the following properties: Matrix 100% Coconut Fiber Weight 20 oz/SY (678 gm/m2) Tensile Strength 1348 x 626 lb/ft minimum (1650.5 x 766.5 kg/m) Elongation 34% x 38% Open Area (measured) 50% Thickness 0.30 in minimum (7.6 mm) Flexibility (mg -cm) 65030 x 29590 Recommended Flow 11 feet/second (3.35 m/s) Size 6.6 x 164 ft (120 SY) or (100 SM) "C" Factor 0.002 METHODS Provide a smooth soil surface free from stones, clods, or debris that will prevent the contact of the matting with the soil. Place the matting immediately upon final grading. Take care to preserve the required line, grade, and cross section of the area covered. Apply fertilizer, seed, and lime prior to installing blankets. Unroll the matting and apply without stretching such that it will lie smoothly but loosely on the soil surface. Bury the top slope end of each piece of matting in a narrow trench at least 6 in. (150 mm) deep and tamp firmly. Where one roll of matting ends and a second roll begins, overlap the end of the upper roll over the buried end of the second roll so there is a 6 in. (150 mm) overlap. Construct check trenches at least 12 in. (0.3 m) deep every 50 ft. (16 m) longitudinally along the edges of the matting or as directed by the Engineer. Fold over and bury matting to the full depth of the trench, close and tamp firmly. Overlap matting at least 6 in. (150 mm) where 2 or more widths of matting are installed side by side. Place stakes across the matting at ends, junctions, and check trenches approximately 1 ft. (90.3 m) apart with notch facing upslope. Place stakes along the outer edges and down the center of each strip of matting 3 feet (1 meter) apart. Place stakes along all lapped edges 1 ft. (0.3 m) apart. Refer to details in the plan sheets. 16 The Engineer may require adjustments in the trenching or staking requirements to fit individual site conditions. ' M. VEGETATION TRANSPLANTS SCOPE The work shall consist of the removal, transport, and placement of available on-site vegetative material for the purpose of streambank stabilization and enhancement of stream habitat. EOUIPMENT AND MATERIALS The Contractor must have approval from the Engineer before using equipment for installing transplants. ' METHODS Shrub and trees less than 3 inches in diameter shall be salvaged onsite in areas designated for construction, access areas, and other sites that will necessarily be disturbed. Vegetation to be transplanted will be identified by the Engineer. Transplanted vegetation shall carefully be excavated with rootballs and surrounding soil remaining intact. Care shall be given not to rip limbs or bark from the shrub and tree transplants. Vegetation ' should be transplanted immediately, if possible. Otherwise, transplanted vegetation shall be carefully transported to designated stockpile areas and heeled-in in constantly moist soil or sawdust in an acceptable manner appropriate to weather or seasonal conditions. The solidity of the plants shall be carefully preserved. Individual transplants shall range in size from 0.5 to 2 square yards in size. ' Installation of shrub and tree transplants shall be located in designated areas along the top of the stream bank or in floodplain restoration areas as directed by Engineer. Soil in the area of vegetation transplants shall be loosened to a depth of at least 1 foot. This is only necessary on compacted soil. Transplants shall be replanted to the same depth as they were originally growing. The planting trench or hole shall be deep and wide enough to permit the roots to spread out and down without J-rooting. The plant stem shall remain upright. Soil shall be replaced around the transplanted vegetation and tamped around the shrub or tree firmly to eliminate air pockets. Spacing and location of vegetation transplants will be determined onsite by the Engineer. N. LIVE STAKING SCOPE The work shall consist of the planting of live stakes on ditch banks to be protected from erosion. The Contractor will be responsible for identifying a source for the live stakes, 17 collecting, and delivering the live stakes to the project site, and installation of the live stakes. Staking must take place during the dormant season (December - February). EOUIPMENT AND MATERIALS Live stakes may be of the following species: Common Name Scientific Name Percenta ge of Total ! Wetness Tolerance Elderberry Sambucus canadensis 20% FACW- Silky Dogwood Cornus amonum 25% FACW+ Silky Willow Salix sericea 25% OBL Black Willow Salix nigra 10% OBL Ninebark Physocarpus opulifolius 20% FAC- METHODS Live stake materials should be dormant and gathered locally or purchased from a reputable commercial supplier. Stakes should be '/2 to 2 inches in diameter, 2 to 3 feet in length, and living based on the presence of young buds and green bark. Stakes shall be angled on the bottom and cut flush on the top with buds oriented upwards. All side branches shall be cleanly trimmed so the cutting is one