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20200451 Ver 1_Revised Permit Drawings and Exhibits_20200604
Strickland, Bev From: Mark S. Davis <msdavis@vaughnmelton.com> Sent: Thursday, June 4, 2020 12:38 PM To: Annino, Amy M Cc: Joel B. Setzer Subject: [External] RE: DWR 20200451 - TWSA Little Savannah Water and Sewer Expansion Project - Additional Information Required Attachments: Revised Permit Drawings and Exhibits_6-4-20.pdf Follow Up Flag: Follow up Flag Status: Flagged External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless you verify. Send all suspicious email as an attachment to report.spam@nc.gov Amy, In regard to your request for additional information, see the attached revised permit drawings and exhibits. My reply to your questions, are below: 1. The impervious dike and flow diversion has been incorporated into the permit drawings. We plan on using the existing rock cross vane with sandbags to serve as the impervious dike for the pump around on this project. A detailed narrative of the construction sequence to install the sewer line across Cullowhee Creek is included in the revised permit drawings and exhibits. 2. We have deleted the rip rap bank stabilization at Permit Site 3. The streambank will be stabilized with native vegetation and coir fiber matting upon completion. A native seed mix detail for Environmental Sensitive Areas in included in the revised permit drawings and exhibits. 3. The wetland area to be impacted is basically a drainage ditch between the toe of slope of NC 107 and the fill slope of the State Employees Credit Union parking lot (see attached photo). Heavy equipment will be placed on mats when working in this wetland area. A narrative for wetland construction is included in the revised permit drawings and exhibits. 4. The seed mix detail for Environmental Sensitive Areas in included in the revised permit drawings and exhibits. In regard to the trout buffer variance, less than 100 linear feet of streambank will be disturbed for the Cullowhee Creek crossing; therefore, no trout buffer variance is required for this project. In addition, I have also included photos of the permit sites in the revised permit drawings and exhibits for your information. Riparian vegetation along Cullowhee Creek is very limited in the project area. It appears that only two or three trees may have to be cut to install the new sewer line (see attached photos). If you have any questions or need additional information, please advise. Thanks, Mark Im i�u�hn � M� 11v n MARK S. DAVIS, ENVIRONMENTAL SPECIALIST 40 Colonial Square, Sylva, NC 28779 C: 828.508.9670 1 O: 828.477.4993 1 www.vaughnmelton.com [vaughnmelton.coml EXPERIENCED, PRACTICAL, DEPENDABLE, FRIENDLY, LOYAL From: Annino, Amy M <amy.annino@ncdenr.gov> Sent: Tuesday, June 02, 2020 11:11 AM To: Mark S. Davis <msdavis@vaughnmelton.com> Subject: DWR 20200451 - TWSA Little Savannah Water and Sewer Expansion Project - Additional Information Required On April 1, 2020, the Division of Water Resources (Division) received your application requesting a 401 Water Quality Certification from the Division for the subject project with the appropriate fee received on April 7, 2020. The Divisior has determined that your application is incomplete and cannot be processed. The application is on hold until the following items are addressed: 1. Per Condition 9 of GC 4133 (attached), all work must be done in the dry. The permit application indicates that an "impervious dike and flow diversion" will be utilized for the project. Please provide a detail and a construction sequence that outlines the method of dewatering to be utilized at the site and the sequence of construction events to be followed to ensure compliance with this condition. [15A NCAC 02H .0502(b)(3)] 2. This office believes that the permanent bank stabilization (rip rap) proposed along Cullowhee Creek (C) can be avoided or minimized. The Division would prefer to see a bioengineering approach to bank stabilization at this location. Please revise the plans to minimize the rip rap impacts or provide a detailed explanation of why this plan for the activity cannot be practically accomplished, reduced, or reconfigured. 3. Heavy equipment working in wetlands shall be placed on mats or other measures shall be taken to minimize soil disturbance. [15A NCAC 02H .0506 (b)(3) and (c)(3)] Please provide a detail and a construction sequence that outlines the method to be utilized at the site and the sequence of construction events to be followed to ensure compliance with this condition. 4. Please provide the proposed temporary and permanent seed mix to be used in temporarily impacted wetland areas. [15A NCAC 02H .0506(b)(2) & (c)(2)] If buffer disturbance is required on Cullowhee Creek (C, Tr), please coordinate with the NC Division of Energy, Mineral, and Land Resources in the Asheville Regional Office to determine if a trout buffer variance is required for this project. Pursuant to Title 15A NCAC 02H .0502(c), the applicant shall furnish all of the above requested information by June 30, 2020 for the proper consideration of the application. If all of the requested information is not received, the Division will be unable to approve the application and it will be returned. Please let me know if you have any questions. Amy Annino Environmental Specialist —Asheville Regional Office Water Quality Regional Operations Section NCDEQ — Division of Water Resources 2090 U.S. Hwy. 70 Swannanoa, N.C. 28711 828 296 4656 office 984 232 1222 mobile amy.annino(cancdenr.gov E Q:�; er�.,w+t .r 6w�rwwM o,rrr� Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties Based on the current guidance to minimize the spread of COVID-19, the Department of Environmental Quality has adjusted operations to protect the health and safety of the staff and public. Many employees are working remotely or are on staggered shifts. To accommodate these staffing changes, all DEQ office locations are limiting public access to appointments only. Please check with the appropriate staff before visiting our offices, as we may be able to handle your requests by phone or email. We appreciate your patience as we continue to serve the public during this challenging time. Disclaimer The information contained in this communication from the sender is confidential. It is intended solely for use by the recipient and others authorized to receive it. If you are not the recipient, you are hereby notified that any disclosure, copying, distribution or taking action in relation of the contents of this information is strictly prohibited and may be unlawful. This email has been scanned for viruses and malware, and may have been automatically archived by Mimecast Ltd, an innovator in Software as a Service (SaaS) for business. Providing a safer and more useful place for your human generated data. Specializing in; Security, archiving and compliance. To find out more Click Here rmimecast.coml. Q N 0 O N O N C O 0 N 0 N x X w 0 E U i W E 0 i 0 T 0 > 0 Q O I O LO w 0 3 Q t x W a V) v 0 a 0 aD J b 2110 ar•>I. 2075 207Cb+25 ^ — I N LEI 00 000 �r, rno �N 11 o� W+ �o II0 — 0- m V) o> I cc w rnrn = o � o o ?00 u)C14 NJoo II �O O N ZZ '0» :2w-Zz 16 LF-16" @ 5.84% DIP 2115 2110 2105 2100 2095 2090 2085 207--b+25 PERMIT SITE 2 PERMIT SITE 4 \� � � REMOVE PIPE IMPACT AREA: 100 s f t �/ \ '\\\\ c� 2110 16 LF-16" DIP @ 5.84% ° ti SANDBAG EXISTING ROCKNEW CROSS VANE TO SERVE\, \ ✓ �� g (ZAY AS IMPERVIOUS DIKE FOR PUMP AROUND \\�\ MH STRUCTURE (7) STA 1+37.87 TOP=2094.30 PERMIT SITE 1 \ �\ INV IN=2080.90 2100 IMPACT AREA: 100 sgft J INV IN=2080.90 .I INV OUT=2080.80 PERMIT SITE 3 1o'x2o' BORE PIT PUMP AROUND PIPE � �� ✓ BANK STAB. — 2095 100 125 LF COIR FIBER MATTING AND VEGETATION 2090 2085 2080 I I I 2075 07O / 0+2g / MH STRUCTURE - (16) STA 0+ 15.72 TOP=2094.90 INV OUT=2081.82 ASPyAL T PA \\\\\\\\ //ti° / / 124 LF-16" HDPE @ 0.15% / WITH 20" STEEL ENCASEMENT PIPE ) / / / } / / 347 LF-16" DI @ 0.15%- Lo, MH STRUCTURE - (8) STA 0+ 13.68 I 92.03 INV IN o2080 62 INV OUT=2080.63 III I / //� BORE &JACK ' ����// ��j 180 LF 36" STEEL ENCASEMENT PIPE (0.50 MIN. WALL THICKNESS) I ' 14 LF-16 DIP @ 0.23% INCLUDES CASING PA STA. 2+45T0 STA. iv1H STRUCTURE - (9)/ JS STA 0+00.00 TOP=2093.40 INV IN=2080.60 GRAPHIC SCALE PERMIT DRAWING 20 0 10 20 40 80 ( IN FEET ) 1 inch = 20 ft. WB WETLAND BOUNDARY - J S JURISDICTIONAL STREAM NOTE: IMPACT AREAS ARE CALCULATED TO 15' FROM CENTERLINE OF PROPOSED SEWER LINE. / o / ss SEWER LINE PR OFIL E ss s j� /// 10 -110 -��IlIIIII I i -7 LIMITS OF WETLAND DISTURBANCE 24 LF-16" DI @ 7.16% sS g Qq y MH STRUCTURE - (5) STA 5+08.90 TOP=2101.40 p INV IN=2083.37 INV OUT=2083.27 � 10'x20' BORE PIT / / / ry / / � g.. / l l/ / /I qy W PERMIT SITE 5 / X �� ` / / I ?