single stem. Stakes should be kept cool and moist to improve survival and to maintain dormancy. Planting shall take place during the months of December - February. Stakes should be installed approximately 2-3 feet apart along the stream banks throughout the channel sections. Live stakes shall be installed along streambanks above the base flow water surface elevation. Site variations may require slightly different spacing. Stakes shall be driven into the ground using a rubber hammer or by creating a hole and slipping the stake into it. The stakes should be tamped in at a right angle to the slope with 4/5 of the stake installed below the ground surface. At least two buds (lateral and/or terminal) shall remain above the ground surface. The soils shall be firmly packed around the hole after installations. Split stakes shall not be installed. Stakes that split during installations shall be replaced. 0. VEGETATION PLANTING SCOPE The work shall consist of installing containerized tree and shrub species as shown on the plans. The Contractor WILL be responsible for the purchase of the plants and shall provide a qualified Planting Supervisor to coordinate installation with ECWA staff, City personnel, and/or the Engineer. The Engineer will consider other ecologists with strong academic credentials (e.g., PhD in Ecology). Exact spacing densities and placement of species will be random and determined prior to site planting by a qualified vegetation specialist based on current site conditions and apparent wetness of planting locations. The total planting area is estimated to be approximately two (2) acres but may vary based 18 on areas disturbed during construction. Planting should take place during the dormant season (December - February). EQUIPMENT AND MATERIALS ' The following table lists the vegetation for the project site(s): 1 1 11 F-Common name Cont ainerizedScientific name m Spacing 'll Size -Qty _ River Birch Betula nigra 3-7 gal 3 American Sycamore Plantanus occidentalis 3-7 gal 2 Persimmon Diospyros virginiana 3-7 gal 3 Tulip Poplar Liriodendron tulipifera 3-7 gal 2 Black Gum Nyssa sylvatica 3-7 gal 2 Swamp Chestnut Oak Quercus michauxii 3-7 gal 2 Northern Red Oak Quercus rubra 3-7 gal 2 Willow Oak Quercus phellos 3-7 gal 2 Total 18 _ Shrubs - Random Spacing Common name Scientific name Size Qty Redbud Cercis canadensis 3 al 4 Flowering Dogwood Cornus orida 3-7 al 4 American Hazelnut Co lus americana 1 al 4 Winterberry Holly flex verticillata 3-7 al 4 Virginia Sweets ire Itea vir mica 3-7 al 4 S icebush Lindera benzoin 1 al 4 Piedmont Azalea Rhododendron canescens 3 al 4 Hi hbush Blueberry Vaccineum stemineum 3 al 4 Blackhaw Viburnum Viburnum runi olium 3 al 3 Arrowood Viburnum Viburnum dentatum 3 al 3 Total 38 ' The Contractor shall furnish nursery-grown plants true to genus, species, variety, cultivar, stem form, shearing, and other features indicated in the Plant Schedule or Plant Legend as shown on plans and complying with ANSI Z60.1; and with healthy root systems 1 developed by transplanting or root pruning. Provide well-shaped, fully branched, healthy, vigorous stock, densely foliated when in leaf and free of disease, pests, eggs, larvae, and defects such as knots, sun scald, injuries, abrasions, and disfigurement. 1 1 Trees with damaged, crooked, or multiple leaders; tight vertical branches where bark is squeezed between two branches or between branch and trunk ("included bark"); crossing trunks; cut-off limbs more than 3/4 inch (19 mm) in diameter; or with stem girdling roots will be rejected. Collected Stock: Do not use plants harvested from the wild, from native stands, from an established landscape planting, or not grown in a nursery unless otherwise indicated. 19 Provide plants of sizes, grades, and ball or container sizes complying with ANSI Z60.1 for types and form of plants required. Plants of a larger size may be used if acceptable to Engineer, with a proportionate increase in size of roots or balls. Root-Ball Depth: Furnish trees and shrubs with root balls measured from top of root ball, which shall begin at root flare according to ANSI Z60.1. Root flare shall be visible before planting. Provide healthy, disease-free plants of species and variety shown or listed, with well- established root systems reaching to sides of the container to maintain a firm ball, but not with excessive root growth encircling the container. Provide only plants that are acclimated to outdoor conditions before delivery. Commercial Fertilizer: Commercial-grade complete fertilizer of neutral character, consisting of fast- and slow-release nitrogen, 50 percent derived from natural organic sources of urea formaldehyde, phosphorous, and potassium in the following composition: 1. Composition: 1 lb/1000 sq. ft. (0.45 kg/92.9 sq. m) of actual nitrogen, 4 percent phosphorous, and 2 percent potassium, by weight. Organic Mulch: Free from deleterious materials and suitable as a top dressing of trees and shrubs, consisting of one of the following: 1. Type: Pine straw or hay or approved other. 