-44 IMPACT AREA: 202 sgft MH STRUCTURE - (6) STA 4+84.46 TOP=2091.00 INV IN=2083.06 INV IN=2081.52 INV OUT=2081.42 (n � C7 m = Z ElU) nD rn I --,I--,/ I + o p00 Oc0o0 �0 6NO � N~It of oll 0ziCj Zo _ O» I00 w 00 IIUO � Q0SO�W �jI ro(NN I0 +IIII NN ZZ azz �N 1 \ O O + O w o ooffo° O!10 nNII OOO O D+ o II O0 Q NZO / \ m U) --rki — — — — 0 BORE & JACK 180 LF 36" STEEL ENCASEMENT PIPE (0.50" MIN. WALL THICKNESS) INCLUDES SS CASING SPACERS STA. 2+45 TO STA. 3+25 \ _= / V / N \ lz 20 STEEL ENCASEMENT PIPE 347 LF-16" DI @ 0.15% Li 124 LF-16" HDPE @ 0.15% 14 LF-16" DIP @ 0.23% LF-16" DI @ 7.167 24 0+00 0+50 1 +00 1 +50 2+00 2+50 3+00 SEWER LINE STA TIONING 3+50 4+00 4+50 2115 2110 2105 2100 2095 2090 2085 5+06075 z 0 07 Z U) 0 w a 0 0 z Vaughn & Mellon Consulting Engineers, Inc. KENTUCKY 606-248-6600 TENNESSEE 865-546-5800 NORTH CAROLINA 828-253-2796 SOUTH CAROLINA 864-574-4775 GEORGIA 770-627-3590 www.vaughnmelton.com Copyright © 2019 All Rights Reserved DRAWN: TAR CHECKED: SSD JOB NO: 31850-03 SCALE: 1 "=20' H, 1 "=5' V DATE: JUNE 2020 FILE NAME: SEE PLOT STAMP DRAWING TITLE: PERMIT DRAWINGS SHEET 1 OF 2 DRAWING NO: DEWATERING DIAGRAM FOR CULLOWHEE CREEK SEWER LINE CROSSING CZ4 Y %opoploo'do =:-WB WETLAND BOUNDARY JS JURISDICTIONAL STREAM NOTE: IMPACT AREAS ARE CALCULATED TO 15' FROM CENTERLINE OF PROPOSED SEWER LINE. 00 O� GRAPHIC SCALE 8 16 ( IN FEET ) 1" = 8' Construction Sequence for Cullowhee Creek Crossing — Dewatering • Prepare areas outside of stream channel for the installation of 124 linear feet of 20-inch steel encasement pipe. • Hand place sandbags on existing rock cross vane structure approximately 50 linear feet upstream of proposed sewer line crossing in Cullowhee Creek. • Install pump(s) and by-pass pipe(s) for pump around operation. • Excavate trench across Cullowhee Creek. Instream materials excavated from stream channel shall be set aside and used as backfill over the encasement pipe. • Install encasement pipe/sewer line. • Backfill streambanks and stream bed. Streambanks shall be backfilled and compacted with clean soil. Instream backfill shall be with the instream material removed in the excavation of the trench. • Re -slope, seed with native vegetation, and stabilize streambanks with an open weave coir fiber matting. • Remove pump(s) and by-pass pipe(s). • Hand remove sandbags from rock cross vane structure. • Regrade, seed, and mulch all disturbed staging areas. Construction Sequence for Wetland Area Crossing • Heavy equipment shall be placed on timber mats when working in wetland areas to avoid excessive soil disturbance • Wetland areas will be restored to original contours and seeded with native seed mixes (attached list). Native Grass Seeding and Mulching for Environmental Sensitive Areas Streambanks and Wetlands Native Grass Seeding and Mulching shall be performed on the disturbed areas of wetlands and riparian areas, and adjacent to Stream Relocation and/or trout stream construction within a 50 foot zone on both sides of the stream or depression, measured from top of stream bank or center of depression. The kinds of seed and fertilizer, and the rates of application of seed, fertilizer, and limestone, shall be as stated below. During periods of overlapping dates, the kind of seed to be used shall be determined. All rates are in pounds per acre. August 1- June 1 18# Creeping Red Fescue 8# Big Bluestein 6# Indiangrass 4# Switchgrass 35# Rye Grain 500# Fertilizer 4000# Limestone May 1— September 1 18# Creeping Red Fescue 8# Big Bluestein 6# Indiangrass 4# Switchgrass 25# German or Browntop Millet 500# Fertilizer 4000# Limestone WO .yy irekF Little Savannah Water & Sewer Project Photos Permit Sites Permit Site 1 — Streambanks at Sewer Line Crossing of Cullowhee Creek Permit Site 3 — Wetland Crossing North of NC 107 (Flag Center of Photo)