2. Size Range: 3 inches maximum, 1/2 inch minimum. 3. Color: Natural. METHODS The Planting Supervisor shall be on-site during all planting activities. The Planting Supervisor will be responsible for monitoring/managing all planting activities during the entire planting process. Planting activities shall halt if the Planting Supervisor is not on site. Installation of vegetation shall be located in designated areas as shown on the plans. Exact spacing densities and placement of species will be determined prior to site planting by a qualified vegetation specialist based on current site conditions and apparent wetness of planting locations. Soil in the area of planting shall be loosened to a depth no less than the height and twice the diameter of the container. Container vegetation can be planted in holes made by a shovel or other means that meet the approval of the Planting Supervisor. Hoedads and dibble bars may not be used. Container stock shall be planted in a vertical position with the root collar approximately 0.5 inches below the soil surface. The planting trench or hole shall be deep and wide enough to permit roots to spread out and down without J-rooting. After planting, the soil shall be tamped firmly to eliminate air pockets. A 3- to 4-inch layer of organic mulch must then be placed on the soil surface around the plant. Total buffer area planting is approximately 2 acres. 20 1 While digging, loading, transporting, unloading, planting, or otherwise handling plants, ' the Contractor shall exercise utmost care and use adequate precautions to prevent injury to or drying out of the trunk, branches, or roots as well as prevent freezing of the plant roots. No planting shall be done when the temperature is below 32T, when soil to be excavated for the plant hole is frozen, when the sides or bottom of the plant hole are frozen, or when the soil to be used for backfilling is frozen or too wet. Container vegetation must always be handled by the container and never by the tops of the plants. When planting on slopes, set the plant so the root flare on the uphill side is flush with the surrounding soil on the slope; the edge of the root ball on the downhill side will be above i the surrounding soil. Apply enough soil to cover the downhill side of the root ball. P. SAFETY FENCE ' SCOPE The work of "Safety Fence" shall consist of furnishing, installing and maintaining 1 polyethylene or polypropylene fence at locations shown on the plans or as directed by the Engineer in accordance with special provisions included herein. Sections of safety fence shall be installed within one working day following mobilization operations. Unless prior approval is received from the Engineer, failure to install the fence as specified herein will result in stoppage of all operations until the necessary safety fence is installed. MATERIALS Polyethylene or polypropylene fence shall be pre-constructed safety fence approved by the Engineer. Steel posts are required and shall be a length of at least 5 feet; approximately 13/8" wide measured parallel to the fence, and have a minimum weight of 1.25 lb/ft of length. The steel post shall be equipped with an anchor plate having a minimum area of 14 square inches. CLEARING AND GRUBBING No additional clearing and grubbing is anticipated for the installation of this fence; however, if any clearing and grubbing is required, it will be the minimum required for installation of the safety fence. Such clearing shall include satisfactory removal and disposal of all trees, brush, stumps and other objectionable material. The fence shall be erect to conform to the general contour of the ground. When determined necessary by the Engineer, minor grading along the fence line shall be done to meet this requirement provided no obstructions to proper drainage are created. 1 INSTALLATION Posts shall be set and maintained in a vertical position and may be hand set or set with a post driver. If hand set, all backfill material shall be thoroughly tamped. The fence fabric shall be attached to the steel posts with wire or other acceptable means. The Contractor shall be required to maintain the safety fence in a satisfactory condition for the duration of the project as determined by the Engineer. Q. TREE PROTECTION FENCE SCOPE The work of "Tree Protection Fence" shall consist of furnishing, installing and maintaining polyethylene or polypropylene fence at locations shown on the plans or as directed by the Engineer in accordance with special provisions included herein. Sections of fence shall be installed within one working day following mobilization operations. Unless prior approval is received from the Engineer, failure to install the fence as specified herein will result in stoppage of all operations until the necessary fence is installed. This section includes general protection of existing trees and plants that are affected by execution of the work, whether temporary or permanent construction. If necessary within the project areas, barricade tape may be installed as a substitution for fencing as directed by the Engineer. The barricade tape must be installed before any other work can begin at the sites. MATERIALS Plastic construction fencing constructed of high-density extruded and stretched polyethylene fabric with 2-inch maximum opening in pattern and weighing a minimum of 0.4 lb/ft.; remaining flexible from minus 60 to plus 200 deg F; inert to most chemicals and acids; minimum tensile yield strength of 2000 psi and ultimate tensile strength of 2680 psi; secured with plastic bands or galvanized-steel or stainless-steel wire ties; and supported by tubular or T-shape galvanized-steel posts spaced not more than 6 feet apart. a. Height: 4 feet. b. Color: High-visibility orange, nonfading. Protection-Zone Signage: Shop-fabricated, rigid plastic or metal sheet with attachment holes prepunched and reinforced; legibly printed with nonfading lettering and as follows: a. Size and Text: `TREE PROTECTION AREA DO NOT ENTER' as shown on drawings. 22 b. Lettering: 3-inch high minimum, clearly legible and spaced as shown on drawings. Barricade tape: Tape shall be yellow with a black stripe made of waterproof woven polypropylene. The tape shall be 2 inches wide with tensile strength of 300 pounds. CLEARING AND GRUBBING No additional clearing and grubbing is anticipated for the installation of this fence; however, if any clearing and grubbing is required, it will be the minimum required for installation of the fence. Such clearing shall include satisfactory removal and disposal of all trees, brush, stumps and other objectionable material. ' The fence shall be erect to conform to the general contour of the ground. When determined necessary by the Engineer, minor grading along the fence line shall be done to meet this requirement provided no obstructions to proper drainage are created. METHODS The Contractor shall protect tree root systems from damage caused by runoff or spillage of noxious materials while mixing, placing, or storing construction materials. The Contractor shall protect root systems from ponding, eroding, or excessive wetting caused by dewatering operations. Protection-Zone Fencing: Install protection-zone fencing along edges of protection zones before materials or equipment are brought on the site and construction operations begin in a manner that will prevent people and animals from easily entering protected area except by entrance gates. Construct fencing so as not to obstruct safe passage or visibility at vehicle intersections where fencing is located adjacent to pedestrian walkways or in close proximity to street intersections, drives, or other vehicular circulation. Posts: Set or drive posts into ground one-third the total height of the fence without concrete footings. Protection-Zone Signage: Install protection-zone signage in visibly prominent locations in a manner approved by Architect. Install one sign spaced approximately every 200 feet on protection-zone fencing, but no fewer than four signs with each facing a different direction, and one sign at each end of the fencing. Maintain protection-zone fencing and signage in good condition as acceptable to Engineer and remove when construction operations are complete and equipment has been removed from the site. Do not remove protection-zone fencing, even temporarily, to allow deliveries or equipment access through the protection zone. 23 R. GEOLIFT SCOPE The work of "Geolift" covered by this section consists of preparation, excavation and installation of all materials required for proper installation of geolifts. Geolifts are revetment structures composed of stone, compacted soil, erosion control matting, geotextile materials, and live cuttings used to increase bank stability. MATERIALS Stone for the bank toe shall meet the material requirements for NCDOT standard specifications for Roads & Structures, Class A and Class I rip-rap as described in "Stone" section. Live stakes shall meet the material requirements as described in the "Live Staking" section. Erosion control matting shall meet the material requirements as specified in the "Erosion Control - Coir Fiber Matting" section. Soil and rock placed in the geolifts shall be free of debris and suitable for planting. METHODS Construction shall begin with the excavation of a trench for the stone key and the slope against which the geolift will be constructed. Lay non-woven Type 2 filter fabric in the trench and place stone lifts to form a relatively uniform surface up to the channel base flow elevation. Place layer of erosion control matting over stone and place first lift of soil over the matting, leaving sufficient overlap on the matting to completely wrap the soil lift. Compact soil lifts to approximately 90 percent of the standard Proctor maximum dry density using excavator bucket. Wrap compacted soil lift with erosion control matting and place layer of live stakes approximately 2 feet on center on top of the lift. The basal ends of the live stakes shall contact the back of the excavated slope and shall project no more than 6 inches from the slope face. Construct subsequent lifts in similar fashion to reach design top of bank elevation. S. BRUSH MATTRESS SCOPE The work of "Brush Mattress" covered by this section consists of preparation, excavation and installation of all materials required for proper installation of brush mattresses as shown on plans. Brush Mattresses are revetment structures composed of compacted soil, stone, stakes, and live cuttings used to increase bank stability. The Contractor will use species that are specified below. The Contractor WILL be responsible for the purchase of the live branches. 24 1 1 MATERIALS Stakes and biodegradable retaining twine or rope are required for secure installation. Stone for the bank toe shall meet the material requirements for NCDOT standard specifications for Roads & Structures, Class A and Class I rip-rap as described in "Stone" section. Live branches shall be cut from fresh, green, healthy, dormant parent plants that are adapted to the site conditions whenever possible with following guidelines: Woody branches up to 2.5 inches in diameter and 5 to 10 feet in length can be used for brush mattresses. Brush mattresses must be a mixture of equal parts of the species listed. Live branch cuttings shall be kept covered and moist at all times. Common Name Scientific Name Button bush Ce halanthus occidentalis Silk dogwood Cornus amomum Black willow Salix ni ra Silk willow Salix sericea Elderberry Sambucus canadensis METHODS Planting shall take place during the months of December - February. Immediately following delivery to the project site, all live branches, if not promptly installed, shall be heeled-in in constantly moist soil or sawdust in an acceptable manner corresponding to generally accepted horticultural practices. Brush Mattress, to be installed above stone toe, will be placed on compacted backfill ' material and staked down as shown in plans. The stone and stakes are required to secure the cover log(s) in place below the brush mattress and prevent toe erosion at normal baseflow conditions. Live branches shall be oriented in criss-cross layers in slight manmade depressions along the embankment. The butt ends shall alternate to provide a uniform mat thickness of at least 12" and a minimum percentage of air voids. Once in position, the mattress shall be bound with biodegradable twine or rope and ' secured with 2-foot wooden stakes spaced at 3-foot intervals. The twine shall be tied to notches in the stakes before they are driven into the ground; this allows for tension to develop in the twine when the stakes are driven, thereby pulling the mattress firmly to ground. 25 Upon being bound and secured to the ground, the mattress shall be covered with alternating layers of soil and water until only a portion of the top layer of branches is exposed, but all butt ends must be covered. The use of alternating applications of soil and water helps to insure a proper soil-branch interface to initiate growth. The brush layer shall be covered with 3" of on-site soil material. T. INVASIVE SPECIES CONTROL SCOPE Invasive species shall be removed in locations within the project boundaries as directed by the Engineer. Removal shall be primarily accomplished through grading and clearing/grubbing activities throughout the streambank areas, and in conjunction with cutting and treating using appropriate herbicides within wooded or problematic areas. MATERIALS Prior to plant community restoration, invasive vegetation, which exists within the easement and along the stream banks, will be identified and treated according to the table below. Vegetation may be cleared by methods including, but not limited to, mowing or cutting with a bush axe, saw, or other device that will not uproot existing native vegetation. Care should be taken to avoid exposure of surficial soils during the clearing of existing vegetation. Invasive species shall be treated in the fall before the planting of live stakes and again before the end of next the growing season. For woody vegetation, stems shall be cut by chainsaw or brush saw, handsaws or cutting blades as appropriate. Sawdust from stumps shall be removed before treatment to minimize deactivation of the herbicide. The Contractor shall treat cuts with backpack sprayer or utility spray bottle for spray applications or a wick applicator, lab wash bottle, or paintbrush (for small stems) with herbicide. The Contractor shall take precautions to keep persons away from pesticide and herbicide- treated areas until the applied material is fully dry and the treated area is safe for entry. The Contractor shall follow the recommendations of the pesticide manufacturer and all applicable governmental and industry regulations. Invasive species to be controlled if found within conservation easement Scientific Name Common Name Suggested Removal Techniques , Ligustrun sinense Chinese Privet Cut, paint, and spray Lonicera japonica Japanese Honeysuckle Spray Rosa multiora Multiflora Rose Cut, paint, and spray Hedera helix English Ivy Spray Pueraria lobata Kudzu Cut, paint, and spray 26 I METHODS The Contractor shall be required to control invasive species within the conservation easement boundaries after construction through the end of the next growing season as directed by the Engineer. The cost of invasive species control will be considered a unit ' price item per acre, which will include all material, labor, equipment, and related expenses associated to complete this task. U. CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCE Michael Baker Engineering, Inc. will provide construction observation during the construction phase of this project. The following construction sequence shall be used during implementation of the plan. 1. Prior to beginning any land disturbing activities, notification and approval must be ' granted from the US Army Corp of Engineers, NC Division of Water Quality, and NCDENR Division of Land Resources - Land Quality Section. Any work performed shall be in accordance with the NC Erosion Control Planning and Design Manual. 2. The Contractor shall contact North Carolina "One Call" Center (1.800.632.4949) and Land Quality (919.791.4210) before any excavation begins. 3. The Contractor shall mobilize equipment and materials to the site using the construction entrances off Albany St. (upstream), Carolina Ave., and Guess Rd. (downstream) and install temporary construction entrances according to the plans and specifications. 4. The Contractor shall install silt fence and safety fence before storing all equipment and materials in staging areas as shown on the plans. 5. The Contractor shall utilize the haul roads and temporary stream crossings as shown on the plans. 6. Channel work within the active stream shall be conducted while stream flow is low. In general, the Contractor shall work from upstream to downstream and in-stream structures shall be installed using a pump around or flow diversion measure. Bank ' protection includes transplants, brush mattresses, geolifts, and/or seeding with matting. Silt fence shall be placed between stockpiles and the existing channel as shown on the plans. 7. Immediately upon completion of bank grading, the slopes will be reseeded and matted with the specified erosion control matting. The Contractor shall not disturb any area larger than they can completely stabilize in one day. All disturbed stream banks must be stabilized by the end of each day. 8. Upon completion of the channel work and bank stabilization, all disturbed areas including staging areas and haul roads, shall be seeded and covered with mulch. Permanent seeding mixtures shall be applied as shown on the vegetation selection. Temporary seeding shall be applied in all areas susceptible to erosion (i.e. disturbed ditch banks, steep slopes, and spoil areas) such that ground cover is established within 21 ' working days following completion of any phase of grading. Permanent ground cover r 27 shall be established for all disturbed areas within 15 working days or 90 calendar days (whichever is shorter) following completion of construction. 9. The Contractor shall remove temporary stream crossings and erosion control measures. All waste material must be removed from the project site. 10. The Contractor shall plant woody vegetation, live stakes, and apply permanent seeding at the appropriate time of the year and as described in the planting details and specifications. 11. The Contractor shall ensure that the site is free of trash and leftover materials prior to demobilization of equipment from the site. 28 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ' 29 30 cic A I l i V" A IA Ur . "es vA C • " Z" Ch U WsE VShvG° ,. J AID ., " e. Cc :inn x. „`r r 1'? ,„d J WSB , sr P AS Soil Types ALA - Altavista six loam, G2% slopes WwE tc AS - Altavista sik loam, 2-6% slopes ' r Cc - Carter-ay and Chewacla sons 1WSE E Ch - Chewada and Wehadkee soils T A Cp - Congaree sik loam Cr6 - Creedmoor sandy loam, 2-6% slopes E CrC - Creedmoor sandy loam, 6-10% slopes HeB - Helena sandy loam, 2-6% slopes MOB - Mayodan sandy loam, 2-6% slopes ' YW MO -Mayodan sandy loam 10-15% slopes uC ` . , lit - Urban Land ? WsB - While Store sandy loam, 2-6% slopes '°' sr WsE - White Store sandy loam, 10-25% slopes :- + ". WwC - White Store-Urban land complex, 0-10% slopes v.r r WwE - Whie Store-Urban land complex, 10-25% slopes ' ?; Me? 1BaAar EnpuroerM9lnG. • • ???? """ "' a,a a.s? 0 250 500 1,000 Feet Figure 3-Solis Map Eilerbe Creek Stream rar oaa+a? use Enhancement/StabiBzationProject Durham, NC 31